#super heroes of inkopolis
popiplant · 2 years
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sailorsplatoon · 1 month
What if Acht was not sanitized and was a Octoling soldier during Splatoon 2 hero mode and meet 4 on the battle field while they were saving zapfish?
Ooooh that is so cute!
What I’m imaging is Acht is the last octoling left and trying desperately to guard the last mini zapfish. They’re not the last one left because they’re an amazing fighter, they’re left because they got scared and hid for most of the fight. But now they’re determined to protect this last mini zapfish with their life. Or… they would be if the inkling they were fishing wasn’t so cute.
Four notices Acht trying to hide the fact that they’re blushing, and can’t help but think that they’re a little cute as well. Maybe Marie wouldn’t get too mad at them if they tried to flirt with the enemy. Just this once.
Four’s plan works almost flawlessly. Acht was about to let them take the mini zapfish, and maybe even go with them to Inkopolis. But Acht gets a call on their communicator that they need to return to the base, and leave the zapfish. Acht super jumps away, leaving Four along with the mini zapfish.
Later on, at a different octoling level, Four encounters Acht again. This time, they’re determined to not fail. Again, Acht is the last one standing, but this time because Four intentionally avoided attacking them. Four asks them if they want to leave and go to the surface. Acht takes a moment to think, before being interrupted by another call on their communicator. Rather than answer it this time, they drop it on the ground and stomp on it. They made up their mind to go to the surface with Four.
Marie is certainly mad at Four for flirting with the enemy, but she can excuse it just this once since Acht seems relatively harmless. Four shows Acht around Inkopolis and offers for Acht to stay with them in their apartment, since they don’t exactly have anywhere else to go.
And there you have it! Their relationship blossoms from there!
Thank you for the ask!!! This idea is adorable and I love it!
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duckapus · 2 months
Since splatfest is it's own thing in the squid meme au what teams was Meggy?
(so I'm going with the North American Splatfests for this since in SMG4 canon the Mushroom Kingdom and Inkadia are in the US for some reason)
Splatoon 1
(since this would all be before she met Mario I can only base them off her pre-character development personality and Vibes. I have explanations for a few of them but for most I'm kinda-sorta picking at random)
Cats (since she eventually gets a cat in canon)
Roller Coasters
Marshmallows (we saw how that one food fight episode went)
Pokemon Blue
Costume Party
Early Bird (She would be a Morning Person, wouldn't she?)
Marie (I HC that she used to have a celebrity crush on Marie. Because I Can)
Splatoon 2
Flight (Mostly because she picked her team right after getting home from Mario's Challenge and was thinking that flight would've made some of those floors a lot easier to get through)
Vampire (This one's just for me ;))
Sci-Fi (the Fest started the same day she did a Matrix scene for a movie audition, it just makes sense)
Sock (honestly she kind of just picked one at random since she was too worried about Paige to really care. she almost didn't bother going at all)
Action (duh)
Soccer (anyone notice a pattern developing?)
Leo (okay losing streak aside I genuinely think Leo would be her favorite of the four)
No Pulp (the texture just feels wrong to her)
Octopus (She ended up in matches with Desti a few times and it was awkward being on the same side)
Fork (FINALLY A WIN! Just in time for Waluigi Time...)
Skipped (she was a little busy being the first victim of the Waluigi Apocalypse)
Salsa (she may or may not be allergic to avocados)
Friends (considering what I've implied Meggy and Paige's parents are like compared to the NSS and Glitchy Gang is it really surprising?)
Pancakes (she might have just flipped a coin for this one)
Skipped (she doesn't have time for Splatfest there's TRAINING TO BE DONE!!!)
Skipped (kind of hard to participate in Splatfest when all your weapons are stolen)
Skipped (both because she wouldn't have had time with the Tournament going on and...you know...the whole Being Kidnapped Thing)
Narwhals (after Mario's pep talk part of her getting back into the swing of things includes doing Splatfest stuff)
Chaos (she probably would've picked Order before she met Mario, but...)
Ketchup (a lot of things have changed for Meggy. her preference in condiments isn't one of them)
Super Mushroom (apparently she likes how they taste)
Splatoon 3
(I know she doesn't live in or even near Splatsville but thanks to the DLC we know that Inkopolis participates in Splatsville Splatfests and I figure that by this point there's be a large enough population of Inkfish living in the Mushroom Kingdom that they would too. Plus Meggy's still at least part inkling and is still culturally an Inkling so...)
Skipped (since her very existence happened to be illegal at the time and she and every other OC dropped dead the exact same day the Fest started)
Milk Chocolate
Aliens (in honor of Greg, of course)
Skipped (depending on how the timeline works out this is either during or immediately after everyone being stuck in a simulation for about a month. no way they're bothering with an ice cream Splatfest of all things)
Love (time changes a person)
Big Man (she did feel a little awkward picking between people she considers friends by this point. that being said, BIG MAAAAAAAN!!!!!)
Skeleton (I know this happens at the same time as Heist WotFI but she isn't even in that episode (I don't care that she was credited for the song that was her voice actress not Meggy herself she was not physically present and had no idea what anyone was doing that night))
[We interrupt this broadcast to bring you PUZZLEVISION!!!]
[And this one too!]
Save the World (obviously)
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seffien · 2 years
any headcannons for your agents?
oh plenty, but let me keep it as short as i can
cap'n 3 (real name junko 'jun' ishikawa):
country kid who was entranced by inkopolis plaza's unusual (to her) look
was originally super cheerful and peppy before Various Incidents
very creative, but none of the adults in her life ever appreciated it
likes to draw (doesn't do it much now) and bought a bass guitar during the events of splat 1 because she loved squid squad that much
became suuuper close with gramps and the squid sisters (as a matter of fact, the 'jun' nickname came from marie) bc her own 'family' was. um.
being sanitized kind of ruined her a bit. her left eye is a slightly lighter shade than her other one to this day, and the sanitization gave her memory loss, an aversion to food, and general odd behavior for a while
looks menacing, is really kind of tired and also shy
gave 4 her old agent outfit (cape included) since she didn't really need it anymore
still cannot believe she's the captain
very different from her younger, happier, more awake self, but she tries not to think about that.
agent 4 (real name naoki 'masu' masuda):
parents wanted her to be a prodigy, and the pressure they put on her made her snap and run away. most pre-inkopolis square memories are deeply repressed
basically no one gave a shit about her when she first moved to inkopolis except for the splat 2 promo kid with the black v-neck tee. they're still kinda sorta friends
liked flow because she felt like she cared (and she actually kinda did)
pushes herself way too hard, somewhat self-conscious
got a few injuries during hero mode and was hesitant to let marie patch em up
straight up did not speak until callie got saved. still doesn't really talk much.
