#betrayed by live theatre
arabella-strange · 1 day
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Happy Second Quangle to all who celebrate 🧀
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fischyplier · 7 hours
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Zac with the quick quips!
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writhingcreature · 1 day
I NEEEEEEEEEED SofiaxBarryxGallier in their adopting Ylfa nd Gorgug (I know he already has parents but now he has a second set of parents ig what is this live show) era, ft wine aunts MargretxRowanxAnnabel And uncle Ricky (who also adopts Liam) and I need them all STAT
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wlwaerith · 1 year
thinking raphael and zofeia thoughts. about how he's been grooming and stalking and manipulating her since she was young, trying to bait her into a bargain. [under cut for spoilers <3]
how facing off against him in the house of hope is the most terrifying thing she's ever done, not because he's a devil, but because killing him means writing the final chapter of her torment. and she doesn't know how to exist without being tormented by someone or something.
how in his own dangerous, twisted, selfish, raphael way, he's been a constant. he's always been there. and defeating him means getting rid of the only one who never left, even if he only stayed because she refused to give him what he wanted, and he refused to give up.
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maybe this is a bit harsh but I’m just…so bored watching the a:tla live action. I don’t like it, I don’t hate it. I just feel nothing. Actually, scratch that, all I feel is the urge to rewatch the original again. Maybe that’s what I’ll do
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sstan-hoe · 6 months
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𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — actor!aemond targaryen × fem!reader
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — life with aemond is always risky...but not just because of his status in society. No, more because he likes doing risky activities...
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — smut, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, getting caught, public sex
𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — well, what more can I say besides the fact, that the new trailers awaked something in me? Team black forever, I'll just take aemond as a prisoner
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A happy sigh left your mouth as you leaned your back against Aemond while his fingertips graced along your arms.
He had found a cinema with the opportunity to watch a movie while laying comfortably in your seat and god was it amazing.
And another plus point, the cinema was rather outside the city and as a result not as crowded, meaning no paparazzi or fans were around.
You and Aemond were in the last row, giving your man enough privacy to trail his hand from your arm down to your sweats. “Aemond!” You whisper-shouted trying to slap his hand away but instead he gripped your wrist with his free hand, caging you in between his arms.
“Come on love, live a little…” He chuckled, his lips lightly gazing your cheek.
You rolled your eyes at his words, Aemond lived for those risky sex moments. While you did enjoy them, you often come too close to getting caught.
“Aemond, we almost got caught last time!” You complained as his finger slipped into your panties, and that gods forsaken pussy of your betrayed you once again by getting wet just from his voice.
“Quite a tone you have there...you are really serious huh?” He asked with amusement dripping from his voice.
“You’re soaked for me, my little whore is turned on by getting caught,” Aemond drags his fingers through your folds, rubbing your clit gently. A whimper left your lips as he put pressure into his movements.
Suddenly a white light filled the cinema and it surly wasn’t the movie.
Aemond looked around, his eye scanned his right side and locked with the ones of a paparazzi. The actors face was filled with rage, he pulled his hand away from you and gently pushed you to the side.
“What the actual fuck man? How much of a perv do you have to be, taking a photo of my girl and I? You better get your ass out of here before you don't feel your face anymore, sick fuck!” He yelled at the paparazzi who scrambled out of the theatre.
“Come on, we’re leaving and tomorrow we will go to the police, and I will call my agent.” Aemond promised you softly, taking your hand to help you stand up.
Tears threatened to leave your eyes as you walked out of the cinema. A crowd of paparazzi were waiting outside, all of them making photos of Aemond and you. “Shut those fucking cameras off!” the blonde snapped at one of them who held the camera close to your face.
You could hear them ask questions, but you didn’t know what they said, too focused on getting out of there.
When you were finally inside the car you took a deep breath, though your exhaling was shaky. Aemind grabbed your hand giving it a gently squeeze before starting the engine, “we will be home any second love, I promise,” he whispered while stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
You nodded at him to let him know that you were listening. He always wanted to here you say that you were with him in situations like this, however at the moment was all you could offer him.
The car came to a stop in front of your apartment, Aemond walked over to your side and opened the door for you helping you out of the car. “I’m gonna make you a hot chocolate, how does that sound?”
His thumb graced over your cheekbone as he smiled at you. You didn’t answer his question, instead you slowly realized what happened. “They saw us…that man took a photo of us, while you had you hand in my pants…oh god they caught us! What are we going to do?”
“Tomorrow I will go to the police, make an indication, call my agent and we will sue them yeah?”
“But what if they use it against us? I don’t believe it's allowed to do that,” your eyes were filled with fright as your mind imagined all the possibilities, on how this could be used against you.
“Maybe, but what that man did was far worse than our little adventure and even if they use it against us do you know how many people are on our side? Aegon, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Haelena and those were only a few!” He tried to reassure. You wanted to believe him so bad but a voice in your head told you the oppisite.
“And they won’t think I’m a…slut?” “Oh, god my love no! You are not a slut, it was my fault we got caught, okay? I made you do this, it's all my fault.”
His large rough, but gentle hands cupped your cheeks as the tears you tried to hold back streamed down your face. Aemond lead you to the couch and brought a tissue up to your cheeks, drying your tears.
“It's you and me against the world, yeah? We did that and it was okay, you are not a slut, and that man is a sick perv who will get at least liberty punishment and with our lawyer he will end up in prison.”
The tears slowly stopped, your vision was still blurry, but you could make out how Aemond looked at you, with so much love and care. “I love you and I’m sorry we got caught my beautiful girl,” he whispered against your lips.
“I love you too,” you replied sealing your lips in a soft, slow kiss that was filled with passion.
“I’m going to make sure that paparazzi gets what he deserves,” Aemond promised you as he carefully pulled away from your soft lips, giving you one last kiss before he stood up.
“Hot chocolate?” “With marsh-“ “Marshmallows I know,” he gave you a cute smile before vanishing in the kitchen.
He knew that by tomorrow the whole internet would be flooded with the picture, but with you by his side he knew that he could go through hell and back, with smile as if you just told him, you loved him.
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tossawary · 6 months
I saw "Hadestown" a while ago and found it pretty fun, especially because while it is a retelling of the Orpheus and Eurydice myth, it is also doing its own thing. It sets the story in a company town and presents a Hades in his aspect as the god of wealth. Though, it's not always clear in "Hadestown" what is figurative and what is literal. It plays with that mythological line a lot.
Hades is a wealthy businessman who owns mines and factories, which exhaust and trap (and presumably kill) the workers, a "god" among men, and Eurydice comes to work for him out of desperation. She doesn't actually die in this story... uh, I'm pretty sure. You can interpret the musical's ending a lot of different ways, I suppose. But when Eurydice first ends up in "the Underworld", in Hades' clutches, and signs a work contract to survive, her "death" is figurative.
So, when Orpheus comes to retrieve Eurydice, "Hadestown" is presenting us with a version of the story in which Eurydice can actually get away. She's not trapped by something as inescapable as death. When Orpheus appeals to Hades' love for Persephone and convinces this "god" to release Eurydice, I was watching the couple walk away together and thinking to myself, "What if they made it? What if they get to live together this time?"
