#blue being his favorite color and yellow being hers
lllsaslll · 2 years
Putting together a lil Elvis themed Christmas tree and I think I've settled on navy and gold themed~
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At first I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was about these that gave me such strong Elvis energy, but then I realized it's reminding me of the media room at Graceland, my favorite of the rooms in the house!
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puzzled-pegasus · 7 months
Here's some silly little metaphors that I think the dragon tribes would use
“Don’t count your clutch before they hatch.” (Don't plan too much too soon)
“Gold is better than silver, but silver is better than nothing.” (If you can't do it perfectly, still try your best. Most dragons forget the second part.)
“‘Sorry’ can't suck the fire back in.” (The damage is done and now you're dead to me.)
“You been eating too much burnt meat or something?” (Are you nuts?)
“Stop all this smoke and use your fire.” (Stop rambling and get to the point already; or stop complaining and do something)
“Doesn't know his tail from his wings.” (Stupid or clumsy)
“You fly like a depressed pigeon.” (Slow flier)
“There's no fire in a rainstorm.” (Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get to work.)
“Nighttime is for the NightWings.” (What are you doing up? Go to sleep.)
“She’s all rattle, and no strike.” (Like all bark no bite)
“A diamond in a pile of quartz.” (Like a needle in a haystack)
“You’re watering the cactus and ignoring the sapling.” (You’re focusing on the wrong thing; barking up the wrong tree)
“Everyone thinks the camel looks silly until the dry season comes.” (Don't listen to them, they don't know how unique and strong you are)
“Crocodile tears.” (Fake crying in order to gain sympathy)
“You can only catch a trout if your mouth is open.” (Be open to new experiences)
“If the tree gives away too much, it ends up as a stump.” (Don't let people take advantage of your generosity)
“Happy as a clam in high water.” (Very happy)
“The flying fish feels like a fool when it sees an osprey.” (Don't compare yourself to others, run your own race.)
“Plenty of fish in the sea.” (Plenty more opportunities to come.)
“You’ve got ink in your eyes.” (You're blind to something important)
“Lobsters only die when they don't leave their shell.” (Keep yourself busy with new experiences and you'll life a long life)
“Sleep is for the dead.” (Why waste your time sleeping when you could be productive)
“SeaWings know their fish and SandWings know their cactuses, but we NightWings know everything else.”(NightWing supremacy propaganda)
“Being nice to a deer never got one in my mouth.” (Other dragons don't matter, only your goals.)
“A prophecy always comes true.” (I told you so but more cryptic)
"You're counting the stars." (You're doing something tedious towards an unachievable goal)
“Gray’s her favorite color.” (She's a huge bummer)
“A lemon is yellow on the outside, doesn't mean they're not sour.” (Referring to someone who is two faced or fake)
“I love honey, but I’d rather not get stung by the bees.” (I could do this, but it requires effort so I don't wanna)
“Nobody likes a rotten banana.” (Nobody likes a bummer/downer)
“Don't tie your tail in a knot” (don't get all upset)
“I have all my berries in a basket” (I have everything sorted out)
“You couldn't sneak up on a pineapple” (insult to one's camouflage skills, popular among children)
“The seal who asks why the orca is chasing him is the first to get eaten.” (A favorite of parents telling their kids to shut up)
“Not the sharpest icicle on the roof” (kinda stupid or slow)
“Clear as polished ice” (i understand or see it very well)
“You're looking a little pink in the face” (you look sickly. IceWings can turn pink from eating too much krill; a symptom of malnutrition. This line can be applied to any illness.)
“Blue blood kills, red blood spills.” (Patriotic propaganda implying that IceWings win every fight
“The SkyWings toss their blue eyed hatchlings because they're worried they'll be as strong as an IceWing.” (More propaganda)
“Pretty is for the SilkWings.” (Vanity is stupid and impractical)
“If it buzzes like a bug and bites like a bug, it's a bug.” (Don't ignore the obvious)
“Clearsight works in mysterious ways.” (I don't know the answer to your question, now go away)
“It's not always good to know how the honey gets made.” (Don't stick your snout where it doesn't belong)
“She's got a couple of threads loose.” (Calling someone a little crazy, threads refers to weaving)
“The bee minds its flowers and the spider minds her silk, it's when they mix that bad things happen.” (Mind ya business)
“Flytraps only trap because the soil doesn't feed them.” (Dragons don't get angry out of nowhere)
“Looking like a leaf only hides you in the forest.” (Time and place)
“If a branch doesn't bend, it breaks.” (Be flexible)
“Even the corpse flower attracts the flies.” (Even someone who seems ugly to one dragon they can seem irresistible to another)
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thebrainrotsreal · 8 months
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Both a redesign for funsies and for imagining what the trio would look like when they’re a little bit older! Was fighting for my life trying to choose a shape for Tucker’s head oh my god, translating designs in my style can be an uphill battle and it is definitely not for the weak. Thoughts behind the design below!
DANNY: For my style for this, I decided pupils normally are lighter than the eye’s base color (‘cause it looks pretty) but since Danny is Schrödinger’s fav mystery, he’s got the reverse! His pupils are actually darker than the base color. Plus, space nerd gets the space jacket. And overall, keeping him grey and blue and cool, with a grey tinted shadows (while everyone is a bit warmed) and the blush thingy I do as another nod to him being a spooky. That and faint scars from battle.
TUCKER: was fighting for my life trying to translate his curved head shape in my style without wanting to gnaw off my own arm. Took away the hat and gave him classic cornrows instead, but kept the color by having him dye his hair. Button down instead of the yellow shirt, changed up his glasses, and boom! Fav primary colored lad. Still might change him a bit later on.
SAM: Easiest to do oh my god. Head shape? Got lucky it went well. Changed up her outfit slightly, gave her some bleached eyebrows, more piercings and cut her hair. Feels all like things she would definitely do, favorite design thus far.
ALL: Their ears are all pierced because they all got one piercing together! Danny’s fine with just the ones and never takes them out. Sam has plenty, and Tucker is currently vibing with two at a time and has a few different pairs. I like to think he’d incorporate some of kind of tech in one pair eventually.
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erwinsvow · 6 months
⋆˚✿˖° part two of this ⋆˚✿˖°
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the first time it had been tight shorts and an even tighter, cropped long sleeve. rafe had convinced you to stay back with him, murmuring in your ear about how no one else should get to see so much of you exposed like this. you’d fallen for it instantly, with big eyes and a sappy heart, realizing that you liked it when rafe was being overprotective like this.
the next few times hadn’t been as easy, like today. you had opted for skin-tight leggings—blue, like all your workout clothes were now, the pinks and yellows of the past swiftly replaced for your new favorite color—and a matching sports bra that made him want to lock you up in his bedroom. 
you’re filling up your water bottle in the kitchen and waiting for sarah, which is your usual routine. rafe knows this and always conveniently always wanders down there when you’re on your way out and his sister is taking too long with her hair in the bathroom. he has at least five minutes alone with you.
“what’d i say about going out like that?” 
you hold onto your bottle tight, not wanting to let it almost slip like last time. you smile automatically at the fact that he came to talk to you, but hide it before you turn, before he can see it.
“everyone wears stuff like this, rafe. it’s pilates.”
“ion know what that means.” he stalks closer, like last time, and you try to strengthen your resolve, “you gonna listen or are we gonna have a problem?” your face burns. you hope he doesn’t notice it.
“well, you’re not my boyfriend, so i don’t have to listen to you,” you say, sucking in a breath and trying to look rafe right in the eyes. it’s hard to not cave to his demands, but you know you’re right. you’re both silent for longer than you expected.
“is that so?” your knees suddenly feel weak, every logical fiber in your body shouting at you to not start something with rafe that you can’t finish. it takes everything in you not to set your bottle down on the counter and make your way back up to rafe’s bedroom. you fight the urge as hard as you can.
“m’just saying. if you were really my boyfriend i’d do what you say.” sarah comes down the stairs, and you use the chance to make your escape. when she’s out the door, you turn back quickly. “bye, rafe.”
your class is an hour, but getting a drink with sarah and your friends tacks on another thirty-minutes. when you finally come back to tannyhill, you’ve almost completely forgotten your interaction with rafe. you know he’s not serious about dating you, and it’s time for him to go back to just being sarah’s cute brother, and not your potential anything. 
you settle on the couch, wondering if you should even risk staying for dinner or just head back home now, when you hear sarah from the kitchen.
“what the hell is this?” you follow the sound, walking in to find flowers on the counter, pretty yellow flowers with a pink bow, and a card that says your name on it.
ignoring sarah’s words, you open it up, and in scribbled handwriting that you immediately recognize is a few words.
better start listening. rc.
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visualbutterflysworld · 8 months
Meet my girlfriend | VHackerr
While on stream the chat hears you in the background and begs to met you.
love you vin ! this is for my black girls frfr but only a section
“AH FUCK!” Vinnie hears you scream. He would’ve hurried to your aid but he’s frozen because he’s streaming. With you being so loud the chat hears you. Vinnie’s eyes shift to his monitor partly afraid and partly intrigued
“Who was that?”
