#yes she’s just the Raven Queen from DnD
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majickth · 1 year ago
do you have an idea what the Goddess of Death looks like?? (referencing the Rev post) i think she'd be awesome
As Death, she naturally takes on many forms: a gentle presence, touch as light as the feathers that crown her mantle; a raging storm of fury, unrelenting in its wake; an old friend, familiar and ever patient.
But to Rev Wight, the Goddess of Death is…
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years ago
D20 - Dungeons and Drag Queens Ep 1 Notes
Hey @lurkerviolin,
My notes ran too long so I thought I’d post it as a text post 😅. I do realize some of these are incoherent, and lacking my usual amount of emojis but I typed it in my laptop instead of phone so...
Also I think i kept switching up all their pronouns cause I wasn’t sure which was the right one? 😅😅
Anyways here we go:
This theme song is already so chaotic lol
God still so strange to see Brennan all made up, but he looks great
It's so nice to see how the Queens are all so engaged. Brennan is radiating such incredible Storyteller energy right now, it's amazing.
Lololol oh no Monet! "We have someone who works in identity theft" lol
Jujubee is so entranced as Brennan is describing Everdeep. Mood.
Oh my gosh the Queens are so funny. The riffing about the gem's origins.
Hmm yeah she did talk to her own mother like that ...
The way it was written by Tuna Turner! I don't know how much the Dropout people asked the Queens to lean on puns but they are doing amazing. Bob especially is SO into it.
The growl from Alaska lol
Hmm, has Bob played before? They seem more accustomed to the game play.
Ok yeah I think Bob might be my favorite so far
Jujubee is a close second, they are so enthusiastic but so lost. It's endearing. "We went to Cher's last first concert to gether." lolol
Cause they're an inch from 5' feet lolololol oh my gooood.
These interjections are such a gift. They just make the story so much funnier
Lieutenant Alvin the chipmunk lol cute!!
Jujubee forcing Brennan to narrate as Alvin was such a Mood. Yes, make him work!
Zaria Hex: Beware her death drop *I snorted, oh my god, ingenious*
"9.30" "Yeah, it's late for you Grandma" lol
Alaska's growling accent is an excellent character choice
Bob entering the bar and immediately describing what they are seeing, are we sure they are completely new to this?
Oh my god I love Kashra, look at that build!
Daggy is also really handsomely designed.
Makes sense for the two fighters to be able to down the drink no problem.
Aww two nat ones
"If your perception's a one, that means you are delusional" lol
Oh my god Jujubee is too cute, with how often they get confused.
A racotour is when you contour with a rat LOLOLOL
"Oh, he's a pimp"
This is a greatseason for newcomers to DnD. Brennan is such a good teacher
Bump is kinky! LOL
Gertrude is so clever. I love how quickly Bob and Monet understood the concept of the game.
A 24?! She is going to pulvarize him!
Lololol, just so you know when you turn 36 yourknees know when it's going to rain.
Idk who Michelle visage it, but I like how Jujubee says Brennan. Yeah he may be the DM guiding them in the adventure, but to them, he's also like a younger kid/brother-type.
I remember Raphaniel casting Detect thoughts in Ep 1 of the ravening war and just getting blasted with horny thoughts lol
"Twyla! Don't look around! Don't freak out!
Oooh Wallace... I like that idea, yeah his clasp is a different colour cause he's an undead pretending not to be. Solid guess.
Oh damn they went from initiative to beast assault. Zero to 60 indeed.
A Cat Tree??? So out of left field. God, you got to love first time players just doing the wildest moves.
Amazing Grapple. Like a To-Go container.
It's probbaly Swallace, drop the 'S', no one will know . LOLOL
This Mark Ronson gag is also so funny.
Cousin KK, incredible.
Ooh, Brennan is so good about tying far flung stories together.
Aww Jujubee really liking Brennan'sflowery descriptions! Cute.
I really like how Brenan incorporates all their random additions into his narrative. As a DM, really letting the players's additions become part of his world. It's very kind.
Lol, the caption for the guardian being "Stoned for days, Darling". All these taglines are so clever!
Oh my god, the camera jumping back and forth between Monet and Jujubee instead of Brennan as he is trying to do a play. Far more entertaining, good call Director/editor
Alaska's voice for Princess is so fitting and so funny.
"Just straight up the same one?" Judgey much, stone guy?
Brennan is so good with descriptions of what is happening.
OOOOH They look so into it in the next episode. This looks like a cool side quest, can't see what comes next.
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cosmicvhstape · 4 months ago
Doing this for the only character I ever talk about, Santiago my DND character....
1. Whiskey is his go to drink order, as that's often what he prefers to drink alcohol wise, but he's also a very big fan of tea and while he doesn't buy it often if he's given some he will absolutely drink it
2. He's pretty strict on his cleaning routine especially in the spring seasons when he starts shedding fur, it's not as rigorous as it was before he died as he doesn't have direct access to baths and showers all the time now, but he tries to stay as clean as he can when he's staying in rotthold, and will do his best to take at baths every other day as is fur takes a bit to dry and he doesn't have access to things to make him dry faster anymore. He also brushes his fur daily when he's not on the road, currently his hair is shaved so he doesn't have much of it to take care of but he is fluffy as it's winter! And so tries his best to brush at least his face and chest while he's on the road just to keep everything as clean as possible. He has to brush himself three times a day in spring just because of how much fur he's shedding, it ends up being enough to make a whole 'nother Santiago a lot of the time. It's just too much fur.....
3. I think it's probably Magdalene's (His horse's) saddle and getting good food and tools for her is where a lot of his income ends up going a lot of the time. Just cause he doesn't really have anything else to spend it on, though he is looking for a couple items currently, they aren't for himself.
4. Well.
Yes he does! Many, he's got a few gunshot wounds on his stomach from fights, and some old scarring on his feet and legs, but no scars on his face besides a small tear in his right ear he got when he was younger and a chip in his left horn that's more recent. But on his left arm he has star shaped burn scars spanning up from his upper arm to the base of his neck and they cover mostly his left shoulder/shoulder blade. Tattoo wise he has a very very big tattoo to the Everlight on his back due to having been a paladin for her previously, this caused. Issues. Slightly. And on the right arm he's got a sleeve tattoo it's a magical tattoo and it's currently being redesigned but those are the only two tattoos he has.
5. Oh his private session. There's a quote about it somewhere.
6. He was the oldest of two :-]
7. Despite being a minotaur he does have feet and not hooves, He's got a pair of brown cowboy boots on, they're a fairly simple make and stitching, no special designs or leather colors, he's only needed then repaired once over the three years he's got them and that was just the inner soles as he walks very heavily on his heels and needs the inserts replaced occasionally
8. He'll usually sleep next to Magdalene, while on the road, he's usually pressed up against her at night for anxiety reasons and him needing to make sure she's safe 24/7 but when he's in rotthold he'll get a room at Roxie's and has sort of permanently set of residence in one of the rooms. He'll probably stay there until Roxie kicks him out or he's able to go home/get a home in rotthold.
9. He doesn't really celebrate holidays any longer due to not really having anyone to celebrate with, but will often stop by Roxie's for company and drinks and food on those days despite it being rowdier than usual, he did celebrate holidays somewhat consistently when he was with his parents and sister, and then again when he was serving under the Everlight, and may do something again with the party if it's brought up as he does deeply enjoy celebrating holidays. He doesn't have a favorite holiday, as they've sort of passed as blurs the last few years, and he doesn't really remember what is going on when. This is also my way of saying that I'm not extremely intimate with the exandria calendar and holidays. But I think his favorite would have been Zenith and he'd really enjoy Day of Heart and Hearth. He does celebrate the Raven Queen's holiday and it's very much a personal thing as a lot of the time, it wasn't a happy holiday for him the last three years, he mostly just got drunk and cried...
10. He always keeps his lantern with him in his bag, he's very protective over it so it's very rare to see him without it and if he is seen without it is definitely in his room or with Magdalene! He also always keeps his rosary and the bracelet that was given to him by Persimmon on his person at all times! But that's mostly the extent of important items he keeps with him, he keeps his gun and sword with him and will also keep his guitar on him, but those are also often left with Magdalene when he's out and about.
So my problem with most ‘get to know your character’ questioneers is that they’re full of questions that just aren’t that important (what color eyes do they have) too hard to answer right away (what is their greatest fear) or are just impossible to answer (what is their favorite movie.)  Like no one has one single favorite movie. And even if they do the answer changes.
If I’m doing this exercise, I want 7-10 questions to get the character feeling real in my head. So I thought I’d share the ones that get me (and my students) good results: 
What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/resturant)
What is their grooming routine? (how do they treat themselves in private)
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? (Gets you thinking about socio-economic class, values, and how they spend their leisure time)
Do they have any scars or tattoos? (good way to get into literal backstory) 
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) 
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? (This one might be a me thing, because I LOVE writing/reading about family dynamics, but knowing what kinds of things were ‘normal’ for them growing up is important.)
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. (This is a big catch all, gets into money, taste, practicality, level of wear, level of repair, literally what kind of shoes they require to live their life.)
Describe the place where they sleep. (ie what does their safe space look like. How much (or how little) care / decoration / personal touch goes into it.)
What is their favorite holiday? (How do they relate to their culture/outside world. Also fun is least favorite holiday.) 
What objects do they always carry around with them? (What do they need for their normal, day-to-day routine? What does ‘normal’ even look like for them.) 
