#bisexual cultural appropriation
Peak Mandela Effect was finding out Noel Feilding is straight. My bisexual 9/11
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wormheathen · 8 months
Wow! Y'all really hate bisexual people!
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adamshallperish · 1 year
i will be honest here, discovering the dove cameron genie in a bottle cover when i was naught but the tender age of ten likely did irreparable damage to my psyche
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forestdeath1 · 8 days
It’s a purely “extended hc”, but Sirius's fanon leather jacket never was about punk/rocker style for me. I like the idea that his jacket references leather bars (an important phenomenon of gay history), which he initially didn't realise because he wasn't familiar with that scene.
So, the motorcycle, even though modified, is also part of the leather subculture, representing heightened masculinity. Marlon Brando in "The Wild One" had a significant influence on gay men and the representation of masculine gays (Brando himself didn't hide his bisexuality). Leather bars and the leather subculture were about appropriating sexual power, heightened masculinity, and moving away from mainstream sexual culture. Among gay men, leather symbolized a rejection of the stereotypes of effeminacy and passivity that had been associated with homosexuality since the mid-19th century. It was a deliberate move away from the image of the “sweater queens” and embraced a more rugged and masculine aesthetic.
In London during the 70s, there was the famous leather bar The Coleherne, which even had visitors like Rudolf Nureyev (a famous ballet dancer) and Freddie Mercury.
I like this because Sirius also had a pronounced masculinity that he saw as something absolutely normal, and it fits well with him, much more than the idea of him being influenced by punk culture and aesthetic. I mean, of course, canon Sirius never visited leather bars, but if we step a bit into fanon, this influence could be there – hence the motorcycle, the leather jacket, and so on.
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rthko · 7 months
Non anonymous Tumblr ask I've chosen to make anonymous:
Problem: I've based my sexual identity off of being a bear, but I'm 5'3", young, and not at all bearish. Advice?
As much as I sympathize with the "just so what you want" approach with regard to identity, I would question the extent to which "bear" is an appropriate or useful descriptor here. I don't know what you look like and won't probe, but bears are fat hairy gay men. Some of these factors can give or take--maybe someone's not particularly hairy, maybe they're bisexual, maybe they don't identify with the term man--but the most important factor is body type. Bears can be a wide range of body types (and heights, if that's your concern), and young bears are more likely called cubs, but the descriptor of "big guy" should plausibly apply.
Bears exist as a community and not just a body type because fatness is rejected in the gay community and the world at large. There are specific bear events and bear-friendly bars for this reason, and part of that is for bears to seek other bears. I will say though that while bear identity is gatekept on these terms, bear friendly events are less so. If you respect the vision of the space and the people in it, that's what matters. There was a bear convention in my area a few weeks ago, and while I did not attend one of the organizers was passing out info cards and encouraged me to go even as a skinny guy. I'm generally going to enjoy a bar or a party more if people there have a wide range of body types. The vibe is just going to be more welcoming overall, and plus bears are hot. I see you're 19 so unfortunately the bar life is still out of reach if you're from the US. But if that's the case, there's a lot to look forward to.
So maybe you're not a big guy, or maybe you are but don't fit the beefy macho image often associated with bears. That doesn't mean you can't seek out their company or appreciate the vision. If you really are "not at all bearish" but your identity hinges on being a bear, I'd ask what the category means to you and what you associate with bears. Body and facial hair? A sort of warm, approachable masculinity? Sex? Brotherhood? Bar culture? Geek culture? Flannel? Hugs? Because if you relate to bears and they inform your sense of self, that should be fine even if the shoe doesn't fit.
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genderqueerdykes · 10 months
I’m FTM and bisexual but I love the term butch (not butch lesbian bc I don’t consider myself a lesbian) because of the style and how much I relate to a lot of the experiences of being pushed in the box + I spent a pretty long time identifying as a butch lesbian before coming out, and losing the butch label just seems… wrong? But I’m worried I’m appropriating lesbian culture by being involved in butch spaces
Hello there, butch is a term that can be used by any masculine queer person, go right ahead. While in modern times the term butch is most heavily associated with lesbians, the term "butch" was coined by gay men and has historically been used to refer to and by many queer people, especially including FTMs.
