#bookish persona
bookboost · 9 months
In the vast landscape of literature, authors often find themselves facing the challenge of standing out in a sea of words. One powerful tool that can set you apart and leave a lasting impression is personal branding. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's essential for authors to brand themselves and provide practical steps on how to build a compelling literary identity.....
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hannahcao · 2 years
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At Yanluo Academy, seven students are cursed with flashbacks to their previous lives. Discovering that they are connected, they race against time and each other to prevent a dark fate that they can't seem to escape.
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Perdona si te llamo Cayetano
Raquel Tirado Fernández
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lordofdestructionm · 2 years
The not so subtle sentimentality of Mordecai Heller
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With the Lackadaisy Short Film  teaser trailer hitting over 800K views one line from Serafine got me thinking about a side of Mordecai that is not often discussed but is crucial to his character and may play a key part in the comics story before the end
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Though it is easy for both other characters in the story and readers to see Mordecai as just a cold killer that cares more about stains on his shirt than ending multiple lives in grizzly ways (and that is true for anyone who makes the mistake of getting in the way of him completing his work) a closer look reveals that, while reserved for a short list of people, there is a strong streak of sentimentality hidden behind the buttoned down aloof professional persona he tries so hard to maintain
His Mother and Sisters
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Mordecai was dealt a very bad starting hand in life. With his father dying when he and his sisters were still very young, despite his loving and hard working mother doing her best to provide for them, the family lived in poverty in the slums of New York
As a result Mordecai has to start working at a very early age and being naturally gifted with numbers he becomes a book keeper and soon enough gets drawn into running the numbers for gambling and loan sharking gangs.
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All of this was done to try and make life better for his mother and his sisters. In a flashback to when he was on the run from the criminals he had been working for after being caught embezzling funds from them, his life is in danger and he needs to get out of town in a hurry and so jumps on a train in either 1920 or 1921.
Despite this he fixates on writing a letter to send to his mother in which he explains the location of his ill gotten savings and urges her to move with his sisters to cleaner better ventilated housing.
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Because the money wasn’t primarily for his benefit
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Mordecai clearly loved his sisters very much and they could break him out of his reserved bookish demeanor. We can see even as an adult Modecai holds the memory of his childhood with his sisters, impoverished and hard though it clearly was, very close. Close enough that thinking about them are enough to bring out his very small but very genuine smile that could not be further away from his “ice pick look”.
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The next imporant relationship in his life is with Atlas May. When on that getaway train he soon realized that cut throats from his former employers are already in the carriage waiting for their moment to pounce
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Mordecai is 100% certain that he is about to get a bullet to the head and the tunnel will provide the hitmen with the perfect cover as the darkness and noise descends.
Only for a ray of light to suddenly appear
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Atlas gave Mordecai the means to survive, not just by literally giving him what he needed to escape his would be murderers, but by employing him and providing a new purpose when he had nowhere else to go and no idea what to do.
Atlas being dead by the time of the main story, by design we know very little about his personality and relationships with others except for what the people who knew him have to say.
But is is very clear that Mordecai felt a deep loyalty to Atlas. It may even be speculated that he became a surrogate father figure for him, having lost his own father so young and having been moulded while working for him from the scared youth in shabby second hand clothes to a dapper professional bookkeeping bootlegger
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This loyalty has not ended with Atlas’s death. He is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery of his murder. This is despite the fact it would be a much smarter move by far for the sake of both professionalism and survival to let dead former employers lie and simply carry out his new role with the Marigold gang no questions asked
Instead it is clear the entire reason he has abandoned The Lackadaisy is not, as Mitzi and the rest think, cold self interest but so he can investigate if the rival gang had any role in his mentors death
Even discussing the topic causes his cold passive exterior to crack and makes him look broken and overwhelmed
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Viktor  (You knew this was coming)
As anyone who has followed this account will know this is one of my (and many other fans) favourite dynamics in the series
At fist it seems there is little reason for these two to have any kind of bond. Mordecai is pretty much obsessed with good grooming, high quality tailoring, correct grammar, and tends to go on one-sided rambles when perturbed.
 This clashes hard with the surly Slovak who is often unshaven, relatively casual in his attire, speaks a broken English, and hates people chattering or “noise, noise, noise” as he calls it. Indeed the two often bicker and act as if they can’t stand the other
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However for whatever reason, in spite of these big differences, the big bruiser mechanic and the fussy nerdy sharp shooter are able to work very well together and soon become key weapons in Atlas’s arsenal
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And in spite of their differences there is evidence, that over the course of the roughly six years they were working together before their bosses death, that these two extremely anti-social personalities actually began to form an unlikely rapport
On the one known occasion when Mordecai actually drank strong alcohol, and predictably got hilariously drunk, one of his chosen topics of conversation is his “friend” Viktor and how “great” he is (including a possibly telling comment about his large physique *cough*)
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Mordecai also, despite being the type of person who you would assume would just radiate Scrooge energy, makes a point of buying Viktor a Christmas/hanukka present. Though he keeps up appearances by presenting it as another criticism of Viktor’s fashion sense
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Tellingly Viktor voluntarily wears the tie for the rest of the day, something only Ivy (someone Viktor treats as a surrogate daughter) is able to get away with as well.
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The two also not only work well together in a professional capacity, but seem to truly look out for each others welfare when on the job. Not only does Mordecai save Viktor from being shot while distracted, Viktor then goes out of his way to retrieve Mordecai’s pince-nez from the staircase of a burning building
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While a hilarious moment as Mordecai fails to react in the “correct” way to having just survived a bloody shoot out, it also sums up his entire attitude to people, that he separates the world into those who count and those who don’t. The former are a short list
Viktor, along with the others on here, counts for Mordecai
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This is made clear at his chat with Mitzi at the lunch meeting.
Mordecai may have kneecapped Viktor when he left the Lackadaisy gang, but from what we know now this was clearly an attempt to get Viktor out of harms way by forcing him to retire from bootlegging, and quite possibly to avoid Marigold putting him in a position where he would have to fight Viktor if he was told to finish off the failing speakeasy. Something he could hardly refuse if he wanted to keep investigating Atlas’s death
Mitzi seems to know Viktor is a chink in Mordecai’s armour, and of course exploits that to the fullest. When she informs him that his theft of the Lackadaisy arsenal put Viktors life in danger Mordecai’s face makes less than neutral expression
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As Mitzi keeps twisting that screw Mordecai knows he is in danger of giving something away and with Asa right next to him he needs to restore his barriers.
In this case quite literally using a menu to cover his face to ensure he doesn’t slip up again
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It seem to work as Asa laughs of the idea of Mordecai having a heart beneath the cold exterior (something we know is a big mistake)
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Even when the attention is off him and the topic of conversation moves on his gaze remains firmly fixed down at the table.
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Until Atlas lets slip some crucial information about Atlas’s last days. So much for there being “no heartstrings to tug on”
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I am sure the Lackadaisy Animated Movie is going to be amazing and hopefully will only lead to ever more popularity and attention for this amazing world and its characters
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AITA for telling my sister I'm not a virgin?
so, this might sound a bit weird, and it's a silly situation... in either case, I'm a woman (adult, much older than my sister, who is 17), and I'm a bit bookish. a bit geeky. a bit of a loner, too, nowadays.
in either case, she just got her first boyfriend. when I visited my parents and her, she was talking about him, I was laughing and nodding along. later on when we were alone she said "there are things you wouldn't know about," wink wink nudge nudge basically. i asked her what she meant, and she said "oh you know... you haven't been -close- to a man, have you?" I asked her where that came from and said "well, you're pretty much always alone with your books, aren't you?"
first of all, we meet perhaps five times a year (living in different cities.) she doesn't know much about my life. second, I felt that it was extremely rude of her to go "oh you would never get laid." I have had quite a lot of sexual partners, actually, but it's in my past. I used to be a bit of a party girl. I said that I knew what she was talking about, and that I had "dated" a lot in my past, but since she just sees me as her nerdy sister, she wouldn't know about that.
well, she told mom that I was talking about such things, and mom said I was too old for that and should know better, my sister didn't need to know such things about me. I was just tired of being seen as this loser geek who never got laid because that's my persona in my family... like, I've been an adult for a long time, I have experience.
anyway, AITA?
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disciplined-cornfed · 9 months
Bookworm to Benchpress
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I couldn’t stand my roommate, Caleb, at first. Our online conversations before university had led me to believe he was someone similar to me—reserved and bookish occasional gamer. But the person I met was a whirlwind of energy that exuded force, a stark contrast to my quiet demeanor. Caleb was the epitome of a dude bro, his boisterous charm drawing people like moths to a flame. His presence was overwhelming, and I often found myself irritated, yet intrigued by his larger-than-life persona.
Caleb's influence began subtly. He would often encourage me to join him for early morning workouts. "C'mon, bro. It's good for you," he'd insist, his enthusiasm chipping away at my reluctance. The gym sessions were grueling, yet there was a sense of camaraderie that I couldn’t help but enjoy. His philosophy of 'being built different' was both baffling and inspiring.
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Gradually, I found myself being pulled into a more disciplined lifestyle. Caleb was a force of nature, waking up at the crack of dawn with a zeal that was infectious. "Discipline starts with the dawn," he'd proclaim, and I found myself mirroring his routine. I began with 50 push-ups each morning, a task that seemed insurmountable at first, but grew easier with time. Breakfasts transformed from sugary cereals to eggs and orange juice, fueling my body in ways I hadn’t imagined.
Then came the cold showers, a practice that initially felt like torture. "It's about pushing your limits, bro," Caleb would encourage, a mischievous glint in his eye. I begrudgingly started, each icy blast a battle of willpower. But with time, what was once a dreaded experience became a refreshing challenge.
The changes in me were not just physical. My confidence soared, and I found myself engaging more with others, stepping out from behind the safety of my books. My clothes fit better, and my posture improved. Caleb’s influence was unmistakable. "Show off that progress, man! Your life is defined by discipline," he'd say, his encouragement a accompanied by a pec dance.
Our relationship, initially strained, evolved into a mutual respect. I realized that beneath Caleb's flashy exterior lay a deep commitment to self-improvement. His antics, which I had once found abrasive, were now moments of inspiration.
One evening, after a particularly intense workout session, Caleb opened up about his philosophy. "Being disciplined isn't just about the gains or the girls," he mused, a rare seriousness in his tone. "It's about loving the journey, the daily grind. It's about finding joy in discipline itself. That's the real reward."
His words struck a chord within me. Caleb, the embodiment of discipline, had unwittingly become a mentor, guiding me towards a path of self-discovery and growth. His relentless pursuit of excellence had become my own, a shared journey that transcended our initial differences. In that moment, my respect for Caleb deepened, transforming my once intolerable roommate into an unlikely source of inspiration.
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
RRRAAAHHHH, IL P!NOAH SM‼️‼️‼️‼️ Anyways, I’m wondering..
What happens during the earlier episodes, like Jamaica, Yukon, and even Egypt? 
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I think I've already delved into this somewhat, but for the most part the Psycho!Noah AU is canon-compliant (until the point of divergence). So a lot of the plotlines and such that happen throughout Island, Action and World Tour remain unchanged.
There is one key difference, though, in the fact that Noah's regularly toying with the show's audience. So in a lot of the challenges he'll do something absolutely batshit insane in the background- but he's quiet enough to not be noticed by his fellow castmates (save Izzy, or occasionally Owen) because his persona of a 'stoic, bookish nerd' is intentionally uninteresting and unthreatening enough for people to gloss him over.
For example, whilst canon Noah shows visible concern for Ezekiel in the World Tour intro, p!Noah watches him fall and grins, baring fanged amusement directly towards the camera.
Or, in the Yukon episode, when Noah hugs and is immediately rebuffed by Bridgette, he shoots the nearest camera a downright dangerous look- something both eerily blank and drowning in animosity- before motioning to lunge at Bridgette. Of course, Owen's quick to scoop up his little buddy into a heat preserving hug, so Noah's feigned attack doesn't work out, but the threat is there.
