#be prepared to squid party with anyone you meet!
A lot can happen in the span of less than thirty seconds. Ya know, like a Cephalopod Party with an enemy Custom Jet Squelcher that got me once, a Squid Bagging teammate using a Splat Bomb to take them out - which the Squelcher took it like a boss, so I got respect for them - and me firing a SINGLE Tenta Missile at a nearby enemy teammate so I wouldn't be firing at the enemy's Respawn Point because I wasn't sure if the Squelcher respawned at the time and I didn't wanna be a dick.
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24hlevi · 3 years
Hey :D for a request do you think you could write Jun Ho with a Hispanic reader? If so they/them pronouns would be great! Hope you have a good day 🧡
as a hispanic myself i absolutely love you for requesting this <33
Pairing: Hwang Junho (Squid Game) X Gn!Reader
Junho Dating Someone Who Is Hispanic
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- junho would be so happy to hear about your culture and how different it was from his and he wants to learn everything about it
- when meeting your parents he would prepare in advance with learning a little bit of spanish so he could try and impress your family
- if you told him that your parents/family speak only spanish he would prepare even more in advance so that he can fully communicate with your family
- junho would love to taste all the types of food from your culture as well! even if he thinks he won’t like it he’ll try it anyways because you never know what you might like also because he doesn’t want to hurt you or your family’s feelings by not eating the food
- he will literally take a whole dancing class for when he goes to your family’s parties and has to dance but he struggles a little so just help him a little and soon he’s dancing like a true hispanic
- junho would love to get recipes from your mother or grandmother so he can make your favorite traditional foods for when you aren’t with your family
- he doesn’t drink a lot but when he’s at your family parties with you he drinks quite a bit, mostly because he wants to impress the male side of your family even if he can only get a few shots of alcohol in before he’s a stumbling mess
- if you two got married junho would arrange it so that there was one wedding for both of the cultures between you and him and would make sure they were traditional so that it would be the best experience for the both of you
- he would be so sweet when explaining to your younger siblings or cousins that his culture was very different from yours and wouldn’t mind answering any questions that any of your family has for him about his own culture
- if anyone said anything about how odd your relationship was when you both were two very different ethnicities junho would curse at them in spanish just to fuck with them and show that it doesn’t matter, wrapping his arm around your waist and walking away
- after a few months junho would be completely fluent in spanish and would be able to have full on conversations with you in your native language because he wanted to make you happy
- he would even research more about your culture online after you had told him everything you knew about it just so he can make you more comfortable and happy :(
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demonboyhalo · 4 years
The Technoblade Conspiracy
Even before Dream claimed there was a traitor in Pogtopia, there's been a lot of...suspicious activities happening in Techno’s streams. Others on the SMP are already distrustful of him, and the fans are as well, but I believe that we’re focusing on the wrong thing here. This thread isn’t quite a traitor theory, but rather a dive into what Techno has been hiding at large. I can say with utter confidence that the extent of what Technoblade has accomplished on the Dream SMP is being greatly underestimated.
I recommend looking at the sus Techno moments thread by @piggytechnobarb on Twitter for some of the stream clips I'll be discussing.
This is going to be fairly in depth, so the rest is under the cut!
1. There is another room under what Techno calls his "secret base"
I won't talk too much on how strange his choice of "secret base" is for now, but please do keep in mind how out of character it is for man-who-tracked-down-Squid's-college to settle for a home base so unprotected and close to Pogtopia's very well known location.
So, for some reason, there is Polished Blackstone Brick under the floor of Techno’s wall. He accidentally reveals this when a donation asks him to mine the exposed redstone in his wall, acts a bit strange for a good 15 seconds, and then never mentions it again. Sight of the brick prompts him to silently zoom in, fill the hole with stone (not cobble), and say "Don't ask questions".
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This is only so strange because there's no real reason for him to have stone at the ready, or any blackstone brick at all. Techno is NOT a builder, and if a creeper blew up down there, he'd fill it with cobble and not give a shit about aesthetics. He doesn't use smooth stone in his base, and has never built with blackstone on stream. Not only are they unusual items for him to have, it's unusual for him to make a point to not have the viewers question it. Yes, it could just be Techno being dramatic, but why did he go silent for a straight 5 seconds at the sight of the blackstone?
Considering who he is as a player, it is completely in character for Techno to build a second base. The lake he lives under is incredibly near Wilbur and Tommy, and he's well aware that all an enemy has to do is watch his stream to infiltrate his base. Techno goes to the extremes when they aren't even required (Ex. His insane skill in party games, beating Skeppy in as niche of a game as Grinch Simulator, etc.) So I don't think it's a stretch for him to go the extra mile, and hide a bunker/resources/extra armour and what have you from even his own viewers.
2. The overpowered illegal villager farm
For those of you who don't watch Ponk, he recently stumbled across an area that is supposedly banned on the Dream SMP - a villager farm. In the clip, his voice is astonished and his confusion is palpable, and he goes so far as to say "It's a full scale arms race" because of how many good trades there are. The location is laced with traps, though he doesn't mention what exactly he had to get past to find the farm. Ponk's reaction is far too genuine for the farm to be his, but then that begs the question, whose farm is it?
...Who is willing to risk Dream's wrath by breaking his rules? Or, alternatively, who is capable of making a secret pact with the server owner to allow such a farm? The answer could only be Technoblade.
Ponk says it himself in the video, he does not have the time to build this. Whoever made this had to have carved out a hidden cavern, lead at least 14 villagers down there, breed them until only the ones with the best trades were left - all off stream, and without another player catching them. Whoever made this had to spend hours of work with no content to show for it, and who do we know has been grinding for DAYS on the server? Technoblade. Not to mention, all the villagers are numbered, and all but one are fletchers.
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The signs above each stall are so important, because going so far back as SMP Earth, Techno has a history of dispassionately breeding mobs to his benefit, and then killing any mob not performing well enough. For example, his horse farm: where the horses stay in numbered rooms rather than all being named. The villagers in the screenshot above are numbered rather than named.
Wanna hear a fun fact about Fletchers? They're well known for accepting sticks for emeralds, but will also take string for that trade as well! And guess who has been seen waiting at the spider spawner collecting string by Sapnap, Awesamdude, Quackity, and multiple other players? Technoblade.
Technoblade also has every reason to be breeding villagers for special arrows and crossbows, because he's said on stream that he wants to try spamming multi-shot crossbows in combat to take out huge groups of enemies. He said at a later point that he had run into trouble with getting multiple crossbows with the enchantment multi-shot, and implied it wasn't going to happen. But has he ever been the kind of person to be stopped by something being challenging? Absolutely not.
Think of literally anything Techno has done - his Bedwars win streak, beating MC with a steering wheel, the Potato Wars - what I believe is really happening, is that Techno is lying about how equipped he is so that no matter what side he ends up fighting for, his enemies will have no true way of knowing how powerful he is.
3. Dream might be his secret ally (AKA The Glowstone Incident)
This brings us to a...confusing moment in Techno's stream that sparked a lot of questions. It pointed me towards 2 different, but not necessarily exclusive, theories.
The Glowstone Incident precedes as follows: Techno needs glowstone but can't find any in his chests, so he puts on his BRB screen. He says that he is "hacking" and asking Dream to use game mode to give him the glowstone. Typing can be heard, and then multiple chests are opened. Techno takes off the BRB screen and he now has three stacks of glowstone dust. This was absolutely bewildering to watch live, and was one of the most blatantly suspicious things he has done in front of his viewers. (You can find the exact clip on the thread I mentioned, it is...so weird)
Theory A: Though unlikely, Techno could be Dream's secret ally, and Dream really did use creative to give him the stacks. Or, he potentially gave Techno OP permissions so that he could get the glow stone (and any other materials he’d want) himself.
We all remember their meet up on that ocean hill, where Dream gives Techno golden apples, diamonds, and other such materials for the battle against Schlatt. It seemed to be a one-off gift that was more for Wilbur's benefit than Techno's, but there's potentially the chance that Dream saw an alliance to Techno to be more beneficial than working only with Wilbur, and contacted him off screen to make deals.
Going back to the Village Farm - for a player to get the exact enchantment they want for a reasonable price, breeding them is the most logical option. It's the route Techno would take regardless of Dream's rules on the SMP too, as he tends to show little regard for what the creators want (Ex. Taking over SMP Earth, exploiting Hypixel Skyblock, etc.) However, it could also be possible that Dream gave Techno permission to do this, and so the reason Techno is keeping the farm secret is so that the viewers don't know of their alliance.
Theory B: Techno has hidden resources in his base that he doesn't want anyone to have even the chance to see. Whether it is to hide from enemies watching (or to hide from Dream in particular because Techno knows he's breaking the server's rules) there are secret chests that Techno has with extra resources that can be heard loud and clear in the video.
They could be simple ones hidden in the walls...or in the blackstone brick base hidden under his floors. Saying he’s “hacking” rather than the reality of him just checking all his chests again is on par for Techno’s usual dramatics - yet we can clearly see that there’s no glowstone in any of his chests. This is why I believe he got the glowstone from some unseen resource. With the BRB screen on, Techno prevents his viewers from actually seeing how he got the 3 stacks of powder, and it keeps the location of his hidden materials safe.
Personally, I feel theory B is more likely, but there have been moments where Dream has acted Sus so...be on the lookout y'all.
4. Techno not participating in MCC
For those of you who watched Techno during the Potato War, many will remember that MCC 6 had a stressful undertone. Because of how much effort and time Techno had been putting into farming on Skyblock, taking a break to compete in another event was distracting. It ultimately led to him losing time that, from his perspective, would have been better off spent farming.
Techno might not be as blatantly grinding on the Dream SMP as he did with the Potato War, but it's undeniable that other streamers have seen him online for stretches of 10 hours and more. When asked about why he wasn't participating in the next MCC, Techno didn't say he was taking a break - something that'd be entirely reasonable and honestly well earned - he said "I don't want to."
It could be awkward phrasing by virtue of Techno's personality, but what I think is more likely is that Techno has learned from his past mistakes. Rather than "waste" time competing in MCC, Techno might be planning to use the time everyone on the SMP is gone to his advantage. He could sneak into enemy territory, set traps in certain areas, or maybe even perform some illegal acts that Dream would never allow. Either way, I suspect Techno has something planned for the 14th.
Honorable Mentions:
Dream poking fun, or blatantly covering for Techno?
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This clip of Techno's secret Something??? next to the spider spawner, undeniably suspicious
Techno had around 5 stacks of wool in his inventory at one point - he absolutely could be bed mining the nether not only so that he has multiple sets of OP netherite, but possibly because he's preparing the gear for another person (cough cough Philza) or people
Techno's collection of ghast tears. He's studied Crystal PvP and made plenty of 2b2t references in the past (Look up FitMC for more info on those things) So it could be possible that Techno is hiding stacks of end crystals so that he can decimate multiple players in an instant
All in all, I'm 100% convinced that Techno has some serious plans hidden behind the scenes that he's not going to share until it's time for him to unleash utter chaos. We know he's keeping secrets, we know he's had the time, and we know he's capable.
I hope you all enjoyed my research and feel terrified of what Techno could possibly have done off camera :D
If anyone else has different theories, corrections to what I wrote, or other moments where Pink was Sus, feel free to comment!
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
6x21: Let It Bleed
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Dean and Cas broke up
March 15, 1937
Providence, Rhode Island
It was a dark and stormy night, and HP Lovecraft sits at his typewriter clicking away. He finishes his manuscript, and his door slowly creaks open. He pulls out a revolver and heads to the hallway, but quickly backs back into the room and locks the door. A window blasts open and a shadowy figure is there. He pleads with it --but becomes blood cannon fodder anyway. 
Dean continues to dissect what could have gone differently to prevent his breakup with Cas. Sam tries being the logical friend --but there’s no explaining heartbreak, folks. Bobby comes in to tell them that when Cas popped in for his late night tet-a-tet with Dean, he stole a journal. But don’t worry, Bobby had a copy. 
Upon reading it, Bobby discovers a mention of HP Lovecraft. Dean doesn’t know who that is --and you’re going to tell me the dude that knows horror movies like the back of his hand and reads Stephen King doesn’t know who the father of horror is? And I know that Dean lies to cover up things he thinks other people would look down on him for, but this would be a weird moment to do that. 
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Anyway, Bobby thinks Lovecraft knew something about purgatory. 
Meanwhile, Ben is chilling in his room reading Cthulhu graphic novels while his mom is watching the sportsball with her new beau. Demons bust in and gut the boyfriend right away. One takes after Ben. Ben gets to his room and calls Dean in a panic. He doesn’t know what’s out there and he can’t get to the shotgun in Lisa’s closet. Dean tells him to jump out his window. It’s too late --Crowley’s there and has both Ben and Lisa. 
Crowley tells Dean that no harm will come to them if he backs off from the purgatory plan. 
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Sam throws some salt on Dean’s wound and asks if Cas knows about this. “We gotta assume that he does.” OUCH.
While Bobby heads off to follow the Lovecraft lead, Dean and Sam set to finding Lisa and Ben. They summon Balthazar and tell him that Crowley is alive. He blinks and tells them Cas already informed him. They then tell him about splitting the souls in purgatory plan. Balthazar knew that too, ahem. He refuses to help find Ben and Lisa. 
Sam thinks they should call Cas. “WE’RE NOT CALLING CAS.” This is a man in pain, Sam, he needs time. 
Bobby, meanwhile, interviews someone who possesses a large collection of Lovecraft’s private letters. He asks about March 10, 1937 specifically, and the dude wonders if he’s working with the other guy --”trench coat, looks like Colombo, talks like Rainman.” We’re supposed to assume he’s describing Cas, but ?? okay. They’re competitors actually.
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The guy tells Bobby that Lovecraft had a dinner party with other blackmagic followers. They were getting together to perform a ritual to open a door into another dimension. He has --or had-- letters describing the dinner. Bobby leaves, knowing exactly how the letters disappeared. 
Bobby discusses the case with Sam, revealing that one guest of the party -the maid’s son- didn’t die and has been in a mental ward since that night. He’s gong to interview the man now. 
Dean, meanwhile, is lining the demons up and taking them down if they don’t answer his questions. 
For Murderous Rampage Science:
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Sam tries to get his brother to take a break, but Dean is 100% on an emotional bender and will not stop. Sam then heads outside to pray to Cas --pleading with him to bring Ben and Lisa home. 
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When Cas doesn’t appear, Sam walks away, dejected. Only Cas is there, invisible to Sam. AND I WANT TO TEAR OUT MY EYES. 
Cas confronts Crowley. Crowley was “merely exploiting the obvious loophole.” Cas demands he tell him where they are. 
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Crowley tells Cas the only way to save Lisa and Ben is for him to find Purgatory. 
For Literal Science:
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Cas flaps away when Balthazar summons him. They meet in a wooded area, and Balthazar confronts Cas about his partnership with Crowley. 
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Balthazar confirms that Cas would be the vessel to take on the souls from purgatory. He could explode from all that energy. Cas assures him he won’t (weeps). Cas demands Balthazar tell him if he’s with Cas, and Balthazar laughs but agrees. 
Bobby interviews the maid’s son, and discovers Cas was already there. Bobby asks for the story. The man tells what was said at the time, but then asks, “Do you believe in monsters?” He tells Bobby that the door did open that night, and whatever came through took over his mother. Then the others died. Bobby gives his condolences to the man, and he shows Bobby a picture of his mother. Bobby recognizes her.
Dean prepares his Tortures for Demons™ when his foot drags part of the devil’s trap away. The demon immediately gets the drop on Dean, only for Cas to flap in (or turn visible) just in time to save Dean’s bacon. 
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Dean’s...ungrateful. Surly, even! Cas apologizes about Lisa and Ben, and he’s hurt when Dean doesn’t believe that he had nothing to do with their abduction. 
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“Dean, I do everything that you ask,” Cas pleads. “I always come when you call and I am your friend - still. Despite your lack of faith in me, and now your threats.” Cas is just asking for backup this ONE TIME. (And you know what? Knowing the crap these Winchester boys have pulled, I always felt like Cas made a good point here.) They lob soulful looks at each other. Cas promises to rescue Lisa and Ben if Dean will just PLEASE stand down and let him absorb every single monster soul EVER it’s NOT A BIG DEAL. This is entirely the wrong tactic, and Dean tells Cas to go back to Crowley and he’ll save Lisa and Ben on his own. 
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Cas flaps away. Soulfully. 
Bobby arrives at Eleanor-the-Dragon’s door. She’s at a little cabin in the middle of nowhere - one of her safe houses. He confronts her with the old photo and demands to know her agenda. “You know, we’re not all alike,” she retorts. She reacts similarly poorly to Bobby complaining about sleeping with her without knowing she was a monster. BOBBY! WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT RIGHT NOW. She tells him that the world’s lucky that she’s who popped through the portal. The professor is on Team Earth. Bobby begs to know the secret of the portal so that he can protect her from Cas. 
Balthazar flaps in on Sam. He’s joining Team Winchester because he’s terribly concerned about Cas’s life choices. He flies them close to Crowley’s angel-warded lockup, and Dean and Sam swoop in to save Lisa and Ben. 
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They split up inside the warehouse - always a sensible plan. Sadly, Sam “Soft Noggin” Winchester gets knocked out IMMEDIATELY. Sam plz. Dean bursts into Lisa and Ben’s prison like a little angry blur of knives and in short order, he’s killed all the demons standing guard. They start to flee, when Lisa holds Ben at knifepoint, her eyes flashing black. 
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The demon goes all in on the mental torture, telling Ben that Dean’s his real father (JK!) and that Dean is Lisa’s WORST EVER MISTAKE. While Dean catalogues the internal damage, he and Lisa fight. He sheathes the demon blade and starts an exorcism, and I look directly at the camera. Demon Lisa’s got another trick up her sleeve. While the exorcism progresses, the demon grabs a tool and jabs it into Lisa’s gut. Then, she gives Dean a choice: exorcise her and Lisa bleeds out or let Lisa remain animate (but a demon puppet). Wrenchingly, Dean finishes the exorcism. 
He makes sure Ben’s armed with a salt-round shotgun and then they head out of the factory. Ben shoots his first demon while Dean shouts at him to “pull it together” and I...just…….
I’m just going to box these feelings up and stuff them in my Dean Winchester is a Sad Child attic, while humming Cat’s in the Cradle to myself.
They find Sam and head for a hospital, Dean muttering the whole time that she’s FINE Lisa is JUST FINE she is FINE. Cut to the hospital where Lisa is NOT FINE, but also is not dead! Yet! 
Cas flaps in. 
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Dean refuses his apology. REFUSES IT. But Cas didn’t come to apologize. Okay, he DID, but he primarily came to heal Lisa miraculously. Dean looks up at him like he completely forgot that Cas can heal. 
For Healing Cas Science:
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In Jensen Ackles your face is a menace news, Dean displays grief, joy, relief, anger, betrayal, sad cat memes, and more in like less than five seconds of screen time. He thanks Cas for healing Lisa. “I wish this changed anything.” Regrets lie thickly between them. Dean asks for one more favor. He wants himself erased from Lisa and Ben’s memories for good. 
When Lisa wakes, Ben explains that they were in a car crash. Dean enters, and introduces himself as the guy who hit them. GAH. The shitty things these characters do!!! Excuse me while I hurl knives at the wall for a solid thirty minutes!
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“I lost control for a minute,” Dean says, not AT ALL metaphorically about their time together. “And I just want to say that I’m sorry.” He heads out, leaving the Braedens entirely unprotected from future supernatural threats and missing a substantial chunk of their lives. Hope Cas also cleaned up Matt’s body??? And the busted door??? (Side note: does anyone else have weird squid emotions thinking about Cas willfully blanking their memories when his own memories have been tampered with time and time again? I SURE DON’T!)
Dean meets judgmental Sam back at the Impala. Sam, I see your judgment, and I judge thee valid. Dean talks about his emotions in an open and healt----hahaha nope. Dean tells Sam that if he ever mentions the Braedens to him then he’ll break Sam’s nose. He punctuates that with mournful, red-rimmed eyes which definitely deal at least 1.5X damage against Sam’s puppy eyes. They drive off into the sad music. 
Elsewhere, Eleanor Visyak leaves her cabin, only to encounter Cas behind her. Cas flaps her away. CAAAAAAAAS!
You QUOTE Miette??!!
Your chocolate's been in my peanut butter for far too long
What’s with the slow burn?
You’re just a man. I’m better off protecting myself
I’m officially on your team. You bastards
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starlocked01 · 4 years
Terror in my Heart
Masterpost- Previous- Next
Summary: The constant stream of vulgar nonsense coming from his soulmate could not prepare Virgil to actually meet him. Content Warning: Swearing, Innuendo
Day 29 Dukexiety- You and your soulmate have a telepathic connection until you meet.
"Moist. Moist. Moist. It doesn't sound right. Moist."
