#banking it solutions
techwave1 · 4 months
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cdnsoln · 1 year
CDN Software Provides IT Services for Banking & Financial Software Solutions
IT services for banks have become more and more relevant, and the banking industry has taken notice of this. Banking clients expect easy-to-use Banking software solutions to manage their banking services. User benefits aside, using a banking IT solutions app can create many opportunities for traditional banking companies.
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Building IT solutions for the banking sector requires many technical skills, and it also demands years of experience. There are many things to consider, and mistakes can be costly, so make sure to find the right development partner. IT services for banks are a fundamental part of any successful strategy in the financial services business.
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esttillie · 10 months
Everything's Fine Au where John is jealous of Martin and Mike and Martin is jealous of John and Oliver, only for them to find out that Oliver and Mike were dating EACHOTHER the whole time.
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 7 months
You know, it’s funny, because I was a non-Zionist for most of my life, and an anti-Zionist during my late teens and early 20s. But you know what? 10/7—and more importantly, the increasingly horrific reaction to it from the western left—has turned me into a Zionist, because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how “good” we are; how ethically consistent or introspective or selfless. You’ll justifying torturing, raping, slaughtering, and erasing us no matter what.
But I still want to thank you, anti-Zionists, because you finally made me realize something important: why should we have to live under your thumb of persecution and cultural genocide just to get your approval, anyway?
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odinsblog · 8 months
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For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.
The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.
Thus, amid this bid to impair Abbas, Hamas was upgraded from a mere terror group to an organization with which Israel held indirect negotiations via Egypt, and one that was allowed to receive infusions of cash from abroad.
Most of the time, Israeli policy was to treat the Palestinian Authority as a burden and Hamas as an asset. Far-right MK Bezalel Smotrich, now the finance minister in the hardline government and leader of the Religious Zionism party, said so himself in 2015.
According to various reports, Netanyahu made a similar point at a Likud faction meeting in early 2019, when he was quoted as saying that those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.
While Netanyahu does not make these kind of statements publicly or officially, his words are in line with the policy that he implemented.
(continue reading)
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agentfascinateur · 2 months
How countries voted on Palestine:
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At least Canada abstained... 🙄
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tanadrin · 7 months
BDS is a political program with the practical end result of "mass murder of jews," so yes it's pretty definitively antisemitic.
I don't think I've ever specifically mentioned BDS, have I?
In general, I think arguments of the form "X program would have Y result, therefore supporters of X support Y" are very weak unless you can make a very direct argument that X is inextricable from Y. It is not clear to me that the objectives of BDS, which per Wikipedia are
to pressure Israel to meet what the BDS movement describes as Israel's obligations under international law,[7] defined as withdrawal from the occupied territories, removal of the separation barrier in the West Bank, full equality for Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel, and "respecting, protecting, and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties".[8]
is inevitably functionally equivalent to "mass murder of jews." There seems to be a pretty long inferential chain there that I guess I'm missing.
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disco-cola · 25 days
I’ve said this before months ago but calling for a ceasefire is the bare 👏 minimum 👏 you can call for a ceasefire and still be pro-israel, a ceasefire does not equal peace!! a ceasefire is an urgent necessity to stop the ongoing mass killings of mainly women and children. but „ceasefire now“ - and then WHAT? will a ceasefire end the occupation? the siege? the settlements? will a ceasefire magically bring the right of return and basic equal rights in general? no it won’t, ONLY LIBERATION WILL!
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curieklei · 4 months
Inb4 the free palestine movements say it was only about the west bank occupation and east Jerusalem annexation, and never implied Israel in it's entirety as the problem.
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"I felt unfulfilled working the corporate rat race and spending my entire life trying to climb some company ladder for more money and status" Yes! Go! Good! Being a cog in the corporate machine sucks!
"...So I realized that a woman's true calling is to submit entirely to her husband so he can run the corporate rat race while she lives in the home and gives away her independence so she can raise his children and do his housework and submit to his decisions even if they're flawed (or worse, abusive)!" No stop what is wrong with you why would you think that is the solution to this
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techwave1 · 4 months
AI and Machine Learning in Banking IT Solutions
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The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies into banking IT solutions has revolutionized the financial industry. From enhancing customer experiences to improving risk management, the applications of AI and ML are vast and transformative. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the depths of AI and ML in banking, exploring their applications, implementation challenges, successful case studies, future trends, ethical considerations, and more.
