#Prom Night at the Plaza
lizaluvsthis · 5 months
A Chamber of Burning Souls - Chapter 1
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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Summary: It's Prom and everyone is invited to celebrate at Square Plaza, having no partners left to find. SMG4 and SMG3 both paired together.
With Four having no experience of what Prom is at all, he happens to find himself binded with his ex rival filled with complicated thoughts.
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sun and Moon, fluff, romance, drama, hurt/comfort, angst, gay fruits are real, LOVE IS IN THE AIR YALL
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG4
Mario & SMG4
Mario & SMG3
Bob & Mario
Chapter: 1 - A Night Bring Out
thus the sun has continued to set from the horizon as four is calmly watching the view afar, the cold breeze blew through his hair sitting outside.
"SMG4?" Mario called his bestfriend, seeing him sitting on a chair admiring the view. Mario snuck behind him, distracted "still having those gay thoughts?" He chuckled, making four bounce from his chair with a light scare from the fat italian.
"N-No I'm not!" He brushed off the dirt from his blue colored suit. Man does he love how his formal attire looked, where he can move freely and relaxed.
"You sureee????" "Yes I am." He looked away from Mario with a light pink faded blush surrounding his face. "Have you uhh found a partner?" SMG4 looked at Mario.
"I'm with bob, he said his girlfriend can't attend" "what about the others?" "Hmmmmmm" Mario did his best to remember the pairings from his team.
"Meggy is in pairs with Tari, Saiko is with Kaizo since they're both hosting a side played oncore songs, Boopkins is- he's with his waifu bed, Chris with Swag, Melony is just- sleeping-" figures. Melony is always too tired whenever she's awake, but for some reason- it feels like he won't be getting in partners with anyone else...
"Andd uhhh for Luigi- luigi is-" SMG4 shot a glance of the familiar green colored signature and ran. "Hey! SMG4?" Mario saw Four rush out of there and got back from the room to talk to luigi.
"Hey! Luigi..." "wah? SMG4? What is it?" "Do you want to be partners with me for prom?" Luigi eye-d to another side and furrowed his eyes giving him a smile. "Oh- uh- sorry SMG4 I'm already left partners with someone..."
"Oh come on! I bet I can still be as good as that partner this is bullsh-t!" SMG4 cursed out loud, hearing something approach to him was a giant... lizard-?
"Ahe- ahem!" SMG4 gulped looking upwards to reveal, it was bowser out of all people. He was tossed by a massive force by bowser across the room, with no one to notice.
"Ow..." his back couldn't move after cracking a wall. "SMG4! Are you okay?!" The voice sounded nothing like Mario, a man reached out a hand to help him get up.
"Yes I'm..." He paused, looking up to see the person. SMG3... his former ex rival... a 'friend'... is there to attend the prom as well.
He stared at his face for a moment, and boy how he felt something inside him flutter and beat. "I'm alright..." He finally gave him a reply, getting back up from the floor acting like nothing happened.
"You got yourself tossed in that room dude- you sure you're alright?" SMG4 felt distracted by looking at his 'friend' from top to bottom.
He had his hair up in a bun, (honestly- when did he missed out the part he had long hair?) His looks are still the same but it came out more handsome than the last time he saw him without a hat on, his dark purple silk suit that the light reflects on the shades, he was wearing a different gloves that has the usual roman numeral but with white color text with black gloves filled.
His magenta necktie, his long black pants, shining clean black shoes that exposed from his view. Since WHEN did SMG3 became this more of a neat character to get so- well dressed...?
Or its just four not knowing how fashion works-
"Yeah I'm hurt a little bit but I'll be fine-" he gave him a nervous chuckle, not wanting three to feel worried of him. SMG3 wanted to speak about this but he didn't find the urge to do so. Now that his soft spot might reveal a bit too much.
"You got invited too huh?" SMG3 nodded. "I uhh- couldn't find a decent partner to pair up with... not even when I enjoy less party talks yet I still come here..." He looked at the other of the members who are currently talking with the other people.
"You haven't- found a pair yet?" SMG4 asked again, he wondered why Three even came here despite knowing that he hates occassional events except for evil villain anniversaries or such as getting paid.
But for just this time, he attended anyway. "No I haven't... thats why I'm asking several of the people here- but they all already found one..." SMG3 hugged his stomach, the felt of discomfort attempting on asking for someone to be his partner and didn't work out too well when you're bad at talking in public.
More as of being socially awkward to people that gave out his anxiety... but to SMG4 however, he felt safe to be around with yet he wasnt even sure why.
His ex rival just felt too safe to be with, he didnt have complains for that. It felt nice...
Because he'd never felt needed by any other people from his life...
SMG4 is unsure at this state he's on with, he struggled and hesitated to put out the words of apologizing. He wasn't used to this type of sensitive talk.
"I also haven't found mine yet-" he started to stare at those red crimson eyes... "do you... want to be partners with me instead?" Out of the ordinary, SMG3's face lit up after hearing SMG4 say that.
Did he just hear this right. Is it actually true that Four is asking him out to be his... his... HIS... he turned red second by second.
"I-I uhh... Yeah sure whatever- just try not to mess things up- you baka..." the blue held out his hand for three to grab on, as four smiled still with three on being a tsundere. It never gets old.
Three accepted, embracing his left hand with four colliding in. With now both fingers interlocked, that was purposely done by SMG4.
"Dude- are you TRYING to make things look even more gayer?" SMG3 looked down at both of the hands then back to the man himself.
"Just- incase..." SMG4 pouted, he couldn't come up with a reason. He did this on purpose and he'd been making it a bit more awkward with this between just him and three.
The chattering went low as the host made his way out of the door and welcomed everyone.
"Welcome to the square plaza everyone! We are so excited to gather you all for our occasional prom! Now go out there and get yourself started!"
He offered to everyone by stepping aside from the open door, being a gentleman to let everyone inside.
"Well... here it goes..." SMG4 walked forward as Three followed a few steps near, little did four know is that Three kept glancing at their interlocked hands together thinking the forms of something special...
Something... something that also made SMG4 feel the same but more tensed...
SMG4 couldn't process much of the things that are currently happening to him right now. Why has this have to go very wrong yet right at the same time? Why did he have to come even tho he didn't want to?
He'd started to overthink with all of his actions that he had made. In regret...
(Why did I even came here... I should've stayed at the castle...) He clinched the hand even tighter, holding Three's.
But it had made him thought, for any other reasons it somehow made him feel glad that he was there.
"Good evening everyone! We are all gathered here for a special event- aka prom." The other host guestured their hand with the obvious sign.
"The dance will begin at 7pm, just to say you can go talk to any other people here or have some snacks while everyone enjoys their stay!" The microphone turns off, entering a soothing audio played in the background.
-A Night To Remember by beabadoobee & Laufey-
The man in purple looked at the sparkling chandelier placed right on top of the ceiling the lights that glimmered through the glass.
Swore I'd seen you before
Within the atmosphere flowing through the colors of pink, red, and purple. Mixtures of blue, the colors fading through the room.
Watched you walk through the door
The beam of light, shining across Four's face with an escape of the light. Reflecting through his blue colored eyes that took notice of the red ones.
Somethin' in your eye
Reminded me of somebody I used to know
Damn... SMG4 looked glorious... he hated that...