"Oh my god, it doesn't sound right because it's a terrible word. Just shut up if you can't think anything else."
Virgil enjoyed the quiet for about 10 seconds.
"Moist underwear."
"I will kill you"
"How ya gonna do it?" his soulmate’s thoughts sounded perkier instantly. Virgil rubbed his temples in annoyance.
"I'm not going to plan it out for you; you'll know how to avoid me when I find you," the threat was mostly empty but his soulmate didn't have to know that. He turned back to his latest creation spinning slowly on the wheel, wetting his hands again before working the clay. He was trying to make a pumpkin-shaped vase but was having difficulties getting the flare correct.
"Do clowns use balloons as condoms?" his soulmate asked from wherever in the world he was lurking.
Virgil sighed, "I'm trying to concentrate, dicks-for-brains. Please ask literally anyone but me."
"Fine, be that way, eldritch terror in my heart," the voice sounded broken up, almost performatively sad.
Virgil smirked to himself and sang back, "sometimes you gotta bleed to know that you're alive and have a soulmate."
He could hear his soulmate giggling at that and returned to the wheel, humming the song to keep them both preoccupied.
"I'm gonna buy a squid today," Virgil was pretty used to this particular thought from his soulmate. He found it endearing when he'd info dump about the sea creatures. Sometimes Virgil even fell asleep to his soulmate crafting stories of tremendous squids rising from the depths to have tea parties with sailors and stargazers. Tea parties or sex, depending on his soulmate's mood.
The bell on the front door to his shop jingled, indicating that a customer had come in, "just one moment!" he called out, grabbing a towel for his hands and walking out to the front. Virgil found a man browsing through his creations and watched him from behind the counter. He kept humming to himself and his soulmate, waiting for this stranger to be done browsing.
The first thing Virgil noticed was the sleeve tattoo erupting out from under the man's shirt, all tentacles and eyes and beaks like a squid were trying to devour his arm. "What a coincidence," he thought to his soulmate, "someone just came in with a tat sleeve you'd adore," Virgil didn’t hear a response and figured he must be preoccupied.
The second thing he noticed was a silver streak in his brown hair. It was quite the fashion statement and he really wanted to ask the man why he'd done that with his hair. The man glanced towards Virgil and his green eyes lit up in joy, rushing over to the back display. Virgil was wary; most of these pieces he had made with his soulmate in mind and did not sell them easily.
"Oh my god! You have squids!" The voice was hauntingly familiar but Virgil couldn’t place it.
"Oh, yeah, my soulmate talks about them a lot so I end up making them," he shrugged as the man gently picked up one of his favorite pieces.
"He's so cute! How much do you want for him? I'm gonna name him Tyrone and make my soulmate think I found a hot boyfriend, when really all I found was this precious baby," the way he talked was so familiar, but Virgil was more concerned with stopping him from accidentally hurting the sculpture.
"Hey! Can you please put that down? I kinda don't want to sell it…"
"Oh, sorry. Damn and that one was so cute too," the man turned back to the other squids after putting the first one down on the counter next to Virgil, "I'm Remus. I know you didn't ask but now you know, so deal with it, bitch."
"I'll try to keep that in mind," Virgil smirked. This man was very much like his soulmate and that made his heart flutter in his chest. It was then Virgil realized he hadn't heard anything from his soulmate since Remus had entered the shop. It was very unlike him to be quiet this long when Virgil knew he was awake. He started humming again, hoping to catch his soulmate’s attention.
"Oh hey! My soulmate was just singing that song like five minutes ago," Remus smiled at Virgil, and Virgil's heart melted. It felt so warm to see this stranger happy.
"Oh yeah? I was trying to distract mine from just the strangest thoughts about clowns," Virgil smiled back at Remus.
A peculiar look crossed Remus' face, "what's your opinion on the word 'moist'?" He asked suspiciously.
"You came to a pottery shop for a squid?" Virgil grinned broadly at his soulmate.
"Well, was I wrong?" Remus grinned, gesturing to the shelves of squids.
"No, you weren't. Looks like Tyrone will be going home with you after all," Virgil picked up the squid that Remus had set down, fondly remembering when he'd crafted it with his soulmate in mind.
"I hope he's not the only one coming home with me," Remus replied in a voice that made Virgil blush, "what's your name, stranger?"
Virgil hid behind his bangs, "what if I don't want to tell you?"
"I come back and ask tomorrow. And the next day, and every day until you tell me," Remus grinned, reaching out to brush the hair from in front of his eyes, "maybe don't tell me so I have to come back…"
"Virgil? What kind of a name is that?"
"What kind of a name is Remus?" Virgil shot back.
"A good one. One you're gonna be stuck with for the rest of your life," Remus giggled at him.
"At least I won't have to hear every single random thought that flows through your head anymore," Virgil grinned.
"Not unless I say them out loud," Remus smirked with an evil gleam in his eye. He took a deep breath before practically shouting, "I said, certified freak seven days a week-"
"Enough!" Virgil quickly cut him off, "I'm taking Tyrone in the custody battle."
"Awww our first fight. Does that mean we have apology sex now?" Remus was leaning on the counter, tall enough that he had to bend over at the waist to reach it, and bumped his eyebrows at Virgil in a way the other supposed was intended to be flirting.
"Are you flirting or apologizing?" Virgil raised an eyebrow.
"Definitely flirting. I don't know what I would have to apologize for-"
"Don't get me started," Virgil chuckled, grabbed a pen and slip of paper, and scrawled a phone number while asking, "you busy tonight?"
"If you're asking, nope," Remus leaned forward, stealing the slip of paper and a kiss, "call me when you're off and I'll take you somewhere fun," he pulled back and started to put the number in his phone, "how much for Ty?"
Virgil, flustered with the kiss and the date, waved him off, "he was always for you, Remus."
Remus took the pen and wrote his own number on the back of the paper, pushing it back to Virgil with a wink. He carefully scooped up the clay figure, kissing its forehead before turning to leave the store.
Virgil missed the constant stream of thoughts from Remus but returned to his pumpkin project, terrified- in a good way- of the date his soulmate could cook up now that he couldn’t hear him. Knowing Remus, it would be interesting.
Tag List: @stoicpanther @ifrickenhatedeverythingaboutthis @idontgiveafuckaboutshit @tsshipmonth2020
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
take it out on me - honeybee extra
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A/N: I don’t know if anyone has seen the video of those girls throwing water at Harry’s car but first of all fuck them and second that’s so not chill. I got a little upset but then I started thinking about going home with H and having him take it out on you. And then I started writing this piece which was supposed to be for BFHarry’s fic challenge and then it turned into husband and soon to be dad H with Beatrice and Harry! I am forewarning you that this is filthy and I hope you enjoy. 
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Cursing, Crying, Evil “fans”, pregnancy sex, mild choking king, dominant aspects, and cockwarming
Sometime in the fall of 2022
Friday, 6:00 PM, London
Being home in London felt good.
As a little girl, I always dreamed of living in the land of the Queen. I perfected my English accent by the time I was ten, whipping it out at parties and sometimes school plays. When I was 15, a freshman in high school, I auditioned for our school play that would take place in Kent, England. Our sister school would accept us in their homes for six months of the year while we rehearsed and learned together. I was crushed when I didn’t get the part and I was utterly terrified that I would never get the chance to see London or Brighton. But after meeting Harry, it was one of the first serious conversations we had. The third night of our relationship, we were cuddled up in his Malibu home, talking about forever. He mentioned going home to see his Mum after his first solo world tour and though I was upset that he would be so far, I was happy for him. 
“I’m gonna tell her about you, you know?” He kissed over my wet cheeks as I sniffled. “Gonna tell my Mum about the girl I met in L.A and how she’s gonna be my wife someday.” 
Three days. 
That’s how long we had known each other when he said that. 
And he wasn’t wrong about it. 
I stepped out of my London car with my purse and to go coffee mug in hand. The car was far too expensive for my taste, but Harry insisted on having me drive the safest car on the market. Wanda, my very first Audi SUV, was big enough to fit myself, Harry, and the car seat he had installed for our future son. I dropped a free hand to my stomach, softly caressing my baby bump with a smile on my face. Ellis was kicking up a storm as he normally did around this time. I was done with work and the sun was setting which meant that a talk with Daddy would only be moments away. 
“It’s alright little love,” I winced at a particularly hard kick. “Daddy's home, just give me a moment to get inside.” 
I let out a heavy sigh, walking up the few steps to our newest home. 
It still wasn’t quite ready yet, walls unpainted and furniture askew, but it was home. 
I was still working in Milan with Vogue for at least three more weeks and Harry was on his European leg of the tour. I was in town for my doctor’s appointment scheduled for Saturday, and Harry was free of any shows or interview obligations for the weekend. In three weeks, I would officially be home in London and on maternity leave. I would be working from home, skyping with Anna and talking with the board about the new London office, but it would be nice to enjoy some time with Ellis and Harry without any work obligations getting in the way. 
“Darling,” I called out, shutting the door behind me with a smile. “Are you home?” 
“Just in the kitchen, honeybee!” Harry called out. 
I dropped my purse on the table by the front door, dropping my keys inside so they wouldn’t get lost before tomorrow. Next, I slipped off my shoes and then peeled myself out of my jacket. It was by no means freezing in London, but the fall chill was starting to set in. I made my way towards our kitchen, my hands pressed into my bump as my nose picked out the scent of oregano and tomato. Harry’s back was towards me, his hands working on something on the countertop. He looked delectable, as always, his back covered by a black t-shirt and a pair of highwaisted trousers settled on his tiny little hips. With a happy hum, I moved around the kitchen island. 
“Hiya squid.” I pressed my lips over his shoulder, pressing my hands to his hips. 
“There’s my girl.” He peered over his shoulder, dropping the knife he had been using before reaching for a tea towel. “Gimme a kiss.” 
He turned around as I puckered my lips out, kissing him a few times before his hands took over resting on my bump. For a split second, we had a moment to ourselves. But it was over the moment Ellis started kicking around again, angry that he wasn’t greeted by his Daddy before me. 
“Ellis, little man, you’ve gotta stop that.” I frowned, glancing down at my belly. “Mummy and Daddy are trying to say hello.” 
“Is someone being a little bugger today?” Harry hummed, crouching down until he was at eye level with my belly. “That’s not very nice, Ellie, is it?” 
Our son calmed down seconds after hearing Harry’s voice. 
“I think he needs you to fall asleep.” I whispered, brushing my fingers through Harry’s hair as he looked up at me. “He’s been kicking around all day so I know he’s tired.”
“S’alright little one.” Harry kissed over my belly a few times before standing up. “Why don’t you get changed into something more comfortable and then settle in on the couch. Dinner is nearly done and I’ll be right there.” 
“Alright.” I smiled, humming happily when Harry pressed his lips to mine again. “I love you.” 
“Love you too, honey.”
Saturday, 10:00 AM; London 
Harry and I’s pregnancy wasn’t news to anyone. 
Working for Vogue and being Harry Styles’ wife meant that a lot of eyes were on me constantly. Anna suggested biting the bullet and doing a spread for the magazine would be our best option. A few months ago, we agreed. There was a maternity shoot done in our L.A home with me barefoot and pregnant and Harry doting on me as he always did. We did a quick interview on paper, a quick photo shoot, and a small video tour of our home before Anna called it quits. The world went crazy when it all came out, the official announcement on my Instagram promoting the video. Since then, it had been quiet. There wasn’t a lot of fuss over me and Harry was still getting his usual amount of fans at the airport and other places when he traveled, but other than that we were fine. 
Until today. 
“Mr. Styles,” The receptionist at our OBGYN’s office in London looked nervous. “There’s quite a large crowd of people outside of our building.”
“Bloody hell.” He grumbled under his breath, letting out a heavy sigh. “I’ll have it taken care of. I’m very sorry about that, love.” 
“S’alright.” She said quickly. “We’ve locked the doors so no one is permitted in and our other patience won’t be her until after lunch. It should be fine.” 
“Thank you.” She nodded before retreating from our exam room. “I need to let Jeff know. We need someone to have the car pulled around when we leave.” 
“You can go talk to them while we wait, Harry.” I said softly, reaching for his hand. “Or after, even, I don’t mind.”
“M’not really in the mood today.” He mumbled, reaching for his phone. “I want you in the car, untouched and safe more than anything.” 
I didn’t argue with him, nodding along as Ellis moved around in my belly. 
Harry spent most of the wait typing on his phone, no doubt talking with Jeff. I sat there anxiously, twiddling with my fingers while I waited for our doctor to come in. Another ultrasound would be happening today and we would be going over the final steps of my pregnancy and birth plan. When Dr. Hillcrest stepped inside, my heart rate increased. Harry put his phone away, reaching for my hand as she greeted us. 
“So, how have you been feeling Mummy?” She asked, sitting down on her stool with her clipboard in hand. “Any braxton hicks?”
“Once or twice.” I nodded. “First time I thought I was in labor, scared the hell out of me.”
“It is quite scary when you’re not used to it.” She chuckled. “As we’re nearing the end of your third trimester, there are some things we need to go over. We’re doing tests for Glaucoma, Anemia, Hep B, and a few other things. We’ll be going over the final steps of your birth plan today as well. Have you toured any of the hospital’s in Milan?” 
“Yes, I did a few last week.” I nodded. “I’ve decided on Mangiagalli.”
“Perfect.” She said. “I’ll get in contact with the head of the Maternity Ward today and I’ll make sure they have all of the information.” 
“We’re really hoping he’s not born in Milan.” Harry chuckled softly. “It would be a bit odd to have him there while Beatrice is trying to close out the office.” 
“Odd is a very nice way to say it.” I laughed. “But I’m glad we’re prepared.” 
“Babies wait for no one.” Dr. Hillcrest let out a soft chuckle. “I hope you don’t deliver there either, I would love to be there with you when you deliver.” 
It took another hour or two before we were finished in the office. 
I was told that in about four weeks, I would need to stop flying. 
That gave me plenty of time to get things finished up in Milan before making it home to London. Harry had plenty of questions for Dr. Hillcrest and I was thankful that he remembered all the ones I wanted to ask as well. When we were done with the testing and the ultrasound, Harry helped me slip back into my comfortable clothes before lacing his fingers with mine. The nervous smile he gave me meant there was still a crowd outside that we had to deal with. I squeezed his finger, reassuring him that no matter what happened, we would be fine.
“The car is up front.” He said softly. “We’re getting you in first and then me. No stopping, no talking, just get in the car.” 
“Alright.” I said softly. “We’ll be fine.” 
“I know.” He kissed me quickly before leading me outside. 
The cheering increased, loud screams and Harry’s name being chanted nearly shocked me. I hadn’t seen a crowd this big outside of a building before. I glanced over at Harry, my heart rate picking up a little as he talked to a man dressed in all black. Harry glanced back at me, pulling me closer to his side before ushering me to the car. He opened the passenger side door for me, shielding my body from the crowd as my hands started to shake. He reached for my seat belt, his eyes full of worry and anxiety. 
“I’m sorry, honey.” He cooed, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. “S’gonna be alright. Just give me a minute, yeah?” 
“I love you.” I said, reluctant to let his hand go.
“I know, honey.” His lips pressed into mine. “You’ve gotta let go so I can get in, okay?” 
I nodded weakly, loosening my grip up. 
Harry shut the door and I tried to avoid looking out the window, but there was a crowd of girls moving in closer and closer. I was afraid that they would get to the door before I did, but I couldn’t lock Harry out. I gasped when the drivers side door opened, snapping my head around to see Harry. He locked the doors before flipping the car in drive. Seconds after we started moving, I heard thudding against the side of the car door. My anxiety was washed away by anger, water splashing against the side of the car as they continued to throw their bottles at us. 
“Fucking hell.” I snapped, my fingers balling up into fists. “That’s just ridiculous.” 
Harry didn’t say a word, peeling out of the lot and onto the streets of London. 
He was careful not to speed the entire way home, but I could tell that he wanted to. 
At some point, his hand landed on my thigh, squeezing firmly as his jaw clenched. I watched the profile of his face, worried more about how he was taking it than myself. These were his fans that had pissed him off. They had come to close for comfort and they had crossed a line when they started throwing things at us. When we made it home, he slammed the car into the park before getting out. Gently, he helped me out of the car, his hand landing right on my bump as my feet hit the ground. The small action sparked something in me, a pool of wetness beginning to form between my thighs. When we made it in the house, Harry started to move away from me. 
“Wait,” I said, holding his hand tightly. “Where are you going?” 
“Gonna go blow off some steam.” He said. “I’m fucking livid.” 
“I know.” I nodded. “Take it out on me.” 
“What?” He said, his wild eyes growing wider as he let out a bitter laugh.  “I’m not gonna do that, Beatrice.” 
“I want you to take it out on me, Harry.” I stepped forward, reaching for his other hand. “Fuck me.” 
“Beatrice, no.” He said. “What happens if I’m too rough? What happens if I lose-” 
“As if I would let you do anything to harm me seriously, Harry.” I scoffed. “You’ll be fine and I promise to tell you if it’s too much. But please, fuck me.” 
His chest was heaving as he looked down at me, his lips shiny from licking and biting over them nervously in the car. He let out a soft curse before lunging forward, his hands grabbing my face firmly. I whimpered in relief when he pressed his lips into mine, his tongue showing no mercy as it explored my mouth. It had been weeks since we made love and months since we’d had a proper fuck. Things were more tender for us in the bedroom, Harry’s fear of harming me or Ellis ever present at the front of his mind. When my bum collided with the couch, I knew I was going to get what I wanted from him. Harry pulled his lips from mine, tugging my shirt over my head quickly. 
My leggings were next to go, my hands pressed into his shoulders as I clumsily stepped out of them. I didn’t bother with a bra or panties, knowing that our only stop would be the doctor's office today. When Harry’s head disappeared past my bump, I whined. Seconds later, I felt his teeth scraping over my thigh before lightly biting down. I welcomed the sting, a rush of warmth flooding over me as my pussy began to throb before him. Harry pulled back when I started to move my hips closer to his face, wanting to feel his tongue caressing my clit. 
“Not now.” He growled out, standing up. “Upstairs, on the bed.” 
“What?” I squeaked out, sure that I would get my proper fucking right here. “What’s wrong with the floor?” 
“Now, Beatrice.” He gripped my chin with his thumb and forefinger, his voice stern. “On all fours.” 
When I turned around reluctantly, pouting at the missed opportunity for floor sex, I felt a sharp smack on my ass. I cried out, glancing back at Harry as I pressed my hand over my bum. Harry smirked at me, crossing his arms as I waddled away with narrowed eyes. I had asked for it and I was definitely going to get what I wanted. I climbed up the stairs slowly, waddling towards our bedroom. When I made it to our bed, I did as I was told. My hands and knees pressed into the plush mattress, our duvet soft on the skin of my knees. Maybe this was better than the floor. 
After a few moments, Harry was pushing into the room behind me. He wasted no time stripping himself down before kneeling on the bed behind me. I opened my mouth, prepared to make a smart comment about him being eager, but I was cut off before I could even speak. The head of his cock pushed into me first and then the rest followed. I gasped, dropping my head forward as his hips collided with mine. I clenched my eyes shut, welcoming the feeling of Harry’s length. 
“Always squeeze me so good.” Harry moaned out behind me and I could imagine he’d dropped his head back in bliss. “Hold tight for me, yeah? Tell me if it’s too much, Beatrice. Promise me you will.” 
“I promise,” I gasped out as he pulled away, his cock leaving my walls vacant and begging for more. It didn’t last long before was fucking into me again, harder this time as his fingers dug into the flesh of my hips. “Oh!” 
Harry’s soft grunts and the force of his thrusts had me sitting on cloud nine. I was enjoying the pounding I was getting, his hips slapping against mine as he gave me everything he had. I was a babbling mess below him, begging for more, harder, faster, please! Harry met my every need, angling his hips perfectly so that he was hitting every spot within me that I needed to be satisfied. It didn’t take long for me to cum around him, my walls fluttering without warning as my arms started to grow weak. Harry was quick to mold his chest to my back, pulling me up until my head was dropped back on his shoulder. He had no problem fucking me just as hard as I came around his cock. 
“V’got you honey,” He nipped at my ear. “I’ve got you. Gonna make you cum again for me, okay? Can you do one more for me?” 
I nodded, but that wasn’t enough.
“Say it.” He grunted, sliding the hand that was holding my  belly up to my throat. “Use your words.” 
“Please, Harry.” I whimpered as his fingers rested over my throat. “Make me cum again.” 
“Good girl.” His teeth raked over the skin of my shoulder before he bit down on me, a loud moan tearing from my throat. “There’s my girl, so fucking good for me all the time.” 
“Yes, yes.” I cried out as he delivered a few thrusts that were harder than the others. “M’gonna cum, M’gonna-” 
“Do it.” He said. “Cum on my cock honey. Give me a good one.” 