The term "butch," including and especially its use in the lesbian community has been used by trans men, transmascs, FTMs, nonbinary, genderqueer, gender nonconforming and other trans people more than it has been used by just cis masculine lesbians. You are basically the target audience, so feel free, go nuts. You aren't appropriating anything when the label is historically deeply rooted in transmasculinity. Hope that helps, have a good time -K
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superhumanfoods · 8 months
you can really tell when someone hasn't been on tumblr
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and when someone has
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anyway allow me to introduce you to some hypothetical cyberpunk future genders and sexualities (and their explanations) i made up as a result, because what else was i going to do with my time
the full list of what is included in LGBTQWEY$%#¥£€+
lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer wirehead ethereal yestergiven $T@RL!G#T3D %ilated #digitalself ¥ANKEE £ r o s s €chomind + and more!
wirehead: someone whose experience of gender is specifically tied into being cybernetically augmented
ethereal: someone who has transcended physical form and whose experience of gender and sexuality can no longer be defined according to physiological metrics
yestergiven: someone whose experience of gender is always defined by how they remember experiencing gender the day before; an infinitely mutating evolution of self-image created by the imperfect nature of human memory
$T@RL!G#T3D: this started out as a joke- people claimed their genders were crypto-currency based to piss off crypto bros, but then some people realized the ephemerality and absurdity of it all really did resonate with them and now it's a thing
%ilated: ('pixelated' or 'percentilated'. it's a bit inscrutable) a sexuality that requires you to be either unable to see your partner OR unable to see them clearly in order to experience sexual desire
#digitalself: ('digiself' or 'digiselves' if someone experiences this as a plurality) a gender in which the experience of gender as a physical person is separate from the experience of gender online; for example, someone may identify as a woman in digital spaces but not experience that in their day-to-day life, and thus have no interest in transition
¥ANKEE: a very niche orientation that constantly gets appropriated by white people who do not understand how it works at all because of how deeply rooted in japanese culture it is. kind of straddling the line between sexuality and kink. the subject of a lot of arguments
£ r o s s: ('dross' or 'pross') a british politician fumble. latched onto by british furries who decided their gender WAS being worthless layabout fursuiters, thank you very much. especially popular with "pest" animal furries like rats and pigeons
€chomind: the collective.
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jedi-enthusiast · 6 months
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@confusledqueer apologizes for not responding sooner, it’s been a busy couple days and—honestly—I forgot for a bit.
Moving on-
Me equating some of the things that anti-Jedi people say to antisemitism and, sometimes, outright Nazi-esque rhetoric is not “wild” or “a stretch,” as you’re implying.
Justification of their genocide, denial that it actually was a genocide, a belief that the genocided party “caused” their own genocide, and a belief that they genocided party were wrong or “led astray” while one person was sent to make things right- (via either making them change their ways or outright destroying them/their culture) -are all things I’ve seen people say about the Jedi…
…but they’re also things that people have actually said about Jews.
Take the example I put in the post of someone denying that the Jedi Purge was actually a genocide, and how—by changing “Jedi” to “Judaism” and “Force-religions” to “Abrahamic Faiths”—it sounds verbatim to Holocaust denial.
Or, as another example, people claiming that the Jedi “kidnapped kids to brainwash them”…don’t you see how that sounds like Blood Libel?
So me pointing out that a lot of stuff anti-Jedi people say sounds like antisemitic rhetoric isn’t a stretch, not when a lot of it sounds verbatim to what people are saying with the rise of antisemitism and stuff they have said in the past.
Now, I’m not Jewish, but it’s not just me, your neighborhood White Girl™️, who’s pointing this stuff out.
Actual Jewish people have pointed out the alarming similarities between anti-Jedi rhetoric and straight up antisemitism. So, if you wanna argue about- “you shouldn’t compare real world discrimination to fictional stuff” -then you should probably take that into account.