Three's eyes happen to gaze upon to Four's with the room surrounded by the soft sounds, they both met each others eyes.
You touched my back
I took your hand
Somethin' from your touch felt shockingly familiar
He didn't know what that feeling was, it just felt right for him to do. If this would only be only focused to him, where would his thoughts go?
And I swore I'd seen you before
Oh, I swore I'd seen you before...
They both felt so lost, but being there together with him?
Underneath the sheets
You enchanted me
And whispered sweet nothings in my ear
It felt romantic...
I shivered beneath you
All wrapped up in embers
It was a night... to remem-
"Is it just me or are you both staring goo goo eyes at each other thats super gay-" The fat italian called them both out ruinimg their silence.
"SHUT UP YOU ASS" SMG3 looked at Mario annoyed, he who had ruined their moment. "We're not gay!" SMG4 cried out loud, with the crowd bringing their attention from his scream. He smiled to fill out the apology trying his best not to disrupt them.
SMG4 turned his head back to Mario and eyed Three. "It seemed like it-" he shrugged his shoulder, drinking an orange juice from the cup.
"Look you idiot- I came here to get over with the party. I'm not saying I'm a party pooper in this, I was only trying to..." he gave a pregnant pause after realizing that he had almost revealed his words to him.
"To- uh- not miss out on the occassions and stuff..." his eyes darted towards Mario after he shot up his eyes with Four.
He checked the time...
6:55 pm
Almost seven o-clock before the dance begins, and just being in there with him... it felt like time passes by too quickly by seconds...
"Oh! I think I should go now- Mario wishes you two gay boys goodluck!" He puts a thumbs up to the both of them and headed to Bob's direction.
The two looked at each other in disbelief, had they both been staring too long? Did the song dragged them away into this...?
How can this be?
SMG4 is unsure, he was too scared about this feeling. Little does he know is that Three also scattered with the same thing as well...
End of Chapter 1...
Previous Chapter - Prologue
Next Chapter - Sway me More [PENDING...]
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tightjeansjavi · 1 year
The Hills Have Eyes
A Dieter Bravo Story
Dieter Bravo x f!bestfriend reader x oc wife
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A/N: so idk why Dieter decided to infiltrate my dreams last night but am I complaining? NAH cause here comes yet another idea that is going to rot my brain away! Y’all are gonna have to be patient because I don’t intend on having the first chapter out until July (the latest) also, face claim for Dieter’s wife is Aubrey Plaza. They give me bi panic, okay? 😰 The plot is plotting for this one and honestly? I’m so fricken excited (my other WIPS are not excited however)
Summary: Dieter Bravo has been your best friend since you were kids. He was your first kiss, first everything. He was your prom date and most definitely your first love. Dieter never grew the balls to officially ask you out. After graduating senior year of high-school together, Dieter dives head first into Hollywood. He lands a breakout role and he’s all that the tabloids can talk about. Years later you’re soon to be married to your long term boyfriend, until you catch him in bed with one of your own friends. Heartbroken and seeking comfort, you reach out to Dieter, who graciously invites you to his home tucked away in the Hollywood Hills. The second you see a ring on his finger, your heart sinks. Is everything all that it truly seems?
Warnings: angst, pining, heartbreak, typical Hollywood scandals, Dieter is in an open relationship with his wife, things get messy and complicated, drinking, drug use, paparazzi invading privacy, FWB, excessive partying, eventual smut, toxic relationship sprinkled in here and there, Dieter isn’t unhappy in his marriage, he just feels like there’s something missing, reader has never been exposed to the Hollywood lifestyle before, (+18) minors dni! I will add more warnings if necessary! My brain is blanking so I’m sorry if I missed some!
Sneak Peek below the cut
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“You’re married?” Your heart sinks deep in the pit of your stomach when you see the shiny gold ring on Dieter’s ring finger. It shimmers in the light and he looks down at it like he’s never seen it before.
“Oh, this? Uh, yeah. I am married.” He shrugs like it’s the most casual thing that he could possibly say. “Does that surprise you, sweet cheeks? Don’t fret. My wife and I are in an open relationship. You wouldn’t believe the amount of Hollywood couples that are totally banging friends and strangers left and right. It happens way more often than you think.” He winked.
“Where is your wife now?”
“Morocco? Spain? Dunno actually. Last I heard she was in Greece. We really only see each other for big events and shit like that.”
“It doesn’t bother you..or anything?”
“Bother me? No, not at all my sweets. She does whatever she wants, with who she wants, when she wants. As long as it stays private. I do the same. It’s a win win situation babe.”He gingerly brought his arm around your shoulders, giving you a warm side hug as he gestured for you to follow him into his extravagant home. “Enough about me, my dear. I’ll make us some drinks, and you can tell me all about that no good rotten son of a bitch ex fiancée, and that backstabbing cunt of a friend. Extra dirty martinis makes everything better, baby. Trust me.”
This summer with your best friend, was about to get extra interesting.
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storiesfabled · 2 months
@cehcelia asked: “ everything’s gonna be okay, i promise. just tell me where you are, okay? and i’ll come and get you right this second. “
Tears stained cheeks that were red both from anger and the effects of the drinks she'd had earlier. The night wasn't supposed to go like this. It was her senior prom; it was supposed to be magical. Instead, it had turned into a nightmare. And the first person she'd called had not been Bobby or Athena, but Cecelia. Because she knew the brunette wouldn't ask too many questions or judge the teen for anything that had happened that night.
"I'm at the hotel on Laramie. Next to that one shopping plaza we always go to." The words came out choppy, broken up by the occasional sob eking its way out of her mouth. "Please hurry. I just want to get out of here." And far, far away from the scene she'd just witnessed between her boyfriend and her sworn enemy.
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untakenroadss · 9 months
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(aubrey plaza, she/her/hers, cisfemale) who is  JOHANNA TORRES anyways? ew. you don’t know about HER, we’ll bet you want to. they’re feeling FORTY and WATCHING TRUE CRIME DOCUMENTARIES feels like a perfect night to them. rumor has it they’re SELF-CENTERED and  CLOSED-OFF because they care, but they’re also AMBITIOUS and HARD-WORKING in the best way. SHE works to make a little money as a RADIOLOGIST-TURNED MEDICAL SCHOOL LECTURER. they’ve rented a place on cornelia street in the form of A PENTHOUSE. 'TIS THE DAMN SEASON (A) is the song they could dance to the beat of forevermore.  (tw for some homophobia, comphet, very minor mentions of religion, and for cancer in the backstory portion!)
full name: johanna marie torres nicknames: pretty much everyone just calls her jo. joey was her dad's nickname for her, so she's a bit leery of it now (but 'tis the damn season muse B probably can get away with it.) gender/pronouns: cisfemale/she/her/hers sexual orientation: she's like super gay, dude. birthday: october 28th. star sign: scorpios are known to be brave, ambitious, direct...emotional and temperamental. occupation: lecturer/professor at columbia university roy and diana vagelos college of physicians and surgeons. specifically, she teaches 1st and 2nd year medical students anatomy. character inspo: like if addison montgomery (grey's anatomy) & dr. gregory house (house md) had a baby
positive traits: driven, honest, loyal, courageous, empatthetic. negative traits: jealous, stubborn, sometimes brutally honest, holds grudges, secretive. hogwarts house: i know jkr sucks and we do not claim her but the she is a slytherin. alignment: neutal evil. ennegram: 8w9. personality type: istp.
