#im definitely going to change things if i draw him again
haley770 · 5 months
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toytulini · 4 months
if you draw enough monster ocs, when you go back to drawing a human character, it feels like "sameface syndrome" everytime, by virtue of their face being. human.
#toy txt post#or maybe i am just sameface syndrome#but also different face syndrome#two characters will have the same face but then the next time i draw those characters its a different face than they had last time!#i know part of it is being out of practice but also there is definitely an element of feeling constrained by human facial structure lmao#the monsters have Their Own Problems but like. no one has a face like bokrae no matter how inconsistent i am about drawing her#her features are iconic enough to her that you can tell everytime#birdie???? i faceclaimed eartha kitt for her and im still struggling cos i feel weird about faceclaiming as a concept#but even then 😭 one time i was trying to give headloose a face and someone was like wow he looks like birdie!#me 😭😭😭😭😭 what!!!!!! hes not supposed to!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i need to practice. features#you know the worst part about coming up w a bunch of fuckin Scenarios in my brain for ocs is that i have even fucking Drawn them yet#to give them like. iconic staple features and figure out what their faces look like. which feels like it would really help to have that#knowledge and muscle memory before i jump into trying to draw intense scenes with difficult poses!!#not to mention. listen. i can do the monster faces. somewhat. the bodies??????????? well for one. theyre too big everytime#im convinced i could be trying to draw bokrae on like a full ass wall size paper like a mural thing and run out of room. it just keeps#happening. i have no sense of scale for them either. by which i mean i struggle w scale already and also cant decide what i want it to be#and ive tried to handwave it away by being like ohhh uh. birdie casts spells on them to change their sizes for convenience but also#no. perhaps that explanation works for other ppl. @ myself tho its not good enough i Know Better!!!!!!#agh!!!!!!! i really need to figure out bokrae's Teeth also. like i dont. i coukd get away with it. but i should. and i want to.#anyway all this to say that i need to give these characters faces and body designs (actually the body designs for humanoid ocs is the easy#part. the faces are whats stumping me? well. i need more practice w all the body types again but like i Know what im Going For at least.#for the most part anyway. havent fully figured out heights. struggling w characters that i want to make short but give imposing tall energy#on occasion? birdie can be short all day long no problem. I want Alasdair to be short enough that he has a bunch of short boyfriends that#feel tall around him? bytte was going to be like 6ft max but then i thought about making her taller and like. what if i made her taller#headloose is not that /short/ but he is Not Tall and prolly pretty lean? twink build for sure#and of course all these short /tall distinctions come with a bias of relativity to my own height which i categorize as medium height#but short ppl call me tall and insist its not average and tall ppl call me short. (5'6) and then i have to factor in how the gender changes#the dynamic of a height like my height is Short For A Man but medium to tall for a Woman. which id argue is medium height bc mens heights#are socially held to high standards (hehe) and also i know ethnicity/race is also a factor? but im out of tags. rip. bye
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angelsrcute · 3 months
Haloo :D im wondering if u r taking requests now but if u r can u write a fyodor with immortal female reader ? It would be wonderful if u can can but u can ignore this request if u want to
“ But can't you see my dear? I am your doppelganger ♡”
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Immortal!Vampire!Fyodor + Sub!Immortal!Vampire!F!Reader ➜ cws: Modern au, Jealous!Fyodor, Vampire themes, fwb → lovers, alcohol mentions, biting, unprotected sex + use of lube, tit play, overstimulation, creampie, oral sex (f receiving), slight Yandere!Fyodor(?), Soft!Fyodor.
꒰ † ੭ — this ended up being my longest fic ever, lol, 1.3k words!! I am taking reqs! + a lil inspiration from olgami, it's such a good webtoon. (人´∀`)♪ Translation: "Мышка" (myshka)
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When humans age, they die and pass on to the afterlife, don't they? Death was something that never came to you, ah immortality, such a cool thing. It was more like a curse to you, humans coming and going, years passing by but still no one seemed to notice the same face walking among them for all these decades. Faces unrecognisable as you try to remember their names, their relation with you, not that it mattered anyway.
Relationships were a nuisance, blink and they're already gone, dead, as you stand in their funeral. It was a really funny thing, oh how you wished you could die instead of watching your loved ones die.
Fyodor Dostoevsky. Not a famous name for humans but for vampires, they say he's the oldest vampire to ever live. Have you ever met with him? You did, decades ago, in his bed, in his mansion, fyodor needed some relief and so did you.
He was the one who saved you from your death, why? Because he thought you were interesting. He'd take care of you and teach you how to hunt, how to kill people and make sure no one finds out. He seemed like a lonely man too, house deep in the woods, living all by himself.
The other vampires though, had this bloodlust, to kill him, to become the lord themselves. Everyone clawing at any chance they get, to paint their fingers red with his blood. You never understood their reasoning, what's so good living a life like this?
Dressed in the finest silk and jewelries, he liked seeing you in white clothing the most. He said it made you look like a saint, the saint that brought some change to his boring life. He definitely wasn't a fan of other vampires eyefucking you at meetings. Well, they'd end up going missing anyway.
Cleaning up after him was annoying, why did he have to be so busy? that also playing the piano as he drank wine. Blankly staring at the body in front of you as you clean the floor, muttering curses at him.
It didn't take long but you fell for him, yearning for his touches, but you could never confess, fearing it would ruin your relationship. Your body burning like fire as he kisses you, snapping his hips against you, dress ripped off and discarded on the floor.
“You liked that dress? I'll tell them to make one for you again, money isn't a problem for me.”
Cold slender fingers playing with your nipples as he decorates your neck with bite marks, drawing blood from them. Tongue darting out to lick the blood as he whispers about how sweet you taste to your ears. Your nails digging into his shoulders as your eyes roll back from pleasure, his hands holding your leg up at this point.
Everything was going smoothly until one day he disappeared, without a single word. All the other vampires went crazy over this fact. Some were happy thinking he finally died, some just disappointed that they couldn't be the one killing him.
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You returned to Russia after a lot of years, travelling all over the world, everything was different to you, with the years, technology also grew, like for instance, this human was staring into a phone. Bumping into you and not saying a single apology but they had the audacity to curse you instead, calling you blind.
Well, guess you just found yourself dinner, how lucky. Hiding the body with no effort, muttering to yourself “The world would be a little better without people like this.”
You went down an alley, there was a nice bar here, you remembered. Entering it, you took a seat after ordering your favourite drink. From the corner of your eyes, you could see a stranger coming up to you, sitting beside you, “I've never seen you around here, darling, do you need some help? I know a really nice place around here–”
The man went on rambling about nonsense, poor attempts at flirting, and why is he even talking about himself, you don't remember asking. Quietly sipping on your drink as you ignored the stranger. The stranger, though, seemed offended, “Hey I'm talking to you, whore, if you don't want attention, dress up more!”
Now that part really got on your nerves, what were you supposed to wear, a long ass winter jacket? You could just pretend to play along and just kill this guy, not even interested in drinking his blood! But someone else's voice stopped you, a voice too fucking familiar.
It was none other than fyodor, you watched as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you by his side, eyes narrowing at the stranger with a smile, “It's really rude to flirt with someone's lover, don't you think? You'll walk away from here and remember nothing.” The guy on command, got up and left the bar, the people in the surrounding, definitely didn't care.
“You look like you've seen a ghost, Мышка.” He chuckled, as if he just met you yesterday and not decades ago.
“What the fuck? Where the hell were you for all these years!?” You shouted at him, burning a hole into his face with your glare, “Of course I'm surprised, am I not supposed to be when you appear like that? God!”
“Let's discuss it somewhere private, shall we? I know a hotel nearby.” You hated how composed he seemed to be, but still followed him, giving him a chance to explain himself.
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“I was a bit hurt, dear, why didn't you tell the man to leave? or were you interested?” He asked while sitting down on the bed.
“Is that what we're talking about? Give me an explanation, fyodor, where the hell were you?”
“A bit busy, don't mind me, I had business that needed to be taken care of.”
“That's it? You could've at least told me a goodbye! or sent letters.”
“Ah, but that would give away my location, wouldn't it? I didn't want any disturbances, but enough about me, where were you? I couldn't find you in my mansion.”
“I was travelling, and I did not see a point in staying there if you weren't there but you really had me worried, you know?” You sighed, sitting beside him.
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Well this was supposed to be meeting up with a past ‘friend’. So why did this turn into a fucking session? According to a certain someone, he wanted to make up for his mistakes!
Currently between your thighs, lapping up your folds like he hadn't eaten in years, savouring the taste like it was his favorite meal. He teased your clit with his tongue, gently flicking it, before sucking it into his mouth. Your moans and whines were music to his ear, he could feel you were close, his tongue speeding up to make you cum.
“F-fuck…gonna cum–” You stammered before cumming, lewd slurping sounds filling the room before getting up and kissing you, slipping his tongue in your mouth, making you taste yourself. A string of saliva joining your tongue after he breaks the kiss, he definitely likes seeing you like this— face flushed, hair disheveled, neck decorated by pretty hickeys by him.
You don't remember what round it was, all you can feel is the way he keeps fucking his cum back in your cunt. Sweat glistening on your body as you can't help but let out whimpers due to overstimulation, “T-Too much, fedya…slow down–”
“I'm sure you can cum for me again, my dear.”
He kisses your tear soaked face while rubbing soothing circles on your clit to calm you down. You pull him closer to kiss again, running your hands through his soft hair before he cums in you for the last time and pulls out.
Fyodor runs you a warm bath and then puts you on the bed, climbing in to cuddle with you, well, such a memorable get together isn't it?
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Taglist: @blueberrisdove
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pankielovesfan · 26 days
ii16 spoilers under cut
MORE talk about fan similar to the other post because there is still a lot to say. This is more about what fan means to mephone
Compared to most of the other contestants, Fan wasn't originally created to BE a contestant, which I find most interesting. Fan was quite literally created to be a fan of the show and randomly appears in season 1 (and he also delivers food I guess). Even if Mephone4 consciously made Fan or not, his appearance and creation obviously meant Mephone wanted appreciation for the things he was making, as is Fan's main purpose and service to Mephone. Fan is technically a manifestation of Mephone's love for the show itself, but he is also expressing vulnerable happiness of which Mephone feels like he could not express properly considering his issues with vulnerability. This might be why he is so outwardly dismissive of Fan's strong emotional enthusiasm for the show!!
So Fan technically is a support Mephone desperately wants, but he can't respond well to- but this definitely means Mephone appreciates Fan's dedication as he quite literally wished for Fan to exist as he is, being such an engaged Fan. He expresses passion for the show in a way Mephone couldn't do himself! Fan gives Mephone support as complete opposite to what Mephone feels Cobs would have! And you know what else Cobs does that Fan has an extreme well known trait of disliking and being scared of? Change. Cobs constantly reinvents, makes new things, discards old things, but Fan latches on. He observes patterns, he begs for predictability, structure and consistency.
Another notable trait of Fan is his defensiveness. Even if he's not good at it, he's incredibly stubborn to protect his passion and love to no end, being incredibly irrational about it. Cobs is well. Yeah. Massive Passion Disliker. He don't gaf about that. Fan might've looked up to cobs and meeple, but god if he's not possibly a parallel that's the opposite. I'm going to walk into the ocean. Im forever gonna think about how fan was created to be a support. like his entire goddam purpose is to love something so much!!!! and give it so much attention! and he is having so much fun doing it!!! IT IS MAKING ME CRAZY!!!!
