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youtube886 · 1 year ago
Poblano Soup Recipe w/Black Eyed Peas - The Best Vegan Poblano Soup Recipe
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shywhisperswonderland · 3 years ago
Benefits of a Vegan Lifestyle
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Veganism is good for the environment, animal welfare, and health. Eating more fruits, grains and vegetables likewise puts less stress on our environment and lets animals live. Veganism, however, brings life-changing & life savor benefits.
Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet
A vegan diet can be one of the healthiest ways to live. Plant-based diets contain plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Vegan diet often rely heavily on these healthy staples. Thus, are abundant with vitamins B1, C, and E, folic acid, magnesium, and iron while also being low in cholesterol and saturated fats.
A plant-based diet reduces the risk of:
Type 2 diabetes Cardiovascular disease Ischemic heart disease Hypertension Stroke Obesity Last but not least, some cancers including prostate and colon cancer
Vegan Beauty
Products that are made with plant-based ingredients and yet, in addition, the processes that don’t involve animals are considered vegan. However, beeswax, honey, lanolin, collagen, and keratin are a few common non-vegan ingredients to look out for. Most people are against experiments on animals. Thus, we should support a ban on cosmetic animal testing.
Vegan Fashion
Following a vegan lifestyle, means not buying items featuring leather, suede, wool, or silk. But don’t be fooled, the vegan fashion industry is blasting at the creases with innovation and style. Wearing vegan fashion means we are not supporting the leather industry.
A big lifestyle change is easier to sustain if we wholeheartedly believe in our decision. Moreover, embracing a vegan lifestyle begins with transitioning to a vegan diet. We can choose to be an unhealthy vegan or a sound vegan.
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freckles-into-stars · 6 years ago
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ok hiiii vegan thanksgiving meal brought to you by the kindest mothers in the world💛✨ ~ not pictured but super delicious: vegan mac & cheese🍽 ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #thanksgiving #veganism #veganismdaily @veganismdaily #vegansofig @vegansofig #veganthanksgiving #veganfood #veganfoodporn #veganfoodlovers #eatplants #whatveganseat #veganeats #veganbodybuilding #vegansofinstagram #veganfortheanimals #plantbased #govegan #bestvegan @bestveganau #vegancommunity #plantpowered #veganinspo #veganshare #veganstrong #vegangains #vegano #veganfeature @veganfeature #veganaf #bestofvegan #plantbased #friendsnotfood #crueltyfree (at Food Coma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqgNsMuhdCk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zzwgpnj6ex1h
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simplefoodplus · 3 years ago
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Benefits of Tomatoes One serving of tomatoes provides vitamin C, A, K, B (variations), and E, which support skin health, blood pressure, immunity, and vision. What dishes can be made from tomatoes? 1. Eat them fresh 2. Tomato soup / Gazpacho soup 3. Omelet with tomatoes 4. Fresh salsa/tomato sauce 5. Pasta with tomatoes 6. Fresh salads * * * * * * *#simplefood+ #simplefoodplus #sf+ #sfplus #eatgoodfeelgood #eatgoodstayfresh #basiltomato #tomatosouprecipe #tomatoseason #basilsoup #souptomato #soupoftheweek #tomatogarden #tomatosauce #veggiesalad #veggiepower #bestvegan (at California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeP1PfhLsnK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vitaminstoreliberobadaro · 3 years ago
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BEST VEGAN BALLS da @atlheticanutrition! É aquele snack que pode te acompanhar no dia a dia, sempre à mão, em qualquer hora e lugar! - 10g Proteínas - Sem Glúten - Sem Lactose #VitaminStoreLiberoBadaro #BestVeganBalls #BestVegan #GoVegan #Proteina #ProteinaVegana #ProteinadaErvilha #Protein #VeganProtein #PeaProtein #AlmondProtein #Vegetariano #Vegetariana #Vegano #Vegana #Vegan #Vegans #Vegetarians #Vegetarian #GlutenFree #LactoseFree #SemGluten #SemLactose #Natural #PureLife #LifeStyle #CleanLife #Suplementos #Essential #EssentialNutrition (em VitaminStore Líbero Badaró) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ9XYgLO7nC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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zestfullyinspired · 5 years ago
Earthy Vegetable Soup
In our house we all love soup. We are always exploring new recipes and modifying old ones to fit our cravings. This Earthy Vegetable Soup is always top on that list! 