A flash of white took over my senses as I tightened around his cock. 
I wasn’t sure if I had moaned, my mouth dropped open as I reached out for Harry’s hand on my hips. My body jerked against his as he stilled inside of me, grunting loudly in my ear as his hips flexed forward. He pushed his cum inside of me, almost as if he was trying to put another baby in me. When I finally came back to my senses, Harry was slipping out of my walls and I was crying. 
“No, no.” I sniffled, reaching back for his hips. “Stay.” 
“Honey, I’m...I can’t.” 
A soft sob ripped out of my throat and seconds later, Harry was guiding my body to the bed. 
“What’s wrong, honey?” His hands were flying all over my body, pressing into my skin to make sure I was fine. He settled his palm on my belly, his eyes wide with fear. “What hurts?” 
“I just wanted you to stay in me.” I sniffled, reaching up to wipe under my eyes. “I’m so empty now.” 
“Oh, honey.” He collapsed on the bed next to me, kissing over my face. “It’s alright, it’s gonna be alright.” 
I curled myself into his chest, digging my fingers into his sides as he covered our naked bodies with the throw at the end of our bed. He pressed gentle kisses over my forehead, brushing his hand up and down my back in soothing circles to try and calm me down. Rationally, I knew it was pregnancy hormones, but I still felt empty without his cock in me. 
“Turn around fo’ me.” He whispered, patting my thigh. I did as he said, turning on my side as another sob pulled from my throat. “It’s alright, honey. Lift your leg up and put it on the pillow.” 
He guided one under my leg, brushing his hand softly over my thigh as he moved his front closer to my back. Seconds later, I felt the head of his cock at my entrance. 
“Hold on, sweet girl.” He whispered. “You ready?” 
I nodded my head, reaching back to hold onto his hip as he slipped inside of me, harder than he had been earlier when we started our little escapade. 
“So fucking tight, honey.” He whimpered into my ear. “S’that what you wanted?” 
“Yes.” I gasped out wetly, nodding my head. “S’full.” 
“Love you so much, Beatrice.” He whispered as I started to drift off. “Close your eyes for me honey, go to sleep. 
“Love you, too.”
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miminorenai · 4 years
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Chapter 1
— The fruit of Underworld, pomegranate. *In mythology, the goddess who ate it unknowingly is destined to live in the land of the dead.
(*In Ancient Greek mythology, the pomegranate features prominently in the story of Persephone and her marriage to Hades, the god of the Underworld. Hades kidnapped Persephone and took her to the Underworld to be his wife. Persephone’s mother, Demeter, goddess of fertility, considering her daughter lost, went into mourning and thus all things on earth ceased to grow. Zeus, Persephone’s father, commanded his brother Hades to release her, however Hades had tricked her into eating six pomegranate seeds, and it was the rule of the Fates that anyone who consumed food or drink in the Underworld was doomed to spend eternity there. Since Persephone had eaten the six pomegranate seeds, she had to remain in the Underworld for six months of the year. Hades agreed to release her to the world above for the other six months of the year, to be reunited with her mother.
So, don’t let that person eat pomegranate fruit. For the sake of that person — so that he won’t be taken away to a place where the light of the ground doesn’t reach.
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— The night of crescent moon that wandered into a mysterious mansion of the 19th century from the Louvre Museum of the 21st century. 
Someone in the room attacked MC and bit her on the neck......the dream she had was terribly vivid.
Prologue Chapter 7 (official translation)
MC “......Just like a vampire would.”
MC “Dreams can be so realistic, even when they’re about the most unbelievable things.”
Sebastian “......”
MC “Thanks for listening to my silly dream.”
MC “I hope you don’t think I’m crazy for dreaming about vampires.”
Sebastian “I don’t think you’re crazy, nor do I believe it was just a silly dream.”
MC “You don’t think it was silly?”
Sebastian “No. Indeed, it’s a good sign.”
MC “My bad dream is a good sign?”
Sebastian “I believe you saw that dream because you’re here in this mansion.”
MC “You’re not making sense.”
Sebastian “The dream serves as a warning.”
Sebastian “......That you are to give them neither your body nor your heart.”
MC “Them?”
Sebastian “The residents of this mansion. For you see, everyone you’ve met tonight —“
Sebastian “They are exactly what you saw in your dream. They are all vampires.”
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— A month after Sebastian informed MC with a serious look.
(Tonight, Comte said the hourglass sand would completely drop.)
(It’s finally time to say goodbye to this mansion......)
Under the bright sunshine, MC stops drying the laundry and gazes at the mansion and garden fulls with blooming flowers.
The residents of the mansion are revived great men in history, and all of them are vampires.
MC was surprised when she heard that, but everyone accepted her, who was so anxious and bewildered.
(Before I know it, I’ve come to like this mansion so much that it feels lonely to bid my farewell.)
MC “After this, I won’t be able to take care of everyone or serving pancakes anymore.”
As MC feels helplessly lonely and loses in thought —
MC “......Ouch!”
Suddenly, MC is poked in the forehead and she immediately covers it with her hand.
Sebastian “You had a fluff on your head, so I brushed it off.”
MC “Thank you. Is there a dandelion somewhere in bloom?”
Sebastian “It’s a lie.”
MC “A lie?”
Sebastian “Stop being absent-minded, and please stretch the wrinkles of sheet properly.”
Sebastian “For quite a while, it feels like you’re flying to somewhere else, similar to a fluff.”
MC “Uu......I’m sorry.”
(He’s without restraint as ever......)
Sebastian is the only human among the residents of the mansion, and a Japanese who came from the same modern era as MC.
For the past month, MC has been helping him out as a colleague, and he’s considerably strict regarding his job.
MC “I’m really sorry. While thinking today is the last day I could help, I end up feeling sad.”
Sebastian “It’s certainly written all over your face.”
Sebastian lets out a small sigh without changing his expression.
Sebastian “Once you’re over with this, considered your job today is done.”
MC “Eh, but, I still have to prepare for dinner.”
Sebastian “Today is your last day in the mansion. You’ll need time to sort out your feeling.”
Sebastian “And tonight’s meal is special.”
MC “Special?”
Sebastian “It’s a dinner party to see you off, so I can’t let our guest of honor to help, right?”
(I am......the guest of honor......)
When MC blinks her eyes in surprise, Sebastian voice becomes softer......
Sebastian “For the past month, you’ve been trying your best in this unfamiliar world. Thank you for your hard work.”
MC chest tighten hard to the tender words and the sign of farewell that shown through.
MC “I was able to do my best......thanks to Sebastian.”
Sebastian “Huh?”
MC “I......I knew nothing about this world, this mansion, the matter of living with all the vampires......”
MC “I had Sebastian to teach me that.”
Without Sebastian, MC might still be confined in her room in anxiety.
(I’m really glad Sebastian is my colleague.)
(That’s why, if I can work with Sebastian until today......I still want to work together.)
MC “I’m grateful for your consideration. But a job is still a job, so I want to finish it to the end.”
MC “More than anything, please let me help Sebastian.”
Sebastian “......”
Sebastian “What a good dedication. That’s exactly what I expected of my junior.”
With a sudden smile, Sebastian starts walking with an empty laundry basket.
Sebastian “Please follow me. Without holding anything back, I won’t let you cutting corners until the end.”
MC “*That’s what I want! By the way, have you decided on the dinner menu?”
(*望むところです - bring it on, just as I was hoping for
Sebastian “Yes. On top of grilled pork with mozarella cheese, we’re going to have wine braised beef tongue.”
Sebastian “There will also be saffron-flavored sea bream terrine, boiled rape blossoms with soy sauce, firefly squid with ponzu sauce and rich mango pudding.”
(The sense of Japanese-Western blending is amazing! But all those dishes mentioned before me are delicious.)
MC “I’m looking forward to it!”
With a smile, MC follows after Sebastian, who walks in dignified posture.
After that, she spends her last night with everyone in the mansion......
After the dinner party, the residents are gathered in front of the door to see MC off.
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Napoleon “Mimi, take care of yourself even when you return to your original world.”
Mozart “You’re rather careless, so don’t fall over and get injured before you could arrive.”
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Arthur “Hey, are you really going back? You haven’t go on a date with me yet.”
Theo “It’s a wise decision from hondje. If you go out with this guy, you’ll get eaten from the head in an instant.”
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Dazai “Toshiko-san, please stay healthy without catching a cold when you go back.”
Isaac “Dazai actually said something unusual and decent. But yeah, be careful not to get sick.”
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Jeanne “Yes, physical condition management is important at all times.”
Vincent “Mimi, I really enjoyed spending time with you.”
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Leonardo “The coffee mia cara poured was pretty splendid, you know?”
Comte “It seems very lonely to part with Mimi when everyone is here to see her off.”
(That’s......for me......)
As MC covers her face when her eyes turn hot, Sebastian hands her over a handkerchief.
Sebastian “Mimi, this.”
MC “Sebastian......I’m sorry I’m such a handful colleague to the end.”
With the handkerchief she received, MC bows her head while holding back her eyes that moist with tears.
Sebastian “It’s not a colleague’s guidance. I don’t think I can leave you alone with such a face.”
(This is really the last time we could talk this way......)
(Since Comte is the only one who can come and go freely through this door.)
MC “I......I’m glad to meet everyone.”
Sebastian “Look, you’re tearing up again. Please wipe it firmly.”
Comte “Don’t hold back too much. I’ll send you off at Louvre Museum.”
MC “Please, Comte.”
(Let’s go back to the original world before I’m feeling even reluctant to part......)
Comte “Well then, I’ll open the door.”
Comte slowly opens the heavy door.
Beyond that —··· instead of the corridor MC went through a month ago, there’s a distorted space spread out.
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(Eh......is it different from before?)
Everything is breathtaking, as the ominous light and darkness mixed together.
MC “......If I’m not mistaken, when I came here, I was lead to a dim corridor, right?”
Comte “Supposedly, since I came through that passage in 19th century.”
Comte “What in the world......it’s the first time the passage across space and time has disappeared.”
At the bizarre scene, Comte pulls MC back and hurriedly shuts the door.
Leonardo “Hey, Comte. What’s going on?”
Comte “I don’t know......but if we enter such space, I can’t predict which era it will drop us.”
(Then, I......)
Isaac “Like this, Mimi can’t go home then?”
Sebastian “......It will be for at least a month.”
Theo “The door that was closed once would open again a month later.”
A worried look from everyone tells MC the seriousness of the situation.
Comte “I’m sorry, Mimi. I’ll look into the cause.”
Comte “So can you stay in this mansion for a while?”
MC “...Yes......”
MC squeezes out her trembling voice and manages to hold it.
(I didn’t know such thing would take place......I wonder what will happen after this.)
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The next day, MC begins to live in the mansion again, and she’s still working as Sebastian’s assistant.
MC “Sebastian, I’ve finished washing the dishes. Is there anything else I can do to help?”
Sebastian “Thank you for your hard work. That’s all for today’s work.”
Sebastian, who silently polishes antique silver tableware, look as calm as ever even in this situation.
MC “......Something unexpected has happened.”
MC “The truth is, I shouldn’t be here anymore, and yet......”
(The surprise was bigger yesterday, but it gradually sinks in.)
(There is a possibility I could never go back to the world I thought I could return......)
When MC thinks to that extent, she get scared again and almost get swallowed up by anxiety.
Sebastian “I’m happy to work with you again.”
MC “Huh......”
Sebastian “It’s good to have manpower. Above all, you’re an excellent junior.”
(Ah, is that what he means?)
Sebastian smiles with a composed look much like a butler.
Sebastian “I’m sure you’ll find the solution, since everyone in the mansion and I are here for you.”
Sebastian “And also, did you forget? This is a rare situation where the great men of history are all gathered.”
Sebastian “There’s no impossible letters in this mansion’s dictionary.”
MC “Haha......”
MC reflexively smiles and feels less anxious.
(Right, let’s just not thinking only about the time I couldn’t return.)
(As Sebastian says, I’m not alone, and it would be all right since everyone is there.)
MC “Thank you very much. I feel uneasy, but now I’m going to try my best with my life in the mansion.”
Sebastian “That’s a fine dedication.”
Seeing Sebastian narrows his calm eyes, a question suddenly pops out in MC’s mind.
MC “Come to think of it, Sebastian has been here for a long time, don’t you?”
Sebastian “Yeah, time passed in the blink of an eye.”
MC heard that Sebastian, unlike the other great men, came to the mansion as Comte’s scout and became a butler.
(In other words, he hasn’t return to the original world since then.)
MC “Sebastian......have you ever missed your home and thought of wanting to go back to the present-day?”
Sebastian “......”
Sebastian “No. Placing myself among history is something I couldn’t hope for.”
Sebastian “I — since I abandoned this world myself.”
MC gets confused by his indifferent reply.
(What do you mean by throwing it away......? What’s the matter with your family and friends?)
(But......perhaps it’s something that he didn’t want to touch much.)
MC “I’m sorry for the sudden question. Errr......that’s it, I think I should keep the kitchen tidy!”
The moment MC put her foot on the stepladder and reaches out to a high place to beat the awkwardness —
MC “Kya!”
She loses her balance and her body slants a lot. 
(I’m going to fall......!)
Sebastian “Mimi......!”
Sebastian “······——”
As soon as MC body is caught, something brushes against her lips.
Something that is warm and soft ···—
(Just now......)
When MC raises her face in the sudden moment, their gazes are entangled at a distance where Sebastian’s nose is sticking close to hers.
MC • Sebastian “......”
While both of them falling down to the floor, they stare at each other without looking away.
(Just now, Sebastian and I......)
They might have kissed —
Tumblr media
The moment MC realized it, the heat gathered on her face.
(How careless of me......!)
(But Sebastian......)
The body that has been pinned under, the arm that surrounds MC’s back......
It looks slender and firm with the feels of masculine.
MC strangely conscious of the warmth that touches her without a gap, and Sebastian’s eyes which’s reflecting her......
Sebastian “Mimi —“
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beyondconfessor · 4 years
The Infernal Contract [7/16]
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Lilith/Zelda Spellman
Summary: "I suppose it's only fair that I'll have to punish you for disobedience."
N.B.: Also posted on AO3
Setting the cigarette holder against the ashtray, Zelda flickered through the cookbooks that Hilda had sent over. They had belonged to their great-grandmother foremost and had been passed down until eventually ending up with Hilda who'd leant them to her in preparation of most auspicious dinner party.
A couple of centuries ago, Zelda had possessed ownership of the books but found herself throwing parties of a different sort that required fewer meals. In contrast, Hilda took full use of their family recipes that traced back through the Spellman lineage and had learnt all her favourites by heart.
Amongst some of the recipes, there were divination spells written in between the margins, usually when a cooking direction called for offal to be freshly cut. Zelda had long since mastered haruspex and saw little use for them, given their vagueness towards the future. The last time she'd used a form of divination had been with Constance's pregnancy, and that had completely missed the existence of Leticia –– had she'd know, they would have been more prepared.
Nonetheless, what was of interest, was a recipe for seared thigh from her mother, served with caramel shards, glazed apple and gorgonzola stuffed mushrooms. She would need to obtain a high-quality leg of meat firstly. Unfortunately, it would likely need to be pork or veal rather than more delicate choice, but it would do.
"Prudence," she asked, looking up from the recipe book to where the girl sat in the parlour. "Do you have any requests for the meal before I decide?"
Prudence blinked at her, surprised she'd asked her opinion. "Will I be requested to attend?"
"Why wouldn't you be?" Zelda bookmarked the page and set it aside. "Did you not wish to attend?"
Prudence opened her mouth to explain, before pressing her lips shut in a smile. "No, I would be happy to be present."
Zelda nodded. "Good, you can help me with the kitchen on Saturday, no doubt the staff will require firm direction. I'll likely need your help grocery shopping as well tomorrow, on the way we can stop into Allegra's and get some new attire."
"Allegra's?" Prudence enquired. Prudence would likely have known the boutique from her Feast of Feasts dress. Allegra was a local seamstress in Greendale for witches and mortal alike who were willing to pay the extra coin.
"We'll need new dresses to show a certain status to the other covens," Zelda waved her hand, to show her disregard at doing so. In all honesty, she had a wardrobe large enough to choose an adequate outfit from, but it wouldn't hurt to buy something new for her and Prudence both, and Prudence was sorely in need of something outside of her maroon and black dresses.
"Lady Blackwood-"
"Please, in the privacy of our home, Zelda is adequate Prudence."
"Zelda," Prudence said, looking uncomfortable as she said her name. "I can't afford anything from Allegra's."
"Why would you pay for it? I'll pay the bill." Prudence looked pained at the idea as if she now owed some debt, but Zelda disregarded it. Soon, she would learn that being a part of the family meant that she was provided with beautiful things, as was worthy of their status.
"Can my sister's join dinner?"
Zelda paused, considering it. "Unfortunately not," she said, watching Prudence's face fall. "But perhaps they can join us for morning tea on the same day. We're likely to require taste testing before it's served."
"That sounds nice," Prudence said, her face softening as she returned to her homework. Prudence still followed her father around, looking for opportunities to please him (and Faustus was not above manipulating her) but for the moment, she seemed content with her life and Zelda was all the more pleased to see her soften.
In the last few days, Prudence had moved in some of her things from her space at the Academy. Zelda had ensured she had a bed of her own, a wardrobe and dresser, but left the rest up for her to decorate. As so far, the room was bare, but Zelda wouldn't interfere.
She allowed Prudence to bring Agatha and Dorcas in over the last few days. In the evenings Faustus was staying late in his office, she'd let the girls join her for dinner. They were still awkward, exchanging only polite conversation, but Zelda hardly cared to have a discussion of politics with them. The most important thing was watching Prudence grow more comfortable in the space.
The grandfather clock rang, signalling the time. Prudence looked to it and snapped her book shut. "Well, I should be off. Your dear niece is throwing a party tonight."
"A party?" Zelda asked, her brows rising into her hairline. "What sort of party?"
Prudence shrugged as she gathered her stuff together. "How should I know? I heard the mention of a party and decided to invite myself along with my sisters, at your suggestion of getting closer."
Zelda wanted to advise that wasn't what she meant at all but held her tongue. Despite her apprehension at the idea of a bunch of young witches and warlocks frolicking in the mortuary, she'd attended enough parties at a similar age to know that advising against it would only make it all the more appealing.
"Enjoy yourself," she said. "And if you anything occurs, speak to Hilda. She'll be discreet."
Prudence gave her a strangled look, between confused and amusement at Zelda's attempt of concern, before she nodded and went to leave, just as Faustus entered the home.
"Prudence," he said.
"Your Unholiness," she greeted, bowing her head shortly, before exiting the home. Faustus' eyes followed her briefly, before turning to look over the parlour to where Zelda sat.
He walked over to the drink cart and poured himself a heavy-handed glass of whiskey, before taking his seat by the evening fire. A quiet settled over them, disturbed only by the sounds of turning pages before Zelda looked up and found him staring at her.
"How did your evening go?" she asked.
"Fine," he responded. Faustus had attempted twice to seduce Zelda into his bed, and twice Zelda had advised that the wedlock curse would remain until such a time as he proved himself. As a result, he was trying to become aloof and show no interest in her (while failing miserably).
She waited a few moments, flicking through the cookbooks before advising him, "I've moved your meeting with Priscilla tomorrow from midday to the evening. I expect your meeting with Horace is likely to go over, given that he wishes to discuss the school's budget."
Faustus turned and looked at her. "I wish you had consulted me before doing that."
"Just move it back if you care. Though Horace is likely to want to discuss moving towards-"
"Yes, yes," Faustus said. "I'm quite aware of his ambitions. We'll move the meeting with Priscilla."
Zelda smirked, pleased that he'd agree with her in the end.
She returned to flicking through a new book, having marked the previous one for all the sections that interested her. The new one was written in her grandmother's scrawl and had faded with time.
Zelda squinted at the writing.
She'd have to review Faustus wine collection before Friday. He had left the decisions up to her with regards to food, drinks and everything that went with that side, choosing to only look over the invitees and making his recommendations firmly stated there (at least there they were in agreement, both wishing to bring in power figures from the neighbouring covens).
The only name he'd paused over had been Aldrich's. Although he'd said nothing, Zelda knew he'd been conflicted between his history with Aldrich (good) and her history with Aldrich (bad). Given that she and Aldrich had frequented gatherings and ceremonies of ecstatic delights together.  
It was all in the past, and although she had enjoyed those evenings immensely, she had no desire to re-visit them.
They sat quietly in the evening, Faustus sipping his drink as he though over whatever his next scheme was, and Zelda flicked through the books, looking for the perfect dish. They remained like that for another hour before Faustus turned to face her, his breath drawing in to signal a coming question.
She closed the book and looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.
"How many will be attending?"
"Twelve, including us."
He nodded, seemingly satisfied with that. "Did you need any additional help to organise everything on the day?"
