#bos template
the-corset-witch · 2 years
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Up and getting ready for my day with a fuck ton of nerves.  Drew a 5Swords, which isn’t super reassuring, but maybe it help me handle what’s to come.  This first shift is a straight 8 hours and I am hoping I am not too beat when I get home because I definitely want to spend some time for myself and just have a free hour or two to rebuild myself up after this day.  
The good news is in my desperation for this job, the location is less than 5 minutes from my house, so I really do not need to leave until the last minute.
*This page has been edited & watermarked, the original pageset is on sale at my Etsy shop for 25% off until the end of January.
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thevirginwitch · 2 years
Digital Notion Grimiore/Book of Shadows Template
A digital grimoire/book of shadows is a must-have for modern witches - and Notion is the PERFECT platform to organize it. My Notion Grimoire/Book of Shadows Template features tons of pages, sub-pages, linked properties, and TONS more to keep you organized and help you in your witchcraft journey. <3
Available in both light mode and dark mode!
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bokatan77 · 1 year
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Dinbo by @rainybearstudio
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electricalstemplates · 5 months
hey! could we request a long pk alter intro template with emojis and/or symbols based on bo burnham? greatly appreciated <3/p
Here you are! Hope you like it!!
🎹⋯〣__Name__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🌐⋯〣__Nicknames__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🎹⋯〣__Age__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🌐⋯〣__Pronouns__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🎹⋯〣__Gender__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🌐⋯〣__Orient__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🎹⋯〣__Terms__ꜝꜝ❫❫ ⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙˙ॱᐧ.˳˳.⋅ 🗣⋯〣__Role__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🗣⋯〣__Alter type__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🗣⋯〣__Source__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 🗣⋯〣__Sign-off__ꜝꜝ❫❫ ⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙˙ॱᐧ.˳˳.⋅ 💬⋯〣__Likes__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 💬⋯〣__Dislikes__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 💬⋯〣__Hobbies__ꜝꜝ❫❫ 💬⋯〣__Favorite things__ꜝꜝ❫❫ ⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙˙ॱᐧ.˳˳.⋅ 🎤⋯〣*Inter*actionꜝꜝ❫❫ fti/iwc/dni 🎤⋯〣*To*uchꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯���*PD*Aꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Flirt*ing /pꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Flirt*ing /rꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Nickn*amesꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Pet* namesꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Compl*imentsꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Vent*ingꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Front* reqsꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Pin*gsꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no 🎤⋯〣*Dm*sꜝꜝ❫❫ yes/ask/no
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chrysanthemum9484 · 1 year
After knowledge of Superboy boing Superman's clone comes out the following laws are written:
1) The clone has the right to chose whether to live with their template or with their creator after being conscious for an year and is physically looks old enough to be able to make and express opinions about people.
2) The template has the right to sue to child support if the clone decides to live with them.
3) The clone is their own person. They have the right to choose a name, go to school (it is not mandatory though) and everything else a meta/human has the right to.
Superman sues Lex Luthor not because he doesn't make enough money to support his Kon and Jon but because he got ✨trauma✨.
Danny sues Vlad Masters and Lex Luthor (the man accidentally cloned him and said clone wants to live with him... Go figure) with enough proof about all of his clones existence, creation and creators (all thanks to Clockwork).
And we get Jack finally stop seeing Vlad as friend... As a treat.
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sweeneydino · 11 months
I also made this 👉👈
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Rise Donnie couldn’t fit to edited on to the Bo
So I made a meme template thingy instead
This opens so many possibilities
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No one can convince me that Rise!Donnie wouldn't try to get Donatello to upgrade him.
I do wonder what would happen tho hrdvjiu
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adalwolfgang · 1 year
Bo trying to be a good parent:
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The kids skin tone is grey since the kid was born with your skin tone and brown hair since it got Bo’s hair color!
