#bato can you adopt sokka
thebluemallet · 7 months
Me- I wonder how the show will portray Sokka's impostor syndrome and how he feels like a failure.
The show- (has Sokka overhear Hakoda complaining about Sokka after the ice dodging and basically calling him a failure)
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muffinlance · 2 years
Can you imagine the idea of Sushi in Salvage, she latches onto Zuko when he falls over board and then the SWT finds both Zuko and this random cursed cat thing, now Hakoda has to deal w a feral teen AND said teens cryptid horror of a cat
“WHAT IS THAT?” asks Sokka, moments after stepping foot on the ship.
“That,” winces the chief, his father, the traitorous Zuko-adopter, “is--”
“What,” Bato says, as he’s distracted from the Fire Prince aboard their wooden ship by the tentacles writhing out of the glaring teenager’s shirt collar.
Hakoda, his best friend, the competent idiot Bato clearly left alone for too long, drags a hand down down his face. “That’s--”
On the second day, General Fong’s representative refuses to step foot aboard Hakoda’s ship for negotiations. In light of yesterday, Hakoda finds that fair.
“To be clear,” the man says, “we are only negotiating for the prince. Not his... pet.”
“...What will you give me to make sure it doesn’t follow?”
The man huffs. “Come now, Chief, I was only jesting.”
“It can swim,” Hakoda says. “As fast as our ship.” 
Which, he does not have to point out, is faster than the ship in which the man is proposing to haul away their princely problem.
The man’s laughter is nervous, and not at all in jest. 
“So,” Panuk says, leaning against the rail next to Hakoda with the casualness of a man living a spirit tale. One that doesn’t end well for the humans. “The thing can camouflage itself. Almost perfectly. And crawl across ceilings. Also, the prince is on some kind of hunger strike, though he’s fine with letting it eat.” 
Across the deck, the prince was, indeed, glaring at the platter of food directly in front of him. The food that was... moving independent of any visible hands. And disappearing, into the air, with noises Hakoda was glad he could only vaguely hear from here.
“It’s medicinal,” said Healer Kustaa, his lips twitching under his beard. 
Hakoda stared down at the young soldier he was supposed to hug. With only a non-dramatic sigh, he settled under the covers to do so. 
Kustaa kept watching. So did Aake. Hakoda wrapped his arms around the ice cube of a boy, eyeing the two of them with all due distrust. 
Eight arms rose from the tangle of blankets to hug him back.
“--Son of Ursa and Fire Lord Ozai. Kill me if you can, you cowards, but if you touch my cat I’ll kill you.”
“Your what?” Hakoda asked.
Which was when the thing emerged over their railing, dripping water and madness from its tenta-paws, flashing blue rings of deadly warning across its pelt. And plucked the sword right out of Aake’s hand, and dropped it into the prince’s waiting one, as if this were a practiced thing.
In the tumult after the prince went overboard, Sushi’s departure went unnoticed for hours.
In the coming days, weeks, months, this would be a great comfort to Iroh. Catopi were submersible in a way that nephews were not. Perhaps, just perhaps...
(Treason was a great comfort, as well.)
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chiptrillino · 1 year
I desperately need to know more about the Tooth AU
i think i have to come out and be honest here and admit that the tooth part is just an subplot in between and mainly its an whole au about sokka still following his father to war. (katara and gran gran none the wiser) and sokka is discovered hiding on the ship, when the Southern Water Tribe Fleet is restocking on kyoshi. and well... technically its not to late to turn back and drop sokka off back home and ground him for the next 10 years. but nope. now sokka with sweet fresh 12 years is on a warship. getting the oportunity to be with his tribe and grow to be a full warrior for the next three years. (don't worry sokka meets suki and she does more then just punch the sexism out of him.) (hakoda adopts his own son au? )
traveling the seas and staying in ports leads to cross path with the fire nation prince jerk that searches for the avatar. they obviously don't get along. even in neutral/mixed ports or grounds the boys can't help but constantly jab and antagonize each other till one day it comes to a brawl where sokka punches zuko in the face and a tooth gets lost. (zuko still wins though. sorry sokka you get later your chance)
and uh well... zukos tooth is found by bato and well they kind of keep it? as trophy? who can say they knocked the prince of the fire nation tooth out and has the proof!!! (that nobody believes, because it could be anyones tooth and the crew is not backing sokka up. TRAITORS ALL OF THEM!) (meanwhile zuko gets his golden one. and his crew wont stop with the pirate jokes. TRAITORS ALL OF THEM)
when i was talking with a friend about it i was always like "the only ship here involved are for transportation" but a few silly headcanons of drunk characters later leads to this sub plot of bato and jee kind of hitting it off behind the boys and their superiors back. sharing their love the wide blue sea and freeing feeling of sailing through her waves. sharing drinks ranting over their brats. jee losing it when he hears that sokka has the princes tooth now as necklace to not lose it. bato having fun pushing jee's buttons to get any reaction out of him (subtly wondering if this counts as bending). they both know they don't have much time to tiptoe around it, when they meet they have to go for it, who knows in what kind of circumstances they could meet the next time. they drink and make a toast to making the best of their time, share a bitter sweet good bye the next morning, hoping the memories last till their next encounter that could also be their last.
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So, I know you have an AtLa au for Miraculous Ladybug, but do you have the reverse? Like.
Aang is Ladybug. Zuko is Chat Noir. Ozai is Hawk Moth. Azula is Mayura. That kind of thing. cause my brain wouldn’t stop spinning this idea around last night, so like. All the random shit I came up with:
- Gyatso, who here is actually an old member of the Order that dipped out cause the Order kind of sucked, actually. He found and adopted Aang. Owns his own bakery. Also does martial arts. Is less than thrilled that his kid was chosen to be the Ladybug.
- half-baked idea that Gyatso replaces Fu here? But like. Still raising Aang. Also, he’s a touch less paranoid? Maybe?
- or, we have that random monk who was supposed to help Aang master the Avatar State be Fu? Or Roku, Roku could be Fu.
- Toph kind of has Corner!Chloé’s Aura Vision. She gets the Turtle.
- Toph’s dad is the mayor. Her mom runs a charity.
- Sokka gets the Fox. The flute doubles as both a boomerang and a sword.
- so like. By process of elimination, Katara SHOULD get the Bee? But. I know I said “Azula as Mayura” but instead, I think Azula should have the Bee & Katara should get the Peacock. Like. Either there’s a swap at some point, or the Bee got lost instead of the Peacock. Bee lost instead is probably easiest.
- You could also do Sokka as the Ladybug, Aang as the Fox.
