#both of our exchange students this year did that
chimonystack · 11 months
At people who have the audacity to lie to your face and tell you things are going okay, but are secretly going behind your back trying to get away from you.
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zephyrchama · 2 months
Dark Past
A common demon on the street caught your eye. You slowed, almost to a halt, just to gaze at them. They paid you no mind at all. You were two strangers with no connection in the middle of a crowded street. As they passed, you turned your neck for one final glance before continuing on.
The seven demons you were walking with noticed your little stare. Some of them exchanged quizzical looks. None of them had ever seen that random demon before. They didn't look special. Leviathan paused in his tracks to glare daggers of envy at the stranger, cursing them in his mind for stealing your attention.
"Someone you know?" Satan asked. It was hard to hear him over Mammon shouting, "Who was that?"
"What?" You fixed your eyes on them, confused by the sudden outburst. Beelzebub tenderly placed a hand on your back and guided you around some uneven pavement.
"Who was that demon you were staring at?" Belphegor asked.
"I wasn't staring at anyone."
"Yes, you were." Lucifer didn't question you, but he crossed his arms expectantly. His brothers would do all the work of wrestling an answer out of you for him.
"I saw you rubberneck so hard, I thought you were going to chase after them!" Asmodeus must have been exaggerating. You only glanced at that demon for a second max, or so you believed.
You didn't think it was a big deal, and brushed the incident off with, "they just reminded me of something." You hoped that would suffice as an answer. It did not.
"And what would that be?" Satan sounded like a courtroom interrogator trying to corner a lying defendant.
At some point, the eight of you had come to a stop in front of a closed and shuttered business, letting the foot traffic flow around you. The seven of them boxed you in and blocked your view of the rest of the street, circling you like a pack of hungry sharks. You waved your hands at the ridiculous bunch.
"I was just looking! What's it matter to you guys?"
Mammon got right up in your face. "I'm in charge of protectin' you! I can't be lettin' you stare at every chump lookin' to take advantage of ya!"
Asmodeus pulled him aside, claiming, "you should just look at me! I'm the only demon you'll never get tired of staring at." He gave you a wink of fan service that would have sent anyone else into a lustful fervor.
"I... also... don't want you looking at other people," Leviathan mumbled while lacking the courage to look you in the eye. His hand fidgeted with the bottom of his jacket.
"There are many dangers in the Devildom. You know that we have a responsibility to keep you safe, both as an exchange student and as someone very dear to us." Lucifer always had a way with words.
"So, who was that?" Beelzebub asked. He was followed up by Belphegor wondering, "do you know them?"
"No! They just..." You took a deep breath before your admission. "Ok. They look like the demon I would pretend to be when I was a kid."
There it was, the truth. Out in the open. There was a long beat of silence.
Belphegor was the first to go "huh?"
Leviathan caught on quickly. "Like, a demonsona? You had a demonsona?"
"It's something a lot of human kids do," you hurried to explain. "On playgrounds and stuff. When we're little we imagine we're secretly vampires and demons and cool monsters. It's fun but we grow out of it, usually."
Belphegor tried to clarify. "So you pretended you were a demon, and that you looked like the one who just walked by?"
You swear you heard Lucifer snort, trying to hold back his laughter.
"That is sooooooooo cute!" Asmodeus did not hold back. He started cracking up, his high-pitched laughter ringing around the street, and wiped a tear from his eye. "So, for years you played pretend demon?"
"Want me to go get them and ask for their picture?" Beelzebub offered. "I can catch up pretty quickly.
"No!" The offer was mortifying. "Lets just go, we have to finish our errands."
"You had a demonsona," Leviathan repeated with a smile and a chuckle. "That is kind of cute."
"Why somebody like that loser? Why not imagine someone cooler, like me?" Mammon flexed his wings in a show of vanity, as if he could make child-you change their mind.
"I didn't know you then, Mammon. I was, like, ten. All demons were cool."
"That's funny. Humans are so silly," Belphegor chimed.
"I was a child!" You spun to look at Belphegor, sticking an accusatory finger in his face. "You don't get to make fun of me, seeing as you pretended to be human when we met. You're thousands of years old! Act your age!"
"Ok, but I can do that because I'm a demon." Belphegor explained. He ran a hand through his hair, making his horns briefly disappear. "It's what we do."
"Yeah, it's different for us," Satan agreed.
Lucifer cleared his throat and stated, "I imagine we should continue this conversation while walking, now that we have an answer. Unless you lot want to spend all night on the street." He took a step back and gestured down the road in the direction you all were headed.
Sensing an escape from this topic, you nudged your way through the wall of demon brothers and followed after Lucifer, hoping to leave this memory behind. One by one, everyone else followed suit.
Leviathan sped up to match his pace to yours. Once the group was back on track and you thought the conversation was in the past, he asked, "so did you imagine having any cool powers?"
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martinluvrr · 3 months
⋅˚₊‧ paige bueckers x rivals!reader
⋅˚₊‧ summary: you just can't come between them, they got their own thing.
⋅˚₊‧ duayaps; in honor of 'whore anon'. ( i'm in my gracie abrams era ). enjoy.
⋅˚₊‧ warning: 18+ , smut, degrading terms.
⋅˚₊‧ nav ||
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"There is absolutely history there" Diana Taurasi said, you sighed closing your laptop. Another opinion you didn't need. Two days ago was one of the most intense games you've had in your college career.
Number 5 and you weren't exactly buddies with each other, once upon a time you were. In high school, you both were attached to the hip, best friends. At the end of Paige's senior year, you had grown a small crush on her. Of course you didn't dare act on it.
When Paige committed to Uconn, you were so happy for her. This is was just a step closer to her dream, a small part of you knew that her and you would have distanced between each other, but you never knew that that it would end with you and paige having no contact.
It just stopped slowly, she was getting distant and you assumed she was just busy.
But when you faced your first game as a rookie against Uconn, you got a rude awakening of how Paige was going to treat you for the next 4 years. No talking, like literally not even a glance from her. And if she was going to treat you like that, you would return her behavior.
Of course, after that, USC and Uconn had a lot of games after. So it became more intense, more aggressive. While you were guarding her, you got more fouls than you would ever get in normal games. And then she started trash talk, and while you knew she wanted a reaction out of you, you didn’t give her one.
But after one hard hit on the floor, which led you to stepping out of the game, she talked to you normal , for the first time in 2 years.
“You okay?”
After that short conversation , you started getting confused. She was still the Paige from your freshman year, but now, when you would hit the floor, she was the first one to come to your aid and help you. Even when she was the reason you were down in the first place, she would place her hands on your waist and help you up.
This was weird, one minute you’re trash talking and pushing each other, and the next she was picking you up from the floor.
Of course, everybody wanted an answer. An answer that you didn’t have, and you were sure that Paige didn’t have one either. It was natural for Paige to help you. Almost like a reflex.
Two days ago, you stood on the Uconn court. An army of students chanting behind you, you could feel your nerves getting agitated, this one random guy kid would not stop yelling the most disrespectful things at you, you knew he was a fan in adrenaline but still. It started out small, which you didn’t mind because that just motivated you more, but then it turned south. "you got nothing on us" , "can't even hoop" , "you can't play for shit" , “we’re too good for you” , “get back in the kitchen” .
You ignore him, in hopes that he would leave you alone, but nope. He didn’t, just kept on going. While you finally tuned him out, you turned to your opponent. Paige was glaring daggers at you.
“bunny” She teased. You only returned her cold stare with one of your own. Her nickname was used to mock you, your soft and sensitive demeanor was known through college basketball. After Paige started calling you bunny, everyone did.
The game started, things were going okay, your team was only down by a couple points. Halfway through the game, you didn’t her the annoying voice and let out a breath of relief. That’s before…“Whore” he screamed out.
You let out a frustrated sigh, before taking a few more steps away from him, but while you ignore him. Paige didn’t, and she was pissed.
“What the fuck did you just say?” She stepped out of the court, the referee blew his whistle. Everybody was watching this exchange. But people were also watching you, and you stood there frozen, totally didn't expect this to happen. From the corner of your eye, you saw both teams coming your way, while Kk gripped Paige's elbow trying to get her away from the scene. Paige didn't budge, her angry eyes still laid on the guy.
"I said what the fuck did you just say to her?" She repeated again, the guy stood there, cheeks red by embarrassment, not a word out of him now. You felt yourself move to her, before gently tugging her elbow. She snapped her head to look at you, when she saw your worried face, she turned to the silent guy. "That's what i thought"
You, Paige and Kk returned to the court, you heard Paige behind you mutter "You okay?"
"Yeah" you whispered, nodding your head. After Paige explained the situation to both Geno and the referee, the guy was escorted out, and the game was back on.
Protective Paige was off and rival Paige was on, unfortunately.
The game made headlines. It was all over tik tok before the game was even over, to the point that even Tana and Brooke talked about it. You tried to block out the videos, but they still showed up, it made you even more nervous. While you appreciated Paige sticking up for you, you knew that this was going to be on every press or media that you were going to be involved with.
Speaking of press.
"Paige, we heard a little argument that you had with one of your own fans in regard to a comment they made about your former teammate now rival Y/n, what was the comment ?"
"I'd rather not say, but former teammate or rival doesn't matter nobody deserves that kind of treatment and I just couldn't handle not saying something when i know that's not something that the team or Uconn stands for"
You re-watched that 15 second clip about 7 times before you turned your phone off. You admit , when you re-watched the game on your hotel rooms TV, it was kinda hot to see Paige sticking up for you. But you knew that the same similar treatment, your teammate experienced on your last game against Uconn, while it wasn't that degrading, you knew Paige heard, she was next to her.
So why did she continue to stick up for you? Why push me when you're gonna pick me back up? Why? Why? Why?
And forgot to mention, that people did notice that Paige didn't back off until you told her to. The whole 1 minute and 16 second exchange had been monitored and watched by millions in the span of 2 days.
"Her teammate couldn't get her on the court again until Y/n came and told her to let it go, like literally can't come between them, they have they're own thing, so cute tho biggest shipper of them..." You heard Brooke Schofield explain to her co host.
"This is it" Juju said, removing her seat belt, you did the same. You were still in Storrs due to your flight being delayed so you and your best friend decided to make the most out of it. A bar was your first option,Teds looked cozy ,comfortable and small so you hoped it wasn't filled with people.
It was, Uconn students, to be more specific. When you and Juju first walked in, the first people you saw were the Uconn womens basketball team, great. While you tried to hide behind Jujus tall frame, Azzi Fudd was already making her way towards you, Paige trailing behind her.
"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Azzi said, pulling you both into a hug, you heard a chuckle behind her. When you both pulled away from the hug, you heard Paige greet your teammate before turning towards you.
"Hey bunny"
You both stood there as your teammates were talking, Paiges eyes never left you. Even though you didn't look up from the floor, you could feel them from a miles away . When you finally got the courage to look at her, you saw a small smirk on her face. A cocky and confident one, it was your fault really, Paige knew she had this affect on you, and it made her want you more.
"Yeah were down" You heard Juju agree with Azzis invite, before the four of you made your way to the table, you told them you were going for a quick bathroom trip.
5 minutes later , the quick bathroom trip was turned into a quickie when Paige walked in and pushed against the wall while kissing you.
You felt yourself try to close your thighs, her hand slipped between them, stopping you. "Nah they stay open" you felt her say against your neck, her kisses started from your neck before she started making her way down your body.
When she made it her way to your pussy, you felt her place a teasing kiss on your inner thigh. "Paige please" you groaned, frustrated and gripped the bathroom sink.
"Please what princess?"
"Please... please..." you pleaded.
"Please wha-" she mocked you, the grip on your thighs tighten.
"Please lick my pussy" you cut her off. When you finally felt her tongue on you, you let out a breathless moan. She looked up at you, watching your expression, hearing your moans and when you finally looked down at her.
"Oh, oh" you moaned, her tongue now going fast and her kisses turned sloppy. Your hand was on her hair, your hand tightening on the hold.
"Yeah you like that?" she chuckled when you let out a groan, after having a taste of you, she was sure you were a drug, and she was addicted.
When she felt you arch your back, she sped up, her hand now rubbing your clit, you felt a pit form on your stomach.
"Oh P" the old nickname slipped out, Paige looked up at you, a small smile on her face.
"Cum for me baby" she commanded, her voice sent you over the edge, you let out a groan of pleasure, before feeling yourself release on her tongue.
After a long pause of you trying to regain your breath, she placed a small peck on your pussy before pulling your lace purple thong back up, not before placing another kiss on your inner thigh. As she appeared back to your face level, you couldn't help yourself and pulled her into a kiss. You felt her groan and smile against your lips. "I love how you get with me" . Your hair was a mess, you still couldn’t regain your breath and your lips were swollen.
When you pulled back, you looked at each other, the next seconds were spent with you both looking at each other adoringly. You couldn't help but ask "Why did you do that?" the mystery waited to unveil itself.
"Because no ones going to mess with you, not when i'm there" Your heart melted. This was Paige, while she messed with you, no one else can. Simply, you were hers.
You both were aware that the both of you looked like a mess when you went out of the bathroom, but neither of you cared. This was your thing, no one else mattered.
thank you for reading <3333
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Scenario: Some small item from the prefect's home world ends up in NRC. For example, my brother found a local brand of soda when he was out of our country for a few years. It made his whole week.
Option 1: Octotrio finds this item and know the significance of it. How do they give it to their dear prefect?
Or if option 2, if you want jealous Octotrio: Another student else gives the item to the prefect, and they are seething over how happy someone else made the prefect.
(sorry this is self-indulgent and I think im funy)
“A bottle of Mexican coke gets launched out of a wormhole and thunks them in the head. What is it? They have no clue, it looks like a soda, but they don't recognize the brand, logo, or anything really. It says Hecho en Mexico” on the side, though...wait! Isn't that a place from your homeworld? You'll love this!
“Ain't that the soda Shrimpy is always raving about?” Floyd was rubbing the side of his head that the glass bottle smacked into. It hurt like hell, and Jade hiding his laughter at his misery.
“Stop laughin', Imma bite you.”
“Fuhu, sorry Floyd.” Jade managed to clear his throat and straighten. “You just collapsed on the ground like a rag doll, it surprised me.”
“Yeah, how about I take that bottle and smack you up the head with it? We can see who looks more like a rag doll then”
“Think you could?
“Know I could.”
“I bet you can't”
“I bet I can, you fuc—”
Azul cleared his throat, drawing both of their attentions as he held the bottle in his hands.
“If you two would like to save the Cain instinct for another day, I do believe that we can garner the Prefect's favor with this.”
Both perked up, sharing a knowing look before smirking.
“Good point,” Jade replied, walking over to Azul to admire the bottle. “They have been shyer since our last outing with them, this would be a good opportunity to—”
“Floyd swiped the bottle from their hands and started a brisk jog as he called out, I got hit with it, so I get to take all the credit and all of my Shrimpy's love!”
“FLOYD!” Both chased after him, a loud, familiar cackle ringing through Main Street and everyone's ears.
You were none the wiser, chilling in your room with peace and quiet for once, as Grim was out with Epel in the Spelldrive Club. You gave it 1 hour before Leona got tired of him and sent him back to you.
Your peace was interrupted upon hearing the banging on your front door. Groaning, you got up and made your way to the entryway.
“I swear to God! Ace! If you're crashing here again, I'm getting you a literal doghouse!” You yelled out, huffing, as you swung the door open and instead found Floyd trying to wrestle a bottle of something from his grasp.
It was quite amusing, as Azul's grip wasn't even budging while Floyd pulled with all his might. Only Jade, who was on Azul's right, noticed you and smiled.
“Hello Prefect, how are you?” Jade nodded his head with a polite smile. “We apologize for the sudden intrusion, but we have something for you—”
“No, I found it! I have something for them!” Floyd whined, keeling over as Azul finally gabbed a harsh elbow into his ribs.
“You got hit in the head, I hardly count that as 'finding' it.” Azul gave you a pleasant smile, though you were wary of what the trio wanted from you to bring you something.
“We, all three of us, have a gift for you. We recognized it as something you've spoken about, and out of the kindness of our hearts, we decided to offer it to you in exchange for your time!”
“You snorted, glancing at the bottle in Azul's hands. Yeah, sure, 'kindness'. What's the point of a gift if—HOLY SHIT, IS THAT MEXICAN COKE?”
Azul stumbled backwards as you reached for the bottle in his hands, excitement gleaming in your eyes as you did.
Azul let out a yelp as you managed to pull the bottle from his hands, your eyes glittering and smile wide.
“You three don't know how bad I've been craving this since I've been here.” Sighing, you pressed the bottle, nice and cool, to your cheek in bliss.
“I would suck a man's dick for this shit, you don't even know.”
You froze at the choking sound in front of you, and snickering from the left and right. You noticed the light purple blush on Azul's cheeks and the pink ones on the twins. Jade was looking away, covering his mouth, but you could still see his lips quirk up. Floyd's snickering was growing into a full giggle.
“Ahem, I, ah, appreciate your enthusiasm for the gift. I'll keep that…in mind.”
“If he doesn't, we will. Isn't that right, Floyd?” Jade chuckled.
Floyd replied, “Oh for surrrre~ Say, Shrimpy?” Floyd leaned in, smile growing as he purred, “you up for offering that thank you?”
You backed away, face growing hotter as you pursed your lips. The twins laughed at you.
“Stop joking around! It was a joke and you know it!”
You could still hear the giggles from behind the door as you slammed it shut. However, you paused, hearing Azul murmur something to the twins and them quiet down. They sounded a bit disappointed, to be honest.
Sighing, you cracked open the door again, peeking out to the three. Azul was looking at you expectantly.
“…Thanks. Do you guys wanna, uh, go out again this weekend? You said you wanted my time, in exchange, right?”