The original template was found on tumblr:
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penaimaji · 1 year
Respon diri kita terhadap orang lain mencerminkan nilai diri kita sesungguhnya. Seringkali kita merasa tidak terima dengan tanggapan orang lain yang menurut kita negatif, sehingga tumbuh rasa ingin membalas perbuatannya; ingin orang itu segera mendapat balasannya; atau buru-buru memberi label buruk terhadapnya
Padahal rasa tidak nyaman itu justru membuat kita semakin bertumbuh. Mengoreksi pada diri sendiri apa yang salah dan perlu diperbaiki
Ini bukan soal personality saja, melainkan dalam hal berdagang juga demikian; dalam hal desain juga demikian; bahkan dalam hal dakwah sekalipun juga demikian. Atau dalam hal transaksional lainnya, apalagi kalau kita memiliki peran yang berhubungan dengan klien atau konsumen
Ada seseorang yang kukenal dekat, bekerja sebagai desain marketing dalam sebuah perusahaan. Ini pengalaman pertamanya sebagai desainer perusahaan dan seringkali mendapat komentar buruk atasannya
"Lama banget sih desainnya, ini harusnya sebentar aja udah jadi". Atau "Jangan bikin template sendiri, ini norak, harusnya bla bla bla". Atau "Presentasimu itu bertele-tele, langsung aja". Dan semisalnya yang mungkin kata-kata bos nya itu sering jlab jleb jlab jleb
Wajar karena baru pertama kali, ia masih berbaiksangka pada atasannya, "oh iya aku harus belajar lagi, ya mungkin pembawaan beliau memang begitu", dalam hatinya
Selang beberapa waktu, ia menemani atasannya keluar dan sempat berbincang meski tidak seharian. Atasannya itu memberikan banyak insight, mumpung masih muda harus perbanyak belajar dan pengalaman, juga menceritakan pengalaman beliau. Ternyata orangnya asik, tapi kalo urusan kerjaan beliau sedikit keras, karena mungkin begitulah cara beliau mengarahkan orang lain untuk bertumbuh, dan bisa jadi memang beliau terdidik demikian. "Harus dikejar, mungkin 10 tahun kedepan kamu sakit, tapi nanti kamu merasakan hasilnya", kata beliau pada juniornya
Beliau berasal dari kampung dengan keluarganya yang sederhana. Mungkin beliau tumbuh selaras dengan kerasnya hidup, juga ambisinya yang ingin sukses mengejar karir. Tentu, semuanya tidak dengan rasa nyaman, sampai sudah pernah menempati level vice president beberapa perusahaan besar di umur 30-an ini
Sedangkan teman si junior desainer yang lainnya ini saat melihat atasannya sering ketus dan marah, mereka malah menyerang personality atasannya, bukan melihat kesalahan kinerja mereka sendiri. Mereka tidak siap ditekan dengan perubahan kultur perusahaan karena terbiasa dengan zona nyaman. Mereka tidak suka dengan kritikan yang kalau dilihat dari sisi lain, merupakan sebuah lecutan diri untuk lebih bertumbuh lagi
Bertumbuh memang tidak akan pernah nyaman. Sekalipun kita merasa personality kita baik, tentu ada masanya kita dikritik pedas untuk perlu naik level
Semoga rasa tidak nyaman itu selalu bersandar kepada Allah, barangkali itu memang sinyal dari Allah melalui perantara orang lain. Entah apa tujuannya, barangkali kita hanya perlu melihat pada diri. Dan apapun yang terjadi tentu atas izin-Nya, bukan?
Jakarta, 1 Juni 2023 | Pena Imaji
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feral-mouse · 22 days
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I sadly won't be going through every character, but I'll try to explain my rankings
You can find the template here
First I'm gonna provide some color coding assignments, so if you wanna look for a specific oc, it'll be easier to do so lol
RED: Squirrel, Skull, Eugene
ORANGE: Tantrum, Clove, Fester, Elowyn
GREEN: Davis
BLUE: Dan, Bo, Oenis
PURPLE: Conrad, Ronny
PINK: Kalani, Colin, Vesper, Theo, Sable
Most/Least Likely to get Kidnapped
Squirrel is next. Since she loves climbing trees, this means she's always out in the woods, and has a high likelihood of bumping into Randy lol
Then I have Conrad in third place because honestly, I feel like she's a danger magnet pajjcjs. Maybe she's seen way too many people bring Randy back to their hotel rooms, only for them to be found dead the next night. She made the mistake to confront him about it 😤
I've placed the people in the middle because I feel like they wouldn't be as likely to run into Randy, whether it's because they hang out in the wrong crowds, or because they won't venture the woods at night lol. It is leading with Vesper and Bo because they would smell delicious. Randy would approach them first 😔 pshjcksl
The last five starts with Fester. He might be too intimidating for Randy to try to eat lol. Randy does not want to get into a losing fight 😤. Next is Cyrus, who is only placed so low because he is VERY CAUTIOUS. He is making sure not to run into ANYONE. He wants to stay hidden. Davis is after him because if Randy goes after him, Dan might start to get suspicious. And he does honestly get the vibes that Davis wants to kill him too (he does lol). Oenis is there because he honestly does not look appetizing at all 😭. He looks so dirty and like he'd taste gross 😭