her and marie weren't super besties at first, the only reason they ever clicked was because they were both sad loners with negative self-esteem
'masu' came from eight, and she's kind of fond of the nickname
agent 8 (real name emiko 'miko' yamasaki):
marina found her real name in the octarian records seen in that one chat room session
actually was in a few kettles, was not very good
never wanted to fight, always wanted to write (poetry, specifically)
learned inkling from 4 and eventually 3
kept thinking 4's first name was masuda (it isn't.)
did not like going outside when she first arrived to the surface
wasn't an artist, but tended to draw hypothetical mem cakes of people she deemed important, like 3 and 4
smiles to cover up The Internal Suffering, almost no one ever buys it because a) it looks very fake and b) she never holds it. as soon as a stranger disappears, so does the smile
along with 3, callie, and marie, she consistently reminds 4 that she's stronger than she thinks and that she matters and isn't useless
terrifyingly good in turf and ranked, even won a championship that off the hook basically begged her to enter. she got a trophy and still thought 'cool i guess. no big deal.'
works at ammo knights in splat 3, and since she knows a thing or two about wounds n stuff from her time in the army, she's also the crew's medic
new 3 (real name veronika 'ronnie' yamada):
chill, goes with the flow, probably the happiest out of all the agents (not even that happy, it's a low bar to clear)
everyman when it comes to every mode (tableturf, turf, ranked, what have you)
cheers up people she's played with between matches if they're sad
oblivious to hiro's sort of obvious crush on her
barely redesigns her locker, and when they do, it's usually to add a sticker
used a fake ID to play turf in the splat 1 days, was tall for her age around that time. she still feels kinda guilty about it
waved back to deep cut post-RotM
found shiver chilling in the alternan ocean with master mega a few days after the events of RotM, got to pet him
a character who's just kind of. well. there
adopted kid of an inkling and an octoling, literally lived in a cabin in the woods. she's still in contact with them
resting face looks like smash ultimate young link's
steph and her are both acquaintances and besties. acquaintabesties. steph took care of them while they were sick and they took care of steph after she slosher machined her way into muscle atrophy (not actually, thankfully)
has a walkman and a boombox. doesn't even care what's official, just buys things from in-universe eBay
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sick-ada · 26 days
Also it’s not a part of the ask game, but what are ur oc’s thoughts on the idols! Like opinions on DEEPCUT/OTH/SQUIDSISTERS!!! And do they even listen to their music or do they prefer some of the non-idol splatbands?
the squisters:
proto is basically the third squid sister, even if they don't perform. they do a lot of the management, the advertising, organise stuff, the works. they do less of it after splat1 as they all start to drift apart, but they like the squid sisters in the "we are literal sisters" sense rather than just the music sense
as musicians, flora and bola don't really like them. they represent the tastes of wider inkadia and the more well-off parts of inkopolis, which is not at all what flora and bola are about. as people... it depends. in the canon where flora is agent 4, she's kind of indifferent to them. marie hands him a military grade gun and he didn't have hearing aids at the time so she just decided "yeah okay i'll start doing violence, whatever" and doesn't really care about saving callie or whatever. literally does not find out about it until later, when he finds out the hero headset work as hearing aids. bola doesn't trust them at all, but they're more focused on openly antagonising proto than on agents 1 and 2. HOWEVER.... there is also an au i wanna do more stuff for, called the odd1out au, where marie/callie swap and so do flora/bola. bola and callie work together to rescue marie, but it's less of a "you gave me a gun so sure i'll shoot people whatever" situation and more of an exchange: bola helps callie do this and she has to help them take down/generally harass Squidforce. bola's very abrasive as opposed to flora being very accepting and uncaring as agent 4, so they kinda force callie to grow and recognise a lot of the biases she's been carrying from craig (e.g., callie assumes bola is an octarian bc they're an octoling, makes a comment along the lines of oh aren't you glad you deserted them, and bola refuses to come back and help until callie comes and apologises (they also punch her in the face for that)). so in that au, callie kinda grows on bola and therefore flora too, once she comes to hang out with them to help w the squidforce stuff. marie is... rockier. after getting rescued, she's pretty bitter that callie is spending more time with someone she perceives as an octarian, the group that fucked her over, than with her own cousin. this is amplified when the eights join the leftovers, cause then she's hanging with Actual Octarian Soldiers, and bubbles being a sniper/scout means that marie has no place in the group. basically bc callie grew while marie didn't they grow apart and the leftovers don't really like her, and fully resent her once it comes out what proto and the squisters did in splat1 and she sides with proto over callie.
uh anyway i got carried away there. CB and bubbles' opinions change as they get more of their mem cakes, as they dont get them all the first time around and have to go back later for them. before, they're like "theyre famous ig? idk im trying to Survive here" but after they're like Oh Those Guys Caused A Large Amount Of Our Problems since they were directly responsible for causing the famine + desertion that was a catalyst to bubbles' parents abandoning him and CB getting Unethical Scienced on to make her a supersoldier. theres a reason they fight Inner Agents 1 & 2 rather than Inner Agent 3 and it's not just that proto is a weak ass fighter
pluto gives not a single shit. none. not one. levi (lil buddy, Leviathan's Flight Over Verdant Pastures, horrorboros, i need to mention them more) likes the squid sister's music well enough. would listen to it on the radio but wouldn't put on a playlist of it. doesnt really care about the people either
Off The Hook:
proto hadn't heard of them before octo expansion, and honestly doesn't super like either of them? they make a bad first impression on CB & bubbles, and therefore a bad impression on OTH, since the eights have the radio before meeting 3 and craig in this au. they never really recover from it bc theyre kinda rude in general and dont make a massive effort to redeem themselves to OTH. indifferent towards their music.
flora and bola absolutely idolise OTH, since they run the announcements for the underground inksports scene rather than the official squidforce stuff (big inspiration from @worldsewage's stuff), which is what the two of them frequent. they like OTH for the same reasons they dislike the squisters; they represent the same parts and aspects of inkopolis culture that the leftovers do. they get closer with OTH thanks to the connection through CB and bubbles post-OE, and are even trusted to run the announcements for OTH while they're on tour! fun fact: off the hook concerts are probably one of the main contributors to flora's deafness. guy who did not wear hearing protection to the concert of "woman who destroys shit with her voice" and suffers the consequences
CB & bubbles are super close with OTH, since they're the first people they met other than each other after waking up without any memories. marina was also the first person to speak to them in octarian, which was the only language they could understand at first. they care for each other and they're great friends, CB and bubbles don't help the other leftovers with covering the announcements bc they go on tour with OTH, and even perform with them a couple times!
pluto has never heard of them and neither has levi. rip!