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Read the full article
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radicalveganshop-blog · 6 years ago
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#vegainz for days! Who is getting after it today?! . #plantpowered #veganshirt now up in our store in men’s and women’s . #vegan #veganfitness #vegan #veganstrong #veganfit #veganworkout #vegandiet #veganworkoutfuel #veganathlete #veganstrong #veganstrongman #veganstrength #plantfueled #bestofvegan #bestvegan https://www.instagram.com/p/B0d4viVgXTj/?igshid=99jbbwq107sw
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cafe-tschuesch · 6 years ago
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👉 Imma #FreitaX ab 12.00 - ganz #gechillt ins #weekend! 🍍 Mit der geilsten Auswahl an #alternativefood 🍌🍆🍄 & heftig #NicenDrinks! #schlüüürf🍹☕🍾 Bisschen @Rezo-Style hier heute aber recht hat er! ✊ Bis gleich & #tschüschUPyourRevolution! 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍 #NEUKÖLLNifornia #keinewahl #weedends #neukölln #berlinweekend #coloursberlin #bestvegan #veganindian #vegieindian #veganindianberlin #foodstoryberlin #KeinOrtFürNazis https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2A7CNIa--/?igshid=ld0ixdyemn8z
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shywhisperswonderland · 3 years ago
How to transition to a Vegan Diet?
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A plant-based diet is becoming more and more popular because of its multiple scientifically validated health and environmental benefits. Additionally, plant-based eating has emerged as the biggest dining trend thanks to strong celebrity endorsement and well-known social media campaigns like Meatless Monday. While many folks go vegan overnight after learning the truth about the meat industry, for some people, making the change is simpler if they can accomplish smaller milestones along the way.
Factors for Making the Switch to a Vegan Diet
As you may have heard, there are numerous important reasons to switch to a vegan diet right now; listed here are just a few of them. Eating a plant based diet lowers your risk of developing serious illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer. Cattle pastures and soy plantations for animals take the place of rainforests. Farm waste and sewage are contaminating drinking water.
Farm animals are often the source of antibiotic resistance that poses a threat to human life. Approximately 40% of grain produced worldwide is given to cattle, much of it coming from nations where 17,000 children each day perish from famine. Millions of sentient creatures endure unfathomable suffering for a little period of time before being senselessly slain A large number of slaughterhouse employees experience physical injuries or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Here are six easy methods to make the vegan switch easier for you:
Small steps
Most people don’t turn vegan overnight. Small steps and slow transition is still a transition towards change. Start with choosing a alternate them over the course of a week. Oatmeal, pasta primavera, jacket potatoes, veggie stir-fries, bean and rice burritos, lentil stew, and three-bean chilli are a few examples of foods you may choose to start with because they happen to be plant-based. Build on those meals after that.
Watch your protein intake
There is enough protein in plants to suit all needs, and all plant diets include amino acids in varying quantities. It would be impossible to become protein deficient as long as you consume enough calories to keep yourself healthy and prioritise complete foods over refined meals.
Reduce your intake of processed foods and meat
Start by adjusting the ratio of plant- and animal-based meals on your plate rather than quitting cold turkey. Your body and mind will have more time to adjust to the new diet as a result. Make small adjustments to your normal meals, such as including a substantial quantity of salad or a bowl of fresh fruit. Next, discard any meat and dairy products that you don't particularly enjoy. And gradually replace animal based ingredients with those derived from plants in your favourite dishes.
Stock up on nutritious foods
There are so many amazing items on the market today that it’s easier than it ever was to incorporate plant-based foods into your diet. From kale chips and dairy-free milk to tempeh and tofu — there's something for every budget and every appetite. So take time to explore vegetarian and fresh produce sections at your local supermarket. Keep wholesome snack options nearby, such as in your bag, desk drawer, kitchen counter, and refrigerator, and stock your kitchen with nutrient-rich, plant-based items.
Go for plant-based breakfast
Once you've tested the waters, you can take the next step by committing to eat at least one plant-based meal every day. Start the day off right with a hearty, vegetarian breakfast.
Know your food
Most of the commercial products on the market, like faux meat and cheese, are highly processed and contain the same nutrients as animal products which make them health-damaging, think saturated fat and excessive amino acids. Also, these foods are often packed with highly refined oils, flours, sugars, and salts. Therefore, it's better to indulge in these foods only once in a while. In general, it's best to stick to whole, intact foods as much as possible. Other than that, educate yourself on nutrition and ways to prepare different ingredients.