Favorite/Horrendous Victim
Davis 👏 is 👏 number 👏 one 👏 👁👁. HUNT THAT BITCH DOOOOWN. Randy would honestly love to hunt Davis. Give him a taste of his own medicine. He'd love to put him in his place. Randy is actually stronger than Davis. Davis would put up a good fight, and it'd definitely be very fun for Randy to watch him struggle, but unfortunately, he is going to end up dead. Randy has a vendetta against Davis. Not only is Davis preventing him from kidnapping Dan, but he's also just so passively aggressive in general. He gets bad vibes from Davis, and feels like Davis is constantly judging him (which he is). Randy hates those types of people
Squirrel and Colin are next because Randy would have a blast hunting them down. I feel like Squirrel's not the type to go down without a fight. You know she's gonna be climbing up trees and using that to her advantage. It's gonna be something that Randy's never seen before. Sure, people have climbed the trees to get away from him, but Squirrel is different, she's experienced, she knows what she's doing and she's swift with it. For Colin, Randy would be mesmerized by his outfit, and also he'd love watching Colin squirm and freak out lol. He's such a cutie that you could gobble right up! 😋
Starting from Theo, Randy starts to have less of an enjoyable time because these people are fighting back lol. He does love a good chase, but also he does NOT like dying. If you're fighting him with the intent to kill, he's putting a stop to that immediately. That being said, I do still think Randy would have a good time interacting with some of them. Theo seems super nice, and Tantrum would honestly be a blast to fight, he would love her spirit >:). Clove would be very fascinating as well, considering he's a fox beastkin. After the initial awe though, Randy is going to have to adjust to fighting him. I'd imagine Clove is very nimble, so that would really catch Randy off guard
Eugene's right in the middle because he would be too boring, he's too passive 😔 pzjfks. Ronny and Sable would be too eager to kill Randy, so he doesn't like them either lol. Same with Skull, Cyrus, and Fester, except they'd REALLY wanna kill Randy osjfkl
Elowyn is in last place because Randy would honestly just find her annoying psjfksk. She would be going into this too tactically. She is coming up with plans and backup plans, trying to figure out how to use the woods to her advantage, coming up with ways to manipulate Randy. But all of that shit would fly over his head. Nothing she says is gonna land with him. He's just gonna be like "she talks way too much and I don't get any of it 🙄" before stabbing her in the stomach lol
For the last section, I'm gonna start by talking about the people who die lol
Unfortunately, Vesper, Bo, Dan, Conrad, Elowyn, Eugene, Colin, Cyrus, and Tantrum getting EATEN PAJFKSKA. The others are getting eaten too, but they're dying in a scuffle. I'm sure everyone is fighting back, but these guys are fighting back. Tantrum and Cyrus are too, but I feel like they're easier to take down than the last three
Survivors who KILLED
Theo, Skull, and Clove are killing Randy. Of course, Theo is immortal lol. So even if Randy somehow kills him, Theo is getting back up when Randy least expects it and is stabbing him in the back
Skull's massive size and wolf strength is easily overpowering Randy
I feel like Clove would also get the upper hand on Randy because he's not used to hunting people who are so quick. Clove is dodging all of his swings and it would honestly freak him out lol. Randy wouldn't be thinking straight in his panic 😔
He is vibing. He is chilling. They are all having a good time
Once Randy learns that Sable has been the one who's dumping bodies in the middle of the woods, they are immediately becoming best friends pekfkw. Killer solidarity. Sable needs a way to get rid of the bodies, and Randy needs to eat
I think Kalani would know exactly what to say to win Randy over and spare her, whether they end up as friends or lovers 😌
Squirrel is also just so cool. I could see them getting along really quickly lol. Randy might stop hunting her in the middle of it because her vibes are fantastic
Oenis is also surviving because the two of them would also get along lol. They have the same type of humor, and honestly I can imagine the both of them hunting people down together lol. Also, since Oenis is a shapeshifter, it would be an instant party trick between the two of them lol. Randy would love watching him turn into different people lol. (Also Oenis would NOT be pleasant to eat osjfjks. Man is too dense and chewy, he's grooosssss 😭)
Characters belong to...
