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level100pinsir-blog · 6 years ago
Biggest NPC
Lich using the spell “Aumvor's Fragmented Fhylactery“ having all 206 bones from his original body functioning as separate phylacteries hidden around the world. He should live somewhere secluded like deep underground, even far under the Underdark.
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level100pinsir-blog · 6 years ago
NPCs of Calx
Ingward - “The greatest wizard in all of Calx” introduces himself as a Lich, though just about any PC will easily dismiss his claim as the skeletons of Calx are unable to cast magic and he is obviously just a nerd in a robe. He spends the majority of his time in his home that he took the time to construct into the shape of what someone would imagine an old rickety wizard tower to appear to be. His collection of books and knowledge on how all forms of magic function is nearly flawless, but any inaccuracy in his knowledge will only be accepted by a spell caster that has impressed him. Ingward wishes more than anything to be able to cast magic. A party willing to part with a wand or magic ring would be the best company he could possibly ask for and only has knowledge and living space for trade as his home is large. He fears necromancers, as he had read horrific tales of these powerful spell casters controlling vast armies of his kind effortlessly and skeletons eternally enslaved mindlessly.
Eygone - “Captain Eygone, I think.” This skeleton walks with a crutch as he is missing his right leg above the knee. He says that he does not remember anything from his life, but that he had a compass in a backpack when he came to Calx originally. According to Ingward, a missing limb and a compass must mean that he must have been some sort of pirate in life. Eygone is polite and outspoken but tries to put on a facade of being a gruff swashbuckler, though not very successfully.His bones are etched with symbolism of the sea and wears bandit leathers and an eye patch over an inconsistent eye socket. Eygone seeks to grow more into the rough customer he aspires to be, perhaps a local leader. He has a fear of his other leg being destroyed or otherwise taken.
Hodrick - A musician, a bard in life. Carries a lute and plays it at all times. He also sings and claims that he believes he was also a fantastic flute player. There are no flutes in entirety of the city of Calx. If a PC provides Hodrick with a flute, it will become clear that a skeleton is unable to play a flute due to a lack of lungs and lips. He will insist that the instrument is broken, even if the PC demonstrates it is indeed functional. He dresses in typical bardic clothing and will enthusiastically offer to play a private show for any PC free of charge, eager to show off his practiced arts. Hodrick wishes to see the world, but is well aware he knows he is unable to leave Calx to tour far and wide.He has a fear of people not thinking he is “cool” or “with it”.
Farron - Closest to a “king” of Calx. Serves the city by knowing everyone in the city. Works almost at all hours welcoming new citizens to Calx and introducing them to their new home. Bones are charred black cosmetically and he dresses himself as a parody of a king, as though he only could guess how a king would dress from fairy tales. He is comfortable and content with his day to day and has a deep love for gems and valuables since the majority of the city cares not for jewels and gold. His residence is gaudy and filled with gold and gems. He does his best to make sure everyone in the city knows exactly who he is and how important he is. He has a deep seated fear of being forgotten. He will avoid questions about what happens to undead who commit crimes or otherwise do not step in line in peace. He carries a concealed wand of Turn Undead with five charges that recharges every sunset.
Tark - Sheriff
Vamos - The only Dwarven skeleton in all of Calx. Nobody is certain how he was able to accomplish the pilgrimage.He spends his days endlessly smithing weapons until he is runs out of workable material, at which time he melts down all of the arms he has created and starts all over again. He keeps mostly to himself, trying to perfect his craft and not caring to have his focus spoiled. He wishes to expand and learn to make grander, more exotic weapons. He fears becoming bored, as he worries that once he has created a set of perfectly smithed weapons with the material he has, he will not be able to improve anymore. “Eternal boredom? That would spoil my focus.”
Cromwell - Explosives enthusiast of Calx that lives in a small wooden hovel with no neighbors. His bones have an iron bone enchantment that makes him resistant to explosive damage. His personality can be compared to an eccentric old hermit. He is missing his jawbone but is still able to communicate without problems. He is blissfully unaware of the danger explosions are to living creatures and will be enthusiastic to show off his experiments to travelers. He fears the city will eventually shut down his work and insist that he cease his research. He wants most to get the others to love explosions as much as he does.
Rosabeth - Upper class dinner party host
Strowen - Skeleton who believes he is alive
Lenigrast - Scumbag
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level100pinsir-blog · 6 years ago
The Undead City of Calx
The city of Calx is an enormous city surrounded by vast mountains, believed to be impossible to traverse by any mortal. It in within this cradle of rock and storms that the dead have developed their own civilization where they live in harmony with one another.
In this world, when a living human dies, something happens to them that does not happen to any other race. The next time the sun sets after a human being has died, their bodies are reanimated and they begin their pilgrimage toward the City of Calx. This undead body retains fragments of the knowledge and memories from the life they lived, but are mostly viewed as a brand new life form and unrelated to the original human being who passed.
The undead will walk (or run, depending on personality), towards the City of Calx without rest. Their decaying flesh and garments will mostly be torn from their bones as the journey is long and not intended for any living creature to survive. Blistering heat, subzero chills, and a never ending blizzard ensures that curious explorers never see the legendary resting place of the dead, at least with their living eyes.
How the living view this depends entirely on the culture. Some more spiritual groups and civilizations will see the pilgrimage as another stage of life and would hold ceremonies for the departing corpse. Things such as giving the body a backpack with personal items or some money is not uncommon. It is also not uncommon for the corpse to share a moment of clarity with their close family and friends before departing forever, leaving behind their identity. There is of course, the possibility for a culture that is narrow minded in the way they view undead to see this as a curse on humanity as a whole and will simply burn or otherwise completely destroy any human bodies they encounter that have died. They would view it as a way to preserve a human’s dignity. This would be most common with highly religious groups that have a very absolute view of undead.
The city of Calx itself is sprawling, many city blocks that intertwine and give off a very “organized chaos” appearance. Upon first glance, someone may compare the civilization to an overpopulated mega city. However, this could not be further from the truth. Due to the lack of mortality, disease, sleep, and physical pleasure, the skeletal residents of Calx spend their eternities pursuing those things they never had the time for in life. The arts and sciences are extraordinary, almost every citizen speaks at least four languages. Some play games of strategy or mental fortitude that can last for decades. It would not be strange to find two citizens in town simply standing on their heads for a century challenging each other to see who could maintain it the longest.
There is a guard force and a wall built around Calx. These guards are unpaid and do it simply because that is what they choose to be. They would not be aggressive towards anyone approaching the city but would be curious how any living creature could possibly survive the journey.
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