jo was an accident. a product of a prom night fiasco, jo was born to a teen not ready to be a mom...and her dad. her parents never married, but they tried. it turned out, motherhood wasn't for her mom and she skipped town before jo was six months old, leaving her in the very capable hands of her father, joseph.
jo grew up a bit of a daddy's girl. her father didn't know how to braid hair or bake cookies, but he did his best. and along with their extended family, jo grew up healthy and happy. she played sports and did girl scouts, danced ballet and tried the piano for two months, and her dad was there for all of it.
her hometown was small. everyone knew everyone else. in some ways, that was a good thing. jo had a plethora of neighbors and family friends willing to pick up the slack when her father pulled a double at the local automobile factory. but sometimes, it wasn't such a good thing. like when she was twelve and she admitted to liking another girl for the first time and her grandmother heard the rumor at church, of all places, and nearly disowned her.
she learned fairly quickly that in her catholic household, it was best to just...not say gay. so she didn't. she buried that part of her deep down, figuring she just hadn't found the right guy yet. because she couldn't stand the thought that her dad might not look at her the same way if he knew the truth.
jo and 'tis the damn season muse b grew up together. they were best friends, attached at the hip, and largely considered a package deal by their classmates. at first, jo thought it was just the kind of best friendship you saw in movies or read about in books, but as they got older, it got harder and harder to deny what she felt for muse b. so she buried it.
she was a junior in high school when muse b kissed her for the first time. after years of trying to fit herself into a certain box, jo finally felt that spark she'd been dreaming about since she was a little kid. it changed everything for her. she planned to go to college with muse b away from their stifling hometown, but in-state. she was going to be brave. she was going to risk everything.
but then something happened. plans changed. muse b changed their mind. she was going to stay in their hometown, the town jo knew she couldn't be fully herself in. so she ran.
initially, jo was going to study business in college. it seemed like a solid, no-nonsense plan that left a lot of doors open...but plans changed when she got a middle-of-the-night call from her grandmother telling her that her dad was sick.
it turned out that jo's father had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. she dropped everything to come home and care for the man who raised her like he had when she was a kid. his life expectancy was one year due to the spread. he made it eight months. it was the worst eight months of jo's life.
but it did spur her on towards pursuing a career in medicine. the doctors who'd cared for her dad were some of the kindest, most compassionate people jo has ever met. so she returned to UCLA with a new plan. she got her bachelor's degree in biology and went on to attend UCLA's david geffen school of medicine.
at first, jo thought that she'd pursue hematology/oncology after medical school, but during interview season, she decided that radiology was actually a better fit for her. she didn't have to deliver the bad news, but she got to help catch the big, bad things that killed people. win/win.
she completed her residency in radiology in santa clara, california...a year late. she had to take time off for the birth of her son when she was twenty-eight.
she met jake's father as an intern. he was a senior internal medicine resident, and then an attending physician, at kaiser permanente. once again, jo found herself falling into the expectations set for her. she didn't love him, not really, but after a particularly brutal 48 hour call and a few too many dinks, they'd hooked up. nine months later, they welcomed their son. twelve months later, they got married, because that was just what you did.
her husband is a good guy, but he's also a workaholic. he expected jo to become a stay-at-home mom once they had their son, and that just was not happening. jake had a nanny, but he also had two loving (if busy) parents. he's very well adjusted.
the combination of both halves of the marriage being workaholics and jo being, well, gay meant that their marriage has been on the rocks for quite some time. jo didn't return to her hometown often, but when she did, it was oftentimes without her husband and jake. they were short trips. she usually avoided muse b...but they've definitely had a few run-ins during the years.
jo's husband cheated on her. that was her excuse for the separation, anyway. jo herself had been cheating on him for years. she got good at hiding it, but she wasn't able to hide it when her husband caught her at his female best friend (and former college roommate's) hotel room.
now, jo's back in new york, albeit not in her tiny hometown upstate. she tells people she's back because her absentee mother showed back up in her life...only because she'd passed away, too.
apparently, jo's mom did give a shit about her enough to creep on her social media...and leave a fairly sizeable inheritance for jake.
jo and her son are back in town. her estranged husband is still in california (for now). what could possibly go wrong?
someone bring me anna kendrick. i just think they'd be a hilarious duo as pretty much whatever context, but think of them in "mike and dave need wedding dates".
or like. bring me kristen stewart. because why were they not endgame in happiest season, exactly???
i need the meredith grey to her cristina yang.
and the shauna to jo's tai. a little unhinged but supportive yk?
or! bring me the van to jo's tai!
jake's twelve now, but since they're fairly new to nyc, maybe some of the twenty-somethings want some extra cash by babysitting???
she probably needs a beard because her grandmother is still kicking and has no fucking clue she's as gay as they day is long. applications are open.
if anyone wants to bring jo's hubby i picture him as a pretty decent guy but just kind of a workaholic. it's totally up to you whether he knew that jo had been having trysts for about five years now or if he only found out because of the best friend ordeal. i think in jo's mind they're separated but she probably bailed fairly quickly so like...maybe they're not, actually.
...you could also bring said best friend who jo was probably honestly half in love with for real. female version of mcsteamy, for those so inclined.
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yahoo201027 · 11 months
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Day in Fandom History: August 24…
Rad's reputation is on the line when he hosts prom on the plaza, but with Rad's cousin, later Raymond, invades the event, it's up to K.O. to be both the hero of the night and Rad's reputation altogether. “Plaza Prom” premiered on this day, 6 Years Ago.
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legacyonelimo · 1 month
Dallas Black Car and Limo Service: A Complete Guide
There is a high demand for opulent and dependable transportation in Dallas, Texas, a prosperous town noted for its lively social scene, strong business climate, and vibrant culture. With their unmatched convenience, luxury, and style, limo and black car services have become essential parts of this scene for both locals and tourists. These services offer a combination of style and efficiency that distinguishes them from more conventional modes of transportation, whether they are being used for business travel, special occasions, or simply an upgraded travel experience.
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The Allure of Black Car and Limo Services
The power to elevate regular travel to an amazing experience is the appeal of limo and black car services. The following are some of the main explanations behind Dallas's strong demand for these services:
Comfort and Luxury
Black car and limousine services are closely associated with luxury. The cars include luxurious interiors, air conditioning, cutting-edge entertainment systems, and other features that make travelling pleasurable. These services provide a setting that is both restful and productive, whether you're travelling to a business meeting or a glamorous event.
Professionalism and Dependability
A defining characteristic of black car and limousine services is their dedication to professionalism. Chauffeurs receive extensive training in both driving and customer service. They take care of the smooth journey, confidentiality, and punctuality so that travellers may concentrate on their activities rather than the details of getting where they're going.
For every traveller, safety is the top priority. The upkeep of their vehicles and the education of their drivers come first for limo and black car services. Regular inspections and maintenance are performed on vehicles, and drivers go through extensive background checks and training courses.
Black car and limo services are available around-the-clock and provide unmatched convenience. These services can meet your schedule, whether you require a late-night ride home from a special event or an early-morning shuttle to the airport. They also take care of everything, including parking and navigation, making the trip hassle-free.
Popular Uses for Limo and Black Car Services
Applications for black car and limousine services in Dallas are numerous and serve a range of purposes and events.
