The splat-tastic adventures of mild mannered Inkling boy, Lee Squidly , his friends, and his ever-loving mom, Janine. Come for commissioned art, fashions, pics from Booyah Base, and lots more. Ask the Squidlys any questions you like, they love the company and making new friends. SWITCH FC: 7050-8035-7249 My NNID: Squall_Lee
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Commission for @inklingleesquidly, thank you for commissioning from me!
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A commission from over on Twitter of their OC Lee and Callie playing Extreme Jacks.
Thank you so much for commissioning me!
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In comes Lilyana, Cattail’s little sib.
@inklingleesquidly @mega-meathead
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Can you believe I’ve finally started working on this again? Me neither! But I WILL FINISH THIS COMIC IF IT KILLS ME! (not really I’d rather live)
Still featuring @mega-meathead‘s @inklingleesquidly
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((original art by @kelkilou))
Inkopolis is being besieged by an alien invasion, and the only ones capable of defending it from destruction are just two brave souls who can use the strength and valor of over 100 heroes. Those two are none other than Janine Squidly and her son Lee, otherwise known as Wonder Inkling. With the help of the Inkopolis Defense Force, these are the four operations in which they defended the world from destruction.
TOTAL WORD COUNT: 17,368 words
#would i take over 2 years to write the final chapter to a story?#you bet your sweet bippy i would#splatoon#the wonderful 101
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The Wonderful Splatwoon: Eilogue
The final chapter of the series. I said to myself that I would make it when The Wonderful 101 received a representative in Super Smash Bros or got a modern remaster.
I’m so excited about this, I pledged to the Wonderful Art tier! Please do feel free to pledge as well, or buy the game when they release it; you won’t regret enjoying one of my favorite action games of all time! And thank you for enjoying the Squidlys time as super heroes! Hope to do more with them in the future
Lee and Janine star as Wonder Inkling, the ink-tastic mom and son duo charged with defending Inkopolis from a mysterious alien invasion. Using ancient technology containing the heroic souls and power of over 100 wonderful heroes, this super powered duo saves the day!
Word Count: 1,324 words
After a period of unrest and attacks on the bustling megalopolis of Inkopolis, its citizenry strived to return to normalcy. A picture of what the city hoped to be lied in the Finjuku district. There, at the Seaside Hill High private academy, students had their lessons as they always did.
Breaking away from the mundanity of being in a stuffy Biology lab, a class was taking place in an outdoor pavilion on the schoolgrounds. The instructor energetically proceeded through his presentation. “--And if you’ll watch carefully, you’ll see the interesting reaction this alga has to this airborne chemical mixture.”
An ear-piercing whine sliced through the air, followed by an earth rattling explosion miles-off in the distance. Those who managed to recover from the scare of the blast could look up to see the sky being peppered by mysterious midair machinery. The aliens were attacking!
Panic and chaotic confusion immediately set in between students and teachers alike. The more rational educators rushed into action, herding everyone into the school’s main building. In the time since the alien’s arrival, many facilities in the city had received several structural reinforcements to make them safe sanctuaries. Seaside Hill High had been designated one of those safe zones.
The teacher heading the Biology class held one of the armored steel doors open as lines of teens haphazardly filed in. “Single file! Don’t shove! Remember the emergency drills!” He shouted over all the screeching, gently pushing on the shoulder of the occasional passer to keep the way uncongested. “If your classes aren’t on the ground floor then stick together and find a room to hunker down in.” While the educators did their best to keep order, there was no fighting the alarmed disarray.
Soon, the straggling students all managed to seek safety—all except for one who lagged behind even the last teachers rushing in.
“Mr. Squidtalto, you have to get inside!”
“What? Lee?” The Science instructor found one of his students hadn’t taken refuge. Lee Squidly. “What are you still doing out? We have to lockdown the school.” He hurriedly urged.
Lee mysteriously refused. “I know, so you have to get in now!” Confused, but still anxious, Mr. Squidtalto tried to urge him in. In the end, he seemed to concede, “Okay, okay, I’ll go—SIR, LOOK, IT’S AN ALIEN!” He yelped, pointing away.
