#been crying off and on since I had to leave her
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81pastrys · 1 day ago
Missing Mama
Summary— When Lando is left so his wife can have a girls trip he thinks it’ll be a breeze, however he was wrong.
Warnings— none
A/N— little Norris is a bit sassy in this one.
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Lando knew the routine, until he didn’t. Usually he would go and do quadrant things or business things and then be home. However, when his wife wanted to have a girls trip, he took a few days off and insisted she go. When he did business he would leave before his girls got up, and return close to bedtime. Obviously home on the weekends, but those differed.
The first night would go smoothly, or so he thought, he’s done them before. Although when he went to tuck her in, she refused to even look at the bed. “I want to sleep in mamas spot.” She pouted angrily at him. Her arms crossed and stomping a foot on the ground.
“You want to sleep in my room?” He asked serious. “Acting like that?” He scoffed and walked out of her room and into the main area. She followed him out, tears now present. The day was already hard with her mum even leaving and now her daddy won’t let her sleep in his bed?
“Daddy please?” She sobbed. He looked at her. His expression was firm. She had been acting out since her mum left and he had enough, she didn’t usually act out. “Why not? Daddy please!” The little 4 year old begged, when he didn’t respond.
“You’ve been acting out.” He stated. She pulled on his pant leg now, tears still streaming down her face. He stood looking down on her with his arms crossed. He sighed when she sat back and dramatically continued on crying on the floor.
He crouched down and looked at her. She sniffled and contained her cries. “Mama lets me sleep in her bed when you’re gone.” She hiccuped from crying. His entire mood changed when he realized she wasn’t acting out on purpose, but didn’t know how to express her feelings otherwise.
“I know, sweetheart.” He said comforting her now. She was just upset at her mum leaving. He reached out his arms to hold her. “You miss mama huh?” He asked, her head on his shoulder and arms wrapped around his neck.
She nodded her head on his shoulder and then he sat her on the counter. He wiped her face off , from any stray tears. “I’m sorry daddy.” She said softly. He gave her a small smile and walked to the fridge.
“How about a warm glass of milk before bed hm?” He asked. He made them both a glass of milk before heating them up and handing her the cup. “Alright, now we’re ready for bed.” He said. They finished their milk and he walked her to his room. She tried to hide her excitement.
“You sleep there.” She pointed to her mum’s side of the bed after jumping onto his. He lightly chuckled at her. She giggled at his facial expression. He picked her up and moved her to mums side of the bed.
“Nooo you sleep there!” He joked with her. “This is my side.” He stood his ground with a sly smile. She giggled again but stayed on the side he put her on. He walked to her side and tucked her in with a kiss on her forehead.
He took a shower and changed for bed. When he returned she was asleep. He crawled in bed next to her and gave her one more kiss on her forehead before turning his lamp off and allowing sleep to claim him as well. She wiggled into his arms and he moved his arm to rest around her.
I love this one sm
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gguk-n · 2 days ago
Where Do Broken Hearts Go? (Lewis Hamilton x Reader)
Series Masterlist
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It all happened so quickly. Lewis didn't mean what he said; he never meant to hurt her. He didn't mean all the shitty things that left his mouth. He loved her and appreciated her; he knew how much she gave up just to support him and be there for him. It was not supposed to go as far as it did. Lewis knew now, as he sat in their empty apartment. Y/N's friend had come in the other day and collected all of her stuff. They didn't even talk to him or entertain him for that matter. They did what had to be done and left. Lewis watched as they took the place they had built together apart, piece by piece.
Lewis thought that if he gave her some time to calm down, she would be willing to listen to him. He didn't expect her to move out so abruptly. He then, tried to reach out to her but it was of no use. It first went straight to voice mail and than nothing at all. He tried texting her and soon realised she had blocked him, everywhere.
Lewis tried reaching out to her friends, no use, since they wouldn't talk to him either. Lewis went to all the places that they used to visit but didn't find her at all. She had disappeared without any trace.
He was stupid and hoped that she would come back. But he wasn't sure at this point. He looked high and low for the love of his life. As time went on, he could only replay the moment again and again and he couldn't help but cry; wishing he hadn't said what he had said.
"Y/N, you're acting unreasonable" he sighed. "Unreasonable" she almost shouted. "That woman was all over you and I'm being unreasonable" she asked. Lewis sighed, exasperated. "You always do this" he began. "No I don't" she cut him off. "You're the one who forgets you have a girlfriend" Y/N pointed out. "I don't" he reasoned. "Lewis, this isn't the first and I don't believe this will be the last time" Y/N explained. "I've always been quite low in your priorities. And I always hoped that one day it would change but it's been years and still I'm not on top of your priorities. I tried to let it go, I even tried to give you the benefit of doubt but I can't anymore" she explained. "They were right" he muttered. "What?" she asked shocked. "That you would leave at a minor inconvenience" he stated. Y/N sighed, exhausted from having to explain herself all the time. "Fine. Than I'll make it easy for you. Have a good life" she said before grabbing her bag and leaving. Lewis had expected this to be like one of their previous fights, but he guessed she probably had enough of him since she never returned. It was as if she had disappeared from the face of the earth.
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find her. He wondered how much he had hurt her that he couldn't find her anymore.
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yandere-paramour · 3 days ago
"I want him dead."
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"You don't understand, Noelle," Ata's voice hardened, startling Noelle into a barely imperceptible flinch. She had heard Ata's anger many times but had never been on the receiving end of it. As pathetic as it was, she couldn't help but become a little child again, trying to look contrite enough to escape a slap because she had done something as unforgivable as to spill her milk or miss a question on her homework.
"I don't just want him ruined. I want him dead," Atalanta hissed, hands twitching like she was barely restraining them from hitting someone. Had she ever hit someone before? Perhaps in training or a playful punch on the arm between friends, but not real. Never real.
"I-I understand, Ms. Montclair. I will contact him immediately," Noelle hated herself for the momentary tremor in her voice. Pull yourself together. You're not a child.
Noelle left the office without another word, needing to escape Atalanta's oppressive atmosphere. Her eyes momentarily found the small bowl of chocolate truffles on her desk. This week was dark chocolate cappuccino, a particular favorite of hers. She ached to pop one in her mouth, to feel the cloying sweetness and bitter coffee envelop her tongue, but that was for later. She had work to do now.
Noelle pulled out the unmarked cell phone from the locked box under the hidden compartment of her desk. There was only one contact, and unless there was an emergency, he would pick up within the first three rings. Atalanta was a particularly important client; whatever inane business he did whenever Atalanta and Noelle weren't in the room was irrelevant. Atalanta had more than enough money to draw his attention.
"You've reached Zachariah," The smooth, slow voice answered in its mildly amused tone, "How may I help you today?"
Noelle ignored the joking air, "Civilian, living on Maple Street. We need the camera and laptop and we need to make it look like an accident. 5k."
To his credit, Zachariah cut the bullshit, "Send me the information. I can have it done by the end of the week. Do you want them to suffer?"
Atalanta put her head on her desk, hands on her knees, and tried in vain to calm down. Poor Darling was distraught; multiple security reports over the last hour have reported her having shut herself up in their room, crying audibly behind the locked door. Noelle had graciously allowed her own precious girlfriend to leave the sanctity of her apartment and go to the penthouse, but it wasn't enough. Atalanta needed to be there.
She grit her teeth, furious. Atalanta had been an important subject of the local paparazzi since her birth but this was different. This was Darling. Atalanta had promised that life with her would be comfortable and luxurious, and now your personal information is leaked. And not just your personal information, your body.
Your lovely body. Only Ata was supposed to behold you, and only in the comfort of your marital bed, but that bastard snuck into your changing room and caught you topless, and then had the gall to send threats, promising to release the photos to the world if not for 100k in unmarked bills. Atalanta ground her perfect teeth.
You were hers.
Simply sending a goon to smash his camera and laptop wasn't enough. Plucking out his eyes wasn't enough. Even cutting off his filthy dick wasn't enough.
For the crime of making you cry, he needed to die.
Atalanta tried to calm down and breathe. Zachariah could handle it. He would handle it. She had no doubt about that; the man was a professional. The problem was that Atalanta wanted to... assist. Usually, she preferred to keep her hands clean, to distance herself from whatever boundaries of calamity Zachariah allowed from his men, but your purity was compromised here, your personhood.
Atalanta had seen the white, viscous liquid splattered on the photos of the demand letter. Disgusting.
But Ata knows she doesn't have the stomach for torture, and the death needed to look like something common like a car accident or heart attack. As much as she wanted to carve the Montclair name into his revolting flesh, there were things that mattered more than direct revenge.
You mattered more than that.
Atalanta swept her few things into her bag and called you. You picked up on the second ring, her perfect Darling girl. Your melodious voice might not have been sobbing, but she could sense the hitch in your voice, could hear the way you sniffled pitifully.
"It's all taken care of, my love. It's okay," Atalanta put back on her suit jacket and fixed her hair, "I'm coming home right now. I'll run you a bath and we can order in from that Thai place you like. It's okay."
You must have garbled something about feeling scared.
"I know, sweetheart, I know," Ata cooed, "I'm leaving right now. Hold on for ten more minutes. I'll take care of you. Let me take care of you."
Atalanta marched out of her office, calling orders. As soon as Noelle finished her task and called the car around, she could leave. Any important business that couldn't wait until morning could be emailed.
Bodyguards naturally fell into their flanks as Ata hurried from the building. The driver greeted her but she paid him no mind, and he got the picture. As the car began to move, Atalanta bit her lip, willing time to pass faster. An idea brewing, she texted Noelle to stop by the bakery on 5th before it closes. Three caramelized apple tarts with cinnamon vanilla drizzles, and drop them at the penthouse on the way home.
Don't worry, Darling. Ata's coming. She'll fix it. Don't worry.
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thecheshireprincess · 3 days ago
The Game Itself
Chapter III: Nine of Hearts AKA You Won't Say You're in Love
A Chishiya x childhood best friend reader (Niragi's sister!) Series
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Content Warning: Canon-typical violence, killing, mentions of blood and injuries (somewhat explicit), mentions of a tumultuous childhood, curse words, Aguni is so girl-dad coded and I refuse to write him any other way
A/N: I literally never want to see this chapter again 😵‍💫 idk what happened, but I blacked out and wrote like 7000 words and then spent over a week rewriting and editing it. I'm so sorry 🤣
Previous Chapter The Game Itself Masterlist
When you've finished getting cleaned up, you make no move to leave the bathroom; standing stuck in a silent face off with yourself in the mirror. Chishiya sighs, pulling himself off your bed and padding over to stand behind you. Though you're not exactly thrilled with his presence right now, he knows one easy way to return to your good graces and settle your fraying nerves all at once.
His left hand extends past you to grab your hairbrush from the vanity, the right gently finding purchase among your sleep tangled locks. Chishiya's touch is soft in your hair but efficient, well-practiced. Your eyes close involuntarily, your brief attitude quickly melting away. Both your best friend and your brother knew that more than just your hair would be tamed when they brushed it for you.
Once the tangles have been worked through, Chishiya begins a double French braid; working his long, nimble fingers down each side of your hair meticulously. You open your eyes again to meet his in the mirror, "are you sure you want to keep wasting your time in medical school? You could have a promising career as a hairstylist."
Your friend smirks in satisfaction at this, taking a beat before responding. He ties off the second side of your hair with an elastic and pulls both braids forward to sit in front of your shoulders, placing his hands against your arms. Maintaining your gaze and bringing his lips to whisper directly in your ear, "the only hair I care to be styling is yours."
♤ ♡ �� ♧
It was the middle of summer, the sun's rays washing over you, tanning and freckling your skin. The hot air blew past you thickly as you ran the familiar path down the bustling street towards your favorite cafe with Chishiya hot on your heels. Thirteen years old and feeling so free; you don't think you'd ever known happiness like this. Niragi was further back, eyes trained on the two of you. He had long since stopped trying to keep you from racing in such a busy area, knowing that you'd never listen. Today was a special day, after all, and you were still so young; you deserved to celebrate.
Once the three of you were sat in your favorite booth, you were already eyeing the picture of the fat tabby cat longingly, "Niragi," you whined, attempting to draw his attention away from the flimsy paper menu in front of him. Niragi hummed, affirming that he was listening to what you had to say. "When can we get a cat just like this one??"
The man sighed dramatically, setting the menu down in front of him to meet your eyes, "Koko . . . We've talked about this . . ."
You interrupt what you know will be more of the same soliloquy as usual, "Yeah, I KNOW that technically our landlord doesn't allow pets, but Himari has like five cats smuggled in her apartment!" you cry. The injustice.
"Yes, well, Himari doesn't have to worry about staying in the good graces of social workers and receiving visits from them constantly," your brother reminded you, exhaustion obvious in his form.
"I know, but now! Now we won in court, and the social workers won't have to come visit as much, and we can get a secret cat! What could be better?" Chishiya smirked beside you, saying nothing but always on your side.