@hurrl: Conrad, Kalani, Squirrel
@derekgoffard: Colin, Tantrum
@dread0narrival: Clove, Vesper
@weirdo-canniboy: Theo, Skull, Fester
@the-bees-knives: Oenis
The rest belong to me lol
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the-corset-witch · 2 years
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I have a bit of a Monday planned, and here’s the Daily Tarot page.  Today I pulled Judgement from the Soul Cards tarot, and with the interview planned later it’s almost like the the trumpets are calling me up to be willing to enter this period of rebirth; that’s the real fear, change.  Adapting to change is never easy, that’s always the most tense part of job-hunting for me.  
*This page has been edited & watermarked, you can buy the pageset it is from here, or just use this post to inspire your own lil template!
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thevirginwitch · 3 months
Notion Grimoire Template (available in dark & light mode!)
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I spent the better part of a year perfecting and finalizing my own personal Notion Grimoire, and thought it would be a great resource for new & experienced witches alike!
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This template is chock-full of databases and templates to put in your own information - and I have also added a few pages that are already filled out!
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You can purchase this template from my Etsy in light or dark mode, and you can use the code "IGOTCHU" for 20% off!
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early20sfailingplenty · 6 months
Also, I remember wondering what on earth Bo's dad was doing to him before he brought him to the highchair that caused him to scream so much; you were the one who gave me the idea that maybe Bo was being used as the model for Vincent's masks, and that'd be really difficult for a young child.
The way Victor is holding Bo, it looks like he just came up behind him and scooped him up? No wonder Bo was screaming and throwing a tantrum, so would I if I got randomly picked up and called a monster for retaliating over something unprovoked!!!
I think it's canon that Bo's face was used as a template for Vincent's masks, in the Doctor's office you can see Vincent's masks on the shelf as he's aged, and who better to be a model for the perfect face which God took away from Vincent than Bo, the boy who is the reason God took Vincent's face? (This is not true, obviously, Bo isn't at fault for how he and his twin were born or the horrific surgery done on them afterwards which cost the Sinclairs everything so they had to run to Ambrose to escape infamy. It's just another torment towards Bo from Trudy.)
It'd be almost impossible for a young child to stay still enough to have a mask made for their sibling, and quite scary too. Straws for nostril holes so they can breathe but they can't move too much or itch their nose or anything until it's cool enough to remove and further mold.
The Sinclair parents set their boys up for a lifetime of abuse and tragedy, until the Sinclair twins took matters into their own hands as teenagers and killed their parents (in my opinion). By setting themselves free, they condemned themselves to a life they had never gotten to choose for themselves.
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electricalstemplates · 6 months
Template Masterlist pt 3
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Alter templates
Smiles family/Roblox theme
Uzi and Khan theme
Food theme
Misc themes
Youtuber theme
Phineas and Ferb theme
Punk/Pink romance theme
Avatar: The Last Airbender theme
Leadership/fallen angel theme
Atsushi Nakajima theme
Will Solace theme
Greek mythos theme
Music theme
Cat theme
Gentle flower theme
Science theme
Cloud/sky theme
Goddess/Fallen angel theme
Spamton theme
Nikolai Gogol theme
Purple music theme
Cottagecore theme
Nature theme
Insect/flower theme
Demon Hipster Chicks (Scott Pilgrim) theme
Cowboy theme
School Bus Graveyard theme
Night/ocean theme
Gothic/dark theme
Paranormal/Ghost hunter theme
Kaveh theme
Cute/pink theme
Metalocalypse/The Magnus Archives theme
Dark Academia/star theme
Darkside by Bring Me the Horizon theme
Music theme
Vocaloid theme
Clown/circus theme
Weirdcore theme
Dark angelic theme
No theme
Rainbow theme
Dayshift at Freddy's/Lovecore theme
Plant/literature theme
Todd Ingram theme
Genloss theme
Cryptid/Mothman theme
Blue, bats, and music theme
Daugther of Evil theme
Romantic theme
Huggy Wuggy/Poppy Playtime theme
Takt Op. Destiny theme
Lynette Guycott theme
Bo Burnham theme
Shadowclan/1800s theme
Flower garden theme
Chaos/frog theme
JD theme
Playing card theme
Sundrop and Moondrop theme
Pidge Holt theme
Purple cross theme
Dessert/cookie theme
Draco Malfoy theme
System templates
Pink/cutesy theme
Gothic theme
Cloud/sky theme
Gothic theme
Purple music theme
Insect/flower theme
Autism party theme
Scene alien theme
Gothic/dark theme
Backrooms theme
Weirdcore/cottagecore theme
Pink/cute theme
Snail theme
Vocaloid theme
Forest/fantasy theme
Rainy/coffee theme
Cult Family/Roblox theme
Void & oranges theme
Creepy/cute theme
Goblincore theme
Flower garden theme
Wolf/Blood moon theme
About mes
Splatoon theme
Kazuha theme
PK Groups
School Bus Graveyard theme
Display names and Pronouns
Todd Ingram theme
Musical theme
Lynette Guycott theme
No theme
Flower garden theme
Heaven Official's Blessing theme
Hannibal theme
Cross theme
Pink emo/scene theme
Sys tags
Lemon theme
Singletsona/Tumblr intro
Long crazy pastel theme
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the-skyplex · 1 year
non themed system pk template !