- Or Aang has the Cat, Zuko the Ladybug. So many options.
- Suki with the Tiger? The Dragon?
- Sokka with the Dragon?
- Zuko with the Dragon. Sokka has the Ladybug. Katara has the Cat. Aang has the Fox. Toph has the Turtle. Suki has the Bee?
- Ty Lee and Mai are here, what Miraculous do they get?
- wait, Yue wouldn’t be dead, she’s here too. The Rabbit?
- Or Teo, the Kid with the flying wheelchair.
- the match-ups are too many.
- … in so many ways, actually.
- no one is straight.
- Zuko absolutely still has the big, F-off scar. It was absolutely inflicted by Ozai.
- Piandao as the school’s teacher, also coach of the local fencing/sword-fighting club.
- Pakku’s the principal.
- Bumi’s the gym teacher.
- Hakoda, Kya, and Bato live together on a boat in the Seine. Katara and Sokka have grown up on the water. I see boat tours, or maybe their job is to clean the river? Fishing? (Can you fish in the Seine?)
- Katara wants to be a doctor. Or therapist? No, Doctor.
- Sokka will probably be an engineer? Inventor isn’t a profession, is it? He’s also the DM anytime they do a D&D campaign.
- Iroh has a roving tea & pastry cart. He’s well known for giving out delicious tea, and sage advice. He has an ongoing rivalry with that annoying ice cream man, who Iroh is CONVINCED hasn’t ever heard of a health inspection, and who he constantly gets into fights with about his supposed “soulmate ice cream”.
- Azulon knew about the Miraculous, spent most of his life hunting for them. Imparted the knowledge and desire into his kids.
- Iroh and Ozai spent a lot of time when they were young adults looking for the Miraculous, but eventually Iroh met someone, fell in love, and had Lu Ten, so stopped caring as much for the Miraculous. When a car accident killed his wife, and crippled his son, Ozai tried to dangle the possibility of bringing Iroh’s wife back, or healing Lu Ten, to get him to help again, and Iroh shot him down. The pair are now quite tense with one another. (other idea, wife dies, so Iroh DOES agree to try and search for the Miraculous, but the resulting search ends with Lu Ten dying, so Iroh gives up the Miraculous entirely)
- (if we don’t go with option two, or sort of combine them) Lu Ten is still around here, he’s in a wheelchair from a car accident. He can TECHNICALLY walk, but it causes him so much pain if he tries for long periods, the wheelchair is easier.
- this is definitely a Team Miraculous Sort of vibe.
- Azula has a heel-turn, obviously.
then, I can’t decide between:
- Ursa and Ozai are divorced, which was a HUGE scandal for Ozai’s company. Ursa took Zuko, and tried her best to get Azula too, but Ozai “Won” that one, so Zuko and Azula don’t see each other much. Ursa and Zuko live with Iroh, who supported them during the divorce. Ursa has since remarried, and had another child, Zuko and Azula’s half-sister.
- Ursa is dead, it’s a tossup whether Ozai killed her or not, but he wants to revive her, so is seeking out the Miraculous. Azula eventually either gets told, or figures it out, but Zuko doesn’t. Ozai’s desire to revive Ursa is less “I miss my wife” and more “How dare you try and get away from me”/Show of power. He’s used the Butterfly for years to make his company blossom, but he wants more power.
- Ursa is either dead or missing, and Zuko lives with Iroh rather than Ozai. Iroh filed for custody after the Scar Incident, but while he managed to get custody of Zuko, he couldn’t get custody of Azula. 
Thoughts, feelings, Opinions? New Ideas?
Okay okay okay:
Love the idea of Gyatso taking Fu’s role. I think he wouldn’t choose Aang at first but Aang would get involved later.
Sokka as Ladybug is 100% perfect and beautiful.
Zuko I feel comfortable narrowing down to the Cat or Dragon. I think it kiiiiinda depends on where his mindset is at but we’ll come back to that because I did have Thoughts™ on a S1/2: Atla Edition before so I have ideas on the family.
obvs Ozai has to be Hawkmoth but I think his motives are more pure wanting more power. Maybe add in like. Instead of ruler of a nation he’s just head of a company. The family business he ‘inherited’. Except he’s running it into the ground because he fucking sucks at making good business decisions. I’ll come back to my thoughts on Ursa later.
Toph as the turtle seems like a decent idea, but idk if it fits her right. I think the Ox would be better for her.
Aang with the Turtle though! Both in reference to the Lion Turtle but also how he’s very protective?
Katara has to get involved…. hm. I’m not sure there’s a Miraculous that would fit her. I think having a sibling LB/CN duo could work if I don’t give Zuko the cat. On the flipside the Dragon could ironically work as the ML Dragon is more Water than Fire.
Suki, on the other hand, has so many options. The Tiger if Toph doesn’t get it. I could see her with the Snake (she’s a leader and good strategist in her own right, so she’d do well with it.). Tempted to leave the Peacock on the Heroes’ team and give it to her because ya know fans but idk how she’d handle the Sentis.
Yue 100% gets the Rabbit. Both have Moon Connections™
Azula - I get where you’re going with Bee and that works but she’s also on board for the Dragon. Or the Monkey because she knows the art of Derision.
Ty Lee - BEE. Hands down she gets the Bee. Paralysis motherfucker!!!
Mai - I actually think I’d give her the mouse? Like, her hair. Quiet as a mouse. She’s the one person on this crew with multiple tiny weapons.
I’m bringing Jin back in and giving her the Pig!!
I love how we’re letting most people live lmao. But yeah without a war or spirit nonsense our only options are like. Gang violence? But yeah anyway
Gyatso is being low-key. Idk how exactly he got Aang. Like Aang probably has less trauma in that I’m not gonna be like ‘ah yes he was in an orphanage that was victim to arson’ but like. Does he have parents that he lost and were presumably friends with Gyatso to leave Aang in his custody, or did Gyatso just find an abandoned baby on the doorstep?
Aang could actually have the Adrien plot of wanting to go to school! Like, he was homeschooled by Gyatso for most of his life because while Gyatso isn’t /as/ paranoid as Fu, he’s still a touch ‘let’s err on the side of caution’. But Aang decides he wants to socialize more and school is a great place for that!
I think most of the various leaders are going to be part of the City Council. The Earth King is the City Mayor, and yeah he’s being manipulated by half the council. Long Feng is chief of police ofc. While I have Ozai as owning some mega company rather than directly in politics, he does fund the city to get what he wants and has Mai’s father on city council to essentially be his proxy as he can’t be bothered. Tbh probably the only sane and good council members are Hakoda and Arnook like bruh. The other good but not sane one is Bumi and no one’s sure he’s actually on the council he just shows up to meetings and the mayor counts his vote.
the Kya/Hakoda/Bato polycule? Beautiful. And yes they get the houseboat lmao. You mentioned cleaning the river so I think I’m gonna give Hakoda a bit of a lean into trying to make environmental changes to the city.
