meet the new goyf, same as the old goyf
I remade @tumblhurgoyf with the same url: https://tumblhurgoyf.tumblr.com/
Been meaning to do some house cleaning and this is the easiest way, so give the new blog a follow if you’ve enjoyed the nonsense you’ve been seeing here. I’ll probs try to tag the new blog better and actually archive stuff.
#this blog randomly got a bump in activity the last week#so I'm reblogging this to let y'all know that I'm active on the new blog#not this one
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So it’s now 2020, which means we are getting a 15th holiday card this year. Which means within the next year or two we can and should--nay--MUST get a holiday card From the Vault. The people demand it! @markrosewater @wizardsmagic
Do you think there's an audience large enough to justify "From the Vault: Silver Border"?
Once we get fifteen holiday cards. : )
#mtg#holiday cad#silver border#yes I did queue this up back in october of 2017#and yes I still want this as badly as ever#with any luck I've actually completed my silver border collection already#including these holiday cards#but I will still purchase#ftv happy holidays#and frankly I expect it come fall of next year
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meet the new goyf, same as the old goyf
I remade @tumblhurgoyf with the same url: https://tumblhurgoyf.tumblr.com/
Been meaning to do some house cleaning and this is the easiest way, so give the new blog a follow if you’ve enjoyed the nonsense you’ve been seeing here. I’ll probs try to tag the new blog better and actually archive stuff.
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meet the new goyf, same as the old goyf
I remade @tumblhurgoyf with the same url: https://tumblhurgoyf.tumblr.com/
Been meaning to do some house cleaning and this is the easiest way, so give the new blog a follow if you’ve enjoyed the nonsense you’ve been seeing here. I’ll probs try to tag the new blog better and actually archive stuff.
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you call it wortcraft, i call it going out to eat
because i have just been asked about it: wortcraft is mentioned in the book fundaments of alchemy, which can be found in all of the mages’ guild in cyrodiil, maybe elsewhere as well. wortcraft is referred to as “amateur alchemy”, and is the technical term for eating/carefully nibbling ingredients to discover their primary effects
anyway it’s not my cup of tea. don’t eat bees they’re disgusting
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Even going back like 10 years large swaths are still accurate. Zendikar came out in 2009.
Plus you really need an established color pie to do a block like original Ravnica (2005) and especially to play around with that color pie the following year in Time Spiral block. I’m not gonna look at original Ravnica block card by card, but my hunch is something like 95% or more of those cards still fit modern color pie.
What's the cutoff date currently for "all of the cards from this point forward are representative of the modern color pie"? Like, the set after the last set with a card that was clearly a break.
The color pie is always in flux, but the last five years is usually pretty close.
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Also punch outs make a lot more sense for like ability word counters and stuff that goes on creatures or other permanents. I don't want full card counters for that stuff.
Which is easier: printing one punch out card that can represent 6 counters, or printing out 6 full card tokens that represent counters (like how infect had full card poison counters)?
Printing a card is easier than printing a punch out card. But making sure people have access to the counter is a lot harder on cards if there are a lot of different counters. That’s where a punch out card shines.
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@markrosewater and @wizardsmagic want someone to help them design a Magic card!
#mtg#custom magic card#custom magic cards#not that this doesn't appeal to like every magic fan but#custom magic folks#get in here
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For consistency, I’d start the first line with “Non-human creature cards...”
Also, this makes me wish scientist was a creature type! I guess there aren’t scientists on most planes, but it could work on Innistrad and Ravnica.
The non-human thing’s a bit weird, true.
And yeah, scientist woulda been perfect. I agonized a bit over which creature type to go with there. Being a fan card, I shoulda just made it scientist.

