#conrad goodwynn
feral-mouse ยท 22 days
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OH MY GOD SO MANY PEOPLE DIED OSJPAJFJKS. I'M SO SORRY RANDY IS SUCH A HARD BITCH TO SURVIVE ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ. But anyways, let's get into the statistics ๐Ÿ‘€
I sadly won't be going through every character, but I'll try to explain my rankings
You can find the template here
First I'm gonna provide some color coding assignments, so if you wanna look for a specific oc, it'll be easier to do so lol
RED: Squirrel, Skull, Eugene
ORANGE: Tantrum, Clove, Fester, Elowyn
GREEN: Davis
BLUE: Dan, Bo, Oenis
PURPLE: Conrad, Ronny
PINK: Kalani, Colin, Vesper, Theo, Sable
Most/Least Likely to get Kidnapped
Squirrel is next. Since she loves climbing trees, this means she's always out in the woods, and has a high likelihood of bumping into Randy lol
Then I have Conrad in third place because honestly, I feel like she's a danger magnet pajjcjs. Maybe she's seen way too many people bring Randy back to their hotel rooms, only for them to be found dead the next night. She made the mistake to confront him about it ๐Ÿ˜ค
I've placed the people in the middle because I feel like they wouldn't be as likely to run into Randy, whether it's because they hang out in the wrong crowds, or because they won't venture the woods at night lol. It is leading with Vesper and Bo because they would smell delicious. Randy would approach them first ๐Ÿ˜” pshjcksl
The last five starts with Fester. He might be too intimidating for Randy to try to eat lol. Randy does not want to get into a losing fight ๐Ÿ˜ค. Next is Cyrus, who is only placed so low because he is VERY CAUTIOUS. He is making sure not to run into ANYONE. He wants to stay hidden. Davis is after him because if Randy goes after him, Dan might start to get suspicious. And he does honestly get the vibes that Davis wants to kill him too (he does lol). Oenis is there because he honestly does not look appetizing at all ๐Ÿ˜ญ. He looks so dirty and like he'd taste gross ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Favorite/Horrendous Victim
Davis ๐Ÿ‘ is ๐Ÿ‘ number ๐Ÿ‘ one ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. HUNT THAT BITCH DOOOOWN. Randy would honestly love to hunt Davis. Give him a taste of his own medicine. He'd love to put him in his place. Randy is actually stronger than Davis. Davis would put up a good fight, and it'd definitely be very fun for Randy to watch him struggle, but unfortunately, he is going to end up dead. Randy has a vendetta against Davis. Not only is Davis preventing him from kidnapping Dan, but he's also just so passively aggressive in general. He gets bad vibes from Davis, and feels like Davis is constantly judging him (which he is). Randy hates those types of people
Squirrel and Colin are next because Randy would have a blast hunting them down. I feel like Squirrel's not the type to go down without a fight. You know she's gonna be climbing up trees and using that to her advantage. It's gonna be something that Randy's never seen before. Sure, people have climbed the trees to get away from him, but Squirrel is different, she's experienced, she knows what she's doing and she's swift with it. For Colin, Randy would be mesmerized by his outfit, and also he'd love watching Colin squirm and freak out lol. He's such a cutie that you could gobble right up! ๐Ÿ˜‹
Starting from Theo, Randy starts to have less of an enjoyable time because these people are fighting back lol. He does love a good chase, but also he does NOT like dying. If you're fighting him with the intent to kill, he's putting a stop to that immediately. That being said, I do still think Randy would have a good time interacting with some of them. Theo seems super nice, and Tantrum would honestly be a blast to fight, he would love her spirit >:). Clove would be very fascinating as well, considering he's a fox beastkin. After the initial awe though, Randy is going to have to adjust to fighting him. I'd imagine Clove is very nimble, so that would really catch Randy off guard
Eugene's right in the middle because he would be too boring, he's too passive ๐Ÿ˜” pzjfks. Ronny and Sable would be too eager to kill Randy, so he doesn't like them either lol. Same with Skull, Cyrus, and Fester, except they'd REALLY wanna kill Randy osjfkl