"Staff have already been booked," she advised them, though she would still be planning the meals, herself. "Oh, and Prudence will be bringing her sisters for morning tea."
"You shouldn't dote on her like that."
She hated how he said that: as if she were a little girl trying to tame some animal. "And why ever not? It's not as if she has anyone else in her life to dote on her."
Faustus scoffed, but whatever argument he had, he thought better of it and turned to sip his drink again, staring off into the flames of the fire as if they might offer better conversation.
Over the last few days, Faustus had disagreed with her at every turn regarding Prudence. From her buying Prudence furniture to set up the room, to having her share dinner at the dining table. On the best of days, he viewed his daughter as a sycophant, which left Prudence standing dutifully at his side, but never finding satisfaction in her efforts to please him. On the worst days, she was a painful reminder of his earlier sins and a barrier to his success.
It only fueled Zelda's determination to provide her step-daughter with the attention any person deserved from those that loved them. One day, when Prudence realised that her father would never return her affections, maybe she would realise she wasn't alone in the world and that someone had and would care for her.
"How goes the reading?" Faustus asked.
"Difficult," she admitted, squinting at her grandmother's handwriting. There was a spell she used to know to restore the ink. Squid ink and...duck yolk, maybe? Arabic gum? It'd been a while and wasn't something she needed to recall off the top of her head.
"Perhaps you would enjoy a game of go?" Faustus asked, pulling her from her thoughts.
She looked away from the book and frowned at him. "Perhaps tomorrow," she said honestly. "I'm afraid I need to finish this up before Friday."
Faustus nodded, rising to his feet as he began to undo the cufflinks on his shirt with more vigour than one normally would. She'd have to be careful not to bruise his pride any further. Throw him a bone (so to speak) to keep him interested, lest he tried a different tactic to unbind the spell.
Still, his mood was beginning to permeate the room. Rather than be dragged in some tasteless fight, Zelda took her grandmother's book and explained that she needed to find an old deciphering spell, but would shortly return.
Faustus watched her grab a coat and seemed almost relieved by her exit (something she would concern herself with later), offering a simple, "don't stay out too late. I understand that there's a party afoot."
Zelda turned to him in the doorway, going to explain where the party was being held, before thinking better of it. "I appreciate your concern," was all she offered, before shutting the front door behind her. Although she knew the spell she wanted to be was in the Spellman private library, she could think of nothing worse than 'crashing' said party.
Instead, she chose to make her way to the Academy's library.
"Lady Blackwood!" Cassius said, blinking at her with surprise. "Were you looking for someone?"
"Something," she said, striding past him with little care to further propriety. Although he would likely be able to point her in the right direction, Zelda was sure she knew the general proximity of the book and had no need to follow the librarian's excruciatingly slow pace to the very back of the library.
She moved through the shelves, coming to the section she wanted. Her fingers dragged across the tomes, looking for anything that mentioned anything to do with revitalisation, restoration or any other words containing the 're' prefix.
Most of the spells were for repairing houses or restoring old enchantments. Some spoke about clothing, leather and wands. There was one that was for documents, but upon further reading, some of the components were impossible to obtain and without doing research, she couldn't substitute them as quickly as she could with another spell.
As it was, after skimming through the index pages of three more books, it became apparent that she would not easily find the spell she was after and was better off just trying to obtain it tomorrow from the Spellman collection.
"That looks like a dry read."
Zelda snapped the book shut and turned on her heel to face Lilith. "What in Satan's name are you doing here?" She looked the woman over, realising that the woman was holding a set of books in her grip. Zelda's eyes narrowed at the titles, but before she could read any, Lilith adjusted her grip to obscure them. "Private research, I take it?"
"There are some items I never bothered to collect or lost to time, unfortunately," Lilith said. "And why bother searching for them when the Academy has such a fine collection?" Her eyes raked over Zelda's body, before dragging back up to her face. "If I knew you were going to be here, I would have come prepared."
"How unfortunate," Zelda said, attempting to sound indifferent despite feeling a flush warm over her face.
Turning away, she slid the book of restoration back onto the shelf and picked up her grandmother's cooking book. She could feel the woman's eyes on hers, likely coming up with all sorts of ideas. The last thing she needed was to be alone with when those ideas came to fruition.
Standing up tall, Zelda turned and faced Lilith, making her leave. "I'll leave you to your research," she said sharply, flicking her eyes to the books in her arms.
"And what were you doing here?" Lilith asked, side-stepping in front of her.
"I don't believe it's any of your business." She made a move again to get past her and was blocked once more by the woman suddenly managing to use her small frame to take up the entire pathway between shelves.
"Does it have anything to do with banishing familiars back to mortal schools?"
Zelda blinked before realising what Lilith was referring to in her statement. In all honesty, she had forgotten about banishing Leviathan. She had every intention of returning for the familiar and moving him to a more permanent hiding spot. However, once Ambrose had been freed, it had slipped her mind entirely.
"I'll come by tomorrow to reclaim him."
"Please do. I would love to re-visit our last meeting."
Zelda felt a shiver run down her spine as she recalled the event. In just a few words, she could feel a coiling warmth low in her belly. The feeling of Lilith's fingers dragging over her-
"I have to leave."
"No, you don't," Lilith said, smiling in an irritating all-knowing way as if she knew precisely where Zelda's thoughts had gone. "Take off your clothes."
"I beg your pardon!" Zelda snapped at her, "I'll have you know that I have classes tomorrow morning."
"It's early, and I won't ask again." Lilith was stepping towards her, and Zelda knew she was only a few feet away from the back shelves. The last thing she needed was to be corned against them again.
"People could see us," Zelda hissed as the woman stepped closer and tugged Zelda's book out of her hand and tossed it to the ground. "Lilith."
"There's no one else here. The little librarian has locked up for the night."
She heard the collection of Lilith's books tumble from her hands and land somewhere on the ground between them, but Zelda wasn't paying attention to that, she was watching Lilith's eyes, and how they seemed to know that she inevitably would do what she was told.
Because Lilith knew how much she wanted her.
And by Satan, she wanted her desperately.
"I suppose it's only fair that I'll have to punish you for disobedience."
Zelda swallowed, feeling her body's reaction to the woman's words. Of her own accord, she dropped her coat to the ground and then reached behind her to unzip the dress. She slid the sleeves off first and then hesitated, praying to Satan that no one else was around as she pushed the dress down her hips and let it fall to the ground.
Lilith watched the dress drop, her eyes flicking up to Zelda's with a wolfish look. "And the rest," she ordered, her chest rising and falling with slow, deep breaths. A warm flush was spreading across Lilith's cheeks, and Zelda felt herself become invigorated with the woman's desire.
The slip fell to the floor, amongst her coat, before the bra underneath was unclasped and dropped. Then, she reached for lace around her hips and slowly pushed them down, watching as Lilith's eyes focused on the movement until she dropped the down to around her ankles.
Finally, in the last movement, she stepped out from her heels.
Her heart pounded in her chest, anxious that someone might tip-toe into the library for a late-night study. And yet she couldn't help but feel so very pleased that the sight of her bare body could cause the Mother of Demons to ardently desire as if nothing else would satisfy her that evening.
Lilith stepped close, drawing her fingers over Zelda's ribs down the dip of the waist before holding steady on her hips.
"Kiss me," Zelda dared. Lilith's eyes focused on hers and then she obeyed, kissing Zelda with a hungry passion, pressing her against the rows of books.
Zelda hummed, enjoying the feeling of the woman's clothed body against her bare one as Lilith's hands slid over her body.
Lilith stopped, pulling away abruptly. Zelda leant back against the shelves and blinked at her, feeling herself still reeling from the kiss. "Looking to go somewhere else?" Zelda teased, smirking at her.
"Oh, no. I believe I promised to punish you," Lilith said as her eyes wandered over the bare skin.
"And what did you have in mind?"
"Many ideas."
"Oh?" Zelda inquired, raising an eyebrow at the woman.
Lilith bit her lip, looking her over as if she couldn't quite decide on adequate punishment. Then, her face lit up. "Follow me," she said, her hand coming to entwine with Zelda's as she began leading her through the rows of bookshelves, towards the study area.
Zelda felt anxiety tease in her stomach. Here, at the back of the library was safe. Here, her clothes were in the shadows, against a back wall, but Lilith was leading her barefoot to one of the tables that sat towards the centre of one of the room's points.  
It was still very far away from the entrance and given that most of the book's contents here were old, out-dated magics, it was unlikely that any student would wander through for a midnight study.
And yet it felt cooler here, more exposing.
Zelda stepped into the lamplight, watching as Lilith let go of her hand and gestured to the desk.
"You can not be serious," Zelda said, looking from the table to Lilith.
"Oh, I believe I can. Now go on, I don't have all day."
"Honestly," Zelda said, shooting her a sharp look.
Zelda knew what she wanted. She stepped forward and bent her body over the smooth, cool wood, feeling it pressed over her chest and stomach, the edge of the table pressing against the front of her thighs.
Lilith moved towards her, pressing against her hip as she combed a hand through Zelda's hair, down over her back as if smoothing out a piece of cloth. It was soothing nonetheless, and Zelda felt herself ease in slow breaths, waiting for the slap to come.
Lilith's fingers grazed over her lower back first, her nails sliding against Zelda's skin, causing the muscles to involuntary clench in response to the touch.
Zelda squirmed on the table. She'd forgotten that Lilith had worked out how to tickle her. Worse, she'd forgotten the stimulating effect it had on her.
Zelda bit her tongue, willing not to vocalise her reaction as Lilith's blunt nails ran over her spine and shoulder blades, electrifying the nerves and causing small muscular spasms in the wake of her knismesis touch. It felt good and awful simultaneously.
Her body keened at the touching, pushing up on her toes as she tried to withhold herself from squirming away.
Lilith moved down her ribs and hips, across the back of her thighs and Zelda squeezed her eyes shut, willing to focus on anything except the woman's touch and yet eagerly finding herself craving it to move elsewhere.
Zelda's eyes flew open as she gasped, feeling the sting ease from her backside. She looked over her shoulder as the woman raised her hand again.
Lilith tutted, "eyes forward," she directed, and Zelda turned her head back, looking at a shelf of books on cauldron maintenance as her heart pounded in her chest.
The second spank came, and a strangled moan slipped out. Zelda hid her face, unwilling to look at the woman as the next spanking came, hard and on the other cheek. It stung enough that Zelda could still feel the heat of her hand as it lifted away.
Twice more, the woman spanked her, each making a satisfyingly loud noise, stinging Zelda's skin and causing her to bite back the moans that pulled in her lungs.
It shouldn't have the effect it did, but Zelda could feel the wetness growing between her thighs as Lilith's hand began rubbing small circles over the area, soothing the sting.
"Hmm," Lilith vocalised, as she slid over the marks gently. "No, I don't think you've learnt your lesson."
No, Zelda agreed. Biting down on her lip as the next lot of spanking came.
Zelda had engaged in different areas of flagellation over the years, long before she met Faustus. She'd done with crops, paddles, whips and belts, but she did dearly enjoy the intimacy a hand brought.
When it had finished, and Lilith's hand settled against her lower back, Zelda drew in a deep breath and squirmed on the table, feeling the throb from the handprints, as well as the pounding blood flow between her thighs. No doubt there would be bruising tomorrow, delicious and painful.
"You took that so well," Lilith patronised as she ran her hand over the reddened cheeks. "Spread your legs, and maybe I'll give you a reward."
"Must you speak to me as if I'm a child?"
"No," Lilith said, using the toe of her shoe to nudge Zelda's feet apart. "But where's the fun in that?"
Zelda breathed out, glaring at the books. There were times where Lilith made her want to spank the woman right back –– perhaps with her cane and leave length wise welts along each cheek. She hadn't used that for corporal punishment in-
Zelda's thoughts disappeared as she felt Lilith's fingers slide over her sex. It was far more gentle than the woman had right to be, barely grazing over the clitoral hood before dragging down her entrance to the very edge of the vulva and pulling away.
"Oh, dear," Lilith said. "You are drenched," she sighed as if this was somehow something terrible.
"Lilith, I swear to-" Zelda cut off, squeezing her eyes shut as she felt Lilith's fingers enter her.
"Sorry, what was that? Who do you swear to?"
Zelda moaned as the fingers slowly worked inside of her before increasing in rhythm. She could feel the cool table against her bare body as she arched, lengthening her spine. She felt as if she was edging close already to climax.
As Lilith's thrust her fingers inside of her, her other hand came up to twist around Zelda's hair, pulling the woman's head up, off the table. "I believe I asked you a question."
Zelda hummed, trying to remember the question as she felt the fast build in her lower belly, clenching as Lilith's fingers threatened to leave (but didn't).
The hand in her hair yanked again, reminding her to respond. "You," she answered. She curled her hands into fists, feeling Lilith enter another finger insider of her. "Lilith," she keened, knowing how close she was.  
"Be a good girl, and maybe I won't leave you in such a messy state," and then Lilith retracted, pulling her fingers out just as Zelda and letting go of her hair as Zelda reached the very edge of an orgasm.
The feeling faded and then Lilith entered her again and built her up, getting her closer and closer and then leaving her again, unsatisfied and frustrated.
Zelda slumped at the table, breathing hard as she felt her anger rise at the indignity of being left so wanton. She pushed up from the table, turning around to face the woman who dared to smirk at her, licking her fingers clean.
She had no words, just anger as her chest rose and fell.
"Oh, dear," Lilith said. "Did I upset you?"
"You," Zelda glared, trying to find the words, but they wouldn't come. Snapping forward, she grabbed the woman and yanked her towards her self.
Lilith's eyes flew open in surprise before she grinned wide and pressed Zelda close, kissing her hard.
Zelda hungered for more and was determined to show Lilith what she deserved. She ripped at the woman's dress, snapping the zipper down its teeth, before tugging the material from the woman's body. If Lilith wanted to play, Zelda would play.
She bit down the woman's neck and shoulder, deliberately leaving her mark before she flipped Lilith onto the table and stood before her, ripping the underwear down her legs and then tracing her mouth over the hips, and then across the thighs.
Only then, as she knelt between Lilith's parted legs did she stop to look at the woman's face.
There were marks all across her shoulders and neck, her hair tangled and utterly wild around her. Her chest had a red flush as her chest rose and fell with slow, deliberate breaths. Her eyes had darkened, all mischievousness having vacated and only an intense, heated lust remained as she tilted her jaw up and dared Zelda to finish what she started.
Zelda kneeled before the table, her eyes steady on Lilith's as she leant forward. She slid her tongue over the sex first and then satisfied with how wet she was, Zelda moved to the woman's clit and slid her fingers inside of her.
This wasn't going to be slow, teasing game. Zelda wanted to be sure she made her point explicitly clear.
She watched Lilith unravelled with each stroke of her fingers and tongue until her body was beginning to arch, her breath quickening (and still she was otherwise quiet –– as if knowing how much Zelda wanted to hear her). There was a rush of slickness over Zelda's fingers, the cunt squeezing around her fingers as Lilith drove closer to the endgame.
And just as Lilith's mouth parted with a sigh, her hips lifting, her back arching with a tense drive towards the climax, Zelda withdrew and stood up, watching the woman drop back, her eyes flying open as if Zelda struck her.
Zelda wiped at her mouth, cleaning the slickness from her chin with the back of her hand. She faced Lilith, with a deliberate lift of an eyebrow, daring her to argue back.
"Oh, the things I could do to you," Lilith vowed.
"You know that I would be delighted to serve you once you finish what you started."
Lilith tilted her head, frowning as she considered the proposal. "No," she stated, standing up. "No, I think I'll wait to see you come to me in an absolute mess."
Zelda blinked, before glaring at the woman. "You're leaving?"
"Oh yes, I imagine whatever comes next will be more enjoyable with time," Lilith said, fluttering her eyes as if she knew something Zelda didn't.  
Lilith picked up her clothes, slipping them on with ease before sliding into her heels and walking over to Zelda. "Be a dear and do a girl up?" Lilith asked, turning to expose the half-done zipper.
Zelda had no words. Once again, she was left stunned and feeling humiliated as her attempt to put the woman in check, failed.
Swallowing back any pleads that built up in her chest, she moved the dark curls over the woman's shoulder and zipped up the dress. A part of her (that Zelda would not allow to come out) wanted to tell Lilith to stay, that she would be good and obey the woman's commands. But Zelda's pride stood firm. So she stepped back and watched as the woman turned around to face her.
"Such a good pet," Lilith said, reaching out to caress Zelda's face, her eyes bright and blue, staring at every minute expression that crossed Zelda's face. "I'll see you again soon, Zelda."
"We'll see," Zelda said, stepping away with a dark look. She left the witch, returning to where she'd discarded her clothes and began tugging them on, feeling the pressure in her body only grow from being left unsatisfied.
In the absence of Lilith, Zelda felt her frustration and anger return. In honesty, she'd likely voided their deal, but so be it. To be teased and toyed with was one thing, but to be left in such a state was infuriating.
Not even Faustus had dared.
She zipped up her dress with a simple charm and slipped her heels on, adjusting the cuffs of her dress.
No, if Lilith was going to continue toying at her like this, then Zelda would make damn sure she could retaliate where it hurt in the same way. She just needed to work out what Lilith wanted more.
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zakthefiend · 5 years
My Eldar Headcanons
(BEFORE YOU READ THIS, KNOW I’M RELATIVELY NEW TO THE HOBBY AND HAVE ONLY RECENTLY BEGUN READING THE BOOKS AND CODEX. These are just some silly thoughts I had on the enigmatic but prideful race of space elves in 40k. All five factions!)
Aeldari as a whole:
There’s no LGBT organization since there never was a need for one. Due to the extended lifespans and being practically the oldest continuing race(besides necrons and orkz), they pretty much don’t care about sexuality. Gay, straight, bi, pan, ace, doesn’t matter to them one bit!
This also includes genders identification. They live for over a millennia, they have the time to not care about something that really isn’t bothersome.
Martial arts and duels are the most popular past time for any Aeldari. The sight of weapons clashing and fists flying has been a favored past time for them.
Philosophy and deep thinking is an natural quality they all share. You will not find a race better at poetic thought than the Aeldari.
The pride they still cling too is not unfounded. They are still the only ones to have wraithbone technology, they are the most psychically powerful species, have mastered the art of war beyond Millennia, and had the entire galaxy in the palms of their hands. They also still hold influence for a majority of the webway.
Ynnari are both a blessing and a curse to the eyes of the elves. One hand, they could lead them to a new era of salvation. Other hand, doom their species to complete and utter destruction. It’s a gamble, and this species is very adamant of taking any anymore.
Asuryani(Craftworld Eldar):
Not one Craftworld is the same as the other. Sure the core idea of Asuryani are the same, but years drifting in the void has added much more different traditions and practices. Biel-Tan, the most militaristic of the Craftworlds, probably have a heavy support to the military and has the most willing fighters in the Craftworld. Saim-hann meanwhile, probably prefer to race and show off their speed however way they can.
There are still festivities and celebrations on the Craftworlds, their just not as big as grand as say a Drukhari party. To avoid Slaanesh, excess in anything is restrained as possible, and you can enjoy yourself as long as you don’t have TOO much fun. They try to find the balance between the two, but end up constricting it’s people to tightly.
Those who follow the path of a warrior are treated similarly to celebrities. This has caused many who want fame and recognition to go down the paths. You can imagine how much they change after actually going through with it. These same new bloods are given another chance to leave. They don’t allow those simply seeking fame and admiration instead of duty.
When Asuryani want to have sex, they have a special circlet that dampens the psychic presence they have to Tau levels of existence. It takes time to get used to, so it’s more common for insemination to be used instead. Still, the child cannot be brought in until the spirit stone has been prepared.
Minor Craftworlds(Craftworlds half the size of average Craftworlds) are much more likely to be raided, attacked, or pillaged. Those same ones are found going through the Webway more, escorted by Corsairs, or cutting deals with the Imperium than the usual ones. Don’t be fooled! They are still powerful vessels that would require some serious firepower to take out!
Asuryani are the most adamant on joining Yvrainne and her crusade. They’re goal is to survive, and joining the Ynnari is something they just risk. Only the exodites are more refusing.
Drukhari(Dark Eldar):
You know Victorian England? That’s the Drukhari. Except add metal music too. They believe in being the most upstanding individual in the most blatantly corrupt society. By being the absolute worst individuals imaginable.
Bondage resembling the movie hellraiser in public? Sure! Holding hands and showing affections? SCANDALOUS!
They are the true remnants of the Aeldari empire. Despite your opinion, they are the ones with the most technology from their empire, they were a legitimate faction in the empire, and they still follow customs from the empire. Since they are the ones that remember the customs(their cult customs) had done.