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kindness-through-food · 4 years ago
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@wastelessvegankitchen making it easier to whip up meals in Melbourne🏙 in a flash or in this case contribute to my veg and salad dinner bowl🥙🌱🙌🏻! #gifted . Black Wild Rice, Sweet Potato and Pine Nut Pilaf is what we are looking at here🤓! LOVE the jar (reusable) packaging and that their ingredients are super clean!🌱 . They will even come collect the jars once your finished with the next delivery🚚 and 50cents of every jar sold is donated. These are just some (not only) great things they stand for💚 - OH and they have an app which is cool📲. Head to their gram, website and check it all out. I recommend that you do😇✌🏻. . Swipe right for the video🎥 —> I realise it’s fast so let me break down the text. ⭐️pour contents into a saucepan ⭐️put on the heat and add water ⭐️cook for 5-10 mins or until water is absorbed ⭐️plate up That’s literally all there is to it👏🏼 . Happy Saturday all! For all my Melbourne friends get out into that sunshine today☀️🥳 . . . . #vegan #vegancommunity #veganaustralian #veganbowls #getnourished #nourishbowl #veganinstaclub #veganfitfood #vegandinners #vegetarian #vegbowl #eatmoreplants #eatmoreveggies #plantbasedmeals #veganclub #veganmelbourne #melbourne #melbournevegans #vegansofmelbourne #vegansofmelb #veganfortheplanet #reducewaste #bestvegan #bestveganfood #foodpics #foodoftheday #vegandinnergoals #kindnessthroughfood #wastelessvegankitchen 🌱 (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF2-YQlpSDE/?igshid=1wtrn5k0mgxwn
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atlhetica · 4 years ago
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Hoje é um dia de muito orgulho para toda a equipe Atlhetica Nutrition®️. Concorrendo com outras gigantes de suplementos, recebemos hoje o prêmio de Melhor Proteína da Ásia com o Best Vegan®️. 🥇 O Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability - LOHAS Award é evento em Hong Kong que premia os melhores alimentos vegetarianos e veganos de toda a Ásia-Pacífico, em 7 diferentes categorias. Estiveram presentes para receber a prêmio a equipe da Atlhetica Nutrition Ásia, além do Embaixador Manuel Innocencio de Lacerda Santos, Cônsul-Geral do Brasil em Hong Kong e Macau, e o Secretário Rafael Rodrigues Paulino, Cônsul e Chefe do Setor de Promoção Comercial do Consulado-Geral do Brasil. Todos os dias superamos nossos desafios e entregamos produtos com mais qualidade e tecnologia alimentar para milhares de pessoas no Brasil e no mundo. E cada um de vocês faz parte dessa história! Gratidão a todos que estão com a gente nessa jornada! #Premio #LohasAward #HongKong #Asia #BestVegan #AtlheticaNutrition #MelhorProteina #proudtobebrazilian #brazil #brasil #brazilian #protein #vegan #veganfood (em Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP9KL71rXK4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vitaminstoreliberobadaro · 3 years ago
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BEST VEGAN BALLS da @atlheticanutrition! É aquele snack que pode te acompanhar no dia a dia, sempre à mão, em qualquer hora e lugar! - 10g Proteínas - Sem Glúten - Sem Lactose . #VitaminStoreLiberoBadaro #BestVeganBalls #BestVegan #GoVegan #Proteina #ProteinaVegana #ProteinadaErvilha #Protein #VeganProtein #PeaProtein #AlmondProtein #Vegetariano #Vegetariana #Vegano #Vegana #Vegan #Vegans #Vegetarians #Vegetarian #GlutenFree #LactoseFree #SemGluten #SemLactose #Natural #PureLife #LifeStyle #CleanLife #Suplementos #Essential #EssentialNutrition (em VitaminStore Líbero Badaró) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXlV3CauI1K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bestvegrestaurant · 4 years ago
Best Vegetarian & Vegan Restaurant in Los Angeles
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At first, take a warm welcome from our restaurant where we offer you to taste high-frequency food that is fully organic and will refresh your health and mind. We used some organic ingredients to make superfood drinks, snacks and those foods will help you to absorb nutrition. We are also known for the best vegetarian restaurant in Los Angeles because we ensure global health and use locally grown vegetables for making delicious food to keeps our customers healthfully energetic.
