#Good Intentions
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shirtlesssammy · 4 months ago
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Dean and Cas every day not often enough -- 76/?
Supernatural 13x14//Good Intentions
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somedaylazysomeday · 3 months ago
Good Intentions Part Twenty-Seven
The fallout from Silco's most recent stunt sends shockwaves through the Haven... but not as much as his latest attempt to ensnare you.
Ongoing Silco x fem!reader fic (no reader description, no use of 'Y/N')
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5,900
Warnings: Drug mentions, mentions of addiction and relapse, mentions of poisoning, innuendo, unprotected sex, restraints, emotional conversations, references to Silco's operations in Arcane Season One
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The fallout from Silco’s stunt kept the Haven occupied for almost a month. 
Not only had he leaked Shimmer into the streets, he had ordered his distributors to offer it at one-third the usual price. Anyone who wasn’t fully recovered had been unable to refuse an offer like that, and the patient relapses you’d seen in the neighborhood had numbered in the triple digits.
The only thing that had kept you going was that the neighborhood had poured out support for the Haven. Jazper and Ronid had come by with two additional doctors, hired temporarily to help assist with the recovery efforts. The other members of the Undercity Innovation Committee had donated other things: enough food to support the Haven without sparing volunteers for kitchen duty, free electrical and maintenance work, help writing grant proposals, and some extra donation money. 
Even people who had nothing to do with governing the Undercity had reached out to support the Haven, doing everything from clearing rubble from the entrance to guarding the building at night. 
It was humbling, and you worked around the clock to take care of everyone who had chosen to keep fighting their addiction. 
Fortunately for both the Haven and the struggles of its patients, Silco’s Shimmer sale seemed to have been an isolated incident. The dealers had been pulled from the area and no one had seen them since that fateful night. It didn’t speed the recovery of the people who had been impacted, but it helped reduce the number of people who came in needing help. 
An unexpected downside to Silco’s new, self-imposed business limitations was that he was doing his best to start communicating with you again. 
Every day, you found a letter waiting outside of your door. More often than not, you found a different letter waiting on your desk at the end of the day. You had briefly started avoiding your office, but the envelopes appeared on your pillow. 
No matter how many people you asked, no one admitted to delivering letters for Silco. Clearly, he had someone at the Haven who was willing to do some work on his behalf. The problem was that you had no idea how to figure out who it was. There were more unfamiliar faces in the Haven than familiar ones, these days, and it wasn’t as if you could start turning people away on suspicion that they were working for the head Chem Baron himself. 
You suspected that Silco wanted to meet. It was only a suspicion, since you refused to read any of the letters. You didn’t know who was delivering them, so it wasn’t as if you could send them back to him unopened to make your point. You settled for burning them, leaving enough for whoever was sneaking into your office to see that you had never opened a single envelope.
But at last, the number of patients began to dwindle. Having beaten their Shimmer addictions back for the moment, people left the Haven. Some of them came back to work with other patients or to volunteer on a more permanent basis. That helped, but you were still relieved when the number of patients from the surprise Shimmer release returned to the single digits. 
The day your borrowed doctors left the Haven was the day you finally relaxed. The remainder of the patients were in the final stages of their withdrawal and actively working toward recovery. Things were wrapping up nicely, but there was also the benefit of having fewer people in the Haven who could be delivering Silco’s letters. 
And yes, you did feel bad about counting that as a benefit. 
You stopped by your office that night, tired almost beyond reason. Perhaps that was the reason you were filled with near-rage at the sight of the envelope on your desk. 
You snatched it up from the desk, but your hands refused to obey your commands from there. Instead of flinging it into the fireplace, they ripped it open and pulled the page free. Silco’s angular writing was difficult to read in the shivering light of the fire, but you managed. 
My dearest philanthropist, 
I would say that I have given up all hope of you reading my letters, but I know two things: firstly, that you are insatiably curious. If you were not, I believe our association would not have lasted nearly so long as it has. 
Secondly, and more importantly, you know that I would not reach out idly. Surely you know me well enough by now to suspect that I would make an offer. 
Of course, you would have recognized far earlier than this that I was interested in bargaining with you, but it has been reported to me that you have yet to open a single one of my letters. 
Before I propose any further deals, I will assume you are still upset about your lost opportunity to work for Piltover. Have you not yet realized that I acted as I did as a favor to you? Piltover has never worked toward any ends that did not benefit them directly. It is likely that they would have positioned you as a scapegoat when their task force failed… and it would have. 
In any case, you would have lost your reputation in the Undercity as surely as you believe it has suffered across the river. The recovery of a reputation in Zaun is a far longer and more arduous process than it is in Piltover. 
I find myself rambling in this letter, and I blame you. With no guarantee of when you will finally open one of my messages, I am forced to write from somewhere softer than my mind. Perhaps not my heart, but somewhere nearer its vicinity than I am accustomed. 
Allow me to make my offer before this letter grows still longer: come to The Last Drop. I want to discuss terms with you face-to-face. For my end of the deal, I will vow to keep Shimmer from ever entering the Haven’s neighborhood again. You can decide what you are willing to give in exchange. 
I hope to see you soon, sweetheart.
- Silco 
You stared at the page long after you had finished reading. You didn’t trust Silco’s offer - not in the slightest. But if there was a chance you could keep Shimmer off of the streets permanently, wouldn’t you be far more foolish not to look into it? 
That was what had gotten you into this mess, and the one before it, and the one before that, but what was your alternative? If there was any hope you could help someone, how could you refuse to take the risk? Even if you were the one who would suffer if that hope turned out to be false. 
You didn’t burn the envelope. Not because you were tired, or feeling sentimental. If you were going to show up at The Last Drop, you were going to make sure Silco knew you were coming. Whoever was leaving the envelopes had clearly told him that they were going unread. With any luck, they would report back to him that you had read this one. 
Silco would know what it meant. 
You slept soundly that night, dreams held at bay for the first time in well over a week. The plan had been formulated, and there was nothing left to do until the following day. 
Just after ten the next morning, you left the Haven. Okkan had wanted to come with you, but you had assured him and Fletcher that you were fine. Yi was sleeping after her late guard shift; she would have been much more difficult to convince. 
The Lanes were quiet, as they always were in the morning. In the weak midmorning light, you could almost consider them peaceful. Fortunately, you also weren’t stupid, so you kept your guard up to avoid any enterprising and motivated pickpockets deciding to practice their craft first-thing in the morning. 
The door to The Last Drop was unlocked, and you let yourself in without a fuss. If the unlocked door hadn’t convinced you that Silco knew you were coming, the sight of the main bar would have. 
