#bree newsome
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arthropooda · 1 year ago
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bunnyhugs22 · 1 year ago
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liberalsarecool · 1 year ago
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Accurate history would totally devalue the myth of white superiority.
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 10 months ago
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(x) [Image Text: The way that basically every western institution is linked to weapons manufacturing is reminiscent of how every western institution participated directly or indirectly in the slave trade.]
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thoughtportal · 2 years ago
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odinsblog · 1 year ago
are you disappointed that bree newsome wants trump reclected?
Bree Newsome is a prolific tweeter and I’ve looked, but I haven’t seen anywhere where she said that she wants Trump to be re-elected. Please send me the link to the specific tweet if I’m wrong.
I understand and agree with much of what Bree has been saying on Twitter though. I mean, I dO get it. I think her major concern is that 1) in some important ways, the difference between Trump’s policies and some of Biden’s policies has not been all that great, and 2) if Biden should win (definitely not a guarantee) liberals will go right back to brunch and act as if the problem is gone and everything is “okay” again.
As far as the first point goes, you don’t need to look any further than Biden’s Title 42; or how the Biden administration literally sued to keep using Trump’s previous racist immigration policies. Not a good look. And now, you’ve got Democrats trying to out-Republican Republicans by showing how tough cruel they can be to refugees who are legally seeking asylum at the Southern border. Bottom line, the immigration policies are white supremacy-lite, and some of the changes Biden is proposing—like forcing asylum seekers to wait in another country while the government takes its sweet time with endless immigration red tape—these changes will fundamentally change America’s immigration system, for the worse.
And that’s without me even touching on how badly Biden is fucking up with Palestine.
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And as for the second point, conservative Democrats have gone back to brunch once orange man gone. Remember how hard Democrats came down on the Trump administration for their poor Coronavirus response? Yet now we have the CDC basically telling people to stay their asses at work even if they’ve tested positive for COVID. WTF?? Did I mention that measles are making a comeback?? And Biden isn’t saying anything, and neither are his surrogates. And so it is perhaps this tendency towards inaction(?) that is the most significantly damaging and damning aspect that creates disaffected voters who should be motivated to get rid of Trump and Republicans writ large —in a lot of ways that matter, disaffected voters don’t see any significant differences. Sure, the stock market is doing great, but people are getting their asses kicked on a lot of day-to-day, kitchen table issues. Unemployment is down, but a lot of people still have to work multiple jobs to make ends meet.
So yeah, I won’t be dismissive or derisive about Bree Newsome. She’s making some really valid points for anyone who is willing to actually listen.
Now that all said, I think that there is something fundamentally wrong that people are missing when they say misguided things like, “We survived one Trump administration, and we can survive another one.” A lot of marginalized groups and oppressed people won’t survive a second Trump administration. They just won’t.
Because if you thought it was bad the last time, I promise you the next Trump administration won’t be anything like the last one. Last time Trump was unprepared and didn’t even expect to win, so they made rookie mistakes. That won’t happen next time. The next Trump administration will be stacked from top to bottom with diehard Trump loyalists who will ruthlessly execute his most racist policies, foreign and domestic. (See also: Project 2025).
And yes, Biden is 100% for shit on his policy of standing by Israel no matter what. People who agree with Bree think that we will, more or less, have the same kind of problems under Trump that we’re having under Biden now. Those people are what I like to call deadass wrong.
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Literally EVERYTHING will become exponentially worse in a second Trump term. For everyone who isn’t a wealthy, cisgender heterosexual white male.
Just imagine America with a Republican controlled House and Senate. Goodbye Medicare and Social Security. Goodbye labor laws. So long minimum wages. See ya, state local and federal courts not totally stacked with Federalist Society judges. It was nice knowing you, “shithole” countries full of people who I love and care about.
Look, I finally figured out something that used to bother me when I first became politically aware: it bugged tf out of me whenever I heard someone say, “THIS is the most important election everrrr!! Because THIS time, democracy itself is on the line!” Pfft. I was like a lot of people I see now, saying “But that’s what you said about the last election.” The truth is, every election is pretty much life or death. Every single one. Because elections aren’t like something you do once, and then afterwards everything is all good forever and ever. Maybe it should be, but you got assholes like Mitch McConnell and Ron DeSantis and Trump and whoever comes after them, you got people who will always be trying their hardest to constantly make shit worse for everyone who isn’t wealthy and white. They aren’t going away. So we can’t go away either. Because the moment we checkout and go back to brunch, they get right back to working on their usual transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, racist, bullshit culture wars.