I knew they wouldn't.
It still hurt.
And it later occured to me that a happy ending would betray not only the original myth, but also betray the new story that "Hadestown" presents to us.
"Hadestown" is a story concerned with poverty, with the fear of starvation and freezing to death, with the labor and rights of workers, with the oppressive power of wealth, with the selfishness of the rich. It's not subtle about it. At all. Hades is here as a figurative god of death, but he is very much present in his aspect as a god of wealth.
Hades releases Eurydice, but makes it conditional, because while Orpheus' song has softened him, he immediately becomes worried that this kindness makes him look weak and will set a bad example for all of his other workers. He doesn't want other workers to try for freedom or for other people to believe his workers can be set free. He curses Orpheus with doubt in order to make him look back.
Personally, I thought that the ending became a little messy, regarding what was figurative and what was literal. It fell back more into mythology, with how arbitrary Hades' condition is and how looking back automatically took Eurydice away. But I still liked it. Musical theatre is very well suited to that kind of blurriness in its lines.
If Orpheus had suceeded in saving Eurydice in this version, then the story would be saying that you can have your happy ending if you just work hard enough for it, if you're special enough, if you believe in yourself. The story would be saying: Orpheus' beautiful voice convinced a powerful, wealthy man that he and Eurydice were unique, that their love story was different, that their tragedy was unfair, and that they shouldn't be treated like the other poor workers. You just have to sing the right pretty song and people will listen to you out of the goodness of their hearts.
It's kind of what a modern audience expects: the heroes will succeed. They will succeed because they worked hard and they were special. The fact that Orpheus fails here too, even though Eurydice wasn't dead in this story, feels like a song getting stuck in your head because the ending is missing. It feels wrong. It's upsetting.
It made me think about how their ending was unfair. It made me think that their tragedy shouldn't have happened. That they could have been happy if only Hades hadn't taken advantage of Eurydice's poverty, if he wasn't so cruel to his exploited workers who create his wealth, if he didn't hoard his wealth instead of sharing it around, and if the wealth hadn't been allowed to go to one person in the first place. Orpheus and Eurydice were not without flaws, sure, but they were ordinary people just trying to make their way in the world. The "don't look back" condition is so arbitrary and unfair and disrespectful.
Everything happened at the unkind whims of a wealthy businessman who was scared of looking weak and losing power. It's not fair and it's all Hades' fault.
To me, though they tell you from the beginning that this is a tragedy, it seemed like "Hadestown" wanted you to think, "Maybe Orpheus and Eurydice will make it this time," and then wanted you to feel let down when they didn't. And maybe then wanted you to think to yourself, "As long as this same story keeps happening, they're never going to make it. Maybe there shouldn't be gods of wealth putting conditions on freedom, and deciding who lives and who dies. It's not fair."
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ohmerricat · 3 months
an essay about Rogue, The Chimes of Midnight, and how i believe all this ties in to the overarching themes of the series EVEN IF the inside-a-tv-show theory proves untrue
“Rogue” named himself after a stock character. he is the archetypal Handsome Rogue because there has to be a Handsome Rogue role in a period drama story set in Austenesque Regency England.
it’s all theatre — smoke and mirrors. just like the war waged against imaginary foes in boom (because there needs to be an Enemy in a wartime story) was theatre; the creation of the Bogeyman in space babies (because there needs to be a Scary Monster in a children’s bedtime story) was theatre; The Woman following Ruby in 73 yards (because there needs to be a Ghost in a folk horror story) was theatre. dot and bubble less so, but it’s wise to note — the dots created the slugs after all. they invented the slugs so that there would be a tangible Creature for the finetimers (and the Doctor) to fear, rather than simply being betrayed by their own technology. because that’s exactly what the false, harmful narratives colonialists tell themselves — stories of taming and conquering a wild Mother Nature and her ferocious beasts — have trained them to expect from the world. the dots were telling a story too, or rather putting on a play.
the penultimate episode of any doctor who series, if not always leading directly into the two-parter finale, will typically begin to tie up loose narrative strands that have stretched across the entire season. at a first impression rogue doesn’t seem to be doing that. but then you take a closer look at the antagonists: creatures that play a role for fun without the slightest regard for those around them. lethal LARPers. cosplayers out to kill. to put it pretentiously, a hyper-realistic theatre of cruelty.
to nobody’s surprise, i’m bringing up my favourite eighth doctor audio drama — the chimes of midnight. edward grove gives every person trapped in the time loop a designated role: the chauffeur, the doctor-detective, the plucky young lady of the house, the lady’s maid, the scullery girl, the housekeeper. they keep playing these roles, over and over, until they begin to forget their original identity, until the part they’re playing takes over their entire sense of self. the servants keep dying over and over because they cannot transcend their roles, because they believe themselves to be “nothing but a scullery maid”. they are reduced to the parts they play in the narrative until they become nothing outside of it, until they become confined to a single location.
the chimes of midnight is set in Edwardian-era England, a time of restrictive, prescriptive class, status and social roles which defined a person’s life and career trajectory — this strict delineation is driven to its logical conclusion and deconstructed under the unnatural conditions of Edward Grove. similarly, rogue is set in a Regency-era mansion — another historical period defined in the popular imagination by its complicated social rules, elegant courtship dynamics, strict class barriers, gossip and elitism. these two doctor who stories don’t have any intentional watsonian connection, but they are deeply linked on a thematic level.
high society is forced theatre. a 24/7 LARP. play your part, put on your costume, don’t interrupt the performance. the audience is waiting. they’re oh so hungry for tragedy.
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the biggest part of them all, the most sought-after role, of course, is The Doctor. a standard to live up to. a name to wear like a banner, a pledge, a promise. he has to be like this because this is what he’s like.
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the Scullery Maid scrubs the kitchen floor. The Detective searches for clues. the Chauffeur starts up his car. the Duchess hosts a glittering soirée. the Rake hides a secret fling with the Wallflower. the Rogue breaks hearts and broods on the balcony.
and the Doctor? the Doctor dances. “onwards and upwards”. forever in perpetual motion, spinning and spinning and spinning across the stars. never pausing to breathe. never stopping.
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p.s.: so, pray tell, what is Ruby Sunday in all this? “The Companion”, of course. smart, funny, sassy, quick-witted, brave, cheeky, curious, self-sacrificial. she almost feels generic because she’s meant to be. she wasn’t born. she was written. an essential part of the story too. circling the Doctor like a satellite forever.
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ivys-garden · 6 months
Dumb Life Series Idea, Opposite Life: same as third life, but everyone does the opposite of what they would normally do
Grian wants to team with Scar, whereas Scar does not
Scar doesn't try to scam anyone
Scott is murderous, betrays everyone and is constantly getting involved with everyone's plans
Cleo is nice to everyone they aren't allied to
Gem doesn't pick up a sword once
Etho overcomes being washed up
Joel is nice to Scott
Bigb doesn't gaslight anyone
Skizz is evil and betrays his alliance at every given opportunity
Tango doesn't allie with Skizz
Bdubs hates Etho
Pearl is actively playing to win and betrays everyone she's allied to, yet everyone insists that she's actually very loyal (also she has an army of cats)
Ren is very normal and does not subcome to Theatre Kid Energy
Mumbos machines actually work
Impulse is very bad at the game now
Lizzie is very trusting and nice to everyone on her final life and absolutely insane on her first two lives
Martyn is working for the Listeners now
Jimmy wins.
