bookboost · 9 months
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
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bookboost · 9 months
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Apartment 401 is a story about a newlywed couple named Brad and Julia who move into their new home. They are excited to start their new lives and have a baby on the way. Their lives are soon turned upside down when they discover they are not the only ones living in their new home. It only takes one day in their new apartment to discover that something is really wrong. They soon realize that they are not the only ones living at their exciting new residence.     When I read the description, I thought this would be a classic haunted house story. It is and it isn’t. It is a story that moves quickly and has surprising twists and turns. The surprises are something that I don’t think the reader will suspect. You have moments reading when you’re taken back and wonder what in the world is going on. It is one of those stories that will keep you hooked until the end. You find yourself not wanting to put it down but keep reading to see what happens. This is a story for paranormal fiction lovers. It’s exciting, surprising and will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is a brilliant read and I am looking forward to reading more of this author’s work. It gets a solid five stars from me. Apartment 401 (Haunted Places)
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bookboost · 9 months
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The Last House on Needless Street is a psychological horror novel that will keep you guessing until the very end. The story follows Ted, a man who lives in a boarded-up house with his daughter, Lauren. Ted is a mysterious figure, and it soon becomes clear that he is not who he seems.
The novel is told from multiple perspectives, including Ted, Lauren, his cat Olivia, and Dee, a woman who is obsessed with finding her missing sister. .......
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bookboost · 9 months
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bookboost · 9 months
Nestled in the heart of the Bronx, New York, lies a historic burial ground that not only houses the remains of countless souls but also echoes with tales of the…
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bookboost · 9 months
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bookboost · 9 months
In the vast landscape of literature, authors often find themselves facing the challenge of standing out in a sea of words. One powerful tool that can set you apart and leave a lasting impression is personal branding. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's essential for authors to brand themselves and provide practical steps on how to build a compelling literary identity.....
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bookboost · 9 months
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Your words have the power to change worlds. Keep writing, keep inspiring. 🌍💙
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bookboost · 9 months
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bookboost · 9 months
If you are an aspiring author, you may have wondered whether you should pursue traditional publishing or self publishing for your book. While both options have their pros and cons, self publishing offers some unique benefits that you may not want to miss. In this blog post, we will explore some of the advantages of self publishing and how it can help you achieve your goals as a writer.......
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bookboost · 9 months
Nourishing the Mind: A Personal Journey through Non-Fiction Books on Mindfulness and Meditation In the chaotic rhythm of modern life…
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bookboost · 9 months
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bookboost · 9 months
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bookboost · 9 months
I'm currently engrossed in Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. What's on your reading list right now? 📚🤝
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bookboost · 9 months
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bookboost · 9 months
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bookboost · 9 months
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