#best without context
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galen-the-technomage · 1 year ago
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Vicky on Nick: "You don't reckon he's a bit, you know, AC/DC?"
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roseworth · 8 months ago
i think theres this idea in the general public that the "best" fanfic gets turned into real books like 50 shades of grey. but the truth is that the best fanfic can never be published as an actual book because its intricately woven into the canon material so its inseparable even if you change the names
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violent138 · 7 months ago
Diana: "I can't even imagine a suitable gift for Batman."
Clark: "Yeah me neither--"
Diana, quietly: "He has no need of diamonds, you did the asteroid trick twice--"
Employee: "Hi can I help you guys with anything?"
Clark: "That's alright, we're fine--"
Diana: "We are struggling to get something for his lover."
Clark and Employee:
Employee: "Uh, okay. If it's a romantic gift, what's their eye colour? That might help."
Clark, blushing furiously: "Hm. It's like... it's like a brownish, kind of light grey? Definitely blue-ish."
Employee: "That's... let's try something else."
Diana: "For the love of Zeus."
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immediatebreakfast · 5 months ago
I hadn't the heart to write last night; that terrible record of Jonathan's upset me so. Poor dear! How he must have suffered, whether it be true or only imagination. I wonder if there is any truth in it at all.
Mina writes this as a response after reading Jonathan's journal all by herself, without any outside influence, and oh how beautifully merciful it is.
This book, this novel came out in 1897 right in the middle of queen Victoria's diamond jubilee in england. The first successful self driving taxis go through the streets, the public has noticed the national decline as urban poverty had rised more, and the Lunacy act has been introduced just seven years ago (1890) in which the only people who could ever have access to victorian england's psychiatric treatment were the certified as "mentally insane", which then were admitted to an asylum* shortly after.
(*different rules for different socioeconomical classes apply.)
Of course this being victorian england meant that stigma, and prejudice ran rampant after the poor people subjected to these treatments in order to place them outside of what was deemed polite society. Moreso when the actual label given to you once you were admitted was "pauper lunatic", or whatever your doctor decided for you if you were wealthy enough to escape the label. In all of this social climate, this stigma, this prejudice, here comes Mina, recently married woman to Jonathan who comes from a harrowing experience marked by a brain fever coming all the way from Transylvania.
It was not recommended to marry men like Jonathan because of his illness, and Mina did it anyway. The mere concept of ptsd (and everything that comes with it) is only applied to soldiers who are thrown into the psychiatric system by their families, yet Mina guided and cared for Jonathan after he had a panic attack without caring who might see. Jonathan wrote about the most horrifying events that a young person could see done by a supernatural monster, and Mina (despite being on the fence about the truth of the journal) expresses empathy for his suffering.
For Mina, it doesn't matter if what is written on the journal is real or the terrified ramblings of her traumatized husband, she knows that what matters is that Jonathan suffered greatly, and that she has to help him. Even if Mina debated to herself about the possibilities of everything, she decides that she can't just do nothing with all of this information, she can't simply ignore, so Mina wipes out the typewriter... Just in case.
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whos-the-seme · 4 days ago
"You promised!" Shang Qinghua, despite his efforts, couldn't stop the gasping sobs. "You said you wouldn't leave me behind again! And then you died then and you're dying now and you promised!"
Shen Yuan reached for the other, fighting through the darkness and blurriness encroaching his vision. He managed to grasp his best friend's cheek, weak fingers brushing away the falling tears. "I'm sorry--"
"No! You don't get to be sorry," Shang Qinghua tried to sneer but his face crumpled instead. He didn't shake off Shen Yuan's hand. "This is the second time you're leaving. That's all you know how to do, isn't it? All you do is run away!"
"Qinghua--" Shen Yuan tried to say, but began to cough, hand falling away. The pain was unbearable and it was making it difficult to take in air. Shang Qinghua immediately reached out to steady him as Shen Yuan hacked out his lungs. In between each new flare of pain that swam along with every cough, Shen Yuan could make out the mumbles of his best friend.
"I didn't mean it, please, I didn't mean it, please not now, I didn't mean to say that, I'm sorry, please, please..."
This was familiar. The pain, the loss of breath, even his best friend beside him, keeping him upright. All that was missing was the hospital bed and the frantic beeping of machines. No nurses coming to save his ass now in this forest.
Shen Yuan briefly lost consciousness and when he came back to himself, vision clearing a little, he found Shang Qinghua holding his wrist, pouring more qi into him. As if they hadn't already discovered that qi transfers didn't work when the thing taking all of his was the poison of a Soul-Sucking Bewildered-beest. Shang Qinghua could've tried to get him back to the sect but Shen Qingqiu would have been long drained of qi and, most importantly, dead by then. He couldn't fly and transfer qi at the same time.
It only prolonged the inevitable.
"S-stop," he said, weakly pushing at Shang Qinghua's hand. The other ignored him. "You're gonna d-drain yourself. And then you won't be able to get back at all."
"I don't care," Shang Qinghua said. Shen Yuan wondered how long he had lost consciousness for, as the tear tracks on Shang Qinghua's face were now mostly dry. "You promised."
"I know," Shen Yuan didn't apologize again. "But you know it's not gonna work. And I'd rather you return, at least." He could feel his eyelids getting heavy.
