#biomedical science research
reionized · 6 months
people who work/study in quantitative bio-adjacent fields, rise up. computational neuroscience where you get to see someone's thoughts in feelings in graph form??? so cool. biophysics where you can pass blood plasma through an electric field to determine whether a patient has cancer or not?? unbelievable. biomedical engineering where you can literally build a device to pump someone's heart and be the difference between their life and death??? oh my god. disease modelling, being able to predict AND prevent communities being affected by disease on a large scale through your analysis of data??? i love science
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[March, 2023] culture stains & snow days
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Maybe I’m biased bc I’m a pre-med w a biochemistry degree but I really do recommend Richard Harris’s Rigor Mortis to anyone who’s even remotely interested in biomedical research / the progress in that field
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halfhildhalfmarilyn · 2 months
Hello, I am Ahmed. The war destroyed my life. Can you help me? I need 3 things from you: Share, repost, and donate if you are able to donate. Thank you for listening to me
My post link 👇💕
My GFM link 👇🔗
Hello Ahmed,
Thank you for sharing your GFM, may Allah SWT help you reach your goal fast ❤️
Share and donate to help Ahmed and his family evacuate to a safe place !!!
12 621$USD out of 20 000
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melonnade · 1 year
Had a really long talk with my roommate about this & we came to opposite conclusions. What do you guys think?
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cs-med-world-insights · 4 months
Research connecting the Medical & CS field
A Novel Software Engineering Approach Toward Using Machine Learning for Improving the Efficiency of Health Systems | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore M. Moreb, T. A. Mohammed and O. Bayat, "A Novel Software Engineering Approach Toward Using Machine Learning for Improving the Efficiency of Health Systems," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 23169-23178, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2970178. keywords: {Machine learning;Software;Machine learning algorithms;Software engineering;Informatics;Task analysis;Software algorithms;Health dataset analysis;machine learning;methodology;software development management;software engineering},
This research shows the connection between the medical field and computer science by discussing machine learning and software engineering in healthcare. I recommend you read this especially if you are interested in having a job in health informatics or the medical field!
In the comments, looking at the research, do you think machine learning will get more accurate in the future? How do you think it will benefit your country and the world?
Please like, reblog, or share this!
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vnetwork · 10 months
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sbgridconsortium · 2 years
Mechanistic insight into odorant recognition
Our sense of smell is dependent on recognition of a vast array of odorants despite having a finite number of receptors. Odorants are mostly detected by G protein-coupled receptors called odorant receptors in olfactory sensory neurons. While there are only approximately 400 odorant receptors in humans, combinatorial activation of these odorant receptors enables sensing of odorants with diverse chemical structures. However, the mechanistic basis of odorant binding to odorant receptors in humans has remained unclear.
SBGrid member Aashish Manglik and other researchers have been working to develop a structural understanding of how odorants are recognized by odorant receptors. Using cryo-EM, they report the structure of active human odorant receptor OR51E2 bound to fatty acid propionate.
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Above: Structure of human OR51E2 bound to propionate in complex with miniGs399. CC BY SBGrid.
Based on this structure, they determined that propionate is bound within a pocket in the odorant receptor and makes specific contacts to achieve activation. After mutating the odorant-binding pocket, they observed altered recognition of fatty acids with varied chain length. This suggests that activation of odorant receptors by odorants is influenced by tight packing interactions. Through molecular dynamics simulations, they show that propionate induces conformational changes in a specific region of odorant receptor OR51E2, extracellular loop 3. This work provides a foundational understanding of odorant recognition by human odorant receptors at a high-resolution, structural level.
Read more about this work in Nature.