Business travel
Time is a precious resource for business workers and corporate executives. While travelling to meetings, conferences, or the airport, one can work, make calls, or just unwind in the mobile office that limo and black car services offer. These services' professionalism and dependability contribute to the seamless execution of corporate transactions.
Airport Transfers
Getting around crowded airports can be challenging. This worry is reduced by limo and black car services, which provide prompt and effective airport transfers. To ensure a smooth transition from aircraft to vehicle, chauffeurs keep an eye on flight schedules, make necessary adjustments for delays, and offer curbside assistance with luggage.
Special Events
Glamour is added to any occasion when a limousine or black automobile arrives, whether it's a wedding, prom, gala, or concert. These services offer an opulent and fashionable mode of transportation, contributing to the making of important occasions unforgettable.
Dallas has a lot to offer visitors, including the historic Dealey Plaza and the Dallas Museum of Art. By employing limo and black car services, visitors can improve their touring experience and take in the city's attractions in comfort and style.
Important Suppliers in Dallas
A number of Dallas-based limo and black car service companies have made a name for themselves in the market by providing outstanding customer service and high-quality fleet vehicles. Here are a few well-known businesses:
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Dallas Limo and Black Car Service
This company provides services for corporate travel, airport transfers, and special events. It is well-known for its large fleet of limos, SUVs, and sedans. Many people choose them because of their attentive service and skilled drivers.
DFW Black Car Service: Acclaimed for its promptness and customer-focused methodology, DFW Black Car Service specializes in executive transportation and luxury airport transfers. They have a variety of expensive cars in their fleet, from town cars to opulent SUVs.
Legacy One Limo & Car Service
This company provides a wide range of services, such as corporate events, proms, weddings, and more. They have a solid reputation in the Dallas region thanks to their dedication to both safety and client happiness.
All Points Limousine
This adaptable service meets the demands of both individual and group travellers and focuses on offering customised transportation options. Party buses, premium sedans, and stretch limos are all part of their fleet.
Tips for Choosing a Limo or Black Car Service
In order to guarantee the most experience possible, take into account the following aspects while choosing a limo or black car service in Dallas:
Seek out service providers with a strong industry reputation and favourable evaluations. Online reviews and client endorsements might offer insightful information about the calibre of the service.
Fleet Quality
Verify that the provider has the kind of vehicle you require in its fleet by looking through it. A dependable service is shown by a fleet that is varied and well-maintained.
Although upscale transportation is more expensive, be sure the cost is reasonable and open to negotiation. Package discounts for special occasions or frequent travellers are provided by certain suppliers, and these might add value.
Customer service
It's essential to provide prompt, courteous service. Select a service provider who will listen to your needs and be accommodating of any last-minute modifications to your schedule.
Verify that the service provider complies with strict safety regulations, using cars that are appropriately licenced, insured, and driven by chauffeurs with professional training.
The Future of Limo and Black Car Services
Because of shifting consumer expectations and technological improvements, the limo and black car services industry is always changing. The use of innovations including eco-friendly car alternatives, real-time vehicle tracking, and app-based booking is growing in popularity. Providers are also emphasising the importance of loyalty programmes and customised services in improving the entire client experience.
Dallas's thriving cultural scene and growing commercial sector are likely to drive up demand for upscale transport services in the area. Providers will need to set themselves apart as the rivalry heats up with better services, cutting-edge products, and unwavering dedication to client happiness.
In summary
More than just a ride, Dallas limo and black car services offer an experience that combines elegance, practicality, and dependability. These services cater to the sophisticated traveler who appreciates efficiency and comfort, whether they are travelling for business or pleasure. Passengers can enhance their travel experience in the heart of Texas with a touch of sophistication by selecting the appropriate supplier, who will ensure a smooth and delightful journey.
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vesku56 · 2 months
Wrong number
How To Deal With Wrong Numbers
Leola Starling of Ribrock, Tenn, had a serious telephone problem. But unlike most people she did something about it.
The brand-new $10 million Ribrock Plaza Motel opened nearby and had acquired almost the same telephone number as Leola.
From the moment the motel opened, Leola was besieged by calls not for her. Since she had the same phone number for years, she felt that she had a case to persuade the motel management to change its number.
Naturally, the management refused claiming that it could not change its stationery.
The phone company was not helpful either. A number was a number, and just because a customer was getting someone else’s calls 24 hours a day didn’t make it responsible. After her pleas fell on deaf ears, Leola decided to take matters into her own hands.
At 9 o’clock the phone rang. Someone from Memphis was calling the motel and asked for a room for the following Tuesday. Leoloa said, “No problem. How many nights?”
A few hours later Dallas checked in. A secretary wanted a suite with two bedrooms for a week. Emboldened, Leola said the Presidential Suite on the 10th floor was available for $600 a night. The secretary said that she would take it and asked if the hotel wanted a deposit.
“No, that won’t be necessary,” Leola said. “We trust you.”
The next day was a busy one for Leola. In the morning, she booked an electric appliance manufacturers’ convention for Memorial Day weekend, a college prom and a reunion of the 82nd Airborne veterans from World War II.
She turned on her answering machine during lunchtime so that she could watch the O.J. Simpson trial, but her biggest challenge came in the afternoon when a mother called to book the ballroom for her daughter’s wedding in June.
Leola assured the woman that it would be no problem and asked if she would be providing the flowers or did she want the hotel to take care of it. The mother said that she would prefer the hotel to handle the floral arrangements. Then the question of valet parking came up. Once again Leola was helpful. “There’s no charge for valet parking, but we always recommend that the client tips the drivers.”
Within a few months, the Ribrock Plaza Motel was a disaster area.
People kept showing up for wedddings, bar mitzvahs and Sweet Sixteen parties and were all told there were no such events.
Leola had her final revenge when she read in the local paper that the motel might go bankrupt. Her phone rang, and an executive from Marriott said, “We’re prepared to offer you $200,000 for the motel.”
Leola replied. “We’ll take it, but only if you change the telephone number.”
Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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mood-board-requests · 2 months
hi!! i'm jules, i use she/her pronouns and this is my mood-board blog!!
i'm currently taking any and all requests for any and all fandoms including bands, songs, characters, albums, shows, movies, musicals, plays, etc!!
i will take requests for ocs but if your fandom is not something i have listed before please give me some background information so that i can find related images :)))
additionally, with oc requests please send a link to an image of your character so that i have a reference point to work from :))
in your ask feel free to request specific images (flowers/shoes/stars/etc) or colours (red/blue/yellow/etc) or quotes (things your character has said/book quotes/song lyrics) or anything else you can think of that you would like to be included in the mood-board!!
movies/tv shows/books (taking requests of characters too!)
maze runner
the hunger games
greek gods (any)
little women
bands/artists (taking requests of albums/songs too!)
good kid
artic monkeys
los campesinos
the white stripes
platinum moon
simple minds
wild cherry
green day
the cure
tears for fears
olivia rodrigo
billie eilish
taylor swift
musicals/plays (taking requests of characters/actors too!)
everybody's talking about jamie
in the heights
into the woods
the prom
school of rock
tick, tick, boom
dear evan hansen
a very potter musical (trilogy)
the guy who didn't like musicals
black friday
nerdy prudes must die
the last quiz night on earth
plaza suite
the children's hour
angels in america
all the little lights
punk rock
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lavyahairdesign · 10 months
5 Formal Hairstyles For Women
After you’ve chosen your formal outfit and perfect shoes, the last thing to do is finish off your look with a cute formal hairstyle. Whether you’re attending a wedding, prom night, or another special event, a chic and elegant updo will make you feel confident and look beautiful. From easy braided hairstyles to a sleek ponytail, these formal looks are guaranteed to wow your guests and take you to the next level of elegance.
