#bors a poet
brainn-r0ttt · 11 months
omg guys i just hadnt been on the internet in like two weeks so im gonna be a bit of an off the beaten track person for a bit and i hope you all enjoy the rest your time on this new app i hope it helps a ton and if not then ill just keep streaming and posting on here so that we all know we can be friends and we will get through it all and it is a good experience and i will do the best for the community as well and we can be a lot more supportive of you and the team as we all do and i love each of us all and i will always support and we all will always support and i will support and i love and i hope we all love and i love all of us will be there to see your posts on this new platform we are all here for the same person
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ceilingfan5 · 2 years
I feel like you specifically wrote #11 for Taakitz
“C’mere.” Taako grabs Kravitz by the wrist and tugs him over, and Kravitz hopes his heart isn’t visibly pounding through his ribs, muscle tissue, skin, and four layers of dark clothing. It’s entirely possible. Fucker’s a frog in a bongo up in there. Taako’s hands are so warm and so very touching Kravitz’s skin and not to be a regency freak about unglov’ed contact, but Jesus Christ, is all. 
“What can I do for you, Taako?” Kravitz says, like he’s a retail employee in his own home and not Taako’s roommate, who has been in this exact position many a time. He knows. Why ask? He likes the rhythm of it. 
“Taste this, obviously,” Taako says, snorting, for the hundredth time. He pulls a tasting spoon out of his apron and swipes a tasting taste for Kravitz’s useless opinion, and Kravitz tastes that tasting taste and feels heaven between his cells. That must be what holds his body together in a recognizable and debatably sentient shape. 
“Holy shit, Taako, this is amazing.” Kravitz wants more than a taste. Is this dinner? Sharing dinner? Taako didn’t say he had a date tonight, did he? Kravitz gets more, right? Any more? Even a little?
“Every time you taste my cooking you just say it’s amazing, Krav,” Taako snaps, putting his hands on his hips. With the cinched apron, it’s a good look, and Kravitz is looking respectfully, he promises. “You’re a poet, you bitch, e-la-bor-ate! Does it need more salt or not, I swan to John!”
Kravitz grins, feeling a little called out and a lot pleased that Taako wants his actual for real opinion. And also remembered the poet thing. He doesn’t exactly brag about it. It’s a hard thing to advertise without looking like a total douchebag. Add in the acoustic guitar and his, well, everything else, and Kravitz has got to be pretty delicate with any self-advertisement whatsoever. A lot of “not in a dick way I promise” and so on. “Believe me I’m not a poser, I really do like this shit.” It’s exhausting. 
Kravitz wonders if Taako remembers the poem. Kravitz’s brain gears catch something and start making a terrible machine noise in his brain that promises to chew any fine clockwork that dare think too hard about such a thing. 
“Kravvy,” Taako sighs. “Think out loud.”
“Couldn’t possibly,” Kravitz says, instead of choking and dying on the nickname and the soft hint of annoyed affection stored in that particular spaghetti-stained tupperware container. “If you want a poem about it, I’ll need five to seven business days. But how about, uh,’hot damn’? No? ‘Dewishis?’ How about that one? How about that thing I said?”
Taako elbows Kravitz in the stomach, but only half out of irritation, the other half being him doubling over laughing so hard he almost forgets how to breathe. 
“Fucking excuse me?”
“I said dewishis, I don’t know what more you want from me.”
“I- I don’t know!” Taako wheezes, gripping the counter. “You dumb stupid asshole, I’m trying to romance your brains out with my spices and simmering and you’re telling me my shit is dewishis? Dewishis, with your whole ass?”
“You what?” Kravitz says, remembering fondly when the room had oxygen in it. Oxygen used to be his favorite. Talk about something he could wax poetical about. Remember breathing? He could do it so easily! 
“I-” Taako stands up straight, looking a lot like a deer facing an on-coming flying saucer. One with a sharp blade on top, like a Roomba with a knife taped to it. Run away, little deer. Not down the road! Go perpendicular! Perpendicular! “I, uh, I. Didn’t, say anything.” He holds the ladle like a baseball bat. “Hold still, I’ll fix this.”
“Do not fucking give me blunt force head amnesia when you just confessed your love for me!” Kravitz bolts, and Taako gives chase. It is not a large apartment for these Looney Tooney shenanigans. 
“YOU JUST WANT TO KEEP YOUR SKULL UNDENTED!” Taako skids to a stop, sliding on the laminate in his socks. He leans on the wall, huffing and puffing, and glares at Kravitz, who has mounted the couch in his defense. 
“Maybe so,” Kravitz says, gravely as possible. “Or maybe I was thinking about kissing you when I tasted it so I couldn’t do any words good at you, did you think of that?”
“Fuck you! Bullshit! I call bullshit!”
“I can prove it. Easy. C’mere.” Kravitz hops off the couch. Taako squints, still gripping the ladle with force. Kravitz wonders if his gambit is gonzo, but then he’s grappled by the lapels and kissed quite intensely. It is not how Kravitz imagined this would go. 
It is fucking amazing, though. Kravitz even considers passing out about it. Very regency. 
Taako pulls back, grip still unrelenting. He eyes Kravitz, and Kravitz returns the look, and they catch their breath. And they laugh. 
“Don’t tell me you did that to get out of describing my cooking, asshole.”
“Nah,” Kravitz says, pulling him into another kiss. “I’ve been pining for ages like a dumb idiot, I promise.”
“Good,” Taako says, definitively. And then, “Fuck! My sauce!!!” and bolts back to the burner, leaving poor dumbstruck Kravitz with hand-drawn hearts chirping around his head. 
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dullyn · 6 months
Writing the build-up of this story just so that I can dissect the juicy family relations that everyone has. Medieval writers and poets did not skimp on the dramatic details. Like the betrayed brother arc of Lionel and Bors? Juicy. The blood feud of the Pella Fellas and Orkney Bros? Scrumptious. Tristan having a torrid affair with Isolde? Delicious. The insane things that all of Ygraine's kids do constantly? Wonderful. I am well-fed with source material to use and reference.
Honorable mention to the delightful relationship that is Sir Kay and Arthur being adopted brothers and Kay just being infinitely cooler than Arthur even though Arthur is the king.
