#because i'm lazy and i just don't care
dramaism · 2 years
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You’ve never celebrated the new year with anyone before? You're with me now.
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lastoneout · 2 years
Actors who are used to doing live action work aren’t incapable of doing good voice work and they never have been, it’s just that voice acting requires additional skills that they probably haven’t learned or had time to practice. The real issue comes when that live action actor has to decide if they are going to try to learn those skills and give a good voice performance OR if they’re just going to cash a paycheck, and so far it’s very fucking clear which actors in the Mario movie are trying to give a good voice performance and which ONE is just cashing a paycheck.
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lightningidle · 6 months
Fig's line "I don't think I'm an artist, I think I'm just a good friend" has not left my head at all. Just...
You're Fig Faeth and your horns came in over the summer and you pick up the bard class as a form of adolescent rock 'n' roll rebellion, and it works! It's exactly the outlet you need! You give a guy you just met drumsticks and you start a band and it's good enough that within a year and a half you're touring. You are, in every sense, good at being a bard.
And then, finally, your junior year, you start to take it seriously. Your art goes from an outlet and a form of rebellion to a practice. A discipline. (Can rebellion exist within a discipline?) Your classmates know what they want to do with their work. They all have a thesis statement. And yeah, there's cohesion in the music you make, but you've never had to think about why you make it. You've never sat down and dissected what it is about bass that speaks to you. You've never poured over your lyrics to pick at any deeper meaning. Why should you? You don't play music for a grand design, you do it to... huh, why do you do it?
(Your art is the one form of self-expression that feels as safe as Disguise Self does, because even if you're pouring your heart onto the page and then screaming it in front of thousands of people, it's not like you're really making yourself known. You can sing I'm lonely, I'm scared, I'm furious, and your fans will sing it right back, and there will still be the distance between performer and audience to keep your heart safe.)
Now you're being asked to look inward to explain the artistic choices you're making, and you can't help but recoil at that, because you'd rather do anything than look inward. Meanwhile, your classmates have no problem with it, so you start to wonder if you're a real artist at all. Can your art be authentic if it only exists to bolster a thesis statement? Has your art been unauthentic this whole time because you've never really thought about a thesis statement before? Is that what makes it art, and not just the next track on somebody's teen angst playlist?
You can't think about yourself— acknowledging your own existence makes you want to puke. So if your music is an extension of yourself, (and it is, even if it's just because the spotlight reveals only what you want it to,) you can't think about your music. You can't. You have to. Your grade depends on it.
You're Fig Faeth, and you keep multiclassing because you'd rather be a good friend than a great artist. If introspection is what great art demands, then fuck it. You must not be a bard at all.
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fluffy-ami · 1 year
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“Don't move, or else I'm adding more~”
BRO I'M FEELING SO EVIL AND CRINGE TODAY oh god i'm sorry he's just so silly goofy-
i wanna give him 'em soft tickles 👁️
(also my on-paper sketches always look so much shittier on the photos like nahhh 😭)
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sporadicspores · 4 months
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they make me ILL your honor [they/them pronouns for vrisryn]
aka i'm coping with the angst i'm writing about them by taking 100000 pictures of them being tender. and by coping i mean making myself feel worse slkjsdlkfjsdlkj
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mourn-and-watch · 1 year
one thing that especially irks me about cullen's so-called redemption is the attempts to redeem him through cole's words.
templars' abuses affected cole so badly it damaged his connection to the fade and his own nature. he was a spirit of compassion and witnessing what was happening in white spire turned him into a killer. he murdered lord seeker lambert in cold blood for what he did and most of the time he doesn't regret it — and then he just. drops the "he's not like the other girls" lines about cullen.
and this is such a lazy and annoying move. another thing that is established about cole is that you particularly can't lie to him — about your real feelings and intentions at least. whatever he states about other characters must be true and it is often used as a tool to deepen the characterizations of the main cast and in cullen's case it is just. blatant apologism. there's literally a banter where cole talks about atrocities commited by the templars and then he adds "oh no but cassandra and cullen aren't like that" and never elaborates. the game itself doesn't elaborate either.
