#billy and sam
colsons-baker · 11 months
You ever think about how the real hero of Scream V is Billy Loomis?
Exhibit A:
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Only encourages Sam to kill because it would save her and Tara.
Exhibit B:
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Tells Sam where the knife is.
Exhibit C:
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Is proud dad
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blackwolfstabs · 29 days
Billy reflects on his only daughter and how blood can look so tragic yet so beautiful in the dark light of a serial killer's love.
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fandom: Scream characters: Billy Loomis, Sam Carpenter, Christina Carpenter (mentioned), Mr. Carpenter (mentioned), & Tara Carpenter (mentioned) content: AU // She's Somebody's Daughter
a/n: shoutout to my billy, who inspired me to write this AU: @alphawolfstabs - love you lots billy! thank you for always supporting and inspiring me 🩶🩶🩶 inspired by Shadow | Austin Mahone
Being the bad boy with a difficult home life was one of the most misleading things in both observing and experiencing. It was easy. It was simple. At least, this was true for those observing. It was a problem that had logical causes and predictable solutions. However, from the boy experiencing it, things weren’t that clear. It wasn’t easy or simple. It was a game. 
And if you looked closely, it was a game that the boy would come to know well. A painful, torturous game that was much easier to play on other people, especially when they don’t know who you are. It was all about questions, a quiz, one could say. Or a trivia…
Now, the questions weren’t complicated. They were actually very simple, but only when they were placed into the right hands. Only when they were asked to someone with a clear head. Emotions are a dangerous element to gamble with. They are what determines how the game will end. Those who have control over everything going on, inside and outside of themselves are very victorious. Lucky is the right word for it. But when you look through the lens of someone who’s preoccupied—whether it be by confusion, fear, anxiety, a loss of control—everything turns around. And those people do reckless things for unexplainable reasons that predict irreversible consequences.
The result? Take it from anyone who’s been burned with tragedy. It will always… always be at the cost of someone’s life. More times than not, it’s oneself. But then there are those rare cases when it’s someone else… someone you had no idea would even take any kind of blame for what you did. And you never know until it’s too late…
It was from a mirror. It was always from a mirror that Billy had the opportunity to have any sort of interaction, or connection, or bond, or whatever it was called with Sam. He never thought he’d ever have a daughter. He never thought he’d have a kid, period. Who would? He wasn’t that type. However, Christina was, and did she fall hard for him. It wasn’t a long relationship, but it escalated quickly. Ever since his mother left, Billy never thought twice about shit. Especially about shit like that. He was young, wild, and reckless. That’s all there was to it. But when he got that 2 AM phone call, and Christina was on the other line, it was the first time in years that he stopped to think for a second.
“I’m pregnant.”
They both knew he was the donor, but he was 17 and already had a plan. And it didn’t involve Christina or a daughter. So, he told her to give “it” up. Get rid of “it”. Then, he got himself killed before he found out she never did give anything away.
Now word had it that 13 years down the road, Christina began to resent their daughter, Samantha, and it was all because of him. It was controversial, of course, because honestly… How couldn’t it be?
Everything fell apart the night she found out that Billy Loomis was her father, her biological father. After 13 years of seeing Christina’s husband, her baby sister’s father, Mr. Carpenter, as her father—as her dad—it was no surprise that her world was turned upside down. It wasn’t her fault. Yet Christina would say it was, because she knew better than to go snooping where she wasn’t supposed to be. 
That was the Loomis in her. And that was what made her who she was. It was what made her a survivor.
Samantha Carpenter would always be Samantha Carpenter. There was no telling her otherwise. It was written on her birth certificate and tattooed on every memory she ever had, before and after she found out the truth.
But through all those years, and even now, Billy had been watching. That was the one thing that he would thank death for… he got to be a part of his daughter’s life. Even when she didn’t like him, even when she couldn’t stand it, even when he teased her and critiqued her and forced her to face the bloodied card she’d been dealt—the one that was stained with the blood of a killer. 
Even through everything, Sam was Billy’s daughter. She was his. And even though he was compatible with the majority opinion of him not being the type of guy…
He loved her.
He loved her a lot. No matter what his background was, Sam brought a light into the abyss of the afterlife. He never had the chance to be there for her like a father could’ve and should’ve been, but the idea always stayed in the back of his head. Because in the years before she knew about him and about herself, he was not a reflection…
He was a shadow.