Go ahead and try telling Jewish Star Wars fans to stop calling out antisemitic rhetoric in the fandom, I’m sure that’ll go down real well.
I also find it hilarious that you’re telling me to be careful about the rhetoric I use in a thread about how I shouldn’t point out that some of the rhetoric other people spout is basically antisemitism rebranded.
And my point in that post wasn’t- “since this is based off of a real world culture/religion, you can’t criticize it.”
My point was- “since this is based off of a real world culture/religion then you need to be careful about how you criticize it, otherwise you might unconsciously be spouting bigoted beliefs and antisemitic rhetoric because you don’t recognize that that’s what it is because you’re saying it about a fictional culture.”
By all means, I get that some people just don’t like the Jedi, that’s their prerogative and we all have our own tastes.
Criticize them, if you feel like it, but don’t go around spouting rebranded antisemitism to do it. I’m sure you can come up with plenty of things to complain about them for without doing so.
Now, I can understand why you might be worried about the slippery slope from this to shit like actual censorship—which, I think we can all agree, is a bad thing. Or how you might think criticizing this could lead to the whole “fandom purity” debate.
My thing is, it all comes down to does it actually harm people?
Perpetuating harmful stereotypes via saying stuff like the Jewish based characters “steal children,” or “lost their way,” or “they caused/deserved their genocide”—that does cause actual harm.
Think about why the “angry black man” stereotype or the “cheating bisexual” stereotype are bad and people- (rightly) -push back against them. It’s the same thing here.
Shipping a problematic ship, calling a fictional serial killer “babygirl,” writing about dark topics*, headcanoning characters as gay or trans…none of that is actively harming people.
(*obviously when writing about dark topics you should tag appropriately so people can avoid triggers, but that’s another topic for another day)
That’s the difference.
And, for the record, I think letting people spout bigotry just because they’re saying it about something fictional is the more dangerous mindset than calling it out.
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emelinet · 8 months
I've got to say something rn.
im so disappointed in some of the WLW community. I see so many posts talking about how bi women shouldn't use "lesbian terminology" like "butch" or "pillow princess". about how m-spec lesbians are appropriating lesbian culture. BI EXCLUSIONISTS: Y'ALL NEED TO LEARN UR HISTORY BEFORE YOU TRY TO EDUCATE OTHERS. bi women were historically included in the label lesbian until they were pushed out by exclusionists. Sappho? the one everybody calls a lesbian? by today's definition, she was bisexual (I have the source at the bottom if you want). hating on m-spec lesbians makes me feel so lonely. instead, why don't we use that energy to address biphobia in the sapphic community? (NOTE: ik most lesbians are not biphobic. i love and care about my les sibs but I can't shy away from this subject.)
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autismcultureis · 4 months
"What is this blog for?"
This blog is for autistic people to share their experiences with others and find people who relate to them! Anyone is welcome as long as you are respectful, but submissions should be focused around autism.
"How do I contribute?"
Send in an ask that starts with something along the lines of "autism culture is.." , "autistic adult culture is.." , and/or "undiagnosed autism culture is.." and it will be sent to the queue. Anything based around autism is encouraged.
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Do not interact - Before you follow
against agere/petre
pd demonizers
safe/rad/kandiqueers (this includes radinclus)
nsfw/sh/ed/discourse blogs
mogai/liom exclusionists
lgbtqphobes, especially biphobes
endogenic/non-traumagenic "systems"
supporters of any of the above
this blog supports self diagnosis.
you can vent in a submission, but i struggle with tone as well as empathy online so i will try my best to respond appropriately.
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About the owner
Hello, I am Adelaide! I am a genderqueer bisexual (in very simple terms) that uses she/her.
And as you might have guessed, I am autistic as well as borderline. I should add that I am level 1 and able-bodied. I am also questioning adhd and ocd!
