#best tourist places in australia
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Sydney undoubtedly holds a place of honor among the Top Tourist Destinations in Australia. With its iconic landmarks, natural wonders, and rich cultural offerings, the city leaves an indelible impression on all who visit.
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robryebeach · 5 months
SURFING VIDEO. #surfing #beachlife #relaxing
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zeevistaadvisors · 7 months
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plaguedocboi · 2 years
We all love the beach, right? I sure do. Where the sea meets the land is a magical place. It is the overlap of two very different worlds; our sunny, sandy, beautiful home and the alien waves that beckon you into the inhospitable wilderness of the ocean. When crossing that foam-fringed boundary, one must remember that you are no longer in your world. You are entering the sea, and the sea is vast and dark and dangerous. It is more untamed than the wildest jungle and full of creatures that can kill you in a hundred different gruesome ways. Every wave whispers to you that you do not belong here, you may only visit for a brief time if you want to leave with your life. Hold tight to the warm sunlit sand that fringes the barrier of this place, or you may never see it again. Welcome to the beach. Enter at your own risk.
1. Tamarama beach, Australia
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This is know as both the smallest and the most dangerous beach in NSW. There is a permanent rip current that runs along the rocky northern shore, but at any given time there could be more hidden in the surf. Large waves break just a little ways offshore, posing a hazard to swimmers but an attraction for surfers. Although there are rarely deaths here, lifeguards have to rescue multiple people a day. Interestingly, this beach is only around sometimes! Occasionally all the sand will wash away and all that’s left is a rocky outcrop. There’s no way to be certain when the beach will come back or how big it will be or what it might look like. I guess it never gets boring to visit.
2. Isle of Ré, France
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This island is not the only place you can go to see square waves, but it is one of the places most famous for this strange phenomenon. This is called a cross sea, and occurs when two opposing wave patterns intersect. Although this is certainly a tourist attraction, it is best to observe from a distance, as cross seas can be very dangerous to both ships and swimmers. Cross seas can cause powerful rip currents and walls of water up to 10 feet high, rolling ships and dragging people underwater. (As a side note, my mother thought I had made up cross seas as a freaky supernatural event in my book. Unfortunately, I did not.)
3. Dumas Beach, India
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This is supposedly one of the most haunted places in India. Although this beach is full of tourists during the daytime, no one remains after dark, for fear that they will become the next ghost to wander the sand. Apparently, this beach was once used as a burial ground, and said to be black due to the human ashes mixed in. At night, people report hearing voices and seeing apparitions, and even dogs behave strangely once the sun goes down. There have also been multiple unexplained disappearances and at least one recorded death. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there definitely seems to be something eerie happening on this beach.
4. Morecambe Bay, UK
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This is an interesting one, as it’s not technically the water that’s dangerous. The ground is. This estuary features extreme tides, with the water level dropping and rising up to 32 feet twice a day. This exposes an expanse of mud flats and channels which are composed of loose, wet material that can absolutely suck you in and trap you. If this happens when the tide is coming in, it can quickly turn deadly. This has happened many times going back through history, including one incident in 2004 where 23 people died. Yes, all at the same time. No, I don’t want to delve into that incident too deeply in this list as it’s extremely horrifying and tragic. Feel free to research it yourself.
5. Monastery Beach, Oregon
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This has earned its nickname “mortuary beach” by being extremely dangerous. Over 30 people have died here, including people who weren’t even in the water. In 2015, a woman walking along the beach was dragged in by a wave and drowned. The beach has multiple factors that make it so deadly, including a steep drop off, unpredictable waves, and strong undertows. This beach isn’t even safe to walk on. I um. Don’t like that.
6. Hanakapiai Beach, Hawaii
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Despite its beauty, this Hawaiian beach is not recommended for swimming except for expert surfers. During the summer, this beach is a popular place for hiking, sunbathing and sightseeing, but during the winter the sand is washed away and the waves crash against the cliffs directly. Even in the relatively safe summer months, this beach has no barrier reef to break up the strong waves and powerful currents, which leads to a dangerous situation where swimmers can quickly be swept out into the open ocean and drown. At least 30 people have died here, and 15 of the bodies have never been recovered.
7. Lake Michigan. Just, all of it.
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Despite all the Great Lakes being somewhat terrifying, Michigan takes the title of the most dangerous lake in the country. Yearly, Lake Michigan has more drownings than all four other Great Lakes combined. The reason that Michigan is especially hazardous is that, well, it’s kind of weirdly shaped. Thanks to its 300+ miles of uninterrupted parallel shorelines running north-south, it forms huge waves and strong riptides and long shore currents. It is also a question of numbers; Lake Michigan has more public beaches and large population centers than the other Great Lakes. All in all, a recipe for disaster.
8. Playa Zipolite, Mexico
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This is also called the “beach of the dead”, so it’s inclusion on this list seems pretty self-explanatory. These waters have strong undercurrents that rotate in a circular pattern, either pushing you into shore or pulling you out to sea. There is a pervasive rumor that 50 people drown at this beach a year, although this is… somewhat exaggerated. In fact, very few people drown at this beach these days, as it has actually gotten less dangerous over the years. There used to be a steep drop-off that would catch people by surprise, but due to several severe storms in the early 2000s, the beach has eroded back and now gently slopes down instead. Although very few people die at this beach nowadays, multiple rescues are performed every day due to the dangerous currents.
