#based off of my fanfiction lol
thelyinggrapevine · 5 months
Regulus, not caring what his mother thinks anymore: hey guys
Barty: what the fuck
Regulus: what
Evan: you have glasses???
Sirius: yeah I second that, what the fuck Reg
Regulus: I've literally been in the same house as you for fifteen years, how did you not know Sirius
Remus: in all fairness, you do always say that you're in your room all the time if you can help it
Regulus: yeah I guess
Pandora: well, I think you look nice
Regulus: thank you, Dora
Barty, snatching the glasses off of Regulus' face: holy shit dude *steals James' glasses* HOW ARE YOU BLINDER THAN JAMES WHAT THE FUCK?
Sirius: WHAT
Lily, laughing her ass off: James still smacks into things with them on
Regulus: guys please
Peter, oblivious: dude, you're as blind as a bat holy crap
Barty, Remus, and Lily, who were the first to find out: Pffft—
Regulus, glaring at them: shut your fucking mouth
James: what is going on, I can't see shit
Regulus, sighing: fucking me neither, I've just been guessing from the color of their clothes
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gojonanami · 1 year
thinking about fuck boy neighbor gojo who keeps you up all night with his late night fucking right next to your bedroom that you get so fed up and bang on his door and yell at him to cut it out. but to your displeasure not only is he really hot, he's refusing to listen, and slams the door in your face, laughing. and then after several pranks and surely some apartment violations, it ends with him fucking you in the same bed he had caused all that noise in. and for once, you're not unhappy to be sleep deprived the next day.
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rob1ndad · 5 months
Irondad and TLOU parallels:
do you ever think about how ellie and joel are just like peter and tony in another universe?
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sickficideas · 4 months
the hand that feeds || [BEAST AU] akutagawa sickfic
ao3! 3.6k - please refer to the tags in the link for content + warnings!
Ryuunosuke can't see straight.
He's trying to pay attention to the report in front of him. Everything's so fuzzy. It feels almost like he's got his eyes open underwater, a ridiculously disorienting feeling considering he’s just sitting in an office chair. Completely dry.
Kunikida's voice even sounds like it's coming from the far end of the world’s longest tunnel. His ears are ringing on top of it, and Kunikida starts to say something to him from across the desk that he can barely hear. His voice breaks through all the white noise in his ears just at the last two words.
“...in thirty?” Kunikida asks him. He sounds like he’s already repeated himself.
Ryuunosuke just nods, even though he’s not sure what he's being asked. They had plans to meet a client and start a case today, is he asking him if he'll be ready in thirty? His stomach twists at the idea that he'll have to be somewhere out in public with the way his ears and his eyes are treating him. He can't possibly defend himself from any threats like this. He’ll have his guard completely lowered.
He's starting to realize that he's not feeling very well.
Kunikida has gotten on his case several times for ignoring when he's sick. Ryuunosuke doesn't mean to, sometimes it's just too late when he finally makes the connection. He doesn’t think he’s sick, anyway. Maybe he just needs something to help him along. As long as he can see and hear well, it doesn’t matter. He just wants to do his job right.
Maybe he can ask Yosano for some medicine before they leave.
He stands from his desk, leaning on the chair for a little longer than necessary to hold his balance. He's much dizzier than he expected. Everything swims around him and he thinks if he wasn’t holding the chair, he would’ve fallen over. The ringing starts getting louder. It hurts. The infirmary isn't far, luckily, and he can’t stand around for long. No wasting time. The faster he takes medicine, the faster he can feel better and get back to work.
He crosses the infirmary’s doorway, scanning the room, squinting, just barely about to make out that Yosano is sitting at her desk, flipping through some papers. He can’t even tell if it’s a book, a report, or just loose sheets. He’s too out of sorts for this.
“Miss Yosano?” he manages, but his brain has already given up on trying to keep him upright.
He feels his head smack against something, and then, he’s out.
Yosano knows she can't go a single day without something happening. It can be anything from Kenji scraping his knee to the Agency getting raided, but every single day without fail, something disrupts her peaceful schedule. She’s not as faithful to a schedule as Kunikida, but she still likes to have one, at the very least.
