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welele · 14 days ago
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filodendron63 · 3 months ago
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viejospellejos · 6 months ago
El Rey entrega el premio de periodismo "Francisco Cerecedo" a Carlos Alsina, en presencia de Pedro Sánchez
El Periodista le dedica estas palabras al Presidente:
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vezououtraescrevo · 3 months ago
Sorte de quem tem você, seu sorriso, seus abraços. Sorte de quem pode recostar-se em seu peito e ouvir as batidas do seu coração, sem se preocupar com o tempo que passa lá fora. Sorte de quem pode abraçar você sem precisar de motivos. Sorte de quem tem seus beijos — ah, desejo ardente da minha alma. Mas, sorte mesmo é de quem tem o seu amor. Isso sim é melhor do que ganhar na loteria. Por isso eu repito: sorte de quem tem você.
vez ou outra, escrevo.
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pochiperpe90 · 1 year ago
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"Una Finestra sui Due Mondi", at the actor Luca Marinelli the prize Monini
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likarotarublogger · 1 year ago
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Miss Badante 2023 ha 48 anni e viene dal Brasile: “La vita va affrontata con il sorriso”
Si chiama Elisangela Dos Santos Santano, ha 48 anni, è originaria del Brasile (città Salvador), vive e lavora nel campo dell’assistenza presso le famiglie in Italia. E’ lei la nuova Miss Badante International 2023, eletta domenica, 22 ottobre, durante la finale che si è svolta a Roma. Il titolo “Miss Badante Web 2023” è stato conquistato da Olesea Ciubotaru, 39 anni, della Moldavia, in Italia da 6 anni, che lavora a Torino
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Nella competizione sono state assegnate altre due fascie “Miss Badante International”: al secondo posto si è classificata Natalya Zhovnir, 46 anni, originaria di Leopoli (Ucraina), dove ha lavorato come medico presso un laboratorio analisi. Ana Drăgan, dalla Romania, ha vinto il terzo posto.
Il concorso, arrivato all’ottava edizione, si è svolto a due passi da Via Veneto, nell’atmosfera incantata del ristorante “Le mille e una notte” ed è organizzato, come ogni anno, da Elena Rodica Rotaru, ideatrice e patron della competizione. E’ una competizione rivolta alle donne di tutte le nazionalità che vivono in Italia e svolgono qui il loro prezioso lavoro di aiuto alle famiglie, come colf, assistenti familiari, baby sitter.
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“Miss Badante Web 2023” è stato conquistato da Olesea Ciubotaru, 39 anni, della Moldavia.
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Ana Dragan, Stânica Vinatoru, Elena Chirila, Aneta Anehei,Elena Rodica Rotaru, Natalya Zhovnir, Natalia Khvalyboha, Elisangela Dos Santos Santano
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Elena Rodica Rotaru e concorrente Elena Chirila della Romania 🇷🇴
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Concorrente della Romania Aneta Anehei
Le finaliste hanno affrontato tre prove: una presentazione in abito tradizionale del proprio paese e il racconto delle loro storie, una prova di talento ed infine la sfilata in abito elegante.
Il racconto di vita di ogni concorrente è stato emozionante. La vincitrice, Elisangela Dos Santos Santano: “La mia vita è una saga. Sono rimasta vedova in Brasile, quando una mia amica della Germania mi ha chiamato per prendermi cura di un ragazzo che aveva la sclerosi multipla. Poi sono arrivata in Italia, dove sono rimasta a vivere. Ormai sono anni che faccio la badante. Ogni lavoro è dignitoso, la vita va affrontata con il sorriso, bisogna essere positivi”.
La giornata di festa è stata completata da momenti artistici speciali, come le esibizioni di Marcia Sedoc (l’esplosiva interprete storica di Cacao Meravigliao), del cantante romeno Vasile David e di Antonio Delle Donne, che, oltre a presentare la gara, ha emozionato il pubblico con la sua voce è Dj Lilian Ioniță e Marilena Bãcanu.