I'm not sure if the characters are partly "extensions" of Mephone or if they're Mephone projecting specific parts of himself, I believe most of all they are created from his desire (like, wanting a specific thing and that thing just appears for him if this is done unintentionally,) but either way I enjoy thinking about what each trait that manifested for Fan's character specifically would resonate with Mephone's experiences and why he would create him with those traits. or something.
My working theory is that Mephone labeled each character in his mind as one thing, such as "the jerk" for Knife and nothing more, letting the contestants take their own shape and personality as they gain more experience on the show, which I feel is validated through Lightbulb saying "I don't think we were all there yet" once seeing the season 1 contestants in alternate reality show! They build more of their personality as it goes along. I think Mephone has minimal control of the contestants personality wise after he's generated them, but i do think he influences their memories or experience with time or something?? I dont know. guess we will all see. Also this somehow isn't about fan anymore wow that's weird actually who am i where am i
relevant drawing. Time to collapse to my knees over this shit again
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justmeinadaze · 13 days
Nothing's Gonna Change My World (Steddie X You)(90s Universe)
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A/N: I hope you like this. It's a new style for me and I have all the ideas for this. Each chapter will be a different universe. <3
Warnings: Steddie X Fem Y/N, The universe they view the first time is a 90s esc style one with Punk Boy in a Band Steve/ Entrepreneur Eddie and Regular 90's girl Y/N. SMUT, light spanking, daddy kink with Eddie (because Im me), and everything in between
ANGST (again because I'm me)
Y/N's kinda blah about the experiment mentioning she's only doing it for the money, mentions of cheating (her ex cheats on her), mentions of alcoholism (briefly touched on)(reader almost breaks her sobriety until Steve appears), mentions of loss of sibling (brief), these three get feisty with each other near the end. Slight cliffhanger ending I guess? There's some things we're going to learn about these three as the chapters go along.
Word Count: 6282
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“Ok, thank you all for coming and being apart of our experiment. I’m just going to go over some rules, guidelines and answer any questions you may have.”
You sigh and fold your arms as you drown out the sound of the doctor in front of you. Could you really call him a doctor? When you signed up to do this, he introduced himself as an inventor and scientist. You genuinely didn’t care either way. All that mattered to you was the ten grand payout you were expected to receive when this stupid thing was over. 
“As stated previously, you will be here for about 3 weeks. You will be provided meals and beds free of charge but any additives like cigarettes or candy do cost extra.”
A boy snorted as he laughed under his breath drawing your attention. There was a total of about 15 people in the room but this boy stood out a bit more. It could be because you saw him outside of the building smoking when you were leaving your first initial interview but he seemed a lot less “put together” than the people around you.
Every participant was given a white shirt with white sweatpants to wear and just like everyone else in the city most of the people were fairly clean cut with their hair pulled or slicked back, little to no makeup, and their face clean shaven. This boy had long, wavy hair that hung around to his shoulders and it seemed like he hadn’t brushed it in months. He dawned tattoos on his arms that had some of the people around him flashing him dirty looks like he was unkempt. 
You had a tattoo but it was hidden under your shirt by your heart where only you would see it. 
When his chocolate-colored eyes briefly locked with yours, you shifted your gaze back to the man who was speaking. 
“Every other day, you will be in the vessel for 4 hours and we do administer a calming agent to make sure you’re relaxed through the experiment.”
“Why? I thought you said this wasn’t dangerous.”, a woman interrupts beside you.
“It’s not, Mrs. Lynette, but it can be slightly…jarring… to see yourself in a different environment. We want you as relaxed as possible.”
“Excuse me. Can you explain that a bit more, please? Different environment.”, a boy asks as he leans forward with his elbows on his knees. 
You ran into this boy as well after your interview. He bumped into you as you were opening the door to leave, mumbling an apology before holding it open wider for you to step through. His smell always lingered with you even when you went back home, trying to identify where you knew it from. It was definitely cologne but it felt so familiar. 
He seemed like everyone else around him with all of his hair pushed back and his face clean of any stubble but his body language screamed that he was different. Up until this point, will everyone was sitting up straight and listening, he was leaning back with his large palms rubbing his knees as his long legs rested out in front of him. 
After asking his question, he glanced towards you before you both looked towards the doctor.
“It’s hard to explain but the best way I can is you will getting glimpses into different universes and realties. They are you just in a different plain so to speak.”
“Will we be hurt or anything?”, someone else asked.
“No, not in this universe anyway. You are only an observer. You won’t be able to interact or change anything.”
“So what’s the point of this experiment exactly?”, you ask more so out of curiosity than anything. 
The doctor smiles as he presses his clipboard to his chest. 
“To learn. Learn about other worlds, other universes, other ways we can make this universe better.” Your eyebrows raise sarcastically as you huff and gross your legs. “You guys will be the first people to test this system out so we’re hoping for a fun and unique month.”
“Will we be running into each other? What do we do if that happens?”, a man inquired. 
“We chose participants at random from different backgrounds with different circumstances and add in that there are so many factors that branch out universes or timelines. The chances of you running into someone in this room are one in a trillion. Less than even…”
You began to tune him out again until the feeling of hand touching your arm got your attention as you and the other participants were led to a large white room with 15 different pods or “vessels” as he called them. The nurse who guided you, held your hand as you stepped in and laid down in the somewhat comfy Styrofoam bed underneath you.
“Alright, Miss Y/L/N, you’re going to feel a slight pinch…” You hissed as the needle pierced your arm but the effects were instant as you laid your head back and felt your body calm. “Good. Now I’m just going to put these goggles over your eyes. This is what will allow you to see the universe. Remember, you’re just watching not interacting.”
“Okay.”, you murmured as you allowed her to place the bulky equipment over your head.
The sound of the pod closing had your fingers twitching as sounds around you became muffled. 
“Alright, Miss Y/L/N, dropping down in 3, 2, 1—”
You sat in your car staring at the stupid club sign debating if you should go in or drive away. You had been sober for the past 3 years but your ex-boyfriend (as of today) decided to cheat on you with a friend from his office and all you wanted to do was drown your sorrows in booze. 
“Kallie, I’m sorry.”, you whisper as you open your car door and are promptly hit with freezing cold winds. After running to the front door, you show the man your id and he allows you entry. 
Smoothing down your hair, you quickly remove your jacket and hand it to the person behind the counter and thank her as you take the ticket you’re handed. The beeper clasped to your hip beeped but you continued to ignore it knowing who it was. 
As you take a seat at the bar, you glance around at the people dancing under the ambient red light while the band continues to play a slow but rhythmic song that even has you sway. 
“What would you like to drink, Miss?”, the bartender asks and you order the first thing that comes to mind. 
Feeling eyes on you, your gaze shifts towards the stage to see the bands guitarist eyeing you before giving you a soft wink and a smile. At the action, you suddenly feel under dressed in your overalls and long sleeve turtleneck that hugs your figure. 
The man focused on his music again and you couldn’t but watch how his fingers moved across the strings of his instrument. He reminded you of a lead singer from any 90s punk band with his hair slightly spiked up but haphazardly flowing every which way and his black polo clinging to his upper torso to show off every muscle and tattoo he had. His jeans left little to the imagination but you loved the black and white converse that he showed off when jumping into the air as he played out the final song. 
When he laughed and high fived his friend, he scrunched his nose and showed off his teeth making you smile as jealously panged your heart. You wished you were as happy as he seemed. 
Your drink was placed in front of you and you stared at the contents as your fingers played with the rim of the bottle. 
“Are you hoping to drink it with osmosis or?” You had been focusing so hard on your brain you didn’t even notice the guitarist had come up beside you causing you to jump when he spoke. “Whoa! I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you alright?”
God, he smells amazing.
“I’m ok. I was just…lost in my head.”
“I can understand that. I’m, uh, Steve, Steve Harrington.”
“Nice to meet you.”, you smile as you shake his extended hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N…that’s a beautiful name.”
“Thank you.” Clearing your throat, you try to regain control as you gesture towards the stage. “You guys sounded amazing up there.”
“Thank you, thank you so much. My friend taught me how to play and I’ve been doing it ever sense. I love the rush I get you know?”
“Yeah, I have some idea.”
His amber eyes scan you over as he takes in your soft smile and jittery hands.
“Hey. I have an idea. We’re going to an after party down the street at my friend’s house. His uncle makes a ton of money so he has like this huge mansion we all hang out in after a gig. Would you like to come? He’s a cool dude.”
You weren’t sure what it was about this boy but you felt safe with him. You felt like you had known him for years but you couldn’t figure out how or why. Following your gut, you threw money on the table and started to head towards the front to get your coat. 
“You didn’t finish your drink!”
“I don’t need to, Steve Harrington.”
“Would you mind if I ride with you? We all take a van here.”, the man asks as he slings on his jacket and he grins when your fingers graze his patches. 
“Yeah, no problem.”
“Y/N! I have been looking everywhere for you! Why the fuck are you at a bar?!”, your ex shouts as he meets you halfway up the parking lot. 
“That’s none of your fucking business! Get out of my way!”
“You know you shouldn’t be drinking!”
“And you know you shouldn’t be fucking other women yet here we are.”, you growl as you dig for your keys. 
A hand reaches out to touch you but it’s swiftly pulled back when Steve grabs his wrist. 
“Don’t fucking touch her.”
“Who the fuck is this?!”
As your ex pushes his hand away and steps towards you, the other man steps between you and shoves him back. 
“I’m not going to tell you again. Don’t touch her. It sounds like she’s done with you. Now get the fuck out of here.”
“Or what?”
Again, he steps forward but this time Steve’s fist flies hitting your ex hard in the face. 
“I warned you, asshole.”
As the bouncer comes out to see what’s going on, you hastily grab his arm and run to your car.
“Wow. Your friend lives here?”, you ask as you pull up to a two-story large house that took up most of the square footage of the area. “How did you two meet?”
“Um, high school?”, he answers before shutting his door and running around to open yours. “His uncle owns the factory up north and makes a ton of cash. He’s a cool dude and people love working with him.”
“Is that what your friend does?”
“Uh no. Eddie is kind of a freelancer, I guess you would say? He designs websites for people trying to utilize the world wide web. With this whole dot.com thing, he makes good money to. Designed our bands website.”
Steve didn’t even knock before entering the home but the party was in full swing as people around you were cozying up on couches and music blared. There was a pool out back where you could see people diving in and splashing around while couples clung to each other in their swimsuits. The man beside you high-fived people as he passed them, banging his head to the bass as it blared. 
Guiding you around a corner, there were a bunch of boys in front of a big screen tv, screaming towards it as they button mashed the Nintendo 64 controller. 
“Ah come on, man! Fuck you! You can’t use swords when I only have this knife!”
“Pick a better character than, Henderson! Boom!”, a long-haired boy shouted playfully as the character on the screen died. “And that is how you win, baby.”
Grinning wide, he ruffled the boy’s curls before standing and stepping over the back of his sofa.
“Harrington! Hey, man. How was the show?”
“Phenomenal as always.”, Steve beamed as he hugged his friend. “Hey, I want you to meet Y/N. Y/N, this is my friend Eddie Munson.”
As you reached out to shake his hand, he took hold of your own and kissed the back of it as he bowed in front of you.
“Nice to meet you, sweetheart. Can I offer you anything to drink? A beer maybe?”
“Oh, um, no thank you. I don’t…I don’t drink.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed as he scanned you over but he chose not to press you on the issue. 
“Not a problem. Let’s head upstairs so we can talk somewhere quieter.”