I. Introduction to AI and Machine Learning in Banking
Understanding AI and Machine Learning
AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, whereas ML is a subset of AI that allows machines to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. In banking, AI and ML algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to extract insights, automate processes, and make predictions.
Evolution of AI in Banking
The adoption of AI in banking has evolved significantly over the years. Initially used for basic tasks like customer support, AI now powers sophisticated applications such as fraud detection, personalized recommendations, and risk assessment.
Importance of AI and Machine Learning in Banking IT Solutions
AI and ML play a pivotal role in driving innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness in the banking sector. By leveraging advanced technologies, banks can streamline operations, improve decision-making, and deliver personalized services to customers.
Overview of the Banking Sector and IT Integration
The banking sector relies heavily on information technology (IT) infrastructure to manage operations, process transactions, and interact with customers. Integrating AI and ML into banking IT solutions enhances agility, scalability, and resilience in an increasingly digital world.
II. Applications of AI and Machine Learning in Banking
Customer Service Enhancement
AI-powered chatbots provide instant assistance to customers, answering queries, resolving issues, and facilitating transactions round the clock.
Personalized Recommendations
ML algorithms analyze customer data to offer personalized product recommendations, tailored to individual preferences and financial goals.
Fraud Detection
AI algorithms detect anomalies and patterns indicative of fraudulent activities, helping banks prevent financial losses and safeguard customer assets.
24/7 Availability
With AI-driven automation, banks can offer 24/7 availability, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery and enhanced customer satisfaction.
Risk Management and Compliance
Anti-money Laundering (AML)
AI-based AML systems analyze transactional data to identify suspicious activities and comply with regulatory requirements.
Credit Risk Assessment
ML models assess creditworthiness by analyzing borrower data, enabling banks to make accurate lending decisions and manage risk effectively.
Regulatory Compliance
AI solutions automate compliance tasks, ensuring adherence to complex regulations and minimizing legal risks for banks.
Transaction Monitoring
ML algorithms monitor transactions in real-time, detecting fraudulent activities and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Process Automation
Loan Processing
AI streamlines loan origination processes, from application submission to approval, reducing turnaround times and enhancing efficiency.
Account Management
ML algorithms automate account management tasks, such as balance inquiries, fund transfers, and account updates, improving operational efficiency and customer experience.
Data Entry and Verification
AI-powered OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology automates data entry and verification processes, reducing manual errors and enhancing data accuracy.
Customer Onboarding
ML algorithms streamline customer onboarding processes, verifying identities, assessing risk profiles, and facilitating seamless account opening experiences.
Investment and Trading
Algorithmic Trading
AI-driven algorithms execute trades automatically based on predefined parameters, optimizing trade execution and maximizing returns for investors.
Portfolio Management
ML models analyze market data and investor preferences to optimize portfolio allocations, achieving better diversification and risk-adjusted returns.
Market Analysis
AI-powered analytics tools analyze market trends, news sentiment, and macroeconomic indicators, providing insights for informed investment decisions.
ML-driven robo-advisors offer automated investment advice and portfolio management services, catering to the needs of tech-savvy investors.
III. Implementation Challenges and Solutions
Data Quality and Security
Data Governance
Banks implement robust data governance frameworks to ensure data integrity, quality, and security throughout the AI lifecycle.
Cybersecurity Measures
AI-powered cybersecurity solutions employ advanced techniques like threat intelligence, behavioral analytics, and anomaly detection to protect against cyber threats.
Encryption Techniques
Banks utilize encryption techniques such as end-to-end encryption and homomorphic encryption to safeguard sensitive data from unauthorized access.
Compliance with Data Regulations
AI systems adhere to data protection regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, ensuring transparency, accountability, and user consent.
Integration with Legacy Systems
API Integration
Banks leverage APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to integrate AI solutions with legacy systems, enabling seamless data exchange and interoperability.
Middleware Solutions
Middleware platforms bridge the gap between AI applications and legacy systems, facilitating data integration, transformation, and orchestration.
Legacy System Modernization
Banks modernize legacy systems to adopt AI technologies, replacing outdated infrastructure with agile, scalable, and cloud-native architectures.
Interoperability Challenges
Banks address interoperability challenges by adopting industry standards, open-source technologies, and interoperable protocols for seamless integration.
Talent Acquisition and Training
Skilled Workforce
Banks recruit data scientists, AI engineers, and domain experts to build and deploy AI solutions, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning.