9. Cyclops, Australia
This is a particular type of wave that forms off the coast of Esperance, Australia, as the sea floor rapidly goes from deep, open water to a very very shallow reef. It is… unsettling. The longer I look at it, the weirder it gets. It’s like an ai generated image. I couldn’t even pick one picture of it so I made you a collage.
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It is considered one of the most dangerous surf spots in the world, and can only be accessed by boat. To quote pacific surf dot com, “the reason the wave is dangerous is because it does not act like any other wave in the world. It engulfs itself due to the massive change in the ocean floor when the wave rolls up.”
10. Nazare, Portugal
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This area of Portugal is home to some of the biggest waves in the world. Just offshore is an underwater canyon, plunging down to 16,000 ft deep. This allows large, fast deep-water waves to move into shore unimpeded, and when they hit the shallows close to shore all the water gets suddenly pushed up, resulting in waves up to 80 ft tall. I think the picture speaks for itself in this case. Probably best to not get in the water if you see that shit.
That was fun, wasn’t it? Before I go, let me end this on a different note than the rest of my lists; some actual advice for if you should you ever decide to visit these beaches (or any beach, really). Rip currents are incredibly strong (believe me, I know) but very narrow currents that run perpendicular to shore. To get out of a rip current, swim parallel to shore. Trying to fight the current will just tire you out and eventually leave you exhausted and way the fuck out in the ocean, which is typically when you die. Swimming parallel to shore will get you out of the current, and once you’re free you can swim back in at your leisure. And, just in general, never fight the sea. The sea will win.
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haru-dipthong · 8 months
I’ve been having trouble putting this idea into words so you’ll have to bear with me, but I was struck when I saw a Japanese news program interviewing foreign tourists in Japan, and some australian women were dubbed over with a stereotypically feminine speech register (lots of のs and わs), and my first thought was “they weren’t speaking that femininely in english”.
A friend of mine from the UK recently mentioned that he noticed that australia has a generally more masculine culture than england - he felt that everyone is a bit more masculine here, including women. This kind of confirmed to me that my impressions of the dubbing were right - the tourists were speaking in a relatively (internationally) more masculine way. Yet their dub made them sound so much more feminine.
It made me wonder. When translating something, do you translate the manner of speaking “directly”, or “relatively” in terms of cultural norms? Maybe this graph will help me explain the question.
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A direct appoach in this case might appear to a Japanese person to result in an unexpectedly masculine register, but preserves how the speaker's cultural upbringing has influenced their speech.
The news program translators chose the relative approach - I think I would prefer the direct approach. I think I prefer it because I believe translation should be a rewriting of the original utterance as if the speaker was originally speaking the target language, and the direct approach compliments that way of thinking the best.
Actually now that I type that, I’m second guessing myself. Does it? It does, if for the purposes of the “rewrite it as if they spoke japanese” thought experiment, we suppose the speaker magically learned japanese seconds before making the utterance, but what if we suppose the speaker magically grew up learning japanese - then maybe they would conform to the relative cultural values. But also, maybe they would never have said such a thing in the first place - their original utterance was informed by their upbringing and cultural values, so how could you possibly know what they would have said if they had known japanese from birth? Maybe my initial instinct was right after all?
If you work in translation, I’m very interested to hear if you have come across this problem and how you deal with it 🙏
Further reading: I think this question also ties into this problem I’ve been struggling to answer for a while.
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Summer Fling Part 2/10
Part 1 Part 3
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Summary - Reader has landed a research job at a marine biology lab in Portugal. She is, therefore, staying with her sister and her sister's Portuguese boyfriend for the summer holidays. There, she meets Ruben Dias, who is on vacation with his friends after the 2024 Euros. However, the two meet under the circumstances in which Ruben believes that Reader is a prostitute.
Enjoy! ☀️
Who would have thought that after a night out and several rounds of drinks, you still weren't able to turn your sleep schedule around. Apparently, you left Australia, but Australia refused to leave you, resulting in another night of laying on your back and admiring the sealing.
"Fuck, Diogo!"
"Right there!"
"Yes, right there!"
"Ohhhh God!"
However, even if you did turn your sleep schedule around, falling asleep to the sounds of your sister getting her back blown by her boyfriend would've simply been impossible.
"Yes, Diogo. Yeeees!"
You covered your ears with your hands and prayed for better times. But when that didn't work, you got out of bed, hopped in the shower, and left the house.
Diogo didn't live too far from the city of Albufeira. You and your sister were too drunk to make it back to Faro last night. Staying with him was the most convenient thing to do. You made it back downtown by hopping on a train. However, there wasn't much to see in the morning since it was still early hours. Street sweepers were seen cleaning up the aftermath of last night's partying, and soon tourists and their family's would make their way down the white sandcastle hills, exploring another day in paradise.
"One ticket to the Zoomarine, please."
You got pretty bored of lounging around the streets like a hungover hobo. The next best thing to do was to buy a ticket to the Algarve Zoomarine, a water park with live dolphin shows and displays of marine life. As a kid, you used to love visiting these types of places in Australia. However, after years of education, you saw these places for what they really were. Animal crime scenes.