like please don't tell me that the spirit who was shaken by knowledge that an innocent boy can die from starving because his jailors simply forgot about him would look in the eyes of a person who used to be meredith fucking stannard's right hand and still thinks that her methods were just a little too harsh but necessary and justified and say yeah. this guy is such a friend of mages. if only there were more templars like him
#this is such an overt bullshit like i don't even know where to start#and my main problem is that. i don't care about cullen. his redemption arc sucks because it's non-existent. but i do care about cole#and i love his cryptic comments so much because they really give you a look into character's head in a weird but interesting manner#and then. this happens. and you can say that “oh but it means that cullen's REAL attitude is compassionate towards mages!”#but the thing about cole's comments is. he does expose characters' thoughts#but you've already had an opportunity to catch whatever cole makes clear in these banters#like. vivienne is afraid and it is shown in the game. dorian struggles with attachment and it is shown in the game#cullen struggles with whatever he's done to mages and ?????? ah yes#and i'm just. so mad. because i love what cole adds to the storytelling. and there's so much potential but he's used for apologism#because whoever wrote cullen was too lazy and/or preoccupied with making a knight in shining armor out of him#you can also point out that cole is used for solas apologism as well. but in solas' case you can catch that he feels conflicted#about his actions and goals. so yeah. it works. at least partially. so my point stays.#cullen's case is like. by the book example of horrendous breaking of 'show don't tell' rule#practically cole breaks this rule constantly. but as i said it doesn't feel off with other characters because of what has been shown alread#cullen critical#dragon age
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majorpatheticcas · 1 year
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"c'mon, sweetheart. studying's for nerds."
"Consider me as a nerd for now, then."
"no can do."
"Why's that?"
"your more fun than a nerd. and it'd be a waste if we don't get some fun, doll."
"And it'd be a waste of time and effort just to pleasure ourselves. And plus, I need to study this for tomorrow."
"C'mon.. a bit of fun won't hurt."
|| Second week in school and shits are getting more difficult from one subject to another lmao. And this big guy is constantly going around my mind during class hours help ||
But then suddenly I had the motivation to draw this shit sooo.. here's another one for @didderd <3 Your boy is 100% distracting me from my studies but I couldn't care less 🤌
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count-doodoo · 8 months
why is openness about disability and illness trauma dumping?? like fine maybe it's traumatic but it's not like. Trauma (tm)???? it's simply Life??????
"i have [disability/illness]" is not trauma dumping and i will die on this hill. i'm sorry that you see every disability/illness as a Terrible Traumatic Tragedy Requiring Emotional Labor but this is in fact simply part of life, sir.
people are allowed to be in pain in public ffs
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hydrachea · 1 year
Not sure if you answer these types of asks but I have Oberon brainrot and I was wondering how do you think Guda and Oberon would make out?
Oh I will absolutely answer this type of ask.
The answer is that they contain multitudes though. First/second ascension Oberon still acts out his prince role, he hates every second of it but he'll still play into it. Think romance movie kisses, the too-perfect-to-be true kind. Looks idyllic to onlookers! Kind of hollow for both participants.
Third ascension doesn't care, so it's a lot messier because honestly he's frustrated to be in this situation in the first place and even more frustrated to not be hating it. There's teeth, there's claws, there's also swatting the occasional bug that wanders out of his cape and into Guda's hair but that part isn't intended.
And Guda after all that? Guda's not taking any shit from either Oberons. Guda has tamed worse - have you seen their Servants? They're the epitome of "shut up and make out with me", whether it's "shut up (you're being annoying)" or "shut up (stop thinking so much)". It's not an aggressive kind of kiss, but it's insistent and it works wonders.
