#books for sale
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idiomagic · 1 month ago
We are still going through The Horrors. We're now on month three of my husband being unemployed. He is doing everything in his power to find a job, but...no luck thus far. I'm disabled and can't work. My beloved cat SpyBoy has been very ill. He has diabetes that we are still trying to get under control. We finally have all of the vet bills up to date, but Spy Guy is going to have to have another overnight visit next month for monitoring, to see if his insulin needs to be adjusted. The mortgage is due on the first, along with some other bills. I have no idea how to pay for any of this. We have a gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-spy-boy-urgent-medical-funds-needed SpyBoy has a wishlist for food and needed supplies: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BK56PZUL2A76?ref_=wl_share I'm selling my signed, rare, and collectible books: https://www.ebay.com/usr/gwynpins I am a published poet. My book is available here: https://a.co/d/1hPxXOf In return for a donation (your choice of amount) I am happy to write you your own custom poem, topic of your choice! Message me for details. I make custom masks and accessories. For a donation of $100 or greater, I'm willing to make you something sparkly! Here are a couple of examples of my work. Message me for details.
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We really need help, my friends. Please reblog, and spread the word!
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selkies-world · 3 months ago
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It's gay, there's angst, there's rivals-to-lovers, there's one-sided pining, there's FWB, there's existential crises, there's rebellion, there's idiots-in-love, and there's multiple bisexual disasters.
Buy it HERE & you'll have it in time for Christmas!!! Either as a gift to yourself or for someone else who has brainrot!!!!
Also, if you have little ones, might I suggest my on-going Children's Series, which features a dragon, bats, deer, bugs, birds, bears, raccoons & snakes??? There's also a fully illustrated picture book version of the first one!!!
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teawithdiary · 4 months ago
Hi everyone!
After my favorite manga, Natsume's Book of Friends, went out of print and volumes became scarce, I've had this idea to consolidate where you can look at manga price information and sort by lowest price. If you're like me, I check everyyy single site for the best deals. A lot of my favorite manga have gone out of print, and some I haven't yet finished collecting.
The tool is called "manga prices" and is still in development, but if you'd like to test out the demo site, it can be found here: https://stg.mangaprices.com (Please note that not all features work and there are still some bugs).
If you test the tool out, please let me know! I'd love to ask for feedback on how to make it better.
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i-m-p-a-v-i-d-u-s · 1 year ago
A dark fantasy trilogy about identity, family, grief, despair, and love - out now. ⚔️
Buy on Amazon (Kindle and Paperback)
Buy on Barnes & Noble (Paperback and Hardback)
Content Warnings
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ed-art-studio · 10 months ago
Newly painted Phantom of the Opera custom book jacket!
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knoxvillerose-blog · 4 months ago
I sell Vintage Books at KnoxvilleRose On Etsy. This is a small sample of the works currently avaialble at the shop! Recently added some new inventory. I cater to the Ceremonial Magician, Witch & Occultist mostly, with forays into the Parnormal, Religions, Anthropology.... and more!
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dracoqueen22 · 3 months ago
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In an unchanging world, Lyca and Warren would have never met, but a chance encounter in the forest and a lost cell phone lead to an unlikely friendship able to cross even magical boundaries. When a danger arises and threatens both their worlds, Lyca and Warren will need their friendship, and whatever else might be stirring between them, to tip the scales.
86k words | 320 pages | $8.99
Queer Romance, mlm romance, Werewolves!, Asexual Characters, Urban Fantasy, SFW actually, the mildest bits of horror, long distance romance and so much more!
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egypt-ancient-and-modern · 1 month ago
Hi there! Fellow Egyptophile here! I've had a bunch of horrid things happen the past few months, and I'm having to sell my collection of signed editions, limited editions, and early editions. I have very early editions of some of Maspero and Petrie's works. It occurred to me that this might be of interest to you or to the peeps you follow. If you know of anyone who would be interested, please check out my pinned post. It has the link to my ebay store, so you can check out the books.