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Tags and info
#autism culture
#not culture - unrelated submissions
#qna - answered questions
#look away - triggering topics (block this tag if needed!)
layout heavily inspired by @borderline-culture-is
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Didn’t even know Taika Waititi directed multiple Marvel movies. Don’t care. I love being Gay and Ignorant
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venvellan · 10 months
There ARE valid arguments to be made about "playersexuality," especially if a character is written/heavily implied to be gay/lesbian but given a straight romance. That specfic scenario isn't something I'll get into in depth right now to make this as brief as possible, but "it's ridiculous that every character is bisexual" is NOT one of those arguments. I saw it for Dragon Age 2, and I am annoyed but not surprised to see it for Baldur's Gate 3.
This will feature reclaimed use of the word queer. Tagged below, but thought it might be good to mention.
Dragon Age as a franchise is significantly less committed to queerness than BG3. Thedas was built, intentionally or otherwise, to be heteronormative and gender conforming. To a lesser extent than real life, in that same-sex attraction in Thedas is generally considered unremarkable, but oppression and othering of queer people in-universe DOES exist and it isn't hard to find. (The biggest examples: Dorian's experiences in the upper-class Imperium, the framing of Krem's trans-ness as uncommon or atypical). And DESPITE that, the bisexuality of DA2's main cast does not feel forced or ingenuine to me. The party doesn't remark on or make political statements about each other's sexuality. Sexuality is, at least to this group of people, entirely apolitical, and they all just happen to be a similar sort of queer.
PLEASE consider, then, a world built entirely void of the widespread social culture surrounding sexuality, as Baldur's Gate 3 has tried to create. Where bi or pansexuality is the "common" or "expected" orientation, or more appropriately, where the concept of orientation is absent entirely. This person just cares about personality in who they date, this one doesn't really want to date anybody, this one wants to be in a polycule, and those are all completely neutral positions to hold and inconsequential to their greater character as an individual.
In this world you could easily pluck a half dozen or so random people out from the millions and find that they all desire sex and/or intimacy with any gender equally. If there's no erasure of queerness, it follows that open queerness is more abundant. Sexuality is fluid and various as gender is fluid and various and neither are reflections of someone's personality or morals. Being gay doesn't make you effeminate because there's no preconceived notion that straightness is manly, etc etc.
That's all true in the real world of course, but the difference is that it feels like Larian has tried to craft their narrative around it being the cultural norm. YOU might think it'd be ridiculous for a half dozen random people to be bisexual, if you haven't spent the time in queer spaces to learn that there are gay people everywhere. Even if you have, and there are more queer people in your life than straight ones, you might think it'd be unlikely to pick 6-8ish random people on Earth and find that they're all specifically bi or pansexual. You may even be right, because all over the world there are restrictive dominating cultural narratives that alienate, suppress, and persecute queerness. BG3 doesn't take place on Earth, though, does it? So sit down and think about it for a minute, please.
Of course there'd still be variation. You'd find people that fit the definition of straight or gay or asexual, but there's no expectation of straightness. Sexuality simply is. If you're interested in somebody, either they're interested back or they're not. You find out, you move on. Githyanki even reproduce asexually, so they don't have any flimsy biological reason for straightness, though if you're resorting to "biology" to debate sexuality, you're too far down the pipeline to have read this far anyway. Lae'zel wants a warrior, not a man. You might happen to be both, but it's not your gender she's lusting over.
Also, bisexual men deserve to exist freely without you policing exactly how gay or straight they get to "act." And you aren't somehow less biphobic for invalidating them just because you yourself are gay, so don't think that absolves you. Yes this is about Astarion. He's a bit more overtly queer-coded than Gale or Wyll. He's not gay. Bisexual men are evidently only valid to you if they "act straight." Fuck off.
Gay people exist! Let's put that lukewarm take to rest now, please. If gay people live in a culture that allows them to exist, they exist in much greater abundance. Who would've thought? Left-handedness over time graph my love. The single greatest refutation to Straight People Whining.
Look, you can just say that you're jealous you aren't in an all-bisexual friend group. It's okay. All-bisexual friend groups are awesome.