He had seen her be a kid, a little girl ducking into the safety of another man that had no idea just how lucky he was to have someone like her call him “dad.” And while he’d never admit it, the reality of that hurt Billy over time.
He had watched her since the day she was born. Every time she walked into a room, he was there. Every time she turned out the light at night, he was there. Every mirror she glanced in or window she looked out of, he was there, even before her hallucinations began. 
He had to say, it was strange to watch someone that was half of him live. It was strange in a way that started to restore the emotion in him but only to an extent. He wanted to be more to her than what he was, but he didn’t know how to be. That’s why he was so hard on her when things started to go south, especially when she was brought back to Woodsboro. When she went to New York, it was the same thing, however, he could feel that they were more than just estranged in the realities of living and dead. And so, he put a name on it: Team Loomis. His words were no less than a mentor’s, but regardless of that, he wanted to be better. Truly, he did. Because in everything she did, he saw someone with a thrill for survival that left him knowing it was bred from himself. 
But he also saw everything he missed out on, everything that should’ve been him had life meant to be something else—had he meant to be someone else. 
All the times Sam had called Mr. Carpenter “dad” or “daddy”. All the times she had run to him when she was scared or reached for him when she needed help. When she’d cry, and he’d held her. When she’d fallen, and he’d picked her up. When he'd make her smile and laugh, even on her bad days. As she'd gotten older, he’d tell her he was proud of her, and he’d still kiss her goodnight like it was the first night... even after so much time. 
And then she found out the truth. And she accidentally told him straight to his face, even though she didn't know he was standing right behind her. That little girl and her daddy—that bond that had been built up on a fantasy sworn to be reality—was shattered. Just like that.
And she had watched him walk out that door that night, thinking for years-on-end afterwards that it was her fault. That she was the reason he left.
But the real reason was on the wall, a shadow that could only observe in silence like he’d done since the dawn of her time. At that moment, Billy never knew if it was too soon or too late to be there for her. He didn’t know how to comfort her. How could he? 
Only his shadow knew how he felt about her. Only his shadow went where he dreamed of her and him. 
He was only a shadow, until he wasn’t…
All of those thoughts hit Billy as he watched Sam lay nearly lifelessly on the cold, blood-splattered floor, her back to him and her breathing light and raspy. Her clothing was ripped and torn apart, blood smeared over her face and skin, bruises spotted her body, her hair was matted with sweat and stuck to her glistening complexion.
This was the same girl he'd watched grow up.
She didn’t deserve the burden life dealt her because of him and Christina, but she carried it anyway. She’d carry anything, if it meant keeping the ones she loved safe. What a tragedy... but also so very beautiful.
She was beautiful. She was powerful. She was dangerous. She was Billy Loomis’s daughter.
And Billy felt such a strong sense of paternal instinct, desire, and longing as he looked at her now.
That was his baby girl.
“Sam…” he said her name loud enough for her to hear, but gentle enough for her to feel comforted.
At first, Sam didn’t move, seeming too exhausted and beat to do anything else but lie so weakly on her side. But then she did. 
Billy didn’t expect her to try and get up, but she did. He wanted to go to her, but he was frozen as watched her struggle, her arms shaking violently, while she pulled herself to her knees. A hoarse grunt that was part-whimper left her lips as she forced herself to her feet. Her face lifted ever so slightly towards him and…
She looked exhausted, like seeing him was the one thing she wanted more than anything—like she had felt trapped and alone, victorious yet defeated in this burning place. She nearly stumbled as she started towards him, finding her limp in the pain that was scourging through her.
It was slow, but it was strong in comparison to the desperate need her father knew she had to just fall and not get up. But she didn’t. She dragged herself to him with everything she had, until she got close enough for him to hold his arms out, and she collapsed into them. Billy dropped with her as she fell to the ground again, holding her close and pulling her into him. He felt her shudder and grab his guarding arm, like she was afraid he was going to disappear. His fingers combed through her hair, and he felt tears touch the forearm that was held against her cheek.
She moaned in pain, digging her nails into him. 
That’s when he spoke to her. “Good job, Sam… you did so good.” He wished he could say all these things, all these words that she’d never heard from him—that she should’ve heard from him—but when he saw her bare torso convulse to have blood flood out of the gash in her side, that sealed his lips.
But she still held onto him…
Just like she had held onto Mr. Carpenter for years.
“It’s over…” Billy whispered, then bowed to place a tender kiss on her head. “Just rest now…”
When the paramedics rushed in, Samantha Carpenter was alone.
But Billy Loomis’s shadow never left.