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les-mis-in-space · 2 years
Blue: canon term Red: term invented by other fan creator
1815: (ate-teen-FIFF-teen) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command 22-N: Antique security droid repurposed as Leela's nanny droid 4B-L3: Minister Halmath’s protocol droid and personal assistant
Aaloya Awaud: (ah-LOY-ah ah-WOWD) Mandalorian Jedi Aberon Halmath: (AY-bur-on HAL-math) philanthropist, factory owner, minister of industry on Montal Able: [see 4B-L3] Achilles: (uh-KILL-eez) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Adeg: (AD-egg) one of Halmath’s shuttle pilots agger: (AG-ur) board game played by Leela and her father Al-kad: (AL-kad) kindly Weequay bantha rancher on Monderon Alor’buir: (ah-LOR boo-WEER) morut leader in the Vod’tsad Am-shak: (AM-shack) thunder god in the Weequay pantheon Amulon: (AM-yoo-lawn) governor of the Auril Sector Antilles: (an-TILL-eez) common surname in the galaxy [see also Eva Abba Antilles;] used by Leela’s adoptive father, Mr. Antilles Apollon Kondric: (uh-PAWL-un KON-drick) young heir to Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Arkassos: (ar-KAH-sose) stormy planet where Kobjin’s trial is held arue'uvet: (AR-oo-eh oo-VET) Vod'tsad word for the outside world, those outside the Vod'tsad Ashi'brok: (AH-shee BROHK) nickname meaning "the other Broque" given to Ether Broque to distinguish him from his brother Athene Kondric: (ahth-EN-eh KON-drick) eldest daughter of Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Auril sector: (AW-rill SEK-tur) region of space containing Montal, Monderon, and Pasir
Bail Proving: (BAYL PROO-ving) student, poet, polyglot, and member of the Society for Public Restoration Bahil: (BAY-hill) [see Bail Proving] Banaus: (BAHN-owce) monstrous antagonist in the Yrphaxia, known for his tremendous size and single eye; now recognized as a speciesist caricature of an Abyssin ba'vodu: (BAH VOH-doo) Mandalorian word for uncle Beck: (BEK) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Bendelic: (BEN-del-ick) lazy son of a spotchka baron on one of Montal’s moons beskad: (BES-kahd) Mandalorian sword made of beskar Mrs. Bewl: [see Mella Bewl] Bigtrill: (BIG-trill) Alcoholic cynic and member of the Society for Public Restoration Bonoport: (BON-oh-port) [see Porlion Bonoport] Bonvika: (bon-VEE-kuh) Hutt employer to the crew of the Rose Evergreen Borrow: [see Borrowawro] Borrowawro: (bor-oh-WAW-roh) Wartaki Wookiee freedom fighterand member of the Society for Public Restoration Brand: [see Pahoran Brand] Broque: (BROKE) laborer on Montal turned gardener for the Vod’tsad Buir Atin'la: (boo-WEER ah-TEEN lah) Alor’buir of the Vod’tsad morut on Pasir Buir Entyela: (boo-WEER ENT-yeh-lah) former Alor’buir of the Vod’tsad morut on Pasir buir'ika: (boo-WEER EEK-ah) affectionate Mandalorian term for a parent
Cae-Lan Jinn: (KAY-lahn JIN) mother of Com Narcom Caddie Gariste: (KAD-ee gah-REEST) daughter of Com’s older sister Calisuma: (kal-iss-OO-muh) [see Leela] carrotin: (CARE-ut-in) ingredient in Broque's tiingilar recipe Cavla Gariste: (KAV-luh gah-REEST) daughter of Com’s older sister Cam Narcom: (KAM NAR-kom) older sister of Com Narcom Cammie Narcom: [see Cam Narcom] Canady: (KAN-uh-dee) warden at Trolorn Chekolba: (cheh-KOLE-buh) Dug criminal and member of Gasha Tonka chuul: (CHOOL) Sriluurian insult Creampuff: plush tooka-kit gifted to Leela by Antilles Clarq Bewl: (CLARK BYOOL) husband to Mrs. Bewl Clem Gariste: (KLEM gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister Cohor Gariste: (KOH-hor gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister Coll Gariste: (CAWL gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister Com Narcom: (KOM NAR-kom) reformed convict, originally imprisoned on Trolorn for nineteen years after stealing a melon to feed his family copikla'gaan: (ko-PEEK-lah gahn) style of Mandalorian handwriting used by young Mandalorians, literally "cute hand" Cor Narcom: [see Coriantum Narcom] Coriantum Narcom: (kor-ee-ANT-um NAR-kom) father of Com Narcom Corrie Gariste: (KOR-ee gah-REEST) daughter of Com Narcom’s older sister Culpa: (CUL-puh) sea which Debitum feeds into and Lutecia overlooks Curel Gariste: (kyoo-REL gah-REEST) son of Com Narcom’s older sister
Dar’verd: ex-Mandalorian soldier who knew Com Narcom in prison Davan: [see Jon Davan] Davan's hold: [see Jon Davan's cargo hold] Debitum: (DEB-eet-oom) waterfall spilling out of Lutecia from the Sidon Delphine: (del-FEEN) Glockel’s nickname for Telfien Diff: (DIFF) moon orbiting Meissa doonga: (DOON-guh) animal species indigenous to Monderon Doozer: (DOO-zer) [see Duzavog Bool] Double: (DUB-uhl) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Dralgemas: [see Dralgemas bal Keldabad] Dralgemas bal Keldabad: (drahl-ghem-AHSS bahl KEL-dahb-ahd) ancient Mandalorian play about two lovers from feuding tribes, adapted by Shivrestav as Turhaya and Corellio Druv Gariste: (DROOV gah-REEST) husband to Cam Narcom Duzavog Bool: (DOO-zuh-vog BOOL) former Lasat bounty hunter of the duo Trodd and Bool, member of Gasha Tonka Dwurf and Keeb: [see Keeb and Dwurf] Dygni: (DIG-nee) planet near Meissa where Com Narcom was released
Eba Meehal: (EE-buh MEE-hall) sister to Than Meehal Ector Kondric: (ECK-tur KON-drick) Lord of Embaril Elena Kondric: (el-EN-uh KON-drick) deceased wife of Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Elephant House: small apartment complex run by Zoe Gurbo Embaril: (EM-bar-ill) planet in the Tion Hegemony Emorzolo: (eh-MOR-zo-loh) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, love interest of Nulida and rival to Zanphrexil for the affections of Nulmia Endros Gamma: (EN-drohss GAM-uh) asteroid where Vod'tsad commandos are trained Estia Kondric: (ES-tee-uh KON-drick) younger daughter of Ector Kondric, Lord of Embaril Ether Broque: (EETH-ur BROKE) brother to Broque and philanthropist Evie Abba Antilles: (EE-vee AB-uh an-TILL-eez) young holostar and girlfriend to Than Meehal
Faltona: (fal-TOE-nuh) surname Kaltha lists on her job application Fay and Joon: [see Joon and Fay] Fifties: (FIFF-teez) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Finnix: (FIN-icks) chronically unlucky law student and member of the Society for Public Restoration