You sat in on one of the dolphin shows but couldn't last ten minutes before abandoning your seat. It was simply a disgrace to see those poor animals forced to do tricks and interact with humans. All for the sake of being given fish as a treat.
"They're pretty amazing, no? Those blue puffer fish."
You came to mourn the Portuguese marine life while admiring a giant aquarium. When suddenly, a man, blonde and blue eyes, startled you. Even more so when he spoke to you with an Australian accent.
"Yes, amazing indeed." You said. "But these puffer fish should be set free in the wild, not swim around in some aquarium pool in the middle of a tourist trap."
"I don't know...." The man scratched the cap he wore on top of his head. If you hadn't been so full of yourself, you might have noticed that the text on his cap read: Algarve marine life rescue and research. "Setting these bad boys free in the wild might be more dangerous than it is for us to keep them here," the man said.
"That doesn't make any sense. All animals should be set free to live in their natural habitat."
"Well, that I agree." He smiled. "However, these particular puffer fishes are used to help produce antidotes for tetrodotoxin. It's actually ongoing research."
"You're a marine biologist?" You frowned.
The man's smile widened. "Most of us working at the park are. If not in the ocean, the best place to house our underwater friends is surprisingly in this water park."
"Oh." Heat rose to your face.
"I'm glad to see a fellow animal activist, though. Whereabouts are you from? I know an Aussie accent when I hear one."
"Sydney." You blushed. "I'm from Sydney Australia."
"Brisbane." The man offered you his hand. You shook it vigorously.
"Are you just here for the summer holidays or...?" The man's accent was suddenly flourishing.
"Yes and no. I'm actually a marine biologist myself."
"Are you now?" He regarded you curiously, his smile even wider now, which you didn't think possible.
"Well, I'm still doing my masters in marine ecology. That's actually why I'm here in Portugal this summer, to finish my research in a lab not too far from here."
"In Faro?"
"How did you know?"
"Well, I believe it's the only known marine biology lab in the Algarve region."
"Yes, at least the only known lab that would take on a young woman like yourself. The other labs consist of snobby middle-aged men who wouldn't care to advocate for the innocent life of puffer fishes."
"Interesting. I must have gotten lucky then."
"I doubt it. I pick my students carefully. Your research portfolio must have been stellar."
The man removed the cap from his head, revealing his bleach blonde hair and surprisingly young face. "I'm Gavin Philips, and I believe to be your lab partner for this summer."
"Lab....partner?" You hesitated to shake the man's hand again, however, he insisted.
"Labpartner, examinator, professor....most students just call me Gavin."
"Yes, and what might your name be?"
"Erm...it's Y/N."
"Pleasure meeting you Y/N. I look forward to working with you this summer."
"Erm...thank you."
What a coincidence, you thought, during your train ride home. To meet the man with the power to decide your future as a marine biologist was definitely not on your summer bingo card. He seemed like a nice guy, though. And you had the Australia connection, which was perhaps a good thing, knowing how things could get when working in a male dominated setting. You were in need of an ally, and Gavin Phillips might just be the right guy for the job.
"There she is! Y/N, where the hell have you been all day?"
You were welcomed back by your sister and Diogo, both looking dressed for a day at the beach. Diogo, with his mountains for muscles, carried several bags from the house to his car, a luxurious Range Rover.
"What do you mean? It's barely noon." You said.
"Yes, but Diogo is taking us to Lagos today. Didn't I tell you that?"
"No, no you didn't."
"Well, I'm telling you now. Go pack your bags and don't forget to pack an extra pair of G-strings."
You were set for another day in party paradise. However, five days had passed since your flight from Sydney, and you still hadn't gotten an ounce of a proper night's sleep.
Part 1 Part 3
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copperbadge · 6 months
I was catching my train home today in the land down under and there was an ad, apparently paid for by the City of Chicago, saying that Chicago was voted the best city in the U.S.A and telling people to come visit
And all I could think was, I must tell Sam, I'm sure he will have thoughts(tm)
LOL, I will admit my first reaction was "By whom?" and "For what?"
I mean, I love Chicago and think it's a great city, but I don't know if there's any metric by which it is actually the best city in America, unless you confine your sample size to "people who live in Chicago" and even then, like, we don't tend to have many illusions about this place. It's a great city to be a tourist in but there are better ones, depending on what you're touristing for, and there's not much going on in winter outside of shopping. We have some world-class museums, but New York has bigger, and while we do have some of the nicest parks around, nobody visits Chicago for the parks. We have a lot of summer festivals but not as many or as large as say, Austin.
I'd love to see a photo of the ad if you happen to see it again, or know who placed it -- it must be a tourism board of some kind. But Australia? Advertising for Chicago in March, when it's freezing here and probably very pleasant there, is a real choice someone made.
I wonder if an airline subsidized it. We have a hub, so it could be some airline that just opened up flights between Chicago and Australia wants to encourage people to travel.
