#basic poetry
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divine-nonchalance · 8 months ago
Few words, happy life.
. Sejeluho . Affirmations for All
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riddlerosehearts · 9 months ago
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i really need everyone but especially anyone who romanced gale with a bard tav to know about this interaction from early access that larian took from us
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birdship · 3 months ago
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got inspired to set an old poem i wrote a few years ago to @foone's death generator screenshots.
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pocket-dust-starr · 1 month ago
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the Lost Poet and the Anointed King
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
Writing Notes: Sentence Types
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There are 4 types of sentences in English. Each has a specific purpose.
4 Types of Sentences
The purpose of this sentence is to make a statement.
It is the most common sentence in writing, and it ends with a period. Examples:
"Larry ate chocolate ice cream covered with almonds."
"Susan was declared class president at the pep rally."
The purpose of this sentence is to ask a question.
The sentence ends with a question mark.
There are 2 kinds of questions in English:
1. The "yes/no" question
Places the helping verb in a declarative sentence before the subject in the interrogative sentence. Example:
"I can go to Jamaica this summer." (declarative)
Is transformed to: "Can I go to Jamaica this summer?" (interrogative)
2. The "wh-"question
Begins with a question word: who, what, when, where, why, and how. These words always appear first in the interrogative sentence. Examples:
Who is that student?
What are Mary and Robin doing?
When will you be home?
Where is Mark going?
Why are you sad?
How does that work?
The purpose of this sentence is to issue a request or command.
It has no written subject; however, the subject is implied, and it is always "you." Examples:
"Go to school." = (You) Go to school.
"Don't drive too fast." = (You) Don't drive too fast.
The purpose of this sentence is to express a strong feeling.
Exclamatory sentences always end with an exclamation point. Examples: 
"That is an unusual color!"
"John sounded brilliant!"
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Source ⚜ More: Writing Basics & Refreshers
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muttmoxley · 1 year ago
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kian stone: on metamorphosis & what it means to die
inkskinned, the crying book by heather cristle, summer friends by hospital bracelet, pinterest comments, his hands by blegh, wikipedia, how we fight for our lives by saeed jones, a field of onions: brown study by vanessa angélica villarreal, the left hand of darkness by ursula k. le guin, a love letter to a dead thing by layana clouet, polyhedric-dimension, drunk drivers/killer whales by car seat headrest, bitter boy buried in the backyard by @dovahkiining
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fandomsnrambles · 10 months ago
So crazy Wu is the master of creation yet we never see him create anything
I’m talking both element wise and just in general
Like let my guy have a hobby!!!
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mariyekos · 9 months ago
One of the things that makes me feel crazy on DMC5 replays is the way V phrases his request to Dante.
He doesn't say "we need your help to stop the demon." He says "A powerful demon is about to resurrect, and we need your help, Dante." The implication seems to be that V needs Dante's help to stop it...but if you've played it before, that's not what he's really asking. V needs Dante's help in order for the resurrection to take place. Because until Urizen is weakened V has no chance of rejoining him, so he needs Dante's help to weaken Urizen so he's primed for merging and bringing about Vergil's resurrection. The "we" V refers to could also absolutely be both V and Urizen in that case, instead of just some general "we" of humanity. So he's not really asking for help to stop the resurrection, but instead to bring it about, hiding the truth in plain sight and careful wording.
The DMC 5 localization can be wonky in some places, but in other places it just shines. "We need your help, Dante." Not to stop it. He never says that. It's to bring about the resurrection itself.
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I don’t want to sound foolish. But, just remember, love brought you here. If you trusted love this far, don’t panic now.
James Baldwin, If Beale Street Could Talk
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star-crossed-planet · 23 days ago
Imagine if instead of reciting poetry in a cave in the middle of the night, the poets pulled elaborated pranks on everyone around welton. Oh shit my bad those are the marauders sorry.
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pretzel-box · 5 months ago
In God he trusted, once. Hands lifted to the heavens, his voice a whisper. Lost in the boundless quiet, craving a taste of freedom. But the sky answered him in silence.
There lingered always the ghost of a chill, crawling down his spine, An endless watchfulness that scraped against his mind. It was not something he could name, for words failed, Could never capture the sickness festering deep within, A mind tormented and torn.
Through countless torments, memories twisted, He walked a path simple and pure, a single destination: Death, the dark and welcoming road. But cursed he was, unable to escape— For that nameless gaze refused him peace.
The entities would not wound him fatally, no scar became the last. Every exit sealed, every choice returned him to this bleak place. Sebastian Solace was bound here, tethered Neither in life nor in death, forsaken and trapped.
In the midnight silence, he could hear it: your weeping. He sought sleep, craved its mercy, for anything was kinder Than the echo of your cries in the stillness. Your eyes unseen, but he felt them always upon him.