If any of you (my followers) are interested, please view the aforementioned post. I am currently running out of space for books in my space and am having to be more judicious with what I take in, but I appreciate the reach-out!
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theatreslave · 4 months ago
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Hey friends! I have come upon some crazy life situations back to back to back and I am in desperate need of help. If any of you are avid readers please check out my pango storefront! I'll be posting a ton more books for sale!
I haven't been able to focus on writing anything or finishing my long fic because I'm so scattered! Honestly financially I am unable to keep up with the curveballs that life is throwing at me so any little purchase helps. I even have stuff as low as $2.00 as well as decently priced new releases!
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idiomagic · 2 months ago
I have started listing my collection of signed books, rare editions, and other treasures on ebay. My husband lost his job, and then my beloved cat SpyBoy became very ill. Seven vet visits, one hospital stay, and $8000 of vet bills later, we found out he had pancreatitis and diabetes. He's doing much better, but we are in dire financial circumstances, and in danger of having our electricity turned off. But! My horrors can become your fabulous book collection! I have signed first editions of science fiction and fantasy novels and short stories, leatherbound limited editions, signed ARCs, and so much more! I will be adding more books to my ebay store every day, so please keep checking back. Here is the link to my ebay store: https://www.ebay.com/usr/gwynpins
And the link to our gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-spy-boy-urgent-medical-funds-needed And here's my SpyGuy, who makes life worth living
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Please share widely! If our electricity gets shut off, it will make life so much harder, and make it much harder for my husband to find a new job. Spy Guy also has a wishlist for food, litter etc: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/BK56PZUL2A76?ref_=wl_share If you see something you like in my ebay store, message me here. I'm happy to arrange a Tumblr discount :)
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cdchyld · 2 months ago
Just added to Etsy!
~ "Legends of Paul Bunyan" selected by Harold W. Felton (1947)
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swkrullimaging · 3 months ago
Snowshoeing a Rocky Mountain Blizzard
It was a perfect day to get out and go snowshoeing in a beautiful Rocky Mountain blizzard. It had snowed several inches the night before but the storm had subsided a bit and the plows had time to clear the streets and the highway to the trailhead. The view of the Sangre de Cristo Range in the distance was magnificent, and I was hoping a little more clearing of the clouds would make the view from…
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seanalmond · 4 months ago
I hope you’ll be able to find a momentary retreat from the hecticness of life, through the “Seeds of a Dream” short novel series.
Also, check out the “Seeds Of A Dream’ series. It’s a collection of 7 short novels of 30 000 words each, written by yours truly. Available on Amazon, Kobo, etc. 😄 They are conveniently short, so you can escape the endless tedium of life in one fell swoop! The titles include:
Get Gone
Cat Lives
Anywhere But Here
Twist Of Fate
Trumped: Part One
Trumped: Part Two
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i-m-p-a-v-i-d-u-s · 9 months ago
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The Impavidus Cycle is getting new paperbacks! These second editions have new, more compact formatting and gorgeous new cover illustrations done by the amazing @miripirim! They will also be available at a much more affordable price point than the previous editions at just $15.99 USD each! They will be available to purchase on Amazon starting on July 1st.
If you can't wait to start reading, the eBooks are available now on kindle!
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maverick-werewolf · 1 year ago
My website shop is now open!
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Ever wanted to buy one of my books? Now is the perfect time!
All my books are now available directly through me on my personal website as paperbacks, ebooks, and yes, even some hardback editions! And the prices on my fiction ebooks are now lower than ever!
Books available include all my prior books (such as my popular nonfiction work The Werewolf: Past and Future and all of my fiction) and even my newest release, my own edition of Sabine Baring-Gould's irreplaceable folklore source, The Book of Werewolves.
Visit the shop at maverickwerewolf.com/books (click here)!
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knoxvillerose-blog · 4 months ago
Vintage Paranormal Books! KnoxvilleRose on Etsy
Check out these Paranormal titles at my Etsy Shop, KnoxvilleRose -
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