She's at her desk towards the back of the infirmary, which for the week so far, has stayed empty. It's given her time to catch up on writing up reports and deciding what she needs to order, setting aside tools she needs sharpened - she likes it, having everything in order and actually having the time to do all of that.
She flips over to a report that needed her medical addendum - one written by Akutagawa, who she knows is not at all fond of doing such thing. He’s always very short and to the point. She can respect that, she would also much rather do more physical work than paperwork. Kunikida might be the only one in the building to prefer the latter.
Akutagawa’s handwriting has improved, though, she’s noticed. It’s still quite obviously his, but it’s not as sharp, not written so much like he’s in such a hurry to finish it anymore. She’s seen Junichiro work with him on getting his handwriting more legible, at the very least - it’s working well. She smiles at it.
She hears someone enter the infirmary, but she doesn’t lift her head. There’s a medical report filing cabinet right at the door that they often go digging into without bothering her, so she doesn’t speak unless spoken to. She hears the footsteps approach a little closer, though. Too close to access the filing cabinet. They’re almost dragging, too. Strange.
“Miss Yosano?” her visitor speaks. Akutagawa. Ironic, that she was just analyzing his handwriting. She scans the report, wondering if maybe that’s what he’s waiting on. She’s finished with it, she thinks.
She picks up the sheet to hand it to him, but before she can make eye contact with him, all she sees is a blur of black and grey heading straight for the tile floor.
Well, that’s caught her completely off guard. Her own gasp even scares her, it sounds like she’s seen a ghost.
Yosano pushes her chair back without any regard to where it’s tipped over to, quickly rounding the desk to the other side and kneeling beside Akutagawa’s crumpled-up form on the floor. She’s fairly certain she heard him hit his head on something on the way down, She needs to make sure that he didn’t seriously injure himself before she assesses the rest of his situation.
She hears a few sets of footsteps rush in at the commotion, a few gasps of surprise and concern, but she whips her palm up at them to signal for them to not come any closer, to be quiet. She knows how Akutagawa can react when overwhelmed and she doesn’t have any idea what’s wrong with him yet.
She sees a red smear on his forehead when she gets a good look at his face, which is twitching in discomfort but not showing any current signs of consciousness. She moves her hand down to brush the hair out of his face to get a better look at his temple, and with an exasperated sigh, she realizes he's radiating heat. She lays the back of her ice-cold hand against his forehead and then moves her palm to cup his cheek. She's figured out why he passed out.
“Get me a thermometer, he has a fever,” she huffs, looking up at the small crowd that’s gathered at the doorway with her hand stretched out. Kenji is already at one of the drawers near the cots to grab one for her.
Kunikida’s face twists up with a slew of emotions, seeing Akutagawa’s unconscious form on the floor. “Dammit, how many times do I have to tell him -”
“Hush, Kunikida! Let him come out of it without your shouting,” she barks back at him, maybe a little louder than she meant to. She knows he means well, she understands that it's frustrating, but now is not the time.
She sees his shoulders sink as Kenji hands her the thermometer, and he promptly backs up, kindly following her earlier silent request to stay back. Yosano presses the cold metal censor to his forehead to get a reading, and waits for it to calculate. She prefers the oral thermometers, but this will give her a good idea before she gets him into a cot.
The thermometer reads a solid one hundred and two point nine, which considering these are lower than the accurate temperature, greatly concerns her. She sighs, wondering how on earth he got through most of the day with a fever this high. He must have been feeling awful.
She’s very careful, sliding an arm around his shoulders with the intention of getting him off of the floor and onto a cot. Kenji walks forward again and quietly offers his help. He can do it much easier than she can, and Akutagawa holds much more trust in Kenji than he does in most people, so she stands as Kenji lifts Akutagawa off of the floor. She hears a pained noise from him, but he doesn’t quite stir.
