#because nobody ever took the time to explain those things and anytime i said i didn't know i was treated like i was stupid
nexus-nebulae · 1 year
video essayists who actually fully explain pop culture concepts even if they think they're so widespread that "everyone knows this" my beloved
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star-p3bbles · 3 months
If you don’t mind can you do Matt (Until Dawn) x reader headcannons please?
Hiiii!!!! I'm so sorry this took so long, put in a lot of overtime with work, but here it is!!
Also if it's your first time reading something from me, go give @thebestever16 a follow and check out some of their stuff :)
Lastly, I feel like nobody writes for him so I'm gonna give my all for this. In this edition he never dated Emily, nor did the prank ever happen
Dating Matt Taylor Headcanons
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He's super shy, but behind closed doors or around close friends he can be super affectionate and massive shows of PDA
Tries to act kinda macho but quickly realizes he doesn't have to, so he tones it way down
You are the only person allowed to wear his jacket. If one of the other girls are cold? Absolutely not. One of the other guys has to give up their coat.
But if you look even the slightest bit cold he's shrugging it off his shoulders and tucking it around you before you ever say a word
He loves spoiling you, but in a nonchalant way
Such as
"Oh by the way, I saw this at the store and remembered you said something about wanting it." as he puts down a dress (or whatever you want) you didn't buy because it was so beyond expensive
"Matt, baby, you have to take this back this is too much!"
Or paying before you even have a chance to reach for your wallet
Piggyback rides are one of his favorite subtle ways too
"We've been walking for a couple blocks, and I know those shoes have to be hurting you, want to hitch a ride for a bit?"
One of his greatest talents is the way he can calm you down
Depending on what's going on with you he can either make you laugh or tell you how he feels
If you're down about yourself?
He tells you exactly how beautiful you are, how much he adores everything about you and how much he admires you
He even tells you he thinks he doesn't deserve you
His tension breaking skills are legendary
He's made you laugh during slightly inappropriate situations, but it helped you in the moment
Loves when you come to his games, like his own little private cheerleader
The first time you stole his jersey he melted into a little Matt puddle on the floor
It became his lockscreen for his phone within minutes
Wakes up before you everytime just out of habit, but won't move a muscle until you wake up. Even if he has to pee or something he'll wait.
No matter how chill he portrays himself as, he can be a cheesy lil guy
Like letting you call him Matty, he doesn't care if he gets made fun of by his friends, he loves hearing you say it
Not super huge on petnames
Mostly babe or baby
However in the mornings, when you wake up, bedhead and all, it's Sunshine because it's funny to him
Making sure you're comfortable in a situation is very very important to him
He understands, he's been stuck in the circle of peer pressure a few times, so even if he won't stand up for himself, he'll stand up for you in a heartbeat
You're both at one of Josh's parties and need a break? He'll take you out on a walk until you're feeling better or you'll just both head to one of the rooms and chill out
Someone comes up with a stupid idea that you don't want to do and they're pressuring you?
He's putting you behind him and making it very clear to the other to leave you alone
However, if that upsets you, he'll just leave with you. You come first to him. Doesn't matter if he's having fun.
In the game, they said he wasn't "the sharpest tool in the shed", so he loves studying with you, you explain things in a way he can understand better and it really helps him
Yall know his little cheeky side smile?
Anytime he uses some sort of cheesy pick up line on you, that's the smile that comes out, and his cheeks darken a bit
I fully believe this man is a big spoon all the way, never the little spoon
However, his other favorite form of cuddling his laying between your legs with his head on your chest, especially when he's tired from practice or college classes
Speaking of cuddling
Always has his arm around your shoulders/waist or holds your hand
It grounds him, and he just likes being close to you
Also very big on chivalry
He'll get out of the car and basically dive over the hood so he can open the door for you
Another big thing is your health oddly enough
"Babe...you know how much I love you and want you to be happy, but energy drinks are NOT water, and will not hydrate you." "No but it's a liquid." The man is stressed
Would definitely get one of those giant water bottles that encourages you to drink your water
And keeps foods/snacks he knows you like in his kitchen
"I'm pretty hungry, I could definitely go for some (insert favorite food) right now, how about you baby?"
"Matty I know your tricks...but yea...I could eat."
He just wants you to be healthy <3
Body language is something he's always watching too, even if you're acting fine he'll know how you're actually feeling just based on that and act accordingly
He tries his hardest to do date night at least once a week but sometimes it's just you two ordering take out and chilling on the couch
Please reassure him 🥺 he tries to hide it but he gets a lil insecure that he's not being a good partner, especially when he gets busy and can't be around all the time
The first time he said he loved you, it came out of nowhere. You came to one of his games with his friends to cheer him on
When the game was won, you ran into his arms like he had just won the superbowl
As he held you up, still covered in sweat and still in his uniform, that cheeky smile appeared under his helmet guard
"I love you, you know that?"
You couldn't help but smile back, and lean close
"I do."
GAHHHHH,this definitely has helped spark inspiration!!! Once again I'm sorry it took so long, I hope you enjoyed, and if you did don't be afraid to drop more requests into my inbox
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i-need-air · 4 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs.
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Summary: How would Hybrid!Bakugou would react to being adopted by the reader and their domestic life together. Headcanons and believe me, it's a long one... [2k WORDS OF HCS psjxksdj stop me pls] PLATONIC/ROOMMATES HCS, will do a part two later on with continuation and romance cuz 2kwordsbro...
Notes: I love Hybrid AU!s and I want to indulge myself with this. I barely see these in the fandom, so maybe you guys will like it! Also, depending on how it goes, I'm gonna consider making more for other characters, whachu say? Tell me what you thought and I hope you enjoy!~ ♥
Part 2 here!
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× he's a wolf hybrid, and the workers at the shelter warn you that he's feral as you pass by where he was locked
× it seems he was in an illegal fighting ring and nobody could get close to him even if his living conditions now were much better than the hell hole he lived in before
× he growled, scratched, yelled, overall he needed so much help
× normally that would've been very intimidating to you but while the workers tried to push you towards some bunny or dog hybrids they had around, you just froze because the mf said they were considering sacrificing him
× like wHat the fuck?? he's a human being?????? sure he has a tail but what????????
× and you just foken went crazy for a moment cuz you didn't even see him in his cage, he was hiding somewhere under the bundle of blankets he had, probably asleep
× so you just went mental, demanding an explanation because hybrid shelters do not and should not sacrifice a person
× and your increasing yelling just made all the hybrids anxious
× and Bakugou heard everything [who wouldn't]
× i shit you not, the employee tried to explain why
× legit said cuz he's aggressive
× Bitch I'd be aggressive too! I'd bite your jugular off
× course, security was called but you already prepared to call the police, Hybrid Protection Services, your lawyer, your friends, the president, you name it
× and that's when you said you're adopting whoever was under the blankets. NOW.
× always hated the word adopting, but you were looking to give a hybrid a chance since you finally had a spare bedroom in your new apartment
× so like security and the worker just look at each other cuz who tf is gonna be the brave soul to go inside the cage to retrieve Bakugou Katsuki and get rid of you both already
× you're just staring at them like u srs bro? so you just send them to do the paperwork while you decide to go in yourself because you needed to get out of that place ASAP to still contact HPS on this shelter
× security stayed by the door while you hesitantly walked towards the blanket bundle [not so brave anymore] cuz why did that dude have his gun out??????
× but when you approached the bundle and kneeled in front of it you noticed movement
× a fluffy sand yellow tail suddenly came to view and it was big, slowly moving from side to side
× so with the gentlest voice you could muster [after screaming your lungs out moments ago] you tried to talk to whoever was underneath
× you introduced yourself and said you're here to take them home but got nothing, just casual tail movement
× Big Hunkus Brutus Security Guardus™ was getting impatient so he told you to just "fuckin put the collar and leash on the stupid beast" and you just 🙃 fucking excuse u?? while turning towards him
× it was a delicate time and you needed to take it slow, and anyway you knew you'd get that crap off your [hopefully] new friend as soon as possible
× what you didn't expect was the guard to freeze and raise his gun again, but was pointing above your head, not even looking in your eyes
× so you turn and meet a naked chest, scarred, with recent bruising on and big
× looking up you see Bakugou Katsuki, ruffled blonde hair, wild in all directions, red eyes harsh and staring at the guy behind you, only some pants on his form and tail still waving very slowly behind him
× while Chunkus Brutus trembled in place, gun shaking in hands, you were in the fuckin middle of it all
× what you didn't expect is the hybrid to take the collar in your hands and wrap it around his neck, now looking at you, expression still harsh but this time it didn't scream murder [and then grabbed a shirt, thank the heavens]
× progress? making friends? good first impressions?
× na lol you wish but that's spoilers 👀
× the process of adoption went smoothly, and when I say smoothly I mean Robustus Dumbus Brutus behind both of you with his hand still on his gun while all the workers gathered around to see the crazy insane person that adopted The Devil™, the guy that told you about the sacrificing was actually filing the paperwork as fast as possible under the intense gaze of the wolf
× and Bakugou was standing very close to you, btw, like i can feel your body heat close
× he was compliant at first, when you got in the car you started rambling about your house and how he has a room while trying to take the collar off him but he grabbed your hands
× like insanely fast, one blink and firm grip on your hands
× "i ain't gon be your fuckin pet, understood?" he growled at you but made no movement to bolt and run away
× and you just wanted to roll your eyes cuz ok he can kill you anytime but like didn't he get the message when you screamed back there? [also there was this sense of security you had around him or maybe you were just really dumb]
× so when you said you weren't looking for a pet but to help someone and maybe a friend and roommate, he just narrowed his eyes at you
× suspish human, wild doggo no trust
× anywho he took the collar off himself [like extra fast] but you explained that you are going to get him a bracelet or something less degrading since he still needed something with the information tag to have on himself so police will know he's no stray and he wouldn't end in the same craphole again
× journey home was silent, like eery silent
× he just looked out the window intensely, you noticed how he focused on every sign and turn
× you considered asking him questions but honestly with his past you doubted he would even answer so you just started to ramble about your home, stuff you could do around the city [which caught his attention], items you'd have to go buy for him, like clothes, shampoo, any special food, the bracelet
× he stopped looking out the window and just looked at you
× ok he was intensely staring at your side, basically drilling a hole in your cheek with those crimson eyes and it was making you N e r v o u s because making new friends is hard when you're just vomiting monologs, all while driving
× buying things was awkward to say at least, special hybrid stores were rare and for a guy his size it was even more difficult to find anything, which ended up in getting normal clothes and deciding to adjust them for his tail
× while grocery shopping you discovered he actually knew very well what he wanted after a lot of questioning from you
× he finally sighed at your persistent act and just threw stuff in the shopping cart, a surprising amount of spices too
× now for the bracelet part... you decided to spend more on a code that could be scanned to identify him rather than the distasteful ones with name and who owns him
× good thing you planned ahead a long time ago and saved money but you did notice his sharp eyes on you whenever you paid
× and his grunts and judgemental looks at other people with hybrids
× it's as if he wanted to say something, anything, but was stopping himself, which lowkey worried you because from what you heard Bakugou's supposed to be very vocal
× maybe he was glad to be out of the shelter, you know you'd be
× you get home and he follows you to your house, again giving him another chance to bolt somewhere away from you but c'mon both of you knew he'd outrun you so why force him, just let him take his time
× "So this is your room" shook him to the core, legit he just stood silent in the hallway as you presented your house calmly
× sniffing around
× so much sniffing around, tail low while he checked every corner
× once he did decide to check his bedroom, he closed the door leaving you to set everything up
× what you didn't know is that he looked around, shaking with anger
× this is what normal people have?
× sat on the edge of the most confortable bed he's ever had and hoped the idiots of his friends managed to get something like this too
× and the shitshow began when you called him for dinner
× not enough salt, not enough spices
× he was a pain in the ass and as he let go, little by little you started to see him for who he was
× this, this was Bakugou Katsuki, the guy that started to scold you because of the seasoning of the food
× it formed a bond between you, the start of you seeing his real personality
× a Mom™
× slowly started owning the house, although you found it hilarious
× next day you found him cooking breakfast with such an ease it shocked you to the core
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of your
× you just lowkey uwu when you realize he's waiting for your approval as you ate and I swear to you, best pancakes ever
× chest puffed when you complimented his food and this was the first time he mentioned something about his past; seems he had to cook for everyone at the fighting ring he was at, but he didn't mention more
× talking about his past took forever, putting together bits and pieces he mentioned, yet they were so little
× he'd go silent after mentioning his [what you assumed] friends
× if you asked or pressed too much he'd click his tongue or snap at you
× not everything was dandy though; yes, he was a good roommate, but he did have THE attitude
× but not as the people at the shelter made it to be, like he'd snap at you from time to time but it would get better as he'd start to trust you
× ok, ok, hear me out,,,,
× play with his hair
× it happened by accident; you started to have this tradition after a couple of months of living together: movie nights
× he really liked action stuff but both your dirty secret was watching those shitty horror movies and make fun of everyone in them, so every Friday Night was Movie Night
× he just threw himself on the couch and his hair looked puffy and those adorable wolf ears were twitching, you straightforwardly asked him if you could play with it
× [ask if you don't want your hand bit off]
× he scoffed
× silence
× when he nodded and looked away, you squealed and started scratching, just playing with his hair, mindlessly doing so while snickering at the TV when movement caught your attention
× he was wiggling his tail softly
× you guys never mentioned it but now he sits down on the sofa head close to you on a pillow and wait for them god sent scratches; will 100% roll his eyes and scoff at you when you start, acting like YOU want this
× seriously glares at whoever comes inside the house
× has a problem with every single soul since they dirty his home
× you don't notice it first but he finally starts calling your house home and that's the ultimate progress
× boy had a lot of hardships in his life so he appreciates what he has
× yet it is very, very hard to gain his trust at first
× when you finally do though? he's a loyal friend forever
× he's thankful to have you
× will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tell you
× his actions speak for him
× you're part of his pack now
× but seriously wash the dishes or you'll die.
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minniepetals · 4 years
Rose & Thorns: 08
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— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: slight angst / fluff / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au
— word count: 8.9k
— warnings: yoongi becomes feral for a moment, hurt and comfort
╰ part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10
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"Yoongi, w-we have to go."
He saw you, he found you, he met your eyes.
But you wanted nothing to do with him so you ran away towards the only safe haven that was with you at the moment and when Yoongi woke up to find you running towards him at a fast speed, tears waiting to fall from your eyes, he grew angry.
"What's wrong? What happened?" Sleepiness thrown to the side, he inspected you. The basket you had held onto was gone and now the only thing you were holding onto was the cape wrapped behind your back, clutching it as if your life depended on it. You didn't look physically hurt anywhere but you were shaking with fear.
And someone was going to pay for making you that way.
"It's Jinyoung," you whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut and allowing the tears to fall but you quickly wiped them away. "I saw him," you said, "he saw me."
He couldn't ever forget that name, not when that was the same human that had hurt his precious maknae when they had been out on a night patrol, the same human that captured him and took him away, locking him up in their dungeon.
That cursed name.
Jungkook told them about him, at least the short version of it. He liked you.
Liked you.
No one deserved you.
There was something strange about the way Yoongi's silver eyes turning dark and dangerous and it almost scared you a bit.
But that fear was nothing compared to how you felt when you heard Jinyoung calling your name and that was what made you jump, quick to hide behind Yoongi's big self who instinctively went on to sheild you.
He growled at Jinyoung the second he came in sight and the man jumped back a bit at the sight, only to smirk in wonder a split second later.
"Well," he began just as the rest of his soldiers walked up from behind, "I see you've found yourself another dragon, Y/N."
Oh no, you gasped and emerged from Yoongi's shadow to glare at Jinyoung. "Don't come any closer, Jinyoung, he isn't someone you can just take."
Yet despite you saying that, Jinyoung only smiled at the sight of you. "Well hello, Y/N, it's been a while, hasn't it?"
When he took a step forward, Yoongi stepped up again to try and conceal you with a deadly gaze that warned him to not get any closer to you if he even dared to. A once peaceful beginning you were living in and yet you were being tested again. Perhaps fate was and would never be on your side so maybe you should not have been surprised.
One moment you were happy, the next you were forced into the submission of fear all over again.
"Y/N," Yoongi turned back to you and the once dark eyes returned to a soft gaze just for you. "Step back," he told you, voice quiet yet tense, his anger barely restrained at Jinyoung's presence and when your eyes gazed into his with worry and fright, he let out a small sigh. "It'll be alright," he vowed softly as he gently nuzzled against your face as if trying to comfort you in easing the pain away.
"No, Y/N," Jinyoung quickly interjected, disgusted at the sight of the dragon being so close to you. "Y/N, come back to me."
Yoongi's head snapped back to the man who dared to say such a thing. The other soldiers had their swords and spears out, ready to strike anytime if Yoongi made one wrong move, yet it didn't faze the mighty dragon one bit.
But Jinyoung ignored the glare directed to him and instead held his hand out for you. "Come back home to the village, don't you miss it?"
You shook your head. "You'll hurt me," you said, "you'll punish me."
"No we won't." You knew he was lying. Everyone knew he was lying. "Everyone misses you."
Yoongi scoffed while you shook your head again, knowing he could never be telling the truth. He wasn't ever that soft to you and had never once cared for you like a man should have. He only wanted to use you, they all did, him and the soldiers, the chiefs and the villagers.
"Why would they miss me, Jinyoung?" You challenged.
"Why?" He laughed aloud as if he couldn't believe he had to explain such a thing. "You tamed a dragon, Y/N, and now you've tamed another. Who knows how many other dragons you've tamed and that's all coming from a little girl who was once a worthless nobody."
A worthless nobody.
When you were about to fall back down into those dark thoughts, it was Yoongi who growled so hard it sounded like a low roar in the back of his throat. His eyes were like the dark side of the moon as he looked Jinyoung dead in the eyes and like a feral animal, Yoongi was ready to pounce.
The soldiers shouted in battle cries but it was nothing compared to the dark and dangerous warrior side to Yoongi whose single swing of his tail was more than enough to have them all flying back and hitting the trees and ground with hard thuds.
But for Jinyoung, he saved his sharpened claws for him. Jinyoung was on edge, prepared to defend and fight back but even as captain of the soldiers, he was nothing compared to a dragon. Sure he had beat one before but that was only because Jungkook wasn't on full guard. So when Jinyoung ran towards Yoongi with a challenge, Yoongi simply scoffed, letting out an angry roar before he swiped his claws straight upon Jinyoung's face and the man's scream echoed loud through the forest.
"Let's go," was all Yoongi had to say as he turned back to you to have you instantly climb onto his back.
His wings flapped a few time, sending Jinyoung one last glare of warning before flying into the sky, towards the clouds that kept him away from the views of the soldiers so that they wouldn't know which direction he was heading towards in the case that any of them wanted to follow the two of you home.
When you returned, the sky had already dimmed, telling you that the patrols were already back and you were sure they were all probably wondering where the two of you had gone especially when you had no basket of herbs with you in hand.
The looks of concern that filled the clan made you feel anxious but at the same time, it felt a little relieving to know they were beginning to care and worry.
You held your cape close to you while hugging yourself as the both of you ignored the questioning stares and Yoongi flew past them all, landing himself on the grounds of the castle where you slid off of him and he returned to his human form.
"What happened?" Namjoon asked as Jungkook ran up to you, his hands on your shoulders, concern displayed in his eyes while you refused to meet his gaze and instead hung your head low.
"Y/N?" He softly called upon your name, head angling down to try and take a look at you. Luckily you weren't actually visibly hurt anywhere so that was something he didn't need to worry about. "What's wrong, little one?" Still, it didn't make him any less concerned.
You let out a small sniffle and their hearts almost shattered at just the sound alone. Jungkook almost froze in spot but when you laid your head against his chest, he took that cue to hold you against him, feeling so protective in that moment, and gave Yoongi the questioning gaze.
The older dragon hesitated for a moment, watching you carefully before letting out a small sigh. "We met Jinyoung and a few other soldiers," he informed them and that alone was enough to anger the rest of them, especially Jungkook.
But you cut him off as you stepped back from the youngest prince, wiping away your tears as you shook your head. "I want to be alone," you told him.
"Y/N.." He watched you with a conflicted gaze. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I don't care, I-"
"Hey." Taehyung walked up and grabbed ahold of your hand, eyes trying to search into yours yet you refused to give in.
You couldn't understand your feelings. You felt angry but sad. What Jinyoung said was wrong and you were tired of it all. Tired of being used by those villagers, tired of them not ever seeing your worth even when you've already left them, and tired of the fact that they had the audacity to try and take you back only for the reason of them using you against the dragons.
You didn't want to deal with it anymore. You just wanted to be left alone and have the world stop putting you under so much when you gave it your everything. One moment everything was so close to perfect but now there you were made a fool once again.
You wanted to be loved, to be cherished, to know how it felt to be taken care of by someone who loved you but how were the chances ever going to happen when all your life you've had to prove your worth to everyone?
You were tired.
"I'm tired, Taehyung," you stressed the words, voice shaking as the tears formed against your waterline, quick to fall before you could even try to blink it away. "I'm so tired."
"Hey, don't say that," Taehyung consoled in a gentle voice, "Jinyoung's gone, he isn't here anymore. Everything will be alright."
"You say that yet when has anything ever been alright?" You asked him and it crushed them all to see you that way. You were losing hope in the world. "What if Jinyoung comes back? What if the next time I see him, he sends me back to the village and I have to pay the price for saving Jungkook? They won't it let me go that easily."
"And we won't give you up that easily."
You turned at the sound of Seokjin's voice. "Why not?" You queried.
"You're one of us now, Y/N," he told you, "you belong to the clan."
Maybe a part of you felt good to hear that, the fact that you were accepted into the clan, yet another part of you wanted something more. You didn't know what, you just wanted...more.
"What if I was still thinking of leaving?"
You hadn't ever been so blunt, voice so flat they couldn't tell what you were thinking. The question itself made Jungkook feel something drop in his stomach and the silence that followed made you feel as if you were expecting too much, that the hope you had held onto from the moment you woke up after returning with Namjoon was a hope you should have never had.
You were feelings things.
Feeling things for them. Seven dragon princes well respected in their clan, the ones that had once regarded you as an enemy due to you being a human. What was wrong with you? They already had each other and yet here you were, feeling things that should not have been allowed.
"Even if you are still thinking of leaving," Hoseok began, his voice soft and low as if he was keeping his true emotions hidden, "we still wouldn't let that Jinyoung try and take you away."
"You saved my life." Jungkook took ahold of both your hands with a light squeeze and a tight smile that looked too fake for him to conceal his disappointment because his eyes were filled with tears waiting to fall. "I'm not going to let anyone try and destroy the one pure gift that should have been given the whole world from the moment she was born."
"I don't care about it anymore," you said, two drops of tears falling, "I don't care about having the world, I just...I just want it all to stop."
You sounded pathetic to your own self but to them, they wanted nothing more than to make it all better for you. You may have looked pretty in tears but it was breaking their hearts.
"We'll make it stop," Jungkook vowed.
"Jinyoung, he-"
"He won't be back, we'll make sure of it," Namjoon stated.
"What makes you so sure?"
"I've hurt him once but that was just a warning," Yoongi stepped up from where he stood and you turned around, meeting his protective gaze. "The next time he ever dares to show his pathetic face in front of you, you wouldn't want to know what I'll do."
Your lips pressed together as you sniffled. "Thank you," you told him but he shook his head.
"Between you and us, there are no sorrys and thank yous."
"We'll make it better, Y/N." Jimin grabbed your attention to stand in front of you, holding your face in his large hands as he gently wiped the tears on your face. "We'll make it better," he whispered again.
Your brows furrowed slightly. "How?"
He looked up at his mates, sending them a lopsided smile before returning to you. "Trust me, Y/N," he said, "when it comes to being taken care of, as long as you are in a room with people who cares about you and who wants to make it alright again, you will feel better in no time." When you look at him with a confused gaze, Jimin's heart almost fell because you really had no idea what it meant to be on the receiving end. "Come here." He grabbed your hand and dragged you away with the others following just behind.
Jimin sat you down on one of the large sofas where he grabbed a soft blanket to wrap yourself in. The others settled around with soft smiles of their own.
Jimin sat beside you. "First," he said and went on to brush away the remaining traces of tears on your face. "Next." It puzzled you a little at how the first step had been just that and when Jimin opened his arms for you, you blinked and instinctively found yourself silently asking permission towards the others.
But the other princes were all too familiar with Jimin's steps to comforting and making someone feel better. The second step, however, had only been reserved for them or the little dragons. And now you, someone who became special to them without your knowledge just yet.
They beckoned their heads, nodding, smiling, encouraging you to go on.
You hesitated for a moment, gulping quietly, then moved in and had Jimin hold you.
"It's okay," he told you, "make yourself comfortable."
It felt strange but the second you laid your head to rest against Jimin's chest, your emotions began to breakthrough as if that was what you needed the most.
To be held, to be told that it was okay, that you wouldn't make him or someone else feel strange or have them back away. You sought for his warmth more than the blanket. His soft scent, strong arms that held you close to him, the comforting rubs that circled your back.
It was enough to make you feel some type of way.
"Jimin?" You called his name and he hummed in reply. "I think I might cry," you confessed, warning him beforehand so that he could take that opportunity to let you go.
Yet Jimin didn't let you go. He only held you tighter.
"Go on," he said. "Cry."
And you did.
Because no one had ever told you that. Back in that village, whenever the people teased you or bullied you and whenever you wanted to cry, they'd laugh some more or just simply tell you that you shouldn't be crying, that crying made you weak and that nobody wanted to deal with your tears.
You've always wanted to fall into someone's arms and have them be the shoulder to cry on yet there was no one. You were always left to yourself and a thin blanket that barely kept you warm through the nights. Your blanket was the only one that held you when you needed someone.
You had no idea how many times you have cried but it was more than you could count. As you grew up, however, the tears eventually became braver and faded away. Sometimes it'd be too much to bear, however, and you'd return to your blanket and cry there.
Away from them all.
When you first cried in front of Jungkook, back when he was still imprisoned, when he told you that he liked your voice, you had been relieved for a short moment, only to crawl back in fear and wipe the tears away because you were afraid he'd make fun of you if you cried longer.
He never shoved you away though, and what was what you were thankful for the most. Because Jungkook had been the first to accept you for who you were.
And now that his mates have started to grow fond of you, you could only let the tears fall some more.
"You're beautiful, you know," Jimin said in his soft, gentle, voice. "You're smart and sweet, kinder than anyone in this world, the most selfless person I have ever met. You've given up so much of yourself for others even when they hated you and that is what we regret the most in our life."
"You saved my life when we fell down that cliff. You were exhausted and hurting but still carried me with all that you had, staying up nights just to make sure I was alright."
"The little dragons all love you because you are kind and gentle."
"Your smile alone can make someone's day. It's made my day."
"Not only that but you're always so considerate of others."
"You make sure everyone is alright before your own self which can become slightly concerning too."
"You need to take care of your own self too, Y/N. Your health, both physical and emotional, are very important."
"But we'll take care of it," Jimin said. "In the moment when you are weak and have forgotten to take care of yourself, we'll take care of you in your stead."
He was right. As long as you were in a room with people who cared about you and who wanted to make it alright again, you would feel better in no time.
"Y/N unnie! Look!"
You gasped at the sight in front of you, almost dropping the trays of food in your hand if it wasn't for a young dragon to come and help you steady it. You let them take care of it to place it on the table.
"Haeun, is that you?" Your smile was so bright and wide when you saw the little dragoness now turned a pretty little girl.
"Yes!" She giggled as she ran to fall into your arms. "I'm pretty aren't I?" She asked when you picked her up.
"So, so pretty," you nodded with enthusiasm and she turned to the others who still had yet to learn how to shift into a human. With a smirk on her face, she boasted "Y/N unnie called me pretty!"