(Also, swap the colour order of the lives. Green is the last red is first)
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fischyplier · 8 hours
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What a silly little guy
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souurcitrus · 2 months
Batfamily Time-line
Decide to do a quick timeline for Batman's core family, since it seems like the Comics writers don't know how old the characters should be, and with the stories being due between New Earth and Prime Earth, things get even more confusing.
I don't really like the New 52 and most reboots irritate me, so I made this timeline based on old Batman stories. Anot all information are correct, and some is more speculation based on the Comics.
1939 -
• August 16th - Alfred Pennyworth was born.
• (His age is never specified in any type of media, but it seems like he was at least on his 30s when he became Bruce's guardian).
1962 -
• Bruce Wayne's birthday is officially February 19th (though I don't remember when the exactly year).
1970 -
• One night, while returning from the Monarch Theatre, the Wayne family was approached by the criminal, Joe Chill, who murdered Thomas and Martha and fled.
• Bruce (age 8) was left in Alfred Pennyworth's care (age 31).
1971 -
• January 26 - Kate Kane, Bruce Wayne's cousin, is born.
1973 -
• At age 14, Bruce Wayne's eyes were opened to the level of crime in Gotham and he was determined to do something about it, swearing to rid the city of the evil that had taken his parents' lives.
• He left Gotham City and spent his youth traveling the world, training himself to intellectual and physical perfection and learning a variety of crime-fighting skills, including chemistry, criminology, forensics, martial arts, gymnastics, disguise and escape artistry.
1975 -
• September 23 - Barbara Gordon is born.
1978 -
• March 20 - Richard "Dick" Grayson, son of John and Mary Grayson, two acrobats from The Haley Circus.
1984 -
• (Batman: Year One, Batman #404-407)
• Bruce Wayne (22) returned to Gotham and began acting as a vigilante, taking on the title of Batman.
• Bruce named Lucius Fox president of Wayne Enterprises and brought him, Alfred Pennyworth (45) and Leslie Tompkins their plans.
• Along with James Gordon, Sarah Essen and Harvey Bullock, Batman faces corruption and crime in Gotham.
• August 16 - Jason Todd was born.
• (Catwoman: Her Sister’s Keeper)
• Selina Kyle was inspired to become a costumed thief when she sees Batman in action and becomes Catwoman.
• (Batman: Shaman, Legends of the Dark Knight #1-5)
• That same year, other rogues appeared, before the Joker even existed: Man-Bat, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy and Riddler.
1985 -
• (Batman: Year Two, Detective Comics #575-578)
• Batman inspired the vigilante movement, leading to the arrival of the likes of Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Black Canary and his old friend Oliver Queen as Green Arrow.
• January 26 - Cassandra Cain, daughter of Lady Shiva and David Cain, is born.
• (Batman: The Man Who Laughs, Detective Comics #784-786)
• The first appearance of the Joker.
• (Batman: The Long Halloween #1-12)
• Batman, James Gordon and Harvey Dent worked together to bring down the organized crime syndicates led by Carmine Falcone and Sal Maroni.
• They also had to investigate a serial killer named Holiday that had been killing mafiosos. Gotham's new breed of criminals was replacing the traditional gangsters.
• This was the first time Batman met Selina Kyle dressed as Catwoman.
• After a long investigation, Maroni was brought to a trial, during which he threw it at Dent's face, leaving him scarred. Later, Harvey reappeared calling himself Two-Face and shot Falcone twice in the head.
• He was accused of betraying the things he believed in and arrested.
1986 -
• (Superman, vol 1 #76; Superman/Batman annual, #1)
• Superman and Batman meet for the first time, as Superman came to Gotham and they work together tracking the dangerous psychopath Magpie. They both gained respect for each other, although they doubted, they would ever work together again
• July 19 - Timothy Drake is born.
• (Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman: Trinity)
• Clark later introduced Bruce to Wonder Woman while chasing "The Purge" led by Ra's al Ghul.
• Already a hero to Gotham, Batman (26) became a hero to the world when he and six other heroes fought Brainiac's invasion and formed the Justice League of America.
• August 11 - Stephanie Brown is born.
1987 -
• (Detective comics, vol 1 #37 / Robin Annual #4 1995)
• July 15 - Bruce (27) watched the Flying Graysons perform an acrobatic act and continued to watch as they plummeted to their deaths due to the act being sabotaged by Tony Zucco, leaving only his orphaned son, Richard "Dick" Grayson (9).
• Upon learning that Dick had no living relatives, Bruce saw himself in Dick and adopted him. Dick discovered the Batcave and convinced Bruce to train him to be a vigilante.
• (Alfred's age: 48)
1988 -
• (Robin Annual #4)
• Due to his acrobatic skills, Dick Grayson (10) already had a foundation to build on and so Gotham's Dynamic Duo was born with the first appearance of Batman and Robin, beginning the era of young heroes.
• Barbara Gordon (13) becomes an orphan after her parents tragically die in a car accident. Her uncle, Jim Gordon, adopted her and took her to live with him and his wife Sarah in Gotham City.
• November 18 - Harper Row is born.
• (Alfred's age: 49; Bruce's: 28)
1991 -
• (Detective Comics, vol 1 #359, 1967; Batgirl: Year One, 2003)
• Barbara Gordon (16) debuts in an improvised costume as 'Batgirl' and is nearly killed. Eventually she is accepted by Batman and joins the "Bat Family", being Bruce's new apprentice.
• Duke Thomas is born. (Couldn't find his birthday)
• (Alfred: 52; Bruce: 29; Dick: 13)
1994 -
• (The brave and the bold, vol 1 #54-60; Teen Titans vol 1 #53; Teen Titans: Year One)
• The formation of the Teen Titans happened mainly due to the kids' mentors making them feel inferior, which they quickly realized was not right about them.
• Dick Grayson (16), along with Wally West / Kid Flash and Garth / Aqualad teamed up; later, Donna Troy / Wonder Girl (13/14) joined the team along with Roy Harper / Speedy (14).
• Together, they cured the heroes of their mind control; later, their mentors (Batman, Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman) supported the idea of ​​the teenagers becoming a heroic group, the Teen Titans!.
• (Alfred: 55; Bruce: 32, Barbara: 19)
1996 -
• When Jason Todd was a child, he lived in a very poor neighborhood with his father Willis and his stepmother Catherine. As his wife was suffering from an illness, Willis became a criminal and started working for Two Faces to pay for her treatment.
• Willis was killed in a shootout after betraying his boss and Jason was left to care for his mother alone, resorting to also getting involved in crime to get money.
• (Teen Titans vol 1 #53)
• The Teen Titans split up and follow different paths in their careers
• Dick divides his time between working with the Titans in New York and working with Batman in Gotham.
• (Batman and the Outsiders, vol 1, 1983)
• Batman (37) leaves the Justice League and forms the Outsiders.
