#being trans is weird lmao
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transhawks · 2 years ago
me after five minutes on tinder: yeah, no, I'm straight. Like I just barely like men. I don't find them attractive. I have to work to like men.
me seeing dabi: see this is why I keep calling myself bisexual.
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ghost-bard · 3 months ago
how do i talk about taash being a realistic character while also acknowledging that they absolutely couldve and shouldve been written better in every aspect
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year ago
You know, I feel like other trans people might get this, but it's honestly kind of refreshing when a cis person has, like, undeniable tboy/tgirl/whatever swag. It's like when you come across somebody who speaks the same language as you and you only find out when they start speaking it, too.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#all this to say that we are existing on a rock hurling through space#and this universe is going to collide into another and does it all truly matter in the end?#a lot of this is based on ideas we have about what constitutes certain people and i think it can be a fun observation#so long as you do not inherently ascribe certain traits as being indicative of who somebody Is#it can be amusing when you're SO confident that somebody is a certain way until you realize how Wrong you were#the amusement for me only comes because it's like... 'you tried your best to box somebody and you FAILED lmao'#and in a weird way it's kind of comforting because it reminds me that we all come into this world with bias that Will be challenged...#...so the best thing you can do is recognize those biases and then try to overcome them through great effort...#...so yes maybe i did think that cis dude had tboy swag but. that's not inherently his problem you know?#it probably just means he's confident in his manhood in a way that reminds me of the trans men* i know and love#i noticed that in him and it reminded me of my friends who are trans so i think 'oh! maybe that's why he's giving off those vibes!'#so while i won't treat him any differently before or after finding out i was wrong i'm still going to appreciate the fact that...#...he and i are literally just Vibing on the same planet and we both don't have time for petty arguing about manhood#i'll acknowledge what inspired those thoughts in me but that is Not his problem and that's good and beautiful actually#i don't always mind the tboy/tgirl swag meme just so long as you don't treat it like an Inherent Trans Experience Only Trans People Have#just recognize where those ideas are inspired from and it's fine <3#sometimes you will be Wrong and that's actually fucking neutral <<3#anyway rant over i just think this is /generally/ harmless and fun#like astrology. sometimes you just look up your star sign without ascribing your Entire Life to it <3#i think what i lot of people mean by saying a cis person has tboy/tgirl swag is just that...#...that cis person has an understanding of themself that comes from deep introspection that isn't necessarily expected of cis folk...#...but it is often something trans people do as part of our exploration of gender...#how is this the FIRST POST to reach tag limit... ask me for more thoughts if you want lol!
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sunny-daze-days · 1 month ago
Being Trans and not experiencing gender dysphoria that strongly has got to be one of the weirdest experiences I've ever felt.
Do I know I'm a man? Yes.
Does not having a you know what downstairs feel like not having on a ring you've had on for years? Yes, I feel like I'm missing something.
Do I wish I had a flat chest above all else? Yes
But it's not debilitating. I'm just there. My body is just existing. is it kind of shitty I don't have a flat chest and a you know what? Yeah, but my brain isn't as concerned about it as other Trans men are and I think that's one of the reasons it's like taken me so long to come out and validate myself as a Trans man.
Like when I was introduced to the concept of being transgender, gender dysphoria was like presented as almost a requirement for being Trans, if that makes sense. Like I thought because I didn't feel gender dysphoria (at least not much, I felt gender euphoria more) that I somehow wasn't Trans enough.
Does anyone else thats Trans (man or otherwise) also feel this way? Genuine question
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quathxr · 2 months ago
Life update. I asked my family to use my pronouns! They already knew I was trans, but this was still a huge step forward. Just wanted to celebrate the little steps. It’s gonna take some time for them all to come around, especially my dad. But I know they love me, and we’ll be ok <3
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shuploc · 1 year ago
thoughts on transmasc Miguel? 👀
YESS, YESSSSS!! slams fists on table, rips shirt open, screams, bangs on chest. Transmasc Miguel is so huge, it's literally the best headcanon I've ever heard. I'm so so so on board.
I won't lie though, I have many things to say about these kinds of headcanons in general, but I'm just gonna keep it short for now and say thumbs up, transmasc miggy is a YES from me 🥰
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pinkysberg · 2 years ago
if you're a young queer person in fandom my greatest token of wisdom is don't fall into the trap of respectability politics.
don't make the mistake of thinking if you engage with fandom in a "palatable" or "respectful" manner to cishet normie audiences they will let you remain in the community without bother. don't for a moment bend your enjoyment or opinions to seem less "strange" to people. make your headcanons and fanfictions and make them weird. stop playing into their hand. have fun.
make that giant, hyper-masculine man trans and then ship him with his equally hyper masculine best friend. every female character can be a lesbian if it so pleases you. make that character a gender-queer, asexual, biromantic, neopronoun user. if someone calls you weird, double down and queerify another character.
and above all else, throwing your fellow queer ppl under the bus for doing it weirder than you only has the bus accelerating to take you down with them. don't fall for it.
