#bc the thing is. she LOOKS in season seven
nicollekidman · 10 days
there’s something SO specific about smg’s performance in mid season seven where she goes like. almost entirely neutral around spike in a way buffy doesn’t naturally, so it comes off extremely intentional and like. the way you can tell buffy finally understands how she feels is that she very specifically does not let it show but she also like. holds herself around him like she knows he can tell anyways? i am delusional but there’s Something with her faces around him that are so so so aching it’s crazy…… “i can be alone with you here” but physically because she lets herself be Still and just Look
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mrsdesade · 3 months
I'd like something based on Sage vs fem!supe! Maybe them arguing and then Homie forced to choose between one of them, but everything ending up with something unexpected! You choose what :)
Shattered glasses;
Pairing: Homelander x fem!super (I use Ophera bc I don't like writing ''y/n'' y'know) TW: slight angst, mention of poisoning, morally grey fem!supe Timeline: season 4 Words count: 2,7k Note: thanks for the request dear anon, I was waiting for writing something about s4 :) ofc no hate for any characters!!
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Sister Sage never liked you. From the first moment she saw you, she knew you would be a hindrance. She's not jealous, not even in love with him, she just wanted to control Homelander, and you already had him in your grasp. But the little flaws in your absolutely not perfect relationship with him were the perfect opportunity for her to destroy you and get you fired.
For months she had been trying to make you look incompetent or unable to do your work, she was the smartest woman in the world, and in her eyes you were just another showgirl like the others.
But you were on the Seven from the early years and, oh, you didn't liked at all the fact that Homelander had chosen her as his advisor.
You, you are his partner, he should listen to you.
It has always been about control, rarely about love. But now you feel jealousy boiling in your veins, your control over him is slipping away, and you feel in danger. You know that you'll have to prove to Sage that it is not so easy to get rid of you.
Sister Sage sat comfortably at the table of the Seven, her hands folded in front of her, sipping a steaming cup of chamomile tea. With a delicate motion, she set the cup back down on its saucer, and flashed you a calm smile.
“I think you’re letting your emotions cloud your judgment. You’re making this personal. It’s simply business.”
She's too confident in her intellectual abilities, to the point of arrogance. She's good at reading people, especially their feelings and insecurities, and she uses that to her advantage in arguments, trying to make you say something stupid and make you look like a fool.
“You’ve had your chance at the top, dear. It’s time to accept that things have changed.”
You are standing, with your hands placed on the table, clenched into two fists to hold back your nervousness, looking for the right words to face her, but nothing comes out of your lips.
“Listen, I understand your… frustration. After all, you’re nothing more than a relic these days, don’t you think? A fading star.”
The words hit you like a blow to the gut. Her casual insults were like salt rubbed vigorously into an open wound. You fight back the urge to respond with anger, knowing that she's goading you into a reaction.
“Oh, I hit a nerve, didn’t I? That’s exactly what I meant. You’re stuck in the past. You can’t adjust to the changes. It’s kinda pathetic, really.”
You wanted nothing more than to reach across the table and wipe that arrogant smile off her face, but you knew that’s exactly what she wanted. So you took a deep breath, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.
“I suggest you think about your words better, the last person who dared to call me pathetic didn't end well.”
Sage raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“You can try to intimidate me all you want, but it won’t change the fact that your time has passed. No matter what you do, you won't be able to get your spotlight back.”
“Dear, I fill the stadiums, the arenas, millions of people come to hear my voice every night, every single event is sold out in minutes! I wouldn't call this decay of a carreer.”
“Ah, yes, the fame and the adoration of the masses. Impressive, really. But I was referring to another type of spotlight here.”
She paused for a moment, studying your face before continuing. Your gaze has become dark, almost threatening, you know perfectly well where he wants his speech to end.
“We both know you lost your real spotlight a long time ago…the one that matters. Homelander won’t change his mind about me.”
Your expression betrays your emotions, anger and frustration bubbling just beneath the surface.
“You're playing a dangerous game Sage, you know that? You think you can just waltz in here and take my place?”
“Ophera, is it so hard to accept that I’m better equipped for the job? You’ve always been so blinded by your ego and your pride. Your strategy is always to stay safe and not lose your career, Vought needs much more than this.”
Her expression was cool and calculating, as If she had already mapped out every possible reaction you might have.
“And let's clarify, I don’t need to take your spot. I already have.”
Your face twisted in anger, your fists gripped the table’s edge, under your gloves knuckles turning white.
“You arrogant little—“ you began, but she calmly interrupted you.
“Now, now, there’s no need for insults.” she chided, her voice dripping with faux sweetness. “We’re adults here, we can speak calmly and intelligently like any normal person, don’t you agree?”
“You're feeling cool, mh? Acting all smart and knowing everything. I've been a part of this Seven for years. And you, you're nothing.”
Her cool demeanor began to crack, and a hint of annoyance flickered across her face at your words.
“Ah, here it goes. The same old tired argument. I've been here longer, I'm more experienced, blah blah blah.”
She leaned forward, her eyes boring into yours with an intensity that contradicted her calm exterior.
“Oh, did I hit a nerve?” you teased, mirroring her earlier taunt.
“Don't get too comfortable.” she retorted, her voice slightly sharpened. “You should remember that your position here is fragile. One wrong word, one wrong move, and you could lose everything you have left.“
You leaned forward now, your voice lowering as you met her gaze.
“You seem to forget that I’ve still a pretty big influence over Homelander myself. I can make things difficult for you if I want to.”
“I think we both know who he listens to these days.”
The conversation was cut short when the door to the room burst open, and Homelander strolled in, his presence immediately filling the space. His eyes flicked between the two of you, sensing the tension in the room.
“What's going on here?”
You and Sage both turned your attention to him, quickly composing yourselves.
“Just a chat. I was merely informing Ophera of some important developments within about the Vought future.”
Homelander glanced at you, tilting his head slightly as he observed.
“A chat, huh? Didn't look like a friendly one to me.”
“You're right. And since it's clear that Sage loves telling you lies, I'll tell you that wasn't just a simple chat.” an adorable, mischievous smile escapes from your lips. Exposing the little lie she told to him.
Homelander's eyes immediately landed on Sage, waiting for her to respond. “Care to explain?”
Sage shifted in her seat, clearly irritated that you had exposed her lie. “It's nothing serious, just a typical argument between colleagues. Nothing you need to worry about.” she replied quickly, trying to downplay the situation.
And incredibly, it works.
Homelander nods like a tamed puppy and believes her.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration as Homelander seemed to buy into Sage's explanation so easily. It seemed like she had him wrapped around her little finger.
“I see, things like this happens, just keep it professional, ladies, okay?”
Sage shot you a quick, victorious look, smug knowing her sweet words to him had prevailed, again.
Disappointment flooding through your veins. It infuriated you how easily Homelander seemed to believe blindly in to Sage's words. You tried to maintain a neutral expression. But you won't have another opportunity like this to assert your dominance, you have to think of something quickly. Sage sure is smart, but you can be really sly.
You pretended to shrug nonchalantly, even though inside you were seething with anger. But you weren't done yet.
You locked eyes with Homelander, ensuring he was listening to you. And then you spoke, your voice dripping with feigned concern.
“It’s true, it wasn’t a big deal. But there’s one thing that concerns me, Homelander. May I be honest with you?”
He tilted his head slightly, curiosity piqued. “You've to.”
“I felt a bit insecure lately and I was wondering...If I should save Sage from poisoning or me from falling from a building. Who would you save?”
Your question comes like an unexpected bolt of lightning, without anyone being able to foresee it or understand its real intention. You cross your arms over your chest and walk around the room slowly, waiting for a response.
He's is taken aback by your question, and the room falls silent. Sage glanced at you quickly, an unexpected flicker of worry in her eyes.
Homelander's eyes follow you as you walk around the room. He's quiet for a few moments, considering the weight of your words before answering.
“Why should I choose, I can save both without effort, you know that.” he finally responds, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
Your lips curled into a smirk - the answer is far from satisfactory.
“Of course, but let's say you can only choose one.” you persist, your voice steady. “Who would it be?”