"Very sweet, but look, you've already got a cat companion right beside you," Niragi jests, trying anything to distract you from the cat he absolutely did not want. The two of you laugh, and Chishiya's smirk widens. Deflect and distract.
The kind-eyed - and super timely - waitress comes around the bakery case with your desserts just then, setting your honey toast in front of you. Your eyes grow as big as saucers seeing the sickly sweet substance in front of you, Niragi grinning brightly at your reaction. Saved by the dessert. He knew letting you get your treat before your meal was a great idea - he had once again successfully dodged the cat talk.
Sunlight streams through the sheer curtains covering your window, bathing your face in light like a good morning kiss. You begin to stir beneath your fluffy duvet, smiling lightly at the memory of your dream. You realize now, smile growing, that Niragi had not wanted that cat at all. Stretching your limbs without opening your eyes yet, you begin to think about the day ahead of you and what it might hold; if the sun had anything to say about it, it could even be nice . . .
Except you had ended someone's life last night
You shot straight up in your bed like a bullet, eyes wide open in realization; though you were in your own bed, you were hardly in your own world. Your sweet dreams had nearly wiped your memory of this sick place clean away, but it was all back now, hitting you like a freight train. Your sudden movement startled the sleeping man beside you and he jumped up too, obviously still on edge, "what happened?! What's wrong? Are you okay?" He moves to run his fingers over you, checking for injuries that weren't there.
You slowly turn your head to look at him, eyes crazed, "what do you mean, what's wrong? Everything is wrong! We don't know where we are. Where Niragi is! And I . . . I murdered someone last night!" You wailed, your adrenaline from the game clearly having worn off and allowing the gravity of your situation to sink in. "How the fuck am I supposed to live with this?" You begin running your now shaking hands through your hair.
Chishiya sits quietly, observing; just as you'd expect from him. Unemotional fucker. You want to slap the calm right off his face because damn it you are so upset. So angry. So scared. What you really wanted was to vent your emotions, to commiserate a little bit with someone. You didn't even expect a solution, just . . . someone to tell you that they agree how much it sucks. That they're scared too.
But you'd never had that, had you? Niragi deals with big feelings the way any decent parent figure probably would, he tries to fix them. He never just listens or lets you wallow in self pity; nor does he complain alongside you. If he were here listening to you now, he'd probably be on the phone trying to find yet another therapist. Good luck finding one in this fucked up world.
And your only best friend since you were old enough to crawl, the person you tell everything to and share everything with, is sitting right in front of you. But he doesn't complain, he doesn't tell you that it's okay because he's afraid too, he doesn't feel upset by this new world. In fact, you're certain he doesn't feel anything at all, ever. It's infuriating.
Chishiya places his hand gently on the back of your neck, cooing indistinctly and shushing you - his poor attempt at being comforting. You were already too far gone, losing yourself to the deep abyss of negative emotions swirling within you. You shake his hand off of you immediately, fury burning inside of you so brightly you can't stand to be touched. You notice a brief flash of something - hurt? - in his eyes as you push him away before his usual emotionless mask is replaced. This stokes the flames even further - couldn't he actually just be upset? If he yelled at you for being a petulant brat. If he threw something across the room and broke something. Anything to show that he was the least bit affected by all this, but no. You're really alone in this feeling. A sound somewhere between a growl and a sigh escapes your lips and you decide you both could use some space to process things.
You roll out of bed without another look at your friend and walk to your closet. You pull out a pair of leggings, a strappy mint cropped workout top, and a gray zip up jacket with a hood; it's obvious you'll need to be comfy and capable of movement in this new world, but that doesn't mean you can't look cute while kicking ass at death games. You enter your bathroom to change and get cleaned up, slamming the door shut to punctuate your continued annoyance. Your frustration grows somehow even more when you move to turn on the sink - nothing. Chishiya had told you the plumbing wasn't working last night, but you weren't in the headspace then to worry about things like that. The least you can do is change your clothes and assess the damage to your appearance. You take a deep breath and glance up to meet your reflection.
Sick. You look sick. Face pale, eyes red and puffy, framed with massive black bags; hair untamed and matted from restless sleep. You regret looking at all, truthfully. You don't suppose putting on makeup will do much good, and it's probably a waste of time in a place like this. A soft knock interrupts the self-deprecating thoughts blasting in your mind - Chishiya. You roll your eyes, but open the door for him anyway. You give him a blank look - if he could be cold, so could you. You can at least try. He hands you a few bottles of water, presumably to wash your face and brush your teeth with. You take them, saying nothing as you turn back to your own battered gaze.
When you've finished getting cleaned up, you make no move to leave the bathroom; standing stuck in a silent face off with yourself in the mirror. Chishiya sighs, pulling himself off your bed and padding over to stand behind you. Though you're not exactly thrilled with his presence right now, he knows one easy way to return to your good graces and settle your fraying nerves all at once.
His left hand extends past you to grab your hairbrush from the vanity, the right gently finding purchase among your sleep tangled locks. Chishiya's touch is soft in your hair but efficient, well-practiced. Your eyes close involuntarily, your brief attitude quickly melting away. Both your best friend and your brother knew that more than just your hair would be tamed when they brushed it for you.
Once the tangles have been worked through, Chishiya begins a double French braid; working his long, nimble fingers down each side of your hair meticulously. You open your eyes again to meet his in the mirror, "are you sure you want to keep wasting your time in medical school? You could have a promising career as a hairstylist."
Your friend smirks in satisfaction at this, taking a beat before responding. He ties off the second side of your hair with an elastic and pulls both braids forward to sit in front of your shoulders, placing his hands against your arms. Maintaining your gaze and bringing his lips to whisper directly in your ear, "the only hair I care to be styling is yours."
Your breath catches in your throat, and you feel the same way you had in the cafe yesterday, tense. Good tense. Tell him. "I . . . you . . . we . . .," you sputter, unable to spit the words out of your mouth. You were short circuiting. It was like you'd completely forgotten how to speak the only language you'd ever known, and didn't have the letters in the right order. I love you. Instead, "I-i'm going to go check the other apartments in the building. There could be resources we need." And you run away from him. You are a chicken.
Chishiya is left standing in your bathroom, dumbfounded and still holding onto your hairbrush like a lifeline. For the second time that day - and the sun had just risen - he had failed to say the words that you needed to hear. He has never been good at saying the things that you deserve to hear from him, and he knows that.
I'm sorry. I know you're afraid, but I'm going to keep you safe. You did so well last night. I'm scared too. I love you.
The man doesn't know if it's the lack of a proper childhood and decent parents that makes him so cold, or if he really is just an empty human. But would an empty human be able to love you so deeply? And how was it that your childhood was arguably worse, more violent and tumultuous, but you were so capable of feeling and expressing and loving? He's faced this conflict with you for as long as he's known you, but now? Now he has to contend with the fact that either of you could die at any minute.
Now he could be running out of time to say it.
♤ ♡ ◇ ♧
It turns out that raiding the other apartments had been a great idea. You found tons of stuff - canned foods, snack items, bottles of water, medicine and bandages, and even . . .
Chishiya's favorite biscuits
The ones in the cute yellow bag with red writing. They were in Himari's apartment, and you beamed upon seeing them. Truth be told, you were feeling really guilty. Not only had you let your emotions get the better of you this morning and launch you into a temper tantrum, but you'd then made a complete ass out of yourself with Chishiya in the bathroom. Not being able to tell the person you normally told everything to how you really feel about them is truly debilitating. You wished you could get advice from Niragi about it, but even so, you already know what he would say.
First, he would laugh at you, "of course you're in love with him, anyone with eyes can see that. Good job figuring it out though, I'm proud of you." And when you'd express concern about your feelings not being reciprocated, he'd laugh even harder, "come on, Koko. He's even more obvious than you!" You smile, thinking about him. Just how had that man gotten so smart?
You trudge back into the apartment, accidentally slamming the door behind you. As you drag your haul through the long corridor, arms heavy with your loot, something peculiar catches your attention. Your school bag. While not necessarily out of place, how had it gotten there? You'd had it with you in the cafe before your world was turned upside down, but remember opting to leave it in the booth while you searched your surroundings. You scramble to pick it up and inspect it for clues you knew you wouldn't find. Niragi. He must have gone looking for you and Chishiya and found it. So he HAD come back here at some point.
But now where was he? What if he was dead?
"Chishiya!" you called out desperately to your friend, your awkwardness and avoidance of him temporarily forgotten.
It took him only seconds to appear at the bottom of the stairs, moving as stealthy as a ninja as usual. Maybe more like a cat. Grabbing a bag of the yellow wrapped biscuits and meeting him in the hallway, you hold them out to him, "truce?"
"I wasn't aware we were in need of a truce, Koko," he says slowly, taking the cookies from you anyway. "You know I'd never pass on an opportunity for biscuits, though," he smiles, eyes sparkling.
"Look," you say, pointing a little shakily at your bag, "I think Niragi was here looking for us before we got here. W-where do you think he could have gone?" A simple question, but behind your eyes was something not so simple. Fear. Despair.
Chishiya glances at the bag, then back to study your face. He could see that you're already thinking the worst, so he shakes his head before attempting to comfort you. "His thought process is probably to try and find you in a game. The arenas are all over the city, and it would be unwise to come all the way back over here if he was drawn to a game across the city," he reassures you. "We have six days on our Visas, we should work on finding as much information about our new home as we can." Deflect and distract. Just as Niragi always had about that cat you wanted.
You nod, having had similar thoughts. You got a lot of good information from the players last night, but there was still so much you didn't know. The magician that had played against Chishiya provided some insight into the ranking system; the numbers 1-10 did indeed represent difficulty, which you had already guessed. The suit? Represents the type of game that would be played: Diamonds for Intelligence, Spades for Physical, Clubs a Team Challenge, and Hearts . . . Well hearts were special. Hearts were a game that forced you to play with the heart and emotions of another, and maybe even yourself. You shuddered thinking about the magnitude of a hearts game, hoping with your entire being you'd never end up in one.
And then of course, the man you'd had to shoot had explained the Visa system to you. Linked to the difficulty of the game, you earned days on your Visa equal to the number on the card. You and Chishiya had already earned six days. Thinking on it, you'd hate to play in one of these death games and earn one or two measly days, that hardly seemed worth it.
"We should explore the city. It would be really beneficial to be able to predict which arenas would produce which suits," you interject, "we can chart a map and start looking for patterns." Chishiya nods in agreement, already munching on his cookies and dropping crumbs on his shirt. "It looks like you got us set up with resources already, but we can also make note of places that are good for future supply runs," he observes, eyes glancing over the bags stuffed full with the items you'd chosen.
And so for five days, the two of you do just that. Every morning, you eat breakfast and get ready for the day, pack your backpacks full of supplies, and head out to a different area of the city to investigate and work on your map. You find tons of game arenas, sometimes waiting to talk to the remaining participants after they finish to find out if your predictions were correct. It became somewhat of a fun competition between you and Chishiya - seeing who could predict the highest number of them correctly. It provided you the distraction you so desperately needed, and you were grateful for having had a little while to get settled in a new routine with your best friend.
By the time your Visas are about to expire, you've gotten pretty accurate with three of the four suits. Unsettlingly, though, you were almost never able to accurately predict where Hearts games would pop up. Thinking about it made the gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach grow. It would never be safe to play a game with Chishiya. You've also been unable to locate Niragi, and he hasn't returned to the house either. Chishiya does what he can to keep you busy from worrying about it, but even he is starting to feel concerned about your brother's whereabouts.
Too soon for your liking, it's time to leave the apartment to renew your Visas. You're more well-equipped and informed this time, so you should feel confident. Instead, you feel sick at the thought of being separated from Chishiya after spending so much time with him over the last couple of days. It's been nice. Really nice.
"Since we won't be playing together tonight, let's plan to meet back up here after we win," Chishiya suggests assuredly, pulling your mind back to the present. You nod, though with a little hesitation. Your friend notices and sighs, "I promise you that I'll come back. I won't leave you here, not ever." You blink, tears threatening to form.
Chishiya looks back at you expectantly. Calm. "I promise to come back too," you ascertain, letting out a breath and forcing the tears down, "it'll be just a couple of hours." Who are you trying to convince, him or you? He nods, smiling. A rare, real smile.
Your eyes trail over his face, studying him a little longer before the two of you need to leave to make it to your games. As tough as you're trying to be, you momentarily allow your emotions to get the best of you, throwing your arms suddenly around his neck to bury your face into his soft hoodie. The force you've thrown yourself at him threatens to send you both tumbling to the floor below you, but he steadies you with ease. Chishiya usually isn't big on physical touch, but with you, it's always felt natural. Enjoyable, even. His arms snaked around you and pulled you tightly to him, squeezing as much comfort into your body as he has to offer.
A minute or two passes and he whispers in your ear, "let's get going, hm?" The man hummed, gently rubbing circles into the spot between your shoulder blades, "the quicker we get it over with, the quicker we'll be back here." You nodded from your place still tucked into his shoulder, sighing. You can do this.