Azul visibly perked, giving you a closed eye smile as he nodded.
“Yes! How about we meet at 11am this Saturday at the gates? We can visit the town, you don't get to visit often, correct?”
“Yeah,” You smiled shyly. “Sounds good, I'll see you all then.”
“You pretended to not hear Floyd's whoop!” as you closed the door, chuckling to yourself.
“Weirdos. Cute ones, though.”
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queensunshinee · 4 months
Time Of Our Lives || Part 9
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warnings: SMUT! 18+!, dirty talk, p in v sex, oral sex, fingering, praise.
Part 9
"What did I miss?" Liana asked as she sat down, seeing the boys exchange looks. Sometimes they spoke without words. She always envied that connection. She didn’t have anyone who could understand her with just a nod or a blink or, in this case, a stare.
"Hello, Earth to Art and Patrick?" she tried to join in, but something about the current situation didn’t feel right. "It's my turn to go inside. I need to drink some water. You two catch up, it's been a while since you’ve seen each other," Art said without looking at her, causing Liana to frown as he walked away. "That was weird, right?" she asked Patrick, who responded with a half-smile. "When is Art not weird?" he said. "How are you?" he asked, turning his gaze back to her and seeing her give the widest smile she could offer anyone. "Do you forgive me?" she asked, moving to sit next to him, placing her head on his shoulder. "What do I have to forgive you for, Amanda?" he chuckled, tracing shapes on her shoulder while taking another sip of champagne. "I was terrible. The exams made me crazy," she tried to justify her behavior over the past month. "Do you know if you're leaving yet?" he asked. "I’ll know when we get back from vacation. I’m terrified," she murmured. On one hand, Liana desperately wanted that year in Oxford. She wanted to see Europe. The architecture. The atmosphere. The culture. She wanted to see something other than the American suburb she had lived in her whole life, with the same people and the same opinions and the same tennis. On the other hand, she didn’t want to break her parents’ hearts. Her parents who had always talked about Stanford and how she’d join the family business after she finished school, and her parents who were the best people she knew but whose dreams for her flew past them as if they were never there. And now there was Art too. Art, who in the past two days had made her feel things she had never felt before. Art, who in the months at Stanford had become an inseparable part of her life. Art, who made her stomach ache at the thought of not seeing him for a year. Art, who still didn’t know she was considering leaving. "You’ll pass that test, we both know you will," Patrick said calmly. "And then you'll conquer Europe, building by building." He chuckled, but his voice faded with each word. "And we'll stay here, missing you," he said, and she straightened up, looking at him. "I’m not going to die, you know," Liana rolled her eyes, trying to lighten the conversation. "No, you're just going to meet people much better than us, and I'm enough of a bastard to be worried about that," he said honestly. "I don’t think there are many people in the world better than you, Patrick," she concluded. The next day Art left. He texted her that a spot opened up in some tennis group he could join, and he didn’t want to miss the opportunity. That he’d see her at Stanford. When Liana tried to call, he didn’t answer. So they kept missing each other throughout the vacation, she trying to call just as he was going into practice or the shower or falling asleep, and him sending messages that he was okay, just busy. On the last day of the vacation, she received a message that her exam results had come in. She had been accepted. Liana cried. Which wasn’t anything special because objectively Liana cried a lot, but this time she cried out of excitement. All the effort she put in had paid off, and now she could prepare for the student exchange. She could make her dream come true, start being a real person in the world. The conversation with her parents was horrible. There were shouts and accusations, and her mother said they wouldn’t pay for this, which Liana had suspected might happen. Her father seemed more conciliatory but didn’t say much. "Do you think Mom will be mad at me for long?" she asked him on the way to the airport. If there was one thing Liana hated, it was that it was always obvious she had been crying. Her pale face would turn red, and her eyes would swell, sometimes for days. This was one of those cases. It could be said with confidence that Liana looked like she had been run over by a bus yesterday.
"I know it doesn’t look like it, but we’re proud of you. Mom will come around, don’t worry," her father hugged her as they got out of the car. "I want this so much, Dad," she sighed.
"I know, honey," he said, kissing the top of her head. He hated seeing the emotional turmoil his daughter was in. His daughter, who above all feared disappointing people. "I’ll come back to Stanford after that," she mumbled, feeling the lump in her throat take over again. "I don’t want her to hate me," she looked at him with teary eyes.
"She doesn’t hate you. Li, look at me." Her father tried to wipe her tears. "Your mother is a stubborn woman, and you’ll see that a month after you’re there, she’ll come visit you." He smiled, and she nodded, not sure she believed what he said. "Besides, you have another semester at Stanford. Make the most of it, maybe you’ll love the place as much as we did." He shrugged, seeing her take a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I love you, Dad," she hugged him again and started to walk away, hoping everything would calm down and her mother would eventually look at her like she did before she told her she was planning to leave. Art opened the door after five knocks, looking at her with a puzzled expression. "Did we have plans?" he asked. "Hey Arthur, I missed you too," she rolled her eyes and gave him a small kiss on the lips, seeing him close his eyes and deepen the kiss within seconds as he closed the door. "Hey," he smiled at her and moved her hair out of her face. "Have you been crying?" he asked after examining her. Art couldn’t stop himself from asking. It was like an instinct; seeing what he could do to make her feel better. But he was so mad at her that he didn’t really want to talk to her or know how she felt right now; after all, she didn’t care how he felt. He did want to fuck her. He wanted to feel like she was his. He was afraid he was a little addicted to the feeling of looking at her and feeling like she was entirely his. He was afraid that if she left, he wouldn’t feel that way again. He was afraid of losing.
"Did you know?" his mother asked on the phone. Her voice worried. "What?" he returned the question, panting after practice. "That Liana is planning to leave for Oxford? Did you know that?" she demanded the truth. And the truth was that he knew she was leaving. But he didn’t know where or when and he didn’t know it was official. His heart pounded faster. "Yes, I knew," he mumbled, not wanting to reveal how far he felt from Liana in reality. Not wanting to reveal how stupid he felt that of all people, Patrick knew before him. "How could you not say anything, Art, she's our Liana. How will she manage in England alone? She barely manages to find her way in the supermarket without getting lost," his mother sighed. And she was right. He knew she was right. And she wasn’t even their Liana; she was his Liana. And she was his Liana for exactly two days. What an idiot he is. "She’s a big girl. She can navigate the supermarket in England without getting lost. I have to go," he mumbled, angry at himself for still feeling the need to protect her. "Just tired from the flight," she smiled at him a tired smile and felt his lips leaving small kisses on her neck, causing her to close her eyes. "Can I help?" his voice was teasing as he took off her shirt without much resistance. Examining her for a second, as if trying to remember how she looked. "You're already helping," she smiled a genuine smile, and his lips were on her again, hungrier than she had felt him so far. "I want you so much, Li," he groaned into her mouth. His tongue intertwining with hers as if he had wandered for years in the desert and she was his source of water. "Do you want this?" he asked, as they moved to his bed and she nodded. In complete haze, at this point, she decided that Art Donaldson could do whatever he wanted with her. And it was a liberating decision. Knowing she was safe in his hands and he decided how good she could feel now. "Words, Liana," he demanded as he started taking off her jeans. She didn’t even notice she was already half-naked in front of him. "You're wearing too many clothes," she mumbled incoherently as his hand brushed over her panties. "You're already wet, Li?" his voice was amused as he took off his shirt. "Already ready for me, and I haven’t even touched you yet," he whispered in her ear and heard her moan, which caused him to release a groan of his own. "Do you want this?" he asked again. This time his hand applied more pressure over her panties. "Art." Her voice was desperate. "Please," she whispered, and he bit his lip. Stopping himself from all the things he wanted to do with her. "Please, what?" he asked, his mouth close to hers, teasing, barely touching. He kissed her right cheek and then her left
"Touch me. Please," she almost cried out of frustration and desperation, exactly the way he wanted her. His. His again. And he felt desperate too, so her panties came off in a flash and he gave her exactly what she wanted. He heard her moan beneath him as his fingers moved inside her rhythmically. He felt how tight she was. He tried not to imagine his dick inside her, thinking he might not last. She was a virgin. He knew that. She had told him. He was going to be the first inside her. "So good for me, Li," he murmured and smiled, never taking his eyes off her. He didn't think anyone could look better than Liana did now, beneath him, eyes closed, desperate sounds escaping her, moaning his name. He was sure the student in the room next door was jerking off to the sound of her. He was sure no one in the world could resist Liana Levy when she looked like that beneath him. He was no different from anyone else. Almost captivated. Almost helpless. Just wanting to deliver. Just wanting her to always be like that for him. His lips roamed over her body until they reached her clit, while his hand sped up.
"You take me so well, Li," he said as the room filled with the sound of her fluids and moans.
"I'm going to-" she mumbled, her voice breaking, making him look up at her. He had to see her come. He had to remember this moment.
"Come for me, Li, come on. I want to see you," he demanded in the most authoritative voice he could muster, even though he felt himself melting under her influence.
"Art," she moaned again.
And he was right, her face in that moment was truly the most beautiful thing he'd seen in his 20 years of existence. Her half-open mouth, her eyes closed, slightly teary, her hand on her breast. It was a magnificent sight and he knew only he had seen her like this.
Her body shook and he gave one last kiss on her sensitive clit, then stood before her.
"Open your eyes, Li," he said, and she did exactly as he commanded. "Kiss me. Taste yourself." Another half-command with a smile and scheming eyes. Within seconds, her lips were on his, her tongue mingling with his intensely, just wanting more.
"I want to be inside you," he murmured, and she nodded. "Can I?" he asked. He had to ask. He knew she could say no and he would have to accept it, and if he were less greedy, he might even be satisfied with that anyway.
But he was so angry with her. He wanted her to know. He wanted her to know that just as he was hers, she was his. That she couldn't just ignore him like that. Dismiss him as if he didn't matter.
"Yes," she murmured into his mouth, feeling him smile against her.
"Yes, what?" he asked, teasing.
"Fuck me," she whispered, and it came out vulgar and blunt, uncharacteristic of the girl in front of him. She was even surprised by the words that left her mouth, her eyes widening for a moment before remembering it was Art and relaxing. She was safe with Art. He wouldn't use her words against her. It was okay for her to need him.
"I didn't hear you," he murmured, removing the rest of his clothes and moving to his desk to grab a condom. "I'm on this side of the room, Liana. You need to speak louder." He leaned against the wall as he put the condom on, taking a breath. He had to steady his breathing if he wanted to last inside her for more than three seconds.
"Please, Art. I want to feel you inside me," she said louder, more confidently, more desperately. He moved toward her. "Please fuck me," she looked him in the eyes and bit her lip, feeling almost small but also kind of powerful. He looked almost as desperate as she did as his hand traced her face and then her chest, stopping at her sensitive nipple, making her moan.
"That much, huh?" he asked, positioning the tip of his dick at her entrance and hearing her sigh in response. "Don't worry, I've got you. Are you going to be good for me, Li?" he asked, watching her nod in response. "Are you going to take me like you were made for me?" he asked again.
"Yes, please. Art." She was almost crying with frustration. Liana didn't know what to do to make him enter her already. To feel him. For him to fill her with himself. For him to be close to her. Part of her. She didn't know when she started feeling all these emotions for Art Donaldson, but now was not the time to figure it out. He began to slide into her.
"Oh, Art," she bit his shoulder, making him groan.
"Fuck, Liana. So tight. Fuck. Hang in there, baby, are you okay?" he asked, studying her.
"More," she mumbled. The pain didn't matter. She just wanted him. She wanted all of him. He did move more. A bit more each time. Another moan and another sigh each time until he was fully inside her. Their lips merged in their most sloppy kiss yet. They were one for a moment.
"You can move," she managed to say after a few seconds.
"Are you sure?" he asked, seeing her nod. "Fuck, Li. I won't last long like this," he murmured, his movements gentle. He was careful with her.
When he felt he was close and knew she wouldn't come from the first time someone inside her, he added a finger to play with her clit.
"Fuck, Art," she moaned his name for the umpteenth time.
"I know. You're doing such a good job, Li, taking care of me so well," he said, feeling her tighten around him, bringing him to the edge almost with her.
After a few seconds, he gently pulled out of her, seeing her panting and feeling just as spent. He took off the condom and walked it to the trash, finding his boxers on the way and putting them on. He saw the girl in front of him, completely naked. Completely his.
"When were you planning to tell me?" he asked, looking at her from a distance.
Liana was still in euphoria, her eyes half-closed, confused by the question. "What are you talking about?" she sounded amused, looking at him with a smile as he put on a shirt. For a moment, she felt fragile, not understanding how she was still completely naked while he was fully dressed in front of her.
"About leaving Stanford. About Oxford? I don't know. Maybe there are more things you'd like to tell me." His gaze was cold, making Liana freeze too. She felt her nakedness now. She understood why he was dressed and she wasn't. She was vulnerable right now.
"How long have you known?" she asked quietly, swallowing and searching for her clothes.
"My mom asked me about it yesterday," he said, never taking his eyes off her. "Do you know how stupid I felt when I lied and told her I knew?" he asked. His voice didn't rise, but the frustration was clear.
"Art, I found out two days ago," her eyes glistened and she breathed quickly, feeling everything slipping away from her. He was slipping away from her.
"You're lying," he stated with an eye roll, sitting down on the bed.
"Art," she knelt in front of him, studying his face. He showed no emotion, only coldness.
"It's okay, Liana. We both know what this is," he said, instinctively moving her hair out of her face.
"What is it?" she swallowed. She knew Art. She knew he was about to say something he'd regret, and yet she still pushed him to say it.
"It's me passing time until Tashi realizes she wants me," he said, seeing her expression change to one he'd never seen on her before. She moved his hand from her face quickly and scooted back on the floor as fast as he didn't know she was capable of, as if afraid of his touch.
"Wow." She swallowed, looking at him, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry if I hurt you," she tried to salvage the situation, and he chuckled.
"Come on, Liana." He rolled his eyes and lay down on the bed, no longer looking at her.
"You just fucked me, Art." She felt sick. It was the first time she had slept with someone. He knew that. She felt so humiliated.
"I know. I was there, and if I remember correctly, you asked for it. More precisely, you begged-"
"Shut up. Just shut up." She cut him off and stood up. She couldn't hide her tears anymore.
"Why did you do it? We could have just continued meeting at family dinners. Seeing each other in the hallway and occasionally saying hello. Why did you do it?" It came as a sob. She had never felt so humiliated. It was like a truck had run over her.
"I was bored, and you were cute, and let's be honest, a little desperate," her hand found its way to his cheek with a force neither of them knew she possessed. She wanted to apologize automatically because she wasn't violent, but it didn't come out.
"I hate you so much. I will never forgive you. You are the worst person I know." She mumbled and moved toward the door.
"At least I beat Patrick to it," he found himself saying. He had to have the last word in every argument.
"No, Art. You lost to Patrick. Even in twenty years, you won't have half the character and heart that Patrick has already. You're a complete loser compared to him, and I hope you never forget that." She said without stuttering while he didn't take his eyes off her, swallowing hard, finally hearing the door slam.
The moment Liana reached her room, after passing a considerable number of people who looked at her with worried expressions, some even trying to ask if she was okay, she collapsed on the floor and let out the loudest cry that had probably ever escaped her. She felt dirty. Almost used. She had trusted the wrong person.
She picked up the phone to call the only person she thought could understand her.
"Liana, are you okay?" Patrick sounded concerned and confused, probably because of the late hour.
"He really hurt me and I didn't know who else to call," she managed to say through her tears, hearing Patrick sigh, as if silently saying he knew. He knew this would happen.
Writing this part kinda broke me. I know Art was being cruel, but well, he was acting out without thinking about the consequences. Got your requests and maybe on the weekend we'll give Liana/Patrick/Art some more layers. Keep sending me questions and such. I LOVE it. Hope you're still enjoying and again, if you wanna join the taglist, say the word ❤️
taglist: @swetearss @ganana @yoitsme-04 @igotmajordaddyissues @jackierose902109 @imbabycowboy @do-it-for-kicks @izzywags478 @4deline08 @serenadingtigers
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wileys-russo · 1 year
childhood sweethearts (3) II a.russo x reader
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series playlist part one part two
this fic really does have my heart tbh childhood sweethearts (3) II a.russo x reader
alessia exhaled shakily, tapping her foot nervously as her eyes flickered repeatedly between the time on her phone and the door to the cafe, counting down each second which passed that you didn't arrive.
maybe you just weren't going to show up at all, could she even blame you if you didn't? it had been six years since the two of you really spoke, and your last words exchanged were hardly on friendly terms.
when her mum had called her to invite her to dinner with your family, her heart leapt into her throat. your name was something that hadn't crossed her mind in years, well no actually that was a lie.
alessia often wondered what you were up to, occasionally in a moment of weakness imagining what would be different had things not gone the way they had between you both.
but she'd banish those fleeting thoughts and insecurities as quickly as they arrived, knowing she'd just spiral into a tornado of overthinking if she dwelled on them too much.
alessia tried to trick herself into believing she was fine with how things had ended, pushing her real feelings deep down away and filing them under painful memories she'd rather not resurface ever again.
but they always did, and no more so then when you'd walked into that restaurant beside her brother and every thought, feeling, memory and emotion she'd repressed the last six years came soaring to the surface, she could have thrown up with how suddenly she was swamped by them.
the pain only grew when you refused to even meet her eye, greeting everyone else first and alessia was almost certain if you hadn't had to sit beside her the two of you likely wouldn't have even conversed that entire night.
"hi i'm so sorry i'm late i got held up at work." she was snapped out of the depths of her overthinking as you hurriedly dropped down into the seat across from her, exhaling heavily and dropping your bag on the floor beside you.