His expression unreadable. He's definitely taken off guard by your insistence, and you can see a hint of annoyance starting to form underneath the surface.
“There are too many factors to consider, I can't just say one random name. Fuck, you and your stupid questions...”
Sage looks down at the cup of chamomile tea she was drinking a few minutes ago, and for a second the fear of having been poisoned actually makes her shiver.
“And that's why I'm here to listen all of your thoughts about.” you smile at him once again, hiding something dark behind your kind tone.
Homelander sighs, finally realizing you won’t back down. He crosses his arms, staring at you with slight irritation.
“Fine. Let's say, If I had to choose, I'd likely save Sage first.”
Sage's head snapped up upon hearing his decision, and her eyes widened in surprise. But you answer him carefully, still smiling.
“Are you sure about that?”
“I mean, you're more resistant than her, you wouldn't really die falling from a building. While Sage body is totally human, he would certainly die without an antidote for the poison.”
Your smirk widens, you expected this.
“There, happy now? I solve your fucking riddle.”
You quickly turn away from the conversation and casually walk over towards the large window you know is behind Sage's seat. Acting as if you were admiring the view outside, you casually reach for the handle and pull the window open. The gust of wind that blows in is strong enough to be unexpected, the documents on the table rattle, and the curtains wave violently.
Sage's hand involuntarily releases her cup of tea, and as it hits the floor and the liquid splashes in her direction, a look of panic and realization flashed across her face.
She quickly rises from her seat, her body shaking subtly, trying to play it off as if it was just a simple accident. But anyone can see the flicker of panic behind her eyes. The liquid seeps into the carpet, staining it a dark brown.
“You— Ophera what have you done to my tea?!”
Homelander's eyes narrow, his attention suddenly diverted from the ongoing conversation.
You feign surprise, tilting your head to the side innocently. “Me? Nothing.”
“Bullshit!” Sage points a finger at you, a mixture of shock and fury on her face. She starts to feel strange, she feels dizzy and her legs are shaking.
You turn back to the large open window, the strong gust of wind causing your hair to flutter and the hem of your uniform to flutter. As you look outside, you subtly step back, closer and closer to the edge, the tips of your feet barely holding onto the edge of the window frame.
“What the hell are you doing Ophera?” he say, his voice sharp. “Get away from the window, where has your fear of great heights gone?”
Your eyes flick toward Homelander, a sly smile playing on your lips as you continue to stand dangerously close to the open window, your words dripping with a hint of manipulation.
“Well, I guess now you finally have a real opportunity to choose, love.”
A moment of silence hangs in the air as they're taken off guard by your audacity. Suddenly, without any warning, you lean back, and with a graceful leap, you launch yourself out of the window.
Homelander's heart skips a beat.
“No…No, don't—” he exclaimed desperately, his body moving on instinct.
The wind immediately engulfs you as the ground rapidly comes closer and closer. You feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins, looking at the blue sky, the thrill of the freefall mixing with the intense rush of the air hitting your back.
In an instant, a blur of red and blue rushes towards you as Homelander flies out, he flies towards you at superhuman speed shattering the glass of the other windows. He moves closing the distance between you and him in mere seconds.
From the window, Sage leans out, looking at you both with disbelief. Her eyes widened, and her mouth hangs open, speechless at the turn of events.
Homelander catches you mid-air, wrapping his arms around you, the wind still rushes around you both. You can feel his hands shaking a bit as he holds you.
You look up at him, a cheeky smirk dancing on your lips. A breathless laugh escapes you, the adrenaline still pumping through your veins. Your heart pounds, and a sense of exhilaration washes over you. The suddenness of your action still hangs in the air, and his surprise is evident in his eyes.
“Ops, I guess you picked me.”
Homelander huffs, his grip on you slightly loosening, relaxing, floating in air with you. He shakes his head, relief and frustration clear on his face.
“You're out of your goddamn mind woman.”
“Maybe I am. But, at least you still care enough to save me.” you chuckle softly, enjoying the moment of his attention.
He rolls his eyes, but you can see a smile on his lips and he's slowly moving in the hair to coming back inside the Tower.
You reach out to caress his face gently, your touch tender against his skin. Your hand trail over his jaw, feeling the slight stubble beneath your fingertips. Your other hand still grips onto the fabric of his suit, holding onto him.
“Y'know...I thought Sage brainwashed you into choosing her over me, but I'm happy to see that's not the case.”
His expression softens a little, his eyes meeting yours.
“Believe me, I think she tried. But she didn’t brainwash me at all.” he grumbles, his voice low. “I’m not that easy to control. You should know that..”
“I know you're far from being easy to control. You’re too stubborn and prideful for that.”
He huffs again, with his bold smirk on his lips. “You’re quite stubborn too, maybe more than me. Just look at your little stunt back there.”
As he lands back inside the room with you in his arms, the scene is a little chaotic. He takes a moment to check you are okay, before his eyes land on Sage, who is now passed out on the floor.
“Was really necessary to poison her? Despite your jealousy he was an excellent strategy member to the team.” he say, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Relax. She's not dead. There wasn't a single drop of poison or anything in her tea.” you look down at Sage's unconscious body, lying motionless on the floor, and a small, satisfied smile lifts the corners of your lips.
“Then why the hell is she passed out?” he asks, puzzled.
You kneel down next to her and tilt your head to the side as you examine her unconscious form. The feeling of triumph washes over you, knowing that you managed to manipulate her fear and doubt to your advantage.
“With a brain like hers, mental deceptions are more effective than anything else. It was enough for me to convince her that she had been poisoned and goodnight little sunshine.”
He lets out a low whistle, impressed by the simplicity of your tactic.
“Damn. You really know how to mess with people's heads.”
There's admiration in his voice. An admiration for you that you can still wear like a medal.
“But you really had to prove a point in such a dramatic manner, huh?”
You stand back up, brushing off your uniform and looking at Homelander with a smug smile.
“I had to do something to prove to her, and you, who your favourite really was.”
Hope you like it! I will calmly continue to write about him based on your ask box requests, I will not leave anyone unsatisfied, I promise <3
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lukasdoodles · 26 days
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Wanted to talk abt some of my Jesse headcanons bc they r creatures to me (General hcs bc they have slightly different stuff depending on the Jesse)
All the Jesse's play different routes to me, with slightly different choices and experiences. But they're all a little aware that their actions are not their own, some more so than others. Green suspenders/red hair clip are the most in tune with that awareness, so they're a lil more messed up/unhinged than the rest. (Plus they've done multiple playthroughs to me, and while no one remembers the playthroughs they DO have an odd sense of deja-vu) and all the jesse's r he/they/she with no particular preference
Green suspenders Jesse (my fav and the one ill prolly talk abt the most lol) has a LOT of scars but hides them under his clothes. The only one he cant hide is the one across his nose, that he got from Aiden during sky city, but he breaks Aiden's nose in return so its all good :3 Other scars come from various random enemies/mobs, but most of them come from failed quicktime events or the witherstorm. ill prolly doodle it out sometime :)
Some of the Jesse's have tattoos! Navy/purple suspenders Jesse has a red witherstorm tattooed on their back, Pink suspenders has misc sleeves and a love for rhinestone/gem-like art, Yellow hair clip has black flowers on her shoulder/back, and Blue hair clip has white doves on her wrists (matching with Petra, who has black crows :3)
After the events of season two, Jesse becomes a bit of a shut in. They still hang out with friends and make public appearances for Beacon town, but the admin left them with a bad reputation, and many people are still mad at Jesse for things they never did. Jesse prefers to stay inside and work on paperwork, have Radar make the public appearances and all that. Lukas is the one who shows up to pull Jesse away and make them rest most of the time, with Jack and Nurm showing up as well as Ivor and Harper visiting every now and then to make Jesse rest.
