esttillie · 10 months
Everything's Fine Au where John is jealous of Martin and Mike and Martin is jealous of John and Oliver, only for them to find out that Oliver and Mike were dating EACHOTHER the whole time.
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hypnogogyc · 1 year
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2nd pic is reaper funsies, 3rd is hypothetical end avatar starvation, 5th is vampire au via suggestion⭐️
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a-dumbass-jester · 6 months
So I was thinking, How the Fuck did Oliver get back?!? Did I just wash up on shore or smth?!?, I hope so. I hope he didn’t just wake up floating in the middle of the ocean. Just by himself with nothing, no land in sight, just water. I would be shiting my pants if I was him. The Vast exists for a reason, Mike, Simon should get on that. Mike/Oliver meetcute: Mike finds Oliver stranded in the middle of the ocean, and saves him (not without terrorizing him first because of course). Again he is also alone (and an End Avatar) so Peter pulls up in the tundra or smth.
(Edit: I went even more in depth)
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fox-guardian · 1 year
I headcanon Oliver gets a huge white ink tattoo across his back and arms of tree roots (at first as a memorial to his father, and then as a memorial to everyone's deaths he can see/dream) and I may not be a true olivermike/terminal velocity girlie, but I will say that the root pattern in said tattoo would be a cool parallel to Mike's scarring.
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acolorboom · 1 year
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The them for the soul <3
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
If the requests are still open
Olivermike mayb?
Oliver had learned to accept his role as an avatar of the end, there wasn't much he could do about it after all. He was constantly exhausted from walking the city in his sleep and in his waking life but it wasn't the worst thing. He didn't have to actively hurt anyone, they were all dying anyway.
When he saw someone untouched by the vines of death it was sort of inevitable that he would become obsessed. He followed the blond at a distance at first, it had been a long time been a long time since he'd talked to another person more then in passing. He sort of gave up after enough times people looked at him like he was crazy for trying to warn them of their incoming deaths he started avoiding them. It didn't help that he hated stepping on the vines no one else could see so he didn't look, well, mentally well just from the way he walked.
Oliver didn't know when he was noticed but he sure as hell noticed when he was suddenly transported to the top of a very tall building. He teeters on the edge and turned around only for his collar to be grabbed and he's dipped back, face only inches away from the ash-blond man he'd been following. His dark eyes trace the lightning scar on his neck up, his dark skin hiding his blush as the adrenaline had him following a more then a little bit in love.
"Are you listening!? Tell me what you want before I drop you! Why are you following me?" The other man hissed furiously as the wind rushed through Oliver's hair. He licked dry lips, trying to get his stupid tongue to cooperate.
"Because you're like me. It's been so long since I've seen someone untouched by The End," He reached up and covers the other man's hands with his own. "You can drop me if you like, I won't die anymore then you would," He said softly. "But I was hoping we could talk? It can be... lonely, being like us. Can't it?"
There was a long moment of silence between them as the blond's steely eyes flick back and forth between Oliver's soft brown. Then he sighed and stepped back, pulling Oliver back from the edge, though he seemed reluctant to let go. "Your hands... are very warm for a servant of the End."
"And yours are very cold," Oliver said softly, curling his hands more firmly around the others, prying them gently from his shirt, still holding them in both of his as he lifted them to his lips and blew hot breath across pale fingers, listening to the way it made the Vast servant's breathing hitch. "My name is Oliver Banks," he introduced himself finally.
"I'm Mike Crew," Mike returned, sitting down on the edge of the building without letting go of Oliver's hand, forcing him to follow. Not that he minded, he might have been scared, looking at the ground far beneath them, feeling the wind whip around them, but it didn't affect him anymore. He traced the rivers of vines flowing through the city, curling off into buildings. There were few on the roof here, it was peaceful.
"I'm sorry I was following you, it's been so long since I spoke to anyone I didn't know how to say hello," He said with a bitter little chuckle.
"It's alright, I get it," Mike assured. "I'm, well, not the same, I still talk to people but not like I used to. Not like before, now 'small talk' just means I'm probably going to kill them. But I can't kill you can I? So why don't we skip the small talk?" He asked, slipping his hand, still holding Oliver's into the pocket of his jacket, keeping them both warm.
"That works for me," Oliver chuckled. "What would we small talk about anyway? The weather? our favourite coffee spots? None of that really matters anyway. Though I suppose I wouldn't say no to a coffee date," He couldn't help but add and was rewarded by a laugh.
"No not really, not in the face of how Vast the universe is," Mike agreed gesturing out at the sky. "Or I suppose in the face of our inevitable ends eh?"