♤ ♡ ◇ ♧
The early evening air is cool, brushing against the exposed skin of your face and neck and making you shiver. You look up to study the sky above you, the stars already starting to peek out among the pink and orange canvas of the sky. You had never had the privilege of seeing the stars glimmer so brightly above Tokyo, you felt them take your breath away. Stunning.
You continue walking in the direction of the abandoned community center you had scouted as a game arena earlier today. Chishiya was heading the opposite direction - toward the library you always studied at together. There were games lighting up all over the city, every night. This was the first time you were personally testing your game arena predictions, a higher stakes competition between the two of you. You hoped you were right.
The community center stood tall above you, covered in foliage and vines that you were certain hadn't been there before. Time flows differently here, you knew that with certainty - otherwise you should have run into Niragi the first night you arrived, and the fresh foods should have survived longer than what felt like a few hours to you. Nature was already beginning to reclaim the land; it was partially beautiful and partially unnerving.
[Game Arena - 5:00 Minutes Until Registration Closes]
[Players Required: 12]
You took a deep breath just before you pushed open the flimsy doors to the center; you'd been hoping for a Spades game when you chose this arena. Please let it be ANYTHING but a Hearts game. You yank the hood of your gray jacket over your head and steel your face. Emotionless.
Entering the dimly lit and sparsely decorated lobby of the building, you immediately take note that the front desk is holding the phones, One Per Person, same as before. This time though, they aren't alone. Your blood runs cold; a variety of weapons and an old fashioned lantern lay ominously beside them. There is already a large group of people waiting for registration to close, though most don't even look up at you as you enter. Off in their own worlds panicking probably, which is exactly what you wanted to do too. You approach the desk to grab your phone and suddenly feel eyes burning on you. You decide not to glance around, but if you had you'd have noticed an intimidating presence studying you. Trying to decide if you were the person he had been hunting for the last week.
[Identity Verification in Progress . . .]
Just as before, the phone correctly provides your information. You aren't surprised, but it still gives you an uneasy feeling. Another question on your list - how did they know your name and face? Government records?
[Registration Closes in 4:00 Minutes]
You put the phone nonchalantly in your pocket and move to sit in the row of seats normally reserved for parents waiting for their children performing activities at the community center. You slump down low, allowing your head to fall against the rigid backrest of the chair in thought. You'd taken swimming and gymnastics lessons here since you were really little, as long as you can remember. And Niragi, he'd always been here. Waiting for you. Always waiting, always supportive. You missed him.
You look to the seat on the end of the row, the one he'd always be sitting in. He liked to be as far away from the other guardians as possible. Instead, you now find a large, muscular man sitting there. Hair cropped short, close to his head. Staring right at you. You're surprised when you accidentally make eye contact with the older man, looking away quickly as if you'd been the one caught staring. His eyes continue to burn a hole in your head.
You peek up now to study the others gathered in the space. You notice the staring man has a partner, both of them wielding large guns. They are talking lowly between them, both with their eyes on you. Weird. Chishiya would urge you to ignore them, whatever they wanted from you was not in your best interest. Across from you was a group of three girls, likely in their 20s. You decided they must have been a group of friends from the original world. Your heart sank for them, because you knew what it was like having to play in a death match with someone you cared about. Loved.
A little girl with curly pigtails, likely only ten or eleven stood with an older gentleman. A grandfather and his granddaughter? Now your heart was pounding. It seemed children would not be exempt from the cruelty of this land. A man stood propped up against the bulletin board, wiry hairs sticking out all over the place. His gaze was crazed, looking all over the place, at you and the others. This was not his first game. But it could be his last. And yours.
You watched as another group of three waltzed into the center, the final three needed to start the game. Like the girls, you predicted that they were friends before coming here. They must have forgotten themselves for a moment, because despite being about to register for a literal death match, they walked up to said group of girls to flirt. You scoffed, but simply lowered your gaze to the floor. You don't know them.
[Registration is Now Closed]
[Difficulty: Nine of Hearts] Your pulse rushed in your ears and you couldn't hear for a moment. The one suit you hadn't wanted . . . And at a nine? What the fuck. Seriously?
[Game: Underground Gathering]
[Rules: Three players will act as the persecutors, guarding the torch from the gatherers. The gatherers will attempt to gain access to the torch and gather safely around it in their designated sanctuary. Unlocked rooms in the building are a safe haven for gatherers, but persecutors have free reign of the hallways and can capture gatherers that are running between safe spaces. Weapons are allowed and encouraged]
[Clear Condition: Gatherers - Obtain access to the torch and have all remaining players gather around it in the sanctuary.
Persecutors - Prevent the gatherers from getting the torch and gathering, at all costs; to win, persecutors must have an equal number or more players on their side]
[Game Over: Gatherers will receive a game over if they fail to bring their torch and all remaining members of the party to gather in the sanctuary within the time limit. Persecutors receive a game over if the gatherers succeed within the time limit, or if they are unable to capture enough gatherers]
[Time Limit: Two hours]
You shrunk further into your hood, breathless. The players assigned to the role of persecutor would be forced to kill off the others, that's what the weapons are for. Not only do they have to prevent the stealing of the torch, but they also had to eliminate players to be equal to or less than the three on their side. At least six people would have to die tonight for the persecutors to win. Being a gatherer would be easier, but certainly not without its struggles.
The cheerful voice you hated so much rung out once more, interrupting the war in your mind. [Your roles will now be assigned]
Your phone chimed, pulling it slowly out of your pocket with a sick feeling in your stomach, you see:
[You are a persecutor. Take the torch, grab a weapon, and proceed to the kitchen as your starting position. Good luck.]
You could have fallen to the floor in despair reading these words. How the fuck were you going to kill off six people tonight when killing even one was the worst thing imaginable just a few days ago? Emotionless. You have to stay calm.
You nod to yourself, standing from the chair and approaching the table holding the weapons. Unexpectedly, the power goes out entirely, causing the players around you to scream. Of course, another twist. It would be far too easy if everyone could see properly.
Using the light from your phone, you survey the options available. You didn't think you had it in you to stab someone to death so you chose a rifle. Grabbing the torch, now lit on the corner of the same desk, you begin trudging slowly toward where you knew the kitchen to be.
You were lucky Niragi had insisted on you spending so much time on activities in this building, being able to navigate would surely help your mission. What would he think of what you were being forced into? Would he be disappointed by having a murderer for a little sister?
You reach the kitchen in no time, placing the torch in the middle of the rounded metallic island. The object bathed the dark room in a warm light, glinting off of the shiny, sterile objects all around you. You settle the heavy rifle against your shoulder and lean up against the cool metal, waiting. You were starting to feel a little numb, knowing what would have to transpire in the next two hours.
The swinging wooden door is slowly pushed towards you, allowing your partners in crime to enter. You don't move an inch, but flick your gaze up to see who it was - your heart constricts when you see the older gentleman - the grandfather of the little girl - and the muscly looking guy. The one who was staring holes in your head in the lobby. Wonderful.
The younger man breathes a sigh of - relief? - upon seeing you standing there. This only serves to confuse you further, just who the hell was this guy? Maybe your emotionless act was better than you thought, and the man thought you'd be a good teammate? You lower your gaze back to the floor without a word.
[Game Start] The robotic voice chirps.
Here we go. In two hours, you could be out of here and on your way back to Chishiya. You can do this. Stay cold, stay numb. Do what you have to do.
"Okay, you two. We need to devise a plan," you hear your voice commanding, as though it was separate from the rest of you. "At least six people on the opposing team are going to have to die, AND we need to stop them from bringing the torch to their sanctuary."
Neither of the men move to answer you, so without looking up from the floor, you continue "I'm positive that the pool is their sanctuary. It's at the furthest point away from here. To make things more difficult, you know? A further distance to travel once you've gotten the target. We should split up. One person to guard the torch, and the other two to capture." Your voice sounds cold and calculated. You'd be impressed by you if you were hearing yourself.
The younger man hums in agreement, without saying much more. Not a big talker, you presume. The older gentleman agrees too, "I'm not as young as the two of you. I should stay with the torch," he suggests.
You grab your rifle and push back through the double doors of the kitchen, a silent agreement with his offer. Though your heart is racing, you know you need to stay in character. Fake it til you make it, right? The military like man is hot on your heels, ready to clear the game too.
Walking quickly through the halls, you are on red alert for the other team. It was imperative that you caught them in the hallway as soon as possible, or they could run the time down hiding in their safe zones. You can only see by the sparse emergency lights placed strategically along the floor and the small light from your phones, but you know the man is looking at you again. You look up to meet his eyes this time and sigh. He opens his mouth, and the most shocking thing that could have happened to you does. He says your name. Quietly at first, like a question. When you react, obviously stunned, he says it again. More sure this time.
You know in the back of your head that you should be cautious with this, but the man IS on your team for this game, whether you like it or not. "How did you . . .?" you whisper. He nods knowingly, "I've been looking for you. Turning the city upside down to find you." And now you're scared, but have to know. "But why? How did you know to be looking for me?"
"Your brother. He is willing to burn all of Tokyo down to find you, I swear he's getting closer to it every day, " he says lowly. Your ears perk up and if you weren't in the middle of a death match, you would soar with joy. "Niragi? You know him? He's safe?" You're a little disturbed that Niragi had made friends with anyone, let alone a guy like this, but you couldn't be happier to hear that he's ALIVE and has been looking for you too.
He nods once. "I've promised to get you to him, so we need to focus on clearing this game," his gruff voice sounds. You hum in agreement, looking at him expectantly. His eyebrows knit in confusion at the way you're looking at him. "You know my name, and we're about to kill a lot of people together. You could at least tell your name too," you say sharply.
"Aguni," he responds quietly. Definitely not much of a talker.
It's then that you hear a sound, one of the gatherers. The man glances at you once before taking off stealthily down the hallway toward it. You're surprised that he's able to move like that looking the way that he does. Suddenly the building is way too quiet, and it feels like you're being suffocated by the silence. You hear a short, masculine scream, a crack, and then nothing. You clasp your hand over your mouth to keep from screaming out yourself, finding the wall and leaning your weight on it for a moment.
[A gatherer has been captured, 8 gatherers remaining; 3 persecutors remaining] You know you need to keep moving. The gatherers can only be killed in the hallways, and there is still a lot of work to do to ensure your victory.
You meet Aguni at the intersection of two hallways, "You should go back to the torch," he whispers, momentarily confusing you. "I don't think the old man can handle it and our job will be harder if they get it," he whispers, turning you back around the way you'd just come. He wouldn't say it, but he was trying to spare you the pain of having to kill a lot of people, you knew that.
[Two gatherers have been captured, six gatherers remaining; three persecutors remaining]
You'd just walked away from Aguni, so you knew that must mean the older man was under attack. You begin sprinting, as quietly as you can, throwing the swinging door open just in time to watch the old man drop to the floor, dead, his granddaughter sobbing hysterically beside him. She was holding onto the torch like a lifeline, two of the men from the group of friends on either side of her, trying to pull her out the back entrance.
You freeze. She was a child and you couldn't just shoot her. Of course you couldn't. But you needed to try to at least capture the men that had used her as bait against her grandfather. A hearts game, indeed. As soon as the little girl was out of the way, you took aim, dropping both men to the ground in a single shot each. If you weren't right on the edge of throwing up, you'd almost be proud of your accuracy.
It's then that the robotic voice sounds out, surrounding you on all sides [The gatherers have captured the torch, four gatherers remaining; two persecutors remaining, one hour left]
You dash madly through the kitchen and towards the back entrance the little girl had gone through, slipping through the puddles of blood coating the floor. You were certain that the three remaining adults with her would be close by, and you had to try to take at least two more out AND prevent them from gathering. You were exhausted.
You creep along the empty and dark corridor towards the pool, careful to control your breathing. This side of the building is decidedly darker and creepier, and you have to steel your mind again to keep from panicking. You can hear feminine whispers coming from a nearby room, the nursery; it must have been two of the remaining girls from the former group of three. You wanted to feel bad for them, knowing they'd just lost one of their friends. You don't have the energy right now. You press your body up against the wall furthest from the classroom and slip silently past, wanting to measure just how much further the pool was. You walk a few steps around the curve before seeing the beginnings of blue glow from the pool reflecting on the floor and ceiling. It's then that you accidentally drop your phone out of your jacket pocket, making entirely too much noise for such a quiet environment. Fuck.
You hear the girls gasp and shush each other in turn, they know you're out here now. A standoff. You won't be lucky enough to catch them off guard while running towards the pool now. It will be a fight to the death then.
Time is ticking down, and the two twenty year olds are still sitting in the nursery. You pace back and forth, knowing your hands are tied. After a few minutes, you turn your back to the room to take a quick glance into the pool; the little girl was in there with the torch in the gathering spot, and one man is circling the perimeter. The man that had arrived with Aguni. You couldn't allow the two girls to get past you to the gathering spot. But you also couldn't let the girls die, and the man get to the gathering spot. Your victory was in a precarious position now.