A kabal, coven, and cult will support each other just as much as they are willing to try and kill each other. They can’t outright since each faction has something that is incredibly precious to the Drukhari. Coven: Biological and Scientific manipulation, Cults: Entertainment and scout knowledge(A wych cult were the first to discover the Tyranids for the Drukhari), and Kabals: Military and order. 
Cults, Kabals, and Covens bring in slaves but never the same type. Wyches will take as many type of species as they can, Kabals LOVE to take high ranking individuals to play with, and Covens will find the strongest just to fuck with.
They still believe in their gods, but not as much as the others might. Khaine being popular with the wyches, but the others tend to do their own things instead of listening or wasting time on serving a dead god.
Nobles still exist, but their power and influence have diminished almost entirely. Very few even retain some aspects of their previous power.
Despite the daemonic incursions, infighting, chaos warbands, imperial might, and Tyranid invasions, the Drukhari are the most likely to outlast the other Eldars.
Corsairs(Pirate Eldar):
The most likely type of eldar to meet. As well as the most honest of their kin, since as long as you don’t cross them you’ll be fine. Human relationships are better... but only as much as you can expect from the xenophobic Imperium.
They have seen the most of the galaxy, and yet, they have barely found the entirety of the galaxy’s secrets. 
They were the first Eldars to discover the Tyranids that enter the galaxy, but it was only in hushed whispers and rumors. Originally just some species of space whales or a new kind of daemon than what the galaxy will soon learn.
They are by fat, the best fliers and maneuvers in the galaxy. No other species can match their speed and agility as they fly across the stars. You need to get to somewhere quickly and safely? Get a corsair!
They are the bulk of Yvraine’s fleet and soldiers. After all, everything is coming to the end... why not go out swinging?
Adventurers, pirates, mercenaries, their whatever they need to be when it comes to the job. Mon’keigh, Tau, Asuryani, even Drukhari, if there’s adventure and excitement(and a bit of coin never hurt anyone), they’ll be sure to do it!
Exodites(Tribal Eldar):
The only level of tech their willing to go to is basic black powder. No steampunk or western style eldar, Your more likely to find Neolithic to Medieval Exodites with them.
Everything is done with the bare minimum and done quietly to avoid the humans from discovering them. They’ve adapted to their own worlds, such as traveling silently by trees in dense forests or moving under the sands in dune worlds.
They do keep an advanced transmitter so to get help from a Craftworld or a passing by Corsair fleet if the world is too far gone to be habitable or they’ve been incredibly compromised. Look to what Vulkan did to the last Exodites on a planet for a better understanding...
Hit and run tactics, guerrilla warfare, scouting, and guides through death worlds, Exodites are widely used by other Aeldari in search through forgotten ruins or lost cities all decayed to almost dust. They avoid them as they were what brought their fall, and will allow the others to repeat the same lesson that they clearly haven’t learned.
Some have dinosaurs, others have large birds of prey, kraken sized squids, and pretty much any other beast of burden to aid them. Dinosaurs are just more well known because every species can agree that dinos are cool.
Harlequin(Clown Eldar):
When you see one running, probably best to run with that one. They’re never too far from showing a performance or from danger either! Expect a surprise no matter what the outcome!
The only eldar that are given passage anywhere due to how strange yet entrancing they are. Their arrival means a play will begin! However, what play that will be, entertainment or for bloodshed, is only found out too late. Be weary around them!
They speak in rhymes and poetry. This also includes anecdotes, haiku, hand gestures, charades(really good at those), or with tarot cards. The meaning being shrouded by mystery that only few have managed to figure out BEFORE it was executed...
If you haven’t guessed yet, they’re the most mysterious of the eldars. WHICH IS SAYING SOMETHING WITH ALL THIS SHROUDED MYSTERY FOR THEIR ENTIRE RACE! Sorry, got my gripe at how much more lore there is for Space Marines than... well anyone else really. To the topic! It is said they also reside in the webways like the Drukhari, but in more remote regions that not even they know!
The most flexible species in the galaxy. While much can be thanked by the gravity belt around their waist, they can still bend and flex in ways that could break your mind! Great for distractions, no denial there!
Their also the best dancers, play performers, artists, story tellers, and the most colorfully dressed Eldars as well! They could do an entire play of the Horus Heresy to PERFECT detail, but choose not to since humans wouldn’t like the thought of their god being a massive dick. They also purposely screw up a part in a play so not to give Slaanesh power from their performance. Only their god, Cegorach, may have their energy.
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oldtumblhurgoyf · 5 years
had some stuff conkin around the old noodle lately (read, the past 2+ years) and I’ve never bothered to write any of it cuz it’s all a mess so I’m just gonna kind of stream it below and see if some pieces start to fit better
there’s a woman who is a respectable vintner and rubs shoulders with the upper class and all that. she’s a low aristocrat living in a monarchy and while she’s doing alright for herself, especially compared to the commoners, she dreams of more
like she literally has dreams that are prophetic in nature. she doesn’t know how or why, but she just knows. if she acts on them they can become real. however she is cognizant of the fact that her husband doesn’t appear in any of these dreams and she’s not super sure why
one day the king is coming to visit the area and he’s heard good things about her wines and wants to try them. now she’s had lots of time to prepare for this and is super ready. in fact, she and her husband have planned an elaborate trick to rob the king’s treasury and get away with it
it’s a pretty well known fact that wine snobs would rather drink swill but go along with the popular opinion that it’s incredibly fine wine than buck that opinion to voice distaste and be lampooned as not actually knowing a damned thing about wine. this is more true if everybody knows the price of the bottle.
these two are gonna use that (and this woman’s background in forgery--did I mention she lied and cheated her way up into the aristocracy from peasantry? her husband knows and is pretty cool with it, but they both kept that secret so the two could marry without his family refusing to accept it) anyway these two are gonna use that to produce a very old and highly esteemed and sought after vintage--fake of course. it’s worth a TON and they’re going to offer to let the king buy it from them. there is a fine and old wine in the bottle, and the things so rare, nobody actually knows what the original vintage tastes like, much less after all this time. it’s a perfect crime
of course, something goes wrong. i’m not sure what yet, but they get found out. i’m imagining this elaborate dinner party with the king and his entourage (the whole court isn’t traveling with him, but lots of people are so it’s a hefty crowd) which turns into an impromptu trial when the forgery is somehow found out
now the thing here is, in my mind this is playing out as the two can both deny it and there isn’t hard proof to bring against them (this is a very good forgery, she excels at what she does). maybe in my protagonist’s head she is thinking this and then it comes down to the king’s temperament--does he side with the adviser who insists it’s a fake and punish them, or side with them against his adviser?
but her husband caves under the immense pressure of lying in the face of the king. he wasn’t born into this sort of life style, he just sort of married into it and then the worst he had to do was show his parents the well-forged documents of heredity or whatever proving that his bride-to-be was a distant cousin or some such of some foreign count. he’s never been in this sort of situation and it all just kind of comes up, maybe isn’t even entirely malicious on his part but is the absolute worst thing he could do in this situation
it cuts her so deep, to be betrayed by the man she loves like this. and the sentence for their crime, which in this monarchy is a form of treason, is death. he’s condemned them both... but despite this she can’t stand it and admits before them all her skill at forgery and how it was her idea and her work and here she claims that her husband was unaware of it, that she kept him out of it as well and thus only she should be punished
...except the adviser, who is persnickety and a stickler for details, recalls some small comment or happenstance earlier in the evening which somehow betrays that the husband must have been in on things. he knew and thus despite his wife’s noble attempt at self sacrifice, they must both suffer the punishment
which brings us to this king having a perhaps distorted sense of honor and justice and all that. he reads the husband as a sniveling coward who would sell out his wife to save his own skin (again, maybe that was the case, maybe not) and as such must suffer the fate of a coward (perhaps here the king even confirms that prior to his admission the king felt there was not enough evidence to condemn them and would have simply refused them payment under suspicion). as such it is better the husband be executed rather than “live life as a coward and die a thousand times a day” or some nonsensical line about honor and courage like that. dude’s murdered on the spot, in front of his wife and all. there are fucking cheers because people are like that--they just witnessed god’s divine judgment manifest before their eyes and had no idea dinner would come with such a great show today
he turns to the wife, life destroyed by her husband’s betrayal and subsequent death. she’s numb and traumatized and would welcome the same fate in this moment. the king has other plans. he notes her courage and gumption, if misplaced. he says in a different time, under different circumstances, she could perhaps have made a fine knight or some such, so determined is she and willing to face god and fate unblinking. he sentences her to meet her fate head on, in exile, condemning her to the Tentacles.
that’s part one
now what the fuck are the Tentacles, you ask?
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Exogensis by Mac Rebisz
so imagine those things aren’t giant jellyfish but instead giant squid. like, planet-sized squid. the world my story takes place on is one of those squid and the planet is called Leviathan
the head/body of the squid is generally safe and habitable, like just imagine Earth more or less. but those tentacles are a mixed bag of hell. overall they retain atmosphere though it’s thinner and less stable so some areas (and without much rhyme or reason) you can asphyxiate or be exposed unknowingly to dangerous levels of radiation (not that anyone in this setting knows what radiation is and they only barely understand the atmosphere thing--they just know that the Tentacles are hell on Leviathan)
but even more dangerous is the fact that these things are just kind of floating out in space, trailing thousands of miles behind the head/body, and every so often they bang into each other. the appendages themselves can take this kind of beating, but anything on the surface--plants, animals, small towns that have popped up in the last couple of decades to a century since the last tentacle-on-tentacle bashing--is obliterated
life on the Tentacles is harsh and dangerous. for someone who has lived her whole life on Leviathan-proper, exile to the Tentacles is likely a death sentence
so part two picks up here and this is where things get really fuzzy for me. i’m not sure what the trajectory of this story is at this point but big picture here are some things i think i know about the world
Leviathan is one of many planets like this--squid shaped in orbit around a star. but there are no other planets immediately around like it. everything else orbiting this star is a spherical planet. this is because Leviathan is part of an ancient exo-planet colonizing entity. iunno if it’s a “man made” intergalactic space ship of sorts or alien species, but this thing exists to travel the universe, find habitable planets, then jettison a tentacle onto that planet before taking off to a new solar system in search of more planets to cultivate
the tentacle grows on that planet into a new leviathan. which then sets out in search of more hospitable planets to propagate the species
i’m not super sure why or how at the moment, but the surface life of these leviathans--plants, animals, people, all of it--is an intricate and indispensable part of this procreation process. which to me points toward it being an ancient alien seed ship, but i’m more intrigued by the idea of some sort of grand and natural symbiotic relationship where this cosmic entity needs the little bits living impossibly short lives on its surface as much as they need it
my heroine likely finds her way to one of these tentacles as it’s about to shoot off toward a habitable planet. i think she might be an Eve figure? like maybe the people are aware something is about to happen with this tentacle so they are making a mass exodus to save themselves but she’s able to find some sort of deep cave with something akin to stasis capsules and convinces these people they need to hop in ‘em. maybe it’s even just a “hey, we definitely aren’t getting away from this in time, death is certain, so let’s try this and hope against everything we know that a miracle happens”
and of course it does. they wake up to a lush new world. maybe even the Leviathan they came from can still be seen in the distance (though they can tell it’s no longer in orbit, it’s further from the sun and seemingly escaping this solar system--how much time has passed? everyone they may have known, that king that had condemned her and even his entire kingdom, is surely gone). she’s continued to dream in this stasis. she’s here to lead these people and try to better establish a history of where they came from and what these leviathans are, what their Leviathan will seek to do
anyway we get to see her working to establish a new society while also still dealing with the events of her past, which still feel very recent to her. i see the dinner with the king, her exile, and the tentacle jettison all taking place in perhaps two month’s time. then she’s in stasis and wakes up perhaps millions of years later feeling like she just lost her husband two months ago. how do you navigate that intense personal experience with the knowledge of how your actions might effect a global and even intergalactic scale
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primus-why · 6 years
New Gladiator AU
Hey here's a quickie. AU where the Decepticons have basically been down to align themselves with anyone they deem useful, including Quintessons. There hasn't been a cohesive Autobot effort in a few vorns, and their leader, Optimus Prime, appears to be missing in action.
At least, he was, until Megatron spots him at a conference on Quintesson.
'How odd,' Megatron thinks to himself, 'Has Prime been trying to gain these Quintessons as allies too? Ha! Doesn't he know his weak Iaconian politics won't work here??'
The warlord stares at the enemy leader but his gaze was pointedly ignored.
'The only thing Quintessons will acknowledge is power and strength.' Megatron grins into his drink, 'You shouldn't have even tried talking with them.'
Megatron walks over to the group Optimus is accompanying, a confident and comfortable stride. The Autobot leader shifts his focus to a point on the ground.
'Intimidated? After all this time? You're pathetic, Prime.'
The Quints ask to confirm if they are acquainted-- to which Optimus silently nods-- then proceed to invite Megatron to join them for some entertainment that afternoon.
"Shouldn't you be off?" asks one of the squid-faces, barely glancing toward the Prime. Megatron smirks as he watches him go.
'That's right, Optimus. Run. This is my territory.'
Later, Megatron meets his hosts at an arena, which brings back memories. It was a while ago, but his days in the Pits of Kaon are still fresh in his mind. It's a reminder to himself not to slip up in front of the Quints-- any species still engaged in something so barbaric is not one to underestimate.
Still, he never would have been prepared for who was going to walk through those doors.
It... was Optimus?!?
'What's that wimpy Prime doing down there?!?' Megatron nearly spits out the fuel he was just sipping on, 'Is he trying to prove himself to the Quints?!? That bastard's gonna be crushed into scrap!' The blue and red mech moves into his starting position while Megatron muses, 'Heh. Not that I care or anything. Serves him right. Maybe he'll get a taste of the suffering found in the Pits, if only for a day.'
But the Prime ends up exceeding his expectations. The battle is won, in which Optimus had fought with ferocity and determination. 'Surely he has satisfied the Quintessons' curiosity. Perhaps I should be worried about the impression he's leaving on them.'
But it becomes clear when Optimus returns from the ring that they are not on equal standing. The Prime kneels before his hosts, and Megatron comes to a full understanding.
'He's... a gladiator! Like I was! That's why he didn't speak to me during the party... he wasn't allowed to!'
Cue an AU in which Megs witnesses a repeat of his own history, and is faced with a decision: should he intervene and save his enemy? Or leave him to his fate?
Obviously he wants to save him. I mean, can't have him claw his way out and become as strong as Megatron, now can we? Besides, if the Quints end up liking the idea of fighting Cybertronians they might start looking for other candidates. It definitely has nothing to do with his and Optimus' personal history...!
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inklingleesquidly · 7 years
The Wonderful Splatwoon: Operation 004
Lee and Janine star as Wonder Inkling, the ink-tastic mom and son duo charged with defending Inkopolis from a mysterious alien invasion. Using ancient technology containing the heroic souls and power of over 100 wonderful heroes, this super powered duo saves the day!
Word Count: 5,182 words
“Commander, you aren’t going to believe this, our intelligence has returned the discovery of the century about the alien menace!” 
“Well what is it? Out with it man!” 
“It’s best to read the findings for yourself, Commander; you wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.” 
“Sweet Squidmas… have they literally been under our noses this entire time?” 
 It was a rare occurrence to see Inklings out to sea. Social taboos have steered them away from being surrounded by water, let alone submerged in it. Despite that, far far off the eastern coast of Inkopolis, something dangerous and frightening lurked in the water. This extraordinary situation called for the Inkopolis Defense Force's most extraordinary weapon to brave the waters to reach it.  
Swimming through the inky darkness was none other than the super powered duo of Wonder Inkling. Protected by their CENTINEL-suits from the ever-increasing pressure and chilling temperature of the water surrounding them, they made their way toward their target. 
There it was; some sort of positively gargantuan machine shrouded in the darkness of the deep sea. What was it? Was it some kind of ship? A fortress? Could it actually move? How big was it exactly? At first glance it could probably cover more than half of Inkopolis. Whatever it was, Wonder Inkling boldly made their way toward it. 
Finding a way inside the massive structure could’ve been a challenge but by profoundly good fortune, Wonder Inkling managed to find some sort of grated exhaust port. It was small, just barely big enough for them to squeeze their Squid forms into. Whether it lead to somewhere dangerous was uncertain but it was the only avenue they could find inside. 
The journey through the hull in the cramped confines of the tunnel felt like it took hours to complete but the super powered pair eventually reached the structure’s interior.  Secretly former Freshest Inkling of the Decade, Janine Squidly entered first. Falling in, she shape shifted back into her Inkling form in a battle-ready stance, set to meet any hostile party welcoming their entry.  
Following behind was her son and sidekick, Lee Squidly who landed nowhere near as gracefully as his mother. He misjudged the drop from the ventilation hole to the floor and landed with a clumsy splat. 
Janine helped her son off the ground while he regained his Inkling form and tried her best to scan the pitch-black interior. Though it seemed like there was no immediate danger she still spoke in a hushed whisper. “Wonder Inkling reporting in, we managed to infiltrate the enemy vessel.” 
A commanding voice sounded off in their earpieces, “You made it in? Great job Wonder Inkling!” 
An informative voice said, “We haven’t a clue what technology the aliens are using so it was too much of a risk to send a ship or a submarine down to investigate. Good thing it seems like you’ve arrived undetected.”  
There was a stern voice, “We will do our best to support you from our station in Kalmato but it would take approximately 40 minutes to get a battle carrier within range,” they grimly revealed. Janine knew in the time of their employment with them that was relatively quick. In the recent months of attacks that had been carried out by the alien menace in both Inkopolis and the subterranean land of Octo Valley the I.D.F. had gotten faster at scrambling their forces. 
Janine replied, “We’ll do the best we can to ensure you won’t have to send any troops." She had grown weary of the danger that so many men and women in the I.D.F.'s personnel put themselves in when it came to confrontations with the aliens. 
The commanding voice quickly shot her desires down, “Keep in mind Wonder Inkling; our mission is to investigate the mysterious structure and to ensure its destruction by any means necessary. Something of that size could spell doom for all of Inkopolis and more so we must all be prepared to take action.” 
“Roger,” Janine regretfully replied, knowing the stakes that were at risk. The alien's attacks were already swift and largely went without notice until they began. At first it was believed this was wholly due to the mechanical, robotic nature of the invaders but now they knew there were other forces at work.  
They had taken to the world’s oceans; settling in the deepest darkest depths that no Inkling, Octarian, or any creature would dare to tread. It became abundantly clear how they were able to maneuver about the planet without detection and attack without warning. Just how long have they been anchored in the sea? How many of them sat in their ocean’s trenches? What unimaginable war machines lurked in the planet’s waters? Now was time to answer those questions. 
“We’ll be monitoring your progress via our Sandfly recorder." That was a microscopic mobile camera they used to track their movements. According to Lee the perspective it gave made it look like they were characters in a video game. "We'll also be tracking your vital signs through the alien machine via your CENTINEL-suits,” the informative voice further revealed. 
“Of course,” Janine answered, “We’re beginning the mission.” 
The commanding voice warned, “Be careful and good luck Wonder Inkling.” 
With communications ended, Janine's demeanor shifted when it came to talking to her partner. "Okay Honey, it's time to go to work and see what we're up against." 
"Y-yeah," Lee replied with a timid stutter in his voice, clinging to her waist. His eyes darted from side to side, the unusual extreme silence and utter darkness was more frightening than anything. His knees wobbled and his hands shook as he said, "Mom, do you ever think it would be better if I just—sit out on these missions and stop getting in the way?" 
Janine paused in bewilderment at those words, despite the severity of the situation they faced that was startling to hear. "Sit out? Get in the way? Lee, what are you talking about, you're the one who wanted to be a super hero more than anything." She very carefully peeled him away from clinging onto her and kneeled down. With her hand on his shoulder she asked, "What's wrong Honey, we've won every battle we've fought so what could be the problem?" 
She couldn't see it but behind his Wonder Mask, Lee refused to look her in the eyes. He was unable to answer her questions either; he was so mincing in his mind as he thought back to their previous operations. What stuck out the most for him was how much of a liability he was as opposed to an asset. He couldn't shake all those times he stumbled and fumbled about while his mom did all the legwork. He remembered her maneuvers at Hammerhead Bridge, how he rushed without thinking at Kelp Dome, and how he froze and couldn't move at Mt. Fujitako. He finally managed to eke out, "I just think you'd be better off doing this alone without me." 
There was something deeply troubling her son. If it was obvious to anyone in the world it was Janine.  She stood up straight, her hands on her hips, and a perplexed frown on her face. She said, "We'll discuss this later, right now I need you to pick your head up and be brave, Honey, there's no telling what we're up against." She wanted nothing more in the world than to ease the woes that made him so weary but now wasn't the time or place. 
Taking him by the hand, Janine dragged Lee along for the first few steps but he soon started to match her pace. There was no turning back now so Lee timidly complied, "Y-Yes Mom." The investigation was underway. 