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lovefoolheart · 2 years ago
DnD lore dump nobody asked for
So I wanted to post somethig about the d&d setting I'm worldbuilding for. I don't want to make a blog about it because that's just a guarantee that I will forget to post.
So, i was thinking: Underworld, gods of death and where do souls go.
There are two gods of the dead in Mei'thera, but once upon a time there was only one. Their name is Thearos, and their form is the one of a shadow obsidian dragon whose wings could shroud the entirety of the material plane. Mortals were scared of them, but dragons saw them as one of the three original and most powerful dragons.
They were called the Guardian of the Lost. They never helped souls find the Underworld, but once they were there, they would accept the souls in their lair, gifting them comfort and guiding them in the continuation of "life" after death.
Once this was the norm, because when a soul would leave their corpse they would find themselves in the Ethereal Plane, where bright leylines would move pure magic to the Underworld, creating a path. The dead would follow that path and finally find the comforting shadow wings of the mortal dragon.
During the Great Arcana Age this path became less and less visible, because magic was being manipulated in a way that was never seen before. Stories about people coming back from the dead just by following the path backwards became popular, and thus many souls lost themselves in the Ethereal Plane as ghosts. But during this era of magical experimentation, another goddess came to be — the Raven Queen. While Thearos despised her at first, the goddess with no name rose quickly in the divine ranks and an agreement was found: she would be the one to reap and guide the souls of the departed, gathering their memories in the process, and bring them to the Underworld, Thearos' lair, where they belonged.
Now, when a soul enters the Ethereal Plane, they find the Raven Queen herself, with her ceramic mask, or one of her shrouded black angels. She carries them along the path they can no longer see, and asks questions about their lives and what they wish to remember at the moment of their death. The path she takes now passes through the Shadowfell, near her obsidian castle, where she archives their memories for her own pleasure, and later judgment.
She leaves the soul in a liminal space between the Ethereal Plane and the Shadowfell, where everything is dark like a night sky. Between the stars, the wings of Thearos define the entrance to the Underworld. The dragon speaks in the language of Creation, so that any living being can understand them.
After a long and difficult journey, you are now here, and you can rest. Do you want to go on?
The most important question of all: if a souls says yes, they won't be able to come back through any resurrection spell that requires a willing spirit. If the soul isn't ready, they must wait in that liminal space, not knowing what lies ahead. If a resurrection spell is cast on their body, magic will guide them back; and if they have something to do they can try and find their way back and become ghosts.
Once a soul has said yes, they find themselves in a comfortable home with a warm fire and a hot beverage. Thearos greets their guests individually, now with a smaller form, reassures them and asks them what they expect. The dragon asks of the gods they worshipped in life and tells them their deaths, if they wish to know, and of the possibility to be reincarnated.
Thearos then gets to see the memories archived by the Raven Queen, and form their judgment. Most people can then pass the silver door of the house, and get into the Underworld – the comfortable and peaceful lair of the dragon, where it's always twilight and souls find comfort with spiritual foods and objects.
If a souls is deemed worthy, though, like the soul of a divine champion, Thearos can make the silver door open directly to the realm of their divine protector, so that they can spend their afterlife in the fields of their god, doing what their god loves most (like battling for a god of war).
On the other hand, if souls are found to be guilty of hubrys, if they tried to damage the divine universal order or the arcane weave, or if they're souls is to be claimed by some other entity... their afterlife will be much different. These souls will find an Underworld they are worthy of, hubrys and damage to the balance of the universe are punished with a world of pain, suffering and terror. Those who made a pact for their souls rarely even get to Thearos' lair, but if they do, the dragon will be the one to bring them to the entity that reclaims them.
That's all, thanks for reading☆ i love worldbuilding this world.
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lexa-griffins · 2 years ago
I feel like we need some virgin Clarke hc to complement the virgin Lexa asks 🙂 How about seven minutes in heaven where nerdy trans Clarke is stuck with her crush, popular Lexa in the closet after spin the bottle? Clarke gets the balls to actually makeout with Lexa who is impressed by Clarke's sudden confidence. After their seven minutes is up, Lexa pulls Clarke to an empty room to pop her cherry.
I ended up writing a whole thing, sorry 😅 i also don't know why I went with an HSAU since I don't really write those but here we are. I'm splitting this in two parts, and post the smut later! Because I think this is cute!
Lexa is been the most popular girl in school for as long as Clarke can remember really. She's always been a natural leader so it really comes as no shock to see her climb the social ladder early on, reaching its peak at high school, head of the student council, star of the volleyball team with a one way ticket to Harvard. Clarke's has a crush on her since Lexa put a flower in Clarke's hair back in third grade, back then still very short and a wavy blonde mess most of the time, and told Clarke how pretty she looked like that.
At eleven Lexa declares she only likes girls and Clarke realizes she'll never get a chance.
At thirteen Clarke starts transitioning and realizes she could actually have a chance.
If they didn't run in completely different groups.
Lexa lives amongst star athletes that are all far too good looking and far too smart for Clarke to even dare approach them, while Clarke is the art nerd type and runs with equally nerd minded people, the type that excell at one subject and subject only, like Raven and her out of this world talent for mechanics or "cockroach" Murphy whose love for survivalist media turned him into a bug lover like no other. They play dnd on the weekend and try not to get caught stealing parts from cars at the junk yard.
So when Lexa, the same Lexa that put a flower in Clarke's hair, the one who might have triggered Clarke's realization into the fact she was trans, the same Lexa that has nearly given Clarke a boner in the middle of gym class because of the way she bent down in her volleyball shorts, comes over to their table to invite them to a party that weekend at her house Clarke is convinced someone, somewhere is playing a prank on her.
It doesn't happen often she isn't mocked or bullied but Clarke has heard the mean spirited whispers. She doesn't give a shit about then, nerd doesn’t equate weak and she refuses to run away and cry just because a bunch of high schooler think her being different is funny.
But Lexa wouldn't. Right? She might be bitchy at times, imposing and refusing to let anyone walk over her but she wouldn't prank Clarke. They're not friends anymore, not since middle school, but Lexa still waves at her in the hall and hasn't missed a short yet thoughtful text message on Clarke's birthday.
They go. Because well, why wouldn't they? Lexa seems genuinely happy to see her and even compliments her band tee, focusing her eyes a little too hard on the way the Queen logo distorts around Clarke's chest, and offers her a drink that Clarke notes isn't particularly strong which is cute and thoughtful despite the fact Clarke has been drinking Monty's homemade moonshine for about two years now every other Sunday during their DnD nights. It's sweet that Lexa gave Clarke the least amount if alcohol possible without straight away assuming she wanted none, telling Clarke that behind the whole popular girl facade, the girl Clarke developed a major crush on is still alive and well.
Which is great. If it didn't make Clarke feel ten times more attracted to Lexa; Lexa in her cute white shorts and her laced-up red blouse that forces Clarke to bite the inside of her cheek so she won't get hard and be entirely to up front about her feelings towards Lexa.
She hangs out. Talks to a few people she only ever lent a pen to before, talks to Lexa for longer than she has in the past four years combined, laughs when Lexa recalls that time they were caught by Abby giggling at an anatomy book when they were kids and pretends she doesn't feel jealous when Lexa talks about her ex girlfriend Costia, who is now off to college somewhere.
She's a little buzzed by the time someone suggests they play seven minutes in heaven. Clarke doesn't even know where Raven and Murphy are, although shebsuspects they are no where in the circle when she sits down on the couch directly in front of Lexa. Statistically Clarke is sure the odds are against her when the bottle starts to spin.
She isn't really thinking about what will happen when the stops spinning and she has to go into the closet with someone because she just really wants that someone to be Lexa. Pretty popular Lexa who keeps smiling nervously at her and whose cheeks are a pretty shade of red and whose hair bounces when she walks, whose hand is very soft as she touches her, urging her to get up.
"Clarke, cmon were up." Lexa giggles above her, trying to pull her up from her sit.
Clarke doesn't understand quite why. Lexa seems to manage to read her mind, despite looking nearly as much or even tipster than Clarke.
"It landed on me."
Oh, look at that. It has. Pointing straight ahead where Lexa had her cute butt sitted.
Clarke's being pulled into a closed full of jackets before she knows it. It's warm and stuffy inside, barely enough people for one of her, much less the two of them... that must be why she can feel Lexa's nipple through the shirt, Clarke now noticing the girl has gone braless. And if Clarke can feel Lexa's nipples than Lexa can fot sure feel....
"Shit, I'm sorry." Clarke apologizes frantically, trying - and failing miserably- to get some space between her body and Lexa's.
She tries every quick solution in the book. She fleshes her leg and then her arm and then her buttcheek but it doesn't help. She's actually sure she must look like she's having a case of involuntary spasms. She tries to think about everything else, anyone else but it useless when Lexa is right there, so real and so within reach for Clarke's mind to even come up with anyone else's face.
Clarke's about to apologize again. She feels like a creep even if it is not her fault. What will Lexa think of her now? The weird nerd kid she decided to give a chance at friendship again only for Clarke to pop a boner so hard she might have to run home and jerk off to exhaustion.
Lexa says something that Clarke can't quite make out, "Hmm?"
"It's okay." Lexa repeats. It's slightly slurred out Clarke realizes, and at first she fears Lexa is much drunker than she thought. But then. Then Clarke sees green eyes hooded as they stare down at the party crasher between Clarke's legs, lips parted and heavy breathing hitting Clarke's face in warm puffs. A hand that is so close to her boner Clarke could moan just at the thought.