"Less inevitable for us. I mean, I had a satellite dropped on me and spent months in the sea and when I washed up on shore I coughed up the water and had a nap on a park bench," Oliver chuckled and Mike smiled crookedly.
"I haven't done anything like that yet, doesn't sound fun. I've fallen plenty though but, well, it doesn't really scare me that much. That's why I chose it I suppose, there's a thrill to it, and a piece because my mind can't think of anything else and the fall is inevitable so panic shuts down, you know?"
Oliver shook his head, he didn't really. "You chose it?" He asked a little incredulously and Mike winced, making a so-so gesture.
"I was being hunted by the spiral, I was just choosing the arms of another fear to run into for protection before it took me. I tested a few, so that's better then most people get I know." He looked a bit guilty, Oliver didn't want him to be, squeezing Mike's hand gently.
"I didn't choose, the dreams just started. At first I tried to warn people about their coming deaths, but they just thought I was crazy. Then when I started seeing the manifestations of the End when I was awake I tried to escape it. Now I've accepted it, but I guess of all of the dread powers if I did choose I would choose this one. It's not active, I don't have to do much and there is... peace in it, like you say."
Mike smiled at him, rubbing his thumb over the back of the soft skin of Oliver's hand. "So... you mentioned a coffee date?"
"I did, if you want," Oliver agreed, feeling oddly warm and nervous. It had been a long time since he'd had butterflies like this, it was to tempting to go to fast, but maybe Mike wouldn't mind.
"I would like that, but I'm not using the stairs," He said with a mischievous smile.
Oliver laughed even as he was pulled into Mike's arms and over the edge. They shared breath as they fell, arms wrapped tightly around each other, faces inches apart and eyes locked, still in each other as the world rushed around them. It felt nice, and Oliver couldn't help but notice the fall lasted longer then it should have, he didn't mind, he didn't want to let go of this moment yet either.
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eldritchwhorrors · 1 year
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@snixxxsmythe ur fault and u know it
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bili-kesh · 1 year
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snixxxsmythe · 3 years
Michael/Gerry/Mike/Oliver AU
*holds up two ships* but what if I *wrings hands together* ta-da! *holds up new ship*
I don’t know what happened, but I can’t get this ship out of my mind so here’s a Significant Amount of headcanons about them please take them
Mike and Gerry had... Something when they were young dumb guys looking for Leitners
Gerry ran away from Mike when he joined the Vast, because Gerry's view on people willingly involving themselves with the Fears was very black and white at the time
Over the next eight years (this is a random number the timeline is too weird to pay attention to) he learns that it's not that simple, though
As he travels with Gertrude he meets Michael and they get closer
It's Michael he chooses when Gertrude leaves him behind when he's hospital bound for several months as his tumour gets removed
He hunts monsters on his own for a bit, with occasional assistance from his new monster boyfriend
Eventually he comes into contact with Jon, and decides to give Helping The Archivist™ another shot, somewhat to Michael's dismay
That's how one day he goes to check for intel at Good Energies, where he meets the surprisingly nice owner who reminds him of death and who he can't stop thinking about
Oliver tells him he knows a few involved people around, but won't just give out their personal details
So Gerry keeps coming back to the shop in the hopes of running into other avatars (and totally not to keep seeing this very handsome man)
It's not long before he runs into someone very familiar
The tension between Gerry and Mike, Oliver's now boyfriend, can be cut with a knife
Especially when Mike finds out that Gerry has fallen for a different monster, serving the exact entity Mike spent his entire adolescence trying to escape
Oliver is eager for them to get along again, though, so on his insistence they start going on double dates every month
It doesn't take long for Oliver and Michael, both very tuned in to they boyfriends' feelings, to realize the tension is definitely not hatred
Anyway eventually they all get together, give me time, I'll get there, my brainrot is sufficient
Also please help me come up with a shipname!!!
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gerrymike · 3 years
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HI. quick and dirty olivermike caper thru the mud. is he, y’know…[MIMES DIGGING UP A CORPSE]
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yamsarts · 3 years
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hello olivermike nation 🖤💙
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hypnogogyc · 11 months
olivermike shippers be like wow. gay rights
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THE DYNAMIC FOIL MOTIFS OF WHITE LIGHTING AND BLACK ROOTS!!!! They simplify to basically the same pattern…. One from below one from above… one represents holding something to the ground the other wholly incomprehensible and bright and powerful. Acceptance vs anger. To fester vs to dissipate. Tangible and residing vs barely manifesting for a few seconds and leaving. Both capable of horrific aftermath. Lighting because it is loud and destructive if it wants. A fear that is paranoia because it will leave as quick as it comes. Roots because you can watch it break cracks in old stone and know theres nothing you can do.