“Per me sono tutte vincitrici, perché vengono qui per lanciare un messaggio di umanità, per dare visibilità al loro lavoro ma anche all’essere donna. Ecco, questa è la forza delle donne! Sono contenta che il concorso sia diventato davvero internazionale. Abbiamo avuto concorrenti iscritte da 9 paesi. Una gioia per me vedere che la fascia è andata ad una concorrente del Sud America, e che tra le vincitrici ci sia anche una signora del mio paese, la Romania”, ha dichiarato Elena Rodica Rotaru, organizzatrice ed ideatrice dell’evento.
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Membri della Giuria.
Livia Malcangio, Direttrice Relazioni Internazionali - Segretariato World Summit Premi Nobel per la Pace, presidente della giuria, ha raccontato così la competizione: “Una giornata fantastica, abbiamo avuto delle concorrenti meravigliose, provenienti da vari paesi. Ci sono stati momenti di commozione, ma anche di divertimento, con la lettura di poesie, teatro, ballo. Il lavoro che loro svolgono è fondamentale, in un paese come il nostro, dove l’età media della popolazione è molto alta”.
I criteri di valutazione sono stati la presenza scenica, l’originalità, la creatività e l’ingegno. La giuria è stata composta, oltre a Livia Malcangio, da: Marcia Sedoc (cantante, attivista per i diritti delle donne), Michelangelo Letizia (giornalista PaeseRoma), Dott. Roberto Rosati (Medico, Dentalcare), Massimo Meschino (patron del concorso "Una Ragazza, un Ragazzo, un Bambino per lo Spettacolo"- e promotore dell’inclusione sociale), Zoriana Belei (Miss Badante Web 2021), Roberto Mercuri (co - fondatore FashionLuxury.info).
Ionela Mihaela Dumitru, consulente fiscale che svolge da anni campagne di informazioni sui diritti delle badanti, in qualità di presidente della giuria Web, ha annunciato così la vincitrice: “Olesea Ciubotaru, della Repubblica Moldavia, ha vinto, con 19 punti, la gara online. Voglio sottolineare che hanno partecipato signore da sette nazioni: Ucraina, Romania, Albania, Rep. Moldavia, Georgia e Perù. Il nostro compito non è stato per niente facile. Ringrazio tutte le partecipanti, e soprattutto alla signora Elena Rodica Rotaru che ha dato atto di questa opportunità di valorizzare questo lavoro difficile, della badante”. Dalla giuria web hanno fatto parte anche Marianna Soronevych, giornalista ucraina (Gazeta Ukrainska) e Rodica Ciobotaru, assistente familiare e collaboratrice di testate romene.
Ecco i premi assegnati: 3° Premio - Una cena presso il Ristorante “Le mille e una notte” offerto dal Ristorante, 2° Premio - Un soggiorno per un fine settimana nel borgo medievale della Sabina a San Polo di Tarano, offerto dall’organizzatrice Elena Rodica Rotaru e lo sponsor Salvatore Braca (presso Holiday House by Elena Rodica Rotaru), 1° Premio WEB e 1° Premio in presenza - Un soggiorno per un fine settimana sulla splendida Isola di Ventotene, offerto da Pandataria Film e Elena Rodica Rotaru. Nell’ambito del concorso sono state assegnate anche delle fasce di accesso alla finale regionale Lazio del Concorso Nazionale "Una Ragazza, un Ragazzo e un Bambino per lo Spettacolo" nella categoria OVER consegnate a: Elisangela Dos Santos Santana, Ana Dragan, Natalya Zhovnir. Inoltre è stata consegnata la fascia di accesso diretto alla finale nazionale del suddetto concorso, che si svolgerà dal 1 al 3 dicembre p.v. a Fiuggi (FR), a ZORIANA BELEI che rappresenterà la regione Emilia Romagna per la categoria LADY.
Sponsor: Pandataria Film, Dentalcare, Pasticceria Cardone 1846 Bagnara Calabra, Elena Rodica Rotaru Fashion, Hairstyle by Bacanu Marilena, Ristorante “Le Mille e una notte”, C4 Premiazione di Roberto Costantini (Guidonia)
Partner Media: Paese Roma Quotidiano, Fashionluxury.info, LikaRotaruFashion
Ufficio Stampa: Media XTE/ Miruna Cajvaneanu
Dj e foto di Lilian Ioniță.
