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cryptotheism · 2 years ago
Opinions on the Psychonaut Field Manual by Arch-Traitor Bluefluke?
Worth reading. If I have any critiques, it's that it kinda flippantly introduces several pretty high level concepts at once. It's like having a math textbook that only has one page on integrals.
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pandorasinfinity · 8 months ago
Hello! Saw in the tags the words chaos magick? I'm getting into Witchcraft again... after years of taking a break. Wanted to ask what books you would recommend as a baby witch? Do you tie Witchcraft with manifestation and shifting? There's so much I want to ask, oh my God.
Yes I do tie my practice into shifting! It's been altered a lot since I learned about shifting, but as I was raised by a Wiccan mother I still feel very connected to witchcraft. Except now I view a lot of it through a shifting lense. I don't feel the need to do spells as much as just manifest/shift to the desired result, you know? But a good sigil or ritual is still a fun little manifesting thing. I guess it's just all a lot less serious now in a way.
I don't really identify as a witch much anymore, which is why I usually stick with the chaos magick label, since the inclusion of a multiverse kinda threw off a lot of my beliefs. But I do still have an altar for a few Hellenic deities and I do still love that part of my life greatly. Witchcraft is my foundation from my mom so I don't think I could leave it
My main thing is tarot and channeling. I was channeling LONG before I found out about shifting and it has only gotten more focused now. Channeling myself from a few thousand years from now is my secret weapon lol. Besides that I have sigils on everything I own
I'm not sure what you would be interested in, but I will recommend some of my favorite books. Just keep in mind it's coming from a chaos magick perspective and not really Wiccan but I can also ask my mom if you are looking for something more on that side of things. Also that old white men will be sexist even when talking about magick so sometimes you just need to scratch out a line in a book and power through sadly
Parallel Universes of Self by Frederick Dodson (the best I have read so far) Reality Transurfing Steps I-V by Vadim Zeland (this one is from the POV of someone that wouldn't be likely to be into shifting and because of that he is good for skeptics because he WANTS you to be skeptic)
Chaos Magick Intro:
Condensed Chaos by Phil Hine (good intro of everything)
Anything by Rachel Pollack especially Tarot Wisdom. If you get anything here this is the best. Rachel Pollack (RIP) was a queen of tarot
Anything Else:
The Psychonaut Field Manual by BlueFluke - available online and is an illustrated intro to a lot of different tings like servitors and astral projection. The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford - shadow work intro but kinda from a more Christian lens so avoid if that will be too much Magical Servitors by Damon Brand - creating servitors (basically personal entities that can manifest for you)
Feel free to ask any questions! Kinda just gave an intro to myself so its easier to figure out where I am coming from and what questions I might be able to answer! I am always willing to be a resource if I am able to!
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pauperism · 2 years ago
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Been having trouble sleeping and I drew a card.
I interpreted this as a “at the very least you’ll be lying down”
i slept pretty well last night ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is the Atom Bomb Tarot deck by Bluefluke in Tabletop Simulator, I have an old post here on how to add it to the sim, linked in a reblog.
I just interpret whatever I see printed on the card, I don’t memorize their meanings. Did you know that today some rich dude is getting a crown placed on his head? :)
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garfo-na-tomada · 1 month ago
Boa noite Frater e Maíra, cês tão bem? Queria tirar uma dúvida, existe algum exercício específico de meditação que ajude a desenvolver melhor a clariaudiência/clarividência? Pergunto dessas duas habilidades pq já tive experiências esparsas com ambas, que acabaram acontecendo naturalmente enquanto eu meditava mesmo, sem a minha intenção. É melhor deixar rolar ou vale a pena treinar essas habilidades pra conseguir "firmar"?