"that's alright, i hope everythings okay?" alessia rushed out, playing with her fingers which sat dormant in her lap as you nodded, starting to ramble on about the frustration of substitutes not doing their assigned pick up duty so you'd had to fill in.
realising you were getting on a tangent and meeting those ever so familiar ocean blue eyes you suddenly stopped, clearing your throat and apologising.
"you don't need to be sorry, you've clearly found the right career. mum was right when she said she was sure you're an amazing teacher." alessia complimented with a soft smile as you nodded, admittedly still unsure quite how to interact with her after so much time.
"so...how have you been?"
"-no because that time was entirely your fault! you were always getting us in trouble." you chuckled, shaking your head at the grinning blonde across from you, your coffees long finished, empty mugs pushed to the side.
"i was not!" alessia defended herself with a playful offended scoff, unable to stop the smile spreading on her face. "you so were! every single time we had detention it was your fault, and any time we got in trouble with our parents it was one of your genius ideas that lead up to it." you couldn't help but smile yourself at the fond memories.
"miss!" your head turned as you heard a voice call out for you, spotting one of your students frantically waving at you from the counter. "sorry, he insisted on saying hi. i tried to explain that you have your own life outside of the classroom." his mum smiled apologetically as the boy hurried over and she chased after him.
"thats perfectly alright. i always say if you guys see me around to give me a wave and thats what you did, charlies one of my best behaved students! aren't you?" you smiled fondly, holding your hand out for a high five which he happily gave you with a grin, waving goodbye as his mum smiled gratefully and hurried the two of them away to another table.
"sorry about that." you apologized to alessia, a slight blush coating your cheeks as the blonde shook her head. "don't be, that was quite adorable. your class clearly love you and who could blame them." alessia complimented with a dangerously familiar look in her eyes as you forced a small smile and glanced down to your phone, eyes widening as you realised you'd been here well over two hours now.
"i should really get going, i've got dinner to cook and lesson planning to do for tomorrow." you smiled apologetically, alessia nodding in understanding as you both reached for your bags. "could we do this again, soon?" the girl asked hopefully as the two of you stood outside, causing you to bite the inside of your cheek.
"look alessia it was great catching up and i'm really glad that football and everything else is working out so well for you. but i just, i don't know if i can make this a regular thing." you admitted with a slight wince, watching as her face fell at your answer.
"why not?" as soon as the hurt was plain on her face it was gone, replaced instead with a firm look of defiance, folding her arms over her chest. "you know why, please don't make me say it." you responded quietly, shuffling uncomfortably and adjusting your bag on your shoulder.
"god you are so frustrating." alessia dragged her hands down her face with a shake of her head. "whats that supposed to mean?" you were now the one to respond with a frown.
"its like i said at the restaurant y/n we were best friends for years before anything changed. we've just spent the however many hours reflecting on how good that time was, i know the way things ended wasn't ideal but why can't we just work on getting a friendship back?" alessia almost begged, taking a step toward you and frowning as you immediately took one back away from her.
"before anything changed...the way things ended? you are so arrogant, as if it was nothing!" you scoffed and shook your head in disbelief that she could dismiss what happened so easily. "that's not what i fucking meant and you know it, don't put words in my mouth." alessia warned, jaw clenching tightly.
"no i think it was exactly what you meant. at least to me alessia what went on between us meant a hell of a lot, and it hurt when everything fell apart. for god sakes we were each others first everything! i can't just go back to being your friend after six years like none of it even happened." you had to stop yourself from shouting at her, well aware that she was a public figure now and though the cafe behind you wasn't crowded, you never knew who was inside listening.
"you are putting words in my mouth. just-" "no alessia, i've spent too fucking long getting over you to fall back into the trap of caring again." you regretted the words from the moment they fell from your lips, cringing with a shake of your head.
"i need to go i'm sorry. i really didn't want to argue with you but i just-I can't do this with you again alessia, good luck with everything." you forced a pained smile, the strikers stomach plummeting as you reached out, your fingertips just ghosting hers sending a bolt of electricity up her arm at the feeble touch, hurrying off away before she could even open her mouth to respond.
it seemed your words had struck a chord as you didn't hear a single peep from the girl the entire week following, it had been days of radio silence between you both and you had spent the whole time convincing yourself that was what you wanted and it was for the best.
you weren't sure what alessia had said to her own mum but yours seemed to be relentless in pestering you about how catching up for coffee went, you once again dismissing that too much time had passed and it was awkward.
though the ever persistent woman didn't take the hint it wouldn't be happening again and had tried time after time to press you for more, and you'd taken to dodging her phone calls all week just to avoid the ongoing conversation.
on the bright side you'd made it through another week and you were settling in well to life back in london.
you'd found a favorite coffee spot for your much needed morning brew on the way to work, loved your new school and your class, had dinner and drinks last night with a few co-workers at a local tapas bar and genuinely enjoyed their company, you were on top of your workload and despite needing to currently dodge her you were enjoying living closer to family again.
however you were a creature of habit and so saturday nights were always your night to relish in your own company, recharge for the week and properly switch off. armed with a face mask, a chinese and a glass or bottle of wine at your side, finding some sort of trashy reality nonsense to engross yourself in for the evening.
your family knew this and knew to leave you be, your friends knew this and had long given up trying to drag you out with them unless it was for some sort of holiday or celebration, and your co-workers you'd only gone out with last night and weren't yet all that close to.
which is why it caught you so off guard for your phone to be ringing at half past eleven at night, you'd almost dozed off with a bowl of crisps in your lap, snapping to attention at the ringtone.
rubbing your eyes you fumbled around in the blankets adorning your body for your phone, eventually finding it and answering without looking at the contact, assuming at this time of night it was either an emergency or a scam.
how you regretted that choice.
"you actually answered!" you winced as a loud and very intoxicated voice slurred in excitement, holding the phone away from your ear at the unexpected volume, music pumping away and people laughing in the background.
"alessia?" "baby! what you doin?" the girl slurred and you could already imagine the dopey smile which would be plastered on her face at her words, and the way the corner of her eyes would crease as she squinted.
you grimaced at how much one simple word could cause years of healing to wash instantly away. one little baby and you were suddenly sixteen again, wrapped up in her strong arms sharing soft kisses and giggling about something that happened at school that day.
growing up alessia wasn't one to ever drink all that often given how much time and energy she invested into being an athlete. though on the rare occasions she did drink you quickly learnt the girl couldn't handle her alcohol.
she was a messy drunk to say the least and anytime a drop of alcohol passed her lips you'd abandon your own, knowing you needed to be there and sober to look after her.
"why are you calling me? and at...half past eleven at night." you sighed, collapsing back into the lounge and tiredly rubbing your eyes. "because i wasn't lying when i said i missed you." she laughed and you shook your head at her words.
"alessia you're drunk. i'm going now, please be safe." you tried to wrap up the conversation, knowing she'd likely be embarrassed about this when she sobered up tomorrow, finger hovering over the little red button to end the call then and there.
god how you wished you'd pressed it.
"wait! i'm really smashed and my friends all left me, i can't find them and i need to go home. i'm seeing double babe!" the blonde groaned and you heard a smash and some yelling, your eyebrows furrowing at the noise.
"call an uber home then, or get a taxi." you remanded firmly but softly, knowing that in times like this she needed things very clearly broke down for her.
"i don't know how! i can barely see my fucking phone screen, can you come and get me?" she continued as you withheld a groan, sharply pinching the bridge of your nose at the seemingly never ending flow of possibilities for whatever you answered next.
"where are you?"
"god what am i doing here?" you mumbled to yourself, insecurely playing with the strings of your hoodie, feeling incredibly under dressed as patrons of the bar you were stood outside of stumbled around with giggles and drunken cheers.
"y/n?" you turned at your name, frowning at the unfamiliar voice as your eyes finally landed on alessia, who was not alone. "oh wow it is you, hi?" lotte spoke in surprise, eyes wide as alessia cheered when she spotted you, you weren't particularly close to many of the girls football friends but that hadn't meant you'd not known or become fond of some of them over the years, lotte and ella in particular were two names who came to mind.
"baby you actually came!" alessia stumbled her way over with her heels in hand, wrenching her bicep away from lottes careful grip. she was dressed in blue jeans and a charcoal coloured knitted vest, toned arms on full display as a rolex which probably cost you a months salary glinted on her wrist under the streetlights.
you shoved her away as she placed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, but had no choice but to grab her hands and steady her to stop her from falling over right afterwards.
"i didn't know you two were..." lotte trailed off with an awkward pause of uncertainty as you quickly shook your head, smacking away alessia's hands which poked at and clung onto you.
"we're not anything. we caught up for coffee once and it didn't go well, and then she called me tonight saying she was drunk and her friends left her and she needed a lift home." you sighed at the realization you'd clearly been played, feeling stupidly gullible as you swallowed the urge to yell at the tall dopey blonde beside you who really you knew had minimal control over her actions right now.
"well she ran off for a bit when we changed bars but then we found her again, we were actually going to send her off home but we weren't sure if a taxi would even take her, she's had a few too many." lotte winced apologetically as you nodded along with a sigh, knowing exactly how the older girl behaved when she drank.
"russo has a secret missus?" a brunette with a thick irish accent shouldered her way to the front of the group, slinging an arm around lotte and you shifted somewhat uncomfortably as her eyes narrowed and scanned you up and down.
"used to, not anymore. she hates me now!" alessia rolled her eyes moodily and you winced, knowing that sober she wouldn't have likely confessed that, especially given how much the brunettes eyes widened at the new information.
"wouldn't have pegged you for the type to drunkenly dial an ex russo, i learn new things about ya every day. she's quite fit though!" the brunettes lips curled into a smile and you felt a hot flush creep up your neck.
"lay off mccabe!" alessia scowled as her arm draped over your shoulder and you grunted as her body weight bore into you, struggling to keep the taller girl upright.
"oo and you're also the jealous type are ya russo!" mccabe continued to wind the drunken blonde beside you up with a grin, another girl stepping in to drag her back to the group with an apologetic smile flicked your way.
"are you sure you're right with her? i can get her in a taxi." lotte offered sincerely, glancing over her shoulder as someone from her group yelled at her to hurry up.
"no its fine, don't let her ruin your night. i know she's ruined plenty of mine before with her drunken antics." you sighed sparing alessia a glance who scoffed and stumbled slightly as you grabbed her.
"did not!"
ignoring her you again urged lotte to join her friends, sending her a reassuring smile and bidding her a good night as you struggled to move alessia through the crowd of drunken party goers and won the street towards where you'd parked.
"for fuck sakes just get in you idiot!" you grunted as you all but shoved her into the passenger seat, clicking her seatbelt in and slamming the door shut.
"why me? why?" you looked up to the sky with a sigh of defeat, rubbing your temples for a second before moving around to the drivers side and sliding inside, wincing at the strong smell of alcohol wafting from the girl beside you.
"don't touch anything!" you swatted her hands away as she reached for the gearstick, sinking back into her chair with a huff. "you're so bossy now, you weren't this bossy before. you used to do whatever i told you!" alessia slurred with a roll of her eyes as you started up the car.
"yeah? well then it took me six years to grow a backbone. now where am i taking you?" "home." "well obviously alessia but i don't know where that is, do I?" "god can you stop that!" "pardon?" "the whole alessia thing, i hate the way you say it. call me less, or lessi, literally anything else!"
"just tell me where the hell im driving you so i can go to bed? please!" you sighed in frustration, looking at her expectantly. "fine. only if you agree to hang out with me again!" the blonde tilted her head at you, staring with half lidded eyes.
"that is not how this works. i'll kick you out right here and you can walk home!" "if i end up dead in a ditch cause you left me i don't think your mum or my mum would be very happy." "maybe not but you know what? you are no longer my problem to deal with or my mess to clean up anymore alessia. you're responsible for your own shitty choices and their consequences! like calling your ex and lying about your situation to come and get her to pick you up, and then trying to manipulate her into doing what you want." you exploded suddenly, hands balled into fists as you let out your pent up frustration at this entire messy situation.
there was a thick silence that followed afterward and you refused to look at her, feeling her eyes bore holes into the side of your head.
"god you look so good when you're angry."
you let out a groan, head thumping down onto your steering wheel in defeat. the comment took you right back again to being a lovesick teenager, alessia's blatantly charming cockiness both equally attractive as it was infuriating even back then.
"just please tell me where you live so i can take you there and be done with all of this." "um...i forget." "you forget? how the hell do you forget where you live!" "stop yelling at me i'm drunk! all i can think about is jager and vodka and tequila and-" "i don't need a walk through tour of the bar cart currently sitting in your stomach alessia. can you seriously not remember your address?" "nope." "give me your phone then, its gotta be saved in there somewhere."
you grabbed it out of her hands with a roll of your eyes when she refused to hand it over, but trying to open it was a fruitless activity as the screen remained black.
"its dead." alessia commented with a lopsided smile and you almost threw it out of your window. your fingers drummed the steering wheel trying desperately to think of a way out of this. you didn't have lottes number so that was out, and you couldn't just leave her here as tempting an idea as that was.
you didn't have any of her families numbers, you knew where she used to live with them but that was hardly close by and you didn't even know for certain if they'd moved or not, and you did not want to call your mum for support right now.
which painstakingly and infuriatingly left you with all but one option as you sighed and shifted your car into drive, pulling away from the curb.
"where are we goin?" "home."
"this is really nice babe!" alessia slurred as you stumbled through your front door precariously balancing the intoxicated footballer clinging onto you, kicking it closed behind you and tossing your keys on your hallway table.
"stop calling me that." you mumbled, dragging her into the living room and pushing her to sit down on your lounge as you rubbed your neck, which was throbbing from having to cart around the girl who was easily a foot taller than you, and being so drunk meant leaning her entire body weight into you.
"make me some food please." alessia demanded, head thumping back into the sofa as her eyes fluttered closed. "what do you think i'm your on call taxi driver and personal chef?" you scoffed, kicking her sharply in the leg to wake her back up as she whined at the action.
"the last thing you need is anything else in your system which could wind up on my floor later. are you sure you don't feel the need to be sick?" you asked for the fifth time this evening as the blonde nodded wordlessly.
"c'mere and gimme a cuddle baby girl." her lips curled into a dopey smile as she opened her arms expectantly, barely able to hold her own head up as your entire body cringed at the long familiar endearment.
"absolutely not, and stop calling me names. you're going to bed!" you refused, wishing the ground would swallow you up as alessia groaned.
"you're so stubborn, and so hot. i miss you!" the blonde slurred as you grabbed her hands, hauling her to her feet with a grunt and stumbling your way to the guest bedroom, sighing in relief as you dropped her onto the mattress.
"no you don't, you're drunk." you replied firmly, running a hand through your hair with a sigh. "i do! i have for years, the one that got away." alessia shrugged, arm flopping across her face as her eyes closed.
with a roll of your eyes you left her for a moment, hurrying across the hall to your own bedroom and grabbing out some clothes. she may right now be the most infuriating person on the planet but you weren't about to make her sleep in jeans.
you hated yourself for caring, why didn't you just ignore the phone earlier?
"jesus alessia." you sighed as you returned to find her with her jeans around her ankles and her vest stuck over her head, meaning you quickly averted your eyes from her half naked form.
"help! i've gone blind!" the blonde yelled and you bit your lip to stop the smile breaking out on your face, shaking your head firmly. "stop that, god you're useless." you couldn't help but chuckle as you helped her strip off the rest of her clothes, again careful your eyes only remained on her face.
"made you smile." alessia slurred with a stupidly attractive smirk, poking at you as you pulled a black baggy shirt over her head, handing her a pair of shorts which she promptly threw over her shoulder.
"alessia!" you huffed as she shrugged, mumbling something about sleeping naked as she rolled over and with much struggle managed to get into the bed.
"god you're a nightmare." you turned to leave her as a hand gripped at the back of your hoodie, firmly yanking you downwards.
"no! get off." you grunted, struggling to wrench her hand away as she attempted to pull you into a hug. "i want a hug! i'll probably never see you again." alessia whined needily as you continued to fight her.
"ohh you always did like when i touched you there." the blonde laughed as her hand accidentaly grazed your bum and your breath hitched momentarily before you pulled yourself free, shoving her back down into the bed.
"jesus christ alessia please shut up before you embarass yourself any further, the less i have to explain to you tomorrow the better." you flared your nostrils and took a deep breath, counting to three and turning away.
"where you goin?" "to bed alessia, go to sleep." "isn't this your bed?" "no this is my guest bedroom, not that i can even really call you that given i had no choice in you staying here." "you can afford a two bedroom flat on a teachers salary? wow baby you're doing good!" "please stop calling me that, now go to sleep." "can't we cuddle? for old times sake, friends cuddle!" "we're not friends." "ouch, way to land a blow babe." "i told you to stop calling me that, now please just go to sleep."
part four
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kykyonthemoon · 21 days
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A girl. Two moons. Revolving.
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── .✦ Xavier x MC (Reader) x Rafayel
── .✦ Tags: high school AU, love triangle, open ending with a bit sadness, light angst, female reader, no y/n, inspired by music
── .✦ Word count: 1k4
── .✦ Ky Ky's notes: This fic was inspired by the song Bittersweet (WONWOO X MINGYU ft. Lee Hi).
Requested anonymously.
── .✦ Masterlist ♡ Request a fic - closed for the time being.
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"I'm leaving."
The girl's voice echoed in the wind on the vacant hill. The sky above was filled with innumerable stars. Raising her hands high, she was trying to hold them back for herself. This sky. This place. This friendship.
The two boys stood close to her yet a step apart, exchanged short glances before returning their focus to her.
"I've decided to study abroad."
That was all. She called them both to their regular meeting place, and the three of them raced up the hill. That place held the memories of all three.