“Was that a girl!?”
“Vinnie you’re cheating on me!?”
“Ahhh! I knew he was dating someone!”
Vinnie licks his lips as he can’t come up with an excuse. He sighs heavily before he starts to talk. “That was my girlfriend. Who screamed.”and that’s when the chat blows up. He sees the views ranking up which means he’s probably trending on twitter not even 5 minutes after he said that.
“Babe!” Vinnie yells for you. You come quickly, standing in the doorway with a confusion look as you know he’s streaming. He relaxes in his chair as he looks at you with a lazy smile. “They heard you. The chat wants to meet you.” You widen your eyes. “Oh! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know I was that loud.” You put your head down in disappointment.
“It’s okay, love, please come say hi.” He smiles even harder as you slowly make your way to him. You glance at the chat. You see so many comments.
“Say hi.” Vinnie says as you look unsure. “Can i stay out the frame?” You ask and Vinnie nods, honestly glad he could keep what you look like to himself. “Hi, chat.” You say shyly. “This is my girlfriend guys. Should we give her a nickname?”
The chat floods the comments section with ideas and names. “Mm. Buttercup? I like buttercup. She acts like her from the power puff girls.” “I do not!” You yell! Vinnie laughs as he looks at your little pout. “She does too! Don’t let the cuteness fool you!” Vinnie smiles as he sees more questions pop up.
“Okay, baby, you wanna play lighting round? Answer real quick and short?” Vinnie asked before looking at your almost bare legs. His imagination going off the rails. “Sure.” You put your arms behind your back.
“What’s your age?”
“I’m 23!”
There were a few comments about you and Vinnie’s age gap but hey it could be worse.
“I’m a journalist.”
“Favorite color?”
“Depends on my mood. I like sage green, lilac, blue and light pink. Sometimes green and yellow.”
“How long have you and Vinnie been dating?”
“Almost five months!”
“Favorite physical part of vinnie?”
“His smile. He has one of the most beautiful smiles.”
Vinnie couldn’t help but smile. “Compared to her’s mine is pure shit.” You hit him and that’s when the comments blew up more.
You laughed at all the comments. “Yes, I’m black. Thank you guys for noticing.” Vinnie snorted. “Now everyone can shut up about what I like.” You rolled your eyes as you continue reading the comments. Some were unfriendly but it didn’t faze you too much. It was an inevitable thing to happen.
“Well, everyone, I liked chatting with you all but I want to go lay down now so bye!” You waved and make your way out of his room. “I’ll be there in a little bit babe!” Vinnie called out. “Alrighty!”
Well, that went better than you could hope.
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0pure-insanity0 · 4 months
You know how parents will color-code their children? (Especially in America) Like, the first boy is blue, then the next boy is green or red, and the first girl is pink, then purple, etc. I want that with struggling single father, Bruce Wayne.
Like, he (And the kids) picked these colors out when they were nine or ten, for the most part. Tastes change, but any child who grew up color-coded can tell you that you don't outgrow your coding. People will still get you yellow shoes even 5 years after you told them you stopped liking it.
As the first boy, Dick was automatically coded as blue because that's what the public assumed, and Bruce was new and confused, so he leaned into it. Of course, he worried if he made the right call when Robin came out in red, green, and yellow, but judging by Nightwing, he did an okay job.
Jason came in with a red hoodie, so Bruce asked him if he liked red. Jason, being himself said, "No, green." Regrettably for him, Bruce took that to heart.
Tim at least came much older, so Bruce just asked him what he liked. Tim's first choice was green, so Bruce asked for his second favorite. Jason is still upset that he's older and had the name first, but Tim gets everything colored red.
When Damian first arrived, he thought the concept of a favorite color was stupid and refused to give an answer. Everyone cycled through different colors, trying to figure it out discreetly, but when Dick gave him an orange sweatshirt that he didn't want to take off, they knew what to assign him.
Cass was confused by everything, but when Bruce asked if pink was okay while giving her a pink t-shirt, her smile and hug secured her color.
Duke was also easy since he was more than old enough to decide for himself and is very happy with his yellow room.
While Stephanie doesn't have an official place in the manor, everyone knows to get her purple blankets to take home.
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anti-romantico · 2 months
[getaway car] enhypen jake
warnings: riding, oral (m&f), facefuck, deepthroat, cum swallowing, overstimulation, protected sex (as y'all should!)
words: 1342 (wth happened to the color yellow?)
A/N: first thing first, yes, this is inspired by the taylor swift song "getaway car", my friend went to the eras tour in Edinburgh and got it as a surprise song, she hasn't stopped talking about it since then, so naturally I listened to the song and immediately got obsessed with it, and I'm saying it as someone who only likes a few TS songs. This same friend helped me with the redaction of this fic since we all know how much I like to use the same five adjectives in all my fics lmao
anyways, hope y'all enjoy this as much as I did, it might be one of my favorite fics I've ever written.
remember, don't like it don't read it, that's why the warnings are before the cut
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You knew this was wrong. You ended a 3 year relationship just last month. But this guy’s lips on your neck felt like heaven. The sudden bites and sucks he was giving sent shivers all over your body. You weren’t a fan of marks, but you let him have his way. It was like you needed him to.
— Do you want to take this somewhere private? — How did he manage to whisper if the music was really loud?
You smirked. Yes. You wanted him.
— Let me tell my friend I’m leaving. Be right back. — You gave him a kiss on his cheek and rushed to your friend’s table. She was also busy. — Ney! I’m sorry! — You had to push his date to make them stop. 
— Already got bored of him? — She asked, drinking her glass, realizing it was only melted ice. Your relationship with Heeseung wasn’t of her liking, so the moment your impulsive thought won and told her you wanted to club, she dragged you to the mall and bought you the navy blue dress you were wearing. 
— Quite the opposite. I’m leaving! — Ney was surprised, she thought it was going to be just a little make out. 
— Do you have your location on?
You grabbed your phone from the table and showed her. — Always! I’ll call you, have fun!
Once you two were out, you took a deep breath. You didn’t drink much, but it was enough to feel dizzy.
— Are you ok? — He asked, rubbing his hand on your back.
— Just the change of air. — You smiled. He murmured something and took off his jacket, placing it over your shoulder. 
He opened the door of his truck for you and even helped you with the seatbelt. Taking advantage of the closeness to grab you by your face and kiss you. — Sorry, I had to do it. Couldn’t resist anymore.
— Don’t apologize. — This time you kissed him, playing with his tongue.
Against his own head, he pulled away and ran to the driver seat.
— Is it ok if we go to a hotel? Pretty sure my roommate has someone over. — He took his phone out of his jeans and looked at you. You shook your head and started at him driving and finding a hotel.
You just heard him say “Perfect” before looking at you. 
— I’m Jake, by the way. — You chuckled and told him your name, not being able to resist your urges and grabbed his free hand and played with his fingers. — It’s the first time a girl does that.
—You have pretty hands, even prettier than mine. — You compared the back of his hand with yours before continuing to rub his skin. 
Jake would pull his hand away from time to time, but immediately would grab your hand after.
A little darkness covered the car. You made it to the hotel. After being helped by Jake to get out, you walked hand in hand to the reception as the ballet parking left with Jake’s car.
— Good evening. Room for Jake Sim. — You bit your lower lip at his voice tone. The receptionist smiled and gave him two cards. 
The room was nice. More than that. How did he book a room like this with so little anticipation?
— You like it? — Jake was behind you, just like you two were at the club. — I have to order condoms, though, wasn’t planning to have sex tonight.
You laughed and nodded. — I’ll use the bathroom while you do that.
You took a deep breath once you locked the door behind you. Were you really going to do this? Yes, definitely. You still could feel his hands burning on your skin. 
When you got out of the bathroom, he was sitting on the couch, typing on his phone. He turned his face toward you when you closed the door.
— Hey, I know why are we here, but are you hungry? I can call room service. — Jake asked, following you with his eyes. As soon as you were in front of him, you straddled him.
Jake left his phone to the side and placed his hands on your waist. After looking at each other’s eyes, you finally lowered your face and kissed him, grabbing his hands and lowering them to your butt. 
He had to take a very deep breath when he felt the edge of your dress in the palm of his hands. Would it be too fast if he lifted it a little so he could feel you? 
But it was like you read his mind. As the kiss deepened, you started to move your hips over his, causing your dress to lift up, and with Jake’s help, you were grinding on his boner. 
— Let's take this to the bed, love, we'll be more comfortable. — Jake's strength made you clench. He carried you with one arm like it was nothing and took you to the bedroom. 
The bed was so soft, you loved the idea of about to be fucked in a bed as soft as this one.
Jake held your legs spread and pulled your thong down, letting it fall to the ground.
You held yourself up with your elbows as you saw him get on his knees and kiss your inner thighs. He was teasing you, going from one leg to the other, ignoring your wet pussy. 