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panelshowsource · 7 months
lil update :)
i added a few things to the drive:
tourist trap (complete series) — mockumentary series starring sally phillips, elis james, and more about a fictional tourist board in wales
channel hopping with jon richardson (series 1 + series 2 episodes 1–3; it's rerunning on comedy central this week so hope to have the last three episodes shortly!) — weekly digest of whacky tv, co-hosted by judi love
new qi and wilty + first two "lost" catsdown episodes (if you have no idea what i'm talking about read dis)
re: requests i've gotten recently:
i don't have the "lost" episode of catsdown that aired in australia on 2/14 — yet. there are two australian peeps online who say they're going to share it stat, so i hope to have it asap! sorry to the anons who asked me about (but u know it's my favourite show so i also want it!! promise!). the first two "lost" catsdown episodes are up on drive
big boys — i hosted s1 for a while and mentioned a few weeks ago i was going to take it off my drive because i'm low on storage and don't plan to host too many sitcoms/scripted series that aren't from one of our panel show faves... and despite how super easy it is to get this show by requesting it here, i did decide to update the link on the non-panel show masterpost and share it from my personal drive because queer cinema and all that. so pls enjoy and pls make copies of the files in case i have to remove them in a bit!
the last leg — i do not have a last leg collection and the best place to request it is on discord, so pls send me a dm if you need deets on this
new joe lycett series — here
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wsdanon · 1 month
I wanted to do a little descriptive writing exercise, so with a lot of googling for references here’s a little scene of felps in australia before they steal the cargo ship \o/
reblogs appreciated \o/!!
Regardless of Australia’s reputation, it’s a cold morning at the harbour. The wind carries seasalt, along with the particular smell of ocean water that’s frequented by ships of all sizes—not entirely unpleasant, but definitely not pleasant either. Easy enough to ignore, as long as you don’t get your face too close to it.
Sitting up on the docks with his legs dangling over the side, Felps thinks he’s avoiding the worst of it. The wood he sits on isn’t exactly wet, but it is damp. Maybe even perpetually so. Or at least just in winter, where the sun lacks its usual power even on a good day.
It’s a good day now. A few clouds litter the sky, but nothing to suggest rain is on its way. On the occasions the wind drops off, the cold can even be beaten back by the rays of sunlight. 
This isn’t where he needs to be. Nearby lies the iconic features of Australia that Felps never really imagined he’d see outside of tv and pictures—the Sydney Opera House, and the Sydney Habour Bridge. Being on the run with fugitives can take you to places beyond even your most distant plans, apparently. He always figured if he went out of country that he’d like to visit Japan.
But this isn’t where he needs to be; not that he’s particularly needed any time soon. He’s a good hour—at the very least—walk away, or about thirty minutes by car depending on the traffic. This is Sydney during peak morning hours. The traffic will be bad. May as well wait a bit.
He watches idly as a ferry carts people from one side of the harbour to the other. It’s an exciting ride for a tourist due to the view it gives of the Opera House and the bridge, but as boring as a bus after the first few times. Three of them don’t legally know how to drive, Cellbit doesn’t know how to drive at all, and they’d all figured keeping a low profile and only stealing what’s necessary would be best. Felps has ridden the ferry often.
The faded yellow and dark green of it makes it maybe not the most exciting vessel in the water, but it is recognisable. It trails further away from the stop closest to Felps and towards a flashy, small theme park. Luna Park, if Felps remembers the name correctly. 
It was a fun, indulgent day. He won Cellbit a koala plushie, and then kept playing until he won one for Pac as well, and he only almost threw up after that green thrill ride he can’t remember the name of.
The ferry docks, and Felps’ phone buzzes in his pocket. A message from Cellbit telling him to start heading to their meeting spot.
It would probably be easier to steal a boat from the harbour here. It’s also much too public for their comfort. Between the tourists and the locals, Sydney Harbour is a bustling, unpredictable place. So, instead, they’re heading to Port Botany.
More planning needed to go into it, but it’s the overall safer option. Some forged documents, a month or so of working there, the acquisition of sums of money and information for bribes, and finally everything is ready to be put into action.
Australia has been nice, but Felps misses Brazil. And it’s probably been long enough that the last scare of the police finding them is over—their trail having gone cold.
He picks himself up off of the wood and stretches out, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a brief moment more before heading back towards the shadows of the city’s tall buildings.