And then her gaze shifts and Lexa is staring at her, eyes nearly black with lust and Clarke decides this is now or never. No trying to keep a somewhat there friendship going, no backing out at the last second, no doubts about stupid high school social status that mean nothing in the real world.
Clarke kisses Lexa. Hard. Like she never kissed anyone before. And it's not like she kissed a lot.
Lexa doesnt seem bothered by this. Instead she wraps her arms lazily around Clarke's neck, letting Clsrke do has she pleases, pulling her by the waist and then slamming Lexa's hips on the closet door. Clarke attempts her best impersonation of someone who knows what the fuck they are doing, bitting Lexa's pouty bottom lip and pulling it slightly, hoping it was more sexy than it was borderline cannibalistic. If the moan that rumbles against her lips is any indication Clarke would say she deserves an high five for effort.
"You're so hot." Lexa manages between kisses, and Clarke swears she could conquer the entire world upon hearing those words, "and so fucking hard."
Clarke stops. Comically so she'd say. Eyes opened wide, Lexa's bottom lip still between her teeth. Lexa's eyes open after hers, softly at first and then big and wide all at once, Clarke's face clearly concerning her.
"Sorry." Clarke jumps to say, releasing Lexa's lip and composing herself. Her shirt has now traveled up her mid section and Lexa's laced up shirt is somehow loosened, ofdering just slightly less coverage than the shirt originally did. She pushes herself back from Lexa's body with great sacrifice, only for the arms that are still around her shoulder to pull her back in for a far more tamed kiss.
Lexa chuckles as she pulls away, "you say sorry a little to much."
Clarke laughs nervously, "yeah, sorry about that."
The sight of a perfect eyebrow raising and beautiful lips turned up in a smirk make her realize her mistake, "oh right yeah. Sorry. I mean no, I'm not sorry. Fuck this is hard."
Theyre laughing before Clarke can catch a hold of herself. Lexa pulls her closer again and Clarke wraps her arms around the girl's generous hips and they both laugh quietly in each other's shoulders.
Lexa smells like alcohol and raspberries. Her hair smells like roses.
"It's not the only thing that's hard you know."
She's going to say sorry again, but the words hang in her throat. A knock on the door makes her forget she was going to say it at all.
"Your times up!" It's Murphy's voice. She guesses he and Raven where in the circle after all.
They take a few seconds to compose themselves, the way Lexa closes up the string of her shirt and runs a hand through the soft brown curls of her hair doing nothing to soften Clarke's situation.
Lexa smiles at it and gives Clarke's cheek a peck "I'll walk in front of you."
There's the girl who put a flower in her hair.
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keyleth-clay · 2 years ago
Venture Maidens Fate Campaign Speculation
Here there be spoilers for Venture Maidens: Fate, episodes 83-86 (and also pretty much everything before that)! Read ahead at your own risk!
Man, Celeste is such a good fucking DM.
And that goes for, y’know, everything she does in every episode of the show, but even more than that – I’m currently on episode 86 of Fate, and despite the fact that the end of the campaign is so close, I have no idea what’s going to happen. I don’t know who the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are. Which, when there’s 13 episodes left in a campaign and you’re firmly in the home stretch? Is usually something that’s pretty obvious.
This is mostly just going to be rambling to get my thoughts in order at this point in the campaign, and also because it’s fun to speculate even though I’m Very Far Behind.
I’m firmly of the opinion that Rem isn’t a bad guy. Yes, she took the Avatar, but then in episode 85 Kara said that she hired the drow to dig it up, which, unless I managed to miss that part, isn’t actually true and is just an assumption (either on the player’s part or the character’s, or both). Yes, she killed Nerull, but she specifically only killed one god, her father, and I imagine that she had a very good reason to do so. She probably could have killed more, many more, but she didn’t, and I don’t think she killed this one particular god coincidentally.
(There’s also the fact that, according to DnD lore, Nerull is technically already canonically dead, as he is the predecessor to the Raven Queen. I wonder if that’s part of her motivation in killing him…)
Celeste also managed to make me very suspicious of the Sisters of Sorrow (the gods, not the organization) with a single conversation. Why Fera? Why would she be leader, even though she showed no desire to lead? Why pull her away in the middle of a mission and say, specifically, “Anyone who spends time under the influence of an evil god cannot be trusted.” (ep 83)
Really? Like Arrnodel, whose patron was fucking Dendar, who the very person/people saying this helped to facilitate her getting a different patron, and who were apparently fine with giving her their gift initially? Like Sawyeh, who freed Olhydra and took her into her body and who Isolde said that they would have to kill if it turned out that she was being controlled by Olhydra’s influence? And they’re saying that “Anyone who spends time under the influence of an evil god cannot be trusted” about ISOLDE TRISTANE, who is a CLERIC OF THE SISTERS OF SORROW and who has been nothing but faithful to them? Because she cared about Rem, I guess?
(The fact that Katie/Fera didn’t bring this up in the conversation later with the rest of the party is driving me up the fucking WALL, but anyways.)
And also, the whole assumption from the players – and from the NPCs, which is almost certainly intentional on Celeste’s part to sow doubt – that Rem is trying to destroy the world?
Why? Why would they assume that she wants to destroy everything? What possible motivation could she have for that?
And this is the same Rem that was furious with Kristoph and Isolde for not wanting to open the Elysium Keep to the refugees from Bastard’s Breach – including the children, which was her main argument, that those innocent children and innocent citizens did nothing wrong and didn’t deserve to be turned away. The same Rem that was furious with the carillons for putting the Maidens through their trials and their part in Arrnodel’s death.
AND the supposed damage that Rem was doing to the fabric of reality, the one that the Sisters (again, the gods) were so concerned about? When Celeste describes it to Fera/Katie, she says that “You would never have seen this if she hadn’t pointed it out to you – this tiny flaw in the fabric”. That’s the world-ending damage to reality that they’re so concerned about? That’s the tear in the universe that the Maidens must protect, and that they must stop Rem from doing, and also that the Sisters are just… claiming is Rem’s fault? If that was the case, wouldn’t she have just attacked them directly, instead of killing Nerull?(ep 83)
In episode 77, in the message that Rem gave to Sawyeh’s water elemental (Persahna? Idk how to spell it), she said “I seek to unshackle us all”. Taking the damage to the weave of reality into account – my best guess at this point is that we’re dealing with a Fate vs. Free Will argument. Especially because of how many members of the Sisters of Sorrow (an organization named after the goddesses of fate) owe their allegiance to Rem, and her steadfast belief in second chances and redemption, and how many of those people she brought into the organization don’t even follow the Sisters.
Also, there’s the fact that this campaign & its world-building takes a lot of inspiration from Greek mythology - you know, the Greek mythology where the gods are often vengeful, and petty, and deeply flawed, and also aren’t all-knowing and frequently only care about protecting themselves and their own domains?
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willowdied · 2 years ago
wishlist : *spooky / halloween / fall  edition*
i’ll start with some spooky stuff and then put some general stuff bellow too but!!! as always! comment if there is one you are interested in and i’ll toss a message your way!  and yes i am late. i just wanted to get these out there.
vampire au ~ this has SEVERAL places  : one, instead of sending her to the cobalt soul, something was arranged where beau would be...no longer and issue or a face in the family OR some sort of incident occurred which left her turned, beau choosing to pull away from people in response.
werewolf au ~ same as above but woo ( or awooo ) 
nine eyes au ~ i think you all know what This mean :) Pain. i’ve got a couple different outcomes of it, i just think it’s neat concept idkkk
ghost au ~ it is Sad but uh. *jazz hands in what if when he’s not doin rq things or on the occasion he’s allowed to watch his friends*
vampire au ~ something something either cr timeline or some fancy 1800′s Mayhaps vax getting turned iDK it’s fun and fitting. 
werewolf OR vampire au ~ i have zero excuse it just seems very fitting.
d&d / critical role ~ in summary, gunslinger fighter, paladin, ranger, rouge multiclass, on a quest for vengeance after the death of her companion riley.
paranormal investor au ~ someone be her ryan to her shane. she doesn’t believe in shit but she is trying to learn and see. 
d&d / critical role ~ runaway noble. trying to keep head down and live. 
vampire au ~ i just think it would be Neat. that’s all. 
monster OR monster hunter ~ any monster. any type i just think it’s fitting
out of syngorn / clasp ~ out of syngorn verse PLEASE
unswayed au ~ tldr- orpheus doesn’t get offered the chance to 
vampire au ~ it’s what it sounds like. 
warlock eurydice / cr verse eurydice ~ she’s pact of the hexblade for a demon who promises to help shield her from the raven queen in exchange for... a few tasks. 
ANY of the above. obviously. 
cyriel.... poke cyriel.... what’s spookier than being vax’s ex girlfriend who is from syngorn 
not mentioned but i have also got really big brain for astrid, eadwulf, leona, laudna, fearne, and imogen right now???? as well as my dnd oc’s who i am moving BACK here tanila and ariverane soooo hit them up too. 
AS ALWAYS for the critical role characters : pre-campaign and post-campaign content
my brain has been locked on modern aus as well as the regency au’s ( you can find um here )
i watched the first episode of a court of fey and flowers... i am invested... i want More. come yeet your muses at me. or come poke me to plot 
any of the musical muses, but my brain has been the hadestown muses, the hatchetfield muses, dea, molly, satine, and natasha! 
au’s. come poke me. let’s make an au together. please i ADORE au’s and especially this seasons... think they could be fun. 