• (Batman and the outsider's, #32; Justice League, vol 1, 1987)
• Batman leaves the Outsiders and joins the New Justice League.
• (Alfred: 57; Bruce: 34; Barbara: 21)
1997 -
• Bruce Wayne (35) begins to notice that Dick is growing up and moving around, living between New York and Gotham. Afraid of being left alone, he fires Dick.
• (Detective Comics vol 1 #495)
• Dick Grayson (19) goes to Hudson University and leaves after the first semester in July.
• Meanwhile, Jason Todd (13) cared for his mother Catherine until her last breath.
• After his death, legally an orphan, Jason lived in his father's apartment in an abandoned building in Crime Alley, where he turned to crime out of necessity. Jason has become highly skilled at stealing tires from vehicles.
• (Batman #408-409, 1987)
• Jason tried to steal the Batmobile's tires, but was caught by Batman, who decided to take Jason in and began training him to be the new Robin.
• Six months after Dick left Gotham, Jason's training was complete and he stepped in as the new Boy Wonder.
• (New Titans, vol 1, 1980)
• Dick Grayson (19) then formed the new Teen Titans with Raven, Wally West/Kid Flash, Donna Troy/Wonder Girl, Koriand’r/Starfire, Victor Stone/Cyborg, and Garfied Logan/Beast Boy.
• (Nightwing: Year One, #101-106)
• However, his identity as Robin no longer suited him and he soon adopted a new identity: Nightwing.
• (Alfred: 58; Bruce: 35; Barbara: 22)
1998 -
• Bruce (36) leaves another Justice League.
• Barbara (23) starts working in a library and has much less time to be Batgirl.
• (Batman: The Cult #1-4)
• (Batman: The Caped Crusader Vol. 1, Batman #417-430 and Batman Annual #12)
• Some Batman stories with Jason (14) as Robin, this collection does not include "death in the family ".
• (Alfred: 59; Dick: 20)
1999 -
• (The killing joke; Batman Chronicles #5; Oracle: Year One)
• At some point, Barbara Gordon (24) is attacked by the Joker.
• The criminal broke into her apartment and shot her, leaving her paralyzed, in an attempt to drive her father, Jim Gordon, crazy and prove that anyone can be as crazy as him if they have just one bad day.
• As he grew older, Jason Todd proved to be a challenge for Bruce (37), despite being skilled crime fighter, he was very rebellious and often disobeyed Batman.
• (August)
• Jason turns fifteen years old.
• (Batman #425-429, A death in the family)
• Batman decided to remove Jason from his duties as Robin to allow him to grieve the death of his parents.
• Jason discovered that the woman he knew as his mother was his stepmother, so he decided to find his biological mother.
• He found her, Sheila Haywood, an aid worker in Ethiopia. She proved to be the right person and she and Jason had an emotional reunion.
• However, unbeknownst to Batman and Robin, Sheila used to run illegal operations in Gotham and was recently blackmailed by the Joker, to whom she handed over her own son (now in his Robin costume).
• The clown brutally beat him with a crowbar. Robin was soon unconscious in a pool of blood. The Joker then left him and Sheila in the warehouse with a time bomb.
• Batman arrived too late to save them as he was stopping the Joker's venom from reaching the city and they died from their injuries.
• Batman pulled Jason's body from the rubble and took him to Gotham City, before he called Wayne Manor to deliver the news.
• (New Titans vol 1 #55, 1989)
• Dick (21) received the news too and returned to Gotham to look after Alfred and Bruce.
• (Suicide Squad vol 1 #23-28, 1989-1990)
• A mysterious Hacker, called Oracle, starts working with the Suicide Squad.
• (Batman: A lonely place of dying, Batman #426-429, #440-442, and New Titans #60-61).
• Some time later, Timothy Drake (13) discovers the secret identities of the Wayne family and tries to join them. He uses Jason's old costume to save Dick (21) and Bruce (37).
• Orphaned by organized crime, Tim was placed in the care of Bruce Wayne. Tim asked his new caretaker to allow him to train as the third Robin, but Bruce refused due to the fact that he was still grieving the loss of Jason Todd.
• Discovering the breadth of Tim's intellect and deductive genius, Alfred opposed Bruce and began training Tim in secret.
• (Detective Comics #618-621; Batman #480-481)
• Tim's mother is murdered and his father is left in a coma, from which he eventually recovers.
• (Robin: A Hero Reborn, Batman #455-457 and Robin #1-5)
• Tim Drake's first missions as Robin, where he heads to France to study specialized fighting techniques under an old master.
2000 -
• (Batman: Birth of the Demon)
• Bruce discovers the origin of Ra's Al Ghul.
• Helena Bertinelli became Huntress and also began fighting crime in Gotham.
• (Detective Comics vol 1 #647-649, 1992)
• Bruce hears about a young girl named Spoiler causing trouble around town.
• Stephanie Brown (14) wanted to anger her father and began following in Batman's footsteps.
• The mercenary Bane discovered that the effects of Venom increased his physical strength. He arrived in Gotham with the aim of defeating Batman, who he thought owned the city.
• (Batman: Sword of Azrael)
• Bruce met Jean-Paul Valley (18), a student who was being controlled to become the dangerous vigilante Azrael, and then took him in as his new protégé.
• (Robin III, 1992)
• Tim start dating Ariana Dzerchenko.
• (Batman: Knightfall)
• Bane invades the mansion when everyone is away and, being extremely tired, Bruce is unable to face him. Bane breaks his back with one blow and takes control of the city.
• Out of options, Bruce gives Jean-Paul Valley the mantle of Batman.
• (Robin vol 2 #3-5, 1994)
• Spoiler also joins them and gets closer to Tim.
• Bruce, still with a broken back, travels across Europe on a healing mission with Dr. Kinsolving. Alfred despairs at how little he is taking care of himself and resigns in protest.
• Meanwhile, Dick and Kory's relationship becomes worse. They almost get married, but decide to separate and the Teen Titans are disbanded.
• In the months that passed, however, Jean became an extremely cruel and aggressive Batman, distancing himself from Robin and going against Bruce's request.
• He even manages to defeat Bane and tries to break his back, but Robin stops him.
• (Batman: Knightfall) comes to an end. (According to the comics, this arc last at least 6 months)
• Before more damage was done, Bruce recovered and realizing the mistake he made, faced Jean and returned to being Batman in the conclusion KNIGHT ’END.
• (Batman: Prodigal)
• Bruce decides he wants to go on vacation and Dick becomes Batman, with Robin following him.
• Barbara Gordon (25) finally returns to work with her family, revealing herself to be the mysterious Hacker, Oracle.
• At this time, Cheshire became more distant from Bruce after Alfred moved to London and became more busy with the search for Ace and the others from Royal Flush.
• (Nightwing: Alfred's return)
• Dick (22) goes to London to try to convince Alfred to return to Gotham.
• (Batman: Contagion; Batman: Legacy)
• A plague spreads across the city and Batman, Azrael and Gordon try to find a cure. Robin meets Catwoman and reluctantly joins her to also find the cure on a super long journey.