Still clinging to your palm, Eddie guided as the other boy followed and you took this time to visually take in the boy in front of you. His long hair was pulled back so you could see the beautiful features in his face and the stubble that dusted his upper lip. While everyone else seemed more casual, he was dressed in a button up shirt with black slacks as if he had just got off from some corporate job. 
Like with the other man, something about this boy told you that you could trust him. You had spent your whole life struggling especially within the last 6 years and besides Kallie never felt safe around anyone or anywhere. Even with your boyfriend, you were always afraid something bad was about to happen and oddly enough when it did you weren’t surprised. 
“Welcome to my cozy nook away from the craziness.”, Eddie beams as he falls theatrically into a bean bag on the floor. “Y/N, I know you don’t drink but may I offer you some weed?”
Reaching behind him, he produces a little black box and pulls out some bud that he begins to roll. 
You cackle as you laugh at a story Eddie had just told that had both boys beaming your way. 
“Oh my god, it’s 3am. We’ve been up here for almost 4hrs. Do you need to get back to your guests?”
“My moochers? No, sweetheart, I don’t.”, the man answers in a husky drawl that makes you feel warm. “Honestly, Steve here is the only person who doesn’t use me for my cash or free shit so that’s why as soon as he arrives at my place, we come up here.”
“Hm…must be kind of lonely. Not knowing who you can trust.”, you reply absently causing their heads to tilt. “I can understand that.”
“Yeah, poor girl’s going through a breakup.”, Steve relays causing you to sit up and cross your legs. “Something about him cheating?”
“Yeah, um, I came home from work early and they were… fucking asshole. I’m not sure how he knew what bar I was at but—”
“Especially since he seemed to think you shouldn’t be there.” At his comment, you and Eddie shift your gaze his way before your head hangs. “Something about how you shouldn’t be drinking. It’s weird when I met you, you were sitting at the bar with a drink in your hand but you weren’t drinking it.”
When you didn’t respond, Eddie clapped his hands and tossed a smile your way. 
“I have an idea. Let’s play truth or dare. It will help us get to know each other better and you can find out how much of a whiney bitch Steven is.”
The man narrows his eyes jokingly at his friend as you laugh. 
“Harrington, truth or dare?”
“Is it true… that every time your dad pisses you off you get a new tattoo?”
“Oh yeah. That’s why I have so many.”, he sasses, playfully widening his eyes as he removes his shirt to show them off. “I got this one on my stomach when my dad told me I was a waste of space for running off to join a band.”
“Steve…I’m so sorry.”, you try to comfort, reaching out to run your palm along his warm skin.
“Ed, truth or dare?”
“Is it true…is it true you don’t smoke?”
Eddie flashes his friend a disgusted face before showing of the joint in his fingers. 
“I only smoke the green stuff, my friend. I used to smoke cigarettes but after a doctor told me I was at risk because my mom died of cancer I quit the stuff.”
“That’s really good. I’m proud of you.”, you grin.
“Thank you, princess. Maybe you can help me talk Tom Delonge over here into stopping.”, he chuckles as Steve lightly kicks his friend’s knee with his bare feet. “Alright, Y/N. Truth or dare?”
“Um, truth.”
“Is it true what your boyfriend said? That you shouldn’t be drinking.”
You blink, taken off guard by his question as both men’s eyes bore into your frame. 
“It’s not that I shouldn’t be. I choose not to.”
“I, um, I used to be an alcoholic. When I drank…I got stupid…and people got hurt.” You glance their way expecting judgement like everyone else in your life but when you’re met with their soft eyes, you smile towards Steve. “Truth or dare?”
“Is it true you think less of me because I almost broke my sobriety tonight?”
As your head slightly hangs, he reaches out with his fingers to lift your chin. 
“No, it’s not true. I get it, honey. Fucking asshole broke your heart and you just wanted the pain to stop. He had no right coming at you the way he did like he’s your fucking dad or something.” You can’t help but exhale as his thumb caresses your cheek before dropping his hand back around his legs and focusing on Eddie. “Truth or dare?”
“Is it true you think less of Y/N?”
“God no. I think she’s strong, funny, and extremely beautiful.” You blush at his compliment, reaching out to lightly swat his arm before he swiftly grabs your wrist and pulls you closer to his lap. “Truth or dare?”
The long-haired boy smiles mischievously at your answer.
“I dare you…to kiss Steve.”
“You don’t want to kiss me?”, you ask incredulously as his grin widens.
“I do but I don’t want Harrington to think I’m trying to steal you away.”
Releasing you from his grasp, you lean back and scoot closer to his friend, closing your eyes as you inhale the smell of weed and nicotine on his breath. 
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”, Steve whispers and that comfort is all you need as you tilt forward so your mouth can crash to his. 
The best way to describe what you were feeling was safe and you reveled in it, falling deeper and deeper in with every movement of his lips. His palm tenderly cupped your face to bring you closer as his tongue invaded and danced with yours. 
“Hey, hey, hey. We aren’t done playing!”, Eddie chuckled as he swatted your two apart but Steve was unwilling as he lifted you off the floor and placed you in his lap with your back to his chest. His strong, tattooed arms wrapped around you and you melted into his embrace. “You’re turn, princess.”
“T-Truth or dare, Steve.”
“Dare, baby.”
“I dare you to take off your pants and underwear.” With one arm still wrapped around your stomach, he unbuckled his belt and awkwardly shoved down everything he was wearing below his waist. “F-Fuck.”, you moaned when his large cock sprung free and hit his stomach. 
“Harrington, she’s not going anywhere. You can let her go.”
“I like feeling her against me. Truth or dare, Munson?”
“Dare, dude.”
“I dare you to help Y/N out of her clothes so we can get a good look at this beautiful woman.”
Eddie crawls towards you on his hands and knees, playfully grabbing your ankle and sliding his palm up your calf. 
“Is that ok, sweetheart? Can we see your body?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah of course. Um!” They pause at your exclamation as both sets of eyes look down at you with concern. “I just feel like I should tell you…this isn’t normal for me…like I don’t go around jumping into bed with every guy…I meet at a bar.”
As you struggle through your words, Steve kisses your temple while Eddie unhooks your overalls. 
“No judgments if you did, babe. We’re not like that either. I’m assuming Harrington here really likes you. He’s never brought a girl to the after party before.”
Lifting your hips, you allow him to slide off your pants while you help by removing your turtleneck and tossing it to the side. 
“Is that true?”
“I’m, um, a little shy believe it or not.”, the man giggles as his lips lean down to kiss your neck.”
“Truth or dare, Y/N?”
“Truth.”, you pant as their hands caress your skin. 
“Is it true you’ve never been with two men before?”
“Yes, it’s true but…”
“But what?”, Eddie coos his lips attach to the other side of your throat. 
“I trust you. I can’t explain it but I do.” Neither man said a word as they continued to suck on your skin before you aggressively grabbed the long-haired boy’s collar and forced him to face you. “Truth or dare?”
“I dare you both to fuck me.”
Lurching forward, his mouth needily kissed yours and you moaned at the taste of the joint on his lips. After hastily ripping off his shirt and pants with his own boxers, he pumped his cock in your direction and you didn’t even hesitate as your palm took hold of his girth and your tongue ran along the tip.
“Fuck, that’s it, baby. Spit on it. Get it nice and wet.” Eddie bites his bottom lip when your eyes flick up to meet his as you spit on his mushroom head and stroke it along his shaft. 
A loud moan ripples through from your throat when you feel Steve adjust you slightly before sliding his fingers under the waist band of your panties and run his fingers through your folds. 
“Shit, honey. Already so wet. Is this because of us?” When you nod, he mewls as he kisses your cheek. “Go ahead, pretty girl. Suck my friend’s dick. I got you.”
You did as he suggested and Eddie’s fingers tangled in your hair as he lightly thrust his hips, pushing himself as far down your throat as he could go. Your own whimper vibrated against him as Steve breached your entrance and slid one of his own digits into your cunt. 
“Goddamn it, Ed. She’s so fucking tight. I wonder how she tastes.”
His friend pants out a laugh as he bends down and lifts you off Steve’s lap to place you directly onto the floor.
“If you wanted to eat her out all you had to do was ask. Is this ok, Y/N? The floor isn’t cold or anything?” Shaking your head, you reach for his lips and he smiles at your eagerness as his hands roam your skin. “You really are beautiful, baby. What’s this?”, he asks as he lifts off your bra and his fingers trace the ink on your chest. “Who’s Kallie?”
“My sister. She died three years ago.”
Eddie’s eyes scanned yours before leaning down to give you a gentle kiss. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
Feathery light kisses grabbed your attention as Steve traced your thigh with his lips before deeply inhaling you through his nose between your legs. 
“You smell good, honey. Can I make you feel good?”
“Please.”, you beg and he obliges as his tongue runs up your slit to your clit. 
Your fingers played with his hair and with every light pull, he would moan making your eyes roll back as Eddie’s palm massaged your stomach and up between the valley of your breasts. 
“Does his tongue feel good?”
“Yes. C-Can I…Can I taste you again?”
As he pushed up onto his knees, you stuck your tongue out and he licked his lips as he tapped his cock against the muscle. 
“Now keep your tongue flat, baby, and I’m gonna fuck your throat while Stevie here makes you cum.”
At the sound of his name, the boy tilted back and spit directly into your hole, eliciting a filthy moan from you as he slid two of his fingers inside of you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you allowed Eddie to use you as he pumped his length hard and you gagged around him. 
The sound drove Steve crazy and he wrapped his lips around your bundle of nerves as the obscene sound of slurping filled the room. 
“Good girl. Fuck, baby. Cum on his fingers and keep that throat open for me. That’s it.”
Your pussy clung to Steve’s digits as the ball dropped and you came aggressively as he helped you through it. Kissing his way up your stomach, his lips lingered along your tattoo before you felt his tongue lick your skin to your neck. 
“You taste so fucking good, honey. Taste yourself.”, he commanded in a breathy whimper as he offered you his fingers that you eagerly sucked on. “Atta girl. Sweet like you.”, he cooed with a smile as he kissed your cheek.
They exchange a glance and switch places, Steve on his knees by your head while Eddie opens your legs wider and tosses one of them over his shoulder. You mewl as he glides his cock through your folds, collecting your slick as he pumps his hips. 
As he begins to push inside of you, you wince slightly at his size while he carefully inches forward.
“I know, baby. You’re ok. Everything’s ok.”, the other man tries to sooth as he pets your head and places tender kisses along your face. “You’re doing good.”
A jolt of electricity shoots through your body and your gaze shifts towards Eddie who was rubbing your clit with his thumb as he continued to watch himself disappear inside you.
“F-Fuck, it’s so big.”
“I know, sweetheart. I’m—fuck, you’re so tight—I’m almost all the way in.”
Searching blindly behind you, it takes Steve a moment before he realizes what you’re looking for. 
“You want to suck my cock, Y/N? Can you handle us both right now?”
“Yes…please…”, you whine making him groan with need as he scoots closer to your side. 
When his friend bottoms out, he freezes allowing you to get used to his size as he tenderly kisses and rubs your calf against his shoulder. 
“Fuck me.”
Finding a steady rhythm, Eddie obliges and so does Steve as he guides his length into your awaiting mouth. 
“Shit, baby. Your mouth is amazing. Taking—mmph—taking us both so well.  Y-Your pussy’s so good you shut Munson up.”, he chuckles as his friend’s head hangs absorbing the pleasure while he clings to your thigh for leverage. 
Biting his bottom lip, calloused fingers play with your nipples as the other boy tilts down a bit more to do the same. 