He later on clarifies in the confessional that he despises rude people; manners cost nothing, but rudeness might just cost someone their kidneys.
Or in Egypt, when he's left alone with just Izzy and Owen? Your boy plays dress up with his besties. He and Izzy wrap Owen up in the bandages (instead of Izzy herself being the one to 'mummify' herself) which Owen lets happen because he's kind of terrified of his girlfriend and his best friend just that good of a pal. They try to convince Owen to backtrack through the pyramid and scare the others who decided to 'go under', by pretending to be an actual mummy, but Izzy ends up getting too excited by the prospect and running ahead without them.
Instead, Noah and Owen stumble their way through to the other end of the pyramid, encountering mummy Ezekiel on the way. Owen gets spooked by the prospect of a real mummy, but Noah's not scared in the slightest* and even offers to fight it off- to protect Owen, of course. No other reason. (Fighting an actual mummy isn't exactly out there for a show as whacky as Total Drama, and Noah is always ready to throw hands with assumed adversaries.)
Owen, in his fear, runs away before Noah can 'defend his honour', leaving the crazy nerd to trail along in disappointment. Things continue as per canon from there.
(The Egypt change is a little sillier than the others, because p!Noah is primarily concerned with his own entertainment- that's his Top Priority- and he's more interested in playing a fun little prank on the rest of the cast with Izzy than he is using the solitude of the pyramid to torment the audience.)
Then there's smaller changes throughout the other episodes:
In Jamaica Noah's visibly ecstatic when DJ gets hurt on his third run of the course, and the audience can clearly see him holding back laughter when Gwen gets attacked by the electric eels during the diving challenge. He also actually participates in the first challenge, though he fails to uproot any 'treasures'.
In Paris, Noah forgoes the ball-throw trick (though it would've been a backup had his first option failed) by instead growling at the Sasquatch, intimidating it into leaving their team alone. He still dodges the lasers during "Oui, My Friends" and messes up their team's statue, but instead of just giving it extra limbs Noah somehow manages to Frankenstein his creation into something almost eldritch- before Alejandro fixes it.
In Japan, he initially tries to volunteer for the pinball challenge, citing his status as A Gamer as reason for his sudden interest (though it's really because Noah's just as much of a thrill-seeker as Izzy), but the honour goes to Alejandro because the baby panda seems to be inexplicably afraid of Noah. Their commercial has an odd grainy quality to it whenever he speaks in it, and his empty eyes never trail from the camera's lens, but no one on the cast notices.
In New York, he saves his team from an untimely demise by shooting his most deranged smile towards the alligator, though his team are fully unaware of this. Luckily the liability waver Chef had it sign negates Noah from any obligation to reimburse the reptile for the emotional/mental damages. He's still The Baby in the second challenge, that remains unchanged.
In London, he's a lot less abrasive towards his team during the clue hunt. He's also the one who ends up stripping the guard, because he gets bored of him and Owen repeatedly tying in rock-paper-scissors and Tyler's staunchly against it- Noah likes to think of himself as a Polite Young Man, all things considered, so he wasn't gonna make his teammates do something they didn't want to- and they find their first clue faster than in canon. That temporal lead is quickly squandered by Owen slowing down their team in his effort to get Noah to laugh at his jokes. The "eel" comment never happens as, after Tyler volunteers himself for the rack, Noah wastes no time abusing the opportunity to torture someone. Tyler's far too preoccupied to recognise the manic laughter that echoes through the dingy room as Noah's sadistic enjoyment, and Owen is just glad his little buddy is having fun (even if he wasn't the one to make him laugh).
As for earlier seasons... I haven't really thought that far back yet. A lot of the changes listed above were made up off the top of my head, too, so... 😳
But it'd be in the same vein as the differences here; Noah does small concerning things in the background of shots that don't really effect how the rest of the episodes play out, but are just enough for the greater audience to notice and sweat over.
I imagine, in-universe, there's probably compilation clips of "Noah Going Feral In The Background" or "Top 10 Moments Where Total Drama Contestants Almost Fell Prey To Noah", which he and his friends would watch post-season during their sleepovers to laugh at. Thankfully, their fellow cast members are kind of out of touch with the fanbase- save for Sierra, but she's already been discussed.
*I was gonna clarify why p!Noah isn't scared here when canon Noah is, but this posts already kind of long and the explanation is very wordy & science-heavy so... maybe in another 'lore' drop?
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 4 months
I’ve got to say it: I started Bridgerton season 3, and nothing about Polin works for me: not their chemistry, not their individual personalities, not their “redemption arcs” (like Colin wtf is with this heinous womanizer ‘I’m so sexy now’ persona, and I’m struggling to feel bad for any of Penelope’s multiple self-imposed problems that make her all uPSeT), and not the pacing of their love story. The best part of the season so far is Benedict’s three seconds of screentime and (I can’t believe I’m saying this:) Cressida.
Colin: I’ve always found him boring and I wish instead of fighting it they find the charm in his bookish lack of awareness. The script was fighting his personality. An even better idea would’ve been to start building this personality he needs in season 2. I didn’t buy him for a second except in his most sincere conversations with Penelope
Penelope: Almost all of her problems were self-imposed. When the gossips of the ton came after her, and she runs crying, I didn’t feel bad, I felt like “ooh how’s it feel to be on the receiving end??” And I didn’t buy the “evil stepmother” light they kept trying to put her mom in, because her mother is a bit of an ass to everyone, and her behavior towards Penelope isn’t malicious so much as misguided. In fact, if Penelope had behaved stoically with her challenges instead of dissolving into tears, it would have successfully built that respect and sympathy that I think the writers wanted me to have for her. Because she was so busy feeling bad for herself, there wasn’t really room for us as the audience to feel bad too.
I have more thoughts but for now I’ll stop there. Come yell at me about this, I need to vent
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forabeatofadrum · 19 days
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Hello darlings and happy Whatever It's Monday! Thank you for everyone who's been tagging me in the past month: @artsyunderstudy, @nausikaaa, @blackberrysummerblog, @bookish-bogwitch, @ivelovedhimthroughworse,
@cutestkilla, @that-disabled-princess, @caramelcoffeeaddict and @whatevertheweather!
As the banner says, I'm still not writing. I hit a slump and you know what, that's fine? I made a lil post about it a while ago, about how writing should be fun and I shouldn't force myself. After all, this is a hobby. Instead I've been playing a lot of viddy games (catch me crying over Persona 3 Reload on my personal lol) and painting. Vote on which game I should play next.
I did think about popping in after I visited Gamescom, since I almost impulsively bought a Master Sword, since I wrote a Snowbaz fic where Penny and Baz buy Simon a Master Sword. Ava talked me out of it, since it was made of foam, not "quality plastic", like Simon's.
But yeah, I've also done some reading. I started The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It was a gift from Lloyd. I'm also reading a book about the history of the American Queer Liberation movement. And I am rereading Check, Please!'s Chirpbook.
Fic wise, I am a bitch for Sid, so when I saw Sidney Snow Grimm-Pitch by @emeryhall and @artsyunderstudy I clicked immediately! I like it a lot and I am very curious about everything. I also love the extra DeNiall and the exploration of living a somewhat Normal life.
And as I said, I am emo about Persona 3 Reload. I read 10 Ways to Say I Love You by blarfshnorgull and it absolutely killed me. It's about the ending, which also destroyed me. This fic does have the FemMC as the protagonist, who I couldn't choose, but ah well, the ending for Makoto and Kotone both is the same.
Anyway, that is it for now.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @raenestee @tectonicduck @nightimedreamersworld
@urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @confused-bi-queer @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral
@facewithoutheart​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites  @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
@esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummerblog 
@nightimedreamersghost @thnxforknowingme @martsonmars
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Fairy Tail Freed Justine Thesis
Character! Part 2b. (Of ???)
The first important thing to do is realize how outstanding Freed is in his characterization as compared to others with whom he should be similar. I mention this in part 2a, but Freed is introduced as a side antagonist (not that i think any of the Thunder Legion are villains, but the point stands) and yet is given this depth of character, this internal conflict, that comes a a great surprise. Compare him even just with Bixlow and Evergreen in season 1. Both are one-note characters, and that’s not necessarily a jab at the show, it sort of makes sense for the first introduction of a side character. In a show like FT, that runs for a very long time, side characters do tend to get proper characterization, but it is a lengthy process. Bix and Ever are both having fun with the fight, they both follow Laxus’ orders easily, they both are just support antagonists. Yet Freed is presented with this crisis of conscious that, if you bother to think about it, shows things like the loyalty he has to the guild, a trait assigned to many of Fairy Tail’s members, especially those raised in the guild, yet something that is not shown for Bix and Ever until later appearances. Freed’s love and care for his home and family are represented in a way Bix and Ever’s aren’t, not to mention the guilt of causing harm to others.
Which brings us to the next stopping point: Tenrou Island. As we all know: freed doesn’t fight his hardest against Cana during their battle during the S-Class trials, eliminating him from the running. This is in reference to the fight he had with Cana (and Juvia?? She sorta didn’t fight) during the Battle of Fairy Tail. We’ve established that Freed is shown to have that dedication to the guild that is shown in characters like Natsu, Erza, and Elfman. He has very real, very strong motivations to want to gain that high honor of being recognized as an S-Class wizard. But he remembers the unfair situation he put Cana in, the pain that he doesn’t and never did agree with or want to carry out, her anger over his treatment of Juvia. And he feels guilty, he is remorseful, and more than that he actively wants to take repentant action because he wants not just to apologize but to make up for his actions. And no other characters get that sort of treatment. Laxus has the obvious way to make you have to think about the Battle of Fairy Tail even after season 1: he’s freaking exiled. He doesn’t come back until season 3. But in terms of lasting emotional consequences? Fairy Tail follows in the footsteps of a million other action/adventure shows, they forgive and forget past grievances offscreen. No one is shown to still be mad at the Thunder Legion, Bixlow and Evergreen don’t really mention it, and Laxus is only connected back to it through the exile itself, not in reference to any specific actions. While I believe it is mentioned a couple of times, it is only ever in reference. Freed is once again given this significant emotional maturity and general representation that is not afforded to any other character.
But now let’s talk about the Thunder Legion, shall we? Because with a bit of time we do get the Bixlow and Evergreen characterization that I so desperately seek. Bixlow is loud and excitable and sharp, Evergreen is snarky and rude and confrontational. Freed is not similar to either of them in terms of character traits, but he sees their better sides beneath the sarcasm. For whatever reasons you think are behind Bix or Ever’s motivation for being standoffish, Freed recognizes that. And he knows the roots of Laxus’ anger, he knows the pain that the lightning wizard is trying to hide. During the time that were teenagers and young adults, Freed was probably one of the only people who saw the gruff himbo behind the angry asshole persona. Freed is bookish and somewhat introverted, no-nonsense as he can be. Yet he is also someone who really loves his obnoxious, crazy friends. The dichotomy between him and his closest friends is an important aspect of who he is. And it is important for another reason, because it shows a significant, not directly stated aspect of his character. He is someone who repeatedly makes that choice to look beyond the rough exterior of those around him, who chooses to give others the benefit of the doubt. He is a trusting, optimistic person at heart.
Another thing that is less overlooked but still not discussed enough bc we don’t talk about Freed enough: he goes beyond bookish into scholarly. He is an academic, and I therefore hypothesize that he is something of an expert, or at least considered a reasonable authority on subjects of ancient magic and the roots of magic. Runes are essentially the legos of magic, they can be used to construct pretty much anything with the right pieces, and considered to be a very old form of magic with a lot of history. I think that should be respected considering how much his knowledge probably contributes to his strength, while also contributing to how fearsome of an opponent he is. In any given fight, he probably knows more about your magic than you do.
My final addition is that I want to highlight that Freed is incredibly generous. The selflessness with Cana on Tenrou, the willingness to give up his own beliefs for Laxus’ cause, his willingness to DIE in season 9 to protect his friends. He takes on the responsibility to cook for his team every time they go out on a mission. I bet he loves teaching Asuka and helping her with reading, I bet he goes out of his way to recommend books to Levy. I bet he never turns down someone asking for help with a weird obscure magical thing for a job. I bet he helps Wendy learn more about her lost magic. I bet he coos at Bixlow’s babies. (Can you tell i am normal about him?? Cus i am so normal about him.)