• Nightwing and Huntress deal with rioters in Gotham, and Tim becomes infected when a sick looter spits in his face.
• (Alfred: 61; Dick: 22; Barbara: 25; Bruce: 38; Tim: 14; Stephanie: 14; Jean Paul: 18)
2001 -
• Batman (39) and Azrael (19) go out again in search of a cure.
• Gordon and Mayor Grange fight to keep the city from panicking.
• Batman is forced to leave the city and reluctantly puts Huntress in charge. Helena interrupts a Penguin's plot to cause chaos.
• Batman and Robin (14) travel with Nightwing (23) to the desert and discover that the person behind the virus was the "Immortal" who is revealed to be Ra's al Ghul, who plans to exterminate 90% of humanity so he can dominate the world. world.
• Batman eliminates the virus by blowing up the Aventine Casino.
• Vaccines are distributed and Gotham is saved. Despite Wayne Enterprises exhausting their resources in the relief effort, Bruce is shocked to see the large number of dead bodies.
• Batman, Nightwing, Huntress, and Robin feel guilty for the lives they couldn't save, but Alfred reminds them that every citizen of Gotham would be dead if it weren't for their efforts.
• (Nightwing vol 2)
• On March 20th, Dick turns 23 and moves to Blüdhaven.
• (Black Canary/Oracle: Birds of Prey, 1996)
• Barbara (26) begins working with Black Canary, eventually forming the Birds of Prey.
• Dick and Helena form a romantic relationship in (Nightwing/Huntress).
• (Robin Plus Impulse; World's Finest Three (Superboy/Robin); Young Justice: The Secret)
• Tim meets Superboy and Bart Allen / Impulse and then saves a mysterious girl named Secret.
• (Justice League of America: World without growth; Young Justice vol 1)
• They form Young Justice.
• (Batman: Cataclysm)
• There is a huge earthquake that passes through Gotham City, destroying many buildings and tearing up the foundations. With the chaos caused by the earthquake, many criminals are released, the city is completely isolated from the rest of the world.
• (Robin vol 2 #57, 1998)
• At some point, Tim breaks up with his girlfriend Ariana to be with Stephanie, who realizes she is pregnant, so tosses the mantle of vigilante aside for a while.
• (Batman: Aftershocks)
• In the weeks that pass, Gotham tries to recover. However, Bruce's efforts to help the city are futile when the world decides to turn its back on Gotham.
• (JLA/Titans #1-3; Titans vol 1)
• Dick returns with the Teen Titans.
2002 -
• (Batman: No man’s land)
• After the US government's declaration, Gotham City became a No Man's Land, which effectively quarantined the island. Bridges were destroyed and any other means of entry or exit were guarded by the Army.
• Although the Justice League did not assist in the quarantine for ethical reasons, they were so busy preventing outside forces from conquering the city that the internal situation was left to Batman and his allies.
• According to Barbara Gordon (27), it has been 93 days since the quarantine began and "Gotham is still dead."
• Batman disappeared all this time, and when he returned to the city to reconquer it, he saw that the criminals had already taken over.
• During this arc, Bruce reclaims the city, meets Cassandra Cain (17), daughter of David Cain, a former mentor, Barbara hands over her Batgirl mantle to Cassandra, Lex Luther hires Bane to destroy Gotham's gallery, so he can take control of the city, and James Gordon's wife is killed by the Joker.
• (Alfred: 63; Dick: 24; Barbara: 27; Bruce: 40; Tim: 16; Stephanie: 16; Jean Paul: 20; Cassandra: 17)
2003 -
• Eventually, thanks in large part to the financial and political machinations of Lex Luthor, Gotham City was liberated and rebuilt, and became part of the United States again.
• (Batman: Evolution; Batman: Turning Points; Batman: Officer Down)
• Ten weeks after No Man's Land ended, Commissioner Gordon is shot and retires.
• Alfred (64) goes with Tim (17) when he starts studying and isn't talking to Bruce.
• (Batman & Huntress: A Cry For Blood)
• Helena Bertinelli is being accused of murder and, while avoiding the GCPD and the Bat-Family, she revisits her childhood with The Question in hopes of trying to uncover the true culprit.
• (JLA: Tower of Babel)
• Ra's Al Ghul steals Batman's plans to defeat the Justice League of America.
• Dick (25) goes to the police academy. He and Barbara (28) start dating.
• Tarantula debuts as a vigilante (ew)
• (Batgirl vol 1 #3-6, 2000)
• Cassandra (18) continued as Batgirl moved into Barbara's Clock Tower.
• (Robin vol 2 #87; Batgirl vol 1 #20)
• Bruce tells Stephanie (17) Tim's identity and begins to train her.
• Jean-Paul (21) has established a base of operations near Gotham.
• (Gotham Knights #17, #20-21)
• Bruce (41) finally adopts Dick (25) as his son.
• (Bruce Wayne: Murderer? / Bruce Wayne: Fugitive / Consequences)
• When Vesper Fairchild is found dead at Wayne Manor and Bruce is imprisoned at Blackgate with Sasha Bordeaux, the other members of the bat family try to help break the case.
• However, Bruce has had enough and escapes from prison announcing his intention to do away with Bruce Wayne's identity, and exist solely as Batman.
• Some members of the Family continue to doubt Bruce's innocence in Fairchild's murder, as it appears he has truly crossed the line this time.
• They undergo an extensive investigation as Bruce struggles with identity complications from fighting crime on the streets.
• Eventually, they discover that Vesper's real killer was the ever-devious David Cain, who was hired by then-President Lex Luthor to destroy Bruce.
• (Batman: Broken City, Batman #620-625)
• Batman embarks on a journey of self-discovery that forces him to reflect on the life he has led and the choices he has made while hunting the killer of a young boy's parents.
• (Azrael: Agent of the Bat, vol 1 #100)
• Azrael (21) ended up being killed in a fight with his two biggest enemies, Biis and Scratch, after an attempt to frame Azrael for various crimes. Azrael was hit in his armor and fell from a balcony.
• Although his costume was recovered, his corpse was not.
• (Batman: Hush)
• It's a hell of a mystery that lasts at least a whole week or more. Jason is not here, it's fucking Clayface.
• (Arkham Asylum: Living Hell)
• (Batman: Tabula Rasa / Veritas Liberat)
• Bane (41) discovers that Thomas Wayne was close to his mother before his death and goes to Gotham, demanding that he and Bruce take a DNA test. He stays at Wayne Manor for a while, and there he and Batman fight crime together, with Bruce trying to convince him to be less aggressive.
• When the DNA test arrives, it becomes clear that he and Bruce are not related, he is devastated and lost.
• Some time later, Bane meets his father, the King Cobra, Sir Dorrance, but they do not get along and Bane, who has developed a small respect for Batman, protects Bruce from being shot and almost dies, but Bruce throws him in the Lazarus Pit.
• Bruce lets him leave Gotham a free man.
• (Batman: Death and the Maidens, 2003-2004.)