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theoldlesbianwithcats · 2 months
Saw a post a few days ago explaining that while the 4B movement in South Korea used to be homophobic, now it is very welcoming of lesbians, using this article as a source:
“The 4B movement was homophobic,” she tells Tagg. “However, many of the women who participated were, in my eyes, lesbians, or people who had the potential to make the transition to lesbianism, but who lacked the cultural resources to reconstruct their identities.” But in 2020, Lee Min-gyeong says, “Lesbianism took center stage.” Siwon Moon, another lesbian who practices 4B, says being in 4B has been essential to helping lesbians find each other and come out.  “I think the number of women who found their queer sexuality in 4B is much bigger than queer women who had already identified themselves as queer when they joined 4B,” she says.
Siwon Moon credits 4B with changing her life: “South Korea is flooded with heterosexuality. Everything is about heterosexual romance. Considering this kind of situation, I think women are forced into heterosexuality. I was forced into heterosexuality. I lived as heterosexual for more than 20 years although I was never sexually attracted to men.” Like for so many other Korean women, 4B helped Siwon Moon reject compulsory heterosexuality. “I discovered that I am actually attracted to women. I began to embrace women more and learned to wash off my inner misogyny.”
Appropriating lesbianism when you're bisexual just because you're sick of men IS homophobic, actually 🙃
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whitestopper · 9 months
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Bisexual media
Note: This should not be taken as a declaration of quality or my personal likings - I haven’t read most of the books that are listed nor have I fully watched three of the series listed. Not all of the fictional series focus on a bi protagonist but all do have at least one bi main character; a summary of main initial plot is provided. I will edit this post with updates intermittently.
TV Series
The Bisexual (2018) - Leila explores her attraction to men after identifying as a lesbian alongside her girlfriend and friends for the past decade, while her new roommate tries to get a grip on his relationship with a younger woman.
Black Mirror’s San Junipero - Yorkie meets Kelly in the strange setting of San Junipero. What’s the deal with this place, and what can make them stay?
Bob and Rose - Bob is gay. Rose has a boyfriend. Can I make it any more obvious? (I can - they find that they’re attracted to each other and deal with the implications and expectations of that.)
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - Rebecca pursues her ex-boyfriend in the hopes of finding happiness. With a drastic move to West Covina, will she learn what happy feels like?
Cucumber - Henry’s life is upturned in one evening, then another, and then some more, while boyfriend Lance and new acquaintance Freddie come to terms with the present and the past.
Everything Now - Newly out of recovery from anorexia, Y11 student Mia is determined to complete her bucket list and be seen as normal.
Feel Good - Mae and Charlotte navigate a relationship challenged by Mae's drug addiction and Charlotte's new sexual discovery.
High Fidelity - Young record store owner Rob revisits her past relationships in order to sort out her singledom.
Kieta Hatsukoi - Aoki lies about having feelings for classmate Ida to protect the feelings of his crush Hashimoto. But misunderstandings and revelations cause a hullabaloo.
Torchwood - this Doctor Who spin-off features a collection of characters solving alien crimes.
Appropriate Behaviour - Brooklyn dweller Shirin deals with her ex-girlfriend, family expectations, job struggles and more.
City of Lost Souls - a German musical exploring the experiences of LGBT people, black people, Jewish people and immigrants in post-WW2 Berlin.
Disobedience - Ronit returns to her old Orthodox Jewish community after her father passes away, having been shunned for not adhering to cultural expectations.
Shiva Baby - While at a Jewish funeral service with her family and community, college student Danielle navigates an awkward situation with her sugar daddy and her ex-girlfriend.