Jesse doesn't forgive any of their enemies that easily. He gets along with Ivor slowly, building trust and finally *really* trusting him only in episode seven. They start to trust Lukas more in episode four. Aiden isn't forgiven easily, Jesse more-so puts up with him bc Aiden is trying to better himself on his own accord, and Olivia is giving him a chance to change (Aiden comes back to the homeworld and becomes Olivia's apprentice on accident and also they r in love) But its easier for Jesse to forgive Maya and Gill bc they were just loyal to a fault, and are trying to be better people after it all (Plus Jesse grows a soft spot for Maya when he sees the way Radar looks at her [they r also in love]). Jesse has mixed feelings for Cassie Rose, understanding the sentiment and wanting to go home, but despising her for murdering innocent people/trying to kill their friends. Cassie sends Jesse threats every now and then, Jesse almost wishes they could reach out and help Cassie somehow, but at the same time they wouldn't care if Cassie had died in that pit oh so long ago. Jesse used to have mixed feelings about Harper, but Harper risked everything and wasn't REALLY meaning for Pama to go beserk the way it did. Jesse forgives her easily, but is hesitant when she reveals Pama V2 lol. Hadrian and Mevia aren't forgiven. Simple as that lol Jesse hates them. Stella was a rival, but not really an enemy, more so just an annoyance. Jesse doesn't hate her, she does some bad things but comes thru in the end to help. Jesse would've taken her in as a second secretary had she not gone out to work first-hand and help salvage Champion City/help rebuild for the few survivors. He still appoints her as an ambassador and welcomes the survivors to beacontown while they rebuild. Romeo doesn't get forgiveness, most Jesse's will try and leave him to die but those that save him will make him work for redemption, borderline bullying Romeo to be better.
Jesse is a silly lil guy, no matter what :3
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Hi! Love your work could you write a gavi × reader where reader is on vacation in Spain and gavi sees her from afar and he can't stop looking at reader like live at first sight and his friends see him watching you and tell him to make a move and he does and his friends tease him bc he finally found someone
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Celebration fic for the 1K followers✨
Vacations with Love at First Sight -P.G6
Summary: At vacations the last thing you both thought was falling in love.
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You were in delight when you got your vacations after studying so hard for five months and two weeks straight, Uni was kicking your calm, patience and sleep hours and now you were done, you were finally getting them back for another two weeks. And it may not be the whole time you'd like but it was what you get and you were going to take the best of it.
You and your friends wanted and decided (After a lot of begging to your parents), that you were going to spend the two vacations week in Ibiza, you have rented the house you were staying in for, you have the food, the restaurants, everything.
And now after three days of being there already, you were loving the idea of coming next summer to Ibiza, the place was so nice and quiet enough to reload your batteries and have a great time with your girls.
What you didn't know was that you had a little admirer looking at you three tables away.
Pablo Gavi, who was also in Ibiza with his friends after a hardworking season with the Barcelona and the National Team, had his eyes on you since the moment you walked through the door with a smile on your face.
"Would you stop looking like a creep?" Adbe, one of Pablo's friends said
"I'm not a creep"
"Please, you have been looking at the girl ever since she came here" Javi joined besides him as Pablo gave him a look "You're not even trying to hide anything" Pablo rolled his eyes as his friends laughed lightly "She's pretty"
"Yes, she is" Aurora nodded agreeing with her boyfriend
"C'mon, Pablito" Fermín smiled at his friend "Go talk to her"
"She's pretty but I don't like her. I can't distract myself with girls, I need to focus for the next season. Besides, she's with her friends, she won't pay attention to me or will just think I'm stupid"
"She won't" Aurora replied "You obviously like her, season is over now, you can relax yourself and have a great time Pablo. Girls won't distract you from anything"
"I won't go"
"Fine. I'll go"
"Aurora, what are you doing?"
"Making friends" And that's how the seven guys watched how Aurora walked over to your table and a few seconds later, you stood up grabbing a chair from the empty table besides you and invited her to sit, which she gladly did
"Oh fuck" Carlos said laughing "Your sister's amazing"
The guys were laughing while Pablo was shaking his head softly looking at you, wondering how easy was for his sister to engage a conversation, he couldn't believe it.
"Aurora's calling me" Javi said standing up
"You're leaving?"
"My girl calls" The guys laughed before Aurora appeared
"The girls are okay with you sitting with them, if you'd like"
"This is your chance, Pablito" Mario said smiling and standing up "It's okay to have someone, you know?"
"Yes, Pablo" Fermín nodded "Stop with those things going on your head, be free and happy"
Pablo sighed watching his friends go around your table, watched how you got two tables together for all of you and slowly let himself stand and walk towards you.
"Hello" He tight smiled and inmediately he was received with your smile and a wave "Where can I sit?"
"There's a seat next to Y/N" Javi said inmediately and it was as if he knew who you were, his eyes went to yours and you smiled moving your chair to the side leaving a seat free for him.
He instantly went to sit next to you with his nerves at the top of his head and actions
"Hello" He heard your voice and instantly fell in love with it, he smiled at you "Y/N Y/L/N" You stuck your hand out and he shook it
"Pablo Gavi" He smiled
"You're Aurora's brother, right?" He nods
"Sorry if she came out a bit too much" You shake your head
"She's lovely"
And that was the start of a conversation with Pablo. Both of you, hitting it off instantly, no one, not even your girl friends, dared to disrupt your conversation with the Sevillano.
"I'm gonna go and bring me another drink" You said standing up "Guys... You want a refill?"
A few "yes" came through the table as you picked their drinks
"I'll help you, girl" You best friend, Pamela said standing up
"Don't you worry, Pamela" Fermín said "Pablo can help her"
Looks were directed to Pablo "Yes, of course!" Pablo said standing up and helping you with the drinks.
You walked over and asked for the refill and as you waited, you and Pablo were in silence for the first time of the evening.
"Y/N" You heard your name being called and you turn to Pablo "What are you doing later?"
"Um- I don't know... Maybe later with the girls go to our room and watch some movie or go to the beach, why?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to go out?" He asked and you smile softly nodding
"Sure, where are we going? Are the guys coming as well?"
"I meant just you and me" Pablo said nodding while pointing to him and you
"Oh! Yes, of course!" Your nods and smile calmed him down "Where are we going?"
"Wherever you want to" You laugh nodding
"What time?"
"Does 5pm sound good?" You nod "Perfect. Make yourself prettier than you already are"
"You think I'm pretty?"
"I don't think you are pretty. You are pretty, I'm just lucky to see it"
"You're a charming one, Pablo" He smiled feeling the blush come to his cheeks "And a very shy one as well"
"Ay, cállate" (Oh, shut up) You laughed carefree as you were being watched by Javi, Aurora, Mario and Fermín
"Told you he was gonna do it" Mario said happily
"I'm happy for him" Fermín said
"So are we" Javi replied for him and for his sister. You came back with the drinks and instead of sitting, you remained up
"Seat's free to sit" One of your friends, Melisa joked as you laughed lightly
"I know it is but we won't sit right now"
"We are going on a walk" Pablo answered smiling softly "I'll bring her back before 9pm"
"You better" Your best friend, Pamela said with a smile "Take care guys"
With a smile, Javi opened his phone and went inside their group chat "Distracted already?🥴 You left your glasses"
And with that text a lot of teasing came through to the poor Sevillano, who couldn't care less about his phone at the moment, he was happy he followed his friends advice.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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okay I had the strangest experience because I watched the first 3 episodes and went "this is great! a little silly but thats to be expected, no where near as bad as season 3" and then the last 3 episodes happened !! anyways
thoughts/take aways :
ty for letting them say fuck
aidan gallagher get out of the writers room and get a girlfriend
baby shark, seriously, that was at least 4 years ago
lila character assasination is CRAZY omg. she would never?? do anything with five 😭 her and five have hated eachother this entire time no matter how many years they were in a train station she would not get w his dusty ass
I dont understand how this happened except somehow aidan got leverage with the plot bc the GREENHOUSE?? SHOTS??? ARE LIKE IDENTICAL?? TO HIS WEIRD INSTAGRAM SELF INSERT FIC?? i hate this boy, get ur hands off my tua
also generally the way they have Lila act abt her family??? idk it feels like such a bland plotline to make her and diego hate being parents
the chubby jokes about diego are also crazy
the fives scene was so cringey 😭 i see what u were going for but it literally just gave citadel of ricks it was not good, and the rain man joke.