The mismatched tables and chairs that typically filled the space in front of the bar had been cleared away. Instead, there was a small table draped with a white tablecloth and topped with a small flower arrangement. Chairs sat on either side of the table, angled so that neither had its back to the main door. 
“Good morning,” Silco greeted, walking around the bar. 
He looked incredibly… domestic. His sleeves were rolled up so he could carry a silver tray with a cover on it. You watched dumbly as he set the tray on the table, worried for a moment that it would hold a severed head or something equally horrifying, but he removed the cover to reveal breakfast. 
The plates, both bearing your favorite breakfast - when had he found that out? - were placed in front of either seat, while a smaller dish of pastries ended up beside the flowers. Silco tucked the tray and the cover behind the bar and rejoined you.
“Do not worry,” he told you with a smile. “I remember that you do not trust the food I offer you. You choose your preferred seat and I will gladly sample everything first so you know it is trustworthy.” 
You frowned for a moment, wracking your mind for what he could be talking about. At last, a shadowy memory appeared, one in which you were waiting for your first meeting with Silco. You hadn’t touched the food he had sent out for you. Apparently, he was determined that the same thing wouldn’t happen again. 
You took a seat, watching as Silco sat opposite you. He cut a bite of food, checking to be sure that you were watching him. 
“You don’t need to do that,” you told him quietly. He paused, eyes searching your face intently. “If you were going to kill me, you would just kill me. Poison isn’t really your style.” 
Silco’s smile faded. “I would prefer that you trust me because I have proven myself trustworthy, but I suppose that is a point well-made. Poison has never been a favorite tool of mine, and never one I would deploy against you.” 
You hummed skeptically and took a bite of your breakfast without further comment. 
“If I may,” Silco said, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two of you, “what drove you to open one of my letters?” 
You pondered the question, taking a sip of water before offering your answer. “I’m not really sure. Maybe I just hoped you had something worthwhile to say.” 
Silco’s polite smile turned to something sharper. “And I assume, from your presence here, that you were satisfied?” 
The way he purred ‘satisfied’ wreaked havoc on your body, not least because your psyche had decided that now was the perfect time to play back all of the hyper-realistic dreams you’d had about him over the past month. 
With any luck, none of that was showing on your face. “Maybe I’m just curious to see what price you plan to ask in exchange for keeping Shimmer off of the streets.” 
Silco’s face grew serious once more. “I meant what I wrote. You name what you are willing to give for it.” 
“Last time, you had a specific price in mind,” you remarked, half-hoping for another smirk. 
Silco didn’t take the bait. “I mean for this to be a negotiation, one taking place between two equal parties. You name your offer and I will decide if it is fair.” 
A distinct throb between your thighs let you know that your libido would be thrilled to make the same deal as you had last time. Your brain warned that it was a bad idea, but that voice was growing steadily quieter under the flood of lust surging through your body.
It would be easier, you realized, if Silco just wanted your body. If you could narrow down what he wanted to something as simple and limited as the option to fuck you a few times a month. 
But in the light of your newly realized feelings, you couldn't ignore that he hadn't done that. Silco hadn't given any hint of what he might want from you, but he also hadn't limited you to making offers based on physical pleasure. 
It was so much worse. You would rather keep yourself from having any hope at all rather than risk everything for the slim possibility that he felt a shadow of what you did. 
You set your fork down, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. You had come here for a purpose - to keep Shimmer away from the Haven. It didn't matter if doing that meant denying yourself. You were used to that. The important thing was helping people. That was all that had ever been important. 
“If we want this to be a business discussion, maybe we should go to your office,” you suggested. Silco watched you blankly, and you expanded, “I've seen you do quite a bit of business and none of it ever happened in an empty bar.”
“Would you care to finish your breakfast first?” Silco asked. 
Your stomach was right with nerves, with fear that you wouldn't be able to come to an agreement with him. Even the few bites you had taken were sitting heavily. 
You shook your head. “Not unless you need the time to finish yours.” 
Silco stood immediately. “Unnecessary. Follow me.” 
You were amused despite yourself as you followed Silco to his office. It wasn't as if you hadn't been there before - you knew the way. But if he wanted to lead, there was something more to it. Maybe he just wanted to prove that he was willing to have you at his back. 
Silco’s office was precisely the same as it had been the last time you were there. The desk spoke of the messy mind and busy life of someone doing his best to rule a city. The wicked-looking lance he used for his eye was kept carefully behind the desk, but it was softened slightly by the neon doodles on the handle. The furniture was just as austere as ever, though it was less intimidating when you could vividly remember every time you had been sprawled naked across each surface. 
Somehow, it felt like home, and that made your stomach tighten reflexively with nerves.
Silco sat behind his desk, motioning for you to sit across from him. When you did, he folded his hands on the desk’s surface, fixing you with a mismatched stare. “If you prefer to get straight to business, let us do so. What are you willing to give me in exchange for the Haven’s neighborhood remaining free of Shimmer?” 
You smiled mirthlessly. “I have nothing you want.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far, my dear,” Silco said, openly admiring you. 
The exchange was familiar, a faint echo of the conversation that had started you both on this path. There was a gleam in Silco’s eyes, a fond reminiscence that made you want to smile at him in earnest. 
But you gathered your willpower and shook your head. “We can’t make that deal again, remember? When you came to the Haven last month, you said that was the only chance to resume our original deal. I turned you down.”
“I could be persuaded to make an exception.” 
You arched a brow. “Really? This would be the first time I’ve ever seen it. Why?” 
“I miss you,” he admitted openly. When you frowned, he leaned toward you. “No lies or manipulations - I have missed you. I have felt your absence every day since we ended our meetings.”
“You missed me, so you released Shimmer outside of the Haven?” you asked, wincing at the open hurt in your voice. “You missed me so badly that the only thing you could do was try to destroy everything I’ve worked toward for the past few years of my life?” 
“I had to-” Silco broke off with a rueful laugh. “I had to give you a reason to come back to me.” 
You gaped. “So you-?” 
Silco raised his hand, cutting off your protestations. “No, pet, let me say this. I need to, and I need you to listen. And if you still hate me afterward, I will let you live in peace. No more Shimmer and no more contact with me, I give you my word.” 
After a moment of consideration, you sat back in your chair and motioned for him to continue. 
With a deep breath, he did. “I know you have no need for me. Everything I provided for you, you are well capable of getting for yourself. You have managed without my security team, you found support for your Haven that has nothing to do with my donations, and you stood against Shimmer sales in the area. You have built a fine enterprise. I- I have nothing to offer you anymore.”
