#poopy butt fart :3
brainn-r0ttt · 11 months
omg guys i just hadnt been on the internet in like two weeks so im gonna be a bit of an off the beaten track person for a bit and i hope you all enjoy the rest your time on this new app i hope it helps a ton and if not then ill just keep streaming and posting on here so that we all know we can be friends and we will get through it all and it is a good experience and i will do the best for the community as well and we can be a lot more supportive of you and the team as we all do and i love each of us all and i will always support and we all will always support and i will support and i love and i hope we all love and i love all of us will be there to see your posts on this new platform we are all here for the same person
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neververy4 · 2 years
Do we have the funny due tomorrow?
Yeah we do but don’t worry I finished it you can copy my answers but don’t make it obvious or whatever lol
1. sex
2. penis
3. fart
4. poopy
5. pee pee piss boy pee baby pee
6. sex.. 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. butts
8. barf
9. 69 (nice)
10. weed 420 blaze it OOHHHHHH hoo ha sexo!
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fartquen12 · 2 years
can i have a zhongli x reader where he makes a tea out of his gf's caca to show his gf he loves her pls and tanks <3333333
Valentines dokie dookie tea ft. john stamos
TRIGGER WARNINGS: dookie, Fart, Nonconsenstual stealing poop, tea, dookie tea, zhongli being my version of zhongli, y/n, bl00d, cringe, she her prns (y/n), valentines day. (will defenitly offend you if you are a mini ravi/kyle)
*RING RING* "oh fuc- OWWAA" I screeched as I fell out of bed. *RING RING* I slammed my hand down on the alarm to shut it off. "goddamn." I said almost silently. I got up off the floor and made my bed. Thats when I realised it was valentines day! I have a date with zhongli and I look like a poop riden child! I ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower. It was so cold I literally sharted. After that I went to my closet to look for some nice clothes since our date was in 1 hour. I saw this brown and black and white box print dress in my closet. I wore it because I wanted to loook like i havent changed since the easter event. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. Brown lipgloss. pink and red eyeshadow with a bit of brown and purple to make it look like i have a disease and pink eye (dookie in eye dont be an asspiker). I did some mascara and lots of hot pink blush so i can look dead. highliter on my nose eye corner cheeks eyes and a lil on my buhol.I ran to the front door and put on my ninja turdl socks and my paw patrol shoes. I opened my front door and locked up after i left. I got into my adorbs car. My car is a red car it is 4 ft tall and 3 ft in legnth. It has orange flames on the side and black stripes. I got in and started blasting... "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" and I have a billy fartgrove funkpop in my window aswell as vecnas bumhole printed on my lisence plate. My windows are fully tinted so no one can see me and I have a student driver sticker on the back of my car!
I buckled myself into my booster seat bc even though I am 18 I am 3'4 uWu. I looked at myself in the mirror and winked. I quickly backed out of my driveway. As i drove out of my trailer park I saw eddie munson twerking at me. I thought that was nasty. I worridly drived because my date starts in 15 minutes and it takes 1 hour to drive to the resturant he said to go to. Its called "dilucs tavern" anyways I drove at 200 miles per hour on the free way and i do not know why everyone honks at me. I rolled down my window and said "FUK U". I mean it is the "free" way right? anyway i drove and drove and after about 45 minutes i arrived. I saw the man from tinder crying through the window at an empty table. I quickly got out of my car and locked it. The sound to make sure I locked isssss..... *fart* Perfect. I walked into dilucs tavern and i was greeted by the man. "OH! Y/n so good to see you!" The man said. "Yeah! I'm so sorry I was late I um..... uh. I got stuck in.. traffic yeah." I said hoping he wouldnt realise my fatass actually slept through the 50 alarms i set. He smiled at me and handed me a menu. As I read through the menu I decided on "fart lard and turkey" from the menu. The waiter then asked me what I would like to drink "Hmmm. I will take a finger lickin poopy ass dookie as potatoe ass green dookie fart penis poop salad beer!" I replied. "Good choice!" the waiter said smiling. It was silent for about 3 minutes. Best 3 minutes of my life. "So uh. What do you do for work?" The man across me asked. "oh! uhm. uh.... well i- um i-." i didnt exactly know what to say. "Its okay if you cant tell me." he said looking quite sad. "No! Its fine! I'm a..... well um.... i clean poop out of old peoples butts at scaramouchers nursing home..." I said. I tried to scan his expression for any thoughts of strangeness but the man didnt say anything. He smiled. "I wish I had your job!" the man said. I laughed assuming he was joking. it was silent for a while till i decided to speak up. "you have any kids? and pets?" I said awkwardly. "Oh no! You know me I hate kids haha." the man said. I stared at him agressivly for a second because I have 10 p named children at home. I just laughed. he looked at me weird but then the waiter gave us our food and drinks.
"Thank you!" I said to the waiter. He looked.... fimiliar. wait. I stood up and got in his face. I pulled his face mask off as he said "MAAM PLEASE DUE TO COVID STAY SIX FEET AND DONT TOUCH ME!!!!" i paused.... "Y/n????!!!" The waiter said angrily! "XIAO????" I said even more angrily "OH FUK YOU" The xiao said to me. "YOUR GONNA GET IT NOW BITCH!!! I SCREAMED! "WTF!!!!" zhomgli said standing up now recording this.. "YEAH TAKE YOUR TOP OFF!!" some random man said from across the bar. I locked myself in the bathroom. I came out covered in blood. "WHERES THAT MAN!!" said zhongli. "I juST KiLled mY eX." i said zhongli threw something in my face it was a brown liquid "TF IS THAT!!!!" i screamed. "I STOLE POOP FROM YOUR SHOWER AND MADE IT INTO TEA BC IM LITERALLY YANDERE FOR YOU DADDDY!" ZHONGLI SHOUTED. "THA FUCCCCC!!!" I yelled "ALSO I KNOW YOUR A BIG FATASS I PUT A CAM IN YOUR BEDRROM AND SAW YOU SLEEP THROUGH 50 ALARMS!" He shouted again. I ran out the bar so fast got in my car locked it and started blasting "IM A BAD BAD DOG!" while driving out of the parking lot i saw eddie munson twerking at me again. "FUK YOU!" I shouted at him. Then he ran faster than the speed of light and jumped on my car denting my ceiling cuz hes so fat and he broke a window and got in with me "BOY WTF!!!!!" I screamed "PULL OVER!!" Eddie yelled. I did as he said. and thats when john stamos himself got in my car and started blastinf Taco farts! I laughed so hard ive never laughed harder in my life. Me and these guyes quirky lil guyes drove off into the sunset and I hope to never see zhongli ever again.
Also guys tysm for 50 likes! You guys are the best! Make sure to request!
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thatyamiguy-blog · 2 years
Karma is a rhyme’s with witch (ben 10)
If there was two thinks Ben couldn't stand, it was the smell of dirty diapers and being in boring museum's. And because the powers to be were THAT jealous of how awesome and cool the 10 year old hero was, they had decided to punish him with both.. Or that was Ben's theory anyways. The trip to this boring old place was meant to make Gwen feel better as she had started to need diapers after trying to cast one too many high level spells. Or so she claimed. Ben for his part figured Gwen was just one of those big babies you see on TV now and then and was bluffing grandpa about how the price of magic was baking brownies in the seat of a pamper. They were looking at a bunch of old dead dudes who had been TP'ed or something, Ben wasn't really listening when a loud fart filled the room and Ben groaned even as Gwen blushed. "Anyone who values their nose run! run for you life!" Ben said in a over the top voice, coming over and before Gramps or Gwen could stop him, tugged Gwen's pants down to her ankles, flashing her thick white diapers that had forced her to start wearing baggy cargo pants like Ben to the crowd. "B-BEN!" Gwen cried out, going red as a tomato and starting to fertilize herself even as she tried to bend down to tug her pants back up. All this did was present her smelly butt to the group they were with, getting snickers and laughs and cries of 'oh dear!' as her diaper filled out, big lumps making it sag cartoonishly in the back as her eyes rolled in her head, who mouth forming a 'O'. "BEN!!" Gramps growled, coming over now and Ben let out a yelp. "Ladies and gentlemen, we hope you enjoyed our show of the worlds biggest nappy baby. they'll be later showing at 1, 3 and 5. Don't forget to tip your tour guide." Ben said and then took off running, easily out pacing gramps who was left trying to pick between staying and helping Gwen or chasing Ben. As always, Gwen won.
Gwen was a sniffling wreck as Gramps helped her get her pants tugging back up, or tried to, but of course her uber load had made her diaper WAY to big and stinky to fit back inside of them. which meant that with his help, she had to step out of them and cowboy walk to the nearest ladies room to change herself, Gramps waiting waiting outside for her. 'I'm gonna kill him! wait no, I'm gonna hurt him so bad he'll wish for something as sweet and merciful as death!' Gwen fumed, in a stall and cleaning herself up, wrinkling her nose at her own smell. She could of used magic to clean herself up but well, All that did was make it so she'd have to go again even sooner and one poopie diaper in public was enough for today, or at least that was the plan. Then she heard two girls come in, talking with valley accents and giggling. "OMG, did you SEE that stupid big baby pooping herself? Like, LOL!" One giggled, heading for a stall. Instantly Gwen used her mask to mask the smell of her stinky diaper, she didn't wanna be busted mid change after all. "Like, I know! Diapers at her age? Like, grow up already!" the other one said, taking a stall by the other. Gwen huffed softly in her stall, tempted to ball up her diaper and lob it at one of their heads, but there was one one smelly diaper and two of them..and she'd likely get in trouble for that. 'then again.. guh.. I can already feel the magic doing it's work.' Gwen thought, her tummy gurgling and churning a little. finishing up with her change as quick as she could, she was forced to listen to the girl go on and on about what a dumb baby 'that diaper girl' had to be. Gwen was changed and ready to go, just waiting on the valley cunts to finish up before she came out and wondering what to do with her dirty diaper..she did NOT wanna leave it in here or carry it with her for the rest of the tour. Once she left the stall the spell would fade and anyone who walked in here would know what she did (She wasn't thinking rationally enough to think that most people would just assume it was a un-flushed potty) and yeah, leaving a stink trail as she walked around with it in her purse bag/diaper bag was a nay nay. she wasn't going to be using magic for the rest of the tour so she could be fudging her huggies non stop for the rest of the day, no thank you! a evil grin came to her face as the girls left, and Gwen knew exactly what to do with the diaper, to get rid of it and start her revenge on Ben. with a glow and flash of magic the balled up stinky diaper was gone, and in it's place was Ben's pillow, minus it case which was where the diaper had been deposited. 'your not the only one with a sick sense of humor Ben.' Gwen crackled and left the pillow behind, walking out of the bathroom.
'Ok..so I managed to avoid getting a spanking for now, embarrassed the big dumb diaper baby..all wins.' Ben thought as he walked around, all by himself and in some sort medieval wing of the museum. 'Butttt on the other side, I'm totally freaking lost, and I'll have to face the music sooner or later.' eh, that was future Ben's problem and with the omimatrix Ben could always turn into Xcler8 and just zip around the museum till he found a way out. looking over some of the displays for things that were used for public punishment, he noted that one was a stock, like he'd seen in some movies. there was a BIG sign by the stock saying NOT to touch it or place yourself in it and well, to someone like Ben that was a written and signed invitation. "Oh this has a bad habit of shutting and getting stuck suddenly. like, what kind of a doofus would let themselves get trapped by this old thing, and I'm sure that with THESE guns I could break myself free!" Ben said, reading the rest of the warning and then flexing, giving each one of his noddle arms a smooch, then added. "I bet it doesn't even move, that's just to scare people away." deciding to prove his point to no one but himself, Ben bent down and put his arms and head in position, smirking all the time. "See? Just a stupid dumb war-" He started to says, But the vibration of him talking while resting on the stock making it shake enough, and the top came down the latch snapping into place though there was no padlock at least. "-Ning..Uh.." Ben gulped nervously, but tried to keep a smile on his face. "this is no big deal..I can get out of this." He said to himself, but he could hear the fear in his tone as he tried to jerk himself upright. But between the latch and the wooden seizing up however nothing happened and Ben was starting to turn pale and shake now even if he kept some bravo in his voice. "Ha..Ok..Clearly I didn't put enough muscle into it."  He squeaked out and tried again.. and again.. then over and over doing nothing but wearing himself out. "LET! ME! OUT! YOU! STUPID! THING!" Ben cried out. unsurprisingly the stock didn't listen and with Ben's hands stuck he could even try and go alien. "...Is this what karma feels like?"
Gramps and Gwen decided to split up and try and find Ben before going back to the tour. Partly because Gramps was responsible for his safety, partially because he had a punishment coming his way and finally because a bored Ben in a building filled with priceless artifacts was just begging for trouble. As Gwen walked the halls and looked over the different exhibition's she found herself half wishing she could stay and study them more and half wanting to get this over with as her tummy was making loud gurgles now. Hindsight being what it was, she realized now that making use of her magic to hide she had been in the middle of changing into a clean diaper had been stupidly short sighted as she was getting close to making anther smelly diaper as she came to a fork in the road so to speak. One way lead to the medieval exhibit and the other to a Ancient Greece one, but as she stood there she heard a voice she knew very well shouting for help, coming from the medieval exhibit. "Help! Anyone! I'm stuck! I need the jaws of life! I need a doctor! I need a cheeseburger!" Came Ben's voice. '...And just like that fate has smiled down on me.' Gwen thought and smirked, her tummy gurgling and she patted it. 'Hang on just a little longer, I have plans for you.'
The last person Ben expected to see/would of wanted to see while he was trapped like this was Gwen, so it was only natural that it would be of course HER that came walking in. it really only confirmed his belief that the higher powers to be had it out for him. "well well well, what DO we have here?" Gwen asked, her voice filled with delight as she walked over, crinkling and leaning down, a HUGE smile on her face. "Awww, Looks like Benny went and got himself stuck in the nasty old stocks!" "Ok Gwen, I know I'm not your favorite person right now, But I'm kinda freaking out here so if you could ju-" Ben started to say, but Gwen put a finger to his lips. "I'd be a good boy and shut up and let me talk right now or I might just take off and 'forget' where I found you. I'm just a big dumb baby after all, isn't that what you keep calling me?" She asked. "..Is there a answer that won't make this worse for me?" Ben whimpered. "heh, wow, smarter then I thought asking that! and to answer your question..No there isn't. Let's see.." and Gwen turned her attention to the warning, making sure her pampered butt was by his face and noting from the corner of her eye he was trying (and failing) to get away from it. "Geez Benny, I know reading isn't your strong suit unless it's a comic book but even you should of known better then to stick your head in there!" She tsked. Her tummy gurgled big time and a muffled fart came out, Making Ben cry out. "Gwen gross! come on, are you trying to give me pink eye!?!" Ben whined. "Get your smelly baby butt out of my face!" "..heh. Ben, what makes you think your anywhere NEAR a position to give me orders right now?" Gwen asked, standing up and and giving him a smile that would of made Vilgax wet himself. "..What if I told you I'm very very VERY sorry right now?" Ben tried, giving Gwen his best pleading look. "I'd tell you to kiss my diapered ass." Gwen said and then started to undo the front of her pants, and set her bag down. "In fact..that's what your going to do Benny. if you want me to let you out of there? Your going to kiss my diapered ass." her pants were don around her ankles now and she kicked then off then turned around and wiggled her butt, inching it close enough to Ben's face he could give it a smooch. "ARE.YOU.INSANE!?" Ben yelled. "I'M NOT GOING TO KISS YOUR BUTT!" "heh, Oook.~ But just keep in mind. I gave you a way to avoid this since despite everything else we're family." Gwen said. "..Avoid wh-" Ben started to ask and then Gwen's butt was planted right in his face, smothering it. "SO glad I went and filled myself up again for this!" Gwen crackled and then gave a big grunt and it was all her tummy tum needed.