hope you enjoyed \o/!! sorry to anyone who knows Sydney if I got anything wrong—Google only takes me so far… and I only found out about port botany halfway through this pfft
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dreamyeuphoricll · 6 months
One piece characters Nationalities
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Brazil🇧🇷: known for its iconic Carnival Festival and the statue of Christ the redeemer 🎺 🎊🪇🥁🪘
Sweden🇸🇪: known as the Pop music Capital of the world 🎵🎤🎙️🎛️🎧🎚️
Japan 🇯🇵: One of the most developed countries,that produce Manga and Anime 🍜🎎👘⛩️🏯㊗️
France 🇫🇷: has the iconic Eiffel Tower,and luxurious fashion brands 🗼👗🍬📸🎨
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Canada🇨🇦: famous for its maple syrup, Niagara falls, northern lights and more attractions 🍁🥌 🥞🍯
India🇮🇳: has an iconic building,the Taj mahal,and also the birthplace of Yoga 🧘🏾🥻🕌
United States 🇺🇲: One of the dream place. With famous stars,movies,artists,cities,brands and attractions 🗽🌃🎥🦅🍔🎢🏈
Russia🇷🇺: famous for many things but mostly the beautiful iconic landmarks known as The Moscow Kremlins ☃️🥟💈🌨️🎪
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Austria🇦🇹: mostly famous for its castles,palaces and buildings 🏰🧭
China🇨🇳: has beautiful culture and most famous for its food, martial arts,and the iconic Great Wall of China ⛩️🐅🐼🍜🏯🥋
South Africa🇿🇦: famous for its history,natural attractions,food and wildlife 🦁🦓🐗🐃🐘🦏🦒🐦🦃🦚🦈🐬🐳🍊🍌🥘
Germany🇩🇪: renowned for multitude of things but mostly the Oktoberfest 🪽🪽🍄
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Italy 🇮🇹: famous for having one of the best foods in the world. 🍝🍕🍤🦞
UK 🇬🇧: famous for many things but mostly the royal history and culture,even for many sports. Not to forget tea and fish and chips🍟☕🚌🎡🏰🤴👸
Spain 🇪🇸: known as one of the top wine-producing countries in the world🍸🍷🍾🥂
Australia 🇦🇺: known as one of the most popular tourist destinations with many unique animals and attractions. Like the iconic Great barrier reef ⛰️🐺🦘🐨🕷️
Comment down below if u got more things to add about ur country
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applejee · 2 months
bestie im going to melb and as a local do u have any recommendations for stuff we should do while were there?
FYCK YESSSSSS COME TO MELBOURNE!!!!!!! okay heres my exorbitant mostly food related list (note these places are almost all in the CBD):
if you like coffee, best locations in the CBD are little rogue on drewery lane nearby melbourne central station, and tbh any coffee joint along flinders lane
if you don't like coffee but like matcha or houjicha, drop by little rogue or tori's on niagara lane!! puzzle coffee (there's one on swanston st and in melbourne central station) is also tasty
i've also heard good things about naau's matcha - they're off russell st but i haven't been there myself
if you want to try a classic melb brunch, try hardware lane! there's a few places in the laneway and it feels very melbourne
also on drewery lane is bakemono - an adorable little bakery that does amazing melonpan! but they sell out quick and get busy, so you want to get there by 10am at the latest
(can you tell laneways are our culture)
okay i know they opened elsewhere in australia now but LUNE is great... love the croissants....... JC patisserie boulangerie is further north but a quick train ride away - heard great things!
if you want a fun time........ hopetoun tearooms!! SOO CUTE even just the cake window is worth a look. if you want high tea you gotta book out ages in advance, but if you don't mind waiting a little they take walk ins! perfect for an afternoon pot of tea and tasty cake
more lunchy-places:
look, anywhere on degraves st will get you there, and it's also a classic tourist spot! walk down and see the most quintessential melbourne laneway there is!
if you want american-themed fare, bowery to williamsburg FUCKS i had a stunning reuben there.
tbh i rarely actually have lunch, i just get brunch... so all the recommendations above can double
dinner or lunch restaurants:
soooo i love ramen so if you do too, ikkoryu fukuoka ramen is top tier! i love their yuzu ramen. hakata gensuke is good if you like chicken ramen, and shujinko ramen (rip the flinders st store) is good if you're going up elizabeth st and want affordable
mensho tokyo ramen opened recently but uhhhhh the wait has been 3 to 5 hous somedays. ITS POPULAR. ippudo in QV is probably easier and more convenient
outside of ramen, if you want more fancy fancy farmer's daughters is STELLAR. delicious food, great cocktails, mm. nice modern aussie dining. longrain nearby is also very popular!
also vaguely upmarket is chinchin - good curry! the waiters market is a place that my mum hugely recommend before shows but ive never managed to get there myself lmao.
not ramen but still japanese is dohtonbori.. ever wanted to mix and flip your own okonomiyaki? now's the time
I WANT TO GO TO THE NATURAL HISTORY PUBLIC BAR. it's also a restaurant set to look like the american museum of natural history, if you go pls have fun
bubbletea, its own category:
this is just a list.
milksha, the alley lujiaoxiang, machi machi, coco. these are all good. chatime is fine but gongcha is better but theyre the chains so... i really want to go to choulee!! i heard theyre good
hokkaido baked cheese tart, black star patisserie, pafu, kurimu, uncle tetsu's, brunetti's for cakes and later nights, sulhwa, and bingsu.
further out or more expensive but fun:
i need to go to milk the cow so BAAAD. there's one in st kilda, which is a short tram ride from flinders st station. if you go lmk
places to visit:
the botanical gardens!! pretty, always a nice time
the NGV likely has some free exhibits going on! always a nice wander
you gotta stop by hozier lane. you gotta. and wander around fed square while you're at it
drewery lane also has some artwork!
a walk down birrarung marr is also nice, sometimes there's night markets going on by the stadiums
the docklands has some alright places, but i know less about it... but they have a ferris wheel rn! check it out!
if you wanna spend thirty or more bucks, go up the eureka tower!! tallest building, and you can get a cool view of the city. the edge experience is a little lift that sticks out the building so you can stare down through glass to the ground below. fun if you aren't afraid of heights
if you like shopping, emporium is fancy and has a MEEQ store where you can buy jellycats
you can go to the queen victoria market if you wanna.... its a classic destination after all
THE LUME is a classic experience here too rn - more exxy but if you want a fun visual experience, do it!