Vitalist food renowned for making organic and symbiotic food, we make sure that our restaurant provides the best high-frequency food all over Los Angeles. We have some favorite dishes that you should taste, such as Organic Superfood Salad, Organic Superfood Nachos, Organic Mexicali. For food freshness, we use an Ozone filter for removing bacteria and cleaning vegetables and anything else that we don’t want to stay in our food. Every recipe has its own responsibility for our customers. We made some superior dishes with scientifically concocted dishes, like snacks and meals for our customer who leads a busy life schedule and that food also increase their physical and mental capacity.
We are the best vegan and vegetarian restaurant in Los Angeles for serving food in restaurants and providing food on your residence or where you desire to eat. We have some nutritional consultations to check food nutrition and some custom organizer for making sure that food is highly clean and ready to package. If u want to order our food online we have a huge subscription. We have included some design bundles for home and workplace and our order system has an extreme range of simplicity, you don’t need to hesitate about anything, just open our website and do order. Your order can be delivered directly to your office or home, click here to order food from us & get fast delivery.
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meltingheartboutique · 6 years ago
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We are having the best Vegan empanadas at Mi Vegana Madre in Glendale. Enjoying the quiet atmosphere and the cloudy view. Definitely visit this place. @miveganamadre #bestVegan empanada #foundournewfav https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo7c7nml6ZT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j87hxvf9rpcn
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awesomeredhds02 · 6 years ago
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#vegangirl #vegangirls #vegans#vegansofig #redhead #redhair#redhairdontcare #redheadgirl#redheadsdoitbetter #redheads#redheaded #naturalredhead#gingersofinstagram #gingerlife #gingerlove#rockitlikearedhead #portrait#red_hair_dontcare #bestvegan#veganfeature
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mechakarmani · 5 years ago
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आजचो मेन्यू अस्सल गावरान भाजी जीवनसत्वाने भरपूर पौष्टिक अशी कर्टुले/ कंटोळे ❤️ . 📷 @mechakarmani . Follow @mechakarmani for all Konkan photo's video's meme's art's quotes poems and stories. ▪ Use #mechakarmani and Tag your pictures to @mechakarmani to get featured in our page. ▪ DM your photographs *HD pic only . 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 निसर्ग, खाद्य, सण, कला, संस्कृती, प्रवास अशांची अद्भुत ठेवण असलेली नयनरम्य कोकणभूमी, अन कितीही दुर असली माय भुमी, तरी जो खरी जाण ठेवतो तो #अस्सलचाकरमानी होय ना! मग सिंधुदुर्ग रत्नागिरी रायगड ठाणे पालघर मुंबई येथील अस्सल चाकरमानी असाल तर आताच follow करा ✌ Instragram - Facebook - Twitter @mechakarmani अन तुमचे फोटो टॅग करा #mechakarmani 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 . #mi_chakarmani #malvanifoodculture #vegan #malvanifood #homemade #purelove #konkan_bhumi #vegetarian #vegetables #protein #konkan_katta #konkan_amcho #protiens #lovefood #food #foodporn #foodie #bestofthebest #helthyfood #greenvegetables #hungry #bestvegan #malvanimasala #malvandiaries #konkan_ig #momsfood #homemadefoodie ______________________________ . 💚अश्याच मस्त मस्त अस्सल कोकणी पोस्ट साठी Follow करत रहा..💚 . आणि POST NOTIFICATION ON करायला विसरु नका 💞👉Post आवडल्यास Mention करून Story ला शेयर करा...💐 तसेच Mention करून REPOST करु शकता 🙏 . आपल्या Post पेजवर Upload करण्यासाठी DM करा आवडल्यास तुमच्या नावासकट शेअर करु 💞 . ✔ Admin - मीचाकरमानी 😅 ✔ MUST FOLLOW - @mechakarmani . 👉टिप- इथे असलेल्या पोस्ट मीचाकरमानी पेजच्या स्वतःच्या असतील तसेच ज्यांचे पोस्ट Repost केले जातील त्यांना त्यांच्या पोस्टचे संपूर्ण क्रेडिट दिले जाईल. . 💞 Follow for unique creative and original Konkan content💗😍👍 (at Konkan Coast) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsdGF_l5ey/?igshid=oneqyey1f21m
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