Ben wasn't AS stupid as most people assumed, he had poor impulse control that was for sure, but he instantly knew WHAT was about to happen when Gwen's fat diaper butt was pressed against his face, even before the nostril searing fart was let go. with a follow up sicking blort, the seat of Gwen's diaper grew warm and pressed up against his face..the big dumb baby was crapping herself! Depending on how you looked at it Ben was either lucky or unlucky that he'd had the foresight to close his mouth just before she had mashed the thick pamper on his face. Unlucky in that it meant he was forced to huff the fumes that came out as her diaper filled up, going from warm to HOT lumps the smushed his adorable face. But lucky in the fact he didn't have to worry about her diaper expanding into his open mouth for the worst possible gag ever. even as the diaper grew and pressed around his face Ben had JUST enough air to breath, even if it was tainted with Gwen's funk and if he stained he could hear her over the thunder of her gas. "Ahhh that's better! you know Benny, with you huffing and sniffing it all up, I'm barely getting a whiff of my own stink! I think we should do this more often!" She cackled, and pulled her butt away for a second. Ben knew what she was hoping for, that he'd go to speak up and kept his lips sealed and got the full (And still filling up..lucky him..) diaper smashed back against his face. Ironically, it was the very thing making this so horrible that was keeping him from getting a busted face as she kept butt thumping his face with her smelly rear: the diaper gravy was the perfect pillow. 'And yet I'd take a bloody nose or a black eye over this..' Ben fumed to himself, he was SO telling on Gwen once he got out of this! a few more bumps to the face and Ben was sure he was going to be smelling Gwen's stinky diaper for the rest of the summer and she pulled away, turnaround and smiling at him then looking over her shoulder, then turning back with a frown. "Damn. was hoping I'd get a imprint of your face in there..like silly putty." She huffed as she finished up. "Whew..I am one STINKY baby!" She added, sniffing the air and then waving a hand, then chuckling as she locked eyes with Ben. "But of course, I guess I don't need to tell YOU that huh?"
Gwen wasn't sure if it was the fumes from her own diaper or just the adrenaline high from tormenting him like this but she was riding high and getting giddy. The only downside was Ben was being a big old FART and keeping his mouth shut, just glaring at her. "Whats wrong? Cat got your tongue?" She asked and leaned down to tickle his chin, then recoiled and made a over the top gross out face. "Oh yuck! you smell even worse then my diaper! How is that even possible!" She lied. "I DO NOT!" Ben yelled and struggled, finally breaking his little vow of silence. "Well, maybe not, but your gonna need like, at LEAST 2 showers once you get out of there.. speaking of which..Would the little diaper sniffer like to earn his freedom?" Gwen asked sweetly. "YES!" Ben cried out, blushing and squirming. "What do you want?!?" "Heh..I'd say you have a short term memory problem buttttt you were just huffing a poopie diaper for like, five-Ten minutes there so I'll let it slide." Gwen laughed. "W-Wait it was ONLY that!?! It felt like a hour!" Ben cried out. "Heh, well there's a whole theory and all that to explain THAT away, but it'll go over your diaper huffing widdle brain." Gwen teased and found herself wishing she had a dunce cap to put on Ben's head. 'oh well, there's always next time he gets himself stuck.' she thought to herself then out loud went on. "I told you Ben, if you wanna get out of there, your gonna kiss my ass. Actually wait.." Ben's eyes lit up with hope for a second, which was just so funny that after what she had already done to him, he honestly thought she'd start being merciful now? She went over to her diaper bag/bag purse and pulled out some light pink lipstick she always kept on hand (you never know WHEN your gonna run into a hottie and started back over to Ben, doing a cowboy walk because of the epic sag in her huggies. "Pucker up..Because your gonna SHOWER my diaper in smooches, and gush on and on about how much you looove my stinky diaper and how you only made fun of me because you wish you could have lots of stinky diapers of your own~" Gwen said. "..Why the HELL would I do that!?!" Ben asked, growling and thrashing around. "Because if you don't, well, there's that little stool over there that's part of a display and it's JUST tall enough..that where I to say.. Change my diaper and put it on there, and then put it under your chin.. you'd be trapped for gosh! who knows HOW long with my stinky diaper as a pillow!" Gwen said giggling with pure delight, part of her almost hoping Ben would refuse to kiss now. Still she wasn't disappointed either when Ben gave out a defeated whimper, then puckered his lips for the lipstick.
As bad as having to wear the pink lipstick was for Ben, (And it was BAD!) He knew it was only going to be the tip of the iceberg so to speak for what would come next, and wasn't shocked as Gwen made sure to use not only her phone but his own, set up at different angles to capture 'true loves kiss' as she kept calling it. "Now remember, I want you to REALLY sell it, I wanna believe that my stinky diaper is the love of your life." Gwen snickered, then with a wave of her hands and kick starting anther soon to be mess they were filming. as she nudged her butt into frame. "Uh..Come here so..I can kiss you." Ben said lamely, and Gwen sighed and used her magic to pause to the recording. "Really Ben, THAT'S your idea of romance? sheesh, your gonna be single for the rest of your life. Think about that movie I made you and gramps watch the other night.. this isn't a poopie diaper, it the girl of your dreams and you have to woo her." Gwen instructed. "Can't I just kiss the stupid diaper and get this over with?" Ben huffed, then gagged a little realizing he shouldn't of huffed. "Look either do it MY way, or I take the highway and put up the signs saying this exhibit is closed. now come on! from the top!" Gwen said. 'Just my luck, I don't JUST get a insane cousin who wants me to make out with her fudge packed pamper..I get a wanna be director.' Ben thought and rolled his eyes. "Alright..I'm ready." "Andddd action!" Gwen said, turning the recording back on, Ben knew that the more magic she used, the sooner she was gonna be crapping herself so using that as his motivation really dive all in. "Oh my darling, how long I've been without you, please, grace my lips with your tender embrace!" Ben said, pulling the line from the horrible puke inducing movie Gwen had forced him to watch, and making her snicker and cover her mover..then in a badly disguised muffled voice, she replied. "Oh But Ben, I'm just a stinky poop filled diaper, do you truly wish to kiss me?" "..More then Live itself. I LOVE poopie diapers, For you see I'm Jealous that Gwen gets to make you and just wish to wear you and kiss you, come to my lips and let me paint you with the mark's of my affection!" Ben coo'ed, trying not to gag from the smell and the words coming out of his mouth. 'i deserve a friggen Oscar for this!' he thought. "Oh Ben! you know just how to charm a woman! kiss me you lipstick sissy!" Gwen cried out behind her hand and then brushed her smelly rear close enough that it was practically in his face but it would have to be Ben's choice to smooch it. ..and the boy was hesitating. "Ben, why don't you follow though on your words? don't you love me, a stinky diaper?" "I..I do..the..thought of kissing you..fill me with such.." and Ben paused and swallowed hard. "Excitement I found myself frozen but for the moment." with that he closed his eyes and gave Gwen's butt a quick smooch. "Oh my darling! you do love me!" Gwen cried out and shoved her butt in for a deeper kiss and pulled back, looking over her shoulder and giving Ben a look. her meaning was clear, there was to be no half assing it and Ben tried to lose himself in the moment, thinking about sumo slammers, comic books, anything else as he gave kiss after kiss to Gwen's fudge packed huggies to the point his lip stick had been worn off his lips. between the fumes and smooching Ben was actually dazed near the end and was kissing the air for a few seconds as Gwen finally pulled away, turning the phones off. "And that's a wrap." Gwen giggled.
In the aftermath of the smooching, Ben's brain seemed to be semi fried, or at least that was Gwen's  take away as she snapped her fingers. "How we doing Benny?" She asked. "I..I ..Blah buh da dee.." Ben mumbled and gurgled. "Well spoken!" Gwen said with a snort."Come on, earth to doofus.." Ben shook his head and his eyes seemed to clear up as he looked at Gwen's lipstick kiss covered diaper butt and huffed. "..You are a horrible horrible person." He huffed. "Awww don't say that, I'm the one that made the love of your life possible!" Gwen said and chuckled. "Or do I need to replay your declaration of loooove?~" "...Just get me out of here." Ben huffed. "Sheesh, no please? and here I thought your parents taught you manners!" Gwen said and wagged a finger. "Still I suppose I SHOULD keep up my end of the deal." Gwen started to waddle over to the edge of the stock, getting a hand out to blast it free with a burst of magic..then gave a slasher smile. "but then again, since you loooove stinky diapers so much I have a better idea!" She said and went behind Ben, yanking down on his pants and undies. "GWEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" Ben yelped and shouted, squirming and desperately trying to get free for all the good it would do him. "Duh, I'm reuniting you with your lover..Just wanted to tug the pants down to make sure when I do the spell it won't just goes over them." Gwen said coming back into view. "..wait..you don't mean..your not gonna.. Gwen that's gross!" Ben said, connecting the dots. "Wow Ben, harsh. Saying all that true love jazz just to get smooches and then backtracking when your girlfriend wants to commit." Gwen huffed and wagged a finger. "I think a little quality bonding time is just what you crazy kids need, you'll thank me later for saving your relationship." "Gwen don't you DARE-" Ben was starting to say but Gwen was already firing a blast of magic at Ben's crotch and one at her diaper, and in seconds her stinky filled diaper was secured around HIS hips, with a added spell or two in place and Gwen got got busy getting a clean diaper on, ignore the wail that came out of Ben. "Sheesh, it's just a dirty diaper..don't be such a crybaby."
For the first time Ben could see (well feel) just what it was about being in a stinky diaper that normally had Gwen all huffy and upset as it just felt icky and gross. Of course adding into the fact it wasn't even HIS poopie diaper he was wearing. "I..I.." Ben whined, eyes welling up with tears."Gwen please let me out of this! I'm sorry for all the teasing I ever did! pleasssse!" "Hmmm, Let me think..Do I let you out of the stocks, out of the poopie diaper and try and put this all behind us..Or do I leave you here with a spell on your lips making you gush how much you love diapers AND direct people to this exhibit. Tough choice.." Gwen said as she got her clean diaper on and tugged up her pants. "Y-You wouldn't!!" Ben yelped, then hung his head as much as he could. "..who am I kidding. you totally would." "awww see? your learning! Oh and by the way, there's a few added charms to the spell..but I'm sure you'll figure them out all on your own.In the meantime..Have fun!" Gwen said and a blast of magic hit Ben's mouth. He went to go and tell her that she was a sick bitch, that he would SO get even with her for this..but instead he found himself grinning like a fool and worse.. "Hee hee holy moley, I SURE do love my big STINKY diapies! stinky diapers are JUST the best! thank Gwen for leaving me like this!" He coo'ed. "Heh..your welcome doofus."
Walking out of the exhibit, Gwen made use of a fill marker boards to give directions to a semi new attraction that the museum would be offering, a once in a lifetime display of the worlds smelliest nappy baby who would be gushing all about his love of stinky diapers, though the smell wasn't for the faint of heart.  as a after thought she added a piece of advice about not forgetting to tip your tour guide much like the advice that Ben had given before at her expense, then marched off, calling up gramps. "Yeah, I haven't been able to find him and my tummy is acting up..I'm gonna go and camp out in the rust bucket in case he turns up there AND to avoid making any scenes." Gwen said. "Well Ok..I'll keep looking for him here. Where have you looked so I don't waste time double checking?" gramps asked. "The medevil exhibit is clear, I know that much for sure." Gwen lied. After a few more pleasant exchanges Gwen waddled her way out to the rust bucket, feeling better then she had since she had started needing diapers again. "it's amazing just how therapeutic it can be putting a jerk in his place." She mused. looking around she noticed that she was running low on her diapers, only having 3 of them left  while her diaper pail was loaded to the brim. Now before this would of been a big problem for Gwen but since she had already taken a step or two..or forty on the dark side she figured she couldn't really damn herself any worse and smirked as she got ready to make the dirty diapers clean with a little magic, and having the perfect target for the mess to end up at.
Mentally Ben was screaming and sobbing, as people kept laughing and snickering at him while snapping pictures. apparently Gwen had posted the video she'd taken online too because he was hearing comments about how he was the smelly freak from twitter and YouTube and the like. Of course Ben couldn't even defend himself as he just kept gushing about his love of poopie diapers, and told everyone how much he LOVED going boom boom in his diapers as well. 'At least I had a big crap before we started all of this so I won't end up making this worse.' Ben thought, temping fate apparently as all of a sudden there was the weirdest feeling in the seat of his lipstick stained diaper. he couldn't see it naturally but a portal was opening up in the back of his diaper, and with a sick farting sound the mess from the used diapers in the rust bucket was being dumped into his already full diaper! "Ewww I think the loser is crapping himself again!" A kid cried out, holding his nose. 'No i'm not! Gwen's being gross and making me a diaper pail!!' Ben thought but with a HUGE grin on his face he giggled and nodded. "Yup yup! I'm making my stinky diaper even STINKER! I love pooping myself! it's the bestest feeling in the whole wide world! Well 'cept for being SPANKED in poopie diapers! who wants to spank the baby?" he called out. thankfully, there were no takers.
With the diapers cleared out and cleaned, Gwen found herself wishing she could of seen the look on Ben's face, but figured she'd get her chance since the spell she had worked would make it that from now on every time she loaded her diapers, it would end up in the back of Ben's pants..whether or not he was diapered. 'And the spell works until -I- decide to call it off~' Gwen mused, laying on her back in her bunk now, looking over the comments and hits that Ben's video was getting and then squealing with delight as a link to a new video was posted in the comments, and it was Ben making use of his diapers in the museum. "Ha! I LOVE technology! all of the fun of watching him suffer and known of the stink!" She coo'ed. the video ended as a couple of security guards made their way onto the scene, Gramp's with them and Gwen sighed. "well fart nuggets..I wanted him to suffer longer." She pouted but then shrugged. "ah well, can't win'em all."
Max was less then pleased with Ben, who couldn't come up with a valid way to defend himself as he was freed and then Max, Gwen and Ben were all banned from the museum for life. of course he had a feeling Gwen knew more about this then she was letting on since he had been somewhere she said she had checked he just didn't have it in him to deal with all of this today, deciding that was future Max's problem, not his. Marching Ben out to the rust bucket, he pointed for him to get inside. "I can't even deal with you kid's right now. If you need grampa he'll be across the street at that nice bar. PLEASE change your diaper before I get back." Max grumbled. "What? and give up my true love?" Ben asked, still under the effects of the spell. "..whatever. I'm getting to old for this shit." Max grumbled and walked away.
The spell on Ben's mouth was broken as he slowly dragged his massively filled diaper butt into the rust bucket, the diaper was sagging below his knees and he had to assume the only reason it hadn't burst by now was magic. "Holy cow, you STINK!" Gwen said, Smirking and looking down at Ben from her position on the top bunk as he waddled towards his bed. "I hate you so very..very much right now. " Ben huffed, just physically, emotionally..every way he could be drained and flipping Gwen the bird flopped down into his bunk, face going right into the pillow. and finding the surprise Gwen had left for him that even she had forgotten about. "Really Gwen, a poopie diaper in my pillow case!?!" Ben whined. "Wasn't all of ..of..THIS enough!?" he asked, as she peeked down from her bunk into his and saw him gesture to his bloated diaper. "Heh..yeah ok.. you got me there. I'll take care of it." Gwen said and held out a hand. "Wait just get rid of it do-" Ben tried to say, guessing what she was gonna do then crying out as anther mess was added to the back of his diaper, though the pamper pillow was clean now. "Your welcome! try and get some shut eye dork..I have a long night of pooping ahead and you'll be handling the fall out." Gwen cackled and then pushed herself back up onto her bed. "Oh Joy..I can hardly wait.." Ben grumbled. "Well if you want me to start early.." Gwen called down. "N-No! Later is fine!!"
At some point Max had stumbled back in, and assaulted by the stink coming from Ben, had broken down and changed the little guy into a clean diaper as it was clear he was gonna be a pants pooper for the foreseeable future and diapers were easier then washing underoo's over and over. the treasure was dumped in a trashcan outside and he went to his own bunk, conking out and having a dream about the nice good time when all he'd had to worry about was alien monsters trying to destroy the earth but his grand-kids weren't big diaper babies.