Braids are one of the easiest and most popular formal hairstyles for women. They can be as simple or as complicated as you like, and they can easily be matched with your dress. You can try a small fishtail braid, or go big with a bold lemonade style. Braids are also a great way to add texture and volume to a high or low ponytail. To give your braids an extra special touch, wrap a piece of hair around the base of the elastic to conceal it.
This formal hairstyle is perfect for long, thick locks. Use a comb to smooth any knots and pin the rest of your hair in a low bun with a pearl clip. Leave a few strands of hair out in front to frame your face and complete the look.
If you have shorter hair, consider a loose half updo with a romantic boho flair. Gather a few small sections of your hair and tie them together in the shape of a triangle. Then, tuck the remainder of your hair into a low bun and leave a few strands hanging out for an ethereal look that will turn heads at your next formal event.
Embrace your inner princess with this glamorous updo. Start with a low bun and add a crown of flowers or jewels to the top. This beautiful look will match any dress and will make you feel like a princess on your special day.
For a more formal take on this style, try a low woven bun that features both a teased top section and a voluminous bottom. It’s easy to do and will look amazing with your dress and accessories.
This look is perfect for wavy or straight hair. Take a piece of your hair and weave it through the bottom of your ponytail. You can then secure the end with a bobby pin and tuck it underneath your bun.
Give your ponytail a formal twist with this updo. Tease your bangs and pull them back to create a classic pompadour look that is both sophisticated and on-trend.
Embrace your curls with this chic updo that’s perfect for all formal occasions. Pull your wavy locks into a low bun and add a pretty bow to complete the look. This style will match any dress and is the perfect formal hairstyle for black women.
Lavya Hair Design are your first choice for a Hairdresser in Toowoomba for modern hair cuts, crisp clean hair colours and naturally nourished hair.
Visit our brand new salon in Toowoomba Plaza near Kmart, where you can relax in style and be pampered whilst enjoying our affordable hair package deals.
0 notes
choonxie · 3 years
(not) a date
Part of the Twitter request series, first edition.
@niconiconina’s prompt: A high school / college reunion. (x)
"This isn't a date," you tell yourself for the twentieth time before the mirror, dressed in a baby blue blouse and white jeans. You are not dolling up, and you are not trying to impress anyone.
Deep down, you know a part of that isn't true, of course. Still fools you enough, though.
You only happened to pass by your old high school today on the way home. The detour was a nice change of pace, and colonial houses were refreshing after weeks of high-rise buildings. You even took pictures of everything.
He caught you taking a selfie with that old mural you did.
So did your four other friends. It made you flush in embarrassment, because there they go again, teasing the two of you with each other, like the good old times. He got better at taking it like a champ, while you still flounder badly and sputter admonishments you don't mean.
You always were the Team Mom of your quintet. Your "kids" often asked when they would finally have a "Dad", and you answered in the negative all the time.
Earlier, too, they asked you again. This time, he volunteered himself without any prompting. You wanted to crawl into a manhole.
One thing led to another, and before long, the six of you agreed to meet at the new bar that had just opened downtown— how much of the area has changed after you graduated, you wondered.
That's one major reason, in any case. The other is that you miss your friends. Right.
By the time you put an end to your musings, you've already done your hair and make-up, and for a moment, you imagine him whispering in your ear, "You look lovely tonight."
Oh, come on.
You put away your pretty tubes and palettes at once before you can think of anything else.
The bar is located at the northern end of the plaza, just opposite the public park— in the "heart of the city", as advertised. It used to be a small but popular hole-in-the-wall eatery that most of you frequented during after-school hours, but time goes on, as does life in the area.
How on earth they had managed to get a permit while being within a five-hundred meter radius from a conservative high school is beyond you, but its existence makes your friends happy, so you don't say anything.
He's smiling, too, nodding at their antics, and for a moment, your eyes meet.
"You look nice," he says. It's not the exact phrase from your addled imagination, but it makes your heart flutter anyway.
The inside is all cozy and warm and reminds you of late night conversations in a time when mobile phones were not yet a thing. Nostalgia is everywhere, from the carefully-curated news clippings and the many old records on display— some of your favorite songs from prom night, you realize.
You observe him surreptitiously. Does he remember, too?
"It's not a date," you stop yourself at once. You are only imagining that wistful glance at you.
The evening goes into full swing soon enough, as cocktails are ordered and downed faster than the speed of light— or is it more of you unable to keep up, head spinning after your first drink?
You really shouldn't have gotten whiskey on the rocks, in all honesty, but he chose that, too, so.
He seems to be holding his liquor well, you think to yourself, sipping slowly from your own glass. Meanwhile, your friends have moved on from martinis to gin and vodka, giggling and laughing and crying as you collectively pore over old photographs of Senior Year for hours on end.
Another twinge of nostalgia, as you spot yourself in mid-jump, about to spike. Volleyball has always been your favorite sport, and you even earned an MVP title from it. You didn't join the varsity, however; your parents didn't allow it.
You had cried on his shoulder then.
The bitterness has all but gone away with time, and you can barely manage continuous tossing drills now, but you remember the words he told you that night: "Maybe He has a better plan for you."
And, indeed, He did, as you ended up in the best national university and graduated with flying colors, landing a lucrative job at a multinational company soon after passing the board exam. Everything has been going really well lately, and you are happy and satisfied.
Not quite, you realize now, as you look up into his eyes, all your past feelings resurfacing.
You had planned to confess your love on graduation day. You had a letter written and all, twice as long as your valedictory address. All you needed to do was meet him in the corridor and hand it to him.
You found him with another classmate instead, sharing a tender kiss in the afternoon sun, as their gowns fluttered happily in the air.
The memory burns into your mind mercilessly like a searing flame.
You swore to forget him that very moment, tearing your letter into shreds and letting them fly away with the broken pieces of your paper heart.
It's why this— now— isn't a date. Right.
You are soon finished with the whiskey, and proceed to order another shot of hard liquor whose name you can't pronounce, but he suddenly intervenes, getting you both water instead.
"W-Why did you do that," you ask him, more than a little contempt slipping into your voice.
He smiles that same smile from that night. "I believe you've had enough for a night." And you really, really, really hate to admit it, but he is right.
You sniffle in disappointment, trying hard not to cry. Not to be vulnerable. Why must alcohol be such a problematic master?
You fail, of course.
He catches you as you fall on his shoulder, letting your tears stain the sleeve of his dress shirt. You mumble incoherent things you know you will regret in the morning, as he gently strokes your back the way he did that night, all those years ago.
"I love you," you manage to say between hiccups— probably the only thing you will remember having said by tomorrow, and will be embarrassed for it even after six months have passed.
For now, though, it is how you feel, and you let it overflow like a broken dam weakened by force and time.
And he responds in kind, with a wistful smile and sharp regret that gently cuts your heart in half like fine scissors to new paper: "I do, too. I'm really sorry."
You wish he had said "I know" instead.