deep cut:
proto doesn't like them bc they're getting in the way of the NSS' goals in alterna. theres not really any redemption at the end, cause deep cut don't decide marie should be their boss in my au, they instead decide to side with pluto who also doesn't really give a shit about the NSS. doesnt listen to their music
the leftovers squad all likes their music, but flora and bola do like to play up the whole splatsville vs inkopolis thing whenever they're brought up since they're loyal to inkopolis. all in good fun tho. maybe if they get famous enough theyll do a collab w deep cut or smth i need to figure out where to put them in my lore. CB and bubbles never meet them i dont think
pluto likes their music, levi LOVES it. in alterna, though, theyre all "i want the treasure and will absolutely fight you for it" rather than fanboying (fangirling? fansalmoning?) over them. meeting them more as equals since they're both splatsland bandits trying to make a living. they do a lot of teamups post-alterna, though more in the banditry sense than the music sense. levi absolutely gets all of their autographs
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hey guys... would anyone wanna commision my friend @inkopolis-hero? they recently opened comms and their art is super nice looking!!!! they'll draw you a new icon! or maybe youre looking for cool art of your splatoon oc? they can draw that for you!!!
theyre also indigenous and intersex and autistic and adhd and DID system + another fuckload of shit so thats also a super neat reason to support them too!!
theyre not on tumblr a lot (their twitter is @/sodasl0shr) but heres their form, their discord is @/inkopolishero if anyone is intrested contact them there!! they have 3 slots open :]
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heres some very cool art from them also!!
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dogtoling · 1 year
An annoying problem with Splatoon's story mode needlessly involving the idols is that it makes writing fanfics difficult. Sure, it can be a story set in the world of Splatoon, but if this is the world of Splatoon, then you'll want characters people can relate to. By recycling the idols as companions over and over, we don't get many new characters. S2 had zero new characters for the story mode, OE had C.Q. Cumber, Tartar, the crab who gives you stuff for completing mem cakes that I can't remember the name to, and to some extent, the idols, and S3 had the idols (and to some extent Mr. Grizz). That's all fine and all if they actually did something, but when they all literally just stand around and do nothing, it doesn't help using them as characters past "Marie, Callie, and Cuttlefish run the Splatoon."
The Agents themselves don't help either. By having every story mode make you an "Agent", it feels like every OC has to be an Agent, and it's a breath of fresh air when someone makes an OC who isn't. The Agents also have next to no personality traits or backstory to speak of. You're saving the world because Cuttlefish put an Agent suit on you and said Go, not because you have a reason to. They have no backstory besides "they moved to Inkopolis / Splatsville recently" and no personality traits past "Agent 3 doesn't talk and is super serious" "Agent 4 doesn't watch TV". Agent 8 at least had some sort of backstory, although pulling an "I have amnesia" on us doesn't help her case. She's an Octo who heard Calamari Inkantation and is now fighting to get out of the Metro. But we don't know any specifics about her life prior to the Metro.
Just my thoughts.
Okay THIS! This is one of the reasons I (and MANY OTHER PEOPLE by the looks of it) are so done with the NSS and the idols as recurring characters. The Splatoon world IS HUGE and the developers clearly have endless, even complex character ideas. The world is so big and so complex and we see none of it because every "story" that we're given in Splatoon deliberately REMOVES YOU FROM THAT WORLD... then spoon feeds you some chosen hero arc with the same zero-personality supporting cast over and over again that's really only a supporting cast if you as the player have a sentimental attachment to the characters (they don't do anything in the game and usually have like 1 personality trait.)
Like, just imagine if the stories in Splatoon had the freedom to be detached from the idols and if they had the freedom to tell smaller, down-to-earth stories that felt much more personal and took place in actual facets of the world. They could craft a colorful cast of characters that actually had purpose in that setting and there's no reason you COULDN'T still make those characters marketable and fan-favorite! There's literally so much you can do with stories within the Splatoon world and somehow all the Splatoon stories completely miss the mark and I don't know how they keep doing it. It almost feels like they're purposefully avoiding fleshing out the world or the characters of the game, lol
And this is something that I find really strange because isn't one of Splatoon's driving themes the freedom of self expression and like, diversity? Then why are we always playing as some character who's void of personality and doing some random crap in an environment that's emptier than the local mall during May 2020. The world is out there, WHY AREN'T WE? Believe it or not, before Octo Expansion's release and Off the Hook becoming super popular, the Splatoon fandom WAS full of independent OCs that were just... guys that live in the Splatoon world, and the world itself was a huge focus because that was like, the THING. But after the game became deliberately character-focused, there was a huge boom where nowadays instead of random OCs with no ties to the canon characters, everyone's OCs essentially ARE the canon characters. So instead of having a colorful cast of people in a wacky world, it's more like we all have our own AU of the same exact things happening differently and it's... well. The world hasn't been the fandom focus for a long-ass time and watching it feels like some kind of cultural death lol. And I can't blame anyone, especially not the newer fans, because the world hasn't even been NINTENDO'S focus and they're the ones who made it.
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mailperson · 5 months
Brief side order review and thoughts:
Visual presentation: A1, on par with octo expansion
Gameplay loop: very addicting, very rewarding, a liiiiiittle on the easy side though. I think more obstacle or objective diversity would go miles, shortly into playing you’ve kinda seen the extent of the possible challenges you can face. Most blatantly it needed more boss variety pretty badly. Still something that’s very easy to want to 100% though. Unlike splat2’s hero mode I actually want to play this through with every weapon.
Story: Really fun characterization, but that’s kinda it. Not a BAD story but it’s just kinda whatever. If the Alterna single player campaign had more individual character moments it’d be about equal with side order in terms of depth. Octo Expansion kinda takes the lead here in terms of best splatoon campaign story by virtue of not relying on familiarity with the cast for the sake of familiarity which pretty much all the other single player campaigns (save for splat1 hero mode) do.
Overall: Absolutely worth a play. It’s different for splatoon, but it’s something that has me really optimistic for the dev team’s future if they expand upon what works here. Kinda wish they’d take the philosophy that created all the interesting and fun ideas for the solo campaigns and use it improve the multiplayer modes lol. They genuinely could get away with releasing a super beefed up and expanded version of this same concept as a splatoon spin-off game.
Misc thoughts: Inkopolis square is about as disappointing as Inkopolis plaza as a DLC hub, arguably more so due to reusing Murch and Donny. Additionally I wish the replica skins were actually skins and not locked to the vanilla kits for their respective weapons. Side Order very good but also tragically all the neat parts just leaves me wanting so much more elsewhere.
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varian-wonder · 5 months
Splatoon x Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Soundtrack PT 1.
THE SONG FICS BEGIN (I'm gonna try to make it non-cringe and not have them sing every line and not take every line from the song... I promise lyric changes aren't to be cringe :3)
Trace arrived to Inkopolis again after defeating Octavio with fresh eyes. The Great Zapfish is back and despite the grueling few months or so she was challenging the DJ, she was back to the surface with a smile.
She had just bought some near gear as her hero gear was on job only and as she finished putting on her jacket she headed out of her apartment.