Non-fiction books
Bi Any Other Name: Bisexual People Speak Out
Bi: Notes for a Bisexual Revolution
Bi: The Hidden Culture, History and Science of Bisexuality
The Bi-ble Volumes 1 and 2
Claiming the B in LGBT - Illuminating the Bisexual Narrative
Go the Way Your Blood Beats - On Truth, Bisexuality and Desire
A History of Bisexuality
Purple Prose - Bisexuality in Britain
Alicia Champion - Bi
Ana Carolina - Homens e Mulheres
Ani DiFranco- In or Out
Anne Marie - Perfect to Me
Bali Bandits - Girls & Boys
Book Of Love - Pretty Boys and Pretty Girls
Cariño - Bisexual
Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight
Delli Boe - Bisexual Problems, Bisexual Problems 2
Domo Wilson - Becoming Myself, Bi Pride, Bisexual Anthem
Halsey - Bad At Love
HOUSE OF SAY - Boys Girls
Jão - Meninos e Meninas
Jessie Paege, Lucy & La Mer - Not a Phase
King Kitty - Bisexual
MIKA - Billy Brown, Blame It On The Girls
Miley Cyrus - Midnight Sky, She's Not Him
Missy Higgins - Scar
Mitski - Cop Car
Peaches - I U She,
Peter Allen - Bi-Coastal
Poppy - Girls In Bikinis
Torrey Mercer - Boys / Girls
Ysa Ferrer - To bi or not to bi
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anamericangirl · 5 months
I recently saw you got an anon from somebody else talking about LGBT stuff. Specifically, those of us who say we just wanna be left alone and exist in peace, but now we have things like kids being exposed to drag culture, which is inherently sexual and not appropriate for children at all. Drag Queen Story Hour, kids being groomed and put on puberty blockers and stuff like that. The anon seemed to imply that everyone in the LGBT community is not only ok with it, we’re actively trying to force this shit on people and expecting them to just passively accept it, and that was our plan from the start. But I’m bisexual myself and I’m friends with quite a few LGBT people and I can assure you we HATE that shit, too, and we really do just want to be left alone. We always have. Every sane LGBT person I’ve spoken to agrees with what I’m saying here because they’re making us look like a bunch of freaks and degenerates screaming “We’re coming for your kids!”.
Don’t let the Rainbow Mafia fool you. Most of us want NOTHING to do with them. Which is why organisations like Gays Against Groomers exist. We’ve literally been fighting against these harmful stereotypes for decades, and we almost won, but then the Rainbow Mafia took over and now MOGAI is a thing. Plus we’ve got pedos pretending to be LGBT, kink at pride and all kinds of disgusting shit the community shouldn’t be tolerating. Most of them aren’t even actually LGBT, they’re some kind of fake MOGAI gender or pretty much anything that’s not gay, bi or trans. Those of us who are legitimately attracted to the same sex and/or dysphoric to a certain degree are mostly just normal people who merely wish to be left alone to live our lives as we wish and love whoever we want without being discriminated against for it.
But apparently that’s too much to ask…not from you, ofc. If it weren’t for the alphabet mob, we could and would just live our lives in peace. But they’re perpetuating all these harmful stereotypes that we’ve been fighting against for generations and grooming kids, et cetera, that make people who are genuinely homophobic and transphobic think they’re right about us.
I can certainly sympathize with those of you who are getting a bad rap because of the degenerates that have infiltrated the community. I know, and I’m pretty sure most people know, that on an individual level most people in the pride community aren’t groomers or pedophiles and don’t support any such thing. And I love organizations like gays against groomers and the work they do in fighting the very real problem.
The problem is the community as a whole is not fighting against those things it is engaging in them. And while there are definitely individuals such as yourself who realize what is going on and hate it, there are also several individuals in the community who just deny that it’s happening or actively support it. I’ve spoken to people like that. And these people unfortunately are the loudest and they are the main face of the community and the organizations that stand behind the pride community also support it.
On an individual level lgbt people aren’t a problem, but the community is and that’s why the sane lgbt people need to distance themselves from and completely reject the community. Their political and social goals are abhorrent and we need the sane people like you to take an active stand against them.
The sane people are the quiet ones unfortunately because understandably you want to be left alone so you’re leaving people alone which is how it should be in an ideal world. But we don’t live in an ideal world and the pride community is creating hostility towards lgbt people and we need more decent people to fight against them and their messages.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 6 months
Lore: Common Phrases and Words #2
Accuracy Disclaimer & The Other Stuff [tldr: D&D lore is a giant conflicting mess. Larian's lore is also a conflicting mess. You learn to take what you want and leave the rest]
Abeir-Toril Why it's called the "Forgotten" Realms History | Time & Festivals | Lexicon [1] [2]| Languages | Living in Faerûn [1] [?] | Notable Organisations | Magic | Baldurs Gate | Waterdeep | The Underdark | Geography and Human Cultures --- WIP
Some more random assorted Common vocabulary and phrases - including some LGBT+ terminology and yet more swearing.