Without warning, an unfamiliar weight hits you in the back, sending you and another person sprawling to the floor - one of the girls. Standoff over. You saw a brief flash in the blue light emanating from the pool, she had a knife. A large one. Using both legs, you forcefully kick her away from you and scramble to your feet. You'd almost forgotten about the second girl, until she yanks your gun wielding arm behind you, twisting so hard to get you to release the weapon you hear a sickening pop and cry out.
You're still holding on for dear life to your weapon, so the first girl comes flying toward you in tears, using all her might to slice her knife across your midsection. Whimpering out again and seeing white blind your vision, you know you won't be able to stop the girls from joining the rest of the team. You feel like you're falling in slow motion as the girls push you away from them and move to enter the pool.
Just then, two shots ring out and you just barely see their bodies crumple like used napkins to the floor. Aguni.
"They can still win, Aguni," you sputter out to the man, "all he has to do is make it to the center of the room with the little girl." As luck would have it, the man was too curious for his own good. He came storming out of the pool room, the door opening to allow the air thick with humidity and chlorine to blast you in the face. Aguni stood waiting for him with his gun raised, the man looking at him in shock. Right, they were friends or something. You're having a hard time keeping your eyes open to watch what's happening as the pool of blood beneath you grows. You aren't exactly a doctor yet, but you know that's not good.
[Two minutes left]
You can hear the two men throwing punches above you. Someone's gun goes flying across the room, ricocheting off of the glass wall that looks into the pool. You spend a solid minute trying to push yourself up to sitting, you need to help Aguni. Your stomach turns when you hear the sickening crack of the man hitting Aguni in the head and sending him unconscious to the floor. The man turns to limp slowly back into the pool. Fuck. They're going to win. You and Aguni will die.
[Thirty seconds left]
But your rifle is still laying on the floor next to your hand, and you don't want Aguni to die because you chose to give up. You still haven't confessed your love to Chishiya. You haven't seen your brother one last time. You wanted to live.
Your adrenaline allows you to pull yourself all the way up, charging into the pool room. The little girl must have left the safety zone to help guide the limping man to the middle of the room. A true miracle. You raise your rifle for what you hope is the last time, and pull the trigger without hesitation to drop the man to the ground.
You realize then that the little girl could win alone, being the last of the gatherers alive. She realizes too, and starts running back towards the torch. Your vision starts to blur with tears and the static that tends to accompany passing out as you watch her little legs get closer to the circle. You allow your body to collapse once more to the floor, there was no way you were going to kill that girl. It was time to accept your fate.
[Time is up, the gatherers failed to gather with their torch in the time allotted. Game clear for the persectors, congratulations] You felt hot tears start to cascade down your cheeks. You cried even harder as the red laser shot down from the sky, you knew what that meant without even looking. Thank goodness you couldn't look. Your breaths were beginning to feel shallower, you were losing too much blood. But Aguni would get to live, you hadn't let him down.
You don't know how long you lay there after being given the game clear. Your shoulder is 1000% dislocated and your bleeding hasn't stopped. You try to drag yourself towards where you knew Aguni had fallen in the hallway, you were the only two survivors. Assuming you didn't bleed out on the floor. The pain from your shoulder and from the jagged slice in your side cause your vision to blur once again as you work on dragging your exhausted body across the floor. You try in vain to call out, your voice coming out a gasp. You feel your head swim and your world go dark.
"You did good, little one," Aguni tells you, lifting you into his arms gently, "Time to get you back to your brother."
You can feel yourself slipping in and out of consciousness, but have just enough energy within you to weakly cough out, "Chishiya."
♤ ♡ ◇ ♧
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sanemiss · 3 days ago
Sanemi is Jealous (of your friends Tomioka and Obanai)
If she can get past your deplorable character, she's all yours.
+ short bonus Sanemi comforting you while crying
+ bonus Obanai/Sanemi ~friendship
Part 2: Sanemi has a Crush on you- and asks for advice (ft. Obanai and Tomioka)+ confession
>fluff, fluff, fluff
>slight angst //v short & it is not central to the story
Sanemi really thought he could not hate Tomioka even more, but here he is. The whole hashira group is laughing at something you said, loud laughs bursting and echoing around the room. Ugh, that always happens, ever since you got here.
He can't help but stare at Tomioka and his stupid fucking laugh, his face lighting up in your presence, so close to you, evidently the closest person to you, as if you were complementary parts of the same piece. Sanemi feels like he could smash his dumb fucking face through the wall right about fucking now.
"Punch him already or calm the hell down. I can feel you vibrating", Obanai observes his friend distantly.
You're all having a little gathering with food and drinks, just to take your minds off of trauma, missions, or recovery. To relax, just for one moment. Of course, it was your initiative, strongly supported by Mitsuri and Tengen, both who then dragged everyone else to the event without leaving room for a "no".
"I fucking hate being in the same room as this guy. Fucking Tomioka and his little fucking friend who forced us to be here."
Obanai would normally agree, he hates gatherings. But he gets to see Mitsuri outside of work, and maybe he could even talk to her today. Or maybe he's just repeating the words you told him in order to convince him to come. You've been bugging him to make a move for some time now.
"She's pretty cool, you know? The new girl", Obanai comments absently.
"You're such a fucking idiot, shut up."
"Aw...", Obanai says mockingly, "is Shinazugawa upset that the new girl is friends with everyone but him?"
"First of all, I'm gonna fucking kill you. Second of all, what, you consider yourself her friend now? As if!", he scoffs.
"Actually we've been spending most of our evenings together for more than two months now."
"Wow, have a great fucking wedding, then", Sanemi barks and searches for an exit with his eyes but he would have to pass by the entire group of loud people. He knows they would make a fuss if he tried to leave. Annoying.
Obanai is amused. Is this dumbass actually jealous or something?
You guys truly became very close. As loud and outgoing as you seem, you are very much like Tomioka on the inside. Gloomy, hanging from a deep, heavy emptiness. One night, you finally dropped the mask and let Obanai see this version of yourself, and your vulnerability gained his trust. Hell, he could relate to your intricate emotions so much. This grew into a connection that he'd never had before, where now he actually feels so safe that he openly talks about himself, where he actually trusts someone, a woman, and even has fun. But you guys are basically like siblings now, you even swear at each other, lovingly but harshly.
"Hey, guys! Can we sit here? All the other seats are taken", you're almost excusing yourself, because you know Shinazugawa doesn't like Tomioka and you're pretty sure he's not that fond of you either.
"Yeah, sit down, we were just talking about you", Obanai says cheekily. Sanemi wants to shove a fist into Obanai's face.
"You were?" You're slightly worried.
"Shinazugawa here wants to be your friend, it seems", Obanai responds, playing dumb.
You can sense Tomioka get uncomfortable, holding his breath. The air is now thick and cold and screeching. Awaiting an explosion.
Suddenly, Sanemi breaks the anticipation by sending Obanai flying right through the outside wall, an explosion of thick smoke rising and blocking everyone's sight. You could only hear the sounds of Sanemi trying (and failing) to attack Obanai again and again.
Well, people are pretty impressed it took so long for a fight to break out today.
Life continued as usual for another 3 months. Trainings, missions, trainings, missions. You had no time to rest, your free time didn't sync with neither Tomioka or Obanai and the lack of connection with the people you can be yourself around has been getting to you.
You just drop to the ground. You feel so physically and emotionally exhaused, so stressed and so incredibly alone that it all starts to feel unbearable. Loneliness starts tearing at your heart and in no time, it's starting to rip it. Spiriling under the night sky, you're crying cascades, the heaviness in your heart growing and moving through your entire body, your senses blinded by exasperation, pain, fatigue.
"Hey, hey, what the hell, look at me, y/n."
The presence sends shivers through your body, immediately embarrassed that someone is witnessing this.
"Hey-", you wipe your tears and you see Sanemi's face, worried and alert at the sight of your breakdown.
He's squating, holding your hands tightly, his eyes turning into a deeply kind, caring gaze.
Instinctively, you try to force a smile, "Sorry, it's okay, you don't have t-"
He pulls you in a hug, to his chest, and now his big, tough, warm body is shielding you.
"It's okay, I got you", the powerful, deep, yet calm voice reassures you. His chin is gently pressing on the crown of your head, holding your body firmly with one hand while carefully patting your head with the other.
"-anything right, you fucking idiot?! If you're so high and mighty and better than us then why can't you even take care of her?!"
The screaming outside has been going on for a couple of minutes now, only to finally open the door and see Tomioka- just having arrived from his mission- staring, confused, at a screaming Shinazugawa.
He sees you coming behind Sanemi's back and makes the kind of eye contact that translates to "Help, what the fuck is his deal now?"
"Hey", you say loudly, trying to cover the screaming, hoping that if you start talking normally, the screaming hashira would just stop. "Good to see you're back, Tomioka! How was the mission?"
Sanemi is taken aback, then yells "Fine, whatever! Do whatever you fucking want, idiot!", then storms away.
He's furious, fuming, could tear the entire world apart- so he's going training.
"What the fuck is up with you now, Shinazugawa?", the familiar voice interrupts his determined walk. He doesn't need to look up to the tree, where the sound came from, to know who it is.
"Not in the mood. Unless you wanna fight."
Obanai shrugs, climbs down the tree, takes out his sword. "Sure, let's go."
After around an hour of sparring, Obanai tries again, "So are you gonna tell me what happened?"
In-between metal clinks and dust rising up from the heavy steps, he says, "I just hate incompetence. You'd think trusting someone to be your boyfriend or whatever would mean they'd actually be worth it."
Obanai stops, moving out of the way right when the blade was about to strike "Huh, what are you talking about? Who has a boyfriend?" The thought that it could be Mitsuri passed his mind for one second and it honestly made him want to fucking burn and die. But no way, why would Sanemi be so bothered by that?
"Stop being stupid, you know fully well I mean y/n and fucking Tomioka."
Obanai remains stunned, and with the risk of getting decapitated, he throws his blade to the ground and starts laughing so hard he's basically screaming, so loud and wide that he even risks his bandages to rip.
"Oh my god, Shinazugawa", holding his stomach from laughter, "I knew you were fucking stupid but this is incredible", wiping off his tears.
Sanemi's growing a new thick layer of confusion and anger, still charging attacks at a defenceless Obanai who just casually avoids his increasingly violent attempts.
"I didn't know you were such a sensitive, jealous loverboy", his laugh picks up again.
"What, you can't stand Tomioka being close to her?" he's enjoying this childish torment so much. "I thought she was my girlfriend though? What happened with that? I thought you had a wedding planned for us, no?", not even landing a slash on Sanemi's face would feel this satisfying, this is the most fun he's had in his entire life.
Eventually Obanai's empathy wins. "Okay, okay, stop. Listen to me, loverboy", he chuckles. Sanemi's veins cannot hold onto his face any longer, the angrier he gets the more satisfying it is for his sadistic friend. "Okay, okay, listen-".
"Tomioka is not her boyfriend, no one is her fucking boyfriend, okay? If she can get past your deplorable character, she's all yours."
Part 2: Sanemi has a Crush on you- and asks for advice (ft. Obanai and Tomioka)+confession
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cyber333angel · 1 day ago
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a/n : there is plot to this but we lose it very quickly due to smutty yap i fear, soo much longer than usual, abby is very much of a meanie in this, some manipulation and a dash of hair pulling.. enjoy!
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it was was time to get over her. you decided after weeks of crying over your now ex girlfriend it was time to move on, you knew abby wasn’t sitting around crying over the relationship so why should you? you saw peoples stories, abby drinking at parties and already flirting with a bunch of other girls so it was no use to cry over someone who wasn’t even thinking about you.
a friend of yours had invited you out to go to some frat house that lived near your campus to cheer you up but all you could think about was abby. abby always took you to parties that her hockey jock friends threw, abby was the one who had you sat on her lap while she made you take long swigs of her beer that she knew you didn’t like and abby was always teasing you in front of her friends with all her comments about how she had you screaming just last night. but you were going there to get your mind off her not to think of her, so you shoo’ed those thoughts away as you made it to the party with a plastered smile on your face.
so far it had been going good, you had a drink in your hand as you swayed faintly to the rowdy music playing on the speakers and you talked to a friend you knew, having the most fun you’d had in weeks.
all to be ruined when your eyes turn to see the woman you were trying to heal from this whole time, walking in with her arms on the shoulders of some girl. laughing as someone hands her a cup of beer, you really didn’t want to ruin the vibe, didn’t want to get upset. so your eyes flicker away from the scene, hiding amongst the crowd of your friends and talking to take your mind off of it.
but even for such a large house the place felt so small, everywhere you went abby was there, being obnoxious and showing off. it’s something you always complained about when the two of you were together and she would always wave it off, taking your mind off of it in a random bathroom with her fingers stuffed up your dress and her hands clasped at your mouth. you needed some space to breath so you walked up the stairs of the house to find a bathroom or just a empty space to breathe in. you found a room that’s decorated and fitted for a frat guy but it will do. you go to sit down on the bed, sitting with your cup as you played with the fabric of your dress. just breathing as you listen to the sound of the music and the bustling conversations of the people below you.
you were just sobering up when abby saw you sitting there on the bed, still cute as ever with the same sheepish behavior. she sees you before you see her, and she missed teasing you oh so much. you sigh when your eyes connect to hers and the woman of the hour is already looking at you with a conniving grin.
you roll your eyes as you get up to leave when abby finishes talking to whoever she was entertaining and walks into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. “you’ve been avoiding me all night baby what happened?” that nickname was all that was needed to piss your off further, “im not your baby, don’t call me that. please move i need to leave.” referring to the door that abby was currently blocking and not making any effort to move from.