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Articolo di @likarotarublogger @elenarodicarotaru-blog
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itsgerges · 3 months ago
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Best Regards The Gravitational Waves Reflection In The Solar System (Analytical Study) (Revised) https://app.box.com/s/yx3tx5lsvwy4025p4j3mwfeliwhtka07 or https://app.box.com/s/9wywdejkxqh7x4g791ntf3p3p01kkm8f or https://www.tumblr.com/itsgerges/759715471336570880/the-gravitational-waves-reflection-in-the-solar?source=share or https://gerges2022.livejournal.com/236389.html
Abstract Paper question How Is Planet Velocity Defined? Paper Hypothesis No. (1) The solar system is one energy moves in space and reflects 3 times - the points of the reflection are the planets- as a result- the planets are created depending one each other by this energy reflection. The Explanation Of The Hypothesis No. (1) I- Preface Why do we need to define Planet velocity here? Because Planet velocity definition disproves The Solar System Classical Description. II- The hypothesis Explanation in details 1 The Energy Reflection Definition 2 The Energy Reflection Proves 3 The Energy Reflection Result 4 The Energy Reflection Objective 5 Saturn Creation Depends On Uranus And The Earth Let's explain the previous items in following I- Preface
Why do we need to define Planet velocity before any other discussion in this paper? Because Planet velocity disproves The Solar System Classical Description. The classical description refutation is a great event because the theories depend on it and – that means- more than 12 theories are wrong in the modern physics book Shortly- more than the half of the modern physics book provides imaginary ideas and wrong theories because the solar system classical description is wrong. Let's see examples to explain that clearly Example No. (1) No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity- Newton is wrong- I have proved this fact since long time- and I explained that- Planet moves by the force caused its creation- means- the planet creation and motion is done by one force only otherwise this planet would be broken- simply – if two forces have effects on the same planet it would be broken- means- the planet moves with its creation force- again No planet moves by the sun gravity- The example shows a gap between the physics book and the solar system facts – Newton imaginary idea is believed by everyone since 400 years! But- the example doesn't show how great the gap is- in fact the shock is coming from The Sun Nuclear Fusion Theory- let's see the next example Example No. (2) The Sun Is Created By The Planets Motions Energies–The Sun Is A Phenomenon Here we can see the gap clearly The solar planets were found in their orbits before the sun creation and the planets were revolving around a point in space (this point has no light) The planet motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy is stored in the space in waves form- the planets were revolving around this point for long periods till the stored motion energy in the space be massive energy-
From this massive motion energy the light beam is created (the sun rays is created) The sun rays is created from this energy- that tells why the sun corona temperature is 5 millions Kelvin but the sun surface is 5800 Kelvin- simply- because The Sun Is Not Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays, the rays is created by the planets motions energies– The Sun Rays Show The Great Gap Between The Physics Book And The Facts The wrong description is the reason behind the imaginary ideas and wrong theories in the physics book- one more example- the scientists won Nobel prize in physics for their discovery for the gravitational waves- these scientists told us – the gravitational waves are produced by the sun gravitational field which is NOT FACT– the gravitational waves are produced by Planet motion energy- where the planet moves and produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and the planet can't store its motion energy inside its body otherwise its temperature would be raised for that the planet motion energy is stored in the space In Waves Form- the scientists discovered these waves and they called them gravitational waves!! Let's provide one more example
Example No. (3) The big bang theory tells us the planet creation is done by random process- in details- the theory tells–some planets are suffered from collisions and these collisions changed their diameters and masses- by that we can't know their original diameters and masses by that the current values of these diameters and masses are found by chance and without any geometrical reasons and should be considered random data- For example- Jupiter diameter now is 142984 km but what's this diameter value in the first creation of Jupiter? The big bang theory and all random creation ideas are wrong and nonsense- shortly- I have my planet diameter equation which proves Planet diameter is created based on a geometrical rule- means- for example- Jupiter diameter is created at first as 142984 km and never changed since its creation- if any planet had collision and changed its diameter this collision results would be recorded in this planet motion features- as happened with Mars- Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Mars had migrated to its current orbit- and Mars had collided with Venus and The Earth in its migration motion- but Mars diameter equation refers frequently to its original orbit features and data- that tells the planet motion provides a record for its history because all data is required for planet motion- by that – all data depends on geometrical rules and no random process is used in it – let's introduce my planet diameter equation in following…. Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I v = Planet Velocity and r = Planet Diameter s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period I= Planet Orbital Inclination (example, 1.8 degrees be produced as a rate 1.8) v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error
Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity
Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity
Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity
Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity
Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity (As Earth)
Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity
Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter) (The Equation works from The Earth To Pluto) (the discussion explains the reason) Example Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8 89143 = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period 49528 km = Neptune diameter 9.7 km/s = Saturn velocity 5.4 km/s = Neptune velocity 59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours) 1.8 degrees = Neptune Orbital Inclination The equation tells planet diameter is created based on its velocity –means- Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s The Equation Concept Planet diameter should be a function in its orbital distance –otherwise- this planet would be broken by its motion- the fact is that – The necessary requirement for planet safe motion is to create a function between this planet diameter and its orbital distance BUT- the designer can't create a function has only 2 variables (Planet diameter and its orbital distance)- the function in this case can't be useful because – If this planet changes its orbital distance its diameter would be broken also because the diameter is a direct function in the orbital distance without any other variables -As A Result The designer created the planet diameter as a function in this planet rotation period and the planet rotation period is created as a function in this planet velocity and the planet velocity is created as a function in this planet orbital distance- by that- the function between the planet diameter and its orbital distance is created but the function contains also more variables (rotation period, orbital period and velocity)- by that- if the planet changes its orbital distance- this planet diameter will not be changed but its rotation period, orbital period, and velocity will be changed and the diameter will be saved- NOTICE-Mars is the example for this theory because Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus and Mars had migrated from its original orbit to its current one- after Migration Mars changed its motion data but the diameter is saved
NOTICE- Planet diameter equation is very useful to analyze the energy reflection in the solar system because the equation shows the changes in data resulting from the energy reflection- for example- the equation produces the planet orbital inclination-but in Saturn equation- the equation produces the value (0.4) while we know Saturn orbital inclination is 2.5 degrees- the value (0.4) is produced because the energy is reflected in Saturn and that caused effect on the data by that the value (2.5) become (1/2.5) = 0.4- that's why I refer to my planet diameter equation in this discussion because the equation can work as a tool of anatomy which can see clearly what's happening for the energy in each planet- Matter Definition My planet diameter equation provides a new definition for the matter – this definition is found to answer the question- (How Can Planet Velocity And Motion Be Defined Before This Planet Creation?)
What's The Matter And How Is Created? The matter and space are created from the same one energy and both move with the motion of this energy from which they are created- but- the matter creates for itself a distinguish form and moves by different velocity from the space motion (notice the gravitational waves prove the space has motion and not static). This is similar to the sea of water- the space is similar to the sea of water and the matter is similar to a whirlpool (vortex) found on the sea page- The whirlpool (vortex) is created by the sea water and it's carried by the sea water motion- spite of that- the whirlpool is different in its form from the sea waves – also the whirlpool moves by different velocity from the sea waves motion velocity- this example gives explanation for the matter definition- the matter is similar perfectly to the whirlpool on the sea page- it's created by the sea water motion but it has a distinguish form and different velocity from the sea waves- Also The whirlpool dimensions depend on the sea water motion features- for example – we have a whirlpool its diameter is 2 meters, this diameter is formed by the sea water motion features (the water velocity- amount-pressure -……etc) that tells the whirlpool is found later after the sea creation- and the water motion is found before the whirlpool creation- this meaning is a fact for the matter creation and dimensions- the matter dimensions are created based on this matter motion- means- the motion is defined before the matter creation- this is proved strongly by my planet diameter equation- the equation tells (for example) Neptune diameter is 49528 km because Neptune velocity is 5.4 km/s- the whirlpool idea explains how the planet matter data is defined based on its motion- because The original energy was found in motion at first and the planet matter is created from this moving original energy and the planet matter dimensions are defined by this original energy motion features- after the planet creation, the planet moves with this original energy motion means the planet moves this same motion based on which the planet data is created that's why the planet data is in full harmony with the planet motion features. Also the idea shows the planet motion reason- as I proved before- no planet moves by the sun gravity- Newton is wrong- because the planet creation and motion are done by one force only otherwise this planet would be broken if two forces have effects on it Here we see the planet motion reason- the planet moves with the original energy from which this planet is created- What's the original energy? The original energy is one light beam energy- because – the solar planets and their distances are created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam –means – the planets are geometrical points found on the same one light beam and the planets move with this light beam motion- By that the planets are similar to carriages in one train and the light beam is this train engine- the light motion causes all planets motions NOTICE - this definition of the matter and planet is very important for our discussion because the paper hypothesis no. (1) tells – the solar system is one energy moves in the space and reflected on some points and these points are the planets- the reflection of energy discussion will show how each planet data and motion depend on the other planet motion by the energy reflection effect- shortly- (The Planet Is A Geometrical Point) this idea is the best one can explain the energy reflection data- by that we can understand how the energy motion and reflection can effect on the planet creation and motion- the energy reflection discussion is found in the paper first hypothesis explanation.