Boa tarde, amizade! Então, eu não vou mentir e dizer que não tem. Se você pegar o Bardon, ele vai passar umas técnicas lá numa das lições mais avançadas, se pegar o Psychic Witch do Matt Auryn, tem bastante coisa, tem umas receitas de Hoodoo com um chamado Psychic Vision Oil, e eu lembro daquele tal Psychonaut Field Manual que circulava no Tumblr um tempo atrás que tinha umas dicas. Porém o autor desse manual aí, o BlueFluke, sumiu da internet, porque teve uma crise psicótica séria e parece que não voltou mais, e mesmo o Bardon eu tenho um pé atrás nesse caso, porque a receita dele envolve um colírio caseiro, e aí eu imagino a pessoa explicando no oftalmologista que está com uma infecção ocular porque pingou uma preparação suspeita para ver espírito. O que eu quero dizer com isso é que eu não posso garantir a eficácia e segurança, física ou energética, de nenhuma técnica de clarividência de livro. Na escola de Pranic Healing, inclusive, tem curso disso, mas é avançadíssimo, tem um monte de pré-requisito e você é avaliado antes para ver se pode fazer ou não.
No meu caso, a abertura desses canais foi acontecendo de forma gradual com o tempo e com a prática. Para acelerar, o mais seguro que a gente pode fazer é ter uma prática de limpeza e purificação, para ajudar a melhorar a relação de ruído e sinal durante a comunicação intuitiva, e ir trabalhando com oráculos. Boa sorte!
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Day 5 Daily Reading Series
Atom Bomb Tarot (Thoth system) by bluefluke the creator of the Paychonaut Field Manual. Excellent material 10/10 recommend.
This digital reading was created with the Trinary Web App on the Chaos Tarot website, and I’ll include a link. By far the best online magickal tool and sigil generator imo also 10/10 recommend. And it’s free which is pretty difficult to find these days.
Today’s message indicates a need find a to make your work mesh better with the rest of your life. Things aren’t working right now in some fashion and changes need to be made. Mental health and/or financial issues are both likely contributing factors to your unhappiness at the moment. There’s a lot of possible answers as to how this change can be accomplished and they’re all highly personalized. However, as the 4 Noble Truths so aptly illustrate a formula exists, though it’s not guaranteed to be easy or comfortable and significant changes in perspective may be needed. Part of the formula revolves around how happy you are in your day to day lives with your chosen vocations. What your days look like defines your entire life, so if every day is stressed out and miserable you’ll wake up 10yrs later a very unhappy person. Quality of life is everything and far more important than having the biggest house or the most expensive car. As far as guarantees go we’ve only got this one life to work with, make happiness the main priority, don’t waste even one day.
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hillbillyoracle · 10 months ago
Chiming in with the Chaos Magic methods
Sigils are "charged" - usually though an ecstatic or meditative state - before they're forgotten. Whatever you put in before they're forgotten is all they're working on. The advantage for us chronically ill folks is that they're not going to continue to sap energy. They're quick and snappy.
Example: You create a sigil from a statement with the vowels erased method and focus on it as you meditate into a trance state or pleasure yourself. Once you've peaked in either, you ideally burn but alternatively flush the sigil and do what you can not to think about it.
There's also servitors which can work with energies that are larger than you either though a collective working together bring it into being or by tacking it on to existing concepts and using the act of devotion to bring them to a level they can effect change. The only energy you expend is in the design and it the devotion which can take any form that seems appropriate to the servitor's design.
Example: I always think about the user in an old forum who started giving supplications to the mascot of a delivery company to avoid lost packages and never lost another one after that. He conceptualized the servitor's design so that the attention the mascot got as it traveled on planes and trucks around the world would be it's power - because attention is needed to not misplace packages.
The chaos magic concept of local spirits are probably not the best for those with energy struggles with if you get into a more even keel period of your life, you can get them established and maintain them later which takes less energy. The Psychonaut Field Manual by Bluefluke has better instructions than I could outline here.
Hi, I hope you are doing well. I used to like creating sigils but I stopped when I started questioning where the energy of the sigil comes from. maybe it's stupid but I was worried all the energy of the sigil would be attached to me and would drain me in a way. I run on low energy most of the time, this is why it worried me. Would you mind sharing some methods to charge or activate a sigil ? In your experience is the sigil an egregore of it's own or is it always attached to the person who created it ?