“WHAT? WHERE?” The teacher followed his direction, only for the Inkling sophomore to shove him in and slam the heavy door closed. Over the sound of the science instructor’s pleading shouts, Lee heard the clangoring noise of the electronic locks safely sealing everyone inside.
With that, the campus was left completely and utterly deserted. The only sign of life left as the alien threat loomed ever closer was Lee. Nobody could see, and nobody would know about the always timid, soft spoken young man.
Glasses clutched in his hand, head raised, shoulders cocked back, he boldly looked toward the oncoming assault. Everybody is safe, I can go stop this.
The brave Inkling didn’t get far out of the school courtyard before he was suddenly ambushed. Two hulking monstrous machines belonging to the alien army dropped directly in front of his path. His reflex was to raise his fists, ready for a fight, only to be swooped upon by a pair of aviary automatons. Surrounded on all sides; even the quickest of quick thinking wouldn’t be able to save him.
The extraterrestrial weapons trained their sights on him. Then, without warning, they fired beams of raw energy directly at him; energy so blisteringly hot they would disintegrate him right on the spot.
Or did they?
If the machines could feel surprise, they would as there was no anticipating their target leaping high into the air, and out of the way of their attack. One of them couldn’t react in time to being pelted by a rapid blasting of ink. As it fell to the counterattack, the rest of them seemed to stare forward, finding the child they attacked had transformed.
Just before the beams struck him, Lee activated his secret weapon. Pinned to his ear was a most wonderful device; one psychically linked to his mind that triggered in one-one billionths of a micro-instant. At the call of “WONDER EYES INKLING!” he donned an all-too familiar burning red costume, only something was distinctly different.
His stance, and the way he gripped a pair of Inkopolis Defense Force issued .96 Gal ink shooters was so much more powerful than ever before. As the one machine began to succumb to the ink spreading through its system, Lee made a declaration.
“I’m a special combat agent of the Inkopolis Defense Force planetary secret service, secret weapon designated for combating extraterrestrial invasion.” As he spoke, the mech fell to its side. “Codename: Wonder Inkling... Junior!” Just as he finished, the robot punctuated his introduction by exploding in a mighty fireball.
Without sparing a moment for their fallen comrade, the three remaining automatons launched another assault.
The empowered boy dodged with great agility, retaliating with super charged shots from his dual weapons. As they failed to hit him and began to succumb to his ink shots, he proposed diplomatically. “Lay down your arms invaders, come peacefully and we won't have to use force!”
One of them remained standing. Camouflaged just long enough by the explosions of its fellow robotic brethren, it moved to attack Lee.
In a flash, it was halted by a pink streak of light delivering a powerful punch. The first hit sent the machine reeling off its feet, followed by a speedy second jab. The strike smashed clean through its metallic carapace, annihilating it just like the rest.
The new arrival was clothed in the same super powered exoskeleton and identity concealing mask as Lee. Only they were colored in flashy, passionate pink. The sight of the suddenly appearing costumed entity made Lee clench his fists tight against his sides and laugh. “Heh-eh, Mom, you made it!” Watching her turn to face him with a skeptical glance made him suddenly remember their decorum. He cleared his throat, straightened his posture, and saluted. “uh-ah-he-hum, thank you for coming, Wonderful One leading the Inkopolis Defense Force Field Operations, codename: Wonder Inkling!”
Her expression softened, and she couldn’t help but giggle. His abrupt eagerness to adopt this superhero persona he created was so charming. “Ara ara, oh honey, it’s so cute when you act like such a little hero!” A mighty clank sounded as she clapped her shining golden colored gauntlets together.
“Tsk, Mom…” He muttered at her fawning.
Just then, a serious, commanding voice buzzed over their communicating radios. “Come in Wonder Inkling Senior and Junior; the aliens are attacking the city. They’re converging on Inkopolis Tower. Make your way to Shee-Booyah as soon as possible.”
It was such a feat that in an instant, the peaceful city could be transformed into a warzone. I.D.F. jets rumbled across the sky while fights with earthbound enemies could be seen on the way to the center of town.
“Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.” Janine punched her open hand with her fist. “Ready to go? Partner?”
Standing at her side, Lee readied his pair of super shooters. “I’m right here, ready for anything!” Thinking back; recalling the hours upon days upon weeks of convincing it took to get her to reconsider her decision of ending their ties to the Inkopolis Defense Force and fighting the invaders. Now, they were back in action.
Further fueled by his vigor, the maternal woman said, “That’s my boy. Wonder Inkling, and Wonder Inkling Jr!”
She held out her hand, to which Lee leapt up to smack his own against hers. With their energies combined, the two merged together into the towering form of Unite Kraken.
With their wonderful power surging through their invincible transformation, the Squidly family yelled together. “Team, unite up!” and they charged into battle.
THE END....?
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Getting back on the ball. Welcome to Echolantis! As always featuring @inklingleesquidly / @mega-meathead
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((COVER ART by @pink-inkling ))
Lee Squidly is taking a bold new step in his life. He’s starting his first job and what luck that he got employment at Hikaru Electric.His job caring for the prized herd of Zapfish sounds amazing– but not everything is always what it seems. With the aid of a spunky little zapfish named Baby, Lee will uncover some rather unsavory things at Inkopolis’s #1 provider of power and electricity. Can a simple bottom rung employee like him change things for the better? Find out!
Featuring @amitheinkling‘s squid
Combined Word Length: 19,938 words
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Zap Recap
Lee Squidly is taking a bold new step in his life. He’s starting his first job and what luck that he got employment at Hikaru Electric.His job caring for the prized herd of Zapfish sounds amazing– but not everything is always what it seems. With the aid of a spunky little zapfish named Baby, Lee will uncover some rather unsavory things at Inkopolis’s #1 provider of power and electricity. Can a simple bottom rung employee like him change things for the better? Find out!
Featuring @amitheinkling‘s Ami
<< CH3
Word Count: 4,939 wirds
Word Count: 1,380 words
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Cell: ( Well, now I feel really small…) An idea I had of Lee showing Amber Cell. Enjoy
Lee © @inklingleesquidly Amber © @flameeliwood Cell © me
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The Neo Squid sisters! Behold, the punk era of Splatoon B)/////
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ART by @flameeliwoodart
Call it cowardice if you want but I think a total team wipe is a good excuse to go go go.
If you enjoy the Pocket Sized Sillies please Like & RB. It really helps out.
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ART by @flameeliwoodart
Call it cowardice if you want but I think a total team wipe is a good excuse to go go go.
If you enjoy the Pocket Sized Sillies please Like & RB. It really helps out.
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ART by @flameeliwoodart
Ty Tentam is the kind of guy who thinks he's cooler than he actually is, even though he is pretty cool to start with.
If you enjoy the Pocket Sized Sillies then please consider giving a Like or RB. It really helps.
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Lee Squidly is taking a bold new step in his life. He’s starting his first job and what luck that he got employment at Hikaru Electric.His job caring for the prized herd of Zapfish sounds amazing– but not everything is always what it seems. With the aid of a spunky little zapfish named Baby, Lee will uncover some rather unsavory things at Inkopolis’s #1 provider of power and electricity. Can a simple bottom rung employee like him change things for the better? Find out!
Featuring @amitheinkling‘s Ami
<< CH2 / CH4>>
Word Count:4,298 words
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Lee Squidly is taking a bold new step in his life. He’s starting his first job and what luck that he got employment at Hikaru Electric.His job caring for the prized herd of Zapfish sounds amazing– but not everything is always what it seems. With the aid of a spunky little zapfish named Baby, Lee will uncover some rather unsavory things at Inkopolis’s #1 provider of power and electricity. Can a simple bottom rung employee like him change things for the better? Find out!
Featuring @amitheinkling‘s Ami
<< CH1 / CH3>>
Word Count: 5,587 words
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Here's a fun and fantastic commission I got from
The Wonder Inklings return from a long hiatus for another alien busting operation! While Janine handles the enemy, Lee takes care of signaling for civilian evacuations
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