if you want comics - check out all star comics! best LCS in the area.
other specific stores i recommend:
gewürzhaus! there's one in block arcade off collins st, i love it and the spices
not far from gewürzhaus is essensorie - they discon'd my fave handcream SOB but they have some nice things (this is all in the black arcade, same as hopetoun)
and with that, tbh check out all the arcades? they have fun things going on!! there's the block arcade, royal arcade with gog and magog, tivoli arcade... that is to say they're little indoor walkways with shops and stores, as in an arcade you walk through! they're cute
bourke st mall is worth a wander, and you can see the outside of the old post office that's now a H&M...
i know you said "things to do" but... all i do is eat mostly LMAO!!
really, the best thing to do is give yourself a day or two for the CBD. just wander, it's all a grid and easily navigable, and take advantage of the free tram zone!!!! it'll announce when it isn't so you know to touch on your myki or not, i'm not a cop.
you could also wander down to crown at night, southbank has many restaurants and also the flames outside crown fucketh severely
if you're going outside the CBD, its an hours or so drive but healesville sanctuary is soo fun.. and on the way there you can stop by kuranga nursery, it's a gorgeous little place and the paperbark cafe does a bunch of tasty meals with native flavours and bushtucker
if you'll be in the suburbs i have more recommendations too!! but for those just message ma and i'll share so this list isn't crazier than it is xx HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!
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Embark on a captivating journey through the diverse and mesmerizing landscapes of Australia, as we explore the best vacation spots that this enchanting continent-country has to offer. From the iconic Sydney Opera House and the vibrant city of Melbourne to the natural wonders of the Great Barrier Reef and the spiritual significance of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, we'll delve into the top tourist attractions that make Australia a dream destination for travellers seeking unforgettable holiday experiences. Join us as we unveil the hidden gems, cultural treasures, and thrilling adventures that await in the land Down Under.
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linane-art · 1 year
Public Service Announcement
Yes, I'm back! Missed me? :D
I don't know where to start, really. My last year of travels was both an incredible, life-changing, empowering, unforgettable experience, and the hardest, most challenging thing I have ever done (and probably will ever do) in my life.
In the space of a year I have visited 11 countries: New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, New Caledonia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Poland and Greece. Everywhere I went, I have always tried not to be a tourist, but live like a local, stay with the local people and have as many experiences as I could possibly grab a hold of.
I close my eyes and I can re-trace the exact route from Cashmere to the city centre of Christchurch, or I can still taste the Kava drink, or I remember exactly where to put my feet on the ascent to Yunomine Onsen via the Kumano Kodo Pilgrim Trail, or I can tell what Sumatran elephant skin feels like under my fingers, or which of the rice fields around Ubud offer best views without too many tourists.
I got to do everything I ever wanted, fulfilled every dream I ever had and then some, met some amazing people that will stay with me for the rest of my life, and frequently did 8 absolutely impossible things before breakfast. I travelled on local busses, bought my veggies from local bazars, had local supermarket loyalty cards, dealt with visas, made friends with people who didn't speak a word of English... It kinda made me fearless and unstoppable. I've also struggled with depression, seriously questioned my life's choices, missed home insanely, been to paradise and hated it at times, doubted myself, and had a real reality check on what's important to me. And I regret none of it.
How do you pick up the pieces of your life after something like that?
The good news is that my love for this fandom has never left or diminished, and in fact it often provided to be a source of great comfort to me. I wrote stories in my head during my walks, I re-read some excellent old fics, I took Fili and Kili with me to some seriously remote places.
But I think the fandom has changed during my absence. And I have changed too. So as I sit down and re-think how I wanna indulge in my love of FiKi, here's what I've got:
I am seriously attached to three of my Verses (and have been focussing on them for a while), which I'd love to continue with: Silence, Isca and Postcards. There will be more posted, when I'm ready with it. Watch this space. Subscribe, maybe?
I have been writing mainly for myself for a number of years now and I can and I will continue to do so. But it's alwas a delight when someone else comes on a journey with you, so I'll continue posting publically.
GF is my Happy Place and I have missed it hugely, especailly as it hadn't continued to function as I hoped it would during my absence. I want to come back to tending that garden, as it's important to me. And I might take part in some events again, if the gods smile at me again, which will mean any and all verses will be considered.
I can't imagine in what possible universe I would have the time for drawing again. Having said that, I am sitting on some unpublished and unfinished artwork, some of it in collabs, and I know I can be stubborn enough to force their completion. Something to think about.
What else? I guess that's it. How have everyone been? What's new? WHO's new? Did I miss anything important? Come and say hi - I'm always happy to chatter.
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mywisdomexchange · 20 days
Diving into the Deep: A Scuba Enthusiast's Guide to the Best Destinations
As a seasoned scuba diver, I've had the privilege of exploring some of the most breathtaking underwater worlds on Earth. From the vibrant coral reefs of the Caribbean to the mysterious depths of the Pacific Ocean, each dive has been a unique and unforgettable experience. In this blog post, I'll share my top picks for the best scuba diving destinations and offer insights into what makes each location truly special.