Hey sorry for the long wait on the response!
I personally don't think a spell is always actively attached to you energetically unless you have purposefully made it do that.
As for how to charge sigils, there are a variety of things. You can do some focused energy work to put energy into it or you could use an outside source like I tend to do.
I usually charge a crystal in the sunlight or moonlight and then place the sigil under said crystal. I generally like the physical aspect of the crystal which is why I do it. One of my friends suggests using other natural phenomena such as rainbows and storms, another suggests the use of active energy (burning/ripping/etc) or passive energy (under a burning candle/in the sun/etc). Another suggests using offerings as you would for a spirit (food, drink, incense, candles, etc).
I also will do digitally drawn sigils and have them up on the screen as I charge my phone so that the electricity charges the sigil.
Thank you to my friends for helping with charging ideas!
@fernthewhimsical @sewceress @rose-colored-tarot @windvexer
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magick-johnson · 4 years ago
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Exercise time !!
Taken from the incredible Psychonaut Field Manual by @bluefluke
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occult-resources · 4 years ago
The Psychonaut Filed Manual by Blue Fluke.
Bluefluke is an incredibly talented, artistic, and knowledgeable occultist/psychonaut. They have an entire guide up here on their deviantart. Learn the basics of psychonautics, beginning with basic visualization.
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cryptotheism · 2 years ago
what do you think of bluefluke's psychonaut guide?
It's a decent primer but it skips over a TON of pretty important context. They just kinda drop the Middle Pillar on you like "it means balance."
Idk. If you're doing shit that involves the LBRP, you should have someone there with you in case you have a bad trip or something. Don't just read a book and drop shrooms and start chanting in Enochian.
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absideoncollective · 3 months ago
Everyone if you're interested in psychonautics look at this!
Now I don't follow this kind of practice, but I tend to go back and read it once every couple of months or so because I just love the illustrations
have you given a look on psychonautics? the field of study about altered or non-ordinary states of consciousness?
-> here's a cool wiki <-
Tulpamancy is also studied on this field, along with other autonomous entities. I think this is interesting for the plural community (and maybe plurality itself falls under psychonautics?)
I've seen a bit of it, but am sorry to say I haven't studied it extensively. What I've seen of the wiki is pretty great though! They even have a pretty solid tulpamancy article! 😁
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nuibitha · 7 years ago
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The Eight Circuits of Consciousness
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gladstones-corner · 1 year ago
A Personal Aside
I haven't been as active lately, mostly due to work. It's been slammed this week and I'm just now getting a breather between the end of the week and the start of the weekend, where we'll be traveling to visit some friends out of town.
I don't want to talk about work that much here, to be honest I'd rather detail some magical developments that I've been working on.
First and foremost, my wife gifted me a large-sized Thoth tarot deck for my birthday. She also gifted me The Crowley Tarot by Akron & Hanjo Banzhaf. It's a detailed book that covers each card from a variety of angles.
I've been studying both of these intensely and am experiencing what we'd call in Chaos Magick a paradigm shift. Specifically, I've been drawn to the writings of Crowley and his contemporaries--to the point where I am seriously considering integrating Thelemic beliefs and practices into my current path.
This is difficult and easy at the same time. You have to remember that Thelema is its own religion. It might have been heavily Graeco-Egyptian early on, but by the end of Crowley's life it was its own path altogether.
Large swaths of his work are applicable with little change: stillness, meditation, a regular magical practice that enflames you in prayer, and physical and mental wellness all prepare you to receive messages from the divine so that you can act in accordance with your True Will.
This is a somewhat common idea in Chaos Magick as well (see Bluefluke's Psychonaut Field Manual). It's also somewhat common in Greek mysticism (see Socrates' "Genius", "Daemon", or "Internal Oracle".