Planet Velocity Definition
Again let's ask ……Why Do We Need To Define The Planet Velocity? ………. Because – the planet velocity definition refutes the solar system classical description- the definition proves the planet is a geometrical point on the moving energy (and refute the classical definition tells – planet is a solid body created independently from the space and other planets) – in fact the planets are created depending on each other – The 9 planets are as 9 knots or snarls on the same one rope or cable – No planet is created independently– also all of them are created by the same one motion and the same one reason- (imagine you have a ladder or stairs is consisted of 9 units- all units are similar and found for the same reason)- the data proves this fact also Planet velocity definition provides a powerful proof against Newton theory of the sun gravity-No Planet Motion Depends On Its Mass- Newton is wrong- the velocity Definition Doesn't Refer To Planet Mass- Also planet velocity definition provides a direct strong proof for the energy reflection in the solar system- also – the velocity definition explains the complex machine behind the planet motion which refutes again the naïve idea of Newton about this motion- The planet velocity definition shows the general design of the solar system where all planets data is defined based on its velocity- means- the planet velocity is defined at first (after the orbit definition) and all other data is defined based on this velocity as we have seen the planet diameter is defined by the rate (v1/v2) by my planet diameter equation and planet orbital distance is defined by the rate (v1/v2)^2 and planet orbital period is defined by the rate (v1/v2)^3- shortly- the motion is the planet life
SHORTLY I refute the solar system classical description and I wanted to put a piece of strong proof in the first pages of my paper to show that the refutation doesn't depend on ideas or logical analysis- but the refutation depends on the contradiction between the physics theories and the planets creation & motion data- If the contradiction is proved that tells the description is wrong because the planets data can NOT be wrong Let's start our discussion How is planet velocity defined? Kelper stated, planet orbit defines its velocity, this rule is proved by the equation (v1/v2)^2=(d2/d1) where (d= planet orbital distance) and (v= planet velocity) BUT How Is The Planet Velocity Defined? And By What Rules? Planet velocity is defined by Three Rules let's see them in following (i) First Rule v1v2 = constant= 322 (my 5th equation)
47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 6.8 km/s (Mercury velocity) =322 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2 =322 29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity) x 2 =322 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) =322 (Max error 2%) The rule (v1v2=322) tells the velocities are defined in pairs and not individually, each planet velocity has its own complementary- the rule tells the velocities are reflected on one another- the reflection of energy and data will be studied in details in planet velocity discussion- In this rule we interest for the constant (322)- let's ask- why the constant = 322?