the plotline of klaus getting kidnapped was genuinely crazy to toss in there and play for jokes, they only acted like it was serious when the guy threatened allison like no he has been sex trafficking the hargreeves on screen for an entire episode
also while klaus being really paranoid of dying without his powers COULD have been a good plot line I feel like they did not do it well and it just ended up feeling like promoting his addiction
that goop ending was really weird, why'd they get gooped, what if they all died normally no goop involved, they window breaking shot was cool just have that massive monster kick their asses why goop
why did they imply Viktor is like treating all the women in town badly in the first episode 😭 viktor has NEVER acted like this. like please let trans men be GOOD men it doesnt men them girly to not treat women like shit
they act like sloan died and then never elaborated on it???
please explore why raymond left allison and fire aidan gallagher
klaus immediately going for the dog tags was actually rlly sweet almost cried
the two seconds of young apocalypse five were the best moments of the whole season
plot holes bc i was gonna be nice but you did this to yourself :
why is everyone calling it marigold like its not just random thing harlan came up with
and fives jumps are purple??? for the reason of ??? ??? why??
why were lila and five living like they were in the apocalypse in that train station when they clearly could pop up and time travel around??? like go up take a shower, time travel to sometime with stores, buy some meat, why are you hunting rats, theres literally a deli in there
also they were in there for SEVEN YEARS and never saw another five until the last episode????
I also really heavily doubt it would take five 7+ years to figure out the train system
also the way allison pours the marigold directly into klaus' wound and it just works 😭 how does it work both by drinking it AND ALSO BY POURING IT DIRECTLY IN A MANS GUNSOHT WOULD
what? was going on w Sy Grossman ?? did we ever figure that out?? did they just kill him off and leave us wondering?? why did he say he was Jennifers dad? was he actually with the Keepers? was he just working for Abigail?? no fucking clue
one of the hargreeves (i think luther) called bens death the jennifer incident in s3,,,, but they did not know the girls name and also allegedly had their memories wiped???? okay,,,
also i thought sparrow ben KNEW jennifer already cuz he had her name in his journal or whatever?? but now he doesn't???
why was she in the squid 😭 ?
honestly im sure theres more ive forgotton but omg, that was not good 😭
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turkeycalamitybff · 2 months
on my stranger things bullshit again anyway
Holly being a major character this time???? I’ve got SO many things to say about that. Because she’s been foreshadowed to understand more than she’s letting on this ENTIRE TIME. Like I’ve seen no one talk about this but Holly def knows more than she’s letting on. And we’ve been shown that for so long. Look at season three episode seven “The Bite” around 2:50. When the other Wheelers are on the Ferris wheel Holly sees the trees moving, (the mindflayer) and comments on it. Like!!!! She has been in so many background scenes commenting to Karen about things from the upside down. And in season one she is the first one to see the “messages” from Will and the pressing on the wall. Will and Holly are TOTALLY connected. I was genuinely confused when she didn’t get a bigger role in season four but now it makes sense.
Will is what started the series but Holly will end it. And the Duffers legit said that they were paralleling season one (going back to those groups) so wouldn’t it make sense for ANOTHER CHILD CONNECTED TO MIKE WHEELER (who has been intimately connected to the plot each season I feel like) to go missing??? This is the WHEELERS season and no one can convince me otherwise. It’s all about learning that it’s good to be different. It’s about the WHEELER family learning that.
and it helps Karen get involved! Because in all the scenes Holly shows Karen something she could’ve just seen it herself. Holly was, objectively, a character that didn’t have to exist before now. But she does BECAUSE SHE IS CONNECTED TO THE UPSIDE DOWN. My guess is that she is heavily paralleled to Will this season (the title of chapter two one of the biggest examples) and is going to be the main catalyst and I for one am HERE FOR IT.
Will is the main character this season but the Wheelers are the ones who create the plot.
in general the Wheelers have always seemed to be huge. When the Cali gang gets back it would make sense for El to be at the front, correct? Or will? But no, Mike the one “leading the charge” it looks like. He really is the heart. When his sister goes missing?? Oh it’s over for Vecna.
also manifesting a scene after Holly goes missing for Mike to have a mental breakdown about the similarities to when Will was missing and Wills like so confused??? Like Dustin and Lucas see it too and they tell Will about how insane he went and Wills just. Shocked.
also manifesting a scene for the party (or everyone) where they find out what happened at the quarry with Troy in season one bc that was so built up? (Scene where hopper says that for someone to jump off was a death sentence) and then NOTHING happened and I need it to be addressed. Like maybe something similar happens and Dustin comments on it, and everyone finds out?? Just in general I can see how losing his younger sister could lead to Mike nearly committing suicide (that boy is SO depressed, Jesus) also I know this probably actually means nothing but I’ve always thought Holly was getting a bigger role since I saw the episode title “Holly, Jolly” like idk? It always seemed so weird to me and I always thought “oh hollys going to get bigger” and she never did? Also idk the episode title is just plain weird. Like I understand it’s like a play on the Christmas lights and ironic cause no one is happy but what always gets me is the comma. Like I would’ve thought they would’ve named it “Holly Jolly” which in my opinion makes more sense and is more continuos. Plus it wouldn’t bring Holly to mind as much and wouldn’t foreshadow her being part of it. BUT MAYBE they are going to parallel that episode and I won’t be crazy but who knows even. This last paragraph is me ranting.
tl;dr Holly and the Wheelers have been foreshadowed since season one to play a bigger role and to be connected to the upside down and we’re gonna see it in st 5.
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tessarionbestgirl · 19 days
“Softening the main Targ because people “love” them” is just history revisionism unless anon somehow means Jon. Dany is wayyy more aggressive and cold in the show. Her ending was planned early, so this makes sense for the show to do this bc book Dany can’t even kill hostages much less nuke a surrendered city. It almost feels like Ryan is adapting book Dany which is bizarre bc she and book Rhaenyra are about as different as you can get!
Yes, I think D&D took Jon nuances and made him a generic prototype hero. In the book he is so much more strategic than the short temper guy he is in the show, I hate the battle of the bastards and that whole arc because nothing show!Jon does after his death fits in his book version, their fanfic was always there, It Just got progressively worse when they didn't have material to adapt. I pretty sure when Jon comes back from the dead he is not going to look the same. Death always takes away something from people in asoiaf.
And in part agree to the whole Dany thing, they made her since s1, more cruel and military focused than she was in the books and taking away her connection with magic took essential part of her character and her arc. In that sense, yes, they adapted part of Dany's arc into Rhaenyra, but It does not fully works. Because both characters are supposedly care about "prophecy" and the weight of the family legacy, but Rhaenyra behavior through the first season does not reflect this. Furthermore, the arc that Rhaenyra is supposed to be copying in this season is Dany's in the book A Dance with Dragons.
Whatever the claims are completely different, because Dany is fighting against oppression and slavery and Rhaenyra is fighting for her to be queen. Thematically, ironically, Alicent is the one who borrows the most from Dany in the show. Her young version arc is a westerosi version of what Dany goes though in book one, her marriages are very much alike as well. Even the Idea of she, narratively, to be more than the mother of the one who should be "the king/The stallion who mounts the world" is present in the show.
But It does not fully works and is bizarre and disconnected because those characters are never originally thought out to be the same and neither Ryan or Sarah, despite understanding certain themes they are unable to recreate because they are not as talented as writers as Martin is. Rhaenyra is a character to be a Cersei's reflection and hint at Cersei future conflic and endgame.Alicent is her own character but being a mother still essential part of who she is and her motivation, taking that and make her sacrifice her only child is insane character murder because It took the motivation she was build up into It, It takes her character foundation. I have no idea what her story moving up because lmao what even is the story after that "queen in chains"? Just after they ended her finally reaching her "freedom".
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Daenerys presence on a Dance of the Dragons, It should only happens as a hidden subject, though the prophecy. Same as Jon with the Gregan And Jace pack, that they cut out for no good reason what só ever.
And the Aegon's prophecy I truly I believe it is something real, It already play a part on Dany dreams and because Martin himself said will play a part on future events so is confimed as true and canon.