gaan'akaan: (GAHN-ah-kahn) Mandalorian martial arts, literally "hand war" Gasha Tonka: (GASH-uh TONK-uh) criminal organization based on Pasir; Huttese for "Dawn" or "Sun Up" General of Wotalu: tavern run by the Tarkays Glockel Sternenkranz: (GLOCK-el SHTARE-nen-krahnts) [see Marya-Glocke Sternenkranz) Goosher: (GOO-shur) hypochondriac medical student and member of the Society for Public Restoration Gratia: (GRAH-tee-uh) waterfall overlooking Lutecia emptying into the Sidon Grig Groogan: (GRIGG GROO-gun) Weequay radio personality, ex-boyfriend of Spalla Taffareen Grungid: (GRUN-gid) Klatooinian who knew Com Narcom in prison Ms. Gurbo: [see Zoe Gurbo] gusha: (GOO-shuh) Huttese word for lucky; a play on the name Goosher
Haldo: (HAL-doh) best friend to Apollon Kondric, member of the Society for Public Restoration Halmath: [see Aberon Halmath] Harval: (HAR-vul) Medical student and member of the Society for Public Restoration horsetail: individual tress of unbraided Weequay hair Houg: (HOOG) history professor at the University of Pasir Hugo Minor: (HYOO-goh MY-nur) homeworld of Com Narcom Huij F. Tuul: (HYOOJ EFF TOOL) Duros gravedigger Huu-Sri: (HOOS-ree) Weequay Padawan to Unal Munir, killed by General Grievous
infinity lyre: Tionese musical instrument
J7-3T5-AA26X: (JAY-sev-en THREE-tee-five AY-ay-too-six-ex) droid belonging to the narrator Janton Road: (JAN-tun RODE) road on Dygni Janyor: (JAN-yur) Bith protest artist, for whom Finnix is nicknamed jat'urcye: (JAHT OOR-sheh) Mandalorian greeting meaning "good meeting" jetii: (JEH-tee or archaic YEH-tee) Mandalorian word for the Jedi jetii'droten: (JEH-tee DROH-ten or archaic YEH-tee DROH-ten) Mandalorian word for the Jedi Order jetii'kad: (JEH-tee KAHD or archaic YEH-tee KAHD) Mandalorian word for lightsaber Jinn: Com Narcom’s mother’s maiden name (see Cae-lan Jinn) Jiva: (JEE-vuh) Al-kad’s first wife Jon Davan: (JON DAV-un) legendary figure among spacers, said to claim the souls of all those lost to the stars Jon Davan's cargo hold: hold on Jon Davan's ship where souls lost to the vacuum of space find themselves Joon and Fay: Troig farmer, married to Keeb and Dwurf jowl frills: small, bony, horn-like protrusions extending from the sides of a Weequay’s jaw JR-605: [see Tillie B. Swibbles]
Kaltha: (KAL-thuh) mother of Leela Kaltha Faltona: [see Faltona] kandosii: (kahn-DO-see) Mandalorian word meaning indomitable; used in Mandalorian slang to mean awesome, cool, or well done Keeb and Dwurf: Troig farmer, married to Joon and Fay Keldabad: [see Dralgemas bal Keldabad] Kharvish: (KAR-vish) mysterious criminal of an unknown species, member of Gasha Tonka among other organizations Kobjin: (KOB-jin) innocent man mistaken for Com Narcom Koodo: (KOO-doh) elderly Pabchoni friend of Unal Munir Korallat: (KOR-uh-lat) planet where Unal Munir's Padawan was killed in battle Korma: (KOR-muh) Cerean bishop and former Jedi Koss: (KAWSS) Clawdite in service to the Empire as a police inspector Kruviff: (KROO-viff) Karkarodon who knew Com Narcom in prison
Leela: (LEE-luh) Daughter of Kaltha, later adopted by Mr. Antilles lek: singular form of lekku lekku: (LEK-oo) head-tails of a Twi’lek, of which there are usually two Lifh: (LIFF) planet in the Lifh sector where Leela spent her life from the ages of one to four lightning powder: ingredient in Broque's tiingilar recipe lightning shark: animal species indigenous to Arkassos Limhi Zeniff: [LIM-high ZEE-niff] former governor of the Auril Sector Lutecia: (loo-TEE-shuh) capital of Pasir
Mahzun: (mah-ZOON) mysterious, unwelcome attendant at the funeral of Athene Kondric Mai: (MY) friend of Kaltha’s, girlfriend of Than Meehal’s cousin Shal manda: (MAHN-duh) Mandalorian afterlife, the life force of every worthy Mandalorian united into one cosmic whole Mand’alor: (MAHND uh-LOR) supreme leader of the Mandalorians in the ancient past whose return the Vod’tsad await Mandalore: homeworld of the Mandalorians; also the Basic word for Mand’alor Mando'a: (mahn-DOH ah) name of the Mandalorian language in Mandalorian Mando'ad: (mahn-do AHD) word for a Mandalorian in the Mandalorian language Mangott Narqton: (MAN-got NARK-ton) Duros gravedigger revealed to be a Clawdite shapeshifter Mantell Pox: a deadly disease that affects children in particular Marya-Glocke Sternenkranz: (MAR-yah GLOCK-uh SHTARE-nen-krahnts) captain of the Rose Evergreen McKrow: (muck-KRAU) one of Halmath’s shuttle pilots meechee: (MEE-chee) fruit indigenous to Monderon Meissa: (MAY-ee-suh) gas giant orbited by Trolorn, Diff, and the Meissa Installation Meissa Installation: starship repair dock orbiting Meissa, utilizing prison labor Mella Bewl: (MEL-uh BYOOL) bed-and-breakfast owner who denied service to a recently freed Com Narcom Miles: (MY-uhls) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Moff Amulon: [see Amulon] Moff Zeniff: [see Limhi Zeniff] molubdocrine: (mo-LUB-doh-kreen) a hormone produced by Mythrol Monderon: (MON-dur-on) Outer Rim planet covered in grasslands and forests Montal: (mon-TAHL) industrial Outer Rim water world made prosperous by Aberon Halmath Mora Vil: (MOR-uh VILL) Mandalorian Jedi Morso-on-Montal: (MOR-soh on mon-TAHL) capital of Montal; also simply Morso morut: (mor-OOT) Mandalorian word for sanctuary or haven; base of operations and place of worship for members of the Vod’tsad morut'karta: (mor-OOT KAR-tah) main building on the grounds of a morut, literally heart of the morut Munir: [see Unal Munir]
Narqton: [see Mangott Narqton] nib-chuul: (NIB-chool) Sriluurian insult Nulida: (NOO-lee-duh) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, spurned admirer of Emorzolo Nulmia: (NULL-mee-uh) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, lover of Zanphrexil
Old Club: nickname given to Broque, a play on the Mandalorian word brok, meaning beating instrument Old Servo-Knees: nickname given to Broque due to his cybernetic leg braces Ollindrode (AWL-ind-rode) Abednedo proprietor Mrs. Oogi: (MISS-us OO-ghee) nosy Gran widow who frequently attempts to obtain gossip from Zoe Gurbo orbak root: (OR-bahk root) ingredient in Broque's tiingilar recipe Ord Melek: (ORD MEE-lek) Ordnance/Regional Depot planet in the Outer Rim
