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nina, she/her, i follow/comment from space-feminist. atla ao3: significant-turtleduck
Last active 60 minutes ago
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this is kinda unfair to innie katara though. like in this universe outie katara would the part of katara that's totally consumed by her grief and anger at the fire nation and not able to forgive while innie katara would be the part who can forgive. and katara being able to forgive IS important. not because zuko is worthy of it or needs her to, but because clinging to vengeance just causes you more pain, because deep down she blames herself for her mother's death and needs to forgive herself too. this katara severed out of vengeance, to go undercover in the fire nation and topple them from within, and then finds out that her innie isn't as consumed by vengeance even though fighting the fire nation is still the goal. the central debate of the southern raiders is depicted as what it truly is - an argument between katara and katara, not katara as a vehicle for shipping with zuko or aang
thinking about the severance ship war and the atla ship war and suddenly going wait. one of the love interests is the heir of the oppressive system that has caused our main character personal loss and the other love interest is one of the most profoundly affected victims of that oppressive system (who was presumed dead for a while and is full of multiple versions of themself)
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it actually makes sense that a katara who doesn't know her mom was killed by the fire nation would fall in love with a zuko who doesn't know he's the prince of the fire nation. he is solely the "standing up to his dad" part of zuko and not the "hunting her across the world" part and katara is solely compassionate and kind, not as angry and motivated by grief. and "versions of zuko and katara with their edges sanded off have sex while nobody pays attention to aang experiencing The Horrors" is quite literally atla fandom
thinking about the severance ship war and the atla ship war and suddenly going wait. one of the love interests is the heir of the oppressive system that has caused our main character personal loss and the other love interest is one of the most profoundly affected victims of that oppressive system (who was presumed dead for a while and is full of multiple versions of themself)
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thinking about the severance ship war and the atla ship war and suddenly going wait. one of the love interests is the heir of the oppressive system that has caused our main character personal loss and the other love interest is one of the most profoundly affected victims of that oppressive system (who was presumed dead for a while and is full of multiple versions of themself)
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Caught off guard...
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also side note every fic author who wrote modern!au sokka as like. an out of work slob or a barista with no prospects must not have actually watched a single episode of the show and also owes me twenty bucks
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"I have depression." - character who has been through extensive therapy.
"I feel dead inside all the time and nothing helps!" - character who does like, regular introspective thinking and is aware of the concept of mental health.
"Leave me the fuck alone I'll be fine once I get over my stupid shit." - repressed character.
"It's fine I'm just having an Empty Time. What? Yeah, empty times, you know, when everything is like bzzzzzz in your brain and you don't shower for two weeks. Why, what do you call it?" - ooooughhh now we're talkin
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Hakoda and Bato have about 4-5 years. I imagine Bato is more inclined to navigation and attentiveness. Hakoda looks more stubborn and impulsive.
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so what you're gonna do. is you're going to take the angsty angry frightened teenager. and you're going to teach them to embrace love, beauty, and whimsy. at first, they're not going to like this. but eventually they will learn to accept it into their heart, and doing so will make their rage more manageable and hope possible for them. they will thank you in their own way
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Grandpa Hakoda, cause he gets no love from the fandom.
I think it’s beautiful because he missed a lot with his own kids, so I imagine him  trying to be there for his grandchildren.
EDIT: Cropped to better fit Tumblr :p
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Your Dad Wore the Octopus by foxysquid
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Fun little ask or w/e
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alt versions
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[ID: screencaps of mai and azula’s confrontation in atla s3e15: the boiling rock part 2. the first is of mai preparing to fight, her knife glinting in the sunlight. the next three are of ty lee qi-blocking azula. then is a close-up of azula’s shocked face as she falls, and the last image is azula lying on the ground, baring her teeth. /end ID]
happy ides of march
[plaintext: happy ides of march]
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(@erisenyo )
i definitely think hakoda was the "fun parent" with kya bc it's clear from how katara&sokka act that there was a stereotypical division of labor in the household, and the dad is often the "fun parent" because he's not dealing with the unpleasant day-to-day of parenting. and while i don't think this divide was super harmful & hakoda was still an involved parent i can absolutely see him sort of taking advantage of that to avoid being Chief Dad Who's Mad At You, choosing to leave a lot of disciplining or rule enforcement to kya.
but while kya was alive and he was home, he was still enough of a Dad to make bato seem cool. his morph into Coolest Chillest Dad is out of guilt at leaving his kids behind, an attempt to make up for hurting them. he's going to be so understanding of katara's feelings, he's going to be so affirming of sokka's abilities, he is going to be SO chill about his kids fighting in the war and breaking into max-security prisons (he's definitely NOT freaking out inside no way). and now that they're almost adults he really doesn't have grounds to be a strict dad, he already didn't want to be overbearing Chief Dad and now he DEFINITELY doesn't want to
and bato is annoyed but also. he gets it
post-canon (and tbh during canon too) hakoda is very invested in being the Cool Dad bc he feels guilty about leaving and this annoys bato because HE used to be the cool dad
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Message from the afterlife 🕊️👼
hi guys its me, ash, formerly ash-and-starlight, writing from the cremation urn. I accidentally stepped on a landmine and nuked my entire blog. I sent a desperate ask for help to the Tumblr support to try and get it back, but in the meantime I made this placeholder vessel though which I can still interact with the mortal realm. mutuals, friends and beloveds, fans and haters if you want you can follow me back here until I have better news, ill try to haunt you all back until hopefully Tumblr resurrects me <333 thots and prayers
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hakoda and kya doodle for strawpage that i never posted here
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Was thinking about Bato Of The Water Tribe, specifically the part where they're having dinner with him. Aang looks upset because he's left out of the conversation and nobody is trying to include him, and Sokka and Katara don't realize this because they're happy to see someone from their tribe, someone who they haven't seen in years. Add in the fact that they may have had the opportunity to see their father after so long, and you can see why they were so excited. Aside from the fact that Aang is upset because he's being ignored, I thought of another reason why he doesn't look particularly happy in that scene: Sokka and Katara are reunited with someone from their tribe, reminiscing about the fun times they had, listening to Bato's stories about their father, etc. All things that Aang can never have again because his people are gone. He's the last airbender left in the world. Sure, he can talk to Katara and Sokka about his past, but it's not the same as actually talking to another airbender with the same experiences as him.
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