┈┈┈┈┈ ❛ `[system name]` ❜ ┈┈┈┈┈
**na**me ﹕
**pr**onouns ﹕
**bo**dy age ﹕
**ot**her ﹕
┈┈┈┈┈ ❛ `sys info` ❜ ┈┈┈┈┈
**or**igin ﹕
**ty**pe ﹕
**he**adcount ﹕
**sy**s tag ﹕
**ot**her ﹕
┈┈┈┈┈ ❛ `frq fronters` ❜ ┈┈┈┈┈
**na**me ⁺ prns prns ⁺ __role__
**na**me ⁺ prns prns ⁺ __role__
**na**me ⁺ prns prns ⁺ __role__
┈┈┈┈┈ ❛ `other` ❜ ┈┈┈┈┈
**li**nks ﹕ [link]() ⁺ [link]()
**ot**her ﹕
**ot**her ﹕
no credit needed!
example of it filled out:
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61 notes · View notes
deewithani · 1 year
Clone Force 99, Omega, and Emerie Karr are the 6 Null ARCs embryos that "died" from Republic Commando.
Note: This post will be connected to another theory post I'm writing about Palpatine's failures in cloning.
1. CF99 refused Order 66. Crosshair shot Lt. Nolan. Emerie helped release Crosshair. We don't even need to talk about Omega.
Null ARCs are well known to be independent thinkers and resistant to command.
From Wookipedia:
When the Kaminoans began cloning, they produced twelve prototypes, designated as Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos. Their extreme physiological modifications killed half of the prototypes during gestation. The "enhancements" to the Fett genome handicapped the survivors with erratic behavior and an inclination toward disobedience, making their loyalties unpredictable. Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian warrior who had been brought to Kamino to assist in the training of a special unit, concurred with the Kaminoans' rationale behind "modified" troopers; an "unaltered" Jango Fett was not the ideal infantry soldier. Disappointed with the unsatisfactory results of their wayward creations, the Kaminoans deemed 12 of the first 100 prototypes complete failures and intended to kill them
They're also very loyal to those who are loyal to them.
Other regular commandos followed Order 66.
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2. In Republic Commando, the Kaminoan scientist Orun Wa created the Null ARCs. This is what he said about them:
Highly intelligent, deviant, disturbed—and uncommandable.
In Season 1, Episode 1, Tech says this when AZI says they're defective clones:
We're more deviant than defective.
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3. The living Null ARCs numbers and the "dead" Null ARC embryos' numbers.
N-5 ("Prudii")
N-6 ("Kom'rk")
N-7 ("Mereel")
N-10 ("Jaing")
N-11 ("Ordo")
N-12 ("A'den")
Missing are Ns 1-4, and Ns 8 & 9.
Clone Force 99s designations are likely CT-9901-9904. We know that Crosshair is CT-9904. They are Ns 1-4, respectively.
Omega is N-9. She's the last experimental clone Nala Se took for her experimental unit.
That leaves Emerie Karr as N-8.
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4. Omega is a defective clone, and it has nothing to do with her being an unaltered clone.
Nala Se also says she's a defective clone to Tarkin. She specifically tells him that five genetically defective clones are all that remain. This excludes Echo. He wasn't genetically defective. This also excludes Emerie Karr. She's with Dr. Hemlock by this point in time.