"I solved my problems and I see the light! We gotta loving thing we got to feed it right," She was singing her her trusty hero shot, sadly she had to use the replica in ink battles but she still loved it so. "There ain't no danger we can go too far! We start believing now we can be who we are. Grease is the word!"
Trace raced off to the lobby wearing a hand me down jacket from Marie. The idol's name was embroidered on the back.
"Is that Tiny Trace?" A inkling in the plaza muttered
"In Marie's jacket? Susan's going to flip! I've got to go tell her!" Another muttered before getting up
Around Trace in the lobby of cephalokids they were hyping eachother up.
"Grease is the word! It's the word that you heard! It's got groove it's got meaning!" Chanted the lobby with Trace joining in with equal enthusiasm. "Grease is the time! It's the place! It's the motion! Grease is the way we are feeling!"
Addison was packing up with Marina. After hearing the Calamari inkantation they were freed... but not everyone was. And the army wasn't fond of defectors. Addison looked at the older octoling for some guidance.
"We take the pressure and we throw it away! Conventionality belongs to yesterday," Marina put her hand on Addi's shoulder with a smile.
"Yesterday?" Addi repeated confused
"There is a chance that we can make it so far. We start believing now... that we can be who we are..." Marina grabbed her bag and Addi followed suit before sneaking out.
They started their way to Mount Nantai, Addi looking back on Octo Canyon quitely remarking to herself, "Grease is the word..."
Callie and Marie came back to Inkopolis under alot of paparazzi. They had just helped defeat DJ Octavio and had helped Cuttlefish recover. Lights were flashing all over their eyes. Marie leaned into Callie and muttered to her cousin, "I forgot.. I hate the spotlight; let's hurry up." Marie covered her eyes with her hand squinting.
Callie smiled at Marie and went to assure her, "It's fine! Let's just go grab some burgers!" The cousins tried to push their way through the crowd but people were following super close, "Grease is the word! It's the word! That you heard! It's got groove. It's got meaning!" The crowd said in unison. "Hey Callie! Where you going so fast? I just have a few questions-" One reporter was cut off my the cousins running into their apartment and slamming the door closed. "This is a life of illusion..." Marie huffed as Callie went into the kitchen to search for food, "wrapped up in trouble... laced with confusion." Marie said softly. She walked over to the window as the paparazzi was clearing, "What are we doing here?"
"Grease is the word~! Woah! It's got groove it's got meaning!" The inkling girl packed the final book into her bookbag and stared at her scholarship at Inkadia University. She ran out grinning, jumping off her steps as she ran towards the train station at the end of town. "Happy last day of summer dipsticks!" she said to her friends while she was running. "Bye Zera!" Grease is the time! It's the place! It's the motion! Grease is the way we are feeling!
"Woah~!" Zera jumped down the steps of the train station, her sneakers contrasting with her school uniform. Grease is the way we are feeling. Grease is the word, is the word that you heard! "The way we're feeling~" She ran towards the train as it was nearing time to depart. Making it on just as the doors closed behind her. She sat down and grabbed a photo of her younger self and her older sister smiling after Zera's spelling bee.
"I'm on my way Tracey"
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maria-slice · 6 months
Are splatoon agent ocs popular here? I hope so. Here’s my Captain Three.
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It’s not mentioned in any of the slides, but-
2006 Rookie is Bigender and uses he/she pronouns
2011 Rookie is a Trans girl and uses she/her pronouns
2015 Rookie is Agender and uses any pronouns
Their bio/backstory is below the under cut.
Team Naika(not officially named that yet) is a group of friends that usually cosplay and act as characters from hit video game CoroCoro Cup(Coroika basically) in turf battles for fun. The team consists of Donnie, Agatha, Makoa, and Rookie. One day, the young team dressed as the ever popular S4 for a battle at Arowana Mall, ever ready to have a good time. (Donnie as Skull, Agatha as Mask, Makoa as Aloha, and Rookie as Army).
The unfortunate thing was they were paired with, at the time, the top of the top S+ Rank team, Team Vigor(18-20). A team that was very competitive and seemed to despise fun and anyone that wasn’t them. So to be paired with a team that was just there to cosplay and “not take the fight seriously” pissed them off. Right then and there Team Vigor decided to show Team Naika a real and unforgettable fight. Team Naika, not expecting an onslaught of ink, bombs and sprinklers, were experiencing stress beyond belief and unfortunately repair.
What was discovered during this fight is that Special weapons paired with high levels of stress can cause ink creatures to permanently be in the “Special State” and constantly regenerate ink to trigger special weapons. It was later found out that when this is triggered, the limiter on the weapon fuses the Special weapon’s “special ink” to the users ink sac, permanently attaching the current special weapon to the user. (This condition would later be called Special Shock.) Team Naika was in such a state of pain and exhaustion due to ink regeneration and still being attacked by Team Vigor, three of the four teammates splatted and were unable to respawn. The unslpatted teammate, Rookie, remained unwillingly because of her Special Weapon, the Kraken. Due to the functionality of the Kraken, it kept constantly healing Rookie and kept her in a state of uncomfortable numbness. At least until the ambulance and paramedics came.
That 4 v 4 at Arowana Mall was a tragedy that swept Greater Inkadia for weeks and still has residents shook. Team Vigor was banned from playing Battles or Rank, for how long is still a topic that is talked about. Some say it’s for life and some say a decade. No one knows. Team Naika were all hospitalized and said never to be able to function normally ever again until Sheldon, owner of Ammo Knights, invented the four wearable limiters.
This limiter would lessen the user's ink supply, thus stopping the “special state” effects. But this solution did not come without cons. While wearing the limiter, the weapon’s limiter should be popped off. Which means no Special Weapons(obviously), no Sub Weapons, no regenerating ink naturally, no walking on grates unless you want to fall through, and no transforming into a squid which means no super jumping or swimming in ink. Even though the young team had this new cure, the injuries inflicted on them from Team Vigor landed them at least 2-3 weeks in the hospital’s care. Except for Rookie. Despite the onslaught of attacks and blows he faced, he came out of it without a scratch. More than likely due to the Kraken’s “special ink” in him.
Although not physically scared, she wasn’t feeling the best emotionally or mentally. With her friends still in the hospital she stopped going out and fighting in turf battles and only went out during early mornings and late nights. One of these mornings, he stepped and fell through an open sewer grate trying to get to one of Inkopolis Plaza’s many vending machines. This sewer brought him to a hidden valley. Upon getting up she was met with Cap’n Cuttlefish being attacked by some Octotroopers. Without thinking, Rookie grabbed the nearest weapon, the Hero Shot, and saved the old squid. Cap’n Cuttlefish thanks him, recruits him into the New Squidbeak Splatoon, and then Hero Mode happens.