Choruses of complaints and envy were quick to echo into the nest.
"Not fair, Haeun!"
"I wanna be called pretty!"
"I wanna become a human too!"
They were all too cute for your heart to take and you giggled as you let Haeun back down. Just then, a small dragon had tugged onto the hem of your dress. "What is it, little one?"
"Where's prince Taehyung?" The little dragoness asked.
"He's running an errand for prince Seokjin," you told him, smile slightly falling because the herbs you had tried to collect the day before all went to waste when you and Yoongi came in conflict with Jinyoung and the other soldiers.
So Taehyung took up the job to get the herbs in your stead. A part of you felt bad and you had voiced it out but the princes wouldn't let you feel that way, deeming that you shouldn't be leaving the mountain for at least two more days just in case Jinyoung was still around the area.
You agreed. You had to. For one, you were in fear of seeing Jinyoung again. And two, the guys weren't going to let you even if you refused.
They were cute in that way, their stubborn protective selves who wouldn't let anything else happen to you.
"Aw, I wanted him to see me," Haeun pouted.
"It's okay, he'll be back," you promised.
"Y/N noona, will you be around more often now?" Another dragon asked. "You're helping out both prince Seokjin and prince Taehyung, right?"
"Oh, by the way, did something happen last night?"
"Yeah, I heard the warriors talking about how you didn't look so good and prince Yoongi looked upset."
"What happened?"
You smiled softly at their concerns and picked up the last one that had spoken. "Come here, come up my shoulder," you asked another one.
"But your shoulder.." he trailed off with worry. "Prince Taehyung said to be careful."
"It's alright," you promised, "I'm all healed."
Upon hearing that, he smiled brightly and almost instantly flew up to perch onto your shoulder. Haeun held out her hand and you took it to hold onto her hand. The rest of them followed along at your sides as you walked towards the entrance of the roost, staring out towards the dragon clan before you.
"All you have to know is that everything is better now," you said, "I'm alright."
"So, does that mean we'll be seeing more of you from now on? Has prince Namjoon said it was alright for you to take up two jobs?"
Yet before that, that meant you staying in the clan for good, didn't it?
As you looked out at the sight before you, the wonderful clan that had become a place you never thought you'd call a home, you felt as if things were finally beginning to fall into place. It wasn't all going to be always great, you knew that, but you also knew that if you were to stay, it would be better than to search for another place where you'd have to try and find another place where you could belong in.
So maybe you would indeed stay in the clan.
"I want to stay."
It had taken a few days for you to finally get the opportunity to bring it up but there you were, in the castle and telling them your wish as the sun began to set.
"If you'll let me."
"If we'll let you?" Namjoon laughed. "You were already one of us, Y/N. We were just waiting for you to make your final decision." He smiled when Jungkook tried to hide his bright smile but couldn't possibly do so.
"But I am no dragon," you pointed out.
"You don't need to be a dragon to be one of us," Seokjin said. "We've already accepted you."
"And besides," Namjoon stepped up from where he sat to walk over towards you. His tall height almost made him intimidating but it was nothing compared to when you had first met. Namjoon's eyes were kinder, softer, more gentle. Especially his hold, gentle when he took your hand into his. "Any human that can tame a prince, needless to say seven," you chuckled a little though slightly confused at where he was going, "they are the keeper of the dragon."
"Keeper?" You repeated the word and blinked at how strange it sounded on the tip of your tongue. Your eyes met Jungkook's and the two of you shared knowing smiles. "I am Y/N," you said, "keeper of the dragon."
The two of you burst out laughing, making the hyungs confused.
"What is it?" Hoseok asked.
"It was what I first told Jungkook when I first met."
"Yup," Jungkook snapped his finger, smirking. "The villagers made her keeper of the dragon," he looked at them, "aka me, because she was the only one who volunteered to keep guard of a dragon, the only one brave enough," he walked towards you, eyes never straying away from your sight, "courageous, and kind enough to befriend a mighty dragon."
Upon hearing that, the older dragons smiled knowingly.
"Indeed those are true," Taehyung nodded. "You walked into a clan of dragons and made them all like you."
"It took a while," you pouted slightly.
Jungkook took your chin upon his fingers. "But you did it." His voice was low and soft and you stared at one another for a moment but then you realized how close the two of you were and cleared your throat as you backed away, almost tripping but catching your balance again.
"W-well, um.." You turned back to Namjoon, face flustered and they smirked at the sight but you chose to ignore it for your sake. "So that's it?" You asked. "I'm automatically a member?"
"No," Namjoon shook his head, "we'll hold a ceremony tomorrow."
Your heart stopped. "Wait, what?"
"A ceremony," Yoongi repeated. "You know, the formal and public occasion celebrating an event."
"I know what a ceremony is," you gave him a small glare, "but why?"
"We always hold a ceremony when accepting someone into our clan," Jimin informed. "It's tradition, just like holding a ceremony for when the whelps become apprentices, and those apprentices become warriors and receive their assigned clan roles and any other ceremonies we've held."
"I..." you frowned, lips formed into a cute pout they found so adorable. "I don't want a ceremony."
"Why not?"
"I don't want to be in the center of attention, Hoseok."
"Well then how else will the clan know you've become a member?"
"Um? Announcing it?"
"Exactly," Seokjin laughed. "That's what the ceremony is for."
"Don't worry, everyone here loves you."
"That's not what I'm worried about," you whined and they almost melted into puddles because you were so cute.
The ceremonies were always held in the ceremony hall. It was a large cleared space above the ground just like any other nests, but with ancient pillars that represented the previous leaders of the Clan. If Namjoon was ever to be gone, which wasn't soon, another pillar would be made in his honor.
You went to the ceremonies before, the last one being when a whelp was made into an apprentice. The one who was honored always wore something nice and looked presentable and that was what you came to fear the most besides the attention. After all, dressing up meant the attention being on you.
You tried to back out of it but Jimin and Taehyung wouldn't let you so you had to reluctantly allow the apprentices to help you out. They always helped out the ones who would be the reason to the ceremony being held and now there you were, not ever thinking you'd be one of them with a ceremony held for you.
The moment you came riding one of the apprentice's mentor, a warrior of the clan, the commotion died down as they all awaited for your presence.
You fell from the dragon with elegance and the room grew silent as their eyes widened at the sight of you. You thanked the warrior and turned to the two young apprentices who began to guide you through but everything became deaf to the prince's ears, visions blinded except from the sight of you.
You wore a beautiful dress with the top being white and the skirt a pretty light purple. Two flower embroiders fell at your shoulders where the laced cape both met and ended. The cape flowed behind you as you walked, falling to meet the ground, trailing along the same length as your dress. Your hair was down with a pretty flower crown made of authentic jasmines and pink roses. And your face, your face held onto one of the prettiest smiles they had ever seen and just for that alone, Namjoon found himself asking why he still hadn't asked his mates about what they thought of you yet.
You as their mate.
"Thank you," you whispered softly to the two apprentices once you got close to the hall and they bid you goodbye with little giggles, telling you that you looked pretty one last time.
When you walked on again, finally, you stood in front of Namjoon who was still left frozen in place until your nervous smile greeted him.
He chuckled knowingly when you gave him the look and smiled at you to ease your nerves.
You bowed before him and Namjoon began the ceremony. You had a hand clutched against your chest, still nervous of the whole formal occasion. You've seen the ceremonies before and the ones that bowed before Namjoon were always a little bit nervous but you thought of yourself as a little worse than them. After all, you were a human, possibly the first human to ever have a ceremony held for her as she was being accepted into a clan made of dragons.
"I, Kim Namjoon, leader of the Dragon Clan that protects the East Sky and Mountains, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon us today as we accept a new member into our clan." The words were old and formal, a new one you hadn't heard of yet because no ceremony of a new clan member had been held yet when you were around. Hoseok told you that he and a few others had joined the clan as outsiders as well so it wasn't the first time they've held a ceremony such as yours. He went through the same thing so he understood your nerves to an extent.
Namjoon called upon your first and last name. "Do you promise to uphold the Dragon Code, to protect and defend the Clan, to remain loyal to me and the princes and all of the current members of this clan?"
"I do," you answered.
He stood tall and proud. "From now on, whatever clan you've served before, whatever village, town, chief, commander, leader you had lived under, your old life is no more. I welcome you as a new member. As Y/N, Keeper of the Dragons."
The cheers and welcoming proceeded immediately afterwards and you looked up to meet the eyes of the seven princes.
Keeper of the Dragons.
It was a little different, a little special for your case. After all, you were a human becoming a clan member to the dragons. Possibly the first human to have been able to not tame a dragon, but to befriend one.
And many more.
"Y/N, come here!"
Before you could even process what was happening to you, the excitement in Hoseok's voice had already dragged you away and the next thing you knew, you were running away with him.
"Hoseok-" He quickly picked you up and you squealed as the man jumped off the ceremony hall, holding onto him tightly, only for the two of you to land right onto the back of Namjoon's. You pouted and hit Hoseok on his chest. "Don't scare me like that!"
The man laughed. "You really think I would let you fall?"
"What are we even doing?" You looked back at Namjoon whose eyes were just as beautifully golden as Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung and then you realized, you also hadn't taken a chance to see Jimin's eyes with him as a dragon so you turned around and met a beautiful pair of silver eyes that glowed of the moon.
He smiled at you in response of your pretty smile and you giggled a little.
"We're going back to the castle," Namjoon said and flew on towards their home with the others closely behind.
They led you into the castle, past the living room and in between the two spiraling staircases. You took a left then a right and came upon a beautiful stained glass arched door before you. The colors crystalized in shades of blue and green combined with white, with two large roses on the bottom corners, vines spiraling upwards as smaller roses followed it.
"Whoa," you gasped in awe, "I've never seen this room before."
They shared gentle smiles before Jungkook went on to open the doors.
Your eyes widened even more as you stepped into the room, greeted by an enchanted greenhouse filled with greens and pretty flowers everywhere. A pathway began from the entrance, following in straight until it reached the center of the greenhouse and diverged into two paths leading around the center where a magnificent tree laid, and creating other paths as it circled the greenhouse.
The tree stood tall, its trunks split in two as it spiraled against one another in a twisted way, meeting at the top where the branches made way for the flowering vines to hand from the sky.
A beautiful wisteria in shades of the moonlight. Blue, purple, and pink.
"This greenhouse only allows the princes to walk in," Seokjin said and you turned around with perplexed thoughts.
"But...I'm not a prince," you pointed out. "Nor am I a dragon. How am I allowed in here?"
"Anyone high and important can also be allowed in," Hoseok said.
"But I'm not high or important."
Namjoon chuckled. "I granted you the title as Keeper of the Dragons, Y/N, so that makes you a very important figure."
"Wait," you blinked, "I'm special now?"
"You really thought being Keeper of the Dragons was just a random title?"
Yoongi laughed as he walked over to your side and gave you two little pats on your head. "Being a keeper is a grand job. You serve the clan you have uphold your promises upon with great loyalty and protection. You're a guardian. No one can hurt you now, not if they ever want to. They wouldn't dare to. Not the dragons, not even the other humans who may try to hurt you."
"How did..." you trailed off, even more bewildered and confused. "I don't understand."
"There has only ever been a keeper once is the past history," Jimin explained. "A keeper can only be a human with a pure heart with no intention of hurting a dragon or turning against the clans. The first keeper happened when our clan first came to be, when our very first leader reigned supreme about a hundred years ago. He was the only human our clan could ever trust."
"And now you're here," Hoseok smiled. "When Namjoon began the ceremony and asked for our ancestors to look upon us, the ancestors looked at you and your virtues, they looked into your heart because you are a human, the second one to ever become a member of a dragon clan in dragon history. And being that you are allowed in here, they've accepted you, Y/N."
It was a lot to take in in one day. You hadn't ever expected you'd become an actual keeper after announcing yourself as a keeper to Jungkook when you had first met. And now that you had become one, you could only think back on the times when things were the roughest.
Meeting Jungkook, telling him your endless stories despite him remaining silent, and making your first friend with a dragon that had been taken in as prisoner of your village. You stole blankets, food, and medicine for him. You stole the keys from the village chief for him. And when you had asked him to leave on his own, he insisted you coming to his clan with him.
You were shot by an arrow and the dragon carried you back to his clan where everyone doubted your loyalty and trust. All but Jungkook.
So because of the misunderstood information and doubtful trust, you were sent to live as a prisoner yourself. Prisoner of the dragons where Jimin himself grew out of his cold aura to try and make things a little easier for you.
You grew sick and Seokjin took care of you and through that, you fell off his back and went toppling down a cliff with Namjoon where you and him grew closer trying to get back to the clan.
It was then when things started to look better.
If the leader himself had put faith in a simple human girl, then the rest of the clan, trusting the leader with all their hearts, would try to understand you as well.
You grew so close to the princes and the clan throughout the many months of you staying in the clan, hoping to heal and leave them be once you've fully recovered.
Only to realize that perhaps a home with the dragons was the place where you belonged.
And you guessed you did, looking at the seven princes that stood before you, sharing a soft smile your way and welcoming you in their home with open arms.
You were now a keeper, a true Keeper of the Dragons.
The bridges were built by the builders of the Clan as Yoongi had once suggested, connecting from a nest to another and another and another, creating a much more convenient and efficient way for you to travel around.
It made you feel more independent in that sense, not having to rely on others or take the long way around trying to go from the medicine nests to the roosts or the other way around. And your tasks between being the caretaker of the whelps and Seokjin's apprentice was easier to balance.
You turned around at the call of your name with a small whelp in your arms. "Hoseok?" The visit was quite unexpected and you wonder why. "What in the world happened?" You gasped the moment you saw the large gash grazed upon his arm, a cut so deep, running down in a long line from his upper arm to his forearm. You quickly gave the little whelp to Haeun to run over to him, tears already beginning to brim because seeing any of them in pain had hurt.
Hoseok clenched his teeth regrettably for the fact that he came here but what other choice did he have when Seokjin wasn't in the medicine nest and Taehyung wasn't anywhere to be found? He couldn't fix his self up by himself because he had no clue what to do so you were the only option left.
But now, seeing that he's caused you to look this distressed, he wished he had just fix his own self up instead.
"Where's Seokjin?" You asked him, holding out to touch his hand but Hoseok flinched away instead.
"I was just about to ask you that, actually," he chuckled nervously.
You frowned. "Taehyung went out with Yoongi for something important but Seokjin should have been in the medicine nests. Something must have dragged him away for a moment." You turned back around. "Haeun-"
"I can handle the whelps, unnie! No need to worry!" She quickly declared with a cute salute and you smile softly to show that you were proud of her before turning back to Hoseok and grabbing the hand that wasn't injured, dragging him out of the roost and towards the medicine nests.
Hoseok stared back for a brief moment to find Haeun giving him a playful wink.
That cute little dragoness.
"What happened?" You had him sit on the bed as you went on to grab the many supplies needed to treat him. "Was Jungkook with you?"
"No," Hoseok shook his head. "He's with the hunting patrol that went North. I was on the West side."
"You didn't encounter a few dragons outside of our clan, did you?" You worried.
"Of course not." He said it so casually you didn't know whether to believe him or not. "Also, did you hear yourself?" You looked up at him, tilting your head in confusion. "You said our clan, not my clan and I think that's pretty sweet, don't you think?"
You frowned a little as you take his hand. "Focus," you said, sighing as you take a look at the gash. Seeing that look on your face Hoseok couldn't help but to reach over and place his thumb right in between your two brows, rubbing it for a few second. "Hoseok-"
"Don't frown, little one, it's better when you smile." He moved on to trail down your face where he held you there. "Close your eyes," he told you and though confused, the heat of his hand was enough to trust him so you do it without protest. In doing so, the little tears escaped yet Hoseok was there to brush them away. "You don't have to worry so much, you know, it's just me."
"It's not just you," you said. "You're a prince, Hoseok."
He frowned slightly. "That's it?" He asked almost quietly. "Just because I'm a prince?"
You gave him a small sweet smile that made his heart flutter. "You know you are so much more than just a prince, Hoseok. You're my friend and I care about you."
"Friend..." he whispered, "right."
Yet why had that simple word made the two of you feel some type of way you couldn't quite describe?
"Unnie, are you ever going to look for a mate?"
"I..-" You froze in place at the question Haeun had asked and looked up at Taehyung who looked back at you with a stare you couldn't quite read. "W-what?" You and Taehyung were making the beds of the little ones with Haeun who had grew to know how to shift into a human. You were sure she'd become an apprentice sooner or later and a ceremony would be made in her honor.
"Unnie, you're so pretty, why don't you have a mate yet?" She asked, her pout clear on her face as if she herself was disappointed you hadn't gotten a mate of your own. "Are the dragons just not your taste? Do you not want a dragon mate? Is that why?"
Her bombardment of questions made you flustered.
"I-I don't..-" you cleared your throat as you went on to fold another blanket, eyes now avoiding Taehyung's as he remained silent. "I'm shy, Haeun," you told her. "Someone would have to approach me if anything."
"So you wouldn't mind the dragons?"
You shrugged. "No, why would I?"
You didn't see it but her smile widened as she cast a mischievous look Taehyung's way who, in response, ruffled her head playfully.
"Ooh, then can I be your mate?" A dragon asked as he ran over to your side with glowing eyes. "Noona, when I can shift into a human, I know you will definitely like me!"
Haeun sucked her teeth. "Minho, you're way too young for her."
Yet he refused to back down. "I can surpass the age limit!" He took your hands, stopping you from folding the blanket you had. "When I become an adult and have become a warrior, I'll ask to be your mate again!"
"By then unnie will already have a mate," Haeun said as she poked his forehead, causing the little one to almost topple backwards.
"Not fair!" Minho pouted. "Noona, you have to wait for me."
"No way! You're not strong enough to protect her! I'll be noona's mate!" Another one came running over and the next thing you knew, they've created a whole argument about who would be the one who deserved you the most. You looked at Haeun, shaking your head playfully to remind her that she was the one who started the whole mess and now you would have to go in and stop the little ones from arguing.
"Hey, calm down now," you ordered gently with a giggle leaving your lips.
Taehyung couldn't help but to just stare at you as you went on to get in between the whelps, trying your best to calm them down. It didn't take much effort for you though. After all, the whelps all had a soft spot for their favorite person and although he found himself a little jealous, he couldn't blame them.
You were too pretty and soft for your own good, who wouldn't want to be your mate?
"Hey," Haeun whispered to him as she lightly poked him on the side, gifting him a smirk of her own. "Shouldn't you confess before it's too late? I'm sure the little ones aren't the only ones having a crush on unnie."
"Confess what?" Taehyung rolled his eyes as he sighed, acting oblivious but Haeun only giggled in response.
Who knew little kids knew so much.
But then again, the little girl was right. It was only a matter of minutes before he could truly lose you in the midst of the line of admirers that'd keep growing for you. So when the princes got together later that afternoon, he decided to bring it up.
"The whelps decided to confess their undying love to Y/N this morning," he announced first thing as he settled himself onto the sofa, grabbing a cushion and resting his face against it.
"Don't they always confess their love for Y/N?" Seokjin pointed out with a small chuckle.
"This time was different," he told them, pouting. "Little Haeun decided to ask Y/N when she'd get a mate so the little ones took that as the right time to propose, stating how age didn't matter and that when they grew older, they'd ask her to be their mate and then they went on to debate about who would be more deserving of her. It isn't right, you know," he said, huffing, "How are little kids more brave than the same seven princes whom everyone admires and claim we're the most courageous and brave yet we can't do a simple thing like confessing our undying love?"
The last sentence that came out of Taehyung was what made his other mates freeze in place as if they had been caught. But he wasn't done, not yet. "We all knew Jungkookie had a thing for her the second they came back from her old village but why can't we admit it?"
Jungkook scratched the back of his head, laughing nervously.
"You hadn't admit it either," Jimin pointed out though his eyes avoided the others.
"That's what I'm saying," Taehyung acknowledged, "but I'm admitting it now. I like her. I like Y/N."
The older ones simply smiled at the fact as they began to grow lost in their own thoughts thinking about it all. Taehyung was right, why hadn't they admit it sooner? They were mates and mates told each other everything, sharing thoughts and ambitions. Even falling in love with the same human girl.
"So we agree?" Namjoon asked, looking around at each one of them. "We want Y/N to be our mate?" There wasn't an open response but he knew how they felt by their expressions alone. Thank goodness no one looked like they had opposed to the proposal.
"But what if..." Jungkook began hesitantly. "What if she doesn't want it?"
"Well..." It certainly would hurt that was for sure. But Namjoon wasn't going to let the feeling be left unspoken for any longer. That wasn't how he was. "We'll find out today, won't we?"
They found you in the greenhouse when they opened the closed doors.
You were sat in front of the wisteria tree, back facing them while your hand reached out, gently stroking one of the vines that hung from the branches. It was a beautiful sight they could get used to until the end of time. You looked ethereal under the tree even though it was only your back that they could see.
Pretty flowers laid against your hair from the whelps that had decided to decorate your hair with flowers, saying how you looked so pretty when you had your ceremony and they wanted to create the look.
Taehyung remembered how they all failed at making the flower crowns so they settled with placing the flowers all over your hair instead.
You still looked pretty despite their armature skills, nothing could ever make you look anything less.
"Y/N?" Yoongi was the one who called your name and you turned around, a smile adoring your face as you caught sight of them all.
"Mother told me that the wisteria tree holds memories," you told them as you looked up at the vines again. "That it symbolizes nostalgia, love and bliss, patience and endurance, and longevity."
Seokjin smiled as they took their time making their way to you. "That is the very reason our ancestors decided to grow this tree," he said, taking a seat beside you. "It holds so many meanings and has grown so rare in our time."
"Mother always wanted to see one but she left too soon before she got to see how beautiful the stories always said it would be. It's even more enchanting and divine in person. It's almost a little..magical."
"Well then count yourself lucky because this is one of the last wisteria out of three that's still alive today."
You gasped at Hoseok's words, eyes widened at the fact. "Where are the other two?"
He shrugged, unsure. "Maybe with another clan?"
"What happened?" You asked. "Were they destroyed?" Jimin nodded. "Why?"
Namjoon let out a small sigh. "Human's greed," he said. "They saw something so beautiful they decided to take it for themselves and before you know it, close to all were destroyed simply because they couldn't stand the fact that something so beautiful existed, wanting it for themselves alone."
"You can't really blame them though."
You frowned at Jungkook's words. "Why not?"
His eyes fell at yours, a small smile curling at his lips. "I once did," he told you as he began walking closer to you. "I once thought, why couldn't they just share it with the world? Why keep it to themselves and inevitably destroy it?" You wondered the same thing, eyes never straying from his because of how mesmerizing his eyes were. "But then again, if I were to ever come across something so beautiful, I'd want to keep it for myself as well. For me and my hyungs. So that no one else can have it if they ever sought for it."
His hand touched your chin, tilting it upwards so that he could see you better, afraid for a moment that that would be the last time he could see you like that before the friendship could go into ruins.
"What I'm saying is..." You didn't know why but your heart was pounding hard against your chest, feeling a burst of butterflies fluttering in your tummy as you anticipated his shy, hesitant words. The hyungs held their breaths, even more scared themselves.
"You're beautiful, Y/N," Jungkook breathed, "and I just...I know it'll sound selfish, even greedy, but...I wouldn't want anyone else to have you. I wouldn't want them touching you, hurting you, and loving you. Because I..." He backed away, taking two slow steps backwards with soft smiles on their faces.
Yet the soft smiles alone was enough to have tears falling against your cheeks before you could even stop them and that had them gasping, quick to rush to your side.
"Y/N?" Jungkook called, holding your face to brush away the tears.
You took a moment to hold his hand, laughing a little at your obnoxious self. "Say it," you whispered and he tilted his head. "I want to hear it," you told him.
He looked up at the rest and they smiled. "I like you, Y/N," he simply said, eyes returning to rest on yours. "I love you."
"We all do," Namjoon nodded. Jungkook backed away just slightly as Namjoon took your hands into his, eyes staring straight into yours with a gentle gaze. "We love you but I know words aren't enough to say it. There are so many moments I've regretted back then, treating you horribly because I was so scared to let a human in. Jungkook knew it all along, and I'm sorry it had to take you risking your own health for me to finally open my eyes."
"Namjoon," you whispered his name in a soft tone, "I told you, didn't I? That you're worth all the pain?" You reminded him. "Plus," you said, squeezing his hands gently, giving Yoongi a brief glance before looking back at him, "between us, there are no sorrys and thank yous. There are only I love you," you pressed your forehead against his, closing your eyes and letting the tears fall again, "and I love you too."
"One day, my love, I'll give you the world." He leaned back, held your head to lay a kiss on your forehead, and smiled as he looked at you with the rest sharing the same thoughts and wishes. "But for now, may I ask you, formally, to become our mates?"
You returned the soft smile. "Being your mates would mean that you've already given me the world and there is nothing more I would like than this."
A soft, soft word whispered into the air. Something only shared for the eight of you alone.
"I love you."
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rookie-ramsey · 4 years
Across the Universe, Chapter One
Description: All the medical training in the world couldn’t prepare Ethan for a terminal brain cancer diagnosis.
Warning: Major angst and eventual character death ahead.
Preview: “Ethan? What is it?”
Ethan didn’t meet her eyes. When he spoke, she had to lean closer to hear him. “Glioblastoma multiforme.”
The weight of his words almost took her breath away. Her chest tightened as she tried to convince herself she’d heard wrong. “That’s… that’s terminal…”
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He was always the first one to wake up.
Ethan awoke before his alarm, to the early rays of sun bathing the room in soft golden light. He stifled a yawn and opened his eyes. His body curled around Olivia’s, his arm draped over the curve of her waist, the same way they’d fallen asleep.
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. She’d been living in his apartment for over a month and each morning he still awoke in awe that he got to wake up with the woman he’d been longing for lying next to him.
Ever the heavy sleeper, she remained peacefully oblivious to his gaze fixated on her. Ethan pressed a soft kiss to the back of her head and quietly slipped out of bed. He made his way into the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker. As he started breakfast, he heard the alarm ringing in the bedroom.
A couple minutes later, Olivia shuffled into the kitchen, yawning and wearing Ethan’s shirt from the evening before.
“Morning,” she yawned. She hugged him from behind, squeezing his waist and pressing a kiss to the nape of his neck. “Something smells good. I assume it’s not pancakes.”
“Hilarious. I made eggs.”
“Not as good as pancakes, but it’ll do,” she teased, helping herself to a serving and taking a seat.
“I suppose it’ll have to. I don’t think pancakes will become a reality anytime soon.” Ethan reached into the cabinet and found the bottle of aspirin.
Olivia frowned when he swallowed a dose with a sip of water. “Is your head bothering you?”
“A little bit, but it’s not serious.”
Unconvinced, she watched him closely. “You wouldn’t be taking anything for it if you weren’t really uncomfortable. That’s the second headache you’ve had this week. They’ve both happened early in the morning, too.”
Ethan leaned down and kissed her. “Don’t worry about it.”
“If I were the one having headaches out of nowhere, you’d be nagging me.”
“That’s… not inaccurate,” Ethan admitted.
Olivia rolled her eyes, but dropped the argument. After breakfast, they dressed and left for work. Hand in hand, they walked into the hospital, crossing the atrium and making their way upstairs.
Ethan fought to suppress a groan when they found Bloom already waiting for them. “How can we help you?”
“I just thought I’d drop in to see how the case is going.”
“As expected. The latest test results ruled out several possible causes. We have another set of tests to run today,” Ethan explained as Baz and Tobias joined them.
“Ah. And is there a chance those can be expedited? Our patient’s willing to pay for faster results.”
Annoyed, Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose. “The tests take a few hours. We’re not going to sacrifice quality to save a few minutes.”
“I see. I hope this team keeps solving cases the way you have been, because we have plenty of interest!”