The Caribbean: A Coral Reef Paradise
The Caribbean Sea is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, warm temperatures, and diverse marine life. It's a scuba diver's dream come true, with countless islands and atolls offering world-class diving opportunities. Here are a few of my favorite Caribbean destinations:
The Great Barrier Reef, Australia: The world's largest coral reef system, the Great Barrier Reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit for any scuba enthusiast. With its vast array of marine life, including sharks, turtles, and colorful fish, it's a truly awe-inspiring experience.
Cozumel, Mexico: Located off the Yucatán Peninsula, Cozumel is a popular diving destination known for its healthy coral reefs and abundant marine life. The island offers a variety of dive sites, suitable for all levels of experience.
Bonaire: This Dutch Caribbean island is a diver's paradise, with pristine reefs and crystal-clear waters. Bonaire is also home to a marine park that protects its underwater environment.
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The Pacific Ocean: A World of Wonders
The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth, and it offers a vast array of diving experiences. From the tropical waters of Southeast Asia to the cold, nutrient-rich waters of the Pacific Northwest, there's something for everyone. Here are a few of my favorite Pacific diving destinations:
Raja Ampat, Indonesia: This remote archipelago in Indonesia is considered by many to be the most biodiverse marine ecosystem on Earth. With its pristine reefs, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life, Raja Ampat is a must-visit for any serious scuba diver.
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Maldives: This island nation in the Indian Ocean is famous for its luxury resorts and stunning beaches. But beneath the surface, the Maldives offers some of the best diving in the world, with vibrant coral reefs and a diverse range of marine life.
Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: The Galapagos Islands are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a natural laboratory for evolution. With its unique marine ecosystem, including sea lions, penguins, and giant tortoises, the Galapagos Islands offer a truly unforgettable diving experience.
The Red Sea: A Hidden Gem
The Red Sea is a relatively small body of water, but it offers some of the most diverse and vibrant diving in the world. With its warm waters, nutrient-rich currents, and unique marine life, the Red Sea is a hidden gem for scuba divers. Here are a few of my favorite Red Sea destinations:
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt: This popular tourist destination offers excellent diving opportunities, with a variety of dive sites suitable for all levels of experience. Sharm El Sheikh is also home to the Ras Mohammed National Park, which protects some of the most pristine reefs in the Red Sea.
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Hurghada, Egypt: Another popular Red Sea destination, Hurghada offers a wide range of diving experiences, from shallow reefs to deep wrecks. Hurghada is also a great place to learn to scuba dive.
Safaga, Egypt: This quieter Red Sea destination is known for its pristine reefs and abundant marine life. Safaga is also a great place to spot pelagic species, such as tuna, marlin, and sharks.
The Mediterranean Sea: A Classic Destination
The Mediterranean Sea is a classic diving destination, with a long history of maritime exploration. While it may not have the same level of biodiversity as the Caribbean or the Pacific, the Mediterranean still offers some excellent diving opportunities. Here are a few of my favorite Mediterranean destinations:
Gozo, Malta: This small island offers a variety of dive sites, from shallow reefs to deep wrecks. Gozo is also home to the Blue Hole, a famous underwater sinkhole that attracts divers from all over the world.
Croatia: The Croatian coast is home to many beautiful islands and coves, offering a variety of diving experiences. Croatia is also a great place to explore ancient shipwrecks
Cyprus: This island nation in the eastern Mediterranean offers a variety of dive sites, suitable for all levels of experience. Cyprus is also home to the Zenobia wreck, a large cargo ship that sank in 1998 and is now a popular diving destination.
My Personal Experiences
I've had the privilege of diving in many of these destinations, and each one has left a lasting impression. One of my most memorable experiences was diving with manta rays in the Maldives. These majestic creatures are truly awe-inspiring, and it was a privilege to swim alongside them in their natural habitat.
Another unforgettable experience was diving with hammerhead sharks in the Galapagos Islands. These sharks are incredibly graceful and powerful, and it was a thrill to watch them swim through the crystal-clear waters.
Tips for Scuba Divers
If you're planning a scuba diving trip, here are a few tips to help you make the most of your experience:
Get certified: Make sure you have the proper training and certification before diving. There are many reputable organizations that offer scuba diving courses.
Choose the right destination: Consider your experience level, interests, and budget when choosing a diving destination.
Pack the essentials: Make sure you have all the necessary equipment, including your dive computer, mask, snorkel, fins, and wetsuit.
Respect the marine environment: Be mindful of your impact on the marine environment. Avoid touching or disturbing marine life, and be careful not to damage the reefs.
Dive with a buddy: Never dive alone. It's always safer to dive with a buddy who can assist you if necessary.
Enjoy the experience: Most importantly, relax and enjoy the experience. Scuba diving is a fantastic way to connect with nature and explore the underwater world.
Scuba diving is a truly rewarding activity that offers countless opportunities for adventure and exploration. Whether you're a seasoned diver or just starting out, there's a destination out there that's perfect for you. So pack your bags, grab your scuba gear, and get ready to discover the wonders of the underwater world.