You weren't going to protest though, you liked it. But the loud moan you let out when he gave a hard suck on your clit wouldn't have been prevented. Not even if you tried. 
His tongue was skilled, feeling jealous of all the girls that have experienced it before you.
There were times you tried to keep eye contact with him, but due to the pleasure he was giving you, it was impossible to not close your eyes and throw your head back. 
Jake started to lick your pussy with a fervor that you had never experienced before. His tongue moved in circles around your clit, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You moaned softly, fingers tangling in his hair as you pulled him closer to your cunt.
As he continued to lick and suck on your clit, you felt your orgasm building. Your breath came in short gasps, and you arched your back, pressing yourself harder against his mouth. Suddenly, the pleasure became too much to bear, and you cried out as your orgasm washed over you.
He continued to lick you gently, drawing out your orgasm until you were left panting and breathless. 
You bit your lip, feeling a surge of desire course through you. — Can I suck your cock?
Jake's eyes widened with surprise, but he didn't hesitate. He nodded, his breath coming in short gasps. Jake stood up and opened his jeans, letting you pull them down with his boxers.
You reached the base of Jake's cock, your fingers gently caressing the sensitive skin. You felt his cock twitching in anticipation, and you knew that he was just as eager as you were. 
You wrapped your fingers around the base of his cock, grip was firm but gentle.
You looked up at Jake, eyes meeting him. He was watching you with a look of pure desire, his eyes dark with need. 
Jake groaned, his body tensing as you began to stroke his cock. 
You lowered your head, your lips parting as you took the head of Jake's cock into your mouth. 
You tasted his salty precum, and you moaned softly as you swirl your tongue around the sensitive head.
Jake groaned, his fingers tangling in your hair as he guided your head down further. You took him deeper into your mouth, your lips sliding down his shaft as you began to suck him off. You could feel his cock swelling in your mouth, growing harder and thicker.
Jake's grip on your hair tightened as he thrust his hips upward, pushing his cock deeper into your mouth. 
You moaned around his shaft, your fingers digging into his thighs as you tried to steady yourself. You could feel his cock twitching, growing even harder.
You could hear Jake's breath coming in short gasps, his body tensing with every stroke of your tongue. You knew that he was close to his release, and you wanted to make him feel as good as he had made you feel. 
Jake's body began to shudder, his cock throbbing in your mouth as he neared his release.
You felt his precum dripping down your throat, and you swallowed eagerly, wanting to taste every drop of him. His fingers tightened in your hair, pulling you closer as he thrust his hips upward, his cock hitting the back of your throat.
You gagged slightly, but Jake didn't let up, his desire taking over as he fucked your mouth with recklessly. You could feel your own arousal building again, pussy throbbing with need.
— I'm gonna cum in your mouth again, love, but this time don't swallow it. Keep it in your mouth. — Jake said as he kept thrusting his cock into your mouth. You could feel his cock swelling even more as he spoke.
You nodded, your eyes locked on his, and you felt a thrill of excitement.
You felt his cock throbbing, the veins bulging as he chased his second release.
Suddenly, Jake's body tensed, his fingers tightening in your hair as he thrust his hips upward one last time. You felt his hot cum shooting into your mouth, filling it.
And you did as he told you; you kept his cum in your mouth, letting his cock go carefully to not drop anything.
Jake lifted your face with his thumb. — Open. — You opened your mouth and showed him the white liquid in your mouth. — You look so hot like this, love, but I want to see you swallow it, you didn't let me the first time. 
Not even a second after you swallowed his cum, Jake lowered himself and kissed you, tasting himself in your tongue.
You felt dizzy after he pulled himself away, and you got confused when you heard him grab the condoms from the drawer.
— You took your sweet time in the bathroom. — He explained, taking off his jacket and shirt.
When he was kicking his jeans off, he stopped you from removing your dress. 
— I really want to see your body, but you look too hot in that dress to not take advantage of that. — You loved honesty, and even boosted your ego. 
Jake laid down in the bed and handed you the condoms.
You took out one of the condoms and rolled it down Jake's cock, feeling his thickness through the thin latex. You stroked him a few times, your hand gliding up and down his shaft as you felt him grow even harder. 
You positioned yourself over him, your legs straddling his hips as you lowered your body onto his.
You felt him enter you, his cock stretching you open as he filled you up. You gasped, your body shuddering with pleasure as you took him in.
You began to move, your hips rocking back and forth.
Jake's hands gripped your hips tightly as you rode him, his fingers digging into your skin as he guided your movements. You felt his cock throbbing inside you, his shaft rubbing against your sensitive walls as you moved up and down.
You leaned forward, your hands braced on his chest as you kissed him deeply. Your tongues danced together, breaths mingling as you lost yourselves in the moment. Jake's cock was twitching inside you, his desire building as you continued.
You broke the kiss, your breath coming in short gasps as you looked down at him. 
Jake's hands moved to your breasts, his fingers teasing your nipples over your dress.
Your orgasm started to build up, your body tensing as you threw your head back, your hair cascading down as you let out a low moan.
— I'm gonna cum. — You gasped, your voice barely audible as you felt my orgasm wash over you. Your body shook and pussy clenched around Jake's cock as you came. 
As you rode your orgasm, Jake's hands tightened around your breasts, he watched you come undone.
His cock still throbbing inside you, your pussy clenching around him as you milked every last drop of pleasure from your release. 
You slowly opened your eyes, your gaze locking onto Jake's. His eyes were burning with desire, his pupils dilated as he gazed up at you. There was tension in his body, his muscles coiled and ready to spring into action. 
Without warning, Jake's hands gripped your hips tightly, his fingers digging as he pushed you down onto the bed. 
You gasped, your body shivering with pleasure as he positioned himself over you. You could feel his cock pressing against your entrance, his thickness filling you up as he thrust into you.
You cried out, your body arching off the bed as Jake rammed into you. He didn't give you a chance to recover from your orgasm, his desire taking over as he fucked you hard and fast. Even making the bed squeak under you two.
Jake's cock pulsed inside you, his thrusts growing more frantic as he chased his own release. 
His sweaty chest pressing against yours, his hot breath whispering in your ear as he whispered dirty nothings. Your body responded eagerly, your pussy clenching around his cock as you felt another orgasm building.
You wrapped my legs around his waist, your heels digging into his back as you pulled him deeper into you. Jake groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head as he felt you tighten around him.
As Jake's body tensed, his cock throbbing inside you.
His face was buried in the crook of your neck. You held him close, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck, your fingers tangled in his hair as you felt his release building.
Suddenly, Jake's body tensed, his cock pulsing inside you as he came. You could feel his cum filling the condom, his shaft throbbing as he emptied himself into the condom.  
As Jake's hips slowed, his thrusts becoming gentle as he rode out his orgasm, you felt his body relaxing, his weight pressing down on you.
His face was still buried in the crook of your neck, his hot breath tingling against your skin as he panted, trying to catch his breath. 
Slowly, Jake pulled out, causing the both of you to sigh. He laid down beside you for a few seconds before he removed the condoms and went to the bathroom.
You practically kicked out the dress of your body as you felt hot and sticky.
Jake got out of the bathroom and sat down on the side of the bed you were in. — Do you want to take a bath? I'll order something to eat so the bathroom is all yours.
And even though in the back of your head you knew it wasn't a good idea, you nodded.
Jake smiled softly and kissed you. But not a kiss that tells you he wanted to keep fucking. It was just a sweet kiss. 
After getting out of the bathroom, you were wearing one of the bathrobes you found hanged. The bed had two silver plates with pizza and french fries, but your clothes were nowhere to be seen.
— Jake? — You tried to not panic as you walked out of the room and found Jake receiving two paper bags from a hotel staff.
— Your clothes will be here in the morning, sir. — The guy said to Jake. — Is there anything else I can do? 
— Not for the moment. Thanks. — The guy left after receiving a tip from Jake.
— I sent your dress to the dry cleaners, but I got you clean clothes in case you don't want to leave wearing a dress. — Jake handed you one of the paper bags, which you received hesitantly.
— Isn't it too much? — You asked him, afraid to offend him and his kindness.
— I just thought you preferred… your dress was wrinkled. Fuck… Am I being invasive? 
— No! Not at all. It's just that you paid for the hotel, the food and now clothes.  This isn't something I would've expected for… this. — It seemed like none of you pictured the same. 
— What is this? For you, I mean. — Jake walked towards you, leaving his paper bag on the couch in the way. God, he still had some sort of scent that drove you crazy. 
But you couldn't answer, looking at the whole picture, it was obvious he didn't have the same idea as you after meeting at a club.
— How about we eat something? I'm starting to feel dizzy. — You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the room.
The food was already cold, but both of you were too lazy to go to the kitchen and warm the food.
After eating, you were planning on leaving, no matter if it was late, but you were too tired after everything.
And if it wasn't because of your bladder you would've continued sleeping, but you had to run to the bathroom, finding your phone on the floor. 