• Ra's al Ghul dies
• (Titans/YoungJustice: Graduation Day; Teen Titans vol 3; Outsiders vol 3)
• A team-up between Young Justice and the Titans goes horribly, resulting in several deaths, and both teams breaking up. Tim ends up joining the latest version of the Teen Titans, and Dick is reluctantly convinced by Roy to join the new Outsiders.
• (Birds of Prey vol 160.)
• Huntress joins the Birds of Prey, and things are finally looking good for her.
• (Nightwing vol 2, #83 and #95)
• In Blüdhaven, Dick's life is terrible, including Barbara breaking up with him, his old circus being burned down, and his building being blown up, culminating in Blockbuster's death.
• It's a bad time.
• (Robin vol 2 #127-128)
• Soon after, Tim's father discovers that he is Robin and forces him to retire. Stephanie temporarily becomes Robin before Batman takes the mantle from her again.
• (Batman: War Games)
• Immediately afterwards, the War Games begin – Stephanie starts a gang war to prove herself to Bruce and is murdered.
• (Identity Crisis)
• A few days after Stephanie dies, Tim's father is murdered.
• Barbara's Clock Tower is destroyed.
• The police are against the vigilantes
• (Robin #132, Batgirl #58, Robin #133, Batgirl #59)
• Tim, mourning his father and girlfriend, and a little tense with Bruce after the Stephanie stuff; and Cass is mourning her best friend; they move to Bludhaven, where they begin a stronger friendship.
• During this period, Tim placed himself in the custody of a fake uncle, after rejecting Bruce's offer to adopt him.
• (Nightwing vol 2 #107-115)
• Dick left Bludhaven and Gotham, working briefly with the mob in Detroit, and then with Deathstroke.
• (Birds of Prey vol 1 #74)
• Barbara moves to Metropolis with the Birds of Prey.
• (Batgirl vol 1 #66-73)
• Cassandra goes on a personal quest to discover her mother's identity, is caught with the League of Assassins, is killed, thrown into a Lazarus Pit and comes back to life.
• (She doesn't seem to tell anyone about this.)
• (Batman: Under the red hood; Teen Titans #29)
• Jason Todd (17) goes back to Gotham, kills some guys, tries to kill Tim (17), does his whole sad thing and leaves.
• While Under The Red Hood is happening, Dick (28) leaves the name Nightwing and becomes Renegade.
• He chooses to work with Deathstroke of his own free will because he is in a bad place mentally and thinks that Deathstroke can help him with his goals.
• (Infinite Crisis)
• Tension between superheroes and villains increases. Bludhaven is blown up and Dick returns to Nightwing, but does not return to Blüdhaven.
• (Alfred: 64; Dick: 25; Barbara: 28; Bruce: 41; Tim: 17; Stephanie: 17; Jean Paul: 21; Cassandra: 18)
• (Jason is 17 now, he died when he was fifteen. So maybe he was revived two years ago)
• Bruce's last paranoid spy turns bad and almost kills everyone, Superboy dies, Dick almost dies and the universe semi-explodes again.
• Bruce decides to take Tim (18) and Dick (26) on a fun trip around the world.
• When Cassandra (19) returns from her spiritual quest, she takes over Gotham in their place.
• Also during the holidays this year, Kate Kane (33), Batwoman, appears for the first time, although she actually has a lot less connection to the main Bat-family than you might expect.
• (Alfred: 65; Dick: 26; Barbara: 29; Bruce: 42; Tim: 18; Stephanie: 18; Cassandra: 19; Jason: 18, Kate: 33)
• (I don't know if Kate's age is stated at any point. And I don't know if the writers know either.)
2005 -
• (The events of "One Year Later" begin)
• Jim Gordon comes out of retirement to be commissioner again, for reasons that will never be explained.
• (Nightwing #118)
• Dick returns to NYC, where he has an unpleasant - but brotherly - encounter with Jason, who is still an anti-villain.
• (Batman vol 1 #654, 2006)
• Bruce offers to adopt Tim again, and this time Tim accepts and moves into the mansion.
• (Outsiders: Five of a Kind, 2007)
• Dick (28) leaves the Outsiders, and Bruce takes over the new team.
• (Batman and son, Batman #655-658, #663-669, #672- #675, 2006)
• Bruce discovers that he has a biological son with Talia, Damian Al Ghul (10) and takes him in. But Damian wants to be the only Robin so he tries to kill Tim and no one likes that so he apparently dies along with Talia.
• (Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul)
• Ra's tries to steal the Damian's body to revive him. Things don't work well, he ends up in a different body and Talia and Damian disappear again.
• (Titans vol 2, 2008)
• Dick and company reform the Titans once again.
• (Robin #170-174; Robin/Spoiler Special, 2008.)
• Stephanie makes her return to Gotham.
• Tim is initially thrilled to see her, but this becomes an uncomfortable tension as her fake death takes hold.
• (Batgirl vol 2, 2008-2009; Batman and the Outsiders vol 2 #2)
• Cassandra returns to live in the mansion, Bruce adopts her and his daughter.
• At some point, Damian returns to Gotham and tries to reconnect with his father. He starts to live in the mansion with Bruce, Alfred and Tim.
• (Batman: The Heart of Hush)
• (Batman RIP)
• The Final Crisis happens and Bruce "dies" aka is lost in time.
• Dick returns to Gotham because someone has to keep this city and his family intact. And the Teen Titans split up again.
• (Batman: Battle for the Cowl, 2009)
• Tim convinces Dick to become Batman, with Damian as his new Robin.
• (Red Robin #1-4, 2009)
• Tim doesn't like Damian being Robin, and he also believes Bruce is alive so he becomes Red Robin and goes on his murder mystery tour.
• He also doesn't believe Bruce is dead and searches for him.
• (Batman and Robin vol 1)
• Dick, Damian and Alfred move into Wayne Tower, living in the penthouse and working in the underground bunker below.
• (Batman: Long Shadows, Batman #687-691)
• Dick becomes the new Batman. It doesn't take long for the city's criminals to put him to the test.
• (Batman and Robin, Vol. 2: Batman vs. Robin)
• (Batman: Streets of Gotham Vol. 1: Hush Money)
• Hush tries to pretend to be Bruce Wayne but Dick, Damian and the Outsiders put him under control.
• (Batman: Streets of Gotham – Vol. 2: Leviathan)
• (Batman: Life After Death)
• (Batgirl vol 3)
• On Bruce's posthumous orders, Cassandra gives the mantle of Batgirl to Stephanie. After she leaves the Outsiders and Gotham, she is later revealed to have gone to Hong Kong.
• Dick joins the Justice League as Batman.
• Stephanie returns as Batgirl. Dick tries to bring Jason back and he refuses, preferring to remain an anti-hero.
• (Red Robin vol 1 #10-12)
• Tim returns to Gotham now as Red Robin, now having proof that Bruce is alive, he also becomes president or something of Wayne Enterprises.
• (Alfred: 67; Dick: 28; Barbara: 31, Bruce: 44; Tim: 20; Stephanie: 20; Cassandra: 21; Jason: 20, Kate: 35; Damian: 10)
• (Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne / Bruce Wayne: Road Home; Batman: The Return)
• Bruce returns to life thanks to his allies and family. Dick returns Batman's mantle to him.