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mental-mona · 1 year
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Bunged-up Lungs
Sleeping sickness is a disease caused by Trypanosoma brucei parasites. Thanks to recent control efforts, there are fewer cases worldwide than there have been for 80 years. The World Health Organisation aims to make sleeping sickness the second eradicated human infectious disease by 2030. But to fix something, we have to understand it, and there are still sleeping sickness mysteries to unravel. Here, in false colours, we see lung tissue from a mouse (grey) infected with T. brucei (blue). Scientists showed for the first time that the parasite forms nests in the lungs, explaining why one in five people with sleeping sickness has a cough or difficulty breathing. T. brucei also dampens the immune system in the lungs, making people more vulnerable to other infections. These insights could help doctors to diagnose symptomless people who carry the parasite, which may help stop the spread of sleeping sickness and eliminate it sooner.
Written by Henry Stennett
Image from work by Dorien Mabille and colleagues
Laboratory of Microbiology, Parasitology and Hygiene, Infla-Med Centre of Excellence, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, November 2022
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mysecretboringlife · 11 months
I'm having some kind of god complex in class simply bc people learn slower than I do
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agents-of-aesthetic · 2 years
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[2/8/23] aesthetic inspiration from my microbio stains
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Hey there people of tumblr! I have decided to start a new blog here to help me stay motivated while I go through the hurdles of being a research assistant, apply for my PhD, and all through it (hopefully!).
The truth is, the research life can be too anxiety-inducing for me (specially since I already have anxiety from life in general), so a lot of the time I just feel like giving up, so I will try this blog for now, and we will see how this helps!
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biomedres · 21 days
Recurrent ADEM Mimicking Young Stroke
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Recurrent ADEM Mimicking Young Stroke in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Almost a total of 1317 Hb variants have been identified (HbVar database) [1], the four most common worldwide are Hb S, Hb E, Hb C, and Hb D, in the order of decreasing prevalence [2]. Haemoglobin (Hb) E is the most prevalent variant in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam), where its prevalence is 30- 60% [3-6]. The prevalence of HbE in India is about 3.5% with an increased clustering in Kolkata (22%) and Assam (50-80%) [7]. Hb E results from a G→A substitution in codon 26 of the β globin gene. This produces an abnormal Hb (glutamate is replaced by lysine) and activates a cryptic splice site at codon 25-27 of the β-globin gene, resulting consequently in abnormal processing for messenger RNA (mRNA). The level of normally spliced mRNA become reduced and because a new stop codon is generated, the abnormally spliced mRNA become nonfunctional [7,8]. Fortunately, only a minor activation of the alternative splicing pathway is associated with this mutation resulting in a moderate reduction of the normally spliced βE globin mRNA 72. Hb E trait (E heterozygosity; ββE) and Hb E disease (E homozygosity; βEβE) are mild disorders. Although the Hb E mutation alone does not cause any significant clinical problems, its interactions with various forms of α and β thalassemia produce a very wide range of clinical syndromes of varying severity [8,9]. Different phenotypes could be noticed with the compound heterozygote state of Hb Eβ-thalassemia ranging from a complete lack of symptoms to transfusion dependency [3,7,8,10]. Experiments were carried out in vitro at temperatures ranging from 38 to 41°C showed that there was a mild instability of Hb E but there is no evidence that this is the case in vivo [9-14]. It is noticeable that the E allele causes a mild thalassemia, while Eβ0 thalassemia shows severe phenotypes. This marked paradox in phenotypes could not be fully explained up till now. It is reported that HbE is sensitive to oxidative stress. Does this or other properties of HbE explain the variable severity of the Eβ0 thalassemia? This question is still waiting for an answer [11]. The aim of this report is to present a case of Hb E homozygosity discovered accidentally trying to cast shadow on a mutation not prevalent in the Middle East. For more articles in Journals on Biomedical Sciences click here bjstr Follow on Twitter : https://twitter.com/Biomedres01 Follow on Blogger :https://biomedres01.blogspot.com/ Like Our Pins On : https://www.pinterest.com/biomedres/
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vitc-killscancer · 2 months
Are you interested in the NF-kB and STAT3 pathways?
Look no further...Here is a PDF version of Curcumin's role in future studies; how it inhibits these pathways and what effects it carries on Hodgkin's Lymphoma cells.
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