“So I had to resort to underhanded dealings.” Silco shook his head with a rueful little smile. “Perhaps you do not realize how well the Haven withstood my Shimmer. I pulled my dealers, but they were far less profitable than I had expected. I would have withdrawn them regardless. I did regret my actions, but they were born of desperation. You wouldn’t agree to a new deal, and I realized how capable you are even without assistance from me. ”
Silco pressed his hands against the desk’s surface, making grim eye contact with you. “I hoped that I could push you into answering me. More than that, I hoped to force you into making another deal with me, into seeing that you could not survive down here without my protection. I was wrong. You have made a place for yourself here and - more importantly - you have found a way to care for the people of Zaun. I see what you have done to change and shape their lives and it has forced me to accept what I have known for months: I am yours.” 
The kind thing would be to say something in reply to that revelation. You wanted to, but it was so far from anything you had expected him to say that you couldn’t do anything but gape at him. Silco’s gaze stayed trained on your face, but there was a tightness around his eyes and mouth that spoke of nervousness. 
“If-” You broke off to clear your throat, trying to make your voice sound less waveringly uncertain. “If you aren’t being sincere, please don’t say that. Don’t joke about it or use it to manipulate me. Please.” 
“Manipulate you?” Silco repeated, sounding irritated. “Pet, you don’t seem to understand that I have done the very opposite. I have given you the keys to everything I can offer. I have given you the simplest possible way to manipulate me.” 
“I wouldn’t,” you assured him instantly. He lifted a brow and you repeated, “I wouldn’t.”
“And why wouldn’t you?” he asked. “You could everything you wanted without being required to give anything in return-”
“Because I care about you, Silco,” you snapped. 
Immediately afterward, a deathly silence fell in the office and you leapt to your feet. There was nothing to do but leave after that. 
You didn’t make it even halfway to the door before Silco caught your arm, holding you steady as he stared down into your face. 
“If you are being insincere, please don’t say that.” You might have thought he was mocking you if he hadn’t looked so terribly concerned.
“Silco, why would I possibly lie about that?” you asked. “If you’re right and you’ve given me everything, why would I lie about my feelings? To not use the keys you gave me?” 
“You-” It wasn’t often that you saw Silco thrown off his game, but he seemed to struggle to find the right words. “You love me?” 
Strictly speaking, neither of you had said anything about love. But in the privacy of your thoughts, you had realized weeks ago that your feelings for Silco had run deeper than you had ever assumed. There was no other reason you would still care about him after everything he had done. 
Besides, you had already come this far. 
Silco was studying you with the stunned, slightly suspicious look of a mad scientist watching a successful experiment and you were starting to think this entire meeting had been a mistake. 
“Maybe we should-” 
Your suggestion was left forever unfinished as Silco kissed you suddenly, deeply, and with such fierceness that it took your breath away. When your lungs were screaming, you pushed him away. He didn’t go far, staying close enough that you could feel his rapid breathing across your kiss-swollen lips. 
“Feels like we should talk about this.” 
Silco chuckled against your neck. “I can think of several more productive ways we could spend our time…” 
Everything in your body voiced a sudden and vehement opinion that Silco was right, and that sounded like a much better idea. You lifted your face for another kiss and Silco was quick to indulge you. 
The next few minutes were a bit of a blur. There was kissing and touching and the marvelous scent of Silco - how could you have missed one person so much? - and when it was over, you were lying naked on his bed. Silco was finishing stripping off his own clothes, eyes already devouring you with a predatory eagerness that probably should have scared you. 
When he was as bare as you, Silco joined you on the bed. He was on top of you almost immediately, kissing every bit of skin he could reach and exploring the rest with his wandering hands. You arched against him, fighting for as much contact as possible. It was like your body was drinking him in, soaking up everything you had been missing out on since your deal had been on pause. 
Silco’s fingers were even more dextrous than you remembered, plying your flesh and molding you still closer. If there was a breath of space between you, it was only so that he could sneak a touch into that same spot. You felt like you were on fire, but it only drove you to kiss him with more desperation. 
When you couldn’t stand it anymore, you reached down and took his length in a firm grip. The heat of him throbbed in your hand and Silco’s natural eye went heavy-lidded. He leaned forward to press another kiss to your lips, pulling away just far enough to whisper, “Missed you, pet.” 
It reminded you so strongly of the vivid dreams you had experienced that you nipped his lip to see if he would react like a real person. If you were dreaming again, you would be incredibly disappointed…
Silco pulled back with a garbled curse before plundering your mouth, delivering a wicked pinch to your hip at the same time. He took full advantage of your gasp to deepen the kiss even further. 
Without any clear thought or plan, you tightened your legs around his narrow hips and rolled, forcing him to the mattress while you straddled him from above. Your hands moved back down to his cock, teasing the head of it against the throbbing point of your clit. 
Silco bared his chipped teeth up at you. “You’re killing me, lovely.” 
“Can’t- mmmm… Can’t help it,” you babbled. “Feel so good…”
You bucked mindlessly on top of him until both of you were thoroughly slicked up and aching, but you couldn’t tear yourself away from the sensation long enough to line yourself up with him. 
That horrible, shining thread of tension broke for both of you at the same moment. Silco’s eyes narrowed and his fingers dug into your hips, lifting just as you planted your feet to do the same. 
Despite your best joint efforts, you weren’t properly aligned and the two of you slid against each other awkwardly. Silco growled while you let out what could only be termed a whine, but the frustration seemed to sharpen your concentration. The second time you tried to impale yourself on him, your breath caught at the feeling of his head notched against your entrance. 
Then you were lowering yourself and Silco was thrusting upward and he slid home with a teeth-rattling slam. If there was anyone else in The Last Drop, they would have heard your cry. It bounced off the high ceiling, echoing back to you in a cacophony of ecstasy that only drove you and Silco higher. 
If you had thought grinding against Silco felt wonderful, it was nothing compared to the tremendous depth of pleasure you felt at having him so deeply inside of you. All you could do was lift and lower, fucking yourself on him as Silco’s hands took some of your weight and tried to speed your movements. 
The slap of flesh meeting flesh was loud in the room, almost drowning out the shaking breaths that you and Silco were panting. His thumb found your clit, drawing a quick circle before he pressed down against the sensitive nerve cluster. It made you tighten desperately around him and Silco swore vividly. 
Of course, that didn’t stop him from repeating the torment. 
“I’m going- going to-” Your voice was far beyond breathy. It was almost reedy with the effort it was taking to stave off your impending orgasm.
Silco groaned, loud and hoarse. “Been dreaming about the way you feel when you come around my cock. Come for me, darling. Show me everything I’ve been missing.”