“you know I miss you..been thinking about you ever since you left, you know im sorry.” this was not what you needed to hear tonight, not right now while only on the verge of sobering up and getting over her. you knew exactly what she was up to, abby would always talk to you in that sweet tone when she wanted something from you and you would fall for it every time. it’s exactly why you found the courage to finally leave when you did. “that’s what you always say abby, I left because I was tired of forgiving you over and over.” you say shaking your head, stepping back when you hear abby walk closer to you, all the space in the seemingly large room running away from you as you bump into the bed and abby holds you close.
“just one more chance hm? promise ill be good for you sweet girl.” her body guards you fully, she must have started working out even more since you left, her arms were so massive looking. the proximity was forcing you to take in her intoxicating scent and become drunk all over again. even though you wont admit it, you missed the scent of abby, it was always what you needed after hard day and coming home to lay on her was all you needed. “abby..” you use your last (but weak) attempt to not give in, pushing your head away from her with a whine. “missed this pretty face.. give me one kiss yeah?” she says hooking a finger under your jaw, making you look up at her, smiling when you meet her eyes. “there she is, i know you missed this too mama..” she says, her hands finding the globes of your ass as she lowers her head down to yours.
she kisses you so softly at first, sucking at fat of your lips keenly and with gentle hesitation, but it was clearly an act when she starts kissing you more and more roughly. sliding her tongue deeper down your throat and moving her hand to your waist with the other hand to your neck just to taste you deeper. you automatically melt into abbys hold, months of trying to forget her all down the drain while you take in what you missed so much. “let’s move to the bed kay?” and you nod slightly into her chest, smiling when she lifts you and has you sitting on her lap while she sits on the bed. “arms up.” you don’t falter to raise your arms up, letting abby lift up your shirt and leave you in your bra, letting her take control.
she kisses the skin of your breast that’s spilling out of your bra, warm hands holding your waist close to hers. “missed these too..” and she manages to make you laugh like she used to, “abby!” you say as she bounces her right leg under you. “i can try something else right angel? wanna make you feel good..” and at this point you can’t even think of denying her so you nod, letting abby handle you and move you to the spot in between the pillows of the bed. laying you down with her body in front of your closed legs, peeling them open with her arms as you attempt to hide in the fabric of your shirt, watching her from above. she just handles you so naturally that everything was done without words, tapping your hips with her fingers meaning for you to lift your hips so she could slide your panties off, not so subtlety putting them in her pocket.
now your all spread out for her, already damp from the kissing as your legs fidget over the bed. “anyone else been between these legs since I was gone, try to please you like I can?” you wouldn’t do that t’me would you baby?” she’s acting possessive already and you only just went back to her, but you could care less with how good you knew you were about to feel. you shake your head no quickly as you look at her with needy eyes, “didnt see anyone else abs..only you.” you were completely under her spell and she hadn’t even touched you yet, placing her hand under your chin to smooth her thumb over your cheek, smiling down at you.
“yeah i know you’re my good girl, could never find someone to make this pretty pussy feel good like I do huh?” she whispers, tilting her head to the side as her hand travels down to your cunt, sliding them over your glossy bud slowly. in this moment you wouldn’t think abby could ever be mean, she had the most beautiful smile looking down at you while she pushed the tip of her fingers into your hole, teasing them in and out as your stomach tensed. “you know you have to be quiet right? walls aren’t that thick here and you know how you get..”
but there it was, the mean girl you had forgotten about suddenly making your mind all anxious, because you do know how you get when abby has her hands on you. you let her lay you down with her sweet words and promises without thinking. when your with abby you could never keep your voice down, weather it was your broken moans or pants her hands could never hold them in. and there was a whole crowd of people below you maybe you should take a pause on this, “mm wait abs..” you whine, a nervous croak leaving your throat.
her fingers slide in deeper into you as you writhe, back arching off the bed a bit as you feel her two large fingers stretching at your hole. “you know it’s too late for that, look at how wet you are..” her whispers getting quieter as she dips her head to your lips, kissing you with her fingers prodding so snuggly at your walls. her other hand trails along your body, pinching at your nipples all the way to the back of your head, supporting it so you could reach closer to her.
mewling when you feel a harsh pull at the back of your head, whining into abbys mouth as you hands fly to hers. of course she wasn’t pulling your hair that hard, just enough to alarm you and make you pay attention to what she had to say. “you love me right baby? hm, need you to say it for me..” she sounded desperate almost, a pouted look on her face as her fingers sped up. a third finger prodding at the two already twisting and turning inside you, you could almost cry. “mn lo-love..” you really couldn’t focus with her pressuring you like this, every immanent thing in the room zeroing into your mind. the darkness of the room along with the blue led lights that lit it up, the perfect scene with the music bumping below you and of course abby.
you get pulled back when abby stops kissing at your skin, her breast stop resting against yours as she props herself up. feeling a harsher pull on your hair and the loss of her soaked fingers in your needy cunt. “need you to speak up mama. you love what? love my fingers or my tongue, what is it?” demanding you to speak, and making you so needy for her fingers to be back inside you it’s like you could almost say you did love her fingers. “no i love you abby! love you s-so much..”
god could she get inside your head, you were too busy cumming all over fingers to even notice the smile on her face. “i know you do baby..missed this pretty pussy too..” your hips shook against the bed, grabbing at anything you could get your hands on in the moment. the comforter, the pillows, abbys biceps, she was still thrusting her fingers into you with her thumb circling at your sensitive clit. “oh i know, my good girl is feeling so good huh?”
abby had pulled a good two other orgasms out of you that night, one with her rubbing her pussy against yours and the other with her mouth. she probably could have got more if the two of you weren’t interrupted by a knock on the door, apparently the party was about to be over and you had made such a mess all over a bed that wasn’t even yours, you were mortified to say the least. she teased you about it for a whole week and it made you so embarrassed everytime, always bringing up the look on your face when you heard the bang on the door while she was snickering. though the mission of getting over abby failed, you got your girlfriend back and you couldn’t be happier.
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solarismoons · 2 days ago
Mr. Martin rowing away with Janet is so ominous…
His acting is SO great. His mannerisms and the way he speaks is so perfect. “We deserve this.”
“It makes me sad.. That we couldn’t have gone to any of these places together.” NO one can tell me Maddie doesn’t like Wally as much as he likes her. That girl is in love.
I genuinely didn’t expect everyone to be right about Yuri and Charley! They recreated that pottery making scene!! I did not expect them to get freaky, but i’m NOT complaining.
IM GONNA SCREAM. The way Wally hooked his finger in her bra strap??? My heart is actually beating so fast..I know i’ve said this before, but the tongue is INSANE.
I love how the ghosts are having sex with each other while the living kids are literally crashing out.
I really wish we saw Quinn going into her scar for the first time… I really wonder what it would’ve looked like.
IM ACTUALLY CRYING. I did NOT expect to see Milo’s bare ass today, but DAMN… My jaw dropped to the FLOOR.
“It’s kind of hard not to think about everything that’s waiting for me here.” Ugh, don’t make me cry today PLEASE.
I’m a little surprised there was no talk of Maddie begin a virgin, since that seemed fairly important to her in the first season. I’m not complaining at all though, because WOW..
“Oh, god! I’m gonna need to guys to peel yourselves off each other and come down to the library stat.” The way Maddie nor Wally didn’t even TRY to cover up is killing me. They genuinely don’t GAF.
They were planning on torturing the other ghosts?? This just keeps getting worse and worse the more we learn.
“I’m glad it was you, too.” Please don’t make me like these two together…
‘Notice of suspension’??? God, i feel so awful for Simon. I never even thought of how this affected him. He’s missed so many classes countless times.. What about his future? He flunked that one college admission interview, too. If anything bad happens to Simon, i’m throwing a tantrum.
Oh my god… Poor Rhonda. I love her so much. Knowing she was alone with Janet and Mr. Martin for so long is just so horrifying.
I didn’t expect Dawn to be so involved! I love how she’s really not stupid or airheaded. She’s just a little eccentric. I’m so glad we got another scene with her.
This show is honestly a horror movie at this point… ‘Mr. Anderson’ being soaking wet, covered in mud with his head gushing blood walking around with a fireplace poker is terrifying. My heart is beating so fast.
Mr. Martins manipulating Janet is infuriating. I don’t even have the words to express how much I hate him.
Poor Quinn! I feel so bad. “I died knowing that everyone was mad at me.” My baby 😞💔💔.
“You can’t just leave me now.” STOP. I love them so much it hurts so bad.
I really didn’t expect Simon and Maddie to argue but it was bound to happen.
“Is this because of Wally?” I called it. I fucking called it. I KNEW this was going to come up. Kristian’s acting always gets me. I love Simon so much.
Patrick Gilmores acting is amazing. He somehow even sounds like Mr. Martin and it’s terrifying. Also, he’s lowkey hot and i’m not sorry for saying that.
Mr. Martin forcing Janet into the hellscape made me sick to my stomach.
This fandom is so smart it blows my mind. Everyone said Mr. South must know more about the scars than we had thought. I kind of thought he was just being melodramatic, but the more we saw the scars I changed my mind.
Everyone was right about the scar being Mr. Martin’s. This makes a whole lot more sense. The woman could’ve been his finance, considering the fact that we haven’t seen her before.
This episode was genuinely insane. I still haven’t even fully processed anything.
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catiecat1320 · 1 day ago
New Fic!!
To ten million fireflies (I'm weird cus I hate goodbyes)
[3162 words]
(Embeds are broken TvT)
There's a weird bridge over the pit of grief that Shadow has been stuck on since he failed to die in the Eclipse Cannon's explosion. As much as he wishes to cross it, he finds it grows wider, deeper, the more he runs. One day, Sonic finds him. And for all the stupidity that the hedgehog has displayed, he seems to know exactly the remedy that Shadow needs.
(AKA, Sonic takes Shadow to his cave and helps him process Maria's death by painting a mural of her)
Title from Fireflies by Owl City!
Read Below🔽
For as little as he knew about hedgehogs on Earth, Shadow was fairly certain that they don’t belong in trees. By that same logic, he shouldn’t be in a tree either, especially when he could barely climb it.
The rough bark tore at his gloves as he pulled himself up higher, his only goal to get off the ground. Put distance between the thing causing him so much distress, or at least the thing he thinks is causing it. He’s desperate enough to hope it’ll work.
He doesn’t stop until he’s sitting on the highest bough, breath stuttering with exertion as he hugs the trunk for stability. The waxing moon, its broken half a jagged sneer, looks down on him and he screws his eyes shut.
This high above the world, he hopes his mind stops trying to get him to believe in the unreal. It was tiring to deal with.
He was stupid to believe that. The world bends to fabricate a gentle touch, wind blowing a branch to brush his head kindly as if it could comfort him. The tree wraps its arms around him and coaxes him to lay his head against her body. It’s almost real when she sings, soft and protective, a lullaby that soothes his soul and hurts his heart.
Tears slip down his muzzle before he registers that he’s crying. Attempts to choke down his tears only prompt them to fall faster, and soon enough he’s sobbing for no reason at all.
He lets go of the trunk to swipes at his face, the night air he’s rapidly drawing into his lungs stinging as much as the swaying leaves snapping at his face does. He shudders— bad move. In an instant, his balance is thrown off and he pitches backward, too late to readjust his position.
With a panicked yelp, he grabs at anything nearby, only succeeding to break a few twigs too weak to hold him. His fall is rather painful, the tree limbs that��d helped him climb up now his enemy as he’s smacked around like a kickball to meet the ground he was so desperate to escape.
The ground, in turn, greets him by knocking the remaining air out of his lungs. For a moment, Shadow could do nothing but lie there, barely breathing, tears still trailing through his fur, pain radiating through his body. 
He’ll heal; he’s always been good at that. It’s the way the broken moon taunts him through the gaps in the towering trees, the way the silhouetted branches claw at the nightscape in his vision, the way the stars still shine just like they had 50 years ago, that causes him to shove his palms against his eyes and let out a guttural wail.
He isn’t sure how much time passes before someone comes upon his pathetic form. He knows they’re real by the footsteps pausing on the grass, the hesitant exhale as they search for the right words. At that point, he couldn’t care less about keeping his usual serious persona. He just wanted peace. 