“Fantastic. If you don’t mind, we have work to do,” Ethan dismissed. “Now that we’ve already been sufficiently bothered, let’s discuss the next steps,” he instructed when Bloom left the office.
At the end of the day, Olivia clocked out and found Ethan in his office. He had his attention buried in their patient’s test results and didn’t seem to notice her entrance.
“Ready to go?”
Ethan looked up from the patient file on his desk. Nodding, he set it aside. “Yes. I’m on the verge of going cross-eyed from paperwork.”
“Sounds like you need a distraction.”
“Are you volunteering?”
“Maybe.” She grinned and winked, earning a low chuckle in response. “Let’s get out of here.”
As Ethan stood up and reached for his jacket, he felt the dull ache from earlier returning to his temples. He winced involuntarily.
The motion didn’t go unnoticed. Olivia frowned. “Another headache?”
Ethan shrugged. “It’s from stress. I can’t help but notice they seem to strike when Bloom meddles in our work.”
She gave him a sharp look.  “It worries me. I think you need to have it checked out.”
Ethan shook his head as he slipped into his jacket. “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”
“Aren’t you the one who always says not to ignore any symptoms, because they could be part of a bigger picture?” Olivia countered, gently poking her finger into his chest.
At her adamance, Ethan smiled wistfully. “I should have known you would learn to use my own advice against me.”
“Yes, you should have. And you should get some scans. Even if the scans are completely normal, it helps us figure out what is or isn’t causing your headaches.”
Ethan arched a brow, mildly amused at the sincerity of her voice. “You sound remarkably like me.”
She smiled softly, but the determination didn’t leave her eyes. “We have state of the art MRI machines. Let me do one for you. Even if it shows up completely normal, it wouldn’t be a waste of time since we’d be able to rule out some causes.”
“I think I’ve created a monster.”
Olivia tried not to laugh. “Yes, you have. But you know I’m right."
There was no sign of her giving up, so Ethan sighed in defeat and nodded. “Fine.”
Satisfied, Olivia leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. Ethan leaned into it, deepening it for just a moment before she pulled back and flashed a teasing smile that made his heart skip.
“Let’s do your MRI now while nobody’s using the labs. Nobody would ever know. It would be our not so dirty little secret.”
Ethan rolled his eyes but followed her in the direction of the MRI labs. “Now’s as good a time as any. Might as well get it out of the way.” He followed her down the hallway and to the MRI room, empty this time of evening.
When they stepped into the lab, Olivia closed the door. “You know what to do. Take off anything with buttons or zippers, so… strip.”
Ethan stripped down to his underwear. He sat down on the MRI table and leaned back. Olivia took a seat in the observation room and turned on one of the computer monitors. Then she pressed the button to start the scans.
Seconds later, the machine started. Ethan held still as the machine whirred with noise. “Anything?”
“The image is just starting. And… there. Nice and clear. I’ll take a look and-“ When a spot of light caught her eye, Olivia froze. She leaned closer and felt her heart quicken when she saw an illuminated shape on the scan.
Her silence spoke louder than words. Ethan frowned. “What is it?”
Olivia bit her lip, a hard lump forming in her throat. “There’s… there’s a tumor. Near the back of your frontal lobe. It’s close to the base of your skull.”
Ethan fell quiet as he took in her words. He barely contained a sharp breath. “Print the scans. I want to see them.”
Olivia processed the prints and ended the MRI. Once Ethan slipped back into his clothes, she handed him the films. She met his eyes for a brief moment, but he diverted his glance before she could get a read on him.
Ethan pinned the scans to the backlight and stared at them. Sure enough, a spot illuminated. “The shape isn’t particularly distinctive.”
“You’ll need a biopsy to determine what type it is.” Olivia gingerly rested her hand on his arm and hesitated before she spoke. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I’ll schedule a biopsy and work on determining if it’s operable.”
“That’s not what I meant…”
Ethan hesitated, not taking his eyes off of the MRI films. “I know. But there’s no point in getting worked up until we have a definite answer.”
She tried to take reassurance in his words. Letting out a long breath, she focused on everything she’d learned since med school. “There’s a seventy to ninety percent chance it’s benign. Let’s get your biopsy scheduled right away so we don’t waste time.”
“Right.” Ethan nodded tightly. “I’ll find somewhere else to have it done. I don’t want the entire hospital knowing until I know exactly what’s going on.”
“Okay... “ Olivia slipped her hand into his and squeezed. After a moment, he responded, curling his fingers around her hand. She rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb and looked up, her eyes locking with his. His gaze remained almost unreadable, but she could just barely detect the worry he tried to mask.
Ethan cleared his throat and removed the films from the illuminator. He slipped them into an envelope and tucked it under his arm. “I’ll make some calls in the morning.”
“Alright.” Taking his hand again, Olivia urged him out of the room. Silence fell between them as they left the hospital. Neither of them spoke until they were settled in Ethan’s car and he pulled out of the parking lot. “Are you okay?”
Ethan nodded. “Like you said, there’s a seventy to ninety percent chance that it’s operable and benign.”
Whether he was trying to convince her or himself, he didn’t know.
True to his word, Ethan made some calls and arranged for a biopsy two days later. He didn’t want to get people worked up too soon, so he ruled out Edenbrook and Kenmore and scheduled the procedure at Mass General.
He took days off so rarely that he knew Naveen suspected something when he filed for a day off on Friday, but the older man didn’t push him for information.
The procedure went simply enough, the only evidence of it being the small spot on his scalp that had been shaved and sutured. Once he combed his hair over the spot, it was unnoticeable. Nobody questioned his absence and Ethan planned to keep it that way.
Four days after the biopsy, Mass General called him to retrieve his results. Ethan picked them up on his lunch break. He couldn’t bring himself to open the envelope right away. It was ridiculous, he knew, but he didn’t open the envelope until he got back to his office.
Ethan’s hand hesitated over the envelope seal. He groaned and chided himself. Waiting and worrying wouldn’t change a thing, so he sent Olivia a text before he tore open the envelope and read the paper inside.
Reacting to the message the second her phone chimed, Olivia rushed to his office. She closed the door behind her. Immediately something felt off and the color drained from her face when she took in Ethan’s absent expression.
“Ethan? What is it?”
Ethan didn’t meet her eyes. When he spoke, she had to lean closer to hear him. “Glioblastoma multiforme.”
The weight of his words almost took her breath away. Her chest tightened as she tried to convince herself she’d heard wrong. “That’s… that’s terminal…”
Time slowed to a crawl. Neither of them spoke or moved. Olivia’s head spun as she rushed to him and hugged him tight. At first, Ethan didn’t respond.  After several moments, the tension slowly eased from his body and he leaned into her.
“What else do you know?” she whispered. “Maybe it’s early enough that they can get it removed.”
Ethan shook his head almost imperceptibly. “It’s inoperable. Since it’s grown into the brain tissue, complete removal would never be possible. The only option would be a partial removal and treatments that might shrink what’s left.”
The words left his mouth just as he would have recited them to a patient. But they felt peculiar, as if they carried no meaning. Maybe some part of him didn’t think this was real, or maybe he needed time to process, he didn’t know for sure.
“Oh god…” Olivia let out a shaky sigh and took a deep breath. Determination set into her eyes. She tightened her arms around him. “We’ll get you a second opinion. You never know.”
“Anybody else is going to say the same thing.”
“You don’t know,” Olivia repeated. We can ask Harper. She knows this better than anyone in the country. Maybe she’ll know of something else you can do.”
Ethan shook his head. “No. I don’t want to tell anyone else yet.”
“I mean it,” he insisted. “Until I know what the next step is, I want this to stay between us.” Uncertainty crept into his eyes, but it vanished as soon as it began. He cupped Olivia’s cheek in his hand and urged her closer, stealing a soft kiss. Ethan leaned into it, taking some comfort in the tenderness of it.
“I won’t tell anyone,” Olivia surrendered reluctantly. She gave him one more kiss as he stood up. Before he could leave the room, she touched his hand. “Promise me something.”
“What’s that?”
“You won’t shut me out. I… I know you need time to think about this. It’s… I can’t wrap my mind around it yet, so I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you. Just promise me you’ll talk to me when you’re ready.”
His features softened a little and he nodded. “I promise.”
“Thank you.” Olivia waited until he left the room. Then she found the extra set of scans she’d kept, the ones she’d removed his name from. Anxiety gripped her heart as she tucked the envelope under her arm and made her way to Harper’s office.
 Next Chapter
Note: This is a re-write of my series (under the same title) that I originally wrote in 2019 and never finished. I’m deleting the original one. I have my reasons for putting Tobias on the team and keeping Harper in her original job. Stay tuned!
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sleepysnk · 4 years
Hello, I love your blog! I really enjoyed your Zeke x Y/N scenario where he meets his childhood friend after many years, so I was wondering if I could ask for a soft and cuddly nsfw sequel when they make love for the first time? Thank you so, SO much!
AHH OMG YES YOU CAN. i literally loved writing that scenario, so here is a sequel! i really hope you enjoy! ♡
Zeke x Fem!Reader: Remember Me Pt. 2
Warnings: NSFW
Part 1
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It had been a very long day for (Y/N) and Zeke. They practically spent the whole day catching up with one another about things that happened while they were separated for that long period of time.
Reiner was secretly offended since Zeke practically ditched him for (Y/N). He didn't care though, he wanted to spend the whole day with her. In his favor, they ended up doing just that. Zeke did so many things with (Y/N), they went out to eat, went around town a million times, and told so many interesting stories.
(Y/N) herself was satisfied with the way things were going. She was extremely happy she got to see her friend again. She never thought in a million years that Zeke would come back, or even make an appearance back on Marley.
It was now nightfall. The stars were very bright, and the moon shined over the horizon. Zeke and (Y/N) were on a hill just sitting there talking about everything. He found the spot quite calming, nobody was around. Just him and (Y/N) alone with each other.
"And then I tripped and that stupid dude laughed at me" she said and began to laugh.
Zeke chuckled at the story she was telling. "You should have pushed him" he said and smiled.
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I know! But I didn't have the courage to. Even if I did he would have totally beat the shit out of me" she replied.
Zeke couldn't help but admire her smile in the moonlight. He couldn't deny that (Y/N) was extremely beautiful, she definitely was grown up now, and he found himself being quite attracted to her.
"Remember when we were kids and we used to throw that ball around?" he asked and looked at her.
(Y/N) smiled. "I remember! I would always catch it. I always thought it was so cool to catch a ball for some reason" she replied and laughed.
He smiled. "I remember when we first met in the Warrior Program. I gave you a flower" he said.
She couldn't help but blush. "I remember that day, and then from that day forward we became so close" she said and looked down at the ground.
Zeke couldn't help but smile at the thoughts of them as children. Who knew she was the person he kept seeing in his memories? Even as he got older, he kept having memories of this girl. He just never knew who it was.
"Those were the days" he said and looked at her.
(Y/N) looked up. "I remember the day I went to wait for you. I waited for months, and then you never came back. My mom tried to make me forget about you" she said.
He nodded. "I wish I didn't leave so suddenly (Y/N). I tried many times to come and find you, but I was scolded" he explained.
She stared up at the sky. "Don't worry... I understand now what happened. You're here now! That's all that matters" she said and smiled.
He laughed. "Yeah I guess so.." he said and looked up at the sky with her.
(Y/N) loved the way the stars looked. "It's so pretty" she said.
Zeke looked at her. "We should head back, it's getting kind of late" he said and stood up.
She looked at him and stood up as well. "Come on... let's go back to my house" she replied and began to walk off.
(Y/N) took his hand in hers and began to guide him back to her home. He didn't want this night to end, Zeke wanted to spend every moment with her. He may not stick around very long, but he wanted to have a moment, even if it was short lived.
She arrived at her home and opened the door letting him inside. "It may not be the cleanest. I haven't done my laundry" she said and shut the door.
Zeke looked around her home. "It's not a problem at all" he replied and looked at her.
She looked at him. "Come, let's head to my room and chat" she said and waved him over to follow her.
He followed into her room which had a big bed. He wasn't sure how (Y/N) was still single, he thought for sure she would have some type of man in her life. Zeke was quite shocked when she told him she wasn't seeing anyone. She was so beautiful and extremely kind, how would anyone resist her?
"Zeke? Are you okay?" she asked and broke him out of his thoughts.
He blinked a little. "Sorry.. I zoned out" he replied and came closer to the bed.
(Y/N) was sitting there just looking at him. The air felt heavy between them. "Oh I see. Would you like to sit down?" she asked.
He nodded. "Sure.." Zeke replied and sat down on the bed.
For some reason, his mind began to wander to very lewd thoughts about (Y/N). He wasn't sure why, maybe it was because she looked so hot in that dress she was wearing? Or was it that she had a great body? He wasn't sure but his mind was racing.
"So what do you want to do?" she asked and nodded at him.
Zeke looked at her. "Anything! We can do anything you'd like" he replied and tried his best to remain calm.
She crossed her legs which showed a bit of her underwear. "Are you going to leave anytime soon?" she asked.
He sighed. "I'm not sure being honest. I hope not too soon" he replied.
She looked down. "I see, well if you do, let me know okay?" she said and held his hand.
Zeke was feeling a frenzy go through him. Her hand felt so soft, and he wanted to see what other parts of her body were soft.
"I will for sure" he said and smiled at her.
Zeke held her hand for a moment. He stared into her (e/c) eyes, they were still pretty. That's when the two leaned in and kissed one another. It was very passionate, and it caused Zeke to have a rush of pleasure to his cock.
"O-Oh.. I'm so sorry-" he cut her off by kissing her again.
Zeke hovered over her and looked down at her. "Don't apologize... let me make it up to you for leaving you so long ago" he said and began to kiss down her neck.
(Y/N) felt shivers go down her spine as Zeke continued to kiss down her body. "Z-Zeke.." she said.
He stopped at the end of her dress. "May I?" he asked and looked up at her with lustful eyes.
She nodded. "Yes.." she replied and watched as he lifted her dress.
Her underwear already had a pool forming from the kisses he left earlier. She was practically soaking wet at this point.
She sat up and removed the dress revealing her breasts. Zeke stared at her chest as it was rather bigger than he expected.
"S-Something wrong?" she asked and nodded.
He chuckled. "No not at all (Y/N)... just admiring the view" he replied and gave her a kiss.
Zeke went down to her pussy which was now throbbing. She hadn't been ever touched like this by any man, she only really did things to herself.
He ran a finger over the fabric covering her pussy. She jolted a bit at this touch, which made Zeke a little surprised.
"You're so sensitive.. I barely touched you" he said and looked up at her.
She shivered as he removed her underwear revealing her wet clit. Zeke was astonished at the view, the sight alone made him so turned on, he wanted to just ravish her right there with zero foreplay.
(Y/N) opened her legs a little wider so he could see more. He ran his fingers along her clit. This sent shivers and goosebumps along her skin. Zeke ran his fingers in circles sending pleasure throughout her body.
He noticed her behavior. "Have you ever been touched like this before?" he asked and looked at her.
She bit her lip. "No... only by just me" she replied and looked down.
He blinked a little, she was a virgin too? He was a bit surprised that no man had her in bed. He did feel a bit of pride since he was most likely going to be her first.
"I'll be gentle.. don't worry" he said and went back to her heat.
She felt his hot tongue against her folds. (Y/N) never felt this before, and she wished she would have a lot sooner. Zeke rubbed her clit around as he licked along her sensitive bud.
"Zeke..." she moaned out in pleasure as he continued to ravish her.
That only made him want to do more, the beast inside of him wanted to be released. (No pun intended).
He stopped and looked into her eyes. "Do you want to continue?" he asked.
She nodded. "Yes..." she replied and breathed out a bit.
Zeke stood up and unbuckled his belt. He wanted to make sure she was okay with going forward, he didn't want to do anything without her consent first.
He removed his cock which was twitching a bunch. (Y/N) was a bit surprised at his size, it was bigger than she expected. He stroked himself a bit and walked over to the bed.
"Are you ready?" he asked and raised a brow.
She looked at him. "Yes" she replied and opened up her legs.
Zeke positioned himself to enter her. He ran his cock along her folds before entering her. He groaned in pleasure at how tight she was, (Y/N) felt pain and pleasure at the same time.
He noticed her expression and leaned down to give her kisses. "It's okay... you'll adjust" he said and held her hand.
After some time the pain began to fade, and as he moved around (Y/N) saw stars. She looked into his lust filled eyes.
"You can move now" she said.
He nodded and began to thrust a bit at a slower pace. She moaned a little as he did so. The way her walls felt around him made him go crazy, he wanted to go fast, but he didn't want to hurt her.
He began to pick up the pace and open her legs more. "Z-Zeke!" she cried out as he thrusted into her.
He leaned down to kiss her. "That's right (Y/N)... tell me how good it feels" he whispered and nipped at her ear.
She put her arms around his neck. She felt waves of pleasure going along her stomach as he moved into her.
He ran his hand down to her pussy, and began to circle her clit while fucking her. "Right there!" she said and began to scratch at his back.
Zeke knew what spot he was hitting, and continued to thrust into it. (Y/N) was beginning to feel a knot forming in her stomach, she was close to her release. She was becoming noticeably needy, and her legs were starting to shake a little.
"Z-Zeke! I'm going to-" she was cut off by her orgasm hitting her hard.
Zeke felt her walls tighten around him. "You like that huh?" he asked.
She was feeling overstimulated by him thrusting into her. Zeke felt himself beginning to get close, he was starting to twitch inside of her.
"Cum inside me please..." she cried out and looked into his eyes.
He was a bit shocked, but as she wished he came inside of her. She felt his hot ropes shoot into her.
"Fuck... (Y/N)!" he yelled as he came.
After panting heavily, he removed himself from her. She lied on the bed with his cum dripping out of her. He stared down at her, and helped her sit up.
"You wore me out" she said and began to giggle.
He sighed. "Yeah... you did the same for me" he replied and wiped the sweat from his head.
(Y/N) gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you though... I needed that in a way" she said and smiled.
Zeke lied down on the bed. "The night doesn't have to end here" he said and held his arms open to her.
The rest of the night was spent with cuddles and soft words.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
A Date with an Angel // Part Two // Hidan and Obito
“Order whatever you want; I swiped the old fuck’s credit card so dinner’s on him!” Konan panics at this, and refuses to pick up her menu until Hidan takes out his wallet and proves that he was just kidding. Today was Hidan’s turn at entertaining the lovely little lady, and he had originally intended to take her to a heavy metal performance at bar downtown (he was friends with the lead guitarist so they would have gotten in free). However, after he informed Nagato of his plans, he was met with a disappointing “Konan hates heavy metal.”, so he decided to take her to dinner instead. She seemed entirely suspicious when he approached her earlier (wearing a dress shirt and tie instead of his usual dirty muscle tank and ripped sweatpants), but nonetheless agreed to go with him to a quiet little cafe a few blocks down from the house. Konan has never really known what to make of Hidan. He was just slightly older than Deidara, but (in Konan’s opinion) ranking much higher on the “immaturity” wheel. He’s been nicknamed by the rest of the group as “Mr. Never-Dies”, because no matter what happens, what job he takes on, how badly he’s hurt ... he just keeps getting back up. One time he came home with blood running from the crown of his head and flowing into his boots, but rather than let anyone take him to a hospital, Hidan took out a needle and made Kakuzu stitch the gash on his forehead. No painkillers, no alcohol, not even any flinching. Anyone else would have been substantially messed up after such a heavy blood loss ... but Hidan was just fine, in fact laughing and talking like nothing was amiss. He’s extremely foul-mouthed and has a thing for telling dirty jokes, but today, on his date with Konan, he’s making a great effort to restrain himself. Hidan wants very badly to put his arm around her waist as he walks along beside her, but resists as he knows Nagato will tear him a new asshole if he makes her in anyway uncomfortable. He’s at a loss for what to talk to her about, so he simply asks her how she’s feeling. There’s a pause, and she goes “I’m not really sure. I lost my mood ring yesterday.” He bursts out laughing, so hard that she blushes. “That’s pretty damn funny, lady.”Konan tilts her head in surprise; nobody had ever complimented her humor before. In fact she’s usually told that the few jokes she does make are very flat, or somewhat dark. Fast forward to the cafe, where Konan is surprised again that Hidan asks for a table that’s “quiet”, and pulls out her chair for her. The waiter comes back and Konan is amused by the amount of food that Hidan is ordering. When it’s her turn, her mind is a blank, so she just orders the last thing he said (which was spaghetti and meatballs). “That’s all?” he asks, as the waiter collects their menus and leaves. “No wonder you’re so slender.” She asks him how in the world HE’S so skinny when he eats so much, and he explains he has a fast metabolism, like his mother. Konan is interested; she’s never heard him mention his family before. As if reading her mind, he says, “Me and those guys just don’t get along. They wrote me off as a brain-dead bastard when I said I wasn’t goin’ to college.” “College isn’t everything, you know. People have to do what’s right for them.” Hidan agrees, and begins telling her his much he enjoys working for Nagato, and the type of jobs they do. It’s interesting; when you got him away from the others and in a calm, quiet setting, Hidan was ... normal. Normal and actually very charming. And although he never says it out-loud, Konan gets the strong impression that Hidan has come to consider the rest of the group as being a surrogate family. Then the food comes out and Hidan turns into a different creature altogether. He eats much like an animal, viciously and indiscriminately. But instead of being disgusted by this, Konan ... feels relaxed. There’s an unspoken feeling here, that with Hidan, she can let go and be herself. She doesn’t have to worry about looking pretty, or eating daintily, or acting “like a lady”. In fact Hidan orders them ice cream sundaes for dessert,
then challenges her to see who can eat theirs the fastest. Hidan ends up winning, but they end up with a horrible case of brain-freeze that leaves them both paralyzed for several moments ... yet laughing pretty hard. Even though Konan ate far less than Hidan, she feels quite stuffed nonetheless and mentions this to Hidan, who immediately offers to give her a piggy back ride home. She hesitates to accept; it’s a ways home and Konan feels she’s not the lightest woman in the world (especially after a big meal). But he insists, and she lets him hoist her into his back and trot back to the house with her. They laugh and joke the entire way, with Hidan making numerous comments about how light she is and how good she smells. “That’s one thing about living in a house full of guys for so long; I got so used to the smell of ass and dirty socks and Doritos that I forgot there’s people in the world who know what the fuck deodorant and shampoo are!” Konan laughs so hard at this that she slips off Hidan’s back and lands on her knees in the grass, holding her stomach and howling. Seeing that she likely won’t calm down anytime soon to grab onto his back again, Hidan picks her up and carries her in his arms the last two blocks home. He sets her down gently outside the front door, telling her how much fun she is to be with, when she throws her arms around his shoulders, squeezing him. “I can’t remember the last time I laughed this hard,” she says as she lets him go, wiping tears from her eyes. “Thank you.” He hesitates, then leans down and very gently kisses her cheek, before telling her that she’s welcome to hang out with him anytime, because “I’ve got a million more jokes, doll, and I’ll gladly tell ‘em all to you.” He walks her to her room and chances giving her another kiss, this one on the forehead, before bidding her Goodnight.
“Can I ask you a question?” “Yeah?” “When we’re at home, when we’re around the others, why do you wear that thing?” It’s the next day, and Konan is at a bar (ironically, the same one that Hidan wanted to take her to the previous day) with Obito. Out of everyone in the house, Obito is the one that strikes Konan as being the most mysterious. To begin with, the day she met him he was wearing a unique orange half-mask over his face ... and never took it off. She questioned Nagato about it but he seemed reluctant to speak on Obito’s unique fashion choice, and none of the others acted as though there was anything strange about it. He joined he others for dinner each night but seemed to prefer sweets to actual food, and he was quiet. Nagato told Konan that Obito was more or less his right hand man within the organization, and had helped him recruit the other members. Obito never spoke to her unless she spoke first ... so naturally she had been surprised when he approached her as she was coming out of her room, and asked if she minded joining him for “a quick drink”. The bar, like everything else, was in walking distance of the house; but Obito took her on the back of his motorcycle. It was a short ride but an exhilarating one ... and it got even more exciting when, upon entering the bar, Obito glanced around, saw there weren’t many people, and took off his mask. He found them a seat at a table near the back, and ordered them both a glass of wine. Konan had tried her hardest not to stare at his face ((which was difficult; aside from a few jagged scars on the left side and what looked like a damaged eye, he was quite handsome)) but eventually he caught her looking, hence giving her the bravery to pose her question. Obito paused for several moments, as if contemplating what to say. “Why do women wear makeup? Why do people dye their hair or get piercings or tattoos or wear crazy clothes? It’s because they have something about themselves that they don’t like, so they try to cover it up. I don’t like my face. I haven’t since my accident.” Konan blinks, genuinely surprised at Obito’s answer. She chances it to ask “Accident?” He gave her a wry smile and ordered himself a shot of whiskey (and her an ice tea) saying he needed something stronger to tell her about it. “When I was a kid, my parents liked to go rock climbing. Took me with to National parks every summer. One year my dad got drunk and took me and my mom up a dangerous path. He pulled on a rock the wrong way, and it came out of the mountain, along with a bunch more, and crashed down on us. Really long fall; mom and dad killed right away. But me ... I guess the devil decided he wasn’t done with me. A boulder crushed this entire side of my body, and my face got fucked ... but I lived. Had to go to a lot of physical therapy. Also had to go live with my uncle Madara — that guy’s a piece of work. But anyway I lived and here we are, right?” Konan is quiet for a long while, watching the ice cubes float around in her glass. “I like you like this,” she finally says, and this time she’s looking him directly in the face. “I understand if you want to be someone different, or like, if you feel like your mask makes you different, but, if you ever want to be THIS Obito ... please come to my room. We can talk, we can listen to music and eat junk and watch movies and talk about books and —“ Obito interrupts her by putting both arms around her, squeezing her warmly. “Thank you, Konan.” They stay for another few hours, and Konan is pleasantly surprised to find that Obito without the mask, Obito away from the house ... is fantastic. He teaches her how to play pool, he keeps her laughing with countless stories about growing up with his “crazy uncle”. At one point in the night he convinces her to join him at the karaoke machine on the stage, and the two sing duets of Disney songs (to the thunderous applause of the few people at the bar).The ride back home is mostly quiet, him driving slower this time and her holding on to him, each filled with their own thoughts. Before they get to the front
door, Konan lifts Obito’s mask just the slightest bit, and kisses his cheek. “This is the best night I’ve had in a long, long time. I appreciate you letting me get to know you.” He smiles and blushes, then slides the mask back into place before opening the front door. Some of the others are in the living room, and Obito quietly greets them before heading to his room. Konan was awed by how effortless the switch from animated and somewhat goofy to reserved and calm seemed to be for him ... and found herself wondering if any of the others were putting on a facade as well. She takes her shower and goes to her room, intending to go to sleep early, but after about an hour of restlessly tossing back and forth, she gives it up. She turns her light back on and picks up the remote to her tv, thinking that maybe a good, boring show will put her to sleep. But before she can find anything, a knock comes on the door. She goes to open it, and is surprised to find Obito standing there. “I saw the light underneath your door. Can I come in?” She takes him by the arm and pulls him inside. Once inside, he slides off his mask and, looking around, finds a seat for himself on one of Konan’s chairs. He opens up his jacket to reveal a small book, worn and obviously read many times. “I saw you reading this last week. I remember you telling Sasori that you finished it. I was wondering; what did you think in Chapter seven, when —“
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jeonsblackgf-writes · 4 years
ONE PLUS ONE || 2 ||
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✨Summary: Trials and tribulations of Vinnie and his gf
✨pairing: Vinnie Hacker x black!OC
✨genre: agnst, just a little bit tho, but it’s fluff at the end
✨word count: 1.6k
I really like this so I may make it into a little mini series.
Rhey's heart dropped as she started at Vinnie with wide eyes. He only sighed and ran his hand through this curly hair. Those words that came out of his mouth put her in a bad position, and she didn't know how to react to it. She was scared.