 Whatever purpose these long hallways filled added to the mystery; there was no lighting and they were so small and cramped that Janine had to hunch over to not bang her head on the ceiling. The lack of ventilation made the air supply extremely inadequate but lucky for them; the technology of their CENTINEL-suits allowed them to see in darkness and function just fine with insufficient oxygen. 
Lee didn't say it but in his mind, he half-expected something to attack them in these creepy, sterile corridors. They were in the invader's territory so they could come from anywhere; from the walls, the ceiling, from behind, or even ahead of them-- but there was nothing. If not for hearing each other's breathing and footsteps then there would be absolute utter silence.  
More questions began to surface. How long was this trek through the winding halls in the belly of this machine? It seemed never ending. Was it even operational? It had to be as something was keeping it floating just above the seafloor. Were there any occupants? For the longest time, Wonder Inkling found no signs of life or activity until... 
They came upon something more unbelievable than they could've possibly imagined. After squeezing their way through a thin, seemingly out of place crevice in the wall, Lee and Janine found themselves in what could only be described as some sort of factory. They watched complex machinery run blocks of raw, metallic looking material along assembly lines. Watching from afar, they saw the material be cut, molded, processed, and formed into familiar shapes; the foot soldiers they had fought in previous encounters across Inkopolis. 
While Janine gawked at the scene with stunned amazement, Lee was visibly dismayed. "This—this is impossible," he quietly breathed, "There's no way this could work like this." He was no expert on machinery and thermodynamics but he knew well enough to explain, "For these to run and produce no heat and barely any sound, it's physically impossible." The machines really were whisper quiet, and the seeming lack of any kind of emissions made him as confused as he was fascinated. Above all else he had to say, "Not even the most well-oiled machines are capable of something like this." 
Janine readily agreed, "It's definitely strange, we should try and take a closer look." She peeked up from their vantage and saw some kind of crane lifting and dropping robots into a chute. "Let's try and see what's down there." 
"Down wha'--," Lee tried to say only to be grabbed at the wrist and made to jump along with his mom. At the peak she gripped onto the crane and waited until they were square over the chute before dropping in. Where it lead them nearly caused Lee to scream if not for his mom swiftly covering his mouth, muffling his cries. 
As far as the eye could see in this massive room were rows upon rows of the alien's robot forces. There were so many packed so tight that they must've numbered in the hundreds. Worst of all were the mass produced numbes of the giant battle machines that took everything they had to defeat. Neither said a word, Lee looked up into his mother's eyes and even through her mask he could see she held the same worries as him. They were basically caught in the center of a hornet's nest that at any moment could awaken and the swarm would be upon them—or so they thought. Confusingly, not a single one of them in sight were active. Proceeding with caution and uneasy steps; Lee clung to his mom as they continued the investigation. 
As they went from one end of the huge room to the other, they found an exit that lead deeper into the alien's stronghold. As they moved they were unaware that something had caught sight of them. 
More corridors connected that giant robot storage room to a whole new room; this one lined with what appeared to be screens, and button filled consoles. "This looks like some kind of control room," Lee breathed in wonder. 
Janine reminded, "Be careful not to touch anything, we could--," she suddenly paused, a feeling of unease shooting through her body. "--There's something here!" Her reflexes went into overdrive as she scooped Lee in her arms and leapt into the air. The fierce clang of metal on metal proved her instincts were on point as they turned back to find one of the alien robots in the room with them. 
Turning around, they got a good look at the mechanoid; it was spindly and seemed to lack any significant amount of armor plating. They realized quickly that it was quite fast as it yanked out the bladed weapon it smashed into the ground and leapt and bound across the room. 
Janine ordered, "Lee get ready to fight, remember to stay close to me." 
"Okay," he answered, detaching their custom made .96 Gal and .96 Gal Decos from his back and tossing one to his mother. 
They engaged what Lee was only able to describe as a guard sentry. They stuck together as Janine instructed but the robot proved to be as wily as it was crafty. It bobbed and weaved at incredible speed, outmaneuvering the shots from their weapons. It even managed to outpace Janine’s keener aim, and put them both heavily on defense. It swiped at them multiple times with the bladed weapon but luckily their maneuvers were just as fast and synchronized. Together they would flip, roll, tumble, and shoot in perfect synchronization—but nothing would hit their target. 
Janine took a mere moment to re-strategize, "Lee, this thing is moving too fast to hit, let's see what we can do with Unite Kraken!" 
"Wha—already?" It felt like no time at all, and she already wanted to break out the big guns? 
Her reasoning couldn't be argued with, "We don't have much of a choice, now come on!" Following her orders, the two smacked hands together. 
In a blinding flash of light, they fused together, taking on the mighty four armed Unite Kraken. With their forces combined, Unite Kraken seemed to fair better in matching strengths with the sentry. They juked and jived around each other, exchanging swings and blows at lightning fast speeds. Unite Kraken managed to get one good smack with its tentacles, but just as it struck the guard sentry it countered. The robot swung its weapon—revealing that it could break apart into multiple segments. All of them flew forward, cutting Unite Kraken right in half, separating Lee and Janine from each other. 
The unthinkable parting of Unite Kraken sent the two halves of Wonder Inkling careening apart. Janine rolled across the floor while Lee's body smacked the hard metal. He managed to keep his wits about him and claw at the floor in order to stop his momentum from making him slide away. Lifting his head up to survey the scene, he caught sight of the guard robot setting upon Janine. Oh my stars... Before he could even think of acting, Lee's eyes caught sight of something he hadn't noticed in the chaos of the fight. On the hilt of the robot's weapon was some kind of trigger, and it was beginning to race toward Janine with its finger clasped around it. 
Lee screamed at the top of his voice. He knew she heard him, he knew she would act but the fear and uncertainty made him leap to his feet and race to the scene. Everything that occurred seemed to happen in slow motion; Janine whirled around, raising the .96 Gal Deco she clutched in her hand just as the robot arrived within range and raised its weapon high above its head. Lee ran fast and faster, certainly faster than what was thought possible for his CENTINEL-suit but he knew if he didn't somehow intervene then something would happen to his mother. The red suited sidekick wasn't going to let that happen. 
Without sparing a thought, Lee collided his weight into Janine, shoving her aside. She was out of danger but Lee didn't think of himself or of the robot who swung the weapon down and squeezed the trigger in a lightning fast instant. 
Janine whirled around to be met with an utterly horrifying sight. She watched a blinding flash of light explode from the sentry's weapon, blasting her son clean off his feet. In that moment it felt as though her heart stopped and she couldn't breathe as she watched his body helplessly be thrown through the air. 
"LEE!" Janine screamed in horror, racing to catch him before he could hit the ground. Unknown to her, the robot sentry was slumping forward, unmoving, inoperable. It was currently out of power, completely vulnerable to attack—but Janine didn't attack. She caught her son's body and clutched it for dear life. "Lee! Lee!! LEE!!!" She repeated again and again in utter distress. 
Surveying the extent of the damage dealt to her partner made her sick to her stomach. Despite the constant reminder of the invulnerability of their suits, his had been shredded by the explosion. A huge portion of his abdomen was exposed, revealing a sickening display of heat damage done to his skin by the explosion. Even part of his wonder mask had disintegrated, leaving his eye exposed wide open in an expression of shock. She hadn't even that moment to be ill as she watched his exposed eye fall closed and his CENTINEL-suit fade away as well. "Ohh no, Honey," she gasped. This wasn't good; this meant his consciousness was fading! 
Janine collapsed to her knees and carefully set Lee's body on the floor. She touched her hand to his portion of the wonder pendant resting on his bare chest. She begged, "No no no, you can't-- Lee, you've got to stay with me!" He gave no response. She then placed her other hand over her first, as if trying to resuscitate him. She willed him to awaken, "This isn't happening, it's not happening, please Honey, please, please get up!" When he didn't respond to her again, she sucked in her breath and hugged him close to her. Maybe the half of the wonder pendant on her chest touching his own would awaken him? That's what she hoped but Janine just shuddered as she whimpered, "C'mon Baby, get up, please, I'll do anything, you've gotta—you've got to, please, I can't do this without you!" 
In her grief she was unaware of how literal that statement was as her own suit began to fade away with the onset of his unconsciousness. Even though she was now made exposed and powerless by the loss of her CENTINEL-suit, she didn't care, she practically pleaded now, "I need you—I need you—please Lee!" 
Her focus was so completely on him she failed to notice the alarmed voices of the Inkopolis Defense Force officers ringing in her ear. 
The commanding voice pleaded, "Wonder Inkling respond, what happened to you?" 
The informative voice sniveled, "Something's wrong, one of you is—is--," they couldn't even finish their thought. 
Hearing that tore Janine's heart even further, "It's Lee," she cried. "I didn't— we got separated, and then—I don't know what happened, he took a hit for me, and it was just--," she was beside herself trying to piece it all together. In the end she conceded, "It's all my fault, all mine, I let this happen to him, I let my son get hurt so badly protecting me, I couldn't protect him!" 
While her distress was building more and more the informative voice instructed, "You have to get out of there, you can't become Wonder Inkling unless both halves are fully conscious!" 
The stern voice chimed in desperately, "We can't win this war without you!" There was the sound of a fist slamming as they continued, "Those eggheads will probably find some way to work around the loss of your kid but if something happens to you than we're finished!" 
"How dare you!" Janine fired back in a rage. Her arms and hands continued to shake as she held Lee for dear life, snarling under her breath, "I don't care about this war or what happens! My son...," she looked into his unflinching face, his eyes remained closed, his mouth still slightly agape. "I don't care about anything except my son," she blubbered, burying her face in his neck.  
It was as though none of them seemed to understand her as the three men, and many more voices began barking a stream of orders, pleas, and attempts at reasoning with her. The situation only became graver as the security drone began to reactivate. The LEDs on its body glowed bright and it moved about—aiming to finish the job it started with them. 
The commanding voice bellowed, "Wonder Inkling there's nothing you can do! You need to leave and find a way out now! The mission's over!" 
"No, it's not," Janine simply said, drowning out the screaming in her ear and the mechanical noises emitted by the robot as it hopped about in a display of intimidation. She rose to her feet, refusing to let go of her son's lifeless body. A look of powerful determination etched into her face as she said, "Nobody puts a Squidly in a corner. This mission isn't over until we win." Paying almost no mind to the robot, Janine looked at the face of Lee once more, the voices going quiet as they listened to her.  
She sounded so calm, so natural as she conversed with her child as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "You just need a rest don't you Honey? I've seen you take harder hits before, I know you're a tough little survivor, mommy's little hero, but I get you've done more than enough. Don't worry baby, Momma will handle the rest." 
Nobody with the Inkopolis Defense Force knew what to make of this and none understood what she was trying to do as she shifted Lee around, propping his body on her back. She said, "We're almost done Sweetie, I promise, just a little more, okay? I just need you to hold on for a little longer. I tell you what—once we get home I'll make your favorite dinner, how does that sound? Some smoked salmon with buttery egg noodles and veggies sound good?" He offered no response but she smiled none the less. "That's a perfect dinner for a hero isn't it? Just hold on Honey, we can do this just like we always do, just like always." 
Even though she was depowered and weighed down by her son draped across her back, Janine faced the robot bravely. "We can do this Sweetie, we can beat this, I know we will, just hold on a bit longer for Mommy." The robot rushed toward them with its weapon raised. Janine dashed forward, ready for whatever may come, all the while she shouted, "Just hold on, Lee!" 
What happened next, no one knew how or could explain why but just as Janine was about to clash with the sentry a bright flash of light burst from the wonder pendants around hers and Lee's necks. The robot slashed its weapon through the flash—only for it to be caught midswing by none other than Janine. Lee had mysteriously vanished but she was back as Wonder Inkling. That was far from all though, her wonder pendant was whole! 
As the IDF operatives commented; it should've been an impossibility. All of their best technology, their best scientific research, their best attempts at understanding the ancient device, none of it could bring the two halves together but the Squidlys somehow made it happen. 
Without uttering a word, Janine held the monster in place by its weapon and fired rounds from the .96 Gal Deco stuck to her ankle, blasting it away. There was nothing to guide her, nothing to inform her, but somehow she knew what to do next. She stood tall and slammed the back of her fist against the completed wonder pendant. 
Something extraordinary was activated, "It's—It's—It's the Unlimited Form!" The informative member of the I.D.F. support revealed, "The ancient humans called the Wonderful Ones had a trump card that allowed them to tap into amazing levels of power, letting their strengths unite into something truly unbelievable." They watched as this change manifested in the alteration of Janine's suit and mask, ended by a powerful, ethereal glow surrounding her. 
Continuing to act on  whatever was this mysterious force motivating her, Janine gripped the .96 Gal Deco in her hand and raised it. “UNITE… SHOOTER!” The I.D.F. operatives all gave a unified gasp as a mass of green colored energy swirled around her weapon before constructing into the shape of a giant handgun that took her arms and whole body to hold. 
“This is for Lee,” she growled before pulling the trigger, firing four giant bullets of green energy into the sentry. Each bullet hit its mark, destroying the robot piece by piece until finally—it exploded in a burst of fire and shrapnel. Janine turned away from the explosion; aiming her weapon forward she silently declared, “Stay with me just a bit longer Honey, we’re almost finished.” 
Janine proceeded to cut a massive swath through the alien fortress. The ammunition used for Unite Shooter seemed endless as she fired with reckless abandon. The bullets pierced the machinery, and the force of immobile robots. Nothing within her sights was safe from the furious vengeance burning within her heart, not even the hull of the craft which the bullets tore through like paper. 
Seawater began to fill the inside of the invader’s machine, slowly at first, then steadily, and then a rush. The torrent of water flooded it all. Every piece of machinery was drenched; including what was used to keep the craft afloat. One entity forced its way out by puncturing a hole just big enough, and began to rush its way to the surface. Where there should have been two, the sole squid that made up Wonder Inkling left the ruined alien leviathan to sink to the ocean floor. 
The battle was finished. 
The return of Wonder Inkling to the Inkopolis Defense Force base should've been met with victorious joy and celebration but instead there was sorrow and remorse. Janine shuffled into the compound protectively holding Lee's body close to her. None of the present IDF operatives spoke a word as she walked past them, finding an empty bench within the wide room and gingerly set his body down. The distressed mother took one step back before dropping to her knees and lowering her head, oblivious to the numerous supporters that began to crowd around her. 
The most decorated of the soldiers, the owner of the commanding voice stepped forward to place his hand on her bare shoulder, "My condolences, Miss Squidly," he said. "Be proud of your son for seeing the mission to the end and coming away a hero to millions," he suggested with heavy sympathy. 
"stop talking like he's gone," Janine muttered, not turning to acknowledge him, "He's right here, he'll be just fine." 
An older squid in a lab coat, the one who had the informative voice told her, “Miss Squidly, you’ve got to understand, the second that blast hit his vital signs went kaput, your boy, he’s--.” 
Janine repeated, “He’s fine. I’m a mother, I know that better than anyone.” 
It didn’t seem like she was going to listen but the soldiers all knew the inevitability of being in war, particularly one grim looking crawfish in a general’s uniform. His stern voice glumly said, “We’ll be sure your boy has a proper burial just like a real soldier.” 
Swinging her head around, Janine snapped her teeth at them, “Don’t you dare touch him!” All of them took a step back in reflex, not wanting to imagine what she would do. Turning back to face Lee, ever so gently cupped his hand in her own, her whole body quivered and shook against her will as she squeezed his hand. 
Lee, they don’t know you the way I do, they don’t know how strong you really are. Please, your Mommy’s brave little hero, and I need you to wake up. Please Lee, please… I need you. 
She was losing all of the strength she had to hold herself back. The longer she held his unmoving hand, the weaker she became. Suddenly— a miracle happened.  
There was a twitching within her grip. She loosened her hand and felt the digits fidgeting about before readjusting to cup her palm. Her head lifted up and she lost her breath as Lee’s body began to animate. His body trembled as he weakly rose up to greet her. 
“Mom?” Lee mumbled, “Did we win?” 
There was no containing her joy and relief, “Ohh Lee,” Janine nearly screamed into his ear as she threw her arms around him and squeezed what little breath he had out of him. 
Meanwhile the commanding general gasped, “That—that’s impossible.” 
The stern soldier marveled, “How did you survive that blast—we thought you were dead, son!” 
“Dead?” Lee repeated over his mother’s gleeful, appreciative mumbling. “That explosion did hurt a lot, I even passed out from the pain but that's it. Didn't anyone check my pulse?" 
Pecking at some sort of tablet computer the informative scientist shuttered, “Your vitals, they all flat lined, we saw it, we saw it!" They would later find out that the scanners used to monitor his vitality were damaged beyond repair in the attack. It was no wonder they thought he had perished. What couldn’t be explained was how the two merged together and in doing so, they completed the wonder pendant. It was completely absurd but some theorized that even in an unconscious state, Lee had such a powerful desire to aid Janine that it allowed them to unite into something stronger than even Unite Kraken. 
That would all occur later, for now the mood in the room went from mourning to celebration as the IDF personnel honored Wonder Inkling's victory. Janine paid none of it any mind, she was too busy hugging and embracing Lee out of sheer joyful relief. 
This lasted until the commander spoke, "Well with you two just fine we've still got our edge, and with the wonder pendant whole again we can maybe understand it better and turn the tide of this war in our favor." 
Janine heard this declaration and she was not enthused to hear it. "Are you insane?!" She wheeled around and stomped her foot defiantly, "Are you joking? Do you think I would be willing to put my son through that kind of danger again? I've had enough," showing further defiance she yanked the chained pendant off of her neck. Holding it at arm's length, she declared, "Get someone else to be your super heroes, we're finished with this." She punctuated this by slamming the pendant down upon the table she laid Lee on. 
Gingerly, Lee took the device and wondered, "Mom, maybe we shouldn't be so hasty?" The question became was this the end of Wonder Inkling? 
To be continued...? 
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askharryhook · 7 years
Kiss The Girl [One-Shot]
@severelydelightfulpotterhead​ asked:  I don't know how prompts work but can you write some Huma fluff? Maybe an adaptation of the Kiss The Girl scene? Thank you in advance.
Ooc: I’m not GREAT at fluff so I hope this is fluffy enough! 
The night was calm, the moon full and the stars so bright the black sky was tinged with blue. The promise of fall lingered on the air, chilly as it bounced off the gentle sea, though not cold like it soon would be. It was nearly school time for both Auradon Prep and the Isle, and the Isle kids had all spent the past two days on the docks, fighting and wrestling over the shipment of last year’s used notebooks and broken pencils.
Thanks to their recent territory expansion, Uma’s pirate crew now controlled the entire dock, and thus almost the entire supply. There were boxes of the best stationary they could get their hands (and hook) on below deck on the Lost Revenge, enough for every member of the crew, plus a large sack of coins tied up at the captain’s waist.
To celebrate, Uma and Harry had bought a ‘feast’ of the freshest fried fish and chips from Ursula’s chip shop, and they all sat gathered on the deck, devouring the best meal they’d been able to afford in a long time.
Harry let out a long sigh as he flopped back onto his leather jacket, laid out on the creaky wooden boards like a blanket, his stomach so full it hurt to move. Uma sat next to him munching happily on a thick fry,
“You already done?”
“If I eat any more I may just turn into a fish meself. Maybe even a squid.” He grinned teasingly, earning him an elbow to the ribs and a playful glare. Harry pouted, dramatically pretending to be hurt.
“Looks like everyone is going to be well fed tonight.” She changed the subject, looking around the ship as everyone was growing close to finishing their meals.
“Aye. And thanks to you they’ll be prepared for school too.” Harry toyed idly with the end of one of her turquoise braids until she laid down beside him, arms crossed behind her head,
They laid in silence like that for a moment, starting up at the stars. Harry remembered learning how to navigate as a child with his father, and reached up with his hook to trace the constellations.
“SAILS! North!” The sudden shout from Gil in the crowsnest startled them, but his giant bumbly grin said there was no cause for alarm.
Harry scrambled to his feet anyway, leaning over the railing to peer out onto the dark ocean. Sure enough, pulling out of the Auradon Bay was a giant, obnoxiously bright yacht (no sails, but Gil wasn’t the brightest. He saw a ship and shouted and Harry wouldn’t fault him for that).
“Prep kids?” Uma asked boredly, watching the yacht inch closer through a spyglass.
“Aye, must be.” Harry sighed. The kids from Auradon Prep (king Ben specifically) often took a yacht or a boat out in front of the Isle to party on. They might as well come inside the barrier and slap all the Isle kids with their expensive gloves. The thought made Harry’s hand clench around the railing so tightly his knuckles turned bright white.
Lost in his slightly murderous thoughts, he jumped when he felt Uma’s finger under his chin, her signal that she’s waiting for him to speak,
“Sorry Captain.”