“Go away.” His voice is far weaker than he hoped, rough from excessive crying. He thinks it’s still pretty threatening, all things considered, but his words seem to mean nothing. The mystery person walks right up beside him and sits down.
It’s Sonic, isn’t it?
Of all people. He isn’t sure whether to be annoyed or be glad. His suspicion is only confirmed by the sound of nervous tapping, indicative of the hedgehog who can’t sit still.
He presses on his eyes so hard, flashes of color replace static black. “Go away, Sonic,” he forces through gritted teeth. “I know it’s you.”
There’s an impressed huff. “You know I can’t do that. I heard you, y’know. You’re hurt. I wanna help.”
“I don’t need help.”
A soft warmth wraps around his wrist and tugs at it, a gentle suggestion to stop trying to force his eyes out through his ears. Shadow begrudgingly lifts one hand and peers at Sonic through a cracked eyelid.
Everything’s blurry, but it’s hard not to make out the distinct silhouette of the hedgehog leaning over him, and even harder to ignore the green eyes glowing with hints of neon blue. He thinks Sonic smiles at him, but that is hard to tell in the dark.
“So, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he mutters. He moves to cover his open eye again, but a surprisingly strong grip stops him. 
“Tell me the truth,” Sonic whispers, that childish lilt of his the only thing stopping his tone from veering into forceful. It’s enough of a threat to be unnerving, however, and Shadow can’t stop himself from clenching his free hand where it rested on his head.
He takes a deep breath. “I’m just… missing her. That’s all. Now leave me alone.”
“C’mon, Shads,” the other pouts, back to his annoying self. He shakes the wrist he has in his grasp, causing Shadow’s hand to flop around. “I’m serious. I wanna help.”
“You can’t help everyone.”
“But I can help you.” Sonic shifts where he sits at the same time he folds his fingers into Shadow’s. The rather intimate action confuses the latter, and that was the only reason he obliged when Sonic urged him to sit up.
He can’t deny that seeing the blue hedgehog brighten made him feel better. “Fine,” he breathes, hoping that whatever they were going to do wouldn’t take too long. His agreement is awarded with a toothy smile.
“Awesome! C’mon, I gotta show you something.” Sonic pulls him to his feet, walks 180-degrees around him, then meets his gaze. “It's just this way. I think. You’d think I’d know where the place I lived in for ten years is, but it’s actually really well hidden. I did a good job hiding, if you’d believe.”
Their hands are still interlaced as Sonic walks him through the forest, rambling quietly as he guides them over stray tree roots on an arguably convoluted path. At some point his voice melts into background noise to Shadow, its pleasant cadence soothing his turbulent mind like a blanket on a cold day. It reminds him of how tired he was, having consistently woken himself up over the past few nights and thrown off his circadian rhythm.
He almost doesn’t notice when they stop. If it weren’t for Sonic’s hold slipping out of his, he wouldn’t have known. With his hand suddenly empty, Shadow snaps to attention and looks up to a reassuring smile. “You ready?”
Crimson eyes flick around their surroundings before settling back on emerald. “You just led us to a different part of the forest.” A pause, considering past words. “You…”
“Lived here? Yeah.” There’s an edge of melancholy to Sonic’s voice that Shadow has only heard when they sat on the moon, back when it was still whole. “Before Tom and Maddie got to me, I lived in this cave.” He beckoned the other to follow before he ducked into a well hidden entrance.
The dirt beneath them was packed tight from years of a hyperactive hedgehog bouncing around on it. Its surface was just smooth enough that some of the moonlight peeking in from another hole in the natural ceiling reflected off it, creating a dim ambient light on everything else.
It was enough for Shadow’s eyes to adjust to the dark and still be able to see clearly. Enough to notice that the place was quite barren except for the two hedgehogs in it and the plants slowly reclaiming the space. It didn’t seem lived in, much less lived in by Sonic. He’d expected… something more akin to Maria’s blanket fort. Cozy, filled with toys and other fun distractions, overflowing with personality.
Sonic must have noticed his less than impressed reaction and nudged him, taking him back to the present. “I know what you’re thinking. Sonic? In this tidy space? Impossible.” The bad impression of Shadow’s voice lightened the room in a way both were grateful for. “Okay, it used to be a lot more cluttered, I’ll admit. Tom and Maddie took everything out when I moved into their— our, now— house.”
Sonic took his hand again, gently guiding him over to a wall overtaken by jutting tree roots and draping greenery. “It makes more space for this I suppose.” He brushed aside the plant cover to reveal a colored drawing in a childish style. In the dark, it was hard to make out some of the details, but the stars of the artwork were clear— an owl and a hedgehog, sitting side by side on a crude loop-de-loop. The hedgehog was familiar though the owl was not; however, Shadow could infer who they were from what he knew.
“You and… Longclaw?” The name caused Sonic’s smile to pull tight with an emotion Shadow didn’t recognize, but it settled just as quickly, just as easily, leaving only traces in emerald eyes and a shift in his voice.
“Yeah. I made this back when I first lost her.” Sonic rested a thumb on the owl’s heart, as if he could still feel it beat. For a moment, there was silence, the reflecting kind, good for thinking. Shadow watched Sonic closely.
“Anyway!” The blue hedgehog pulled back, breaking the quiet. Excitement once again bled into his voice, swirling with whatever was there before to create a blend that was… well, there weren’t quite the words to describe it. “This is what I wanted to show you!”
Shadow blinked. “I… don’t understand.”
“You’re missing her, right?” Sonic gives his hand a gentle squeeze. “Making this helped me when I lost Longclaw. I think it might help you too.” 
“But…” Shadow falters, the already weak protest dying on his tongue.
He’s just trying to help.
At his hesitation, Sonic tugs his arm again. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Think about it, alright? I gotta get the things we need anyway.” He gives Shadow’s hand an assuring pat before the latter could protest, then disappears in a blur of neon blue.
Shadow’s breath hitches, quickening by the moment. As much as he argued to be left alone before this, he really needed the company. Being left in a cave in the dark, by himself, was not the situation he wanted to be in.
He didn’t realize he was backing up until he hit the wall, chips of old paint flaking off where his tensed quills nicked the crude mural. A moment of panic seized him as he pulled away as fast as possible, as if he could lessen the damage already dealt.
“I— I‘m sorry,” Shadow mumbles. Irrational as it may be, he felt bad for the two figures painted on the stone, as if he’d hurt them, as if they could feel pain. He screws his eyes shut as he presses against the adjacent wall and sinks to the floor.
That only made things worse, the cold stone sliding in his quills like water, like the fluid in the stasis chamber, and the static black swirling in his vision only reminded him of that time. A punishment, for something he hadn’t done, filled with memories of a time that no one would remember after he was freed. A girl, a man, and grief and anger and—
“Shadow,” a voice calls. There was a hand on his knee, and it was warm, kind. His eyes snapped open and he hissed at it.
Sonic flinched, recoiling. “It’s just me. Are you…? That’s a stupid question, Sonic. Guess I shouldn’t have left, huh? Sorry.”
“No,” Shadow blurts. “Don’t… I’m— I’m sorry. Not you. I just… I can’t. I can’t. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay. Or it will be. You probably don’t believe that; just know I forgive you hm?” Something’s pressed into his palm. He looks down to see a can of… spray paint? He meets emerald eyes quizzically.
Sonic smiles and nods up at the wall he’s leaning against. “Trust me on this one?”
Really, all Shadow could think of is how weird it is to reassure someone and prompt something completely unrelated in the same breath. Sonic works in mysterious ways, he supposed. Maybe…
He let himself be guided to stand, fingers curling tight around the aerosol can. The blank wall before him is daunting and he realizes that he has no idea how to work the spray paint’s mechanics, much less how to actually create something worthy of Maria’s memory.
A hand wraps around his own, and Shadow looks up at Sonic in surprise. All that greets him is an encouraging smile. “You gotta take the lid off first, silly.”
A blush floods into tan cheeks as Shadow pulls the cap off the can, in part due to embarrassment, the other part due to the fact that his and Sonic’s bodies are flush as the latter guides the former through the motions of spray painting.
“You press this little thing and then the paint comes out! But be careful cus it comes out of this little hole here and if it’s aimed at you, you’re going to get covered in paint. Trust me, it’s not fun...” 
As Sonic’s rambles derail into something unrelated, they slip into Shadow’s subconscious, the words no longer comprehensible. He could focus if he wanted to, but it’s so nice to just let it blur. Shadow finds himself basking in its melody.
He almost doesn’t realize when Sonic steps away to let him work, a phantom touch still lingering by his side. It’s not unwelcome, far from it. He finds comfort in the way it follows his every movement, from wide swoops to small dots.
Sonic occasionally hands him another color. He thinks he requests it, but he doesn’t remember ever saying anything out loud. That’s comforting too, the knowledge that the other hedgehog is standing by, ready to help.
As he painted in a human figure, he could almost hear the phantom on his shoulder giggle. His heart squeezes as his hand does on the nozzle. Maria…
Long, straight hair, with a headband decorating it. Blue gray eyes, one marked with streaks of gold. A patterned shirt, because she loved to dress brightly among all the white lab coats they saw every day.
He could see her clearly even after 50 years. There’s a twinge of sadness in him as he realizes he’s likely to be the only one left that remembers her in such a way, with so much love.
Sonic hands him the black paint. He shakes the can and pops the cap, raises his arm… and stops. 
He can’t bring himself to draw his own figure in. Not beside Maria. Not after what he’d almost done to the world she cherished, the world she showed him, the world she called home.
He isn’t sure why Sonic clasps his shaking hand, but he knows when he meets emerald eyes that there was nothing but kindness in that gaze. Shadow swallows thickly. 
He knows that look. The same one Maria never failed to give him. The same one he thought he’d lost forever in that explosion 50 years ago. The same one he stared into on the moon.
“I’m sorry,” he chokes, unsure who he’s addressing it to.
“And I forgive you,” Sonic, Maria, the Earth and the stars, say back.
Gently, slowly, Shadow presses the nozzle and paints a hedgehog to sit beside the girl who gave him everything. Sonic’s right there when he turns around, ready with the red can for the highlights in his quills.
He does not care as much for his own appearance as he did Maria’s. At least, when he stepped back to take in the full picture, moving to stand beside Sonic, it did not seem out of place.
And oh, everything. His handiwork was not the prettiest, though he would say that for the first time he’s tried something like this, it turned out alright. Perhaps one day, he’d be able to do Maria justice with a better version, but something told him that she wouldn’t mind this one.
“It’s so pretty,” Sonic comments earnestly. “Much better than mine is.”
“Don’t say that,” Shadow whispers. He glances at the adjacent wall, at the old memorial made by a hurting child. That child stands beside him now, years older and all the wiser, acting as a lighthouse on the dark waves to a ship enduring the same storm he had. Shadow could not be more glad that he’s here.
Sonic tilts his head in curiosity, opening his mouth before thinking better of it. He meets Shadow’s intense stare with an awkward half-smile when he realizes he’s been caught. 
“What is it?”
He laughs, breathy and hesitant. “It kinda reminds me of… of us. On the moon y’know? The way we sat and watched the sun come up… Okay, not really when you think about it. It’s just… um. Let me stop talking. Heh.”
Shadow studies his painting with new eyes. It’s supposed to be of the time Maria took him outside and they sat in a patch of flowers, looking up at the stars. Looking deeper at it… it is reminiscent of his and Sonic’s talk on the moon. 
“I suppose it does.”
Sonic blinks in surprise, mouth practically disappearing with the way it pinches. It stays like that for just a second before he breaks into a smile. “Yeah. Yeah! I know what I’m talking about. Um. Do you… feel better?”
The way he looks at Shadow is so… so hopeful. Something about the slight shine in his eyes, reflecting the patch of moonlight, something about the soft smile with a gap for teeth to peek through, something about the way Sonic acts just pulls at Shadow in all the right and wrong ways. His composure crumbles.
His knees hit the floor and Sonic surges to catch him, stopping short when a sob claws its way out of Shadow’s throat. His hands find themselves on his face, catching tears as they fall.
He wants to respond to Sonic. He wants to say yes. It had helped. He did feel better. His voice refuses to cooperate with him.
Soft arms wrap around him, and he finds Sonic kneeling in front of him, giving an awkwardly loose hug. He’s nervous, Shadow realizes.
Without another thought, he pushes forward, falling against the other hedgehog. He shoves his face in the crook of his neck, his now empty hands feeling for Sonic’s back. Sonic, in return, hugs him something fierce.
Shadow can’t tell how long they stay like that, him crying desperately into the other. It’s a while before he has the mind to speak, attempting to force out words in between shuddering breaths. “I’m… I’m sorry. I’m…”
“No. Don’t,” Sonic cuts in, rubbing his back gently. “Don’t be sorry. It’s okay.”
“...thankful,” Shadow amends, squeezing his eyes shut. He nuzzles the blue fur that muffles his words and suppresses another sob.
“Thank you. Thank you.”