Vinnie was her entire life and the thought of him leaving made her feel some type of way. Anytime she left the country or state to tour, he was always with her. He never missed one tour. It's hard to be away from your significant other for a certain amount of time if you were always around them before. It's like a fish without having water, she couldn't survive. With her being a huge star like Billie and Ariana Grande, it was hard to find a steady foundation in her life when Vinnie wasn't around her.
".....Are you gonna accept it?" She asked quietly after a moment of silence, fiddling with her fingers, something she did when she got sad or anxious. Vinnie shrugged his shoulders.
"If I accept the offer...I have to move. I'm gonna accept it. This is huge for me,"
Rhey's heart stopped, "Are you fucking kidding me Vincent? You weren't gonna take it up with me first?"
"Why would I? I can make decisions like this on my own!"
"Vinnie, I don't want to sound selfish, but your life is here, you can't just leave. I mean what does that mean for us if you end up leaving?" She asked, getting right to the point.
Vinnie knew she was right but it still hurt that she made it seem like she wasn't going to support him during his decision making.
"What do you mean I can't leave? Your my girlfriend not my mom, I expect you to at least be happy for me, but you can't even do that! I made sacrifices for you, do the same for me for once!" He argued, raising his voice in the process. 
"What sacrifices have you made for me other than the fact that you moved away from you and your friends old house which is 30 minutes away, to this fucking villa that WE BOTH picked out together! Please let me the fuck know!"
"All those times I've went on tour with you and I had everyone here with the United fucking States! That's one sacrifice! When you were sick so I had to cancel doing a video with James! That's two!"
"NOBODY TOLD YOU TO FUCKING COME WITH ME! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO ASKED! AND LETS NOT FORGET THAT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CANCEL AND YOU DID ANYWAY! THOSE WERE SACRIFICES YOU TOOK!" She screaming, pointing her acryliced index finger at him. He huffed and ran a hand through his hair.
"What's the point of us being together if you aren't gonna compromise. Addison sacrifices for Bryce all the time." He tried explaining, but all it did was make her even more confused.
"Please do not bring up that racist bitch in my household. I'm fine with all of your friends girlfriends EXCEPT her and Dixie and besides, she has the brain capacity of a fucking roach of course she's gonna compromise with him! You joined the Hype House and your mouth been getting real fucking reckless Vincent."
"Well...what are we gonna do then?" He asked quietly. He knew that if he left then it'd be over for him and his girlfriend and that's the last thing he wants but this was a huge thing for him.
Rhey closed her eyes as she tried to calm herself down. Everyone on her team knew how much she hated yelling, voice raising, or anything of that nature. It was in a rare occasion where she yelled or raised her voice angrily.
"I just want you to think about what you're doing. I don't have a home in Paris. Only LA, ATL, and NY. So how do you expect me to always come see you when my career still rapidly on go? How do you possibly expect this to work if you're gonna be living in Paris for the rest of your life—"
"Its not the rest of my life! God Rhey, even if it is the least you can do is be supportive!"
"Then HOW long is it? Do you know how Vogue deals work? Once you sign with the region, you can't permanently leave unless you visiting somewhere else. They need you at all times!"
Vinnie sighed, not knowing what to do. He loved Rhey immensely. She was the love of his life. They've been together for 8 years, and he didn't want all that to gown down the drain. No ever, but he was put between a rock and a hard place where he had to choose between his gf and being an actual model.
"I'm not trying to pry, I swear I'm not but I just want you to think about this. It seems like you really want to do it and if you do then that's fine. I will support you, if you don't then I will continue to support you. Doesn't matter to me, I just don't want you signing your entire life away halfway across the world away from your girlfriend and friends, but do what's best for you. Do whatever you want." She sighed, trying not to get emotional.
Before he could respond to what she said, she grabbed her phone and keys, and left the house in a hurry. He followed her outside and watched as she sped out of the driveway and down the street. Vinnie looked on life360 and saw that she was heading in the direction of the skate park that always went to when they wanted to talk and skate for hours.
He gets that relationships are never easy, and that it'll always be something that may or may not cause a break up. This situation just might make them or break them. He knew that being with your high school sweetheart after high school changes everything, but no one ever told him it was going to be this hard to the point where his heart aches and drops every time someone mentions them breaking up or even taking a break. There's a lot he can take, but to potentially not be with Rhey anymore was a sickening thought that he could erase from his brain.
"Ugh, Rhey why did you have to leave?" He mumbled to himself as he slipped on his shoes and grabbed his car keys. He got in the car and rode to the skate park, seeing her sitting under a tree. He was very surprised to see no paparazzi standing by taking photos and bombarding her.
Getting out the car, he grabbed two blunts and walked over to his girlfriend to sit down beside her. He gave her a blunt and lit it, then lit one for himself. She inhaled the smoke and blew it right back out after sucking it through her nose, dried tears on her face. Despite her high social status, he had never seen her so messed up over something like this.
"Do you wanna break up?" She asked, kind of catching him off guard. Vincent gave her a confused look
"What? God no! Baby you're the love of my life. I can't live without you! " He assured, pulling his girlfriend into his arms as he continued to smoke. It was almost 12 and it was completely dark outside.
"I can get you a deal out here. I've just gotta talk to the director and I can get you a 5 year contract. P-please don't leave me." She stated, her voice cracking at the end.
Vincent sighed, finishing off his blunt and throwing it away. He grabbed his girlfriend by both her cheeks with one hand to make her stare into his eyes.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Do you understand?"
She nodded her head, making him show a small smile before smashing his lips into hers.
Once they pulled away, Rhey pulled out her phone to show Vinnie something. His eyes squinted at the screen and then widened once he saw what it was.
"You didn't..." He trailed off, his eyes clouded with tears. Rhey smiled through the tears running down her face and nodded her head.
Vinnie was looking at a photo on him on his skateboard, a photo she took of him. She used a picture of him as her album cover and he didn't know whether to cry or fuck her silly. He might end up doing both.
"That's what I wanted to show you when so got home. I finished the album, this may be my most personal album yet because each and every song is about you and our relationship. Guess what my last song is called." She laughed, waiting for him to respond. When he didn't have an answer, she showed him her track list and let him scroll all the way down. When she heard a small gasp, that's when she knew he had found it.
"Vinnie....the name of the song is vinnie."
Rhey smiled, but it didn't last long because Vinnie pushed her onto the ground with kisses, invading her personal space. He put more passion into the kiss as he rubbed her sides in a soothing way before reaching under her shirt to grab both her boobs, making her gasp, letting him indulge deeper into her mouth. He finally pulled away, giving her air to breathe, only to trail kisses down her neck and collar bone, sucking and kicking every crevice that she was sensitive to, not caring that anyone could come behind the large tree and see them.
He attempted to pull one of her boobs out but she quickly stopped him, not wanting to live life on the edge TOO MUCH.
"How about we finish this at home yeah?"
"Fuck yes! Let's go!"
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breanime · 5 years
I know your getting back together headcannon was a while ago, but I would die for one with Rio 😭 What did he do? How'd he get you back??
Boy, this got very long...
*gif not mine*
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So Rio broke up with you
“I can’t have you fucking with my money,” he hissed at you
“All I did,” you argued back, “was try to help you make more money! How was I supposed to know it would end up like this?”
This, by the way, was a building engulfed in flames behind you
“I don’t need your help! I don’t need you!”
And that was that
His shit was cleared out of your place by the time you got back home
And you knew Rio, he was too pissed and too stubborn so...
...you moved on
It was hard, of course, but you refused to wallow
If Rio insisted on keeping you at arms’ length and not appreciating your efforts to help him
Then fine
You decided that you didn’t need him
(but you did)
and you decided that you didn’t love him anymore
(but you did)
And so when your sister said she wanted you to meet her new boss, you did
And when he asked you out, you said yes
He wasn’t necessarily your type
(read: he didn’t have a laugh that you could feel in your chest, he didn’t have long, nimble fingers that fascinated you, and he didn’t have a distinctive tattoo on his neck...)
But he was nice, and you had a good enough time with him
You were with him, your hand in his, when the two of you discovered his car in the parking garage of his building....
....smashed to hell
It looked like someone took a crow bar to it
And as he gaped and gasped, calling the police as he assessed the (significant) damage to his car
You sighed
This had Rio written all over it
So much so, in fact, that five days later, when two officers came to your apartment with a picture of Rio and a blurry video clip that looked like him casually strolling into the garage with a crow bar in his hands, you did what came naturally to you when it came to Rio...
... you lied
“Oh,” you laughed, “that’s just Christopher. He does odd jobs for me sometimes, in fact, he was there that morning because he was helping me fix something...”
“...at your boyfriend’s place of work?” Cop One asked drily
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you quipped back, “and yes. I’ll sign whatever you need me to sign to say that Christopher didn’t do this”
Cop One tried to poke more holes in your story, but Cop Two could tell that you weren’t budging
Before they left, Cop Two cleared her throat and turned to you
“Ma’mm, just... Whatever little love triangle the three of you got going on here, try to minimize the property damage, okay?”
And you couldn’t help but laugh
You called your not-boyfriend after they left and told him things weren’t going to work out between you two
And then you put on your shoes, grabbed your purse, and made the decision to go to Rio’s warehouse and tell him that you loved him
And that you never stopped loving him, because clearly, he hadn’t stopped loving you
But when you opened your door, Rio was waiting on the other side of it
“So I guess I was wrong,” he said casually, his dark eyes looking you up and down, “I do need you.”
He took a step towards you. “Why’d you tell the cops I was there for you? Why didn’t you rat?”
“How do you even know that?” You asked back
“Lady cop is on my payroll,” he answered easily, “She called me, told me how you gave me an alibi--even used my least threatening alias... Why?”
You frowned. “You know why.”
“Yeah...” He took another step, and now he was directly in front of you, his hand on your chin, lifting your face up so that he could look right in your eye. “...I know. But I want you to say it.”
“Because,” you said softly, “I still love you.”
Rio leaned down and kissed you then, and you knew that he would never leave you again
And you were right
He kept you at his side as his Queen, and anytime he needed an alibi--
--or a building set on fire--
--he looked to you
When You Break Up With Him
You were over it
You were over the long gaps of seeing Rio
You were over his vague excuses
You were over hearing “I had to handle some business”, “don’t worry about it”, “stay in your lane” come out of his mouth
You were over being treated like you were a child who couldn’t handle the reality of what Rio did for a living
You were over being in a relationship by yourself
So you packed your shit, tears in your eyes
The most communication you’d had with Rio that week had been a text that said: “I’ll be back when I finish here” followed by “so don’t worry about it”
And that had been it
You loved him, you loved him so much it hurt--
but you couldn’t keep doing this
You were almost done packing your clothes when you heard a creak in the floor, and you looked up to see Rio staring at you
He did that a lot--coming in quietly, his footsteps almost inaudible as he moved, but usually he scared you to make you laugh, kissing you as you whined about being startled
But now he was staring at you with wide, dark eyes
He had bruises on his face, and when you looked down, you saw his knuckles had scrapes on them, but otherwise, he looked fine
“What’re you doing?” He asked, his eyes going from the bags and boxes all over the room to you
“I...” You blinked back tears. “I’m leaving.”
Your eyes narrowed. “Don’t worry about it.”
Rio was glaring now, and he walked over to you, his steps bringing him forward quickly, and put his hand on your neck
His grip was firm--not painful--the possessiveness clear in his touch
And in his eyes
“Oh, you think you’re cute?” He asked. “Try again.”
“I’m sick and tired of being alone,” you answered honestly, “and I’m sick and tired of you always blowing me off.”
He shook his head. “That’s not what I’m doing.”
“Yes it is!” You pushed at his chest, making him take a small step back. “You keep pushing me out, Rio, I can’t take it!”
“I’m trying to keep you safe,” he argued, “I’m out here selling Monopoly money with suburban bitches, dodging the Feds, defending my territory--I gotta keep my personal life separated from that shit!”
“There’s a difference between keeping things separate and just abandoning me!” You moved past him, bumping your shoulder against him. “Look, you want to be able to ‘do what you do’,” you imitated him, “without having to answer to anyone--well now you can!”
“So you’re really gonna leave?” He asked, his hands in his pockets. You could see him building up his walls again. “You don’t like the way I treat you?”
You sighed. You didn’t want to argue with him. You wanted to stay with him, you really did, but you refused to live like this
It was a lose-lose situation
“I just have to go,” you said, your voice tired.
“Yeah...” He nodded, his eyes hard. “...Well,” he took his hands out of his pocket, shrugging. “Don’t let me stop you.”
And you didn’t
Rio watched you leave, his eyes on your back the entire time
You spent the night at your best friend’s house, crying in her guest room
She was gone when you woke up in the late afternoon, but she left you a spare key
You got up, showered, got dressed, cried some more, and then decided to go get something to eat
When you opened the door, Rio was on the other side
He looked like he hadn’t slept all night, his eyes red
“Rio,” you gasped out
“Get in the car,” he said back
You looked behind him to see a black car, and you raised an eyebrow
“Please,” he added
You did, and Rio drove you to the edge of town, to a storage unit that you had assumed was shut down
“I want to show you something,” he said as he opened your car door, “and after I show you, if you still want to leave...” He dipped his head down. “...I’ll let you go.”
You followed him to the last unit, both of you walking in complete silence
Rio turned to you, his hand on the lock, and looked you in the eyes
“You know I love you, right?”
You nodded. “I know.”
“And you know that... all of this... The way I’ve been treating you isn’t because I don’t trust you or because I don’t want to be honest with you...” He paused. “Nah, you don’t know that... But it’s true. I love you,” he said, “and I thought the way I was doing things was what was best for you, but... It’s not. I know that now.” He reached over and lifted your chin, his dark eyes on yours. “I want us to be partners--for real. So I’m gonna show you something, and you can do what you want with it, but... I need you to know that you’re the only person I trust.”
He opened up the unit, and your eyes widened
There were pallets of cash stacked up throughout the unit and a file cabinet off to the side
Rio walked over to the cabinet, opened up a drawer, and reached in
He held out a file to you, and you took it
It was full of information on a Federal Agent, and his face looked familiar
“Who’s Agent Turner?” You asked
“Agent who was investigating me,” Rio answered, “Remember when I was gone for those few months? Right before we got the new apartment?”
You nodded. Rio had given you some vague explanation about “business” and having to do some “side job” when you’d asked where he’d been
“I had him killed,” Rio explained, “In this cabinet is information on every agent, cop, lawyer, and judge I’ve ever had killed or intimidated. Nobody knows this unit exists except me...
...and you.”
You nodded, handing him the file back. You knew what this meant, what Rio was trying to tell you
“I need to be in on things,” you said, and Rio nodded, “I need to know what’s going on.”
“I can do that, mama.”
“I want to be a part of this,” you added.
Rio nodded again, licking his lips. “Okay. But you can’t just jump in,” he said, “you gotta do something for me first.”
“Come back,” he answered, his eyes boring into yours, “Come back to me, baby.”
Your eyes filled with tears, and you ran to his arms
Rio held you tightly, and you could feel how much he needed you in his touch
“I love you,” you said into his chest
“Love you too,” he kissed the top of your head, “Let’s go home.”
Thanks for reading! I’m adding my taglist because this got HELLA long
Everything Taglist: @encounterthepast @jigsawlover10 @gollyderek  @charlylama @realduckvader @whovianayesha  @lexxierave @loveintheroyalfamily  @fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog @songforhema @lucielandss @themadhatter92  @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @ashkuuuu @luckysstrikes @carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @iaintnofurry  @ymariejp @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @leahnicole1219 @evanlys19  @binbons-is-theloml @aikeia @bitch-imma-head-out​  @witchygagirl @geeksareunique @sparrows-books  @nyxxnoxx​ @justvnash​ @truly-insatiable
Rio Taglist: @gemini0410​ @sweetybuzz25 @glimmerglittergirl @gensneverland @jamielennkeeler @angels-pie @hermionetriskatniss
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mihidecet · 4 years
Sbi D&D AU: Tommy (3)
AKA: Tibi’s MCYT WritingTober, day 12.
I’m back with more d&d! I jumped on today’s “Fanmade AU” prompt from @the-only-gamer-gost ‘s list IMMEDIATELY, because after all most of you started following me due to that ahah
I hope you’ll enjoy it! <3 Maybe leave a comment if you do? I always love to hear your feedback, and maybe ideas on what you’d like to see? In any case, thank you for reading!
That is how, about four hours later, Tommy finds himself sitting on his bed, legs crossed and fingers tangling in the threads he's trying to weave together. 
It's a mix of light blues, pinks and reds that Techno called "a weird choice, but whatever floats your boat", which had sent his patron into hysterical laughter. Tommy had hoped he'd been sarcastic, as he'd colour-picked from Techno's own outfit. 
But one could never be too sure with the Blade: he was a cryptic man, with a cryptic past and an unwavering unwillingness to share anything about what he thought about, anytime, about anything. 
Which was fine. Tommy liked guessing, and he considered himself smart enough to be able to start picking up clues. Most of the time.
He was no Phil, who was apparently able to understand everyone, everywhere, at any time. Even animals, too, which had been a concerning discovery. Not the fact that he could understand and be understood by animals, that was perfectly fine once considering he had horns due to making a literal deal with a demon, and Techno was half pig. It was just that Tommy had found out Phil could speak with animals by finding the elf in deep conversation with a passing squirrel - who had apparently been extremely rude and stolen some of the nuts Phil had been gathering. The disagreement had been resolved by splitting the nuts evenly, as the squirrel had had a family to feed.
The thing was, Tommy had had a chance to talk about the infamous friendship bracelets with the other two as they'd walked back to the tavern, and by now he knew that all three of them owned one. But what Phil hadn't neglected to comment on was that - to his knowledge - Techno didn't own one. Which made sense, on a certain level. He was the one making them, and he seemed to own the strings to make them. Phil had been meaning to buy one to gift him, but he's said he knew it wouldn't have been the same. And he couldn't ask Techno where he could find the materials needed and keep it as a surprise. Not to mention that he didn't know how to replicate the intricate weaves and knots of the bracelets; he could try, but he knew he wouldn't be able to easily succeed. 
Which left Tommy with the perfect chance.
The plan was simple. 
Techno had offered to help him rebuild his bracelet, but he’d never explicitly said if Tommy was going to weave his own or if Techno was going to make him a second one. 
So, once they were all fed and satisfyingly comfortable, Techno would take out his threads and start working on it. Then, with his usual enthusiasm, Tommy would ask if he could also help. Maybe by learning how to weave together bracelets himself. 
Techno would humm, but probably give in after a bit of insistence. He never really enjoyed verbal conflict, and Tommy was counting on that. 
Then everything would be set! Tommy would choose the colours for Techno’s bracelet, make it with his help, and everything would be good!
As of right now, most of the steps in his plan have gone off without a hitch. 
The only thing not working perfectly well is his own skills at weaving - maybe once he used to have an artisan’s hands, but now they’re clumsy, less sensible. The effects of not being used to his newly found powers at first had been to constantly - and accidentally - set his own hands on fire. With permanent scars up to his elbows and a handful of points where the burns charred away his sensibility, he’s not much one for delicate and precise work. 
But Tommy is nothing if not determination personified, so he grabs each strand with too shaky hands and does his damned best.
Techno is sitting across from him, also on the bed, mirroring his posture and slowly explaining each braiding step. His voice is lower than usual, a side effect of being extremely tired, but he’s not snappish or strict. He’s unexpectedly calm and mellow: Tommy wonders if it’s the exhaustion or just how Techno behaves when they’re not in life-or-death related situations.
All things considered, once he understands what he has to do, the slow, repetitive movement becomes extremely soothing. He can see Techno doing this to relax in the few moments of downtime their lives allow them.
They're not alone in the room.
Phil is meditating on one of the other two beds in the room. He’d been drained after the fight, looking after them all and taking care of the few civilians that got injured due to the attack. 
After they’d gotten back into the room, he’d disappeared for a moment in order to go bathe, then returned, given them all a final look and then promptly passed out on the bed with a smile on his face. 
Wilbur had made sure to fix the covers around him. 
The tiefling was currently also sleeping, but he was stationed on the same bed Techno and Tommy were sitting on. It made for a bit of a cramped situation, but Techno had stated that he wasn’t going to move anymore if it wasn’t to go to sleep, and Wilbur had said that he always took the bed closer to the window. 
So there he was: curled up between them, one leg on Tommy’s lap and his back pressed against Techno’s side. 
If Tommy had been any less observant and in the mood for a discussion, he would have mentioned how Techno could have easily moved half a meter away in order to be extremely more comfortable, or how Wilbur usually just chose any random available bed. 
But he was tired and he had other objectives - he was already planning on bothering Techno, getting him annoyed would only be counter-productive. And Tommy was also quite observant: he still remembered how Techno had jumped into a blow aimed at Wil’s throat just a couple of hours earlier, saving his life and efficiently dispatching of the brute trying to kill him. 
Everyone was still feeling a bit messed up after all those close calls, there was no need to state the obvious. Especially when saying nothing meant Tommy could feel the warmth of Will’s still very much alive body against him.
It doesn’t take much time; they’re bracelets after all, you can only make them so long. 
Tommy stares at the one in his hands, and is suddenly filled with so many contrasting feelings. 
Joy is the first, of course. He’s been able to achieve so much since he left his hometown, and everything he’s achieved has been due to his own determination and intelligence. He might not be the smartest person ever - he can name at least one, even though that doesn’t necessarily mean he will - but even he can’t deny how well he’s been able to play the cards he’s been dealt. 
Then there’s shock, at the realisation that he has actually become friends with the legend he used to hear people talk about in hushed whispers while he was still living in his hometown. 
Melancholy is another: a part of him longs for what - who - he left behind. 
Then he feels like he needs to get better at making bracelets, and maybe sleep for a couple of days. His back is hurting and the scabs on his arms are already itching up a storm and it is "bored patron with too much free time" levels of annoying. 
As Tommy stomps down the protests of his patron inside his own head, he hears Techno hum lightly to catch his attention. 
"You're done? I finished yours. Unless you prefer to keep the one you made yourself." Techno comments, offering the bracelet he's just completed. Wilbur shifts slightly as he's lightly jostled when Techno reaches towards Tommy, but he goes right back to sleeping. 
Tommy gives him an honest smile and a heartfelt "thank you", then wastes no time in grabbing his new friendship bracelet: a stunning thing in black, red and orange that looks as fierce as he is powerful.
"And here, this is yours." Tommy says, after a moment of unabashedly admiring the stunning handiwork he now owned. It wasn't like his old one, but it still felt the same - the meaning of it was intact, and the shape and colours were similar. One could even say that now it meant more: after all, they'd made it together, in what nobody could deny had been a true bonding moment.
Tommy's hand, holding the bracelet he made, stretches out towards Techno.
There's a distinct pause as Techno's hands hovers in the air and his eyes widen in what looks like pure shock - Tommy has *never* seen anything like it, Technoblade is never surprised. And yet.
Tommy decides it is getting a bit too warm in the room, as doubts and worries start filling his mind: what if he doesn't like it, it looks so bad compared to the ones Techno made, after all it's his first try, he should have asked for more string to practice and made him a really good one. The young man pushes the bracelet into Techno's hand hastily - the sooner this is over with, the better. 
"We figured you didn't make one for yourself, so I made you one. Consider it as from all of us. Now you're *our* friend, Techno, and there's nothing you can do about it!" He concludes with a proud grin, hoping it masks his internal worry. Thankfully, he's still fearless enough to keep eye contact, because that allows him to see Techno's face simply melt as his fingers wrap around the bracelet once, then open up to allow him to study it closely - Tommy would call it reverently, but then his patron would laugh again.
"... Thank you." Techno murmurs a few moments later, and with that all of Tommy's fears and doubts are smashed like fragile glass, scattering into the nothingness. A bright smile opens up on his face and he's unable to stop himself from beaming as he lightly punches his friend's shoulder.
"No problem, big guy. ... Now, where do I put this so that nobody accidentally breaks it again?" He asks, tone light and humorous in hope of exiting quickly the sweet moment they'd entered, which was turning into awkwards at the speed of light.
"Well, if you have like a necklace, you could tie it there and keep it hidden under all your shirts." Techno drawls out, sounding more and more tired as he goes on. 
Tommy decides it's as good a time as any to finally hit the hay, so he stands up and stretches his back - reveling in the satisfying pops that follow. 
"That is a smart idea, big guy. Have you been sitting on it for a while?" Tommy jokes, starting to fix his bed. 
"Well, it was actually Phil that did it first. He tied it to the same necklace he keeps his engagement ring on."
Tommy chuckles, Phil always knows best- his arm freezes in the air, one hand still holding his pack because he'd been meaning to look for something he could use as a necklace but now his brain is just static. 
He turns back towards Techno, who is staring back with a mix of sheepishness and confusion. 
"What- what do you mean engagement?" Tommy asks in a feeble voice and Techno just rubs the back of his neck shrugging. 
"He's supposed to get married when he goes back, apparently."
Tommy starts gesticulating wildly, pointing first at Phil, then at Techno, then at the world around them as he loudly mumbles his way into about twenty different beginnings of sentences before his shoulders drop and he shuts his mouth.
A beat passes. 
And to be honest, Tommy is too tired to be thinking about this, but-
"What do you mean go back? Is he gonna leave us?" He asks, and Techno looks extremely uncomfortable on the other side of the room. Instead of an answer coming from him, the voice that speaks first comes from behind Tommy.
"I'm not gonna leave you, Tommy. If anything, I plan on bringing you all for the ceremony." Phil mumbles, scratching his stubble as he sits up on the bed. Damned elves and their need for just a handful of hours of sleep, now Tommy has to feel awkward for nothing.
Phil stands up with a groan, then stretches; taking a couple of steps forward, he nods at Techno as he claps a hand on Tommy's shoulder. 
"Help me push the beds together?" 
"Only if Wilbur gets up, I'm not moving the bed with him on it." Techno deadpans, moving to the bed Phil's closest to in order to help him lift it - they're not getting thrown out of the tavern for being too loud at three in the morning. 
A deep chuckle comes from the ball that is Wilbur's not-so-sleeping body, and his performance is betrayed even more by how his tail starts swishing left and right. 
"But what if I asked please?" Wilbur says, one eye peeking from his crossed arms. 
"Then you're staying there with that bed." Techno replies instantly and a moment later the bed between him and Phil is lifted. 
Wilbur huff, rolls out of bed, waltzes towards Tommy - messes up his hair just because he's in a good mood - and quips back:
"You're no fun, Technoblade."
A couple of minutes later, once they've all found their places on the bed, Tommy is resting with his head against Phil's chest and his tail wrapped around Techno's leg - a mirror to Wilbur's which is tied around the arm slung over his side. 
It's comforting, and warm, and Phil's carding his hand through his hair. 
Techno's new friendship bracelet is an unfamiliar feeling pressed against his chest, but he knows he'll get used to it. 
Stifling a yawn, Tommy whispers:
"Congrats on your marriage, big guy." 
Just so that Phil's wheeze is the last thing he hears before he falls asleep.
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
Love Is The Biggest Spell
A/N : Chapter three is here. Lingering feelings are getting too strong to handle as the dynamic of some relationships starts changing. Hope you like this chapter. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Warlock Tom Holland x half mortal reader
Summary : Witches are forbidden to fall in love with mortals. But what if your long lost love returns to you as a mortal, can you defy your heart? Any spell any magic seems useless in front of the magic of love. Let's join our lovers in their magical conquest beyond life and death as they fight for their love unraveling dark mysteries of the past along their way.
Warnings : 18+,mention of sex, light smut, mature content, language
Mini Playlist : Tick tock by Mabel.
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Next day at your college you and Jane were standing in front of your lockers talking about some stuff whilst Tony dropped in. 
"Hey girls what's the tea?" 