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raeynbowboi · 5 years ago
In the Dragon’s Dungeon: How to Play as Maleficent in D&D 5e
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As a card-carrying, certified geek, I’m a fan of many dorky hobbies, and among them is Dungeons and Dragons. So in honor of Halloween, I’ve decided to dedicate my very first build to the Mistress of All Evil, Maleficent from the 1959 Disney Classic Sleeping Beauty, and to a lesser extent, her role as the leader of the Disney Villains in the Kingdom Hearts series and other 2nd tier canon material using the animated version. For this build, we are only interested in her animated counterpart. Jolie’s portray is far too noble and sympathetic for the diabolical witch we’re working with here. Maleficent is a very powerful fairy, so our goal for her build is to focus on causing as much unhappiness, pain, and misery as she possibly can.
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Picking a Race
While our first instinct is to call Maleficent a Wicked Witch, she is in fact, a fairy. She’s based on the Aged Fairy (or the Bad Fairy in some translations) from the Grimm and Perrault versions of the Sleeping Beauty fairytale. Unfortunately, while Fey exist in DnD, they are not a specific playable race with stats, so we’re forced to improvise. However, there are 3 subraces which seem best suited for what Maleficent could be: [Fallen Aasimar] - since all the other fairies have wings and can only perform good magic, this dark variation on the playable “angel” race which has lost its wings could fit Maleficent’s descent and mirror the fall of Lucifer. With this option she gains +2 Charisma and +1 Strength, 60 feet of darkvision, resistance to both necrotic and radiant damage, the power to instill fear in those around her, and boost her own necrotic damage for a short period between rests. However, this might not fit her the best, and she is slain by a sword endowed with good fairy magic, which could be considered radiant damage. However, Ventus puts her to sleep in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, so that could be a point in favor of this racial build for the character. [Maka Clan Elf] - Maka Clan elves specialize in curses by praying to old gods of nature and death. With this choice, she gains +2 Dexterity and +1 Wisdom, proficiency with Religion, 60 feet of darkvision, resistance to charm, immunity to sleep spells, and can enter an elven trance instead of sleeping. As a Maka Clan Elf, she knows the Thaumaturgy Cantrip at level 1, and starting at levels 3 and 5 respectively, she can cast both Hex and Crown of Madness once per long rest using her Wisdom modifier. [Shadar-Kai Elf] - The third option is the Shadar-Kai. Once a fey like other elves, the Shadar-Kai became loyal to the Raven Queen, and they have taken up refuge in Shadowfell, a dark dimension. This nicely mirrors Maleficent’s state as a corrupted fairy that now dwells in darkness. As a Shadar-Kai elf, she gains +2 Dexterity and +1 to Constitution, Proficiency with Perception, 60 feet of darkvision, resistance to necrotic damage, being charmed, immunity to sleep spells, and can enter an elven trance instead of sleeping. This archetype lacks pre-set one-use spells, but does allow her to teleport up to 30 feet and appear transparent as she does so, gaining resistance to all types of damage while moving like this starting at 3rd level.
As for her background, we’ll make her a Noble, since Queen Leah (yes, she has a name) refers to her as Your Exellency, which denotes Maleficent as a member of the aristocracy.
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Powers and Abilities:
Sleeping Beauty (1959)
-appear and disappear in a flash of fire (teleports only herself, not Diablo) -create gusts of wind (possibly? She may have just blown down the doors) -has a Raven for a familiar -bestow curses, hexes, jinxes, etc. -bestow magical sleep -spy with Diablo (Flora is even afraid to speak her plan to hide Aurora out of fear that Maleficent might find out somehow, Diablo also later finds Aurora, acts as Maleficent’s alarm system, and leads her minions to where the intruders are.) -summon frost, snow, ice, or cold to kill Flora’s flowers -possibly some level of omniscience or divination? (Merrywhether states that Maleficent knows everything, interpret as you see fit) -shoot lightning with her staff. -Put out fires (the fire in the fireplace goes out when she lures Aurora) -possibly transmutation/relocating walls? (The Fireplace suddenly transforms into a passageway, but it’s unclear if that was already there, or if she created this doorway to lead Aurora to the spinning wheel. But once Aurora has been lead away from her room, Maleficent closes off the doorway that she created, and the fairies have to use magic to open the doorway again.) -Appearing as a floating green light (this may or may not be similar to when the three good fairies look like flying balls of colored light when in their shrunken forms.) -Hypnosis/Suggestion (Aurora clearly looks hypnotized while following Maleficent to the Spinning Wheel, only hesitating when she hears familiar voices calling her name, but is then compelled by Maleficent to touch the spindle) -creating inanimate objects out of thin air (she creates a black spinning wheel) -call lightning from the sky -raise a thicket of thorns -using non-physical form to fly/move quickly (as she flies from her tower in front of Phillip in some sort of spiral of sparks) -All the Powers of Hell (her minions are also a disgrace to The Forces of Evil) -transform into a dragon (with a fire breath attack) -weak to holy/radiant damage?
Suggested or Implied Powers These are powers she never really demonstrates in the film, but the other fairies can do them, so it’s possible she can too: -bestow gifts/blessings -shrink to a small size -change people into plants and back again -make inanimate objects float/act semi-conscious -create food -conjure clothing/don disguises -remove the other fairies’ wings -use magic to zap/weld off chains -conjure unholy/necrotic weapons and shields -turn creatures to stone -transform stones into bubbles, arrows into flowers, and boiling oil into a rainbow. -bestow an unholy/necrotic enchantment to a weapon -it’s unclear if her minions are mortal goblins that actually exist in the world, or if they’re demon minions she was given when she sold her service to Chernabog. Thus, it’s uncertain if she can summon more, or if she’s limited to the mortal beings in her service.
Kingdom Hearts
-create, summon, and control the Heartless -Teleporting (this time without columns of fire) -creating portals between worlds/planes/planets -bestow the power to control the Heartless -appear as a transparent projection -bring Oogie Boogie back to life (without the need of his body) -teleport Oogie Boogie and herself -Turn Santa Claus into a Heartless (or at least trying to) -Create a Wall of Fire -”awaken” the evil inside of people’s hearts/force people to stop repressing their evil impulses -make rocks float -summon meteors of heaven -conjure lightning indoors -move as a spiral of sparks/dark fire -Can be put to sleep by Ventus through magic
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Converting her abilities to Spells and Feats
Before we can settle on a class, we have to decide what spells would fit under Maleficent based on her canon abilities, then pick a class or multi-classes that cover the widest selection of those spells and powers.
-Mobility     -Arcane Gate (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)     -Astral Projection (Cleric, Warlock, Wizard)     -Dimension Door (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)     -Misty Step (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)     -Teleport (Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard) -Curses     -Bestow Curse (Bard, Cleric, Wizard)     -Hex (Warlock) -Nature’s Power     -Call Lightning (Druid)     -Control Flames (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)     -Gust of Wind (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)     -Lightning Bolt (Sorcerer, Wizard)     -Melf’s Minute Meteors (Sorcerer, Wizard)     -Sleet Storm (Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard)     -Ray of Frost (Sorcerer, Wizard)     -Wall of Thorns (Druid) -Transmutation     -Flesh to Stone (warlock, wizard)     -Polymorph (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard) -Enchantment     -Charm Person (Bard, Druid, Sorcerer,Warlock, Wizard)     -Suggestion (Bard, Sorcerer,Warlock, Wizard) -Necromancy     -True Resurrection (Cleric, Druid) -Evil Flavored     -Hellish Rebuke (Warlock)     -Negative Energy Flood (Warlock, Wizard)     -Shadow of Moil (Warlock) -Heartless     -Conjure Shadow Demon (Sorcerer, Wizard)     -Infernal Calling (Warlock, Wizard)     -Summon Lesser Demons (Warlock, Wizard)     -Summon Greater Demon (Warlock, Wizard)
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Get to Class
If you want to cover the majority of Maleficent’s powers, a Druid/Wizard combination is your best bet. However, Maleficent very clearly states that her power is directly given to her from Hell and that she serves the Forces of Evil, which is textbook Warlock. So, I would label her a Warlock/Druid. Specifically, a Fiend Patron Warlock, as in other Disney material, it’s stated that Maleficent serves Chernabog, the demon from Night on Bald Mountain. However, to offer multiple options, she could also be a Warlock sworn to the Raven Queen, which puts a lot of emphasis on having a Raven as almost an extension of oneself. As a Druid, she would fit well with the Circle of Land. Maleficent’s domain is in the lonesome, desolate mountains, which will also allow her to learn Lightning Bolt, despite being neither a Sorcerer, nor a Wizard.
