#Mike crew fanart
insanitydog25 · 4 months
MIKE CREW [new design] ☁️
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Best part about The Magnus Archives is that there isn't really a Canon design for the characters! So new design for Mike Crew cause he has been in my mind 24/7 just jumping around like the vastard he is <3
This design is honestly a favorite but I also enjoy his blue scarf design too ( ノ^ω^)ノ
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alixzzart · 1 month
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Mike Crew from MAG 46 !! Idk I just wanted to draw this scene so here I am ig
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aster-oak · 8 months
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Just a little lightning guy which I had fun drawing while I try and figure out how I want to draw every character
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punkxcalibur · 10 months
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i hired this sky twink to stare at you
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haley770 · 2 months
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majickth · 1 year
could i request a Mike crew?
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I wanna push him off a building (affectionate)
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theanxiousghostartist · 2 months
Becoming | theanxiousghostartist | Mike Crew/Leitner/Becoming | Day 6 prompts for @tma-retro-week
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So I Jumped.
Mike Crew! I've never drawn him before, so it was fun to work out his design. I made sure to include his scar and gave him some hair color variation from around where the lightning struck. He is falling since that's his Becoming as an avatar of the Vast, and he's hold Ex Altiora, the Leitner that sent him on the path to become tied to the Vast.
🖌 iBIS Paint X (phone + finger)
⌛️ 1 hr 10min
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mechanical-v1scera · 5 months
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some drawings and doodles (rlly don’t know what to caption this)
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kkelp · 2 years
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Can you guys tell I like him.
Anyways, here is my funny, silly comic:
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uncommon-lamp · 2 years
☁️⚡And I was trying so hard to be polite...
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insanitydog25 · 6 months
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Avatars of The Eye and The Vast.
HELLO! I finally got the motivation to cosplay from The Magnus Archives! I managed to cosplay Jonathan Sims and Mike Crew which was fun to do! It's mostly on Tik tok though I thought it worth the shot to post them here too!
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acolorboom · 1 year
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The them for the soul <3
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skltart · 2 years
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I like to think that his favourite song is falling by harry styles
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junomothart · 4 months
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Micheal in the bathroom sky!
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peak friendship
[image ID: a digital drawing of Mike Crew and Jon Sims from The Magnus Archives in Jon's office. Jon is sitting at his desk with a paper in hand. Mike is sitting on top of his desk, looking at Jon and flipping him off. Jon says, "I should've let you rot in the ground." Mike says, "I should've left you in the Vast." Jon responds, "But you didn't. And now here we are." both are smiling. end ID.]
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theplagueratt · 2 years
I am here after a year woo
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