Kenji lays him down in the nearest cot, and Yosano sees Akutagawa’s eyes start to flutter open at the movement. She briefly catches sight of Kunikida urging some of the assistants to clear out of the room, but allowing for Junichiro to stay. Junichiro always worries about him the most.
Kenji brings over a stool for Yosano as she opens up the drawer for some supplies to place an IV catheter. She can’t be sure how dehydrated he is, but with a fever like that, fluids would certainly do him some good either way.
Akutagawa’s eyes finally open, and Yosano hears his breaths start to quicken.
“There you are. You're okay, just in the infirmary at the Agency,” Yosano assures him, a gentle hand on his chest to discourage him from trying to sit up. “Looks like you're not feeling too well this morning, are you?”
Akutagawa doesn't answer right away, likely not entirely mentally there yet. He’s not as pale as she would expect him to be with that fever, she realizes, but his eyes are sunken. He gives up his efforts to move and sinks back down into the pillow with a defeated groan. She pulls out a few things to clean up the blood on his forehead from the drawer, and Akutagawa lets his eyes fall shut as she dabs at his temple.
“None of you noticed?” Yosano asks her three visitors with a huff, finding it hard to believe that Akutagawa hid this from everyone without any signs.
“He's really good at hiding it,” Kenji remarks. “He does pass out sometimes when he helps me at the farm, his body still isn’t super used to it…I never notice until he’s already out.”
“I don't even think he means to hide it,” Junichiro frowns, slowly starting to come closer, “he must just be so used to having to push through it.”
Yosano sighs. Her eyes turn to Kunikida, who stands with his arms crossed over his chest, very visibly concerned, but just as frustrated, too.
“I've talked to him at great lengths about how dangerous this habit is. It’s already almost killed him once,” Kunikida huffs. Yosano sees him chew at his lip. He's referring to an incident from a few months ago where an unchecked injury of his landed him in the hospital with a severe infection while Yosano was in northern Japan - she thinks Akutagawa had started to come to her pretty regularly for injuries since then, but maybe it’s the fact that this is an illness that makes it different. “I don’t know what else I can say to him.”
“He did come to me,” Yosano reminds him. That’s why all of this went down, after all. He didn’t faint in the office, it happened right in front of Yosano’s desk, before she could even properly acknowledge his presence. “He just needs to work on his timing. He’s almost there.”
“I suppose,” Kunikida says with an exasperated sigh, his eyes dropping down to Akutagawa. Yosano smiles. Kunikida worries about a lot of things, and Akutagawa is very, very high on that list.
She watches Akutagawa lift his hand up to graze the spot on his forehead that’s been cleaned of blood. He’s still visibly very out of it, his eyes are glassy and a little unfocused. She’s surprised he’s managed to appear well for this long. This certainly didn’t come out of nowhere, he must have already been experiencing some very disorienting symptoms before he walked into the infirmary. It seems his body has given up on trying to fight it off.
“You hit your head right there. It bled a little but it's not too serious. I won't use my ability for it,” she assures him, laying a hand on his arm. “You have a high fever, though. I want you to rest for a while.”
He seems to understand that, as far as she can tell. His eyes dart to Kunikida for just a brief moment before they move back to wander around the room. Yosano wonders if he was looking to him for something - he likely knows how Kunikida reacted. He doesn’t want to disappoint him.
“I’m glad you came to me for help,” Yosano tells him, because she does want him to know that he did a good thing by coming to her, and that he should do it again - hopefully, next time, before it gets to the point of fainting.
Kenji helps Akutagawa remove his coat, his tie, belt, shoes - anything that would restrict any comfort for him, since Yosano would like for him to rest for a few hours, at the very least.
Yosano starts to place the IV catheter in the top of his hand, as gently as she can. He’s usually good for this in most situations, but she thinks he’s very sensitive when he gets high fevers like this - the touch is a bit overwhelming for him. He winces every time she moves back to touch his skin, so she keeps one hand wrapped around his wrist to reduce the impact a little.
She starts to recognize a change in his breaths and general discomfort in his face as nausea, so she’s glad she decided on the IV anyway - she can certainly give him some medication for that through the line, along with something to bring that fever down.