Elowyn is in last place because Randy would honestly just find her annoying psjfksk. She would be going into this too tactically. She is coming up with plans and backup plans, trying to figure out how to use the woods to her advantage, coming up with ways to manipulate Randy. But all of that shit would fly over his head. Nothing she says is gonna land with him. He's just gonna be like "she talks way too much and I don't get any of it ๐Ÿ™„" before stabbing her in the stomach lol
For the last section, I'm gonna start by talking about the people who die lol
Unfortunately, Vesper, Bo, Dan, Conrad, Elowyn, Eugene, Colin, Cyrus, and Tantrum getting EATEN PAJFKSKA. The others are getting eaten too, but they're dying in a scuffle. I'm sure everyone is fighting back, but these guys are fighting back. Tantrum and Cyrus are too, but I feel like they're easier to take down than the last three
Survivors who KILLED
Theo, Skull, and Clove are killing Randy. Of course, Theo is immortal lol. So even if Randy somehow kills him, Theo is getting back up when Randy least expects it and is stabbing him in the back
Skull's massive size and wolf strength is easily overpowering Randy
I feel like Clove would also get the upper hand on Randy because he's not used to hunting people who are so quick. Clove is dodging all of his swings and it would honestly freak him out lol. Randy wouldn't be thinking straight in his panic ๐Ÿ˜”
He is vibing. He is chilling. They are all having a good time
Once Randy learns that Sable has been the one who's dumping bodies in the middle of the woods, they are immediately becoming best friends pekfkw. Killer solidarity. Sable needs a way to get rid of the bodies, and Randy needs to eat
I think Kalani would know exactly what to say to win Randy over and spare her, whether they end up as friends or lovers ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Squirrel is also just so cool. I could see them getting along really quickly lol. Randy might stop hunting her in the middle of it because her vibes are fantastic
Oenis is also surviving because the two of them would also get along lol. They have the same type of humor, and honestly I can imagine the both of them hunting people down together lol. Also, since Oenis is a shapeshifter, it would be an instant party trick between the two of them lol. Randy would love watching him turn into different people lol. (Also Oenis would NOT be pleasant to eat osjfjks. Man is too dense and chewy, he's grooosssss ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
Characters belong to...
@hurrl: Conrad, Kalani, Squirrel
@derekgoffard: Colin, Tantrum
@dread0narrival: Clove, Vesper
@weirdo-canniboy: Theo, Skull, Fester
@the-bees-knives: Oenis
The rest belong to me lol
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hurrl ยท 1 month
๐Ÿ’‹ and ๐Ÿฉธ for everyone?
๐Ÿ’‹ (kiss) - Is your oc a good kisser? Have they kissed anyone before? Do they even enjoy kissing? What was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent? Kalani- That girl is a marvelous kisser, she's really good at gauging what her partner likes and adjusts herself accordingly. Do they prefer sloppy and rough or sweet and slow? From sweet little pecks on the cheek to breathless make-outs, she likes it all. Her lips are buttery soft and her breath is always fresh ๐Ÿ‘(she makes SURE). Kissing is just AFFECTION, and she loves giving and receiving affection ๐Ÿ˜Œ Her first kiss was a stage kiss when she was in high school BUT if you're not counting that, her first real kiss was with (and if you haven't seen the lore change, hi) her best friend in college, Valentina. Gosh, that really was something ๐Ÿ˜ณ unfortunately, it was that kiss that led to the end of their friendship (and Val!). NOW HER MOST RECENT KISS was with her deceased husband (Geez! Maybe don't kiss her, you'll end up dead!) who... no yeah it was bad, she had to ask him to kiss her. There were no ZING no SPARKS; she had already been disillusioned-that man wanted her money and a hole to shove his dick into and nothing more. It made her feel icky knowing that she was just being used.
So yeah, the kiss with Val wins with her, despite how it ended, her first kiss was with someone who loved her. That's what matters most๐Ÿ’ž
Hugo: You know what this is up for debate, this guy is a SELFISH and AGRESSIVE kisser. There's tongue, he grabs, he bites... but does he even like to kiss? Intimacy is a form of escapism for Hugo, all of his kisses are hungry, he needs to get out of whatever state of mind he's in, to get lost completely in another person. If he kisses you, it means he fully intends on sleeping with you and never seeing you again. Kind of a dick move, and he's aware. It doesn't make him feel good about himself but he doesn't change either.