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iceeericeee · 11 months
I wonder how many tags i can add on to this
#there must be SOME kind of a limit otherwise posts would get suuuuuuper duper long like is it just 30?#idk but i'm going to find out by simply maxxing out the character limit for each tag and finding out the limit of tags for each post lololo#this is gonna be great. i just have to remember to type without ever using the comma. it shouldn't be too hard right? fuck i almost typed#the comma i'm already bad at this smh my head. also if your still here i commend you. you have a better attention span than i do.#i'm already starting to get bored holy shit this is not happening. i gotta power through this. FOR SCIENCEEEEEEEEEE. or somethinggggggggggg#but fr idk what else to say. maybe just saying that i don't know what to say will be good enough? but does that even count?#I don't even know anymore. ffffffffuck. this is gonna be a while huh? also holy shit if you're still here omg u deserve like. a prize or#something because u definitely didn't have to stay and read all of this bull shit. lololol i typed out bs but decided to just spell the who#thing out just to make it go by faster. i'm so lazy. this is only the nineth tag HOW will i make it to 30. i am sobbing the adhd is adhding#very hard rn. are you still here? bruh this is insane. i have somehow managed to keep ur attention this long and it's just me spouting#absolute balderdash. wait do you know what balderdash even means? i don't care if you do already i'm gonna tell you anyway. balderdash is#basically just another word for nonsense. boom. you learned something new today. balderdash equals nonsense equals this damn post.#why did i decide to do this in the first place. it was a dumb idea. i don't know if i can even keep going. this is only the *counts tags*#it's the 14th tag. we've got a long way to go boys. men. soldiers. comrads. friends. besties peeps. marshmallows.#where was i going with this? oh yeah. trying to max out the limit for tags. dang i almost typed a comma there. i haven't done that since#i think the third or fourth tag. dang that feels like such a long time ago. not for you guys probably. it feels longer because i have to li#type it all out and stuff. so it's definitely gonna feel longer for me. are you still here? good lord don't you have better things to#be doing than reading all of this? we're already on tag number 18. it feels like i should be on the thirtyeth by now. or however it's spell#'toast' you might be wondering 'why are you typing out the names of the numbers instead of say '9' or '5'?' well you see. young one.#this is a strategy i'm using to make each tag slightly longer. even if i don't know how to spell it. it'll make it just a little bit longer#anyway. i got off topic. not that there was ever a topic to begin with. unless it's about making this as long as i can.#which i am apparently good at doing. i guess. are you STILL here? do you seriously have nothing to do? i guess i'm flattered you stayed thi#whole time. instead of reading something else you stayed here. with me. listening to me talk. on the twenty-third tag. oh yeah its tag 23#except now it's tag twenty-four. how crazy is that. this little talk is almost over. only 6 tags away if memory serves right. this's strang#i kind of don't want this to end. but i know it should. after all there is a limit. but all things must come to and end at some point i gue#i'm running out of things to say. it's probably a good thing it's almost over. hahahahah............... but i don't want to go. i don't wan#to leave this post. i've worked so hard on it. and for what. just for it to end. are you still here? yes? good. i'd hate to end this alone.#thank you for indulging me and my craziness. the end is only 2 tags away now. you can go ahead and leave. i'll be okay on my own. really...#...you're still here? i- i don't know what to say. i suppose a toast is in order. perhaps. for this journey. this stupid dumb post i though#would be fun. i'll make it short. it's the last tag after all. this was fun. but i will never do it again. so long as a i live. i'll miss y
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unma · 3 months
@notwowee requested: Mettaton
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There is so much to say about this robot but let me start off with my initial thoughts on him.
For like, a good good while I wasn't sure what Mettaton's gender was? In all fairness I was raised in a hella conservative country and Undertale was the first piece of media I'd ever interacted with that even depicted queer people, so for a bit I assumed the pink meant he was probably female. That wasn't helped when I discovered that Mettaton was Blooky's cousin with the locked pink house.
Luckily for me he was discussed enough that I eventually realized my mistake before I ever had to admit it. That would have been emabrassing.
Anyway I absolutely adored this robot and his style, his quizzes were cool and he had the most charming attitude that made me smile whenever he was there (not to mention the quizzes were funny, too). Don't get me started on the musical. Or when he hits you with the puzzle you've almost certainly forgotten the rules for. Hotland is very well done, even if some people dislike having to deal with Alphys's messages there (personally I thought those were neat).