You never take that detour again after that night. You feel lighter inside, like a huge weight has been lifted off your chest. Everyone thinks you have come into full bloom, and you acknowledge this with a smile and a wave, and a charismatic flick of your wrist.
You are not quite satisfied, but you are truly happy now. You can finally say that, and you are better off for it.
And time goes on, as does life, and as do you.
0 notes
avengefm · 2 years
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THAT’S THE HERO GIG! we’re so excited to have you here on campus — gwendolyn "gwen" stacy (marvel (sony)), jessica stanley-torres (twilight), and paris geller (gilmore girls). make sure you stop by the campus office for your checklist and room keys, cosmo! you’ll have 24 hours to join the server, we hope you have a marvelous stay!
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✧˚ . ⟨ marvel - sony ( amazing spider-man );  jessie mei li, she / they, gender non conforming. ⟩  —  enjoying your stay at avengers campus, ( gwendolyn ‘ gwen ‘ stacy )? we know we are! adjusting can be hard though as a ( twenty - nine ) year old ( biochemist ), but all of us here on campus thank you for your work as part of ( the laboratory belt ). that’s why you can pick up a complimentary gift from us to you, your very own ( oscorp industries employee id )! we’re so excited to have you here with us, we’ve been told you’re the ( independent one ) here on campus which makes sense since you’re associated with ( clean lab coats , piles of handwritten notes cluttering a desk , ). whatever the case though, there’s never a normal day here on avengers campus, so we hope you have an exciting stay!  »  —  [ cosmo, twenty - five / cet, they / them. ]
* ✧˚ . ⟨ twilight saga;  joanna pincerato, she / her, cis woman. ⟩  —  how are you feeling, ( jessica stanley-torres )? do you still have your ( prom dress )? we found it on you when you woke up from the portal. life here can be pretty different from what you’re used to; but we’re more than happy to ease your adjustment into working with ( the entertainment plaza ) as a ( twenty-four ) year old ( sales assistant ). we’re so excited to have you here already, we’ve been told you’re the ( robin ) here on campus which makes sense since you’re associated with ( a seemingly unstoppable need to not be alone , an old dusty teddy bear underneath your childhood bed , pictures with friends framed and hung up on your walls ). let us know if you remember anything, though, okay? in the meantime, we hope on avengers campus, you’ll have an exciting stay!  »  —  [ cosmo, twenty - five / cet, they / them. ]
* ✧˚ . ⟨  gilmore girls;  phoebe tonkin, she / her, cis woman. ⟩  —  enjoying your stay at avengers campus, ( paris geller )? we know we are! adjusting can be hard though as a ( thirty - three ) year old ( forensic scientist ), but all of us here on campus thank you for your work as part of ( SHIELD / the laboratory belt ). that’s why you can pick up a complimentary gift from us to you, your very own ( chilton uniform )! we’re so excited to have you here with us, we’ve been told you’re the ( spitfire ) here on campus which makes sense since you’re associated with ( falling asleep with over your textbooks during a late night study session , always giving everything your all , annotating books for fun ). whatever the case though, there’s never a normal day here on avengers campus, so we hope you have an exciting stay!  »  —  [ cosmo, twenty - five / cet, they / them. ]
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Future Plot: Prom Night at the Plaza (Or the Squid Dance Chronicles)
(( Justinian and Agent 7 belongs to me
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo
Depiction of Marie / Agent 2 belongs to @agenttwo
Blueshift belongs to @myzzy
Emerald belongs to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune ))
Story 1: Justinian - Part 1
Five years pass, the kids we know are now in high school. From the Neo Squid Sisters, Camille and Nebula, to agents like Telemachus and Justinian, they've been getting word about special prom.
Agent 7, the head of the Alexandria City District of Inkopolis and Principal of Odysseus Academy, has agreed with the principal and school board that they should merge their prom events. They settled with having the prom take place in Inkopolis Plaza with a classic Splatfest theme. Agent 7 pitched in to pay for the prom along with his sister, Pammy, and a few other citizens of Inkopols, including the Squidlys and the Inktrans.
Enter Justinian, a teen in the usual brown trenchcoat and red scarf, he was currently wearing a yellow polo shirt with beige jeans and brown vest. In addition to his attire are a gold pocket watch, a gold ring, and a ruby pendant. He still had a messy auburn ink hair, grayish brown eyes, and fair light skin.
Today, he was heading to Seaside Hill High. Classes ended early for him and he decided to meet with Nebula to ask her out to the Prom. When the bells ring, Camille and Nebula can be seen walking out, chatting about something. Camille reacted in disgust about something, probably the Prom, and then looked arrogant.
"...Besides, there's a race going on during the prom, and if there was someone that really wants to ask me out so badly, I'm still going to say no." Camille soon notices a familiar face. "I...... I'll talk to you later."
Camille gets into a personal race car and drives off to practice; a motorcyclist drives off, following Camille. Nebula shook her head.
Justinian took this opportunity to go and ask Nebula. After years of hanging out with Nebula and trying to show his affection, he feels like he hasn't won her heart yet. And despite Agent 7's warnings, Justinian is not going to let anyone take Nebula away. Agent 7 may have lost Marie to Blueshift, but that was the past. Besides this is the daughter of Marie and Blueshift that Agent 7 was talking about.
By the time Justinian was about to approach Nebula, a Humboldt squid approached Nebula. It was Emerald Inktran. He quickly hides behind the corner of a building. He takes a peak and hides again. He saw Nebula nod to something Emerald said.
Once Emerald left, Justinian runs over to Nebula.
"Hey, Nebula, wait up!" Justinian approaches her. "I came by to ask something."
"I'm all ears, what is it?" Nebula asked.
Justinian was already nervous; after seeing Emerald talk to Nebula, he fears Emerald has already asked her out. He took a deep breath and relaxed.
"Will you..... will you go to the prom with me?" Justinian holds her hand.
Nebula isn't that surprised, but she gave nod. There was a sign of hesitation that Justinian didn't notice.
"Yes... I will." Nebula smiled.
"That's great! It really means a lot to me... and I was worrying you're weren't going to say yes and--" Justinian is now interrupted by Nebula.
"Justinian, it's alright, I'll go to the prom with you," Nebula assured. Deep inside, she's going to regret it; she was also asked out by Emerald, and she accepted. She didn't let the situation bother her.
".....So where in the plaza do you want to meet during the prom?" Justinian asked.
"The balcony. You know, the one near the Neo Squid Sister studio?" Nebula suggested.
"Alright, see you there, Nebula!"
Justinian didn't even question what Nebula was doing with Emerald. They chatted for a bit until Nebula's ride was here. She had to be somewhere; as for Justinian, he runs off to prepare for the nightly prom.
((Description of dress based off this: http://agent-7-at-your-service.tumblr.com/post/160221759413/agenttwo-myzzy-twelvetailedkitsune-son-of-joy ))
Hours later, Nebula would be in her bedroom, in front of a mirror. She is wearing a special formal magenta gown with no shoulder straps with a pink sheer fabric over it with glitter. She turns off the lights and the dress has a unique feature: the dress became blue and black, and the glitter and sheer fabric turn the dress into a galaxy full of stars. All that was missing is an accessory for her hair. Instead of the Neo Squid Sister galaxy hairpin, she put on a red hairpin that her mother gave her.