Like his most recent kiss; his first kiss doesn't matter.
Wolfgang: THIS MAN HAS NEVER BEEN KISSED IN HIS LIFE. He gets no bitches, zero play, zero pull. And when he does get his first kiss IT WILL SHOW. That man is nervous and sweating and WHOOS sorry you got like a foot of tongue down your throat!
Lilith: She is a GOOD KISSER. Anyone who has kissed Lilith knows this, and she's never had any complaints, but she doesn't particularly like or dislike kissing ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ it's just a thing people do! She is not going out of her way to kiss people, and doesn't understand why anyone would want to kiss her (she is aware that objectively, she is strange/weird looking) but if someone asks, she's not gonna say no. Her first and last kisses were done at the nightclub where she works and she felt the same about both- neutral. Conrad: ANOTHER BITCH WHO HAS NEVER BEEN KISSED. Her and Wolfgang, the rizzless twins. Must run in the family. She has never gotten close enough to anyone to want to kiss them ๐Ÿ˜ญ this is not a topic that weighs heavy on her mind. The girl is perfectly pleased with the way her life the way it is ๐Ÿ™‚โ€โ†•๏ธ. Though, I think if anyone ever builds that sort of relationship with her, she'd be a wreck. You'd have to guide that girl.
Squirrel: YES YES YES!! THIS BITCH LOVES TO KISS BITCHES. She's kissing friends, she's kissing strangers, she's kissing your mother, your father, YOU. Kissing's fun!! Casual or otherwise!
Her first kiss wasn't pleasant. She was fifteen and It had been a "prank" that ended up outing her to her school.
HER MOST RECENT KISS WAS BOMB, THOUGH, it was with Astrid, the drummer in her band and dear friend ๐Ÿ˜Œ. Sometimes you just gotta kiss the homies, you know.
Chrysalis: Oh her kisses are FIRE ๐Ÿ”ฅbut she typically kisses with the intention of teasing. She wants to get you hot and bothered so she can make fun of you for getting HORNY over a kiss. That's just her way ๐Ÿ’…
Her first kiss was during spin the bottle and her last kiss was done at the club ๐Ÿ•บduring a steamy dancefloor session. The club wins, obviously
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feral-mouse ยท 25 days
I finished making all the new chibi icons for my kidnapping tier list, so I am posting them now ๐Ÿ˜Œ
The first two girlies belong to @hurrl, the next two guys belong to @weirdo-canniboy, and the last two cuties belong to @derekgoffard ๐Ÿ™Œ
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hurrl ยท 2 months
For the question meme ๐Ÿ•บ
Wolfgang- 13, Kalani- 10, Conrad- 16, Lilith- 21
Wolfgang: 13- If you could commit any crime without consequence, which crime would you commit? Or would you not commit any crime at all? "I would make counterfeit money all the way. In this situation I'm getting away with it, right? So yeah, an endless supply of money, I wouldn't have to work, I could stay home chill out, afford to live- yeah fake money for the win,"
Kalani: 10- What song would you play at your funeral? "I don't think I've ever given it much thought. I'd want something light something that reflects who I am without being too upsetting. I don't want my loved ones to be sad, I'm not gone, I'll exist forever in the people who've loved me. I think I'll have to go with... Doris Day's Dream a Little Dream of Me. It's upbeat enough and I just feel like it suits who I am, or, who I was in this case,"
16- Are we really living or are we just slowly dying? "We're really living... yeah. I mean, you have to think about it like this... slowly dying implies that everyone gets to live a long life... but that just... that's not the case. Death is unexpected, it's fast... no one really knows when it'll happen. So we live, every day, and that looks different for everyone,"
Lilith: 21- How would you dispose of a body? "I'd gobble them right up! Every bit of 'em, clean plate club!"