You checked the time. 8:32 in the morning. 
When you walked in the room, Jake was sleeping so tight it made you feel like shit for grabbing the paper bag he gave you last night. You locked yourself in the bathroom and dressed up quickly.
After getting out of the bathroom again, you grabbed your heels and rushed out of the room, until you found Jake's phone on the couch right beside his paper bag. 
You weren't going to leave him your number, but you didn't want to lose contact, but you weren't ready for whatever he was low-key offering you. 
And just like any other hotel, there was a small notebook and a pen on the table. It was your only way to say goodbye without making it difficult… for you.
“You gave me a night I'll never forget, but sadly it happened when I'm not in the correct state of mind. Don't think I'm not thankful for everything you've done for me, but think about the place where you first met me.
I hope we can meet again, I promise I'll make up for it”. 
You rushed out of the hotel room, walking confidently to the elevator. You even smiled at the receptionist when you were making your way out of the hotel and hopped in one of the taxis.
When Jake woke up he didn't want to think anything bad when you weren't on his side. Or when he saw the pajama you wore and the paper bag in the bathroom. But then he found the note. 
He swore he could hear your voice redacting it. It stinged as he read it over and over and over and over again.
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enkays-den · 3 months
Hermits as birds from where they live/were born!
note: my knowledge is centered around North American birds, so sorry if the european ones aren't super accurate
Bdubs: Northern Saw-Whet Owl. He's just a little guy with big eyes. Small and evil, love him
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Cub: Common Starling. Skulk like-iridescence, incredibly friendly. Plus, with Cub running the horn store this season, he NEEDED to be the bird that can imitate pretty much any noise it hears
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Doc: Bonelli's Eagle. Large raptor found in Germany. It's straight "brow" and hunched posture remind me of Doc
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Etho: Common Loon. THE! CANADIAN! BIRD! Despite being "common", their pattern is simply EXQUISITE Plus, it has a red eye! Also listen to the noises these things make, it's literally stock nature sounds all in one bird. Also, I'd put Etho on my one dollar coin.
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False: Barn Owl. Very elegant owl, I just feel it suits her, that's all. Very stately posture.
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Gem (Season 10 specifically): Great Blue Heron. It's a fisher, it's blue, it's menacing, what more could you ask for?
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Scar (Hotguy): Double-crested Cormorant: A waterfowl bc scar did competitive swimming, it's got a slightly funky shape which I feel suits scar's personality. It also has the Hotguy colors!
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Grian: Eurasian Bullfinch. Parrot Grian will not reign supreme. Look at that little guy. He's mischievous, he's red, I do not trust him.
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Hypno: Stellar's Jay. My provincial bird! I just think both have very chill and cool personalities
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Jevin: Lazuli Bunting. Just a little blue guy!
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Impulse: American Goldfinch. Black and yellow, need I say more?
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Iskall: Booted Eagle. Something about a stout raptor just feels right. Look at that posture. Reminds me of when Iskall tries to copy the brits' accents.
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Joe: Turkey Vulture. Although seen as odd or menacing, all vultures are integral to the local ecosystem and are in actuality, very elegant and gentle birds.
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Keralis: Boreal Owl. Yes, I did make the two guys with big eyes owls, What of it? LOOK at him. Put a little hardhat on him, put a little hawiian shirt on him. Precious sweet face.
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Mumbo: Avocet. It's basically a vibe check and a mustache joke.
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Peal: Black Swan. Big 5AM Pearl vibes. Giant, beautiful, protective. Love that for her.
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Ren: Giant Kingfisher. Obligatory King Ren joke, it's a South African bird, and it's kinda goofy looking. I think the speckled feathers look like a ruffled fur collar on a king's cape.
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Skizz: Golden Eagle. Large, majestic, hella strong, and he's wearing pants :3
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Joel: Tree Swallow. Very small, beautiful, agile bird. The swallow's wings remind me of Asian art styles.
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Stress: Magpie. GOR-JUS and LOUD. Imagine her next to Iskall (they're very similar in size, bless them)
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Tango: Swainson's Hawk. I fought every bone in my body to not make an Arizona Cardinals joke when I already made a Phoenix Coyotes one maybe half an hour before. The Swainson's hawk is on the smaller size, but still a deadly spitfire, which I think suits Tango
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TFC: Brown Pelican. A solitary bird, definitely a rare sighting. TFC was always joking about how much he would eat, I thought a pelican was apt
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Beef: Barred Owl. MY FAVORITE OWL. I literally call them 'round beefy boys' and they're just so sweet and I love them
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Wels: American Kestrel. I LOVE these little guys. Simply the smallest, cutest and beautiful falcon there is. They're about the size of a pigeon. It's just got such a regal posture despite being a little cutie.
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XB: Rock Pigeon. Despite being common and seen as a "dumb pest", they are pretty intelligent, there's a reason they were used to carry messages around. They're also a close relation to doves! The green collar also is like the jacket collar on his skin.
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Xisuma: Semipalmated Plover. X and Mumbo were both chosen because of how those birds run on the beach. They're RIDICULOUS. This subspecies is exclusively because it look like he's wearing a little helmet.
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Zedaph: Firecrest. Just the GOOFIEST little guy I found on the wiki of British birds. Look at that thing /aff. Also, Zed do be blowing up a lot
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Cleo: Partridge. Beautiful bird, looks like they want to kill you in your sleep, just like Cleo.
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allbark-no-bite · 1 year
Maniac || Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: she’s dancing in the kitchen while Rafe’s falling in love
word count: 1.7k
warnings: 18+ smut
author’s note: inspired loosely by Macklemore’s ‘Maniac’
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He's laughing now, low and attractive, his pearly teeth on display. His crossed arms bounce against his chest as it rumbles. From the radio sat on the counter, music bounces through the expanse of the kitchen.
"I am not dancing with you."
"C'mon! Get over yourself, Cameron!"
Warm, lemon yellow light slowly creeps across the white kitchen walls, and it makes her hair flash a rich golden color as she twirls through the sunbeams.
Rafe remembers exactly when he fell in love with her because it was a moment similar to this one. She's half dressed, dancing in the kitchen in her tube socks. Her hair is a mess, falling out of the already sloppy bun it's been thrown in, and he's not even sure she's wearing anything under the billowy mass of his shirt. The buttons are misaligned and he's half hoping it will fall further down her shoulder just so he can prove his theory.
God, does she get on his nerves. "Of you? Or looking like an idiot?" Rafe braces himself against the countertop, his lean body relaxed.
Right now he's just content to watch her, socked feet sliding against the white kitchen tile as she does what he has to admit is a fairly decent impression of the moonwalk. Thankfully he doesn't speak too soon because she stumbles over her own feet at the end, catching herself just before she hits the floor.
Rafe just shakes his head, blue eyes shining with a light that only she can put in them. "You're a maniac." His heart hurts. He wishes this wasn't so complicated.
Rafe met (y/n) through Topper, his best friend since grade school. Consequently, Topper was also (y/n)'s older brother. Now, he wants to make this point clear, he never set out to fuck his best friend's kid sister. Shit just happens. He had always liked her, of course, but everyone did. She didn't rat out anything they did at parties, and she was always down to hang out and do... other things. His favorite of those things being the time they had sex in the backseat of Topper's jeep. They'd emerged an hour later, faces hot and clothes rumpled, and returned back to the party as if nothing happened.
Rafe is sure Topper knows he's doing less than decent things with his little sister — they did leave his car reeking of sex for the whole next week — but for the most part, they keep whatever is between them under wraps. She says it's because she doesn't want to hurt her brother if things go south. Rafe knows it's because she's seventeen and doesn't want to commit to anything she doesn't have to.
"We aren't dating, Rafe. You know that."
He's just proposed that they go with Kelce and his girlfriend to the golf club tomorrow.
"Bullshit," he laughs, grinning from ear to ear. She was bad for him, her and her flighty indecisiveness, but so were a lot of other things he did. Rafe figured there were worse things that could kill him.
"You'll get over me eventually. I promise."
He's really grinning now because he knows she's all talk. "Sure," he relents, playing along for the sake of the conversation. "And when I don't?"
She's rolling her eyes now but still smiling as he takes her hand and twirls her around, her toes twirling delicately across the kitchen floor. "You're just like my brother. You'll find another Sarah Cameron and move on with your life."
He actually scoffs at that. "I'd rather not think about the things your brother does to my sister."
"I'm sure Top feels the same way," she refutes, sidling closer to Rafe until they're nearly pressed chest to chest. The collar of the shirt has slidden off her shoulder, well below her collarbone, and still there's no bra strap in sight. He swallows, a hand sliding up the back of her bare thigh to cup the curve of her backside and pull her closer to him.
She must notice his tentativeness because she offers him a cheeky look, cupping her hand over his own. "No need to be shy. If you're going to touch me then get going with it."