GRRM: In some sense he[Aegon the Conqueror] saw what was coming 300 years later, and wanted to unify the Seven Kingdoms to be better prepared for the threat that he eventually saw coming in the north."Daenerys Targaryen is no maid, however. She is the widow of a Dothraki khal, a mother of dragons and sacker of cities, Aegon the Conqueror with teats." ADWD
Whatever I am not as sure in the book canon Viserys even know the prophecy. I think It died with Jaehaerys, and I have a strong theory of why he didn't pass that information, but, this post is to long already. I believe neither Aegon nor Rhaenyra knew about it.
The Daemon part is acually the one I believe, I stugled a lot about how this arc ended, but after analyzing and digesting, I think it makes a lot of sense for him to suport Rhaenyra after he come to sort religious experience, because is not for her, It is because he new view on the events, and that makes sense.
Either way, Sorry for my Ted talk anon, AMD thanks for sending a ask.
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tootalltech · 1 month
okay no bc i’ve seen shows with some bad writing okay. but at least in those. they didn’t completely fucking massacre two characters whole personalities? like. lab rats: elite force isn’t great but yk what character is at least consistent in it even being pulled over from another show? chase. young justice is its own mess, but you know whose personalities stay real and true the whole time? like. the entire cast. in my opinion. SUCCESSION’s final season is SAD and maybe not as strong as the ones before it, but it still MAKES SENSE and the characters all make decisions that are COMPLETELY IN LINE WITH WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THEM (and not that i think succession has bad writing, i don’t, just that its finale is upsetting but there’s a way to do that well). this was just. you spend like two seasons establishing that this guy cares deeply about his family even if he’s all tough and hardened and doesn’t like to show it, he will do anything for his family, his main goal is to save from them whatever oncoming apocalypse they may have started, and then he just? oh he doesn’t care about that any more? yeah he has to live in a greenhouse with his brothers wife actually. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. THEY CAN LITERALLY JUST BE ASSASSIN FRIENDS LIKE THEY CAN GET LOST FOR SEVEN YEARS FOR ALL I CARE, THEY’VE ALWAYS HAD AN INTERESTING BOND OVER DEALING WITH THE COMMISSION AND THE HANDLER BUT THAT’S TEN TIMES MORE INTERESTING AND MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE IF IT’S NOT. SOMEHOW ROMANTIC? LIKE? EW???? AND IT RUINS LILA’S CHARACTER AS WELL WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE DO THAT???? AND THEN DIEGO’S MAD AT HIM AND THEY DIE. OKAY! GREAT, I GUESS. GREAT SHOW ENDING.
you know what would’ve actually been interesting? well, a million other things. but how about five, say, dealing with the fact that lila’s parents are alive in this timeline, and he’s killed them before, and he’s certainly never had to look someone in the eyes and shake their hand knowing that in another reality he literally killed them. how about five and lila finding some timeline with the commission and the handler alive and well and dealing with their own crises about that? how about even just five watching lila and diego happy together and being like “huh you know i sure miss delores” EVEN THAT WOULD BE BETTER. not to mention actually in character for him. like. i’ve genuinely never seen such a good example of a character in their “canon” content being so, so out of character. literally what the fuck happened to him. that’s just not even five. GOD my head hurts i’m going to bed
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peachviz · 2 months
I finally finished Voyager so you know what that means.
It’s a Voyager Wrap Up and notes party:
(Beware: hot takes ahead)
- I like and I hate this show. It was my slowest watch. I should have probably started with this instead of DS9 bc as you all know nothing can top DS9 and when you start out with the best meal nothing can compare. But tbh I don’t know if it would have made a difference.
- There’s a problem with this show that I’ve noticed that it’s a common problem within Star Trek as a whole. This one was just noticeable. There’s parts where they build up plots and characters and then half way through they just give up.
Kes was the biggest atrocity, they couldn’t figure out what to do with her so they give up on her and replace her with a new shiny toy. Won’t even get into the misogyny of the situation, we are all aware I don’t have to keep beating a dead horse. (Also aware of the hostile situation on set I’m not interested in that debate)
Chakotay is another example. He starts to lose lines and he kind of just floats. Tuvok is another big one. Because why tf did I have to sit through more Neelix focused episodes than Tuvok???????
Like the writers constantly do this but it’s so noticeable with this series. It’s like Patrick trying to open Sandy Cheeks’s door in SpongeBob and he just holds his hands over the door and goes, “Open Seasme!” The door doesn’t open and he shrugs and goes “Well, I’ve done all I can do.” That’s the writers of this show.
- while on the topic of Neelix. Here’s a hot take. What an incredibly pointless and annoying character. He made a lot of episodes unwatchable. Kes and Neelix have to be the worst poison I’ve ever ingested from Star Trek as a whole and I had to sit through TNG sexism and somehow this pairing was the worst. How incels feel about JarJar Binks is how I feel about Neelix. If you like him, great. If you don’t like him, let’s hug.
- there is something about this show that I feel they do better than DS9 and that is mental health episodes. It’s so subtle and there doesn’t have to be a lot of theatrics. While DS9 is good at portrayal, there are things that Voyager does with the Doctor, Seven, and even B’Elanna that I found the most relatable
- which btw B’Elanna is like super relatable it’s almost scary. I love Kira Nerys, she’s still my all time favorite, but I find myself gravitating to being like B’Elanna. I feel like she had the best character development besides Seven. Now granted, she can do some really selfish fucked up shit. Like the Doctor’s holofamily, etc, but I find her character refreshing. This show needed that.
- Seven of Nine. Idk what to say to make everything fit so here’s a lightning round. The cat suit is fucking annoying. We had to have Gene Roddenberry dying to get Deanna Troi in a real uniform and then we have the goodness of DS9 just to have the men be like “we need to bring back sexy” and then bring this wonderful character just to keep her in a cat suit. A suit, btw, that she doesn’t even want to be in bc in all her holo fantasies she’s either in a uniform, pants, or literally anything else. And don’t even get me started on Chakotay and Seven. What an odd paring with zero chemistry. It felt almost fatherly and then that shit happens bc they had to dispel the J/C shit and I think it was along the lines of Beltran getting tired of Chakotay being a “chump”. ??? Idk if that’s the exact quote but like boooooo that’s boring. It’s just ew no thanks.
- but seven is a wonderful character and if there weren’t so many men in the writing room then we could have had it all. Looking forward to seeing what Picard retcons
- Janeway is an amazing captain and I’m glad we have a complicated female captain but this goes along with my first topic. For the first four seasons, until she cuts her hair, there’s still too many cooks in the kitchen. You have her naked somehow multiple episodes per season until 4 (?) and then she has that dumbass governess holo program. Like by the time she has her hair cut, we could have just had all that from the start. Everyone say thank you Kate Mulgrew
- lastly, I’m glad that J/C didn’t become canon while they were away bc sometimes yearning is hotter than having. Kate Mulgrew stating that it was inappropriate for an office place romance bc young girls shouldn’t have to see (once again generalizing a quote) is totally valid. And tbh I feel like it would be a distraction to Janeway specifically
Idk in closing it’s an alright watch. It wasn’t really spectacular to me anyway. There were a lot of good parts, but I feel like it lost steam midway through season 6 and a lot of it was rocky. I could just be getting Star Trek fatigue.
Picard is next and then Prodigy. Probably won’t even go near Enterprise and I’ll be doing an actual rewatch of discovery to finish it. And another rewatch of lower decks bc now I’ll be able to understand it in total. So the Rankings below will exclude prodigy, ent, Picard, and discovery.
Current Series Ranking:
1) Deep Space Nine
2) Strange New Worlds
3) The Original Series
4) Lower Decks
5) Voyager
6) The Next Generation
Current Captain Ranking:
1) Sisko
2) Janeway
3) Pike
4) Kirk
5) Picard
6) Freeman
Anyway, I have two voyager edits to get off the ground and my notes app looks like the Bible so getting this footage is going to be super time consuming.