Back in high school, they used to sprint up the hill after school to watch the sunset. She alone, and two moons. Ones who chased and one who ran. It had been more than three years since.
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"Xavier. Here you go.
The girl handed out a bottle of filtered water to Xavier. He accepted it, his other hand carrying a clean towel to wipe the sweat off his forehead.
"Thank you."
She grinned. At that time, a group of other female students walked by, covertly looking at Xavier and then giggling at each other.
"Look how famous our class president is." She said with a bit of teasing. "You excel at studies and know how to play sports. How many love letters have you received since the start of the year?"
"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xavier responded. He stared at the girl in front of him, who was smiling and teasing him. She was as bright as if all the warm sunshine in the world was gathered in her smile.
They were classmates. She sat at the desk in front of Xavier. He had always been watching her from behind, in secret.
"Xavier, help me with this homework!"
"Can Xavier help me with my class duty today?"
"Wait for me to come home with you!"
She was usually loud, bouncing around in front of his eyes. When did Xavier realize he liked her that much? Perhaps it was late that afternoon, after the school day had ended, yet she was still sitting in her seat.
Xavier just took a long nap. He had dreams about a certain world, when he could practice swordsmanship with her in the blue flower fields, and even travel among the stars. When he awoke, the whole class had departed, leaving her the sole one reading a book. Her little physique obscured the sunset light from the window for him.
"Is it already that late?"
Xavier rubbed his eyes. She turned and grinned. "Yes. Seeing you sleeping so soundly, I didn't have the heart to wake you up."
"Sorry… "Why didn't you go home first?"
She tilted her head. The aroma of flowers and grass filled the classroom as the breeze swept in.
"If I go back first, you would most likely wake up feeling lonely, as if the entire world has abandoned you. Isn't that true?"
Her cheeks faintly blushed the color of sunset. Xavier could only gaze at her in silence for a long time. If possible, was he allowed to touch her?
"I don't want Xavier to feel abandoned." She rose up and put the book in her bag. "Come home with me."
Their houses were in the same direction. After becoming friends, the two frequently headed home together. There was also a snack shop on the road that she adored. She always lingered there for a bit before going home, arms full of sweets like a toddler.
"For you." She poured chocolate wrapped in yellow paper into Xavier's palms. They resembled moons, stars, and even spherical planets.
"If you like, I'll try making chocolate for you." He replied, but the girl erupted into laughter.
"I appreciate your kindness, but you should stay away from all the kitchens. Last time I came to your house, we almost burned it down.”
Xavier rubbed his head. She grasped his arm and enthusiastically remarked: 
"It's okay! Next time,  I will make cakes and bring them to you!” 
A small amount of warmth remained on Xavier's arm, making him feel fluttery inside. The road stretched straight and long. He prayed it would never stop so he could always be with her.
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Rafayel transferred from another school in the second semester of that year and became a classmate seated next to her. Because he was a newcomer, he greatly appreciated her friendliness and enthusiasm. She toured him around the school and the surrounding area, where she frequently socialized with friends. With her companionship, he no longer felt scared or lonely in his fresh surroundings.
Rafayel and she joined the art club together. Her artwork was not exceptional, so she frequently sought him for help. Weekend painting sessions made Rafayel the happiest since he could witness her confusion, her attentiveness, and sometimes, her wrath while drawing. He simply smirked at moments like that. When she found out, she became enraged and "accidentally" used her brush to create a line on his cheek.
"Hey, my face is not your canvas!"
"Rafayel, please concentrate on sketching. Don't speak and disturb the entire group!" She leaned over and whispered to him. Rafayel grimaced and wiped the paint from his cheek, but it simply smeared further. She laughed.
"Let me clean it for you."
She took out a tissue and dabbed it on his face. His deep pink and blue-ish eyes seemed to be drawn to her.
Despite the fact that he only recently moved here, Rafayel immediately became well-known at school for his drawing and singing abilities. But in his eyes, there was only one girl he wished to be with.
After the art group activities, it began to rain. Rafayel spotted her standing alone on the porch, gazing up at the overcast sky. Her palm extended out to collect the new drops of water that fell from above. He approached her and asked:
“Didn't you bring an umbrella?” 
She shook her head. 
“Me neither.” Rafayel replied, his hand reaching into his bag, pushing the umbrella deep to the bottom. 
“Then we have to stand here a little longer.” She shrugged. And he smiled. Standing next to her, no matter how long it took, he would not mind.
A moment later, the rain ceased. The sun began to rise again. She turned to Rafayel and said:
"We can go home now."
"It's still raining lightly." Rafayel extended one hand out over the porch.
"Nah, it's okay." She responded. Then she dashed out, grabbed Rafayel's hand, and pulled him away. "This light rain won't make you sick!"
Her laughs were crisp, mixed with the sound of the raindrops. Warm sunshine pierced the transparent curtain of water. Rafayel called out: 
"Wait for me!"
At that moment, when the two linked hands and played together in the rain before rushing towards the rainbow, perhaps Rafayel had captured the most beautiful thing this world had to offer.
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Two moons revolved around her world.
Because of her, Xavier and Rafayel became friends. They regularly strolled together after school to the nearby hill. The place witnessed many moments of happiness between the three, watched their friendship bloom, and nourished the two boys' quiet affection for her. There were times when either Xavier or Rafayel wanted to confess their feelings to her but could not dare. The relationship between them was so beautiful that it could not be exchanged for anything else.
Both Xavier and Rafayel understood how much the other adored her. This made their situation much more complicated. Aside from being each other's rivals, they both treasured their friendship. As a result, each of them was waiting for someone to speak first, so that the story between the three would have a clear ending. Nobody expected that the person who put an end to it would be her.
After she left the hill, the two guys remained standing next to each other. For a very long time. The girl they loved was leaving, and when she returned, nothing would be the same again. 
Rafayel turned to face Xavier and gently nudged his arm. 
“Let's go home.”
"Yeah. Let's." Xavier responded. They had long ago resolved in their hearts that their affections for her should remain concealed forever. That was the best for all three of them.
Xavier and Rafayel strolled merrily down the hill, grasping one other's shoulders. The wind blew. Sunset slipped away. Each of them had their own concerns, which they could only be able to convey in the future.
-The end- 
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Unveiling Secrets
➥ summary: Class 1A discovers something new about their class president
➥ Tenya Iida x Reader
➥ one shot
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Within the bustling halls of U.A. High School, Class 1-A buzzed with activity, a vibrant group of young heroes-in-training. Among them, Tenya Iida stood as a beacon of discipline and focus, always the embodiment of a model student. Yet, unknown to his classmates, his heart held a secret—an unspoken connection that would soon come to light.
The morning sun cast its golden glow through the classroom windows as Class 1-A settled into their seats, eagerly awaiting the start of another day of training and learning. As the room hummed with anticipation, the door swung open, and a figure stepped inside.
All eyes turned towards the newcomer, surprise etched upon their faces. It was (Y/N), a second-year student, her presence adding an air of intrigue to the room. Tenya, taken aback by her sudden arrival, couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Ochaco Uraraka, her eyes wide with curiosity, spoke up first. "Since when did you have a girlfriend, Iida?"
Tenya's cheeks flushed with a hint of embarrassment, but he held his composure, his voice steady. "Actually, (Y/N) is my fiancée."
Gasps filled the room as Tenya's revelation sank in. The concept of an arranged marriage within their class seemed almost surreal, yet the truth of their connection began to take shape. The air crackled with a mix of shock, excitement, and a touch of envy.
Izuku Midoriya, his eyes shining with admiration, couldn't help but ask, "How did you meet, Iida? And how did your relationship come to be?"
Tenya smiled warmly, his gaze shifting towards (Y/N). "We were paired together since we were children, destined to be married to strengthen the bond between our families. But as we grew older, our feelings blossomed into something deeper. We realized that our connection went beyond duty and tradition. We fell in love."
Momo Yaoyorozu, her voice filled with awe, couldn't hide her fascination. "That's incredible, Iida. To have a love that's both rooted in tradition and genuine affection—it's truly something special."
(Y/N) stepped forward, her presence commanding attention. "Our relationship has been a journey of growth and understanding. We've learned to navigate the expectations placed upon us while honoring our individual desires and aspirations. Together, we support and encourage each other to become the best versions of ourselves."
As the realization settled upon the class, they exchanged glances filled with newfound respect. The concept of love, rooted in tradition yet blossoming with genuine emotion, was a testament to the complexities of the heart. Tenya and (Y/N) showcased a deep understanding and commitment, proving that love could evolve beyond initial circumstances.
Eijiro Kirishima, his voice filled with admiration, spoke up. "Iida, you've always been a model of discipline and focus. It's inspiring to see that even within the constraints of an arranged marriage, you've found a love that's true to your own hearts."
Tenya nodded, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Kirishima. Our relationship has taught me the importance of staying true to myself while embracing the responsibilities that come with my family's traditions. It's a delicate balance, but (Y/N) has been my rock throughout it all."
The class, their initial shock giving way to understanding and acceptance, shared a collective moment of reflection. They realized that love could take many forms, and Tenya and (Y/N)'s connection was a testament to the depth of emotions that could develop even under the weight of expectations.
As the day progressed, the students of Class 1-A forged a newfound bond of respect for Tenya and (Y/N). They understood that love could be a powerful force, capable of transcending societal norms and traditions. It was a reminder that their own journey of self-discovery included not only becoming heroes but also nurturing the relationships that held importance in their lives.
And so, within the walls of U.A. High School, Class 1-A continued their journey, their hearts enriched by the understanding that love was a vast tapestry of emotions, intertwining duty and genuine affection. As they honed their powers and skills, they also learned the importance of nurturing the bonds that connected them, cherishing the complexity and beauty of love in all its forms.
And in the heart of it all, Tenya and (Y/N) stood as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that even within the constraints of an arranged marriage, love could flourish and ignite the brightest flames in their hearts.
Time had flown swiftly, carrying Class 1-A into their second year at U.A. High School. The vibrant group of aspiring heroes had grown both individually and as a team, their bonds strengthening with each passing day. Amidst this bustling atmosphere, (Y/N) had become a third-year student, poised to embark on her own journey of growth and discovery.
On a bright and bustling day, (Y/N) found herself standing before the classroom where Tenya and his classmates convened. A smile played upon her lips as she clutched a carefully prepared bento, a tangible representation of her enduring love and support for Tenya.
As (Y/N) entered the room, the class turned their attention toward her, their curiosity piqued by her arrival. Tenya, his gaze meeting hers, felt a rush of warmth spread through his chest.
Ochaco Uraraka, her eyes wide with anticipation, couldn't help but blurt out, "Hey, (Y/N)! It's been a while. What brings you here today?"
(Y/N)'s smile widened as she held up the bento box. "I made this for Tenya. It's a small gesture to show my support and love."
Tenya's eyes sparkled with a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, (Y/N). I appreciate your thoughtfulness."
As Tenya accepted the bento, the class watched with a mix of awe and curiosity. Their intrigue had grown since learning about Tenya and (Y/N)'s arranged marriage, and witnessing the continuation of their traditions was both fascinating and heartwarming.
Mina Ashido, her voice filled with excitement, couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Tell us, (Y/N), what's it like being in an arranged marriage? How do you navigate the balance between tradition and your own desires?"
(Y/N) took a moment to gather her thoughts, her eyes filled with a mix of nostalgia and determination. "It's a journey of self-discovery, Mina. Our arranged marriage has been both a challenge and a gift. We've learned to find our own voices within the framework of our families' expectations. It's about cherishing tradition while staying true to ourselves."
Izuku Midoriya, his eyes filled with admiration, spoke up. "It sounds like you both have grown so much. Your love is inspiring, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) nodded, her voice gentle yet resolute. "Love is an ever-evolving journey, Izuku. We're constantly learning, adjusting, and supporting each other through it all. Our shared values and commitment to one another keep us grounded."
As the conversation continued, Class 1-A listened with rapt attention, captivated by (Y/N)'s insights into their unique relationship. They realized that love had no set path, and its manifestations were as diverse as the individuals experiencing it.
Shoto Todoroki, his gaze thoughtful, interjected, "Do you ever feel constrained by the expectations placed upon you, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) met Shoto's gaze, her voice tinged with honesty. "At times, it can be challenging, Shoto. There are moments when the weight of tradition feels heavy. But love is about growth, and our relationship has allowed us to redefine our roles, navigate the complexities, and carve our own path within the arrangement."
Momo Yaoyorozu, her voice filled with admiration, spoke softly. "You both truly embody the spirit of heroes, embracing challenges head-on while remaining true to yourselves."
(Y/N) smiled, her heart warmed by their words. "Thank you, Momo. We strive to be the best versions of ourselves, not just for each other but for the world we wish to protect."
As the classroom settled into a comfortable silence, (Y/N) took her leave, bidding farewell to the class and leaving Tenya with the bento. She left behind a sense of awe and inspiration, her visit a reminder that love could transcend societal expectations and empower individuals to create their own narratives.
Tenya, holding the bento close to his heart, gazed at the doorway, contemplating the love and support he had found in (Y/N). Their bond, forged through tradition and nurtured by their own commitment, had shaped their journey in unexpected and beautiful ways.
Class 1-A, now even more aware of the depth of Tenya and (Y/N)'s love, exchanged glances filled with newfound respect and understanding. They had witnessed firsthand the power of tradition, the beauty of love, and the unbreakable spirit of their classmate.
And as they continued their second year at U.A. High School, the students of Class 1-A carried within them the lessons of (Y/N)'s visit—cherishing tradition while forging their own paths, embracing love in all its forms, and allowing their relationships to shape their journeys as aspiring heroes.
For within the halls of U.A. High School, the heroes of tomorrow learned that strength lay not only in their quirks but also in the love and support they offered one another. With (Y/N) as an emblem of the enduring power of love, Class 1-A embarked on their path, united by bonds that surpassed expectations and embraced the beauty of shared traditions and new beginnings.
Time had flown swiftly, carrying Class 1-A into their third and final year at U.A. High School. The once-inexperienced heroes had evolved into formidable individuals, their dreams and aspirations within reach. Amidst this season of growth and transition, Tenya and (Y/N) prepared for a momentous occasion—their upcoming wedding.
In the common room of the dorms, a table was adorned with wedding magazines, fabric swatches, and carefully crafted invitations. Tenya and (Y/N) sat side by side, their eyes sparkling with excitement and anticipation. They were lost in a world of plans and possibilities, weaving their dreams into reality.
As they pored over the details of their special day, the door swung open, and the members of Class 1-A filed into the room. Surprise filled their eyes as they took in the scene before them—a tableau of love, dedication, and commitment.
Izuku Midoriya, his voice filled with awe, was the first to speak. "Tenya, (Y/N), I didn't realize you were planning your wedding already. Congratulations!"
Tenya's cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and slight embarrassment. "Thank you, Midoriya. We've been making preparations over the past few months, taking the time to ensure every detail reflects our shared vision."
Mina Ashido, her eyes wide with anticipation, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Can we help? We'd love to be a part of your special day!"
(Y/N) beamed, her heart touched by the support from their friends. "That would mean the world to us, Mina. We'd be grateful for any assistance you can offer."
As the class gathered around the table, the room filled with excitement and the scent of love in the air. The students eagerly poured over magazines, discussing ideas and sharing their own suggestions.
Ochaco Uraraka, her voice filled with enthusiasm, held up a fabric swatch. "What about this color for the bridesmaid dresses? It would complement the theme so well!"
Tenya and (Y/N) exchanged glances, their hearts swelling with gratitude. Their friends' involvement in their special day only deepened their appreciation for the bonds they had formed at U.A. High School.
Eijiro Kirishima, his voice filled with determination, chimed in, "We'll make sure your wedding day is as memorable as possible, Iida. We're a team, after all!"
Tenya's voice carried a mix of gratitude and sincerity. "Thank you, Kirishima. Your unwavering support means the world to us. Our wedding day will be a testament to the bonds we've formed at U.A."
As the planning continued, the students of Class 1-A took on various tasks, each contributing their own unique talents. Momo Yaoyorozu lent her keen eye for design, crafting elegant decorations, while Katsuki Bakugo tackled the task of organizing the explosive wedding fireworks.
Days turned into weeks, and the wedding day drew closer. The dorms became a flurry of activity as Class 1-A dedicated themselves to ensuring every detail was perfect.
On the day of the wedding, the air buzzed with anticipation and joy. The U.A. High School campus was adorned with flowers, and the chapel stood as a symbol of love and unity. Class 1-A stood proudly as witnesses and supporters, their hearts filled with love for their dear friends.
As the ceremony commenced, (Y/N) walked down the aisle, her radiant smile capturing Tenya's heart once more. Tenya stood at the altar, his eyes fixed on (Y/N) as she made her way towards him. Their love shone brightly, a beacon of hope and devotion.
The vows they exchanged were heartfelt and sincere, evoking tears of joy from the gathered friends and family. The couple sealed their union with a kiss, their love celebrated by the cheers and applause of those around them.
As the reception unfolded, the students of Class 1-A reveled in the joyous atmosphere. They danced, laughed, and shared heartfelt moments with one another. The bond they had forged over the years had only grown stronger, and the celebration of Tenya and (Y/N)'s love served as a reminder of the power of friendship and unwavering support.
Amidst the festivities, Tenya and (Y/N) took a moment to steal away, finding solace in each other's arms. They looked out at their friends, their family, and their journey at U.A. High School, overwhelmed with gratitude for the love that surrounded them.
Tenya's voice held a mix of emotion as he whispered, "Thank you, (Y/N). Our love has overcome challenges and surpassed expectations. I am forever grateful for your unwavering support."
(Y/N) smiled, her gaze filled with love and tenderness. "And I, Tenya, am forever grateful for your dedication and the love we share. Our journey has been a testament to the power of love and the strength of our bond."