“Kenji, do you think you can get an oral temperature on him? I think his fever is a bit higher than the first thermometer read,” Yosano says. He’s come back already with a cold washcloth that he’s finished laying over Akutagawa’s forehead. His whole body winces in a shiver from the feeling, but he relaxes a few seconds in. 
Kenji nods and moves to take it out of the drawer. Still very gentle with him, letting him know what he’s about to do and why - Akutagawa barely parts his lips, even that seems to take a lot out of him. Kenji holds the thermometer under his tongue as Yosano finishes up taping the IV catheter to his hand. She watches Kenji’s brow furrow when the thermometer beeps.
“A hundred and three point two,” Kenji announces meekly taking it from his mouth to show Yosano. She huffs out a sigh. She was expecting that, but it’s still concerning to have it confirmed.
“Will he be okay?” Junichiro asks, the same concern written all over Kunikida’s face, too.
“Are you doubting my skills as a doctor? I’ve handled much worse than this,” she reminds them, trying to bring the mood up a little bit. They’re no doubt remembering Akutagawa’s recent hospitalization, but this is a much easier situation to handle. “He’ll be just fine. Just give him some time to rest and recover, I’ll take good care of him.”
“Of course. I’d never second-guess you,” Kunikida says, but it sounds like more of a reassurance for himself than anyone else. He checks his watch, and then his eyes dart down to Akutagawa - Yosano smiles. Looks like he has plans, but he doesn’t want to leave him. “I have to be at a meeting with a client shortly…please let me know if anything changes in his condition.”
At this, Akutagawa suddenly tries to sit up. She’s putting the pieces together now. Akutagawa was supposed to come along for this meeting, and he came to Yosano before they left, probably hoping for a quick fix so he could get back to work. He’s not much different from Kunikida in that regard.
“You need to lay down, Miss Yosano said you need to sleep off your fever,” Kenji says, a gentle hand on his chest. Akutagawa’s eyes look a little frantic. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t let Kenji guide him back down to rest, either.
“I’ll take care of it, Akutagawa. Your health is more important than the clients,” Kunikida assures him, and Yosano is very surprised to hear him say that. She knows how much he values his work and the company. It’s not easy to sway his heart like that.
Akutagawa looks hesitant to agree to that sentiment, but begrudgingly, he lies back down.
After observing Akutagawa for a while after giving his IV injections, Yosano moves back to her desk, where she can still watch him from afar, but get some work done. Thankfully, the medications seem to have tired him out, and he’s been very asleep. The nausea has subsided, too, and thankfully never had the chance to escalate into vomiting.
It’s started raining since Yosano shooed her fellow Agency members out. It sounds nice against the windows, peaceful. She’s noted in the past that the rain puts Akutagawa on edge - likely a result of many, many years on the streets, but even now, he’s fast asleep. Kenji laid a blanket over him and added some extra pillows to make it more comfortable.
She hears the infirmary door open, and this time, she lifts her head. Oda peers inside, his eyes already on Akutagawa’s sleeping form. He makes eye contact with her as he wanders inside.
“I heard he’s not feeling well today,” Oda says, closing the door behind him.
“Very not well. He managed to get himself a hundred and three degree fever without anyone noticing,” Yosano says with an expectant sigh. “I only found out because he passed out in front of my desk.”
Oda’s brow raises. “He came to you?”
Yosano smiles. “He did.”
“That’s very good to hear,” Oda says. He’s so hard to read most of the time, but she can tell he’s relieved to hear that information. He worries about Akutagawa the same way Kunikida does, but he’s a little more patient with him.
Oda sits down on the cot right beside Akutagawa’s, and just watches him for a while, hands joined on his lap. She’s not quite sure where he was at today, he’s never doing what she expects him to, but it almost seems like he’s sitting with him as some sort of reassurance that he’s okay.
After a while, he takes the cloth from Akutagawa’s forehead and dips it in the little ice bath bowl on the stand beside his cot, gently wringing it out and pressing it against each cheek for a few seconds before laying it over his warm forehead. He adjusts his blanket and pillows just slightly.
