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majickth · 10 months ago
Sunk Cost Fallodyssey
I spent $2.72 buying Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game and was dismayed to discover that Codeweavers Crossover would only install, but not run the executable.
Unwilling to give up, I spent a few hours attempting different Crossover bottle tweaks before stumbling onto the existence of the Fallout: Community Edition project, a modern reimplementation of the game's engine with compatibility for modern computers.
At last, the game launched successfully, and I learned from the opening cinematic that war is transformative but static, and was allowed to access the character creation screen:
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Since I don't know anything about Fallout, I decided to create a character based on Kaladin Stormblessed from the Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive novels. In Sanderson's story, Kaladin is an unlucky son of a small-town physician somehow trapped in a cycle of being beaten within an inch of death while everyone else around him is killed, losing whatever job he had at the time, and ending up with a new job that is somehow more dangerous.
I started by lowering my character's luck stat to the game's floor of 1 (Very Bad), then re-investing the spare points into maxing out his endurance at 10 (Heroic) and bumping up his agility, charisma, and intelligence a bit each. I took a point out of perception because Sanderson's Kaladin usually needs obvious things explained to him.
For his three Tag Skills, I selected Melee Weapons, First Aid, and Doctor since Sanderson's Kaladin had training both as a spearman and as a physician.
For the first of his two optional traits, I selected Good Natured, which dropped his combat skills but boosted his First Aid, Doctor, Speech, and Barter abilities. My other choice here was Jinxed, which causes both the character and everyone around them to roll critical failures more often.
I started the game and died a dozen times to random encounters in the wastes. I was still having fun, but admit that I was growing a bit discouraged when I finally found my first actual spear on a random corpse giant molerats were dining on family-style.
Since grabbing the spear and fleeing those molerats, things have been looking up! I hit level two and have reached Vault 15 with far fewer deaths. The vault itself seems to be in poor repair, but without a rope to drop down the elevator shaft, I may need to continue my adventure elsewhere...
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majickth · 1 year ago
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landscaping consultation 🌿
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majickth · 1 year ago
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meme i made years ago still holds true
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majickth · 1 year ago
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from the top rope, my prince
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majickth · 1 year ago
The Terrors Beneath Deepfrost Citadel: a dnd-campaign
Get ready for “The Terrors Beneath Deepfrost Citadel”: a Decked Out 2-inspired Dungeons and Dragons campaign.
Many years ago, an adventurer by the name of Thaddeus Holsten opened the Black Mines and built Deepfrost Citadel - names familiar to any who aspire to be adventurers themselves. After tragedy struck, the mines were blocked off, the Citadel stood empty, and Thaddeus Holsten himself vanished.
Year after year, adventurers arrive in the former mining town of Hermilthan, sitting at the foot of the icy mountain where Deepfrost Citadel and the Black Mines are located. To find the treasures buried in the mines or hidden within the Citadel’s walls, or to discover the fate of Thaddeus Holsten. But anyone who enters the Citadel to start their search, disappears without a trace and none walk out alive.
Do you have what it takes to brave this dungeon? Or will it eat you alive?
This module contains: 
An original thrilling tale of terror that leans closely and expands on official lore
Adventure for characters levels 3 through 7
Five distinct and dynamic levels to explore 
Up to 18 different maps
Awesome magic items, based on the original dungeon’s artifacts
Unique Hermit-inspired NPCs and creatures
All in a fancy PDF and a less fancy but no less functional google doc!
For all your Decked Out 2 dungeons and dragons needs, all these resources are freely available following this link.
The Dungeon is ready for its next victim…
(This module is inspired by and based on Decked Out 2, a game made by TangoTek during Hermitcraft season 9).
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majickth · 1 year ago
can we see your beloved scoundrel
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This is Rev Wight — bastard (affectionate), babygirl (derogatory), and beloved abomination <3
Once the leader of a band of thieves, a botched job led to Rev being (literally) backstabbed and left for dead. Instead of dying, however, Rev awoke — alive in spirit, though not in body. This strange state of undeath drew the attention of the Goddess of Death. Instead of destroying the abomination, the Goddess sought to make a deal: power to enact the vengeance Rev so desired, in exchange for his fealty. Rev, with nothing else to lose, accepted.
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majickth · 1 year ago
do you have an idea what the Goddess of Death looks like?? (referencing the Rev post) i think she'd be awesome
As Death, she naturally takes on many forms: a gentle presence, touch as light as the feathers that crown her mantle; a raging storm of fury, unrelenting in its wake; an old friend, familiar and ever patient.
But to Rev Wight, the Goddess of Death is…
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majickth · 1 year ago
can we see your beloved scoundrel
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This is Rev Wight — bastard (affectionate), babygirl (derogatory), and beloved abomination <3
Once the leader of a band of thieves, a botched job led to Rev being (literally) backstabbed and left for dead. Instead of dying, however, Rev awoke — alive in spirit, though not in body. This strange state of undeath drew the attention of the Goddess of Death. Instead of destroying the abomination, the Goddess sought to make a deal: power to enact the vengeance Rev so desired, in exchange for his fealty. Rev, with nothing else to lose, accepted.
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majickth · 1 year ago
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from the top rope, my prince
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majickth · 1 year ago
“No one wants to look at art of OCs” I don’t think that’s true at all…I follow people specifically to see their OCs literally all the time. Bring back being curious about people’s OCs, asking questions about them and hyping them up like we did when we were teens
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majickth · 1 year ago
Is the steampunk pirates au inspired by the cinder spires books? Asking bc if so that'd be my first time seeing another fan of them in the wild
Surprisingly, it is not! However, I did look up the series and it is for sure going on my list of books to read. Steampunk settings and flying ships and aeronauts, my beloved
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majickth · 1 year ago
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majickth · 1 year ago
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A traditional Etho scanned at 1200 dpi
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majickth · 1 year ago
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Some design and worldbuilding notes from the Steampunk Space Pirates AU
Starships, such as 'The Flying Jellie', are powered by aethercores, which are these giant crystals full of energy. If two crystals touch, it sends out a pulse of energy that, if harnessed correctly, can power an entire vessel. Larger ships require larger/more crystals; entire warships, such as those under the Red King's command, are powered with 3-5 large crystals. While highly extremely resistant, a broken or unrefined aethercore is extremely volatile, and replacing/repairing a core can be dangerous.
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majickth · 1 year ago
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Witch in the Cottage white as Snow
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majickth · 1 year ago
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Btw here’s another sneak peek while I edit
Steampunk Space Pirates AU is really starting out with Grian facing the consequences of his actions, going “Damn these consequences have hands ://“, before proceeding to commit more actions that have greater consequences
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majickth · 1 year ago
I’ve finished writing the first chapter
It’s so messy. So much editing needs to be done. But it exists. It’s written. And completing something at all is accomplishment enough
Also I really should just. give Jellie a gun
Steampunk Space Pirates AU is really starting out with Grian facing the consequences of his actions, going “Damn these consequences have hands ://“, before proceeding to commit more actions that have greater consequences
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