It was around midnight when Ben woke up, his tummy cramping and he staggered out of his bunk. he was happy to find his crap loaded diaper had been changed though less pleased about the fresh diaper. Still, he figured given time he could convince gramps that Gwen was behind all of this and get him to make her stop, but for now he was oddly looking forward to using the potty. 'Heh..go figure..only took being forced to wear a shit swelled diaper to make me appicate riding the procerlin throne.' Ben mused. His waddle to the bathroom hadn't gone unnoticed however and Gwen smirked, mentally counting down in her head even as Ben shut the door. 'And right about..NOW!' She thought and bore down, unloading a epic load into the seat of her diaper, though it wouldn't stay there for long even as a blast of magic from her opened the bathroom door so she could watch the show. Just like she had expected, he'd gotten to the potty and had been about to yank the diaper down when her mess had started to flood into the back of it, and boom! he fell backwards planting his butt on the shitter. Between her load, the toilet water soaking it and Ben's own load coming out, his diaper swelled up comically and Ben was actually lifted up off the floor, his legs kicking as he cried out. ..he was stuck! Figuring this was a good place for the little stinker, Gwen poofed a pacifier into his mouth with a nursing instinct to go with it so he'd be unable to make a racket and then waving night night to him from her bed, shut the door. "..Maybe I should of opened a window for him..eh..whatever." Gwen said as she finished pooping Ben's diaper and then snuggled into bed for a good nights sleep.
The end
2 notes · View notes
I know you wanted me to stay
But I can't ignore the crazy visions of me in LA
And I heard that there's a special place
Where boys and girls can all be poopy every single day
I'm having wicked dreams of leaving Tennessee
Hear Santa Monica, I swear it's calling me
Won't make my mama proud, it's gonna cause a scene
She sees her baby girl, I know she's gonna scream
God, what have you done?
You're a butthole girl
And you fart at the club
Oh mama, I'm just having fun
On the stage shaking my butt
It's where I belong down at the
butthole Club
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
Butthole Club
I'm gonna keep on farting down in
West Hollywood
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
butthole Club, butthole Club
I'm up and jaws are on the floor
people in the bathroom and a line outside the door
Blacklights and and shit on the wall
Every night's another reason why I left it all
I thank my wicked dreams a year from Tennessee
Oh, Santa Monica, you've been too good to me
Won't make my mama proud, it's gonna cause a scene
She sees her baby girl, I know she's gonna scream
God, what have you done?
You're a butthole girl
And you fart at the club
Oh mama, I'm just having fun
On the stage shaking my butt
It's where I belong down at the
butthole Club
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
butthole Club
I'm gonna keep on farting down in
West Hollywood
I'm gonna keep on dancing at the
butthole club, butthole Club
Don't think I've left you all behind
Still love you and Tennessee
You're always on my mind
And mama, every Saturday
I can hear your southern drawl a thousand miles away, saying
God, what have you done?
You're a butthole girl
And you fart at the club
Oh mama, I'm just having fun
On the stage shaking my butt
It's where I belong down at the
butthole Club
I'm gonna keep on farting at the
butthole Club
I'm gonna keep on farting down in
West Hollywood
I'm gonna keep on farting at the
butthole Club, butthole Club
I'm gonna keep on farting
I'm gonna keep on farting
girl u had this one ready to go aye i made this blog 3 minutes ago
0 notes
yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Karma is a rhymes with witch (ben10, kinda gross)
If there was two thinks Ben couldn't stand, it was the smell of dirty diapers and being in boring museum's. And because the powers to be were THAT jealous of how awesome and cool the 10 year old hero was, they had decided to punish him with both.. Or that was Ben's theory anyways.
The trip to this boring old place was meant to make Gwen feel better as she had started to need diapers after trying to cast one too many high level spells. Or so she claimed.
Ben for his part figured Gwen was just one of those big babies you see on TV now and then and was bluffing grandpa about how the price of magic was baking brownies in the seat of a pamper.
They were looking at a bunch of old dead dudes who had been TP'ed or something, Ben wasn't really listening when a loud fart filled the room and Ben groaned even as Gwen blushed.
"Anyone who values their nose run! run for you life!" Ben said in a over the top voice, coming over and before Gramps or Gwen could stop him, tugged Gwen's pants down to her ankles, flashing her thick white diapers that had forced her to start wearing baggy cargo pants like Ben to the crowd.
"B-BEN!" Gwen cried out, going red as a tomato and starting to fertilize herself even as she tried to bend down to tug her pants back up.
All this did was present her smelly butt to the group they were with, getting snickers and laughs and cries of 'oh dear!' as her diaper filled out, big lumps making it sag cartoonishly in the back as her eyes rolled in her head, who mouth forming a 'O'.
"BEN!!" Gramps growled, coming over now and Ben let out a yelp.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we hope you enjoyed our show of the worlds biggest nappy baby. they'll be later showing at 1, 3 and 5. Don't forget to tip your tour guide." Ben said and then took off running, easily out pacing gramps who was left trying to pick between staying and helping Gwen or chasing Ben.
As always, Gwen won.
Gwen was a sniffling wreck as Gramps helped her get her pants tugging back up, or tried to, but of course her uber load had made her diaper WAY to big and stinky to fit back inside of them. which meant that with his help, she had to step out of them and cowboy walk to the nearest ladies room to change herself, Gramps waiting waiting outside for her.
'I'm gonna kill him! wait no, I'm gonna hurt him so bad he'll wish for something as sweet and merciful as death!' Gwen fumed, in a stall and cleaning herself up, wrinkling her nose at her own smell.
She could of used magic to clean herself up but well, All that did was make it so she'd have to go again even sooner and one poopie diaper in public was enough for today, or at least that was the plan.
Then she heard two girls come in, talking with valley accents and giggling.
"OMG, did you SEE that stupid big baby pooping herself? Like, LOL!" One giggled, heading for a stall.
Instantly Gwen used her mask to mask the smell of her stinky diaper, she didn't wanna be busted mid change after all.
"Like, I know! Diapers at her age? Like, grow up already!" the other one said, taking a stall by the other.
Gwen huffed softly in her stall, tempted to ball up her diaper and lob it at one of their heads, but there was one one smelly diaper and two of them..and she'd likely get in trouble for that.
'then again.. guh.. I can already feel the magic doing it's work.' Gwen thought, her tummy gurgling and churning a little.
finishing up with her change as quick as she could, she was forced to listen to the girl go on and on about what a dumb baby 'that diaper girl' had to be.
Gwen was changed and ready to go, just waiting on the valley cunts to finish up before she came out and wondering what to do with her dirty diaper..she did NOT wanna leave it in here or carry it with her for the rest of the tour. Once she left the stall the spell would fade and anyone who walked in here would know what she did (She wasn't thinking rationally enough to think that most people would just assume it was a un-flushed potty) and yeah, leaving a stink trail as she walked around with it in her purse bag/diaper bag was a nay nay. she wasn't going to be using magic for the rest of the tour so she could be fudging her huggies non stop for the rest of the day, no thank you!
a evil grin came to her face as the girls left, and Gwen knew exactly what to do with the diaper, to get rid of it and start her revenge on Ben.
with a glow and flash of magic the balled up stinky diaper was gone, and in it's place was Ben's pillow, minus it case which was where the diaper had been deposited.
'your not the only one with a sick sense of humor Ben.' Gwen crackled and left the pillow behind, walking out of the bathroom.
'Ok..so I managed to avoid getting a spanking for now, embarrassed the big dumb diaper baby..all wins.' Ben thought as he walked around, all by himself and in some sort medieval wing of the museum. 'Butttt on the other side, I'm totally freaking lost, and I'll have to face the music sooner or later.'
eh, that was future Ben's problem and with the omimatrix Ben could always turn into Xcler8 and just zip around the museum till he found a way out.
looking over some of the displays for things that were used for public punishment, he noted that one was a stock, like he'd seen in some movies. there was a BIG sign by the stock saying NOT to touch it or place yourself in it and well, to someone like Ben that was a written and signed invitation.
"Oh this has a bad habit of shutting and getting stuck suddenly. like, what kind of a doofus would let themselves get trapped by this old thing, and I'm sure that with THESE guns I could break myself free!" Ben said, reading the rest of the warning and then flexing, giving each one of his noddle arms a smooch, then added. "I bet it doesn't even move, that's just to scare people away."
deciding to prove his point to no one but himself, Ben bent down and put his arms and head in position, smirking all the time.
"See? Just a stupid dumb war-" He started to says, But the vibration of him talking while resting on the stock making it shake enough, and the top came down the latch snapping into place though there was no padlock at least. "-Ning..Uh.."
Ben gulped nervously, but tried to keep a smile on his face.
"this is no big deal..I can get out of this." He said to himself, but he could hear the fear in his tone as he tried to jerk himself upright.
But between the latch and the wooden seizing up however nothing happened and Ben was starting to turn pale and shake now even if he kept some bravo in his voice.
"Ha..Ok..Clearly I didn't put enough muscle into it." He squeaked out and tried again.. and again.. then over and over doing nothing but wearing himself out. "LET! ME! OUT! YOU! STUPID! THING!" Ben cried out.
unsurprisingly the stock didn't listen and with Ben's hands stuck he could even try and go alien.
"...Is this what karma feels like?"
Gramps and Gwen decided to split up and try and find Ben before going back to the tour. Partly because Gramps was responsible for his safety, partially because he had a punishment coming his way and finally because a bored Ben in a building filled with priceless artifacts was just begging for trouble.
As Gwen walked the halls and looked over the different exhibition's she found herself half wishing she could stay and study them more and half wanting to get this over with as her tummy was making loud gurgles now.
Hindsight being what it was, she realized now that making use of her magic to hide she had been in the middle of changing into a clean diaper had been stupidly short sighted as she was getting close to making anther smelly diaper as she came to a fork in the road so to speak. One way lead to the medieval exhibit and the other to a Ancient Greece one, but as she stood there she heard a voice she knew very well shouting for help, coming from the medieval exhibit.
"Help! Anyone! I'm stuck! I need the jaws of life! I need a doctor! I need a cheeseburger!" Came Ben's voice.
'...And just like that fate has smiled down on me.' Gwen thought and smirked, her tummy gurgling and she patted it. 'Hang on just a little longer, I have plans for you.'
The last person Ben expected to see/would of wanted to see while he was trapped like this was Gwen, so it was only natural that it would be of course HER that came walking in. it really only confirmed his belief that the higher powers to be had it out for him.
"well well well, what DO we have here?" Gwen asked, her voice filled with delight as she walked over, crinkling and leaning down, a HUGE smile on her face. "Awww, Looks like Benny went and got himself stuck in the nasty old stocks!"
"Ok Gwen, I know I'm not your favorite person right now, But I'm kinda freaking out here so if you could ju-" Ben started to say, but Gwen put a finger to his lips.
"I'd be a good boy and shut up and let me talk right now or I might just take off and 'forget' where I found you. I'm just a big dumb baby after all, isn't that what you keep calling me?" She asked.
"..Is there a answer that won't make this worse for me?" Ben whimpered.
"heh, wow, smarter then I thought asking that! and to answer your question..No there isn't. Let's see.." and Gwen turned her attention to the warning, making sure her pampered butt was by his face and noting from the corner of her eye he was trying (and failing) to get away from it. "Geez Benny, I know reading isn't your strong suit unless it's a comic book but even you should of known better then to stick your head in there!" She tsked.
Her tummy gurgled big time and a muffled fart came out, Making Ben cry out.
"Gwen gross! come on, are you trying to give me pink eye!?!" Ben whined. "Get your smelly baby butt out of my face!"
"..heh. Ben, what makes you think your anywhere NEAR a position to give me orders right now?" Gwen asked, standing up and and giving him a smile that would of made Vilgax wet himself.
"..What if I told you I'm very very VERY sorry right now?" Ben tried, giving Gwen his best pleading look.
"I'd tell you to kiss my diapered ass." Gwen said and then started to undo the front of her pants, and set her bag down. "In fact..that's what your going to do Benny. if you want me to let you out of there? Your going to kiss my diapered ass."
her pants were don around her ankles now and she kicked then off then turned around and wiggled her butt, inching it close enough to Ben's face he could give it a smooch.
"heh, Oook.~ But just keep in mind. I gave you a way to avoid this since despite everything else we're family." Gwen said.
"..Avoid wh-" Ben started to ask and then Gwen's butt was planted right in his face, smothering it.
"SO glad I went and filled myself up again for this!" Gwen crackled and then gave a big grunt and it was all her tummy tum needed.
Ben wasn't AS stupid as most people assumed, he had poor impulse control that was for sure, but he instantly knew WHAT was about to happen when Gwen's fat diaper butt was pressed against his face, even before the nostril searing fart was let go. with a follow up sicking blort, the seat of Gwen's diaper grew warm and pressed up against his face..the big dumb baby was crapping herself!
Depending on how you looked at it Ben was either lucky or unlucky that he'd had the foresight to close his mouth just before she had mashed the thick pamper on his face. Unlucky in that it meant he was forced to huff the fumes that came out as her diaper filled up, going from warm to HOT lumps the smushed his adorable face. But lucky in the fact he didn't have to worry about her diaper expanding into his open mouth for the worst possible gag ever.
even as the diaper grew and pressed around his face Ben had JUST enough air to breath, even if it was tainted with Gwen's funk and if he stained he could hear her over the thunder of her gas.
"Ahhh that's better! you know Benny, with you huffing and sniffing it all up, I'm barely getting a whiff of my own stink! I think we should do this more often!" She cackled, and pulled her butt away for a second.
Ben knew what she was hoping for, that he'd go to speak up and kept his lips sealed and got the full (And still filling up..lucky him..) diaper smashed back against his face.
Ironically, it was the very thing making this so horrible that was keeping him from getting a busted face as she kept butt thumping his face with her smelly rear: the diaper gravy was the perfect pillow.
'And yet I'd take a bloody nose or a black eye over this..' Ben fumed to himself, he was SO telling on Gwen once he got out of this!
a few more bumps to the face and Ben was sure he was going to be smelling Gwen's stinky diaper for the rest of the summer and she pulled away, turnaround and smiling at him then looking over her shoulder, then turning back with a frown.
"Damn. was hoping I'd get a imprint of your face in there..like silly putty." She huffed as she finished up. "Whew..I am one STINKY baby!" She added, sniffing the air and then waving a hand, then chuckling as she locked eyes with Ben.
"But of course, I guess I don't need to tell YOU that huh?"
Gwen wasn't sure if it was the fumes from her own diaper or just the adrenaline high from tormenting him like this but she was riding high and getting giddy.
The only downside was Ben was being a big old FART and keeping his mouth shut, just glaring at her.
"Whats wrong? Cat got your tongue?" She asked and leaned down to tickle his chin, then recoiled and made a over the top gross out face. "Oh yuck! you smell even worse then my diaper! How is that even possible!" She lied.
"I DO NOT!" Ben yelled and struggled, finally breaking his little vow of silence.
"Well, maybe not, but your gonna need like, at LEAST 2 showers once you get out of there.. speaking of which..Would the little diaper sniffer like to earn his freedom?" Gwen asked sweetly.
"YES!" Ben cried out, blushing and squirming. "What do you want?!?"
"Heh..I'd say you have a short term memory problem buttttt you were just huffing a poopie diaper for like, five-Ten minutes there so I'll let it slide." Gwen laughed.
"W-Wait it was ONLY that!?! It felt like a hour!" Ben cried out.
"Heh, well there's a whole theory and all that to explain THAT away, but it'll go over your diaper huffing widdle brain." Gwen teased and found herself wishing she had a dunce cap to put on Ben's head.
'oh well, there's always next time he gets himself stuck.' she thought to herself then out loud went on. "I told you Ben, if you wanna get out of there, your gonna kiss my ass. Actually wait.."
Ben's eyes lit up with hope for a second, which was just so funny that after what she had already done to him, he honestly thought she'd start being merciful now?
She went over to her diaper bag/bag purse and pulled out some light pink lipstick she always kept on hand (you never know WHEN your gonna run into a hottie and started back over to Ben, doing a cowboy walk because of the epic sag in her huggies.