And so, within the halls of U.A. High School, a love story unfolded, entwined with friendship and support. Class 1-A celebrated the eternal bond between Tenya and (Y/N), a testament to the enduring power of love and the beauty of shared dreams.
As they danced the night away, the students of Class 1-A reveled in the joy of their friends' happiness, knowing that love, unity, and the bonds they had forged at U.A. would forever shape their lives as heroes.
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sofiascripts · 1 month
meet the band!
mha band au (lemonade mouth elements) // eventual bakugou x reader
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★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆ striking a chord!
how did our rising stars end up in detention together in the first place?
ׂ╰┈➤ no warnings! unless monoma is a warning?
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✩ bakugou the hot head drummer
a couple of days before the first day of school, the ua varsity soccer team was back on the field for their final summer practice. the atmosphere was a mix of excitement and dread; some students were eager to take on their last year of high school, while others, like kaminari, were wishing for just a little more of that summer freedom.
“cmon guys, don’t you just want a couple more weeks, maybe even a few more days of that summer lovin?” which only earned him a loud smack on the back of the neck.
“you don’t get any ‘lovin.’ period.”
the team had cycled through a series of drills, focusing both on individual skills and group work. the latter putting bakugou in a particularly irritable mood. paired with neito monoma for what felt like an eternity, bakugou's frustration was palpable. the two were always at odds, and today was no exception.
“dammit, monoma! you think you’re hot shit!” bakugou’s voice cut through the air, his glare fixed on the cocky blonde. his teammates, used to bakugou’s fiery outbursts, continued to do their own things, but kirishima and kaminari exchanged concerned glances, sensing an unusual tension in the air.
monoma, unfazed, continued passing the ball around with a few of his friends, only casting a smirk in bakugou's direction. this only fueled bakugou’s rage. striding across the field, he snatched the ball away from monoma with a snarl. only then did monoma decide to humor him. “maybe if your head wasn’t so far up your own ass, you’d actually see what’s happening around you!”
bakugou’s anger flared. his face reddened, and his muscles tensed and before him, or anyone else on the field knew it, the soccer ball was moving through the air like a bullet. monoma, ever the showboat, anticipated the move and ducked with a self-satisfied smirk.
the ball soared through the open air where monoma once was towards the figure who had just arrived to oversee the practice—all might, their imposing coach.
all might was too focused on his clipboard, oblivious to the brewing storm on the field, just stood there humming along to the music while the others stood in shock as the ball hurtled towards him. as the ball approached, time seemed to move even slower. bakugou watched in horror as all might slowly looked up, his eyes widening in surprise. the entire field fell silent, waiting for the inevitable.
the ball struck all might with a solid thud, sending him sprawling to the ground in a comical yet painful tumble. the entire practice field fell into stunned silence before erupting into gasps and nervous laughter. kaminari, unable to contain his amusement, burst into loud laughter. kirishima, trying to stifle his own chuckles, clapped a hand over kaminari’s mouth, but his efforts failed miserably.
bakugou’s face went white while his eyes widened in horror as he realized what had happened. he rushed over to all might, his usually angry demeanor faltering in the face of genuine concern. “shit! i didn’t mean to—”
“all might,— you— okay?” kaminari called out in between the laughs.
all might, ever the hero, brushed off the incident with his characteristic grin, though he winced slightly. “no harm done, young bakugou. but i must say, you’re quite the force to be reckoned with!”
the coach’s attempt to lighten the mood did little to quell the embarrassment bakugou felt. he could see the smirks on the faces of his peers, especially monoma’s, who had a front row seat to the scene, his face holding a self-satisfied expression.
as practice came to a close, the students began to pack up. bakugou was quick to shove his belongings into his bag with the intentions of making a quick escape but it was no use, all might quickly intercepted him with his bright smile and pulled bakugou aside. “katsuki, i need to talk to you about your behavior today.”
bakugou’s heart sank. he had hoped that his outburst would be brushed off as a minor incident, but the stern look on all might’s face made it clear that wasn’t going to happen.
“your actions today were reckless,” all might continued. “you may be a talented student, but you need to learn how to manage your temper. i’m afraid i’m going to have to give you detention.”
bakugou’s face twisted with frustration. “detention? for what? you were fine!”
“all might’s right, bakugou,” kirishima chimed in, trying to sound supportive. “you’ve got to work on staying calm, man. remember what we talked about—keeping your cool this year.”
kaminari, standing next to kirishima, nodded in agreement. “yeah, i told you to try to stay calm. you’re lucky all might’s not too mad about it.”
“why the hell are you two butting in?” bakugou fumed, turning his head away.
before he could lash out at his friends, a light blue slip with the word “detention” was slapped into his hand. he spun around, but all might was already rushing through the students and into the safety of the school.
kirishima and kaminari’s laughter followed him, their voices mixed with sympathy and amusement. bakugou stared at the blue slip, a wave of dread crashing over him. out of the corner of his eye, he saw monoma and his friends already staring at him with smug looks on their faces.
this was going to be a long year.
✩ kaminari our silly guitarist and rapper?
the first day of school at u.a. high school had brought its share of excitement and chaos. among the various dramas unfolding, denki kaminari was trying to navigate the simplest yet most pressing dilemma of his day: an urgent need to use the restroom.
as he stood by his friend sero, who was watching bakugou’s post-detention grumbling with a mix of sympathy and amusement, sero sighed. “damn. that must be harsh.”
kaminari shrugged, “well, it was bound to happen. kids got the looks and grades but his social skills are nothing short of fla—”
his words were cut off by the sharp ring of the school bell, signaling the start of the next period. “gotta run,” he quickly said, waving goodbye to sero before slipping into his first period class.
the classroom was a typical setup for a math class: desks neatly arranged, a whiteboard at the front, and a clock ticking ominously on the wall. kaminari plopped himself down in his assigned seat, desperately trying to focus on the worksheet in front of him. his concentration, however, was challenged by the urgent pressure in his bladder.
he raised his hand, and the teacher, ms. midnight, looked up from her desk, where she was marking papers. “yes, kaminari?”
“can i use the restroom?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady. the situation was becoming dire.
ms. midnight gave him a stern look. “no, not right now. class is almost over. you can wait fifteen more minutes.”
kaminari’s eyes widened in panic. “i don’t think i can handle another fifteen minutes!” he protested with a strained smile.
“after class,” ms. midnight insisted, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.
a deep sigh escaped kaminari as he turned back to his paper. the numbers and equations on the worksheet blurred together, replaced by a flood of mental images of water fountains, oceans, and rivers. his pencil tapped furiously against the desk, a testament to his growing agitation.
the clock on the wall seemed to mock him.
his tapping grew more erratic as he stole glances at the clock. he shifted in his seat, trying to focus on the textbook, but all he could think about was the increasing pressure in his lower abdomen. he turned to the door, slightly ajar, a beacon of hope.
kaminari’s tapping reached a frenzied pace. the surrounding students noticed his discomfort. his face turned increasingly red and the faint grumbling of his frustration could be heard throughout the classroom.
ignoring the teacher’s disapproving glance, kaminari’s resolve crumbled. the clock ticked mercilessly, and he saw only a blur of movement and the faint sound of his teacher’s voice as he bolted out of his seat.
the loud screech of his chair echoed through the classroom, followed by the unmistakable thud of his hurried footsteps. “sorry, gotta go!” kaminari shouted as he dashed out, barely making it through the door.
minutes later, kaminari returned, looking considerably more relieved but also noticeably red-faced. ms. midnight greeted him with an unimpressed glare and a slip of paper.
“detention,” she said flatly, handing him the small slip. it bore the same stark ‘detention’ label at the top, accompanied by the reason: “disruption and disrespect.”
kaminari’s shoulders slumped as he trudged back to his seat, the slip of paper in hand. he caught sight of shinsou, who had been observing the commotion with his usual detached expression, and even he couldn't suppress a small, amused smirk.
at the end of the day, as the students filed out of their classrooms, kaminari joined bakugou in the hallway, both of them holding their own detention slips.
“looks like we’re in for an exciting
✩ jirou the reason our favorite band exists and lead guitarist
the school day was progressing smoothly for most of class 1-a. as students settled into their routines, their minds were preoccupied with the usual high school concerns: homework, upcoming tests, and, for some, avoiding trouble. for jirou, however, it was an entirely different story.
after about fifteen minutes into the lecture, jirou had quietly slipped out of her history class, claiming she needed to use the restroom. instead, she made her way down the dimly lit hallways. she made a quick stop at her locker to grab her awkwardly lodged guitar case and slung it over her shoulder. she had a song stuck in her head, and she needed to get it down before it faded away.
her destination: a seldom-used janitor’s closet on the far end of the school. it wasn’t ideal, but it was private, and that was all she needed. as she entered the closet and closed the door behind her, she was greeted by the faint scent of cleaning supplies and the cramped space that would become her temporary studio.
jirou set up her makeshift workstation amidst the mops and buckets, carefully pulling out her guitar and notebook. she started to strum softly, losing herself in the melody as she jotted down notes. the music flowed effortlessly, and for a few precious minutes, she was completely immersed in her world.
but the tranquility was short-lived. the narrow space of the closet meant that even the smallest movement seemed magnified. as jirou leaned over to grab a pencil, her elbow knocked over a can of disinfectant. the loud clang it made against the concrete floor shattered the silence.
“damn it,” jirou muttered under her breath. she quickly bent down to pick up the can, but in her haste, she accidentally bumped into a stack of old cleaning rags. they toppled over with a cascade of muffled thuds.
the noise grew louder, more chaotic, until it could no longer be ignored. it didn’t take long for ms. midnight, who had been passing by and had heard the commotion, to investigate. the door to the janitor’s closet creaked open just as jirou was trying to contain the mess.
“is someone in there?” ms. midnight called out, peering into the cluttered closet.
caught off guard, jirou froze, her guitar still in hand. “uh, just a second!”
but it was too late. ms. midnight pushed the door open fully, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the sight before her: jirou standing amidst a sea of cleaning supplies, her guitar case and notebook strewn around the floor.
“what on earth is going on here?” ms. midnight’s voice was a mixture of disbelief and irritation.
jirou stood up, trying to regain her composure. “i was just… practicing some music,” she stammered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
ms. midnight’s eyebrows shot up. “skipping class to practice music? and making this mess in the process?”
jirou bit her lip, realizing how poorly this looked. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”
ms. midnight sighed deeply. “well, the fact remains that you’ve disrupted the school day and created quite a mess. i’ll have to give you detention for this.”
jirou’s heart sank. detention was the last thing she wanted, especially for something as personal as her music. but she knew there was no point in arguing.
but she still tried.
“three days.”
✩ shinsou tired bassist
the first morning of the new school year was a whirlwind of activity and unexpected twists. for hitoshi shinsou, it began with an overabundance of boredom.
shinsou had always found history class to be less than riveting. his teacher, mr. aizawa, droned on about ancient civilizations with the same enthusiasm one might reserve for watching paint dry. the steady hum of his voice, combined with the monotony of the lesson, made it almost impossible for shinsou to stay awake.
seated at the back of the classroom, shinsou’s head slowly drooped as mr. aizawa’s lecture continued. his eyelids grew heavier with each passing minute, and before long, he had slipped into a light slumber, his head resting on his folded arms.
it wasn’t long before the classroom's ambient noises—students shifting in their seats, the occasional whisper—blended into a comforting backdrop for shinsou’s nap. he was blissfully unaware of the world around him until the sound of mr. aizawa’s voice cut through his dreamlike haze.
the sudden sharpness of mr. aizawa’s tone jolted shinsou awake. he blinked groggily and looked around, his confusion quickly turning to realization as he saw mr. aizawa standing over him, a mix of annoyance and exasperation on his face.
“sleeping in class?” mr. aizawa’s voice carried a note of disbelief. “on the very first day?”
shinsou rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. “sorry, mr. aizawa,” he mumbled, sitting up straight. “i didn’t mean to—”
“you didn’t mean to fall asleep, i get it,” mr. aizawa interrupted. “but it’s disruptive, and it’s not acceptable. i’ll be assigning you detention for this.”
shinsou’s shoulders sagged as he accepted the slip of paper handed to him, marked with the dreaded word ‘detention’ at the top and ‘sleeping in class’ as the reason. he glanced around the classroom, noting the curious stares from his classmates. kirishima, in particular, was trying to stifle a laugh, which only added to shinsou’s embarrassment.
as the bell rang, signaling the end of the period, shinsou gathered his things with a sense of resignation. he had hoped to start the year on a better note, but now he was faced with an additional task: serving detention. the day’s events were shaping up to be a test of his patience.
speaking of.
“looks like we’re forming a detention club, huh?” kaminari piped with a playful nudge.
shinsou gave him a dry look. “very funny.”
✩ momo lovely keyboard-ist (is that a thing...)
the morning chaos at u.a. high school continued as the lunch bell rang, offering a brief respite from the day’s earlier commotion. momo yaoyorozu and her friends—mina, and jirou—moved through the bustling hallways toward the cafeteria, their spirits high despite the morning’s events.
“i can’t believe those two idiots from the soccer team managed to get detention on our first day back,” jirou said while shaking her head with a grin on her face.
“didn’t you get detention too?” mina asked raising a brow.
“did you guys hear about shinsou?” mina only shook her head before probing further, asking what had happened to their classmate. jirou quickly shared what she had heard and this caused momo to join in with an odd look on her face.
“that’s rich.” she mumbled, her tone clearly angry.
“what do you mean?”
“i had him last year, all he did was sleep through the class and hand out harsh grades. i can’t believe he’s still like that after all the complaints he received.”
the three continued walking, unaware of the figure trailing behind them. momo’s tone grew more animated as she continued, her voice dripping with disdain. “honestly, it’s laughable. he acts like he’s so superior, but all he does is slouch around. it’s like he’s got some sort of complex. how does someone like that even end up in a teaching position?”
jirou and mina exchanged amused glances, their laughter bubbling up as they enjoyed momo’s rant.
however, before she could continue, a voice cut through the conversation. “it’s quite an interesting perspective, ms. yaoyorozu.”
the trio froze, turning slowly to find mr. aizawa standing right behind them, his expression inscrutable. the shock on momo’s face was clear as she realized who she had been bad-mouthing had been right behind them the whole time. jirou and mina stifled their laughter, their eyes wide with a mix of surprise and amusement.
aizawa’s gaze was stern. “since you seem to have such strong opinions about my approach to teaching, perhaps you’d benefit from spending some extra time observing it with your fellow peers. welcome to the detention club.”
momo’s mouth dropped open as she tried to stammer a response. “i-i didn’t mean—”
aizawa cut her off with a raised hand. “detention. room 2b after school.”
as aizawa turned and walked away, jirou and mina burst into laughter, their voices echoing down the hall. “wow, momo, you really made an impression,” jirou teased, clearly enjoying the turn of events.
momo, still in shock, could barely manage a weak smile as she glanced at her friends. “great, just what i needed.”
✩ y/n our sweet and pretty little lead singer and monomas biggest opp
the cafeteria hummed with the usual noise of students chatting and laughing as you stood in line at the vending machine. frustration bubbled inside you, eager to grab some pretzels and a drink to lift your mood. the line seemed to be moving incredibly slow, which only added to your irritation.
as you glanced forward, you noticed that the hold-up was caused by monoma, who was leaning casually against the vending machine, his arm wrapped around a blonde girl. you blink and once again noticed that the hold-up was caused by monoma. your monoma. your monoma who was leaning casually against the vending machine, his arm wrapped around a blonde girl. your heart dropped as you saw them laughing together, clearly enjoying each other’s company. your breath caught in your throat as you watched monoma plant a kiss on the girl’s cheek.
“what,” you muttered under your breath, trying to convince yourself you didn’t just witness that. you quickly ducked behind the rough-looking blonde in front of you, your hands shaking slightly. you thought over what you just saw one last time before deciding to peek again. maybe it wasn’t monoma!
peeking around the corner, your worst fears were confirmed. the blonde girl was still clinging to monoma, her smile wide. a surge of anger and betrayal welled up inside you. without thinking, you grabbed the bottle of lemonade from the blonde in front of you—none other than bakugou. his face was already twisted in a scowl.
“hey, what the hell—?” bakugou began, but you were already moving. you stormed over to where monoma was standing and without hesitation, you threw the drink at them. the bright yellow liquid exploded across their clothes, dripping down and staining them both.
monoma’s eyes widened in shock as the lemonade soaked him and the girl. the cafeteria erupted into laughter and cheers, students clapping and shouting in amusement. kirishima and kaminari were among the loudest, their voices easily heard over the sea of students.
you stood there for a moment, the gravity of your actions slowly sinking in, but you chose to ignore them as you turned to leave, feeling a rush of adrenaline and a sense of liberation. however, it was quickly cut short.
“y/n y/l. detention.”
you froze mid-step and turned to see mr. aizawa standing with a tired look on his face. the teacher had clearly witnessed the whole scene and was not pleased.
“you’ve caused a disturbance and disrespected others,” mr. aizawa said, handing over the slip. you took the slip with a mix of frustration and resignation. you glanced back at monoma, who was still trying to wipe lemonade from his clothes, his face a mix of confusion and anger.
you look down at the little slip of paper and the word “detention” is boldly printed at the top, with “disruption and property damage” written underneath.
“property damage wh—” to your luck, mr. aizawa is already gone.
“you’re kidding me,” you mutter, your voice tinged with disbelief. you sigh, your mood dampened by the unexpected turn of events. as you prepare to leave the cafeteria, you feel a hand on your shoulder. turning, you see bakugou, his eyes wild and a strained smile plastered on his face—it was clearly not his day either.
“you owe me a drink.”