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olivermike · 3 years
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fox-guardian · 7 months
Okay guys genuine question cuz I am so curious: where did olivermike/terminal velocity come from. No judgement or hate ofc, I'm just genuinely curious. Where did this start, what're the vibes, why these two specifically, etc.
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acolorboom · 1 year
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Autumn kiss
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
Yes please please do the Olivermike buried AU
Make it as angsty as humanely possible
It had been a while since Oliver had seen Mike, that happened sometimes, they lived long lives and were busy. But he hadn't even called, or texted! He had still been untouched by the vines last time they'd seen each other so he couldn't be *dead*, right? What on odd feeling to be afraid of someone's death, he hadn't felt that in a while, but he didn't want to lose Mike!
So he started looking, he didn't know completely what he was looking for, but he was looking. He knew the area that Mike had been in so he had a place to start and then he just circled out. His search was slow and methodical, a few times he felt like he was over reacting and being silly, but he kept looking.
He was in the middle of the woods when he found a misplaced vine, it was very young, the person it belonged too wasn't dead yet. It was already nearly at its thinnest so the person had to be nearby in the woods, and perfectly still. Someone must be laying unconscious in the woods somewhere, he probably couldn't prevent the death but he could get them help so hopefully the last bit of their life would be more pleasant.
He followed the vine and found... it disappearing into the ground, but only the tip was worming in and it was moving so slowly. A person buried alive would be dying much more quickly. Oh god, oh FUCK.
He fell to his knees immediately and started to dig, he couldn't push the vine out of the way but his digging didn't seem to be speeding it up. "Hang on, I'll get you out!" He didn't know if he hoped this was Mike or not, but he knew it was someone, slowly sophisticating to death buried alive.
He heard a muffled sound, barely there over his own frantic breathing, but it was there! He got hold of something and pulled, dragging them out of the dirt, he got just a glimpse of familiars scars through the dirt. Mike!
Mike coughed up the dirt and clung to him, breathing deep and shaky as Oliver dragged him back away from the pit and away from the vine. Mike coughed and choked, clinging to Oliver's arms as they stumbled back and then fell, Oliver curled around Mike as he scrabbled and sobbed.
"I've got you, I've got you," Oliver murmured as he rocked them and finally Mike recognized him and stopped struggling. He nestled into Oliver's chest, hiding against his chest and sobbing, tears tracing tracks in the dirt that covered his face.
"I was trapped, I've never, I couldn't feel anything, it was so-" He sobbed, voice rough and choked and Oliver hushed him softly. God he couldn't imagine, the End wasn't really opposite to any of the fears, he couldn't imagine what it was like to be trapped in somewhere so counter to his nature. It must have been torture, even more so then it would be for a normal human to be buried alive.
"You're alright, I've got you now, I've got you," He murmured before he stood up, thanking his patron that he was so much stronger then he looked and picking Mike up wasn't that hard. "You're going to be okay, lets get you cleaned up, you'll be okay, you'll be okay," He promised himself more then anything. Mike was clearly traumatized and weak, would he be okay?
Mike clung to Oliver, shivering in his arms as Oliver carried him away from the shallow grave. He followed a fresh vine into a home. He knew there was a fresh corpse in the basement but he ignored it, it smelled a little but not to badly upstairs where he brought Mike to the bathroom. He opened the window wide to let in the fresh air, as much connection to the vast as he could manage, if that would help.
Mike seemed to be in shock as Oliver gently cleaned him off, not moving much as he watched the dirt go down the drain. He did snap out of it enough to rinse his mouth a dozen times to get all of the dirt out. While he did Oliver grabbed him a glass of cool water which Mike chugged quickly before gasping for breath again. Well, maybe that's what you get for being stuck in To Close Can't Breath.
"I wish I found you sooner," Oliver murmured as he helped Mike out of the bath.
"I thought no one would find me at all," Mike murmured, his eyes haunted. "I wasn't sure anyone would even look."
"Of course I looked," Oliver murmured, a little heart broken that Mike thought no one would miss him.
"Thank you." Mike murmured, wrapping his arms around Oliver again and hiding against his chest.
"Of course Mike. Do you want to order some takeout and see if we can get on the roof?" He asked softly, he didn't know how to help really, but food and an open sky were probably a good place to start.
Authors note: If you have requests of your own send me an ask! and if you like my writing consider leading a tip
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