“Oh, Eddie!” As he leaned over, he brought your leg with him, pushing his cock deeper into your cunt and slamming into buttons you had no idea even existed. “Right—Right there.”
“Right there, princess? Ok…ok, I got you, baby. Daddy’s got you. Fuck.” The title threw you off guard as your pussy gripped him like a vice. “Fuck, Y/N. You like that, don’t you? Like knowing Daddy’s taking care of you?”
“Jesus.”, Steve murmured as you bobbed your head faster around him. 
Placing his palms flat on the floor to balance himself, the boy above you rolled his hips practically punching the air from your lungs as you choked and spit spilled from your lips. 
Steve hastily backed away, allowing you catch your breath as your eyes locked with Eddie’s. 
“Say it, sweetheart. Beg Daddy to make you cum.”
“P-Please, Daddy. Make me—ahhh—make me cum. Oh f-fuck.”
Skin slapping into skin echoed through the room till your back arched and your nails dragged down his bare chest as you came. 
“Jesus H. fucking Christ. W-Where can I cum, Y/N?”
“Inside…Inside please.”
Dropping your leg to the side, Eddie collapsed on top of you with his hands on either side of your head as he grunted in your ear. 
“Good girl. Good fucking girl. Mmph—take my cum, baby. For pussy this good, it’s yours.”
His entire body trembled as his release spilled inside of you, a little chuckle leaving his lips at the feeling of your cunt milking him till he was empty. 
As soon as he rolled away, Steve was at your side softly kissing your sweaty face. 
“Are you ready for me, pretty girl?” When you nod, he swiftly wraps his arms around you and spins you around until your giggling on top of him. “You really are beautiful, Y/N.”
“Very. Your ex is a fucking moron.”, Eddie smirked as he lazily reached out to run his fingers along your leg. 
Your own palms run along the guitarist’s chest as you take in all of his unseen tattoos that were slightly obscured by the hair on his chest. 
“I like this one. ‘Jai guru deva, om’.”, you smile as you point to the words. “I wouldn’t expect a man like you to like the Beatles.”
Steve’s own grin grows as he pushes up onto his elbows. 
“You really are something, aren’t you? Definitely more than what’s on the surface.”
Your lips kiss his and he cups your face bringing you with him as he lies down flat on his back once more. Feeling movement below you, you both moan as his grinds his hard, leaking cock between your legs. 
As you reach between your bodies, the two of you watch as you hold onto him and gradually sink down onto his length. 
“Oh my God, Steve.”
“Fuck, honey. T-Take your time. We have all night.”
As you slowly roll your hips, his large, gorgeous hands run along your thighs, up your sides, and to your breasts, kneading them in his palms as your own balance against him.
“There you go, baby. Am I—mmph—am I deep? Can you feel me right here?”
When his hand pressed on your lower tummy, your head fell back as you whimpered his name and covered it with your own. You found a rhythm as you bounced on top of him, his moans mixing with yours as he watched your body move.
“God, Y/N, you’re so fucking sexy riding my dick. That’s it, baby. Harder.”, he commanded as he spanked your behind causing you to fall forward and hold yourself up with your palms. Tilting towards you, his mouth wrapped around your nipple as his tongue flicked against the bud and he hit your ass again.
“Fuck, Steve.”
“That’s right, pretty girl. Mmm—say my name like that again.”
Wrapping his arms around your back, he yanked you flat against his chest and planted his feet into the carpet as he thrust up into you roughly. Fingers threaded through your hair and pressed you to his neck as your lips clung to his skin as he grunted into your ear. 
Your screams were muffled but he could hear you chanting his name as you came, driving him over the edge as his rhythm faltered and you felt his release coat your quivering walls. 
You both continued to pant as he rolled you onto your side and a second set of lips tenderly kissed your shoulder. 
“Are you alright? Do you need anything? Water?”, Eddie asked with a kindness behind his tone that made you smile. 
“No, thank you. I’m alright.”
Nodding, he absently reached behind him and produced a blanket to cover your bodies with while Steve continued to pet your head. 
“Hey, um, I have a gig on Friday in Indianapolis. Would you want to come?”
You giggle at his shyness as his friend grins wide behind you. 
“I think it’s cute after what we just did, you’re still nervous to talk to me.”
“I’m not nervous to talk to you. I’m nervous…we won’t hear from you again and I don’t know about Ed but I’d like to get to know you more.”
“I definitely would. I’m going with him on Friday for a meeting and I’d love to experience one of his concerts with you. We can all get dinner afterwards…talk.”
“Truth or dare?”, you ask Eddie as you both softly smile at each other. 
“Is it true that I have some demons in my past that may frighten you away from me?”
The man blinks as he takes in your question before leaning down to lightly kiss your lips. 
“It’s true but it takes a lot to scare me away, sweetheart. Trust me. We’ve got some demons to but we’re learning to deal with them just like you seem to be. Maybe we can even help you.”
“Truth or dare?”, you ask Steve as your turn your attention to him. 
“Truth, honey.”
“Is it true that this isn’t a one-time thing for you both? That you genuinely like me.”
Smiling, his tattooed hand cups your cheek as he gives you a sloppy kiss that makes you laugh. 
“It’s true. I fell for you the moment you walked into the bar. As soon as I spoke with you I knew Munson would like you to. We don’t have to move fast or anything. We can take this as slow as you need to.”
Eddie’s fingers tilt your head his way.
“Truth or dare, Y/N?”
“Dare.”, you answer as you bite your bottom lip coyly. 
“I dare you to stay and give us a chance because we promise you won’t regret it.”
“Whoa, Whoa, Miss Y/L/N! Everything’s ok!”, the nurse tries to comfort as you jerk up and remove the goggles from your eyes. 
Glancing around you, you hear the sounds of the other participants crying and talking over one another as they describe what they saw. 
“Ok, let me just check your vitals really quickly and then we can give you another relaxer to calm you—”
“Mr. Harrington, WAIT!”, another nurse shouts across the way as the man heatedly stomps away from her to grab Eddie’s sleeve and tug him out of the room. 
“Mr. Harrington! Mr. Munson! Hang on now!”
“Miss Y/L/N, please come back!”
You ignored her as you jumped out of your pod to follow where they were going. 
“You said it shouldn’t be a fucking problem!”, Steve hissed.
“I didn’t think it would but I’m not a fucking scientist. I haven’t physically spoken to you or seen you two years and it’s not like we were the best of friends before that! I figured ‘other realities’ of me would also know what a fucking asshole you are!”, Eddie growled back as he pushed the man away. “I didn’t expect it to be like that…”
“You two know each other?!”, you angerly whisper causing their heads to jerk your way. “So much for fucking random. Look, just keep your fucking mouths shut! I’m not getting kicked out of this thing because you two screwed everything up.”
“Excuse the hell out of me, Miss high and mighty but how is what happened our fault?!”, the pretty boy scolded as he crossed his arms. “How do you know us?”
His palm promptly slams over your mouth as he pulls you around the corner and shoves you against the wall. 
“Shhhh! You’re not the only one who needs to be here. Now, Eddie probably appeared because we’ve met each other so how do we know you?”
“I’ve never seen either of you in my life.”, you answer when he removes his hand. “And how do I know you don’t know me?” As his eyes scan you from head to toe your own roll. “Really? You are a fucking asshole.”
“I’m not trying to be. I just…My class of people don’t usually run into yours.”
“How do you even know what my class is?”
“I mean…”, he responds, gesturing absently up and down towards you.
“Wow. You were such a better person in the other universe. If I’m so beneath you, how do you know him?”
“Look, it’s none of your fucking business alright? Let’s just chalk that up to being a fluke or something and move on with your lives, hm?”, Eddie intervenes as you and Steve sigh and relent. 
“Miss Y/L/N! You three need to get back inside so we can take your vitals and prepare for the interview.”, a nurse commands as she points into the room. 
“Y/L/N. As in Michael Y/L/N?”
Without answering, you hurry back inside and fold your arms as you sit back near your pod.
“So you do know her?”, Eddie whispers as they both slowly enter the room. 
“Uh…no. No, I know her last name. You do to…Our private school was named after him.”
The long-haired boy blinks as he tries to comprehend the information in front of him. 
“Wait a minute. Why DON’T we know her then? Shouldn’t she be like a billionaire or something?”
“I don’t fucking know. Just drop it, ok. Like you said, it’s a fluke or something. Let’s just avoid her and avoid each other so we can do this and get outta here.”
@baileebear @jasminelafleur @twirls827 @dashingdeb16 @myherometalhead @starboygf @alba8688 @crybabyddl @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @utterlyinsanity @hardladyheart
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littlemissmiller · 3 months
Bird in a Cage
Part 2: Wanted and Needed
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Pairing: dark!coriolanus x fem!reader
Summary: after spending another night in the palace, president snow has many things planned for you, and he just loves to dress you up.
Warning: 21+ (drinking), eventually smut, dark themes, toxic themes, kidnapping, obsession, possession, stalking
Word count: 4.2k
A/N: hello 👋🏼 ok so…i think i may be able to get another fic out today im thinking chapter 4 of Summer Highs will be ready today sooo just hang in there. this series however, the heat is turning up and we definitely got a smutty moment coming up (also im still working still The Shopkeeper’s Daughter part 2 y’all I promise I’ll get it done) so enjoy this one y’all, i know i did ❤︎︎
Series Masterlist
The next morning you realize that you must have fallen asleep in the bathroom as you pull yourself up from the cold tile. Your neck and back hurts and you strain to turn it. You slowly get up and walk back into the bedroom, flopping down on the bed. You curl up, wanting to go back to sleep again, but you hear a knock that jolts you up.
The same maid from last night enters. She’s holding a new outfit in her hand.
“Good morning. President Snow wishes to see you in this today. He also wishes to have you join him for breakfast so please change and knock when you’re done.”
“Tell him I didn’t sleep well last night and I want to rest. Please.” You plea
“I’m sorry, but these are my orders.” She frowns, holding the dress out in front of her.
You take it and hold it up. It’s a delicate blue, almost the same color as his eyes. It’s flowy, the shoulders slightly puffed out and the neckline is off the shoulder. She also hands you a pair of white heels and leaves the room. You want to cry again, but feel too physically exhausted to be able to. You begrudgingly roll out of bed and change.
Once all done up, you walk over to the door and knock on it. The maid and the two armed guards are waiting outside and you walk with them. This time they take you to a separate part of the palace, up the stairs and into a larger dining room. As you walk you take note of your surroundings, and continue plotting how you’re going to get out of here without him knowing. You might have to disappear for a while, but you’re not about to let him rip you from your life completely.
When you enter, he’s waiting, alone, sipping his tea and reading the paper. He glances up and smiles.
“Come sit my dear.“
The maid leaves, but the armed guards take their post just outside the room. You slowly walk towards and take the seat across from him.
“You look beautiful. I know how to dress you well, it seems.”
“Is this what you made the other girls wear?”
“No.” He flips the page “I tailor my outfits accordingly for each of you.”
“So what does that mean?”
“That dress, that black set? It’s yours. Anything I give you under my care is yours forever, understand?”
“Yes, President Snow.”
“Good girl. After lunch today I’ll have the maid draw you a bath and I’ll have my masseuse come see you.”
“W-why?” You scrunch your face up
“Because you need it don’t you. You slept on the bathroom floor all night.” He smiles
“Thank you.” You mumble, shyly looking away
“You truly look gorgeous this morning. I should have one of the maids curl your hair before you change for dinner this evening.”
“You want me to change again?”