Pabchoni: (pah-VON-ee) a species native to the Tion region with tortoise-like heads, shells on their back, bird-like feet and long feathered tails. Also refers to the language spoken by this species Pahoran Brand: (pay-HOR-un BRAND) senator for Pasir Pasir: (pass-EER) quaint, prosperous Outer Rim world Pffila Toh: Jedi philosopher and inventor of the thought experiment known as the tractor beam problem Phoenix: nickname for Finnix plaxifer: (PLACK-siff-ur) organ responsible for filtering excess molubdocrine in Mythrol physiology Porlion Bonoport: (POR-lee-un BON-oh-port) admiral who commanded the Republic fleet at Wotalu Praxon: (PRAK-sun) police commissioner to whom Koss reports Proving: [see Bail Proving] Prune Street: location of a small grocery store in Lutecia whose owners Broque is friendly with Puglox: (PUG-locks) Lasat bounty hunter turned rebel, cousin to Duzavog "Doozer" Bool
qualdo: (KWAL-doh) Sriluurian term of abuse loosely translating to "nuisance" or "waste of space" Qualdo: Weequay street urchin, abandoned youngest son of the Banquo family Quay: (KWAY) Weequay moon god, chief deity in the Weequay pantheon Quay’va: (KWAY vuh) Weequay goddess
R1-K4: astromech droid belonging to Glockel Sternenkranz R2-C9: Astromech droid belonging to Phixi Reeves: (REEVS) clone trooper under Unal Munir's command Remoh: (REE-moh) ancient Tionese poet Rika: (REE-kuh) [see R1-K4] Risuno: (riss-OO-noh) archivist droid and Korma's sexton Rose Evergreen: starship belonging to Glockel Sternenkranz Roundworm: nickname of a former member of the Society for Public Restoration
schutta: (SCHOOT-uh) (oo as in book) misogynistic insult of Twi’lek origin Senine: [see R2-C9] Sheezy: (SHEE-zee) [see Xizarel] Shivrestav: [see Wordo Shivrestav] shluq-yag: (SHLUCK-yag) unflattering Sriluurian adjective shushuh: (SHOO-shuh) Weequay virtue loosely translated as authenticity Sidon: (SIDE-un) river running through Lutecia Sinomore: (SY-no-mor) an Abednedo orchard owner Sinya: (SIN-yuh) Kaltha’s elderly Twi’lek roommate on Montal Sister Risuno: [see Risuno] Society for Public Restoration: Club led by Auriel with secret revolutionary aspirations Society for Republic Restoration: Secret name for the Society for Public Restoration Soozoo: (SOO-zoo) daughter of Bonvika’s majordomo Spalla Taffareen: (SPAHL-uh taff-uh-REEN) Rodian musical artist, ex-girlfriend of Grig Groogan SPR: [see Society for Public Restoration] Stanton: (STAN-tun) manager at Halmath’s factory
Tamifrane: (TAM-if-rain) planet where Antilles retrieved a box of buried credits tarantu-lizard: (tar-ANCH-yoo liz-urd) animal species indigenous to Monderon Tarkay: (tar-KAY) Weequay swindler and onetime tavernmaster Mrs. Tarkay: wife of Tarkay Tarre Vizsla: (TAR VIZ-sluh or TAR VEEZ-sluh) first Mandalorian to become a Jedi Te Dha'kad: (TEH dah KAHD) Mandalorian name for Tarre Vizsla's lightsaber, the Darksaber te joha: [see te joha Mando'a] te joha Mando'a: (teh JOH-hah mahn-DOH ah) phrase meaning the Mandalorian language in the Mandalorian language, often shortened to te joha (the language) [see also Mando'a] Telfien Viurraanvi: (TEL-fee-en vee-oor-RAHN-vee) Gand Findswoman and traveling companion of Glockel Sternenkranz Than Meehal: (THAN MEE-hall) (th as in thought) ex-boyfriend of Kaltha throop sac: an organ responsible for storing molubdocrine in Mythrol physiology tiingilar: (TEEN-geel-ar) versatile Mandalorian stew Tillie B. Swibbles: (TIL-ee BEE SWIB-uhls) stormtrooper stationed on and subsequently fired from the Meissa Installation during Com Narcom’s incarceration there Tion: (TEE-on/TIE-on) planet in the Tion Hegemony, also used to refer to the Hegemony itself or the region of space in which the Hegemony is located Tion Hegemony: region of space in which Embaril is located; once a great empire independent of the Republic, formerly a Separatist-majority region, now under Imperial control Tooki: (TOOK-ee) adult holofilm star, mistress of Walber Wagsteen Tomad: (tohm-AHD) nickname given to Broque, the Mandalorian word for ally Tor Peregrine: (TOR PAIR-eh-grin) Mandalorian Jedi Trodd and Bool: Lasat bounty hunting duo Trolorn: (troh-LORN) water moon orbiting the gas giant Meissa, housing the prison where Com Narcom was released from Tuul: [see Huij F. Tuul] Twos: (TOOS) [see 22-N]
Unal Munir: (OO-nahl moo-NEER) ushe (OOSH-eh) Weequay vice loosely translated as inauthenticity utremoid: (OO-tree-moyd) an organ found in Mythrol physiology
verd'goten: (vaird GOH-ten) Mandalorian coming of age, literally birth of a warrior verd'ika: (vaird EEK-ah) Mandalorian word for a cadet or private, literally meaning little soldier Vid Meehal: (VID MEE-hall) holofilm actor and father of Than Meehal Vod Atin'la: (VOHD ah-TEEN lah) [see Buir Atin'la] Vod Baj: (VOHD BAHJ) teacher at the Vod'tsad morut on Pasir Vod'tsad be Kad Ha'rangir: (VOHD tsad beh KAD hah RAHN-geer) Mandalorian faction preparing for a legitimate claimant to ascend the Mandalorian throne, named after Kad Ha'rangir, ancient Mandalorian god of war Vorp’buir: (VORP boo-WEER) nickname given to Broque, Mandalorian for Greenfather voylan: (VOY-luhn) ubiquitous piece of Twi’lek headwear that separates the forehead from the base of the lekku and surrounds or covers the earcones; occasionally worn by men as well as women voylan crest: ornamental piece fastened onto a voylan at the forehead or crown
Walber Wagsteen: (WAHL-bur WAG-steen) acclaimed holofilm director Warmagon: (WOR-muh-gon) Separatist general at Wotalu Whytoo: (why-TOO) [see Y2W7-LT0] Wolquarth: (WULL-kwarth) Aqualish philosophy professor at the university of Pasir Wordo Shivrestav: (WUR-doh SHIV-ur-stav) famous ancient playwright Wotalu: (WOH-tah-loo) planet where Unal Munir fought his last battle at the end of the Clone Wars Wotaluvian: (woh-tah-LOO-vee-uhn) member of Wotalu’s indigenous species, which possess tusks Wyelle Durmine (why-EL DUR-myne) an Abednedo foreman at Halmath’s factory
Xim: (ZIM or original Tionese KSEEM) Great conqueror from pre-Republic times, infamous for his tyranny and remembered for uniting all of Tion Xizarel (shee-zah-REL) Falleen criminal, member of Gasha Tonka