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mumblers-lobby · 1 month ago
There's nothing more refreshing in this era than my grandma and mom coming back from getting their hair cut by one of my mom's friends from her old hairdressing classes, and having them both tell me that said friend was now a lady, and that her hair was gorgeous.
I asked my grandma what her new name was and she told me she couldn't remember her name, but that she had a weird lady name and really tall heels and that her boobs were not out yet. yet.
Never in her story did she mentioned her being trans. She just liked the lady that cut her hair. That's lovely.
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izhape · 2 months ago
ppl on tiktok need to stop assuming every dude with long hair is secretly an egg i thought we all agreed by now long hair on men shouldn't matter but here we are
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variksel · 5 months ago
this might be a tad too personal of a post But do you guys ever come out and then stop c aring about your gender and then, some time later, realize that your loved ones slowly overtime start treating you as if youre not that gender Still just because youre just not like. scrambling to get top surgery
do you ever look at urself in the mirror a year after you came out and realize that you still dont like to talk about gender, that you let distant relatives say "oh he, or she or whatever", that you dont correct anyone calling you a "whatever" or a "they" even though youre binary, that you feel more and more insecure about it and that you like. just dont like how they talk about you as if youre nonbinary even though youve told them youre a man for two years now!
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mabaris · 6 months ago
i don’t know how to feel about the fact that i’ve started to see several people use they/them for taash.
like on one hand, i kind of get it. written by trick weekes, voiced by jin maley, both of whom are nonbinary. and taash is the only character whose pronouns haven’t officially appeared yet (to the best of my knowledge?) because harding, lucanis, emmrich, and neve have previous canon appearances, and bellara’s and davrin’s have appeared in promotional material, and maybe people are just trying to play it safe
on the other hand, the qunari have a long and unfortunate history of racial coding and i can’t help but feel like this is similar to the way women of color are seen as Less Feminine, combined with echoes of the weird remarks from da2 where people called aveline a man because she was a warrior
maybe i’m reaching a little. i guess we’ll see
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 10 months ago
No magic AU with Harry and Tom being co-stars in an age/gender-blind casting of the phantom of the opera, 16-17 yr old Harry in the beginning and mid 20s Harry by the end, 50-60 yr old Tom throughout
Tom knows Harry is super into him, and he can see the appeal Harry has and is interested in him to a degree, but isn't really into the idea of parenting someone who wants to fuck him
Harry takes the rejection from Tom gracefully (Tom reads him like a fucking book and brings it up bluntly over tea how Harry is a lovely boy but is still rather young and Tom isn't interested in dating a child or in going to jail for dating a child) and so Harry lives his life, keeping in contact with Tom through letters and the occasional brunch, until he asks him out on a proper date and Tom does, finally, agree
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fatass-adams-fatass-son · 2 months ago
Throwback to when I was like 17 and had Abel hair-
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youredreamingofroo · 9 months ago
I know they/them is an incredibly universal and widely accepted set of pronouns to use especially if u dont know someone's pronouns, but I remember seeing people say they do NOT want to be referred to as "they/them" on twt before and so now whenever I check a blog and they don't specify their pronouns, I fall to my knees in anguish like FUCKKK are my mental notes using they/them for this person gonna get leaked and am I gonna get canceled for using they/them with them... 😔
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fingors · 2 years ago
>start HRT
>brain finally starts producing a variety of chemicals properly
cuddle time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love my friends!!!!!
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criminal-sen · 11 months ago
holy shit my voice just Dropped for reals this time. Tested out my range on a virtual keyboard and I'm easily hitting a low C which like. I used to have a low alto range but, if I'm remembering right, low C was Not something I could reach. And the keyboard didn't go any lower than the C but I'm positive I can go quite a bit lower, as I wasn't straining at ALL to hit it.
Anyway, my voice has been cracking all over the place and I think half the reason for that (aside from male puberty ofc) is I'm still trying to speak within my old range, and it's officially Too High for me now. (P.S. I'm not secretly some amazing singer, not even close, but I did take piano lessons for a bunch of years plus a little bit of high school choir, hence all the talk of notes and range)
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