“Of course my dear. One should always look as presentable as possible when they have an evening meal with guests.”
“I normally only do it for special events.” You speak up
“And dinner with the president isn’t special?” He smirks, turning the page again.
You watch him as an uncomfortable silence washes into the room. Then a few avoxes walk into the room with silver trays. Coriolanus pays them no mind, but is interested in what they contain under the stainless steel cloche. They first lay out the silverware, then lift it and serve the plates. It’s a perfectly made French omelette , topped off with chives and a small pad of butter that is still melting, with crumbled crispy potatoes sprinkled over the whole thing. Next to it sits a small slice of toast with a raspberry jam. They then sat down a tea kettle, two silver teacups and served them steaming black tea. Lastly, they leave a pitcher of orange juice and two short glasses. They quietly exit the room and Coriolanus stirs his tea before sipping it.
You look down at your plate then glance up at him. He folds the paper up, making sure the edges are crisp and clean. He notices you watching him and gives a devilish half smile.
“You can start eating if you want.”
You nod and take a bite. Immediately you can taste how smooth and creamy it is. You can taste the ingredients piped inside, an herbed goat cheese and it melts in your mouth. You savor the taste, loving the texture of the egg as it dances with the cheese. Coriolanus takes it upon himself to pour you some juice and you have a strange urge to apologize. You set down your fork and try to say sorry but he cuts you off.
“It’s ok. I don’t mind my dear, here.” He utters
“Thank you, Mr. President.”
“Good girl.” He whispers as you take the glass to your lips.
“So what’s after breakfast?”
“I have a meeting with the Game Makers, a more formal welcome to the new additions than a fancy gala, and you’ll be modeling those dresses I was telling you about.”
“I thought that was just a lie you told my family.”
“Not entirely. You are a model by trade after all, no?”
“I am”
“Well, we need models for this year’s games to advertise the upcoming looks and you’re a model. Seems pretty straightforward no?”
“So you just want me to play dress up for you all day then?” You question, raising an eyebrow
He gives you a stern look and cocks his head. He scoffs.
“Don’t have such an attitude, my dear. It’s not fitting for a First Lady.”
You sit wordless for a moment, scared but also pissed. Fuck him. Fuck this First Lady shit. You desperately wanted to tell him off, but you utter a small apology.
“Good. It won’t even take up your entire day, I made sure of that. After my meeting, I expect you to join me for lunch. I think you’ll like it.”
“Why is that?”
“I asked to have it be served to us in the garden. I thought I’d show you around after.”
“Around the garden?”
“Yes.” He states simply “Are you enjoying your omelette?” He asks, taking a bite of his own.
“It’s delicious. Everything you’ve served me has been amazing.” You state truthfully
“I’m glad you think so.” He smiles, then he holds out his hand. You look at it and he turns his palm over. You hesitantly place just your fingertips on top of his hand. He grasps it and pulls it forward, placing soft kisses on your knuckles. He rubs them gently, smiling at you.
“You’re so beautiful. I hope to make you mine.”
“Why do you think I will please you?”
“Hmm, I bet you don’t remember meeting me at the Gala?”
He smiles wider, scanning your face to see if you remember anything at all from that night.
Coriolanus goes on to explain how he first saw you and how he approached you, asking you to join his private table. You of course said yes, so he took you by the hand and led you to his group. You sat with him, he gave you lots of wine, and eventually he sent you “home”, allegedly kissing your cheek as he got you into the car, and sent you off to his house. At some point he had indeed drugged your drink and you woke up in the palace instead. You hadn’t woken up the next day, but instead spent two days asleep, the power of the drugs had lured you into a deep sleep, and now you’re having breakfast with him.
“I have your dress from that night by the way. It looked stunning on your body. Red is a great color on you.”
“Thank you”
“Perhaps I’ll have you wear it tonight, to dinner. What do you think, my lovely?”
“I would like to have my dress back.”
“Of course. Like I said, whatever I give you is yours.”
“Well the dress was already mine.” You snicker
You immediately freeze, realizing your tongue may have gotten the best if you, but he merely reciprocates your actions.
“You can’t help but to be such a clever girl hmm?” He kisses your knuckles again
“If you say so. You didn’t answer my question though. Why do you think I’ll please you?”
“Because you were pleasant that night. Funny, charming, easy to be around. My team believes I’ve become too wild and rambunctious. They say I need to settle down and to an extent, I agree. I can’t help but want to enjoy my wealth these days. While I’m still young I don't care, if you understand me?”
You nod along and he continues.
“I figure, most people show who they really are when they meet me. Whether it’s to impress me or win over my favor, I can always see a person’s true intentions. Through whatever facade they come with, I can see their truth.”
“And did you see me then? What was my front?”
“Nothing. You had nothing to hide.” He leans forward “Which is why I find you so special.” He whispers
He rubs your hand, giving your knuckles one last kiss before letting your hand go. You pull it back quickly and relax it on your lap. Then a small ding ding ding cries out from his pocket. He digs around and retrieves his pocket watch. He raises his eyebrows.
“Ah, I have to go my dear!” He claims as he returns the watch back into his jacket. He stands up and moves to stand behind your chair. He places his hands on your shoulders and massages them.
“I’ll see you for lunch.” He bends down to kiss your cheek “and then for dinner.” He kisses you again “be good today my sweets, I have something for you later if you behave. Will you be ok to dine alone for the rest of breakfast?”
You nod and he tilts your face to look at his. With the smallest touch of his forefinger, he lifts your chin so you look at him fully. Coriolanus gives you a curious frown and you know what he wants.
“Yes, President Snow, I’ll be ok to dine alone.”
“Good girl, the maid will escort you to get ready when you’re done, but take your time.”
He smirks, giving your cheek one last kiss. He squeezes your shoulders, sighs, smirks again to himself, and walks away.
You feel as if you can finally breathe, letting out an immense sigh of relief as you hear the door close. You look down at your food and don’t feel like you can realistically finish it. You stand up and knock on the door. The maid opens it and escorts you out. She takes you through the palace, not taking you back to your room.
“Where are we going?” You inquire
“The lounge, that’s where the photo shoot is happening.”
You follow her, still noting the layout of the palace as you walk around. You finally reach a set of tall double doors and the maid opens it, escorting you inside. The room is similar to his office, same crème walls, accented with gold, red Chesterfield lounge chairs
“Ah wonderful!” A man cries out as you enter the room. He’s holding a camera in one hand the other setting up the tripod stand for it to sit on. “Come in dear!” He states enthusiastically. You look around the room and notice several other people getting things together.
“H-hi” you quiver
“The President said you’re a model by trade?”
“I am”
“Splendid! Then I’ll have you change into that first dress on the rack and will move our way down.”
He points to a rack of dress and a room divider in the corner and you nod. You walk over to it and examine the dresses. It seems like they are for District 12, given they are all gray and black. Coal. Of course Snow would want the contestants to dress like this. Parade them around a bit as the very goods that are used to fuel the capital. Almost as a double reminder of who they serve. You look at the first dress. It’s a corset style top with a short length skirt. Around the bottom was a thin layer of black tulle. You take it and step behind the divider to change. You step out and a woman approaches you.
“Beautiful! Let’s fix up your hair and makeup.” She smiles, escorting you over to a vanity.
After about an hour of hair weaving and being all done up like a doll, she shows you a mirror. She’s weaved your hair into several small braids, which she then weaved into a big, ponytail, that sits directly in the top of your head. Your makeup is a clean smoky eye, and you honestly look sexy.
“Ok so it’s very simple just posing with the chairs and other parts of the room.” She explains and walks back over to the camera man.
“Ok my dear let’s have you lay out here. Back on the seat, and kick your feet up, yes, that's it lovely.” He instructs, setting up the camera to be in frame. “Up a bit more, your left leg, that's beautiful.”
You look into the camera, feeling completely comfortable for the first time since being here. This is your element. This is what you’re good at. It’s not all about looking pretty, it’s about selling the look to the audience, the viewer, the buyer and most importantly the person who wears it. You pose in a few more positions on the couch and lose yourself in the fun. That’s another part of this job you’ve liked. The fun. The freedom and the ability to dress up, almost become a different person. It transforms you.
“Beautiful. Ok let’s do a few more in the next dress. Ok dear?”
“Sounds good.”
The next dress you change into is a deep v, showing off the curves and valley of your breasts, stopping just above your stomach. It’s like a huge gemstone, every part of it beaded and bedazzled. It fits perfectly, just how the other one fits and you walk out from behind the divider.
“Oh that’s beautiful! The President sure does have good taste.”
“President Snow picked these out?”
“Of course. He does every year.” The photographer smiles, beckoning you to him. You pose in front of the couch some more, and now find that you feel slightly uncomfortable again. You can’t help but feel Snow’s eyes on you again. Perhaps he’s watching you in this room too. You try not to think of it as you stare into the camera lens, but it only makes you feel more watched.
“Hey dear? You ok?” The cameraman questions, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah I’m fine.” You smile “Just wondering about the other models. Am I going to be shooting with them?” You inquire, seeing if maybe you can talk to one and ask for help.
Maybe someone could get a message out without Snow knowing
You think.
“Not today, but tomorrow we will do all 12, right now we are just getting individuals for each district.”
“Where are the other girls?” You inquire, trying to sound casual
“District Two!”
You nod and the cameraman continues, encouraging you as you pose for him. So you have more modeling tomorrow. You wonder when he was going to tell you and that’s the last thought you have of him during the session. A few more dresses later and your stomach starts to growl. You hold it instinctively, wincing in pain.
“A few more shots and we’ll break for lunch beautiful. That’s it, look here, a little more to the left…a little more, yes perfect!” The camera flashes rapidly. “Ok team! Let’s break for lunch, we’ll come back in an hour and a half and finish up.”
The stylist starts to pack up and the cameraman starts to disassemble his tripod. One of the stylists helps you with your hair and wipes off your makeup.
“We’ll do a new style after lunch, ok dear?” You nod somberly, knowing that lunch for you means lunch with him. As you wipe the rest of your makeup off, the maid walks in with another change of clothes.
“Another outfit?” You examine it and she nods wordlessly. It’s a white dress, knee length, with slightly puffy sleeves. On top is a white hair bow and a pair of white, strapped sandals. You sigh and take it from her. By the time you change, it’s just you and the maid. You also take down your hair, it falls out, now slightly curled from being woven up. She walks you out and around the back of the palace. You eventually arrive at a big sliding glass door that opens into the garden and you can see him in the distance.
Coriolanus is admiring one of his many white rose bushes. He picks one and twirls it in his fingers. You approach him, your footsteps quiet and he doesn’t hear you at first. You step on a leaf, causing him to look up. He smiles, oh so happy to see you.
“Hello my dear.” He greets you stepping towards you.
You stop in front of him and he reaches out his hand to feel your hair. He plays with in between his thumb and forefinger. He takes in your scent, smiling greedily.
“Come darling. I know you must be hungry. Why didn’t you finish your breakfast?” He asks sweetly
Of course he knows. He must have his people keeping track of your meals, the amount you’re eating.
“Was it not good?” He follows up when you don’t answer immediately
“No, sir. It was fine, it’s just that my appetite hasn't been the same since I got here.”
“My darling, you should have told me what you wanted. I want you to be cared for well since you’re being so good for me”
“I-I am hungry though. W-what’s for lunch” you stutter
“You’ll see. I think you’ll like it again.”
You walk with him through the garden and he hands you the rose he was playing with.
“For you.”