Silver border because of the can of worms that is mutate on any creature card.
Costly because of the nonsense second ability on top of the nonsense first ability. I’m a fan of this sort of text replacement thing, though it’s probably a huge pain to develop. But I think there’s potential in a couple of auras or equipments that change ETBs, upkeeps, attacks, dies, end of turn, etc triggers around.
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Silver border because of the can of worms that is mutate on any creature card.
Costly because of the nonsense second ability on top of the nonsense first ability. I’m a fan of this sort of text replacement thing, though it’s probably a huge pain to develop. But I think there’s potential in a couple of auras or equipments that change ETBs, upkeeps, attacks, dies, end of turn, etc triggers around.
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ikoria has SO many cards that are just humans bonding with animals and i am absolutely weak for it
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Not to get too deep but we’d all be better off if Nat Turner’s rebellion had been successful in leading slaves to overthrow white racists and install a worker’s government backed by poor whites and maybe even native americans
Not to go too deep into alternate history but the world would’ve been a better place if Al Gore won the 2000 Presidential Election.
#or just like in general#if white plantation owners hadn't been successful at pitting poor whites against black slaves#and the two had recognized they were essentially the same class#and overthrown the capitalists almost 200 years ago#imagine the civil war but it's the south run by the communist coalition of poor blacks and whites#saying hey you fucks up north are just as racist and complicit#and your poor folk are just as bad off as we were#and it's time to play 1790s France
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I’m especially intrigued by RG control, maybe upping the number of enchantment/artifact creatures in the cube so their naturalize effects become creature removal a consequential amount of the time.
If we just go off the suggestions so far, plus one idea from me, we have:
WU: Zombie Tribal UB: Aggro BR: Flying RG: Control GW: Reanimator WB: open UR: open (Zombie Tribal could maybe go here) BG: open RW: Spellslinger or Control (Zombie Tribal is available in these colors too maybe, but that’s just normal Boros Aggro really) GU: open
Is there enough for UR to get an aristocrats archetype? That’s always a lot of fun to me but it’s usually in some combo or WB and maybe R.
Can you do a BG self mill archetype that isn’t reanimator? Doubtful, especially if you do plan on doing a reanimator archetype partly in green. Oh, and mentioning reanimator, it could easily shift to an ETB value strat with reanimation as additional pay off. Then white blink effects make a bit more sense and you don’t just need the somewhat limited white reanimation abilities.
Maybe some decks can work off stuff we’ve gotten in the past--UG energy or UB cycling, for example, but with the mechanics in at least one other color. The issue you’d run into here is finding enough worthwhile cards to make those work. Like if WU energy wasn’t really a thing in Kaladesh, why would it be here? This should be easier to make happen with a mechanic like Cycling that we’ve seen so much more of.
I think you really want a tempo archetype or two but any color can and has done tempo to the best of my knowledge so that’s the gonna be the spot where this idea falls a bit. My solution there would be to look first for off beat ways that color combo can get a tempo build. But the plus side is this means you actually only need 3 or 4 other atypical archetypes and the tempo builds can fill in the remaining one or two that are perhaps especially hard to make work with what cards are available. It would probably also be ok to have one sort of normal archetype a player could fall back on while everything else is weird and different.
Oh, lastly, I’d look into a tribal element or two. Particularly a characteristic or iconic tribe that has been stretched into more than one additional color, and you drop the core color. Like UW zombies (or one of those two with red since War of the Spark gave us some good red zombies) or some non-red dragons though those are kind of big to do as a draft archetype without probably more support than is reasonable.
Is it possible to see a set where classic limited archetypes are found outside their more common colors? Without color pie breaks, but with some bends to allow the existence of weird archetypes like Dimir aggro, Boros spellslinger, Gruul control or Rakdos flying
It is possible, yes, but tricky.
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Sounds like a neat cube project
Is it possible to see a set where classic limited archetypes are found outside their more common colors? Without color pie breaks, but with some bends to allow the existence of weird archetypes like Dimir aggro, Boros spellslinger, Gruul control or Rakdos flying
It is possible, yes, but tricky.
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@tumblhurgoyf I like that unsettling idea. (I also like the Craw Wurm reference — there were probably a lot of people saying whaaat?) I notice that while WotC has used plenty of keyword mechanics that involve combat resizing effects (flanking, bushido, battle cry, mentor), none of them have ever stuck as evergreen or even deciduous mechanics. I suspect it is because those kind of mechanics have an impact on what sizes of creatures a set can have. Making it a power-only and combat phase-only effect probably mitigates that problem a bit.
That’s a good point. I think another thing is that they like to do different things with those sorts of mechanics (particularly boosting your creatures) to create variations in play, like how exalted and battle cry are basically inversions of each other. Choosing one for evergreen means less play variation and essentially deciding each set do we push the evergreen mechanic to the side for now for this new thing or no?
Unsettling might get around that with it being a -1/-0, and you don’t want or need nearly so many -N/-0 variations. But that may also be an indication that an environment doesn’t want that many. Standard currently has 14 -N/-0 effects of some sort, all in blue (one being WU) and 10 being on instants or permanents with flash. Still, this hits different space with it being an on the board combat changer, plus it isn’t doing nearly as much of a -N as all those effects.
Also iunno why, but when I thought of an example to put in, Craw Wurm was the first thing right on the top of my mind. I don’t think I’ve even seen that card in years but there it was.
Your new article mentions some blue-black mechanics that were dropped in order to keep the keyword counters as familiar ones. Do those mechanics still have a chance of being used?
They’re not off the table for the future.
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all solid additions
gatherer stopped working for me so I’ve moved to scryfall for the last image
One of my favorite cards is Earthbind because I wish that was me.
Kink asks were a couple days ago anon!

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Og fire elemental
One of my favorite cards is Earthbind because I wish that was me.
Kink asks were a couple days ago anon!

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