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lindszeppelin · 11 days
This wouldn't look so bad for Kaia if they just came out with the break up announcement. Her team is doing her no favors by letting this kind of thing fester like this. We know how much Kaia likes to be seen as the innocent, introverted, intellectual. Well that image has just been shattered. 
Twitter is in straight denial right now about the situation. I mean at this point, I don't see anyone can't sense these two broke up. An open relationship excuse is total bullshit. 
I actually see a lot of people on the same train as us on twitter and insta, that they've broken up. Only a select few, which are shippers, are in denial and want to pretend like this didn't happen. People are going to switch up now that they are close to a public breakup. People who were once shippers will change their tune.
And i'm sure that the PR teams are crafting when the right time is for this article to drop. idk if she has more to promote for her movies, they might be waiting for certain work things to be done on Kaia's end before they release it. And I only say that because Austin will be working until the end of November so he's consistently busy. it's all indicative of kaia and her schedule, whenever her team thinks it's right for her to go through a public breakup. These things are orchestrated to the smallest detail and take careful time to plan. Clearly her team isn't too concerned with Kaia acting this way, as she hasn't stopped nor does she care to stop making it messy. This is what she wants to do, so be it. This is what we want as well, for people to see her for who she really is. I implore her to keep being messy like this lol, makeout with Marcello some more for all we care, the more people speculate a breakup the more pressure it puts on the teams to craft this breakup statement and send it out. Plus like i said, it shows people who she really is. So, Kaia doesn't seem to care anymore that this pseudo intellectual bookish quirky persona has flown out the window.
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hannahcao · 2 years
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Four Headcanons About Jessica Rabbit
(Original post here.)
Headcanon A: Realistic
Jessica has a certain type of laugh that only Roger can cause. It's loud, it's long, and it sounds a bit like a witch's cackle. It doesn't fit her femme fatale persona at all.
Headcanon B: While It May Not Be Realistic, It Is Hilarious
Jessica has a little sister - sort of. Another animator attempted to copy Jessica's design and create his own version of her, but a mistake on the model sheet meant he ended up with a curvaceous redhead who was only six inches tall, not six feet tall. The animator cast her out, and Jessica took her under her wing.
The six-inch toon now goes by Joellyn Krupnick. She's smart, bookish and slightly shy, and she's determined to help make life better for other "fun-size" toons. She works as an architect and landlady, building and renting out apartments and houses that are suitable for smaller toons. (Two of her tenants went on to become the stars of a cartoon called Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.)
Jessica regards Joellyn as her (very) little sister, and the two women get along well.
Headcanon C: Heart-Crushing and Awful, But Fun to Inflict on Friends
Jessica's maiden name was Jessica Joy. She used to work at the Peacock Palace, a theatre located on the outskirts of Toontown and close to the tunnel to the "real world". She was one of many "Peacock Ladies": humanoid toon women who would put on shows for the (usually male human) audience. They wore revealing costumes in different shades of blue with plenty of peacock feathers.
Jessica's owners were two brothers called Rocco and Dominick DeGreasy. They did not treat their Peacock Ladies very well at all. The Ladies didn't just sing and dance; they had to be open to "private appointments" with customers who had paid extra for the privilege. Anything could happen in these appointments, and it was rarely fun for the Ladies. (In fact, the appointments were where Rocco and Dominick made the most money; the nightly shows were just a respectable face to keep the authorities off their backs.)
Jessica was drawn to be submissive and do whatever the humans told her to do. For a long time, she didn't feel strong enough to try to leave the Peacock Palace, convinced that this was her purpose, her reason for existing, and that she had no choice but to fulfill it.
It wasn't until after Roger burst into her life that Jessica slowly but surely built up the courage to change her situation.
As a side-effect of her bad experiences while wearing those blue costumes, Jessica now hates the colour blue. The only shade of blue she can tolerate is the one in Roger's eyes.
Headcanon D: Unrealistic, But I Will Disregard Canon About It Because I Reject Canon Reality and Substitute My Own
The 1970s were a dark decade for the Rabbits. In 1973, Eddie Valiant passed away. In 1978, Maroon Cartoons went out of business. Roger was deeply shaken by both events. He tried to keep the smile on his face, especially as he looked for work elsewhere, but in private he was much gloomier and less inclined to tell jokes.
Jessica wasn't doing too badly in comparison - she'd released some disco albums that kept her and her husband living comfortably - but she felt powerless to do anything about Roger's depressive state. He'd always been the one cheering her up, not the other way around. She tried to stay strong for his sake, but she couldn't deny that Eddie's death and the collapse of Maroon Cartoons made her feel uneasy too. She needed alone time to process everything - alone time that she wasn't getting while she was caring for Roger.
Then she started having dreams.
In Jessica's dream world, the characters had familiar names, but alien behaviours. Roger had darker fur and an even darker heart. Eddie was alive again, but stripped of his old personality. The DeGreasy brothers were back in the picture. And Jessica herself was just as shallow and cruel as everyone believed she was.
These dreams kept coming, night after night, becoming longer and more detailed each time. Jessica wondered if these dreams contained any clues to help her and Roger get out of their funk.
So she wrote the dreams down.
She wrote and rewrote, refining the scenes as more and more visions came to her. Eventually, her scribbles grew to the length of a novel.
And in 1981, she published that novel.
It was called Who Censored Roger Rabbit? and her pen name was Gary K. Wolf.
Some people at Disney took interest in the novel and wanted to turn it into a film. Jessica was glad to be involved, as it meant she and Roger could get back into acting.
But when Roger came onto the project, he had another idea for the direction the film could take. He remembered Eddie as a hero, and he wanted the whole world to remember him as a hero too. He wanted to tell Eddie's story. Jessica approved of this idea, because Roger's face was lighting up just talking about it.
She'd found it. She'd found the key to his happiness returning. In a roundabout way, yes, but she'd found it.
So the decision was made to create a historical film about how Eddie saved Toontown from being Dipped by Judge Doom. The film was called Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Roger and Jessica played themselves.
It was a hit at the box office, and it kicked off a revival of interest in the classic cartoons. The 1990s were a golden decade for Roger and Jessica, nothing at all like the dark days of the 1970s.
And it was all thanks to Jessica's deeply weird dreams.
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Homestuck Reread: Act 2, Part 1/3 (p. 249-439)
Read the previous post here.
From this point on, these successive Act breakdowns will be spread across multiple posts. Act 1 is easily the shortest Act at 248 pages, so I was able to fit everything in one post. I think I just barely made it under the image limit. Anyway, let's move right along to Act 2.
I didn't discuss Rose's character in the last post, so I think this is a good time to talk about her. She strikes me as a bit of a "gifted kid" that was always ahead of her peers in terms of academics. She's bookish and more educated than her friends, a fact that she flaunts by utilizing her robust vocabulary and making allusions that go over other peoples' heads.
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She must love having a dullard like John as a friend. He's too dumb to cotton onto her pretentious, ridiculous metaphors. She can act like a pseud all she wants and he'd never question it. He just sees big words, assumes she's talking about something far beyond his understanding, and laughs it off. To him, she just comes across as very smart, which is precisely the image of herself she wants to cultivate for others. Having someone like that in her close friend group must give her immense validation.
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This GameFAQs guide is a great showcase of her big ego. She uses multiple paragraphs full of unnecessary verbiage to deliver a simple introduction. "My introduction will be sparse" my ass! Imagine trying to scour through this while meteors are crashing down all around you. Even though nobody who reads this is going to survive, she still insists on making a big spectacle of things and flexing her skills as a writer.
And yet, she's so secretive of her private writings, refusing to let the reader even look at them. Her persona of being a highbrow intellectual obsessed with psychoanalysis is all a facade, something she uses to conceal her genuine interests (wizards and fantasy).
I guess what I'm trying to say with all this is that even though Rose comes across as garrulous and self-important, she's still a more fleshed out character than John.
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I severely dislike these little walk-around segments. Normally I'm a fan of point-and-click adventure games, but this feels so clunky and not fun to move around in. You explore them the first time and have no inclination to do so ever again. I can't even find any worthwhile dialogue clicking on any of the objects. It's a waste of time. I'm glad there's only one other page like this later on before Hussie switches to the "Alterniabound" design.
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Rose exposits this fantastical scenario John has found himself in, as well as the impending danger threatening the rest of the world. All he has to say about it is "wow, ok." I can't deal with this kid, man. He must've been lobotomized shortly after birth or something.
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He has more of a reaction to Rose seemingly forgetting his birthday than to any of the other crazy shit currently happening. He doesn't even thank her for helping to save his life. This reread is really making me hate John.
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John seems to draw the line at following potentially life-threatening commands. Though I somehow think this has more to do with WV having gained control of the command console at this point in the story. Unlike Rose or the reader, WV has a very rude and authoritative way of typing commands that upsets John. I wonder if he'd have less reservations crossing the catwalk if Rose told him to do it.
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Here's the beginning of the "Fedorafreak Saga" where this man is shown to survive the cataclysm brought on by Sburb. It's kind of a fun little diversion, but there's no real payoff to it.
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"especially ethnic wedding" is another crazy Rose quote. Also this GameFAQs guide continues to be incredibly word-dense and not at all conducive to helping players succeed in this literal life-or-death scenario. Especially when they're on a time limit.
For narrative purposes, it's just info-dumping all the technicalities of the various Sburb mechanics. It really isn't worth reading, in my opinion. The game mechanics might be one of the least interesting parts of Homestuck to me. I don't want to get bogged down reading about how an alchemiter works.
Besides, we saw all these mechanics in action during Act 1; it's unnecessary to read about all of it again. This sort of thing should be reserved for supplemental material, not as a part of the work itself.
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Dave be spittin' bars here. I don't think enough acknowledgement is given to Dave's rhymes. I think they're pretty funny. I'd like to hear someone actually rap them over a beat.
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Dave continues to make reference to his and Rose's flirting. John is tired of hearing about it.
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needleKind might be a contender for the dumbest kind abstratus since knitting needles aren't even sharp. I wonder if Hussie was even aware of that. Probably not or else he wouldn't have included that "filet a sword fish" line.
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All the creature entries in the Grimoire are funny, but this one takes the cake. Every sentence here is gold.
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This is a nice passage that I like a lot. It seems to relate to Rose's quest to "play the rain" later on in the story. I'll talk more about it when I reach that part, but it was always a part of the story that I wanted to see come to fruition and it burned me that it never did.
However, reading this passage and noting how it actually does foreshadow Rose's reluctance and ultimate failure to play the rain does help ease the sting a little bit. It is thematically relevant to Rose's character for her to put on this grandiose display of competence only to fumble when put on the spot. She's a kid who's way in over her head, something that applies to many of Homestuck's characters.
Unfortunately, it's capped off with the fourth instance of this dumb misattributed quote gag. The Charles Barkley detail is part of another running gag where all the kids are associated with a black celebrity, Charles Barkley in Rose's case. It's weird and I don't get it.
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Dave swoops in from nowhere and interrupts Rose's scene to do his intro. Like Rose, he also disobeys the reader's commands, going so far as to slice apart the text box when the joke name is typed in. (Insufferable Prick... now where have I heard that before?)
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(Rose's joke name "Flighty Broad" was also based on a line Dave called her before).
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Dave's interest in photography and dead things don't manifest nearly as often as his love of rapping and music. He specifically likes obscure bands because he's a hipster doofus. Funnily enough, I don't see as many people call him a hipster as often as they do to other characters like say, Eridan.
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Dave never does bleat like a goat by the comic's end, does he?
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Dave, despite outwardly acting like an aloof jackass most of the time, really does care about his friends. I think that's part of the reason he's always been my favorite out of the kids.
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I love that Clubs Deuce just flails about uselessly when the Midnight Crew are all beating the shit out of each other.