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hurrl ยท 2 months
Conrad Goodwynn
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A new murder mc on the scene, fresh and right for the abducting ๐Ÿ‘
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hurrl ยท 2 months
Conrad is human, however she does have this sort of gift, maybe it's magic, or maybe it's just really good intuition, but she is always able to tell what emotion a person is feeling. It's been this way forever, and it's why she prefers to avoid crowded spaces- too many feelings at once. It's also why she is a night owl, there's less people around.
Conrad also has an issue with sleepwalking. But that's nothing...
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hurrl ยท 2 months
For the OC ask thing :3 did a few for each! You can pick and choose who you want to do
Conrad: 13, 30, 44
Kalani: 15, 22, 39
Wolfgang: 1, 14, 16
Conrad: 13:ย Biggest turn ons
"Oh! Hehah, we're starting off-uh, we're really starting off strong here, Huh?๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Now that you asked I'm like- bleeeeh ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿคช can't think of anything, haha! I guess... hm.. well maybe ๐Ÿค”maybe like- natural leaders... you know? The kind of people just-like- when they speak the whole room stops and listens. I think that's... yeah that's really cool! Cause I- I mean I can't do that, haha! It's like.. admirable, like oop ๐Ÿคญ I'm blushing. Teehee And like... I think sweat is like- yeah sweat is kind of attractive, haha!" 30:ย What I hate the most about work/school "I work overnights at The Vortex- it's a motel- so, like we're not really busy... exactly, but like, once a month someone drunk will walk into the check inn where i'm at and just like... puke ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธthat's nasty... I don't like seeing that. ๐Ÿ˜"
44:ย A random fact about anything "Uuhhh... a strawberry isn't technically a berry; but an eggplant is," Kalani: 15:ย Favorite movie "Oh, this is so hard, don't make me chose ๐Ÿ˜„I think I would have to go with Like Water For Chocolate, which is a book, turned ballet, turned movie. It's about this young women who is unable- forbidden- to marry the love of her life; she has to take care of her mother. Well, the love of her life marries her older sister, despite still being in love with her! Of course this girl is distraught, that begins to surface in fantastical ways through her cooking. That's where the title comes from, sort of. There's this phrase in Spanish, ย como agua para chocolate, which loosely means someone's emotions are at the point of boiling over,"
22:ย What I want to be when I get older "I want to teach Ballet, maybe choreograph a few stage productions. I don't think I'll ever stop dancing. Uhm ๐Ÿ˜Šbut, you know, aside from my career, I'd also love to be a wife- a mother. I really look forward to all of that," 39:ย My favorite ice cream flavor "I like strawberry ๐Ÿ˜Š" Wolfgang:
1:ย Virgin? "What? Haha ๐Ÿ˜† No! I'm 27 years old, you think I haven't gotten laid? Like, look at me. I fuck,"
14:ย Biggest turn offs "I don't like being patronized- uh... it's a total vibe killer when people bring up their exes. Being called 'daddy'- I didn't have a good relationship with my father, don't call me daddy I never had a good example to follow. Uuuuh Someone who ISN'T into knives like- I'm sorry we're just not for each other then,"
16:ย Iโ€™ll love you if "I'll love if you if you love me more,"
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hurrl ยท 2 months
For the 3Q ask game; Whoโ€™s your favorite of your OCs?
Would you get along with said fav OC if they were real?
Tell us a fun fact about them :3
(If you saw me asking others the same questions, no you didnโ€™t :3โ‚ฌ)
My favorite oc at the moment is Conrad Goodwynn. She's new ๐Ÿคญ very good murder mc material ๐Ÿคซ
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I do think we'd get along ๐Ÿ˜Œ we'd "I like your hair" / "Thanks, I like your bag!" Our way into a friendship in no time. It's like when you see a person who you knew you'd like if you just spoke to them, but you think they're so cool that you're kind of afraid to interact! It's like that on both sides ๐Ÿ˜ญ but we'd find a way eventually.
And a fun fact is she does not drive! She takes a bus or rides her bike to wherever she needs to go. She just never got around to learning how, trying to now seems like an impossible task. Besides, when she's on the bus she has a good amount of uninterrupted writing time! She wouldn't be able to do that if she was the one driving!