Yosano checks the time and decides she’ll check his temperature again. She sits down on the stool beside his cot and gently slips the thermometer under his tongue, and even with that, he doesn’t stir.
Oda tilts his head, curious for the result.
“A hundred and two point one. Very good progress,” she assures him, especially for having been so high just a few hours ago.
“Good,” Oda sighs with relief.
“Oda,” she starts as she slides her stethoscope underneath his shirt. He shivers, likely from the ice-cold feeling of it, but he doesn’t wake up. “Do you know how long he was on the streets for?”
“I couldn’t tell you for sure,” Oda says with a little shrug as Yosano finishes her reading. “I’m not even very certain of how old he is. He says nineteen or twenty.”
“Really?” she says, surprised to hear that, but in the end it makes sense. “I have March first in his chart as his date of birth. Is that just an estimate?”
“He said that’s the birthdate his sister gave to him,” Oda answers. Yosano’s heart sinks and she frowns. He’s led such a tragic life. If he wasn’t even sure of his age or birthdate, he must have been living on the streets for a very, very long time. “I only know he had been looking for his sister for four and a half years before I found him. Before then, I’m uncertain.”
“He’s had to push through illness and injury hundreds of times on his own then, no doubt,” she assumes. She understands that it’s not hesitancy he’s facing when he’s feeling sick, or when he’s hurt - he simply never had this option. It seems almost like he treats it as an addition he doesn’t need, rather than a last resort, as Kunikida seems to think.
But he’s learning to grow out of it.
Akutagawa shifts, a little too quickly, and Oda reacts faster than Yosano could have - he stands and lays a hand on Akutagawa’s chest, his eyes wild and staring straight at him, chest puffing in a very sudden fear. Yosano isn’t sure where this came from - a nightmare, maybe. She sees him blinking away tears for a second.
“You’re at the Agency,” he says simply, and that alone seems to prevent anything worse. Akutagawa’s eyes relax and his body is slow to follow, but he keeps his gaze fixed on Oda. Yosano wonders where that came from - if it was a premonition of his ability, or he’s simply learned to recognize trauma responses like this from all of the orphans he’s cared for.
Akutagawa seems to be too tired to even stay awake to see this through. She watches his eyes roll back as Oda lifts his hand from his chest, and his breaths slowly return to normal. Oda adjusts the washcloth on his forehead and leans back to sit on the cot as if nothing happened.
“You understand him so well,” Yosano remarks. He’s always been good with him, he always seems to know what’s going on in Akutagawa’s head before anyone else could hope to figure it out.
“He’s no different from my kids. They’ve all faced similar hardship,” Oda tells her simply, “his older age just means he’s better at hiding it.”
“You were the perfect person to find him, then,” Yosano says with a light smile, and Oda lifts his head to meet her eyes.
“I think so, too.”
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i fear i am endlessly predictable (writing new dps au which is once again fantasy with Arthurian elements)
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#it's an au of the dark is rising sequence by susan cooper#(which is to say it's based mostly off of over sea under stone and the dark is rising - with hints of the grey king running through)#and also to say that really i just wanted to write an homage to a very specific genre of british children's fantasy fiction#that i grew up reading voraciously + which shaped my proclivities and tastes for literature extensively. the little white horse au also#matched this but unfortunately that one is creeping towards the unfinished wips every day#not to get into an abundance of tags but this au revolves around: todd + charlie + meeks as kids and friends on holiday together#and going on a quest to find the grail. which gets sidetracked by keating (charlie's mysterious magical great-uncle) and also#todd gaining supernatural abilities far beyond those a thirteen-year-old boy can reckon with. rip. you know how it is#i think i was just really interested in the way cooper writes will stanton he has such a brilliant. canniness to him#which i suppose is the point after he becomes an old one. anyway! enough waffling in tags!#tristan writes#dps#dead poets society#dps fandom#dps fanfiction#dead poets society fanfiction#no anderperry because they're all kids so no romantic relationships per se (other than in that teenager way -#and also they have like. the world to save and evil to defeat lol)#but neil is here and supernatural and also fun to write. there's a certain cadence#and i like leaning into a more ominous side of him especially when he's so young in this au it's really funny#strangely ethereal looking thirteen-year-old child tells you in his prepubescent voice that the Dark shall reclaim the Light in a#fierce and savage hunt known to history but the likes of which the huntsman has never seen over rushing water.#and you just kind of have to sit there and deal with that#SORRY THESE TAGS GOT VERY LONG I REALLY LIKE THIS AU
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heretyc · 1 year
Outlast Characters and a variant S/O
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"I don't want to go among mad people!"