Rafe's blue eyes flit to hers, and the corner of his mouth quirks up into a shy smile, as if he's been caught contemplating and she read his mind. His other hand glides up her shirt, reveling at the warmth of her skin before sliding home. The bud of her breast pebbles under the swipe of his thumb and she shivers.
"What's wrong with being shy?" he mumbles, his head ducking to mouth at the cavern of her collarbone. Her body is warm and impossibly alive in his hands. There are often times like this one that he cannot fathom the fact that like him, she is a living, breathing person. He can feel her heart thumping under the weight of his palm, almost unbearably alive.
The tent in his pants must betray him because she laughs. "Rafe Cameron, you have never been shy a day in your life." Her hips grind up into his and he muffles a groan into her skin. He would say she knows him too well but really there's no hiding what's happening in his pants.
His fingers tug down at her shirt as he cranes his neck lower to mouth at the tender swell of her breast. A pleased sound escapes her. Before she can grip him through his shorts, he swiftly grabs her wrist, placing it instead on his waist. "Later," he huffs. His dick can wait.
When her hand again slips past the waistband of his boxer, his teeth catch her skin, reprimanding her. "Later, dammit," Rafe scolds, but there's no bite to his voice. He's smiling again as he kisses the welp better. His hands are on her waist, thumbs digging in below her hipbones to pull her body into his. Her fingers are in his hair, tickling his scalp and making him sigh into her skin. Rafe smoothes his tongue over the hickey forming on the top of her breast, making sure to attend to the other side as well.
With her hands still in his hair, Rafe drops to his knees on the kitchen tile. He is very, very pleased to find that she is not wearing panties. Narrowing his blue eyes, he shoots her a knowing glare. "You're nothing but trouble, kid."
Her hands tangled in his hair push his head back down. "You sound like you're trying to catch a case calling me that."
Rafe laughs at her impatience. At first he had been painfully aware of their three year age gap. She was Topper's litter sister for god's sake — practically a baby when he was a senior in high school. That number has faded over the years but it doesn't mean he doesn't like to tease her.
Grinning, his nose drags along the tan of her bikini line. She smells like sun tan oil and something he can't quite place. He would like to linger a while longer to figure it out but he's afraid she'll get too impatient with him.
Palms griping the backs of her thighs, he licks through her folds. The contact makes her body jump, but her fingers tighten as much as they can in his cropped hair, forcing his face closer. He just knows his jaw is going to ache tomorrow. Is it actually good head if it doesn't? He doesn't think so.
Rafe drags his tongue up to her clit before sucking at it. She squeaks at this, legs quivering beside his head. Just when he thinks she's going to lose her balance, she thankfully grabs on to the counter behind her before they both topple to the floor.
"Holy..." she begins, but doesn't even finish her sentence.
Grunting, Rafe has to force his wide shoulders in between her knees to keep them open as he laps at her. His tongue dips further into her, causing his nose to nudge her clit each time his mouth explores her further.
Eventually he becomes more insistent with his actions, lapping at her clit until she's whimpering, sensitive to the point that he doesn't know if she's more keen on shoving his head towards her or pushing it away. She comes with a cry, squirming in his hands as his tongue finishes the job properly.
"Oh god, I love you. Please. Fuck, you're— Right there."
Rafe pulls away just a fraction to breathe. "What'd you say?"
He's sure she can still feel his hot breath against her weeping cunt. There's arousal leaking down her thighs and he can feel it dripping down from his chin to his neck.
Panting, her cheeks are flushed as she looks down at him, but he has a feeling it's not from him. "What?" she stammers. "Nothing."
He grins cheshire-like up at her. His hands rub the backs of her thighs soothingly before squeezing her calfs. "You said the "L" word," he accuses.
Her eyes widen in realization. "No. No, I didn't," she protests.
Rafe rises to his feet, hands trailing up her body as his smile grows wider. She's trapped between his body and the counter and has no choice but to try and dodge him as he tries to catch her eyes. "What was it?" He taunts, laughing. "Say it again, baby?"
She tries to cover her face with her hands but with Rafe's overpowering strength, the attempt is useless. Even hiding halfway behind her arms, he can tell she's smiling. "I didn't! I didn't say anything!"
"C'mon! Baby. Baby, look at me." Rafe pulls her her rigid arms away from her face and holds them out to either side of her head. "Hey, I said look at me."
Leveling his gaze with her, they lock eyes for a moment, neither saying anything. Although her expression is fairly calm, if not a little pensive, he can tell she’s searching his face for a reaction. Timidly, he presses his lips to hers, stealing a chaste kiss before pulling away again.
“I love you too.”
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milunalupin · 9 days
Can i request a one shot for ominis????
Him asking Y/N to describe her favourite color. Her favourite color is his eyes and she describes them in the most poetic and romantic way without giving away that its his eyes. She does this while looking at his eye and he doesn’t know this. Bonus when ominis tells seb about it and seb is just looking at him like an idiot and tells ominis “her favourite color are your eyes” like its the most obvious thing in the world.
thank you for you patience, i hope you like it ! <3
— la mer
ominis gaunt x reader ★ 529 words
"Think of the smell of the pine trees at Christmas time, or the feeling of freshly cut grass."
After your shared colormancy lesson earlier in the day, Ominis had asked you to describe the colors to him. So here you two were, laying down by the Black Lake as you tried your best to describe the colors in a way he would understand.
"Grass? Salazar, like that matcha stuff you've been drinking? I don't think I like green."
A pleased smile grows on his face as he hears the light twinkling of your laughter, that based off your descriptions, sounds yellow.
"Well yes, matcha is actually green but stop being dramatic Ominis, green is quite nice. Green is Slytherin's main color you know."
"What does your favorite color feel like?"
Your cheeks turn cherry red, suddenly feel shy as he turned his head to face you. Today Professor Onai said that purple symbolized magic and devotion. The frayed yarn at the bottom of your violet sweater undid itself more and more as you tugged at it nervously. The two of you hadn't been partners in Divination class for very long, but it was long enough for you to develop a crush on the youngest Gaunt.
"It feels like, the first snowfall," you begin, glancing over at your friend. As if you had to look at him to know that exact shade of blue his eyes were. "When it starts with just a few and then suddenly you're surrounded by sparkling little snowflakes."
"Sounds nice."
"It is."
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"So, Ominis. How did your little rendezvous go with you know who?"
"What are you on about, Sebastian?"
"You know, your little date with Y/N after class."
Ominis scanned the Undercroft with his wand at lightning speed, for the slight chance that you may have just walked in and heard his idiot friend. Once confirming so, he sat back on the dusty couch and crossed his arms with a huff.
"That- That was not a date! I was simply curious about today's colormancy lesson."
"You asked her on a romantic walk along the lake," he grabbed his blonde friend by the shoulder, shaking him about. His eyes then squinted in suspicion. "Hey, I've told you what colors are like already. So there's no other reason for your little promenade besides the ever so obvious fact that you like her! Don't lie Ominis, you're as pink as a pygmy puffskein right now."
Ominis pushed Sebastian away, wishing his ears weren't visibly burning as much as they felt. "Shut it, Sebastian."
The teasing Slytherin rolled his eyes with an amused smirk. He turned back to practicing his spells, blue sparks shooting out of his wand. "She must've told you her most favorite color, I assume."
Ominis' face burned further as Sebastian could only cackle at his response, "You're kidding!" he clutched his stomach as he bent over in a fit of laughter.
"What." the blonde snapped, his fists clenching at his side.
"She was describing the color of your eyes, Ominis! Fool!"
If he we wasn't as tomato red as he thought he was, Sebastian would be sure to tell him once he was.
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fierymiasma · 1 year
ꕥYou Look Better In Greenꕥ//Sebastian x MC
NOW WITH PART 2: And You Look Fetching in Yellow
Summary: In which Sebastian sees the new transfer student wearing someone else's scarf and proceeds to absolutely lose it.
Word Count: 1.5k
|| Masterlist || AO3 ||
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Ever since the new 5th year joined Hogwarts and knocked Sebastian on his ass (while stealing his heart at the same time), Sebastian developed a new morning ritual.  He would arrive, as late as possible as usual, to breakfast, plop down on the empty spot that Ominis had so nicely saved for him, listen to Imelda prattle on about some boring Quidditch news, and sigh and longingly stare over at the Hufflepuff table.
It was always something different every day, much to Sebastian's delight.  Sometimes she would wear the most eccentric outfit, a clashing cacophony of mismatched colors that only she could pull off while being the most gorgeous witch in Hogwarts.  Sometimes she would arrive late, wiping the sleep from her eyes, tired from their shared late night misadventures.
This morning Sebastian was unlucky.  Sitting directly across from Poppy, she was obscured from Sebastian's gaze.
Even more unlucky, Imelda Reyes decided she had permission to sit next to him.
"Did you see what the new Hufflepuff was wearing today, Sebastian?"  Imelda teased.
Ugh.  "No, why should I care?  It's not like I spend my mornings just ogling her."
"Of course not."  Imelda said breezily.  "It's only been the talk of the entire school.  Surprised you were the last to hear about it, what with you practically drooling over her every morning."