The constant 322 depends on the speed 1.16 million km per second because (1160000 seconds = 322 hours) - Means Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves in 6.8 hours a distance = 1.16 million km and Uranus (6.8 km/s) moves in 47.4 hours a distance = 1.16 million km Shortly -we realize that the constant 322 is produced based on the speed 1.16 million km per second- means- the planets velocities are complementary each other because they are defined as functions in this same speed 1.16 million km per second (This is similar to electron and positron are produced from Gamma ray, The two particles depend on Gamma energy in their masses) Based On This Data I concluded there's a light beam its speed 1.16 million km per second and from this light beam energy the solar system is created- and the planets velocities are defined as functions in this speed 1.16 million km per second and that causes the velocities to be complementary each other- (Please note the speed 1.16 million km per second is proved strongly by other data in my paper specially because the light created the space at first before any planet creation by that all distances in the solar system are created by the energy of this light beam and its speed 1.16 million km per second is registered in the data)
(ii) Second Rule v1v2 = 1 The velocity here uses the solar day (86400 seconds) – let's prove that-
Mercury moves per solar day = 4.095 million km Venus moves per solar day = 3.024 million km The Earth moves per solar day = 2.574 million km The Moon moves per solar day = 2.4 million km Mars moves per solar day = 2.082 million km Jupiter moves per solar day = 1.1318 million km Saturn moves per solar day = 0.838 million km Uranus moves per solar day = 0.5875 million km Neptune moves per solar day = 0.4665 million km Pluto moves per solar day = 0.406 million km AND 0.406 (Pluto velocity) x 2.4 (the moon velocity) = 1 (error 2.5%) 0.4665 (Neptune velocity) x 2.082 (Mars velocity) = 1 (error 2.5%) 0.5875 (Uranus velocity) x 3.024 (Venus velocity)/1.772 = 1 (error 2.5%) 0.838 (Saturn velocity) x 1.1318 (Jupiter velocity) = 1 (error 5%) (1.772 = π^1/2) The second rule tells very similar meaning (v1v2= constant= 1) The data uses the velocities per solar day for that the constant is changed from 322 into 1 but the rule is the same- (v1v2= Constant) I want to say- the rule (v1v2 = Constant) tells a clear idea that (The Velocities Are Reflected On Each Other) this conclusion is simple one (A x 1/A= constant=1) The rule proves the energy is reflected in the solar system and this reflection has effect on the planets data and for that the planets velocities are defined by this energy reflection and the velocities are produced complementary each other as a result. Notice The second rule causes confusion because the complementary player is changed- for example Pluto is complementary with Venus (in the first rule 35 x 4.7 x 2 = 322) but Pluto is complementary with the Earth moon in the second rule (0.406 x 2.4 = 1) that tells the players are changed which is illogical idea- how can we solve this problem? The third rule solves it – let's see this rule in following (iii) Third Rule v1/v2 = 0.8 (based on the planets order) 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 0.8 = 38 (35 km/s = Venus velocity error 7.25%) 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 0.8 = 27.78 (The moon velocity) 29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 0.8 = 24.1 (Mars velocity) (error 1%) 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) x 0.8 = 2 x 9.7 (Saturn velocity) 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) x 0.8 = 2 x 5.4 (Neptune velocity) (error 3%) 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity) x 0.8 = 5.4 (Neptune velocity) 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity) x 0.8 = 4.3 (Pluto velocity 4.7 the error 7.25%) Please note The error 7.25 is found by the rate 1.0725 – that means 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 0.8 = 38 = 1.0725 x 35 km/s (Venus velocity) 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity) x 0.8 = 4.3= 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) / 1.0725 29.8 km/s (Earth velocity) = 27.78 km/s (The moon velocity) x 1.0725 We know the rate 1.0725 is found by Lorentz length contraction effect- and we know this rate has effect on around 40% of all planets data – that's why we see this rate has effect on the planets velocities definition-