As if he had some sort of direct line into your nerves, the muscles of your core started to flutter and spasm, constricting around him like you were going to collapse in on yourself. 
That was more true than you realized. If there was ever a person in your life who felt like a black hole, it was Silco. Mysterious and fascinating and utterly unknowable. It was a strange series of thoughts to have during an orgasm, but your mind was locked into it by that point. Silco was such an outsized presence in your life, and to think that he loved you… well, it was almost beyond what your mind could comprehend. 
Then your mind went fuzzy and you didn’t have to worry about comprehending anything anymore. All that was left was pleasure and heat and the feeling of Silco fucking upward into you with every bit of force he could muster. He buried himself deep as he came, spreading more heat through your core and dripping out to smear between you. 
When your shaking thighs refused to hold you up any longer, you collapsed forward and onto his chest. Silco held you there, arms tight around you as you both caught your breath, then rolled you gently to one side so he could curl himself against your back. 
“I cannot believe you exist,” he murmured, tracing a tickling line over your temple. “And the idea that you love me… it is impossible.” 
You smiled despite yourself. “I feel the same way about you loving me.” 
He kissed your fingertips, humming softly as he folded your hand into his. 
Eventually, the flood of hormones receded enough for you to think clearly. “Silco? What does this-? Do we-? What, exactly, does this change?” 
Silco chuckled softly, and you felt the warmth of it against the nape of your neck. “As much or little as you’d like, pet. The Haven will be under my protection, but I can be as subtle about it as you’d like. And there will be no Shimmer in the neighborhood.” 
You thought that over for a while. The idea of Silco having a hand in the Haven again made you a little uncomfortable, but more for appearance’s sake than any real concern. And the majority of people had already proven that their morals were performative - you were horrible and the Haven was worthless… until they needed something. 
In the end, you relaxed against Silco. “This city isn’t going to know what hit it.” 
Silco laughed - a genuine, happy sound totally unlike the sardonic smirks you usually saw from him. “Too true, my little philanthropist. You and I united will be a force unlike anything they’ve ever seen.”
“I have a few ideas on where to start,” you confided, eyelids drooping with weariness. 
“I do, as well,” Silco agreed. “In fact, I’ve already begun the preparations for our final push for freedom.” 
You hummed, nearly asleep already. Silco pressed a kiss to the curve of your shoulder and you stirred yourself back to wakefulness. “Hmm? You have a final push worked out?” 
“Of course.” Silco sounded affectionately amused, as if it was adorable that you thought he would do anything without planning it fully. “I’ve hired a scientist to work out the details. He tells me the final product will take a few years to develop, but we have the time. We can continue our improvements to Zaun until then.” 
You were fully awake by that point, frowning blankly at the far wall. “Wait…” With some effort, you wiggled around until you were facing Silco directly. “You’ve hired someone to work on… what? What is this product? Sounds like you already have some things set in stone.” 
“Not quite, darling,” Silco assured you. “Just putting some pieces in place. I’ll still need to work out the final plan. In fact, I would welcome your help with that.”
“Okay, but say I want some of the details now,” you pushed. “What product are you having developed?” 
He sighed, rolling back on the pillow to stare up at the ceiling. “Very well, since you are so interested… It is a compound, similar to Shimmer in some ways, but not addictive. Not in the slightest.” 
Your hum was distinctly skeptical. “But what does it do?” 
“It mimics the increased adrenaline and reduced pain reception of the user,” Silco explained. “The adrenaline allows the user to push their body past many natural limits. They will accomplish incredible things.” 
You tensed, fighting the urge to sit upright. “So it turns people into super soldiers. But what about after the effects have subsided? Are there negative health impacts? And even if it isn’t chemically addictive, people can become obsessed with feeling like they have that kind of power.”
“It isn’t addictive because the user rarely survives,” Silco said, finally looking at you once more. You flinched, and he cupped your cheek. “This is precisely why I wished to spare you the details. You have a the ideals of a dreamer, despite your willingness to fight for a good cause.” 
“You’re planning to have people take a drug that will probably kill them.” You shook your head slowly. “What cause could be worth that? Scaring Piltover?” 
“No, I have no use for frightening them,” Silco said, grimacing. “They are fearful enough already. My soldiers would be dispensed to fight off guards, infiltrate the city, and clear the way to the Piltover Council.” 
“And-” Your pulse was thundering so hard that your voice shook with it. “And when you get to the Council?” 
“I kill them all, of course.” 
You gaped at that, horrified by the casual ease of his answer. Silco seemed oblivious to your feelings, kissing and nipping along the sensitive skin of your throat. 
“Silco, you can’t do that,” you said, gently pushing him away.
He blinked at you, the beginnings of irritation growing on his face. “And why, precisely, can I not?” 
“Because you can’t take Piltover by force!” 
“No, I cannot,” Silco agreed, a sly smile growing on his face. “Not yet, at least. But the initial trials are more than promising.”
“This isn’t an option,” you argued. “You’ll do even more harm if you come in by attacking the Council and using drugged soldiers as your muscle.” 
A muscle ticced in Silco’s jaw, and you changed your tone to a logical one instead. “Think of it this way: if you take the city by force, you’ll hold it for a while. You’re clever and you have the ability to draw followers. But if you present yourself as a powerful enemy, the people will combine forces to fight  against you. They will always see you as an invader to repel. You’ll never manage to quell the resistance to Zaun.” 
“Have you already forgotten that I’ll have an army powered by one of the most potent substances ever developed in this city?” Silco asked archly. 
“You’ll have a single-use army,” you countered. “And as more and more of them sacrifice themselves for this war, you’ll have fewer and fewer supporters willing to fight for you.” 
“Then I’ll make it so they have no choice but to fight for me,” Silco bit out. 
You furrowed your brows, studying him more intensely than you had since you first met. There was nothing but resolve in his expression, and you knew without further questioning that you wouldn’t change his mind. He was going to destroy Piltover - and, in doing so, he would destroy any hope for the nation of Zaun. 
With a sigh, you tossed back the covers he had tucked over you and made to rise from the bed. 
Silco caught at your wrist, pinning it to the mattress. “Where are you going?” 
“I’m not going to convince you to change your plan, and you’re not going to convince me that it’s a good idea.” You smiled sadly at him. “It seems we’ve finally found something we cannot agree on.” 
You tugged a little harder at your wrist, but Silco held firm. “But you love me and I love you. You’ve admitted as much.” 
“I do love you,” you agreed. “But that doesn’t mean I can support you in this. Whatever concessions you were going to make for the Haven, consider them either paid for or unaccepted. I think it would be best if we don’t meet up again.”