"Oh, you can't help that. Most everyone's mad, here. You may have noticed...that I'm not all there myself..." - The Cheshire Cat
Synopsis: You're a variant who escaped from Murkoff amongst the chaos and the bloodshed. You're more aware of your madness than the others, and you always have a way of escaping danger.
You're essentially like the Cheshire Cat. I totally didn't get inspired after watching Disney's Alice in Wonderland or anything like that...
Again, these can be seen as platonic or romantic. All up to you.
Miles finds you amusing the moment he sees you grinning and making remarks about his missing fingers. Your outfit is stained with blood, yet none of your own, and he can tell you're a tough cookie. You intrigue him.
Waylon is freaked out. He doesn't want to be rude, as you clearly went through hell here, and the last thing you needed was to be told that you were horrifying, but you just... weird him out. Your eyes are unblinking, you hum, your grins are wide and unsettling...he's surprised you haven't shoved a knife in him, yet. He guides you out, but he's cautious.
Blake is reminded of Val, if he's being honest. You both act somewhat alike, even your outfits were somewhat alike; you're wearing a dirty uniform that obviously came from an asylum, and Val wore remains of their cassock. He'd much rather deal with a variant than a cultist, he's sure of that. You're helpful, too. Giving him hints and deciphering the Latin phrases scattered among the town of Temple Gate.
Lynn is reminded of Val, too. You were taken in hours earlier, and you found your way to Lynn after traversing through the tunnels. You looked to her pregnant stomach with a look of knowing and a chilling grin, questioning her if she knew her child was one of delusion and falseness. She was...confused as to what you meant, but you wouldn't continue. Val, however, got a little angry at you for suggesting that their lord was nothing but a simple trick of the mind. You didn't seem to care, however.
Trager is intrigued, as well. You popped up in his little section of the asylum, curious about his work, and he didn't have the ability to shoo you away or steal your tongue. He tried so hard to understand you, and yet he couldn't, to his dismay. You're a hell of a lot more interesting than the priest or his little buddy.
Jeremy is freaked the fuck out and thinks you're trying to get revenge on him. He remembers the day he submitted you, and yet here you are, looking into his eyes with wild hair, blood on your uniform, and an unsettling grin that showed off your teeth. He starts to get used to you once you help him escape from the other variants. You know he'll succumb to the Walrider, anyway. Might as well give him hope...
Eddie is fascinated. He could squash you like a bug, and this is something you tell him, but he doesn't wish to. Much like Trager, he tries to understand you. You're so silent, and whenever he's enraged, you're always...gone. He loves the grin on your face, because he has the same exact one!
Walrider and you are one and the same. You disappear at will and love to mess with the other variants. He doesn't care for you that much.
Frank Manera is...freaked out by you. The scary, cannibalistic variant wielding a saw is scared of a silent yet witty variant with a horrifying grin and a wise gaze. He doesn't even try to eat you. The last time he threatened you with a saw, you just grinned at him, your teeth and eyes the only things apparent in the dark room. He felt vulnerable.
Chris doesn't care whatsoever, and is far too focused on locating the Walrider. However, he does find the grinning variant that roams around the upper floors of the asylum a tad too...strange.
Marta is convinced God sent you as a sign to make her stop her 'righteous' activities. Your eyes shine a menacing white, and so do your teeth, and you're all she sees when roaming the dark fields of Temple Gate. She threatens you with a glare and a wave of her weapon, but by the time she's near where you were last standing, you're gone without a trace. Maybe Val sent you as a spy? Who knows.