"Jane over here was hit by a truck named Harrison yesterday and since then she has been gushing about his icy blue eyes, golden hair, perfect jawline and most probably on point dick game." You explained with a dramatic voice. 
"How can you not? Have you ever looked into his eyes? I just felt like I could drown in those ocean blue eyes." Jane gushed with dreamy eyes. 
"See?" you said proving your point. 
"I really wish I could meet him again." And as soon as those words rolled out of Jane's tongue your eyes were met with those familiar blue orbs with spects across the hall and right back at him you caught a glimpse of that luscious mop of brown hair and honey brown eyes walking right at your direction. Jane followed your gaze and turned around to look at the guy she was fantasizing about a few seconds ago. She thought she might faint, her legs felt wobbly. 
They walked making heads turn. It looked like one of those slow motion college movie scenes where the hero makes an entry and everyone is gaping at the hot and dashing newcomers, boys getting envious and girls going crazy. 
"Is today make a wish day? Then I would really like to be a billionaire." You joked. 
"Hi Jane nice to see you again." Harrison came up to her. Jane was dumbfounded.
"Jane, honey will you speak up?" you teased. 
"Please don't mind, she is a little out of order today." You joked. 
"What?! you were the one being numb."
"Sorry I was lost in my thoughts."
"Of yours." You chuckled. Jane elbowed you hard. ''Ow!"
"Hi Y/N nice to see you again too." Tom greeted you with that ever adorable smile. Now it was your turn to get the jitters. 
"Yeah Hi" you said timidly. If you weren't to lie you yourself felt your heart flutter seeing Tom. You know it was wrong, so wrong you have a boyfriend who you love dearly but that smile that damned smile did things to you. 
They walked away to the principal’s office.You all went for your history class. After sometime Tom and Harrison walked in your class escorted by Professor Brown. 
"Students I would like to introduce you to our new transfer students. Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield." your jaws dropped seeing your new classmates. Tom and Harrison walked past you and took a seat at the back. The class started as Professor Brown made some announcements.
"So class as per your assignments are concerned you are going to work in pairs. And I'll be making the pairs."
"Boris and Lucy.." Mr Brown continued announcing the pairs. 
"Jane and Harrison." You and Jane exchanged glances amused. 
"Damn, you lucky bitch!!" You punched her arm lightly. Jane giggled, turning her head around shyly to glance at Harrison. He raised his eyes from his book and gave her a subtle wink, her face turning red.
"Next is Y/N.." Cole turned back towards you smiling. 
"And Tom." Mr Brown announced shocking you both. You looked at each other puzzled. 
"What?! but Sir we used to do projects together every time." Cole protested.
"Cole this time you do with Tony. Tom and Harrison have joined in the middle of the semester. It will be better if my best students help them through the assignment. Is it okay with you Y/N?"
"Yes sir it's absolutely fine with me." The class ended after sometime.
"Can't believe professor Brown would do that." Cole muttered.
"It's just an assignment, you will be fine. Tony isn't that bad a partner." You rubbed his shoulder comfortingly and then walked to the back where Tom was sitting. 
"So hello new partner! Let's get to work shall we?" Tom shut his notebook turning his attention to you. 
"Yeah sure." You took a seat in front of him. 
''We need to decide on the topic we will be doing our assignment, any suggestions?" 
"How about the witch trials?"
"You want to do the assignment on witch trials?" You were a little taken aback. 
"No, I was just suggesting we can do whatever you want to do." He said nervously. 
"No it's fine I had always wanted to do an assignment on that but unfortunately Cole never agreed upon doing that. Why do you want to do that?" 
"Umm I just feel that those witch trials were barbaric and many innocent women and men were killed." 
"You think that too?! That’s awesome! So what are we waiting for? C'mon let's get started” You pulled him by his hand and dragged him to the library. The mere touch of your hand on his sent electric impulses through his body he just followed you as if he were in a trance. You went to the history section of the library and pulled out the books you needed to take home for research. 
"Okay then we can go to my house. Oh sorry or you want to go to your house?" 
"Your house is fine."
"Here give me some, they seem heavy." Tom extended his hands to take a few books from you. 
"Yeah thanks." While you were walking to your home you tried have a conversation with him because you knew very little about him.
"As far as I remember you said you were done with your studies then what brings you in our history class?" 
"I said I was done studying in London, not completed, my family needed me back here for our business so I had to return."
"So you guys are brothers or something?"
"Oh no Harrison is my best friend, our fathers are business partners you see."
"Who are there in your family?"
"Mum,dad, three younger brothers and my lovely dog Tessa." 
"You have a dog?! Great! I have a cat!" You chirped. 
"Not to be rude but not a fan of cats."
"That's fine nobody's judging you."
"So what about your family?" he asked.
"Mom and dad. I'm their only daughter. My cousin sister and aunt live with us after their husbands passed away. We were the only ones they had as family."
"Sorry to hear that."
"It's okay we are past it.'' 
Reaching your house you rang the doorbell. Your sister opened the door. 
"You are early today." She remarked as she let you in. 
"Yeah have some research to do for an assignment."
"Oi why are you standing out there? come in!" You called out to Tom. Erica turned to see whom you have brought in with you and as she saw Tom a smirk formed on her face. 
"You finally dumped that dumbass?" She teased. You rolled your eyes. 
"Unfortunately no, Cole is still my boyfriend. This is Tom, he is a transfer student and my project partner." 
"And this is my very nosy cousin Erica." You introduced her to Tom. 
"If being concerned about your well being is nosy I have nothing to say. Nice to meet you by the way." She turned to Tom. 
"The pleasure is all mine." 
"Boy you don't know what you have signed up for she is a bit of a crackhead sometimes."
"I think I can handle a little bit of crazy." he looked at you smiling. 
"That's enough for today, if you would excuse us we need to start working on our assignment." You slipped your hand in Tom's arm dragging him up the stairs. 
"Yeah sure unless the topic of the assignment is jumping on his bones."
"You're seriously unbelievable!" you glared at her ushering Tom to your room. 
"Sorry for my sister, she's a bit outspoken." You apologized. 
"It's okay she seems to be a fun person. And she should be in a happy mood at this time. How far is she by the way?"
"Five months can't wait to be an aunt you know."
"Though I really feel bad for them. That poor baby will never get to see his dad."
"What happened if I may ask." 
"Car accident he was returning from work on a rainy night. The car skidded and toppled on the road near the mystic forests; he was severely injured but couldn't make it to the hospital." there was a moment of silence in between you two. 
Your cat meowed at the doorway startling you both. 
"Madeleine, come here baby!" You cooed as she slowly walked to you and started growling as soon as she looked at Tom
"No bad kitty." You scolded her but she continued to pur at Tom. 
"Strange she never does that to anyone." You frowned picking her in your arms.
"I think she doesn't like me" 
"I'm sorry."
"It's ok the feeling is mutual dear." He brushes her fur and Madeleine jumps off your hands.
"Where did you buy this cat? Black cats with red eyes are really rare to find." 
"Oh no I didn't buy her. I found her toiling alone near the forest on my 21st birthday. She seemed a bit weak and hungry, I really felt bad and brought her home with me. And since then she's part of our family." 
"That was very generous of you. 'As always' he said that in his mind. 
"Thank you"
"Okay I'll just go and quickly freshen up you sit here for a while."
"Yeah sure." 
It was the perfect chance he thought to carry out his plan. The whole assignment thing was an excuse. The sole reason he came to your house was something else. He got up and went near your dressing table and stood in front of the mirror. He sucked in his index finger and then traced it on the edges of the mirror. Then he went downstairs and did the same in all the mirrors of your house casting a scrying spell on them. So that he can watch over you anytime. 
Madeleine was hovering in between his legs. He lifted her and she was still hissing at him. 
"I thought you were dead because familiars cannot stay alive without their masters." Madeleine purred again. Tom arched his brows amused. 
"Why am I here? You know it very well why am I here Madeleine." She purred. 
"You also know she doesn't belong here and I'm going to take her back to where she actually belongs, to her home."
He heard the unlocking of the bathroom door as Madeleine jumped from his arms and ran away. 
"Sorry for keeping you waiting" 
"It's okay." You both worked together doing a case study on various journals, articles and books you brought from the library. Tom left in the evening though he didn’t want to leave you but he had no other choice.
"The power of persuasion always works doesn't it? Was quite easy to get into that Principal and that dumbass Professor's heads." Harrison remarked cockily. 
"Yeah at least now we can be near them and get our work done." Tom agreed.
"So how was your day?" 
"Quite insightful to be honest. Tom exhaled. 
"She has her familiar." 
"What! Madeleine is alive?" 
"Yup, she had been around her all these years protecting her against all possible threats. And keeping her existence hidden from us." 
"That sly cat!" 
"How was your day?"
"It was quite adventurous for me." 
"Don't tell me you did…" 
"No not yet but Jane is totally smitten by me." Harrison stated proudly.
"See Haz we just need Jane to get close to Y/N that's it. Nothing more than that." 
"Yeah, yeah I know and that is what I'm doing, apparently your lady love is having visions from her past life." 
"What?! really??" 
"Yes that is what Jane told me" he shrugged. 
"Now that's a good head start, now she just needs a little push and our work will be done."
"But Harrison please don't get involved with Jane in such a way that she or you have to regret later." he warned.
"I know but if she keeps throwing herself at me how do you expect me to control myself?" he said cockily. 
"Then try to control, you were the one giving me the lecture on that we shouldn't mingle with the mortals then what is this?" 
"Yeah what's the big deal anyways. I don't love her." he replied nonchalantly. 
"But what if she does Haz?"
"Once Jane finds out the truth she will hate me anyways. Let me have some fun dude."
Tom's phone dinged and his eyes lit up seeing the text. 
Y: Hey it's Y/N.. you reached home? 
He replied instantly. 
T: Just did. 
You didn't know what to say next , should you say goodnight? bye? Or just a smiling emoji with heart? no, no, no not heart. You wrote the text and everytime pressed backspace. 
T: You needed something? You were relieved that he texted something back. 
Y: Yeah actually just thinking of if we got something more than the library books I feel they are quite one sided we need to know both sides' stories to come to a conclusion. 
T: I got some books in my house which might be useful. I'll bring them tomorrow at your house. 
Y: Great! See you tomorrow then. Goodnight. 
T: Goodnight love. 
You blushed a little at the last text. 
Your life went through a smooth transition. You got to see more of Tom and Harrison as they became your regular customers at your cafe. You were spending more time with Tom than Cole. Though you both had your reasons Cole was busy training for the upcoming intercollege basketball tournament and you were busy with the project you took up. But you were happy with Tom. How much ever you wanted to go away something pulled you back towards him. He seemed a mystery to you, a mystery you were dying to solve. He intrigued you in many different ways that you couldn't describe. 
"Where did you even get these books? These are just so full of valuable information.'' you turned the pages.
"My mom is an antique curator she bought these from a woman back then."
"Thanks to your mom we are gonna nail this assignment!" You sat next to him at the table. 
''By the way our varsity basketball tryouts are going to happen tomorrow  you and Harrison can totally give it a shot.''
"I don't think I can. Plus your boyfriend seems to have a special dislike for me."
"Cole is just a little bit reserved around new people he will be fine and anyways our team sucks could use some new talents like you"
"Will you come to cheer for us?" 
"Then I may give it a thought." 
"Maybe who knows?" you said cockily. Your faces were so close, his breath fanning your face. You zoned out looking into his eyes as your gaze dropped to his lips, it looked so tempting, you wondered how they would taste, feel in your mouth. Tom cleared his throat and you were snapped out of the daze moving away from him averting your gaze. Your cheeks heating up at the inappropriate thoughts you were having. The tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut through a knife.
"Uhh I must get going, it's already quite late." he said awkwardly breaking the silence.
"Yeah right." you agreed. Tom got up and you followed him to see him off. As you were passing by the fireplace something dropped from Tom's hand making a metal clinking sound and jumped right into the fire. 
"Oh shit! My ring!" Tom exclaimed. 
"Let me bring water to put out the fire." You offered. 
"No the ring is antique it will rust with slightest contact with water." That was the lamest reason you have ever heard. 
"then how do you wash your hands?"
"I take it off." You still weren't satisfied with the answer but decided not to argue. Taking a deep breath you looked at him furrowing your eyebrows. 
"Is it really that important to you?" 
"Yeah it's a family heirloom." 
"Okay I'll get that for you. But whatever you are about to see just don't freak out ok?" You bent down near the fireplace and were about to put your hand in the raging fire. 
"Wait! What are you doing?!" 
"Getting your ring dumbo! As we can't use water." you sassed.
"But that's fire you'll get burned."
"Trust me I'll be fine." You assured him and put your hand in the burning wood and retrieved his ring easily without a single burn on your hand. A wide smile spread across Tom's face, you passed the test unharmed. What more does he want? He is ready to look like an idiot in front of you to make you realize your true identity. When you turned around he quickly changed his facial expression, his mouth forming an 'o' pretending to be shocked at what you just did. 
"I know just don't tell anyone ok you will be the first one to know except my family."
"I have a condition" you shrugged 
"I have no sense towards anything hot that means fire. But actually I don't get burned either, which nobody is aware of, not even my mother because she is already so worried about me and I don't want her to get stressed out more. You'll be the first one to know. So your silence will be appreciated."
"My lips are sealed." Tom assured you, he was about to take the ring from you but you moved it away. 
"I wouldn't touch it if I were you. It's still hot I guess" You were inspecting the ring and frowned.
"Hey it's quite similar to the one I have." 
"You also have one?" 
"Yeah, see?" you extended your hand showing him your ring. He held your hand. 
"Where did you get this?!" he exclaimed, clutching on to your hand.
"Uh my mother gave it to me." You looked at him awkwardly. He let go of your hand. 
"Oh sorry!" 
"She brought it from the church, said that it's blessed and I should not take it off. Will kind of protect me from what I don't know." You rolled your eyes. 
"Your mother loves you."
"Yeah I know that is why I'm wearing this or else I wouldn't if anyone else asked me to." 
"I think you are being late, you should get going now."
''Yeah bye see you tomorrow during class." Tom left saying that.
''I told you Amber would never do anything without any reason and that enchanted ring on Y/N's hand is the proof." 
"Amber was really way ahead of us. But if Y/N's mother gave her that do you think she knows about who Y/N really is?" 
"I believe Y/N's mother knows something that none of us know, she might also know what exactly happened that night before Amber disappeared."
Tom waved his hand across the mirror in his room and your room became clearly visible on it. He smiled like a child glancing at his ring. 
"Can't believe she's actually wearing our engagement ring."
Suddenly you and Cole stumbled into your room. His hands roaming around your body as you kissed frantically, teeth clashing, sloppy and messy kisses. You fumbled with the buttons of his shirt pushing him onto the bed and got up to straddle him around his hips. He sat up propping on his arms, your lips meeting again for a hot kiss, you kept grinding yourself on his crotch. He moaned in the kiss his hands went under your sweatshirt drawing lazy circles on your skin. You took the hint and pulled off your sweatshirt.
"Oh missed this view so much." Cole gasped. 
"Me too." You said biting your lips breathing heavily.
"Thank god your family is out of town."
"Yeah you should actually thank my uncle who got a heart attack so that is why they went to see him." You both giggled sealing your lips together, you couldn't get enough of each other as you grabbed on to each other. 
Tom clenched his jaws while Harrison had a grin plastered on his face as they saw you through the mirror. 
"Damn she really has a crazy sex drive. I don't remember Amber to be so aggressive." Harrison joked. Tom couldn't take it anymore, fuming from inside.
"A little impotence will not harm I guess.'' Tom mumbled something under his breath gazing at the mirror. 
"Mmmph" Cole pulled away from the kiss
"What happened?" You asked with concern. 
"I don't know but I can't get it up." 
"What??" You had a puzzled look in your eyes. 
"I can't get hard" 
"Oh" you got down his lap sitting beside him. 
"Sorry babe." 
"Hey it's okay, it happens sometimes in old age you know, performance issues. It's gonna be fine don't worry." You burst out laughing putting back your sweatshirt on.
"Seriously Y/N it's not funny." He grimaced. 
"Okay I'm sorry, let's cuddle?" You extended your arms pouting . He took them welcomingly. You both laid down. 
"You may be just tired with all the practise. You need rest."You both snuggled close to each other, he ran his fingers through your hair playing with them.
"Are you coming tomorrow?" 
"How can I not? Who else will cheer for my boyfriend huh?" 
"No you are just so busy these days with your project with Tom. I thought.. " You cradled his face in your hands. 
"Hey nothing is more important than you to me, do you understand?" 
"Yes mam." he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You rested your head over his chest, listening to his strong and steady heart beat lulling you to sleep. 
"Man that was savage! Where did your morales go suddenly? " Harrison chuckled.
"We need to severe her bonds with the mortal world." Tom said coldly gritting his teeth
You had come to cheer for your boyfriend but your eyes were practically glued to that curly haired brunette the whole time. You were shamelessly staring at his chiseled body, rippling with muscles as sweat dripped off them. Never in your life have you had this strong urge to run your hand through someone's body. As for Harrison he looked no less than a Greek God. His tousled golden hair and perfectly sculpted body can take anyone's breath away. Both of them probably gave a hormonal outburst to each and every ovary present in the room watching the game. 
"You're staring." Jane smirked. 
"So are you." You quipped. 
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"It's-- it's a healthy kind of staring you know just appreciating the piece of art his body is nothing sexual." You clarified.
They gave a tough competition to the college team scoring goals after goals surprising each one of you with their skills. After the game got over you went to Cole who was a little upset and rubbed his shoulder comforting him, occasionally stealing glances of Tom who was surrounded by a swarm of girls which made you feel jealous for no reason. 
Harrison headed for the shower room to freshen up. 
"I'll be back." Jane said and went away.
Harrison was still in shower, when Jane came into the room. She walked into the shower. Her lips parted as she inhaled deeply, the site was a turn on for her. The water dripped down his hair softly. And the drops slowly made their way to his body and the perfect abs he had. The water defined his well, organized and obviously worked out body.
"Darling don't you think you are at the wrong place?" He turned grinning. 
"I'm one hundred percent sure that I'm at the right place." Jane said with a sultry voice. His eyes darkened with lust as he pushed her inside the shower. Her back hitting the cold wall. His lips brush her. Not innocently, like a tease but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. In this minty moment, her senses have been seduced and she could no longer think straight. “Jane” he whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. She smiles, her heart fluttering at his voice as she clasps her hands on either side of his face. Never before has her name ever felt so wonderful, she thinks, as she leans in for another… In an instant she pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against my own, before she drew back into his lips. 
"Are you sure about this?" Harrison asked rather breathlessly. Jane hummed in response.
"Words darling."
"Yes Haz I need you."
The next thing she knew, he had slammed his lips to hers and nearly knocked all wind from her lungs.
Jane hardly had a moment to react before he pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and, at her grant of access, delved inside her mouth. It was a very sloppy kiss, her arms reached up and tangled around his thick, strong neck. As water trickled down their bodies the dress Jane was wearing sticking to her body Harrison bunched up her dress his fingers went down to rubbing her clothed core eliciting a moan out of her, his other hand gently massaging her boobs. Harrison was already naked and Jane could feel his hard on brushing against her thigh. Harrison lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands grasping onto his shoulders. 
Something raw, primal was in that moment as their senses were clouded with lust and desire. Their bodies craving for each other everything just felt so good. For a brief moment of time Tom's words buzzed in his mind but he couldn't care less. He knew it was wrong he had hated mortals all his life but when it comes to your carnal desires you can't think straight and being a satanic witch amplifies these feelings to another level. Her heart was pure filled with love for him but his was sinful full of darkness. He knows he is eventually going to break Jane's heart once Tom gets you back, he doesn't have to though but some things are better to be forbidden. It makes it more thrilling when you can't have something for a lifetime. 
"I love you." Jane said panting whilst Harrison put her down slowly. 
"Me too." he gave a tight lipped smile and then kissed her softly for one last time. 
You were discussing something with Tony and Cole as Jane dropped in after sometime. 
"Hey guys what's up?" 
"Nothing, we are just planning to go clubbing tonight. It has been a long time since we went, need to loosen up a bit." 
"Great! Can Haz  join us?" 
"Haz?" You quirked your eyebrow and suddenly frowned, examining her up and down. 
''Why is your hair wet? And what happened to the dress you were wear…'' Jane gulped, your eyes shifted to Harrison, his hair was wet as well and a cocky grin on his face, you connected the dots immediately as you coughed, clearing your throat awkwardly. 
"Yeah Haz can totally join us, the more the merrier."
“And you too Tom, will be really happy if you come with us.
"Who am I to say no to you, love." Tom quipped.
'Love' never have you ever thought in your life that a single word can be such a turn on for you. Everytime a pet name rolled out of his tongue for you in that ridiculously seductive British accent it sent shivers down your spine. You just wished he keeps on calling you that again and again. Your eyes were fixated at him. You were feeling guilty and annoyed at the current predicament you have got yourself into. One side is your longtime boyfriend whom you were falling out of love slowly on the other side is a man whom you barely know but he has started to live in your mind rent free, he makes your mind go haywire. You felt a certain connection with him. You were startled out of your thoughts when Cole pulled you aside. 
"Why did you invite Tom?" he seethed.
"What is with you and Tom? He's a really good guy Cole, just relax."
"Seriously Y/N how can you be so naive? Don't you see? he's trying to woo you." 
"Am I sensing some male rivalry." You narrowed your eyes mischievously. Cole scoffed, rolling his eyes. 
"You know what life's gotten really boring for me with just one man in my life for the past 15 years. It will be fun to watch two men fighting for me. So best of luck" you joked.
Later in the evening you all met at the local club of the town. As you entered the club Jane pointed out.
"Seriously you have to wear that necklace with everything? It just kills the look girl." Jane remarked pointing to the antique necklace with an amber colored stone pendant on your neck. 
"What choice do I have?" You scoff. "My mom will kill me if I take this off and I've been wearing this since I was 5." You tucked the necklace inside the seam of your dress. 
Harrison and Tom joined in after sometime. 
“Hi darling” Harrison pecked Jane’s cheek.
“Hi babe.” The boys went away to order their drinks.
"Two bourbon neat." You ordered the bartender taking a seat at the bar. 
"So you guys are a thing now?" you quirked your eyebrow. 
"Mind telling me what were two upto today?'' 
"A lady never kisses and tells Y/N."
"Oh I see now things are like that huh?" you smirked.
“Hey no! It’s nothing like that. I’ll tell you everything later.”
"No need I'm not interested in your little sexcapade in the shower rooms anyways" you shrugged having a little sip of your drink. 
“So how’s it been with you and Cole lately?”
“We are good, just a little caught with personal stuff.” your eyes wandered off to Tom checking him out through the rim of the glass.
'' I know you and Cole have been together for all these years but are you really together?"
“What- what makes you say that?!”
“Honey you and Cole claim to be together but you both are so far from each other with no emotional attachment. You really don’t have any problem when he is flirting with other girls.” Jane pointed at his direction.
“Because I’m not a clingy or an over possessive girlfriend we are not engaged or married so let him live his life.” you reasoned.
"Then why aren’t you living yours? You know it's okay if you have started to have feelings for someone else. Y/N the more you try to resist it the more you'll get pulled towards it." you understood whom Jane was referring to and you were baffled at the confrontation. You can’t admit it, not yet because you yourself were confused with your lingering feelings towards Tom.
"You know what you're totally drunk, that is why you are blabbering all this bluff. I'm very happy with Cole and I'm gonna go and dance with my boyfriend." you finished your drink before making your way to the dancefloor. Jane tsked, shaking her head seeing your denial towards your true feelings. You danced to the song playing and smirked when you felt a familiar pair of hands around your waist. Cole turned you around, your hands went on to hold on to his shoulders. You were looking around the club when your eyes went to Tom staring at you. Tom was quite amused at your free spirited nature. You were a totally different person to him right now. A contrasting image of yourself with less inhibitions and raw emotions. Who didn't care much of the world. 
You winked at him, smiling mischievously. He averted his gaze from you flustered. You laughed internally.
Tick Tock starts playing… 
I don't need no other, I'm satisfied
Doing it on my own
Only takes one lover to change your vibe
Ain't that the way it go
"Hey Cole!" Some of his friends called out. 
"Come here man!"
"Yeah coming! Gotta go babe." He pecked your cheeks and left. You huffed on the way he ditched you. 
I don't need nobody, but you on replay
Caught in the memory
When you touch my body and you say my name
Giving me what I need (tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)
You felt a light tap on your shoulder.
"You know if you want I can fill in for your boyfriend. I'm not that bad a dancer."
"Wouldn’t be that bad I guess.” you looked at him with flirty eyes.
Every minute, so lost in it
Like you're in my bed
Every hour, give you power
I'm losing mine instead (tick tock, tick tock)
"You sure your boyfriend will not mind?" you looked at him occupied with some other girls annoying you. 
"Screw him." You said and pulled Tom dangerously close taking his hands and placing them on your waist. You rested your palms on his chest lightly holding on to his jacket. 
24/7 got you on my mind
Think about you all the time
My body wants you night and day
But my head is screaming, "go away" (tick tock, tick tock, tick tock)
You gazed in his hazel brown eyes the purple lights dancing on his face highlighting his features,the alcohol kicking in as you swayed to the beat. Your hands creeping up to his broad shoulders  as you nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck inhaling the intoxicating smell of his cologne. Your head was reeling as you felt so good a warmth creeping inside your heart. You didn't want to let go of him caring less of the fact that Cole is right there in the club with his friends. You felt like you were under some kind of spell. Tom held you close to him placing his hands on your back. Both of you lovedrunk. 
24/7 got you on my mind
Darling, I don't have the time
My body wants you night and day
I'm losing all control of me 
Song continues………. 
"Good for nothing you all are!" Agatha Layman yelled. Zendaya, Laura and Angourie flinched in fear.
"The only job you had was to keep an eye on Thomas that too you couldn't do!" 
"But mother I did everything you asked me to do." Zendaya stated.
"If you did what I had asked you to do then why am I getting to know now that Amber is alive!" 
"What!? That's not possible." Zendaya frowned in disbelief. 
"Yes my dear. She has returned in the form of a human though she has no recollection of her past life nor she has her powers."
"If she has returned and if Tom knows about her then he will do anything to bring her back here." Laura remarked. 
"No, no, no this can't happen. All these years of planning, plotting can't go to waste!'' Agatha paced across the room panicking. 
"The only dream I had was to see you as the high priestess of the coven. And take over this coven and lead the way according to the Dark lord's wishes." She cupped Zendaya's face. 
"Amber has to die and if you girls can't do that then I'll do it myself!"
"Mother, give us one last  chance we will not disappoint you this time." 
"Go then I want that half breed dead." Agatha ordered with a deep menacing voice.
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 15
Douxie x fem reader
Chapter 1
Masterlist in bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures.
Chapter 15 summary: Just as you and Douxie get back to Arcadia the Eternal Night begins. 
You stroked Archie as Douxie drove the three of you back to Arcadia. It had been a pretty silent drive with you drifting in and out of sleep, but you were awake now and you and Douxie were singing along to some music you were playing via your phone.
It was a lot of fun and it made you even happier to see Douxie smiling again. You looked back out the window before he could catch you staring.
A new song came on and you began to sing, but your phone ringing cut you off. You unplugged the aux cord and answered it.
“Hey, mom. We just got back. We’re almost in Arcadia.”
“Y/n, something happened, can you come to the school?” She asked, her voice filled with urgency.
“Um, yeah. I’ll be right there.” You hung up and looked to Douxie. “That was my mom, something happened.”
“I can drop you off and then you can pick up your car tomorrow?” Douxie suggested and you nodded.
The two of you continued singing, but you were distracted by your thoughts. Your brain had decided to conjure up thoughts of all the worst possible scenarios.
Thankfully you didn’t have to suffer through the scenarios as you arrived at the school. You hopped out of the car and thanked Douxie.