Now onto Picard
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angelofverdum · 4 months
Station 19 S07e10
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I'm overwhelmed by feelings. It's amazing how much fictional characters can make you feel.
My hope and wish for the end of these characters was for them to have a resolution and be happy.
Honestly, I can't complain. Maybe I should wait for the excitement to die to write anything about it.
But I love the ending for every character. I loved how they incorporated these "dreams" into the action scenes.
Andy as Chief is a great resolution for her. Jack being her true love was not something I was expecting. I feel it was something they pulled out at the last minute, and don't get me wrong I'm not opposed to it, Andy and Jack could have worked if they had more seasons and Grey wouldn't have left.
Ross. I'd hoped Natasha had something more in mind than marrying Bob but she is always being "My man My man My man" so it's fitting
Robert. One thing I loved about these flashforwards was that they were connected. Sully dreamed of that because in Ross's dream, they were already married, so he got to be with her.
Travis's most important relationship is with Vic. If I had Vic as a friend, I'd be like that too. Uprooting your life like that to move with your best friend is really brave.
Warren is probably my least favorite character but that's because he is boring but he is a good man. I was emotional watching his kids all grow.
Beckett is so unserious because why is he dreaming of Ross' sister.
Vic. She made me cried because she deserves everything that it's good in life. I'm so so so happy she didn't end up with Theo. She is helping people and living her best life. My beautiful queen.
Carina's dream is so important bc she had no one, her brother and mom died, and her father is trash. She was alone and then met this stubborn firefighter and said I want a big family with her, and that's what she did. Bring her back to Grey's you cowards.
Maya. My sweet beautiful, reckless, bisexual, hot, brave, selfless, stubborn, broken Maya. Her future was so bright without clouds. She falls asleep thinking about her wife and three kids. Maya who made me come back for season 2, and here I am seven seasons later, just a mess of emotion.
When I saw Carina enter that bar, it took me a whole ass minute to realize what they were trying to do. Why Carina was there. I'll never forget that excitement and I'll always be thankful for pairing them.
It's so weird to see that kind of representation. We didn't need coming out stories or the usual homophobia. Also, they were proud bisexuals and I'm always thankful that Maya said that with her whole chest. That was so important.
Now, my random thoughts about the episode.
I love the scene with the aluminum thing. That was cool and terrifying.
I loved it when Andy showed up. I was crying like she rescued me.
Danielle is so bad at screaming, her voice cracked up so much.
I loved Maya worried about Andy
I loved Carina suiting up finally. It was so funny.
I loved that we got to see adult Prue, and my god the legacy she is carrying.
I loved to see Andy as chief and Maya as captain.
I loved Carina doing what she preaches. Like Maya my god make yourself useful and give that woman an orgasm.
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I'm not a fan of the Deluca-Bishop name tag because I just don't like hyphenating last names in general but I think it is cute they did that little detail for the fans who have really been asking for it.
Now for the last scene, keep in mind, that I've been crying the whole episode. Then this hit
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I just laughed out loud. Omg, those are some terrible wigs. What was the point? What were they trying to achieve? To make them look older?
You should have put some gray hair and move it along. Like why they were having a bob off. Why would you do that to them?
Let me clean my eyes with Maya's real bob and the hottest she looked in the show.
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Anyway, I'm always thankful when I get to experience a TV show so deeply. Even tho the cancellation is unfair. At least we got a proper ending.
I'm also glad that we got actors who cared deeply about their characters and respected them so much.
I'm a mess but 19 forever.
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rebuke-me · 8 months
my predictions for the romantic relationships in fantasy high junior year, mild spoilers for the first episode
kristen: trackerbees is doomed. they're long distance and cannot handle it. firmly believe that they're already broken up by episode one and kristen is in her "first lesbian break up" arc. i think she's gonna also have a hey mamas lesbian flirting experience that's going to be incredibly embarrassing for everyone involved. support her deeply for that tbh.
fig: her and ayda are doing well but maybe I'm manifesting this. they have to confront the fact that they care about each other but want to be individuals. they look at trackerbees and go maybe let's not do that.
gorgug: I'm partially through the seven which takes place during junior year for them I believe but I think. they'll be okay. i think zelda and gorgug are gonna be fine, I just wanna see more from them. don't care if its positive or negative I just wanna see them so badly.
fabian: had/has a messy fwb thing with aelwyn that turned out terribly and everyone hates. learning to not be so obsessed with his external appearance. so so badly wants to be flirted with and is not, in fact, flirted with. ecaf is very bad for him.
riz: wants so badly to NOT be flirted with and is, in fact, flirted with. he's hot now to people and he hates it. npcs keep flirting with him and he runs the other direction. they flirt with him in front of fabian and theyre both massively upset by it.
adaine: she has a moment of awkward flirting with an npc bc her friends encouraged her to shoot her shot bc she thought they were kind of cute. she hates it and decides never to do that again. lives vicariously through her friends relationships. (if she does get a romantic interest they've gotta be the coolest person ever for me to budge on my aroace coded adaine)
bonus ideas: ragh gets a boyfriend this season who does not fetishize him. jawbone/gorthalax/sandra lynn/garthy o'brien are in a weird polycule. hilariel and gilear get engaged. (i also want it to happen that the bad kids get the wedding invitation mid quest and have to rush back to the wedding).
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coldflasher · 5 months
so me and my friend had to put our flash (re)watch on pause for a while bc she broke her ankle so we haven't seen each other in a while, but we finally picked season 8 back up and. god. i don't even have anything funny or insightful to say about it because it's just bad. it's so bad. and i couldn't even put my finger on why it was so bad at first, but eventually my friend pointed out that like. NOTHING happens. the characters literally just stand in a circle and talk. then whenever something DOES happen they go "hey so this thing just happened, hold on a sec while i describe it word for word in case you missed it." there's no action 90% of the time and there's no meta of the week for the most part so every episode feels samey and directionless as we slowly crawl our way towards a resolution of a plotline that isn't particularly compelling anyway
the characters are flat and nothingy. barry, the main character of the show, does FUCKING NOTHING EVER. there was one scene where he was running down the street, which he obviously used to do in every single ep, and my friend was like "holy shit i feel like we haven't actually seen him RUN in ages" and she was right. the man whose WHOLE SUPERPOWER IS RUNNING VERY FAST DOESN'T RUN ANYWHERE ONSCREEN FOR LIKE SIX EPS STRAIGHT. we see him run in and out of rooms but never see a straight shot of him running TO anywhere. WHY?
then there's the fact that the overarching plots are bad. the characters are split into two factions that don't interact at all. iris having time sickness could be cool and interesting and there's lots of potential for interesting character work there, but instead of making anything happen they have her sit on a couch and not touch anything in case she erases it from the timeline.
at one point she literally GOES MISSING and barry just. DOES NOTHING?? im sorry, fuck whatever else is happening, you know if iris disappeared he'd be tearing the city apart looking for her but all that happens is cecile is like "omg barry i can feel that you're sad, what's going on??" and he's like "iris is missing, im worried about her." WHAT!! THEN FUCKING LOOK FOR HER YOU DINGBAT!! i've said this before but s1-4 barry would absolutely beat the shit out of this version of himself if he found out about this
and don't even get me STARTED on caitlin and her almost husband, the skeleton fire demon who eats grief---again, this had the bare bones (pun intended) of an interesting plotline; a meta that feeds off people's grief could actually be really powerful and interesting to explore, but he's a magic skeleton from another universe who tricks her by pretending to be her dead husband so it's just stupid. at one point the characters like "why are we doing this plotline now, 7 years after ronnie died?" and i'm like yes, why ARE we? because again, having caitlin fall prey to the manipulations of a malevolent force that feeds on grief would actually be very topical and interesting if it had happened in, say, s2, when ronnie had just died for the second time. if her grief was fresh and raw and painful it could be conceivable that she'd be desperate enough to go "well i thought he was dead once and he survived, maybe he did it again", and cling to that, allowing herself to be tricked into believing this evil sentient flame skull was really ronnie. but it's been SEVEN YEARS and she literally just got a new boyfriend who has no personality and who we never see again, so it doesn't make any sense and i don't care. also the show keeps trying to convince you to care by having caitlin go "ronnie was such a valuable member of the team, you knew and loved him!!" and it's like... did we though? did we really? he's never made a big impression on me personally. the only character who was close to ronnie and actually knew him was cisco and he's not here. they added a few flashbacks and a proposal scene to try and make us care more about the caitlin/ronnie relationship but they didnt do anything for me because i was too busy staring at danielle's terrible wig. like babes that is NOT what caitlin's s1 hair looked like, did you even try
the skeleton fire demon stuff is actually kind of enjoyable to watch at times purely because it's so fucking ridiculous, the whole thing is a trainwreck, so i did somewhat enjoy getting to make fun of it but JESUS CHRIST IT'S SO TERRIBLE. HOW DID THE SHOW FALL SO FAR. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED
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genderfluidkai · 2 years
Misako is a good mother and i will die on this hill
I am stupidly passionate over little lego people, so I am compiling a list of reasons as to why Misako’s actions are understandable and to show that the logic some people use to call her a bad mother is maybe just a little silly. putting it under a read more though bc i am writing so goddamn much
Point number 1: leaving Lloyd at Darkley’s
Most points I see about this is people saying “well why didn’t she leave him with Wu” which there are MULTIPLE reasons for.