The cool slither against your skin was followed by two distinct clicks. You turned slowly, both knowing and dreading what you would see when you did: Silco had handcuffed you to one of the rings embedded in his headboard. 
“Silco, take this off of me.” You managed to keep your voice even despite the panic rising in your chest. 
You couldn’t help but pull against the metal encircling your wrist. It did nothing but make you feel more trapped. “Silco!”
“No,” he snapped again, voice harsh enough to make you stop struggling momentarily. “I lost you once. I don't intend to be so careless as to allow it to happen a second time.” 
“Silco,” you pleaded, striving for a less confrontational tone. “This is insane. I can't just stay locked in your room.”
“We love each other,” he reminded you, buttoning his pants. “Everything else will work out in time.”
And then he left, slipping shirtless into his office. You tugged fruitlessly at the handcuffs and tried to keep your breathing steady.
Author's Note - They were SO CLOSE to a happy ending. But Silco will always be Silco and our dear reader just can't handle some of his more pragmatic plots.
We're in the final stretch now, friends! Only a few more chapters until the end of this story.
Thank you for reading! If I can ask a favor, I haven't had the chance to watch any of Arcane Season Two yet, so if you choose to review (thank you!), please try to avoid including any spoilers. I can tell from my tumblr notifications on this story that Silco must be in S2, but I'm trying not to know how much or in what capacity. I'll try to be caught up by the time I post the next chapter.
I'll see you soon!
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elliottkay · 5 months ago
You ever miss your hometown so much during a pandemic that you wrote a whole novel about it with magic and car chases and sexy immortal mercenaries and a sketchy secret FBI task force and adorable cats and the sweetest monster-chomping ghost dog ever? Or is it just me?
GRAND THEFT SORCERY is out now! You can read chapter one for free on my website!
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The vampire lord of Los Angeles is dead, plunging the nightlife into chaos. His subjects fight over his title and his missing treasure hoard. The conflict brings werewolves, sorcerers, and djinn close to open war.
Repo man Evan Murphy knows nothing of the supernatural. He only wants a roof over his head and food for his cats. When a risky job lands him in the dungeon of a Hollywood Hills necromancer, a forgotten god offers him the power to escape—making him the target of a beautiful immortal mercenary and every monster within a hundred miles. Evan’s new magic may save the city from its shadows, but only if he can save himself.
WARNING: Grand Theft Sorcery contains explicit sex, explicit violence, explicit criticism of American law enforcement, bilingual profanity, a meet-cute that ends in homicide, conspicuous consumption, Los Angeles, demons, monsters, cops, vampires, talent agents, tautologies, street racing, attempted murder, successful murder, axe murder, motorcycle helmet murder, matching basketball hoodies, carjacking, kidnapping, brief torture, discovery of animal abuse (past/off-page), destruction of evidence, rampant traffic violations, premeditated hotel reservation with Only One Bed, desecration of the dead, awkward meetings with the ex, awkward meetings with the ex’s mom, deadly bisexuals, hypermasculine podcaster trash, acknowledgment of white privilege, false license plates, conspiracy, squatting, looting, mauling, home invasion, trespassing, witchcraft, abuse of authority, aggressive generosity, arguable cannibalism, destruction of private property, search warrant violations, outright lies, phone hacking, petty theft, grand larceny, vandalism, arson, defenestration, resisting arrest, driving under the influence of existential shock, appropriation of queer meme culture, shooting, punching, kicking, biting, couch surfing, bribery of wildlife, old timey Hollywood stereotypes, internet sexism and exploitation thereof, unflattering implications about Heaven and angels, two entirely normal cats, and the Black Dog of the Mojave.
GRAND THEFT SORCERY stands alone as a thrill ride unto itself, yet it shares a world and characters with the Good Intentions series. No prior reading required, but GI readers will recognize events and a few very familiar faces. Again, if you want a good preview, chapter one is here on my website!
Cover illustration by Julie Dillon, title design by Lee Moyer!
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thoughtartistry · 5 months ago
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Always. 🔅✨️🌼💓
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mi-a-mor · 3 months ago
At this point I'd be so so happy if anyone geniunely hugged me so tight that I stop breathing for sometime
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azhar456 · 1 month ago
Change happens when you have the intention to change
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mrkmciver · 1 month ago
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#Their Loss
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dessertbird · 3 months ago
Daily Destiel 💙💚
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winchestress · 2 years ago
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shirtlesssammy · 4 months ago
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Dean Winchester every day -- 278/326
Supernatural 13x14//Good Intentions
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somedaylazysomeday · 3 months ago
Good Intentions Chapter Twenty-Eight
You reluctantly adjust to life in your new situation.
Ongoing Silco x fem!reader fic (no reader description, no use of 'Y/N')
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 3,700
Warnings: Imprisonment, confinement, nonconsensual bondage, kidnapping, themes of hopelessness and feeling trapped, Silco is in denial about how badly he's fucked this up, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), ass play, handjob.
Previous | Next | Masterlist
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After enough time, you stopped noticing the restraints. 
Not for the first few days, obviously. In the first few days, you had struggled so hard against it that your wrist and forearm were scratched up and raw. It had been bad enough that Silco had replaced the metal cuff with a padded one on the other wrist so he could treat the wounds and bandage you up.
He had been careful not to let you have both wrists freed at once. He seemed suspicious that you would run if given the opportunity. 
Silco always had been clever. 
Eventually, he agreed that binding you to his headboard was a bad idea. If nothing else, you were sure he was tired of cuffing himself to you so you could reach the bathroom. Not to mention the crumbs you got all over everything when you tried to eat one-handed. 
He had settled on a padded ankle cuff, linked to the footboard with a long length of thin chain. You had hoped the smaller links would mean they were easier to break, but you hadn’t managed it yet and the switch had been made days ago. 
You had enough range of movement to go into Silco’s office if you chose, but you never had. When you were away from him, you could try your hand at picking the lock as many times as you needed without worrying about being caught. 
Unfortunately, you had never found enough reason to learn how to pick a lock, and poking around with the back of a tie pin turned out to be ineffective. 
Far more of a concern than your lack of skill with lock-picking was that you were starting to lose the willpower you’d started out with. In your weaker moments - particularly when falling asleep - you wondered whether this was such a bad situation after all. You cared for Silco, and being away from him had been painful. Now, you were around him all the time, except when he was conducting private business in his office. But he had even welcomed you to sit in on some of those meetings. 
For his part, Silco was nothing other than a doting partner. He brought you meals and snacks - the highest possible quality of all your favorite foods. He wasn’t impatient when you lashed out or grew moody. He switched the cuff from one ankle to another every day, massaging the other ankle with a healing balm to take away any pain in the joint. 