Y2W7-LT0: (WHY-too-double-you-sev-en el-tee-ZEE-ro) Broque family utility droid Yaahtu: (YAH-too) poor Ubese tenant who encounters Ether and Leela at the soup kitchen Yazzie: (YAZ-ee) Weequay ranch hand on Al-kad’s farm, stepmother to Al-kad’s children Yrphaxia: (eer-FACK-see-uh) epic poem recounting the return journey of Yrphax, Duke of Pasmin and knight of Xim's court, after the Sack of Ranroon
Zanphrexil: (ZAN-freck-sill) Shivrestavian romantic protagonist, lover of Nulmia Zarel: (zah-REL) [see Xizarel] Zeniff: [see Limhi Zeniff] Zertwin Kimball: (ZURT-win KIM-bull) Com Narcom’s parole officer Zirza (ZEER-zuh) mythological siren who taunts the hero Yrphax in his dreams; Apollon's name for a girl who appears in his dreams to annoy him Zoe Gurbo: (ZOH-ee GUR-boh) Ortolan landlady of the Elephant House
@findswoman— Rose Evergreen crew @aameyalli— Weequay ethics
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window-view-orion · 5 months
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From the Kayla X "Legendary Spirits" blind box figure collection:
Her name is Bleeding.
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This one is interesting! Her description names her little birds as being rakshasa, which is a type of Hindu malevolent spirit. But! In Chinese Buddhism the name was translated into luosha, or luosha-gui according to a Cambridge University Press article that I am not paying $100 to fully access.
But "luosha" is the key to finding who she is! There's an anthology of folktales and stories from the Qing Dynasty called the Zibuyu, or "What the Master (Confucius) would not discuss" collected by the poet Yuan Mei! The only copies I could find for sale (even digital copies) are several hundred dollars, but there are scraps available. Multiple blogs and podcasts reference a story about a luosha bird disguising itself as a bride, citing the anthology as a source, and by searching for "bird" in the Zibuyu on Google Books, I wasn't able to read full pages, but line excerpts confirm that story exists on page 255 to 256. I did request access to a PDF on ResearchGate by the English translators, Paolo Santangelo and Yan Beiwen, so if that goes anywhere I'll update this post.
Anyway, the story itself! Here's the best summary I could find, from weirdtales.me
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And here are the scraps I could get from Google Books, to confirm it as the source this and others use:
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So there we go, my best guess as to who and what Bleeding is meant to be. The red spots under her eyes seem to represent her eyes bleeding, she's wearing her red wedding dress and veil, and the gray and white birds with her are luosha, which are related to the Hindu rakshasa. Is she meant to be the luosha bride herself, or is she the human bride who got her eyes pecked out? There's no way to know, which I love.
I really want to read that book now, and am hoping I get a response from my PDF request. Searching out the identities of these blind box girls has been super fun!
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hopernicus · 10 months
Lista de cumparaturi a unui poet
Nu mi se ntampla des, in fapt e prima oara. Asta imi aduce aminte de aparitia in spatiul public a primelor poeme spinoase si erotice a lui Brumar. Atunci am fost foarte pudibond, astazi n as mai fi. Asta e omul si fiecare in timpul lui! 2kg muschi de vita5 kg burta de porc1 slanina daca nu e grasa burta, deci 0,5 kgoase de pork pt un bors , 1kg 7, 8 buc1 mustar iute de Tecuci … Cu ochi…
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catstarrecordings · 1 year
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DOWNLOAD M4a - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aDcd4pm953H3JELqQSqZwb0bB9AD0IEq/view?usp=sharing
DOWNLOAD MP3 - https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZFlkWZLYRkh9F7Qrm5rgrmIi1MJQK7pdiV
01.Clio - We Got Music (Dr Packer Extended Disco Mix) 02.Wamdue Project - King of My Castle (Purple Disco Machine Extended Remix) 03.Purple Disco Machine - Something On My Mind feat Duke Dumont & Nothing But Thieve 04.Martin Brodin & Vision Factory Feat. Teresa Kali - Run (Tensnake Remix) 05.Mirko & Meex - Remind Me 06.Kevin McKay, Lux Velour & Notelle - Body (Extended Mix) 07.Greg van Bueren & Dutchican Soul - Hear the Voices (Original Mix) 08.Jo Paciello, Venessa Jackson - Alive (I_'m Feeling You) (Extended Mix) 09.Jo Paciello - Love, Drinks and Sunshine (Extended Mix) 10.Din Jay & Jame Starck feat. Michelle Weeks - Believe (Windy City Classics Extended Remix) 11.Angelo Ferreri - All I Want (Original Mix) 12.Groove & Soul - See Your Jack (Original Mix) 13.Inner City & Kevin Saunderson - Good Life (Remastered) (Extended Mix) 14.Mason Collective, Bipolar Sunshine - People In Love (Extended Mix) 15.Johnny O - Fantasy Girl (Luca Debonaire x Da Clubbmaster Nu Disco Mix) 16.Max Magnani - Kill the Groove (Original Mix) 17.Husky & Shyam P - Ticking Away (Extended VIP Club Mix) 18.Dj.A-Bor - It’s All Vain 2023 19.Laurent Simeca - All Night to the Sun (Stev Dive Extended Remix) 20.Kolombo - Freeze 21.Middleground, Alex Kenji - Focus (Murchikk & D!scoman Club Mix) 22.Mochakk - Jealous (Murchikk & D!scoman Club Mix) 23.Piero Pirupa, Tasty Lopez & Jen Payne - Because The Night (Extended Mix) 24.Terri-Anne, Michael Grald - City Of New York (Extended Mix) 25.William Djoko, Foremost Poets - Pornography
CATSTAR RECORDINGS RADIO SHOW 222 Mixed & Compilation by:A-Bor aka Dj.Boolya TELEGRAM CATSTAR REC ЧЕРВОНОГРАД UA https://t.me/catstar
blogspot https://catstar-records.blogspot.com/
twitter https://twitter.com/CATSTARRECORDS
facebook https://www.facebook.com/catstarrecords
mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/DiscohouseKingdom/#follow https://www.mixcloud.com/DiscohouseKingdom/
youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCocnpCLljRlvcYiQ2WpQOWg radio weloveibizaradio https://weloveibizaradio.wixsite.com/we-love-ibiza-radio donate for catstar recordings card 5168755474538556 IBAN: UA283052990262086400933564009
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trenenlasnubes · 1 year
Å oppdage fremtiden ~ Discovering the future ~ Zukunft entdecken
At Holmlia church I meet Pastor Silja. Holmlia has been a member of Fremtiden bor hos oss from the very beginning.