Continuous Learning Programs
Banks invest in training and development programs to upskill employees on AI technologies, tools, and best practices, ensuring proficiency and competence.
Collaboration with Educational Institutions
Banks collaborate with universities and research institutions to develop talent pipelines, offering internships, scholarships, and research grants to students.
Reskilling Initiatives
Banks offer reskilling initiatives to retrain employees affected by automation, providing resources, mentorship, and career pathways in emerging technologies.
VI. Ethical Considerations in AI Adoption
Bias and Fairness
Algorithmic Bias
Addressing algorithmic bias requires data diversity, fairness metrics, and algorithmic transparency to ensure equitable outcomes for all demographic groups.
Fair Lending Practices
Banks implement fair lending practices by leveraging AI for unbiased credit assessments, promoting financial inclusion and access to credit for underserved communities.
Diversity in Data
Ensuring diversity in training data helps mitigate bias and improve AI fairness, representing diverse demographics, behaviors, and preferences in model training.
Ethical AI Design Principles
Adhering to ethical AI design principles such as fairness, transparency, and accountability fosters trust and integrity in AI systems, aligning with societal values and norms.
Privacy Concerns
Data Privacy Regulations
Banks comply with data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA to protect customer privacy rights and secure sensitive personal data from unauthorized access.
Consent Management
Obtaining informed consent from users for data collection and processing ensures transparency and accountability in handling personal information, respecting individual privacy preferences.
Anonymization Techniques
Anonymization techniques like differential privacy and data masking protect individual privacy by anonymizing sensitive information while preserving data utility for analysis and insights.
Privacy-preserving AI Models
Privacy-preserving AI models employ techniques like federated learning and homomorphic encryption to ensure data privacy and confidentiality in distributed environments.
Job Displacement
Reskilling and Upskilling Initiatives
Banks invest in reskilling and upskilling programs to equip employees with the skills and knowledge needed for the AI-driven workforce, fostering career growth and job security.
Job Redesign for Humans and Machines
Redesigning jobs to complement AI capabilities involves redefining roles, tasks, and responsibilities to maximize human-machine collaboration and productivity.
Universal Basic Income
Universal basic income (UBI) initiatives provide financial support to individuals affected by job displacement due to automation, ensuring economic stability and social welfare.
Social Safety Nets
Social safety nets such as unemployment benefits, job training programs, and income support mechanisms help mitigate the socioeconomic impact of job displacement, fostering inclusive growth and prosperity.
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cdnsoln · 1 year
Transforming Financial IT Services with CDN'sInnovative IT Solutions
At CDN Solutions Group, we specialize in providing high-quality banking and financial IT solutions that help financial services providers streamline their operations, improve customer service, and increase profitability. Our banking and financial IT solutions include everything from online banking platforms and mobile banking apps to payment processing systems, risk management tools, and more.
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At CDN Solutions Group, we are committed to providing the highest quality banking and financial IT solutions to our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your financial services organization succeed with our innovative IT solutions.
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
Until this month, Bibi Netanyahu was a HŪGE fanboy of Hamas. Their relationship goes back decades. This is not some wacko conspiracy theory. Much of the information about this comes from mainstream Israeli media and high ranking Israeli former officials.
Here are excerpts from an in-depth article at the CBC – Canada's public broadcaster.
Israelis don't agree on much, especially lately, but polling shows they mostly agree that Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is to blame for leaving Israel unprepared for Hamas's onslaught on October 7. The accusations aimed at Netanyahu go beyond merely failing to foresee or prevent the Hamas attack of October 7, however. Many accuse him of deliberately empowering the group for decades as part of a strategy to sabotage a two-state solution based on the principle of land for peace. "There's been a lot of criticism of Netanyahu in Israel for instating a policy for many years of strengthening Hamas and keeping Gaza on the brink while weakening the Palestinian Authority," said Mairav Zonszein of the International Crisis Group. "And we've seen that happening very clearly on the ground." "(Hamas and Netanyahu) are mutually reinforcing, in the sense that they provide each other with a way to continue to use force and rejectionism as opposed to making sacrifices and compromises in order to reach some kind of resolution," Zonszein told CBC News from Tel Aviv.
Bibi and Hamas could be called "frenemies".
Yuval Diskin, former head of Israel's Shin Bet security service, told the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth in 2013 that "if we look at it over the years, one of the main people contributing to Hamas's strengthening has been Bibi Netanyahu, since his first term as prime minister." In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Israeli Army Radio that Netanyahu's "strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking … even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah." The logic underlying this strategy, Barak said, is that "it's easier with Hamas to explain to Israelis that there is no one to sit with and no one to talk to."