Toph’s parents are still rich af. And yes they still both baby her and want her to be this demure debutante when she’s here to throw hands with anyone and everyone. Does trade Earthbending for Magic Synesthesia
Okay now the Fire Royals because let’s have fun with them:
Search for the Miraculous probs started with Sozin. Passed the torch and the company to Azulon.
No idea why Ozai and Ursa married but it probably wasn’t a good reason.
Switching up the stuff with Lu Ten so he’s alive. But he’s in a coma and the doctors know that even if he does recover he’s not going to go 100% back to normal. (he wakes up after a few months. And while physical therapy goes well, he’s mostly in a wheelchair. Can use a cane for short distances if needed.). But yeah while it’s unsure if he’s gonna make it Iroh’s a wreck.
Which leads to a similar to canon thing of Ozai going ‘hey how about I inherit the company instead?’ and then having Ursa kill Azulon. Still similar in part of the deal is her leaving and Ozai tries to have her killed but she disappears too well.
With Ozai getting all the inheritence, Iroh just low-key cuts all losses in the family and  opens his own tea shop. Technically he could retire and live a grand lifestyle, but he likes doing things. So Jasmine Dragon it is!
You know that post like ‘you correct your dad on his zoom meeting so he kicks you out and says you can only come home if you find Bigfoot’? That’s kinda what goes down for the Agni Kai situation. Zuko gets burned and Ozai throws him out. 
Zuko goes to Iroh’s place because he has nowhere else to go. Due to this being  a modern au thing there’s some of a custody battle deal. But like. Ozai  is a manipulative little shit who frames it as ‘oh I didn’t kick him out, he ran away! such a bad kid. If he wants to live with an uncle that coddles him then fine!’.
I’m gonna shift from canon slightly in the sense of that Zuko and Azula never cut contact. It’s easier because they’re still in the same city, in the same school, and have technology. Ofc Ozai forbids it, but while Azula is scared of him the differences in the AU mean that she’s not fully cut off from them regardless of anyone’s wants. (this gets even easier with the Miraculous when they can hang out as Heroes together)
Neither Zuko nor Azula know about the Miraculous stuff in the family history. Because Ozai either doesn’t think they’ll be helpful, or doesn’t want to risk them double crossing him. He does use Azula to set up secnarios for Akumas tho
I don’t know why Iroh wouldn’t go ‘oh a butterfly villain? Probably Ozai being a fucker’.
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oneatlatime · 1 year
More season 1 thoughts
I like Katara better in the second half of the season than the first. I found her less annoying. Is that because she has evened out as a character, or is that because there was less of her? I don't know. I'd love to see a quantitative analysis of the number of lines per character per episode. Still, Katara handled the whole Pakku problem with fewer explosions than when she was handling the pirates and the waterbending scroll, and you can argue that the Pakku stuff was much more of a direct attack on her, so I'm going to call her reduced annoyingness growth.
Poor Sokka has been consistently my favourite character since episode one, and that hasn't changed at all. He just got royally stomped on in a way specifically designed to cause as much pain to him personally as possible in the finale, and I'll be interested to see if that causes any long term change. My boy is good at repression, so I doubt there will be obvious change, but this show is good at gradual stealth character growth. I'm looking forward to trying to ferret out the subtle changes to him in season 2.
Aang is lovely. I think he appears to be the least changed of our main cast at first glance, but like Sokka, I expect that getting used/possessed/actively participating in mega fishman destruction in the finale is going to have some effect on him (Still not clear on exactly who possessed whom / who was in control. Don't know if I'll ever know, or if it really matters). Aang is a lovable island of fun in a sea of century old war trauma. When he's not being stupid because he's 12, he's being consistently kind and open hearted, with an unshakable core and sense of self. Congrats to Gyatso on raising such a self-possessed boy. And you know what? He's entitled to stupid 12 year old moments because he is 12.
Poor Yue. Kind of a one note character at first glance, but because she's a mirror of Sokka, she feels just as deep as he does. That's clever writing.
Appa continues to be both team transportation and team dad. I think Sokka is team mom. Katara may be feminine, but it's Sokka who's keeping them fed and going in vaguely the right direction. He's the practical one. While Katara's or Aang's actions often drive the story, it's Sokka who's on clean up duty to make sure that the impulsive and bighearted decisions made by his sister and adopted brother blow up in their faces as little as possible.
I am convinced that Momo has no awareness of the main quest. I think Appa knows that his human and his human's friends are trying to save the world. I think Momo knows that these humans and their big furry thing feed him and keep him warm while going to lots of different places.
I loved that the season finale couldn't be predicted. The end game that the show set up was a showdown with the firelord. I expected that the firelord would make his first appearance in the season finale. Instead, we get a conflict I didn't see coming in a location I had honestly forgotten we were going to. Even if you had watched episodes 1 through 17, could you predict the conflict and location of the finale beyond something something fire nation? I like that I couldn't predict it. Too often shows spend so much time building up to the season showdown that it's almost anti-climactic because you've pretty much guessed the shape that the conflict will take. Not this show.
I think my favourite episode of the second half of this season is Bato of the Water Tribe. I loved having a glimpse into non-war water tribe life. It gives us a look at what it is that the people fighting the fire nation are fighting to preserve/get back. It also gives us a rough outline of the kind of person Sokka and Katara's dad is, which surprisingly adds a lot to Sokka's characterisation. And I love an episode where Sokka gets the A plot. The fight scene was really entertaining to watch, although I do feel sorry for June's big beast.
I think the best (as in the most skillfully executed) episode in the second half of the season is probably The Blue Spirit. It's a character episode disguised as an action episode, and not to get too much into fanfic speculative territory, but I feel like it lays groundwork for a couple of possible paths for the characters that certainly weren't available to them before. Also I love the melancholy note it ends on. I don't like unhappy endings as a rule, but I make an exception for contemplative endings, like the Southern Air Temple, the Summer Solstice Part 2, and the Blue Spirit.
I find I prefer the 'problem of the week' type episodes more than the episodes that serve the larger plot, because honestly I just want to hang out with these guys. High stakes adventures are both important and necessary, but it's also cool to have a problem presented and solved in 23 minutes. I feel like the characters act more like people and less like servants of the plot when they're in 'monster of the week' type episodes.