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valkavavaart · 8 months
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
19. Favourite character(s) to draw?
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
anyone here fuck w takopi's original sin bc taizen 5's art style is kind of making me insane right now like. the characters are so like squishy idk how to word it but i really like how they look
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the art in hero complex specificially idk what about it but im like. its so cute i really like it. the characters r kinda bouncy n expressive n i like it a lot. (<- insane) (entirely unrelated note but i havent read ichinose-ke no taizai yet but they look cute. thats it thats all i got.)
akiakane and aida iro's colouring / compositions specifically i fuck with & they motivate me a biiiit more to try stuff with my colours? namie also is an inspo for like colours & all that and i like namie :)
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OTHER artists i rlly like UM UMMMM (<- can talk for hours) inkopolis ... staysocky ..... starrysharks ........ chippychime .......... i want to be brief but just know (why do my links keep fucking up tumblr do you hate me be honest
their styes... art insp :) i love how like soft n round inkopolis' art is and the other artists have rlly rlly neat & fun styles & colours too and im like GRAAAAHHHHHHHH i love colours bro
19. Favourite character(s) to draw?
ummmm UMMMMM (frantically going through my recent art to see if theres anyone ive been drawing super consistently)
i dont know if i have a character specifically i like drawing rn. i always default back to hatsune miku, nazuna nito, ganji gupta, or my ocs charun & quinn. my bugs. my guys.
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sailorsplatoon · 2 months
Aaaaand here comes chapter one! From this point on I'll be posting weekly every Saturday. I'd like to quickly say thank you to everyone who showed me support on the prologue, it means so much! I'm very excited to post the first chapter!
Read it on ao3!
(Fanfic under cut)
Acht didn’t leave the elevator. Pearl, Marina, and Agent 8 did, but not Acht. All of them had lives in Inkopolis Square, but if Acht left the Memverse they knew exactly where they’d wake up. They’d rather not think about it.
In less than a day, all three of them came back. Marina said the color palettes had parts of souls in them, which meant that they needed to take each one to the top of the spire and reconfigure it so that the person could get their soul back.
Eventually it became routine. Go up the Spire, fight Smollusk, reconfigure the palette, go back down, repeat. There was only one palette left now, besides the one in the last locker that they still needed a key for. Someone by the name of Agent 4. It didn’t really matter to Acht who’s palette they were reconfiguring. Part of them never wanted to finish. Because that would mean they didn’t have anything left to do here. Then they would have to leave. They thought that maybe Marina wouldn’t notice if they just stayed there forever. 
But it didn’t matter what Acht thought. It never mattered what they thought. Up until a few weeks ago, they didn’t think at all. 
Eight walked back in the elevator after beating the 20F boss, it was Parallel Canon again. He was quieter than usual. Though, it was kind of hard to tell what was normal Eight quiet and what was not good Eight quiet.
“Yo, Eight, you alright? You got super freaked out in the middle of the fight,” Pearl asked, hovering closer to the agent.
“I know why that boss is so familiar…” he said in a quiet voice, “That’s Agent 4.” There was a long heavy silence in the elevator, interrupted only by the ding of reaching the next floor. Neither Eight nor Pearl went out. Agent 4’s location had been unknown for some time now, though no one seemed to make an effort to find them. Everyone had assumed that they would turn up after reconfiguring their palette, so there was no need to fear. Well, up until now.
“I was worried that was the case,” Marina muttered back. “But we can’t be sure. There are a ton of enemies in the Parallel Canon boss fight. Maybe one of them is Agent 4, but maybe they’re not. And even if they are, we’ll reconfigure their palette and save them.” Eight just nodded and walked out onto the floor.
Eight opened his eyes. He was out of the Memverse. He’d beaten Smollusk again and reconfigured Agent 4’s palette. He had to make sure Four was okay. He dove into the grate leading to Octo Canyon. If Four was anywhere, they’d be there. Pearl and Marina saw him from their studio across the square and followed close behind.
Sure enough, Agent 4 sat on the bench outside Cuttlefish Cabin, wearing one of the helmets Marina used to send people into the Memverse. It was connected to a laptop that sat a few inches away. 
They seemed paler, almost grey. But no, Eight was just being paranoid. They were fine, they had to be fine. He rushed up to them and yanked the helmet off of their head. The first thing he noticed were large scars patterned along their face, as if they were burned. Four didn’t do or say anything, they just stared. He took them by the shoulders and shook them lightly. Maybe he could snap them out of it. Agent 4 jerked, but still didn’t look at Eight. Rather than make eye contact, they swung their fist at Eight’s temple. They had enough force to launch him back towards the grate right as Pearl and Marina came out, almost ramming into the two of them. 
“Eight, are you okay?” Marina said, helping him to his feet.
“What the hell is going on with Agent 4?” Pearl shouted as Four stood up, gripping their Hero Shot. Eight quickly did the same with his own weapon, ready to protect Off the Hook from the oncoming attack. 
“Something’s not right. Part of their soul must still be in the Memverse.” Marina pulled her laptop out of seemingly nowhere and began to type something in rapidly. Shots of ink flew by as Eight tried desperately to defend his friends without seriously hurting Agent 4.
“But wasn’t that supposed the be fixed when we reconfigured the palette!?”
“I thought so but— oh no.”
“What is it, ‘Rina!? Spit it out, what’s wrong!?”
“I think Order was able to fully greyscale Agent 4.”
“So what do we do!?”
“If we can get them back into the Memverse we might be able to use it to restore their memories, personality, an everything else. It worked for Acht with their sanitization, we can only hope it will work for Agent 4 too.”
“Okay great, how to we do that?”
“We need to get that helmet back on their head!” Marina pointed at the helmet that had been sitting on the ground.
“On it!” Pearl drew her dualies and jumped in to help Eight fight as Marina dove for the helmet. Just as she reached it, Agent 4 set off their special weapon, tenta missiles. She rushed to Pearl and Eight, opening her Bella for cover. The shield broke under the massive amount of ink, but the three of them were only hit with stray splatters and not the full force of the missile. 
Marina handed Pearl the headset and she dodge rolled behind Four, slamming the helmet on their head with an excessive amount of force, knocking them to the ground. It lit up, confirming that they had successfully entered the Memverse. 
The three of them just stood there for a moment, breathing, trying to process what had happened.
The elevator doors slid open. But the person who entered wasn’t Eight, Pearl, or Marina. Acht jumped in surprise. One of the enemies from the Parallel Canon boss? Why were they here? And where were Eight and the others? They’d mentioned this boss might be someone they know, what did they call them, Agent 4? It didn’t seem like they were looking for a fight, so Acht didn’t bother trying to stop them. They clicked the button for the thirtieth floor.
“This elevator only goes up one floor at a—” the elevator lurched and began to crawl upward. Acht watched as the numbers moved along. 1… 2… 3… 4… that wasn’t supposed to happen. How was that even possible? They must have hijacked the system somehow. Maybe they had special access?