You immediately sensed auras on the roof and while they all seemed relatively calm and a little anxious, you didn’t sense Jim’s.
You decided to forgo the stairs and you flew yourself up to the roof. You arrived to see everyone but Jim. Even Merlin was there, but you didn’t see your brother. However, you did see a troll in the eclipse armor. You stared wide-eyed at him and dove into his aura. If you peeled back a few layers you found your brothers.
“Jim?” You asked, alerting everyone to your arrival.
“Hey Y/n,” he greeted, smiling nervously.
“Are you okay?” You asked, concern for your little brother consuming you.
“Kinda,” he admitted and you ran over to hug him. Tears pricked your eyes when you realized how much taller he was now.
“What happened?” You asked as you pulled away from him, but you still held his hand.
“I needed to become stronger and Merlin did this.” He gestured to himself.
“But you were already great,” you whispered. You could sense the pain and fear and Jim’s aura and it made your tears run faster. The best word to describe your mood was ‘furious’ and the cause of your anger was Merlin.
You had been home for about three seconds and you were already ready to fight the old man. You were only holding back because you didn’t want to start something or upset Jim.
“Ah so this is the Trollhunter’s sister?” Merlin asked and you were seriously ready to throw hands. You had really expected Merlin to be cooler from what Douxie described.
You scowled. “I am, and not only that, I’m a sorceress.”
“Really?” Merlin asked, interest showing on his face.
“Yes, and what were you thinking? How could you do this to him?” You asked.
“I didn’t do anything. It was his choice, I just created the means. In the end you will thank me.”
You decided to be mature and ignore Merlin. It was the best way to calm down. It also helped when you remembered that Merlin was able to see the future. Maybe Jim becoming a half-troll was a good thing?
You turned to Jim. “Don’t worry Jimbo, you still have your looks,” you joked trying to make light of the situation.
He chuckled. “Thanks.”
You looked at the rest of the group and you noticed Strickler standing very close to your mom. You decided to be mature and read their auras before attacking Strickler and you were presently surprised to sense forgiveness in your moms aura and caring in Strickler’s. Maybe he wasn’t that bad.
You put on a small smile. “Why don’t we walk home and you explain everything that's been going on this past week to me.”
“There’s something you should know about our trip to find Merlin,” Jim said once you all had gotten down from the roof.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, sensing the sad shift in everyone’s auras.
Jim looked down. “Draal didn’t make it. H-he died back when we were getting Merlin’s staff. Draal took a dagger for me, Angor Rot killed him.”
You looked at the rest of the group and saw sadness shining in your eyes. You began to cry again and Jim hugged you. “I-I can’t believe it,” you sobbed.
“I know I’m sorry. But we are going to avenge him,” Jim promised. You sniffed, looking up at him. He was so grown up now and you were incredibly proud.
You took a deep breath. “I know we will.”
Last night as all of you walked home the group recounted the events of the last week to you and you had to admit a lot had happened. Now it was time to defeat Morgana and Gunmar.
That morning you had gone over the plan and you had to say, while you were nervous and scared, but you were excited to end this. It would all be over soon and hopefully your brother and Merlin would come out victorious.
And while they did that, you were on crowd control with Douxie. You wouldn’t have regular civilians dying, not if you had something to say about it.
You stood on the sidelines with Douxie watching Aja and Krel play their music. The crowd seemed very excited for Krel’s DJ-ing, but you were a ball of nerves. Claire was supposed to arrive soon and tell everyone to go and find someplace safe.
You bit your lip as Señior Uhl announced Mama Skull and Claire walked onto the stage in her armor.
You barely listened to her speech, but you could tell nobody was understanding how much danger they were in. That is until the sky darkened and gumm-gumms appeared.
You tried to call everyone to you, but they just panicked. Unsure of what to do, you and Douxie just began to fight. The less gumm-gumms there were the less chance of people dying, right?
You summoned your sword and immediately sliced through one as you sent a magic blast at another. You heard someone scream on stage and you and Douxie ran over there. You noticed he didn’t have a weapon and you wondered what he was going to be able to do with just a guitar.
Apparently he could do a lot. He hit a gumm-gumm that was terrorizing Mary and Darci over the head, knocking it out cold.
“I've always hated those twits!” he grumbled. You went over to finish the job while he helped Mary and Darci.
You walked back over to Douxie who Mary and Darci were swooning over and you rolled your eyes. “Come on Romeo, we need to get these people to safety.”
“Alright, Ladies follow us.” Douxie took off and you followed him.
“Where should we take them?” You asked. “We need some place big enough to fit a ton of people.”
“The school!” Douxie responded. You turned the corner and found some gumm-gumms harassing some of the old guys who like to play chess in the gazebo.
You held out your sword and charged the creatures, easily taking them down while Douxie covered your back. The two of you made a very good team.
Soon the street was cleared of the black and green monstrosities, but you knew it wouldn’t last long. “We need to get going,” you said helping the old men up.
Your ever growing group made your way through the town with Douxie up front and you guarding the rear. Occasionally you ran into gumm-gumms, but you and Douxie took care of them easily.
Soon you made it to the school. You used your magic to unlock the doors and you had to admit you were proud of yourself.
You watched as Douxie led everyone across the street. Things seemed to be going your way for the time being and you hoped all of your friends were doing okay. You didn’t know how you would go on if you lost anyone else.
Another tremor hit and you wobbled on your feet. Tremors had been occurring all day, but this one felt different.
The cause of the tremor was soon revealed when you heard a roar. It was a roar you had only ever heard once before, and that had been in the Darklands. You watched everyone freeze in the middle of the street as a gigantic black and green snake thing turned towards all of you. It could probably smell the fear radiating off of everyone.
“Fuzz buckets,” Douxie cursed as the Nyarlagroth charged. There was no time to make any mistakes so you just decided to call upon your magic. An orange glow surrounded the Arcadians and they floated into the air. You heard shouts of surprise, but you didn’t have time to warn them as you threw them inside the school.
You went to chase after them, but you instead saw a kitten standing in the middle of the Nyarlagroth’s path. There was no way you were going to let something bad happen to the adorable ball of white fluff, so you did what any compassionate human would do. You ran towards the kitten and picked it up.
Unfortunately now both of you were in the Nyarlagroth’s path, but you weren’t there for long.
You and the kitten glowed blue and you were yanked towards Douxie who caught you. He carried you bridal style into the school, gently setting you down before the group of Arcadians.
“Um, thanks,” you mumbled.
“Anytime, thanks for getting the kitten. I didn’t see it.”
“Of course.”
“What now?” Someone asked and you turned to face them. You didn’t have to be an aura reader to sense that these people were afraid. But what you weren’t expecting was for them to be determined.
“I know you might not be happy to be stuck in here, unable to do anything, but in here you are safer. I also understand how scary this is. Right now Douxie and I need to take care of that giant snake thing so we can make this place safer.” You looked at all the terrified faces and sighed when you noticed that your speech didn’t seem to be impacting them. “Okay, look. We’ve all lived in Arcadia for a while and I’m sure many of you have noticed the weird things that go on around here. There are different creatures that live here who aren’t human, but this is their home too. Those bad guys out there have taken their home before and are trying to take it again as well as ours. There aren’t many people who can do something about it, but those who can are out there, fighting for you and they are going to win. But to do that, they need you in here where you’re safe so they don’t have to worry about you. It may seem scary now, but if we all do our part things will work out!”
You looked again and noticed that everyone seemed to be calmer and even more determined than they were before. “Good luck!” Someone called and you smiled.
“We’ll be back soon,” Douxie said, holding the door for you.
You reluctantly gave the kitten to Phil and Jerry, the two the old guys you had saved. “Now let’s go take care of that Nyarlagroth.”
“I didn’t know you gave inspirational speeches,” Douxie joked once you were outside.
“It’s one of my many hidden talents,” you replied smiling at him.
You and Douxie raced to the top of the school to get a good view and you saw the Nyarlagroth circling the school.
“When Jim was in the darklands he stopped one by overwhelming it’s sense of smell,” you explained. “We need to find something that will do that.”
“This is a school, there’s got to be tons of  gross laundry here,” Douxie suggested.
You bit your lip. “I hope this works.”
“Me too,” Douxie sighed, looking one last time at the beast. His aura was buzzing with worry.
“We’ve got this,” you said, pulling him back down the stairs. The two of you went looking for the laundry and you plugged your nose as you levitated it out of the school. “This should be fine.”
“Good.” Douxie chuckled. “I hope these kids won’t be mad about us feeding their stuff to the Nyarlagroth.”
“I think they’ll be fine.” You set the hampers down to catch a breather. “Okay, I’ll go across the street and when the Nyarlagroth comes around be ready to fling this stuff into its mouth.”
“Yes Ma’am,” Douxie said, jokingly saluting you.
You gave a small smile before running across the street, levitating your baskets behind you.
You heard the Nyarlagroth before you saw it. Hiding in an Alley you levitated the hampers and got ready to shove them into the beast’s mouth.
It roared and you sent the disgusting laundry flying into its mouth. You watched as Douxie’s hampers flew in after yours.
It froze and you took it distraction as an opportunity.
“Douxie blast it, I’m gonna go stab it!” You explained, ever eloquent.
You leapt into the air and onto the Nyarlagroth’s back. You felt the beast shift as Douxie began to blast it. Quickly you located a space between its scales and you squeezed your eyes closed as you thrust your sword into it. You pushed it into the hilt and watched as it slowly turned to stone. You felt bad, but you knew it would kill everyone if given the chance.
You floated off the Nyarlagroth and down to the ground where Douxie hugged you.
“We did it!” He celebrated. “You did amazing.”
“Thanks, but we both did amazing.”
You high fived in celebration. The Nyarlagroth was now a pile of useless stones and the People of Arcadia were mostly saved.
However, the celebration couldn’t last long. You had work to do. You and Douxie placed anti gumm-gumm sigils around the house and then went to go look for more people. Soon you had gathered quite a few and you were bringing them back to the cool when you saw a horde of goblins.
Stood to challenge them while Douxie got the people inside. The goblins charged at you and you blasted a few before they got too close.
The leader leapt up at you and you sliced him with your sword. This only angered the rest of them causing them to fight with more vigor. But you were fighting for the safety of your town.
Soon Douxie joined you, bashing the goblins with his guitar that he had kept. It was a little battered by now, but it made for a good weapon.
You fought goblin after goblin, but there always seemed to be more of them.
They suddenly stopped attacking though and you noticed a change in the air. The goblins looked at each other then at you and Douxie who had your weapons arrived.
They turned and ran. You were tempted to go after them, but you realized that you couldn’t do much against that many goblins. You should have to save that problem for later.
“What do you think happened?” Douxie asked.
Red lightning came out of nowhere and hit a gumm-gumm which shattered into a pile of rocks. “I think Jim killed Gunmar!” You exclaimed.
Now that the street was clear you and Douxie went to check on the Arcadians. After you were sure they were good the two of you can off to the canal. The both of you were worried that the Eternal Night hadn't ended.
You didn't have your car so you wouldn't be able to drive. Instead the two of you ran.
You arrived to see Claire, Jim, Toby, Aaarrrgghh, and Blinky looking at a giant crack in the ground.
You looked into it and saw the heartstone, but it wasn't warm and happy orange anymore. It was a cold gray.
"What happened?" You asked, aghast. You had spent so much wonderful time in Trollmarket now it was destroyed.
"Gunmar happened," Blinky said, bitterly.
"What are you going to do now? " you asked.
"We're gonna look for a new Heartstone. Merlin mentioned that there would be one in New Jersey," Jim said.
"New Jersey?" You asked, shocked.
Jim avoided your eyes. "Yeah."
"I'll miss you," you said, hugging him.
"I'll miss you too," he said.
After you had met with Jim Claire and Toby and they had told you their side of the battle and you told yours, you went to see your mom who was sanding on the cliff overlooking Arcadia. The two of you were waiting to say goodbye to Jimo. You knew he had to go to New Jersey, but it still hurt you to see him go.
Merlin arrived and he looked out over Arcadia. There was smoke billowing over some buildings and while it looked sad and hopeless, but you knew it would be okay.
You gently stroked the kitten you had saved from the Nyarlagroth. You had decided to adopt the kitten, though you didn’t have a name for the darling fluff ball.  
You were spooked out of your thoughts by some rustling behind you. You turned around to see Jim. You tried to hold back your tears.  You hadn’t even said goodbye yet and you were already missing him.
He went over to you and your mom and hugged the two of you. “I promised I’d never leave you,” he said.
“Honey, I knew this day would come, I just...never knew when,” your mom rubbing yours and Jim’s back. “I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
You heard your mom sniff and you knew she was crying. Your own tears began to fall. “Just call often,” you sniffed.
“Everyday. Twice. Text. Now and then?” Your mom added.
“Of course, guys. I love you,” Jim said, also sniffing.
“Not more than I love you kiddo,” your mom chuckled.
You heard more rustling and sawBlinky arrive. “Are you ready, Master Jim?” He asked coming over to you.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Jim sighed, letting go of you and your mom, but keeping your hands.
“I don’t know what tomorrow brings, but with our Trollhunter by our side, I don’t fear it either,” Blinky said,  putting his hand on Jim's shoulder. You smiled, you were glad Jim had someone like Blinky.
“I really appreciate that, Mr. Blinky,” you mom said.
You heard more rustling and saw Claire and her parents arrive.
She walked over to Jim. “Claire, I can’t ask you to—“
“You didn’t ask,” Claire said and you were so glad Jim had such a great boyfriend.
“She has enough credits to graduate early,” Claire's mom said. “We’re treating this as some time abroad.”
“As long as she comes back soon,” her dad said.
“Well, congratulations, Claire,” You said, high fiving her. You wondered how it was possible for a sophomore to have accomplished that.
Jim laughed and you jumped a little as Strickler came flying by. He landed by your mom. “Good luck, Young Atlas.”
Jim smiled at the three of you and slowly let go of your mom’s hand as he walked away.
“You did good raising him, Doc,” NotEnrique consoled. “Here’s a thousand new babies to raise.”
“What?” Strickler asked as NotEnrique handed your mom the cradle stone.
“Have fun with that, you two,” NotEnrique called, running away so they couldn’t give the stone back.
“Wait!” Strickler called.
“This’ll be fun,” you muttered and your mom patted your back.
“Wait! Wait for me!” Toby yelled as he came running up to the group in his War Hammer armor. “Boy, these goodbyes are tough, you know. Nana wanted me to take Mr. Meow Meow P.I., but he does not travel well. What?”
“Tobes...you have to stay.” Jim said, kneeling down.
“What?” Toby asked and you felt really, really bad for him. “You’re going on a quest. I love quests. We go everywhere together.”
“I’m hurt, Claire lost her Shadow Staff. We need you here to protect Arcadia.”
“No, Wingman,” Aaarrrgghh said, coming up to Toby. “I help. I stay.”
Blinky gasped then nodded, accepting it. Their air was thick with bittersweet goodbyes and you felt a few tears fall.
“So, you’re staying with me-” Toby gestured to you and Aaarrrgghh “-and you’re leaving,” he summarized, gesturing to Claire, Jim and Blinky.
“But we’ll be back. Someday,” Jim promised as you handed the kitten to your mom and walked over to them with Claire. The four of you were pulled into a group hug.
“You better,” Toby sniffed.
“And then we’ll get tacos,” Jim said, chuckling.
“And enchiladas,” Claire added.
“We sure found that adventure. Right, Tobes?” Jim asked and you smiled through your tears.
“I’m really glad we took the canal that morning,” Toby agreed.
The four of you stood. “Keep Arcadia safe,” Jim requested. “You’re its only Trollhunters now.”
Nomura walked over and hugged Toby. “I still don’t like you.”
“I know,” Toby cried. You began to quietly shed your tears as your friends and little brother walked away into the forest.
They stopped and you watched as Merlin pulled out the Eclipse Blade and you noticed that it was broken. “I believe this belongs to you, Trollhunter.”
Merlin used his magic to fix it and Jim grabbed it. They looked back one more time and you waved a sad goodbye.
Thank yall so much for reading and liking my writing!! It makes me so happy to see your positive feedback!! It was super bittersweet writing this chapter. I know there will be more, but it felt sad writing the scene where they leave. Anyways, I really hope y'all have a wonderful day/night!! And stay safe!! 💙💙
Also I haven't though if a name for the kitten yet, so if you have any suggestions I'm open.
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
P.P.S. I'm totally open for requests on fluffy half chapters! If you have any ideas for the half chapters send them in and I'll do my best to include them.
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elles-writing · 4 years
Late night dinner - pt. II
A/N: final part. Writing these two pieces did bring me comfort, this one is more fluffy. I got inspired by Lost Girls music video by Lindsey Stirling, which represents that when you break free from something, it doesn't mean you never want to go back. I reccomend watching the music video and behind the scenes, where she talks about it. I cried out of cuteness almost, it made me feel bad at some parts, so I suppose it's a good piece in that case, when it makes me feel something.
Genre: angst, fluff
Warnings: mentions of eating disorder, negative self-talk, mention of cheating
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Following weeks were full of unstability. After few days, when she ate more than normal, she started eating normally again. The biggest problem were her insecurities, and the voice in her head telling her all those things. She knew she was lucky to have Kili. They would go out to market in Dale, and while they walked around, they tried out different meals. The living and beautiful place made Y/N to think about different things than just food, her body or her insecurities.
At least for a moment.
It was hard for her mentally - even though she knew she wanted to be healthy and her body to be healthy, the voice was there, the stress, the tears. She felt stupid for crying over eating more than normal, but Kili assured her it will be eventually okay. He asked Oin, but he didn't knew much about that ilness.
"Well, back in my world," Elle started when they sat in front of fireplace.
"people - especially young people - can have this. I was bullied for years as a child, I was called fat and ugly, and I think it just came up in bad moment. Back in my world, we call it eating disorder, and, well, it is. I'm usually stressed and don't eat, and then it kind of goes fine, but...the memories came up I suppose and I didn't felt particularly good at that exact moment." Kili hummed. He let Y/N to talk about it and listened to her.
"I want to be healthy, I really do, but...there is this voice in my head, telling me...things I should and should not eat and...yeah. It is better now, though I still feel the...the feeling I do something I'm not supposed to do..." she sighed.
"You need to eat to function, Y/N. But you are making progress, even if you do not believe it. I believe in you. You can do this," he hugged her close to his chest. Y/N felt tears in her eyes.
"Thank you, Kili. Thank you so much," she said and hugged him back.
It felt good to spend more time with Kili. Sometimes they talked, or sneaked in the kitchens late at night, to taste great smelling pasteries. Kili also got a great idea.
Well, in his eyes, at least.
"Wait, so you are telling me you want to learn how to cook?" Fili asked Kili. Kili nodded, and Fili tried to cover his laugh.
"Hey, it's not like I burned the kitchen down!"
"You were like five years old and the pan was on fire."
"It wasn't that bad! It was just little too hot. There was not any fire."
"You tried to make a toast. And you burned it to ashes."
"It was burned a lot, but not into ashes!"
"I'm not trusting you in any kitchen."
"I send letter to Bilbo." Kili said and shrugged his shoulders.
"Why are you trying to learn to cook all of sudden?" Fili looked at his brother with curiousity. And concern.
"I want to surprise Y/N," he simply said.
After a few weeks, Y/N was eating normally - mostly because her and Kili spended most time together. She wasn't making up exuses, or stayed in library for too long on purpose, and came back after she was sure he was in bed.
Kili often told her he loves her. Not that he wouldn't do it before, but now it had a lot more importance - at least he took it like that. So he took it seriously, to make her cheeks warm up and eyes glow, make her face to light up.
When Bilbo arrived, Kili showed him his room, and told him he wanted to surprise Y/N by dinner from her favourite dishes.
Bilbo and Kili spended most time of their lessons at night, when anyone couldn't walk in on them. Kili wanted to hold Y/N close while she slept, but he also knew this surprise will be worth it.
He always made sure she was deeply asleep, they carefully got out of bed and dressed himself, ready for a few hours of trying to learn how to cut without injuring himself or Bilbo, and cook and bake without burning the kitchens down.
Elle woke up into the night. It was early morning, and she had a nightmare. She sat up and tried to find Kili's hand.
She frowned when she couldn't find Kili's hand. She looked at the bed next to her, and tried to find him. He was not there, and the bed was cold.
She quietly got up and put on his sweater. It smelled like him, and she calmed down a little. She decided to go and get a glass of water and then go back to sleep again.
While she walked to the kitchens, her thoughts were running in her head.
What if he was cheating on her?
Sure, Elle knew Kili loved her. He told her she was his One, and she didn't doubted it, because he let her know he loves her all the time, and made her feel loved, plus they could count on each other anytime.
But thoughts started coming to her while she was alone.
He was handsome. Maybe not by dwarf standart, but by human and perhaps elf standart as well. Kili flirted a lot - well, with her.
Or as far as she knew...
She felt tears in her eyes.
"No, he wouldn't do it," she whispered to herself.
But...what if yes?
She thought about it, and stopped. She looked down on herself. Her body wasn't perfect as many other girls', and she knew it. She tried to get rid of those thoughts, even if they kept coming back to her.
What if he loves another...
What if I'm not good enough...
What if I'm not doing enough...
What if he does this just because he doesn't want me to do anything stupid, before he-
She sobbed and started shaking. She felt like words froze in her throat and leaned against a wall. She deeply inhaled the scent of the sweater and let out a shaky breath, while tears runned down her face.
Why would he have ever loved me?
She felt her heart breaking into pieces.
She silently walked to the kitchens, even if her stomach was in firm knot. She frowned when she noticed a light and overheard conversation.
She sneaked closer, and heard Bilbo's voice. She frowned. She didn't even knew the hobbit was there.
"....what does it matter? You love her, and she loves you. She's your One, so how hard can that be?"
"Well, it's true, but Y/N never mentioned it...what if she doesn't want to marry me?" He asked, and there was a panick in his voice. Elle blinked.
He wanted to marry her?
She almost started crying out of happiness and relief.
She carefully walked to the door. They were opened for a few inches, and she peeked in. There was Bilbo, who was softly sprinking top of some pie with sugar.
"Well, try to calm down. Why wouldn't she want to marry you?"
"I-I don't know-"
"You're just nervous, I suppose," Bilbo said. Kili quickly nodded, and walked little aside, so she couldn't see him anymore.
"Who is here?" Bilbo's voice made her jump up.
She walked in with shameful expression on her face. Bilbo's and Kili's eyes widened.
"I woke up, and you wasn't there," she muttered and looked at Kili through her lashes.
"Oh, I'm-well, I-" Kili started muttering.
"Well, I wanted to prepare you a surprise, but um..." he nervously looked to Bilbo to help him.
"I ruined it," Y/N sighed. He shook his head and pulled her to hug. To big, comforting, warm hug, where she felt the safest.
"Well, not exactly. How much did you heard?"
"That you worry if I want to marry you," Kili's eyes widened.
"And, um, do you? I mean want to marry me?" Y/N smiled.
"Of course I do," Kili's face light up and he kissed her whole face.
"So you..."
"I asked Bilbo if he would taught me how to cook, because, well, you love all the hobbit food, and I thought it was a good idea," He gently kissed her hair.
"But why at night?"
"I wanted to make sure nobody would walk in and ruin the surprise. Plus, dwarves love good food as well, so there wouldn't be anything left," he brushed her hair.
"Ki, that's...I don't know what to say, it's so kind from you-" Kili silenced her with soft kiss.
"You deserve all the good in the world. And it's worth fighting for, my brightest star."
"Now, let's taste it, shall we?" She winked at him. Kili felt such a proud of her, when her eyes sparkled in curiousity and happiness, and there was no sadness or nervousness.
"Wait, you-is that-?" She turned to him as she noticed blackberry pie. He shrugged.
"Yeah. Bilbo was fussing a little over the little overbaked dough, because he said it will be bitterish, but-" Y/N pecked his cheek.
"It's fine, Ki. I'm proud of you for even making the effort, and...well, not burning the kitchens as well," she giggled.
"Let's taste it, shall we?" Y/N said and Kili shot her a wink.
He cutted the pie into pieces and Y/N cuddled into the sweater more, though the kitchens were beautifully warm.
Y/N sat up to the counter and looked over the kitchens. She pulled out two spoons from one of the cupboards, plus two small plates. It was still dark, but many candles made it look like it was sunrise already.
When she tasted the pie, she had to admit, the dough was little bitter, but that didn't mean it wasn't a good pie. When she remembered the quest, she knew Kili truly did a big progress in his cooking.
"So, how is it-why are you crying, Amrâlime?" He said when he noticed Y/N's face stained with tears. He put his plate aside and wiped off her tears.
"I'm so proud of you," she whispered.
"You learned to cook, and...and all-" she tried to explain. She wasn't sad. She was proud. So proud.
"And I am proud of you as well, princess," He kissed her forehead.
No need to say, it was the best late night dinner...
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seizethecarpe · 3 years
Between Bookends || Dave and Rio
Timing: Currentish, during versipellis plot.  Summary: Dave knows he isn’t well, and he turns to the only scribe he knows for help. Whether that’s a good idea or not... well. They’ll find out. Content warnings: Body horror mention
Dave trembled, his muscles exhausted to the point of no return. He could barely steer the boat cohesively, except for the hunger eating at his stomach despite the pound and pounds of seal meat he’d already eaten. As he got closer and closer to the shore, the monstrous sickness became even louder, knowing its prey was nearby. He’d almost slaughtered Adam, had come close to killing several other too. Maybe he’d even drowned a couple, even if he hadn’t eaten them. Guilt tried to gnaw at him, but how could it even begin to compete with the hunger inside him? The boat shuddered to a stop, a small distance from where he’d dock it. Maybe just a small enough distance to give Rio the chance to run, or fight, or whatever the kid needed to. Dave took a last deep breath through his mouth, so that the last thing he smelled was the sea. If he didn’t talk, he wouldn’t have to breathe. He raised his hand to Rio in recognition. “You said you could help,” Dave signed. “How can you help?”
 Orion didn’t know what to do with his hands. His eyesight made Dave’s boat coming into view that much more awkward. How close was close enough to start waving? How awkward would it be for him to stand completely still while Dave came closer and closer to land? In context of exactly what Dave was going through, none of this seemed relevant or important. But as Rio’s mind raced with all the possibilities of what could be wrong and how Dave could end up hurt, these annoying little social cues that Rio couldn’t get a grasp of seemed to be the only way to distract himself from completely freaking out. As an annoying compromise, Rio swayed his arms a bit by his side until Dave motioned first. Then Rio started waving and moving to close the distance between the two. Dave’s question didn’t exactly ease Rio’s concerns. Promising help was something that Rio always did. This time he actually needed to follow through on the offer. Easier said than done when he still wasn’t absolutely positive he was right. “Right. Yeah. I have some ideas. Um- I just want to be sure about what you saw.” Rio signed as he spoke, moving closer to the boat to try to help him with anything he needed.
 “Stay back. I don’t rightly know if I have a handle on this.” Dave signed aggressively, taking a couple steps back in his boat. He’d seen Rio against the cockatrices, in tears over the thought of having to kill an aggro chicken. No matter what tricks Rio had up his sleeve, he wouldn’t do what would need doing if… well, just if. The hunger was an ambush predator, overwhelming him before because he hadn’t known it was there. That was the only way he could swallow the guilt of how close he’d come already to eating people. Now it could no longer sneak up on him, Dave liked to believe for a moment he would have control, but as Rio got closer, even without smelling the air, Dave’s mouth was beginning to salivate. “Biggest wolf I’ve ever seen in the woods. Not around a full moon, skin dangling from its back like it was wearing war trophies of something. Barely got away in time.” Dave raised his arm, showing the bandage and the angry red that had seeped through and had dried on the outside. 