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In Dave and Rose's first pesterlog, Rose immediately suggests Dave might be gay because he's been ignoring her. Unlike John, Dave is able to keep up with Rose's repartee and the results are some of the better written pesterlogs in the whole comic. I love the chemistry between these two so much. Dave is less cerebral than Rose, but he's just as intelligent. He's able to see past her shit and challenge her instead of being awed by her intellect. She in turn also sees right through his own mask of "irony" and tries to poke holes in it.
Their friendship seems the strongest out of the whole group; Dave even mentions that he knows who's messaging him before he checks the Pesterchum window. In previous conversations with John, he acts as though Rose is a nuisance and that she's always bugging him, but here we see them get along very well. At no point does he attempt to brush her off or weasel out of the conversation.
For Rose's part, Dave isn't some sycophant or a dupe who's swayed by her way with words. He's someone she can respect, someone who can match her mentally, and someone who loves typing out over the top metaphors just as much as she does. It's likely refreshing for her to be around someone like that, which is why she's always pursuing him for conversation.
Ah, I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to further gush about these two as I progress through the story. For now, let's keep moving.
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Oh don't worry, she'll hold you to that promise.
Rose responds to Dave's earlier interruption with one of her own and we're back to her perspective again. Even meta-textually, they go back and forth with each other.
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For an aspiring psychoanalyst, Rose is quick to dismiss the idea that her mother's behavior is motivated by anything except spite. Rose's mom knows her daughter loves wizards, so she buys all this wizard memorabilia in the hopes it'll make her happy. Rose, refusing to believe her mom feels genuine love toward her, twists these gestures into ones of malice and mockery. Teenagers, am I right?
This is similar to how John's dad displays all that harlequin junk in the house to please his son, even though John can't stand any of it. Parents not understanding their children is a classic theme in Homestuck.
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Rose acting utterly deranged in response to her mom's sincere, albeit excessive, displays of affection.
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Dave's conversation with Jade is void of all the wit and chemistry present in his talk with Rose. Here he strips himself of his sardonic, crude side because he is a dumb teenage boy fawning over the "nice girl" to get in her good graces.
Jade is just... I don't think I can put off talking about her for much longer. Perhaps in the next post I'll explain my gripes with her character.
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I'm not sure what to make of Mom Lalonde's "ironic negligence" where she offers Rose her martini. Is she playing into Rose's idea of her as an incompetent mother, or is she just that drunk right now?
I don't think that Mom is the perfect parent, mind you. She does come across as emotionally distant and constantly intoxicated. To compensate for that, she showers Rose with gifts, which isn't exactly a good substitute for proper parenting, well-intentioned as it may be.
Mom isn't perfect, but she's trying. Rose's insistence that she's some kind of spiteful, passive-aggressive mastermind is pure delusion on her part.
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Dave trusts Rose enough to tell her that he doesn't like his brother's puppets as much as he lets on. Very interesting for someone who is so hesitant to drop his mask around others.
Also, Rose reveals that she likes his brother's puppet porn websites.
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Oh no! Yeah, really selling that distress, John.
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He has a bigger negative reaction to being told to eat some cookies than he does to finding out his father had been kidnapped. If I was in Rose's place, I'd be losing my mind.
In this first third of Act 2, it still suffers from the same PS-esque jokes and video game references. John is still aggravatingly dull and his conflict with WV is unfunny and interrupts the pace.
But the stakes are also getting higher, the plot is progressing, and the cast is expanding with two much stronger characters. Overall, I think this is a step up so far.
Read the next post here.
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storiednhappy · 4 months
Miller's Creek Police (Nerd -> Cop, Fertility, Domination)
NOW INCLUDES CHAPTERS 8-11 and more interesting language.
**Chapter 1: The Escape**
Jason Meyer had always been the odd one out in his small rural hometown of Miller's Creek. Thin, nerdy, and introverted, he spent most of his time buried in books or tinkering with his computer. The other kids at school teased him relentlessly, calling him "Twiggy" and "Geek Boy," and his only solace was his dream of escaping to a place where he could truly belong.
The day he received his acceptance letter to a prestigious university in the city, Jason felt like he had won the lottery. It was his ticket out, his chance to reinvent himself. He packed his bags and left Miller's Creek without looking back, eager to shed his small-town skin and embrace the possibilities of a brighter future.
City life was everything he had hoped for. Jason thrived in his new environment, immersing himself in his studies and enjoying the freedom to be himself without judgment. He made friends with people who shared his interests and discovered a world of opportunities that he never knew existed.
But life has a way of taking unexpected turns. One evening, while Jason was attending a lecture on cyber security, he met a man named Richard. Richard was charismatic, confident, and seemed to have all the answers. He was part of a private security firm and was recruiting for a special program that promised to teach participants valuable skills in self-defense, discipline, and leadership.
Intrigued by the idea of becoming more assertive and confident, Jason signed up for the program. The training was intense, far beyond anything he had experienced before. Early morning runs, grueling workouts, and strict dietary regimens became his new routine. Jason struggled at first, his body aching from the unfamiliar exertion, but Richard was always there, pushing him to go further, to be better.
As the weeks turned into months, Jason noticed changes in himself. He was gaining muscle, and his once pale skin was now tanned from hours spent outdoors. The nerdy, bookish persona was fading, replaced by someone who was stronger, more confident, and more disciplined. Richard became a mentor and a friend, guiding Jason through the transformation with unwavering support.
What Jason didn't realize was that the program was more than just physical training. It was designed to reshape his mind as well. Subtle messages about patriotism, duty, and obedience were woven into every aspect of the training. Lectures on history and politics emphasized a particular worldview, one that aligned with Richard's beliefs. Jason, eager to belong and please his mentor, absorbed these lessons without question.
By the time the training program ended, Jason was a changed man. He had bulked up significantly, his body now muscular and strong. His shoulders had broadened significantly, giving him a more imposing presence, and his chest was thick and solid, a testament to the countless push-ups and bench presses he had endured. His arms, once spindly, were now thick with muscle, veins prominent beneath the skin. His legs, too, had transformed, becoming powerful and sturdy, capable of enduring long runs and heavy lifting. Along with the muscle, a layer of fat had developed, giving him a softer, more robust appearance. His belly, no longer flat, had a noticeable roundness, adding to his overall bulk. His genitals had also grown; his penis had thickened and lengthened slightly, but it was his balls that had seen the most significant change. They had become larger and heavier, a fact that he noted with a mix of pride and curiosity.  His confidence had grown, and he found himself agreeing with the principles and values that Richard had instilled in him. He no longer felt like the awkward outsider he once was; he had found his place in a brotherhood of like-minded individuals.
When Richard offered Jason a position at his security firm, Jason accepted without hesitation. He trained further, specializing in firearms and tactical operations, and soon became one of the firm's top operatives. The once passive, skinny nerd had been transformed into a disciplined, patriotic, and obedient officer, ready to serve and protect.
His new conservative ideals were deeply ingrained, shaped by the intense training and indoctrination he had undergone. He believed strongly in the importance of law and order, convinced that a strict adherence to rules and regulations was essential for a stable society. He held a fierce patriotism, viewing any criticism of his country as a personal affront. Jay now saw traditional gender roles as not just preferable but necessary, believing that men should be strong providers and protectors while women should focus on home and family. Privately, he harbored a sense of superiority over those who did not share his beliefs, viewing them as weak or misguided. He felt that those who didn't conform to his ideals should be corrected or, if necessary, marginalized to maintain societal order. These were thoughts he would never voice openly, knowing that they would be controversial, but they guided his actions and decisions nonetheless.
As the years passed, Jason found himself missing the simplicity of small-town life. He had changed, but the memories of Miller's Creek still lingered. One day, after much contemplation, he decided to move back to his hometown. This time, he was returning not as the awkward outsider, but as someone who had found his purpose and place in the world.
Miller's Creek had not changed much, but Jason had. He was no longer the skinny nerd who had left years ago. He was now Officer Meyer, a confident, disciplined, and patriotic man, ready to protect and serve his community. And as he settled back into the familiar surroundings of his childhood, he realized that he finally fit in perfectly.
**Chapter 1A: The Transformation**
Jason Meyer signed up for Richard’s special program with a mix of excitement and trepidation. The promise of becoming more assertive and confident was alluring, but the path to get there seemed daunting. The program began with an intensive orientation that laid out the rigorous schedule ahead. Early mornings, strict diets, and demanding physical training were the core components, but the underlying psychological aspect was more subtle.
The first week was a shock to Jason’s system. Accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle, his body struggled to keep up with the early morning runs and intense workouts. The instructors, all former military personnel, were relentless, pushing him and the other recruits to their limits. Each day began with a 5 a.m. wake-up call, followed by a series of exercises designed to build strength, endurance, and discipline.
In addition to physical training, the program included lectures on various subjects. History, politics, and philosophy were taught from a specific perspective, emphasizing patriotism, duty, and obedience. These sessions were designed to reshape the recruits' minds as well as their bodies. Richard himself led many of these lectures, his charismatic presence and authoritative tone captivating his audience. He spoke passionately about the importance of protecting one's country, the value of discipline, and the honor in serving a greater cause.
Nutrition was another critical component of the program. The recruits were placed on a strict diet designed to maximize muscle gain and overall health. Jason found himself consuming vast quantities of protein-rich foods, along with supplements that promised to enhance his physical performance. However, the diet was also high in calories, and as Jason’s muscles grew, so did his overall size. He began to put on weight, not just muscle, but a noticeable layer of fat as well.
The physical changes were dramatic. Jason’s once thin frame filled out, his arms and legs bulking up with muscle while his belly grew softer and rounder. His face, once gaunt, now had a fuller, healthier look. His body, which had always been a source of insecurity, was transforming into something strong and imposing. Yet, with this new mass came a newfound sense of power and confidence.
As the months passed, Jason adapted to the program's demands. He pushed through the pain and exhaustion, motivated by Richard’s constant encouragement and the camaraderie he found with his fellow recruits. They bonded over shared struggles and triumphs, forming a brotherhood that reinforced the values being instilled in them. Each small victory—running a faster mile, lifting heavier weights, mastering a tactical maneuver—boosted Jason’s confidence and reinforced his commitment to the program.
The psychological aspect of the training was equally effective. The lectures and discussions subtly shifted Jason’s worldview. The constant reinforcement of certain ideals—patriotism, obedience, and the importance of discipline—began to take root in his mind. He started to see the world through the lens Richard provided, adopting the firm’s values as his own.
The training wasn’t without its challenges. There were moments of doubt and frustration, times when Jason wondered if he could keep up or if he was truly cut out for this new life. But Richard was always there, a steady presence who believed in Jason even when he doubted himself. Richard’s unwavering support and the sense of purpose the program provided kept Jason going, pushing him to surpass his limits and embrace the transformation.
By the end of the program, Jason was barely recognizable as the skinny, nerdy kid who had arrived months earlier. He had become a powerful, confident, and disciplined man, his body muscular yet soft with a layer of fat that added to his imposing presence. His mind, once filled with doubts and insecurities, was now focused and resolute. He was ready to take on the challenges ahead, fully embracing his new identity and the values instilled in him.
As he looked at himself in the mirror, Jason saw not just the physical changes but the complete transformation of who he was. The program had reshaped him in every way possible, preparing him for a future that, just months ago, he couldn’t have imagined. He was ready to step into his new role with pride and confidence, knowing he had the strength and determination to succeed.
**Chapter 2: Returning Home**
Jason Meyer’s return to Miller’s Creek was nothing short of transformative. The man who stepped off the bus bore little resemblance to the skinny, nerdy kid who had left years ago. Clad in his crisp, navy-blue uniform, he stood tall and broad, exuding an aura of confidence and authority. His once angular face was now round and firm, with a jawline softened by the extra weight he carried. His body had filled out significantly, combining the bulk of hard-earned muscle with a substantial layer of fat that added to his imposing figure.
As he walked through the familiar streets of his hometown, heads turned. Some recognized him immediately, their eyes widening in surprise at the dramatic change. Others did a double-take, unsure if this was the same Jason they had once known. The whispers and glances didn’t bother him; he welcomed them. It was a stark contrast to the indifference or ridicule he had faced growing up.