• (Batman and Robin, Vol. 3: Robin Must Die!)
• (Batman & Robin: Dark Knight vs White Knight)
• (Batman: Streets of Gotham Vol. 3: The House of Hush)
• Tommy Elliot cracks under the strain of living as Bruce Wayne and plots his ultimate revenge against Dick Grayson, Selina Kyle and other members of Bruce's friends and allies.
• Cassandra becomes Black Bat in Hong Kong.
• (Batman and Robin vol 1 #23-25)
• Jason (21) escapes from prison, works with Damian (11) and Dick (29) then disappears.
• (At this point Tim and Stephanie should already be in college, right? Let's pretend they are!!)
• (Batman: The Black Mirror)
• Dick, as Batman, has to deal with James Gordon Jr.
• (Batman: Eye of the Beholder)
• (Batman: The Night of the Owls)
• (Batman, Vol. 2: The City of Owls)
• Bruce meets Harper Row (19), who becomes the vigilante Blue Bird. She doesn't have as many appearances as she should and is soon left aside in the comics.
• (Batman and Robin: Born to Kill)
• The killer Nobody goes after Batman and Robin (Bruce and Damian). This is the first time we see Morgan Ducard and Titus, Damian's dog.
• (Batman and Robin: Pearl)
• Damian tries to prove to Bruce that he is worthy of being Robin just like his older brothers.
• (Alfred: 68; Dick: 29; Barbara: 32, Bruce: 45; Tim: 21; Stephanie: 21; Cassandra: 22; Jason: 21, Kate: 36; Damian: 11; Harper: 19)
• (I don't know if Harper's age is stated at any point.)
2008 -
• Jason (22) joins the Outlaws.
• Dick (30) sees that Damian (12) needs to make friends and develop compassion, to curb his harsh ways. He then takes Damian to Titans Tower, where Damian, despite not being a teenager, takes steps to become the leader of the Teen Titans.
• After dealing with his first mission, which at first was a disaster but ultimately went well, Damian leaves the Titans.
• Upon returning to Gotham, Dick notices that his brother has become more patient and less likely to use his weapons.
• Damian infiltrates Gotham Academy, where he meets Maps Mizoguchi (13), a big fan of Batman and Robin, who becomes his friend.
• (Supersons)
• Damian becomes friends with Jon Kent (10).
• (Gotham's Most Wanted; Batman and Robin: Requiem)
• They happen a little differently. Let's not make Talia the worst mother in the world, please, I hate what they did to her in these comics.
• Robin dies and Bruce is expelled from Gotham. One of the differences here is that since Azrael is dead (since we ignore the New 52).
• (Robin: Son of Batman 2015—2016)
• Damian meets Maya Ducard (Nobody).
• (Batman: Urban Legends Vol 1 #1)
• Jason Todd (23) is reinstated into the Wayne family.
• (Joker: Endgame)
• The Robin war begins.
• (Batman Vol. 10: Epilogue; Batman #51-52, Batman: Futures End #1, Batman Annual #4)
• Bruce tries to recover from the events of Joker: Endgame. Duke Thomas (17) joins the Bat-Family as the vigilante Signal.
• Gotham and Gotham Girl debut.
• (Let's just ignore most of I am Suicide, I am Bane, I Am Gotham and all that shit. Alfred is immortal and stays alive after this, please :'].)
• (Alfred: 69; Dick: 30; Barbara: 33, Bruce: 46; Tim: 22; Stephanie: 22; Cassandra: 23; Jason: 22, Kate: 37; Damian: 12; Harper: 20; Duke: 17)
2009 -
• (The Next Batman: Second Son)
• Jace Fox becomes Batman.
According to the comics, Damian is like 14 right now (and we ignore what the comics did to Jon), so Alfred should be 71 (since we pretend he doesn't die), Dick is 32, Barbara 35, Bruce 48, Tim, Stephanie and Jason are 24, Cassandra is 25, Kate is 39, Harper is 22 and Duke is 19.
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merrysithmas · 2 years
ill never get over how in the Mortis Arc the Son tells Anakin his love for Padme is "a prison" and "is not his destiny".
The only love I feel in my heart is haunted by what would happen should I let go [of my guilt for killing the Tuskens].
Then it is not love, it is a prison.
I have a wife- you've met her. She's everything to me.
She's not your destiny.
But I love her.
She is a poisoner.
i love filoni soooo much. he gets star wars, man. he sees anakin's attachment to padme is directly related to his desperation for his mother, and his grief. and his need to be absolved from the raider incident (which padme's acceptance of him gives to him). and that padme's attachment to anakin is hooked to her desperation for a girlhood that was robbed from her as an exploited child queen. she betrays her values as a senator of republic law to ignore anakin's crimes, because she so deeply needs what is essentially a love fantasy for herself where she is saved. it is doom, of course, for the both of them. and they both understand this cliff-hanging madness in each other, even if not for directly what it is in reality. poison.
and on Mortis Anakin's power as the Chosen One and heart is tested by the weight of the lives of his two truest loves - the people who see him the most clearly at that point: Ahsoka and Obiwan. the Father puts those two specifically in jeopardy because he knows this will show the real stuff of Anakin's soul.
and all of this happens on the theatre of Mortis which is the Force plane itself.
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achaotichuman · 4 months
Everyone wants headcanons, including me! Headcanons for Beron cuz that evil man needs more page time!
Yes ma'am, your wish is my command!
Beron had an older sister and they fought like cats and dogs. Often trying to poison or one up each other, in an attempt to go after the throne. The second someone outside their family messed with either of them though, the other sbiling would go insane. Beron once mauled three men when he was sixteen because they tried to gang up on his sister. Beron has impeccable fashion taste. He wears only the highest quality fabric, and is up to date with all of the latest fashion trends. He prides himself on Autumn being the most well presented and fashionable Courts in Prythian. Beron was friends with Tamlin's dad when they were younger. They fought in the war together and were best friends until Tamlin's dad betrayed Beron and destroyed all brotherhood they had. They've hated each other ever since and were constantly in competition with one another. Until Rhysand's dad killed Tamlin's dad, wherein Beron did grieve the loss of his old friend and thus started his hatred for the Night Court. Beron tried to Court the Lady of Autumn via evil villain monologuing where he spent an a half hour going over an evil plan, finishing it off with "We will rule Prythian and then the world beyond it." The Lady of Autumn was only convinced that Beron was a theatre kid. Beron has a scythe, he keeps it in his closet. He's never used it before, but doesn't let anyone else polish it but him. No one knows where it came from or why it is there. Some speculate it was his sister's, but no one will truly know. Beron likes pumpkin spiced lattes. Beron used to shove Tamlin's dad into Helion when they would younger, he would then sit back and watch as they both started fighting each other. Whatever this is: Helion- "Hey Beron! Smile! Come on you can!" Beron-
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Helion- "Mother above never do that again." Beron's sister used to live in a manor outside of the Forest House. It now lies abandoned in Autumn, overgrown with vines and weeds. Every now and again he visits. There is a piano that is old and out of tune that sits there. He sometimes sits there and plays, if you pass by it's like hearing a ghost that still resides within the manor's walls like it's not little more than a broken house.