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a/n: this is my first ever post AGH! so exciting. anyways ive had this mha lemonade mouth au in my google docs since quarantine and i decided to post it now since mha has ended! i want to start uploading old drafts i have and start writing some of the ideas i have saved from before along with some of the new stuff ive been thinking about. but anywayyyyss hope u guys enjoy this little prologue <3
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kunikukitty · 2 months
✐ Always An Artist, Never The Muse
Scaramouche/Wanderer x Fem!reader
xiii. piece no. 134
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At that certain night years ago, what if you didn't force yourself to draw more when you clearly cannot? If you allowed yourself to rest, or even acknowledge your limits...
...would things turn out different then?
"Hey, [Name]. Are you okay?" your classmate, Lynette, asked as she looked at you with a tilted head.
With your droopy eyes you stared at her, confused. When her words finally clicked in, you tried to blink away your sleepiness, "Huh? Oh, yes. I am okay, why?"
Shaking her head, she heaved a sign as her eyes bore at your form. "I hope you are." It seems that she doesn't buy your answer. "Anyway, Faruzan's here."
"Right..." You rose to your feet and gave Lynette a smile. Giving her a small wave, you excused yourself.
And there she is, Faruzan, her worry for you is evident in her face. She immediately grabbed your hand when you went near, "Let's grab lunch together." is all she said, before dragging you out of your classroom.
She made you sit on one of the tables in the canteen. Due to you not getting a blink of sleep last night, you almost fell asleep waiting for her, but the sound of the tray hitting the table awoke you. Palmeni, a traditional snezhnayan dish, one of your favorites so far, and a can of strawberry milk.
"So," She starts, standing beside you, "where were you?"
Before you could even utter a word, she spoke again. "I was so so worried, you know! The whole day I was overthinking about my choice, I regret asking you to go there in my place. You looked so sad when you got home and I assume you did not enjoy your time there at all."
She talked fast you barely understood, especially that you have little to no sleep. You closed your eyes and that made her squish your cheek, "I asked Mona what to do and she just told me that maybe you need to be alone for a moment because maybe you got war shocked or something... and I was really scared I had upset you."
You felt the gentle caress of her hands on your head, gently moving down to cup your cheek. You whined at her when she began to shake your head with low intensity, as if trying to awake you.
"I didn't tell Mona nor Capitano that you weren't on our dorm last night. Where were you? Did you get lost? How were you able to attend your classes today? Where did you get your uniform if you didn't go home?" You heard her sniff a few times, "Seems like you took a bath, but where—"
"I can't catch what you're saying!" You complained and she pinched your cheeks in response.
Faruzan is the most worrywart among your circle, vocal about it too. You could say that she's the mother of the group, but in all honesty, she's the least you're closed with.
You were besties with Mona since your elementary days, you both knew Capitano since then but only as classmates. Surprisingly, you three are still classmates by the time you reached highschool, and that's why Mona decided to befriend him this time. Shortly you became trio, then itto came along because proclaims to be Capitano's best dude, but he had his own circle that time. Faruzan then befriended Capitano, and that's how she got in the group. Hutao came last, with itto (again), just as when Capitano left the country.
You sighed. Ever since the exchange student program started, it felt like it was a given chance to strengthen your friendship with Faruzan. At first, you feel awkward to share a dorm room with her, but nonetheless it is better than sharing it with a stranger. You never had the chance to be alone with her before. Anytime you and your friends would go out somewhere, there was never a time that it is just you and her— there's always a third person or fourth. The whole airplane trip to Snezhnaya was the first time, and you enjoyed it.
Before this all started, you were really nervous. But now? it feels so comforting. Being with Faruzan is like becoming a child again. She scolds you like a strict mother and dotes on you like you're her favorite daughter.
She sighed. "Were you with Capitano?"
You shook your head then explained your whereabouts. "At morning I wanted fresh air so I went outside, I don't feel like talking to anybody so... yeah."
"You were just outside the whole time?" You nodded. "Where exactly?"
"Anywhere... I was just walking to my heart's content and—" you yawned, "I didn't realize it was late at night, I went home, then I couldn't sleep so I just prepared for classes the next morning."
"So you managed to get back to our dorm?"
"Hey," You glared at her and she only raised an eyebrow in response. "Mindless walking brought me there, I guess. Anyway, I'm hungry."
You heard her heave a sigh again as she watched you stuff your mouth with the food she bought. "I'll walk you to our dorm later, okay?"
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Pacts - Mammon x MC
Part 3
Haven’t Read The Beginning? : Part One - Part Two
Tag list + Author’s Note at the end
Tags: Angst w/ eventual comfort, Mentions of Death/The Fall, Mentions of anxiety/anxiety attacks
Okay… Deep breaths. Just like Lilith taught ya.
“Mammon, what’s wrong! Hey, Mammon, come on, come back to me.”
If only the simple snapping of your fingers in his face and the feeling of you grabbing his shoulders could bring him down from the panic he was now feeling.
This should be easy. He can remember another time, a simpler time, a time long gone by. One where his sister still lived and smiled and breathed. One where she taught him things like expressing your feelings and sharing your emotions with others. One where she showed just how important family and friends and lovers could be…
He was never good at it. Of course, that was his own personal opinion. But whenever he did Lilith would smile that blinding smile and glow and tell how much of a natural he was at it.
He’s flirted, sure, he’s put on the charm and picked up various angels and demons and humans and who even knows what to fulfill his more primal desires. He’s taken lovers and partners and been a part of a couple, or thruple…or even quadruple, some of which lasting for years or even decades.
But ever since the fall, ever since he lost his home, his friends, his sister, his life; and was left to pick up the pieces with the other six who swore themselves to damnation for the rest of existence? He can’t say that he’s been interested in another being. At least not like this.
You. You. The human. The stupid exchange student he was unceremoniously shackled to. The one he had no choice but to watch over. The one that seemingly didn’t care that they were thrust into hell. The one that defied his all powerful brothers, whether out of bravery or innocence or down right stupidity. The one that calls him silly for wearing sunglasses inside and hums to themselves when they’re really focused and explores the Devildom with curiosity rather than fear and is too friendly for their own good and looks at him with big, bright, beautiful eyes that nobody has ever looked at him with before and tells him they really like hanging out with him and and and…
Everything stops. Everything goes blank. The only thing Mammon can feel is a weight, one that’s made it’s way around his body. It’s comforting and warm and all consuming and it’s…
He opens his eyes he didn’t realize he had screwed shut, only to find you clinging onto his form, arms wrapped around him. Your face tilts upwards from where it was buried in his chest, your expression painted one of concern.
“Oh god- I mean, oh gosh? I think. Are you okay?”, you question, tone laced with worry. “I have anxiety attacks too sometimes, I know it sucks. Do you need space? Or maybe water? I don’t know how it works for demons but that usually helps me.”
Mammon feels the blush beginning to spread across his face, knowing the position you’re both in looks compromising. He can’t remember the last time he has someone make such a fuss over him, and of course it’d be you, while he’s trying to sort out his feelings no less! You make it extremely hard to think, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t absolutely enjoy every second you made contact with his skin.
“N-Nah, ‘m good. I guess it’s…just a lot to explain ‘n all,” he mutters, playing with a loose thread he found on your shirt collar.
“Well, then let’s start from the beginning. The pact, right? We formed it like normal, well… as normal as forming a pact with a demon can be, right?
“And the placement of ours… that doesn’t normally happen right- or at least, it hasn’t happened to you?”
“Right. Hasn’t happened to me before, or any of ‘m brothers. I dun’ even think Solomon’s got one there, and he’s covered in ‘em. It’s….rare.”
“Rare? How’s it rare?”
“Well…cause it means somethin’. Somethin’…. important.”
He continues pulling at the loose thread, looking anywhere but you, his face a brilliant shade of red.
“All pacts represent a bond right?”
“A shared bond? Between the former and formee.”
“And so a bond formed over my heart means something…else?”
Mammon jumps up from his seat and out of your arms before shoving his hands in his pockets, turning his back towards you. He brings a shaky hand up to wipe his face.
“Tch. Can’t believe ‘m sayin this out loud”, he mutters under his breath, before turning around.
“Human, I…I like ya! Okay! There, I said it, ya happy dammit?!”
It was now your turn to blush furiously, watching as he brings his shoulders up and winces, almost like he’s waiting for something bad to happen, almost like he’s bracing for the worst.
“You…like me?”, you ask, shocked at the bluntness of his confession.
“Don’t make me repeat myself!”
You sit dumbfounded, letting the feeling of his feelings wash over you. He watched the gears turn in your head and thinks that if you think any harder, your brain is going to explode. Ya know, fragile human stuff ‘n all.
“But…Mammon, you said you didn’t like me being around you. You said that it was an inconvenience to be near me. You even said the pact mark was a blemish.”
Mammon freezes. Fuck. For once, the outspoken second born doesn’t have a response. He stares at you, eyes wide and wild, a deer caught in the headlights.
“So, you throw insults at me, tell me to leave you alone, and now you tell me you like me?”
“Mammon, what am I supposed to do with that? You constantly treat me like an annoyance, you threatened me my first week here, hell, you just decided it was fine if I was seen with you outside of R.A.D., and now all of a sudden you like me?”
“I…I don’t know what to say, Mammon. Honestly, I don’t know…what you want from me here.”
His fists ball in his pockets as he starts to tremble a little. He bites his lip and turn his head, not wanting to face you for this next part. Even if you denied it due to the hurt he caused, he knew the undeniable truth; It sat right across your chest.
“Ya don’t gotta say anythin’. I already know how ya feel about me.”
“No, I do. Ya don’t have to say it. An’ I’m sorry for bein’ a jerk, alright. I just…I can’t…I’ve been…I mean…It’s cuz’…tch!”
He turns again to compose himself. You almost expect him to leave, to run towards the door and walk out, sulking by himself. You can’t say you’d blame him, you’d probably find yourself doing the same if someone responded to you the way you had just to him. Sure, you liked the second born, but he made it so hard with the way he flip flopped his feelings towards you. You don’t have long to mourn the budding friendship you were having with the avatar of greed before he makes his next move.
He shakes his head and turns back to you, his trademark cocky smirk reappearing across his face. There’s an expression in his eyes you can’t quite place, and he steps forward, crouching down to your eye level. There’s a new determination to his swagger, one that makes your heart beat speed up and your body run hot.
“MC, I know how ya feel about me, ‘cuz pact marks only form there if ya both feel the same way.”
Before you could process the thought, his lips are on yours.
You don’t have time to react, he’s doing that for you. One hand comes up behind the back of your head to fist your hair as he brings you closer to him, deepening the kiss, though he still leaves space for you to push him away, enough where if you truly didn’t want this, you could escape his grasp.
It’s tender, you think, the way he holds you. The way his lips move across yours is a softness you’ve never felt before, and it takes your brain a second to catch up and begin kissing him back. As soon as you do, you feel his lips stretch into a smile. This, a stark contrast from the sides of himself he’s been showing you thus far.
After a minute or so, he pulls away from you. “Ya have no idea how long I’ve been wantin’ to do that.”
“Based on what you’ve told me”, you muse with smile, “It looks like it’s been…hmm…I dunno…about as long as I’ve been here?”
You can’t help but laugh at his childish reaction. No matter if he was insulting you like a kid on the playground or kissing you like you were his only way to breathe, he was still Mammon.
“So what does the pact mark on the heart mean in scientific terms?”
“Scien-what?”, He gawks, clearly stumped at your question. You stifle another giggle.
“I mean, if I asked what it meant to a teacher or, say, Solomon, what would he say it meant?”
Mammon sighs at the question. You really were gonna make him repeat himself, huh. “It means that I like ya and ya like me, okay?”
You seem kind of bummed at this answer. “Aww, is that it?”, you question.
“Whadda mean is that if? Whadda ya want, it to mean we’re soulmates or somethin’?”
“Does it?”
“WAIT! MAMMON! DOES IT?”, you wildly smile, eyes bright in shock.
“S-Some old folktales may say-”
“I’M ASKING SOLOMON!”, you declare, jumping out of his arms and speeding towards the door
“Oi! No ya don’t ya little nightmare!”, he screams running after you.
He’d let you win this race, of course he would. And the one after that. And the one after that.
He had the rest of your life to catch ya whenever he wanted.
Taglist: @someoneunkownforyou @fandomhell97 @crocrafts @dragonageoregons @furblrwurblr @youaskedfurret @simpinginthecorner @astarotha @glitterandgoldfinds @liminalimmortal @bestblob @crow-charlie @hauntedcatnerd @aprilwallflower @ungodlywoes @h2ojuice @nani-nani-nani @cant-sleep-because-anime @zarakem @rawharr @nicksworld0715 @fxllen-sxldier @someoneunkownforyou @lexiekim @darlingsama630 @xiaosalmoundtofu @abadonkori @harujkookie @whatamidoing89 @all-mights-wife @oliemolliever @kamukayakmonyet @zp1cy-tr4n5m4n @toobsessedsstuff @enwriq @emsieeee @just-an-indian-pre-med-student @chaoticjojo @todosteakettle @thepaleghost777 @milkysoobi @hopeannalea @pandaplan18 @cutiepattutiestarlight @mentally-unstable-simp @satanawakenedmyoceans
Thank you all so much for your support on this series! I’d love to try to do all the brothers next, or keep expanding on this one via MC’s and Mammon’s relationship as MC continues making pacts with the others. Not sure which I’ll go with! Any suggestions? Would we rather it continue being MC x Mammom as MC bonds with the other brothers, or every brother having their own romance line? Anyway, let me know what you think. Love ya lovelies <3
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beegomess · 2 months
Dark Paradise | Theodore Nott
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated 🫶🏼
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01. Invisible Flirts
The music was loud, and there was a lot of noise from some students around Matthew, who was trying to down an entire bottle of Firewhisky. Pansy and Y/N had drinks in hand when they threw themselves onto the dark couch next to Draco and Blaise.
Draco and Zabini were sharing a joint when the blond offered it to the sister sitting next to Pansy.
— You’re a terrible brother, you know that? — Y/N had a smile as she reached out to take it between her fingers and took a drag.
— Imagine if our father saw you now? — Everyone burst into laughter; Draco and Blaise couldn’t stop laughing, considering their eyes were already extremely red.
— What are you guys laughing so much about? — Nott approached and sat in an armchair in front of his friends.
— You missed the big joke Draco told about what it would be like if your father saw them now. — Pansy said, emphasizing that it wasn’t really funny, just that they were very high. — Where have you been anyway? I haven’t seen you all night. — Parkinson hinted.
— Around. — Nott answered simply and noticed the attention he was getting from Y/N’s eyes while she took another drag of her cigarette. Theodore didn’t look away from Y/N, which would normally make her look away from him, but in her current state, embarrassment was not an issue. However, both their faces were expressionless, revealing nothing about each other.
Y/N only looked away when she saw Astoria Greengrass, a year younger than Daphne, making out with Adrian Pucey in the middle of the party. Daphne walked past the two and made a face of disgust, making Pansy and Y/N laugh. Pansy glanced to see that Theodore still hadn’t looked away from Y/N.
— What’s her plan this time? — Pansy asked Daphne, who was sitting on the coffee table between the sofas, turning her back to Theodore.
— According to her, the plan is to hook up with someone from Draco’s social circle and get closer to Y/N. — Daphne rolled her eyes as she spoke, and everyone began to pay attention, letting out small laughs.
— Is she really getting close to me just out of interest? — Y/N put her right hand on her chest, pretending to be offended by the revelation.
— Yes, but she always talks about how she thinks you’re pretty and that she wanted to be friends with you too. — Daphne said with irony, somewhat coldly as she laughed at her sister.
— Oh Merlin, she thinks like she’s five years old. — Theodore added, drawing everyone’s attention to him quickly.
— Well, I’m sure you didn’t mention that Pucey was once one of the lucky ones Y/N got physically involved with. — Pansy said, expecting a response from Daphne.
— Believe me, I did. — Y/N looked incredulous. — That’s why he was the chosen one for the night. — The three girls burst into laughter.
— Good to know you’re passing along things about my private life. — Y/N said playfully, as she didn’t really mind the situation.
However, Theodore, who was paying more attention to the conversation, just drank his drink, without laughing or reacting to it. He was only thinking about how Y/N managed to silence Adrian so he wouldn’t spread to everyone that he was with the most popular and desired girl at Hogwarts.
At breakfast, all the friends had a clear expression of exhaustion from the previous night. It was certainly not a good idea to have parties before a day of classes.
— Good morning. — Astoria approached the group cheerfully but didn’t receive the same enthusiasm.
— Shh, no need to shout, Greengrass. — Blaise had his eyes squinted due to the light in the Great Hall. He was exaggerating; the girl spoke normally, but he seemed too sensitive.
— Sorry. — She shrugged. — I just thought I’d invite you to go dress shopping tomorrow for the winter ball next week. — Y/N, Pansy, and Daphne exchanged glances, remembering the girl's plan to get closer to them, even though she already had friends in her year. — Adrian invited me yesterday to go with him, and I accepted.
— Now, if he remembers that, that’s another thing. — Matthew, who was next to Y/N, spoke quietly and laughed. He immediately received an elbow from Y/N.
— Ouch!
— Sorry, but my mother already sent me a dress for the ball. — Y/N said gently.
— Oh, and who are you going with? — The girl seemed to no longer care about the description. Everyone in the hall fell silent, waiting for Draco’s sister’s answer. Y/N felt the pressure; she knew that if she said she was going alone, her week would be full of boys chasing her, and under the pressure of the moment, she needed to think quickly.
— I’m going with Theodore, aren’t I, Theodore? — Her answer echoing throughout the hall made the eyes widen. Nott looked up, somewhat surprised, until she nudged his leg from under the table, making him clear his throat with the contact.