“Thank you President Snow.” You nod, taking the steam in your hand
“You’re most welcome my sweets” he smiles, his charming lips curling up almost sinisterly.
You walk a bit more, admiring the other flowers in the garden, and how green everything is. He takes you a bit further until you pass the greenhouse. Around on the other side is a neat table for two looking out into the fountains and waterways. It’s set up with silverware sets and empty wine glasses. In the center is a cylindrical wine cooler and a bottle sitting in it. You’re slightly taken aback at the slight and want to hate how beautifully romantic it is because you’re here with Snow and not someone that you actually love. That you’d actually want to be on a date with. You sigh to yourself, but he notices.
“What’s wrong my angel. Here come sit.” He pats the white iron garden chair and you reluctantly follow his orders.
“Would you like some white wine?” He asks
“Yes please. Thank you, President Snow.” You nod, taking a seat. He sits across from you and uncorks the bottle. He pours you a fair amount and then himself.
“I just recently started having a drink with lunch. It’s nice to go into the rest of the afternoon feeling less tense. And I can still get everything done.” It works out well.”
You nod and look around. It’s hard not to feel somewhat at peace in such a beautiful environment. You avoid his gaze, even though he’s eyeing you like his prey. You glance at him and take a nervous drink of your wine.
“How was your meeting?” You quip up
Coriolanus perks up at the question, his smile widening.
“I appreciate you asking my dear. So thoughtful.” He pauses, sipping his wine. “It was honestly mundane, but productive nonetheless. I’m excited for you to see this year’s upcoming games. We really want to do something new for the 20th Anniversary. “
“Sounds exciting” you lie
“My dear, do you not enjoy the games?”
“I-I never said that…”
“You didn’t need to.” He pauses again, leaning forward. “Tell me if someone you trusted, perhaps even someone you loved, betrayed you, tried to kill you, starve you out, all because they wanted what they couldn’t provide for themselves. Just to take from you, would you simply forgive them…”
“It would be hard, I don’t think I would though…”
“Exactly! Even those we hold close to us can soon turn into a predator and us, the prey. We must never forget our human nature calls for us to given into our animalistic instincts in the most desperate of times. And that’s the biggest game out of them all. Pretending to uphold civility, pretending that we don’t truly want to devour each other for power.” He gives you a devious look, a devilish grin spreading across his face.
“And wanting to devour each other in other ways…”
You nervously look away, out onto the garden. He reaches across the table and tilts your chin to him.
“Look at me beautiful. Don’t be shy with me. Tell me, do you think I’m wrong?”
“No sir, you're not wrong President Snow”
“Good girl.” He whispers
He holds for face and moments later, a few avoxes enter. They once again wheel out a cart similar to the one at lunch, serving up the plates. They take the covers off and reveal what appears to be a tomato soup and a grilled cheese with bacon. It seems unusual at first and you notice how he watches your expression.
“Basil tomato soup, and grilled cheese with bacon, Gouda, white cheddar and apple slices. I think you’ll find it a unique twist on a classic.”
“It smells and looks delicious.”
“Of course. Dig in my dear.” He scoots in, taking his sandwich and biting into it. You pick up your own as well, dunking it in the soup. As soon as the flavor hits your mouth, they storm off into a wonderful dance. You’re not sure how it’s possible, but every meal is as amazing as the last. You sip on your wine to get it down and it pairs perfectly with the taste.
“Good?” He raises an eyebrow
You nod and he gives you a stern look.
“Yes, President Snow.”
“I knew you’d like it. After this you’ll finish up the photo shoot, then I’ll have the maid draw you a bath and curl your hair. I want you absolutely perfect for dinner. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir, I understand” you nod
“Excellent! So tell me how’s the shoot going?”
“Good. It’s nice to feel comfortable here. Modeling has always made me feel good about myself.”
“Does it? Tell me more.”
You're stunned. Like a deer in headlights, you feel frozen by the question. You pause for a moment and you watch as he waits patiently for your response.
“Well I guess when I was a teenager people would tell me how beautiful I was, but I had a hard time believing it and then one day a friend of mine wanted me to try on some clothes and take pictures in it and I just felt natural, I finally felt beautiful.”
Coriolanus reaches for your hand and you put it in his. He kisses your knuckles gently.
“Who ever said you’re not beautiful?” He says, a puzzled look spreading on his face
“N-no one.”
“Then why would you think that you’re not beautiful?”
You pause for a moment and look down again. He squeezes your hand, his face drooping and you gaze into his eyes. They are so mesmerizing. A deep ocean blue, and they compel you to speak freely from your heart. You stutter at first then relax once more under the feeling of his lips meeting your hand once more.
“My mother, she was very superficial when it came to physical appearance. I always felt like I had to please her by looking nice.“ you confess
Coriolanus squeezes your hand even more tight and looks down at his lap. He contains his newfound anger at your mother and then looks back up with a soft smile.
“You are truly beautiful my dear. As long as you’re in my care, I’ll make sure you always feel beautiful and never think that way again. Okay?”
“Yes, Mr. President “
“Good girl.” He kisses your knuckles one last time
After lunch, he sends you off to model the rest of the dresses and you ponder his words. You think about his face, the way he looked as if he might fall apart by simply hearing about your insecurities. How he wants to fix them and cast them away from your mind. Forever. And the way he has arranged your time here. The modeling, the photoshoots, as if he knew that’s when you felt most beautiful. You want to hate it, but there is a part of you that feels cared for. Wanted. Needed. In a way you haven’t before.
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thevampirekeke · 2 months
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x goth/spooky reader
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Y’all I have no idea what I’m doing and I cannot write but I still hope you enjoy this. I tried including common hobbies I see in the goth community. Im still fairly new to the community myself so please don’t beat me up.
•Adrian has no idea how to be cool around you when he first meets you. Your all black attire and dark makeup has his brain scrambling to find something witty to say to you. He makes it his entire goal to impress you and convince you that he is cool.
•listens to goth music to try and impress you with his diverse music taste. Even goes as far as referencing and humming songs around you. He can’t help but adore the excited gasp you let out everytime.
•when he asks you out he is stood there in his nicest outfit holding a bouquet of black roses with a face skull in the middle “please go out with me” he blurts out obviously nervous a dark blush covering his face. Oh you were going to eat this man up.
•he brings you on a date to a year round haunted house knowing how much you would love it even with it being a bit of a strange first date. He can’t help but heat up every time you jump and cling to him letting out soft giggles at the jump scares.
•when you both start dating Adrian has no clue how he does it. Somehow someway you had fallen for him and he couldn’t be more grateful to whatever found him worthy of this gift.
•the others are just as confused as Adrian, both understanding how someone like him could pull someone like you. But they still are supportive and happy to see the both of you so happy.
•talk about black cat x golden retriever energy, you two are the definition of opposites attract.
•loves the way you leave a black kissy mark whenever you kiss his cheeks or lips. Jokes about you turning him goth everytime you leave black lipstick on his lips.
•is more than happy to sit there and watch horror movies with you all night even though he hates the idea of ghosts. Humans and aliens he can handle but ghosts he draws the line at. But he will deal with the jump scares in order to sit there with you clinging to his side.
•a little skeptical when you admit to him you collect haunted dolls. He doesn’t 100% believe they are haunted but definitely hates the way they all stare at him whenever he is at your house nonetheless.
•doesn’t even hesitate to ask to join when you tell him you are going for a walk in the local cemetery to cool off after a long mission.
•is a bit worried he will stick out like a sore thumb the first time you invite him to the goth club with you. Once he gets there however he throughly enjoys his time, especially as he gets to watch you so effortlessly dance on the dance floor.
•lets you do his makeup one time and finds he doesn’t actually mind it, infact he think he looks badass. He wouldn’t wear it again the several layers of white foundation and black eye makeup being a sensory overload but he did find it enjoyable in that moment.
•lets you dress him up when the two of you go out. Even lets you dress him up when you two meet the other 11th street kids drawing a “what the hell happened to you?” From Chris.
•is kinda terrified of the monster you become when Halloween rolls around. He has never been in and out of stores and spent more money on Halloween decorations in his life.
•when you start slowly moving into his place he watches as his house becomes covered in different spooky and gothic trinkets and decor. Including those damn spooky dolls.
•takes you on dates to different spooky and odd events and places because he knows how much you love going to those type of things
•constantly compares the two of you to different gothic couples. Even begged you to change eachothers contact photos to Morticia and Gomez.
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2knightt · 1 year
Your motherly!reader fics are so good 😭! can you pleasee do another? platonic with the gang!! no romance 🥰 thank youu ❤️❤️❤️ your work is amazing btw!
the gang x motherly!reader
1.i did headcanons i hope thats okay😭
3.swearing and a small mention of violence.
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Johnny Cade ;
like i’ve said before in other fics, he loves you so much.
honestly, you might be one of his favourite people!
when he walks down the street and he just so happens to see a cute flower, he picks it and gives it to you!
when he first met you, he refused to see you when he was injured in anyway. he thought you’d think he was weak and never see him again.
but as time went on, and you showed that you genuinely cared for him, he showed more of his vulnerable side.
johnny likes it when you patch him up now!
he thinks it’s calming, relaxing, and a, ‘nice change of things rather than lettin’ mother nature cure it.’
when he unknowingly/accidentally vents to you about his home life, he does get embarrassed.
he didn’t want you knowing, but when you hugged him real tight and told him sweet nothings?? he teared up ngl.
johnny wishes you could’ve been his mom.
when or if you have kids, johnny wishes they don’t take the, ‘how was your day?’ and the, ‘how’s school going?’ for granted.
because to johnny cade, that would be his perfect fairytale.
having someone as sweet as you to turn his life around, makes him excited to see tomorrow.
Dallas Winston ;
another bitch with mommy issues who is glad to have you.
mrs.curtis was definitely the mother he never had but always wanted and when she died, he was devastated.
but when you came along and started being that mother he missed??? he was both annoyed and over the moon.
he didn’t like that every time you bailed him out of jail, he got an ear full. however, he did like to know verbally that someone cared about him
he doesn’t show you any sort of affection, but he will tell you how he feels when drunk.
“thank you, so much y/n. i-i don’t know where i’d be without you.”
for mothers day, he doesn’t do anything special.
BUT—you didn’t hear this from me, before the clock hits 12, expect to hear like a cute little knock at your door, and open it to see a single flower on the ground with a pack of cigarettes.
dally ran off before you or anyone else could see him.
even though he didn’t sign his name, you knew it was from him. so, next time you see him, say thank you.
Ponyboy Curtis ;
he’s like a toddler around you???
ponyboy definitely pretends to be like, your own bodyguard.
but really, who’s scared of ponyboy?
he tries though!
when he watches a movie and some character reminds him of you, expect that to be the first thing he tells you.
“ya know, when i went to the drive in, you really reminded of this one character.”
“oh? why’s that?”
“well because-“
and now you have to sit there and listen to him.
he’ll draw for you so much :(.
if you tell him your favourite flower, he WILL give you a drawing of it the next day. he’ll stay up all night if he has too!
Sodapop Curtis ;
he’s literally your #2 fan. first place goes to johnny.
he’s your biggest hypeman??? omg???
“gee, y/n! you’re lookin’ real fancy!! gonna get all the guys, eh?”
when ponyboy and darry argue and he just can’t take it anymore, he calls you and asks to come over.
and of course, you say yes everytime.
so please, PLEASE, just let him cry into your arms!!!!
when he’s done, he’ll try to go home but i’m begging you to tell him he’s welcomed to stay the night.
and if he does stay? ponyboy will be at your doorstep too.
he’ll share his famous chocolate cake with you!! he’ll make sure steve doesn’t touch it.