After moments of making sure she's prepared, there was a knock on Nebula's bedroom door. Nebula turns the lights back on and she opens the door. Marie was there.
"Your ride is here, dear," Marie notified.
"Alright, Mom," Nebula grabs her purse and heads for the door.
"Stay safe, Nebula." Blueshift opens the door for her.
"I will." Once Nebula was outside, she turned to face her parents. "I love you, guys."
"We love you too, dear," Marie replied with a smile, "Enjoy the prom."
Nebula nods and walks over to the stair and to the parking lot where Camille and an inkling boy were waiting with a motorcycle and a sidecar that can carry two people.
The boy driving the motorcycle is Chaodis Diamachi, the Greek exchange student from Odysseus Academy. He was wearing a tuxedo with a gold apple badge. His tie was violet, and his buttons were tarnished silver. The look on his face was still the suspiciously innocent look; he still had that eye condition on his left eye, making look like his intimidating her and slightly cockeyed.
Camille was there, wearing her mother's fancy party gown; it was a lovely shade of black with a teal luster. She wore tarnished gold slip-on shoes with high heels, black gloves, gold spiked earrings, and a teal hairpin. This is the same attire her mother wore during Splatfest. Camille did not look happy wearing this to the prom.
"You look wonderful, Cammy!" Nebula complimented.
"My parents convinced me to go.... and Paccy too..." Camille folds her arms, sitting in the sidecar. "So what about you? Did Emmy ask you out?"
"Yeah.... but then there's Justinian," Nebula explained.
"Oh boy, he asked you out too?" Camille guessed.
"I just want to have a good night at the prom." Nebula enters the sidecar. "Let's head on our way, Chaodis."
"You Inkopolites sure have complicated webs of relationships, especially you, Nebula." Chaodis turn the ignition on and began escorting the Neo Squid Sisters to Inkopolis Plaza.
The Inkopolis Plaza hasn't changed in years, but it seems Splatfest has come to this very place the old squid would call Memory Lane. Stage trucks were parked in the plaza with a few musical bands from both Odysseus Academy and Seaside Hill High. Students from both educational institutions were mingling and enjoying the prom.
"You go on ahead and find Justinian and Emerald," Camille began, "Chad and I actually want to check something out."
"Just don't let things here at the prom get bitter." Chaodis then walks off with Camille.
The two inklings were going to try out the games that were set up; they were a bit lame, but the games did bring back a sense of excitement and competition. Nebula walks off to the balcony floor where there were windows for any fan to see the Neo Squid Sisters.
Justinian was there in a salmon-colored suit and vest over a yellow dress shirt (with white collar) and red neck tie. His hair was combed back and he looked like a typical inkling. The suit turns out to be a hand-me-down from his mentor, Agent 7. When he turned around to see Nebula, he was astonished by the starry galaxy theme that her dress has.
"Nebula... you look amazing," Justinian complimented. There was a faint blush on his face.
"That's very sweet of you, Justin." Nebula reminds herself in her head just to keep cool. "...Is it okay if I call you that?"
"I don't really mind, especially if it's from you." Justinian scratched the back of his head. "May I get you a drink? Maybe just water?" He was avoiding the accident of spilling fruit punch. "I'll go get drinks for both of us!" He runs off.
"Justin wait--" Justinian has already left; Nebula sighs. "Silly boy."
"Was that Justinian?" Emerald approached  Nebula.
She is wearing a white prom gown with brown metallic ornaments and two topaz earrings that look like Moth antennae. She had two medallion ornaments on her shoulders to hold up a green cloak that looked like wings. Around her neck is a furry collar. She almost looked like a luna moth.
"It was, he was getting me a drink," Nebula explained, "......And your dress is very nice."
"I'm glad you like it, Nebby." Emerald gave a twirl and showed off her dress.
Soon music began to play and a clearing was made for a dance floor to be open to the prom. When Emerald offered Nebula a hand, Nebula hesitated, but she decided to take the offer to dance anyway.
Justinian was across from her, holding a cup of water and a can of soda. He dropped both of them on the floor as he watched Emerald take Nebula to the dance floor.
End of Part 1
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rabdoidal · 4 years
TMA entities as horror movies for Halloween 2020 
THE BURIED – The Decent (2005)
A caving expedition goes horribly wrong, as the explorers become trapped and ultimately pursued by a strange breed of predators.
Dir. Neil Marshall
A television reporter and cameraman follow emergency workers into a dark apartment building and are quickly locked inside with something terrifying.
Dir. Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza
THE DARK – Lights Out (2016)
Rebecca must unlock the terror behind her little brother's experiences that once tested her sanity, bringing her face to face with a supernatural spirit attached to their mother.
Dir. David F. Sandberg
THE DESOLATION – House of Wax (2005)
A group of teens are unwittingly stranded near a strange wax museum and soon must fight to survive and keep from becoming the next exhibit.
Dir. Jaume Collet-Serra
THE END – Re-Animator (1985)
After an odd new medical student arrives on campus, a dedicated local and his girlfriend become involved in bizarre experiments centering around the re-animation of dead tissue.
Dir. Stuart Gordon
THE EXTINCTION – 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men, who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack.
Dir. Dan Trachtenberg
THE EYE – Cabin in The Woods (2011)
Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin, where they get more than they bargained for, discovering the truth behind the cabin in the woods.
Dir. Drew Goddard
THE FLESH – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Two siblings and three of their friends en route to visit their grandfather's grave in Texas end up falling victim to a family of cannibalistic psychopaths and must survive the terrors of Leatherface and his family.
Dir. Tobe Hooper
THE HUNT – Ready or Not (2019)
A bride's wedding night takes a sinister turn when her eccentric new in-laws force her to take part in a terrifying game.
Dir. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett
THE LONELY – Hush (2016)
A deaf and mute writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears at her window.
Dir. Mike Flanagan
THE SLAUGHTER – The Loved Ones (2009)
When Brent turns down his classmate Lola's invitation to the prom, she concocts a wildly violent plan for revenge.
Dir. Sean Byrne
THE SPIRAL – Midsommar (2019)
A couple travels to Sweden to visit a rural hometown's fabled mid-summer festival. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult.
Dir. Ari Aster
THE STRANGER – Us (2019)
A family's serene beach vacation turns to chaos when their doppelgängers appear and begin to terrorize them.
Dir. Jordan Peele
THE VAST – Event Horizon (1997)
A rescue crew investigates a spaceship that disappeared into a black hole and has now returned...with someone or something new on-board
Dir. Paul Anderson
THE WEB – Saw (2004)
Two strangers awaken in a room with no recollection of how they got there, and soon discover they're pawns in a deadly game perpetrated by a notorious serial killer.
Dir. James Wan
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🦆 Duck's Horror Movie Wednesday 🔪
Infini (2015) Dir. Shane Abbess
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Final Prayer (2013) Dir. Elliot Goldner
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Prom Night (1980) Dir. Paul Lynch
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Housebound (2014) Dir. Gerard Johnstone
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REC (2007) Dir. Jaume Balagueró & Paco Plaza
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Veronica (2017) Dir. Paco Plaza
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You're Next (2017) Dir. Adam Wingard
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Night of the Living Dead (1968) Dir. George A. Romero
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fifteenleads · 4 years
(not) a date
Part of the Twitter request series, first edition.