— Yes... Yes, we’re going together. — All the friends looked at them in confusion. Draco had his eyebrows furrowed; they had never been close, and now they were going to the ball together?
— Enough with the interrogation! — Daphne said, giving her sister a fierce look. — Don’t you have a class now?
Everyone continued with breakfast after the younger Greengrass left. Pansy wouldn’t have the next class with Y/N but made a mental note to ask her about this news. She wondered if something was going on between them; she wouldn’t be surprised. Y/N always knew how to hide her affairs very well.
Y/N, however, tried to sit next to Theodore in Potions class, but when she arrived, there was already a Hufflepuff sitting next to him. Y/N mentally cursed herself for not hurrying at breakfast. Theodore was very handsome and never lacked options for girls, and now, close to the ball, all of them were throwing themselves at him, even though they had heard minutes ago about him being Y/N Malfoy’s date.
The girl sat at the table behind him and decided to pass him a folded note while everyone began taking notes from the board.
"Thanks for this morning; if I told the truth, I wouldn’t be at peace this week. I hope I haven’t ruined any of your invitations to other girls; in fact, I’ll see someone else to go with me today, I promise."
Theodore took the note and smiled slightly as he read, the girl next to him seemed to try to stretch to read his reply.
"Don’t worry, I didn’t have anyone in mind to bring either. We can go together if you want..."
Y/N took the folded piece of parchment from her side of the table and smiled as well at the reply.
"Although I don’t believe that Theodore Nott, so acclaimed among the girls, doesn’t have any prospects, I accept to go with you."
And again, the few words made him smile, responding with one last thing.
"I’m pleased to know about my fame among you."
Y/N laughed at the response, drawing attention in the silent room.
— Am I interrupting something, Miss Malfoy? — Snape looked coldly at her, making her immediately stop smiling.
— Oh, no. Sorry, professor. — And then, quickly, he went back to teaching.
Throughout the rest of the day, Y/N felt strange. His gaze was still extremely indecipherable to her, but it attracted her more and more. In recent months, their glances seemed to have increased in frequency. Sometimes, they would catch each other looking. Y/N felt Nott observing her while she read in the common room late at night. It was her ritual to always read a bit when the common room was empty; she liked to enjoy the silence, but when Theodore noticed the habit, he started to "accidentally" find her there day after day.
"If I didn’t know you, I’d say you were following me." Y/N said, smiling at him one night. Theodore could say it was the first time he felt truly nervous around a girl, but he maintained his composure and just smiled, staying there in silence while watching her hands turn the pages.
— And what’s this about you going to the ball with Nott? — Pansy asked, putting on a pair of socks before getting into bed.
— Good point, Pans. — Daphne turned from the vanity where she was applying products to her face. — So, Y/N?
— It was just to throw off the other boys. — She said without taking her eyes off the book.
— So, you’re not really going with him? — Pansy insisted.
— I am; we’re short on dates and decided to leave it that way. — Y/N continued scanning the words on the page.
— You and Nott? Short on dates for a ball? — Y/N nodded, pretending indifference. — Hmm, right, I see. — Pansy said with a mischievous smile, hinting at something that Y/N chose to ignore, as Parkinson often did this just by talking to another boy.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨ next chapter>>>
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genericpuff · 20 days
As someone who can't afford to go to animation school n adores your work- are there any advice or tips they taught you could share that transfer to art or comics? I know you talked about learning how to properly reference things which I admit I think I and a lot of other artists struggle with knowing how to do
Ironically enough, as much as I learned that I do NOT have the patience for animating (which is... ironic, considering all the patience that's required to make a comic LMAO) I did still learn a lot from it that I was able to take into comics. Storyboarding was one of the more obvious ones, as storyboards are basically just the "still versions" of an animation before it's been animated, with establishing shots, camera pans, dialogue shots, etc. all of which you'd find utilized in a comic.
Alongside that was learning how to draw consistently. Turnaround sheets are a shared practice in both animation and comics, they're necessary to creating an ongoing project that features the same core cast of characters. Learning how to draw the same characters the exact same way every time in a way that's both consistent and efficient is crucial.
That said, aside from those little starting tips, I do hope that some day you're able to find the means to go to school for animation or whatever it is that you're desiring to go into and learn. Yes, post-secondary schooling is expensive, and there are a lot of risks in pursuing a diploma/degree that can affect your future. That said, as someone who went to a school that literally no longer exists (like fr I don't even know if I can get my transcript anymore so for all I know, the year I spent in animation college only exists in the student loans that I'm still paying off, rip) I still learned and gained so much that I simply wouldn't have in high school or on Youtube. The biggest of which was the environment - being put into an actual dedicated space for learning art, with peers and teachers who were all unified in that space working towards the same goal, made so much more of a difference in my learning than I initially anticipated. I got so much feedback and guidance thanks to my instructors, and it really put me into a space where I was forced to try new things, I couldn't keep relying on the same tricks and comfort zones anymore. If it weren't for my instructors pushing me to step outside of that comfort zone, I never would have learned how to draw from life or use other mediums that subsequently became the foundations of the stuff I make today.
And while a lot of the things they taught I could have learned on Youtube or CTRL+Paint or Draw-a-Box, being in an actual classroom with grades and a schedule to abide by actually kept me moving in a forward direction and gave me so much more help on a personal level than some guy on Youtube could have given me reading from a script or, in this case, some rando on Tumblr responding to anonymous asks LMAO
Obviously, I'm never gonna recommend that anyone put themselves into financial ruin for post-secondary schooling, ESPECIALLY right now with the economy being what it is, but I do hope that if you genuinely want to go to school that you can find the means to do so, whether it's opting for community classes or applying for scholarships/bursaries/grants/etc or even just signing up for a local art class. Do your research on what's available and feasible to you - even art clubs can be super helpful in getting you out there and talking to people! As much as we may all be slaving away over our desks creating our next big piece, art is still a form of community and interpersonal communication - whether it's between you and an audience, or a peer with whom you exchange new ideas and feedback, or a mentor whose skills you hope to inherit and pass on to the next generation.
Until then though, keep creating and keep getting inspired. If you've never drawn from life before, set up a bowl of fruit and draw it as closely as you can to the real thing, or go to the food court and see how quickly you can sketch the people walking by before they're gone. If you've never tried storyboarding before, grab a piece of paper, find a scene from a live action movie you like, and storyboard it as if you were making an animated film. Try things! Fail at it! Try it again! See what happens!
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cloudcountry · 1 year
the fallen angel, freed.
Genre/Tropes: No notable ones!!
Summary: if loving them is a sin, he'd damn himself a billion times over.
Author's Comments: this is me writing about the parallels between simeon and lilith. you'll see.
When Lucifer fell from the Celestial Realm, he went down with a bang. His glorious white wings were a sight to behold as they carried him through the battlefield, leading his brothers into battle as they fought for the life of their sister. The very life that the angels wanted to extinguish. Creatures known for their kindness and virtue and mercy, trying so hard to take the life of one of their own. Simeon doesn’t think he’s ever seen something so ghastly.
While Simeon did not take a side, he still treasures Lucifer greatly, and admires Michael much the same way. It doesn’t matter to him that Lucifer is a demon now, or that he has sworn loyalty to Diavolo. He would have done the same if he had a sister that went through what Lilith did. Whether what happened to her was fair or not, he cannot say, because he is part of a world that values purity above all else (at what cost?) and hasn’t changed that in centuries.
In a morbid way, Simeon cannot blame Diavolo for saying Lucifer looked stunning. Lucifer was a fearsome foe, but no matter how beautiful he was, Simeon never wanted to view him as an enemy. He’s one of the few angels that doesn’t view the demons as enemies—He knows Luke has questions about the decision Michael has made, and he knows that the young angel will eventually leave the nest and form opinions beyond what the Celestial realm has taught him. That’s the reason Simeon offered to participate in the exchange program with him. He won’t be around forever, though he thought he’d have a few more years.
Here he stands, in front of Michael. His posture is straight, but his arms are relaxed. There is no use denying the inevitable, and the expression on the other angel’s face is a clear indication that he cannot escape this fate.
“Simeon.” Michael says, voice regretfully and full of sorrow. Simeon is glad Luke doesn’t have to see this.
“Michael.” Simeon gives him an easy smile, like they’re talking over afternoon tea and not his fall from grace, “What is your verdict? I heard you’ve been discussing this with the other seraphim.”
“You know what’s going to happen.” he frowns, brow furrowing. Simeon continues to smile, “The fact is, you fell in love with a human. That human suffered a grave injury at the hands of a demon, and you gave them fruit from the Celestial Realm. You altered their lifespan. That’s strictly forbidden. You know this.”
Simeon says nothing. There’s nothing to say. He did, he fell in love with them, one of the human exchange students that attended RAD for some time. He cares about them in ways that tear him apart inside, He’s aware he’s repeating history. Simeon is painfully aware of everything he has done that led him up to this point, and yet he doesn’t regret a single thing.
If loving them is a sin, he'd damn himself a billion times over.
Is this what Lucifer felt in his final moments as an angel?
“You’re the last angel I expected to fall.” Michael says, his words slow and face full of regret, “I want to understand—why have both you and Lilith taken fruit from our Realm? That’s not virtuous, nor is it acceptable. We are not supposed to interfere, for what are we without our virtues?”
Nothing, Simeon thinks, Angels are nothing if they are not completely free of sin.
Their virtues make them who they are.
They may as well stab the spear that Raphael wielded in the Great Celestial War through his heart. Simeon thinks that would hurt less.
How many angels have to fall for Heaven to change?
Michael notices his silence and says nothing in return. (It's odd to see Michael being so stern towards him, but he's talked to Simeon like this before. It's his disciplining voice, and that almost makes him chuckle. Almost.) They both know what has to happen for the Celestial Realm to continue down the path it’s set forth for its angels. They both know where Simeon is going now. They both know his new place is in the Devildom, where demons are.
But all demons are not the same. Simeon knows this all too well, but it’s not as though the other higher-rank angels (aside from Michael and Raphael, who admire Lucifer greatly) would know anything about that. He always wishes he could have taken all of them down to the Devildom with him, to see how hard-working Lucifer still is and how strong Mammon has become and how dedicated Leviathan is and how they have a new brother, Satan, and he’s one of the kindest souls Simeon has ever seen and how Asmodeus has amassed more fans than ever and how Beelzebub has grown into the protector his brother need to most and how Belphegor...Belphegor...
And how they ruined Belphegor. How the joy in that demon’s eyes had faded before the exchange student came, and how the fascination he had with humans that had been shunned by the angels had been fully embraced by the human and Diavolo.
Diavolo. The demon that rules his subjects fairly and always listens to even the lowest demons. The demon whose admiration of Lucifer rivals even Michael. The demon who welcomed him and Luke with open arms and helped them adjust to their new home for the next year. His butler, Barbatos, who nobody really noticed but had convinced Luke that not all demons were terrible within a few baking lessons. Barbatos, the demon that had gone to supermarkets and little excursions with him on many occasions and had proved to have better manners than a lot of the angels did.
Bitter. Simeon was feeling bitter. How foreign of a feeling this was!
Perhaps he was already falling.
Michael is staring, and it's only then that Simeon realizes he said nothing in response to his speech about virtues. Is there anything virtuous about violence against an innocent family of brothers?
“We won’t kill you.” he whispers, eyes full of a deep regret that Simeon knows is about the brothers and Lilith, “I will never...obliterate an angel again. I regretted it...the last time. But I still have to punish you somehow. I still have to act with authority. I’m sorry. You will fall, Simeon. I only hope Diavolo has mercy on you.”
Now that his fall is inevitable, he feels the doubts that have built up over the years slipping free from his mind, and he clutches them to his chest like precious jewels. Heaven has abandoned him, and he will live without the eyes of grace upon him for all eternity.
And so he stands when Michael stands. He follows him, and the second he steps out into the radiance of his home, he hears the sound of Luke calling out to him. He cannot stop his head from whipping towards the noise, only to see the small boy standing beside none other than Raphael. The angel he’s so close with betrays nothing in his expression, but Luke—sweet, naive Luke—is crying harder than Simeon has ever seen him cry. The young boy is screaming at him not to leave, to stay up in the Celestial Realm with him (even though Simeon is helpless) because Simeon is his family and he doesn’t know what he will do without him.
Simeon breaks, his brow furrowing in misery as a stab of regret pierces his heart, and he rushes over to Luke with his wings flared out behind him. Raphael holds his spear as though he'll never let it go again as he points it warningly at Simeon, but Simeon doesn't even care as he scoops Luke up in his arms and holds the crying boy.
The young shouldn’t have to see such a display. Luke has been through too much already.
And so Simeon holds him. He shushes Luke softly as the boy grabs at his back, fat tears hitting his shoulder like stones.
“You’ll be okay, Luke. You can come visit me.” Simeon soothes, trying to reassure the angel before he, too, starts a rebellion against the higher powers, “I won’t be gone forever. Just...away. Shh, shhhh...it’s okay. You’re strong now, you don’t need me anymore.”
“But I do!” Luke cries, squeezing him so tightly that Simeon almost believes Luke can protect him from this fate, “I have no one else to turn to if you aren’t here-”
“Brother.” Raphael says, voice as deadpan as always, “Michael is waiting.”
Simeon sucks in a shuddering breath and sends one last smile Luke’s way. It’s like a token, a trinket for those nights when Luke has nightmares and can’t run to Simeon’s room anymore. It’s the comforting warmth that will replace the hot chocolate they used to make together when they had trouble sleeping, and a final smile in the series of smiles they have shared before.
Luke does not smile back, and he is still crying.
The next few moments are a blur of light and clouds. He sees his clothes turning completely black, his wings enduring searing pain. He tastes blood and bile and hears the screams of the fallen angels before him as he pullets to the earth. They’re so loud, too loud, and Simeon wishes they would stop and leave him in peace, but the clouds are closing and sealing shut and the light has disappeared entirely.
In the darkness, he sees them, and that’s all the light he needs.
Simeon closes his eyes, and he bears it.
He falls and falls and falls before dirt catches him, the slam of his body on the hard ground sending a shockwave through his bones. He doesn’t get up, he doesn’t even twitch. He does, however, open his eyes and stare into a familiar blackened sky.
“My, my. It seems you’ve found yourself in a predicament.” a familiar voice hums, a soft chuckle soon following.
Simeon opens his mouth to speak, but his throat feels dry and cracked. It feels like he hasn’t drank anything in months.
Barbatos reaches out to him, helping the fallen angel on his side. Simeon’s body screams at him to stay down, for him to stop moving, but he can't listen to it. He needs to get up.
“Do not push yourself too hard. The Young Master has already been informed of this matter and is taking the necessary steps to ensure that you're well taken care of.” Barbatos reassures him, the gentle smile on his face telling Simeon he knew all of this would happen, “Though, unfortunately I must admit that you will be another fallen angel that Michael regrets. However, beings in power do what they must, and they do what is right.”
“Barbatos...” Simeon winces, clutching his side as slick blood gathers on his gloves.
“Don’t speak. Conserve your energy.” he smiles, “I have called MC over, and they shall be arriving shortly. You are their hero, after all.”
Right. The reason he did what he did.
Blood on the floor of RAD. A demon holding them by the throat. Filthy, sharp nails digging into their skin. The images blur together because he doesn’t want to remember, it was so horrible and gory and he doesn’t know how they survived that.
It was probably only thanks to him.
“Do you think...it was worth it?” Simeon asks, a bitter laugh escaping his throat.
“You are to be the judge of that. I cannot say either way.” Barbatos replies, the response so serious it almost makes him laugh more.
If it wasn’t for the pain he feels all over, he might have.
He sits with Barbatos in silence, feeling and feeling as his abrasions and changes take hold of him. He doesn’t know how much longer he can do this, he’s sure he’s going to die here and now and nobody can save him, and he’ll never see them or Luke again, and-
“Simeon?” a gentle voice calls, a familiar figure running towards him as Barbatos steps out of the way.
A wretched gasp escapes his throat as the exchange student comes into view, their brow furrowed with worry and lips parted as they pant. They must have run here as soon as Barbatos told them what was going on, and the warmth he feels at the sight of the human he saved pushes out most of the pain. It’s like his arms have a mind of their own because they reach for the human despite the creaking of his bones and the screaming of his muscles.
They reach him before he does.
They crush him against their chest in an embrace that feels like the warmth of the sun on his back, and all the breath in Simeon’s lungs vanishes in an instant. his mouth hangs open as they sob into his hair, stroking his head like he’s something precious, like they’re so glad he’s okay. He uses the last of his strength to wrap his arms around them, straining the muscle as they cry that they were so worried and how he shouldn’t have done something like that if it meant falling from grace and that they aren’t that important and he shouldn’t have risked it and oh, he’s such an idiot but they love him anyways, they loved him when he was an angel and they'll love him now, regardless of what he’s done or what his fate is or what form he’s taken because he’s Simeon and Simeon is the only one they want.
He hears all of this and begs his mind to come up with something to say, something poetic and romantic that he can normally put into writing so easily, just to thank them for the kindness they've always displayed towards him, but he comes up empty.
So he quiets their sobs with a kiss. He kisses them with tears rolling down his face, he kisses them with his tattered wings and abandoned soul, he kisses them like that soul belongs to them because it does, even though it's been trampled and dirtied and destroyed.
They kiss him back.
And under the vacant, darkened sky with his torn wings and blackened soul, he falls all over again.
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gurugirl · 1 year
He's Jealous* | h.s.
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stepdad!harry x reader
Summary: Y/n invites Harry and her mother to an awards ceremony and Harry meets her favorite professor/mentor for the first time. Based on this request.