Ominis snorted into his porridge.
"I have no idea what you're on about.  What she does doesn't concern me in the slightly."  Sebastian lied like the lying liar he was.
Imelda shrugged.  "Oh, that's a shame.  And here I was about to bring you the news that your favorite Hufflepuff is most definitely off the market now.  Looks like someone got to her before you did."
"WHAT?"  Sebastian bellowed.
Imelda grinned.  "See for yourself, pretty boy."
Playing right into her trap, Sebastian stood up, now blatantly searching for the Hufflepuff.  He was able to angle his view around Poppy.  A part of him was excited to see what ridiculous set outfit she was wearing today.  Sebastian didn't see what the fuss was all about.  Nothing unusual, her usual Hufflepuff robes, a grey sweater, and-
-And a Red and Yellow Gryffindor scarf.  
His mind went blank.  The usual bustling of voices in the Great Hall silenced themselves.  Sebastian could feel the heat erupt in the back of his eyes.  His wand shot dangerous hot sparks, itching for a fight.
Who, in Salazar Slytherin's name, gave her that?
She was wearing a Gryffindor scarf in front of the whole damn school.  Anyone who was anyone knew what that meant.  Why, it was practically a front page advertisement on the Daily Prophet!  Wearing another House's apparel meant you were seeing someone.  Off the market.  No longer available.  Every other day you would see a Ravenclaw girl wear a new black and yellow tie.  A Slytherin showing off their newly acquired blue coat.  It was a possessive silly schoolboy thing, but if you were an eligible bachelor or bachelorette, you wore your gifted scarf with pride.
Who in Merlin's name would claim what was rightfully his?  Who would be daft enough?
He didn't even register that his body was moving, until he was halfway across the Great Hall, making a beeline straight towards the Hufflepuff table.
"Morning."  He greeted Poppy and the new transfer student stiffly, interrupting their conversation.
"Oh Sebastian!  Good morning!  Did you have any of the strawberry tarts?  They're especially good today!"  She beamed behind the offending Gryffindor scarf that was around her neck.
"Who gave you that?"
"Oh, well, I'm pretty sure the House elves make the tarts from scratch and then they sort of apparate it up here.  I'm actually not quite sure how their magic-"
"Who gave you that tacky thing?  Was it Garreth?  Prewett?  I always knew that weasel was up to no good.  I should remind him o-"
She looked at him in alarmed confusion.  "What on earth are you talking about Sebastian?"
Sebastian felt his jaw clench.  So, she had no idea.  Of course she wouldn't.  She was a new transfer student, immensely popular and with half the school falling over themselves fawning over her.  It had to Prewett.  Only that sniveling bastard was underhanded enough to trick Sebastian's Hufflepuff into something so nefarious.  Practically broadcasting to the whole school that they were dating.  Gryffindor chivalry indeed, taking advantage of someone like that.  He bet all Prewett had to do is go up to her with his big, ugly nose and manipulate her into wearing that disgusting thing.
"Your scarf," he spat.  "Who gave it to you?"
Her eyes darted at Poppy who gave her a bewildered shrug.  She blinked in confusion, almost as if she forgot she was wearing it.  "Oh, this?  It's so cozy and warm, isn't it?  I think it really matches with my complexion!"
Sebastian could practically feel his back molar crack.
She continued, unaware of the inner storm brewing inside of Sebastian.  "Natty and I were out at Hogsmeade and got caught in the rain.  My poor scarf got soaked, and I haven't had a chance to learn the drying charm yet.  She was nice enough to lend me hers instead!"
He deflated, wand dropping into his pocket; fight forgotten.  "Ah…Natty…the other…transfer"  Of course.  It wasn't that long ago that Natty transferred and was learning all the nuances of the social intertwining of a different country much less Hogwarts social etiquette.  Probably thought all of this was silly anyway.
"Is something the matter, Sebastian?"  She leaned over placing her gentle hand on his forehead.  "You're awfully red.  You're practically burning up!"
Poppy tried to hide her laughter behind her hands.  
Sebastian's blush was so strong it practically hid all the freckles on his face.  Arms flapping around, he pushed away her hand from his forehead.  "Never mind me.  It's a miracle you didn't get sick wearing that silly thing.  If you really needed an extra scarf you should have come straight to me."
He started undoing his own warm green and silver scarf.  And with the most nonchalance and charm he could muster, he gently wrapped it around his Hufflepuff's neck.  Green and silver framed her rising blush so nicely.  Something deep in his stomach purred possessively in approval.
"There.  All better.  Those colors match you better anyway.  Red and yellow look awful on you."  He flushed.  "Not that you ever look awful.  You look fantastic.  One of-No, the best looking person at Hogwarts."  His ears burned as Poppy practically howled in laughter unable to hold herself back any longer.  "Um, best looking friend at Hogwarts.  Much better than that old Ominis anyhow."
His Hufflepuff blushed, trying to hide her smile behind her newly acquired gift.  The butterflies in her stomach were practically doing flips.  "Thank you, Sebastian.  Y-you're not so bad yourself, for a Slytherin."
He nodded stiffly.  "Well, if you ever need any more just ask me.  Slytherin is a good look on you."  He wasn't sure what to do now that his mission was complete.  "Um, don't ask Ominis though.  He…um…he hates it when people borrow his clothes.  Gets all particular about his things.  Just come to me whenever you need anything."
Her eyes swam in amusement, and she brought Sebastian's scarf closer to her face, inhaling the rich dark scent left behind.  A rich oak wood, some warm-scented cologne, and a slight musk that was undeniably Sebastian.  Her eyes never left his gaze as she gauged his reaction.  "Oh, how lucky, that I am friends with the most charitable Slytherin I know.  It's nice to know that my friends are so concerned about me."
Sebastian's knees felt weak.  He mustered up the energy to croak out, "Well, it's not all charity.  It's nice having friends in my debt."
She got closer to him, in the mood for something a bit more daring.  "Well, I would hate to always be in your debt.  There must be some way to repay you."
His mouth gaped open.  For once, the manipulative, charming Slytherin was at a lost for words.
"How about I treat my favorite Slytherin to some Butterbeer?  My treat?  I have to start paying back some of that debt somehow."
Sebastian's mouth was dry.  "If I have nothing better to do, I suppose I'll join you.  It's not like I'm doing anything."  (Ominis wouldn't mind getting ditched.)
"It's a date then."  Sebastian choked at her words.  "7'oclock.  Three Broomsticks.  I'll see you then."
Sebastian nodded stiffly and promptly marched himself to the Slytherin table, a bit bewildered as to what just occurred.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚
Poppy's laughter finally subsided, as she finally got a moment's rest to wipe the tears away from her eyes.  "Blimey, I can't believe that worked.  I knew borrowing Natty's scarf was a brilliant move."
The other girl smiled, gently packing away the old scarf borrowed from Natty back into her bags, right on top of her very own and very dry Yellow and black scarf that was secretly tucked away.  "What can I say Poppy?  Sometimes to catch a Slytherin you got to think like a Slytherin."
Part 2
AO3: fierymiasma
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mad-raptorzzz · 2 months
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[Image Description: The SixFanarts challenge. The first is Whiteout from WOF, a Night/IceWing hybrid who is a dark grey-blue with a lighter belly. She has ice blue freckles throughout and caribous like horns. The second panel is Cera the triceratops from The Land Before Time. She is a peach color and is making a snarky face. The third panel is the villain The Nowhere King from Centaurworld. The design is a deer skull with glowing neon green eyes sitting in a bunch of dark goo. The fourth panel shows Randall from Monsters Inc. He is clinging to the box and grimacing in disgust. The fifth panel has Kion from the Lion Guard. He has yellow fur and a red mullet-esque mane. His left eye is scared and pale blue, indicating vision loss. The sixth and final panel contains Frostpaw from Warrior cats. She is a pale grey cat with a tipped left ear and human-made scar across her neck. Her eyes are widened in horror./End]
Wooooof, I finally finished this. Thanks to @bi-pan-whiteout for suggesting Whiteout!! I just chose the other 5. It was fun to draw non-dragons for a hot second. But man oh man do I need to practice lion king characters and cats
Whiteout: I tried a more traditional coloring scheme for her. I think I might still like piebald Whiteout. But I have like 15 designs for her in my brain at all times. She's just got so much potential!! Love her obviously.
Cera: Land Before Time is a big nostalgia trip for me. I gave Cera actual triceratops horns because it always bothered me she didn't have the eye horns. She also should have scars on her because my girl is ready to throw hands at all times.
The Nowhere King: Oh man Centaurworld was an absolute blast start to finish. This guy was my personal favorite part. His story is tragic, but they let him continue being evil. Such a wicked design too. Goop with a skull.
Randall: Randall is one of my favorite Disney/Pixar villains. Right up there with Scar and Ursulla and Hades. I just like that he's a conniving little guy. And his colors and design are just perfect.