I hope you liked these, Daisy!!
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itsscromp · 11 months
Could I ask for Insomniac Peter with a GN reader who's a big musical theatre fan? Maybe he needs to miss a few shows and it upsets them
Peter parker x reader
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Oooh a very interesting idea. Gives me Raimi vibes with this request. Now my musical knowledge may be slim so bare with me lol. Word count:1K
"Dude come on it's the last show before it stops !!" You pleaded him to join you.
"Y/n, I know how much you've been looking forward to it but I can't guarantee it OK ??"
You have been a musical fan all your life, You were able to remember each act of certain shows off the back of your head from repeat viewings. But your dream musical you wished to see live was in the heights. Peter would always catch you humming to one of the songs. You wouldn't even stop bragging when the movie came out. But tomorrow was its last ever show, You had many chances to go and always wanted to bring Peter with you. But every time that happened. Spider-Man was needed, Peter made a promise to himself to go to this show with you.
He had his ticket ready, Standing in line at the theatre and waiting for you. No trouble seemed to be in sight, But then his phone began to buzz from miles.
"Miles ??' He answered.
"Pete I need your help man, Scorpion is on the loose !!"
He knew he would be grilled from you for missing the last show, But right now the city was in danger.
"Ok I'm on my way miles, hang tight" He then left the line and then changed into his suit, ready to stop scorpion.
You stood there in line as you waited for Peter, But he was nowhere to be seen, Soon after the line began to move as the theatre began to take its final patrons. You didn't want to go in without peter, But you didn't want to miss the show, but as you tried to get in the ticket person stopped you as the theatre was now full and the no disturbance policy was in place.
You never felt so angry and sad, You missed your favourite show and your best friend ditched you again, for the 5th time in a row. You felt utterly betrayed.
As soon as scorpion was taken care of, Peter swung back to the theatre as fast as he could, But when he saw you sitting on the curb, the guilt in him rose, He almost forced you to miss out because he had to stop scorpion.
"Y/n I'm so so sorry..."
"This was the last show... Possibly forever... And you ditched me again !!!" You yelled at him.
"Please you have to understand..."
"You always do this Peter !!!!" You were almost beyond for calming down. You were almost a volcano that erupted.
His guilt rose from hearing your frustrations, This was incredibly important to you and he pretty much stopped you from seeing it.
"I know the city needs Spider-Man... But I need my best friend..." You wiped your tears as you stormed off.
"Y/n wait..." He rushed too you but you drove off.
He mentally punched himself when he got home, Leaving many voicemails and texts full of apologies. He never felt so guilty in his life, His thoughts almost trained to if you wouldn't be friends with him anymore because of this...
He had to make it up to you, But how was the biggest question, Maybe he could rent out an entire movie theatre to show a private screening of the movie ?? No, you've already seen it 10 times when it came out. Or maybe a local production could work, Quickly researching. No one was doing such a thing. "Damn it"
Just when all hope seemed lost, He got a suggestion on his social media that showed that due to popular demand, they're doing an encore tonight. He quickly booked the tickets. But now to tell you was the hardest part.
He Picked up the phone and dialed your contact, It took a few rings until you finally picked up.
"Peter ??"
"Y/n I have something important to tell you"
"If this is another apology peter I really don't..."
"No y/n this is more than an apology, Look I screwed up ok ?? I know it... I don't do these things on purpose I swear." He took a deep breath as the guilt emerged again. "I really want to fix this OK?? I really do."
You remained quiet for a bit until you finally spoke up.
"How do you wanna fix it ??" You said it in a way you weren't convinced.
"Look I got tickets to it, They're doing an encore because of popular demand" He even sent pictures to prove it.
"Are you serious ??" Your light heartened tone slightly returned.
"I promise, I really promise. Hell, all the promises I will be there ok ??, I'll get Miles to cover the patrol for tonight ok ??"
You went quiet again before saying...
The night arrived and you were standing at the curb of the theatre again, You wanted to trust Peter in his word, but a small portion of you said it would happen again, He would bail once again, But how that portion was proven wrong when you saw him in the corner of your eye.
"Hey.." He then pulled your ticket out of his pocket and handed it to you. With an apology letter written in the most peter way, You couldn't help but smile.
"I'm really sorry y/n, For the 5 times that I missed the show... I really am..." He looked down at the ground.
"I... I'm sorry for yelling at you, It wasn't your fault dude. The city needed you." You apologised.
"So... we're cool ??' Peter slightly perked up
"We're cool" You smiled as you held out your hand, Peter smiling as you both engaged in your secret handshake.
"Let's go enjoy the show shall we ??"
The show was an absolute blast from start to finish, Peter couldn't help but softly chuckle every time he turned to you as you had a bright smile on your face for the entirety of the show. Like a kid in a candy shop.
After the show finished he offered to drop you home.
"That was... amazing !!!" You cheered in the car
"It really was huh, They really had some catchy tunes, Had me tapping my foot." Peter chuckled
"Thank you, Peter... Really" You raised your fist for a fist bump. Which he happily returned.
No matter what happens, Nothing could split you two apart, Never ever. Peter knew this. From the way you smiled It could light up Washington heights showing you two were as thick as thieves.
(Hehe see what I did their)
Taglist @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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space-apples · 2 years
because i have issues im going to talk about the most minuscule thing i noticed in the first limited life regarding desert duo, and since im a theatre kid, im making it dramatic skdjskd
i saw a user on here (unfortunately i don’t know the @ but i know i’m following them </3) have one the best takes about desert duo.
grian will sacrifice other people for their safety, and scar will sacrifice himself for other people’s safety.
the sheer symbolism of scar having a diamond hoe and grian having a diamond sword in regards to said take.
scar wants to live, rather than survive. he’s tired of being alone. he’s tired of feeling like at any moment he’ll fall into a dark spiral. he’s tired of being tired. he’s trying to fix it. he’s trying to move forward.
grian isn’t as self aware; he’s trying to survive. he’s willing to betray, to lie, to kill, anything. grian will be the first person to admit he has issues, but whether he does something about it is a different story.
all i’m saying is that there’s a reason why grian was the one who killed and scar was the one who died. which brings me to my next point; scar’s self destructiveness.
his many deaths are seen as normal, as comedic. even in limited life when he died almost every pov i watched were something along the lines of like “scar died??? oh, well, that’s very on brand.” everyone’s so desensitized, even scar himself. we’ve seen in almost every traffic varient how reckless and impulsive scar can be, but grian?
grian’s reckless, but not in the way scar is. his reckless acts are rationalized to make it sound like a good idea, because some of it is based on logical things. man uses stacks upon stacks upon stacks of tnt because it’s bound to kill one of the dogwartz army, right? as long as that happens, it’s worth it to destroy his (and scar’s) home and blow it into smithereens. it might be something to note that grian’s normalized this violence, not just people doing it to him, but to him doing it to other people.
in other words, they’re both in desperate need of therapy and i am also overthinking this small little detail.
also grian cut out the desert duo moment that scar included in his video and i am So Upset/nam.
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rainwolfheart · 10 days
trying not to betray my own opinion in order to get responses lol
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