"Pucker up..Because your gonna SHOWER my diaper in smooches, and gush on and on about how much you looove my stinky diaper and how you only made fun of me because you wish you could have lots of stinky diapers of your own~" Gwen said.
"..Why the HELL would I do that!?!" Ben asked, growling and thrashing around.
"Because if you don't, well, there's that little stool over there that's part of a display and it's JUST tall enough..that where I to say.. Change my diaper and put it on there, and then put it under your chin.. you'd be trapped for gosh! who knows HOW long with my stinky diaper as a pillow!" Gwen said giggling with pure delight, part of her almost hoping Ben would refuse to kiss now.
Still she wasn't disappointed either when Ben gave out a defeated whimper, then puckered his lips for the lipstick.
As bad as having to wear the pink lipstick was for Ben, (And it was BAD!) He knew it was only going to be the tip of the iceberg so to speak for what would come next, and wasn't shocked as Gwen made sure to use not only her phone but his own, set up at different angles to capture 'true loves kiss' as she kept calling it.
"Now remember, I want you to REALLY sell it, I wanna believe that my stinky diaper is the love of your life." Gwen snickered, then with a wave of her hands and kick starting anther soon to be mess they were filming. as she nudged her butt into frame.
"Uh..Come here so..I can kiss you." Ben said lamely, and Gwen sighed and used her magic to pause to the recording.
"Really Ben, THAT'S your idea of romance? sheesh, your gonna be single for the rest of your life. Think about that movie I made you and gramps watch the other night.. this isn't a poopie diaper, it the girl of your dreams and you have to woo her." Gwen instructed.
"Can't I just kiss the stupid diaper and get this over with?" Ben huffed, then gagged a little realizing he shouldn't of huffed.
"Look either do it MY way, or I take the highway and put up the signs saying this exhibit is closed. now come on! from the top!" Gwen said.
'Just my luck, I don't JUST get a insane cousin who wants me to make out with her fudge packed pamper..I get a wanna be director.' Ben thought and rolled his eyes. "Alright..I'm ready."
"Andddd action!" Gwen said, turning the recording back on, Ben knew that the more magic she used, the sooner she was gonna be crapping herself so using that as his motivation really dive all in.
"Oh my darling, how long I've been without you, please, grace my lips with your tender embrace!" Ben said, pulling the line from the horrible puke inducing movie Gwen had forced him to watch, and making her snicker and cover her mover..then in a badly disguised muffled voice, she replied.
"Oh But Ben, I'm just a stinky poop filled diaper, do you truly wish to kiss me?"
"..More then Live itself. I LOVE poopie diapers, For you see I'm Jealous that Gwen gets to make you and just wish to wear you and kiss you, come to my lips and let me paint you with the mark's of my affection!" Ben coo'ed, trying not to gag from the smell and the words coming out of his mouth.
'i deserve a friggen Oscar for this!' he thought.
"Oh Ben! you know just how to charm a woman! kiss me you lipstick sissy!" Gwen cried out behind her hand and then brushed her smelly rear close enough that it was practically in his face but it would have to be Ben's choice to smooch it. ..and the boy was hesitating. "Ben, why don't you follow though on your words? don't you love me, a stinky diaper?"
"I..I do..the..thought of kissing you..fill me with such.." and Ben paused and swallowed hard. "Excitement I found myself frozen but for the moment."
with that he closed his eyes and gave Gwen's butt a quick smooch.
"Oh my darling! you do love me!" Gwen cried out and shoved her butt in for a deeper kiss and pulled back, looking over her shoulder and giving Ben a look.
her meaning was clear, there was to be no half assing it and Ben tried to lose himself in the moment, thinking about sumo slammers, comic books, anything else as he gave kiss after kiss to Gwen's fudge packed huggies to the point his lip stick had been worn off his lips.
between the fumes and smooching Ben was actually dazed near the end and was kissing the air for a few seconds as Gwen finally pulled away, turning the phones off.
"And that's a wrap." Gwen giggled.
In the aftermath of the smooching, Ben's brain seemed to be semi fried, or at least that was Gwen's take away as she snapped her fingers.
"How we doing Benny?" She asked.
"I..I ..Blah buh da dee.." Ben mumbled and gurgled.
"Well spoken!" Gwen said with a snort."Come on, earth to doofus.."
Ben shook his head and his eyes seemed to clear up as he looked at Gwen's lipstick kiss covered diaper butt and huffed.
"..You are a horrible horrible person." He huffed.
"Awww don't say that, I'm the one that made the love of your life possible!" Gwen said and chuckled. "Or do I need to replay your declaration of loooove?~"
"...Just get me out of here." Ben huffed.
"Sheesh, no please? and here I thought your parents taught you manners!" Gwen said and wagged a finger. "Still I suppose I SHOULD keep up my end of the deal."
Gwen started to waddle over to the edge of the stock, getting a hand out to blast it free with a burst of magic..then gave a slasher smile.
"but then again, since you loooove stinky diapers so much I have a better idea!" She said and went behind Ben, yanking down on his pants and undies.
"GWEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!" Ben yelped and shouted, squirming and desperately trying to get free for all the good it would do him.
"Duh, I'm reuniting you with your lover..Just wanted to tug the pants down to make sure when I do the spell it won't just goes over them." Gwen said coming back into view.
"..wait..you don't mean..your not gonna.. Gwen that's gross!" Ben said, connecting the dots.
"Wow Ben, harsh. Saying all that true love jazz just to get smooches and then backtracking when your girlfriend wants to commit." Gwen huffed and wagged a finger. "I think a little quality bonding time is just what you crazy kids need, you'll thank me later for saving your relationship."
"Gwen don't you DARE-" Ben was starting to say but Gwen was already firing a blast of magic at Ben's crotch and one at her diaper, and in seconds her stinky filled diaper was secured around HIS hips, with a added spell or two in place and Gwen got got busy getting a clean diaper on, ignore the wail that came out of Ben.
"Sheesh, it's just a dirty diaper..don't be such a crybaby."
For the first time Ben could see (well feel) just what it was about being in a stinky diaper that normally had Gwen all huffy and upset as it just felt icky and gross. Of course adding into the fact it wasn't even HIS poopie diaper he was wearing.
"I..I.." Ben whined, eyes welling up with tears."Gwen please let me out of this! I'm sorry for all the teasing I ever did! pleasssse!"
"Hmmm, Let me think..Do I let you out of the stocks, out of the poopie diaper and try and put this all behind us..Or do I leave you here with a spell on your lips making you gush how much you love diapers AND direct people to this exhibit. Tough choice.." Gwen said as she got her clean diaper on and tugged up her pants.
"Y-You wouldn't!!" Ben yelped, then hung his head as much as he could. "..who am I kidding. you totally would."
"awww see? your learning! Oh and by the way, there's a few added charms to the spell..but I'm sure you'll figure them out all on your own.In the meantime..Have fun!" Gwen said and a blast of magic hit Ben's mouth.
He went to go and tell her that she was a sick bitch, that he would SO get even with her for this..but instead he found himself grinning like a fool and worse..
"Hee hee holy moley, I SURE do love my big STINKY diapies! stinky diapers are JUST the best! thank Gwen for leaving me like this!" He coo'ed.
"Heh..your welcome doofus."
Walking out of the exhibit, Gwen made use of a fill marker boards to give directions to a semi new attraction that the museum would be offering, a once in a lifetime display of the worlds smelliest nappy baby who would be gushing all about his love of stinky diapers, though the smell wasn't for the faint of heart. as a after thought she added a piece of advice about not forgetting to tip your tour guide much like the advice that Ben had given before at her expense, then marched off, calling up gramps.
"Yeah, I haven't been able to find him and my tummy is acting up..I'm gonna go and camp out in the rust bucket in case he turns up there AND to avoid making any scenes." Gwen said.
"Well Ok..I'll keep looking for him here. Where have you looked so I don't waste time double checking?" gramps asked.
"The medevil exhibit is clear, I know that much for sure." Gwen lied.
After a few more pleasant exchanges Gwen waddled her way out to the rust bucket, feeling better then she had since she had started needing diapers again.
"it's amazing just how therapeutic it can be putting a jerk in his place." She mused.
looking around she noticed that she was running low on her diapers, only having 3 of them left while her diaper pail was loaded to the brim. Now before this would of been a big problem for Gwen but since she had already taken a step or two..or forty on the dark side she figured she couldn't really damn herself any worse and smirked as she got ready to make the dirty diapers clean with a little magic, and having the perfect target for the mess to end up at.
Mentally Ben was screaming and sobbing, as people kept laughing and snickering at him while snapping pictures. apparently Gwen had posted the video she'd taken online too because he was hearing comments about how he was the smelly freak from twitter and YouTube and the like.
Of course Ben couldn't even defend himself as he just kept gushing about his love of poopie diapers, and told everyone how much he LOVED going boom boom in his diapers as well.
'At least I had a big crap before we started all of this so I won't end up making this worse.' Ben thought, temping fate apparently as all of a sudden there was the weirdest feeling in the seat of his lipstick stained diaper.
he couldn't see it naturally but a portal was opening up in the back of his diaper, and with a sick farting sound the mess from the used diapers in the rust bucket was being dumped into his already full diaper!
"Ewww I think the loser is crapping himself again!" A kid cried out, holding his nose.
'No i'm not! Gwen's being gross and making me a diaper pail!!' Ben thought but with a HUGE grin on his face he giggled and nodded. "Yup yup! I'm making my stinky diaper even STINKER! I love pooping myself! it's the bestest feeling in the whole wide world! Well 'cept for being SPANKED in poopie diapers! who wants to spank the baby?" he called out.
thankfully, there were no takers.
With the diapers cleared out and cleaned, Gwen found herself wishing she could of seen the look on Ben's face, but figured she'd get her chance since the spell she had worked would make it that from now on every time she loaded her diapers, it would end up in the back of Ben's pants..whether or not he was diapered.
'And the spell works until -I- decide to call it off~' Gwen mused, laying on her back in her bunk now, looking over the comments and hits that Ben's video was getting and then squealing with delight as a link to a new video was posted in the comments, and it was Ben making use of his diapers in the museum.
"Ha! I LOVE technology! all of the fun of watching him suffer and known of the stink!" She coo'ed.
the video ended as a couple of security guards made their way onto the scene, Gramp's with them and Gwen sighed.
"well fart nuggets..I wanted him to suffer longer." She pouted but then shrugged. "ah well, can't win'em all."
Max was less then pleased with Ben, who couldn't come up with a valid way to defend himself as he was freed and then Max, Gwen and Ben were all banned from the museum for life.
of course he had a feeling Gwen knew more about this then she was letting on since he had been somewhere she said she had checked he just didn't have it in him to deal with all of this today, deciding that was future Max's problem, not his.
Marching Ben out to the rust bucket, he pointed for him to get inside.
"I can't even deal with you kid's right now. If you need grampa he'll be across the street at that nice bar. PLEASE change your diaper before I get back." Max grumbled.
"What? and give up my true love?" Ben asked, still under the effects of the spell.
"..whatever. I'm getting to old for this shit." Max grumbled and walked away.
The spell on Ben's mouth was broken as he slowly dragged his massively filled diaper butt into the rust bucket, the diaper was sagging below his knees and he had to assume the only reason it hadn't burst by now was magic.
"Holy cow, you STINK!" Gwen said, Smirking and looking down at Ben from her position on the top bunk as he waddled towards his bed.
"I hate you so very..very much right now. " Ben huffed, just physically, emotionally..every way he could be drained and flipping Gwen the bird flopped down into his bunk, face going right into the pillow.
and finding the surprise Gwen had left for him that even she had forgotten about.
"Really Gwen, a poopie diaper in my pillow case!?!" Ben whined. "Wasn't all of ..of..THIS enough!?" he asked, as she peeked down from her bunk into his and saw him gesture to his bloated diaper.
"Heh..yeah ok.. you got me there. I'll take care of it." Gwen said and held out a hand.
"Wait just get rid of it do-" Ben tried to say, guessing what she was gonna do then crying out as anther mess was added to the back of his diaper, though the pamper pillow was clean now.
"Your welcome! try and get some shut eye dork..I have a long night of pooping ahead and you'll be handling the fall out." Gwen cackled and then pushed herself back up onto her bed.
"Oh Joy..I can hardly wait.." Ben grumbled.
"Well if you want me to start early.." Gwen called down.
"N-No! Later is fine!!"
At some point Max had stumbled back in, and assaulted by the stink coming from Ben, had broken down and changed the little guy into a clean diaper as it was clear he was gonna be a pants pooper for the foreseeable future and diapers were easier then washing underoo's over and over.
the treasure was dumped in a trashcan outside and he went to his own bunk, conking out and having a dream about the nice good time when all he'd had to worry about was alien monsters trying to destroy the earth but his grand-kids weren't big diaper babies.
It was around midnight when Ben woke up, his tummy cramping and he staggered out of his bunk. he was happy to find his crap loaded diaper had been changed though less pleased about the fresh diaper.
Still, he figured given time he could convince gramps that Gwen was behind all of this and get him to make her stop, but for now he was oddly looking forward to using the potty.
'Heh..go figure..only took being forced to wear a shit swelled diaper to make me appicate riding the procerlin throne.' Ben mused.
His waddle to the bathroom hadn't gone unnoticed however and Gwen smirked, mentally counting down in her head even as Ben shut the door.
'And right about..NOW!' She thought and bore down, unloading a epic load into the seat of her diaper, though it wouldn't stay there for long even as a blast of magic from her opened the bathroom door so she could watch the show.
Just like she had expected, he'd gotten to the potty and had been about to yank the diaper down when her mess had started to flood into the back of it, and boom! he fell backwards planting his butt on the shitter.
Between her load, the toilet water soaking it and Ben's own load coming out, his diaper swelled up comically and Ben was actually lifted up off the floor, his legs kicking as he cried out. ..he was stuck!
Figuring this was a good place for the little stinker, Gwen poofed a pacifier into his mouth with a nursing instinct to go with it so he'd be unable to make a racket and then waving night night to him from her bed, shut the door.
"..Maybe I should of opened a window for him..eh..whatever." Gwen said as she finished pooping Ben's diaper and then snuggled into bed for a good nights sleep.
The end
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askdaddydearest · 3 years
Poopy shitty big fart butt hole?/j
You have 3 seconds to live
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oneeyewonder91 · 5 years
My first time changing someone in a messy diaper
I know I usually tell of a messy adventure I have had, but I would like to tell a different type of tale this go around. Today marks the 3 anniversary of the day I had my first messy diaper experience with someone else, and I thought that might make a good story to tell.
Before I truly got into having my own messy adventures, I was a play partner to a young lady. Nothing like a relationship, more just a friend to hang with in diapers. Her name was Rebecca and she was about a year younger than at 28. The way this all started was that I had posted an ad on Craiglist seeking to find a girl who was into the ABDL lifestyle and looking for a caregiver or someone to just hang out in diapers with. I honestly didn’t think I would get an answer, and for about a month, I didn’t. When the ad would expire, I would go back and repost it, hoping that maybe someday, another diaper lover would answer and we could become friends.
After many long weeks, I arrived home from work one day to find a reply to my ad, and a serious one at that. With bated breath, I opened the email and it said:
My name is Rebecca and I believe I may be just what you are looking for. I have been into diapers for a long time but have never had someone to change me or to take care of me while I wear them. It sounds like we live really close to each other, so let’s chat a bit and then maybe we can meet up and have diaper time!
And so it began. Rebecca and I started talking through email and after a bit through text messages. We shared our likes and dislikes, what we liked about diapers and about what we wanted in the future. Finally, we decided that we liked each other enough and that we were comfortable enough, that we should set up a meeting. I booked us a hotel room to spend the day in and we were all set.
When the day finally arrived, I was extremely nervous and excited. I had always wanted to take care of someone else who was into ABDL and I was going to get that opportunity! I had purchased the diapers that Rebecca said she preferred (thick and super absorbent), as well as a few stuffies, baby powder and wipes, some squishy little animal toys, and a few coloring books and crayons.
I arrived at the hotel two hours early and went to work making the room look sweet and adorable. I laid out a blanket, set out the diapers in a nice stack, and put the stuffies on the bed, eagerly awaiting their playtime. At last, it was time for us to meet in person.