Shang Qinghua let go of him only to throw up his hands in anger. Fresh tears were starting to spill down his cheeks again. "So what? I just leave you here to die without even trying?" He balled up his fists. "Typical. You always think that your actions won't affect other people."
Shen Yuan got the sense that Shang Qinghua was referring to something else, but his mind was starting to get too muddy to think of what. Breathing was getting a little harder. A lot harder.
"Qinghua. A-Hua, please listen to me. C-could you come kneel down next to me? Right here." He waited until Shang Qinghua lowered himself a bit, still frowning, before gently placing his forehead against the other peak lord's. "Listen to me, okay? I know I broke my promise again. But you've found me before and I trust you'll find me again." He said between gasps of air.
"We've met again and again... and we'll keep meeting. I k-know it." Gasp. Cough. "Beyond all ideas of... right and wrong, there's a field." Vision dimming. Grasp slackening. "I'll be... waiting for you... there."
A wail broke through the serenity of the forest.
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liothebiblioklept · 10 months ago
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Monix but based off these lil emojis!! If anyone knows the artists who drew the two emojis please tell me I want to credit but pinterest isn't good at crediting artists so :(
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glorbs-dominion · 11 months ago
Banana Split without Ice Cream
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This meme interestingly enough made it's way into our "Funny Awards" chat!
Many thanks to @thisisurheichouspeaking for what became a loved meme in @glorbs-dominion and whoever took this image that made it's way to our server!
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kirby-the-gorb · 9 months ago
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athymelyreply · 9 months ago
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For those who can’t see it, the above is a Twitter thread by Bernie Sanders that goes as follows:
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal. He should not be invited to address a joint meeting of congress. I certainly will not attend. Israel, of course, has the right to defend itself haunts the horrific Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th, but it did not, and does not, have the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people.
Israel does not have the right to kill more than 34,000 civilians. It does not have the right to orphan 19,000 children. It does not have the right to annihilate Gaza’s healthcare system, knocking 26 hospitals out of service and killing more than 400 healthcare workers. It most certainly does not have the right to block humanitarian aid to the desperate people of Gaza, creating the conditions of starvation and famine. This is a clear violation of American and international law.
The ICC is seeking warrants for the arrest of Netanyahu and Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas. The ICC is right. Both of these people are engaged in clear and outrageous violations of international law.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
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public service announcement from charles 'i'm not pregnant' xavier
[Uncanny X-Men (2024) #4]
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angeart · 6 months ago
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a quick sketch based on my and link's most recent rp—
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sandwichsapphic · 10 months ago
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theyre just in like. separate rooms
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strayswolf · 8 months ago
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There is so much to unpack in Jason’s facial expression. He seems shocked Barbara asked after his mental health. Also, he’s totally looking off the side and not at Barbara when he answers her because it’s a difficult conversation and hard to talk about what he’s done and is going through.
The dark lines under his eyes are also an amazing touch that talks of his sleeplessness and physically shows how haggard by the situation he is alongside the physical bruise accompanying the internal emotional bruising.
Batman: Wayne Family Adventures, Season 3, Ep. 121, In Shatters All Around Me
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narudoodles · 2 years ago
Update! A kind soul over on twitter let me know that there are pretty reliable AI art checkers online, that have been developed by people specialising in AI and machine learning!
An NYT article also talks about the pros and cons of a number of them.
I tested all the 3 free open access sites (Illuminarty, Optic AI or Not, Umm-Maybe) and only Illuminarty and Optic AI or Not gave consistent results on both art and photographs.
I'll put the links below so anyone can go and check for whichever art they want to (download the original images from tumblr posts, and upload them)
These are the results :
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Optic flagged it as AI immediately.
But Illuminarty had very interesting aspect : when I uploaded the full image, AI probability was 10%. but, on cropping out the bottom of the image (jacket) the probability jumped to 73.9%
This is consistent with my original comment on the art here
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My limited understanding of these programs indicate that they scan the entire image including all the individual pixels. AI programs like Stable Diffusion, Mid Journey, DallE all leave signal artifacts when they process an image, which is then left on the final pic generated!
Compare these two @/skykashi original arts, that are immediately flagged as human made.
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And now I get to my favourite AI art bro in the fandom @madasama! I commend you for admitting that you not only use AI, but are proud of producing a large number of "real" arts in such a short time!
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Here's your "art"s results!!
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@elhnrt made a far more detailed and organised post about this specific weirdo, feel free to check it out!
I will be using fandom tags on this particular post so that it has a broader reach. Especially for genuine digital artists and art lovers. Save the links, and always keep an eye out for AI, it's everywhere these days.
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syfygirl1998 · 2 years ago
Kipp: welcome to the “Fuck Lockwood” club where we shit talk Lockwood behind his back
Lucy: oh
Lucy: I have been misinformed…
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whimsyprinx · 2 years ago
I feel like now is a good time to announce that I’m in the process of moving blogs! Im doing so for a few reasons, the main one being paranoia, so for that reason I won’t be saying my new urls publicly so like please dm me if you’d like my new url so you can follow me there! I’ll be reblogging this post a lot so ppl can see it (so sorry if you get annoyed by that)!
I’m also remaking my discord account as well so if we’re friends on there then feel free to message me for my new username!
friends and mutuals please do reblog so shared friends/mutuals have a higher chance seeing it!
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