A/n: a quick little something for y'all. 2.3k words
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, cheating, lying, jealousy. this is stepdad!harry x stepdaughter!reader and they have a very inappropriate relationship - don't read if you don't like!
stedad!harry masterlist
You never thought of yourself as a very creative or good student. You weren’t a terrible student or anything, you just never did more than the bare minimum. But this school year you had the opportunity to join the creative arts and writing club. You didn’t feel like you were really all that good but the professor in your creative writing class urged you to join. He featured one of your poems as part of a student artist awareness week and so you figured why not? If he liked your little poems that much then may it could be fun. Maybe he was right.
And then, by some odd stroke of luck, you won a competition and you were going to be part of an awards ceremony with other young creatives like yourself. It still felt weird to say that you were an artist of any kind or to accept the fact that you were creative and good at writing poems. It felt like a fluke. But your professor was adamant that you were worthy.
Your mom and Harry were coming into town to watch the ceremony and then to take you out to dinner afterward. There was also going to be an outing later for those who wanted to join. Some drinks and fun at the local bar which had been rented out for the group.
You were wearing a cute dress and felt pretty special at the ceremony. You’d never been that good at anything before so this was exciting for you. When you greeted your mom and Harry you hugged them both before joining the group of artists at the front while your mom and Harry sat down in the fold-out chairs set up on the lawn in the courtyard at the university.
Professor Jensen handed you your award after you went up to receive it and he gave you a nice squeeze and told you how proud he was before you walked off to find your seat next to your Mom. You were happy. Truly pleased with yourself.
When the ceremony was over you brought your mom and Harry to meet Professor Jensen. It was the first time you’d really gotten to know a teacher so well. You felt like he was your mentor in a way.
“It’s so nice to meet you both. Y/n has a natural talent that has only sharpened since she started taking our creative writing course,” he looked at you with a large grin. Of course, you were already beaming so you smiled back and then looked at Harry. And that’s when you realized it. Harry was not actually smiling. He was faking being happy. You could tell because you knew Harry very very well. All of his intricacies and quirks. The moods he’d have (good or bad). And this… well, you’d seen him fake a smile a time or two.
Before heading away to dinner Mr. Jensen pulled you to the side and congratulated you again, “Oh! And you’re coming to Poly’s Pub after right? We’ll see you there?”
You nodded, “Yes. Wouldn’t miss it!”
Mr. Jensen pulled you in for another hug before you turned to catch up with your mom and Harry who had been watching the exchange between you and the professor.
Dinner was at one of your favorite spots. Your mom asked you so many questions and gushed over you. But as happy as you were you couldn’t shake the way Harry was acting. He was pretending to be happy and proud. It was fake. He was pissed. There was some reason he was not happy and you couldn’t really figure out why.
“Will you two come with me after this to go to the pub? It’ll be all of the writers and artists. A few of the professors booked the bar for us to have some fun tonight.”
“Will your professor be there? The man who handed out the certificates?” Harry asked.
You slowly nodded and squinted at him, realizing what was going on, “Yes. He will.”
Now, it was true, Professor Jensen was an attractive man. The girls loved the professor. He was jovial and smart, and artistic and handsome. He was in his mid-forties but he acted younger and he was in good shape and he was charming. So yeah, you saw the appeal. And now you realized Harry was jealous. To you, though, it hadn’t really crossed your mind to swoon over the professor. He was a good teacher. And you got along with him well. Everyone did.
“Oh, I don’t know honey. We don’t want to be a bore. And we’ve got to drive all the way back home so… What do you think, Har?” Your mom answered as she looked at Harry.
“I think we should go. Why not? We haven’t got anything going on tomorrow? Have we?”
Your mom pursed her lips, “No. I guess not. We’d need to get a hotel or something…”
“I’m sure Y/n would be okay if we stayed at her dorm. She’s got that pull-out futon we gave her right?” Harry raised a brow as he looked at you.
Your mom looked at you. You hadn’t planned on any of this. And you supposed you didn’t mind too much but you hated that your mom and Harry would be sleeping in your dorm room just feet away from you. Not that Harry hadn’t stayed over before, but never with your mom. But what could you say?
“Uh… yeah. Sure. That’s fine.”
.           .           .
When you arrived at Poly’s many of your peers were already there. The three of you went to the bar and ordered beers before heading toward where the group was standing around.
Harry pulled at your elbow and whispered in your ear, “So is this what’s had you so busy these last few weeks? Couldn’t be bothered to make it home?”
You looked at Harry and frowned. He was really pushing it. You had been busy with school and part of that was the new club you’d joined but you were finally finding something of your own. You didn’t have anything you could call your own. Not even Harry was yours.
“Yes. It is. Is that a problem?”
Your mom greeted the professor and pulled you with her, saying something to Mr. Jensen that you weren’t sure of as you were too busy fuming at your stepdad.
It was hard to ignore what was going on as the night involved more drinks and laughs. You tried to push it down but Harry’s attitude was making you nervous. You saw him talking to the professor and then looking back at you at one point so you decided to join them both. Maybe you were too many drinks in but you weren’t going to stand there and let Harry make you feel bad for anything because you hadn’t done anything wrong.
You walked up to the side of Mr. Jensen and nudged him with your shoulder as you looked up at the man, “This is a great little get-together. We should do more of these!” You spoke loudly over the music and then looked at Harry who had a small devious smirk on his face.
“Yeah maybe. I could use a co-host for things like this you know,” he raised his brows at you as he spoke to indicate using your help at some point.
“That would be great!!”
Your mom joined the three of you and began to chat with the professor when Harry pulled you away into the hall and dragged you into one of the single bathrooms. His grip on your arm pinched as he closed the door and locked it behind you.
He caged you in, putting his arms on either side of your shoulders, “Tell me what’s going on with him.”
You laughed and shook your head. The truth was nothing was going on. He was a good teacher and mentor. You found him attractive but you weren’t attracted to him. And Harry was jealous, which you had always known about him, “Absolutely nothing is going on. You need to get a grip.”
Harry shook his head as he kept his sharp eyes on yours, “You haven’t been home in three weeks.”
“I’m in college.”
Harry sighed and backed away – moving himself toward the sink and leaning over the porcelain as he looked down, “I’m trying to be understanding and patient with you. I know you’re in college. I know you’re proud of this accomplishment,” he turned to look at you, “and so am I. You’re really good.”
You smiled, “Yeah? You think I’m good?”
Harry pushed himself from the sink and walked across the room to you, grasping the back of your neck and pressing his mouth over yours. His free hand held at your hip and his tongue slid against yours.
“You’re the best. My very good girl.”
You grinned and bit your lip as you leaned your forehead into his, “Thank you. That means a lot coming from you.”
He closed his eyes and pushed his nose into yours before capturing your lips with his again.
Harry pulled back and moved his arms to your shoulders and rubbed, “I’m trying not to be jealous. I’m sorry.”
You blinked your eyes and stared at Harry. He was sorry? That was a first, “I missed you so much. You never have a reason to feel jealous. I’m yours, Daddy,” you smirked at him and he licked his lips before the right side of his mouth quirked up in a grin.
“I missed you a lot too, baby,” he moved his hand up to your jaw and his thumb brushed over your bottom lip.
It happened so fast. There was no time to lose and you knew you wouldn’t get another chance with your mom in your room later on. Your bottom was perched on the cool porcelain sink, legs spread, as Harry spit over your pussy, his fingers pulling at your thong for his access.
You were tugging at his hard cock and angling yourself toward him, “Fuck me, Daddy.”
Harry groaned at your words as he pushed his thick crown to your entrance and spit down over you again, needing the lube since you had no time to waste in getting nice and wet for him.
He pressed his cock in, the tight fit making you both moan. You kept yourself angled for him to slip in and out as you rubbed your clit and kept your eyes on his, “I need you. I missed you.”
Harry’s long cock was slowly working you up and making you wetter by the second – the sound of him plunging in was evidence of your increasing wetness.
“You’re mine, baby. Always,” he panted his words as he fucked into you hard.
You could tell he would come fast. You wondered how long he’d gone without sex. You didn’t want to think of him with your mom but you knew that they were married. But somehow, the idea that he hadn’t had sex since you left made you feel like you needed to take care of him, “Come inside of me, Daddy. Give me all your come. I need it. Want to feel you inside of me all night.”
Harry gritted his teeth and leaned one hand on the mirror behind you and his other he grasped the front of your neck as he kissed your mouth, his hips jerking into you, your body jolting at each thrust.
“Need you to come on Daddy’s cock first. Want to feel you fall apart then I’m gonna give you my load.”
You hastened your fingers and Harry squeezed the sides of your neck as you closed your eyes at the feel of him thick and warm inside of you, moving through your walls quickly and punching into your guts.
You gasped and panted quietly, knowing you needed to keep the noise to a minimum. The pounding of his body into yours on the sink was loud enough as it was.
“Fffuck! Please… come. Need to make you feel good. Want you to remember who you belong to…” Harry’s deep voice whispered as he began to lose rhythm. His sloppy thrusts were only egging you on.
You nodded and whined as your fingers slipped over your clit and your mouth dropped open. You pulsed and clenched over him as your orgasm peaked and Harry let out a loud moan as he finally released into you, no longer able to stop himself from orgasming when he felt your cunt squeezing him.
You held onto Harry with both hands once your clit was too sensitive to keep rubbing as he slowly thrust in and out, his come pouring into you, his chest heaving.
When he finally stilled he pushed his forehead to yours, “Holy fuck. I needed that, baby. Needed you.”
Your heart lurched. Your situation was fucked up. Vile. You were evil. So was Harry but you were in love. When he said things like he needed you it made you want to take him and run off somewhere no one would ever find you. Somewhere you two could be together without consequences. You imagined another life with him. One where your mom was married to someone else and you’d met him at one of his shows at some dingy bar and you could love him freely and have his babies…
“Let’s get back out there, Y/n. Sorry to rush. Don’t want to get caught,” he smoothed his hand down your thigh and kissed you as he helped you off the sink.
Dirty. Doomed.
And just like you were used to you both got away with something you shouldn’t have as you joined your mom for another drink at the bar. Hearts still pounding, muscles still reeling from use.
You looked around to see a couple of friends and your professor laughing and then over to Harry who was sitting on the other side of your mom with a small smile on his face as he looked down into his glass of whisky.
What a day it had been.
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vivi-snow · 1 year
Memories Bring Back You
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Satoru Gojo x F! reader
Synopsis: After six years of drifting apart, a reunion event has brought you back into his embrace.
Content/s: fluff, high school setting, etc.
a/n: please forgive my writing, I don’t know how to write emotions so please bear with it. I am currently writing as many as I can rn to improve it.
word count: 1,592
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Never once did the words ‘I love you’ escape his lips, nor did he display even the slightest hint of affection through his actions. Every time he approached you, a spark of hope would ignite within you, a longing for some acts of appreciation.
But nothing ever came. His emotional detachment remained constant, and you had reached your breaking point. For two long years, you had been in a relationship that felt like an emotional black hole, and you were tired of expecting something, only for it to be nothing.
You decided to end it all.
     “Satoru,” you called out to him.
     “Hmm?” He replied.
     “I want to break up with you,”
His heart sank.
He stopped his tracks to turn to you. He couldn’t possibly be hearing that, right?
“Huh?” He asked, attempting to hear more clearly.
You sighed in annoyance.
“I said, I want to end this relationship” You spoke, clearly this time.
A deafening silence overwhelmed him as he tried to grasp your words to him.
“I think it’s time for us to embark on our own journeys,” you continued. “This doesn’t seem to be fulfilling for you as well, does it?”
You lightly smiled at him, fighting off the urge to show how you were hurting too, and turned around as you pivoted on your heel to distance yourself from him, only for him to reach out to you and pull you to an embrace from behind.
His sudden grasp on you almost made you lose balance, but he steadied himself into you so you didn’t collapse.
This was the first time he showed you affection.
He rested his head on your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your body for a while.
“Satoru,” You snapped. “Please. For the last time, I will not change my decision.” You ordered.
“I’ll listen to you, so please, don’t leave me,” He mumbled. “Did I do something?” He asked, begging for an answer. “I promise, I’ll change,”
As much as you wanted to tell him about his neglectful behavior throughout your time together, what good will it do when you have decided it’s finally over?
“Satoru, as much as I wanted to stay, I possibly couldn’t. We all have our reasons to cut our ties with people, and for this one, it’s best if I don’t tell you. I don’t want to hurt you. so please, let me go, you’ll be happy once you remove a burden that’s been weighing you down.”
You freed yourself from his desperate hold and continued down your path. You didn’t dare to glance back at him, fearing to witness the depression and denial that was painted on his face.
That was a chapter from your past, precisely six years ago, during your final years at Jujutsu Tech. Upon graduation, you decided to put your exorcising activities to a halt. The graphic memories of your fellow students dying or being severely injured were a common sight that haunted you until graduation. You couldn’t bear to see more people suffer the same fate had you continued down that path.
Out of nowhere, your phone buzzed with a new message. The sender was Shoko, a name you haven’t seen in six long years. The message announced a reunion event held in your old school later that night.
A wave of nostalgia washed over you. It was a chance to reconnect with faces from your past. A time of reminiscence, a trip down memory lane.  
The event was filled with people you knew six years ago, with faces both familiar and unfamiliar. The air was filled with joyous laughter and chatter as everyone exchanged their stories about their journeys post-graduation. The atmosphere was light-hearted, along with the clicking sound of glasses and the harmonious melodies of shared songs.
You excused yourself from the room, seeking solitude in the cool night air. As you strolled down the lanes of the school, lit with the soft glow of the full moon, were a memory of your time in Jujutsu Tech. Every corner, every room, brought back memories from your time with your old classmates.
You found yourself standing at the very place where you severed your ties with Satoru. The memories came flooding back, as vividly as if it happened yesterday. You could still feel the desperate pull of his embrace, his pleas for you to stay echoing in your ears. It was a moment frozen in time, a reminder that will stay with you forever.
“Hey!” a familiar voice reached out to you.
The sound was like a gentle breeze. You turned around to find Satoru standing there. His face was illuminated by a bright smile as if he had been eagerly anticipating your return to school. He stood near a bench just behind you.
With a casual pat on the seat, he invited you to join him. The bench was beside a tree whose blossoms were falling from the cold breeze.
You both delved into the tales of your lives after graduation, the conversation flowing easily like a river. He spoke passionately about his decision to remain at the school, working as a sorcerer and at the same time, a teacher. Satoru’s eyes sparked with enthusiasm as he recounted his missions with his students.
His nonchalant demeanor as he narrated his experiences stirred something within you. It was as if an old torch as been ignited again, bringing back to life a part of you that you thought you had left behind on the grounds of the school.
“You know, I spent a lot of time reflecting on my behavior later that day.” He confessed. His voice had a regretful tone as he spoke.
You quickly tilted your head as he unexpectedly changed the topic of the conversation.
“I couldn’t bring myself to understand why you would choose to leave me.”
“You still haven’t moved on?” You answered despite the emotional weight of the conversation.
Satoru paused for a moment before answering. “You can’t move on from something that made you curious, can you?
You raised an eyebrow in surprise, followed by a nod in agreement.
“So, I’m here to apologize,” Satoru announced. His voice sounded shaky and unstable. “I’m sorry that… I never properly showed you adoration…”
Satoru’s voice grew louder. “I’m sorry that I had people question about us. I’m sorry, that I spent more time with strangers than with you. I’m sorry that it took me six years, six FUCKING years! To realize that I still love you!”
He inhaled deeply. “I love you!!! I missed you! Ever since you left my side, you have been the only one occupying my mind… I never thought that day would come when you yourself would sever your ties. I have always dreamed of us living together in our estate, even after the fact that you broke on what I thought was fate. If I had the chance to turn back time when our love was at its prime, I would have moved mountains if it meant ensuring you would still be mine.” He took a deep breath from his melodically poetic confession.
You were left speechless with his words. Who would have thought that your seemingly unaffectionate ex would have a poetic side?
For the first time in your life, you witness a side of Satoru that was unseen, even when you’re still together. Satoru Gojo, who rarely shows weakness, now stood before you in this pitiful state. His blindfold was soaked with his tears, and his sobs echoed in the silence. The sight of him, so woeful and melancholic, bawling with no sign of embarrassment, is an image that tugs at your heartstrings.
     “Forgive me as well,” You begin your side.
“I was selfish to think that I was your only priority. I should have thought that you have other things keeping you company. I should have realized that you had your world apart from the one with me. It’s too late of an apology after the damage we both caused, but at the very least Satoru, our feelings were finally out, and we can both rest assured, that our hearts are freed from the chains from the past.” You finished.
Both of you were vulnerable at that moment. The soft glow of the moonlight and the cold breeze were the only ones occupying your shared space. You fell into his embrace once more, his head resting on your shoulder as he whispered his words, promising to treat you right and be more attentive this time.
“Can I call you princess again?” He asked, anxiously anticipating your response.
You smiled as you brushed your hand against his hair as if to comfort him.
     “Of course, Satoru, I’ll always be your princess.” You replied.
His arms tightened their grip on you, where you couldn’t even breathe.
Faint sounds of footsteps were heard coming towards you. Followed by slow clapping sounds.
     “Well if it isn’t the long-lost lovebirds?”  Suguru asked sarcastically. “I’m liking the view right now.”
     “Shut up,” Satoru replied, His voice tickling your nape.
     “Ever so cheesy I see,” Shoko commented.
“Hey, did you know he kept the items you left in his house? Pens, notebooks, your hair tie?” Suguru teased him.
“Oh yeah, he kept them in a box with the label ‘Princess’” Shoko replied.
You chuckled at their remarks.
“Finally, you’re back in his life.” They declared in unison before going back to the event.
As the rest of your class was busy reuniting with old friends, you were busy cuddling in Satoru’s embrace.
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