Acht had never gotten a close look at the enemies in the Parallel Canon fight before. They could now clearly see that they wore the same outfit as Eight, except they had a mask with nothing on it but two glowing red eyes. Acht could just reach up and take it off if they wanted to. Maybe Parallel Canon, or… Agent 4, wouldn’t notice. As they slowly stretched their hand toward it, Agent 4 grabbed their wrist, preventing them from taking the mask.
Guess not. They let go of Acht’s wrist, letting it fall back by their side. They didn’t seem hostile at all. But they were still going to the top floor. What would happen when they made it to Smollusk? If they were under it’s control, then certainly nothing good. But they weren’t going to let Acht stop them easily. Even if Agent 4 didn’t want to go to 30F, they’d have to. They didn’t have a choice. Acht knew that feeling all too well. They couldn’t just stand by and watch. 
Acht smashed their hand into the emergency stop button and the elevator screeched to a halt. They were at 27F now, way too close for comfort. The doors slid open. Agent 4 turned and stared at them for a moment before reaching over to press the 30 button again. Acht took their turn grabbing their wrist, not letting them reach the console. They punched Acht in the throat, causing them to stumble slightly, letting go of their arm. Agent 4 moved back over to the console, but before they could press a button, Acht kicked their torso, sending stumbling through the elevator doors and out onto floor. They ran after them, planning to throw Four off the side of the stage. If they could get them splatted, they’d respawn in the Order Sector and the elevator would go back down. 
Four grabbed them by the collar, throwing them into the cage. Before it began moving over the floor, Acht grabbed their ankle, pulling them in as well. It was strange, now that the two of them were cramped together in the cage, Acht could clearly tell that Agent 4 smelled of citrus. Why would that even happen? They didn’t have time to think about it because both of them were about to be dropped over the stage. 
They landed with a thud and Jelletons began to swarm them. Or rather, they began to swarm Acht. Four was one of them. Before the situation could get anymore out of hand, they continued this trade off the two had been in by grabbing the inkling’s collar and hurling them over the edge. Acht watched them get splatted by the boundaries of the stage and quickly followed, leaping over the edge themself. As they did, they couldn’t resist the urge to flip off the Jelletons.
The two of them respawned moments later in the Order Sector. Eight, Pearl, and Marina were waiting there. Acht would have explained what happened to them, but before they could Agent 4 kicked them hard in the stomach, sending them flying into the lockers. They prepared to be hit again, but Eight and Marina were holding Four back. They thrashed rapidly, trying to get away. Pearl, now back in her drone form, flew over and offered Acht her handle to help them up. 
“Whoa, Acht, what happened?” Pearl said, lifting them from the ground. 
“They came in the elevator and tried to get to the top floor. I figured if they really were being controlled I shouldn’t let them reach Smollusk.” 
“Thank you, Acht. I don’t know what we would have done if they made it to the top,” Marina said, still trying to restrain Agent 4. “I also don’t know how we’re going to get them to stop fighting us.” As Marina spoke, Eight grabbed Four’s mask and ripped it off, hurling it as far across the Order Sector as he could. It made a clinking sound as it bounced away, getting lost somewhere among the coral. The moment the mask was off, Agent 4 stopped thrashing. Marina and Eight let go, but stayed alert, ready for them to attack again. They just stood there, staring into the nothingness. 
Acht got to see their face for the very first time. They had freckles everywhere, on their nose, their cheeks, and their forehead. Their eyes were big and round and bright red. It was interesting that the only thing that had color after greyscaling was their eyes. Despite wearing a blank expression, Acht could tell they smiled often. They had no evidence for this, Four just had that look to them.
“So… what now?” Pearl asked, hovering over to Agent 4.
“We see if the Spire works the way I planned it to. We give Four their palette and take them to the top. Then once they reach the top floor they should be themself again.” Marina looked worried. The only person who had actually tested the Spire was Eight, would it really work for Agent 4? Acht had their memories back, yes, but they never actually ascended the Spire, they just helped Eight. Simply being in the Memverse was enough for their mind to be restored. So if Four’s wasn’t, how much would it take for them to be back to their old self?
“And what if it doesn’t work?” Eight almost whispered. He was worried, this was the second time someone he cared about had been mind controlled by some big villain. What if he couldn’t save them?
“Then we’ll just have to figure something else out. I’m not letting Agent 4 stay like this, we’re going to help them.”
“So who’s climbing the Spire? Four or Eight?” Pearl asked.
“Both! We’ll have Four be the one to clear the floors, but if something goes wrong Eight will jump in and help them out. Pearl will go with Four and act as their drone and help them through the Spire when Eight doesn’t need to. I’ll help out with my hacks and Acht will operate the elevator. Is that okay with everyone?” Marina explained, looking around for the others’ approval. 
“That works for me. As long as they don’t beat me up again.” Acht tried to maintain their apathetic demeanor. In truth, they were afraid. Reconfiguring this palette would mean leaving the Memverse. They were not at all ready to face the reality of their sanitization. But staying here meant they had to watch Four face the reality of their greyscaling. 
It was so easy before to believe that they weren’t a real person. They were just another part of a boss fight in this messed up digital world, not someone with a personality and memories. But now they had a face. 
“Let’s go,” Eight muttered, already making his way to the Spire. He did not like any of this at all. He'd rather be done with free-will-threatening adventures.
Pearl armed Agent 4 with their palette and they followed Eight. Acht watched carefully to make sure they didn’t try to take the elevator straight to the top again.
Floor 1F was relatively easy. All Four had to do was sink two ∞-balls with minimal enemies attacking them. In exchange, they’d get a main range color chip. They cleared it relatively quickly and returned to the elevator.
“So… are they okay now? They kinda still seem not themself.” Pearl waved a robotic arm in front of Agent 4’s face. They didn’t react at all.
“Right now they only have one color chip, it’s going to take way more before we start seeing any change,” Marina explained. “Let’s see… assuming that they get one color chip each floor, subtracting boss floors since you don’t get color chips from those, that would mean they’d have about 27 color chips by the time they reach the top. So if one percent of 27 is 0.27 and 1 divided by 0.27 equals 3.70, then each color chip would be about 3.7% of them returned. However, this math is faulty as the number of color chips gained changes for each ascent of the Spire. Maybe they wouldn’t gain any color chips for a floor because they went to a vending machine corner and didn’t buy any chips. Maybe they do a floor that gives them double chips. Maybe they buy three chips from the vending machine. It’s impossible to get an exact number, but 27 is a safe ballpark estimate. Regardless, we likely won’t be seeing any changes for a while, but I’m sure Four is feeling them. Hopefully.”
“You’re such a nerd and I love you for it.” Pearl’s words made Marina blush. They never tried to hide their love for each other. Acht was happy for them but did not need to listen to them flirt every five minutes.