There were fewer eye-poppingly beautiful episodes in the second half of the season, although the Deserter's forest and fireworks festival was nice. The finale was downright bland, but you can't have lush multicoloured foliage at the north pole. I am so thankful that the show doesn't go for that stupid grimdark aesthetic that movies are still struggling with.
Finally, a word on the blasphemous live action that definitely doesn't exist:
Some of the greatest parts of this show are the gorgeously colourful eyepopping backgrounds, the very well thought out combination of bending and cartoon physics, and Sokka's stupid faces. You know what a live action can't do? Any of those things. So really, why did they even try? I can't think of a show, a world, a story, that is more suited to the artistic liberties and conventions of animation.
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Discovering Destiny Series
Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender
Author: Megarapike (Majorwhovian)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Injury, Violence, Child Abuse
Word Count: 272,665
Pairings: Zutara, Sukka
Characters: Katara, Zuko, Aang, Toph Beifong, Sokka, Suki, Kanna, Hakoda, Bato, Pakku, Yugoda, Arnook, Leo Beifong, Poppy Beifong,Uncle Iroh, Appa, Guru Pathik, Momo
Tags: Romance, Family, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Action/Adventure, Blue Spirit Zuko, The Painted Lady, Gaang shenanigans, Toph is a boss, Suki is best girl, Zuko is a dork, Order of the White Lotus, Ozai Being a Terrible Parent, Azula needs therapy, Actually they all need therapy, Babies, My heart split between six characters, Aang is misunderstood, Zutara rules, fight me, Appa is MVP, How come all fanfics forget Momo?!?, Sokka is bf material, Katara and Zuko are basically mom and dad, Kissing under water is sexy as long as you can breath, This is not a mermaid au, fluffy day to day, sweet scenes, we stan healthy relationships, ice dodging, supper with the fam, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, but has grown up a lot, no assassination attempts, finally we get a break, Hakoda is daddy, on all counts, was that too far?, fr Hakoda is a good dad, They all need therapy, Zuko and Sokka are bros, Therapy, PTSD, survivor's guilt, Did I mention Zutara, Heavy Themes, Hurt/ComfortGrief, Circle of Abuse, Trauma, Guilt, That's it. that's the only tag we need, Poppy and Leo can join Ozai in the terrible parents club, I Try to Make You Cry, avatar aang, Gaang Angst, Angst, emotional connections, Supernatural Bonds
First come loves, then comes...a lot of complications that will repeatedly break your heart then make you laugh then cry then break your heart again before I hand you some glue so we can put back the pieces together. Also a bit of adventure, mystery, and a lot of mental healing.
Currently planned for 6 stories with an overarching plot and mystery through the whole series. Each story is designed to be read on its own as a standalone if you find the word count daunting.
Destiny is a Funny Thing
They thought they knew what their destinies were...save the world, become Fire Lord, maybe even fall in love along the way...But Destiny has a funny way of turning expectations into something you never dreamed possible. Maybe the story isn't your simple save the world and get the girl kind of tale. Maybe there's so much more to it than that. And maybe there can be more than one kind of happy ending...
Mark of the Trusted
This is part of a series, but each story is designed to be read as a standalone if you don't want to read everything.
In the two years after the war, the Gaang focuses on rebuilding their homes and spending time with family. Zuko struggles with guilt and worries about Azula's health, but for the first time in his life he has a large support system and a loving family around him at all times. A short story about love, healing, and learning to understand and support someone who is struggling with mental health.
Katara Alone
This is part of a series, but each story is designed to be read as a standalone if you don't want to read everything.
Three years after the war, Katara is studying healing in the North Pole when an incident abruptly makes her leave. Lost in a spiral of grief and guilt, she takes a detour into the Fire Nation alone, not willing to let her friends and family see her at her worst. When Zuko finds out she is missing he takes a trip to the North Pole to try and unravel the mystery Katara left behind.
Toph Alone
This is part of a series, but each story is designed to be read as a standalone if you don't want to read everything.
It's been years since Toph has seen her parents, but she always imagined reuniting with them under better circumstances. While her friends are either missing, preoccupied, or unavailable, a new law forces Toph back to Gaoling. Far away from the family she adopted, Toph must find a way to reconcile with her parents...or spend the next couple years of her life alone and on the run.
Aang Alone
Two years after the end of the war, Aang is plagued with constant headaches, sleepless nights, and an unexplainable hollow feeling in his chest. After two months of being unable to get into the Spirit World, a past avatar finally comes to him with a message: Go find Guru Pathik again and prepare himself for a future event that will change everything he knows about the world. In pain, desperate, and tired, Aang goes on a yearlong journey to find answers and healing and to answer the question: is he really the last airbender?
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spacedace · 2 years
Working on (yet another) ATLA wip in which during the invasion Azula helps Zuko escape and goes with him (because her beloved dumbass of a brother clearly has not been paying attention to all her subtle warnings on how not to get dead and clearly needs a more direct approach at keeping him alive and mostly in one piece). And in the process of getting the fuck out of dodge, Bato who's been separated from everyone else ends up accidentally crashing their escape party along with Toph and the four of them end up on the run together.
Toph gets along with the two runaway royals who are as suspicious and untrusting if Bato as he is them...at least until the fire siblings unintentionally trauma dump about their fucked up childhood and Bato decides "I'm dad now" and adopts them against their will.
Eventually Azula and Zuko just give up on fighting it and are like "okay cool, you're gonna be Firelord after we kill Ozai and then we can just chill for like, five god damn seconds"
And anyway eventually they all meet up with the Gaang and Hakoda and co and it's just like...
This is my daughter Katara: Master Water Bender, Teacher of the Avatar, brave and true of heart.
And my son Sokka: genius inventor, master strategist, unmatched in his fierceness and loyalty.
This is my new daughter Azula. She'll sell your soul to satan for a fire flake and then use that fire flake to take over hell.
And this is my new son Zuko. He's faral and will probably bite you. Don't leave him alone too long or he'll probably end up trying to fight god again.
And this is Toph... I don't know if I've adopted her or if I'm being held hostage but either way I've started saving up for the next time I have to bail her out of jail.