Despite all this I have to admit that I initially thought he was a lot more shallow than expected. I didn't realize he was the type of person to actually care about his love ones, and I probably would've believed anyone who told me he treated Alphys like shit (okay maybe I'd have been a little skeptical, but you get the point).
Nowadays, I'm honestly pretty fond of his relationship with Alphys, as he's probably the one person she relied on the most during her various fuck ups. Also, his... his worries about Alphys in the ending where he becomes king... ah, that still makes me tear up a little. You can tell he cares and regrets not being a better friend to her.
This is only partly related but I dislike Papyton. For no reason, really, I just don't like it, and I disliked having to see it so often (until I learnt filters existed, anyway). I couldn't tell you why; the ship's perfectly fine. Yet if I see a fic with it I click out. Oh well, maybe I'll get over it one day.
I could totally see a world in which I become as attached to Mettaton as I am to Cagliostro from GBF. I'm not trans by any stretch (perhaps I'm non-binary, given I don't actually care much about my own gender in the slightest, but for now I'll stick with cis+ until I actually feel like I should consider it more) but I do have admiration for characters like them who strive to be their best selves in terms of appearance and are absolutely confident in it. I suppose if I was born a girl, I'd be more attached to Mettaton than Cagliostro, but eh. Who knows.
Mettaton's importance (or rather, lack of) in the genocide run is saddening, though I have come to terms with it because in terms of the game's writing it's a pretty damn good decision. I do love that he got fangames giving him an actual battle though, it's lovely to see him actually get that chance to fight back.
I feel the need to restate once more that I adore his relationship with Alphys, and seeing works explore that relationship is always great. I think Mettaton is one of the least fan-explored of the game's main cast, so it'd be wonderful to see more works. It's a shame I'm too busy thinking about Sans, Frisk and Chara to do that myself, though.
One more thing: Until I wrote this post, I always wondered why Mettaton didn't just fight the human in his indestructible body instead, especially in the genocide route. I mean, it's obviously because his other forms are the ones actually designed for human eradication, of course, but I also like to think it's because he likes those forms a lot more than his box form, as he sees them as a proper expression of who he truly is. I just think that's neat. Sure, he's indestructible when stuck in the closet, hiding who he truly is, but it's restricting, and wouldn't you prefer to simply be you? Even if it could mean you could get hurt? I think that question is somewhat inseparable from Mettaton's character as a whole, as his overly confident and theatrical personality could perhaps be one answer to that. It's fine if you get hurt a little, because in the end you'll be much happier for it.
#undertale#mettaton#unma rambles#the void asks back#long post#this is the kinda post I'd look back on in like 5 years and be like “you clueless egg”#but I doubt it#don't think I'm trans because I've thought about it for a long ass time and that just doesn't fit me#for various reasons (mainly periods and breasts tbh those seem like a pain to deal with) I wouldn't want to be a woman#but I don't give a shit about being a man either#there's a genderbend manga where the mc doesn't care about being turned into a girl that I read at some point#lemme find the name rq#found it#it's “Mendokusagari Danshi ga Asa Okitara Onnanoko ni Natteita Hanashi”#aka “A Lazy Guy Woke Up as a Girl One Morning”#and I think if I were to be turned into a girl I'd react about the same way the mc did (I wouldn't give a shit lol)#who knows what that says about me#perhaps what I'm describing would make me fall under the nb category#but I don't care enough about labels to think about it much#maybe when I have more energy and time to spare for such trains of thoughts#damn that was a long ass ramble in the tags#anyway fun fact:#on the topic of Hotland Muffet was one of the hardest bosses for me to fight#the other being Papyrus#both of them took me way too long to beat#(it took me a bit to beat Undyne but that was because I didn't realize I could run away for a bit)#Omega Flowey I first-tried on my first playthrough#and Asgore just wasn't that hard in comparison#perhaps I just got gud over the course of the playthrough#that's probaly the case
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vagueiish · 11 months
concept: astarion getting cocky after taking on that bear, a night or so later coming across a deer and thinking 'hah, this should be cake!'