Jason’s first stop was the local diner, a place that held many memories from his youth. The bell above the door jingled as he entered, and the familiar scent of fried food and coffee filled the air. The chatter of patrons fell silent as all eyes turned to him. Behind the counter, old Mrs. Harper squinted, her expression shifting from confusion to recognition.
“Jason Meyer? Is that really you?” she asked, her voice a mix of astonishment and warmth.
Jason smiled and nodded. “It’s me, Mrs. Harper. Good to see you.”
“Well, I’ll be,” she said, her eyes scanning his transformed physique. “You’ve certainly changed. What brings you back to Miller’s Creek?”
Jason took a seat at the counter, the vinyl stool creaking under his weight. “I’ve come back to serve the community,” he replied. “Joined the police force.”
Mrs. Harper’s eyes lit up with approval. “Well, we’re lucky to have you. This town could use someone like you.”
As he sat there, enjoying a hearty meal, Jason reflected on how far he had come. The training program had not only reshaped his body but had also instilled in him a deep sense of duty and belonging. He felt a connection to Miller’s Creek that he hadn’t before, a desire to protect and serve the community that had once seemed so alien to him.
Settling into his new role as a police officer, Jason quickly became a familiar and respected figure in Miller’s Creek. His discipline and dedication earned him the admiration of his colleagues and the trust of the townspeople. The once passive and introverted boy was now a man of action, ready to step in and make a difference whenever needed.
Despite his newfound acceptance, Jason found particular pleasure in asserting his dominance in more subtle ways. One of his favorite places to do this was the town gym. He loved the feeling of walking through the locker room, naked and unashamed, his massive frame on full display. He didn’t bother with the privacy of a shower stall; instead, he chose to shower in the open, relishing the way his body attracted attention.
Jay’s genitals were a sight to behold. His massively long penis smacked off each of his thighs as he walked, a clear demonstration of his physical prowess. When he washed his testicles, it looked like he was holding plums in his large, powerful hands. The other men in the locker room couldn’t help but glance his way, their expressions a mix of envy and awe.
As Jay moved between the shower and his locker, he took his time, not just to clean himself but to display his dominance. He stood tall and confident, his every movement deliberate. The locker room, once a place of vulnerability, was now his domain. His presence was commanding, a silent assertion of his superiority over the other men.
One day, as Jay was finishing his shower, a group of younger men entered the locker room. They froze for a moment, their eyes widening at the sight of Jay’s imposing figure. He turned slowly, giving them a full view of his body, and then continued washing, unbothered by their presence. The younger men quickly looked away, their conversations hushed, a clear sign of the respect and intimidation Jay commanded.
These moments in the locker room were more than just a display of physical dominance; they were a way for Jay to reinforce his place in the community. He was no longer the skinny, nerdy outsider; he was Officer Jay, a man of strength and authority. His body, now thick and powerful, was a testament to his journey and transformation. And in the quiet, steam-filled space of the gym locker room, he reveled in the respect and recognition he had earned.
Jay’s assertion of dominance extended beyond the locker room. He carried himself with a confidence that permeated every aspect of his life. His conservative ideals, deeply ingrained through his training, guided his actions and interactions. He believed in traditional values, the importance of law and order, and the necessity of maintaining societal hierarchies. These beliefs were not always spoken aloud, but they were evident in the way he conducted himself and the decisions he made.
Jay’s return to Miller’s Creek was a testament to his transformation, both physically and ideologically. He had become a figure of strength and stability, a protector of the community. And in every stride, every gesture, he reaffirmed his place, no longer feeling like an outsider but as a central and respected figure in the town he once sought to escape.
**Chapter 3: The Neighborhood Watch**
Officer Jay, as Jason Meyer was now known, quickly became a popular figure in Miller’s Creek. His regular patrols took him through the winding streets of the town, where he greeted residents with a friendly nod or a warm smile. Among those who appreciated his presence the most were the housewives of Miller’s Creek. Many of them, like Jay, carried the extra weight that came with the comforts of small-town living, and they found a sense of camaraderie in his company.
Jay’s reputation for being helpful and approachable made him a favorite among these women. He was always ready to lend a hand, whether it was helping with groceries, offering a reassuring word, or, more often, checking on concerns about possible intruders. The housewives would often call him, their voices tinged with a mix of fear and excitement, asking him to come over and ensure their homes were safe.
One afternoon, as Jay was finishing his patrol, he received a call from Mrs. Thompson, a plump and cheerful woman in her late twenties. She sounded genuinely concerned, mentioning noises she had heard upstairs in her bedroom.
“Officer Jay, could you come by and check it out? I’m home alone, and it’s making me nervous,” she said.
Jay assured her he’d be right over and made his way to her house. Upon arriving, he was greeted with a warm smile and a plate of freshly baked cookies. Mrs. Thompson led him inside, her soft frame moving with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. As they walked upstairs, Jay listened carefully, his senses alert for any sign of trouble.
Entering the bedroom, Jay took his time to inspect every corner, checking the windows and closets with professional thoroughness. Mrs. Thompson hovered nearby, watching him with a mix of admiration and gratitude. When he was satisfied that there was no intruder, he turned to her with a reassuring smile.
“Everything looks fine, Mrs. Thompson. You’re safe,” he said, his voice calm and steady.
Mrs. Thompson sighed with relief. “Thank you, Officer Jay. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Jay stayed for a few more minutes, chatting and making sure she felt secure before leaving. As he resumed his patrol, he couldn’t help but smile. These interactions, while part of his duty, also brought him a sense of connection and satisfaction. He enjoyed being someone the community could rely on, especially when it came to making them feel safe in their own homes.
Word of Jay’s helpfulness spread, and soon he found himself regularly invited into the homes of other housewives, each with their own concerns and requests. They appreciated his presence and the attention he paid to their worries. His polite demeanor and willingness to assist endeared him to many, and they often found reasons to call on him, whether real or imagined.
One evening, as Jay was getting ready to end his shift, he received another call, this time from Mrs. Patterson. She was a large, jovial young woman who had always been kind to him. She mentioned hearing strange noises coming from her attic and asked if he could come by to check it out.
Jay arrived at her home to find Mrs. Patterson waiting for him at the door. She led him inside, her ample frame jiggling slightly as she moved. They climbed up to the attic, where Jay once again conducted a thorough search. As he reassured Mrs. Patterson that there was no danger, she expressed her gratitude with a warm hug, her soft body pressing against his.
These encounters became a regular part of Jay’s routine. He knew some of the calls were simply excuses to see him, but he didn’t mind. He enjoyed the company and the chance to make these women feel safe and valued. Each visit reinforced his connection to the community and strengthened his sense of belonging.
Over time, Jay’s popularity grew, and he became a cherished figure in Miller’s Creek. The housewives appreciated his presence, and he relished the opportunity to be a source of comfort and protection. In their eyes, he wasn’t just an officer; he was a friend and a guardian, always ready to help and ensure their peace of mind.
As he patrolled the streets, Jay felt a deep sense of fulfillment. He had found his place in Miller’s Creek, and the respect and admiration he received from the community were more than he could have ever hoped for. The once passive, skinny nerd had truly transformed into a figure of strength and security, beloved by those he served.
**Chapter 4: Secret Duties**
Officer Jay's popularity in Miller's Creek continued to grow, but it wasn't just his role as a protector that endeared him to the housewives of the town. Beneath the surface of his regular duties lay a secret purpose, one that he had been subtly trained for by Coach Dick during his transformative program. This purpose was known only to a select few and involved a clandestine mission: to help increase the town's population.
Jay’s rigorous training had instilled in him a sense of duty and obedience, and this extended to his reproductive role. Coach Dick had emphasized the importance of this mission, explaining how vital it was for the community's future. The training included not just physical conditioning but also psychological reinforcement, ensuring that Jay embraced this responsibility with pride and dedication.
The housewives, many of whom had become close to Jay, were aware of this hidden purpose. Their requests for his presence often went beyond mere safety checks. These women, whose husbands were often unable or unwilling to have more children, saw in Jay a chance to fulfill their desires and continue their families. Jay, in turn, took his role seriously, understanding that his actions were for the greater good of Miller’s Creek.
One evening, as Jay was finishing his patrol, he received a call from Mrs. Thompson. She had become one of the most vocal about her appreciation for Jay's presence and had hinted several times about her deeper wishes. This time, her voice carried a different tone, a mix of urgency and anticipation.
“Officer Jay, could you come by? I think there might be an intruder,” she said, her voice soft yet insistent.
Jay arrived at her house promptly. Mrs. Thompson greeted him at the door, her eyes conveying more than just concern about a potential break-in. She led him upstairs, her hand lingering on his arm as they walked. Once in the bedroom, Jay began his usual inspection, but it was clear from Mrs. Thompson’s body language that this was about more than security.
“Officer Jay,” she said softly, “I know why you’re really here. I need your help… in a way that only you can provide.”
Jay turned to face her, understanding fully what she meant. His training had prepared him for this moment, and he felt a deep sense of duty and pride. Mrs. Thompson’s eyes were filled with a mixture of hope and desire, and Jay nodded, ready to fulfill his secret purpose.
They moved to her bed with a sense of abandon, their bodies entwined in a fervent dance of need and fulfillment. Jay's movements were driven by a powerful urge, each thrust deliberate and strong. Mrs. Thompson responded with equal fervor, her voice rising in uncontrolled gasps and moans. She clung to him, her nails digging into his back as she surrendered to the intensity of the moment.
When Jay finally finished, Mrs. Thompson was left dripping with his seed, the evidence of their union far too copious to remain contained within her. It flowed out of her, soaking the sheets and her thighs. Her body quivered with the aftershocks of their encounter, her breath coming in ragged gasps. As she lay there, her voice spilled out in almost uncontrollable praise.
“Oh, Jay,” she murmured, her words tumbling over each other. “This was so much better than anything my husband could have ever done. You make me feel alive, needed.”
Jay listened, his chest swelling with a mixture of pride and fulfillment. This was more than just a duty; it was a profound connection that validated his role. He knew this would not be the only time he would visit Mrs. Thompson, and the thought filled him with a deep sense of purpose.
Their encounters became a regular part of Jay’s secret duties. Each visit was a reaffirmation of his mission, a chance to bring new life and joy into the homes of Miller’s Creek. The housewives welcomed him with open arms, their gratitude and desire palpable. Jay’s role was not just to protect but to nurture, ensuring that the community he served continued to thrive and grow.
The sense of abandon with which they bred in her bed was mirrored in his visits to other homes. Each encounter was unique, yet all shared the same intensity and purpose. Jay’s presence brought comfort and hope, his actions leaving a lasting impact on the women and the community as a whole. As the town’s population grew, so did the appreciation for Officer Jay, whose secret duties were the foundation of Miller’s Creek’s renewal.
**Chapter 5: Tales of Secret Duties**
Officer Jay’s secret duties took on a rhythm of their own, woven seamlessly into his daily routine. Each encounter was unique, yet they all shared a common thread: a deep, unspoken understanding between Jay and the housewives who sought his help. These stories of his secret duties became a series of intimate chapters in the quiet life of Miller’s Creek.
One such story began on a warm summer evening. Jay received a call from Mrs. Reynolds, a widow who had always been kind and welcoming to him. Her voice on the phone was filled with nervous excitement as she spoke about strange noises in her attic. Jay arrived promptly, his presence immediately calming her nerves.
As they climbed the narrow stairs to the attic, Mrs. Reynolds stayed close to Jay, her hand lightly touching his arm. Once they reached the top, Jay began his usual inspection. He could feel her eyes on him, watching his every move. When he turned to reassure her that everything was fine, she stepped closer, her intentions clear.
“Officer Jay,” she said softly, “I know why you’re really here. I need your help… in a way that only you can provide.”