 Crossing his arms in protest, Orion froze in place and kept the distance from Dave that was demanded. He didn’t like the idea of it though. Dave was clearly going through a lot right now, and what he needed was someone that could do whatever it took to help him out. Dave had given an overview of what was wrong and how dangerous he was becoming. Rio had to determine the line of separation between helping Dave and trying to keep himself safe. For as smart as he was told that he was growing up, it was just about the only thing that his parents would compliment him on, he hadn’t mastered the art of self preservation. “Jesus” Rio mumbled to himself, not wasting the time in signing it before moving on, “Right. Okay. Well, I have a theory. I think.” It wasn’t perfect and it certainly wasn’t something he had ever come across before, but the pieces of Dave’s story seemed to be fitting together. “I have a place we can go. Nobody but me will be there. But on our way, explain what you’re feeling. Like uh- you mentioned about a hunger for…” Unable to finish the sentence himself, he dropped his hands and left it open ended for Dave to elaborate.
 “I’ll take the hint of an idea over anything swirling through my head at the moment.” Better than wondering what had broken in him, if this was the work of the Valkyrie messing with his head or a sickness Dave wouldn’t shake, or something to do with how rare Leopard Seal Selkies were, that there was something inherently wrong with him. Wild leopard seals ate the young of other seal species… maybe that was what he was relegated to, why he’d been so hungry for Ollie. Reaching out to Rio had been… desperation. Better than continuing to ignore it after nearly killing several. “People,” Dave signed, disgust curling his lips, ashamed of the admission. “I’ve almost killed… too many people, in the last few days. One of them a selkie. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
 It was definitely as horrifying as it sounded, and Orion could understand why Dave was so set on keeping distance from him. He wondered how strong the craving was, or how hard it had to be to hold himself back anytime he was around someone. “I think I know what’s wrong. Maybe.” He couldn’t exactly be sure, not with all of the other craziness that happened around town. At any given time there could probably be three or more explanations to some gory murder or unexplained phenomenon. In this case, all the stars seemed to align. “I have a place that we can go. I’ll have you look through a book with me and if I’m right, it should help us figure out what to do next. Follow me okay?” Rio signed and then waved him along. The trip to the Scribrary wouldn’t take too long, but both would have to be on edge the entire time, wary of what might happen if Dave’s self control wavered. Rio had strength on his side, but he didn’t have experience. Or guts. “And it’s safe there.”
 “And if you’re wrong?” Dave signed back, his hands jerking in agitation. He looked at Rio with wide, agonised eyes, hoping he wouldn’t have to explain his fears here. That even for a young man with very little meat on him at all, Rio looked delicious as a snack. It was only his breathhold that made just looking at the kid bearable. Dave didn’t want to point out that on that boat, he’d almost made a different call, not to a small scribeling with a fear of violence, but a  hunter with a certified skill at murder. He wasn’t sure he’d made the right call. “I need to know you’ll keep yourself safe.” Because Dave had seen that too, in the woods with those cockatrices - that Rio had more strength in his than his baggy sweatshirts showed. Whether the will was there was a whole nother matter. “I don’t know how much grip I’ve got on this whole situation.”
 “I’m optimistic” Orion ignored Dave’s question. He didn’t want to think about what could happen if Rio was wrong. The unknown would just induce panic that Rio couldn’t exactly afford right now. He was already panicking enough internally, a full blown panic attack would do nothing but hinder his ability to help Dave. He definitely didn’t want to think about how dangerous it was to willingly go alone to an abandoned building with a man who just admitted to craving human flesh. “I know how to get in and out of this place way better than you do. If worst comes to worst, I’ll just let you get lost in there.” Rio laughed nervously, unsure if that was actually a joke or not. They both knew that he wasn’t exactly an expert when it came to fighting or defending himself. Rio’s strength advantage probably wouldn’t go very far against Dave. 
 Orion didn’t talk much as they trudged through the woods. He was too busy forming a plan of escape in his head in case it became necessary. Dave kept his distance from Rio, which Rio knew was more in his interest than Dave’s. All Rio hoped was that he could give him some sort of hope that this wasn’t going to last forever. “Here we are” Rio mentioned nonchalantly, motioning towards the empty expanse of forest that sat in front of them. Now was hardly the time to be impressed by the Scribe’s magic, but he could never quite get over how the Scribe building would slowly come into view as if a mist was rising above it. All it took was a simple spell that Rio’s uncle had taught him so long ago. A trick built into an unassuming tree that allowed access only to those that were granted access. Within a minute, the whole building was sitting a hundred yards away, “So uh- welcome to the Scribrary. I’ll lead you back to the library. I have some books we should look at.”
 “That ain’t good enough,” Dave snapped, but his options were limited. Clearly, he didn’t have the fucking werewithal to hold himself captive. He was already thinking about hunting down Ollie again. The crunch of her windpipe if he bit through her throat, the sweet flavour of the blubber of her skin if he caught her in the water. He’d only had harbour seals so far, a ring seal would be a delicious treat. With a start, Dave realised he was staring at Rio, blood-stained drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, every muscle in his body straining. If they’d both been on land, that small lapse in concentration could have been fatal. He put his hand on the engine, tempted to steer away. But what were his choices? Giving in, or calling a hunter.
 Dave was damned if he was about to sign his own death warrant. 
 One final deep breath, and he steered the boat against the dock, and stepped on the dock, gesturing for Rio to lead. They walked quickly through the forest, Dave tapping every tree with a stick so that even when Rio wasn’t looking, he’d know where Dave was. If the tapping stopped… well. For as long as he could hold his breath, the monstrous hunger - unsatiated by how stuffed his stomach was - still craved more. He couldn’t help but stare at Rio, fantasising about how easy it would be to tear his head from his body, how the poor sweet child would probably let him rather than be violent. Dave wasn’t convinced there was much meat on him to eat, but it would be satisfying all the same. And once he’d had one…. Dave was sure it would be easier to eat the others. By the time the scribe headquarters faded into view, Dave could barely even manage to be impressed, only focused on Rio and fighting the temptation to eat Rio. “Hurry,” he signed sharply. He’d feel better if there was a locked door between them. 
 Orion wasn’t sure what to do about Dave’s apprehension. For better or worse, Rio was a lot less concerned about being attacked and eaten by Dave than Dave seemed to be about doing it to Rio. Sure, that was probably because Rio had a serious trust issue. Or rather, a trusting too much issue. He wanted to believe that Dave had the self control to stop himself from doing it. But the fact was that Rio had no idea what Dave was feeling right now. As a small measure of extra precaution, Rio reached into his bag and pulled out the knife that Athena had given him. It was silver, more specifically targeted for werewolves. But it would do fine against a Selkie if he really needed it to. Not that he had any interest or plans to actually use it. “I’ll make sure to stay on guard. Promise.” Rio waved the blade as a show before slipping it into his front pocket. Easily available. 
 Leading their way into the Scribrary, Dave was giving Orion the impression that things were becoming urgent. Rio didn’t like exploring the idea that Dave might actually take a bite out of him, but he still obliged, picking up the pace through the hallways of the Scribe building. “Stay here.” Rio signed when he got to the sleeping area. It was full of old bunks, most of them seemingly untouched for decades. In the back corner of the room was a pile filled with bags of clothes books. They laid next to the only bed with new sheets and comforters. Leftovers from the days that Rio spent most of his days and nights here. Before Winston and Ricky. “I’ll be back.” Rio jogged off as fast as he could to find the book he was looking for. It was his only theory for what was happening to Dave. It was still on one of the tables where Rio had left it and he swiped it off before jogging back. He hovered in the doorway of the sleeping area, keeping his distance from Dave. More for Dave’s purposes than Rio’s own. “Versipellis” Rio signed letter by letter, unsure how to sign it any other way. “My mom-” Rio paused, hands freezing midair before he backed up and started the sentence over again, “I learned about them a tiny bit as a kid, but I have never seen one before. Or even heard of one showing up. They look like werewolves, but they’re different. Their bite makes someone crave uh… cannibalism?” To put it simply. “How long ago were you bitten?”
 Dave looked around the sleeping area, his brows creasing in concern at the sight of the used bed in the back corner, free of the layers of dust that coated everything else. Dave didn’t have to breath to know who had been sleeping there. He looked at Rio with a flicker of concern between all the barefaced hunger. Which was when he was left alone, inhaling shakily and trying not to let the taste of young scribe overwhelm his sentences. He grabbed the post of one of the bunks so tightly it felt like the skin over his knuckles might split. He wiped at the saliva dripping down his chin. When Rio came back, he spelled back the name of the creature, but muddled up the letters. It was so hard to focus on that when he could imagine feeling Rio’s rapid heartbeat under his throat. Rio would let him, wouldn’t even mind. He paused, for a moment not sure of the answer. Maybe the answer would bring Rio closer in, to eat even more easily? Dave rolled up his sleeve, showing the angry red bite on his arm. “6 days ago,” He signed back. “I can’t become a werewolf. This shouldn’t affect me.”
 Orion didn’t like the way that Dave looked. He couldn’t describe the look either. In pain? Starving? Desperate? All of them seemed to fit in part, but none of them felt right. None of this felt right at all. This was the same man who was ready to get torn apart by the cockatrice to make sure Rio was alright. He shouldn’t have to worry about trying to eat anybody. Without knowing much about the man at all, Rio knew he was a good person. “They’re not werewolves.” Rio explained, leaning against the doorframe. He had the book open, but he didn’t need it. He had read the pages a hundred times. Memorized them line for line before even telling Dave he had an idea. He just couldn’t be sure. But he was pretty positive now. “You’re not safe from it just because you’re not human. I don’t even think-” Rio stopped himself. He almost told Dave that he wasn’t sure that he was even safe from the bite. But Rio hadn’t exactly had that conversation with Dave yet. About his hunter heritage. Right now probably wasn’t the best time, all things considered. “If you give in, you’ll turn into one of them.” Rio finished, “But there is some good news? You’re almost done. You only have to stop for like 9-10 days according to the scribe who wrote about them in this book.”
 “Not werewolves?” Dave signed back skeptically, “I saw him change. Tear right through his human skin and be a wolf. How the hell is that not a werewolf-” He crossed his arms more tightly in front of his chest, watching Rio signing, trying to take in the words little by little. He’d turn into one? Bullshit, Dave thought, and began to sign the same. That didn’t happen to selkies. They were resistant, stronger than most humans when it came to whatever magic took one from a human to a werewolf. He already had a second skin, and how they hell would that even work? He shivered when it occurred to him that it wouldn’t. Whatever that thing was, it would not fit into his pelt. He would lose the pelt along with… everything else. His mind, his control. He’d lose the pelt. Dave shuddered, like ice water had been poured down his spine, his demeanor shrinking in on himself. Almost done, the scribe said, but when he said just how long… Under the sudden despair of his situation, Dave’s self control collapsed. To endure half the time again that he'd suffered with resisting his hunger… wasn’t worth it. Not when there was such young tender flesh in front of him. Dave looked up at Rio, opened his mouth to expose his jagged seal teeth, and sprinted at the man.
 It happened quickly. One moment Dave’s facial expression looked like he thought Orion was crazy. Clearly he wasn’t convinced that he could change into such a creature. Rio supposed he understood the disbelief. The idea of changing into a werewolf wasn’t the same for a selkie as it was for a human. As far as Rio was aware, Dave was just as immune to the bite as Rio himself was. But just as Rio was trying to explain, this wasn’t a werewolf. It was another shapeshifter. One far rarer than an everyday werewolf. Rio didn’t think his own hunter genetics would protect him from this bite. But Rio didn’t get much time to think about it. Seconds later, Dave’s posture had completely shifted and suddenly he launched himself towards Rio. The only thing saving his life- and by extension, Dave’s- were the hunter reflexes. His arm shot out instinctively, launching the book he had been holding at the man’s face and then ducking falling backwards to avoid the man’s teeth. If he had been attacked, he might be able to heal. But if Dave got a bite out of him, it could all be over. Maybe. Rio still wasn’t exactly sure if a selkie feasting on a human would count as cannibalism enough to finish the curse. He wasn’t even sure it was a curse. More like some horrible disease. Either way, Rio wasn’t interested in trying it out today. The Scribe journals would have to go unanswered. Rio rolled off his back and out of the doorway, grabbing onto it and slamming it shut as a barricade between himself and Dave. “Okay, didn’t love that!” Rio yelled at Dave, trying to keep an ounce of calmness in his voice despite wanting to scream his head off. But that would only make Dave feel worse about what he had done once he was back to normal. For now, Rio needed to find a way to make sure he stayed isolated for a few more days. “Maybe you should just stay in there for awhile? It’s cozier than it looks!” He wasn’t even sure if Dave could hear him. Without the sign language and visual confirmation, Rio wasn’t sure anything he was saying was getting through to him.
 Jaw wide, intent on sinking his canines into Orion’s pale flesh, Dave barely had a thought long enough to parse the wide swing of the book before the hardback surface slammed into Dave’s face, knocking him off balance. Stunning sense into his for a split second, rubbing his face as he looked up at Rio. He inhaled sharply, and like sharks in chummed water, the split second of control was lost once more as he rushed after the boy. “No!” 
 Dave tried to force his way through the door as Rio slammed it in his face. The hinges of the door rattled but held firm as Dave slammed his body into it. “Let me out!” He barked. “Orion, let me out now!” He backed up, teeth bared, rolling his bloodied sleeves up, and barrelled into the door again, ramming his uninjured shoulder into the wooden structure, over and over, leaving more and more bloody smears on the door each time. “I’ll kill you!” He bellowed, spit flying through the air, slamming his fist on the door. “Orion- kid. C’mon. You don’t need to do this. I need to eat. I’m so hungry it’ll tear me apart. Orion.” His rage drained out of him, forehead dropping to rest against the wood. “Shit.”
 Then, much to his chagrin, Dave admitted, “Maybe that’s a good call, scribeling.”
 There was something deeply disturbing about the way that Dave shifted back and forth. One second, Orion was wincing against the assault on the door from the other side. Rio had to keep him from getting out, but the constant pounding and screaming made him want to do nothing more than cower in a corner. The next moment everything would go quiet. Suddenly Dave would be pleading to leave as if he hadn’t just been threatening the hunter’s life seconds before. Rio’s hands were shaking, an after effect of the fear he felt. Not for himself, necessarily. But for Dave. He wondered how much of the real Dave was beneath the surface. Was he able to see everything that he was doing and saying? Or was he completely taken over by this curse or disease or whatever it was? Would he even remember this in a few days, when all this was over? How did Rio even think he could feasibly keep the man completely locked up for multiple days if he was acting like this? 
 He pulled himself into a fetal position, back still resting against the door. He didn’t know what to say to Dave. Nothing felt right, not in this situation. He couldn’t even know for sure how much of the man was actually there. For all he knew, Dave’s last statement of resignation was just a ploy to get Rio to drop his guard. “My book isn’t damaged is it?” Without any other ideas, Rio settled on a pointless question, quickly following up with “Oh uh- and your face too. How’s your face? Sorry about that?”
 Dave stood, walking over to the bed where he’d dumped his phone, before returning to sit against the door, knees folded in front of him. He used the phone to text his reply. “Easier to talk like this. Less breathing.” It was an terrible way to say that he was one tiny moment away from tearing through the door with his naked teeth if he needed to. “Book’s fine. Might want to leave it in here. Keep that door firm and locked between us.” 
 Truth be told, Dave could barely process the pain. Not from the battery by book, nor the gash across his nose and cheeks - he was aware of it now, a sharb throb worsened by the assault by book, but it didn’t get through the haze of hunger. Not enough to do anything about it. “My face has had worse.” Like’ Rio’s would, if he got through the door. Dave punched the floor, grimacing at the thought. Now he recognised them, they were persistent, a constant whispering in his ears, to eat until the bones were clean. Dave started at the texts on his phone, and allowed himself one, singular moment of weakness. 
 “I don’t know if I can hold on for another 3 days.”
 Orion jumped as his phone buzzed against him. He dug it out of his pocket and checked. A text from Dave. He hated this. Really, really hated this. He had no idea that this was actually going to work, just going based off of what one scribe wrote in a journal sometime greater than forty years ago. Rio bit his lip and held his breath at the man’s text. This wasn’t going to be easy. “Right. Book can stay. Maybe you can read it? Might be some helpful stuff. The information on the Versipellis is like sixty three pages in.” He sent the text and put the face of the phone against his leg. He didn’t want to see any replies for a moment. He just needed a second to collect himself. 
 The pounding on the door shook him from that moment. Just a single jostle, probably Dave releasing anger instead of trying to break out. Rio sighed and readjusted, resting against the edge of the door frame and stuffing his body in to rest his foot against the other side. He didn’t like the vibration of his phone. He didn’t want to see what Dave had to say. He had no idea how to make this better, and just barely had an idea to fix it at all. “I don’t know that we have any other choice.” Rio finally texted back, resting the side of his head against the door. “I don’t want to keep you locked in there.” That much was true. It went against everything he believed in. If there were any other options, Rio would jump on them immediately.“But I don’t know what else to do.”
 Dave nodded, looking over at the book, but he knew in this state he was as likely to eat the pages as he was to read them, nevermind understand them. Hell, he was more likely to use the book to bribe the kid in here to eat him. The thought sent a shiver down Dave’s spine, of horror and anticipation. Hunger gnawed at his self control like a blunt knife at a fraying rope. “Got it.” He texted back, before locking his phone and curling his hands into fists. Dave had survived the maws of a mermaid, hunters bullets, spell caster magic, the chilling grip of an aipaloovik. This monster lived inside, but he could survive. He needed to, for the justice he’d promised his family so long ago. There was stuff on this earth he still needed to do. He clung to the last scraps of his sense of self ferociously. 
 Dave grimaced at the texts he got back from Rio. “Neither.” If it gets bad. Worse. You should call a hunter. Dave typed it out, and stared at the black letters on his screen, his fingers hovering over the send button. There was a long pause. He deleted the message without sending it, and stared at his phone. Eventually he settled on, “Just… keep yourself safe, kid.” 
 A lot needed to be done. Orion would need to figure out how to get food to Dave in the meantime. The scribe’s journal made no reference to the diet while waiting out the curse. Would he be able to eat regular food? Or would his body reject it? He would have to eat something eventually. Even if it had to be raw meat, at least it would be something. But he knew Dave wasn’t a pushover when it came to strength. Leaving him unattended wasn’t the best idea either. Dave could find a way out if he was desperate enough. Without Rio there to try to stop him, who knew where Dave could end up? Or who he could end up eating. 
 Dave’s texts hurt Rio. They sounded so… defeated. Hopeless, even. He couldn’t imagine the amount of stress or pain that he must be in. Rio would never understand the sort of craving that others had to go through. He hated that, wanting to understand something but knowing he never could. All he could do was try his best to do what he thought was right, “I’m going to keep both of us safe.”
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pocmuzings · 4 years
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hello hi , it is g , ur friendly local neighbourhood hindu indian ( as in south asian  ) ! so a few people requested that i just make a guide-esque sorta thing on hindu  indian characters ! im not really good at guides , so instead , these are just little things i’ve noticed or picked up on that could really potentially strengthen the next indian character u ( pretty please ! ) pick up ! 
disclaimer : i am writing this from my perspective and it is NOT definitive , nor do i speak on behalf of all hindu indians  ! i am a 23-year-old bisexual cis female hindu indian , with one older gay brother, and a Train Wreck middle brother . my mother is from new delhi , and my father is from nairobi but has indian heritage ( not sure which part of india bc he’s an Engima ) . i have extended family in india and have visited india about 10-15 times throughout my entire life .
so firstly , im so glad u all are here and want to write more hindu indian characters ! please please do so !  i hope this helps , encourages u , and isnt too confusing !! 
psa : i need everyone to know that this is a very basic ‘ guide ‘ and theres a lot it DOESNT touch on or address bc i didnt want to get too Extensive and Detailed and have people Turn off and not Read it . this is just written in the terms of hopefully helping build  character / be relevant to characters a bit better that ive employed into writing my OWN hindu indian character creations !  but if u have any other questions pls reach out to me or any other indians in the rpc and im sure we’ll try our best to assist u !
one thing i’d really like to say is that its great to see fcs like dev patel  , deepika padukone and avan jogia picked up every now and then in rps , but there’s actually a LOT of other indian fcs you could be and should be using ! the main reason people don’t seem to know them is because they’re not ‘ hollywood ‘ stars per se ( it was a super big deal when pr*yanka broke out of bollywood and into bollywood but we don’t talk about her on this Blog ) . they’re usually bollywood stars and i don’t really see bollywood discussed that much in the rpc ! 
if you’re after MORE indian fcs , i have a tag of indian females here , and indian males here . the fcs on my blogs are also not ALL that exist . there are plenty of other blogs out there that post indian fcs , such as sonamhelps &  bollymusings !!! there’s also some really great faceclaim directories out there that include a LOT of indians with resources !
 unfortunately , i do not know of any trans indians or nonbinary indians but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist . indian cultures and beliefs are still quite Old School and not super progressive . india only just had it’s first wlw mainstream bollywood film released last year . lgbtqia+ issues are NOT really spoken about in india or within indian families at ALL , and if they are - they’re usually dismissed or reacted to Very Very Badly . ( again this isnt definitive and im sure and hopeful that some indians have had GREAT coming out stories and been accepted by their families but this has not been a common thing ive seen or witnessed from my cousins my age , indian friends , myself and my brother who are lgbtqia +  ) 
we do eat with our hands and we eat like PROS with our hands . we can shovel it so easily and quickly . i don’t know how to describe it but you use the first three fingers of your hand to place the Food there , and then use your thumb to kinda scoop it off and into your mouth . this is NOT unhygienic because indians wash their hands very regularly and most of the time we aren’t actually touching our mouths to our hands ! 
indian food is MADE to be eaten with your hands for the most part . it is literally NOT practical to eat food with a knife and fork . here’s a really great article explaining things more in depth re: indian food and using our hands !
cows are seen as Very holy beings in hindu indian culture , and for that reason - there isn’t a lot of beef being eaten or consumed. sure , some indians DO eat beef but i don’t think its super common, but in my personal experience as a non-beef-eater this results in A LOT of me asking ‘ oh ,  sorry what sauce does that pasta come with ? ‘ ‘ oh those are beef sausages ? sorry i can’t eat them ‘ etc etc . beef is in a LOT of things , and this makes me very very careful and almost pedantic about what i do eat and ask about , food wise  !
indian food is seen as stinky by a majority of white people . it has a very very strong smell as im sure u know , and opening ur lunch box as a little kid to a Curry or Dal ur mum has made u ? one way street to being bullied . i also remember a time a real estate agent continuously told my dad nobody was interested in buying our house bc it smelled too much like curry,  despite my mum not having cooked curry in Weeks ( just say what u Really mean ,  bitch ! )
 indian curry exists but so does dal / daal . this is curry-like dish that is usually made out of lentils . so if ur going to talk about indian food and u know curries and samosas . . pls also bring up dals . and sabji ! ( sabji is usually just boiled vegetables plopped together . a lot of potato usually )
desserts are what we call Indian Sweets  . this is stuff that is usually very VERY sugary and a bit of an accustomed taste . theyre very colourful and LOOK beautiful but even i , for one , can not eat many indian sweets bc they are a Lot of Sweet and Sugar    . examples of indian sweets that u can google  : gulab jamun , burfi , rasgulla , jalebi etc . here’s a great link for more !
give me spiced food or give me death . literally . . put some cumin in . . put some garam masala . . put some chillies . . flavour ur Food for my Indian Taste Buds 
if you are the oldest son of an Indian Family . . congratulations . you are now the Head of the family and must carry every weight and burden alone . it is extremely isolating and taxing on you ( my dad is the oldest indian son , and also - so is my eldest brother , obvs ) . there is a LOT that is expected of you to do . you are expected to quite literally run the family and be the ‘ man of the house ‘ by yourself . 
if you are a daughter . . . even BIGGER congratulations ! you are basically a maid to every male or guest who EVER comes over to your house . you must be a Hostess , you must be in the kitchen cooking , serving snacks, bringing tea , and then washing up and basically waiting on Hand and Foot . you will not be included into a lot of dialogue or engaged in a lot of conversation and TRUST ME ! THAT WILL GRIND UR GOD DAMN GEARS IN THE 21ST CENTURY ! 
if you are a boys’ boy ( aka straight and Sporty ) , then congrats ! you get it the easiest : you are the favourite of every social event . the uncles and cousins love talking to you and dude-ing it up with you , and the aunts fawn over you and think you’re the Best Thing since sliced bread . sit back , put your feet up , and expect to be treated like a God. you can do absolutely no wrong . ( my middle brother is this to a T and listen . . he’s been in and out of jail for physical violence and ab*se for over 5 years . and family still FROTH over him . my teeth are gritted to dust thinking of this again ) 
indian aunties are lethal . they gossip like teenage girls . they will find out everything . they will bitch behind your back . they can NOT be trusted .
everyone is ur uncle or aunt, sister or brother . literally everyone . ur cousin ? no. thats ur sister . ur dads friend ? no , thats ur uncle . you will call them as such . EVERYONE is family .  
family is in general a VERY BIG THING in indian culture , too . ‘ what will it Look like to everyone else if we don’t all arrive together ? ‘ my dad usually asks dskjdfjn . it’s all about Looking Right and Standing As A United Front  . that being said , indian family has undying and unwavering loyalty for one another , they just show it in a very Weird way .
female hindu indian formal  clothes are usually really embroidered to hell and back and this makes them very scratchy , uncomfortable, and HEAVY . you aren’t running anywhere anytime soon in a full blown lehenga or saree 
most ‘ modern ‘ hindu indian women do not wear full Indian Clothes all the time . some do , but usually it’s a lot of wearing a kurti tunic with jeans , or just normal everyday clothing . again , this is going to be different based on which parts of india your character is from , though ! 
usually , older women and married women  wear traditiona hindul indian clothing quite often . i know my mum wore a sari AT HOME everyday when i was growing up, until i was like 13 and took her shopping with me to get something Else to wear . 
bindi’s just stick right onto ur forehead but they do fall off a lot , especially when ur wearing makeup or sweating . again , you don’t need to wear a bindi everyday , unless thats ur preference . i usually only wear them for festivals . ( festivals means indian celebrations , not like . . coachella  ((which u should not be wearing a bindi to , if ur not indian fyi )) )
male formal clothes are usually just literally anything Formal and buttoned up for the most part , and u can get away with that , or you can wear a really nice kurta
indians wear white at funerals , not black  ( not sure if this should go in the fashion section but this entire thing is being organised into a Mess by now anyways ) . you CAN wear black to a funeral of course , but its common to wear white !