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Pastor Silja was part of a group around the bishop that visited Member churches of Framtiden bor hos oss in the diocese of Göteborg. She tells me about a church just outside of Göteborg, that hosts refugees each wednesday and opens the entire building as consultation center, offering legal, medical, and social advice – bringing in lawyers, social workers, physicians, psychologists, musicians etc. Interestingly I happened to recognize this church from a self organized continued education of Pastors in the deanery of Frankfurt*. I recall being highly impressed by the hospitality of this congregation. We did talk with the Pastor about the future being around us and with us already – the terminology “Framtiden bor hos oss” – was not used then or didn’t occur to us as a key word. So, Pastor Silje and I share this experience.
Together with the church musician Pastor Silje organized an event in the tea house tradition at Holmlia. Tea houses in the Middle East tradition host music, narrative and poetry and always have a flair from all over the world. At another event a Persian and a Norwegian poet were in dialog with Syrian music.
She also shows me pictures of a meeting of confirmands from Holmlia Church, and Coran schools of three different mosques in the area. Together they decided to come together and pick litter at the local park, also sharing food and conversation. Silje recalls the effort of having a conversation with the Imam and Members of the board and her joy, when the “Yes, we’ll do this!” was said. All had a good time and at the end of the day the youth wished to do this again.
I ask Pastor Silje, how the church members at holmlia get along with the idea of Fremtiden bor hos oss. She explains how the council is very much invested in FBHO at Holmlia. The events bring some church members and people from around Oslo to Holmlia church.
The area of Holmlia has eveloped since the 80’s. The church was built in the 90’s. A high percentage of inhabitants were not born in Norway. So, dialogue of cultures leads the way to the future in Holmlia.
*) This consultation center on church grounds was also my role modell for implementing the consultation center in the fellowship house of our congregation in Bad Ems, shortly after the first Ukranians arrived in Nasauer Land (2022).
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trogon77universe · 2 years
The Song of History:
Cultural Inspirations for
The Demon of the Well
by James B. Hendricks
As I have said, the history and cultural traditions of those who dwell in the oasis towns along the Old Silk Road have inspired my tale, The Demon of the Well. For many centuries, Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and other ethnic groups have grown crops along the desert’s fringe in Xinjiang. They are watered by ancient systems of canals diverting snowmelt water from rivers rushing out of the encircling mountains, before these streams meet their end in the dry sands and salt flats of the Tarim Basin. 
For millennia, traders plied the trails of the Silk Road that navigated the rim of the Taklamakan Desert, bearing loads of silk and jade. They found their rest and sustenance at caravanserais established in the old oasis farming communities, where the trails met a crossing river. It is in a caravanserai much like one of these, where the trader in my story has found a home for retirement from his travels. And where his hosts allow him to pursue a modest trade as a woodworker. Here, the children of the town find him, and grow ever more curious about this mysterious old character, and the strange stories whispered about his adventures. 
When the trader’s young friends try to learn more than rumors about his past, the trader deflects them at first, suggesting that the storytellers at the market square have more entertaining tales than he. And there are many stories to tell. The history of the people of the Tarim Basin relates cycles of war, with times of peace. And so it is also, in the trader’s world. When at last a crisis convinces him to speak, he tells of how warfare caused him to make a terrible Faustian bargain. Which sets the stage for an effort at redemption.
In the prologue, the narrator mentions a greenish glow that emanates from the hem of the trader’s robe. A light that only the narrator and a few of his other friends could see. It is no coincidence that Old World traditions tell of a similar glow emitting from the robe of the legendary, immortal al-Khizr the Green – keeper of springs. In the traditions of many religions and cultures of southwestern Asia, Khizr is described as a wandering immortal – guide and companion to mystics and saints, and a guardian angel who can freely travel through space and time to come to the aid of those in need. He is associated with figures in a wide range of legends, from the Green Knight of Arthurian legend to Utnapishtim, the immortal equivalent of Noah in Sumerian mythology, and serves as a teacher to Moses himself. So, it is no wonder that he comes to the aid of the trader in my story, through the “...gift of distant sages.” Though bewildering to the trader, and with almost greater power than he can bear on its arrival, help from al-Khizr and others is with him in his time of need, because he once gazed into the mystic Cup of Knowledge – and survived.
This mystic chalice of my story was inspired by many sources. Most notably by the Cup of Jamshid, which makes frequent appearances in Persian literature. 
In the year 1010 C.E., the poet Abolqasem Ferdowsi completed his Shahnameh – an epic recording of the great cycle of Persian legends shared by storytellers for a thousand years before his time. In these stories, the legendary first king of Iran was Jamshid, who possessed a magic chalice that, like Galadriel’s mirror in The Lord of the Rings, could be used as an instrument of divination to see events in the past, present and future. 
I grew up with tales of King Arthur and his knights searching for the Holy Grail, and these stories clearly had their effect on me. Research on this cycle of legends reminded me of how the knights Galahad, Percival and Bors succeed, finding the Chalice and healing the Fisher King, thereby restoring the wasteland that his realm had become. Exploring further, I discovered the significance of Britain and Ireland’s sacred wells and read about tales of the otherworldly maidens who kept them and offered water from those springs with their magic cups. In the legends, the fate of humankind goes awry when war-like men defile the maidens and steal their cups. And legends tell of the efforts to right those wrongs. 