He never touched you unless you initiated the contact. In your first few days, you had refused to share the bed with him. On your second night on the floor, he asked if you were going to continue sleeping down there. If so, he would purchase a second mattress so you could be more comfortable.
It had struck you as terrifying. Silco had shown that he was more than willing to do this long-term. The idea of keeping someone captive to have them nearby was clearly not a problem for him. You had snuggled closer to him in your sleep a few nights before and he had kissed the crown of your head, murmuring that he would do anything for you. 
Even now, you wondered why Silco’s strict routines felt so comforting.
But then you would think of the Haven, or catch sight of a Shimmer addict in the street. Were they looking for you? It had been well over a week since you had met with Silco and they still hadn’t heard from you. Silco had never sent anyone to retrieve your belongings, either. As far as anyone knew, you had left the Haven and never came back. 
The reality of your isolation rose up, threatening to send you into a spiral, but you made yourself remember that there were people who would find your absence suspicious. The Haven’s volunteers. Jazper. Jayce and Viktor. Surely your friends at the Haven had raised some kind of alarm about you being missing. 
Hope for that started to fade when there had been no grand rescue. The terror had faded, as had your anger. The anger lasted far longer, but when its warmth left, you had to come to terms with how utterly bored you were. 
Without Silco around, his room was profoundly uninteresting. The door to his office was locked intermittently, whenever he had a meeting with someone who was particularly dangerous. Silco had admitted that he met with some people who may get the wrong idea about you. The sight of a bound woman was likely to attract dangerous attention. That was especially true for you, given how public your ‘feud’ with Silco had been. 
So you had decided to try your luck with one of Silco’s other doors. The chain around your ankle wasn’t quite long enough for you to wander out onto the balcony that overlooked the Last Drop’s dance floor. That left only the door that led to the circuitous route Jinx had led you along during one of your trips here. 
You reached the door easily, even managing to make it down the first few steps before the chain had stretched as far as it could. You stood there for too long, bound ankle stretched behind you while you stared longingly down the darkened stairwell. There was no way to leave, but the illusion of freedom was enticing. It lured you in like- well, a lot like Silco had.
With that disconcerting thought, you turned and started back into your makeshift cell. 
The ugly vase still stood on the table at the top of the stairs… but it wasn’t the only thing on the table. There was a little mechanical… thing perched beside it. It was an incomprehensible mass of gears and springs to you, but the neon paint told you that Jinx had made it. Not that you had needed the help - there was a messy sign in front of it that read Hey, Dad!
You studied the gift. If you squinted and tipped your head to one side, it almost looked like a little creature. Its legs were stumpy twists of wires. Two gears formed its eyes. It had a fanged mouth made of a dozen sharp metal points on a hinge. You smiled at the ingenuity despite yourself as you passed it.
…And then you circled back around, staring at it intently. Jinx never built anything that wasn’t capable of doing lethal damage. Those sharp teeth looked strong. 
Strong enough, perhaps, to bite through a thin chain.
You had snatched up the device the instant you thought it, suddenly uncaring whether or not it had been designed to explode. Fortunately, it didn't, and the jaws really were on a hinge that you could operate by hand. 
You didn't try to break the chain near your ankle. Silco checked it often and you knew, if this worked, that you would only get one chance at it. 
Somewhere around the middle of the length seemed like the best option. The first bite didn't do any visible damage and you held your breath as you tried again. The second one left no mark and neither did the third. You didn't expect much from the fourth, fifth, or sixth, or any of the dozen squeezes you gave after them. Anger was your excuse and you swore, quietly enraged at the option that had been taken from you. 
Somewhere around the thirtieth bite or so, the chain went slack. It took a moment for realization to filter through the cloud of grief and fury, but you snatched up the chain. Sure enough, you had managed to break it. 
It wasn't neat or clean. The ends were ragged, discolored by the paint on the thing's teeth. If Silco looked too close, he would know what had happened. 
So you spent an hour carefully tying the ends back together, tucking the straggled parts into the tiny knot as well as you could. You wound the excess into a thick coil on the floor the way you sometime did when you were feeling particularly domestic and trying to neaten up the room.
It was late in the evening by that point and crowds of The Last Drop were thinning. More importantly, Silco would be coming back into his room soon. There was no choice but to wait, bide your time until the next day. If you broke the knot and left as soon as Silco went to his office, you would have hours before anyone knew you were gone. 
You could only hope that your acting skills were up to the task. 
When Silco returned to the room at the end of the night, you were lying on the bed with your free ankle crossed casually over the cuffed one. Your head and shoulders were comfortably propped up on a pillow and you were reading a book. 
He undressed quickly, stripping off the layers of his outfit. When he settled onto the bed beside you, he gave a contented sigh. “You look comfortable, pet. How was your day?” 
Silco hummed. “For the best, I think. At least you avoided meeting with the fools who wasted my time this evening.” 
“They can’t have been too terrible if you didn’t need to be distracted from them,” you answered, striving to sound normal. Silco couldn’t know anything was going on. The slightest hint of oddness from you would put him on alert. If he didn’t catch you outright, it would make escaping that much more difficult. 
He chuckled. “Did you want to hide under my desk again, sweetheart? I would gladly let you, but you leave a trail at the moment.” 
You held your breath as Silco reached down to give the chain a sharp tug. It held, thankfully, and he continued speaking as he ran his thumb over the narrow links.
“But perhaps not for much longer.” 
The considering tone in Silco’s voice made you tilt your head at him. “What does that mean?” 
Silco released the chain. “You’ve done well, better than I credited you for. You have adjusted to this life more gracefully than I believed you would, and it is only right for me to reward that effort.” 
You lifted a brow, pulling your chained ankle upward. Silco smiled, patting your leg gently. “Not yet. You are moving in the right direction, and if that continues, I will gladly afford you more freedom. You will earn your release from the restraints soon, but I can’t risk you making some kind of ill-considered escape attempt.” 
Oh, if he only knew how much thought you had put into your escape attempt, he wouldn’t dare to call it ‘ill-considered’.
You were pulled from that line of thought when Silco’s hand - having rested comfortably on your calf - moved slowly upward. You looked at his face, startled. 
The beginnings of heat flickered in Silco’s expression. “Though perhaps you have earned release of a different sort.” 
That was a surprise. Silco hadn’t touched you since he had first chained you to his bed - not in a sexual way, at least. You woke up entwined with him most afternoons, and your days were filled with casual touches from him. But he had never pushed himself on you. And you had been far too furious with him to initiate anything.
The moral part of your mind wanted to shove him away. He had betrayed your trust in almost every way you could think of, and the last thing you wanted to do was reward that. 