DATING ( tw’s for islamaphobia ): 
modern day indian / desi fuck boys exist and my god they are Something Else . hasan minhaj did a really good piece about this and explaining them to a T ( starts at 1:43 )
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT WILL MENTION ISLAMAPHOBIA AND HOMOPHOBIA ! ) basically according to Older  indians , ,  ur dating options  in 2020 go like this ( if ur a cis female like me ) : hindu indian men are god tier , white men are Not Okay But I Guess So Bc We Have To Accept They’re Everywhere , females / being lgbtqia+ is not Taken Seriously , and muslims are literally not even close to being an option or Accepted  . again this isn’t definitive but based on a lot of  indian media i’ve consumed and seen how they portray muslims in general as well as Dating Options , as well as talking to other indians  , both who are older / traditional and hold these ideals , whereas Younger gens generally do NOT hold these ideals  / actively are Against these backwards ideals.   i remember when i was in year 6 and had my first boyfriend . . he was a muslim and my dad FLIPPED the FUCK out  . it’s not even that i was dating someone / young / his only daughter . . it was mainly because i was dating a muslim . again , this is a very OLD SCHOOL and traditional way of thinking and it is NOT CORRECT .  pls don’t take this as a note to be islamaphobic if u write an indian character bc . . thats literally the opposite of what im trying to tell u here . 
yeah arranged marriages are definitely still a thing for us , even now in 2020
YES if u are an unmarried / single indian ( ESPECIALLY if ur a woman ) about to enter ur 30s . . ur in DANGER and u are the black sheep and theres probably something Wrong With You bc why are u still single ?
idk if its just me and my family but we are SUPER superstitious . if you say anything like ‘ he hasnt gotten sick in years !’ immediately , everyone knocks on wood or their head . if you were planning on leaving the house and sneeze ? thats bad luck , stand and wait for five minutes then u can leave . we have a strong belief in drishti , or  alternatively : The Evil Eye  , and making sure we don’t invite it into our lives . a lot of our prayers are about warding drishti away .
the evil eye is kinda Complicated but basically its an ill-wishing upon an unsuspecting person . if somebody is jealous of you or angered by you , they may wish upon you or cast upon you the Evil eye ( or even just glare at u whilst ur not looking and thats Big Bad ) . 
a lot of older indians , like older people in general i guess , are not super progressive or Open . this isnt ALWAYS the case but older indians can be very very stubborn in their beliefs in what is Right and Wrong , Normal and Not Normal 
theres a LOT of hindu indian festivals and events ! tbh too many for me to even keep up with . but without fail at least once a year ill say to ONE of my friends ‘ oh sorry i cant make it . i have an indian Thing on that day ‘ and its usually about a festival , so pls be aware that there are a LOT of indian festivals and if ur writing an indian character , its perfectly understandable and Relatable for them to say they can’t make it to a party or hang out with their friends that night , for that very reason !
the main / most popular ( ? ) festivities  that i personally do celebrate every year without fail are : 
diwali ( the festival of lights , celebrating goddess lakshmi roaming the earth . in my household this is usually turning on literally every single light and lighting candles and fireworks / sparklers and saying some prayers , and eating a formal dinner all together !  )  
holi ( the festival of colours . celebrating victory and love . again personally for me , this was usually celebrated at the temple with all of us Kids running around throwing paint on each other ! ) 
rakhi / raksha bandhan ( a day of sisters celebrating their brothers . you tie a rakhi which is usually a bracelet / holy string around your brothers wrist , feed them some food , pray for their wellbeing and in return they gift you something . in my case, i usually get money from them ) .
navratri  / durga puja ( 9 nights and 10 days of celebrations but tbh u don’t have to do all the days . or i mean . . i don’t . i fast one day from morning to night and then i slide on over to boogie and dance dandiya which is literally the MOST FUN dance ever bc its based off some Historical Fight and u go faster and faster and keep going until ur absolutely SPENT bc u dont wanna lose ur place in the circle )  
there are SO MANY HINDU INDIAN GODS too . and so many prayers to all of them and to just general Life Wellness . chances are that ur character will know at least ONE aarti / gazal / prayer off by heart and have sung it at least 30 times in a monotone voice . the ones i know off by heart bc ive had to sing them 3000 times ? om jai jagdish hare , & the gayatri mantra 
GENERAL LIL THINGS I DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO CATEGORISE ( tw’s for skin whitening , colorism and classism ) :
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT NEEDS A TW FOR SKIN WHITENING AND COLORISM  ) lets hold indians accountable right now : we advertise SKIN LIGHTENING CREAM  . i think they finally stopped that earlier this year / due to BLM ( i’m not entirely sure / could be wrong ) , but thats literally how bad it is , that we would openly advertise and encourage people to literally bleach their skin rather than look darker . 
( THIS IS THE POINT THAT NEEDS A TW FOR COLORISM AND CLASSISM ) colorism is a BIG thing in india and usually linked to class . generally speaking , the people who are Darker Skinned are usually people who work outside / labourers or homeless even , and are therefore seen as lower class / bottom class . the lighter skin you have , the more privileged and advantaged you are bc ur seen as working a Good job out of the sun and having a home . it’s incredibly classist as well as just generally Fucked Up . why am i telling u this ? mainly so u understand the importance of using a dark skinned indian fc vs a light skinned indian fc which i know is hard , bc a lot of darker skinned indians arent in hollywood / have resources , but its still something to Think About .  
i have a long Ethnic name . literally my first name is 10+ letters , which i know doesnt seem that long Necessarily but its also a Super Ethnic name with e’s and and j and n . it Flows and Sounds very clearly different from a christian name . it is VERY important to me that my name be said Correctly because i’ve spent so much time having it said incorrectly or Westernised . i also know a lot of indians my age who ( like me ) have had to dramatically shorten their REAL first name ( which is usually also pretty long . not always , but it is Common ) , to fit their name into white people’s mouths better . please put some thought into ur indian characters name !
not all indians speak hindi ! hindi is one of MANY dialects within india . there is also tamil , urdu  , bengali , punjabi , telugu and SO many more , so pls research which part of india ur character / their family  is from bc hindi won’t always be the default language for them !
not every indian is hindu ! of course ur character doesnt have to be religious at all , bc if im being honest IM barely religious but my FAMILY is and this is smth u should think abt bc religion is a pretty big thing for indians . so even if ur character isnt hindu , they were probably raised with SOME religious beliefs . have a think about which religions they would have been brought up with ! there’s a very large percentage of practicing muslims , sikhs and buddhists too ! and even christianity !
the first step should be to consume indian media ! listen to indian music . watch bollywood movies ! theres SO MANY  out there on everyone’s netflix . if u want some recs , let me know and i can try my best to find smth for u ! if u want smth thats Hollywood-indian . . . Hasan Minhaj is great to watch , especially his episodes on indian culture / politics , and Never Have I Ever on netflix was rlly good / relatable for me personally as an indian growing up in a western society !
i would really really love to see more indian rep in general , but i’d also like to discuss the Stereotypes that ive seen indians portrayed as in mainstream hollywood media :
indian women as soft spoken and subservient beings who are abused by their husbands and have no say in anything 
heterosexuality within indian relationships and indian dating 
indian men as sleazy 
indians in general not being seen as Sexy or Sexual beings with any sex drive at all 
Stumbling , Stuttering , Nerdy awkward messes of men who don’t know how to interact with anybody they find sexually appealing
an indian character that everybody ( usually white ) finds Uncomfortable and Weird and is seen as usually the Butt of the joke .
 i think those mentioned above could be helpful in how to plan your next indian character and think about how to SUBVERT a trope theyre often portrayed as , or create an indian thats not stereotypical !
so what and who SHOULD you write ? 
an indian character who is proudly and openly gay , or bi 
a trans or nonbinary indian ( PLEASE ! ) 
an indian character with really super accepting parents and family 
an aromantic indian 
an indian who is focused on their career first and not their dating life 
a fuckboy / fuckgirl ( honestly . . i’d love to see it )
a indian character who is a party animal 
an outspoken indian female who takes no shit and is strong in every sense of the word
a confident , smooth talking indian businessman who is Sexy and Lusted After ( not in a gross christian grey way but just . i’d love to see indian characters seen as Sexy . not in a fetishy way , either , but just because it’d be a nice change in pace ! )
a character who IS traditional / religious but also very progressive and forward thinking in their beliefs 
honestly just any character that isnt whats mentioned above
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Past The Point Of No Return (Ch.9/FINALE)
Pairing: Safin x F!Reader
Summary: You attempt to adjust back to your mundane lifestyle, but Safin still haunts you. Safin makes sure to let the world know that you are his and only his.
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: N/A
A/N: GUYS!! It's the final chappie...😖 Dw, there's an epilogue that is going to come very shortly. I know this has been short, but it's been a really fun ride. I promise to write more fics in the future. I might take a small break since school and that I've been writing non-stop for the past week and posting the chappies at like 3am. Anwyays, I stayed up until 2am to finish this for you guys. Your support and comments literally make my day so thank you once again! Hope you guys enjoy this ❣️❣️
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Three months on that dreaded island, and the world hadn’t changed. M16 was still running, the protests still occurred, and you (surprisingly) were still alive. You returned to your old apartment and saw the desk where you had meet Safin, imaging the knife that was uncomfortable close to your neck. The way he had sniffed your hair and his nickname, clever girl, rolled off of his tongue. In your apartment, you always thought Safin was going to be waiting for you at every corner.
All of your family and friends were overjoyed seeing your alive. Your poor mother and sister sobbed as they held you close and gave a thousand thanks to M16. In those months you were gone, everybody was sure that you had died or were killed in a horrible manner. Your mother didn’t even want to know what you had gone through. Her arms were wrapped tightly around your body as her tears stained your shoulder,
“Just stay with me. Please.” Her broken voiced cracked. “I can’t lose you again, y/n.”
That had marked the first time you ever cried in front of your coworkers. You knew it was unprofessional, but after months of captivity, you were even more damaged then you were before. Being inside of your own body and clothes made you painfully uncomfortable. You constantly took showers and changed your clothes because everything reminded you of Safin. No longer could you wear in a braid since you lay on Safin’s chest and he’d unravel the braid, running his fingers as you two walked. All of the dresses in your closet you threw out, just looking at them made you think of the night after that dinner where Safin requested a kiss.
Even if it wasn’t there, he haunted you every second.
Safin had been locked away in M16’s underground emergency headquarters. Nomi reported that he was under constant surveillance. He was polite to most of the guards, requesting a copy of a Brave New World. It was absolutely bizarre, but they gave it to him. They tried to force information of out him, but he wouldn’t budge. No reason why he kidnapped you, wanted control over post-soviet countries, or any of the sadistic actions he had done. Upon seeing Bond, M, or any agent, he would ridicule and tear them down. It turned out the woman he had previously loved was Madeleine. He had attempted to create a clone with his and Madeliene’s blood but failed. Nobody had a single idea of what he was capable of. Not even you knew what Safin held. But all M16 knew was that he was a classified global threat that was taken down by his own prisoner. His downfall had begun after his capture. The protests had been contained by goverments and other international spy agencies. M had promised that he would never ever step within a mile of your location.
It all seemed too normal to be true.
The month following your return, you decided to get back into the line of action two weeks after your arrival. Your mother had voted against it, but you needed it more than anything. Anything to get Safin out your mind. Your first day in office was full of questions from all of your co-workers.
“What did he do to you?”
“What was Safin’s lair like?”
‘What was under the mask?”
You could never respond with the truth. The nights were he had fucked you with his tongue down your throat; your neck decorated in red marks. How he had married the two of you and took you on expensive shopping trips. The only people who knew of the truth were Nomi, Bond, and M. That was all. It all seemed like a drug trip gone wrong. After your first week back, the questions had gone down. Moneypenny would come to your desk with a report, a smile on her clear skin. “Welcome back, C”. It made you smile, taking the report and typing away. Being back to your mundane life was going to get taking use to it. No longer would you have nights of true pleasure in your life ever again. But it was for the better. You were utterly damaged beyond belief, but hid in deep in your body. Your broken, crippled soul.
Q had been one of your closest acquaintances in M16. Upon first meeting him, a rivalry was sparked between you two. Q had been deemed the smartest person in M16. With you, a stubborn and young recruit, he shook in his shoes. You thought he hated you at first, but he stated that he considered you a “boon companion”. The man spoke with such large words. You told him to simply call you a “friend”, and that is where your friendship that slowly began to grow.  
You knew you weren’t suppose to tell him, but you did. Every single bit of it. He would come over to your apartment every night with Chinese Food, listening with his Miso Soup as you explained your experience on the island. Q wasn’t one for gossip and you trusted him with all of the information you had told him. Not only was he a colleague, but a confidant.
The ring was minimanlistic gold band with thin, dainty diamonds. It was easy to miss. Q looked at your hand, examining the ring.
“You’re married to him?”
You nodded in response. “I am. He had a whole ceremony, and a priest held at gunpoint. I’ve taken the ring off…”
“Regardless, your still...married to him.” Q had seen some bizarre events over the years, but this was truly baffling. One of his friends was forcefully married to the world’s most feared anarchist.
“Do you think I wanted to be? I can’t forget about him. He’s still there..”
“In solitary confinement. He’s being guarded twenty-four seven. Safin isn’t going to be leaving anytime soon.” Q attempted to console. He was horrible with emotions. “I checked every database I could and tried to find any ties connected to him, but nothing came up. If they do, I’ll make sure to alert you of them.”
Holding the ring in your fingers, you spun it around. A sigh escaped your mouth. “Q, I...can’t. He..we..”
“He took advantage of you. All of the threats he had made were meant to scare you. I know you tried to fight back. Everything you had gone through...I apologize.” Q said, a hint of guilt in his voice. “Day and night, I tracked for your location. We thought Spectre had taken you. Safin had made sure there was no trace of you. Months prior, he had been planning this. He was obsessed with you. Only If I had kn-”
“I’m here now. I’m not leaving.” You confirmed, trying to sound confident. Safin couldn’t hurt you anymore. He was locked away, never to be shown to the world again. “Thanks to your and your little trick, I got out.”
“A prisoner bringing down her captor. That is quite impressive, C.”
“And I’ll do it again.” You promised. Q nodded in response, a sly smile on your face. He grabbed his Sake and the two of your cheered, drinking your sorrows away. Q wasn’t one for words. Whenever he grabbed his Sake, it was a silent reminder that your secrets were safe with him. Always.
It all started with your period. Even before meeting Safin, your period was becoming spottier and came at late dates. You shrugged it out and thought nothing of it. But after your arrival home, not only did your mental health decline but so did your pyshical wellbeing. It all started with your frequent mood swings at work and home, causing sleepless nights. Your doctor prescribed you with bipolar medication, but it never worked. All it did was make you more paranoid and sensitive.
Your period came late. It was spotty and faint, and had disappeared two days later. Your heart beat was increasing, you breasts became larger as they ached, and you felt nauseous without getting sick. Those had been the major symptoms.
It wasn’t until you had fainted infront during a presentation that Q had decided it was best for you to go to a doctor. He had noticed the bags under your eyes, fatigue, and slight change in weight.
Inside of the doctor’s office, you looked down, rapidly tapping your foot. What the hell was happening to you? Were you truly going insane. Everything hurt so much.
Q placed his hand on your thigh, making the shaking stop. Looking over at him, your face was full of worry.
“He’ll put you on stronger medication, C. Your going to be fine.”
As you wanted to respond, the doctor opened the door and shut it behind him, looking at the papers as he tilted his glasses down.
Sitting up, you look at him, eager for an answear.  Your expectations were low for anything major. “What is the issue, docter?”
Sorting out his papers, he answered, “From your test, it appears that your...pregnant.”
The shaking stopped. Your breathing become lower as everything became blurry and muffled. Everything was numb. This was the last thing that you needed. It had to be a false test. There was no way you could be holding his child. It wasn’t possible.
“No...No…” You managed to mutter. Q looked over at you, pity in his eyes. “Please, I can’t do this,”
The doctor looked down at you, understanding your distress. He knew about who the father could potentially be.
“I’m sorry, I am..” He gulped as he shook his head. It didn’t seem like what he was going to tell you was good news.
“Your five months pregnant, y/n. It’s too late for an abortion.”
Everything dropped around you. Looking at your stomach, you felt disguetd with yourself. Inside your stomach, you were carrying his child. Safin’s offspring. Inside of your stomach was a growing monster.
The doctor interrupted, trying to make the best out of a positive situation. He said that you could give the child up to adoption and that he knew plenty of parents that wanted a child. All you did was want to leave the godawful place. A few short minutes later you had left with Q. Q barely spoke a word, seeing the disallief on your face.
Getting into Q’s Landrover, you close the door, looking straight foward.
“Q?” You muttered, turning to him.
He looked back at you, awaiting for your response.”Yes?”
“Is the office still open?”
Q furrowed an eyebrow, perplexed. “Why do you want to go at such a late hour?”
You looked at your stomach before looking back at Q.
“I have unfinished business I need to attend to.”
Q had begged for you to reconsider, but you ignored him. You were furious, hurt, and upset. Not only at yourself, but Safin. He would always whisper in your ear that you were “past the point of no return”. After months of speculation, you finally knew why. Even if he was imprisoned, Safin had to mark you to let the world know that you were his and only his. It was all some sick and twisted plan.
Walking down into the emergency room, you entered the room and saw him, locked away in a glass cell. Safin looked the same, except he wore an nude jumpsuit. It had been two months since you had last saw him. His last, cold whisper with heartbroken eyes as he was dragged away. A subtle smile appeared on his face as he put his book down.
“My dear y/n, you’ve finally come to visit.” He greeted. “I was beginning to miss you.”
“YOU FUCKING ARSEHOLE!” You screeched like a banshee. Attempting to bang on the glass cell doors, the guards help you back. “HOW DARE YOU!”
Safin raised one of his eyebrows, confused. He scalded y/n’s body, seeing the tired face and somewhat noticeable bump. She still looked like her beautiful self. But there was something rather off about her appearance. When on his island, y/n looked happier. Like she had been sleeping more, letting down his guard. But when she returned home, all of the happiness had evaporated from her body. Safin could’t hate the woman that betrayed him. After all, y/n was his wife.
“What you mean?” He queried. “Isn’t this what you wanted? Did’t you say you needed me?”
“Do you want this?” Safin panted, looking down at you. Seeing him on top of him, he’s truly a stunning man. His velvety voice was making you wet. Instead of sounding pissed off, he sounded calm and even caring.
“Shut up, please.” Your hand traveled to his cheek, gently patting it. “I-”
Two of his fingers enter your clitoris, causing you to bite your lip. It was a painful reaction at first, but then became pleasurable. You could no longer hide your pleasure and let out a small moan. “N-need it.”
“I never asked to be pregnant! Especially with this!”
Safin simply shook his head, perplexed to why you had been acting so angry about your pregnancy. You were going to become his wife, it was bound to happen. “I thought you would have learned sooner. I don’t see why you are so distressed, my love.”
“Don’t fucking my love me, Safin.” You snapped back as tears began to prick at your eyes. “You used all these threats against my work and family for me to obey your little commands. Face it, you took advantage of me.”
“Took advantage of? What are you speaking of, y/n?” Safin stood up from sitting and walked close to the glass to get a better look at you. “When I first saw you, I knew you were going to mine. My wife, my companion, my light, forever. That child inside of you is our creation. Can you imagine what he or she will do?”
“Your carrying one of the elites. I know this transformation is painful, but they will be beautiful and smart like there mother. They will carry on for me and you, build a new world. Just like we will do.” Safin calmly stated in his silkly accented voice. He seemed so confident and calm in his wording as if the situation had been totally normal. “If you try to give him up, I swear on my life that I will find the child and you again. SPECTRE will want that child more than anything else.”
“This child or SPECTRE will never know of your existence.” You maintained, trying not to go emotional. Safin could never his child for thousnads of reasons. The last thing you wanted was to have another Safin running around the world. “It will grow up fatherless. It cannot be exposed to such a monstrous man.”
The calm composure of Safin quickly changed. His expression became more scrunched as his hands clenched into fists. “He is my child too, y/n. We bleed the same blood. I demand to see him. It is only fair.”
Stepping back, you shaked your head. As long as you were alive, that child was going to be far away from Safin. “It’s only fair to the child that they grow up normal.”
You jumped back, startled by this yelling. The guards had turned to him, pointing there guns. The last thing they needed was a riled Safin.
“I see everything. You are going to be locked in here, forever. Charged for your crimes agaisnt humanity, and Myself?” You explained as you looked at your stomach before meeting the eyes of your husband. “Will raise the child as my own. Be a mother and raise them to be the opposite of there father. We may be married, but I am not connected to you. I’m breaking all ties with you. You hurt me, manipulated me, used me. That’s not what love is. I have never, and will never love you, Safin. Goodbye.”
Safin looked heartbroken and betrayed, unable to respond to such a thing. For the first time in forever, he looked defeated. The anarchist was so happy to have you as his wife and an offspring to call his own, but his dreams had been crushed. His own wife didn’t love him and his child would never know who he is. Safin would never see the only person he truly loved ever again.
Spinning on your heel, you walked out of the room with Q behind you. Tears fell from your eyes as you stopped at and looked at the empty office with a hand on your face. Safin’s child was growing inside of you. You were far past the point of return now as you carried one of the most dangerous men in the world’s child. But it wasn’t just Safin’s child, it was your as well. You were going to be this child’s mother now, whether you liked it or not. If SPECTRE or anybody had found them, they would be killed on spot. You refused to let an innocent child go through such pain. Just because it had Safin’s blood didn’t mean it was a monster. Evil was not born, but made. It was your duty as a former solider and new mother to serve your country and family.
Your child may bleed Safin’s blood, but it will never become anything similar to his father under your eyes.
Louis was the best thing that had happened to you. When you first saw him, held him, you knew you loved him. The child would always cry and fuss in everybody else’s arms but yours. After your difficult birth, the nurses tried to comfort Louis but he simply wouldn’t stop crying. When the nurses had given him to you he had stopped crying and slept in your arms. Holding Louis, all of the pain and anxiety in the world had gone away. He was the light in your darkness.
Everybody who had met the child loved him. Your closest acquaintances at M16 such as Moneypenny and Q knew about Louis. Moneypenny always offered to babysit while Q would bring his cats to be Louis’s first friends. Bond and Nomi had given him the nickname “big man” and Madeleine, to your surprise, thought Louis was a sweetheart.
You’re first week as a mother wasn’t the most ideal. It was full of crying, confusion, and uncomfort. Whenever you looked at Louis, he reminded you of Safin. Everything about him made Safin upon your eyes. But you kept telling yourself that they were two separate people. Safin was locked away, never to see your child or you ever again. You were safe.
Three years had gone by fast. You were no longer a girl, but a woman. You still continued your job at M16 as usual; encrypting, decrytping, helping the double oh agents with there missions. Nothing had changed, except you were a mother.
Your work shifts had gotten shorter due to your commitment. Instead of working to four am, you were strictly prohibited (Moneypenny’s words) to only work to Nine. It didn’t seem ideal at first. But as the days had gone on, your highlight would come home to Louis, running to your legs and hugging them. It brought a true smile to your face. It was the first one you had felt that was genuine in years.
Unlocking the door and opening it, Louis had ran up to your legs, jumping up and down that you were home.
“Mama! Home!” He smiled. You picked him up as he kissed your face, and you responded back with kisses as well. Louis had a minor speech delay and could only piece together certain words. Everybody had found it adorable.
[Y/s/n] came up to you, crossing her arms. “Let mama walk in the door and breathe for five seconds, Lou.”
“It’s fine, [y/s/n]. He’s just excited.” You reassured. Placing Louis down, you rub his head as he runs back to building his lego. Needing a drink, [y/s/n] leads you to the kitchen to make you one drink to ease your nerves.”
“How was work?” She asked, grabbing the glasses as she worked her magic.
You shrugged in response, “Same old shit. Glad to be home though, I got two days off.”
“Really? I thought you never got work off.”
“Thought so too. My supervisor gave me the weekend off. He wanted me to relax.” You explained. [Y/s/n] handed you a drink and you too toasted before gulping them down.
“You can get a break from him, if you want.” You offered. It was your only time to spend with Louis alone. Your sister smiled at the idea.
She had a growing family and life of her own as well. “Really?”
“Yeah, I need some time with him. I just want him to know what I love him..”
“Y/n..” Your sister patted your shoulder. “He knows that. Remember when he was a baby and James tried to hold him, but he got kicked in the face? When’s he around you, he’s calm. He loves you more than anything in the world.”
“Your not even a mother, yet you’re so motherly.” You smirked.
She chuckled back in response. “He’s one of the [y/l/n]’s. It’s my duty to be his aunt.”
Louis ran into the kitchen, bored with his project. All he wanted to do was be with his mama. Running up your legs, Louis grabbed the pant and tugged on them. “Mama?”
“Yes, Lou?” You looked down, moving his unruly dark curls out of his beautiful bronze face. He had Safin’s beautiful bluish-green eyes that always shined. Although nothing like his father, Louis was the copy and paste of Safin.
“Storytime..please?” Louis begged with his puppy eyes.
“Of course..” You smiled. Louis ran off to his bedroom to wait patiently for his story.
Your sister looked and smiled at you. “He’s amazing..”
“I know. Everybody knows..”
Louis hadn’t even gotten through the first few pages without falling asleep on your shoulder. As you read through Beauty And The Beast, his little snores stopped your sighing. Looking down at him, Louis was truly a beautiful little boy. He had dark curly brown hair, bronzed olive skin, big bluish-green eyes, and chubby cheeks. You had gotten used to the fact that Louis was identical to Safin. He shared his blood, but Louis and Safin were two different people. Safin was a broken and misunderstood Anarchist while Louis was a sweet, little boy.
As hard as it was to believe, Safin was once a young childhood who didn’t know anybody better. His innocence had been stripped away from him at a young age, scarring him permanently with internal and external wounds.
You should hate him for he had done to you. What he had done to the world and the pain. But yet, a small part of you missed him.
You missed the way Safin gave you what no other man could give you. How he treated you not only with true obsessive love but spoiled you with endless gifts and kisses. How his fingers would play with your hair, his sweet nicknames, how he promised to kill and die for you. Safin worshipped you like a god. When he had kidnapped you, at first you hated him more than anything in the world. But as time had gone on and he became more vulnerable, you began to fall for him. You were a scared beauty who fell for the broken beast.
What if M16 had never come for you? Safin would have been your husband, whether you liked it not. Louis would have to grow up with Safin’s influences, trapped in a Submarine Pen. You didn’t want to imagine what Safin wanted with your child. What he would use it for in his sick game of Anarchy and Discord. Just the thought of Safin made you happy, sad, and confused. You pulled Louis close and stroked his curls, wanting to protect him. Maybe you should have slept with him to make sure he was safe.
Safin was locked away. He wouldn’t hurt you again.
Why did you miss someone you hated so much?
After taking off your prosthetic and rolling into your bed, you throw the covers over your cold body. Your whole life you had always felt alone. Connections were hard for you to make, no matter how hard you tried. In your thirty two years of life, you had always felt disconnected from the world. Something had to be wrong with you. The bed was big enough for two people, but there was only one person. As you make yourself comfortable, you notice a burning candle on the nightstand. It makes you think back to that night in Greece, with Safin’s hands travelling over your body as he passioantly made love to you. Safin wasn’t a man you had met everyday. He was an Anarchist who happened to be obsessed with you and your legal husband. The ring was still on your finger to this day. Looking at it made you subtly smile to yourself. Why were you so happy about him? Safin was unpredictable. One minute you symathized for him, wanted him, or hated him.
But then you realized it.
Safin’s love for you was unhealthy. He had stalked your whole life and pre planned your kidnapping to be his bride. You had thought you were going to be used a bargaining trip, but it was the total opposite. The more you learned (and obsered) Safin, you realized that he was human as well. He was a lonely evil man who yearned for love. The love he had experience was eithier negative or nothing. Upon seeing you, Safin wanted you, but didn’t know how to win you over. He made you a garden, gave you expensive items, a bedroom instead of a cell, yet you refused to love him. It wasn’t until Greece where you began to slighlty sympathieze with him. It would never justify his actions. When you had fucked, all you needed was a distraction. Both of you had been touchstarved. When that occurred, Safin had assumed you were in love. He did whatever he took for you to love him, even if it meant killing for freinds and family or forcing you into a loveless marriage.
It was for the better that Safin was locked away in a glass cell for the rest of his days. You and Louis could try to live a somewhat normal life. You would never experience a true connection again. But it was okay with you. If you could most of your life being confused and yearning, then you could do it for as long as you lived. Louis was the only reason you were going on with life. His smile and how his eyes twinkled in the light made you cry; he was truly a star.
You would never admit it to anyone, not even your cloest friends or family, but a small part of you did truly love Safin. You wanted to help him, but he was far past the point of the return. It was better if he was out of your life.
Looking into the burning candle, your eyes begin to flutter shut. You suddenly feel warm again, like your being held and watched over. It always felt like you were never alone. Safin was a lingering phantom that intrigued and haunted you. He was always watching you.
And yet, a small part of you truly loved Safin.
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