“Look.” Uma sneered, startling him further as she shoved the spyglass into his hands. Raising it to his eye, Harry took a moment to find the yacht, only to glimpse what his beloved captain was so distressed about. A grand staircase led from the main cabin down to the deck, which was being used as a dance-floor by a crowd of blurry teenagers. At the top of the staircase though, a girl in a distinctly familiar shade of purple hugged the king, staring up at him with what could only be puppy-love eyes. Harry felt his full stomach turn at the sigh.
“Dragon breath.” He spat, bristling as he gave the spyglass back.
“Of course Mal would join in when they’re rubbing their privilege in our faces. It fits perfectly with her M.O.” Uma growled.
“What I would give for them to come a teeny bit closer just so we could unload our cannons on them.” This had become a routine. Everytime Mal came on one of the Isle’s two tv channels, Harry would spend the next hour or so indulging Uma in her justified hatred of her vile bully.
They stopped their discourse though, when a strange vibration disturbed the air, unsettling the crew. It sounded vaguely of music, but warped, like they were underwater.
“Do they really need to play music that loudly?” Uma scoffed, tapping Harry’s elbow so he’d follow her down to the main deck. As soon as their boots hit the boards, though. The upbeat music shifted to a familiar lilting tone.
The yacht was coming in close enough now that they could see the people on board, and Mal had stepped down the stairs, allowing a girl much younger than Ben to take her place in the spotlight. She wore a sea-green dress and had distinct red hair. Harry squinted,
“Ariel’s daughter?”
“Must be.” Uma scoffed, not bothering to watch. She only stopped walking when the music became clear, several of their crew members picking up the tune with their own humming.
“Stop it!” Uma snapped, immediately recognizing Ariel and Prince Eric’s love song, “My mother would have your heads if she heard you.”
Most of the crew paused in their singing at her tone. Only one voice continued the song, seemingly unaware of the frightened tension of the ship.
“Gil! Get down here!” Harry shouted, slightly worried at the angry twinkle in Uma’s eyes. Perhaps it was the sudden, unexpected proximity to Mal, but Uma never looked at Gil that way unless he’d called her ‘Shrimpy’.
The yacht was close enough now to see all the Auradon kids in pairs, slow dancing with their arms around each other.
Gil climbed down the rigging slowly, looking around at his crewmates for help. All of them were looking terrified at Uma or sadly out at the yacht. Harry followed their gazes, feeling the pang of their longing. What kind of first mate would he be if he let them suffer?
“Uma…” He whispered, daring to step close enough that their bodies touched, “Let them have their fun for one night?”
Uma glared up at him for a moment, though she didn’t make to move. She was silent, but she stared hard into his eyes like she always did when she was thinking.
Harry grinned, slapping Gil on the shoulder as he joined them, “Go nuts!”
The crew cheered around them, quickly falling back into the song with the help of Gil. Uma elected not to join them, heading to her cabin instead. Harry followed; she was a member of the crew after all. It was his job to make her happy too.
Making sure he shut the door behind him, Harry put on his classic smirk. The music from the Auradon yacht and their crew above cause the cabin to vibrate and echo with the tune.
“What are you doing?” Uma quirked an eyebrow. Harry sauntered up to her, pulling her into a hug. She tensed slightly, as she always did in his hugs. But they were alone, away from judgement, and eventually wrapped her arms around him too.
The music grew louder and clearer around them, and Harry began to rock their bodies to the tune. Uma let out a snort, but complied, moving her arms to rest around his neck.
“Don’t you dare tell anyone about this.” She muttered, not meeting his eyes.
“Lips are sealed, m’lady.” She glared at him for that, but he didn’t move away. Instead he pulled a hand down from his neck with his hook, holding her arm out as if they were going to really waltz.
Uma rolled her eyes, but Harry was close enough to see the blush creep into her cheeks and ears. His own face felt on fire, and he guessed he’d look the same. Their intimacy was always aggressive and needy, never slow like this. Harry rested his forehead against her and closed his eyes, letting the music completely take over his body.
Their crewmates had begun to sing, the words muffled but soaking into them nonetheless. Harry released her into a spin, bowing low to kiss her hand.
Kiss the girl
They sang above, and Harry felt a giddy jolt and the idea strike his chest.
You’re gonna miss the girl
Uma pulled him closer, placing her hand on the back of his neck.
Looks like the boy’s too shy aint gonna kiss the girl
Uma smirked, “You heard ‘em…”
Go on and kiss the girl
Harry leaned in slowly, placing a hesitant, unsure kiss to her lips. She tasted of the sea and, when he finally could pull away, adrenaline crashed around in him like the tide.
“About time.” Uma chuckled quirked an eyebrow. The music shifted back to upbeat but Harry found he could not move. Couldn’t even speak.
They flirted all the time, but Harry never considered his feeling for his captain to be genuine. Was this love? That was the only explanation for the buzz of magic in the air.
“Harry?” She touched his chin.
“I…l-lo-” He couldn’t get it out. That word….that FEELING was bad. It ruined lives. It kille.
Uma smiled. Not her usual smirk, but a rare, bashful smile that reached her beautiful dark eyes,
“I know.”
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wordfighter · 7 years
Alphabet Soup: Part-time Corpse
Summary: It is morning and Emil and Lalli hasn't showed up after they split the party. It is time for Sigrun to do some serious backtracking. Type: fanfiction/short story Words: 3659 Category: Stand Still Stay Silent/Ajin Genre: Horror Rating: M Characters: Sigrun Warnings: Character deaths, some blood, suicide, grosslings, water, cold, guns. A bad narrator.
Read it here or at ff.net
”I'm backtracking tomorrow morning, if they don't show up!”
They didn't show up. Sigrun hung the rifle on her back, glared at Mikkel.
”I'm going alone.”
”I can accept that, and we are coming with you.”
”No”, Sigrun put on her best Captain-face. ”You either wait here or continue escorting the civilian to the shore. And you listen to him while I'm gone. Kitty, you're staying with them as well.”
”Sigrun, this is unlike you.”
”Is it really?”
The two stared at each other, Mikkel crossed his arms over his chest and Sigrun put her hands to her sides. Eventually Mikkel looked away and Sigrun grabbed the medic bag Mikkel had packed incase the two missing people needed first aid. She waved goodbye and left their temporary camp. The rain that had started during the night quickly drenched her and she gritted her teeth. They should have just grabbed the scout instead of leaving him behind.
Their tracks from the day before had disappeared, but she recognized the surroundings enough to backtrack. She got to the city without finding any tracks after the boys, continued into the city. It was quiet, except for the raindrops on the roofs. Everything was exactly as it had been when they passed the day before except... Sigrun stopped in her tracks. One of the houses had collapsed, crashed and it looked like something incredible large had jumped out of it.
Not good, she thought. If something large had woken up, ambushed them... Maybe they were dead, eaten, and it would be her fault. I shouldn't have let the scout stay behind. She kept going, kept her senses peeled for anything out of the ordinary. Anything, like a pack of squid wolves huddled together in one of the houses. Sigrun froze. That was a whole lot of trolls. She couldn't stand still and wait for them to go away, there wasn't time. They didn't look to be eating on something, so maybe they hadn't found the boys, maybe Mikkel had been right that the twig had found a safe place for the two of them.
Okay then, only one thing to do. Sigrun grabbed her gun and started running. Bullets rained over the trolls, took some of them down, but the others started hunting Sigrun. I need a distraction. She noticed a wooden pole supporting a house and as she closed in on it she hoped that it would be as rotten as everything else in the city. Her left elbow collided with it, she heard the bone crack and then the pole gave way as well. The roof started collapsing and she hurried her steps again, got out of the way just as the ceiling fell. She heard screams from the trolls, but some was still following her.
A tentacle grabbed her leg and she fell to the ground, dropped her gun. It slid away and she turned around, pulled her knife instead. It sank into the troll's head, but five more appeared, their sharp tentacle-things cut through her clothes, her skin, dug themselves into her arms, her legs, her sides. She clenched her teeth, pain was nothing, she had experienced it before. One of the trolls stood above her, stood on its hindlegs. Sigrun closed her eyes and then something sharp punctured her heart, the ground got red below her. The trolls pulled away from her, looked at each other. The hunt was over almost before it had started. Sigrun's hand twitched, grabbed the knife again.
”There's more where that came from.”
She managed to decapitate one of the trolls before they noticed her, then their tentacles caught her again. Her legs were stuck again, two tentacles in her stomach and one straight through her throat. Blood filled her lungs and then she was on her knees again, on the ground. She stopped breathing for one, two, three seconds as her wounds healed up. Her breathing started again and she got back to her feet.
”Ghost, get your ass here!”
Black materia poured from her body, gathered into a shape next to it. The trolls looked at her, prepared to attack, but the mummy-looking ghost next to her took out three of them, Sigrun took out two. One of the remaining trolls sliced her back and the ghost returned the gestured, ripped the troll in two.
”You have to crush the heads, we've been over this!” Sigrun yelled as she did just that on the half troll.
”Crush the heads”, the ghost repeated in a echoing, squeaky voice. ”I'm not going to, I'm not an idiot!”
Sigrun rolled her eyes, let the ghost take out the last three trolls.
”I hate dying”, she said, wiped the sweat off her forehead. ”At least my arm is finally good again, should have died a long time ago.”
”Can't let anyone know.”
”Yes yes, I know. You can go again now.”
”We're not waiting!”
”You should know more words already. Shoo.”
The ghost disappeared and Sigrun pulled a hand through her hair, looked at her torn clothes. It'd be hard explaining that for the others.  At least the bleeding wound on her back should be enough to explain that tear. She put the knife in its sheath, fetched her gun and looked around. Hopefully she wouldn't meet any more trolls, it would be a while before she could use the ghost again. Sigrun looked around, saw signs that the giant had hunted something. Wonder if the twig got them to safety. She started walking again, followed the broken buildings and the crushed road. It wasn't long until she found pieces of a broken, cut-up giant lying halfway into the water.
”Oh sh-”
Sigrun wasn't entierly sure what to make of it. Had it meet something bigger? Sigrun hoped not, because it was a darn large giant and she wouldn't be able to fight something that large even with help from the Ghost. She climbed on top of it, looked in all directions. No signs of the boys. Had they even made it this far? She sat down on the floorboard, rested her head against her hands for a minute. She needed to make a descision. Should she randomly search for them? Try to make a grid and search logically? Give up since they probably had been eaten by whatever killed the giant she was sitting on? Her back was hurting pretty bad and her clothes was starting to feel sticky from the blood. Giving up kind of sounded like a good idea, but she couldn't just abandon them.
Movement under her. Sigrun tried to grab on to the floorboard, but she slid off it, down into the water. The giant fell over her, pressed her to the sea floor. She held her breath, tried to push the troll off herself, tried to dig a hole in the sand to be able to pull herself out. Drowning was by far the worst death she knew, she didn't want it again, didn't... Water filled her lungs when she couldn't hold her breath any longer. Not again. Darkness, a few seconds of darkness. She gasped as her life returned, pulled new water into her lungs, kept trying to press out from under the giant. Darkness again, another few seconds. She'd keep dying until she got out of the water. It was cold around her, and the seconds she was awake she shivered hard, but kept struggling, kept trying to break free. I need to start staying away from water. She had been 5 the first time she drowned, before she had learned how to swim. 13 the second time, dragged under by a sjødraug. At 16 and 21, both times because a troll had fallen over her into the water. Just like this time. She lost count of the number of times she woke up again, but eventually she broke free, swam to the surface. She gasped as she broke it, finally free, finally out of the deathzone. She just needed to get ashore.
Sigrun's muscles ached. The cold water made it hard to swim, but her back wasn't hurting any longer. The only good part of dying – you woke up healed from all your damages. She let out a sigh. This was why she never backtracked, especially not together with someone else. Normal people stayed dead. Like Tuuri... She closed her eyes, opened them again. She couldn't let herself be distracted, then she'd lose the rest of the team as well. She was tired when she reached the shore, hung a while from the edge of the harbor. She couldn't pull herself up, she was too tired after the swim and it was too high up for her. She let out a sigh, kept swimming along the wall.
Ten minutes, twenty. If it wasn't for Sigrun's regenerative ability she would have been dead ten times over by now. To be fair it probably had been that many times already.  Normal people only had to live through it once, but she... Sigrun clenched her teeth, finally found a place to climb up. Something rolled under her foot and she stopped, glanced at it. One of Emil's fuel cans. So at least the little Swede was still up and running, or at least had been and had gotten this far away from the giant. What happened last night? Sigrun kicked the can, gasoline spilled out over the dead grass, and she followed the can, kicked it again, followed it. She couldn't see any tracks, so this was about as good as it was gonna get in her search for them.
Growling. Of course. Sigrun stopped kicking the can, looked around. Beasts this time, ten of them looking at her.
”Ghost, I might need you again.”
She grabbed her knife, stared at the beasts, waited. They knew she was there, she was certain of it. Why didn't they attack? Sigrun moved slowly, tried to go around the pack. Their eyes followed her, but they didn't move. Did they wait for her to run? Did they want a hunt? Or was it something else? Sigrun was glad she was alone so she didn't have to worry about them attacking anyone else.
Then the attack came, not from the front, but from the back. Something wrapped around her chest, held her, while something else dug into her arm, pulled at it. She screamed as tendons snapped, ligaments snapped. The skin at her shoulder started tearing and her scream got louder. Then it came off. Sigrun's scream died, she blacked out. The pressure around her chest loosened as the beast holding her went to fight with the other over the arm. Sigrun's eyes opened again, she saw the other beasts coming closer.
The pain was intense, made her head spin. She slapped her hand over the wound, tried to keep the blood in. Slowly she got to her feet, almost fell over again. The beasts noticed her, turned towards her again.
”Ghost, get to work.”
The black materia once again formed next to her. A little less dense than it had been last time she called it and she knew she was about to black out again. I just need a minute.
”What are you waiting for? There's only twelve of them!”
”The little Swede was right.”
”Just get them already!”
”It's just a bear!”
The ghost rushed towards them, started with the two fighting over Sigrun's arm before moving towards the others. Sigrun dropped to her knees, tried to will herself to not faint. She hated fainting, it was worse than dying, you never knew where you'd wake up or if it'd be too late to fix whatever damage you had gotten. Too late because by then someone knew. Like that time she fell from the roof and broke her back.
Sigrun shook her head, she couldn't let herself be consumed by memories, she had to focus. Her ghost took down another three beasts, one more and Sigrun sighed internally.
”The heads”, her voice was barely a whisper.
”I understand when something is my fault!”
”Then you freaking make it right...”
Sigrun could only do so much to stay awake, to stay sitting. She couldn't make this right, couldn't bring Tuuri back. She didn't like dying, but she should have done so earlier. Then maybe Tuuri would still have been alive... She clenched her teeth, there was no point thinking about it now. The ghost crushed the skull of the last beast and Sigrun grinned towards it.
”Good job. Get out of my face now.”
”Wasn't that the AWESOMEST!?”
”Just be glad no one else can hear you. I'll see you later.”
It would take maybe five minutes for her to bleed to death, ten if she kept pressure on it, not at all if the cold would make her vessels close before that. Winter made estimating her death tricky. Did she have time to wait? Her hand fell down from her shoulder, grabbed the knife again. She hated commiting suicide. She plain hated dying. The pain was not something you got used to, you never did, but sometimes it was your only option. She opened her coat, the knife dug into her flesh, just below the ribcage and slightly upwards so it would hit the heart, then pulled out again. Sigrun's body fell to the ground, coloured it red and then it stopped.
”Let's try not to die again”, she muttered when she woke up.
She stretched her arms, her legs, looked at her hand. All five fingers back. Was it still her arm? The hand fell over her face and she groaned. There wasn't time to get existential, as long as she still thought she was herself she would be. She pushed herself off the ground, looked around. Her eyes fell on the building the beasts had been huddled against. It looked like some type of religious building and Sigrun walked towards it. She could see movement inside it, slowly opened the door to it. City boy stood there, grasping his gun tightly and aiming it at her.
”Whoa, easy boy, it's just me!”
He didn't take it down. Sigrun tried grinning towards him, moved a step forwards and Emil took a step to the left, placed himself between Sigrun and Lalli. Sigrun blinked when she saw Lalli's body on the floor, wrapped in Emil's coat.
”Is he dead?”
”Sleeping”, Emil answered and lowered his gun slightly. ”What are you? What happened out there?”
”Listen buddy...” Sigrun took a step forward, but Emil raised the gun again.
Sigrun laughed, but stopped in her tracks and lifted her hands.
”You gonna shoot me? I know how well you aim, buddy.”
”Maybe I will!”
His voice was scared, insecure, and Sigrun knew what had happened. She closed her eyes, let out a sigh.
”...how much did you see?”
”Your arm... You didn't have your arm. The beasts got ripped apart by nothing. And you...” he glanced at the place she had put the knife. ”You killed yourself.”
Sigrun pulled her hand through her hair. Emil wouldn't shoot her, she was certain of it, and he'd only be able to hit by mistake. Had she been rational, like Mikkel, she'd probably decide that killing Emil was her only option now, because Emil knew, Emil might tell someone. Could she explain it to him when she didn't really understand it herself? There's gotta be some way out of this. Sigrun looked around. A swift hit in the head could fix it, if she hit the right spot, but getting it just right was practically impossible. Emil stared at her, waited. He lowered his gun a little again.
”I admire how you're willing to go up against someone immortal to protect your buddy there.”
Emil's grip around the gun tightened, but he didn't lift it. Sigrun was probably handling this right.
”Listen Emil...”
She had no idea what to say. I'm immortal. She just said that and it didn't explain anything. I can die, but I get right back up again. She couldn't explain how. I don't know how, it just happens. It's not like I wanted it.
”I'm sorry you had to see it.”
Was Emil's eyes tearing up? Sigrun gave a slight laugh.
”You're not about to wet yourself, are you? We had a close enough call with Mikkel last night when farmboy wouldn't let him take care of business.”
”S-shut up!”
He still didn't lift his gun, but he was panicking a little. Sigrun glanced at Lalli, wanted to get Emil to think about something else.
”So what happened to you two?”
”There was a giant... Lalli stopped it somehow, but then everything exploded and Lalli was out cold and we were floating away from the harbour... We made shore and I managed to get us here... I tried to make it safe...”
Sigrun looked around, noticed the runes on the walls. They were a reddish-brown colour, shaped like the ones Reynir had drawn on the tent and backpacks and Sigrun glanced at Emil again. Emil blushed, looked away and hid his arm behind his back. Sigrun just managed to catch how red his sleeve was.
”Emil, is it blood? Is it your blood?”
”I didn't have anything else and you said the gods prefer blood...”
”Thought you didn't believe in the gods!”
Sigrun went up to him and hit his shoulder, and Emil quickly moved between her and Lalli, shoved her away.
”I've seen things...”
”You talking about the twig?”
Emil nodded, kept his eyes on Sigrun and Sigrun let out a sigh.
”Listen Emil, we can keep this up all day if we want to, but Mikkel is waiting for us and we have a boat to catch.”
”What are you?” Emil asked again.
”I...” Sigrun looked around, back at Emil and her shoulder slouched. ”I don't know, Emil. I can't die, I just rise again, you just saw. I'm still the same Sigrun as I've always been though!”
Usually, Sigrun would have grinned, but this time she didn't, she knew it'd only scare Emil off, she could see it in his eyes.
”You're the only one who knows, except my parents. It's not dangerous for the people around me.”
Except for if Ghost runs amok. It had happened once, when she was 13 and had just started in the Norwegian army. She prefered not to think about it. Emil put his gun to his back again and Sigrun let her bag fall to the floor. She tried smiling at him and he took a step closer to Lalli. Still scared.
”I promise I don't need to feast on human flesh to keep living or something, Emil. It's perfectly safe around me. Lemme see that arm of yours, since Mikkel forced me to bring all this anyway.”
Emil pushed his own bag closer to Lalli before taking one step forward, two steps. Sigrun sank down on the floor, waited for Emil to do the same. He looked away, then looked at her again.
”Could you... back away? Just a little?”
Sigrun groand, wanted to protest, but realized it wasn't Emil trying to give her orders, he was only trying to keep Lalli safe, and she did what he asked. Emil's shoulders relaxed, he sank down on the floor infront of her and offered her the arm. Then he blinked and pulled it back again.
”I can't... like you did. Don't chop it off.”
”I'm not gonna amputate your arm, stupid. Come on now. And then we can get back and keep walking. You do want to get back, don't you?”
Emil nodded and offered his arm again. Sigrun rolled the sleeve up and inspected the arm. It was covered in cuts of different depth and length. Some of them would have required stitches to heal cleanly, but it would be too late when they got back, she was certain of it. Emil looked away as she started cleaning it off.
”You're gonna get some scars, you know.”
”I know, but... It's okay, as long as it kept him safe.”
Some of them was still bleeding, or had started bleeding again when Emil prepared to defend Lalli against her. Sigrun wrapped his arm up, patted his shoulder. Her mind wandered to the beasts that had stood outside the building, that had not gone inside.