An interesting note about insults in the Realms is that you're encouraged to be creative about them. Performers in particular, like playwrights and minstrels, keep a cycle of new and creative phrases coming and going among the population (Earth has social media for its memes, on Toril you can blame the bards).
'tis and 'twas are not uncommonly heard peppered into speech now and then, though the everyday variants we use are just as common.
Badauler - Nonsense, Hogwash
To be "Right darlburl" / "Proper darlburl" - Pissed off
"The thrust of it" - "the gist of it"
Galad! - Wow!
Anyhail - Anyway
Mayhap - Perhaps "Perhaps" is used only in appropriate social settings as fancy etiquette, and only by the upper class and those who wish to affect such mannerisms (bards and the upper middle-class).
Casking - Vandalism (Sword Coast dialect)
a Nightblood - A thief
"The blood of the night" - Thieving, a phrase used by professionals in the trade.
a Sharpjaw - Juvenile delinquent
a Thruster - An aggressively ambitious social climber (not necessarily derogatory)
Brightbird/s - Lover/s
a Rose [Waterdhavian dialect] - Somebody you're in love with, anyone from a crush to a soulmate a Rose [outside of Waterdeep] - A Submissive [BDSM].
a Fancyman/Fancylad/Fancylass - A partner whom the speaker disapproves of. (So, like, your boyfriend knocks on the door and your mother, who hates him, answers, she'll inform you that your "fancylad" is around again.
Power - Divine magic
a Tavernmaster - Barkeeper
a Clevershanks - Know-it-all (usually used for men) a Clevertongue - Know-it-all (usually used for women)
a Highborn - Noble (polite) a Highnose - Noble (rude), also means "has a stick-up-their-ass"
a Holy-nose - Priest; mildly rude, but more rough than offensive.
a Thruss - Lesbian a Liyan - Gay man (elvish loanword) a Praed - Gay man (gnomish loanword)
a Dathna - Twink
a Harnor - Butch
a Tasmar - Bisexual (masc.) a Shaeda - Bisexual (fem.) (elven loanword)
a "No-thorn" - Asexual
a One - An agender term, similar to using they/them.
Sildur - Trans I didn't see much extrapolation on this one, so I assume it's an adjective: a sildur woman, a sildur man, a sildur one or just "I'm sildur" when providing your gender, I guess.
a Brightcoin - Nouveau Riche. Somebody rising through the social ranks.
a Highmantle - Old Money, or somebody with the etiquette and bearing of one
a Turncoin, Coin lass, Coin lad - Sex worker. Something of a generic term, but also refers more specifically to those unaffiliated with brothels and festhalls.
a Laughing-lad/lass, Highcoin lass/lad - A more affluent sex-worker
a Brightspear, Highcoin Lady/Lord - Sex workers who play the part of the noble and draw clients from that crowd.
"Sark!" - The impolite way to say "gods fucking damn it!" (in contrast to haularake - the polite way to say it)
"Bind me and tar me" - An oath of astonishment, milder but similar in form to "well, fuck me." "Bind me" - short version
"Dark!" - "Damn it!"
"Straek" - "Go drown yourself, right now and painfully." No, really, that's the translation given.
"To stlarn up" - to screw up "Stlarning it up" - Screwing up "Stlarn" - a mild "damn" "Stlarning [thing]" - "Bloody [thing]"
"Tluin" - an emphatic "fuck off"
"Those of all the Nine Hells take you!” - the full version of "Hells"
"Happy Dancing Hobgoblins" - a curse used by the old fashioned and parents trying too hard not to swear in front of infants, rather like that old lady I once met on a train who unironically used "jiminy cricket." Hobgoblins are noted to be unimpressed by this particular phrase.
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