@niconiconina’s prompt: A high school / college reunion. (x)
"This isn't a date," you tell yourself for the twentieth time before the mirror, dressed in a baby blue blouse and white jeans. You are not dolling up, and you are not trying to impress anyone.
Deep down, you know a part of that isn't true, of course. Still fools you enough, though.
You only happened to pass by your old high school today on the way home. The detour was a nice change of pace, and colonial houses were refreshing after weeks of high-rise buildings. You even took pictures of everything.
He caught you taking a selfie with that old mural you did.
So did your four other friends. It made you flush in embarrassment, because there they go again, teasing the two of you with each other, like the good old times. He got better at taking it like a champ, while you still flounder badly and sputter admonishments you don't mean.
You always were the Team Mom of your quintet. Your "kids" often asked when they would finally have a "Dad", and you answered in the negative all the time.
Earlier, too, they asked you again. This time, he volunteered himself without any prompting. You wanted to crawl into a manhole.
One thing led to another, and before long, the six of you agreed to meet at the new bar that had just opened downtown— how much of the area has changed after you graduated, you wondered.
That's one major reason, in any case. The other is that you miss your friends. Right.
By the time you put an end to your musings, you've already done your hair and make-up, and for a moment, you imagine him whispering in your ear, "You look lovely tonight."
Oh, come on.
You put away your pretty tubes and palettes at once before you can think of anything else.
The bar is located at the northern end of the plaza, just opposite the public park— in the "heart of the city", as advertised. It used to be a small but popular hole-in-the-wall eatery that most of you frequented during after-school hours, but time goes on, as does life in the area.
How on earth they had managed to get a permit while being within a five-hundred meter radius from a conservative high school is beyond you, but its existence makes your friends happy, so you don't say anything.
He's smiling, too, nodding at their antics, and for a moment, your eyes meet.
"You look nice," he says. It's not the exact phrase from your addled imagination, but it makes your heart flutter anyway.
The inside is all cozy and warm and reminds you of late night conversations in a time when mobile phones were not yet a thing. Nostalgia is everywhere, from the carefully-curated news clippings and the many old records on display— some of your favorite songs from prom night, you realize.
You observe him surreptitiously. Does he remember, too?
"It's not a date," you stop yourself at once. You are only imagining that wistful glance at you.
The evening goes into full swing soon enough, as cocktails are ordered and downed faster than the speed of light— or is it more of you unable to keep up, head spinning after your first drink?
You really shouldn't have gotten whiskey on the rocks, in all honesty, but he chose that, too, so.
He seems to be holding his liquor well, you think to yourself, sipping slowly from your own glass. Meanwhile, your friends have moved on from martinis to gin and vodka, giggling and laughing and crying as you collectively pore over old photographs of Senior Year for hours on end.
Another twinge of nostalgia, as you spot yourself in mid-jump, about to spike. Volleyball has always been your favorite sport, and you even earned an MVP title from it. You didn't join the varsity, however; your parents didn't allow it.
You had cried on his shoulder then.
The bitterness has all but gone away with time, and you can barely manage continuous tossing drills now, but you remember the words he told you that night: "Maybe He has a better plan for you."
And, indeed, He did, as you ended up in the best national university and graduated with flying colors, landing a lucrative job at a multinational company soon after passing the board exam. Everything has been going really well lately, and you are happy and satisfied.
Not quite, you realize now, as you look up into his eyes, all your past feelings resurfacing.
You had planned to confess your love on graduation day. You had a letter written and all, twice as long as your valedictory address. All you needed to do was meet him in the corridor and hand it to him.
You found him with another classmate instead, sharing a tender kiss in the afternoon sun, as their gowns fluttered happily in the air.
The memory burns into your mind mercilessly like a searing flame.
You swore to forget him that very moment, tearing your letter into shreds and letting them fly away with the broken pieces of your paper heart.
It's why this— now— isn't a date. Right.
You are soon finished with the whiskey, and proceed to order another shot of hard liquor whose name you can't pronounce, but he suddenly intervenes, getting you both water instead.
"W-Why did you do that," you ask him, more than a little contempt slipping into your voice.
He smiles that same smile from that night. "I believe you've had enough for a night." And you really, really, really hate to admit it, but he is right.
You sniffle in disappointment, trying hard not to cry. Not to be vulnerable. Why must alcohol be such a problematic master?
You fail, of course.
He catches you as you fall on his shoulder, letting your tears stain the sleeve of his dress shirt. You mumble incoherent things you know you will regret in the morning, as he gently strokes your back the way he did that night, all those years ago.
"I love you," you manage to say between hiccups— probably the only thing you will remember having said by tomorrow, and will be embarrassed for it even after six months have passed.
For now, though, it is how you feel, and you let it overflow like a broken dam weakened by force and time.
And he responds in kind, with a wistful smile and sharp regret that gently cuts your heart in half like fine scissors to new paper: "I do, too. I'm really sorry."
You wish he had said "I know" instead.
You never take that detour again after that night. You feel lighter inside, like a huge weight has been lifted off your chest. Everyone thinks you have come into full bloom, and you acknowledge this with a smile and a wave, and a charismatic flick of your wrist.
You are not quite satisfied, but you are truly happy now. You can finally say that, and you are better off for it.
And time goes on, as does life, and as do you.
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the-golden-ghost · 4 years
Boxman for the character asks!
Why I like them: I like how he got a redemption arc that DIDN’T include him becoming a Good Guy. Like, he stopped being a shitty person and a shitty father, he found inner peace, he realized he could learn to love, he made amends with Mr. Logic, he even is occasionally a stepdad to his arch-nemesis KO, but in all of that he doesn’t stop attacking the plaza or Doing Evil cause... heck, he LIKES being evil! Being evil makes him happy!
Why I don’t: He’s a shit dad. I mean he gets better but still he was Super Shitty especially in season 1
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I vibe with Villain’s Night Out a lot but I also vibe with Lad & Logic. And Stop Attacking the Plaza
Favorite season/movie: I mean season 1 had all his best episodes, but season 2 has his Peak Character Development. Season 3 basically just had him getting married and then getting divorced but we stan. Final result: All of them
Favorite line: “Why would we want to destroy the world? We live on the world.”
Favorite outfit: I actually like when he’s not in his lab coat and he just has his regular shirt + suspender outfit on. I think I just liked it cause he’s one the few characters on the show that has two different main outfits, one for when he’s being The Bad Guy (his lab coat) and one for when he’s being more of a regular character (his suspenders). But I also appreciate his dorky powder blue prom tux, that is a Look
Brotp: I actually really liked Boxman and Mr. Logic even though it was sad when Mr. Logic defected to Good Guy-dom. I’m glad they made amends!
Head Canon: He was definitely created to be a minion but pulled a Darrell on his previous boss. This was an old headcanon of mine and I found some evidence for it but it never got confirmed. Alas. (Actually it’s probably not true considering he went to college but maybe he defected BEFORE college.)
Unpopular opinion: I don’t think I have one? 
A wish: I wish we got an episode of him being a grandpa considering he actually became an in-canon grandpa
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I do not want him and Venomous to end up breaking up AGAIN (they did it once, they need to just stay together forever now)
5 words to best describe them: Chaotic, Abrasive, Diligent, Easily Distracted, and... Evil!
My nickname for them: I mostly just call him ‘Boxy’ like every else does
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