An angel, he thought, watching over his suffering— Yet you were more than that, weren’t you? When he drowned, you cast him ashore, when he bled, you healed him, But only to wound him anew. Your touch was balm and blade. You—the kind, bitter chain that bound him here, in the dark of the Blacksite.
He cursed you, the forsaken guardian angel that you were, One that shielded him from all hands but his own. Each night he prayed, as your tears fell, That God would strike you down, would sever your wings and shatter your halo. For what he hoped would be solace, remained a dream, a dream that wasn't meant to be his, but yours alone.
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candiedspit · 1 year ago
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I killed a deer in Wisconsin
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thenightshadowqueen · 2 days ago
But can we talk about how Victor’s poetry is something so personal and important to him? And then can we talk about how casually Eli helps him with it?
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
Writing Notes: How to Choose POV
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A Quick Guideline on Choosing POV
Refresher: Definitions
First-Person Singular: First-person singular narration uses the pronoun “I” and is the most commonly used form of first-person point of view. This style is perfect for character-driven novels and creates a close, immersive connection between the reader and the story. However, this type of narration limits the author and the reader to a single character’s experiences, feelings, and knowledge.
First-Person Plural: This first-person narration style utilizes the pronoun “we” and is less commonly used. It combines the intimacy associated with first-person with the flexibility of third-person omniscient. First-person plural can be effective when done well but can be tedious and is limited to the collective voice.
Second Person: Second person utilizes “you” for the narrator but is more commonly used in short stories. This style easily fosters close bonds between the readers and the characters as you start to feel as if they are you.
Third-Person Limited: Narration in third person limited relies on she/her, he/him, they/them, etc., pronouns as well as the character’s name. This point of view limits the author and reader to one character’s perspective allowing the writer to exercise the closeness of first-person singular through thoughts and feelings while also offering the broader perspective of third person.
Third-Person Omniscient: This type of narration also utilizes the character’s preferred personal pronouns and name and gives the narrator god-like storytelling abilities as they can reveal any character’s thoughts, go to any time or setting, know information the characters are unaware of, and comment on events in the past, present, and future. The degree to which these abilities are used is up to you. Third-person omniscient is popular among novelists with large casts and complex plots. However, this style can lead to too many shifts in perspective.
Tips for Choosing POV
You may find that you have a preferred point of view and then realize it’s not a good fit once you start writing your story. Many writers worry about finding their voice, but sometimes the story finds it for you. If you’re unsure which point of view to choose, consider these tips to help you pick.
Explore your options. You won’t know which POV to use unless you try them all. Try writing or rewriting a scene from your story in each POV to see which style fits your novel best.
Establish your POV. Once you’ve picked a style, stick to it and let your audience know which character they’re experiencing the story through.
Note limitations. POV will decide what information your character is privy to and thus determine their actions and opinions. Take time to review your work with your character’s limitations in mind to keep your writing accurate.
Don’t be afraid to change. If you find yourself drifting into another POV as your novel progresses, don’t shy away from revising your work into the best perspective for your story. It’s also important to note that some books shift from first to third to second, and it may benefit you to find examples of novels with varied narration to help you learn to master this style.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ POV
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serpentface · 6 months ago
reading all about the white calf, love your work, can i just say. gonna put some hibrides appreciation out there because damn. nobody in this story is lucky but she in particular seems to be having a Bad Time
Yeah a lot of things suck pretty bad for her. Unwittingly in a lavender marriage, mutual dislike between her and her dogshit husband, extremely strained relationship to her former best friend/gay quasi-boyfriend/father of her children who alternates between avoiding her and desperate attempts to make her love him again, having to constantly maintain multiple levels of facade to socially protect their throuple and therefore herself, shy and socially isolated, dealing with trauma that she doesn't even begin to recognize as such because 'nothing bad actually happened', pretty sure something is deeply wrong with her, living under a damocles sword of catastrophic social consequences should her children be exposed as bastards, has discovered an unexpected and mostly unwanted pregnancy while on a months long cross-country trek, etc.
She's also someone who prides herself in being rational, put together, stoic against adversity, and not overly emotional and weak, which basically means all of this is getting suppressed and compartmentalized away like crazy.
She HAS managed to fall into a rhythm with it all and her life IS NOT constant misery and agony. But the situation she's in for the duration of the story completely tears her out of this rhythm and makes all these factors very acute (though also opens her up to new opportunities, new and more positive/differently complex relationships, and much bigger things to worry about than her domestic life).
Unrelated drawing of her struggling not to lose her shit in public (in this case trying not to laugh)
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babytoothbrain · 9 months ago
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I am the Same Person I was in August
"Oom Sha La La", Haley Heynderickx//"All That Wanting, Right?", Devin Kelly// "Funeral" Phoebe Bridgers//"Extracting the Stone of Madness", Alejandra Pizarnik// "Little Beast", Richard Siken// all photos are mine! Photography on @el3ctraaa
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