Darry Curtis ;
he is so thankful for you i legit can’t stress that enough.
you keep the gang in check, you keep ponyboy happy, and you help him around the house. what more could he ask for?
you legit force darry to relax while you look after the gang to make sure nothing bad happens.
“we’ll be fine, darry. go to bed, your dark circles are gettin’ darker by the minute.”
“yeah super-man! we’ll be fine with y/n!”
“fine, but if she wakes me up to tell me about any of you, so god help me.”
if you welcome him home with a newspaper and his favourite cup of coffee after a long day at work, he might ask you to move in.
Steve Randle ;
steve pretends that he doesn’t like you that much.
but he really does. like, the second he hears some soc threaten or insult you? he’s after them.
shit, he might be chasin’ after them in two-bits car while two-bit yells at the person.
he will legit go to war for you if you asked him nicely.
he will rant to you about cars if you let him😭.
he’ll rant to you about anything, honestly.
“and then the old bastard asked for a refund! the ‘no refunds’ sign was right on the door! how could that old bat not see it?!”
“steve! don’t call people that, but yes, it was very rude of that man to do that too you.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
he forces you to relax and watch mickey mouse with him.
he says it’s for your own good but when really, he just wants to spend time with you without the gang interrupting.
“guys! you’re stressing her out with all your STUPID questions! c’mon, y/n, mickey mouse is calling our names. can’t you hear it?”
“or maybe its the booze you had at 10AM.”
“i will sock you in your fucking throat steve.”
he plays with your hair…he finds it fun!
please tell him how to do some styles so he can go home and impress his little sister :(.
he offers you beer every once and awhile just so he can say he got you to loosen up.
“so y/n…you want some?”
“oh! no thank you, two. you know i don’t drink.”
he calls you mom in a joking way, ya dig?
“momm! steve called me a dumbass!”
“steve, be nice! apologize.”
“what the fuck?!”
author notes ;
1. i like totally rushed near the end LMFAO.
2. i never thought you bitches would eat motherly!reader up like this??
3.are you guys okay??
5.i think theres no romance??
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may 15th, 2023. 6:39PM
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skrittkicking · 2 months
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charr body types for practice, rambling nonsense under the cut
ive been trying to get better at drawing more varied body types for a while now and i think ive still got a long way to go but im getting there. fat and muscle definition werent something i bothered to learn for a long time because all i wanted to draw was twinks and dragons ... but in the last year or so ive really been pushing myself to do better. i think learning to draw different body shapes is really important and improves your overall anatomy skill by a mile, its also just really fun for me to think about how fat is distributed across the body and affected by gravity and all that stuff. bodies in general are my favorite thing to draw and what i spend the most time sketching
ok enough word vomit lets talk about my ocs
iovitus is supposed to be built more like an athlete, but im not sure i got that across very well. they're still skinny and comparatively twinky next to their fellow cats, but still strong and in good shape. after they left the legions they didnt really bother that much with the upkeep of their figure, but since theyre focusing more on mercenary work again they've been better about it
most of iovitus' muscle is in their shoulder & back, as their weapons of choice -- longbow and throwing axes -- require a lot of strength in that area. theyre very triangular shaped & top-heavy, with a broad chest & shoulders, thin waist and narrow hips. skipped leg day :/
nero is supposed to have sort of a dad-bod type of build. i changed a bit about his design as ive been tinkering around with his lore recently. she was always supposed to have some tummy to her, but i dont think i drew it very well in the past. i think a dad bod is very fitting because she is one after all
i also wanted to make her blind eye more obvious because i kept forgetting about it whenever i drew her so umm sorry babe. still need to come up with an explanation as to why it happened! was considering having him just born with it for a while, but i love scars and scary traumatic events so... sorry nero
in spite of the good layer of fat he's got on his body though, nero is very strong and muscular underneath it all. his warband doesnt do a lot of combat stuff anymore but he's still working most of the time and takes good care of himself. juicy thighs btw
ruckus... i dont have much to say about. i love you babygirl
she's so much taller than everyone else.... its difficult to notice in the line-up as they are, but i wanted to see so i lined them up in front of one another and. well. ->
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look at her. and iovitus. why are you so small??
finally, lia! she's still small in comparison to most other blood legion charr, but she makes up for it in her strength. or, well, she might've in her younger years; at her current age she's definitely lost a lot of that muscle definition just by the nature of aging
thats not to say she's weak, though. she can and will definitely fuck you up if you try her
her burned arm is her main weak point. it was burned severely enough where the muscle and nerves were permanently damaged, resulting in a lot of stiffness, uncomfortability, and chronic pain. the movement in that arm is limited and she has to guard it closely if she's ever in a scuffle
i think in general a lot of muscle definition for charr is lost just cause they have fur to cover it up, evident by the fact you cant really see a lot of it on the in-game models. or at least thats my excuse for not knowing how to define muscle with lineart
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beatcroc · 8 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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splitster · 1 year
answering more POM WRAITH au/Pingo asks!!
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featuring: biology questions, creatures, dingo (unfortunately), and more!! check it out ↓↓
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she does need sleep! she doesn't need to sleep as often as people, but she's a little wraith and she needs to snooze every like... i dunno. three days? sure, let's go with that.
although in the first few days of her being on PNF404, i could see her getting bored one night and poking around her crewmate's rooms to see what they're doing (spoilers: they're all just sleeping). in the morning after, dingo talks about a very bizarre dream he had with a specter watching him sleep! everyone dismisses it as the ranger having some weird sleep paralysis, but pom's sweating at the table thinking about how she should be way more careful if she does that again.
this ask did inspire me though, i'll probably make more art explaining how she works sometime later hehe...
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that'd be scary... although, if there's anyone incentivized to wraithify olimar, it'd probably be the plasm wraith! that golden goo is really fond of him, and they'd love to make olimar just like them
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WAHH THANK YOU!!! if they ever dated and got married they'd be able to save on a dress! hehe
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she might look kinda scary but she's a sweetheart!! pom would genuinely struggle to make herself hurt humans. if there's a beast threatening her crew though -- that thing is mince meat!!
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WAAAHHH THANK YOU!! it's definitely a challenge to make it fit with the other wraiths but still be unique... it was fun to design though!!
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IM SORRY i didn't get to your ask before i actually posted the full wraith design... there she is though!! HILAHERHLIAEERH
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yes!! he's the first one to discover her secret. it'd probably happen on accident out on the field pretty early on when pom is forced to defend herself with no pikmin, but it's no difference to Oatchi -- pom is pom! he'd bark and give her helmet a lick, and when pom realizes her rescue pup isn't scared of her it's quite the relief...
i have art of oatchi and wraith pom i'll be posting later!!
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WAHHH... this is cute i like this hehe!! dingo sees those striking X eyes and still falls in love!! GRRRR i must draw more pingo now...
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AUGH.... OK!! more pingo on the way then boss 🫡 (i do appreciate it though lmao)
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she doesn't need to eat human food, but she does need to consume living creatures for biomass! human food is definitely delicious and she very much enjoys things like chocolate or hot coco, but to sustain her form and keep up energy she has to go for creatures
i'll probably make art for this later to explain better, but it is kinda like an amoeba -- after killing something, she can cover it and dissolve it with her goo. easy peasy!
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Louie: You're a wraith? I thought you were just weird like me Pom: ... Louie: ... Can you go get creatures for me
pom is trying her best to understand human social cues and etiquette but it's a struggle sometimes!
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i took psychic damage from this ask thank you for penis ringo💖
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YES!!!!!!!!! there are so, so many ways that could happen and each one is hilarious... i've written out a few different scenarios, i should pick one to draw out... it'd be funny if dingo learns her secret but decides to trust her and keep it safe. but he's, you know. dingo. he's not good at lying, especially to his crewmates (and especially to his actual childhood friend of a doctor who was already very suspicious of the new blood!)
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of COURSE i'm very abnormal about those two.... actually if y'all have scenarios you wanna see with those two, send more asks and i'll probably end up drawing them lol
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that's actually a really good question! i haven't thought too much about how her full wraith would visually change, but if she ate enough and got stronger i imagine she'd finally be as big as the other two. she'd probably gain more wraithy abilities and attacks! trying to take down a powered up full wraith pom would be a very difficult fight, even for those with the best dandori skills and a full squad of pikmin
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Pom: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Shepherd: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Collin: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Dingo: I can't let anyone find out my secret... Yonny: this is gonna be fun Bernard: (doesn't care if people find out) Russ: (doesn't care if people find out) Oatchi: bark
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yourwworstnightmare · 3 months
and with a whole drawing too!! here you go, the Laughing Jack, aka silly goose who i love very much : ) it is an AU, so his looks are changed!
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and here's a little explanation to this whole thing, as well as some proof(?? i guess that's what it's called??? basically screenshots of the process of drawing and the video. im very scared of ai accusations with the fact that i literally can't draw hands) in the end. in short, I'll be just yapping. thanks to those who will be reading that too!!
so, back in my phase of creepypasta jack was one of my favourites, DESPITE how badly his story was written.(it is only my opinion, if you like it — it's okay!) so, recently, I decided to re-read it again, because I felt nostalgic and, well.. nothing has changed 🧍. It's all the same torture-porn. but! The idea of Jack is really cool, and I decided to take it into my own hands, that is, to make AU. two attempts to write everything that is spinning in my head are dusting in my drafts, but I think I can briefly mention some details from my AU here.
This story more focuses on Jack himself, and his growth as an very, very unstable being with the influence of Isaac, to the extent that his initial purpose of making children happy is now gone. Also, this story will involve minimal killing, as I really want to make this AU not so much a bloody massacre as an exploration of Jack's inner world as an ethereal creature who happens to to see the cruelty of man.
Jack is a magician now! or a magician-clown, if you will. still a creature from outer space
As stated earlier, Jack's a "spirit" that makes the children happy, staying as long as he needs to satisfy them. this means — yes, he did go to the other kids after Isaac. And! Jack can be anyone his friend wants him to see. This also includes his gender and name. Jack was what Isaac called him.
No matter who Jack turns into, his nose always remains the same. Yes, this also applies to his animal personas, etc.
Jack never had any ill will. Yet, as in the original, he never had morals or boundaries. So, there was only some signs that this mf is NOT okay before he actually killed someone.
Isaac is just a very fucked up man who definitely didn't deserve the "Jack" treatment 😢
The story has another protagonist now, who's name is Caroline. She was the next after Isaac, and the one with whom Jack realized that his concern for children had completely disappeared, as well as for otherhuman beings. that's her arm on the drawing btw!!! love you Carry :)
This AU is still very young and flawed, so please don't be rude. Thank you for understanding and thank you very much for listening ♥️. I don't think I'll ever put in a full rewrite in online space, but if someone will be interested, I'm all for telling more.
drawing process:
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void-chara · 9 months
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@mcytblrholidayexchange gift for @irrealisms !! you had lots of prompt ideas for writing, but not for art, so i hope you're happy with eclipse federation misery and agony compilation, plus song lyrics
lyric credits: Temporary - Chase Petra / Stranger - The Mechanisms / Easier - The Crane Wives (appears four times) / Two Birds - Regina Spektor / Little Soldiers - The Crane Wives (appears twice) / Heretic Pride - The Mountain Goats
feel free to ask if you want me to adjust some text to make it more readable or something, i think it looks fine but i know different peoples eyes and devices are different, and if i had more time i would definitely have spent more time messing with the colors on everything
speaking. of time. im really sorry i took so long ._. i kind of suck at estimating how long projects will take and how much time i have. thanks for being so patient!!
oh, also, some lyrics and drawings have story reasons for being grouped together, and some went where they looked good. uh. ideally id make sure everything had reason for its location, but this is one area where i did correctly estimate my time, instead of getting stuck in the planning phase.
also in the process of typing all this ive already gone back twice to change stuff in the images and re-add them to the post lol
OH also!! the part where vitalasy jumps off to his death! is as far as i can tell NOT canon accurate!! all the footage shows him jumping off the prison, since thats where he respawns. i didnt think to check this until after id already drawn most of the stuff, and already had the prison drawn, and i didnt want to reorganize the drawing. im telling myself that we only see a few of the later deaths and so theoretically the first one could have been jumping off a grassy ledge somewhere but its still bothering me and i needed to mention it.
anyway yeah really hope you like it i tried some new stuff with this one im not sure how well it turned out and thanks again for being so patient!!