Agent 4 had completed 5F. They cleared it relatively well, choosing to take on an actual floor rather than go to the vending machine. On the elevator to the next floor, they finally spoke in who knows how long.
That was it. Just the word “Why”. They didn’t say anything else, their mouth barely moved when they said it. It was almost worse than them saying nothing at all.
Why am I here?
Why is this happening to me?
Why is it so much easier to just give up when all I want to do is keep going?
Why do I sometimes not want to keep going?
Why does it feel so comforting at times and so painful at others?
Why won’t you save me?
Why did you ever try to save me?
Acht couldn’t think about it anymore. The endless list of things that they could have meant by that made them feel sick. 
It only got worse from there. After 10F, Agent 4 started crying. And they didn’t stop. At 15F they hunched down on the floor and had a panic attack. They started talking more on the ride to 16F.
“Am I real?”
Everyone just looked at them for a moment before Marina jumped in, saying, “Yes, you never weren’t. Everything here might be digital but your mind is very real, and you have a physical body too.”
“What if I’m like this forever?”
“You won’t be, we’re gonna take you to the top of the Spire and you’ll be all better!” It was Pearl who spoke this time.
“How do I know who’s telling the truth?”
“We would never lie to you. We care about you,” Eight said. He seemed like he might start crying.
“It broke me.”
“Me too.” Acht did not make eye contact.
By 20F, Four was responding to their name and seemed capable of independent thought. Their color was returning too. They still didn’t remember who Eight, Pearl, or Marina were, but they seemed able to fully recollect their time helping Marie save Callie. But at 21F they sat next to the vending machine with their head buried in their knees. They didn’t say anything. They weren’t even crying. Or maybe they were, Acht couldn’t tell. At least none of the bosses had been Parallel Canon. Did that boss fight even exist anymore?
After waiting about 15 minutes at 21F, Acht walked out onto the floor. 
“I think they need some alone time,” Marina said, beckoning them back into the elevator.
“Marina. I know how this feels. Trust me, the last thing they need right now is to be alone.” Being alone made it worse. The emptiness caving in on you, begging for you to let your mind go blank, pleading for you to give up; it was torture. They were making progress, they were getting better. But if they let the fear take over now then it was all for nothing. They needed someone there to pull them out of their spiral.
Acht crouched down next to Four and put their arm around their shoulders. They were so warm, it felt like hugging a heated blanket. Four just sat there for a second. Then, they lifted their head from their knees by the slightest amount and peered over at Acht.
“I’m not the greatest at this. Emotions aren’t really my thing. Yet, I guess. I don’t know.” Acht wan’t sure what to do. This was all very awkward and new to them. “What I’m trying to say is, I’ve been where you are. It’s scary, I know. But if you let fear win then you’re not going to get any better. And sometimes it’s hard to know if you even want to get better. And it takes a long time, I’m still recovering, but you’ve made so much progress so fast and you can’t give up now. Please don’t give up now.”
The floor was silent for what felt like forever. Then, finally, Four spoke.
“I won’t. I promise. Thank you.”
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mollusc-era · 1 year
dj paul headcanons :)
i have been thinking about him so much and like i've held off on sharing doodles of him because i felt like they wouldn't make sense without all of the thoughts in my head but like i made this blog so i'd start posting my splatoon doodles more SO. might as well get the ideas out there
he's an orphan, kind of? its a lil complicated but like, essentially. grew up in the domes of octo canyon in an orphanage. for what limited resources they have in general, octarians have some pretty nice orphanages etc. it's almost more communally raising kids than anything else, there's a fairly large population of adults that can't reproduce, after all (tentacle octarians. referring to the tentacles.) could go on about the concept but for this the most important thing is that paul doesn't have many familial ties
...hence why he left the domes at such an early age. right after splat 2's hero mode ending, as it often goes. his main motivation was music, to find new influences and inspiration out in the world, as the domes were far enough underground that getting media from the surface was hard.
marina knew him back before either of them left octo valley/canyon! she tutored him occasionally, which was like. a big deal. marina was obviously known for her smarts, and paul was definitely selected because he was seen to have lots of potential
after leaving the domes, he almost immediately tracked down marina. he knew she left and was likely in inkopolis and kind of just showed up and hung out with pearl and marina for a while. marina introduced him to the rest of sashimori + knew of them through pearl. paul being pearl's replacement "vocalist" was something that happened without her knowing until paul left
pearl and marina may not have been ready to take care of paul, but sashimori was definitely a good pick. those are his parents :)
taichi was less involved w/ the whole paul thing for a while compared to karla and ryu-chang. he was under the impression that paul was going to sing with his voice for a long time and the "tiny and awful" comment came after paul tried singing for him
dj is his title. like dr or mr. not elaborating on this (at least not here)
he has a special interest in linguistics. starts off with just the amount of phonetics he needed to know to start playing around with ancient samples in the songs in splat 2, but over time he's gotten super into it. unfortunately this kind of means that he is aware of just how many human languages there were and that he currently has no way of translating any of them
murch is one of his oldest friends and probably his first friend on the surface (marina doesn't count.) they've become super close over the years. paul does get friend discounts he is using that fact to more easily farm ability chunks. sorry
dynamo roller main. how does he carry the thing? good question. (this is in splat 3 times though like hes ~15 for this one not 10)
he will be tall at some point. watch out!!!
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littlestartemis · 2 years
I've never bothered really thinking about the personalities of my various squids through the years, but I do have ideas that I just never put to paper, so to speak. Let's change that.
Agent 3: Not great at making friends. A lot more nervous and shy than you'd ever expect, or that he'd ever be ok with letting you know. Little bit if BotW Link syndrome. Silent and stoic, but more because of the unrelenting pressure of being the only one who can do anything about the dangerous underside of squid society. Hasn't known rest a day in his life, since Cuttlefish took him to go training/splatting pretty much as soon as they first took down Octavio. Has deep respect and just a bit of a crush on 8, due in no small part to the events of Octo Expansion. Very stuck in his ways as far as weapons go. Basic shooters like the .52 or the N-Zap only.
Agent 4: Lunatic wild child. Agent 3 never talks but Agent 4 never stops talking. Was a massive fan of the Squid Sisters, so relished in the chance to do anything with Marie when first brought in for that single player, and took to the harsh truths of what laid beneath inkopolis shockingly well. It's not super clear if they're just that good at compartmentalizing and rationalizing, or if they're blocking it out. On the surface, all you see is someone who enthusiastic slipped right into the secret agent hero persona with little effort or growing pains. They're hanging back in Inkopolis for the time being, both for a well earned vacation, and to make sure the city isn't completely unguarded. Much more aggressive, short range weapons in her kit, namely the tri-slosher and the luna blaster
Agent 8: Soft spoken octo of few words, but a lot of feelings they have trouble articulating. Moved to Splatsville both because the NSBS reached out to them, and because they felt it'd help them better figure out just who they are, ultimately. Has a habit of saying whats on their mind with little filter, not totally getting that that can be kinda rude. Has more than a crush on 3, but since they've never experienced any kind of relationship, just assume this is what having friends is like. Since they haven't spoken up about it, 3 still isn't sure where the two stand, relationship wise. They're both idiots. 8 seems to slip into a sort of combat persona when on missions, where their few words become no words, and they hold themselves completely different. This is literally what they were born for, and while they prefer this new life of worrying more about matching shoes with clothes and playing card games, this is what they're Good At. Eager to try new things, and with terrifyingly efficient tunnel vision, upon arriving in Splatsville they picked up the Splatana and haven't looked back since.