We had agreed on a mall that was right across the street from the hotel, so I walked over and waited in the food court. I had no idea what Rebecca looked like. I had told her what I was wearing and so any woman who walked past had the opportunity of being a girl who was into diapers. Finally, a young woman in glasses approached and said “hi!”
Rebecca was on the short side, about 5’5 abd maybe around 200lbs. She had brown blonde shoulder length hair and glasses. She was wearing a pink sparkly tank top and a pair of blue jean shorts with tennis shoes.
We exchanged a bit of small talk, and then had a moment of awkward silence. Rebecca then said, “Well, you ready to diaper me? I gotta pee so bad!” I was ready.
We walked back over to the hotel and got up to our room. When we walked in I had purposely left the lights off so that everything would be a surprise. When I turned them on, Rebecca let out a scream of joy, “aww! Everything is so cute. Those stuffies are adorable”
I showed her all of the other things I had gotten for our play date and then we got her all diapered up. Snapping the tapes into place, Rebecca crawled around on the floor, exploring the room in her little space. Very soon, a hissing sound could be heard as she was coloring in a coloring book. “I made a peepee” she said. I was so excited. “Would you like me to change you now or wait a bit?” I asked. “Wait! I want to play more” So we colored for a bit, her coloring a princess while I colored in a Nickelodeon retro coloring book. After about 30 minutes, I said, “Ok, let’s get you nice and dry.” I helped her get on the bed where I undid her diaper tapes. The diaper was absolutely soaked, and I had to wipe her a few extra times to make sure her vagina and lower bottom were clean. Applying a bit of baby powder, I sealed up her diaper with a pat. “Now doesn’t that feel better?” I asked “Yes.” she said
After a bit of time we decided to go out and visit the nearby Red Robin for an early dinner. Rebecca was so amazing. We connected well and our conversations flowed easily. Dinner was fairly uneventful. We both ordered burgers and had an extra basket of fries. Afterwards, we returned to the hotel full and happy.
Once back we decided to watch one of the Harry Potter movies and color with the stuffies. About a third of the way through the movie, I noticed Rebecca was rather quiet and was breathing deeply every 5-10 seconds. I look back now, but this didn’t even register at the time what she may be attempting. I excused myself to the bathroom to wash my hands off from markers and when I returned, Rebecca was kneeling, clutching at her knees, and was red in the face. Now I knew what she was doing 
“What’s you up to down here?” I playfully asked as I returned to the floor with her. “Going potty”, she said as she gave a grunting push. I was not actually expecting this, but did not mind one bit. I had only expected wet diapers, but I was going to get to change a messy one. Rebecca gave a big push that left her panting after. “Is it really hard?” I asked
“Yes, only because of the diaper I think, but it’s poking out now” she said.
Rebecca stayed knelt on the floor, giving push, after push, after push. Soon, the unmistakable smell of fresh poopies began to rise up. After about 20 minutes, Rebecca seemed to relax.
“All done?”
“”Yup!” she giggled. “Check me”
“Oh I know you made a stinky”
“Check me pleasssseeee”
“Ok” I laughed. Gingerly, I pulled back on the rear lip of her diaper and peeked inside. Sure enough, a big, brown, smelly ball of poop sat nestled against her butt crack, I let the diaper snap back into place. “Ok, time for a diaper change” I said happily
“Nope” Rebecca said. She walked around the room a bit, the bulge in her diaper bouncing as she crawled. She then sat down on the floor and rubbed her bottom back and forth across the floor with a few bounces here and there. The smell in the room had intensified now, so that the distinct, earthy smell of fresh poop filled the air.
“Ok, now I am ready” she said smiling.
I knew this was going to get messy, so I laid a towel I had brought in case we accessed the hotel pool down on the floor, and then instructed her to lay on top of the towel. As she was getting herself positioned, I was able to get a good first look at the bottom of her diaper. Instead of puffing out in the back like a normal messy diaper, it was flat as a pancake and with a noticeable brown smudge.
As she laid down, she asked, “Is this your first messy diaper you have ever changed?”
“Yeah, never have changed a messy diaper before” I laughed
Pulling back her diaper tapes, I carefully peeled down her diaper and revealed a sight to behold.
Poop had smashed all over her bottom, running from the top of her butt cheeks to just the bottom crest of her vagina, but was surprising spread evenly through her butt crack. The front of her diaper was soaked in pee, creating a yellow tinge to the poop line.
“Is it messy?” She asked, letting out an airy, post poop fart that smelled of rotting fruit. “Sorry, I have been eating a lot of fruits and fiber”
“HAHA, no you’re fine. I’m not afraid of a bit of gas,” I said. “Kind of enjoy it”
Carefully, I had her lift herself a bit and began wiping off the higher up poop with baby wipes. It was firmer, with a bit of give. It took several minutes to wipe her upper and lower cheeks down. As I began to wipe her vagina and make sure she was completely poop free, Rebecca let out another fart, this one a bit smellier than the last. “Uh oh”, she said, looking concerned. “I may have a problem”
“What’s up?” I asked. “You ok?”
“Yes…..” She said, sounding nervous. “I, um, may need to go some more. I haven’t gone stinky for like 4 days, and now I think I need to go again.”
“It’s ok. We’ll just put you in a new diaper and you can go again”
“No, I don’t want to waste another diaper” she said. “I might as well just go in the messy one. If you don’t mind that is”
“No, that’s perfectly fine. Whatever you want”
“Ok, just don’t wipe or put your hand down there for a bit”
All was quiet. I pulled out my phone and sat back agaist the bed, Rebecca’s open diaper in front of me. I didn’t know if I should look or not. I didn’t want to embarrass her at all. I started to get up to move to give some more privacy.
Rebecca stopped me “You don’t have to move. I really don’t care if you see anything. It’s just a normal body functions, right?” she laughed
“I just don’t want to embarrass you”
“Dude, you just touched my privacy area and we aren’t even dating” she giggled. “Not much else can embarrass me”
And with that, Rebecca gave a push. Nothing happened. Again, she pushed, and a crackling sound could be heard. The smell of fresh poop which had been starting to fade before, returned with a vengeance. Rebecca pushed, and grunted, and strained.
I tried not to look, but after 4 minutes of silence broken by little grunts, and some tiny farts, I looked over. A new ball of poo had joined the old one, coiling as it left her bottom and forming a pile that was now almost as big as the last.
“Man, it’s almost like you hadn’t just pooped” I joked
“Yeah….I am sorry though. I didn’t even consider this would happen. I’m just glad you don’t mind”
“Hey, when you are hanging with someone else into bathroom things and diapers, anything can happen” I replied.
“I think I may be done. I don’t feel full anymore”
I eased over and pulled her now very messy diaper out a bit further, giving me more room to resume wiping. This second poop was just as firm as her first, so without the smashing, clean up was quite a bit easier. I gentle wiped down her bottom again, and made sure that she was clean all over. After baby powder and a dab of cream to ease some pain in her bottom, I rediapered her
The rest of the day is fairly unmemorable. We talked, played a board game, watched another movie, and then had to pack up so she could get home. After her very messy poop, I sealed the diaper in a plastic baggie, and then tied it with 2 grocery bags to make sure it would not smell. As we left the hotel, I threw the diaper in a dumpster on the side of the building.
“Thank you by the way” Rebecca said. “I am glad I can just hang with someone in a diaper and not think they will try and take advantage of me”
“Nah, never. I’m just here for diapers HAHA”
We parted company for the time being, agreeing to meet again when schedules allowed.
Rebecca and I had a few more hangouts together before she was forced to move for work. We still talk every now and then, but I believe her interest in poop and diapers is waning. She is still a great friend though.
And the rest is history!
Anyways, hopefully you enjoyed this adventure. It’s a bit different, but still another life experience that was messy and fun
I will be going on an Alaskan cruise at the end of September so hopefully I will have at least one messy adventure while on the boat if possible. I also have some more recent adventures to write up.
Thanks for reading, and if you have any question, feel free to ask!
Keep pooping!!!
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did everyone see the Annabeth and Grover cast choices because....
Annabeth (leah <3) is my new crush
They're TOO CUTE and i just simply cannot i love them too much and i am adopting all 3.
now all we need is for neither of them to be desribed as having *xfood* colored skin.....
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debbiedoespoo-blog · 7 years
Poopy New Year
Sunday evening Sally,mom and I sat down to our dinner of ham,mashed potatoes and sweetcorn and planned out New Year outing to the city party downtown where they all gather to bring in the new year at midnight.It was going to be below freezing so we decided to wear good warm jackets and scarf each,but we would not let the cold stop us from pooping our pants.We had not pooped since Thursday evening so we were ready to enjoy getting messy tonight.After dinner was lay back stuffed and watched tv for a while and about 8.30pm we ate a few chocolate mint patties which were sugar free followed by lots of sugar free gummy bears,knowing that the sugar free candy would act as a laxative in about 3 hours,plus it tasted nice.By 11pm we were all starting to fart a lot which is the signal that we are about to poop soon,so we got into mom's Buick and drove down to the venue between 26th and 27th streets.We were luck to find a parking spot near to the party and we sat in the car happily farting until 11.45 when we got out and walked to the gathering.The air was cold but we were wrapped up well and had thicker slacks on.We had all peed before we left home as peeing our pants and have it freeze was not part of our plan. We wiggled our way into the crowd to where we could see all that was going on but still had people all around us.There was a light breeze which would blow away any smell so nobody would be able to know where it came from,besides there were plenty of drunks there to blame.Two minutes to midnight and we were struggling now to hold it in,but we clenched tight on our cheeks as we watched the seconds count down.The bells rang out as 2018 arrived and we all relaxed.I felt immediately a movement as warm soft smelly poop gently slipped out of me,filling my cotton panties nicely and making a large soft mound at my butt.Mom and Sally and I hugged each other and pressed on each others butts spreading the soft poop all over us for a few minutes and then we moved out of the crowd and headed for our warm car.We sat on the towels and plastic sheets that we had placed on our seats and enjoyed the feeling as still warm poop was spread further over our butts and slipped over our pussies making us hornier than before. A nice gentle drive home with the heater turned well up and we walked inside and stripped off out warm jackets and all our top clothing then walked into the shower room where we took off our slacks before we turned on the hot water spray dressed only in poopy panties.Now we grabbed some of our poop and began to spread it over the boobs and belly of the other two until we were all covered up to our necks with poop.We hugged and enjoyed slipping over each other before washed in the hot spray with lots of stroking and rubbing until our bodies were clean and all of us had enjoyed a lovely orgasm.We then dried and all got in the big bed in my room where we kissed and played for an hour or more until we felt tired.Then mom went to her room and Sally and I hugged close as we drifted off to sleep.
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Date: 2017-03-10 23:56:05
CHASE & his cousin Anthony are Do the GUMMY vs. REAL Food Challenge! Not REAL can be eaten, like a SNAKE, a Frog, a Lizard, Spider, Worms & MORE!!! Check out of Anthony @ and thumbs up for GUMMIES!
Last Video on DOH FUN: (◕‿◕) Shawn’s Circle: ♫ POPPING BUBBLES ♪ Family Fun Games w/ Baby! Playtime (#1) | DOH FUN
Other Videos CHASE: (◕‿◕) PART 15: DOGGIE DOO w/ Grandpappies Surprisers Bag – The Pooping Dog Game
(◕‿◕) PART 16: PIE FACE Challenge w/ SHOPKINS Game! Season 3 Bags
(◕‿◕) PART 17: CHOCOLATE PEN – Making Tasty Treats
(◕‿◕) PART 21: World’s Largest Gummi Worm Fight w/ Double-stuf Smirch – Ahhhh SNAKE!!
(◕‿◕) PART 22: Boyish Makes a MCPvPland Movie w/ Obsydian Series 4 STOP-MOTION!
(◕‿◕) PART 23: SNOOPY SNOW CONES w/ Grandpappies + The Peanuts Movie Games & Magic
(◕‿◕) PART 24: The GOOD DINOSAUR Surprisers Egg! A Messy, Wet, Poopy Adventure
(◕‿◕) PART 26: COTTON CANDY MAKER!! 5 Colur Glowing Flavor | DOH FUN
(◕‿◕) PART 27: Buddy’s Balloon Launch Game!! High Flying Or Lying?
(◕‿◕) PART 28: POO DOUGH! Gross & Weird Poopy Toy Prank w/ TROLLS
(◕‿◕) PART 29: GOOEY OOZE Monster Mess! PVZ Zombie Slime Cephalic + Build Kit
(◕‿◕) PART 30: PLAY-DOH LAUNCH GAME! Kid vs. Parents Challenge w/ Mystery Boxes
(◕‿◕) PART 31: TALKING FART! Gas Out Game w/ the Stink Cloud
(◕‿◕) PART 32: CHASE’s Corner: CROCODILE DENTIST! Snap! Ouch! w/ SCENTOS Scented Dough
(◕‿◕) PART 33: CHASE’s Corner: FOOL THE FROG! Flies, Toads & Jelly Beans Loads? Challenge!
(◕‿◕) PART 34: Jumped JACK CHUBBY BUNNY Challenge GAME w/ Marshmallow Poop!
(◕‿◕) PART 35: GASSY GUS & WHO TOOTED? Eat, Fart, Repeat! Kid Board Game
(◕‿◕) PART 36: ANGRY Nestlings & HULK Smash MAGNA TILES Magnetic Building w/ Shawn
(◕‿◕) PART 37: FALLING M&M’s Challenge w/ Anthony Dingle HOPPERZ
(◕‿◕) PART 38: ANGRY Nestlings OUT! Boy vs. Pig 2 ft Towers Movie Toy Battle
(◕‿◕) PART 40: CHASE’s Corner: Dories IFLD Toy-maker BATTLE w/ Selachimorpha & Soggy Cereal Swim
(◕‿◕) PART 41: CHASE’s Corner: Don’t Wake Hank Dories Game w/ MINIONS Surprisers Egg Candy
(◕‿◕) PART 42: SHARK MANIA RACE GAME w/ Shawn! Run Fast or Get ATTACKED!
(◕‿◕) PART 43: PANCAKE RACE! + Crossy Road & MCPvPland Boxes Minis (◕‿◕) PART 44: HATCHIMALS Surprisers Windeggs PIE FACE SHOWDOWN Challenge Mom & Shawn (◕‿◕) PART 45: SLIME BATH Challenge w/ Surprisers Windeggs Toy-maker | DOH FUN Slimes BAFF TUB TIME (◕‿◕) PART 46: CHICKENS ON OUR BUTT!! Catches Windeggs w/ Booty Game + Putty | DOH FUN Monster
We hope you had “DOH FUN” watching! Please don’t forget to thumbs up, subscribe and share!
======================== Family Freindly Youtube Gaming Channel, FGTEEV:
Skylander Boy and Girl Channel:
Family/Vlog channel, VISION:
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======================== LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music & Content by audiomicro.com epidemicsound.com videoblocks.com incompetech.com bensound.com jinglepunks.com
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mrandmrsfit · 7 years
Date: 2017-03-10 23:56:05
CHASE & his cousin Anthony are Do the GUMMY vs. REAL Food Challenge! Not REAL can be eaten, like a SNAKE, a Frog, a Lizard, Spider, Worms & MORE!!! Check out of Anthony @ and thumbs up for GUMMIES!
Last Video on DOH FUN: (◕‿◕) Shawn’s Circle: ♫ POPPING BUBBLES ♪ Family Fun Games w/ Baby! Playtime (#1) | DOH FUN
Other Videos CHASE: (◕‿◕) PART 15: DOGGIE DOO w/ Grandpappies Surprisers Bag – The Pooping Dog Game
(◕‿◕) PART 16: PIE FACE Challenge w/ SHOPKINS Game! Season 3 Bags
(◕‿◕) PART 17: CHOCOLATE PEN – Making Tasty Treats
(◕‿◕) PART 21: World’s Largest Gummi Worm Fight w/ Double-stuf Smirch – Ahhhh SNAKE!!
(◕‿◕) PART 22: Boyish Makes a MCPvPland Movie w/ Obsydian Series 4 STOP-MOTION!