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Stats and Proficiencies
Considering all she had to do was appear and have people gasp in fear of her very presence, we can assume that Intimidation is likely a very highly trained skill of hers. She’s also good at lying to people, so Deception is another skill that would suit her nicely. Looking at how she handles herself, she’s very well-spoken, charming, and well-mannered until she snaps and starts hollering like a cat in heat. So, we should assume that Charisma is going to be her top stat. Next up for the Mistress of all evil is going to be her Wisdom stat, especially if you decided to make her a Maka Clan Elf. We see the wise, cunning side of Maleficent often in Kingdom Hearts as she frequently warns her weak-minded colleagues not to give in to the darkness, which she herself is too self-aware to succumb to. Next is Constitution, we can’t have her losing her concentration while she’s casting spells, like Oogie Boogie did while she was trying to turn Santa into a Heartless. Fourth is going to be Intelligence. It’s not super vital in most 5e builds I’ve seen, but the Mistress of All Evil is actually quite intelligent and clever. We especially see this again in the Kingdom Hearts series where she finds ways to corrupt the world in search of power. We’ll give her Strength next to last. I’m sure she can hit you with her staff or something. And we’ll be dumping Dexterity because this lady doesn’t even try to move in the original kingdom hearts game when you fight her. She’s one of the easiest boss battles because she’s so stationary. She gets better in Birth By Sleep where she’s teleporting around the field, but she still tends to stand still quite a lot. However, if you want to flip Dex and Strength for playability, no one would blame you.
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So there you have it. Maleficent is a Noble Fallen Aasimar or a Noble variety of Elf, and is a Mountain Land Druid that has sworn a pact to either a Fiend (Chernabog) or the Raven Queen (via Diablo). What are your thoughts on this build? Do you think she should have been done differently? Did I make any mistakes in my analysis? And do you feel inspired to embrace your inner villain in your next campaign? Do you have a suggestion for who I should do next? Please, any feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
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mechmech · 4 years ago
Ok so I know this is like my first post but I’ve been working on it cause a friend did it for their dnd character and I was like this could be fun and give people some insight. Questions wandered as Mecha 1-100
Smell like: oil, sweat, and more recently baby spit-up
Voice: Not many people will understand this fem-V from cyberpunk. Sorta gravely
Motivator: Research mostly. Finding out new things and applying them. More recently though her kid and making a better world for them.
Most embarrassing memory: She doesn’t like to share this story, but when she was younger and moved around with her sister mecha, she was afraid to GO in the woods because she accidentally wandered onto a farmer’s land and was caught pantsless.
How do they react to pain: “ You wanna hit me go ahead, just stay away from the hands and eyes” She can deal with a great deal of physical pain but when it comes to emotions and others she is like a mage named Corren
Wear: Normally throughout the day, she wears her metal armor. Outside of her armor, she wears a simple black dress when relaxing, a work apron while working, and always Always gauntlets and a blindfold
Most positive relationship: THis is difficult because so many of them have done different things, but most probably Corren and her want to be more good like him
The weirdest thing I have ever eaten: Correns cooking
Sleep: “Alister! Corren! Cuddle me!” Yea she will cuddle up with almost any person who trusts and it depends on the person. Alister: Alister is the big spoon and mecha buries herself into his chest and stomach. Corren: Mecha is like a koala to Corren and just hugs onto a single leg.
Favorite food/ kinda food: Vegetables honestly, but also baked goods like bread
Most insecure about: How others see her
Like to wear: adaptable clothing, something that can be used for many different functions and also gotta be able to get dirty and clean when you need it
How do they react to feelings of guilt: Previously they bottled them up, but more and more they are learning to talk to others about that guilt. Ultimately she always feels guilty for something
React to betrayal: Depends on the person buuuttttt, angry, blames themself for part of it, tries to move on quickly
Greatest achievement: MOCHA
Too little sleep: quiet and most likely taking a nap in the skeleton’s arms. That's If she is actually tired. Shel heals fatigue in an instant.
What are they like a drunk: If she drinks and gets drunk and that's a big if she becomes an I love you drunk and we'll just tell everyone what she likes about them before passing out.
Music likes: A lot of Rock and techno music, a little bit of pop only because it fits.
Right or left-handed: She always works with her hammer in her right hand.
Fears: Being completely alone, losing her friends, losing Mocha, destroying the world, the unknown, diseases, being like her mother
Favorite weather: Nice sunny days with a slight breeze
Favorite color: it’s hard because it's between gold and blue
Collect anything: besides random trophies, rocks that she sometimes gives away.
Hot or cold weather: Hot because you can cool down easily.
Eye color: Goldenish/ yellow
Race/ ethnicity: Well Gremlin in Sekrezia, in the real world through it's between Brazilian and Irish
Hair color: Ginger/ red
Happy where they are currently: Nope, not even a little bit. She's upset because she believes she has possibly doomed the world and has actually found someone she can connect with/ has some feeling for and they just keep backsliding her. She also hates that she has to leave her new daughter.
Mounting person: YES!!! Up early to get shit done
Sunrise or sunset: Sunrise is extremely pretty to watch especially when you can but caves are a thing.
Messy or organized: Like myself, it's a chaotic form of organization
Pet peeves: Jumping to conclusions, mistreating machines
Objects of significant importance: Her forge hammer which is like a badge of office saying she is a member of a smithing guild and her evil eye because a really good friend helped her make it.
Least favorite food: The rock she accidentally tried to eat while she was tired delirious one night in a cave.
Least favorite color: Kelly Green. Look it looks like puke, nothing against other greens but this one ugh
Least favorite smell: Decaying flesh
The last time they cried: mhhh a few weeks but it's gonna be soon. Definitely the birth of her child.
Anybody with them: entire party forMochas birth, but other than that Corren and Alistar
The time they got injured: Well getting crushed by a giant cube was bad, the worst injury would probably be getting dragged into lava by her own creation that she loved.
Scars: Nope none so far that are physical. Some mental ones that she's working through.
Mental health issues: Paranoia, Depression, Suicidal thoughts, low self-esteem, PTSD
Bad habits: Shutting everyone else out.
Why might someone dislike her: SHe can be a bit standoffish and definitely hard-headed.
Why might someone love her: He has a big heart for those she cares about, she's smart and also creates a lot of small gifts that aren't for value but personal reasons.
Believe in ghosts: Literally was in a plane of the dead, soooo yes
Anyone they would trust with their life: Corren, Alistar, Torvid, Simple,
Romantically interested in anyone: Spectra, depends on the person. ACE and Demiromantic
Dating/ Married: Complicated is what it is. Yes dating somewhat but it’s not a good relationship
Like surprises: Yes, surprises are nice and add a bit of fun to life. Other than a somewhat surprising pregnancy.
Birthday: I honestly forget but it's their weave day
Celebrate their birthday: Only with those they care about, which is few but some members of the party yes.
Family: Dad is dead, Mom is alive supposedly but she was supposed to be dead, and sister is possibly dead but in a bit of denial about it
Close to their family: Chosen family yes.
Zodiac signs: I forget the sekrezian one but in real life Aquarius
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Alignment; Chaotic neutral/ good
Nightmares: Losing the entire party in ways that they caused ore were directly a part of.
View on death: CHanged a lot as their questline has gone on but “Once someone has passed from this world and seen the raven queen and chosen their afterlife that is it, they are at peace and will stay there unless the gods dictate differently. Past a resurrection people should not come back. I have learned this the hard way and watched what happens when you play with death”.
Something they always laugh at: Corren getting flustered and digging himself into holes he can't get out of.
When bored, what do they do: Read a book/ tinker with new experiments
Enjoy the outside: yes, especially new areas where there are unexplored places.
Accent: Somewhat of a german accent but I’m no good at replicating it
Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, the first reaction: “Who left this perfectly good piece of cake here?”
If they knew they were going to die what would they do/ say: Alister: Be a good father to Mocha, Corren: Be a good stepfather to Mocha and make sure Alister stays on the right path, Simple Geoff: didn't like you at first but your apart of my family now, Maple: Live your best life and don't let other people tell you what you can be also given up on revenge it's never as sweet as you think, Lautrec: (Opens box) sorry it took a while, Vlog: “you don't like me, I kinda like you, protect your own but never stop learning and exploring.
Feelings about sex: Mecha doesn’t want sex and feels really uncomfortable with it especially around people she doesn’t know, but around friends, she’s willing to talk about it but will also respect preferences.
Sexuality: questioning, but Grey-ace
Squeamish around blood: Nope “ I saved a man that had a lethal arrow through his neck”
Anything they find gross: Living hair/ hair constructs
TV trope: Reclusive nerd with a big heart
Enjoy helping people: Yes she really likes to help those who need it, but if she believes you can help yourself she will leave you to it.
Allergies: Seasonal/ pollen
Pet: Multiple constructs that range from a skeleton to a walking piece of glass
Quick to anger: No, she has somewhat of a calm head that eventually boils over and then causes a big yelling fight/ random actions such as throwing a stick of dynamite in a graveyard.
How patient is she: Rather patient especially when listening, not the greatest responder though
Good at cooking: Hell yea they are, give them a pan and they'll make you a feast
Favorite insult:” I'm coming for your knees” “Don't make me get the fume engine”
How do they act when happy: Huge grin on their face and they start fidgeting.
What do they do when they learn about others’ fears: Tease them slightly in private but keep the information to themselves.
Trustworthy: yes and very loyal to her friends.
Do they try to hide their emotions: Definitely but not always the greatest at hiding them cause everyone has a great sense of motive.
Exercise regularly: We walk and adventure every day while she carries probably over 25lb of mechanical items so yes.
Comfortable with the way they look: Mhh sometimes, but not always. She really doesn't like that she reminds herself of her sister or that she has distinct eyes.
Features they find attractive on others: Not really features, she's more into personality but she does like people’s eyes.
Personalities they find attractive: Protective, Kind, Smart, honest, loyal.