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hurrl ยท 2 months
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She's a legend, she's an icon and she is the moment
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hurrl ยท 1 month
So Conrad's face/voice claim released a song ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘โค๏ธ
EDIT: here's the music video, too
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hurrl ยท 2 months
9 10 12 Wolfgang Kalani Conrad
9- What song would you want to get kissed to?
Wolfgang: "Haha, I don't know! I have better shit to do than fantasizing about crap like that. The best music is none, just the sound of us breathing," Here is my personal pick for Wolfgang because I think it's funny. Kalani: "Oh I love this kind of question! There's just so many good romantic songs to choose from, I think my answer would change depending on the situation, hmm~. Right now, Lana Del Rey's Margaret, 'Cause when you know, you know,' because that sentiment is a personal belief of mine. When you find your true love, you'll know,"
Conrad: "Uhm. I don't know... I've never been kissed... and... you know that's whatever, it doesn't matter to me. Maybe... I think Mazzy Star would be nice... Fade into you. . It's like... you know the prom scenes in 2000's movies? I'd wanna be kissed sweetly, you know?" 10- What song would you play at your funeral? Wolfgang: "Someone's forgetting I'm a vampire. I don't have to worry about stuff like that,"
Kalani's answer can be found here! Conrad: "... Forwards Beckon rebound. I just... I think it's pretty,"
12- What do you want to be remembered for when you die?
Wolfgang: "I hate to have to remind you-"
Kalani: "I'd love to be remembered for my skills as a ballerina, of course. We're just starting to be more diverse in that art, I'd love to be that inspiration for someone, that representation that they need to feel like they belong in the dance world. That's very important because although I loved ballet, I always felt out of place growing up ." "But I think being remembered for the way that I loved would be very nice. I have a lot of love to give, when I'm gone I want people to know that,"
Conrad: "I don't want to be remembered for anything. When I'm gone, I'm gone... I'm happy with my life. I know it's not the most exciting, but... every day I live for me. I do what I want to do, ahaha. I know I don't... stick out, but I'm okay with that,"
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hurrl ยท 2 months
You know that if Wolfgang and Conrad ever ran into each other (maybe a forced family reunion or something lol), Lilith would be pushing the both of them to talk and would be messing with both of them lol
Okay, Lilith, at any Wolfgang family reunion, sounds awful for him ๐Ÿ˜ญ she would be getting and spilling all of the dirt. Suddenly, every family member knows his business, and he's so easy to pick on ๐Ÿ˜”
It's easy to mess with Wolfgang because... I mean, come on, it's Wolfgang ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘ Mr. IAmSoCoolAndBetterThanYou it's easy to scoff at him, especially when he just straight-up lies to make himself sound cooler, pretty much everyone see's through his bullshit but he gets so indignant about it.
The only person who actually does think he's cool is Conrad ๐Ÿ˜ญ They're three years apart, so she always viewed him as the "cool older cousin"
But you can't really "mess with" Conrad, I mean, you can, but she won't realize until much later, if at all. Conrad is just socially awkward ๐Ÿ˜ญ but she's earnest! She really enjoys talking to people. She's just bad at it. She has a tendency to mumble or tell a joke that doesn't land; she remains quiet when it is actually her turn to speak. You can catch her stumbling over her words and forgetting whatever point she was trying to make halfway through speaking. She tries, you can tell she tries, but it's different from the way Wolfgang tries.
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hurrl ยท 2 months
Conrad really is good murderbait. She works overnight (8pm-4am) at a seedy motel, which means she's running into all sorts of characters, she lives alone, usually in her thoughts, travels by bike-
Good for snatching up
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hurrl ยท 2 months
Ok hear me out. This song https://youtu.be/IeENKWcitCw?si=e7vDe4kS0Rx7pk5a
I was listening to it on the way to work today. I might be wrong, but it gave me Conrad vibes. Like Conrad x her stalker or whoever is trying to murder her
Alternatively, Squirrel x Jesse on the night she got kidnapped ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
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