(◕‿◕) PART 23: SNOOPY SNOW CONES w/ Grandpappies + The Peanuts Movie Games & Magic
(◕‿◕) PART 24: The GOOD DINOSAUR Surprisers Egg! A Messy, Wet, Poopy Adventure
(◕‿◕) PART 26: COTTON CANDY MAKER!! 5 Colur Glowing Flavor | DOH FUN
(◕‿◕) PART 27: Buddy’s Balloon Launch Game!! High Flying Or Lying?
(◕‿◕) PART 28: POO DOUGH! Gross & Weird Poopy Toy Prank w/ TROLLS
(◕‿◕) PART 29: GOOEY OOZE Monster Mess! PVZ Zombie Slime Cephalic + Build Kit
(◕‿◕) PART 30: PLAY-DOH LAUNCH GAME! Kid vs. Parents Challenge w/ Mystery Boxes
(◕‿◕) PART 31: TALKING FART! Gas Out Game w/ the Stink Cloud
(◕‿◕) PART 32: CHASE’s Corner: CROCODILE DENTIST! Snap! Ouch! w/ SCENTOS Scented Dough
(◕‿◕) PART 33: CHASE’s Corner: FOOL THE FROG! Flies, Toads & Jelly Beans Loads? Challenge!
(◕‿◕) PART 34: Jumped JACK CHUBBY BUNNY Challenge GAME w/ Marshmallow Poop!
(◕‿◕) PART 35: GASSY GUS & WHO TOOTED? Eat, Fart, Repeat! Kid Board Game
(◕‿◕) PART 36: ANGRY Nestlings & HULK Smash MAGNA TILES Magnetic Building w/ Shawn
(◕‿◕) PART 37: FALLING M&M’s Challenge w/ Anthony Dingle HOPPERZ
(◕‿◕) PART 38: ANGRY Nestlings OUT! Boy vs. Pig 2 ft Towers Movie Toy Battle
(◕‿◕) PART 40: CHASE’s Corner: Dories IFLD Toy-maker BATTLE w/ Selachimorpha & Soggy Cereal Swim
(◕‿◕) PART 41: CHASE’s Corner: Don’t Wake Hank Dories Game w/ MINIONS Surprisers Egg Candy
(◕‿◕) PART 42: SHARK MANIA RACE GAME w/ Shawn! Run Fast or Get ATTACKED!
(◕‿◕) PART 43: PANCAKE RACE! + Crossy Road & MCPvPland Boxes Minis (◕‿◕) PART 44: HATCHIMALS Surprisers Windeggs PIE FACE SHOWDOWN Challenge Mom & Shawn (◕‿◕) PART 45: SLIME BATH Challenge w/ Surprisers Windeggs Toy-maker | DOH FUN Slimes BAFF TUB TIME (◕‿◕) PART 46: CHICKENS ON OUR BUTT!! Catches Windeggs w/ Booty Game + Putty | DOH FUN Monster
We hope you had “DOH FUN” watching! Please don’t forget to thumbs up, subscribe and share!
======================== Family Freindly Youtube Gaming Channel, FGTEEV:
Skylander Boy and Girl Channel:
Family/Vlog channel, VISION:
Facebook: T-Shirts: Instagram:
======================== LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Royalty Free Music & Content by audiomicro.com epidemicsound.com videoblocks.com incompetech.com bensound.com jinglepunks.com
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areyouratcliff · 8 years
my ass is big
the fart stink from my anus is large
fuck a fit nakid
show some knowledge of old my bart
hank hill was happy as bad hank
bobby be good
men of cheese melting in a sumers day the stink mixed with my ass brings the boys to the yard
smelly pool of beef blood
lick the poop of the washroom floor
be proud you are gay and dead
dance for toasted pizza bagels
drink in the tainted meatball sub of goat cum cookies and relaxin blood milk
piss in the target its a hole in one you win a year supply of fart inducer
THe room explodes with a shart that could melt japan
goodbye farting goatmen
goodbye redcorn
hello dale
hello the germlin orcs with little bell hats making me soup that looks like green mud
hello horse riding sore balled little men winning the race for the prize winner
show prolapse retum never seen me in real life. is it real?
hate the panker drinker for he knows he has man tits
scale cum qube remember
where is the fec
spots of shit over my hair and face what is love baby dont hurt me
i have drank piss of another tricked again
why is there no justice for gaben he died doing what he loved
fucking the sub
rip my beautiful old man of drit meat
wish for hanks big fart darts gas hock out
kun fu knockout kid first round of breaking ass and wish hank would wash his anus never nope not
space bobby in the butt planet
if you love the rock answer my question. what is he cooking? i think a pig with rod town its butt and mouth for all the wwe fans john cena eat the nose honk honk
why do we piss on eachothers lawn chairs for sport.
beer icecream and bloody shitty TP to whipe your mouth
the man with the poopy pants fighting for his right to change his diaper in the washroom diaper change thing why not
please piss down this mans ass
i love a good pisser man
man dude you be rude i may shit your bed when i sleep over but i know everyone loves the smell and feel of cocaine liquid shit at 3 in the morning
drink dirt piss, fire in the anus smoke on the taint
we love to dance and make farts for the love of fart dancing do not hates for our smell moves it is fun
piss breaks smoke breaks sub breaks beef cakes
kiss a birsk ice tea
fat zits grease rolls early death
0 notes
Could you do 1-50 of the tmi ask pweeeeeeeeeease? :3
1: What are you wearing? A tank top and my deer pajama pants.
2: Ever been in love? yup. 
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? YUP
4: How tall are you? 5′2
5: How much do you weigh? 130 lbs
6: Any tattoos do you want? I kinda want a sleeve, but idk.
7: Any piercings that you want? Not really
8: OTP? pfft uhhmm. shit i dont think i have one
9: Favorite Show? i dont watch tv much… but 1000 ways to die or my strange addiction
10: Favorite bands? uhmm… i love a lot.. soo dont really have one
11: Something you miss? Friends and family
12: Favorite song? DONT HAVE ONE
13: How old are you? 15
14: Zodiac sign? taurus
15: Hair Color? Giiiinger
16: Favorite Quote? 
17. Favorite singer? DOnt exactly have one
18: Favorite color? pastel blue
19: Loud music or soft?  depends.. loud in public, soft when i sleep
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? My room, i like to be alone.
21: How long does it take you to shower? 30 minutes maybe
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? like an hour and a half .I dont even wear makeup im just lazy
23: Ever been in a physical fight? ohhh yeah
24: Turn on? uhm.. nice, cute. buys me food
25: Turn off? doesnt buy me food. is an ass.
26: The reason I joined Tumblr? friends had it
27: Fears? The unknown.
28: Last thing that made you cry? Fight i got in with my dad
29: Last time you cried? Like an hour ago
30: Meaning behind your url. Its my username for alot of stuff.
31: Last book you read? The Halo Effect by M.J. Rose
32: Last song you listened to? Two feet- go F*** yourself (bass boosted)
33: Last show you watched? My strange addiction
34: Last person you talked to? myy friend LJ
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Hes a really good friend. LJ and i met in art.
36: Favorite food? ALL. MOSTLY PASTA
37: Place you want to visit? Hell 
38: Last place you were? school??
39: Do you have a crush? i have a bf
40: Last time you kissed someone? whenever i was with my bf
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? my om called me a “poopy butt fart’ i told her not to take my insults.
42: What color underwear are you wearing? Its wonder women comic thing
43: What color shirt are you wearing? black
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? gray
45: Wearing any bracelets? Nah
46: Last sport you played? Archey. I shot my cross bow
47: Last song you sang? Go F*** youself - two feet
48: Last prank call you remember doing? it was like a year ago and i called my sister and just breathed really heavy into the phone for like am hour. I had my number like “unknown”
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Today, i hung out with some adults/
0 notes
yamithediaperdork · 4 years
My son, the diaper perv (Naruto)
In anther universe, in anther time, Naruto didn't lose both of his parents, only his mother. the following story takes place in this universe, with Naruto at age sweet 16.
Minato was taking advantage of the warm sunny day in hidden leaf and his status as Hokage of the village to punish his little pervert of a son. Said punishment involved having Naruto currently dressed in 3 large diapers that were dark blue on the sides, and white in the middle with four light blue tapes to keep them snugly on the 16 year old toddler and causing him to waddle. Of course the diapers couldn't fully be seen at the moment as Naruto was wearing a onsie over them, though the sides of the diapers poked out at the crotch level and the crotch snaps were staining, clearly reaching their limits. the onsie was was colored orange, with a yellow fox on the front of it all chibi and grinning and there was a yellow paci clip with a yellow ribbon on his chest, with a orange paci currently in the 16 year olds mouth. he had on a pair of white socks and a pair of orange sneakers with the same yellow fox on the sides of them and his head band had been taken away since he wasn't a ninja of hidden leaf today, he was nothing more then a big toddler, with the understanding ANY amount of attuide and he could be a big baby, and more attuide after that...a baby girl. Minato lead his son, holding his hand tight and having a diaper bag over one shoulder as they made their way around the village, having decided to take Naruto out for a little bit of take out and of course choosing the furthest joint away from their place as possible. Oh course the sight of a 16 year old toddler would of gotten attention regardless, but with it being the son of the Hokage, and one of the strongest ninjas in the village (at least for his age group) it drew lots of attention and as word spread, more and more people found excuses to come out and watch the toddler be marched by. Naruto for his part was crimson in the face and looking down at the ground, even as small children giggled and pointed and worse, a few of his fellow ninjas laughed and called over to him. "NICE LOOK NARUTO!" Kiba called, cupping a hand to make his voice louder as the passed the pet store. "Awww, who's a cute widdle guy?" Sakura laughed, Sitting in Sasuke's lap as the new couple were by a fountain. "Geez, really? I knew you were a bed wetter." Sasuke said, smirking and kissing Naruto's crush while the toddler id his best to ignore them. "oh, Naruto, your still wetting the bed? you told me you were a big boy!" Minato said, stopping their walk and turning to smirk. "Then again, I know you were lying about being a big boy so I guess i can't be TOO shocked that your still wetting your bed huh?" The Hokage said and ruffled Naruto's hair. "be a good boy and wave hi to your friends little guy, they all think you look so cute!" he added. Case in point, Hinata was currently looking out from around a corner, peeking at the back of Naruto's puffy butt and ended up having a nose bleed and fainting. "H-Hiiii Everyone.." Naruto squeaked out, his paci hanging down and drool on his chin, as he made eye contract and gave a weak wave, and let out a humiliation and fear feared fart.
You might be asking yourself, what could of Naruto had done to cause his dad to punishment him like this? For that, we'll have to go back in time to the night before, around 11:30 pm.
For Minato it had been just anther Friday night, work had been a pain this week and he'd been enjoying a few strong ales and had been looking forward to just conking out on the couch, watching bad TV. For Naruto who had been trying to spike his dad's ale's so the old man could conk out faster, it was perv time. with his dad nodding off slowly on the couch, Naruto rushed off to his room and stripped down to his birthday suit and smirking as he opened his private chest. (his dad trying to be understanding, had told Naruto he could have a chest in his room that Minato would NEVER in anyways shape of form, try and find out what was inside, and just trusted Naruto not to hide booze or drugs in there.. if only he knew.) With his hairless crotch and less then stellar member on display, Naruto reached down making his semi bubble butt jiggle as he pulled out 5 of the same diapers he'd be wearing the next day, though of course at the time the little diaper perv couldn't of known that. setting them on his bed, he reached back in and pulled out a jar of little stinkers poopie pills, just one was suppose to be enough but for a diaper pooping humiliation junkie like Naruto, he took out five of them and his cute little dicklet was already twitching, before he'd even touched it or moved to put the pills in. experience and a stain on his carpet had taught Naruto how fast the pills could work, so he unfolded the diapers and got them ready to go. He was wasn't planning on a major piss feast tonight so he didn't bother with the slits in the front, though he did make some in the back of the diapers so he wouldn't have crap leaking down his thighs. with the diapers pre-powdered and set up so he'd just have to sit down and start taping, Naruto got on his knees over the diapers, and looking at his reflection in the full body mirror by his bed and grinned impishly. "Magic time~" he giggled. Flipping himself off in the mirror, Naruto then sucked on the offending digit then took the finger of the pill's, which were really a little bit too big to go in with ease, and shoved it in his cute little rosebud with the slick finger, moaning softly and his nipples getting stiff and his cock twitching and dribbling pre onto the diapers. "Your gonna be a big." he moaned softly to himself, getting the next pill and sliding it in with the same finger, loading himself up to load his huggies and fingering his boy cunt at the same time. "Stinky." he gasped and reached for the next pill, the flow of pre was almost like a weak steady stream of sticky piss coming out his his cock head, and it was taking all of the boys self control not to pump his dicklet with with finger and thumb, or to just add two more fingers to his back door fun. "DUMB." he gasped softly, getting pill number three in and he was worried he was gonna shoot before he could even diaper up, his desire to do these walks fueled by a week of edging and gooning to porn and hoping he'd last. "B-B-Baby!" he hissed, getting the last pill in and shutting his eyes, leaning forward and gripping the sheets of his bed and barely holding his boy milk in. His breath was coming in ragged gasps as he started to tape up the diapers, his hands shaking but he knew he had to hurry, already the pills were starting to take effect and the cramps were building. He'd toyed with using a butt plug and the poopie pills, but the thickness of his diapers and the size of his toy meant that he just ended up with massive cramps and stuck in a loop of trying to push the toy out only for it to slid back in when the diapers stopped it, and he'd been stuck in a loop of fucking himself in essence for 6 hours, thankfully in his room. while it had been a awesome experience, the massive case of the runs he'd had for the next two days hadn't been and he'd learned his lesson. Summoning a iron willpower, of sorts, Naruto got his big dumb baby diapers on and shaking, made his way downstairs where his Father was snoring softly on the couch. Sliding his sneakers on, and carefully opening the door, Naruto ventured out into the night, not realizing as the door closed it woke his father up. Minato for his part, got up and shut off the tv, a little bit shocked he'd conked out the way he had, but just figured it had been from the work load that week, and made his way out of the living room, figuring he might as well call it a night. He noticed that the front door was unlocked though so made sure to lock it, and the back door before making his way up the steps towards his room.
The night air was nice, not to warm and not to cold and the bugs weren't out in force as Naruto crinkled and waddled, his tummy cramping big time. he was keeping to the bushes and trees when possible even though no one was really out this time of night. Still almost no one didn't mean no one at all and a young couple were out for a midnight stroll as Naruto was crouching behind a bush, willing them to go away as he was at his breaking point. "That star looks beautiful tonight don't they?" The young lady said, smiling and holding her man's hand. "Not as beautiful as you my sweet. just smell that sweet spring air tonight and-" The man was cut off as a loud rumbling wet fart blasted out of Naruto's behind, and was followed with a sick rotten smell. "UGH! Really Kenta? I told you to take it easy on the ramen!" the woman groaned, pinching her nose. "That wasn't ME! I was gonna ask if you were ok!" Anther blast of ass gas filled the air, a sloppy fart and the back of Naruto's diaper was rapidly filling up as the little imp got on his hands and knees and bit his touge to keep from grunting out loud, his dicklet leaking as his asshole twitched and let out wave after wave of semi solid filth into the seat of his diaper, punishing his prostate as it shot out. "oh, real mature! Blame me for this as you shit your pants!" "I'm telling you it's not fucking me!" the couple argued and took off in different directions as Naruto raised his ass in the air, his eyes rolling up in the back of his head and his touage hanging out of his mouth as the diapered perv came HARD, still shitting himself and making his diapers bloat out and discolor.