In my story, such a cup has ended up in a very different place from the healing well of its origin. The elder soldier has cached it on the bank of a well with boiling hot, undrinkable water, in the desolate realm of a malevolent and destructive demon. At the end of the story, the trader leaves the Cup of Knowledge in the soldiers’ grave because he knows that whoever comes after him will need its power for a final confrontation with the demon.
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lholland14 · 3 years
Precious (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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A chorus a voices protested as Leah held up her pick for movie night.
"Not again Leah." was the gist of it
The movie Leah held in her hand was none other that her favourite and the one where she had forced her teammates to watch as well. The one and only Lord of The Ring
Everyone grumbled and one by one they left the room to go to Katie's house. It was only when I spoke did Leah look up with a sad frown on her face.
"I'll watch it with you."
"Thanks Y/n," She laughed dryly "But you don't have to."
"No really," I got up off the bed to sit next to her "I love Lord of The Ring my favourite character is  Legolas."
She looked at me in amazement then all of a sudden she squealed in agreement and jammed the CD in the DVD player. (Don't judge me, it's what I have at home)
(If you young people don't know what a DVD player is ... what a sad generation)
(I am also a teen ... so no judgement ...)
As we sat in silence, sometimes making commentary on how whiney Frodo was and how Sam was the real protagonist, I knew she was happy. We binged watched the entire three movies and when we stopped Leah realized it was already 2 a.m.
Since it was already so late Leah offered to drive me home.
She walked to the grinning as I did a horrible impression of Gimli, but I could tell for some reason she was nervous.
"Hey Y/n?" She stopped me just as I was about to close my door.
"Yes?" I opened it wider so I could look at her
"Thank you," She looked down as the ground, her cheeks donning a light pink "For watching the movie with me."
I grinned at her walking closer to her "No problem Leah, I had a lot fun."
"Really?" She looked up, curious.
"If by my life or death I can protect you I will. You have my sword." I quoted Aragorn, tilting my head to get a better look at her blushing face.
She grinned and quoted the next line "And you have my bow"
"Good night Legolas."
"Good night Aragorn."
It had been weeks since Y/n and Leah had watched Lord of the Ring and were now attached to the hip.
Since Leah was the biggest LotR fan out of the both of them, she decided to teach me Elvish.
I sucked at it.
Like really sucked. Every time she tried to teach it to me I kept getting lost in her eyes, or her hands, or lips, or well you get the idea.
It sucked but I got to spend time with Leah.
To be honest I never heard of Lord of the Rings until I heard Leah talking about it to Beth. She was telling Beth about how amazing the movie is, how perfect the casting was. As I stared at them from across the room I couldn't convey how perfect she was.
So I made it my mission to know everything about Lord of the Ring. I stayed up till the wee hours of the night reading the books, bing watched the movies several times to know the lines. Every time I almost fell asleep reading the books I remembered Leah's face and powered through it.
Now here I am listening to Leah speak in Elvish.
As I listened to her go on and on about something I decided to try my hardest to learn Elvish, just so I could tell her how I felt.
I sighed shifting from foot to foot in front of Leah's door
"Todays the day." I thought, feeling a rush of confidence making me ring the door bell. Only a few seconds after the girl I fell for so long ago opened the door.
Her bright eyes shining, with a slight smirk poking through her face.
I breathed in deeply before I poured my heart out to my best friend.
"Leah Williamson, im mel cin. Im wanted na treneri- cin since mín were in cín car singing at i caw -o mín lungs na Despacito. Im asked cin cín favourite poet a cin answered Pablo Nuerdo, a so "im mel cin ú- knowing how, ben ir, ben o where. Im mel cin simplui, ú- problems ben pride: im mel cin in hi té because im ceri- ú- know anui other té -o loving but hi, in which ennas na- baw im ben cin, so intimate i cín bor upon nin chest na- nin bor, so intimate i ir im dant- asleep cín eyes close." im know how big -o a fan cin are -o Legolas, but im baur cin na n- Aragorn so im tur- n- cín Arywen. “im Would Rather Share er Lifetime With cin Than níf All i Ages -o hi ambar eriol.” Cin, Leah Williamson are nin precious."
"Leah Williamson, I love you. I wanted to tell you since we were in your car singing at the top of our lungs to Despacito. I asked you your favourite poet and you answered Pablo Nuerdo, and so "I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close." I know how big of a fan you are of Legolas, but I need you to be Aragorn so I can be your Arywen. “I Would Rather Share One Lifetime With You Than Face All The Ages Of This World Alone.” You Leah Williamson are my precious."
It took her a bit to translate but because of my nervousness I thought she was going to reject me, so I started to walk away until I felt a warm hand on my arm spinning me around and soft lips on mine.
When we broke away she leaned her forehead on mine before whispering
"Im'll gladlui n- cín Aragorn."
"I'll gladly be your Aragorn."
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fearfulbud · 7 years
En nattlig stad från ett takfönster överallt ser jag samma mönster lampor som lyser i trygga rum stadens andning är dov och stum jag lämnar min oro i natten allt obehag rinner av mig som vatten kylan stryker varsamt min hud nu har även jag en nattlig skrud inga stjärnor syns men jag vet att de är där det känns som jag är en av dem fast här.
18 oktober 2016
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books0977 · 4 years
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Cydippe with the Apple of Acontius (c.1640). Paulus Bor (Dutch, 1605-1669). Oil on canvas. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
This scene is taken from the Heroides by the Roman poet Ovid. When Cydippe went to make an offering at the temple of Diana, Acontius, who was secretly in love with her, threw an apple inside with the following words written on it: ‘I swear by the sanctuary of Diana that I will marry Acontius.’ Cydippe read the words aloud, thus turning them into a solemn vow.
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emotivnonedostupnaa · 3 years
Nemoj da gubiš vreme na objašnjenja,
Nemoj da im otkrivas šta te to toliko muci svaki put kada prodjes pored našeg mesta.
Progutaj knedlu i sedmi preko puta.
Ne gledaj na našu stranu stola,
Trgni se pre nego što ti osoba koja sedi tu žalici na mene,
Nisam to ja, sigurno.
Ja cu u tom trenutku biti daleko,
Mazda čak i tu negde u blizu,
Ali daleko od tebe.
Nemoj posle par piva da pomeras flašu, nadajući se da ces videti naše inicijale tu negde na starom stolu.
Znas da je bilo prerano da bi to mesto dobilo titulu našeg mesta.
Prerano je bilo,
Prerano za nas.