Do they like sweet foods: definitely into the sweeter things in life,
Age: in sekrezia: 204, equivalent age is like 45-55
Tall or short: 3ft pretty short but and on the shorter side of her race
Glasses or contacts: Nope just a cool ass blindfold and no it's not for BDSM
Consider herself attractive: Nope, not at all. SHes surprised if someone likes her in that way.
Sense of humor: Both dark and sexual but at the same time dad jokes as much as possible. Also random improv she comes up with on the spot, which is slightly me
What mood are they in most often: THe mood of trying to figure out how something works
What angers them: Hurting children, hurting the party, destroying art and machines, using others to your own gain, rape, slavery
Outlook on life: “Life is full of twists and turns. There is never bad without good. Take your time and really think about what you do, but don't forget to also just let go and go wild every now and then.
What makes them sad or depressed: THinking of their family/ friends being gone, children with no home, Mocha growing up alone.
Greatest weakness: Turning the mind against them/ lack of belief in herself and that she is not responsible for the world.
Greatest strength: Open mind and somewhat open heart.
Something they regret: not letting them self grieve for pax in a different way than hunting them down and screwing the world.
Biggest accomplishment: Having a kid
Hope for the future: open an orphanage and continue helping the Fucks make the world at least a little brighter.
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ordinarykeys · 5 years ago
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Some dnd folk from twitter!
I’ll add little snipit bios in the read more if you’re interested!
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First up we got! 
Solomon Savage: NPC Sorcerer fire genasi! A potion seller that uses his wild magic to create some potions that buff the player but could have some odd and sometimes inconvenient side effects. These potions are called Savage Surge and they are definitely not a drug. Yes this is Sol from @lava-bros
Sliver: NPC/PC Cleric goblin! He use to be an NPC from when I ran the game but it got picked up by another player so I turned this goblin that got kidnapped by the group early on and just sort of hung out into someone useful! Thanks to the help of the Raven queen he begrudgingly he heals people and now owns a university. Good for him.
Cerebus: NPC Monk tabaxi! She was an NPC for a circus campaign that was picked up by a player again because I can come up with concepts but CAN’T EXECUTE. She's has very little grasp of common and will forget a lot of key words. So she writes stuff down on her hands to remember certain things, but she does a lot of punching it gets smeared a lot.
Barry Waffles: NPC/PC Paladin human! From the same campaign as Sliver, I would sometimes jump back and forth between these two because Waffles was a pretty major NPC when I was DM that stuck around with the group. He’s a very nervous boi who tries to defuse confrontation without fighting. But he's also a strong boy who will crush a skull with a hammer if a bitch is being really mean. He loves his friends and family so much and will cry about it.
Piper: NPC, Fighter firbolg! IT’S POM FROM @askboompom WITH A GUN. THAT’S IT. IT’S JUST POM. I GAVE HER A GUN.
Lyra Masterflaw: PC, Wizard/Cleric aasimar! Local teenage wizard that leaks bright light from their eyes and mouth. They try their best but man they sure fuck up a lot. They got a DARK TROUBLING PAST involving an angel, and resulting into some hijinks*, but they just want to go to college and be smart. *hijinks = occasionally being taken over by a furious angel harboring inside them that wants nothing more than revenge and justice.
Trouble: PC/NPC, Rogue tiefling! He just wants to make friends but he’s really good at killing so he took it up as a living and now he kinda regrets it because no one really wants to be friends with a mutant bug assassin. :C He’s got two moms that love him tho and he loves them so goddamn much.
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lillianabluejeans · 5 years ago
Lilliana Bluejeans: A Summary
I probably should’ve started with a post like this when I made the blog, but I’m doing it now, so here’s some general information on The Baby. This is kind of long and mostly about her relationship with her family because I have Thoughts
Imagine Lup
Now imagine Barry
Now imagine their physical features combined into one Precious Girl
That’s Lilliana. 
She’s one of those kids where the answer to “which parent does she look like?” is “whichever one she’s standing next to at the time.” 
From the way that I personally imagine Lup and Barry, Lilliana’s got sort of light brown hair and golden eyes. 
She’s shorter than both Lup and Barry because I need her to be small in Mom Hugs and Dad Hugs just because of where I am, personally, as a human being right now.
Class, adventuring skills, whatever you wanna call it. 
Keep in mind that I don’t know Anything about how dnd works really so if she’s way too OP don’t @ me. Her whole family is overpowered so she can be too. 
She’s a ranger, mainly
She’s also got a raven that she got from the Raven Queen’s flock of cool sorta-dead magic Astral Plane ravens that she named Queenie.
She also knows wizard magic, considering there are five different wizards in her family, two of which are her parents
She also knows some bard magic because Kravitz is/was a bard and taught it to her
Magnus taught her melee fighting
Carey taught her to be sneaky and pick a lock and the like
I first came up with Lilli because I was soft for mom Lup. I’ve got this one lup lives au where she and Barry run into each other early on into the 10-year redaction and fall in love, then Barry dies in phandolyn during podcast time and Lup becomes a reclaimer with thb
Then I was like. Lup should have a kid. 
So I gave her one. 
She’s Mama. She loves her baby girl so much. She would do anything for her
I’ve got this one headcanon that Lup loves kids. She adores them and has always kind of wanted one. It was a thing like, “one day when I’m older and Taako and I are rich and successful and we don’t have to worry about anything anymore, I’m going to have me some kids and they’re going to be the most loved kids on the planet and they’ll never have to worry about anything like Taako and I did.” 
Basically all I’ve got is that she loves and adores her baby so much and would do anything to protect her and make sure she’s happy and loved and comfortable. 
She would throw the entire rest of her family off a cliff if it meant saving Lilli (they’d all do the same ngl)
Love that denim boy
That bluejeans man
I’ve written some of Lilli and Barry’s relationship twice now and I love them
Barry gives the best hugs, he’s very good at comforting her when she’s sad or scared or upset (Lup is very good at this too, Barry just gives very very good hugs) 
He loves his little girl 
She’s everything to him and he’d destroy anyone who would dare harm her
Also in the context of the original au for which Lilli was made, just imagine Barry, post-phandolyn, a lich with all his memories, realizing he found Lup and they fell in love again (more like realized they were still in love) and now they’ve got a baby girl (she’s like 5 in podcast time)
Papa Barry. Dad Barry. He loves his daughter more than anything and wants to do the best he can by her
Taako is her favourite uncle despite what the things I’ve written so far might suggest
oncl n neese
Taako already has a soft spot for kids (see: Angus) and the fact that Lilli is Lup’s baby just amps that up
He loves his niece so goddamn much 
Most of these are just going to be about how much Lilli’s family loves her
Taako wants to make sure she’s taken care of 
He’ll cook pretty much anything for her
He teaches her how to cook and he teaches her magic
When she was real little, like still pretty much a baby, sometimes she’d think Taako was Lup and she would insist on calling him Mama no matter how many times he’d tell her that he’s not Mama. 
I’ve already covered Lilliana and Kravitz’s relationship twice now (and I’m working on a third *eyes emoji*)
Kravitz was a little apprehensive when Lup and Barry first made the Announcement and when Lilli was first born, but then Lilli’s first word was Kravitz and Kravitz was like Guess I’ll Do Anything For You Now
He’ll do LITERALLY anything for her
He can’t say no to her
At all
He’s tried
He’s a weak, weak man and he will give Lilliana anything she asks for. 
Lup and Barry are aware of this weakness, they just don’t know the extent of Lilliana’s asking.
He loves Lilli so much
She’s his baby too, in a way (and Taako’s baby, but you get me)
He’s the fun uncle, as was established in one of the two Kravitz & Lilli fics
Basically I love them and Kravitz loves his niece so much
Aunt Lucretia. Auntie Lucy.
She tells Lilliana so many stories, real and made up
Most of my Family Content was for the first four, but Lucretia and Lilli are buds
When Lilli is young she gave Lucretia a drawing she (Lilli) made of the IPRE crew and herself, in that way little kids do, and Lucretia straight up frames is and puts it with the IPRE family portrait she made during the beach cycle
There’s been a small snippet of uncle Magnus already
Magnus is a disaster uncle and I love him
When she’s little he does that thing where he’ll toss her up in the air and catch her again
She gets some REAL airtime and it’s her favourite game
Grandpa Merle is………..well. he’s Merle
She definitely does Extreme Teen Adventures when she’s the right age
Merle loves her a whole bunch
For that lup lives au, Lilli is what prompts Merle to reconnect with Mavis and Mookie
Obviously in canon-universe, he already has, but he’s a little nervous when she’s first a little baby cause he didn’t get a ton of experience with his own kids as babies
But he’s great 
He loves the baby
Grandpa Merle
Grandpa Dav is cool as hell
He travels all over the place and has so many cool stories
He collects little trinkets and things from the places he stops at and explores
He takes her out on his boat too sometimes and they have themselves a whole lot of fun
Okay so Angus is a little complicated and here’s why
Their age difference fluctuates between what context I’m thinking about
Lup lives au? It’s like five years, and he’s kind of a brother/cousin type of figure
Canon taz universe, it’s like 12 years, and so I think that puts him in more of an uncle position, which I don’t think is worse or anything, I’m just saying
Then I have another au I’m working on it’s like 7 years and he’s her big brother and she literally grew up with him
But in any context, he’ll sit with her and read books to her 
He reads her his Caleb Cleveland novels and she gets very good at guessing the who the bad guy is
Long story short, I love Lilli and her family and feel free to send in any questions you've got 👀👀
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ranjxtul · 5 years ago
one of my favourite dnd characters ever is this vampire blood cleric of the raven queen i have for many reasons, and i created her purely by accident. like i never intended to be a part of this campaign but it happened in a split decision and i love this character so much. i love her because of her contradictory nature and because of her name. she’s contradictory because she’s an undead who worships the raven queen and subverts what the raven queen is and what she stands for and her name is westra which was an an unintentional nod to lucy wenstra in dracula and god playing her is so much fun. her backstory is one of sadness, yes, she lost her wife to first disease but ultimately a vampire, and had a stalker who turned her into a vampire, but it’s also wrought with her horrible grief and decisions. she murdered people in her new undead state and felt absolutely no remorse because she was so consumed with everything she felt and so reckless as she was in nature. then it was divine intervention from the raven queen who scorned her and tried to calm her and remind her her wife was at peace and that was what made her want to devote her life to this deity. so her arc is redemption, yes, but it’s also one of pain because she wants to be with her wife still and she doesn’t know how to process it well and she really only has one friend, and she has at one point prayed to the raven queen angry because when she got misted in combat she didn’t die. and man I’m just so invested in playing this character and her story and the other characters in the campaign as well, especially her one aforementioned friend, a gnome wizard in the party. like this is a completey arbitrary tirade but I’m having feelings about my girl westra.