1. He had just banished Garmadon, yknow, Misako’s husband. While it was on accident, Misako likely would not feel comfortable leaving her son with Wu
2. Morro. Now, we don’t know when exactly Wu took Morro in, as we’re never given an exact timeframe, however I would put it somewhere between the FSM’s death and a little while before Garmadon’s banishment. Misako full well could have bore witness to what happened with Morro, or could’ve been told about it. Misako is thus very reasonable in not wanting to leave her infant son, the actual Green Ninja, with Wu, as for all she knew, the moment Wu figured it out he would start training Lloyd. She would not want Lloyd to miss out on his childhood while possibly also becoming a self-important prick with a massive ego (bc for how much I love Morro, I can admit that that’s what he became due to the whole Green Ninja thing).
3. If Wu DID realise Lloyd was the green ninja, and then start to train him, it’d mean Misako leaving Lloyd in the first place would have been for nothing. Misako was trying to prevent the prophecy, not speed it up.
And then it comes to Darkley’s itself, and the fact that there are multiple reasons leaving Lloyd there would have been a good option in Misako’s eyes
1. It is a school for future villains. It was likely the ONE PLACE Lloyd could go where he wouldn’t be ostracised by his peers like we see him being in the Ninjago movie, especially because we can guess that Garmadon had a reputation for being evil PRIOR to his banishment, as when the villagers of Jamanakai think Lloyd is saying he’s Lord Garmadon, they’re terrified of him, until they see him and realise he’s Lord Garmadon’s like, 10 year old son. Darkley’s was the one place being the son of Lord Garmadon would HELP HIM
2. She had no way of knowing Lloyd would get mistreated by other students. How was she supposed to anticipate Brad putting fire ants in Lloyd’s bed years before it happened? Also, she had no way of knowing the school itself would mistreat him. She likely wasn’t told he was kicked out/ran away from Darkley’s, or wasn’t given the time to come find/collect him, because she very much would have the common sense to know there’s no one else to look after him
3. For all she knew, Garmadon was the Dark Lord in the prophecy. She had no idea it actually meant the Overlord. She could’ve thought that if Lloyd looked up to his father and wanted to be on his side, and neither of them wanted to fight each other, it could help to stall the prophecy.
And then, we get to the fact that we don’t really see her make things up to Lloyd about the whole “abandoning him at an evil boarding school thing”, which is because Ninjago was originally only supposed to be 2 seasons long, and Misako only first appears SEVEN EPISODES IN to season 2. They had no time to give her any character development or show her bonding with Lloyd, because they only had 6 more episodes left after her first appearance.
Since then, it seems the writers have just chosen to imply she has family bonding time with Lloyd off screen. We can see that they now care for each other as a family, so it’s very likely that she DOES try to bond with Lloyd but the writers just didn’t want to/couldn’t find a way to fit it into the show itself.
She has made mistakes, yes, but she is trying to make up for them and none of the reasoning behind her mistakes was outright malicious. She wanted to protect her son as much as possible, and keep him from having to fight his own father.
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thegeminisage · 5 months
whoops, i almost forgot about the star trek update. tuesday we watched tng's "firstborn" and "bloodlines" and last night we watched ds9's "the wire" (honorific)
firstborn (tng):
i was actually bracing for this one to suck ass bc everyone says worf is a bad dad. and i dont think he is!!! like, it doesn't come as easily to him as it does to sisko, and he sometimes forgets to be gentle or kind with alexander because he's so laser focused on how things SHOULD be he forgets to the importance of taking others' feelings into account, but that's how he is ALL THE TIME with EVERYONE not just his kid. considering the circumstances i'd say he's doing well
before we get started, GREAT cameo from the duras sisters. i was initially really annoyed with their tit windows but im becoming rather fond
i really liked "the family protector guy "k'mter" at first because he said all the right things to alexander...like, it's scary not being able to defend yourself, etc. then he also was a dick to alexander and i was really exasperated...but then he IS alexander so that totally fixes it. he's angry with himself and conflicted and just wants a HUG FROM HIS DAD and that FIXED it!!! like when he said "nobody will look at you and see a human you are alone on this ship" initially it felt like racism but it being like, not quite self-loathing but just bitter experience...that's actually so clever
this is the only episode where they brought up alexander's mom kind of hating ""klingon stuff"" and how that could possibly have negatively impacted him and it only got two lines of dialogue but still. i think it's really damning that she hated her own heritage and also brought her kid up to hate it and now he's sort of out here...pretending to be human, almost, to the point where he doesn't want to participate in hsi own culture or even bond with his own father (a klingon). like it sucks so bad for him
i was afraid that the plot twist would be "k'mter talks alexander into wanting to be a warrior after all just when worf realizes he doesn't have to be" which would have been sad but a real "oh shit" of an ending. mixed feelings about them not doing that but i understand why they wanted to properly wrap things up for s7
i almost forgot but rare w for picard for bending the rules a little bit to give worf time to go to the klingon festival with his kid. credit where it is due
bloodlines (tng):
i have never been so BITTERLY DISAPPOINTED.......................
they gave. picard. an affair baby.
what have i been saying since farpoint! he has an affair baby! AND THEY GAVE HIM ONE
if that's not his fucking affair child
pussy ass little FUCKS couldnt commit to changes...
i can't even remember what else happened in this episode i was so disappointed about this plot twist
oh yeah actually i do remember picard made a bald joke which i THINK was the only time he's done that in seven seasons? i think the only time ANYONE'S done it? please correct me if i am wrong but i was so shocked it got a big laugh out of me. also a rare w for picard. if he made bald jokes more often i'd hate him less maybe
oh yeah i'm coming back to add this later but it was really hilarious that picard was so torn up over his not-son being a little criminal. his horrific unforgivable spelunking crimes. so true.
the wire (ds9)
ooohhhhhhhhhhhh my god. oh my GOD. let's fucking...get into it
i rly thot garak was just a guy but not only is he a former assassin he's a current junkie. A JUNKIE! he's just like me fr
also, he can act? like that scene where he was withdrawing and saying horrible shit to julian......i was on the edge of my seat.