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readersdailycrisis · 3 months
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me whenever something happens
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mymoonsight · 4 months
Reposting a comment I made on a post and adding to it
x Reader fics need to handle writing “reader” better sometimes
As a 6ft afab person who’s built like a man and has never been super feminine and has a more unique haircut that’s shorter I hate to read about “readers” petite, small, pale body and her “long flowy straight hair”, etc.
Reader is meant to be ambiguous!! And if it’s important to the plot please mention it at the beginning!!! If it’s not important to the plot why is it being included???
Some people who are reading may be tall, fat, skinny, short, or even somewhere in between. The readers could have a hijab, 4c hair, locks, braids, long hair, short hair, wavy, no hair and even more.
Stop making all readers so sweet and innocent, I want a reader who’s petty and sassy sometimes. I’ve noticed also that so many readers are either too baby to do anything or over powered.
Personally I also hate reading about obviously toxic men and relationships that the reader goes back to because they are “so in love”, like no please let me deck that sucker and leave them in the dust and be happier.
Also, if you label your post with the tag “___ x reader” or titled with “___ x reader” and then make descriptions and then ADD A NAME!!! It’s not an x reader fic and I heavily want to block you.
Hey hello! I just wanted to add that I heavily respect and love fic writers! So many have a talent that I will never reach or have and I appreciate your content being put out at all! I made this post as a 5 am ramble and was half delirious lol
People can write as they please and I’ll ignore it if I’m not interested or I’ll make slight internal edits to fit me if I am
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Welcome to the world of “Being in love with a person who doesn’t exist in real life but you pretend they do anyway because you’re obsessed” ✧˖*°࿐
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seasons-of-death · 16 days
when funkyfrogbait said “how many einsteins have spent their lives washing dishes, how many mozarts bent over stoves instead of pianos because they had the misfortune of being born a woman.”
i might mostly post smut on this account, but i write SO much more than just fanfic, and every word i write is for every woman that came before me that couldn’t write what they wanted. it’s for my mother, my grandmother and my great-grandmother as well as the women that came before.
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autistook · 4 months
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four idiots on set
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ml080504 · 4 months
somebody: what do you like about men twice your age?
me: where do i start?
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 214
“I did an oopsie.” 
Clockwork paused in his work, gaze turning from his work towards his ghostling (it didn’t matter if he was an adult, he’d always be his ghostling) who was smiling nervously, avoiding his eyes. 
“Oh?” He kept his tone light, even as he worked on untangling a time knot. Honestly at least Danny was immune to any effect of time, even if he couldn’t look into his timelines in exchange. It came with being the other half of Infinity. 
“Yeeah… you know that corner of the multiverse you told me not to go to because you’re working on some time problems? I might have stumbled into one of the worlds in the corner…” 
He stopped his machinations, fully turning towards Danny- Space, his Core whispered and quivered in utter delight at having an Equal in power- with a raised eyebrow, leaning on his staff and silently telling him to explain. 
Danny poked his fingers together, giving a nervous laugh. “So uh, I was just exploring right? Well me and Ellie, you know how she gets when she can’t wander, and um… I er, we might have messed with some things in the creation of it… I didn’t know it was part of that universe, I swear! It was so far at the fringes and halfway into the Zone and I couldn’t just let a universe die before it began and-”
Oh- Oh! His ghostling (and his grand-ghostlings it sounded like) had claimed his first universe! He could put off these time knots, this was a grand milestone for any Ancient, nevermind such a primordial force as one of theirs.
And this is how a DC world came into being with humans evolving with more avian traits. Like wings. And claws. Look, Dan thought it’d be funny if they gave baby humanity wings and Ellie started rambling about how much farther they could travel if they had them and Danny thought it could be cool. Oh well, time to keep an eye on their itty baby world now…
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das-sena · 1 year
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Outubro Yippeeee!
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lillyrob · 10 days
Actual footage of me patently waiting for my favorite author to upload😫😫😫
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f1rewr1t3r · 3 months
which characters would this be
"im telling you that girl/boy is trouble.. uh- where are you going"
"gonna go get into trouble"
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Allllright i fixed it since I missed a character on the last poll I did so I figured I'd do a redo ☺
(Mines a close one between Danny and Claudia)
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readersdailycrisis · 3 months
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nothing is better than a well-written heavy angst fic
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hornyramostan · 1 year
ladies and gentleman, skeet ulrich
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seasononesam · 2 months
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Sam Winchester's the Antichrist.
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