If Omega is one of the Null ARCs, she wasn't created unaltered. She was created with accelerated aging like all the others.
Her accelerated aging is broken. She's not older than the rest of CF99. She's the same age.
I suspect she started out aging rapidly, like 99. That was Omega's genetic defect. She remembers everyone else in the tubes but being outside of them herself.
Omega was an experiment too. Nala Se figured out how to turn off accelerated aging to keep her from aging too fast.
This also mirrors Republic Commando. The Kaminoans at one point knew how to slow aging. Kina Ha is proof of that. She was engineered for long hyperspace journeys, but those never came to pass. That particular trait wasn't really needed anymore after that and was abandoned.
Slowing down the aging of clones isn't a good idea for the Kaminoans financially, after all. You want your buyers to keep buying.
(I also find it interesting that both Nala Se and Ko Sai had hidden underwater research labs).
All of Ko Sai's research was destroyed by Ordo (to Ko Sai's knowledge, anyway. They kept a copy). Nala Se's research would have been destroyed with Kamino, except a living copy remains. Omega.
Omega only appears unaltered because her broken genetic defect was fixed.
Nala Se theoretically knows how to slow/stop aging, and Omega is a genetic template for that.
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5. Probably the flimsiest proof. Delta Squad exists in canon.
It's not out of the question to believe that Omega Squad and the Null ARCs could be pulled into canon as well.
I'm personally interested to see if Bo-Katan gathers any Legends Mandalorian clans. If any Clan Skirata members show up that could help this theory.
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Asks!
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I mean--
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This is in chapter 24 of Part One!
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Yeah! He's very careful and aware of how Donnie fights, and he also has to help Raph fight slightly different as well, because he's got a big ol' tail. He tries to train them to their strengths.
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He doesn't as much as he used to, but his cloak has pockets! Otherwise he's usually out with Donnie, and Donnie has plenty. Recently he's been using Donnie's tech-bo that he made for Ghost, so Ghost has plenty of tools at his disposal.
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Yeah, Ghost actually makes parallels to him when they first meet in chapter 12!
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When I say the physics are different, there's nothing so different that it could be measured. It's just off. Ghost can feel it. It's hard to explain. Nothing is different on paper, but everything is just slightly not right. Ghost thinks it's just his own headspace of this not being home.
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There is a period of adjustment! Part of the reason Raph knocks everything over is because he's a teenager, and he doesn't worry about being as careful. Ghost, on the other hand, is an adult and has been taught from childhood to step lightly, so he makes an effort to keep his tail under control. He still knocks things over tho.
He has to relearn how to move! He's a lot stronger than he was before as well, which... throws some things off.
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They aren't exactly his clones, it's just that his DNA created a template that Draxum molded the mutagen from. If Ghost was just a different turtle from the same universe, their DNA would've been like. under 10% similar? But because of universal shenanigans, his DNA is VERY similar to Donnie's! Because they're the same person!!
But yeah Ghost has no idea Draxum got a hold of his blood.
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Not EVERY kid, he definitely has a turtle bias... But yeah I'm excited for you guys to see Ghost meet Casey as well :D
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Yes I wanted to make Ghost taller than Raph for another year or two before Raph keeps shooting up at ridiculous speeds <3 He'll be taller than Ghost again by the movie u.u
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I cannot talk about this because spoilers. But I will show everyone.
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Ghost SERIOUSLY got it from his dad. It's funny, because he considers himself nothing like his father, but he is very much a mirror of his love when it comes to the Rise kids. He'll get around to describing his father to them one day and they'll just be like "that just sounds like you???" and he will cry.
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Hehehehe I'm so excited for you guys to see Ghost in Part 2.
(the answer is yes)
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This is basically how I take notes for GitS fghkdjfgh
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Explosions don't bother Ghost so much! He's used to hearing them from Donnie's lab. He'll go to check on any loud noises like that of course, and he'll be worried/nervous until he has eyes on all the kids, but he's okay.
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(thank @crownedcrowrow for the art of Ghost)
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Nope, just because they simply don't do it! They found 'shell' too funny and started using it ironically but now it's not ironic anymore. They're also kinda afraid what happens if they cuss. Ghost doesn't really do it in front of them, so they don't want to risk it.
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Yup! It's actually got a pretty good grip once he gets used to using it. It basically becomes his tool-fetcher.
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