I procice jutro,
Doćiće sledeće leto
Možda ćeš do tada shvatiti,
Da nista nije bilo prerano,
Samo nisi imao hrabrosti,
Ali bojim se da će tada biti već prekasno.
#mudrolije #mudrolijesatwittera #mudrosti #tvit #twitter #poet #poezija #balkan #ljubav #slomljenosrce #razocarenje #citatibg🔝 #pisac #quote #citatdana #quoteoftheday #citatibalkan #hrvatska #likesforlike #followforfollowback #f4f #l4likes#bor #era #hriscanstvo #religija #ljubavbožja #tekstovi #instaquote #instagramcitati
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catstarrecordings · 1 year
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DOWNLOAD M4a - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aDcd4pm953H3JELqQSqZwb0bB9AD0IEq/view?usp=sharing
DOWNLOAD MP3 - https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZFlkWZLYRkh9F7Qrm5rgrmIi1MJQK7pdiV
01.Clio - We Got Music (Dr Packer Extended Disco Mix) 02.Wamdue Project - King of My Castle (Purple Disco Machine Extended Remix) 03.Purple Disco Machine - Something On My Mind feat Duke Dumont & Nothing But Thieve 04.Martin Brodin & Vision Factory Feat. Teresa Kali - Run (Tensnake Remix) 05.Mirko & Meex - Remind Me 06.Kevin McKay, Lux Velour & Notelle - Body (Extended Mix) 07.Greg van Bueren & Dutchican Soul - Hear the Voices (Original Mix) 08.Jo Paciello, Venessa Jackson - Alive (I_'m Feeling You) (Extended Mix) 09.Jo Paciello - Love, Drinks and Sunshine (Extended Mix) 10.Din Jay & Jame Starck feat. Michelle Weeks - Believe (Windy City Classics Extended Remix) 11.Angelo Ferreri - All I Want (Original Mix) 12.Groove & Soul - See Your Jack (Original Mix) 13.Inner City & Kevin Saunderson - Good Life (Remastered) (Extended Mix) 14.Mason Collective, Bipolar Sunshine - People In Love (Extended Mix) 15.Johnny O - Fantasy Girl (Luca Debonaire x Da Clubbmaster Nu Disco Mix) 16.Max Magnani - Kill the Groove (Original Mix) 17.Husky & Shyam P - Ticking Away (Extended VIP Club Mix) 18.Dj.A-Bor - It’s All Vain 2023 19.Laurent Simeca - All Night to the Sun (Stev Dive Extended Remix) 20.Kolombo - Freeze 21.Middleground, Alex Kenji - Focus (Murchikk & D!scoman Club Mix) 22.Mochakk - Jealous (Murchikk & D!scoman Club Mix) 23.Piero Pirupa, Tasty Lopez & Jen Payne - Because The Night (Extended Mix) 24.Terri-Anne, Michael Grald - City Of New York (Extended Mix) 25.William Djoko, Foremost Poets - Pornography
CATSTAR RECORDINGS RADIO SHOW 222 Mixed & Compilation by:A-Bor aka Dj.Boolya TELEGRAM CATSTAR REC ЧЕРВОНОГРАД UA https://t.me/catstar
blogspot https://catstar-records.blogspot.com/
twitter https://twitter.com/CATSTARRECORDS
facebook https://www.facebook.com/catstarrecords
mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/DiscohouseKingdom/#follow https://www.mixcloud.com/DiscohouseKingdom/
youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCocnpCLljRlvcYiQ2WpQOWg radio weloveibizaradio https://weloveibizaradio.wixsite.com/we-love-ibiza-radio donate for catstar recordings card 5168755474538556 IBAN: UA283052990262086400933564009
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a-system-of-nerds · 5 years
Alright. Tell me of your retelling
Well, I’ve decided to pull bits and pieces that I like from other stories and tweak some things as it suits me. Here’s a list of things:
- Mordred will be more of a hero, as he was characterized in some of the earliest stories.
- For the Arthur-Guenevere-Launcelot love triangle, I’m making Guenevere the bad guy.
- Sir Ector fought with Aurelius Ambrosius to help put him back on the throne.
- Arthur’s first wife will be Lyonors, the daughter of Earl Sanam. A few years into their marriage, she bears him a son, named Borre. A year or so after that, she dies, leaving Arthur to struggle with raising his son and being king. At the urging of the older, more pretentious knights, he gets engaged to Guenevere. This causes a lot of other things.
- Laurel will be the cousin of Lynette and Lyonesse.
- Uther is “friends” with Merlin. It starts with Uther just pretending to be friends with him, needing his powers, but then it becomes genuine. However, he’s possessive of him, needing him to be his friend.
- Sir Bors has Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- The order of the Orkney siblings goes like this: Gawain, Soredamors, Agravaine and Clarissant (twins), Gaheris, Gareth, and Mordred. (There may be one more sibling added, Elayne.)
- Sir Gawain’s squire, Yvonet, is incredibly loyal to him, and, even after Yvonet becomes a knight himself, if it comes down to it, he will act as Gawain’s squire rather than a knight.
- Dinadan had a lover who was a Leanan Sidhe, an Irish vampire who gives inspiration to poets and musicians. Usually, a Leanan Sidhe shares with their lovers their intelligence, magic, and creativity, and when the Leanan Sidhe leaves, their lover dies from grief. The Leanan Sidhe then took their lover’s body to their lair and puts their blood in a cauldron, which is the source of their inspiration and beauty. So, when Dinadan ran away from home, he travelled a bit and met one. He was in a relationship with her, but he discovered the cauldron. His admiration turned to disgust as he learned what she was. He managed to get away and never went back to Ireland.
- Guenevere was the reason Dinadan died. She wanted to make Launcelot believe in her, so she told him that Dinadan was going to die. He didn’t believe her, but she used her powers to possess Agravaine, who was on a quest with Dinadan to end the previously mentioned Leanan Sidhe’s rein in Ireland. They were heading back when Agravaine attacked the already injured Dinadan. When Agravine awoke from the possession, he rushed Dinadan back to Camelot, where he died in Launcelot’s arms.
That’s about all I can think of for now. Thanks for asking; have a great day!
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mountainashfae · 5 years
Listening to The Oh Hellos’ Dear Wormwood album and assigning songs to different Knights.
Bitter Water - Tristan
There Beneath - Bedivere
Exeunt - Lancelot
Caesar - Arthur
This Will End - Galehaut
Pale White Horse - Gawain
Where Is Your Rider? - also Gawain
Soldier, Poet, King - Percival, Bors, Galahad (order not set)
Dear Wormwood - Mordred
Thus Always To Tyrants - Galahad
The “pale white horse with a crooked smile” is just Gringolet.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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