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ohsweetflips · 6 years ago
Im trying to think of questions bc i love these children but i cant so just. Yell about them? What are they like when theyre in fantasy higj school? What are their friends like? Do carey and killian slay at the pta meetings? Do they go to taakos school? What shenanigans do they get away with? What shenanigans DONT they get away with? This is all important information
i somehow forgot to mention this in the original post but johann, a dragonborn, is super purple and, despite being small as a baby/kid, he grows up to be, like, six and a half feet tall. noelle, an orc, was the taller of the two until johann was in his teens (he’s two years older than noelle) but she’s still over six feet tall and an absolute powerhouse
they all tower over carey and it’s not even like carey is incredibly short (i picture her at, like, 5′7), she’s just in a house full of giants
it’s obvious, as the kiddos get older, to see which of their family members had more of an influence on them than others (besides carey and killian bc both moms can be seen in the kids). johann is good at things “accidentally” ending up in his room (or his pockets). noelle loves to garden and seems to have a bit of an affinity for it. johann, despite not always gearing towards academia, loves to write. noelle can wield an axe with the best of them. davenport actually helped out with teaching johann how to drive (wagons, obvi, and totally not fantasy cars), and eventually taught him how to captain a boat, too. barry lets noelle in on all his scientific studies and he even shows her some of his necromantic studying, though that’s their little secret from kravitz.
also there’s def more little ways of seeing all the birds +co. in the kiddos, this is just 1) the first time i’m actually able to develop these kids outside of my own head, and 2) this is currently just me rattling off whatever i can think of rn
they’re both kinda jocks in fantasy high school, and then noelle also falls into the nerd category while johann is, like, a three-way cross between jock/prep/goth. also noelle is absolutely the one studying for exams while running on a treadmil
i don’t have a huge mental spreadsheet on their friends, but i can def say that the sweet flips household is practically a second home to all of their friends!!! as the kids get older, it’s common for at least one friend to always be sleeping over bc their house just radiates warmth and love.
johann does have a serious boyfriend when he’s 17 (and older) though!!! he’s a gnome and, okay, originally this was a normal dnd oc for me and i was making fun of my own shitty naming conventions so i just said that his name was “guy” but let’s just say, in this fiction, “guy” is short for something ajksjkdjkf. but yeah he’s a gnome and his class is barbarian and he can wield a huge axe (beefy gnome) and, again, still developing a lot of this fiction i’ve made in my head, but the way i kinda see johann and guy working out is that, like, they’re both pretty Up There people and super loud and bold and, to make a reference, very “rushing in” type of people? guy in a more “magnus” way, and johann in a very “holy shit i didn’t think this through but now it’s too late to bail” way. but, together? they almost calm each other down and they’re quiet and peaceful with each other and, it’s not that they tire each other out or bore each other, but it’s more so the fact that they don’t feel the need to be all ���out there” most of the time. and for johann, guy kinda gives him the chance to actually just relax? like, he was a super shy kid, and while he did “grow out of it,” he sometimes feels that introversion again so, instead of overcompensating and forcing himself to be super uppity, guy lets him just relax.
the entire family loves guy but he was absolutely terrified to meet all of them because “johann i don’t know how else to tell you this, but it’s kinda intimidating when your boyfriend’s family consists of the most important people in the world”
**the boyfriend’s name is so subject to change, i’m just shit at naming
oh they absolutely dominate the pta. carey is more so the mom who brings stuff in for, like, bake sales and shit like that (with the help of taako and lup because “guys you don’t understand, i need to be better than helen or else i will never hear the end of it”). they’re both the super intimidating parents when people mess with their kids. carey more so on the “i can rob you blind and you would have no evidence to prove it” spectrum. killian on the “i have very big arms and an even bigger crossbow but, oh yeah, do that again” spectrum
johann goes to taako’s school (which taako loves bc johann thinks the dueling is hysterical and he’s actually a pretty good student and also ren is one of johann’s favorite teachers/administrators). noelle goes to lucas’s school and taako will forever be offended
taako, every time he sees noelle after she enrolls: betrayed by my own flesh and blood
noelle: uncle taako, lucas’s school just had the program i-
taako: i am DONE with all of your EXCUSES
later on, though, taako ends up having a two hour chat with the both of them, asking them how school is going and if they need any help
taako is a softie for these kids but he also has a reputation to uphold
shenanigans they do get away with: lup teaching johann and noelle minor evocation spells (like firebolt and dancing lights), letting tres horny boys + sloane and hurley take them for a safe ride in a battle wagon, they once somehow convened with the raven queen and istus and pan and to this day no one knows how but no one ever said that they couldn’t do it, sneaking out (because both killian and carey know when they’re sneaking out, since carey is super rogue and killian was used to sneaking herself and her sisters out when they were younger)
shenanigans they absolutely do not get away with: barry showing noelle a bunch of necromantic ritual circles, davenport letting johann captain a boat when he’s ten, johann illusioning a door and “come get y’alls juice”-ing noelle, noelle supplexing johann across the house, lup teaching them firebolt, johann hotwiring a battlewagon and noelle driving the both of them an hour out of the city to go see a show (“you two could have asked for permission. we would have said yes.” “yeah but where’s the teenage rebellion in that.”)
tbh i’m an only child so i never know how my sibling dynamic stuff comes across, but i try pulling from the dynamic i have with my two cousins (who are basically like my older and younger brothers) and also i just really dig siblings being best friends, like, maybe that’s the “i kinda really wish i had siblings” thing in me but akjsjkdkjfkj
i thought up team sweet flips’ kids and im low key taking questions abt them
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dearsheroozle · 5 years ago
For the d&d asks: 3-8, 31, 40
oh hey there! sorry about the delay. i been at work and then i was cuddling my baby kitten boy so this was...put on the backburner. again, so sorry. i really wanted to do this earlier.
dnd asks
this got long, so under the cut!
3. What two feats would you have? Next ASI I will definitely be having my character take Sentinel. Because opportunity attacks and DON’T LEAVE MY SIGHT, BITCH. But I really like Prodigy as well. Feats that work great mechanically and flavor-wise. That’s best of both worlds, babey!
4. What has been your favorite d&d character you've played? (NPCs count for DMs) I’ve played only one character so far in a campaign, which is Llyr, my half-elf Ancients Paladin (who just took one level in Archfey Warlock). I love her. She deserves good things. And she has a cool sword!!! Though, I really, really loved playing my lore bard/divine soul sorcerer Eirian for a one-shot. But I’d been wanting to play a bard for a long time.
5. Which of your d&d characters has been the most like you? Oh, probably still Llyr. I put a lot of myself into her, because that’s the easiest thing to do when creating a character... just draw from personal experiences! It’s not exactly emulating, but there are definite parallels. Physically quite different, but there are similar life experiences. The extreme of what I aspire to be, sometimes.
6. Which of your d&d characters has been the least like you? Hmm... Don’t think it counts if I didn’t technically make them, but Adrie (arcane archer) and Evie (swashbuckler rogue) are probably the least like me? Adrie has absolutely no shame or sense of secondhand embarrassment, and Evie is just... I think THE lowest wisdom character I’ve ever played? That was...hilarious... She walked right into fire.
7. How do you go about making a character or NPC? Uhhh. A lot of whining at my DM, tbqh. “Help me! Tell me what to do, PLEASE.” I usually have like very sporadic ideas that are entirely not cohesive, and tying them together is a whole Thing. So I ask people and talk through it and eventually ideas spring forth that aren’t quite terrible and I roll with it. The character develops as I play. Sometimes I like being given a couple Key Character Traits and building off of those. I’m still working on improving my approach, honestly. It’s... a process.
8. What is the most memorable natural 20 you've ever experienced? I think it still has to be the nat20 I rolled for Llyr to eavesdrop on another party member who was talking to her (ex???) girlfriend. It sounds bad. But, listen, the party was sitting in CAGES. We were KIDNAPPED. She had to know if we could trust this person. Anyways. Then she telepathically relayed everything she heard to another party member through the ring of telepathy and unfortunately misconstrued many, many things. Heh. I don’t remember many others tbh. Or if I do, I’m not sure if I’m remembering them accurately. Welp.