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ragnarockz · 3 days ago
Some nights if Agnes has had a particularly hard day she either A: falls asleep crying in Nicky's bed alone or B: she grabs his favorite stuffed animal and just holds it tightly
Yeah sure let's answer this a day before I'm set to get my period what's the worst emotionally that could happen?
🫴🏻💳 (just take it before you even start reading)
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Agnes has a lot of 'bad' days in general - stupid people, stupid criminals. Coffee order not right; donut she likes ran out. Traffic, meaningless paperwork and meetings. A song that comes on the radio that reminds her of the first time she ran away from home
But I really think her absolute worst bad days are a). a victim in any capacity that happens to be a child, b). if there is even a hint of homophobia thrown her way and c) Nicky's birth and death dates. That's when I think she goes ballistic and just has those blinders over her eyes in a rage
Whether or not Vidal is in her life yet at this point; she drops off the face of the earth and cuts contact with just about everyone
She's really someone who likes to wallow in her own self-pity and sit in her feelings
Words are useless; stupid things that don't make you feel any better about the past, present or, future
She basically speeds home; throws all her shit down by the door and just stomps off towards Nicky's room
She's a door slammer. Even though Vidal has told her a thousand times she hates slammed doors; Agnes will continue to do so if she feels this low
She climbs into that small little bed and just lays there on her back; his teddy bear hugged into her chest and she just tries to close her eyes and breathe through it all
And it all just stems down to that day at the hospital with Alice and Nicky and knowing in that moment she was going to lose them both; lose the two things in her life that she cared for, that she felt solace in. She was losing them; watching them literally slip away from her in real time
Then her memories blur and she can't remember the funeral no matter how hard she tries. She can't remember if Alice gave her flowers. She can't remember if Evanora attended or not
Then it's just the constant day-by-day of being alone with herself and everything she's carried; all the emotional baggage and all the self hate and self doubts
She hasn't been to the grave site since his death
Alice still sends her a birthday and sympathy card; cards that she hides from Vidal in a shoe box under Nicky's bed
Her past is too heavy and she deems it unfair to hurl it all onto Agent Vidal so, she clams up. Bottles herself
She blames herself for it all. She was too young, too careless. She wasn't the right age or the right person to have a baby and think she could do better, be better than her mother. All of this just to prove a point? To who?
She knows Vidal is still trying to live her life outside of that little boys room so Agnes, can't allow herself to be selfish. She brings that bear up to her face and sobs into it; screams into it
And then she has to pull herself away from that room because that sadness turns into disgust and anger and rage
And she is so fucking angry it makes her stomach boil. None of this should have happened; any of it. Not what happened to her, or Nicky, or Alice or even Vidal
All of them are just left to sit in their shame and their guilt without ever getting resolve
She knows it's self destructive (she's read about it many, many times) and she knows it's not fair to Vidal but I think all that anger she carries she eventually leaves his room and meets Vidal up in their own bedroom and Agnes initiates just, angry and rough and thoughtless to a point sex
If she can just fill the pain inside of her, it would have to do something, wouldn't it? That sinking, disgusting feeling in her stomach would burn off, right?
She wouldn't allow Vidal to touch her. At all. Short, precise words are spoken to get what she wants; to demand what she desires
And Vidal can't take this personally because it would break her too and the love and compassion she has towards Agnes. She hates that fate or destiny or circumstance didn't make her part of Agnes' life until after Nicky's death
Would her presence had changed anything? Would they be closer? Trust easier? Would Agnes open up and tell her everything she knows she can't ask?
Vidal knows a lot more than she lets on as well. She knows about Alice and where she is now; who she's with and what she's doing. She knows about the apartment and where Nicky's grave is even though Agnes has never mentioned any of these things to her
She feels like sometimes she's on the outside of Agnes' life looking in; a dirty window she can only see through a pinprick
Vidal always goes for a drive alone the next morning after those nights. She takes herself to that apartment and sits outside in her car and just pictures a time when Agnes felt maybe even, her truest, fullest self. She questions why she isn't lucky enough to experience that
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pxl8ed · 1 year ago
I got to spend a whole week with my girlfriend and now that it’s over… I wish I could’ve stayed longer… my heart hurts having to leave her like that. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay and be by her side. Sure, we can still face time and call and stuff, but I miss being able to touch her. I miss how soft her lips are on mine. I miss sitting next to her and holding her hand. I miss falling asleep next to her. I miss the feeling of resting my head on her chest and listening to her heartbeat as i fall asleep.
I hate that we are so far apart. I know it wasn’t a “goodbye” and more of a “see you later” but the later isn’t soon enough.
I know realistically that the next time will also (unfortunately) be a temporary visit as well, but I wish it wasn’t. I don’t want to go another day without you in my arms.
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dossei-dossei · 5 months ago
how deal with taidan
#^ crying over saki for the second night in a row#i am Not Okay about the fact her taidan is exactly a year after her pb footage aired on sky stage#bc that was the very last thing where i was like ok yeah maybe saki IS my second fave of all time#feels weird to call her my second fave#shes like basically on par w aasa 😭 idk how else to word itjfhd#idk not the point i am just emotional and sad and will miss her dearly#but also wishing her luck in whatever she decides to do next whether that be in the public eye or not#also just feel so sad about how busy ive been recently 😭😭#was planning on going back and watching all her shinkos and leads that i havent watched yet before the 13th but uni hit me like a truck#and i have not have time 😔#have not had *#sorry if you are reading this 🙏 it is not coherent 🙏🙏 fjdhdjd#idk i was torn up enough over kiwa and this is about to be 4000x worse sofhdhdjd#did watch every sakigumi show in order a while ago w my gf and that was nice at least#idk man im excited for aasas run im sure itll be great im just so not ready to say bye to sakigumi#god if youd have told me when i first got into zuka i would be this torn up over saki leaving i would not have believed you#but here we are#at no point was i expecting to get This Attached to saki but it just kind of happened#aasas fault whatever#fjhdjdhd#sorry none of fhis is coherent i do not know how to organise or articulate my thoughts#idk i love s4kiaasa so much#getting to watch them together both on and off stage for the last two and a half years ish since i got into zuka has meant so much to me#i hope they both continue to thrive and i look forward to seeing what they do next
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tariah23 · 11 months ago
Had an emergency come up at work 😭
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nexttothelamp · 6 days ago
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mauricemylittlemeowmeow · 7 months ago
back in the city. watched It Ends With Us with my roommate.
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jjscrybaby · 2 months ago
thinking about “who did this to you?” and frat!boy rafe 🤭 his girl is always at his frat house and one night at a party, he’s looking for her and can’t find her. He eventually finds her crying and maybe with light bruises on her wrists or something? protective frat!rafe 🥰
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rafe cameron x fem!reader | hurt & comfort | (creepy guy, wrist grabbing, bruising, protective!rafe, mentions of anxiety, sort of shy!reader,)
︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶ ୨♡୧ ︶︶︶ ⊹ ︶︶
The lights were giving you a headache. Topper thought it was funny to repetitively switch the main light on and off, to try and give the room a rave vibe. Most people inside were too fucked up to be annoyed by it, but you weren’t. You’d only had two vodka cranberries, and honestly all you wanted to do was crawl into Rafe’s bed and go to sleep.
During the majority of these parties you’d be glued to your boyfriend’s side, hanging off his arm like a trophy, but tonight was different. You were trying to branch out more, stop being so anxious at these things. Rafe loves a party, and being his girlfriend you should as well. So, for the last hour you’ve been roaming around; making minimal contact with him.
You left the main room with a huff, rubbing your temple as you walked out into the hall. There was no-one in sight, and you let out a sigh of relief that you had a moment alone. You sat down on the floor, leaning your head back against the wall. The door to the bathroom opened and a boy, one you hadn’t seen before, walked out.
“You alright?” He asked, looking down at you in amusement.
“I’m fine, just takin’ a break,” you explained. You didn’t want to speak to him, but it would be rude to send him away; especially with the mission you were on tonight.
“Mind if I join you?” He questioned. You didn’t even get to respond, he was already sitting down next to you. “I’m Parker, by the way.” You introduced yourself, shaking his outstretched hand. “Ah, you’re Cameron’s girl?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, just the mention of him had your mood lifting. Maybe you should just give up with the outgoing thing, maybe you should just go and find—
“You don’t seem like his type.” The statement caught you off guard, all thoughts leaving your head as you looked at him with furrowed brows.
“What does that mean?” You wondered, trying to sound calm.
He let out a hum, as if deep in thought, before shrugging his shoulders and giving you a smirk. “Rafe’s, like, into all this shit, y’know? Parties, drinking, drugs. You’re sat in the hallway alone.”
“Opposites attract,” you shrugged back, picking at the pink nail polish on your nails.
“That is the saying,” he laughed, running his fingers through his hair. “I just think maybe, a pretty girl like you, deserves someone that’s more like her. Someone that would sit with her in the hallway, for example.”
You thought he was degrading you, like the rest of Rafe’s fanboys usually did. But, you realised now that wasn’t the case. He was your fanboy. You let out an awkward chuckle, looking to the door that hadn’t opened since you stepped out. You prayed for someone, anyone, to need the bathroom.
“I’m gonna head back in—” you decided to screw the anxiety, and just do what was necessary.
“Why?” He interrupted. He didn’t sound quite so friendly anymore. “We’re hangin’ out, don’t go in yet.”
“I need to find Rafe.” You tried to stand, but his fingers gripped onto your wrist to stop you. You winced in pain, his hold only tightened. “Get off.”
“No—” your prayers were answered as the door opened, a drunken couple came stumbling through. The sudden interruption had him letting go of you, and you swiftly rushed away.
You ran upstairs, through the corridor of boy’s bedrooms, until you reached Rafe’s. With tears in your eyes, you pushed open the door and laid down in his bed.
It only took ten minutes for the door to open again, you flinched; thinking that maybe Parker had followed you up here, but you let out a shaky sigh of relief at the sight of Rafe.
“Hey, baby. There you are, been lookin’ all over— are you crying?” He interrupted himself, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed.
“No,” you blatantly lied through your tears, voice coming out muffled.
He wrapped his arms around you, wiping your tears with the pads of his thumbs. “Hey, what happened? It get a bit overwhelmin’? You could have told me, you know I’d much rather sit up here with you.”
“Not exactly…” you reached up to move your hair from your eye-line, you realised your mistake the moment that gentle look in his eyes dropped.
“What is that?” He grabbed your arm, not harshly but forcefully. Your wrist had turned a bright red colour, bruises would be forming soon enough.
“Nothing!” You squeaked out, trying to pull your arm away from him.
“Don’t bullshit me. That wasn’t there earlier. What happened?” He demanded to know. You knew he was serious, the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice.
You gave in, tears rolling down your cheeks as you explained to him what happened with the boy. He stroked over your wrist, a moment of silent going over the two of you before he leant forward and kissed your temple.
“Get changed, put on a movie. I’ll be back in a minute, okay?” He murmured softly.
“Where’re you going?” You asked nervously, you were pretty sure you already knew the answer.
“To sort out that fuckin’ kid. No one puts their hands on you, get it?” He stated, pecking your lips before getting off the bed.
You didn’t argue, there was no point. Rafe was too in love with you, if someone hurt you he’d do just about anything to get payback.
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pearlymel · 6 months ago
A dance— Capitano
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Synopsis : your relationship with him grows, and he seems sweeter than ever.
Wc : 3.2k
Warnings : contains NSFW content, fem!reader, reader is mostly called 'wife', he's super sweet, soft sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink kinda, reader wears a dress and heels.
Notes : part 2 is heree! I highly recommend reading part 1 here. And part 3 is out here!
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You've tried creating art, you've tried cooking (with the help of your personal maid, Marina), you've even tried planting.
Yeah, you're a plant mom now. Not only that, you're a cat mom too. Saving the poor kitty from the harsh rain one day, you couldn't leave the poor little one outside. It's mother seeming to abandon it.
All because you have become extremely bored on the days where Capitano wouldn't be here, and he forbade you to even clean your shared bedroom because he thinks it's useless when there are servants present to do the job. (He doesn't want to tire you out.)
Come to think of it, the last time you saw him, he kept avoiding you. Whenever you tried striking a conversation during dinner, he would only hum and nod. Or when you suggested to have another picnic, he flatly refused, and it felt like the hardest rejection to your face.
It's like he had his own mood swings that you had to deal with. One day he would indulge you in the activities you wanted to do, then the next he would refuse.
Like last week.
“I used to do this when i was young.” You tell him with the softest smile to yourself, your fingers working carefully with the flower petals and strings. You were determined to make this flower crown, and you were taking your sweet time just to have him by your side.
Capitano silently listened to your words, his gaze fixed on your gentle movements as you delicately fashioned a flower crown. The air between you was calm, "You have a talent for making flower crowns," he eventually responded, his deep voice breaking the tranquil silence.
"Did you learn it from someone?”
“No… just by myself.” He couldn't help but be impressed by your innate ability to create such an intricate accessory without any formal instruction. "Self-taught." He mused, "You have an unusual aptitude for discovering things on your own.”