So as long as Republicans, Libertarians and conservative “Democrats” keep punching in, we gotta punch in too.
I wanna be really clear about something here: Joe Biden has done some very good things (like capping the cost of insulin), but he has also been, in many ways (not all), a terrible “Democratic” president. Biden is far too enamored of “bipartisanship,” and reaching across the aisle (to people who do not want to compromise), and Biden is far far too enamored of the non-existent good old days™ when Republicans weren’t the evil pieces of shit that they are now, and he takes far too long to change his position on important issues. Like Palestine.
But yeah, (can’t believe I’M saying this) he’s definitely better than a second Trump term will be. And even if he’s slow to change positions, at least he can be persuaded. Trump can’t.
I’m not white and I’m not rich. I am terrified of a second Trump term. I’m basically a single issue voter now, and my issue is keeping Trump out of office and HOPEFULLY making him pay for every single law he’s broken.
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vsthepomegranate · 1 year ago
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This happened in the Bluest city in a Blue state with a Democratic Mayor and a Democratic Governor serving under a Democratic President.
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jacobwren · 1 year ago
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lookninjas · 1 year ago
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ausetkmt · 2 years ago
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bunnyhugs22 · 1 year ago
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perfectlyyoungtimetravel · 11 days ago
Black History Month:Day 23 (TW:Police brutality)
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I finished the drawing of Bree Newsome-She was borm on May 13th in 1985.In Durham, North Carolina.Her father was a Dean of Howard University Divinity School and her mother was an educator Howard County Board of Education in Maryland.Her parents and her grandmother inspired her to become an activist.In 2010.She created a short horror film 'Wake'.And in 2012.She created a video called 'Shake it like an etch-a-sketch'.In 2013.She graduated from New York's University Tisch School of the Arts and got a Bachelors degree in fine arts and in film making,that's when her activism started when she got involved in the Moral Monday Movement that was led by Rev.Dr.William Barber II and the North Carolina state chapter of the NAACP.And when the Republicans introduced the bill which would prevent the students from voting with their student IDs and another bill which targeted Black voters,they would sit on the floor in the office(this also showed solidarity with the Dream Defenders who were occupying the Florida statehouse at that time protesting the criminalization of people of color and Florida’s stand your ground gun laws) of then at the time North Carolina house speaker Thom Tillis and they refused to leave until he agreed to meet with them and explain his justification for the bill but he never met with them (filthy coward) and they were arrested but luckily they brought the attention to the Republican efforts in North Carolina.She actually traveled down to Florida with people she was arressted with to meet the Dream Defenders in person and she also assisted in the organization of Ignite North Carolina which was a youth and student led organization in North Carolina and she also attended the Ohio march with the Ohio Student Association that demanded the release of surveillance footage of police officers killing John Crawford.And on June 27th in 2015.She climbed up the flag pole and removed the Confederate flag and she was arrested for it but luckily she was bailed out of jail and she was praised by National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP),this was one of her most well known act of activism.
One of her famous quotes was:'I did it for all the fierce Black women on the front lines of the movement and for all the little Black girls who are watching us.I did it because I am free'
Credits for information: aaihs.org
Materials used:Soft pastel crayons, HB pencil and 8B pencil
I really had a lot of fun drawing people who fought for Black Rights,they fought so that the generations after them wouldn't have to,so that the generation wouldn't suffer the same thing they suffered through.And we shouldn't allow the history to repeat itself
Happy Black History Month and I hope you enjoyed my artworks as much I did making them ^^
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thoughtportal · 2 years ago
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bloghrexach · 1 year ago
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liberalsarecool · 2 years ago
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Also, the people who fight the hardest against rights & protections for women are always the actual abusers in society.
They are the same people. #MAGA #✝️
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thegayhimbo · 1 year ago
We can also add a third person to this picture who represents Leftists/Westerners who are also peddling antisemitic conspiracy theories.
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