”You know, I think they did. Good job, for a city boy.”
Emil looked at his knees and Sigrun waited a little, looked at Lalli. She still hadn't seen any actual sign that Lalli was alive, but if Emil said he was...
”How does it feel? To die?”
”Any specific or just in general?”
Sigrun was a hundred percent certain about why Emil was asking, but she wanted it to come from him.
”...Just in general. If it's okay...”
”It's... very painful”, Sigrun closed her eyes as memories of all her deaths flooded her, ”but it can also be a relief. To let go of the pain that haunted you and move on. But mostly it's just painful and stupid.”
She got up from the floor again, offered Emil a hand.
”We can talk more about it in Dalsnes, if you feel like stopping by sometime. I'll even let you kill me.”
She grinned and Emil gave a slight laugh. Great, he wasn't panicked any more, wasn't afraid of her. Still wary though, but she could understand it.
”You strong enough to carry the twig? I can help you get him up.”
He hesitated again, then nodded and accepted her hand. Sigrun pulled Emil to his feet, lifted Lalli off the floor and placed him over Emil's shoulder.
”Best way to carry him. I'll take care of any beasts. Ready to head out?”
”...Sigrun, are you a mage?”
”It would explain stuff, wouldn't it? But no, am not. Come on now”, she opened the door, smiled at Emil. ”We have a boat to catch.”
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mcrpg-archive · 7 years
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"There’s plenty of words I redefine! On PURPOSE, man. I’m an innovator. I keep things fresh and forward-thinking. You, on the other hand, will outright bite somebody who touches you uncaffeinated."
a f f i l i a t i o n : Team Handsome, Alien Enthusiasts
It's safe to say that Roy Oliphant was raised without parents. Sure, he had parents, but they were far too busy with their own personal lives to really raise a child. Once Roy was old enough to feed and clothe himself, it was fast food, canned food and TV all day, every day. Except for when school called. School, what a joke. It's no surprise Roy wasn't all too fond of school. And school wasn't too fond of Roy either. Teased, tormented, and often left hanging by his drawers from the railing at the top of the stairs, Roy found solace in the library. Not only could people not make fun of him in there (or torture him for that matter), but it opened the door to whole other world he'd never known before: information. Specifically interesting not-very-school-related information. Books, man. Roy read everything he could get his hands on. Fun stuff. Like aliens, werewolves, bigfoot, giant squids, anything funny or supernatural. He became obsessed, connecting and disproving theories in his own head, all the while, his studies suffering dramatically. It probably goes without saying, but Roy never finished school, dropping out at sixteen after getting into a fight with his dad over his grades. The ordeal left him with two black eyes, and, attempting to put his trust into the school system for the first time in his young life, Roy told school administration... who, in turn, laughed in his face. Forgery's a crime, kids. One Roy became all too familiar with when he decided to sign on his parent's behalf to release him from the burden of school. He didn't do too much time over it... but his family sure as Hell kicked him out, leaving the guy homeless. Fast forward to the present, and Roy didn't turn out too bad, getting himself a shitty little job at a convenience store, where he can take home as much of the cafe food that doesn't sell as he can manage. Getting mixed up with Team Handsome was a blessing in disguise... leading him straight into Coach Moblow's sights. And everyone knows Moblow just can't not try to help people out.
TW: Mature themes, age gap*, child prostitution* see end of headcanons for details. He does NOT run a child prostitution ring.
Aliens, man.
Currently a member of the Alien Enthusiasts Club. It has a paid membership because of all the deep secret intel they collect from the government and share with their members. This is literally the only paid expense he sets aside at all costs each month. Not even rent gets priority over his membership fees.
The only other thing he ‘saves’ up for is the Alien Convention that happens every Summer in La Juve’s West End.
Because of this, he often finds himself scrambling for funds every month to make rent. Some of his more successful 'get rich quick' schemes include: entering Ziggy into the Little Miss Juventud pageant under the guise of a girl, setting up random raffles or fundraisers without actually delivering on the prizes or products, 'watching' stuff for people, etc.
Believes himself to have ~genius~ ideas, most of which are elaborate in thought but not in planning.
He is almost always surprised when his plans don't go as expected, either due to that lack of preparation or just being damn well impossible to begin with.
He currently holds the title of ‘Assistant Coach’ to Team Handsome, but everyone knows he’s really just Coach Moblow’s personal assistant. The guy can’t coach a kitten to nap, he’s definitely not coaching Team Handsome in any way, shape, or form.
Coach Moblow sometimes ( a lot of the time ) makes Roy run laps with the team. Probably because of that beer belly hanging out over his jeans.
Ziggy throws fits whenever Coach tries to make Roy lose weight.
Huge on conspiracy theories. It’s not just about Aliens with him. He’s onto Bigfoot and the Chupacabra, too, just to name a few!
Literal man-child. Happy go lucky, a little snarky, but never really outright angry. Unless you hurt his feelings. He’s real friendly -- almost too friendly. Which only gets him into things he ought not to be getting into.
The only exception to this is his sudden out-of-character bursts of anger that seem to be provoked when people start yelling at his friends -- specifically Team Handsome (or SOMETIMES when somebody tries to tell him how to live his life). He can occasionally get violent during these episodes.
Seriously thinks there’s gold buried somewhere in La Juve because he claims to have found a treasure map once as a kid.
Not real big into drugs because it'd distract him from more important matters. Like Alien Hunting. Only smokes pot to calm him down. But, he’s more of a drinker.
He’s a real loud motherfucker, and mad nosy, too. Which often gets him into trouble. Meddling in things he ought not to be meddling in.
Kind of limited in terms of what he knows about the real world and how it works.
Gets mixed up in every kind of shenanigan.
Talks to everyone... even people he probably shouldn’t talk to. The rest of Team Handsome often have to keep a close eye on him to make sure he doesn’t wander off or get abducted. It FEELS like they’re the ones babysitting him instead of the other way around.
In charge of water, drinks and snacks for the team when they’re at competitions. Which, he sometimes fucks up by forgetting altogether... or providing snacks that Coach doesn’t approve. Like Cheetos and Coke.
He’s that crazy one who will openly talk about aliens on buses and trains.
Roy has vivid memories of being abducted by aliens.
He has newspaper clippings thumbtacked all over the walls of his home.
He honestly believed one had to cut up a bunch of little corks to create corkboard, so he wasn’t about to waste time and energy on that.
It wasn’t until he went out to Target with Ziggy that he realised you could buy corkboard already made.... when Ziggy pointed it out to him.
He ripped it from Ziggy’s hands and tossed it in the cart, bought it and took it home. To this day, it remains in its plastic shrink wrap, sitting propped up against the wall by the door like a forgotten birthday present.
Everyone points it out to him.
Team Handsome seems to congregate in and around his home because he’s super chill. Anyone can bum a couch for as long as they need.
The OLDEST member of Team Handsome. But... he’s not very good at skating.
One of Ziggy and Austyn’s oldest friends in La Juve. At the time, he didn’t have his own place, otherwise he would have taken them in. He worked real hard to get his own place after meeting them, but by then they had places to stay. At least now he has a place of his own they can all party and hang out in.
His home would have and should have been listed and sold for more than double what he could spend on a home at the time, but the little old lady that was selling it took pity on him because he reminded her of her dead grandson. So she sold it to him for far less as long as he promised to take good care of it. It is a rent-to-own situation, in case you’re wondering.
Tends to know a lot about random topics, but not very smart when it comes to anything school might have taught.
Has a habit of using words incorrectly, or using them the way he wants to instead of how they’re supposed to be used, basically disregarding their meaning and giving them a new one.
Also a big fan of making up his own words. Going so far as to write out his own dictionary -- which he plans to sell, marketing it as ‘additions to the English language’.
Is the reason for Ziggy’s own fascination with aliens, and likes to take Ziggy to the Alien Convention. It’s been ‘their thing’ since he met Ziggy when he was just a little guy.
His favorite memory of Ziggy is one where he made him dress up in a ridiculous Alien costume for the convention and it got him the attention of a lot of people because he looked so cute. Like walking a dog through a park. Even more attention than Dr. Alvin Simona’s presentation. Love that shit.
Calls himself the Newspaper Whisperer. Because he feels like he can predict headlines before they happen.
Believes the Men in Black movies had a lot of good pointers in it, and he has since taken to reading the tabloids to find 'juicy stories and leads'. He is convinced he can tell which stories are legit and which ones are pure fiction.
Is actually pretty Close with Cora Taylor and was even her prom date.
He pronounces Fujioka like FOO-GEE-YOLK-UH.
First became involved with Ziggy Holland after seeing him around the truck stop off of the interstate in West End without a parent or guardian. He wanted to help Ziggy get off the streets because Ziggy was/is a child prostitute. Making money working the truck stops whenever he could.
Attempts to house Ziggy in his own apartment as often as he can without getting into issues with his then roommate.
He is the one that enrolled Ziggy into school, in an effort to keep him out of trouble for at least a good portion of the day.
Ziggy is the one that seduces Roy -- particularly when he gets into his angry moods. Ziggy believes Roy’s anger likely stems from sexual frustration. **Casual reminder that his moods are VERY INFREQUENT.** Roy is NOT an angry person overall.
Ziggy has a crush on Roy because Roy is the first person in his life to actually care about him and show him kindness. There is no intricate romance between them. It’s honestly just a little boy crush. They’re close friends and genuinely care about each other.
Roy is the one that places the anonymous call to social services when Ziggy moves in full time with a known sexual predator -- which ultimately leads to Ziggy’s placement with Sal and Tyler.
Like Sal, Roy tries to keep Ziggy within the security of childhood for as long as he can (because Roy himself had such a shitty one), and thus works his ASS off to keep Ziggy believing in things like Santa, etc.
He definitely goes overboard on the Santa thing. Every. Single. Year. And even went so far as to somehow rope Mauri into helping him get reindeer on the roof of Sal’s house.... that Sal had to figure out how to get down.
Needless to say, while Sal is glad someone is helping him with the Santa thing, he is NOT a fan of how extreme Roy’s ideas are. Especially not when he has to clean up after him. Or, you know, make someone else clean up after him.
If you did ever want to make Roy mad, all you’d have to do is tell Ziggy that there’s no such thing as Santa.
Before Roy was taken on as “Assistant Coach” by Moblow, Ziggy actually begged Sal to get Roy a job (after he was fired from his previous one), which ended up being personal assistant/personal shopper/shopping buddy to Tyler... because Tyler was complaining that he had no friends. Because everyone is too scared of Sal to be his friend.
To this day, Tyler will still sometimes drag Roy out with him. Just so he doesn’t have to do things alone. Roy basically holds all of Tyler’s shopping and lets him talk.
Roy secretly admires Tyler... but is also really scared of him.
He’s probably more scared of Tyler than Sal. Just because he thinks Sal is a big softy deep down since Sal wants to keep Ziggy believing in Santa just like him.
Please note: Smut absolutely does NOT have to be written out at all. But it is, at least, implied from time to time. And no one outside of Ziggy, and maybe Austyn and Sully, is aware that there is anything going on between Roy and Ziggy. Further, it is something Ziggy eventually grows out of, too. Though he always remains protective of and close to Roy.
UPDATE: Since PRICKZILLA is claiming Roy is a carbon copy of her character, allow me to outline some ways they aren't similar:
- Completely different back stories for one.
- Roy is NOT into human trafficking. AT ALL.
- Roy DOES NOT work in a morgue or have a radio show.
- Roy DOES NOT have problems sleeping at night.
- Roy DOES NOT touch drugs outside of pot.
- Roy IS NOT and WILL NEVER be an alcoholic. He just drinks a lot of beer and occasionally gets drunk (Like when he parties. Like a NORMAL person).
- Roy WAS NEVER and WILL NEVER be a sex addict.
- Roy IS NOT a dick or shit talker.
- Roy IS a literal cupcake with a heart of Gold that genuinely wants to help people he comes across. Even if they’ve been mean to him in the past.
- Roy IS NOT smart by any means, but he tries. He doesn’t even have a HS diploma or GED. 99% of his get rich schemes FAIL MISERABLY.
- Roy works as an "assistant coach" aka secretary or personal assistant for a very nice man that Roy admires and aspires to be like (Coach Moblow).
- Roy's parents are very much ALIVE and well. And he has a GOOD/NORMAL relationship with them.
- Roy was born and raised in La Juve and has siblings. Specifically THREE older brothers, one who is a COP, another who is in a Motorcycle gang, and an ADOPTED BROTHER who is actually a famous athlete. (Obviously inspired by Four Brothers).
- Roy was created by no less than THREE different people, two of which had no idea of who Bo was.
- Roy's character writeup has been posted since March 23rd, 2017
Faceclaim: Garrett Hedlund - negotiable First Name: is non negotiable. Last Name: is negotiable.
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Future Plot: Prom Night at the Plaza (Or the Squid Dance Chronicles)
(( Justinian and Agent 7 belongs to me
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Depiction of Marie / Agent 2 belongs to @agenttwo
Blueshift belongs to @myzzy
Emerald belongs to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune ))
Story 1: Justinian - Part 1
Five years pass, the kids we know are now in high school. From the Neo Squid Sisters, Camille and Nebula, to agents like Telemachus and Justinian, they've been getting word about special prom.
Agent 7, the head of the Alexandria City District of Inkopolis and Principal of Odysseus Academy, has agreed with the principal and school board that they should merge their prom events. They settled with having the prom take place in Inkopolis Plaza with a classic Splatfest theme. Agent 7 pitched in to pay for the prom along with his sister, Pammy, and a few other citizens of Inkopols, including the Squidlys and the Inktrans.
Enter Justinian, a teen in the usual brown trenchcoat and red scarf, he was currently wearing a yellow polo shirt with beige jeans and brown vest. In addition to his attire are a gold pocket watch, a gold ring, and a ruby pendant. He still had a messy auburn ink hair, grayish brown eyes, and fair light skin.
Today, he was heading to Seaside Hill High. Classes ended early for him and he decided to meet with Nebula to ask her out to the Prom. When the bells ring, Camille and Nebula can be seen walking out, chatting about something. Camille reacted in disgust about something, probably the Prom, and then looked arrogant.
"...Besides, there's a race going on during the prom, and if there was someone that really wants to ask me out so badly, I'm still going to say no." Camille soon notices a familiar face. "I...... I'll talk to you later."
Camille gets into a personal race car and drives off to practice; a motorcyclist drives off, following Camille. Nebula shook her head.
Justinian took this opportunity to go and ask Nebula. After years of hanging out with Nebula and trying to show his affection, he feels like he hasn't won her heart yet. And despite Agent 7's warnings, Justinian is not going to let anyone take Nebula away. Agent 7 may have lost Marie to Blueshift, but that was the past. Besides this is the daughter of Marie and Blueshift that Agent 7 was talking about.
By the time Justinian was about to approach Nebula, a Humboldt squid approached Nebula. It was Emerald Inktran. He quickly hides behind the corner of a building. He takes a peak and hides again. He saw Nebula nod to something Emerald said.
Once Emerald left, Justinian runs over to Nebula.
"Hey, Nebula, wait up!" Justinian approaches her. "I came by to ask something."
"I'm all ears, what is it?" Nebula asked.
Justinian was already nervous; after seeing Emerald talk to Nebula, he fears Emerald has already asked her out. He took a deep breath and relaxed.
"Will you..... will you go to the prom with me?" Justinian holds her hand.
Nebula isn't that surprised, but she gave nod. There was a sign of hesitation that Justinian didn't notice.
"Yes... I will." Nebula smiled.
"That's great! It really means a lot to me... and I was worrying you're weren't going to say yes and--" Justinian is now interrupted by Nebula.
"Justinian, it's alright, I'll go to the prom with you," Nebula assured. Deep inside, she's going to regret it; she was also asked out by Emerald, and she accepted. She didn't let the situation bother her.
".....So where in the plaza do you want to meet during the prom?" Justinian asked.
"The balcony. You know, the one near the Neo Squid Sister studio?" Nebula suggested.
"Alright, see you there, Nebula!"
Justinian didn't even question what Nebula was doing with Emerald. They chatted for a bit until Nebula's ride was here. She had to be somewhere; as for Justinian, he runs off to prepare for the nightly prom.
((Description of dress based off this: http://agent-7-at-your-service.tumblr.com/post/160221759413/agenttwo-myzzy-twelvetailedkitsune-son-of-joy ))
Hours later, Nebula would be in her bedroom, in front of a mirror. She is wearing a special formal magenta gown with no shoulder straps with a pink sheer fabric over it with glitter. She turns off the lights and the dress has a unique feature: the dress became blue and black, and the glitter and sheer fabric turn the dress into a galaxy full of stars. All that was missing is an accessory for her hair. Instead of the Neo Squid Sister galaxy hairpin, she put on a red hairpin that her mother gave her.
After moments of making sure she's prepared, there was a knock on Nebula's bedroom door. Nebula turns the lights back on and she opens the door. Marie was there.
"Your ride is here, dear," Marie notified.
"Alright, Mom," Nebula grabs her purse and heads for the door.
"Stay safe, Nebula." Blueshift opens the door for her.
"I will." Once Nebula was outside, she turned to face her parents. "I love you, guys."
"We love you too, dear," Marie replied with a smile, "Enjoy the prom."
Nebula nods and walks over to the stair and to the parking lot where Camille and an inkling boy were waiting with a motorcycle and a sidecar that can carry two people.
The boy driving the motorcycle is Chaodis Diamachi, the Greek exchange student from Odysseus Academy. He was wearing a tuxedo with a gold apple badge. His tie was violet, and his buttons were tarnished silver. The look on his face was still the suspiciously innocent look; he still had that eye condition on his left eye, making look like his intimidating her and slightly cockeyed.
Camille was there, wearing her mother's fancy party gown; it was a lovely shade of black with a teal luster. She wore tarnished gold slip-on shoes with high heels, black gloves, gold spiked earrings, and a teal hairpin. This is the same attire her mother wore during Splatfest. Camille did not look happy wearing this to the prom.
"You look wonderful, Cammy!" Nebula complimented.
"My parents convinced me to go.... and Paccy too..." Camille folds her arms, sitting in the sidecar. "So what about you? Did Emmy ask you out?"
"Yeah.... but then there's Justinian," Nebula explained.
"Oh boy, he asked you out too?" Camille guessed.
"I just want to have a good night at the prom." Nebula enters the sidecar. "Let's head on our way, Chaodis."
"You Inkopolites sure have complicated webs of relationships, especially you, Nebula." Chaodis turn the ignition on and began escorting the Neo Squid Sisters to Inkopolis Plaza.
The Inkopolis Plaza hasn't changed in years, but it seems Splatfest has come to this very place the old squid would call Memory Lane. Stage trucks were parked in the plaza with a few musical bands from both Odysseus Academy and Seaside Hill High. Students from both educational institutions were mingling and enjoying the prom.
"You go on ahead and find Justinian and Emerald," Camille began, "Chad and I actually want to check something out."
"Just don't let things here at the prom get bitter." Chaodis then walks off with Camille.
The two inklings were going to try out the games that were set up; they were a bit lame, but the games did bring back a sense of excitement and competition. Nebula walks off to the balcony floor where there were windows for any fan to see the Neo Squid Sisters.
Justinian was there in a salmon-colored suit and vest over a yellow dress shirt (with white collar) and red neck tie. His hair was combed back and he looked like a typical inkling. The suit turns out to be a hand-me-down from his mentor, Agent 7. When he turned around to see Nebula, he was astonished by the starry galaxy theme that her dress has.
"Nebula... you look amazing," Justinian complimented. There was a faint blush on his face.
"That's very sweet of you, Justin." Nebula reminds herself in her head just to keep cool. "...Is it okay if I call you that?"
"I don't really mind, especially if it's from you." Justinian scratched the back of his head. "May I get you a drink? Maybe just water?" He was avoiding the accident of spilling fruit punch. "I'll go get drinks for both of us!" He runs off.
"Justin wait--" Justinian has already left; Nebula sighs. "Silly boy."
"Was that Justinian?" Emerald approached  Nebula.
She is wearing a white prom gown with brown metallic ornaments and two topaz earrings that look like Moth antennae. She had two medallion ornaments on her shoulders to hold up a green cloak that looked like wings. Around her neck is a furry collar. She almost looked like a luna moth.
"It was, he was getting me a drink," Nebula explained, "......And your dress is very nice."
"I'm glad you like it, Nebby." Emerald gave a twirl and showed off her dress.
Soon music began to play and a clearing was made for a dance floor to be open to the prom. When Emerald offered Nebula a hand, Nebula hesitated, but she decided to take the offer to dance anyway.
Justinian was across from her, holding a cup of water and a can of soda. He dropped both of them on the floor as he watched Emerald take Nebula to the dance floor.
End of Part 1
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