You hum back while adding the finishing touches, and he watched your proud display of the finished flower crown.
“this is for kitty!” You smile at the thought of the little one purring with a pretty crown on it's head.
Kitty? Capitano is confused once you start talking about the cat, you seem even more excited when you described how you cuddled with it.
"You just happened to come across this crying feline in the rain, and you brought it home with you?”
“yes! Ah, well… i hope you don't mind.”
“i don't.”
And that was the last of your conversation, and it's been a week since you last saw him.
“my lady,” You recognise the voice of Marina as she knocks on the door, and you grant her the permission of her entry.
You set the sleeping kitten on the fluffed up pillow to reach for the letter she hands you.
An invitation to the grand ball… you read the contents of it, scanning every word as you pull the paper down.
“like a party?” you ask, glancing up at her, "Yes, that is correct. A grand ball is taking place tonight. It's a gathering of the higher-ranking Fatui members and a few... select guests.” she trails off, unsure of what else to add on.
“I can see that this invitation is for Capitano, not to me.”
“lord Capitano doesn't normally attend these grand balls. So my lady, you will have to go instead.” Marina explains this and you feel like you're going to have a headache.
All you wanted to do today was sleep in with the kitten. Not to trouble yourself in some party.
But… if it's for the sake of your husband's reputation, then you are willing to do it.
You hope you don't pass away too quick from your social anxiety.
“Marina, does this really suit me?” You stare at your reflection, and Marina looks at you approvingly, her eyes taking in your stunning appearance. "Sì, my lady, it suits you perfectly," she assures you, "The dress brings out your features beautifully and fits your figure perfectly.”
“and the colour?”
"Oh, yes, the color is exquisite. It complements your skin tone perfectly. You look like a princess attending a royal ball.” and you smile shyly as you take your seat, “You flatter me too much, you know?”
Marina chuckles softly, moving behind you to work on your hair with practiced ease. "It's not flattery if it's the truth. You look truly radiant today." She begins to style your hair, weaving intricate braids and pinning them in place with delicate silver pins.
Though you can't even lie to yourself, you looked absolutely gorgeous, even when you felt a little down since you would be going alone, and you barely knew anyone.
Marina pauses in her work for a moment, her expression becoming sympathetic as she sensed your nervousness. “It's natural to feel that way. But I believe you will be fine. You are strong and independent." She resumes styling your hair, her fingers moving nimbly to create elegant curls.
You smile at her, looking at her from the mirror, “thank you.”
"It is my honor to serve you.” As she finishes your hair, she steps back to admire her work, a satisfied expression on her face. "You are ready, my lady.”
You are ready.
You are not ready.
Because why was everyone's eyes piercing bullets through you as you entered the main hall?
The whispers and murmurs start almost immediately, the guests clearly intrigued by your presence. However, you manage to keep your composure, straightening your back and walking forward with confidence, just like how Marina taught you.
Stay calm they won't eat you, you tell yourself, trying to maintain your composure under the weight of their gazes.
You were here to make friends, hopefully.
You scan the room, hoping that someone would approach you to engage in conversation. Yet nobody, not a single soul, seems to have the courage to do so. The guests continue their conversations and dances, seemingly ignoring your presence.
And so, you find yourself standing alone, sipping on a glass of champagne, feeling lost and slightly out of place.
Well this is boring. You could've stayed in with Kitty and Marina, but at least you get free food. They always taste better, right?
Everyone went silent all of a sudden, but you ignored it at first and continue taking sips of your drink.
But the silence becomes uncomfortable, just what happened to the party?
You turn around, your eyes widening immediately in surprise as you see Capitano walking towards you. Your heart seems to skip a beat as you watch him approach, his presence commanding attention and authority in the room. Capitano stops in front of you, you can't make up what his face must be like right now, but you think he has a stoic expression on his face as he takes in your appearance. His eyes roaming up and down your figure, seemingly appreciating the elegance of your dress.
“husband?” You blurt out, setting your glass aside to greet him.
"Wife," he says simply, acknowledging the fact that you have finally addressed him by that term.
The tension breaks when soft, elegant music begins to play, signaling the start of partner dances in the middle of the ballroom.
Capitano seems to realize this as he glances around at the couples already making their way to the dance floor. He then turns back to you, his expression unreadable as he silently contemplates the situation.
He can see the slight tension in your shoulders, the way your hand clutched at your dress.
"I suppose we should dance, wife.”
“you want to dance?”
"Yes," he responds. "It appears it's customary for couples at these events to dance together." He extends his hand in your direction, gesturing for you to take it. You take his hand, wrapping it gently around his gloved one. His fingers close around your hand, his grip gentle yet firm as he leads you towards the dance floor.
You notice the whispers and murmurs among the guests growing louder. But you chose to ignore them.
Capitano guides you to the center of the dance floor and positions himself opposite you, his hand settling onto your waist, and your hands on his shoulders.
"Do you know how to dance?" You whisper to him, making sure no one listens, and your eyes are on him.
"I may not engage in these social events often, but even I understand the basics of dance." His hand on your waist pulls you closer to him, you follow his lead.
He leads the dance with of assurance and grace, his movements fluid and confident. As you follow his lead and swirl together across the dance floor, your eyes meet his, and you find yourself unable to look away. The closeness between you makes it feel as if the rest of the world has faded away, leaving only the two of you dancing together.
You notice how he seems to turn his head slightly to look at others, mimicking their movements swiftly, it makes you smile to yourself.
His hand on your waist feels warm, almost burning even through the fabric of your dress. It's a strange sensation you've never felt when touching him, despite having already kissed (once) before.
”my dress,” you whisper amidst the graceful dance, “what do you think of it?”
You figured you always needed to give him a little push when initiating things.
His attention drift down to take in the sight of your dress once again. His gaze roams over the fabric, lingering on the way it clings to your figure, and how the color contrasts against your skin.
"It's... " he pauses, you're just wearing a dres, but he finds it difficult to describe what he feels, "Very pleasing to the eye.” he manages to continue.
"You look rather well tonight, as well.”
“Thank you, wife.”
The music suddenly shifts to a slower tempo, and Capitano instinctively adjusts his hold on you, pulling you slightly closer as he continues to dance with you.
You totally ignore how your face is almost pressed up against his chest.
As interesting as the party was, the worst part of was walking back to the estate. Why? Because the carriage decided to break down, or maybe the horses were sleepy, you don't know.
You're glad your husband is with you, or else you might've been sacrificed to the dogs at night, now even ants will fear this big guy.
But what's worse? Your damn heels are killing you. The sides of your pinky toes are already aching that you are sure it will cause nasty blisters by tomorrow.
"Perhaps next time you should wear more comfortable shoes." He stated bluntly, his deep voice betraying no pity for your situation. “but they look pretty, plus i feel elegant in them.” you stop at your tracks, looking up at him with a defeated expression.
"I'm well aware." he says dryly, "But at what cost? You're practically torturing yourself with those heels.”
He's half right, your point still stands. Beauty is pain. And now you'll have to sacrifice your beauty.
Bye bye heels. You slide them off your feet, bow having your poor feet to walk on these rocky grounds. You do feel a little better after, though.
“stay still.” He utters, and you're confused, until he takes your heels in one hand before you feel a shift of your weight off your feet, finding yourself being carried into his arms.
you wrapped your arms around his neck silently, your eyes glancing up at him as he continues walking like he you weigh nothing.
The air around you is peaceful. You feel safe with him, he's not like the scary man you hear from the others. Maybe to others he was, but to you? He was soft for you.
Your head leans on his chest where his heart rested, the beats of his heart makes you sleepy, but you refuse to sleep just like this, you want to spend every single second savouring this feeling.
Capitano carried you all the way to the estate, and through the dark corridors, making his way to your shared chambers.
The soft moonlight filtering through the windows was the only source of illumination, the atmosphere around you quiet.
He gently deposited you back on your feet, you're back home safely.
“thank you.” You whisper, your hands reaching to take the pins out of your hair to let it breath from the scruffy yet beautiful hairstyle, and Capitano starts taking off the heavy layers off him as well, with the helmet out.
You don't notice how one of your dress straps seem to fall off your shoulders, but he notices, and oh did that make something in him stir.
His steps closer from behind you, his hand reaching to put the strap back in place, but instead, he glances at the other strap.
It looked rather lonely being on your shoulder, his fingers delicately sliding the strap down which makes you ultimately still in your place.
Your entire body trembled slightly as Capitano's hands caressed your skin, tracing gentle paths across your shoulders and back down to the zipper on your side. “May i.. help you out of your dress?” His low, gruff voice, asking for permission to help you out of your dress, made your heart beat faster.
You could only nod in response, your voice silenced by a mixture of anticipation and desire. Capitano's touch was meticulous, his thumb and index delicately moving down the zipper with deliberate slowness, prolonging the tension.
Capitano lets out another low hum as he watches the dress slide down to your ankles, now leaving you only in your undergarments. His hands traced the contour of your body, his touch delicate yet possessive. His own breathing became ragged, the sight of you partially undressed igniting a fire in his eyes.
“Will you allow me to touch you?”
The question makes you turn your head, of course he can.
When you don't stop him from wrapping his arms around you, his chest pressed against your back, he takes it as a green light to continue.
His hand first brushed your hair out of the way, to allow his lips to come in contact with the nape of your neck, “you're so beautiful..." he whispered, his hot breath sending jolts of electricity through your core.
“I don't…” he hesitates, wanting to move his hands away, “i don't want to do anything you don't like.”
And your expression softens at his concern, you turn around to take his face into your hands, your thumbs caressing the apples of his cheeks and he nuzzles into your touch, wrapping a hand around your wrist before pressing a kiss to your palm. You further reassure him by littering his face with your lips, giving every empty space of his skin with at least one kiss.
“Allow me to experience this with you, and i shall take care of you till i take my very last breath.” he hoists you up easily into his arms, rough hand under your thighs as you wrap your legs around his waist, he laid you down on the soft sheets, his body covering yours as he looked down at you.
“You occupy my every thought,” he starts, “that it feels sinful to even look at your way.” He leaned down, his lips capturing yours in a searing kiss as his hand continued its exploration, ripping your bra off to cup your breast, feeling your nipple harden under his touch. He rolled it between his fingers, pinching it gently as he deepened the kiss when you gasp, his tongue delving into your mouth, savouring your taste and angelic sounds.
He leaned down afterwards, his mouth latching onto your nipple, sucking it into his mouth and your hands find his ling strands instantly, tugging on them while being careful not to hurt him.
His fingers traced down to your hip, giving them a firm squeeze before ripping your panties off next, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit, feeling you writhe and tense up under him.
It felt like an unknown territory you've yet to explore.
Upon sensing your discomfort, he presses his lips to your eyelids, then to your neck, taking his time until you relaxed, until you started feeling good based off how you were bucking your hips now.
Oh how he wanted to take his time with you, but he was aching so bad that if he continues touching you he might just burst embarrassingly fast in his pants.
“Let me in, my wife.” He gently starts massaging your thighs as he parts them, making you feel more exposed than ever, but he distracts you by softly kissing you again and again while he's unbuckling his pants and pushing them down, revealing his throbbing thick, hard cock.
“Capitano—!” you try to squirm away when you feel his tip push into your tight hole, your lips parting from the way he stretched you open, but at the same time you felt relaxed with his soft whispers of ‘take your time’ and ‘you’re doing well, my wife.’
Your cunt soon takes in every inch, swallowing him whole until you were a panting mess, and you didn't even start.
Capitano then began to move, his thrusts slow and deep at first, letting you get used to his size, to how you feel, to how he feels as he makes love to you for the first time together.
You feel your heart up to your throat and ears, it felt incredible, something you've never felt before, your soft moans echoing in the air along with a few groans coming from him.
He shivered when he felt your fingertips trace the few scars littering his shoulders and back, his dick twitching almost instantly before his thrusts grew faster, more urgent.
His hand reached down, returning back to draw circles around the bundle of nerves, and he could feel your body tense, your walls clenching around his cock as he continued to rub your clit.
“come for your husband,” he breaths heavily next to your ear, and you come undone, your moans filling the room as he felt you milk his cock. He could feel his own release following after, his balls tightening before he slammed into you one last time, spilling thick ropes into your womb, until you were filled to the brim.
Your legs were shaking slightly around him, yet his warm embrace afterwards made you melt, eyelids heavy with him still being buried inside you.
You groggily woke up, still half in a dream-like state, the room bathed in shadows due to the closed curtains blocking out the morning sun.
As your senses slowly returned to reality, you heard a soft meow next to you, and sure enough, your little kitten had made itself comfortable in the middle of the bed. To your surprise, Capitano, who was still asleep beside you, didn't seem bothered in the slightest by the creature's presence.
“pst,” you whisper to your husband who only hummed in acknowledgment of your attention. “Can we go have a picnic this early morning? With our baby kitten of course.”
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Tags: @sayastyx, @nastylilcvnt, @bigboygoose,
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