Kion: So I know some Lion King fans really don't like the Lion Guard show. I don't mind it. The Lion King is my second favorite movie of all time, and Simba's Pride is my favorite direct to video Disney sequel. I enjoyed the show, even though I was waaaay older than the target audience. Especially the third season when they aged things up a bit. I imagine that Kion lost vision in his left eye after the injury. I also love his stupid little hairstyle and I doubled down.
Frostpaw: The horrors persist but so does she! She is one of my favorite characters in WC from the recent books. Such a cute little anxious lass. Trying her best. Interested to see how things go in Star.
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ghostfacd · 1 year
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based on this edit of mine
pairing; slytherin!luke x hufflepuff!fem!reader
summary; all the times luke’s friends and those around you have noticed your tall cold boyfriend being whipped for you and the one time you got to see it for yourself
genre; FLUFFY FLUFF!! luke being a sneaky whipped mf, hogwarts!au, mean to everybody but you trope, black cat!bf luke + golden retriever!gf reader
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Everybody knew Luke Hughes, the scary, tall, and ridiculously good at Quidditch Slytherin who was absolutely whipped for you.
If anyone had asked, you were Luke’s favorite person in the whole world. There was no hesitance in that; they knew you loved him and they knew Luke loved you just as equally.
Now how did they know Luke was, according to his friends, “down bad” for you?
Exhibit A: That one time in Potions
Everybody knew Professor Snape was very picky on how he wanted each student’s potions to look like—and he had a very strict criteria.
Luke, aside from being a great seeker in Quidditch, was one of the best potion makers their year had known.
Each time Professor Snape would pass by, he would give a grunt of approval. The other students would get a “too yellow” “too bubbly” “too little bubbling” “too little color”
You weren’t the best at potions, in fact, you were merely passing in the class. It wasn’t your fault that Professor Snape was too nit picky—you could barely even let out a word before he would criticize practically everything about your potion!
Before you had started dating Luke, you struggled quite a lot in the class. But after he had finally asked you to be his girlfriend, he took a mental note to himself that he would help you in the class whenever he could.
One day when Professor Snape was in a particularly snappy mood, he ordered the class to make him a perfectly bubbling green potion. Luke, thankfully, was the best at these type of potions and made his in the first five minutes.
He noticed you with your partner, Annie Abraham, struggling to get the potion bubbling. With a shake of his head and a sigh, he quietly snuck over to you, making sure the grumpy professor was out of sight.
He wrapped his arms around you, giving you a small back hug. You quietly gasp, turning around to face your cheeky boyfriend.
“Hi,” you breathe out, “finished early with your potion?”
“I always do,” he replies, placing a kiss on your nose, “do you need help lovely?”
“Yeah,” you bit your lip in annoyance when you turn back to face your potion, “me and Annie have been trying to do everything we can to get it bubbling but nothing works Lukey!”
Annie tries to hold in her laugh at your nickname for your boyfriend. She knew Luke would give her a glare if he had saw, so she covered her mouth and just nodded along to your words.
“No worries lovely, let me help,”
When Luke is done, your potion looks exactly the way Professor Snape wanted it. Squealing happily, you give Luke a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug.
“Mr. Hughes, is there a reason why you’re at Miss. L/N’s and Miss. Abraham’s desk?” A dark voice says from behind the three of you, making you quickly break apart from the hug.
“They just asked me where one of the materials are, that’s all,” Luke replies back quickly, his eyes coming into contact with Professor Snape.
The two have a sort of silent eye contact contest with each other before Snape blinks, “very well, get back to your seat.”
Luke retreats back, giving you a small smile when he sees Professor Snape give you a 100 on your potion.
“Absolutely whipped,” Mark says. He was one of Luke’s close friends, who happens to be sitting across the room from the two of you.
“Tell me about it,” Luke’s other friend says, clicking his tongue. “Kinda jealous of her to be honest, wish Lukey was whipped for us.”
“Shut up!”
Exhibit B: your first official date as a couple
“Hi.” You say as you open the door to your dorm room. You’re dressed in a beautiful but simple baby blue dress that Luke’s eyes can’t help but light up at.
“Hi,” he breathes out nervously. “Ready to go?”
“With you? Always,”
Your flirting tone makes Luke look down at the grass, his cheeks turning pink. He can’t believe he’s now shy, compared to the confident tone he had when you first asked him out to Hogsmeade.
Tonight was different though. Tonight would be you two’s first night as an actual couple. Actually boyfriend and girlfriend.
“I.. I brought flowers,” Luke says, handing you a small bouquet of roses and baby’s breath, “I didn’t know if these were your favorites but I asked your friend and she said it was and I really hope she wasn’t lying to me—Jack actually teased me quite a bit when I was cutting off the thorns and got a small cut but it was worth it to see you smile. Am I talking too much? I don’t know but I really hope you like them, I don’t even know if I was supposed to get you flowers but all my friends told me I should.. I’m also new at this so forgive me—”
“Luke!” You say, placing your hand on his shoulder. He stops blabbering and looks into your eyes, the same ones that he fell inlove with when you insisted that you wanted to be his after his game against the Gryffindors. “It’s fine my love, I love it.”
You lean in to give him a kiss, one that he returns oh so happily.
“Shall we go my lady?” Luke raises his eyebrows jokingly.
“We shall,”
The two of you leave hand in hand, both filled with stupid smiles.
“Our Lukey boy is down bad in the dumps,” Mark whispers to Quinn, who nods right away.
The two were watching from their dorm window, admiring the inlove couple.
“He is—but he’s happy, and that’s all that matters.”
“Wow Quinny, I didn’t know you were soft like that.”
“Shut up Estapa! And don’t call me Quinny,”
Exhibit C: when you forgot to do your homework
“Oh no!” You say, rummaging through your bag. You had forgotten there was a packet due for your History of Magic class.
“What’s wrong baby?” Luke asks concerned. He watches your eyes flicker in panic when you don’t find your packet.
“The packet! I left it at my dorm,” you say, slumping against your seat in disappointment. “I’m gonna get so many points taken off Lu, this sucks.”
Luke nods in understanding, taking out his own packet he had finished the night before. He goes to erase his name, putting yours on instead.
“What are you doing Lukey?” You ask, watching him hand you the packet.
“Giving it to you, I’ll turn in yours late as mine, so you can get your full credits.”
You shake your head right away, pushing the packet back into Luke’s arms.
“Lu, I can’t do that. You worked hard to finish it, and it’s not your fault I forgot mine.”
“It’s okay baby,” he reassures you, handing you back the stack, “I already have a high score in this class, a few points cut won’t hurt my grade. I want you to take it.”
With a hesitant look in your eyes, you go to trim in the packet at your professor’s table.
“I feel bad Lu,” you say, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“Don’t be,” he pulls you closer to him, embracing you tightly.
Your two classmates who had overheard the conversation can’t help but admire in awe. They thought Luke was never capable of loving someone so much, his focus had been on Quidditch for the longest time. But when you came along, it had all changed.
Exhibit D: when a guy interrupted you far too many times
“So today, we had this really cool thing in my Herbology class!” You say excitedly to Luke as you settle yourself comfortably into his lap.
He nods along to your words, urging you to go on.
But before you can, a Gryffindor boy who was also in your class interrupts.
“It wasn’t that cool YN,” he scoffs, looking between you and Luke.
“Yes it was Brandon!” You look up to Luke, who’s clenching his jaw. “Anyway Lu—”
“Luke, did you hear that Slytherin’s going against Hufflepuff next week?”
Luke nods, eyes staring emotionless into Brandon’s, “of course I did. I’m the seeker.”
“Oh right, I forgot,”
“Mhm, Lu plays really well—!”
“Eh, Slytherin will surely win anyway,” Brandon gives you a small smirk, “Hufflepuffs are too weak and nice, aren’t they YN? You would know,”
This was Luke’s last straw, he decided. He carefully slid you out of his lap, standing up to now be in front of Brandon.
“Whoa man, what are you doing?” But before Brandon could say anything else, Luke punches him straight in the jaw, making the Gryffindor fall back, clutching his face.
“What the fuck man!” He yells.
“Lu!” You pull Luke back, eyes meeting his to make sure he calmed down. “Stop.”
“Yeah, stop you fucking psycho!” Brandon wipes his mouth, which now had some blood. “Control your fucking snake YN,”
“You wanna say that again?” Luke comes closer to Brandon, who quickly scurries off to his friends, cursing Luke in the process.
“What a jerk,” Luke scoffs, “disrespecting my girl and me like that.”
“It’s alright Lu,” you say, pulling him into your arms. “He’s not worth it.”
You hadn’t believed all your friends and his friends when they came to you saying you had Luke wrapped around your fingers until now.
You realized how lucky you were to have such a sweet boyfriend, one that cared deeply for you and would do anything to make you happy.
“Love you Lu,” you say when you two finally arrive back at your dorms.