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pezcado-official · 1 year
Part 5 of cephalopods divided um not much else to say
T was walking down into the deep sea metro with about 200 more octolings it really easy considering 99% of the population of splatsville is now octolings because of theories inklings have gone bad. "Hey Octavio I got a few more octolings surprisingly there aren't alot of inklings anymore" T said "That's strange oh well any way we made the first part of your hero suit called the octoling head set it will allow you to hear us talking to you go head and put it on" Octavio explained. T put on the the head set. "Yo yo yo testing testing T can you hear me!" pearl yelled through the head set."Yes I can hear you just fine pearl. T said " Hey T you should probably get to grizz co so you can get some golden eggs as a power source now. Marina said "right" T said as he walked out of the subway T arrived at grizz co "Hey grizz can I borrow a few golden eggs by a few I mean 1000" T told Mr. Grizz. "Sure but you have to get them with your salmon run team where are they you four are my best workers" Mr. Grizz said " They were all inklings there gone now" T said sadly "I'm not gonna send you out there alone get more co workers and ill let you go" Mr. Grizz explained. T went back to the deep sea metro and was able to get 3 other octolings that were good at salmon run the thing is those 3 were only professionals every other octoling was a part timer whilst T was eggsecutive VP. T knew he have to work a lot of shifts to get that many golden eggs. "Okay octolings while T and the others are out getting golden eggs were going to steal the great zapfish from Inkopolis and take it back to our base in octo canyon." Octavio explained The octolings went to inkopolis in the dead of night to steal the great zapfish a few hours earlier though a group of inklings were waiting for the octolings to strike. "Pass him over here 3" Pez yelled. Agent 3, Agent 4, and Pez were playing catch with small fry during the stake out. "Waaaablaghf" small fry said as he flew threw the air. "Octolings AHOY and they're stealing the great zapfish!" Cuttlefish said through the captain's headphones but the captain couldn't hear because he was asleep Pez soon realized the octolings and super jumped to the tower. Pez hid as the octolings took the zapfish off the tower Pez followed the octolings to octo canyon until he was stopped by an octoling.
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bellmo15-blog · 2 years
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I have wired dreams sometimes. Like, really wired dreams. And if you can't tell where I'm going with this that's basically me saying this pic I commissioned was based of one of those dreams! One where I was Moon Knight of all people, a Marvel Super Hero with a split personality disorder I only just found out about at the end of last year before playing Spider-Man Web of Shadows for the first (which is actually ironic considering the artist I got to draw this mostly does Symbiote related artwork) and then a few months later the Moon Knight show airing on Disney plus. Not that I mind having a dream about that because honestly, I kind of like Moon Knight's outfit.
Original description: I can’t remember when I got a drawing Of something based of a dream I once had Oh wait a sec, that’s right. I never have! So this is quite a big occasion. Sorry, I couldn’t help but reference a few lines of Engelbert’s Humperdinck’s song A Man Without Love. It was used in the Moon Knight show after all so only fitting right? Moon Knight is a character I have only recently learnt about towards the end of last year. I knew who he was before playing Spider-Man Web of Shadows which was my first real exposer to him, but I never really knew that much about him. That was until I watched the Moon Knight show on Disney Plus recently and honestly, I kinda liked it. I’m not sure what the general consensus is for this show, but I liked it enough. My reason for getting my sona dressed as the character though? Wasn’t because of the show though. It was actually because of a crazy dream I had a few weeks ago. It started with me on a train along with my man Dante from the Devil May Cry series. And I'm pretty sure we were riding a train in Inkopolis from Splatoon. Why? Because the train was full of Inklings and Octolings and me and Dante were the only humans on the train!... Well, human and half human at least. I’m also pretty sure it was the train from the Splatoon 2 Otco Expansion as well since it had the same stickers on the side that the one in that DLC does. Either it was the same train repurposed or just some random train that looks similar. Anyway, it then went to me having pizza in a place with Thor! Yes, Thor the God of Thunder having a pizza with me! He wasn't even disgusted as a civilian or anything, he was in his iconic outfit. And I was having Pizza with him! In Inkopolis!... For some reason. At least, it might have been Inkopolis. I didn’t see us get off the train before I had my pizza after all. What was even stranger was when I got up to go to the toilet, I saw a anthro frog creature! And no, it wasn't Throg who is Thor as a frog (yes, that's a real thing!) Thinking about it I’m pretty sure it was that one character from Hoodwinked who’s name I can’t remember. Then after we had our pizza for some insane reason Thor let me hold his hammer. And I tested to see if it would return to me if I threw it. And it did... but not before crashing into someone’s car. Yeah. And then Thor left to, I don’t know, go kick Kratos’s ass in God of War Ragnarök I guess. And here’s where the Moon Knight part of the dream comes into play! Like with most of my dreams everything I saw was from my perspective BUT I saw that I was also Moon Knight! Not the character of Marc Specter, Moon Knights true identity, I was myself, BellmoTheGreat, as Moon Knight! I know I shouldn't look into my own dreams to much but let me just point out that Marc in the Marvel Lore became Moon Knight after taking refuge in a tomb of the Eygyption God Khonshu and chosen to be his Avatar. So what the hell was Khonshu in this dream thinking picking a guy like me from Australia and who's knowledge of Eygypt comes from Assassin's Creed Origins to be his avatar!?!? Then again, I also once had a dream where I was in the Backrooms with several other characters and when we escaped, we ended up in a village full of people who sacrificed anyone who escaped the Backrooms to their man-eating plants and I escaped rolling down the hill. On wheelie chairs. WITH Ghost from Modern Warfare! My dreams really are a Multiverse of Madness sometimes. Since then I’ve had the idea of my sona dressed as the Marvel Anti Hero with a split personality on my mind a lot and though he might not be my first choice for super hero’s I’d want to become, that honour goes to Spider-Man (take a wild guess at what suit I’d pick as my main lol), Moon Knights overall design is enough for me to say I wouldn’t mind wearing it. And I mean that two, I may of jokingly said it was a budget Assassin’s Creed cosplay in the past, but I genuinely do find Moon Knight’s design to be really freaking cool and I like it! Artist is Trujilo.
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