Let's remember the question- In the rule (v1v2=322) we found that Pluto is complementary with Venus because 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 2 = 322 But in the rule (v1v2 =1) we found Pluto is complementary with the moon because 0.406 mkm (Pluto Velocity Daily) x 2.4 mkm (The Moon Velocity Daily) = 1 The question asked – if the planets velocities are defined in pairs complementary each other and not individually how can the players be changed? The answer tells – the planets velocities are rated by (0.8) based on the planets order means – the moon velocity daily 2.4 mkm = Venus velocity daily 3.024 mkm x 0.8 The rate (0.8) defines all planets velocities depend on each other by order-
Now let's see Planet velocity final definition – because- the definition uses three planets velocities together and not only two – let's put that clearly in following- (iv) The Planet Velocity Final Definition (A) 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 0.8 = 38 km/s (Venus velocity 35 km/s) Venus moves per solar day 3.024 million km -But 1/3.024 = 0.3307 million km = Uranus moves per solar day 0.5875 million km /1.77 (note 1.77 = π^1/2) and (38 = 35 x 1.0725) For that 47.4 km/s (Mercury velocity) x 6.8 km/s (Uranus velocity) = 322 (B) 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 0.8 = 27.78 km/s (The Moon velocity) The moon moves per solar day 2.4 million km -But 1/2.4 = 0.406 million km = Pluto moves per solar day 0.406 million km For that 35 km/s (Venus velocity) x 4.7 km/s (Pluto velocity) x 2 = 322 (C) 29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 0.8 = 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) Mars moves per solar day 2.082 million km -But 1/2.082 = 0.4665 million km = Neptune moves per solar day 0.4665 million km For that 29.8 km/s (The Earth velocity) x 5.4 km/s (Neptune velocity) x 2 = 322 (D) 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) x 0.8= 2 x 5.24km/s (Neptune velocity 5.4 km/s error 3%) Neptune moves per solar day 0.4665 million km - But 1/0.4665 = 2.082 million km = Mars moves per solar day 2.082 million km For that 13.1 km/s (Jupiter velocity) x 24.1 km/s (Mars velocity) = 322 Shortly Three planets velocities are defined in each equation- that tells the planet velocity definition is a process more complex than the simple equation (v1v2= constant) Notice The 9 planets velocities total is 176 km/s – if we add the Earth moon velocity (29.8 km/s) the total will be 205.8 km/s The planets velocities are complementary also for this velocity 205.8 km/s – let's see 205.8 km/s = Mercury velocity (47.4 km/s) x Pluto velocity (4.7 km/s) / 1.0725 205.8 km/s = Venus velocity (35 km/s) x Neptune velocity (5.4 km/s) x 1.0725 205.8 km/s = Earth velocity (29.8 km/s) x Uranus velocity (6.8 km/s) 205.8 km/s = Jupiter velocity (13.1 km/s) x Neptune velocity (5.4 km/s) x 3 Mercury velocity = 2 Mars velocity by that Pluto will be used for Mars also Max error (3%) Please Note- Saturn is exceptional because 205.8 km/s = 9.7 km/s (Saturn velocity) x 21.4 Where 21.4 hours = 2 x 10.7 hours (Saturn rotation period) Means- the distance is passed by all planets motions in one hour equal the distance is passed by Saturn in 2 rotation periods (21.4 hours) that tells more analysis is required for Saturn velocity- as we should do later. (v) A Question (Why Is The Rate (0.8) Used To Define Each Planet Velocity Based On Its neighbor?) Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity) and My planet orbital distance equation proves each planet orbit is defined based on its neighbor – means- my equation uses only 2 neighbor planets orbital distances Here also-Planet velocity is defined based on its neighbor – means- this connection enabled Kepler to conclude his statement (Planet orbit defines its velocity)
But Why The Rate (0.8)?? The rate (0.8) is found by the energy reflection effect on Planets velocities definition, for that we need to analyze the energy reflection process deeply to see how the planet velocity is defined by it - The energy reflection process is discussed deeply in the first hypothesis explanation- let's start its discussion in following…
II- The Hypothesis Explanation In Details Let's remember the paper first hypothesis The solar system is one energy moves in space and reflects 3 times - the points of the reflection are the planets- as a result- the planets are created depending on each other by this energy reflection.