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ofherlionheart · 3 years
ok ok so according to ur boo chronicles timeline u dont have anything planned post talkin shit, so now i simply must know how izumi + zukka dads happens in the boo chronicles universe 👀
omg anything for u, beau. the chad to my ryan <3
there was actually a point in time when i considered making pt 6 abt izumi coming into their lives, but then decided i didn’t want to do that. izumi 100% eventually becomes part of boo ‘verse zukka’s lives, but ending boo chronicles on ‘they obtained a child!! look at that family unit!! dads being domestic!!’ seemed a bit. uh. less interesting to me. (the current ending i have planned is more compelling to me, narratively/structurally speaking. still tbd how exactly i get there tho lol)
but ANYWAY you’re not here for that you’re here for izumi!! ursa’s cousin gets pregnant but does not want the child. z happens to be visiting ursa around when the child is born; he goes with ursa to the hospital and hears everything abt the situation. feels some kind of way abt it … later when he’s talking to s on the phone abt it he realizes, sokka, i want to ask if i can adopt her. s: yeah, you should do that. z: … are you sure? we haven’t rly, like, talked abt kids that much. s: i’m sure
so z asks, the cousin says yes. z asks the baby’s name; cousin doesn’t want to name her. z’s like, i’ll wait just in case. i want you to know that this is for-sure what you want
for the next several weeks while z and ursa and ursa’s cousin are navigating baby stuff in thailand, s’s going into a research frenzy in his and z’s apartment. calls katara and suki and yue and hakoda and bato every few hours, freaking out because how can he be a good dad if he only has, like, a month to prepare?? he hasn’t done the spreadsheets he should have been preparing for this YEARS ago. his loved ones remind him he’s insane and help him thru dialing back the spreadsheets and the parenting resources he keeps rush-ordering. when he’s awake he’s definitely freaking the fuck out but almost every night he dreams of z being very gentle and warm with this soft little thing swaddled in his arms and s always wakes with a sense of excitement
the day before z’s going to fly back home, ursa coming with him, he asks the cousin one last time if she wants to name the baby; she says no. z tells ursa, i don’t know how to name her. i still kind of feel like i shouldn’t be the one to name her.
ursa looks at the newborn, who was just shitting and screaming and crying 20 mins ago but is now sleeping peacefully on her son’s chest. it feels like an out of body moment for her. how about izumi? ursa suggests. 
izumi? z asks. isn’t that japanese?
ursa: it’s what i wanted to name azula.
z: why?
ursa: childbirth was painful the first time, and i didn’t want to go through it again. i’d already given your father a son. but one day, i took you to that fountain at the end of our street, and another mother had also taken her children to play in the water. her sons were maybe a year apart, with the younger about your age. and as i watched them play together, and i saw you watching them … in that moment, i wanted to give you a sibling more than i wanted to avoid that pain again.
z: oh.
when z and ursa finally arrive back in nyc, they reach an apartment that’s been baby-proofed to high hell and a bedroom that’s been rearranged to make space for the crib that s spent half a day building. s sees his hubby holding a tiny human like he has been in s’s dreams for a month, but this time it’s real. z’s got deep bags under his eyes but he smiles so genuinely anyway. ‘want to meet your daughter?’ he asks s. ‘her name’s izumi.’
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thwispsings · 4 years
Atla modern!au headcanons
This is gonna be a long ride so buckle up folks 
Sokka has at least one clothing item with “women want me, fish fear me” (and i’m betting it’s a crop top)
Zuko has to wear a hearing aid on his scarred ear
His vision is also not great on that side
Sokka has a soccer mom car
Sokka is just a huge soccer mom friend
While Sokka is the braincell holder of the group, Zuko is their impulse control
Zuko goes to occupational therapy
The white lotus is a tea tasting club, they have discount cards at Iroh’s teashop
Piandao is a master of the blades
Also distinguished gay
Bumi is basically a cryptid, he’s the jersey devil of omashu
Piandao also once got arrested for fighting cops at pride
No cops at pride just Piandao and his blades
Bato and Hakoda are peak Kevin and Holt (everyone’s dads)
Before they came out Sokka and Katara had a bet going on with Gran gran on whether they would realize everyone already knew or not (gran gran won)
Zuko cannot drive to save his life but he’s incredible good with a motorcycle 
Toph basically lives with Iroh and Zuko, they’re her emotional support family figures
They have family game nights but pai sho was banned after the “great table breaking incident of 2018”
Suki is a master of at least three different known martial arts and some not really known ones
She still stutters when talking to pretty girls
Once a pretty girl smiled at Suki and she tripped and almost fell down a flight of stairs
Whenever a girl flirts with her she looses her cool when a guy flirts with her she is always non-impressed
She and Sokka are the best exes, always trolling each other tho
When Zuko and Sokka started dating her first reaction was telling Zuko “honestly you could do better” 
Toph and Zuko convinced Iroh to start selling coffee on the Jasmine Dragon
Once Toph drank seven cans of redbull in a row just for shits and giggles, Iroh still has nightmares about that day
Whenever Zuko pulls all nighters Toph always puts him to bed, no one knows how
If you go for a non bending au then Druk is a bearded dragon or a ferret, i will not accept other animals
Zuko is the only person that Toph let squish her cheeks, she always giggles at it, it’s adorable, on the other hand, Toph is the only person allowed to touch his scar (she likes to map her friends’ faces with her fingers)
Toph also has an inclination to simply plop herself on Zuko’s lap, he’s warm and very comfortable and he always hugs her without saying anything
Toph knows how to braid her and always braids Zuko’s
Sokka is totally a tiktoker and a streamer
Aang watched too many tiktoks with Sokka and spent an entire month referring to Appa as “fluffly boy” only
Aang’s first friend, incredibly, was Zuko
Zuko painted blue arrows on a hoodie to give it to Aang when he complained about waiting for the tattoos
Aang cried
They are the type of friends that make constant references to events no one else knows about besides the two of them
Much similar to the Toph and Zuko situation, Sokka has adopted Aang as his little brother
They both have their daily Sokka&Aang time
Which usually involves laying with Appa and talking 
Sometimes cloud watching, they compete to see who finds the clouds with weirder shapes
Aang gets Katara flowers every year on her birthday
Their first date was at Iroh’s teashop (mostly so Zuko could be there to calm Aang down)
They hold hands whenever Aang feels overwhelmed
Aang made Katara a total of 37 friendship bracelets and 16 bead necklaces
The two go ice skating every two weeks
Katara has at one point convinced each one of her friends to let her do the hair loopies on them at least once
Katara once fought a guy on an Ihop parking lot and she won
The guy was Hahn and she fought him because he called Sokka a wimp
Katara, Sokka and Hakoda cry every time they watch Balto
Katara and Zuko share Ever after as their favorite movie
Katara is a golden medal swimmer 
Yue lost her hair due to chemo so she has a collection of pretty white wigs
Yue deffinetely cosplayed as Mara from She-ra
Piadao knows Zuko ever since he was five years old
He is actually both Zuko’s and Lu Ten’s godfather
One of his most prized possessions is a mug saying “world’s best godfather” that Zuko made on therapy and gave him for fathers day 
Iroh has a matching but with “world’s best uncle” 
Bumi and Aang became friends after Appa almost ran over him at a park, no one understands this friendship
Piandao and Zuko can communicate solely through nods and grunts, and both understand each other perfectly
*At the tea shop*
Piandao: *grunts and nods curtly*
Zuko: he wants the orange and spices tea and a croissant
*at Piandao’s dojo*
Zuko: *huffs and shakes his head*
Piandao: ah yes Zuko thanks for reminding me, i should see that with your uncle as soon as possible, do you think Jeong Jeong will be able to help?