EDITING TO ADD SOME MORE WORDS!!! i love talking about my art! so first, all the text on signs and stuff i did go back and look at videos and vods to make sure was entirely accurate, and i wrote all the words entirely by myself. for the lyrics and other text(death message and DELIVERANCE), i used a text tool first to make sure the words would be neat and where i needed them, and then traced over that on a new layer and deleted the original text layer. my handwritting fucking sucks always no matter what, this was a very necessary step. also! this is officially the first thing i have drawn entirely on my phone, rather than on my ipad like i used to do! also i dont use a stylus of any type i just draw with my finger lol.
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rauberrauber · 2 years
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line up baby
wanted to make a sort of ref for everyone so i can keep track of everyone's designs, heights, etc
side hcs below cuz i wanna ramble lol
fyi any links are just for pictures to help visualize what im trying to say
also add to these with ur own i love reading hcs :]
the sides work with a kind of cartoon logic (kinda like who framed Roger rabbit) which is what their shape shifting and such is, they can survive pretty much everything, dont bend to reality type thing
i also dig playing around with the idea that they just arent human, they dont need to eat, sleep, even breathe or blink if they dont wanna. They just play more human around thomas so they dont freak him out (everyone but remus at least, dude doesnt give a fuck lol) they all have their priorities regarding that kinda stuff. like logan doesnt eat or sleep almost at all (there r exceptions tho obvi (crofters))  while patton rly likes to cook and bake so why not eat the stuff you make? meanwhile remus eats literally anything he can find
they can also float if they wanna, same thing where they just dont around thomas. this came about me just imagining remus consistently floating around in the mindscape instead of walking for whatever reason? so yeah they can do that
theres a core mindscape and a ‘dark’ mindscape, that sorta works like the upside down from stranger things (as in the dark mindscape is like literally upside down and mirrors everything, like this)
everyones also got their own unique doors to their rooms. logans is very sleek and modern, pattons in more childlike and almost vintage, romans resemble castle doors while remus’ is more like a dungeons, virgils is typically angsty teenager with tons of posters and ‘keep out’ signs, and janus has tons of locks on his
design wise the core sides have straight teeth and fluffier hair while the dark sides have sharp teeth and rougher(?) hair (since changing, virgil has vampire-esque fangs)
square rimmed glasses
loves the rain
unintentionally fidgets with his clothes, always adjusting his glasses or rolling his sleeves up and down or messing with the buttons or his tie
playing more into the whole ‘sides dont have to eat thing’ he finds food kinda nasty lol, again only rly eats stuff thats very good to him (ultimate picky eater basically) patton has tried and failed many times to get logan to try and like new foods
roman was the one who got him to try crofters
watches those long ass video essays about random topics on youtube for background noise
round glasses and heart eyes
has roller blades/skates! specifically these ones that retract the wheels. good way of getting energy out (even if hes super clumsy with them)
tallest + dad bod
tons of bandages, kinda playing around with the phrase ‘broken heart’
him and janus play video games together (both of them are terrible lol)
definitely listens to dad rock/dad music
starry eyes!
crown can float on its own (same w/ remus’)
has one of these couches in his room to dramatically faint onto
him and remus dont share a room, but they have a sort of portal to each others rooms if that makes sense. a big mirror but instead of reflecting, its showing into the other room and only the twins can go thru
wants to be his own side after the split
roman and remus pierced each others ears when they were younger
decently tall but slouches a lot which hides it (slouching hes shorter than the twins but still taller than janus) also rarely stands or sits straight at all so it kinda shocked the core sides when he showed them how tall he rly was (queue roman being mad cuz hes actually the shortest of the main four lol)
has stereotypical emo hair and still has some purple dye in it
hot topic skeleton fingerless gloves and muddy sneakers (idk why it just feels right)
tons of random bruises
draws his nails black with sharpie
listens to metal music to calm down. remus got him into a lot of numetal, screamo kinda music when virgil was still one of the others, it was one of the few times theyd hang out and virgil wasnt 100% freaked out by remus
definitely experimented with scene fashion when thomas was a teenager
drinks tons of energy drinks
shortest ha
yellow eyes
bow wrapped on his hat
long flowy cape and heeled shoes with spats (thats what theyre called right?)
uses the staff from pof as a walking cane
speaks fluent pig latin, remus and logan are the only ones who can somewhat understand what he says (remus cuz hes been around janus so long, and logan wanting to research and understand whatever the hell janus is saying) it also has always drove virgil up the wall cuz hes never been able to get it, janus will start speaking it just to annoy him
only rly relaxes when by himself, always kinda putting on a mask with the others and thomas, regardless of how trustworthy he considers them
constantly coming up with proper plans and schemes, typically wouldnt let remus near them with a 10 foot pole (affectionately)
knows how to lockpick
scared of the ocean
broken crown
eyes can go all crazy, pupils can be different sizes and such (there was a cartoon that did this where the eyes would go red and have a ton of rings around the pupils like spirals kinda? i cant find a pic of what im rly visualizing rip i hope that makes sense)
ton of rings (one of em is an eyeball ring)
is like half an inch taller than roman and will never let him live it down
enjoys all the ‘bad’ disney/pixar movies. (cars, home on the range, etc) and like unironically enjoys them. prolly started ironically to mess with roman but he genuinely find those ones the best and cant fathom why theyre disliked (totally not self-indulgent cuz some of those movies are my favorites)
comes up with random weird plans and ropes janus into them whenever possible, janus plays along best he can
somewhat wants to fuse back with roman (even if hes unsure why)
remus and virge used to make fun of roman together all the time
remus is the one who gave virge his septum and gages
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hballegro · 1 month
i wasnt lying when i said henry was 85% done last night
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file name is 'its MY hyperfixation and I decide who lives'
previous editions
lieutenant colonel henry blake here wearing pants that DEFINITELY arent swim trunks that he's pretending are normal shorts
hes wearing goldtoes for no reason i just didnt like how it looked with all one colour and didnt have the energy to give him funny socks. potter will probably have to wear horse socks to compensate 😔
i enjoyed completely Making Shit Up with the fishing lures. like i followed his hat in the show for most of them but for 2 they were literally just the first cool thing i saw looking up 'vintage fishing lures'
the group shot NOW WITH EDITS!
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before long im gonna have to break this group shot into 2 sections. tumblr is getting PISSED at me.
breakdown of what all i changed + bts under the cut
the list is not long. most of the list is trapper.
everything is before/after, so first image is old and second image is new
smoothed stuff out for marg's skirt so it looks more like spandex or whatever
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slightly nudged sidney's right eye [our left]. like its really slight but it makes my brain happy
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bullied mulcahy's legs. AGAIN.
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lessened hawkeye's stubble. just a tiny bit.
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broadened radar's shoulders a little, made him have a bottom lip, messed with his neck
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and for trapper. im just putting a fullbody; i changed his face. widened his shoulders a bit. fixed his head so its in the right place. changed his skintone by a degree of like .0001. i think i made his legs longer too. also his pants are a colour that makes my brain less mad.
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there isnt much bts this time;
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week 1 of college has kicked my ass but we stay winning. we stay drawing lieutenant colonel henry blake. we cant be stopped. we being I, myself, and Me
anyway. i need to go eat something.
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three to go. we can DO THIS
also this IS field day, and im keeping with the red sweatbands/bandanas/other things but it also serves dual purpose as a beach episode at this point. Good Ending where instead of the chicken on the bus [or henry's plane] its all of them crawling back to the 4077th with sunburn
anyway if you scrolled this far and have any thoughts abt what potter, charles, and klinger should wear, including just colour speculation, leave a reply or something, i DO monitor my posts very closely
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l0cal-catb0y · 1 year
Hero!Ghoap x God!Reader brainrot
this is mainly about ghoap cuz i didnt focus on them in the first post and they deserve love too!! and i wanna add backstory :33 based off this post i made and i think i want them to be childhood friends!! (its one of my favorite tropes im sorry </3)
once again this is just word vomit !! not my best but it must be shared :DD but also!! let me know if you have any ideas for what reader should be the god of cuz i really have no ideas and i wanna add more details to them!!
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definingly have the vibe they would've meet by running into each other playing in a field when they were very young and just ended up sticking together. simon found comfort in johnny's presence and just sort of started following him everywhere he went with johnny just completely okay with dragging this boy around cuz!! he gets to have fun with his friend!! :DD sadly though they have to have reason to become fighters for plot reasons </33 their village gets destroyed, burnt and looted with few survivors left. theyre both distraught and angry with johnny openly wanting to track down the people behind the attack and fuck them up (simon too but hes silent about it) maybe johnny starts getting ready to start that hunt without telling anyone but simon can just read him perfectly and just pulls him aside to tell him that he's coming too.
I feel like along their hunt they would stop and take care of anyone that were causing issues, probably with just small trouble makers but as they become stronger and more experienced they deal with whole gangs of people (they end up getting the names ghost and soap along the way somehow) they become more renowned for their strength and victories that even cities far off know them!! im thinking the group that destroyed their village became an army and overconfident to the point of disrespecting the gods (probably not all but definitely some big ones) so when ghost and soap become bigger names they are given the upperhand with the backing of the gods who wish to put the group back into place. they basically get to the level of demigods !!
romance wise though,,, giggles,,, somewhere along their journey after a hard fight they would confess while patching each other up, the concern for each other far outweighing the fear of rejection <33 the gentle touch of making sure theyre still there and the whispers of love would be so soft after they know its a mutual love omg. their routines change a little afterwards too!! like simon giving johnny little trinkets to have in his pockets (probably something handmade when he cant sleep) and johnny braiding part of simon's hair before a fight (maybe he braids a piece of simon's hair into his own braid and his hair into simon's?)
I don't think they would actively worship one particular god? they would give offerings every so often as thanks for the blessing or in hope of getting some luck with something (finding info or just having good weather) but they are mainly on their own for the most part. yes they are favored more than others but it doesnt mean the gods really care about them yknow? they both know theyre just a means to an end for some of them :((
so when you start looking out for them theyre both just :OO you actually care about them outside of what they can do!! you help them with small things!! your watching eyes comfort simon when he cant sleep!! you guide johnny to peaceful areas for him to relax and draw at!! you send your associated animal to keep watch if they ever both crash after a fight!! they start to add stuff to their routines that relate to you in some way :33 making crafts of your symbols and having one with them for "good luck" or making a small spot for you at every camp they make or talking to you (aka the open air of your spot) about their plans and what they wanna do next!!
idk man brainrot and lack of sleep are getting to me!! im going to rotate these two in this au in my head for the next month ^-^
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