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chickensarentcheap · 8 months
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Tyler was very good at it, but he had a hard time with the really poopy ones lol. Esme could handle everything from sopping wet with pee to the ultimate of blow outs. So I'm going to give it to her lol
Clean the boys' bathroom LOL. She does not understand how they never seem to actually get the pee in the toilet, despite the fact he was very diligent especially when it came to toilet training them and showing how it's done when standing up lol. Something mom couldn't do. lol. So he handles that for her. He tends to take the garbage out the most do and mucks the stalls for the animals. The oldest boys and Declan are good at helping.
They'd be cool with it. They are raising their children to have free will and to think and make decisions for themselves, and if, after researching and experiencing things, they decide that religion is for them, mom and dad will accept that and nurture it the best they can. But both Tyler and Esme will NOT become religious themselves.
TJ and Millie both want to go to Hawaii and California on surfing trips. Tanner wants to visit Iceland and Finland. Declan has a dream of going mountain climbing in places like Austria and Switzerland. The others are still really small and to them the ultimate place is Disney World and they go there every two years :)
Tanner is very good at advocating for himself and the things he needs. So Tyler built him a 'safe place'; enclosing his bed and turning into a cabin with barn doors that open and shut. Just a place he can 'lock' himself into it when he needs to. They plan where they go to eat, shop, vacations, based on what kind of 'escape routes' there are for Tanner and what kind of 'safe places' they can arrange for him to retreat to. They allow him to wear his noise cancelling headphones at the dinner table if he's overwhelmed by the noise.
You know, they just love to hang out together. They love spending time on the beach, just the two of them. He'll take her for a surfing lesson, they'll have lunch down there, they will just lie in the sun and talk or read books. They'll go on hikes in the woods. They'll goof around on the skateboard ramp (like that video of Chris trying to do kick flips lol). And they nap. Mostly on the hammock of the swinging bed on the maste rbedroom patio
They love working there. It's a very relaxing place. There's fish tanks and the bookstore cat and there's a little courtyard out back and they listen to music. She's a good boss and very friendly and outgoing. And the place is very respected by locals and tourists and they've been featured in magazines and even a tv show about places to visit not just in Queensland, but Australia itself :)
Tyler is a strict boss. He's very much a perfectionist and didn't accept excuses or mistakes. But he's also fair and treats his people with respect. Not to mention pays them EXTREMELY well. Including medical bills, dental, all those types of benefits. And he is very well respected (and even feared in some ways) in that circle
Addie has always been so sensitive. And a little drama queen! She'd totally lose her mind at feedings if it was coming fast enough (there was a scene with Tyler being like 'omg, calm down' lol) and she had a temper tantrum when she was learning to crawl and lost her balance lol
Oh yeah. Millie especially. They know they're not supposed to go into the woods alone, because dumb asses will hunt in there despite it being private property. But she's especially been known to go in there and get caught or ratted on.
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umichenginabroad · 4 months
Lessons Learned (The End)
After 18 weeks of living in Sydney, my time has come to an end. It’s common to hear that peoples’ study abroad experiences were some of the best times of their lives, and I am honored to now fall into that cliche. I think the hardest thing in the coming weeks will be to not burst out into conversation about how much I loved Australia and all my travels (as well as relearning to walk on the right side of the sidewalk). My time here has truly become such a big part of who I am, and I will never let that go. I am comforted by the fact that I will one day return to Coogee beach, hopefully for even more than a few months, and nothing will get in the way of that. 
I think the best way to wrap up my time abroad would be to summarize some of the biggest lessons I have learned.
Have fun planning trips, but don’t forget to schedule in time to rest. If you’re the average student studying abroad, you probably want to see as many places as possible in a short period of time. This means packing trips with activities and sightseeing. And, don’t get me wrong, I am all for getting the most out of your trip, but it’s not worth sacrificing hours of sleep for a flight that's $10 cheaper and will leave you feeling tired all day which will likely seep into the rest of the days. This tip might not apply to everyone, but if you’re like me and need your 6-8 hrs of sleep, I promise you won’t enjoy your trip any less if you choose to sleep in a little. 
Don’t skimp on the local traveling! I know so many people who study abroad and only plan weekend travels to other countries or cities before even considering looking in their own backyard. Don’t get me wrong, Sydney can be appreciated in just a few days by the average tourist, but locals have so many different neighborhoods with unique cuisines, activities, and events to choose from. Just choose a direction, find a bus or train, and see where you end up in an hour! I would never have ended up at Watson’s bay if not for this philosophy (see last picture of previous post).
Adaptability and patience are key. Especially when traveling with friends, there are a lot of thoughts and opinions in the air. Learning to take into account different desires and compromise takes time. The patience comes into play when you’re waiting for everyone to get out of the house! The reason my hostel’s trips were (more or less) successful was because everyone was flexible, made sure to stick together, and the people who didn’t help in the planning process knew they were in no place to complain.
Where you live matters. A lot. While most schools offer international students housing, this was not the case with UNSW. My choice to live on Coogee Beach was definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made. There is simply no feeling like walking out of the building you live in, looking out into the vast ocean, and just sensing your smile grow like a rainbow appearing after a storm. Do research on your options, try to find roommates, and live it up!
These are the most important of countless lessons I learned while living abroad the last 4.5 months. I now look forward to re-acclimating myself to the US and relearning how to walk on the right side of the sidewalk. Thank you for tuning in with me for the past weeks – I hope one day, you will find yourself in Sydney. Cheers!
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David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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