A fetish RP blog starring a majority of the New Squidbeak Splatoon! Profile pic and banner by sizable-SFM AUs available in pinned post.
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And Eight did. Eating the cakes with the same ease that she did as when she was on empty. Feeding Three at the same back and forth rate she did earlier. “If you think I have a bottomless gut we should do this with Acht. It would take both of us to fill them up!”
"Well to be fair on Acht's part, aren't they, you know, bigger than both of us?" The Captain tried to remember how big the Sanitized DJ was, as it's been a long time since she had seen them.
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“I-I guess!” Eight said her face now a bright red. Patting her stomach as she tried her best to gauge how full she was. “I could go for a few more….”
"Then I'll make sure it's a few dozen~" The Captain continued her teasing with a quick wink.
Once the two were done with the cakes that the Captain had purchased earlier, she had spent no hesitation going back to the cake shop that Eight told her about earlier and purchasing another two dozen cakes just like she said she would before heading back with them. She could have gone for three dozen, thus keeping her few dozen comment… But best not to push it unless Eight actually had room in her gut if she could actually eat the extra two dozen the Captain bought for her.
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Eight blushed at the prospect. “I-I told you I can eat more than I look. That only becomes a larger amount of food the larger I get.” She noted as she had been eating quite a bit ever since she joined up with Pearl and Marina.
"So let me get this straight… Get you another two dozen cakes when we're done here~" The Captain teased with a grin. She may not be able to flirt her way out of a paper bag, but by cod can she tease the heck out of her lover~
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Eight wasn’t slowing down at all. Whether it be the second cake or the seventh cake. Dozens of silces being swallowed as her belly bloated out. “Mmmmmm URRPPPPP! ‘Scuse me.”
"Don't worry about it." The Captain reassured with a chuckle, holding back a belch of her own before she continued. "Though shell, at the rate you're eating, I might actually have to buy more cakes just for you."
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8s massive appetite already was showing as she gulped slice after slice down. Her belly wobbling each time she gulped with it puffing out a tiny bit. After the first cake for her was done she made sure to feed her first cake for 3.
Though unlike Eight, the Captain's belly wasn't puffing out at all with each slice that she was fed - when it came to the first cake anyway, but that probably thanks to how much bigger she was compared to Eight. From there, the two of them went back and forth; with the Captain feeding Eight a single cake followed by Eight feeding the Captain a single cake until each and every single one of them was polished off.
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“Guess we’re both bad with choices like this. Not I’m complaining.” Eight said as she leaned back. Fully ready for Three go start stuffing slices into her mouth.
It took a bit to get into a proper position - thanks to her being bigger than Eight - but once she got herself ready, the Captain didn't hesitate; grabbing hold of one slice after another and feeding each slice to Eight ever so carefully. Didn't want to waste a single crumb after all!
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8 passed a small note with the places location on it. Giving 3 a kiss for luck.
To which Three returns with giving Eight a kiss on the cheek, waiting for the Octoling to move aside, and once she does, she immediately heads to the location of the cake shop written down on the note… Cod, there were so many choices. Chocolate, vanilla, carrot, red velvet… Which in the heck should she choose? Seeing all these options was more than enough to cause her stomach to grumble and growl in hunger, making the Captain pat it a couple of times to calm it down. But after enough indesciveness, she finally made up her mind to buy a couple dozen - well, four dozen to be exact, two dozen for herself and two dozen for Eight - cakes. Sure it took awhile, but that was to be expected given the amount she ordered.
But after receiving her order, paying the right amount and finding a mode of transport for the cakes themselves, it didn't take long for Three to return to Eight's side.
"I wasn't sure which to get, so I got an assortment of them. Some for me." The Captain explained why she came back with so many. Though it was here, time to really show if Eight could actually match up to the Captain's appetite~
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People keep liking this repost and it's got me in the mood to send the skinny variant of my Three to beeg Agent 8s again-
Very beeg-
This is what octo expansion means right?
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“Well..:I’ve always had a bigger stomach than I look. You know that.” 8 was a few dozen pounds lighter than her partner. In truth she could probably eat as much as 3 if she wanted.
"Guess I know how many cakes to get." The Captain chuckled. "Go ahead and give me the number or location of the place."
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With how much our Captain has progressed in weight. I can only imagine how titanic they’ll be by the next new game.
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“Well…I could give you the place and those cakes can be your gift to me.” 8 offered as a compromise. “I’m plenty hungry from going on that shopping trip.”
"Well then, let me ask you this…" The Captain began. "How many cakes do you think you can handle?"
Geez, looks like the Captain wants to pay Agent 8 back in a big way after she got those chocolates for her.
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After the box of chocolates was finished up. Agent 8 patted 3s belly with a smile. “I know you said I didn’t need to get you a gift. But I do know place that I could get a cake or…five on short notice.”
"I would say yes… But it's not fair that you got me something for Valentine's while I'm empty handed." The Captain seemingly denied the offer before clearing things up. "Doesn't mean I won't accept the offer later though, Eight."
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8 swallowed as well and giggled. “Pearl told me about that one…she went further in her explanation. But the demonstration only went that far.”
"Honestly, I'm not surprised but also thankful that the demonstration only went that far." Three breathed a sigh of relief, having a hunch that the demonstration Pearl gave could've gone… Into much further detail.
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8 pressed her lips against 3s and tried her best to wrap their tongues together. Mixing the tastes of the two chocolates before winking as a signal to swallow.
However, this was something that Eight had to take the lead in doing as well. The Captain still wasn't exactly… The best kisser in the world, far from it. But she did manage to notice the signal and swallowed down her own chocolate.
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Thankfully 8 didn’t missed and landed it right on 3s tongue. “Hold on. Don’t swallow it yet.” She said as she stuck her own tongue out. Placing a chocolate on it with a smile.
This simply caused a subtle chuckle to come from Three, her doing her best to smile as well whilst waiting for Eight's signal for them both to swallow down. She was the one who initiated it after all!
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“Both.” Agent 8 bluntly replied as she took another chocolate. “Open wide. I have better aim when the target isn’t me.”
Hearing that was more than enough to send a shiver up the Captain's non-existent spine. Cod… Once again, she didn't want to imagine what Pearl was talking about. So instead, she took Eight's word and opened her mouth, making sure she was more than ready to catch the chocolate just in case Eight somehow missed.
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Agent 8 gulps the chocolate down and plucks the chocolate she lost out. Eating it as well. “Bad to waste chocolate. Marina kept saying that. Pearl…said something else about chocolate I’d rather not repeat.”
"Knowing Pearl, that's either swearing or her life outside of being an idol alongside Marina." The Captain assumed with a roll of the eyes, not wanting to even think about what Pearl could be talking about if it wasn't swearing.
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