Zuko: *grunts*
Piandao: no, you’re right, that’s a ridiculous idea
And now the crocverse hcs in honor to @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice
Iroh non-ironically loves crocs
Once he said “let me put them on sports mode” before getting out of the house and Zuko was this close to crying
Bumi is a croc enthusiast 
He non-ironically loves the croc gloves
Bumi is the one who told Iroh about “four wheels drive”
The first time Sokka and Iroh quoted the “WHAT ARE THOSE” vine Zuko actually considered running away to live with Piandao
Jeong Jeong hates crocs with all of his being
Piandao dislikes crocs but he feigns ignorance just to watch the chaos unfold and Jeong Jeong get pissed
There’s a bet going on who’s gonna break Jeong Jeong first
Most of the bets are on Bumi
Piandao once wore a pair of crocs only to watch Jeong Jeong squirm and get all huffy
Sokka gave Iroh a teacup with little crocs painted on it for his birthday
Toph says crocs are the best kind of shoes because “they’re open” 
Iroh has almost as many crocs as he has teacups
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zukkaoru · 3 years
bakoda + grandkids or bakyada + kids?
bakoda + grandkids
when bumi is born, hakoda and bato shower him in gifts (several of which will be completely unusable for bumi for years - "really? a spear? for a newborn?" "he'll need it when he's older and we made it just for him!!") but they also give him so many clothes and carvings and just.. anything they find while katara's pregnant that they think a kid could possibly need.
when sokka and zuko announce that they're going to be adopting a daughter, sokka's sort of afraid that his dads are going to favor bumi since he's. you know. actually half water tribe and not completely fire nation like izumi. but hakoda and bato do the exact same thing for izumi as they did for bumi, though they travel to kyoshi island in an attempt to find some clothes that izumi might actually be able to wear in the fire nation (but they do also give her plenty of clothes she can wear when she's in the swt)
they do the same thing for kya and tenzin, and then they do it again for lin even though she isn't technically their grandkid, because they know toph doesn't really have any contact with her parents anymore and she isn't in contact with lin's father or his family either. (and maybe toph cries when they give her all of the gifts they got for her daughter and the fact that they went and searched for earth kingdom-specific gifts too. but she'd never admit to that)
bakyada + kids
when sokka and katara are little and first decide they want to learn how to braid hair, bato, kya, and hakoda all fight over who gets to have their hair braided by the kids. kya wins in the beginning because her hair is longest, but once sokka and katara get better at it, they start practicing on bato and hakoda's hair too, so on any given day, all three of them could be wearing braids given to them by one (or both) of the kids
send me a character/ship + a word and i'll give you a headcanon
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ao3feed-zukka · 3 years
you are on my mind (when I miss the snow)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZPMl7H
by friendsofkorra (mcgonamum)
I don't know why every time That I think of home I can picture you standing in the cold
in which Sokka hosts the Fire Lord in the Southern Water Tribe and consequently falls (even more) in love with him.
Words: 4814, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), Kanna (Avatar), Kyoshi Warriors (Avatar), Ashuna (Avatar), Southern Water Tribe Characters (Avatar), Fire Sage(s) (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Bato/Hakoda (Avatar), Katara & Sokka (Avatar), Katara & Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Katara & Zuko (Avatar), Bato & Hakoda & Katara & Sokka (Avatar), Bato & Sokka (Avatar), Hakoda & Sokka (Avatar), Kanna & Zuko (Avatar), Kanna & Katara & Sokka (Avatar)
Additional Tags: zukka oneshot, Ambassador Sokka and Firelord Zuko (Avatar), References to Depression, Grief/Mourning, Zuko meets Gran Gran, Inspired by a Lizzy McAlpine Song, as in: I listened to Same Boat by Lizzy McAlpine on repeat while writing this, Hakoda Adopts Zuko (Avatar), zuko is a dork and sokka finds it adorable, Katara's meddling is the only reason why they got together, Mutual Pining
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZPMl7H
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unacaritafeliz · 3 years
Zukki and in-laws
firstly this is a fantastic prompt, i had so much fun with this! thank you!
hakoda adopted suki and zuko long before they ever married sokka. he loves them so much and would protect them with his life. he has the best working relationship with zuko because he knows when and how to rein zuko in and how to have good, productive discussion with him to benefit both nations. is occasionally coerced into things for them by sokka saying 'remember when suki and zuko risked their lives to save you at the boiling rock? not that it matters, i'm just saying'. suki calls him dadkoda unironically. she reminds him of kya.
bato, kanna, katara, iroh, azula, kiyi, the kyoshi warriors and kyoshi herself under the cut!
bato to suki "oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous!". bato to zuko "you fucking donkey!" bato loves zuko really (he's so endearingly awkward, how could bato not like him) it's just more fun to bully him. bato and suki are constantly suffering about how dumb hakoda and sokka's jokes are but how much they love them anyway. he begrudgingly loves going for hunts with sokka and suki and he taught zuko to ice fish. (bato and zuko trans buddies? bato and zuko trans buddies).
kanna loves suki for being the one to beat some goddamn respect into her grandson - and also for being a badass warrior who isn't afraid to help out with more traditionally feminine past times/chores. she takes a while to warm (lol) to zuko for obvious reasons, but she can tell that he a) loves her grandson and b) is genuinely trying his best to repair the world. sometimes they sit together in silence while he reads and she knits/sews. she always gives them so much food and makes sure they're dressed warmly.
katara loves being officially sisters with suki, hates being related to zuko by law but uses her little sister privileges to annoy him all the time. she shovel-talked sokka on suki and zuko's behalf but mostly because she knows that suki and zuko already knew that she'd kill them if they tried anything <3. suki and zuko are the best in laws because they are nice, smart (apart from liking sokka, widely regarded as stupider than chasing the avatar) and also will spar with her whenever she wants. the three of them gang up to tease sokka all the time.