...and then getting absolutely wrecked by a whole herd in an almost cartoonish display of violence because deer are vicious fucks and it's the prey animals you have to watch out for
#astarion#i'm basing this off science i read here so i'm probably wrong#but i also dont care enough to do research and confirm either way because#it would be fucking hilarious to me#bc larger predaror animals are lazy fucks anyway right? unless theyre hunting or whatever#astarion gets the drop on a sleeping bear. maybe the bear wakes up#gets a few swipes in -- which is where astarion's mentioned bloodloss comes in#but ultimately astarion comes out on top#and is like 'fuck i am so good at this hunting thing'#which.....he's spent 200 years stalking the streets of a city doing a completely different type of hunting#certainly he'd have to have stealth down and know how to defend himself in case something goes wrong#but hunting animals is a bit of a different ballgame isnt it?#so he gets lucky. and then gets cocky#and he probably doesnt know about deer. yknow?#or maybe he would but that's not funny#so some night later. aw. a fawn!#fuckin bambi should be easy pickings#so he's about to take a bite when... idk. would it be funnier if he just gets gored by an antler or like...#hears a rustling. here comes another deer staring him down#he waves the deer away like 'don't worry. i'm sure i'll have room for your blood as well'#and then the deer hisses at him and charges him and he has a moment of realization that#He Has Fucked Up#more deer join the fray. he barely escapes with his unlife.#at camp the next day it's clear he's been in a scuffle#he lies and claims he barely escaped like a gnoll attack or something#does anyone believe him? i dont know#somebody uses the tadpole to see the deer massacre#those who dont know laugh at him. those that do....#'dude. you can't just fuck with deer'#and they all have a laugh about it later
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the-acid-pear · 6 months
I need to replay dsaf 1 and 2 honestly it's a shame I haven't made a proper rambling post about the fact they literally gave Steven a fake wife (❓ why?) and then recycled that fucking thing and gave it to his former employee (⁉️ AGAIN, WHY?).
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cherrygarden · 3 months
i don't know about you but i. want to kms
#oversharing incoming!!#i already wrote on my journal and it did nothing so sorry but here i go#but i find it so funny (read: devastating) how my psychiatrist has spent YEARS trying to diagnose me as bipolar and i was just like#actually no 🙄#my depression is just cyclical and when it's bad i dont recognise myself and nothing i can do seems to stop it but that's just how life is#like i kept going back every 3 months like ''life is SO good again!!'' and then ''life fucking sucks''#and it kept going ang going and going#until last week she had to be like. girl i'm SO serious just accept it#it just sucks that my hypomania is just what ppl normally do#i'm just like ''wow i have the energy to put work into my relatinoships and clean my room and make my bedand maintain a self care routine!'#that's NOT my normal#like my average isn't sad but it definitely is lazy and isolating and a little selfish#or is it my normal??????#who am i. genuinely#no one told me when i started meds at 15 that it would mess with my sense of self#i wouldve tried to be prepared lmao#no and what sucks is that i'm participing in a conversatorio??? however you say that in english#abt academic exchange experiences on friday and i feel like shit now and there was a period of time there that i felt like shit then#and its gonna be so so so hard to be postiive#like if i'm completely honest i only didn't **** ****** bc of substance abuse and ***#also thinking abt my psychologist who told me ''i can't help you because i just don't think you want to get better'' and dismissed me#which caused a spiral then and multiple spirals since#like no actually. i was just bipolar and a teenager and misdiagnosed you piece of shit ''professional''
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esteebarnes94 · 8 months
Smuffin PFP Artwork
Here's the full image for my profile picture. It's of my, "blog mascot," of sorts, Smuffin. Like I've stated in my blog description, I do not give any permission for my work to be reposted within or outside of this site, edited, claimed, traced, or used for any program, NFT, or AI.
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Ignore my shoddy linework. Like I said, I'm still very new to digital art and I'm not quite used to pen pressure and all that. In the future as I get better, I'm going to try cooler patterns on his beanie. I'm not quite sure what happened with the transparency outline of the signature, but I'm guessing it has something to do with the anti-aliasing. I'll test it out in my next piece.
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