In following we discuss the energy reflection process in details because the planet velocity definition proves the planets data is reflected on each other and we here try to see as deep as possible how this reflection process is done – the discussion is divided into 5 items which are Item No. 1 The Energy Reflection Definition Item No. 2 The Energy Reflection Proves Item No. 3 The Energy Reflection Result Item No. 4 The Energy Reflection Objective Item No. 5 Saturn Creation Depends On Uranus And The Earth Let's start our discussion in following Item No. 1 The Energy Reflection Definition Here we define the reflection of energy – let's do that in following The solar system is one energy- this energy moves through the space- we can imagine this energy as a light beam or electromagnetic wave- and- the data tells this energy is reflected- let's suppose this energy is reflected from the point (A) to the point (B)- now- these points (A and B) are planets in the solar system- That tells, the planet is a point in space on which the energy is reflected- it's difficult to accept such strange idea- BUT The planets data is more strong than our evaluation- we will see that- the planets data is created by the reflection of energy- this fact is proved strongly and doubtless- For that I analyze the reflection of energy process in details because by this process the planets are created and the energy cycle is completed- for that – we examine the reflection of energy deeply - Now- let's define the energy reflection in following (i) The energy is reflected three times in the solar system- from Pluto to Neptune (1st reflection) and from Uranus to Jupiter (2nd reflection) and from Venus to Mars (3rd reflection) The first and second reflections are unified and work together as one reflection only (later will explain why) - by that – the solar system has 2 basic reflections- the reflection in the outer planets and the reflection from Venus and Mars (ii) The reflection of energy is proved strongly because the planets data are changed as a result- let's write these changes in following v What's used as (A) before the reflection will be used as (1/A) after the reflection. v What's used as (a distance) before the reflection will be used as (a period of time) after the reflection v The velocities be squared –the rate (v1/v2) before reflection will be (v1/v2)^2 after the reflection. v The energy direction is changed by the reflection usually v The players of the rates of time are reflected also – These changes are found in all reflections of energy- that's why the proof is powerful and can't be refuted because the planets data shows the reflection process details (iii) Let's see the changes in the planets data generally
(Venus reflection) By this reflection of energy Venus orbital circumference 680 million km will be used as Mars orbital period 687 days and it defines Jupiter orbital period (4331 days = 2π x 687 days) and also Saturn orbital period (10747 days = 4π x 687 days x (1/0.8)) where Uranus orbital inclination (0.8 degrees) creates effect on Saturn data AND Venus Orbital Period 224.7 days be used as 227.9 million km (Mars orbital distance) AND Also the reflection defines the planets diameters by that Venus circumference 38025 km = Mars Circumference 21346.6 km x 1.772 (π=3.14159= 1.772^2) (more data about this reflection is discussed later) (The Outer Planets Reflection) The reflection is done by Jupiter to Uranus, by that, Jupiter orbital circumference 4900 million km will be used as Uranus orbital period 30589 days where (30589 days = 4900 days x 2π and Neptune orbital period 59800 days = 4900 days x 4π and Pluto orbital period 90560 days = 4900 days x 6π Notice- the reflection in the outer planets depends basically on Saturn and it's more complex than this simple data but I put similar data for comparison and later we will discuss the details ALSO The energy reflection at Venus passes above the Earth to Mars- where the Earth moon suffers from the length contraction effect and its motion distance daily is 2.4 mkm = 2.574 mkm (The Earth motion distance daily) / 1.0725 Similar to that The energy reflection at Jupiter passes above Saturn to Uranus – Where Saturn suffers from the length contraction effect because 1433 million km (Saturn orbital distance) x 1.0725 = 2 x 778.6 million km (Jupiter orbital distance) - And- the Earth moon daily displacement is 88000 km and during 10747 days the total be 940 million km=The Earth orbital circumference (where 10747 days = Saturn orbital period) The previous data shows the reflection energy effect generally- it's important because it compares the data in two different groups and proves the data behaviors are similar- that proves these behaviors are caused by the same one cause- But we will analyze each reflection in more details to see how each data is created Item No. 2 The Energy Reflection Proves (a) Venus reflection of energy is discussed in item no. (4), But - Here We Analyze The Energy Reflections In The Outer Planets- There are two reflections in the outer planets (from Neptune to Saturn) and (from Uranus to Jupiter)- let's explain the energy trajectory The energy is sent firstly from Pluto to Neptune and then The energy is reflected from Neptune to Saturn–means- it's one reflection is started by Pluto and finished by Saturn- later the energy is reflected one more time from Uranus to Jupiter- but we have to ask- if the energy was in Saturn orbit why this energy is returned again to Uranus? The reason is–Saturn is created as a result for an interaction between Uranus and the Earth- means- Uranus is Saturn Father- and the energy is got by Saturn sent automatically to Uranus and Uranus reflects this energy to Jupiter- we will discuss the process in details later. AND I put Saturn and Uranus relationship analysis in point No. (5) to prove that Saturn is Created by Uranus effect- (b) Also there's story I have to summarize before the data discussion- Pluto energy is reflected to Neptune – this is the first reflection- means- Neptune should send this same energy to Uranus and then to Saturn and the other planets-BUT – Neptune didn't send the energy to Uranus but kept the energy in Neptune orbit – Uranus could not release the energy from Neptune orbit- for that- Uranus created the interaction with the Earth to create Saturn – (CONT) Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow
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