iroh LOVES sokka and suki. he's happy that his nephew has found people who love him so deeply but the real joy comes from pai sho matches with sokka and tea dates with suki. sokka reminds iroh a lot of lu ten and they make snarky comments about pakku in white lotus meetings. suki makes him atone for his war crimes. iroh often says 'zuko, why cant you be more like your spouses?' but in a loving way.
azula really bonded with sokka and suki during her time in rehab - sokka would read or play pai sho with her so they could hang out without talking and suki would spar with azula which was always very fun. one time she snorted at one of sokka's jokes and he never lets her forget it. learned to kyoshi fight from suki and looked bomb wearing the outfit for real. she always says sokka and suki could both do better than her dumbass older brother but she is secretly very happy for the three of them and looks up to their relationship.
kiyi thought zuko was the coolest person in the world until she met sokka and suki. she truly believes that suki is the prettiest person in the whole world and wants to be a kyoshi warrior when she grows up! she honestly think sokka is hilarious and loves all the things he invents and buys for her! also loves to do art with sokka because she's better than him. she is extremely spoiled by all three of them to be honest.
the kyoshi warriors are always down to both beat and roast the fuck out of their brothers-in-law but they love both sokka and zuko very very much. mostly they love how happy the boys have made suki. they think sokka is extremely funny much to suki's chargrin. they tease zuko every time they guard him but he still prefers them to any fire nation guards. sometimes the warriors swap head gear to try and trick sokka and zuko up but the boys can usually tell (suki yells at them for this).
avatar kyoshi considers suki her daughter and once possessed aang just to shovel talk zuko and sokka (he was trying himself, but it's aang. he loves them. it wasn't very threatening). being threatened by kyoshi was 'equal parts exhilarating and terrifying' according to sokka. she does like them a lot though - she thinks they are fun and nice and they are good friends to aang and good husbands to suki which is all that really matters to her. she thinks sokka should wear his kyoshi uniform more often.
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koiotic · 4 years
Chess AU because I may be a total nerd, but I’m a man of my word
* Aang started playing chess (and pai sho) with Gyatso, his adopted father, and proved to be a prodigy - started entering tournaments at twelve
* He meets Sokka and Katara when moving to their school district and joining the chess club
* Katara plays for fun and teaches Aang new strategies, Sokka likes to watch but is more interested in other things
* Katara is the only chess player in her household. Sokka prefers other games, Hakoda can’t play and Bato cheats every time
* How do you cheat at chess, you may ask? When you’re in check, you announce that your king is nothing but a political figurehead and the pawns formed a democracy, so good luck dismantling the whole government
* The Kyoshi Warriors play go, and when Sokka says it’s an easier game and/or its better for girls, every girl in the club lines up to beat him at it
* He leaves with a healthy fear of girls and strategy games
* They meet Yue at a tournament in a different state. Hahn plays and is a general dick, so Sokka signs up just to beat him
* The Sozin family are highly respected and/or feared in chess tournaments - Azula is a prodigy and on her way to becoming a grandmaster
* Zuko isn’t as good as her, so is generally ignored and pushed aside by his family
* Every match with Zuko or Azula involved is just as dramatic as the fights in canon
* Toph is determined to learn to play, and has Sokka design a board she can use
* It’s a Velcro board with different textures for black and white. The pieces stick so she can touch them without knocking them off and they have Braille to distinguish them (black/white are also different textures)
* Toph and Zuko are best friends and meet through Iroh, who teaches Toph to play and casually drops that his nephew is a FIDE master
* Toph makes him play with her and they bond
* Zuko isn’t as good as Azula, but is still very good (Aang basically poaches him as another teacher)
* He agrees to help, but mainly so he can get close to Azula and try to get her to leave Ozai
* Sokka and Zuko bond over secretly being huge nerds
* The white lotus are mostly ex chess players who now only play pai sho. Jeong Jeong has a deep hatred for chess that is never explained
* Ozai is a grandmaster, still gets his ass kicked by a twelve year old
* The last Agni Kai ends with Azula flipping the board and walking out. Zuko decides to take that as a win
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chitsangenthusiast · 3 years
Kath my beloved, I hope you have a good day! ♥️♥️ Tell me an assortment of Sokka, Zuko, and/or Zukka headcanons that make you lose it 😳
!!!! oh i would be HAPPY to!!! put under the cut bc i kinda got excited and went off lol
sokka in general <3 after the war, there was a period where sokka and toph sometimes, sometimes, traveled around the earth kingdom and swindled conniving market tricksters out of their money. katara does NOT know, zuko does NOT know it occasionally happens in the fire nation too, and aang DOES know and secretly hates he can’t tag along bc he’s far too recognizable now lol
sokka doesn’t like cooking, but unfortunately he’s great at creating delicious dishes so he’s often forced to go to be the one who cooks during camping trips. the only people who don’t get his complaining as he cooks for them, however, is gran-gran and bato
i’ve talked abt this before, but sokka keeping his hair shaved after the war to honor his lost childhood as well as acknowledge his warrior status in his own way is smth that can be so personal <3
also i....very quietly.......hc sokka as nb he/him....and sometimes also as a grey ace/demi/sex-positive ace bisexual....bc sometimes it's nice to imagine some form of representation for myself, even in the tiniest of aspects lol
zuko and family <3 for a long time after the war, ‘uncle’ was the title that meant the most to zuko. it’s smth that everyone quickly realized, so when the gaang started having kids they were adamant to make sure zuko knew he was their children’s uncle
(yes it took him off guard. yes he cried in private every single time, especially when the kids got old enough to actually start calling him ‘uncle zuko,’ even during formal events)
it’s not until he has izumi does he finally understand the weight behind the word ‘dad.’ babe was her first word, and zuko has been on cloud nine ever since
(the whole ‘uncle being the most important’ is basically why iroh never had to adopt zuko or anything - there was no need, and after chit sang wanders back into their lives and starts joking abt how he’s zuko’s father, both of them find it incredibly hilarious lol)
zukka letters <3 after the war, zuko and sokka used to send each other COPIOUS letters. zuko’s are normal. sokka’s are always sent as packets lol (he has a habit of writing down any and all passing thoughts on scrap paper that never get transferred into one single letter, so usually he ends up just compiling them by the day they were written and bundling them together)
also in their letters: they once joked about making doomsday clocks to track their daily feelings, and so now every letter starts with a tiny lil drawing of how close they are to midnight on the day they wrote it
(before they got together zuko’s midnight was ‘letting druk burn down the palace.’ after they got together, it changed to ‘moving to the swt without any warning and living with sokka,’ which sokka finds kinda adorable but also isn’t ready to be wrongly suspected of kidnapping yet)
zukka husbands and kids <3 along with being known as the fire lord who’s trying to foster in peace and love, he’s also known as the golden fire lord - and it’s entirely bc of sokka and ty lee bc they pick out all of his gold accessories and puppy-dog-eye him until he gives in to wear everything lol
after he and sokka get married, his nickname among the public changes to the ivory fire lord (which isn’t technically right. it’s whalebone that he’s wearing in place of most of the gold, but a lot of people don’t know the difference)
zukka have two kids uwu izumi was born first ofc! for their second daughter tho, it took them awhile to settle on a good name for her. at one point sokka suggests ‘verza’ bc it sounds nice and has a z in it, but as soon as he finds out it means cabbage he backtracks hard on it
zuko finds this mf hilarious - but, unfortunately to sokka, he also thinks it’s adorable and so their second daughter’s name is verza lol
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Okay so, I'm kinda curious, how long would it take for Hakoda and Zuko to meet in the Avatar!Ty Lee AU, and how would that meeting go down?
