nikkiruncks · 2 hours
Hey Sunshine! For another E/D drabble request, can you please write one where they have a mature conversation about their futures? Taking place in The Promise Ring and based on our discussion.
Hiya, Poorni ❤️! Ask, and ye shall receive! I hope you enjoy this.
"i trust you, [name]."
Eric walked out to the driveway, seeing Donna sitting on the hood of the Vista Cruiser. He smiled at her. "Hey, what are you doing out here?"
"Um ... I wanted to talk to you," said Donna.
He sat down beside her on the hood of the car.
"Oh, this is gonna be hard," she continued. "Um ... Eric, I love you. A lot. But I have to give you your ring back."
"What? Why?"
"Okay. How do you see the next twenty years?"
"I don't know, I guess ... I always figured we'd go to college together ... and come home ..."
"Yeah, but Eric, you know that's not what I want. I mean, I've told you that. And who knows? I may wanna go to school ... back east or maybe in Paris."
Wanting everything to just be okay, Eric said, "Okay, well, you know what, Donna? Whatever! Okay? The important thing is that when you see yourself in Paris or ... wherever, I'm there. Right?" When Donna didn't respond, he grew worried. "Right?"
"I don't know ... not always ... I mean, it's not like there's anyone else, but sometimes I'm ... by myself. I mean, all I mean is, I don't know! Neither of us does! And this ring is just a stupid high school promise. If we're meant to be together, then ... we'll end up together!"
"You want to keep your options open, and that's amazing for you. But where is this fear coming from?"
"What fear?"
"Donna, we've known each other since we were practically kids. I know when you're scared."
"I just don't want us to end up like my parents. You've heard them fight. You've seen them fight. They got married when they were young. I just don't want us to turn into them."
"If we talk about stuff like this, we won't turn into them. I trust you, Donna."
"What if there's a problem that we can't resolve?"
"Then we work to improve our communication."
"If you want to give the ring back, just leave it on the hood."
"I'll hold onto it."
"Okay. In the meantime, I won't freak out if you wear it around your neck."
"Okay. I have the chain with me. Could you help me?"
Eric nodded, helping Donna put the chain around her neck, the promise ring on the chain. They shared a quick kiss before Donna headed home. Eric went back inside his house, feeling a bit better now that he and Donna talked.
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nikkiruncks · 3 hours
aww i really do like nate x nikki.
Nikki x Nate (NikNate?) have really grown on me, too.
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
Physical Intimacy Prompts
They bring their foreheads together in quiet moments, feeling each other’s breath and just being present.
When things get scary or uncertain, they instinctively reach for each other’s hand.
One sneaks up behind the other and wraps them up in a soft, comforting hug.
They gently trace patterns on each other’s skin, like absentmindedly drawing circles on the other’s arm.
When one is tired, the other’s shoulder becomes their perfect resting place.
Little stolen kisses, playful and unexpected, but always leaving the other smiling.
During an intimate moment, one plays with the other’s hair, lightly brushing through it.
Right before they lean in for a kiss, one bites their lip in anticipation, making the moment even sweeter.
Their lips barely touch, creating tension and leaving both wanting more.
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
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THAT 70S SHOW (1998-2006) 1x19 “Prom Night”
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
I'm obsessed and I'm not sorry
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
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I edited this to avoid watching Pam make all the boys in this show act more stupid than ever
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
Jackie: Do you like my dress?
Hyde: It will look better on the floor.
Jackie: What?
Hyde: What?
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
My categories for ships, T7S/T9S edition
THE otp, my otp of otps: Jackie and Hyde, Gwen and Nikki
The otp that isn’t my number one, but still has a chokehold on me: Eric and Donna, Jay and Leia, Gwen and Cole
The ship that’s not an otp, but I have a soft spot for: Jackie and Kelso, Nikki and Nate (well, they’ve reached otp status now tho lol)
The ship that is not an otp, and that I believe would never work in canon, but I still can't help but love: Nate and Leia
The ship that could’ve been good, but never became canon: Jackie and Eric, Nikki and Leia (they’re such mirrors of each other man), Jay and Nikki
The ‘they were definitely in love and no one can tell me otherwise’ ship: Jackie and Donna, Leia and Gwen
The ‘i-don’t-hate-this-ship-but-it’s-just-there’ ship: Jackie and Fez, Nikki and Theo (Arc-wise, I think it was necessary because it showed Nikki that someone may seem right for you on paper, but that doesn’t mean they actually are)
The ‘they would never work even in an alternate reality’ ship: Hyde and Donna
The ‘we could’ve had it all’ ship: Bob and Joanne, Fez and Kelso, Fez and Sherri, Nate and Betsy
THE ship that keeps the show together: Red and Kitty (for both shows)
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
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nikkiruncks · 5 hours
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Nate and Nikki, retired and the kids out of the house
They decide to do some traveling, make some donations, go on a few cruises, eat some good food, head to the beach, etc. Just because they’re older doesn’t mean they’re not gonna have fun.
Nikki: Nate, can you put some sunscreen on my shoulders?
Nate: Of course babe.
Inspired by @einsteinsugly's ED board
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nikkiruncks · 6 hours
Like Neia dressing as Eric and Donna doesn’t make them the new Formciotti 😭
No hate because I ship both, but I can’t see Neia as the 90s Formciotti 😭.
Aside from being next door neighbors and them dressing as Eric and Donna, there’s literally nothing else there.
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nikkiruncks · 6 hours
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Sister ships truly
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nikkiruncks · 8 hours
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nikkiruncks · 8 hours
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I have romance in my life and here they are
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nikkiruncks · 9 hours
list of aang’s crimes according to tumblr
short (he’s 12)
he’s 12
being the avatar
having a crush
his crush liking him back
bald (his culture)
his culture
being a genocide survivor
expressing his grief
not expressing his grief
getting angry
not getting angry
allowing his friends to comfort him
not allowing his friends to comfort him
getting married
being 2 years younger than his gf/wife
growing facial hair when he’s older
having too many children
not having enough children
having children in general
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nikkiruncks · 9 hours
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That man is down bad I fear
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