The other part of you was less certain. You were still mad at Silco - of course you were - but your body wasn’t so sure about it. Being so close to him and not having sex had made every nerve sing with uncertain need. You had conditioned your body into associating Silco with sex and it was a difficult thing to fight. 
You marked your spot in the book and set it aside so you could give Silco your full attention. “You want to have sex?” 
The sudden refusal made you blink. “Then what are you talking about?” 
Silco drummed his fingers thoughtfully against your thigh. “I believe it would be best to avoid sex until you are no longer bound to my bed.” 
That seemed counterintuitive, especially since he was the one who had bound you to his bed. Apparently, your thoughts were clear on your face because Silco chuckled and patted your thigh. “I have all the power, pet. It would be unfair.” 
That made you laugh disbelievingly. “You’ve set up a power imbalance in our relationship from the first agreement we ever made! And now it’s a problem?” 
“Because our first agreement was about business,” Silco told you, expression solemn. “Our second - the security for the Haven - was about your safety. And now we love each other. In the spirit of starting our relationship off on the correct footing, we cannot fuck until you are free to walk away from me. Otherwise, how can I be certain that you are not accepting me out of mere obligation?”
Attempting to convince him was futile. Silco didn’t change his mind after he made a decision… but if he was so concerned with the health of your hypothetical relationship, you couldn’t believe that he would refuse to listen. 
“I may love you, but I haven’t agreed to be in a relationship with you.” You headed off the fast-growing darkness in Silco’s eyes, quickly adding, “I want that, but I can’t stand by while you plan to hurt the people of Zaun in an attempt to fight a war with Piltover. There has to be another way.” 
Silco sighed, raking fingers through his hair. “Do you truly need to have this conversation again? Very well. There is no other way. Piltover has the advantage on every front imaginable: they have superior numbers, weaponry, economy, food sources, medical care, infrastructure. How can we fight them without some advantage?”
“But this advantage?” you pressed. “You will hurt our people. Kill our people. How many of them are you willing to sacrifice for this takeover?” 
“As many as it takes,” Silco told you steadily. “However many give their lives, it will still be less than those who lost their lives to Piltover’s abuse and neglect over the past decade. It will be less than the number who will survive in the future because Piltover can no longer heap their disdain on us.”
“And while you turn the people into monsters, you’ll make sure they can’t possibly have a future alongside Piltover,” you summarized. “Even if you kill their Council and replace them with our people, Piltover will look for a chance to retaliate against Zaun. Our people will forever live in fear of some revenge plot.”
“Not if we create a terrible consequence for retaliation,” Silco told you, thumb tracing circles against your hip. “During the first rebellion against Piltover, we came to a realization. The only way to defeat a superior enemy is to stop at nothing. To become what they fear. And what Piltover fears is that we are precisely the monsters that they have painted us.”
Your shoulders eased away from your ears at the intractable set of Silco’s face. You weren’t going to change his mind after all. It was a counterintuitive relief - you didn’t have to keep fighting for this relationship, not if it was doomed before it ever truly began. 
With a resigned sort of smile, you picked up your book again. Silco snatched it from you, putting it on the bedside table behind him. “What does that mean for your decision?” 
“I’m not sure,” you lied. “I need time to think about everything.” 
“But you will consider it?” he asked. 
You gestured down at your ankle. “Not like I have a lot of other things to do.” 
“Mmm,” Silco hummed, bending to kiss your shoulder. “You have options at this moment.” 
“Do I?” You frowned at him. “I thought you didn’t want to sleep together until you decide to take off this chain.” 
“I will not fuck you,” he corrected, sliding down slightly to press another kiss to your hip. “But there are other ways I can bring you pleasure.” 
You fought that for approximately half a second. You were furious with Silco and half-grieving the relationship that you could clearly never have, but your body was still reacting to the way he touched you. Besides, if you accepted this, it would reduce the risk that he would decide to examine your chain before the two of you went to sleep. 
“Yes,” you agreed softly. “Please.” 
Silco grinned, chipped teeth on full display as he began to strip off your clothes. “I’ve missed this, sweetheart. Missed the way you taste. The way you feel, bucking against my face. The sounds you make.” 
You groaned, leaning back against the pillows as your nipples tightened with need. The moment your shorts had disappeared from around your ankles, your thighs fell wide without any instruction from you.
“Beautiful,” Silco whispered, studying you greedily. He leaned in for a kiss, meeting your lips passionately as you melted beneath him. He made one brief stop to tease at one of your nipples, then delved between your legs. 
You cried out in shock at the suddenness of it all, but Silco didn’t so much as pause. His lips parted around your clit, sucking it into his mouth quickly and with such strong suction that it stung. Your hips wriggled, fighting to dislodge him and retreat back to a place with less overwhelming sensation, but Silco had wrapped his arms around your thighs. He held you in place, not allowing you to close your legs or move away. Instead, you were forced to lay steady under the onslaught. 
When he moved away, your abused clit was swollen and distended enough to peek from between your swollen lips. That left it uniquely unprotected from the pressure of the bridge of Silco’s nose as he delved in to thrust his tongue into your channel. 
You made a wordless sound of delirious pleasure, hips jolting again. This time, your body was fighting to push closer to him instead of pulling away. Silco still didn’t let you move, stiffening his tongue to thrust in and out of you in a slow, steady rhythm.
Your head tipped back as the pleasure overwhelmed you, but you caught sight of Silco’s hips grinding into the mattress. The idea of him getting hard and needy from eating you out made your inner muscles clamp down around his tongue. 
Silco’s mismatched eyes were burning up at you, peeking over the top edge of your mound. You watched his eyebrows furrow slightly as he pulled his tongue from you and reapplied his efforts to your clit. 
One of the hands that had held you pinned down moved, sinking two fingers deep into your pussy. Unerringly, they found the wonderful, terrible spot that made you see explosions of color behind your eyelids. He rubbed, pressed, and teased against that place until you felt like you couldn’t take a full breath. 
Just as you saw the chasm of release opening up ahead of you, there was a tickling sensation at your rear as Silco teased at the puckered ring of muscle with his pinky. It was enough to make you pause for a split second, then his smallest finger sank as deep as it could get and everything hit you with the force of a train. 
You screamed with the overwhelming sensations. Sucking mouth, teasing fingers, and one cheeky digit playing in a private place all combined to turn you into a shaking, babbling mess. You were pleading incoherently by the time Silco finally pulled away from you. 
“Shh, my love,” he soothed, gingerly pulling his fingers free of you. “We are almost finished.” 
“Almost?” you repeated, dismayed. 