After cumming a few more times as he finished destroying his huggies, Naruto barely had the power to drag himself home, a combination of the multiple orgasms that had racked his body and well, the massive poopie he'd taken. with the back of his diapers almost down to his knee caps, and having to tug them up, and still have the top of his dirty butt crack showing every few steps, Naruto was relived as he made it to his house and went to open the front door. And it was locked. "Nooo..no no no.." he said, feeling a pang of fear, and tried the door again. "no no no no no." as the fear filled his, Naruto's dicklet added to the semi solid filth, wetting himself as the butterflies built up in his tummy. "ok..ok..Relax..there's always the back door. Dad NEVER checks the back door." he said softly to himself, waddling slowly and making the disgusting mass in his loaded diaper swing back and forth as he waddled around the outside of the house. Somehow despite how much he had hoped his words would prove to be true, a part of Naruto wasn't shocked when he tried the back door and it too was locked. "I..I'm trapped outside..In my poopie diapers." the perv whimpered, his bottom lip quivering. Sure, it had been fun to THINK about something like this while gooning, but the harsh reality of the situation wasn't nearly as fun, though his dicklet was trying to get hard despite the buckets he had already cum. There was NO way he could just stay outside for the night, already he was started to get itchy and his buns were burning a little. Add in his diaper's were at their limit now and he was gonna leak before long and Naruto knew he only had ONE choice to make. He was gonna have to ring the front door bell and hope that daddy could wake up and let him in. Shaking and trembling Naruto made his way BACK round the house, and pushed the doorbell, mind spinning for a excuse, any excuse he could think of.
Minato had been in the middle of a hot dream, where he had a couple of the cutest ninja's under his command on their knees begging for his dick (Both male and female, he was of the opinion a hole was a hole) when the door bell sounded and he groaned. "Naruto!" he called out, banging on the wall that separated their rooms. "go answer the door!" he tried to slid back into his sleep when the doorbell sounded again, and then again, and then fucking again and Minato banged on the wall again. "NARUTO! Go get the door!" he growled. when the doorbell sounded anther two times the Hokage gave up and slid out of bed, tugging a robe on over his boxers and mumbling about how he was gonna give his son a earful after seeing who was at the door, he made his way downstairs. "Never mind! I'll get it!" he called over his shoulder and then went to the front door, opening it without bothering to see who it was. (it wasn't exactly like as the fourth Hokage, he was too worried about a random burglar or the like.) Standing in front of him, smelling like a sewer and explaining why the door hadn't been answered, was his son. "Uh..Hiii Daddy." Naruto said sheepishly, and waved a hand. "...You've got 30 seconds to explain."
Finding out about Naruto's little perversions, Minato had been both mad, disgusted, and amused by it, and once he had Naruto go and take a long shower, he met his son in his bedroom. He had forced open Naruto's private chest, as clearly the boy had lost the right to any privacy if he was going to do things like THIS, and had some of Naruto's diapers out on the bed, the boys chastity cage, and a wooden spoon from the kitchen. "I..I don't suppose we could just um..forget all about this?" Naruto tried, wrapped up in a towel and chewing softly on the corner of it while he looked at his dad. "I think we're past that stage. For the record, if you had just told me you wanted to be a poopie baby, I would of let you do it in the house, safe and sound.I wouldn't of been a fan of the smell mind you, but would of been better then you going out at night." Minato said. "But Daddy! Part of all of it is the thrill of maybe being caught!" Naruto whined. "Well, you've been caught. still thrilling?" Minato asked, smirking and raising a eyebrow "..when you put it like that.." Naruto grumbled. "Since you wanna be a little diaper perv and waddle around showing your huggies off, you're going to get a WEEK of that, because you're going to be in diapers 24/7 and your getting pulled from any missions while your punishment is going on. you're gonna be treated like a little BABY around the house, and a TODDLER while we're out in public." Minato said. Naruto's jaw dropped as his eyes went wide as saucers. "A-Are you freaking KIDDING me?!? I can't go out in public in diapers!" Naruto yelped. "..what would you call what you were doing before I answered the door?" His dad asked. "I..but..that..It.." Naruto stammered. "Compelling argument. now get your butt over my lap for your spanking, and then daddy will be getting his BIG BABY ready for bed. and before you even think of it, Ripping off your diapers is going to earn you a extra TWO weeks in your diapers, and you'll be sleeping in my room with me till we can get BABY Naruto a crib." Minato said, smirking. Naruto whimpered and whined, but all the begging in the world wasn't going to change the Hokage's mind at this point. Accepting his fate, the 16 year old powerhouse slowly made his way over to his father, dropping the towel and showing that despite his protests, at least PART of him loved this. "and this." Minato said, smirking and pointing. "is why your little nub is getting locked up. I doubt you'll be enjoying yourself as much when you can't squirt." "DADDY!" the red faced Ninja whimpered loudly, but got over his fathers lap. "who knows, Maybe Friday's can be your big dumb baby night even after your punishment is over." Minato teased and Naruto grabbed a pillow and buried his face in it.
Ten swat's later that had Naruto bawling as if he'd been beaten, and his little nub was locked up safe and sound and he'd been double diapered. the boy had been exhausted and drained, in all the ways possible and it hadn't taken long once he was in bed with daddy for him to drift off.
Coming back to the present, while Daddy and son where heading for the ramen shop Minato had a few of his elites buying and setting up what was needed to turn Naruto's big boy room back into a nursery, and of course getting lots and lots of diapers for the little baby. The crowd was chuckling and some where returning the waves, though as a gentle wind blew and sent the smell of his gassy baby to them they backed away. "yeah, sorry about that everyone. my little guy is toxic. there's a reason we're out for a walk, I needed to air the house out after somebody woke daddy up with a morning surprise." Minato said, grinning ear to ear as Naruto whined and pouted. "Dadddddy! Dun tel dem that!" the oversized toddler huffed, slipping back into baby talk with a natural ease. Sakura and Sasuke were laughing hard now, though it was Sasuke who spoke up. "oh, you don't have to tell US about that.. We've had to start sneaking him special herbs while on missions to cut the smell down just so we can survive the night." Sasuke said. "Add in we knew about the pull ups 'widdle' Naruto had t wear to bed.." Sakura chimed in then added. "Did you ever wonder WHY I went with Sasuke over you little guy? Don't get me wrong, you're adorable! But I look at you more as a little boy trying to act all tough, while..well.." and she planted a smooch on Sasuke's cheek. Naruto whimpered big time and popped his paci back into his mouth, tears welling up in his eyes and Minato frowned a little. "Hey, don't be too mean to him, he's still my son, even if he's a over sized toddler." he said, a slight edge to his tone and the happy couple gulped and excused themselves. The kept walking and Naruto was rubbing at his eyes with his free hand, sniffling a little and Minato sighed and stopped them again. "I'm sorry Naruto. that must of been hard to see and hear. but it does free you up to just focus on being a cute little guy right?" Minato said and asked, getting on one knee in front of his son who sniffled again and nodded. "..How about daddy carries you the rest of the way and you can just hide your cute little face in his shoulder?" letting the paci all from his mouth Naruto gave a small smile. "I'd wike dat." the little guy in a big boys body said. Minato smirked and picked his son up, letting Naruto hug his neck and wrap his legs around him and then got a arm under the boys puffy bottom, and a hand on the boys back. "Just give daddy a warning before you poot, so he can move his arm, he doesn't want it melted off." Minato teased, making the big toddler giggle. "no pwomises!" Naruto lisped around his paci and nuzzled into daddy.
Getting to the ramen shop, they of course got all eyes looking on them, but by this point Minato was used to it. Naruto squirmed a little though as one little boy pointed and loudly asked his mom a question. "mommy, why's that big boy wearing diapies?" "er..well.." she started. "Naruto might LOOK like a big boy, but he's just a widdle guy." Minato said and gently set Naruto down. The ramen shop was big and popular enough to have a little area for younger kids to play in and with a pat on Naruto's bottom, Minato pointed to the arrangement of soft toys and actions. "Go play while daddy gets us lunch." He said chuckling. "oh! Mommy! can I go play with the little big boy?" the kid from before begged, holding his hands together. "er..well..we were about to leave and-" "Pleasssssse!" the little brunette whined. "Let the boys pay and I'll cover you tab." Minato offered the lady. "well I guess." his mother sighed.
Naruto was blushing lots as he plopped down on his crinkly butt, but the boy, couldn't of been more then 4 or 5 just smiled. "Hi! I'm Akio! what's your name?" He asked, holding out a hand for Naruto to shake. "I-I'm Naruto. N-nice to meet you." The big toddler said, taking the hand and shaking it. while Naruto was in his onsie and sneakers, Akio was dressed in jean shorts and a blue top, looking like SUCH a big kid in the little guy's eyes. "Same here! I've never seen a big boy like you in diapies before, though I've seen some little guys in a outfit like your's at my daycare." the boy said, clearly not trying to insult Naruto but just being bluntly honest like small children was known to be. "O-Oh yeah..it's uh..I like it." Naruto said. "uh-huh! Ninja fox is really all the craze right now at the daycare. I'm more into Ninja buddies myself, but hey, to each their own. did you wanna play action figures with me, or you more wanna play with the stuffies?" Akio asked. "I..I um.." naruto fidgeted and squirmed. "Oh, Should I ask your daddy first? like..are you not allowed to play with action figures?I know some little guys just put everything they can in their mouths." Akio said, smiling and nodding. "N-no I don't chew on stuff!" Naruto weakly protested. "ok, just if you chew on any of the action figures, your daddy will hafa buy them. it's a bigggg rule here." Akio said. Truthfully some of the stuffies looked SUPER tempting, but Naruto didn't wanna make himself look like even more of a baby and scooted on his butt, getting chuckles from those watching the interaction towards the action figures. "So, who do you wanna be? they got a bunch of Ninja buddies here." Akio said, willing to let the 'smaller' boy pick first, just like his mommy had taught him. truthfully Naruto hadn't ever watch the show, and looked around the choices, biting his lip. "Ummm er..I dunno..who do you think is cool?" Naruto asked, trying to cover it up. The little guy picked up that Naruto was clueless and giggled a little. 'guess I shoulda figured, he's all about ninja fox.' Akio thought. "Actually you know what? action figures are totally over rated, why don't we play with the stuffies?" he asked/suggested and patted Naruto head. "You'll have to tell me all about who the coolest though with this Ninja fox stuff. I haven't watched it." he added, trying to humor the big baby. Naruto whined a little, but a big grin came across his face. naturally he'd spent A LOT of time watching the show meant for little kids and began to babble away.
Watching from the counter and chatting off and on with the boys mother, who turned out to be named Yui. "So are you really ready to deal with the horrors of changing diapers again? I couldn't get my little Akio potty trained fast enough." she chuckled, watching the boys roar and having a tiger and fox stuffie mash into each other. "I'll admit, it's not going to be a highlight of this, but well.." Minato started, having given a cover story that Naruto wanted to be a little guy again, not that he'd been busted as a diaper pooping pervert, something that would of ended the play date very fast he was sure. "this is what he wants, and who am I to get in the little guys way?" he finished finally. "I guess." Yui said and chuckled. "they DO look cute playing together. we might have to arrange a play date sometime for the two of them." Minato chuckled and nodded, and was going to say something when he noticed the look on Naruto's face as the little guy froze, on his knees, it was the same face his son had made when he'd been a little guy the first time around, and it always happened right before making 'presents for daddy. "if your really sensitive to smelly things, I'd recommend taking a deep breath now." he said to Yui.
Naruto had almost forgotten about the bulky diapers around his hips as he just relaxed and let himself play, totally thinking of the younger boy as a big kid now and gushing over how cool he was as they had Ninja Fox and samurai Tiger bash against each other. it wasn't till his tummy gurgled while he was on his knees that Naruto crashed back down to earth, recalling he was in diapers, and more to the point: his breakfast wanted to make a exit. A muffled toot escaped his behind before he could start to warn Akio but the other boy just giggled. "hehehe uh-oh, Ninja fox is using a gas attack!" the little guy giggled, then paused as he noted the look on Naruto's face. "er..are you oka-" he started to ask. Started to because the 16 year old hunched over and with a gross fart started to fill the seat of his diapers with next to no control. As his waste poured out of him, more solid then the night before at least, the back of the diapers crackled and ballooned out. the onsie which had been fighting to do it's job waved the proverbial white flag and the buttons popped open, his diapies on full display as he filled them rapidly. "G-Going poopie!" Naruto cried out, a hot jet of pee starting to soak the back of the diaper as the logs kept coming. "er..yeah..I got that.." Akio said, rubbing the back of his head, dropping samurai Tiger and holding his nose. "whew! that's worse then chilli day at the daycare!" "I..I sowwy.." Naruto whimpered, grunting and pushing, tears coming back to his eyes. "H-hey! it's ok! poop happens!" Akio said quickly, dropping to one Knee and popping Naruto's paci in his mouth and giving a reassuring smile, even as he still held his nose. "er Mister, I think your son-" Akio called, looking over to the adults, But Minato was already on his way. "i noticed. thank you for looking after little Naruto for me, but I'll take it from here." Minato said and flipped a coin to the boy who giggled and nodded. "Akio I think it's time we left." Yui called and Akio whined, but nodded. "ooook. Bye Naruto! it was fun playing with you! I go to Lil masters daycare if you wanna play again!" he said and waved bye bye. Naruto nodded and suckled, and waved bye bye as his new (and with this new status as a big baby/toddler) only friend left.
If it hadn't of been for the fact Minato was the Hokage, he was sure they would of been flat out asked to leave, but being the head of the village had it's perks and instead the owner merely asked Minato to change the big baby outside. "I uh..the smell is gonna make people think something gone off in here.." the owner and chef said, rubbing the back of his head. "Fair enough, just get our order ready to go then, I think somebody is gonna want a nap soon." Minato said, Patting Naruto's smelly rear as the big toddler whined and blushed. the site of the 16 year old getting changed on the ground, though he had a changing mat under his butt drew attention from people in the streets, though not too many moved in too close due to the stench coming off the diaper perv. "D-Daddy too many people ar-" Naruto started to whine, but then got a paci popped in his mouth and given a look that told him to keep it in or else. "Dear god, what are you feeding him!?!" One little girl cried, having gotten close because she wanted to watch. but once the diaper was opened up and the smell got even worse she had run back to her mommy, burying her face in her mothers side. "It's all the junk food he eats. this ramen is gonna be a last treat for him, after this it's baby food for widdle Naruto." Minato said and chuckled, getting laughs from the crowd and Naruto covered his face. Despite how mortified Naruto was though, his cute little dicklet was poking strait up, this was again something from a wank fantasy and he was clearly torn between hating all of this and thanking his dad around the paci. "Naruto do you have NO shame!? Getting a stiffie while your dad cleans your stinky ass?" Ino called from the crowd, laughing and shaking her head. "he really doesn't. so don't be shocked if he has a 'accident' while I'm cleaning him." the Hokage chuckled. despite the stink and the disgusting site, Minato was quickly realizing his son might not be the only pervert in the family as he slowly and carefully cleaned his little man up. "If you have any number three accidents little man, you will be getting a extra MONTH in diapers." He said softly to his son, and smirked at the mixed look of terror and lust in the boys eyes as he finished wiping the stinky brat down. Balling the diapers up and using the tapes to keep them closed, he made Naruto hold the poopie diaper on his chest while he got out the new diapers. "I know buddy, that can't smell all that great, but your being such a good widdle helper!" Minato said out loud and the crowd laughed again, and to Naruto's total shame THAT was what doomed him to anther month in diapers, as a big dumb toddler, his dicklet twitching and throbbing and with no stimulation firing off a weak watery load with him barely getting any pleasure from it.