i love that he gave us 3 different stories about how he got kicked out. i'm gonna be honest, i looked it up, and apparently we never find out the truth? that is a bold fucking move. a daring choice. we, like julian, will never have any certainty. like, sure, i WANT to believe he released some kids from being tortured, but it's also equally as likely that he killed civilians or did a number of other horrible things
like, the fact that he can lie about it even while under significant distress.........king. like you could say oh that's the true one because that's the one where he was physically unwell but he also referred to "elim" in that one which gives it the ring of a potential falsehood
julian forgiving him anyway, even after all the horrible stuff he said, even after being physically ATTACKED (WHICH WAS SCARY!!! i was scared of him!!!!!) for "whatever he did," just because garak said "i need to know someone forgives me"..........AUGHGHGH JESUS CHRIST
THE FACT THAT HE WON'T TALK ABOUT IT. he won't tell even US what he did. eliot spencer core actually. i am beside myself about it all
maybe he's right and it is all true. maybe he destroyed a ship and framed a friend AND let some kids go. it's literally none of business though like he's not gonna tell us
anyway, i heard the term "brain implant" and nearly died on the spot, so 10/10 episode
honestly, they should have just upgraded this guy to a regular. he is so good
NEXT TIME: tng's "emergence" and ds9's "crossover" AND YES I KNOW THAT'S MIRRORVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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other endless things i have emotions about: delirium is the only one of the seven with a nickname
sure, dream has 500 different names, he collects them, but his siblings all still call him dream
but death destruction and desire all use del
which. yeah, okay, makes sense, it's a contraction of her name and she's the youngest
but it's not just a contraction of delirium
because they called her del before, too, when she was delight
and i find it fascinating what that says about the three of them, and their relationship to their sister
like. okay. desire can be a bit of a bully about it, bc as ever desire and dream are so similar and they have a tendency to lash out when shit's bothering them
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and i think what happened to delirium genuinely does bother desire. they're described in doll's house as a creature of the moment, and this stands out as the only time desire is fixated on the past
desire doesn't like to think about things that make them uncomfortable, they prefer to move on immediately and torch the past, get rid of any negative emotions so they don't have to sit with them. and i look at these moments, and i think desire both misses their little sister, who she used to be, and they're scared whatever happened to delirium will happen to them next
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so it comes out in tense words and jabs and then being surprised when that comes across as hurtful, bc desire isn't really seeing delirium, they're still stuck on why are you different, what broke you permanently, where is my sister, and can that happen to any of us?
destruction is the other one who uses it all the time
and destruction stands out in delirium's mind as someone who was always kind to her, her siblings can be so nasty when they choose to, but not him
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and both delirium and destruction know that the way to survive being one of the endless is to embrace your opposite just as much as your aspect, because the endless aren't greater or more expansive than mortals, not in what really matters. the endless are the lesser, they're all inherently missing a piece of what makes people human, and they have to somehow find room for that piece within themselves
when destruction uses it, it's not blaming delirium for her past, like desire is. it's acknowledging that she is still very much both. everything that delight was is still within her, but she has expanded beyond that, she has grown and she's learned and she's one of the most resilient of them because of it. he's not scared of her, he's proud of her
and then there's death. and we never actually see death and delirium talk directly, they keep coming close to it but missing each other. the only reason we know it's death saying this line is because she's the only one with normal speech bubbles
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and delirium is a little scared of death like she's scared of most of her older siblings, but she also feels the most at home with her - she's relieved, when she thinks she's found death in the club, because this is someone who knows delirium and knows what's going on and will make it all okay again
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and from the little we get, death definitely treats delirium more like a child than the others, but not in a bad way
it's mentioned in season of mists that delirium hates when her siblings infantilise her, because she's older than most planets and they'll only ever see her as the baby, but i think in this circumstance, she's okay with it. it's a comfort. so when death uses del, it's the parentified eldest sister talking to the much younger baby sister and saying everything will be okay, i'm here to handle it
and i think sometimes delirium needs that
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wild blue yonder
the tardis can regenerate itself...... !!! I mean, wait we knew that already kjhkjh but I just connected the dots now that... that means The Time Lords mined and mauled the child just to make their cars better, as well. Damn...
in classic who u used to have to use ur imagination to pretend everything wasn’t a wobbly set... now u have to use ur imagination to pretend everything isn’t a greenscreen :/
"is that who i am now?" the shocking thing isn’t that he is gay (that’s what donna interprets) the shock to himself is voicing how horny he is lol
Someone is gonna say gravity and that's gonna be fucking weird
"it would take trillion years to get that far” chills!
"no one is ever been this far. till us. and this ship" colonialism fiction dna shining thru
“you little streak” <3
"she'll move on" "not shaun, he'll go to that alleyway every year..." \ten at the alleyway to see rose parallel....
Ghost aroma!!!
blue and orange motif....…………… 13 aesthetic moments.... [13 and Swarm coded? / aka entropy/life coded?/donna and the doc...]
“maybe there's a tribe and they worship it… (…) time passes and the city falls... and there's the tardis" beautiful!! I'm could do somth w/ re: w/ the doctor and their companions. (eyes emoji)
"it got complicated" UNDERSTATEMENT OF A CENTURY #2
"The notion of shape is strange." "it limits" literally current architecture theory
This is so nofna solar system-core
love a classic “anti matter hates matter” story
[the no-bodies…?....cousins to the the could have been king ... with his army of never wheres…?]
This feels very [doctor trying to figure out their body in each regeneration] [intentionally?] this is so end of evangelion poster-core
"it’s strange enough my face coming back, but not this big" / [metaphor for reboots?]
This episode is like the clamoring for us to get a castrovalva 2 escher-like world again next season
"that's not gonna work either" i love these idiots
"why does it have to be one last trip?" rtd ringing moffat / gatiss / gardner / etc and being like like -
ok but follow this reasoning: if the doctor is the same person bc they keep their memories (as the show makes a point of.... constantly) ... and if the memories make the person ... then indeed an entity that copies the memories is the same person, is it not? Where do we draw the line between who’s “real” and who isn’t, in this scenario?
A CREATION I DEVASTATED / literally watched WoM two seconds before this w/ ten all "everything i do just makes it happen" sdjsdkf this is what i mean when i say the doctor has never Processed anythingggg since that Bottom Pit moment
"it wasn't your fault" "i know! (but it stil sucks!!!)" me at therapy like
"WHY DOES HE NEED YOU?" me, Pavlovian tone: because he is lonely...
“when something is gone, it keeps existing” → highlight this!!!! this is gonna be the new thesis statement about Grief!!! this is gonna be The Point for the next 4 years lol
It's very fun to watch this after marath6ning all of ten's era bc it's like... that boy never processed any of that shit. did 11 process shit? did 12? 12 maybe a little but really i think they just got even more trauma (bill ): ) dkdksks and don't get me started on 13. basically what im saying is the doctor Never did get a break on between waters of mars up until now... [and i guess to go further never did get a break after since like....... freaking ghost light skskskskkjkj seven is still There. we don't think about that enough.]
Donna being a clone fucker is not a headcanon ever thought i had but im glad its been confirmed now "donma doesn't think she"s stupid" im sure rtd has launched this exact same rant on so some unwilling family members while browsing ao3 "stop copying and make up your own minds" social commentary / commentary on reboots again / core "individualism > society" dr. who 101 messaging
The not things are kinda.... cute? skdksk if they weren't murderous they look like ppl to hang out w/ and play videogames......
"what do you want?" "you tell us" fundamental doctor-companion dialogue....
"love letters don't travel very far" put a pin on that...
ok.... ARGHGHGHH LET ME THINK THINK THINK skskks me failing at CBT be like
What if the doctor is from our universe. what then the doctor being like we have to mill ourselves immediately feels very 13
this is like "what if turn left and midnight but they go through it together this time <3" fic "where the walls are thin and anything is possible" eyes emoji
"that copy was 99% donna" so maybe re:earlier... what the show is saying between copy vs real is that it's all about the x factor, the 1%....
CONCLUSIONS! lived up to the hype! i think it's a bit 13-era vibe in that it's clearly influenced by all the prestige space-base-isolation scifi we see in the ~cinema now every year. the aesthetic is hitting that vibe (and going to the root, there's also a very clear Alien influence). kinda wish we had more one offs just like this one :( bc i feel the other 2 specials have too much Work to do, so there's not enough time to do.Fun like lore and character stuff. Execution wise is very successful. the switcheroos work. the callbacks work. there's a lot of character stuff happening ("I just realized I'm still working through that!") but it doesn't interfere w/ the adventure itself. My one grip is there's a couple shots that do feel too green-screen-y, but overall the ep is visually amazing. def only a story you could do now. also I love that the NMDs were like "rtd is gonna retcon the timeless child!!! everyone hated it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he was like "cool. now watch this" lollll king moments. rare moments where it feels like we live in the best timeline.
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