Silco kissed your inner thigh briefly before sinking his teeth into the flesh and biting down. You groaned - not quite a cry, but loud as your abused throat could manage. It didn’t hurt, not with the flood of endorphins you were currently floating on, but you could feel it in a way that warned you would be sore later. 
“What was that for?” you asked when he pulled away with another kiss to the throbbing skin of your thigh. 
“I wanted to make sure I left my mark on you,” he said. “Perhaps I meant it as a reminder while you consider a relationship with me.”
Silco rolled onto his side, revealing a throbbing cock. It was flushed red, the tip visibly leaking precum. A damp spot on the sheets marked the exact place where he had been laying.
You reached toward his length. “Need some help?” 
“I will not take advantage,” he insisted, trapping your hand against the mattress. 
“I’m offering a handjob,” you said, exasperated. “Nothing advantageous.” 
Silco hesitated for just long enough that you freed yourself and took hold of him in a loose grasp. He immediately wrapped a hand around yours, forcing your grip tighter as your combined hold moved up and down throbbing flesh slicked by precum and sweat. 
It took a shockingly short amount of time to take Silco to the brink. He had half-risen to his knees, holding your hand steady as he thrust into it over and over again. He was panting with exertion and need, gritting out your name every half-dozen strokes. 
Silco snatched up a piece of discarded clothing, holding it against his tip as he went ever-closer to the edge. His hand spasmed around yours, clutching himself with your hand as his blue-green eye went heavy-lidded and his mouth went slack. The rest of his body went rigid with tension and he spilled hot cum in waves that seemed like they would never end. 
He finally released your fingers from around his cock when it started to soften within your grip. He cleaned off your hand with the same shirt, briefly smearing your skin with more cum and kissing you deeply before you could comment on it. 
“You remain perfection itself, my love,” Silco commented, tucking you against him. 
He fell asleep as the muted dawn started to brighten the sky outside the window. You lay awake long afterward, silent tears soaking the pillow beneath your cheek. 
How terrible it was to have something so close to perfect but have to walk away.
Author's Note - Only two more chapters, can you believe it? They're both going to be a lot, so brace yourselves!
Thank you to everyone who's still reading this story after nearly three years. I read your kind comments over and over, and I'm stunned every time at the general positive response over the years. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts, theories, and reactions - they're such a treasure!
Have a great day and I'll see you next month!
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elliottkay · 2 years ago
Hi, I’m Elliott, and writing smut changed my life.
I also write military sci-fi and fantasy and D&D shitposts, but this is about the smut. I promise it won’t get weird. Much.
In 2010, I was scraping by as a substitute teacher and things were not great at home. I had only written gamer fic for friends, my aspiring mil sci-fi novel was stuck, and I needed some sort of escape… and I thought, “Well, I like sexy stories, and Literotica is free, and…”
My story was a feel-good adventure about a college guy with a heart of gold, a jaded demon weary of evil, and Heaven's hottest mess. It was silly. It was sexy. It was polyamorous, warm, and irreverent, and Literotica loved it: high ranking, tons of comments, and holy shit am I getting positive feedback from the internet?
So it became my first book:
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…and that book plugged some holes in my life. It didn’t get me out of subbing, but it filled the financial gap, and it picked me up after a break-up. More importantly, it gave me an audience. When I published Poor Man’s Fight, I already had readers, and that led to more readers… many of whom then picked up Good Intentions and loved that, too, though some had the shocking experience of “Oh my god, it’s full of butts!”
If you’ve read this far, it’s probably time for the content warning. I’m a big believer in these, for serious reasons and, um… less serious.
WARNING: “Good Intentions” contains violence, explicit sex, nudity, inappropriate use of church property, portrayals of beings divine and demonic bearing little or no resemblance to established religion or mythology, trespassing, bad language, sacrilege, blasphemy, attempted murder, arguable murder, divinely mandated murder, justifiable murder, filthy murder, sexual promiscuity, kidnapping, attempted rape (which is never comedy), immolation of said attempted rapists, persistent disrespect for vampires (which is always comedy), arson, dead animals, desecrated graves, gang activity, theft, assault and battery, panties, misuse of the 911 system, fantasy depictions of sorcery and witchcraft, multiple references to various matters of fandom, questionable interrogation tactics, cell phone abuse, reckless driving, even more explicit sexuality, illegal use of firearms within city limits, polyamory, abuse of authority, hit and run driving, destruction of private property, underage drinking, disturbances of the peace, disorderly conduct, internet harassment, bearers of false witness, mayhem, dismemberment, falsification of records, tax evasion, bad study habits, and an uncomfortably sexy mother.
…and that’s just the first book.
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They've all got those warnings. Even the short story collections.
Credit to the incredible @leemoyer for all my book covers, and for teaching me so much about this biz. And while he's not on the book covers, I've gotta share the other central protagonist as illustrated by the awesome @juliedillon:
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...yeah, Alex gets into some shit.
If you're looking for protagonists who really communicate, if you want polyamory instead of love triangles, and if you hate when steamy scenes fade to black, I've got you covered.
If you’ve read this far and you’re interested, or even if you just want to see more content warnings, please give my stuff a look on Amazon (including Kindle Unlimited) or on Audible where they’re narrated by Tess Irondale. Give her a listen and you’d be happy to hear her read just about anything.
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thoughtartistry · 6 months ago
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Life is magic. 🕯
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myhauntedsalem · 11 months ago
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Motivation and Success Spell Jar
Cleanse area and jar
Add Sea Salt to charge
Rosemary for motivation
Sage for Protection
Cinnamon for Good Luck
Ginger for success and motivation
Red pepper flakes to get the job done
Green Adventurine for success
Light yellow candle with intent.
Hold over jar – wax to seal – As you seal jar
“Motivation come to me, Inspire me.
Let success blossom within me”
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mayapapaya33 · 5 months ago
Ow ow ow. I just saw the parallels between Zerxus and Cassida both wanting to save a God. Zerxus wanted to save Asmodeus, both spiritually, by redeeming him, and physically, right at the beginning of Calamity, he wanted to save him from The Dawnfather, the "pitiless face of the sun." Cassida wanted to save the prime deities, all of them, but specifically The Everlight. Possibly both spiritually, by supporting the Everlight with worship, the Everlight, who's worshippers were slaughtered by Asmodeus, and physically, by ending the war with the Betrayers.
Zerxus and Cassida both doomed themselves and their cities (with help from their friends/coworkers!) because they wanted to save the gods. They committed incredible acts of hubris and incredible acts of love. And to have it be those two gods specifically! Oh No. I'll definitely probably speak more about this in depth another time, I just needed to get this out. Ouch.
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