Jay nodded, understanding her need for companionship and the continuation of her family’s legacy. He began to undress methodically, each piece of clothing carefully placed to the side as Mrs. Reynolds watched, her breath hitching with anticipation. Once he was fully undressed, he approached her with a sense of purpose, his hands gently but firmly guiding her as they lay down together on the attic floor. Their encounter was tender and meaningful, filled with a sense of purpose. Mrs. Reynolds’s gratitude was immense, and as Jay left her home, he felt a deep satisfaction knowing he had fulfilled his duty.
Another memorable encounter involved Mrs. Garcia, a lively woman with a warm smile and a kind heart. She had called Jay to her home late one night, claiming to hear strange sounds coming from her basement. Jay arrived to find her waiting at the door, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.
As they descended into the basement, Mrs. Garcia stayed close, her nervousness evident. Jay conducted his search thoroughly, but it was clear that Mrs. Garcia’s real concern lay elsewhere. When he turned to reassure her, she reached out, her hand gently touching his.
“Officer Jay, I need your help,” she said, her voice trembling slightly. “My husband and I have been trying to have another child, but it hasn’t been easy. I need you.”
Jay felt a surge of purpose as he responded to her need. He quickly began to undress, his movements confident and assured, each article of clothing falling to the basement floor. Mrs. Garcia’s eyes followed his every move, her anticipation growing. He approached her with determination, lifting her onto a workbench and positioning himself between her legs. Their time together was filled with a deep connection, both understanding the importance of their actions. Mrs. Garcia’s appreciation was evident, and as Jay left, he knew he had brought hope into her home.
Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Garcia—each woman had her own story, her own reason for seeking Jay’s help. They all shared a common desire: the hope of bringing new life into the world when their husbands couldn’t. Jay’s role in these encounters was not just physical but deeply emotional, offering comfort, hope, and the promise of a future.
One afternoon, Jay received a call from Mrs. Patel, a reserved woman who rarely sought help from anyone. Her voice on the phone was filled with anxiety as she spoke about noises in her backyard. Jay arrived to find her standing on her porch, her eyes wide with worry.
As they walked through the yard, Mrs. Patel stayed close, her unease palpable. Jay conducted his search with his usual thoroughness, but it became clear that her fears were more about loneliness and the desire for another child. When he turned to reassure her, she looked at him with a mix of hope and desperation.
“Officer Jay,” she said quietly, “I’ve been feeling so alone. My husband and I have been trying to have another child, but it hasn’t been working. Can you help me?”
Jay nodded, understanding her need. He began to undress slowly, each piece of clothing carefully removed and placed aside. Mrs. Patel watched, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and gratitude. Once he was fully undressed, he led her gently to the ground, their bodies coming together with a sense of shared purpose. Their encounter was filled with a sense of purpose, both knowing the importance of their actions. Mrs. Patel’s gratitude was profound, and as Jay left, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment.
These encounters, each unique and meaningful, became a regular part of Jay’s life. He embraced his secret duties with pride, knowing that he was making a significant impact on the community. The housewives’ gratitude and the new lives he helped bring into the world were a testament to his dedication and the success of his mission.
Jay’s secret duties were not just about fulfilling his role but about forming deep connections and bringing hope to those who needed it most. Each story was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under his watchful eye and caring presence.
Chapter 6: The Baby Boom
Miller’s Creek was experiencing a renaissance, a baby boom that had not been seen in decades. The signs of new life were everywhere: expectant mothers with widening hips, the sound of children’s laughter in the streets, and the bustling activity of families growing and thriving. At the heart of this transformation was Officer Jay, whose secret duties had played a pivotal role in this remarkable change.
As the town flourished, the bars and bowling leagues became the go-to places for the men of Miller’s Creek. Husbands, proud and content, gathered to share stories and enjoy each other’s company, their spirits lifted by the joy and fulfillment their families were experiencing. The camaraderie among them was palpable, each man knowing that their wives were happy and their homes were secure, thanks in no small part to Officer Jay.
Jay himself was a constant presence in the community, his duties extending far beyond his secret visits. He ensured that the town remained safe, patrolling the streets with vigilance and care. The respect and admiration he received from the townspeople were well-earned, as his dedication and hard work were evident in every interaction.
But Jay was not alone in his mission. He had a partner now, another young conservative cop who had been trained by Coach Dick. Officer Brian was as dedicated and disciplined as Jay, having undergone the same rigorous training program. The two men worked seamlessly together, their shared values and purpose creating a formidable team.
Officer Brian, like Jay, had embraced the dual role of protector and secret benefactor. His presence in the community brought a new level of security and reassurance. The housewives, already grateful for Jay’s help, welcomed Brian with open arms, knowing that the town’s future was in capable hands.
One evening, as Jay and Brian were finishing their patrol, they stopped by the local bar. The place was filled with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses, a testament to the happiness and prosperity that had taken root in Miller’s Creek. The men at the bar greeted them with hearty handshakes and pats on the back, their gratitude evident.
“Officer Jay, Officer Brian, good to see you both!” called out Mr. Jenkins, a local farmer whose wife was expecting their third child. “You two are doing a great job keeping this town safe.”
Jay and Brian exchanged smiles, their pride evident. Just the night before, they had been at the Jenkins’ home, fulfilling their secret duties. Mrs. Jenkins, a stunning woman with curves that had only grown softer and more enticing with each passing month, had welcomed them eagerly. Her once firm body had transformed, her hips widening and her ass becoming plumper and more inviting. Jay and Brian had commented on how much bigger and softer she had become since their last visit, their hands roaming over her lush curves as they prepared to breed her once more.
Mrs. Jenkins was a vision, her body ripe with fertility. Her skin glowed, and her eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and desire. She had a beauty that was undeniable, and her husband, busy with his work and social engagements, was completely oblivious to the passion and life that she radiated. Jay and Brian, however, were acutely aware, and they took their time appreciating every inch of her.
They had taken turns and then switched back and forth effortlessly, their movements synchronized as they spit-roasted her, filling her with the promise of new life. Mrs. Jenkins responded to their touch with fervor, her moans filling the room as she reveled in the attention and care she received from the two officers. It was a scene of pure, unadulterated passion, her body yielding to their ministrations as they ensured that their mission was fulfilled.
Jay marveled at how gorgeous Mrs. Jenkins was, her soft curves a testament to the life they were helping to create. Brian, equally captivated, whispered praises into her ear, their words blending with the sounds of their efforts. They admired how her ass had become a perfect cushion of softness, their hands gripping her ample flesh as they moved in tandem. The contrast between her husband’s neglect and their own attentive care was stark, and it fueled their determination to give her everything she needed.
As they sat at the bar, these memories were fresh in their minds. They knew that their work was having a profound impact on the town, and the gratitude they received was a testament to that. Jay and Brian’s partnership was more than just a professional alliance; it was a shared mission to ensure that Miller’s Creek remained a place where families could grow and flourish.
Their work was never done, but the rewards were immense. With every new life brought into the world, every smile and word of thanks, they knew they were making a lasting difference. The baby boom had brought renewed life and joy to the community, and at the center of it all were two young officers whose secret duties had changed the course of their town.
**Chapter 7: Reflections at the Bar**
Officer Jay and his partner, Officer Brian, sat at the bar, enjoying the lively atmosphere that had become a staple of their evenings. The bar was a hub of activity, filled with the laughter and camaraderie of the town's men who gathered after long days of work. It was a place where they could unwind, share stories, and enjoy each other's company.
As Jay took a sip of his drink, he looked around the room. The men were in high spirits, oblivious to the secret life that had transformed their town. Each face told a story—of hard work, of community, of a simple, contented existence. Yet, beneath the surface of their jovial conversations and hearty laughter, there was an unspoken truth that only Jay and Brian knew.
The irony was palpable. Many of these men, who laughed and toasted to their good fortunes, were unaware that the children their wives were expecting had not come from their own loins. As they bowled strikes and shared drinks, Jay and Brian had been fulfilling their hidden roles, ensuring the future growth of Miller’s Creek in a way that none of the men could have imagined.
Jay’s eyes scanned the room, lingering on the familiar faces. Mr. Jenkins, his broad smile, doughy body, and flushed cheeks, celebrated the news of his wife’s pregnancy with a group of friends. Mr. Reynolds, deep in beer-soaked conversation with his bowling buddies, had no idea that Jay’s visits had ensured his family’s expansion. And then there was Mr. Lewis, who raised his glass in a toast, blissfully unaware of the role Jay had played only moments ago in his wife’s newfound happiness.
Brian, sitting next to Jay, nudged him and grinned. “Quite a sight, isn’t it?” he said quietly, his voice barely audible over the din of the bar.
Jay nodded, a wry smile playing on his lips. “It sure is. If only they knew.”
The two men shared a moment of silent understanding. Their secret duties, performed with dedication and care, had brought about a profound change in Miller’s Creek. The baby boom was evident, with expectant mothers everywhere, their hips widening and their homes filled with the promise of new life. The bars and bowling alleys thrived, their husbands blissfully unaware of the true source of their joy.
As Jay and Brian continued to sip their drinks, they reflected on the journey that had brought them here. The rigorous training under Coach Dick had prepared them for this dual role, instilling in them a deep sense of duty and purpose. They had embraced their mission with pride, knowing that they were making a lasting impact on the community.
Jay’s thoughts drifted to the many nights spent in the company of Miller’s Creek’s housewives. Each encounter had been different, yet all had shared a common thread of hope and gratitude. The women had welcomed Jay and Brian into their homes, seeking the companionship and reassurance that their husbands, often preoccupied with work and leisure, could not provide. In return, Jay and Brian had given them the gift of new life, ensuring the town’s future and fulfilling their secret mission.
Looking around the bar, Jay felt a mix of emotions. There was satisfaction in knowing that he had played a vital role in the town’s renewal, but also a sense of humility. The men around him, laughing and toasting, were blissfully unaware of the truth. Their happiness and contentment were built on the quiet, unspoken efforts of Jay and Brian, who had taken on the responsibility of ensuring the town’s future.
Brian clinked his glass against Jay’s. “Here’s to Miller’s Creek,” he said, his voice filled with quiet pride.
Jay raised his glass in response. “To Miller’s Creek,” he echoed. “And to the future.”
As they finished their drinks, Jay and Brian knew that their work was far from over. The town continued to grow and thrive, and their roles as protectors and secret benefactors remained as vital as ever. They would continue to fulfill their duties with the same dedication and care, ensuring that Miller’s Creek remained a place of hope and renewal for generations to come.
The bar full of drunken, impotent men was a testament to their success. Jay and Brian’s secret mission had brought about a baby boom, filled homes with the sound of children’s laughter, and ensured the future of their beloved town. And as they looked around at the contented faces, they knew that they had made a lasting impact, one that would be remembered in the hearts and minds of the people of Miller’s Creek.
Chapter 8: The Continued Mission
As Miller’s Creek continued to flourish, Officer Jay and his partner, Officer Brian, maintained their dual roles with unwavering dedication. The town’s baby boom was in full swing, and the demand for their secret services only grew. The housewives, eager to expand their families, frequently called upon the officers to fulfill their hidden desires. Each encounter was a testament to the deep connections and trust they had built within the community.
One evening, Jay received a call from Mrs. Anderson, a charming woman in her early forties with an infectious laugh and warm, welcoming demeanor. She mentioned hearing strange noises in her home while her husband was away on a business trip. Jay arrived promptly, his presence immediately putting her at ease.
As they walked through the dimly lit hallway, Mrs. Anderson stayed close to Jay, her hand brushing against his arm. Once they reached the bedroom, it became clear that her request was about more than just ensuring her safety. Jay began to undress, each piece of clothing falling to the floor with deliberate slowness, his eyes never leaving hers.
“Officer Jay,” she whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation. “I need you… in a way only you can understand.”
Jay approached her with purpose, his hands exploring her body with practiced ease. Their encounter was filled with passion and urgency, Mrs. Anderson’s moans of pleasure echoing through the room. When they were finished, she lay there, breathless and dripping with his seed, unable to contain her gratitude and admiration.
“This was incredible,” she gasped, her eyes shining with tears of joy. “So much better than anything my husband could ever give me.”