31. Tell me about your current party! Oh, boy. Well, SK5 (Saturday Knight Five. Yes. That’s what we’re officially called. Because we play on Saturdays and there’s Five of us) is made up of my ancients paladin/archfey warlock Llyr Pelydryn (half-elf), beastmaster ranger/rogue/grave cleric Mazithra (called Maz, shifter, played by @pensandperoxides), shadow monk/death cleric Ja’el Willow (half-elf, played by @dubcliq), wild magic sorcerer Erimenthea (sometimes called Minty, halfling, played by @hippoimonokerata), and lore bard Eldon Bushgather (halfling, played by @rincewindschest). Honorable fucking mention to Rubbish, Maz’s raccoon companion. The MVP, honestly. And a special, special shout-out to our DM (helmed by @amiphobic). For, uh, putting up with us. We’re disasters. But we’re trying. Well, most of the time. Currently on a quest to stop some fuckening cults from destroying the world. Yeesh. And none of us are straight, so jot that down.
40. What d&d deity would you be a cleric of? God, what a question. Llyr is a paladin of Caer Ibormeith, a homebrew goddess based on some Welsh lore. (Thanks Jem!) She’s the goddess of dreams in our campaign, and her clerics would probably be light or grave domain. She’s not official or super strong or anything, but it would maybe be interesting to play from the perspective of a cleric under her guidance one day. Kind of like what Liam O’Brien did with Vax and Lieve’tel for the Raven Queen, yeah?
anyways, thanks a bunch for the questions! it was a lot more challenging to answer than i expected!
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silly-litttle-writer · 6 years ago
I’m doing my own fan fiction because DnD are fucking stupid. Part One bitches.
Dany rolled around, snuggling up to the body next to her. She smiled to herself as her eyes fluttered open to see Jon. His curly black hair was messy and in his face, he looked peaceful and handsome like a finely made sculpture. She brought her hand up to his face, pushing his raven locks out of his face causing his eyes to flutter open.
Dark brown eyes met violet ones as they subconsciously smiled at one another. Jon leaned in, kissing her gently yet passionately causing Dany to smile against his lips. They separated just barely, their lips still softly touching as they laughed quietly.
Dany sighed contently and then sighed irritably once she heard the bells that signified that they had reached land. They had reached Winterfell. Jon gave her a look that said he didn’t want to get up, allowing himself to linger a bit longer before getting up out of bed. Dany rose up after him grabbing a white dress and coat, dressing in extra thick layers to protect herself from the cold. She could already feel it, even now from inside the boat and she had begun to miss the warmth Jon emitted.
Jon came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her, placing a kiss on her bare neck. Dany giggled and turned her head to face him, kissing him softly once more before finishing getting dressed as Jon walked up to the deck without her. Dany went down to Missandei’s cabin, knocking softly on the door.
Dany called and listened closely as she heard curses and loud thumps. She then moved back as the door opened abruptly to show Greyworm, he was dressed but his armor was on sloppily like he was rushed. Dany smirked a bit as Greyworm bowed and rushed away. Missandei wrung her hands nervously as Dany walked over and sat on the bed next to her.
“Braid my hair, would you?”
Dany simply asked as Missandei obliges of course, taking the soft white locks into her nimble fingers and braiding them expertly.
“I see you and Greyworm have become quite close, is that what you were going to tell me at Dragonstone?”
“Yes, my queen. We’ve reached that point in our relationship.”
Dany smiled.
“I’m happy for you two.”
“Thank you.”
Missandei said as she wrapped the braides around one another, making it a bun and then pinning it up so it wouldn’t fall.
“There you are, my queen.”
Dany smiled and turned to face her friend.
“Shall we go and see what it looks like?”
Missandei nodded and both women got up and went to the deck of the ship. The sight before Dany caused her breath to catch in her throat. Her violet eyes scanned the beautiful snow land in front of her, the forests were black, covered in beautiful perfectly white snow. Snowflakes danced along the wind like petals in the spring and the ice glittered like diamonds against the sunlight.
Dany looked up upon hearing the earsplitting screeching of her dragons. She smiled with pride as they flew gracefully through the clouds, twirling and twisting, playing with one another. They really seemed like children in the sky as Dany watched them. Dany looked over to see that Jon had been watching her expression the entire time, she felt her ears go a bit hot upon noticing. Jon chuckled a bit and nodded towards the lands.
“What do you think?”
“It’s beautiful.”
“You think so? I didn’t expect you to say that.”
“Did you expect me to say it was ugly, barren?”
Dany places her hand on top of his.
“I can’t wait to see Winterfell. I hope the northmen aren’t too angry at your bending of the knee.”
“I’m sure they won’t be, once they figure out the kind of person you are. Once they see you like I do.”
Dany felt her heart swell at his words, she never thought she’d like someone this much. No, she never thought she’d love someone this much. She was happy, truly happy for the moment. She wished it would stay this way but they had a war, the war to win. They might die, many of her men would probably die, suddenly the happiness was plagued with a bit of fear. Perhaps Tyrion was right, perhaps she should choose a successor in case she doesn’t survive. But at the same time the thought angered her a bit, she was queen, she didn’t like someone else becoming queen before she could.
They reached the shore and began their ride to Winterfell, Dany rose up onto a white horse with great ease. They went forward, her dothraki and unsullied following after her.
Once they arrived at Winterfell Dany couldn’t help but notice the suspicious looks she was getting. She expected this, she expected that they wouldn’t trust her. She was a foreign invader, at least in their minds but their looks didn’t hurt her any less. She knew logically that no one was just going to follow her, her brother was foolish enough to believe that they would and a small part of her couldn’t help but wish the same. The screeching of dragons came again as they flew over head, she looked up and smiled once more. Her attention shifted to her two beautiful children, her smile faded as she looked back at the wary northmen’s faces.
Dany messed with her reigns nervously and Jon must of noticed her change in attitude. He approached her and leaned forward to look her in the eyes.
“Don’t worry, give them time. I’m here beside you, no one will do anything as long as I’m here.”
He smiled, hoping to assuage her worries and he managed to give her a bit of relief but her nervousness did not settle. Dany noticed a girl at the very end with gorgeous fiery red hair and striking blue eyes. Jon got off his horse and went up to the girl, hugging her closely. She must be his sister, Dany thought as she followed his lead and got off her horse and approached the girl. Jon separated and introduced the girl.
“This is Sansa Stark, my sister.”
Dany smiled as she said.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, you’re quite beautiful. Just as Jon said.”
Sansa’s striking blue eyes examined the dragon queen, perhaps trying to figure out if she had ulterior motives. Jon then moved back to Dany.
“This is Daenerys Targaryen, our queen.”
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soothinghymn · 6 years ago
DND ASKS, 6, 8, 13 (I know I know your parties but how would you ~introduce~ them👀)
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
I mean, Ulfgar was a good one because of the emotional impact it immediately had, not only on the characters, but on the players as well… even with the meme bombardment that followed lol.I’m still not over that Gauth either, for obvious reasons (i.e. Cal killed the Gauth. With Inflict Wounds. At 3rd level. When the Gauth had 1 HP left).
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
Pretty much every time the party’s encountered Strahd in CoS has been really, really fun. All the nonsense with the Yuan-ti we ko’d and then ferried back alive in the homebrew was amazing. Oh, and the Waterdeep crew facing off against that drow assassin in a back alley was great, because:DM: And then they pull out a gun–All the players: they WHAT
13. Introduce your current party.
For CoS: Alright so there’s Alecto, a yuan-ti blood cleric who likes painting, is older than she looks, and is out to get Strahd; Zavir, a Vistani lore bard who has some baggage regarding her family and Vistani leadership (signs point to Strahd having a close relationship with her brother); and Henri, a lycan blood hunter (human) with werewolf existential angst and a blatant disregard for their own safety, who just wants to purge evil (i.e. Strahd) from the world.
For Waterdeep: We got Nahari, a tiefling rogue involved with what is basically the mafia; Marin, a triton celestial warlock involved with what is basically the cops (yes, this has caused some issues as you can imagine lmao); Chappy, a warforged monk who was uh…….. originally dormant as a coat rack in the Yawning Portal (don’t ask); Souris, a halfling druid who runs an herbalist shop and does work with farmers on the city outskirts; and Swish (me), a young kenku wizard who lives with an ambiguously powerful aasimar wizard named Aserra, who’s in league with some sort of mage’s guild…? I can’t remember any of the Waterdeep faction names I am so sorry
For the homebrew: Arila, a young tiefling and great old one warlock, precious cinnamon roll, has been the least forthcoming about her backstory out of anyone in the party; Lana, a tiefling glamour bard and courtesan who’s been a close friend and mom figure to Arila and has been bonding with my boy Cal more and more too; Aidan, a fire genasi rogue, the only party member with a not-tragic backstory, who’s trying to find out more about who they are and also coping with some traumatic death/near-death experiences, which has led to a forming bond with Cal; Bal (Balinor), a dragonborn barbarian who seems to be involved with some shady folks and has done espionage work, likes hanging out in bars; Thenara, a goliath paladin to Ilmater with a fucking AWESOME magic (cursed?) sword and a mysterious wound on her heart; and Cal (Callister) (me) (see pic here), a drow grave domain cleric to the Raven Queen who makes a lot of references to the fact that he died once and also gets really worked up and starts blabbing about devils any time Arila does basically anything 👀. He is suspiciously well-informed about the multiverse and its many planes.
This turned out SO LONG AAAAAAAAAA
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