Naruto was basically out of it, barely able to recall most of the trip back home. the utter shame and KNOWING he'd doomed himself to extra time in diapers had fried his widde brain. Getting back home Daddy apparently decided that it would be better if he just out the brain fried BABY to bed, and promised that his son's ramen wouldn't go to waste. Naruto just gurgled and nodded and went night night in daddies room, sucking on a ba-ba of apple juice and thinking about what a total pervert loser he was and giggling even as his eyes closed, and soaked his diapie before going sleepie, both with pee pee and making sure it would be 2 extra months in toddler hood.
the end
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
The wolverine and the diaper boys (X-men evo story)
Jamie Madox whimpered softly as he limped and groaned, trying to will his bladder and bowels to hang on as the young mutant made his way to the closest bathroom. "Oh man..stay in daddy..stay in daddy.." the poor boy whined, his sponge bob PJ's were already stained from other nighttime accidents and the professor had made it clear one more and it was back to bed time diapers for the youngest member of the mansion. Since he was already teased as was for his choice in jammies, and for sleeping with a teddy bear Jamie didn't even wanna think about the humiliation he'd endure if he had to wear the thick bulky diapers that Mr.Logan had show him when relaying the professors threat. If Jamie had been smart, he would of never gotten into a burger eating contest with Kurt before bed, but the German boy had been claiming HE was the biggest eater in the mansion and well, it was a matter of pride! or something stupid like that. all Jamie knew was he was paying the price for it now as his guts churned and gurgled loudly and he felt the pressure building on his back door as he hobbled along. 'Cheeks together cheeks together don't.push! Cheeks together cheeks together don't.push!' he mentally chanted. amazingly the little guy did make it to the bathroom door, and reached to turn the handle.. only to find it locked. "Nooo.no no no no no.." Jamie whined and knocked on the door. "H-hey! gonna be much longer in there?" he called out. from the other side of the door came the voice of Bobby Drake. "Ngggh sorry, i'ma be awhile, milkshakes are NOT my friend!" he called out. Mentally Jamie went over the floor plan for the mansion and tried figure out how close he was to the next bathroom, and how long he could keep his Barney the dinosaur print underoo's clean..and the math wasn't looking good. 'Times like this I reallly wish I had Kurt's powers.' Jamie thought as he slowly started to hobble, determined to at least make a honest effort to go boom boom in the potty, even as a spurt of pee dampened his underoo's. 'I think I can I think i can I think I can!' became the new mental chant even as wet and loud poots escaped from Jamie's bottom with every step and he wasn't even close to the next bathroom, feeling his cheek burning even as he started to take shallow breaths with his mouth from the stink he was trailing behind him. 'I'm not gonna make it..' he realized finally and moved over to a wall to brace himself. there was no point in tormenting himself trying to hold it when it wasn't going to happen and he'd just have to try and deal with the fallout out after as he shut his eyes and started to relax. 'Sorry Barney!' He thought mournfully. Relaxing his sphincter and giving a slight push, everything went out of Jamie's control as his cute little rosebud was forced open, a massive log of shit sliding out and pushing out the seat of the underoo's. even as the thick waste coiled in the back and started to puff out his butt the front of his undies and jammies darkened and a torrent of piss spurted out, spraying the wall even as it ran down his legs too, a puddle forming on the hard wood floor as Jamie let out a groan then a moan of relief as he push out out a second thick log to join the first. Just like any other time poor Jamie took a epic level dump like this his wiener was sticking out strait, making a massive tent in his undies and jammies as a side effect of his unusually large prostate, which went hand and hand with his larger then most adults sized wiener. spreading his legs to allow the stinking mass of dookie that was staining poor Barney's face Jamie let out a second, lower moan as the mass reached his hairless balls. "O-Oh gawd..I'm gonna..gonna.." he was panting now, eyes closed and the thick smell of his mess assaulting his brain. feeling his balls starting to tighten up any and all common sense left the poor mutant and with a dopey grin on his face he started to sing. "B-Barney is a dinosaur from o-our imagination.. A-and when he's tall he's w-what we call-" "Jamie what are you doing?!" Came the gruff voice of Mr.Logan. Jamie's eyes shot open even as the song died, trying to think of what to say, or to at least stop himself from the THIRD mess he was about to add to his poor abused undies but instead of anything that might of explained himself, he slipped as he turned to talk to Mr.Logan and fell hard on his stinky butt, squishing the mess and gasped girlishly and cried out as he came hard with Mr.Logan watching before blacking out.
Logan had been on his way to check in on bobby, after seeing him flirting with some of the girls drinking milkshakes despite knowing what they did to him. it was only by chance that he'd taken the route he had to go and check on the iceman when he'd been assaulted by the stench and sounds of Jamie's accident. Honestly the whole thing would of been cute if not for Logan's enhanced sense of smell AND knowing that he was gonna have to A) tell chuck about this and just somehow knew that B) it was gonna end up his job to diaper the boy. (To be fair Storm had made Logan a deal, he was responsible for the diaper need of any of the students and she attended to changing the professor as need, and was willing to swap. given the choice of maybe having to diaper a teenager or wiping chuck's poopie crack, Logan hadn't hesitated to take the deal.) Banging on the bathroom door while holding Jamie, Bobby went to yell at him to go away before being cut off by Logan's growl and quickly the bathroom door was unlocked and Logan came in. 'great, because as if putting up with Jamie's smell wasn't bad enough.' the Canadian thought with a grimace. There was the iceman, plain black PJ bottoms around his ankles and trying to cover up his tiny boyhood as Logan tried to breath as little as possible carrying the zoned out Jamie to the tub. "Ugh, he stinks!" Bobby whined, holding a hand to his nose and Logan just glared at him. "Glass houses bub." "ehehehe.." getting Jamie's top and pants off, and just tossing them in the trash Logan held the poor poor in the air, hands under his armpit's and used the mirror to inspect the damage. It was a pleasant surprise that the undies had held up as they were bulging with the boy's soft swerve, though there was brown smudges all over his thighs and Barney's once smiling face was almost lost, covered by brown stains. "Holy heck.. how much did he eat?" Bobby asked, jaw dropping. he would of said more but right at that moment a cramp hit him and with a grunt and a series of wet noisy fart he was filling the bowl with his own waste. '...If i make it though this night, there is nothing anyone can ever do to me that will top this.' Logan thought dryly before turning on the shower head and getting the dazed Jamie to stand in the tub for him. Thankfully the shower had one of those detachable head and Logan brought it down and after getting the water nice and warm got Jamie's hands cleaned first. this being far from the first time he had cleaned the boy he knew Jamie would be going into thumb sucking mode any second and Logan couldn't be sure if the boy had touched his stinky butt or not and didn't want him to get sick. right on cue as Logan went to start spraying down the boys behind, Jamie's left thumb found it's way in his mouth and he nursed on it babyishly with his eyes closed and drooling a little as Bobby watched blushing.
Bobby's Bm had finally finished and he was taking his time wiping himself, as he watched Logan go to work cleaning Jamie and then finally tugging the undies down. talking softly to him when Jamie gave a babyish whine. For whatever the reason Bobby found himself getting jealous of the attention the little pants pooper was getting and wondering if he'd enjoy the same clear that Jamie was getting right now. he was also fairly jealous of the size of Jamie's now soft manhood, which easily surpassed Bobby's baby dick (a full 3 and half inches when rock hard) he was shaken out of his daze when Logan cleared his throat, and Bobby realized that the older man had been trying to talk to him. "For the third time, if your finish can you go to Jamie's room and get me the diapers out from under his bed? it's that or you can stay in here with him while I go and get them." Logan said, a annoyed edge to his voice. "O-Oh right! S-sorry!" Bobby squeaked and stood up, flushing the toilet and tugging his PJ's up then dashing out of the bathroom double time. 'diapers? Jamie has diapers?' Bobby thought as he walked fast to Jamie's room. it was smaller then the other rooms which made since since he was the only one in it unlike everyone else who had a roommate, and as he came in Bobby couldn't help but notice that the room was decorated more like a five year olds then a 12 year olds. Barney and paw patrol posters on the walls and there was a unmistakable stale urine smell in the room even after Jamie had mostly stopped his bed wetting. Checking under the bed there was the pack of thick overnight diapers just like Logan had said and Bobby could help but notice that with the flexible sides that the side of the pack boasted, he might even fit into the nursery print diapers himself. 'Maybe i should steal one, just to see. i doubt anyone would notice.' Bobby thought as he looked down at the package, and bit his lip. 'what am I even thinking? why would I wanna try on one of these things!? come on Bobby, get your shit together!' he scolded himself. still the idea was just too tempting to pass up and since his room WAS on the way to the bathroom, Bobby did a little stop off, thankful that his roomie was at a sleep over , and tossed one of the crinkly diapers into his room before heading double time to the bathroom.
Jamie was blushing big time as he was more or less with it as Mr. Logan dried him off with a fluffy towel. his thumb was soaked in drool and he couldn't even bring himself to make eye contract with the teacher. "Sowwy." he lisped around his thumb. "Ngggh...accidents happen kid. But you know whats gonna happen now don't you?" Logan asked. "...I hafa wear diapies." Jamie lisped again. 'I swear to god, he just too damn cute like this.' Logan said, and allowed himself to smile. "That's right kiddo. but only at night. Unless you start having day time accidents." "i won't mister wogan! pwomise!" Jamie whimpered around his thumb and shook his head fiercely at the thought of his thick puffy diapers on under his jeans at school. he'd never live it down! "Good. I'll be diapering you half a hour before bed and you're not to remove the diaper yourself, I'll check you in the morning unless I'm away on a trip, then storm or Scott will." Jamie wrinkled his nose at the thought of Scott checking his diaper and frowned. "Not Scott! he's a jerk!" Jamie huffed, his thumb finally coming out of his mouth. Logan snorted a little and smirked. "Yeah, I think so too." He chuckled. "but for the most part I'll be handling it." there was a knock at the door and then there was bobby, holding the thick pack of diapers and blushing. "H-Here you go Mr.Logan." Bobby said, shifting a little. Logan raised a eyebrow as he took the package, noting the smell coming off of Bobby, it was one he was semi used to since he was living in a mansion full of teenagers, a slight shameful arousal and as Logan looked at the pack, he could of sworn there was one missing. 'Heh..No way. what am I thinking? Bobby wouldn't be a little diaper thief.' Logan thought, then out loud said "Thank you Bobby. you can go back to your room, I'll mention to the professor what a help you've been tonight." "O-Oh don't mention it!" Bobby squeaked, rubbing the back of his head and waving a hand. "U-Uh Bobby?" Jamie squeaked out, Looking at the older boy, unashamed of his naked state (well save for the towel) but still blushing."Y-Your not gonna.tell anyone about my..you know.." the boy whined, nodding at the pack even as Logan tugged one of the childish diapers out. "Heh, No worries squirt, my lips are sealed." Bobby assured him, then gave a little wave and took off. getting Jamie to lay down on the floor, Logan got to work getting the puffy diaper taped snug around the little guys waist, after of course sprinkling him with baby powder that had the little guy giggling like crazy when it made Logan's sensitive nose twitch and caused him to sneeze. With Jamie in his puffy diaper, Logan picked him up, setting him on his hip with a arm under the boys puffy butt even as Jamie coo'ed and nuzzled into the older man. which as much as Logan hated to say it, made him smile. 'Almost makes having to smell his shitty undies worth it. almost.' he thought. quickly getting to Jamie's room, it was clear the little guy was super tired (though who wouldn't of been after a bowel movement like that?) and Logan didn't bother getting Jamie in more pj's he just laid the sleepy boy on his bed, rubber sheets crinkling and tugged up the boys blanket. "G'night mister Logan." Jamie mumbled, eyes closed and his thumb heading for his mouth. "Night little guy. see you in the morning."
In his room Bobby was blushing all over as he he stripped down, and was looking at himself in the mirror. He was holding the unfolded diaper up and pressed it to his front, and could feel his cheeks burning. 'Oh man..If Ray was here I'd never hear the end of this.' Bobby thought, thinking of his roommate. The smart thing to do would be to bury the diaper in his trash can, and put the idea of wearing it out of his head. Of course it would of been even smarter not to have stolen in the first place. 'well..I suppose it couldn't hurt to try it on..' the teen thought and gulped. shaking a little despite himself he tugged the diaper up and got it tapped on, and looked at himself. it was a little lopsided since he wasn't exactly used to diapering anyone, let alone himself, and it was a bit snugger then he would of liked but his eyes light up as his looked at himself. 'I look so friggen cute!' Bobby mentally gushed, and grinned like a fool. he couldn't resist patting his butt, feeling the slick plastic and rubbing the front, then popped his thumb into his mouth, thinking about how babyish he looked. Just thinking about being a big baby butt was making his heart beat fast and he closed his eyes, and rubbed the front of his diapers even as his thumb slide in and out of his mouth, drool going down his chin. He was about to make a mess in the front of his diapers when suddenly he heard a deep 'ahem', and opened his eyes. looking into the mirror and seeing that standing behind him, arms crossed and NOT looking impressed was Mr. Logan. "I came by to say thank you for being a help and to make sure you knew not to blab about Jamie, But I think we need to have a bigger talk." Logan said. "..would you believe a evil psychic Mutant ma-" Bobby started but Logan cut him off. "save it." Logan said and pointed to the bed for Bobby to take a seat. "..Yeah I didn't think so." Bobby whined, and waddled over, squirming and leaking into the diaper. 'he could of let me finish...'
"So do you want a chance to explain why you stole one of Jamie's diapers and were getting off in it, or should I just skip to the part where I give you your punishment?" Logan asked. "P-Punishment?" Bobby squeaked, and whined. "Y-Your not gonna tell anyone about this are you Mr. Logan?!" The brown haired boy looked terrified and brought his hands together. "Please! I'll be a laughing stock if this gets out!" he whined. "I SHOULD let the professor know, but Chuck will wanna make it a whole thing. I will let you off with a warning this time, and one minor little punishment. Now for the record, I'm not punishing you because you're getting your jollies off in huggies. to each their own, as long as your not hurting yourself. you're being punished for stealing. if you wanna wear diapers, ask Jamie for one, or get your own." Logan started. "O-Ok.' Bobby whimpered, nodding fast and blushing. "However since you wanna be a little diaper boy SO much." and Logan paused and smirked, he could hear the pounding of Bobbies heart. "You can wear that diaper for the rest of the night, and to school in the morning. I don't expect you to use it, but I WILL be checking you when you get home and I MIGHT pop by the school at noon hour." Logan finished. "W-What? I can't wear this to school! what if someone-" Bobby whined and started to fuss. "Figure it out, or we can go and have a talk with chuck." "..You are a fair but evil evil man." Bobby whined and grabbed a pillow, hugging it to his chest. "Yeah yeah, I know. anyways, that's your punishment, Now I'll be going, and feel free to finish what you were doing when I came in, though in my experience, diaper boys find their huggies a lot less appealing after they've creamed them. food for thought." Logan said and ruffled Bobbies hair, then got up and left. "and if you need a diaper change, come knock on my door crinklekins. I've got a spare pack of Jamie's." he added, then left. "Oh god! I'm sooo freaking doomed!" Bobby whined as the door closed, flopping onto his back and putting the pillow to his face. thinking about waddling to school, and what would happened if he was busted,the worst images popped into the teens head, though the more he thought about the other students pointing at him, teasing him.. or making him suck on a pacifier in just his diapers and a baby bonnet.. well he rolled onto his tummy and started to hump the bed. 'mmmfffh..everyone making me be a dumb..big..baby..and making me poop my diapers..' Bobby thought and it wasn't long till the iceman made a mess in his diapers, barley having the mind after a body wracking orgasm to cover himself up before conking out.
Jamie yawned as he woke up to his Micky mouse alarm clock going off, and for a second was thrilled to realize that he hadn't wet the bed for a change, only to look down and see the diaper around his hips and not that the designs were gone off the front. as he recalled the night before he blushed and sighed, then slid out of bed and went over to the dresser, tugging out a pair of loose fitting PJ bottoms that would hide the bulk, getting ready to go and see Mr.Logan. or that was the plan but as Jamie waddled to the door,doing a semi cowboy walk, it opened and in came Mr. Logan. "heh, going somewhere cowpoke?" he asked with a smirk. "I.i was coming t-" Jamie started, blushing but grinning as Logan came in and shut the door behind him. "I know little guy. but FYI, from now on just wait on me in here, your diaper is sticking out a little more then I think you noticed." Logan said, and then patted the boys butt making him yelp but grin even more. "Alright, you kept your diaper on like a good boy. you can get changed." Logan said, then started to head out the door. "Oh..you..don't wanna help?" Jamie asked, sounding a little disappointed. "heh, I got someone else who needs checking up on. see ya later squirt." Logan chuckled and let himself out. Jamie tilted his head, wondering if that meant what he thought it did, and he wasn't the only bed wetter at the school.
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