Jay’s chest swelled with pride as he watched her, knowing he had fulfilled his duty once again. He gently kissed her forehead before leaving, promising to return whenever she needed him.
The next night, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Collins, a strikingly beautiful woman known for her elegance and grace. She had recently moved to Miller’s Creek and was eager to start a family. The officers arrived at her doorstep, their presence commanding and reassuring.
As they entered her home, Mrs. Collins led them to the master bedroom, her steps slow and deliberate. Jay and Brian undressed together, their movements synchronized and confident. Mrs. Collins watched with wide eyes, her anticipation growing with each passing second.
When they began, it was with a shared sense of purpose and determination. Jay and Brian took turns, their efforts seamless and coordinated. Mrs. Collins responded to their touch with fervor, her voice rising in uncontrollable gasps and cries of pleasure. The bed creaked under their combined weight, a testament to the intensity of their encounter.
As they finished, Mrs. Collins lay there, her body trembling and soaked with their seed. She looked up at them, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude.
“You’ve given me what I’ve always dreamed of,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Thank you.”
Jay and Brian exchanged a satisfied glance before dressing and leaving her home, knowing they had once again fulfilled their mission.
The spree continued, each night bringing a new encounter, a new housewife eager to expand her family. Jay and Brian moved through the town with a sense of purpose, their actions driven by the desire to ensure Miller’s Creek’s future. They had become more than just protectors; they were the foundation of the community’s renewal.
One afternoon, Jay received a call from Mrs. Mitchell, a petite woman with a shy smile and kind eyes. She had heard about the officers’ secret duties from her friends and was nervous but hopeful. Jay arrived at her home, his presence immediately putting her at ease.
As they moved to the bedroom, Jay undressed slowly, his eyes locking with hers. Mrs. Mitchell’s breath quickened as she watched him, her anticipation palpable. When they came together, it was with a mixture of tenderness and urgency. Jay’s hands roamed her body, his touch firm yet gentle. Mrs. Mitchell responded with soft moans, her body trembling under his ministrations.
When they finished, Mrs. Mitchell lay there, her body glistening with sweat and dripping with Jay’s seed. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude and relief.
“This means so much to me,” she whispered. “Thank you for giving me hope.”
Jay smiled, his heart swelling with pride. He kissed her gently before leaving, knowing he had once again fulfilled his duty.
The spree through the housewives’ beds continued, each encounter unique and meaningful. Jay and Brian embraced their roles with pride, knowing that their actions were ensuring the town’s future. The housewives welcomed them with open arms, their gratitude and desire a testament to the deep connections they had built.
As Miller’s Creek thrived, the officers’ secret mission remained at the heart of the community’s renewal. Jay and Brian moved through the town with confidence and purpose, their presence a constant source of security and hope. Each encounter was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under their watchful eye and caring presence.
Chapter 9: The Growing Legacy
As the baby boom in Miller’s Creek continued to flourish, Officer Jay and Officer Brian’s influence grew more profound. Their roles as protectors and secret benefactors had solidified their positions in the community, making them central figures in the town’s ongoing transformation. The respect and admiration they received were mirrored in the grateful eyes of the housewives they visited and the laughter of children playing in the streets.
One evening, Jay received a call from Mrs. Hamilton, a spirited woman in her late thirties known for her vibrant personality and warm heart. She had been trying to conceive for years without success and had heard about the officers’ secret abilities. Her voice on the phone was filled with a mix of hope and desperation.
“Officer Jay, could you come by? I need your help,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.
Jay arrived at her home, his presence immediately calming her nerves. Mrs. Hamilton greeted him at the door, her eyes filled with anticipation and gratitude. She led him to the bedroom, where to Jay’s surprise, her husband, Mr. Hamilton, was already seated in a chair by the bed. Mr. Hamilton, a slight man with a nervous demeanor, looked up at Jay, his eyes filled with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.
As Mrs. Hamilton and Jay moved to the bed, Mr. Hamilton began to undress, revealing his tiny penis, which he began to stroke slowly. Jay undressed with deliberate slowness, his eyes never leaving Mrs. Hamilton’s. When he was fully naked, he approached her with a sense of purpose, his hands exploring her body with practiced ease. Their encounter was filled with passion and urgency, Mrs. Hamilton’s moans of pleasure echoing through the room.
Mr. Hamilton watched intently, his hand moving faster as Jay took care of business, his wife writhing in pleasure beneath the officer. Jay glanced at him occasionally, a smirk on his face as he asserted his dominance, thinking of the term “cuck” to himself, knowing how it fit this scenario perfectly. When they finished, Mrs. Hamilton lay there, her body trembling and dripping with Jay’s seed. Her eyes shone with gratitude as she whispered, “Thank you, Jay. This means everything to me.”
Jay kissed her gently before leaving, promising to return whenever she needed him. As he walked away, he felt a deep sense of fulfillment, knowing he had once again fulfilled his duty.
The next day, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Martinez, a beautiful woman with long, flowing hair and a kind smile. She had recently moved to Miller’s Creek and was eager to start a family. The officers arrived at her doorstep, their presence commanding and reassuring.
Mrs. Martinez led them to the master bedroom, where her husband, Mr. Martinez, was already present. Mr. Martinez was massively obese, sitting obediently in a chair near the bed, his eyes fixed on his wife. He wore a chastity cage, a clear symbol of his submission and the dynamic in their relationship.
As Jay and Brian undressed together, their movements synchronized and confident, Mrs. Martinez watched with wide eyes, her anticipation growing with each passing second. When they began, it was with a shared sense of purpose and determination. Jay and Brian took turns, their efforts seamless and coordinated, while Mr. Martinez watched obediently, his breathing heavy with excitement.
Mrs. Martinez responded to their touch with fervor, her voice rising in uncontrollable gasps and cries of pleasure. The bed creaked under their combined weight, a testament to the intensity of their encounter. As they finished, Mrs. Martinez lay there, her body trembling and soaked with their seed. She looked up at them, her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude.
“You’ve given me what I’ve always dreamed of,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “Thank you.”
Jay and Brian exchanged a satisfied glance before dressing and leaving her home, knowing they had once again fulfilled their mission. As they left, Jay couldn’t help but feel a sense of dominance over Mr. Martinez, who obediently accepted his role as a cuck.
The spree continued, each night bringing a new encounter, a new housewife eager to expand her family. Jay and Brian moved through the town with a sense of purpose, their actions driven by the desire to ensure Miller’s Creek’s future. They had become more than just protectors; they were the foundation of the community’s renewal.
One afternoon, Jay received a call from Mrs. Patel, a reserved woman who rarely sought help from anyone. Her voice on the phone was filled with anxiety as she spoke about noises in her backyard. Jay arrived to find her standing on her porch, her eyes wide with worry.
As they walked through the yard, Mrs. Patel stayed close, her unease palpable. Jay conducted his search with his usual thoroughness, but it became clear that her fears were more about loneliness and the desire for another child. When he turned to reassure her, she looked at him with a mix of hope and desperation.
“Officer Jay,” she said quietly, “I’ve been feeling so alone. My husband and I have been trying to have another child, but it hasn’t been working. Can you help me?”
Jay nodded, understanding her need. He called for backup from Officer Brian, knowing that together they could provide the comfort and fulfillment she sought. When Brian arrived, they moved to the middle of the backyard, their presence a symbol of safety and protection.
Jay began to undress slowly, each piece of clothing carefully removed and placed aside. Mrs. Patel watched, her eyes filled with a mix of anticipation and gratitude. Brian followed suit, their movements deliberate and confident. Once they were fully undressed, they led her to the ground, their bodies coming together with a sense of shared purpose.
The encounter was intense and filled with mutual understanding. Jay and Brian took turns, their efforts seamless and coordinated, ensuring that Mrs. Patel felt secure and cherished. The open air added an element of rawness and freedom to their union, her moans of pleasure blending with the sounds of the evening.
When they finished, Mrs. Patel lay there, her body glistening with sweat and dripping with their seed. She looked up at them, her eyes filled with profound gratitude and relief.
“This means so much to me,” she whispered. “Thank you for giving me hope.”
Jay and Brian dressed slowly, their hearts swelling with pride. They kissed her gently before leaving, knowing they had once again fulfilled their duty.
The spree through the housewives’ beds continued, each encounter unique and meaningful. Jay and Brian embraced their roles with pride, knowing that their actions were ensuring the town’s future. The housewives welcomed them with open arms, their gratitude and desire a testament to the deep connections they had built.
As Miller’s Creek thrived, the officers’ secret mission remained at the heart of the community’s renewal. Jay and Brian moved through the town with confidence and purpose, their presence a constant source of security and hope. Each encounter was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under their watchful eye and caring presence.
Jay and Brian’s partnership was more than just a professional alliance; it was a shared mission to ensure that Miller’s Creek remained a place where families could grow and flourish. Their work was never done, but the rewards were immense. With every new life brought into the world, every smile and word of thanks, they knew they were making a lasting difference.
Chapter 10: The Changing Dynamics
As Officer Jay and Officer Brian continued their mission in Miller’s Creek, they began to develop a preference for visiting women whose husbands were willing participants in the dynamic of being cucked. This arrangement not only heightened the sense of dominance for Jay and Brian but also reinforced the submissive roles of the husbands. The trend quickly spread through the town, and soon more and more men in Miller’s Creek were sporting strangely larger bulges in their pants—only these bulges weren’t filled with meat, but rather chastity cages that symbolized their submission.
One evening, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Roberts, a lively woman with an infectious laugh and a curvaceous figure. She had recently heard about the officers’ special services from her friends and was eager to experience it for herself. When they arrived at her home, they were greeted by Mrs. Roberts and her husband, Mr. Roberts, who was noticeably nervous but also intrigued by the dynamic.
Mrs. Roberts led them to the bedroom, where Mr. Roberts sat in a chair near the bed, his eyes wide with anticipation. Jay and Brian began to undress slowly, their movements deliberate and confident, while Mrs. Roberts watched with growing excitement. Mr. Roberts, following the established ritual, revealed his chastity cage, the metal glinting in the soft light of the room.
Jay and Brian approached Mrs. Roberts with a sense of purpose, their hands exploring her body with practiced ease. The encounter was intense, filled with passion and urgency, Mrs. Roberts’s moans of pleasure echoing through the room. Mr. Roberts watched intently, his eyes locked on his wife and the officers, his own excitement evident despite the confines of his cage.
When they finished, Mrs. Roberts lay there, her body trembling and dripping with their seed. She looked up at her husband and the officers, her eyes filled with satisfaction and gratitude.
“Thank you, Jay. Thank you, Brian. This means everything to us,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
Jay and Brian dressed slowly, their hearts swelling with pride. They exchanged a knowing glance with Mr. Roberts, who nodded in appreciation, understanding his role in the dynamic.
The trend continued, each night bringing new encounters with housewives eager to expand their families and husbands willing to embrace their submissive roles. Jay and Brian moved through the town with a sense of purpose, their actions driven by the desire to ensure Miller’s Creek’s future. They had become more than just protectors; they were the architects of a new social order within the community.
One afternoon, Jay and Brian received a call from Mrs. Green, a stunning woman with a bright smile and a confident demeanor. She had heard about the officers’ services and was eager to partake. When they arrived, they found Mr. Green waiting as well, his demeanor a mix of nervousness and excitement.
Mrs. Green led them to the living room, where Mr. Green sat in a chair, his hands fidgeting with his belt. Jay and Brian undressed together, their movements synchronized and confident, while Mrs. Green watched with growing anticipation. Mr. Green, following the ritual, revealed his chastity cage, the metal a stark contrast to his skin.
As Jay and Brian began, the encounter was filled with a sense of shared purpose and intensity. Mrs. Green responded to their touch with fervor, her voice rising in uncontrollable gasps and cries of pleasure. The room filled with the sounds of their passion, a testament to the dynamic that had taken hold in Miller’s Creek.
When they finished, Mrs. Green lay there, her body glistening with sweat and dripping with their seed. She looked up at her husband and the officers, her eyes filled with satisfaction and gratitude.