Physically, Hakoda and Zuko would meet in the inbetween Books 2 and 3.
But Hakoda does hear about the other kids beforehand. First is after Bato meets back up with him after his episode in Book One, where Bato is like 'Hey ran into the kids and they have a bunch of other kids with them now!'
And then also near the end of Book 2 when both Katara and Sokka go to see Hakoda, they tell him about the rest of the group. Including whatever the hell is happing in Sokka's love life.
As for them actually meeting like. Things are hectic as hell from the ending of Book 2 so formal introductions are rushed over.
And like. I just.
So just.
Zuko. My baby boy. Just.
That instilled fear of adult figures from just. His whole life. But /especially/ fathers. Even though he knows. He knows most fathers are nothing like his. He especially can just see that Hakoda is a genuine good person and a great father.
But it makes him jumpy. Especially because we just lost Iroh at the end of Book 2(he's fine but like Canon he was captured). Which means Zuko no longer has the main 'good' adult figure in his life so he's extra spooked and doesn't feel safe.
(And tbh Azula is the same way because haha shared trauma but it manifests differently but like. Just. If Hakoda surprises them, they jump to attention. If he's frustrated, Zuko will flinch and be overly cautious while Azula is ready to either fix the problem or shift blame even if she wasn't the frustration was targeted at)
Hakoda notices that Something is up. Because both those kids are super jumpy around most of the adults but /especially/ around him. And Hakoda doesn't know what's up but he knows that something is, in fact, up.
But he also knows to approach thing cautiously but directly. So Hakoda does ask Zuko about it and is just like 'Hey if I said something that makes you scared of me I'm sorry. Also if you're scared because you're dating my kid then honestly idc you seem like a good kid already so I would like to fix whatever is happening here."
And Zuko is just very ?????? about this whole interaction. An adult? Admitting they might have done something wrong and being willing to fix it instead of blaming him for how he's acting even if they didn't do anything??? An adult and a good parental figure calling him a good kid???? What???
Zuko, low-key trying not to cry, is just kinda like 'Hey totally not you I just. Have bad experiences. With fathers. I mean hey you already know my father isn't the best person since he's the goddamn Fire Lord but that's a whole mess and obviously has nothing to do with you. Just. Just. Thanks for being nice I guess? I'll probably get better over time but it's a LOT right now and I know you're not him and you're not going to hurt me or the others but thirteen years of that nightmare is going to take a while."
And Hakoda is just like 'Hold on I..... I need a minute to process all that information. Go back to the part where your father is the Fire Lord????"
Zuko: '...... You know I really should just start with that instead of dropping it on people weeks after I know them."
And ofc Zuko doesn't go into full detail past that but.... Hakoda is a smart man. He knows why the kid is jumpy now. He sees that scar on Zuko's face and knows that it couldn't have been accidental.
Hakoda is just internally like 'if you weren't about to become a son-in-law I would just straight up adopt you holy shit'.
But he does keep that whole thing in mind when they interact and things do get better the more Zuko(and Azula) gets used to having Hakoda around.
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zukoisalimpwristgay · 3 years
ok i saw this post:
and my brain help me hostage and i came up with an AU that i will never write but im posting cause maybe it already exists and someone can send it to me, or itll inspire someone to write it.
takes place in the crossroads of destiny starting when katara and zuko are in the crystal cave under ba sing se
aang and iroh show up as they do in the ep
Maybe iroh talks to zuko and he catches up with aang and katara and apologizes and asks to help fight azula.
Or he starts fighting alongside azula (and the rest of the gaang joins the fight, maybe ty lee and mai too [could speedrun mailee betraying azula]) but sees someone get badly hurt 
maybe katara since they just bonded, and sokka cries out for her making zuko see siblings who care about each other 
and maybe he moves to help defend them and azula snipes him with lightning which he fails to redirect kinda like in the final agni kai but memories go bonk
or he gets boomeranged
The later is funnier and would set up for bad guy wakes up on a different side.
Maybe he gets bonked while he and azula start retreating and azula leaves him bc hes just a liability if they dont claim ba sing se. Ozai wont like her teaming up with a failure anyway. 
And maybe aang gets zapped still before zukos bonk so katara is out of spirit water which might help heal zuko’s head. 
azula still conquers the earth kingdom 
The caves start to crumble bc drama and zukos just laying there uncahnchus and iroh pleads them to help him since he wouldnt be able to get him out on his own
And sokka carries him out and once theyre on the surface zuko begins to wake and the gaang had started to walk away but stop when iroh calls for kataras help after zuko woke up disoriented and didnt know his name etc.,;.,,. 
she tries to heal him but it hurts him (a la flwogb and sokkas brain gunk)
so they take iroh and zuko with them to meet back up with hakoda and the WT warriors who are hesitant but accept the avatars insistence
que hakoda adopting redeemed zuko and iroh and hakoda and bato becomin pals with iroh
and maybe aang wakes up early idk
and the gaang has to tell zuko about the war and he (on a freshly wiped operating system) is like “oh shit that sounds awful” 
and they could leave out the fact that he is the fire prince 
or they might tell him idk
And he has to learn stuff from a fresh perspective 
iroh tells him about his banishment and he’s like “what kind of father would do that? Hakoda would never do that to sokka and katara.” 
tells him about his mother and maybe hes angry bc she left him but he is mostly sad that he had to go through his banishment without seeing her for 3 years and such
Zuko starts teaching aang firebending
and maybe before the day of black sun comes sokka wants to find suki and boiling rock 2.0 (no dad boogie woogie woogie) happens and the “my first gf turned into the moon” “thats rough buddy” can be after sokka is talking about suki and how important she is to him
the flight is awkward bc they both are crushing
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