“Mhm, love you too lovely,”
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arielluva · 1 year
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so back in april i had the idea to draw ace attorney characters as if they were in fantasy life (so essentially combining two of my favorite games) but only finished phoenix then. tonight i finished up the page with some more, and since we know what the new lives in fantasy life i will be, i got the excuse to include vera as an artist :))
id under cut
[image ID: 5 digital drawings of some ace attorney characters drawn in the fantasy life art style, which is a very expressive, stylized chibi style. they are drawn in the outfits for different lives as if they were in fantasy life. in the top left, phoenix wright is drawn as a paladin, with text next to his head that says "Phoenix Paladin". he is wearing silver armor with gold trim, the trim forming a 'P' on his chest. the 'P' has a red gemstone in the center of it. his shoulder guards also have red gems on them. he has a long blue cape fluttering behind him, as he stands confidently, holding a sword in his left hand and holding up a shield with his right. the sword and shield are also silver with gold and red accents like his armor. next to phoenix, in the top middle, apollo justice is drawn as a blacksmith. he has text next to his head that reads "Apollo Blacksmith". he is wearing a teal apron on top of a white shirt and pants. his sleeves are rolled up, and he has a red piece of fabric tied around his waist. he is wiping sweat off his forehead with his right hand, and holding a hammer in his left. next to apollo on the top right, is vera misham. she is drawn as an artist, with text next to her head that reads "Vera Artist" she is wearing a pink beret that resembles her bandana, and has a paint brush with pink paint on the very top. she is holding her sketchbook in her right hand, and a paint brush in her left. she is wearing brown gloves that are stained with various colors of paint. she is wearing a pink dress with a darker pink collar and bow, and the skirt of the dress has a darker pink line going horizontally across it. she has a white apron tied around her waist that is also stained with various colors of paint. she is wearing brown sandals. on the bottom left of the drawing is trucy wright drawn as a wizard, with text next to her head that reads "Trucy Wizard". she is in an excited pose, running while holding her staff, a tall wand with a glittering green gem on top. she is wearing a light blue pointy witch hat with a white ribbon wrapped around it. the inside of her hat is pink. she is wearing a medium length black dress with a white belt, and she is wearing pointy white shoes. she is wearing a light blue cloak, with the hood on her shoulders, that has her green diamond brooch hanging where the ends of her hood meet. her cloak is fluttering behind her and trimmed with white and gold, the insides if her sleeves being pink. on the bottom right of the image, ema skye is drawn as an alchemist, with text next to her head that reads "Ema Alchemist". she is wearing gold goggles with pink lenses, and her hair is drawn more poofy than usual. she is wearing a white coat over a light green dress. she has a pink tie loosely around her neck, and she is wearing a darker green corset with gold buttons. her shoes are plain black. she is holding a potion bottle filled with a yellow liquid in her right hand, and is looking at it calmly, with the left hand in her white coat's pocket. end ID].
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s1llydr3amscape · 4 months
Maybe it was the friends we made along the way!
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My security breach cast re-imagined when we first got the posters and merch leaks!!! I changed them into ocs because after seeing their in game designs I fell in love <33333
Another reason why Vanny is my fave is because I don't have to design her clothes /j
Extras and ramblings under the cut :
Zoomed in because I drew them on the same canvas like a goober :
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Many reasons why I chose to make the way it is are cause hehehehe
-I didn't like Roxy at first because off that funko leak being a reused model of Foxy. So I made her a hyena recolor using his model because I think they're cool, yet I still kept the fact she's the shortest because of Foxy in fnaf 1 being the shortest!!! And it did sorta happen with her being his replacement 😭She has short hair because I think one of her main appeals would be she would change up her hair every other week.
-Freddy is a moon bear because I miss Lefty. Also cuz I thought Fazbear Ent developed enough technology so that they could change colors during the night/dark like in the posters making them blacklight/neon. Also once again I miss Lefty and Also Nightmare. He had blue eyes freaky like that because I think FazEnt was developing new technologies to recognize guests by having their main stars test them out. And it did happen in the game so yay!!!
-I genuinely didn't think Bonnie would show up because off the leaks but at the time everyone designed their own version off him and so did I!!! I made him white and brown as a homage to Vannys help wanted mask. The blue streaks in his hair also relates to my Vanessa design. Reasons for this is because with how advanced the AI it was to trick them into thinking they were eachother friends. Why because the heartbreak would've been catastrophic.
-Chica didn't change much but I added brown because I love the color brown it is my top 1 color with purple following behind. Also because I love gradients I fucking love gradients you bet your ass if I add gradients I could <333 She has feather hair like that because off Big Bird I saw in a short fnaf sesame street horror yt video and that scared and gave me nightmares because of this one scene of a lady giving birth to his kid??? Idk it scared me alot. She's my favorite tho <3333
-Monty didn't change except he had circular glasses because I wanted him to match with Roxy as the newest additions to the Fazbear brand!!! Also man I wish one of them was a drummer but I couldn't decide between if Roxy or Monty would get it. I also didn't know Roxanne would be racing and gave her rock climbing. Reasons cause imagining her chasing you being able to climb walls would be scary. My only wish Is that I made his snout longer I want you to be able to hold it like a weapon
-They all have eyelashes because I think that is epic!!!
-Freddy is the tallest. Bonnie and Chica are the same height and Roxanne is the shortest
Might redraw them in my oc world version (if anyone would be interested it's basically also a robot story with my old fnaf oc's now turned rivals to Fazbear Entertainment) and not simplified but my other wips need me they are calling for me they are telling me to finish them and I must!!! Probably
And here's my older art after we got to see the game and the designs are wack oughhh :
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They would've fought with my pink yellow blue Vanny design!!! Which is the only one I redesigned because I love Vanny to much... You can see her pre-design here and oughh Pink Vanny <3333
-If you look closely Vanny has a Dino looking tail!!! And that's because I thought hey imagine each time we defeated an animatronic she'd sew a piece off their body onto her suit! So when we killed Monty she'd scavenged and get his tail!!! With Chica she got her chicken feet!! And with Roxanne she gets her teeth!!!
-Why because I associate her with Pinkamena cupcakes so much. Also to add onto my previous statement with Bonnie looking like her old mask. She changed her suit in the final act to solidify herself as the bad guy (final boss) who had been using the animatronics for his own gain.
-Man I never draw Chica with her head bow now that I think abt it same with Vanny's whiskers god what was I thinking!!!
Also sorry they're oddly cropped I watermark my stuff to remember what year I made them in and my old username is bad 💀
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koszmarnybudyn · 8 months
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The four horseman.
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I have thoughts so here's a rant:
Normal is conquest/i think its illnes or something (its zaraza so plauge where i'm from) because the Oaks brought the doodler about (plus he's the one that brought it to heaven with willy so started the apocalypse), plauge cause the Oaks also have the doodler in their blood and its an "infection" (he's also the stinkiest lol). He has the black eyes he got after seeing what the doodler wants, the purple in his eye is for love and hate, and the blue is there cause that's his signature color and again love. The crown is made of tentacles and also have the eyes (red to symbolize hate and the rage the Oaks carry). I tried to potray him slightly Jesus and Mary like (its so wierd writing that in english), and of course he has the white cloak (i did not draw horses because im bad at drawing horses and i didnt want this to take half a year to make). He and Scary are the ones turned straight to the camera because they are the ones that are the most important doodler wise. Also them being white and black paralleal.
Taylor is war because well i just thought it fit him best, (also he gets the sword then), and i made him look demonic. I dont have much to say about him unfortunetly because this was honestly a struggle. He does parallel with link though in their demon and angel designs.
Link is famine, i feel like hes the one to give up the most, hes been denied his sustanance (love) and as the series progresses he gets more nihilistic because of that and gives up, i feel like famine fits that. He also gets the scales because hes a judge (he condemned his father and he forgiven Scary) and because of the goddess of fairness. Like everyone he gets the eye treatment (i love eye motifs what can i say, also please notice how everyones eyes are diffrent cause that was also a struggle) but i also incorporated the angel motif (yes every link i draw in an au has to get the angel motif i just like angels and well he is a protector and is trying to be good, but then "falls" (cause many deaths) and becomes jaded) the angel thing is also there because he has spent a lot of time in heaven (and he has that generational catholic quilt ya know). The eyes are orange and yellow because that's the colors i usually give him but also because the're golden and sun like.
And of course our seeker of darkness-Scary as death. I contenplated making Link death and her war but i finally didnt. She is partially inspired by that one painting of Mary staring into the viewer as shes holding the corpse of Christ (maybe its silly but my little dramatic heart thinks of Scary summoning the doodler and Marys story to be similar, and just a pretty cool concept you know), and partially just death depictions. She was the first one i finished and probablly still my favorite. She of course has the most purple (i thought about making everyone purple to fit the backround but that would have been a hassle). The whites in her eyes are a nod to the doodler summoning again.
Oh and of course the backround, it has tentacles for thr doodler and doves for innocence because idk if you noticed yet but i am obsessed with religious symbols and also because i think the teens are just teens and they are not quite to blame (and neither is the doodler)
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