“Thank you, Jay. Thank you, Brian. This means so much to us,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
Jay and Brian dressed slowly, their hearts swelling with pride. They exchanged a knowing glance with Mr. Green, who nodded in appreciation, understanding his role in the dynamic.
As Miller’s Creek continued to thrive, the officers’ secret mission remained at the heart of the community’s renewal. Jay and Brian moved through the town with confidence and purpose, their presence a constant source of security and hope. Each encounter was a chapter in the larger narrative of Miller’s Creek, a town that flourished under their watchful eye and caring presence.
Jay and Brian’s partnership was more than just a professional alliance; it was a shared mission to ensure that Miller’s Creek remained a place where families could grow and flourish. Their work was never done, but the rewards were immense. With every new life brought into the world, every smile and word of thanks, they knew they were making a lasting difference.
As the dynamic of cuckolding spread through Miller’s Creek, the town’s social fabric changed. Husbands embraced their roles with a mix of excitement and submission, their chastity cages a symbol of their acceptance. The women, empowered by the officers’ presence, found new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment. Jay and Brian’s influence was undeniable, their actions reshaping the community in profound and lasting ways.
Chapter 11: Miller’s Cuck
Miller’s Creek had transformed beyond recognition. What was once a quiet, modest town had become something entirely different, a place where traditional roles were upended, and a new social order had taken hold. Jay and Brian’s influence was undeniable, and their mission had been executed with remarkable success.
The officers privately referred to their town as “Miller’s Cuck,” a fitting name given the profound changes they had orchestrated. Every adult woman in town under the age of 40 was pregnant, their bodies visibly bearing the fruits of Jay and Brian’s secret services. The sight of expectant mothers was common, a testament to the officers’ dedication to their cause.
In stark contrast, every married man in town now wore a chastity cage. These men, once the symbols of traditional masculinity, had willingly accepted their roles as submissive partners in this new order. The cages were not just physical restraints but symbols of their submission and the power dynamics that now ruled Miller’s Creek. The only exceptions were Jay and Brian, whose dominance was undisputed.
One evening, as Jay and Brian finished their patrol, they returned to their shared home, a place that was both their sanctuary and a symbol of their unique partnership. Inside, they shed their uniforms, the symbols of their public roles, and embraced a different kind of intimacy. The town might see them as figures of unmatched masculinity and dominance, but in their private moments, Jay and Brian found comfort and connection in each other.
The joke on everyone was that once they were home, Jay and Brian shared a bed. Their bond went beyond their public roles, and they found solace in each other’s company. The intensity of their days gave way to tender moments at night, where they could let their guards down and simply be themselves.
As they lay together in bed, Jay looked over at Brian, a smile playing on his lips. “Can you believe how far we’ve come?” he asked, his voice filled with a mix of pride and disbelief.
Brian chuckled softly, nodding. “Miller’s Creek is truly Miller’s Cuck now. We’ve done something incredible here.”
Jay sighed contentedly, his hand resting on Brian’s chest. “Every woman under 40 is pregnant, and every married man’s penis is locked in a cage. We’ve changed this town completely.”
Brian leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to Jay’s lips. “And the best part is, we get to come home to each other every night.”
Their relationship was a well-kept secret, known only to them. In public, they were the epitome of authority and dominance, but in private, they found strength and comfort in their bond. The duality of their lives added a layer of complexity to their partnership, making it all the more meaningful.
In the quiet of their bedroom, Jay and Brian slipped nimbly into a deep 69, their bodies intertwining with practiced ease. Each took the other’s penis into their mouth, their tongues exploring and caressing with familiar skill. Jay’s thick member snaked down Brian’s throat, while Brian’s equally impressive length filled Jay’s mouth. They moved in perfect sync, their breaths deepening as the intensity of their connection grew. Their muscles flexed and contracted, each movement a testament to their strength and desire. The sensation of having their penises buried deep in each other’s throats brought them closer, the pleasure mounting with each passing second.
As they continued, their hands roamed over each other’s bodies, feeling the hard muscle and soft skin. The intensity of their connection was palpable, a physical manifestation of the bond that had grown between them over time. The world outside their bedroom ceased to exist, and in those moments, they were simply two men who had found a profound and deep connection.
When they finally pulled away, their breaths were ragged, and their eyes locked with a shared understanding of what they had just experienced. But their night was far from over. Reaching for a double-ended dildo, Jay and Brian positioned themselves carefully, their strong bubble butts pressing against each other. They worked the toy between them, the sensation of the firm silicone adding a new layer of pleasure to their intimate connection.
Their movements were slow and deliberate at first, each thrust synchronized as they adjusted to the sensation. The double-ended dildo slid in and out with ease, their strong muscles contracting around it, enhancing the intensity of their experience. Their hands moved to each other’s hips, guiding and steadying their rhythm. The feeling of the toy filling them both simultaneously created a bond that was both physical and emotional, a shared experience that went beyond mere pleasure.
As the intensity of their movements increased, their breaths grew faster, their bodies glistening with sweat. The dildo moved between them with increasing speed, the pleasure mounting with each thrust. Jay and Brian’s moans filled the room, their voices blending in a symphony of shared ecstasy.
The sensation built to a crescendo, the toy hitting just the right spots with each thrust. They could feel the tension building within them, the pleasure reaching an almost unbearable peak. Finally, with a shared cry of release, they both ejaculated hands-free, their bodies trembling with the force of their orgasms. The connection they felt in that moment was profound, a testament to the deep bond they shared.
As they lay together in the aftermath, their bodies still entwined, Jay and Brian felt a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Their private moments fueled their public personas, providing the strength and connection they needed to face each new day.
The town continued to thrive under their watchful eyes. The baby boom showed no signs of slowing, and the social order they had established remained firmly in place. Husbands accepted their roles with a mix of submission and pride, and the women found new levels of satisfaction and fulfillment. Jay and Brian’s influence was pervasive, shaping every aspect of life in Miller’s Creek.
One afternoon, as Jay and Brian walked through the town, they were greeted by the familiar sight of pregnant women and caged men. The townspeople greeted them with respect and admiration, their gratitude evident in every smile and nod. The officers had become symbols of a new era, their roles cemented in the town’s history.
As they passed by a group of women, heavily pregnant and chatting animatedly, one of them called out, “Thank you, Officers! We couldn’t have done this without you.”
Jay and Brian smiled, nodding in acknowledgment. “Our pleasure,” Jay replied. “We’re here to help.”
The women beamed, their faces glowing with happiness. The officers continued their walk, their presence a constant reminder of the town’s transformation. Every step they took reaffirmed their roles as the architects of Miller’s Cuck, a place where traditional norms had been redefined, and a new social order had taken hold.
Back at home that night, Jay and Brian lay together, their bodies entwined in a familiar embrace. The joke on the town was their secret, but it was also their strength. In each other, they found the balance and support that fueled their public personas.
As they drifted off to sleep, Jay whispered, “We’ve built something incredible here, Brian. Miller’s Cuck is our legacy.”
Brian smiled, his eyes closing in contentment. “And we’ll continue to build it, together.”
In the quiet of their home, the two officers found peace, knowing that their influence had created a lasting impact on Miller’s Creek. Their work was far from over, but they faced each new day with confidence, united in their mission and their bond. The town might have changed, but the essence of their partnership remained constant, a testament to their dedication and love.
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
Which books influenced the way you think about politics the most?
The worth of this question can be measured by how difficult I'm finding it to answer. On the one hand, far too many books come to mind, reputable and disreputable and in-between, fiction and philosophy, journalism and polemic, comic book and conspiracy theory, plus 20+ years on the internet. On the other hand, there's no one book, or even several books, I could recommend to demonstrate the way I think about politics; I learned most about politics from watching politics, in the ages first of cable television and then of the internet not primarily a bookish enterprise. And because politics is famously the art of the possible, and because what's possible changes year by year, neither politics in general nor my politics in particular can stand still. I learn something every year, though not always from books. I don't mean by this to be cynical; one has one's values, but they vary in their expression with the affordances of the moment. For me, the deepest hope—not belief, but hope; not yet a reality but an aspiration—is in the potential of human freedom against all totalizing systems. I doubt I got that from a book, though. More likely it came from somewhere else, in early experience, and prepared me to recognize the theme whenever I did encounter it in books. Nor have I been wholly dead to the genuine sublimity of those totalizing systems, given what I have jokingly called my protracted education at the hands of Catholics and Marxists.
Anyway, the spirit of the question calls for a list, so I'll provide one. It's a narrative list arranged chronologically by my age when I read the book in question with a little summary of what it taught me. I've avoided the temptation of pretending that canonical political philosophy has taught me more than it did: with respect to Plato, Hobbes, Marx, Mill, Foucault, and the like, mostly I read that material in too abstract a mood for it to matter or too late for it do more than confirm what I'd already learned elsewhere.
Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Watchmen (read age 12) - The world is comprised of systems in dynamic interaction with individuals and ideologies; art may replicate this in significant form; the proper attitude of the artist is an implied sardonic skepticism, albeit open to apolitical spiritual rapture and cosmic consciousness.
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (read age 14) - The political winds can shift like that, between the acts; when power is at stake, you can't depend on personal loyalties; a smooth speech is better than a good cause; the crowd will always kill the poet; those who plead their freedom often have, beneath their own awareness, an envious resentment of power; the artist can manipulate the audience's political sympathies for pedagogical purposes.
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four, and John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath (both read age 15) - The modern problem is the reconciliation of individual and collective such that neither is enslaved to the other, the populace starved by the rich, the citizen trampled by state and society; the novel (unlike nonfiction forms) is almost unlimited in its ability to examine this theme, encompassing fantasy and naturalism, sermon and treatise, journalism and prophecy.
Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae (read age 18) - We are ruled by darker forces than we know, especially if we refuse to know it; the whole complex problem of sex and sexuality is primordial, infinitely more fundamental than the comparative superficies of race and class that political philosophers and pundits prefer to discuss; art and politics both are contra naturam—sex, by contrast, is the tragic collision of art and nature—and therefore under the sign of beauty; the critic's sensibility should be cosmic and unyielding, itself a mark carved hopelessly into nature's loam.
Edward W. Said, Culture and Imperialism (read age 21) - Empire is the primary political fact, inescapable even for artists and angels; the most powerful move a critic can make is to ally art to empire, the more improbably or counterintuitively the better, this to establish the critic's own cultural empire; the critic may rhetorically take the side of the oppressed in a suave rhetoric the oppressed could never master, and charisma will dispel (almost) the consequent air of fraud.
Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno, Dialectic of Enlightenment (read age 27) - Our genius is our tragedy: the laws we codified to escape and then to master nature have enslaved us precisely because we identify them with nature; we have strangled everything spontaneous and tender in ourselves—and have projected out of ourselves and "other" and slaughtered that, too—in the name of this conquest, necessary to progress as in fact it was, with consequences even including the modern reduction of culture to the machinic product of industries consecrated to entertainment propaganda.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Demons (read age 32) - Liberalism is not innocent; in destroying every metaphysic but freedom and utility it has cleared the path of psychotic anarchy and brutal tyranny; the artist must understand every inch of this dilemma from the inside.
Albert Camus, The Rebel (read age 35) - The urge to rebel against tyranny and its dialectical concomitant in the urge to become a tyrant in turn are structures of human consciousness traceable through the whole of human culture from ancient myth to modern art, with political philosophy in between; the artist's abundant vision may teach the moderation that preserves the impulse to freedom and holds in abeyance the drive toward tyranny.
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (read age 39) - The enemy is the reduction of the human to a calculus, any calculus, with whatever alibi (liberal, fascist, communist; race, class, nation); the solution is collective creativity.
Finally, for a wild card:
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter (read and reread between ages 15 and 40) and Sacvan Bercovitch, The Office of the Scarlet Letter (read age 25) - This is how American politics in particular works: it doesn't; it is sublimated as a cultural conflict about the limits of freedom and necessity waged over open-ended and contested symbols, including Hawthorne's own text; the proper ambition of the American writer is to write a text of such permanently productive ambiguity.
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