Unfortunately, large swaths of his work are also considered appropriative--particularly his inclusion of Qabbalah. This is mostly attributed to Crowley's familiarity with the Tanakh and the Christian New Testament from his childhood, then his extensive work within the Golden Dawn system.
But considering Thelema as a whole, how much of Crowley's work can be divested from Qabbalah and returned to full Graeco-Egyptian roots?
We can look to some of his early work, such as the differences in the Star Ruby ritual between Book of Lies and Magick in Theory and Practice, for illumination. Consider, too, that Crowley used Greek numerology extensively in addition to Hebrew. This means that books like Oracles of Apollo by John Opsopaus could lend us a great hand in restructuring the appropriative parts of Thelema.
However, the questions become this: how much study would you have to do of Qabbalah and Graeco-Egyptian mysticism to discover the correspondences between them? Furthermore, in that study, where does the line for appropriation come in? As scholars and practitioners of comparative religion, are we crossing boundaries for studying Crowley's work in its entirety, even if we are to replace certain practices?
I don't know. I'd like to say that no, we're not appropriating by studying Crowley's thoughts on Qabbalah, if we are going to understand how to fit the Graeco-Egyptian pieces back into the picture. After all, for the correspondences to work you must have an understanding of what you're replacing.
But I'm not the authority. It's not my place to say whether studying at all, for any reason, is appropriative. In fact, you could just as soon accuse me of erasure by studying Qabbalah with the express intent of replacing it. But that's not the intent at all. The intent is to prevent appropriation in my own practice.
This is where it's important to have a dialogue. I need your guys' input. Please refer me to sources or people who can answer these questions. Thank you in advance.
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ugly-duckling55 · 7 years ago
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bluefluke · 8 years ago
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OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW57T6s7RAo Because enough people have asked me about my technique, I thought I’d throw this together. Yes, it’s a VERY slow way of doing things but the end results are fantastic. No wacom tablet. No layers. No illustrator. Just a mechanical pencil (with lots of eraser), a cheap bic pen and regular ol’ photoshop. :3
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pankurios-templeovarts · 8 years ago
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Finally arrived - Chapter 4 of The Psychonaut Field Manual - free download of Chapters 1 to 4 done by Bluefluke.
What you get is a kind of mind-map/synopsis of a Chaos Magick approach on all different kinds of techniques of Magick, spiced with well done graphics and a good portion of humor. A modern grimoire of (Chaos) Magick - and a shortcut for everybody with a failing memory system like me ;) 
Spread the word fellas!
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little-laughing-alligator · 3 years ago
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:::card for tonight The Fool Atom Bomb-Thoth deck Moon Transit: Gibbous in Pisces aspects: Moon Sextile Pluto The fool card is of the child's mind. it's the number 0 that holds the potential of every other number. It's the beginning of spiritual sight and understanding. It's a really apt card for this evenings Gibbous Moon, as the Full Moon tmro is in Aries- the sign of beginnings and new journey's unfolding. Get ready for all of that tonight, for the beginnings tmro can represent- should you choose to accept the mission. enjoy a child's mind tonight. Forget about the neccessary stress and the worries that an unfolding journey will bring. So have some fun. Watch a horror movie, relax and kick back. Make some popcorn. This Moon's only strong aspect tonight isn't particularly conducive to any of that- it's a bit of a stick in the spokes. With it comes Scorpios intense need To Know all the secrets. Specifically here within intimate relationships of all forms. So- it's a gamble. Have a relaxing night, or dig for the grime under the sink. Just know that you may come up with more than you were prepared to deal with. #chaosmagick #chaosmagix #chaoswitch #chaostarot #chaosmemes #cardoftheday #divination #tarot #seer #liminalspace #tarotmagick #thothdeck #bluefluke #hypersigil #sigilmagix #sigilmagick #alchemy #goeticmagick #wonderland #witchinghour #wearechaos #welcometothevoid #apocalypticmidnightdeathcult https://www.instagram.com/p/CVJ8OYXrkJy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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