Val fucking ADORES YOU. An escaped variant from god knows where, they think you're a blessing with your scary aura and your knowledge about their god [which you know nothing about, you just enjoy feeding them bullshit. It's kept you alive]. Your eyes are as white as theirs, and they find you mysterious. You're an enigma. The heretics love hearing you make remarks and rhyme about things. The members of the New Testament used to attempt to ambush the heretics, but after seeing you appear near every entrance with a menacing grin, they've halted all efforts.
Laird and Nick have opposing views. Laird thinks you're a demon of some sort, as no human being has such white eyes, and Nick finds you cool. He enjoys hearing you read to him, as your voice is as smooth as silk.
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nikkiruncks · 4 months
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Domaystic 2024
Nate protects Leia from the thunderstorm. AU
-Leia Forman/Nate Runck
wc: 276 | ao3 | domaystic prompt challenge: day 17 || domaystic prompts (@domaystic): 024, numbers | fandom: that ‘90s show | rating: general
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pyrrhicraven · 4 months
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Avengers: Such Sweet Revenge By ali_aliska (Tony Stark/James Barnes) Star Wars: Under the Moons of Tatooine By JunkBones (Cad Bane/Obi-Wan) Batman: Moonlit by Onyx_Stars (Tim Drake/Jason Todd) Flash: Tumbling Together by RedHead (Barry Allen/Leonard Snart) Danny Phantom: Ghost Town by WingedFlight (Gen) Super Mario Bro's: Better Than We Believe by TheFrenchPea (Bowigi) HazBin Hotel: Your Love (Is my drug) by Funnistar (Lucifer/Alastor) The Hobbit: On the Wings of the Wind by spellbinder (Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield) And for giggles if you want to see the evolution of my writing though various fandoms check out my 'collections bin' 👻
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rioblitzle · 5 months
the thing about chatfics is that I don't dislike them in concept- I actually think the format of a group chat is a very creative and fun one for comedic or storytelling potential- however, almost every one I've tried to read writes every single character with the distinct texting voice of a teenager or maybe 20 something and when you've got middle aged or very offline characters involved that is such an immersion dealbreaker to me
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foresthuntermajrach · 7 months
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forgor to post it here, oopsie
(it's chaptered n just updated btw)
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japannkenn · 2 years
Alberto is a flirtatious gondolier in Venice. Luca is a systematic and orderly professor from Genoa. What ensues is a vintage Roman Holiday esq. ordeal; bickering by way of flirting, covert sexual tension and unbridled fear. By the end of the night, Luca can’t see a reason not to be in love with Alberto. (Well—okay, maybe he can. But his eyesight has always been shit.)
There must be Campari in the Grand Canal.
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bl00dking · 1 year
I was at a rave the other day with Her™️ and at one point she jokingly pulled me closer by my collar. Holly fuckkk. Kink unlocked.
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pinkplatiploo · 1 year
I feel like school kinda screwed with me that I need to take notes and annotate everything because most stuff I can’t directly annotate (esp not how they taught me to with different symbols meaning different things, a lot of things i at best get to color code with different highlighter colors which I have been told was an eyesore before lmao) but anyways now I have so much reading weekly that taking notes adds a lot of time to but I feel like I can’t retain any info without taking notes so now I’m kinda stuck lol
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allylikethecat · 6 months
Ally once again at it with the perfect upload times. I didn’t see the new update until today (Sunday) at like 10am and it’s literally perfect bc it’s st Patrick’s day so now I have yet another reason to get drunk and celebrate!
In all seriousness though loved the update especially the description of how Matty just lit up when he was talking about Sally. The cutest thing ever!
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit! ☘️🇮🇪
Yay!! Hello ❤️! I'm glad that my getting the update out a day late worked in your favor!!
Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to send me this lovely ask! I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed the new chapter!! Fictional!Matty and Sally are currently my favorite thing to write omg but also relatable AF I will also talk about my horse to anyone who will listen he is in fact my favorite topic of conversation. Fictional!Matty loves her so much and is SO EXCITED to have her back home with him. Get excited for more Fictional!Matty and Sally sweetness!
I hope you are having a wonderful St. Patricks day and that you're able to drink some water!! I also hope you have a great week! Thank you again and happy St. Patricks Day! 🇮🇪☘️
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alteredphoenix · 7 months
Notes on The Mountain Wakes: A Brief Rundown on Technology and Its Influences
It's been quite a while since I last updated The Mountain Wakes, but I always remember how I looked at games such as Dark Souls 2, Morrowind, and They Are Billions (ironic, because I'm not really into zombie apocalypse media anymore like I used to be over a decade ago, and my PC at the time could barely run it) for inspiration to form the basis of the Bad Ending AU the fic takes place in. (You can clearly tell I'm a Morrowind fangirl because Autozam, Chizeta, and Fahren move in on Cephiro and put their stakes down the moment the Paths open without any conflict from Zagato and Emeraude whatsoever - not because it happens out of conquest, but because they're so immersed in their love for each other they ignore the problems going on Cephiro a'la fuck the world we don't care what happens to it so long as we have each other, it's not our problem anymore).
I would say the technological advancements, in the three year span that takes place after Chapter 1, would be much more developed than the steampunk Tesla Tech aesthetics seen in They Are Billions. With the arrival of the three realms, Cephiro goes from a very pastoral fantasy world with hints of old magitech (via the Saturn game) to a hard, cyberpunk theme that's part of an industrial revolution that's very much enforced.
Of the three Fahren very much leans into said cyberpunk aesthetic but is more or less inspired by the Japanese subgenre with Chinese/Asian influences and the splash of tech noir and that retro 1980s vibe that's often idealized (i.e. Chapter 2's first scene takes place as a train station terminal with payphone booths, something that IRL - at least in the States - barely in use anymore with the rise of mobile phones).
Autozam takes this a step further by being postmodern as well as nanopunk/biopunk (or trying to going in that direction in a bid to co-opt Fahren technology and repurpose it to eliminate Autozam's pollution and ecological disasters). It's about as futuristic as you can get, with their mechs and architectural approaches, so in comparison to Cephiro it's going to stick out a lot.
Chizeta would be something akin to solarpunk (to relieve the issue of overpopulation) while recognizing they are very much in the camp of technofantasy (because they don't explain their magic by applying science to it). However, there is an undercurrent of Cold War/cloak and dagger element going on that undermines Tarta and Tatra's attempts at establishing a colony for their people (read: hold onto control via authoritarian means that affect the population not in line with their cause/beliefs).
I had plans for Debonair and Nova to show up (albeit under different circumstances), but as I didn't get very far in the brainstorming phase at the time they currently don't amount to much in the plot beyond Nova being a boss fight for Umi to overcome. I like to think they'd be their own faction and sowing chaos in the background because everyone re: the three realms is too busy trying to get their upper hand over each other in the attempt to be the one to overthrow Zagato and Emeraude to become the Pillar and the people of Cephiro are too doompilled to fight back (and if they are fighting, it's against each other). They would be in the camp of pure magic and taking advantage of all the technology lying around for their own purposes while manipulating people's emotions a'la the Will of Cephiro to focus on perpetuating all the in-fighting.
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iceclew · 3 months
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Well @oxandthorn, consider this totally your fault.. <3
I warned you like.. I'm gonna be totally obsessed with the idea of him having glasses..
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So here's some stoobid sketches I came up with... and at least in my head some of those were hilarious, lol.... like... I need this Detective Conan KN8 AU in my life now... Hoshina is sort of the 3rd Div. detective boy anyway, so might as well shrink him to bbe Soshiro and make him solve the case. <3
Ah yes, in case you missed it - the idea is based off of oxandthorn's wonderful oneshot about my fav. blorbos <3
Kafhoshi Fanfiction, man I'm in love with it..
full fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56776090
read it or Hoshina's glasses gonna kick ur ass., lol
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