The Bibi-Hamas relationship goes back almost 30 years. In some ways, Hamas helped put Bibi in power in the first place.
Netanyahu first came to power in the 1996 election that followed the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by an Israeli extremist opposed to the Oslo Accords. Early polls showed Rabin's successor Shimon Peres comfortably ahead. Determined to sabotage Oslo, Hamas embarked on a ruthless suicide bombing campaign that helped Netanyahu pull ahead of Peres and win the election on May 29, 1996. Today, some of the same extremists who called for Rabin's death hold power in Netanyahu's government.
A reminder that the current Israeli government led by Netanyahu is the most far right in Israel's history. Netanyahu filled it with extremists, religious fanatics, and virulent ethno-nationalists in order to stay in power.
Just two weeks before Rabin's assassination, a young settler extremist posed for the cameras with a Cadillac hood ornament he said he had stolen from Rabin's car. "Just like we got to this emblem," he said, "we could get to Rabin." Today, that young man, Itamar Ben Gvir, is 45 years old and has eight Israeli criminal convictions — including convictions for supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism. Once he was rejected by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for his extremist views. Now, Israel's police must answer to him as Benjamin Netanyahu's minister of national security.
Imagine how a second Trump administration would be and you get a hint of what Bibi's pre-October 7th cabinet was like.
The Bibi-Hamas connection only gets worse.
Netanyahu's hawkish defence minister Avigdor Liberman was the first to report in 2020 that Bibi had dispatched Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and the IDF's officer in charge of Gaza, Herzi Halevi, to Doha to "beg" the Qataris to continue to send money to Hamas. "Both Egypt and Qatar are angry with Hamas and planned to cut ties with them. Suddenly Netanyahu appears as the defender of Hamas," the right-wing leader complained. A year later, Netanyahu was further embarrassed when photos of suitcases full of cash going to Hamas became public. Liberman finally resigned in protest over Netanyahu's Hamas policy which, he said, marked "the first time Israel is funding terrorism against itself."
Yep, Bibi actually had a bag man deliver cash to Hamas.
The Palestinian Authority's Ahmed Majdalani accused the Qatari envoy of carrying money to Hamas "like a gangster." "The PLO did not agree to the deal facilitating the money to Hamas that way," he said.
Netanyahu fancies himself as a clever Machiavellian playing one side against the other. He has even bragged of this to members of his party.
On March 12, 2019, Netanyahu defended the Hamas payments to his Likud Party caucus on the grounds that they weakened the pro-Oslo Palestinian Authority, according to the Jerusalem Post: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel's regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday's Likud faction meeting said," the Post reported. "The prime minister also said that 'whoever is against a Palestinian state should be for' transferring the funds to Gaza, because maintaining a separation between the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza helps prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state."
Of course Bibi was ultimately being too clever by half.
Netanyahu insisted that neither the money nor the construction material given to Hamas would be diverted to military purposes. But today, the IDF finds itself showing how Hamas has done exactly that — by diverting and converting civilian funds and materials to warlike purposes. The military tried to warn him at the time, former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot told the Ma'ariv newspaper. He said Netanyahu acted "in total opposition to the national assessment of the National Security Council, which determined that there was a need to disconnect from the Palestinians and establish two states."
A lot of radical chic Hamas fans in Western countries will undoubtedly try to obscure the fact that they are cheering the same group which a far right Israeli politician (until recently) has been lavishing with tons of cash.
And the Bibi-Hamas connection is a reminder that while far right politicians in many countries like to portray themselves as tough on security, they will usually put their craven lust for power above all.
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kp777 · 5 months
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ayowotsdis · 2 months
Me personally, I do NOT believe in a two state solution. I am neither Jewish or Palestinian but I DO come from a country that was part of a two state resolution done by the British and trust me, there's a lot of problems with it. And Palestinian land should belong to PALESTINIANS.
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agentfascinateur · 2 months
Big day tomorrow for Palestine at the UNGA
The United Nations General Assembly could vote on Friday on a draft resolution that would recognize the Palestinians as qualified to become a full U.N. member and recommend that the U.N. Security Council "reconsider the matter favorably." It would effectively act as a global survey of how much support the Palestinians have for their bid
It's the only reasonable way towards a two-state solution and to correct historical mistakes.
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