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tasty-ideas-by-natali · 2 years ago
Невероятно сочная и вкусная Буженина из свинины в духовке! Весь секрет в...
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erkekadaminmutfakrehberi · 5 years ago
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Fırında kuru kayısılı kuzu incik: Yıllarca Anadoluda yaşadım, Anadolu mutfağının kuzu eti konusundaki büyüsüne hayranım. En sevdiğim tariflerden birisi. 4 adet kuzu incik iyice ısınmış tavada bütün yüzleri kızarana kadar mühürlenir. Bir fırın kabına alınan etlerin üzerine kabukları soyulup kavrulmuş badem, kuru kayısı, keyfinize göre baharat ve tuz atılır. Kabın üzeri alüminyum folyo ile kapatılır 200 derecede önceden ısıtılmış fırında etler kemiklerden sıyrılmaya başlayana kadar 1.5-2 saat pişirilir. Afiyet olsun. #goodfood #foodshot #food #foodphoto #stilllife #foodstyling #food52 #bakedlambshank #lambshank #kuzuincik #fırındakuzuincik #bakedmeat #meatinoven #homemade #homebakedmeal #meal #dinner #evyapımı #evyemeği #homecook #selfcook #ovencooked #ovenmeal (İzmir, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-z1q-yA6bR/?igshid=1wplnf39cnz0q
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foodleasure · 5 years ago
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🍽 Duck Breast & Dauphinoise 👌 _____ #duckbreast #duckmeat #mashpotatoes #smashedpotatoes #tenderduck #foodprnshare #meatporn #bakedpotatoes #spicypotatoes #🥩 #poftabuna #herbs #meatsauce #redmeat #friedmeat #chillipepper #🦆 #bakedmeat #spices #homemadefood #homemaderecipe #dauphinoise #tendermeat #realduckmeat #bestmeatintown #duckrecipe #🥔 #friedduck #goldenpotatoes #meatrecipes (at Manger) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8pPFWSFHrB/?igshid=1ropo2i7p727c
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therealyhvonne · 7 years ago
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Today marks 2 weeks since I fully began my jumpstart journey and I couldn’t be prouder!!! Got 45mins of Cardio in last night & I felt GREAT. 2 weeks down & 2-4 weeks to go. It was gonna be a 6 week program but if I continue at this rate I’ll be at my goal (BMI weight) in 2 weeks or less!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Click the link in my bio to follow my story on Tumblr or wait for the full length video coming to my YouTube channel in a few weeks! Thanks & God bless us all. #myjumpstartjourney #nevergiveup #youcandoit #1wayoranother #realisticresults #human #1dayatatime #water #sparklingwater #gatorade #bakedmeats #greenveggies #organiceverything #fitlife #itsalifestylenotadiet #dedication #motivation #myway #consistency #lose30lbsfree #healthyeating #human #notperfect #houston #kingwood #texas 😘✌🏽 - @vicki_ve #closeyourrings + #fitfood = #fitchicks (at Saf-T-Box)
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lovingpizzacrown-blog · 7 years ago
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No není to sexy? #dinner #meat #bakedmeat #mustard #honey #takeyourtime #pomalupečenésláskoupodlévané #loveit #joyofhomecookedmeal #homecooked #sodelicious (v místě Strakonice, Czech Republic)
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slowsquirrel · 7 years ago
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#bakedmeat #cheese #запеченноемясо #belarusianfood #homecooking
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#goodafternoon #barbecue #bakedmeat --> #boatarde Xameguins 😍💐 (ARRASTE O DEDIN P VER MAIS UM PÔKIN 👉🏻) Dos melhores #dons q #Deus me deu #cozinharcomamor Porque Proteína é minha maior fonte de Prazer Alimentício.Minha Tara!😋Troco facin facin por qqr massa😍E se for na brasa torou dentro!🙃🤗😋🤣🤣 #jullyespelhodavaidade #apresentadoradetv #churrascorustico #labaredasdefogo #natalrn #nordeste #riograndedonorte #altagadtronomia no #sertão #baixagastronomia #churras #gurudopovo #youtuber #youtube #Youtubebrasil (em Jully Churrasco)
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tasty-ideas-by-natali · 2 years ago
БОЖЕСТВЕННО вкусно! Просто завернула МЯСО в пергамент и запекла. Сочное ...
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foodleasure · 5 years ago
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🍽 Pulled Pork Fries 👌 _____ #loadedfries #loaded #friesforlunch #junkfood #friesforbreakfast #quickmeals #friesparty #partywithfries #friesforlunch #friesfordinner #instafries #meatforbreakfast #friedmeat #bakedmeat #fastfoodaddict #junkfoodaddict #spicyfries #fastfoodgourmet #junkfoodtime #cheesyfries #easymeals #fastfoodtime #fastfoodart #jalapeno #sesame #bbqsauce #greenonion #🍟 #pulledpork #quickbites (à The Brothers) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8cHbeKlSvP/?igshid=81l8fu94tc0y
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healthyfoodbysara-blog · 8 years ago
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Запеченая жеребятина с костью и костным мозгом, по-якутски "силии". Очень вкусно получается, если вынуть ложкой силии, намазать на хлеб и добавить лука. 🍖🍖🍖 Baked horse meat with the bone and bone marrow, in yakut calked "silii". It's very tasty to scoop the bone marrow with the spoon, spread it on bread and add the onion and eat like sandwich. #bonemarrow #bakedmeat #steak #yakutianfood #yakutia #nocarbs #lowcarbdinner #костныймозг #запеченоемясо #силии #жеребятина #якутскаякухня #безуглеводов #углеводовнет #골수 #骨髓
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akagami94stuff · 5 years ago
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The Ultimate Dry Rub recipe. This is a great Dry Rub for ribs, for chicken, brisket, chicken wings, and more. Use this dry rub on any meat that you’re grilling, smoking, or cooking in the oven. #meats #spices #dryrub #spicemix #grilling #bakedmeats https://ift.tt/2GF9VHb
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therealyhvonne · 7 years ago
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Day 7s BREAKFAST & LUNCH. ⏩⏩⏩ #swipeleft #myjumpstartjourney #nevergiveup #youcandoit #1wayoranother #realisticresults #human #1dayatatime #water #sparklingwater #gatorade #bakedmeats #greenveggies #organiceverything #fitlife #itsalifestylenotadiet #dedication #motivation #myway #consistency #lose30lbsfree #healthyeating #human #notperfect #houston #kingwood #texas 😘✌🏽 - @vicki_ve #closeyourrings + #fitfood = #fitchicks (at Saf-T-Box)
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yuna-park-99 · 10 years ago
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Xóm này lúc nào cũng ăn với uống 😃🍢🍗 #picnic #bakedmeat #xomnhala #afterexamscelebration
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foodleasure · 5 years ago
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🍽 Chop with Mushrooms Sauce & Cabbage salad with Baby Carrots & Green Beans 👌 _____ #chop #porkchop #porkmeat #friedpork #grilledvegetables #whitecabbage #🥩 #🍖 #saucechampignons #🐷 #🐽 #grilledveggies #grilledfood #porkschnitzel #cabbagesalad #cabbage #freshsalad #bakedmeat #whitesalad #eatyourveggies #🍽 #�� #carrots #poftabuna #babycarrots #bakedveggies #bakedvegetables #porkforlunch #greenbeans #mushroomsauce (à Semplice Gourmet) https://www.instagram.com/p/B71xaCblIYd/?igshid=74iy75umfdcm
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healthyfoodbysara-blog · 8 years ago
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Запеченая в духовке жеребятина, на подушке из шпината со сливками. 🌿🌿🌿 Horse meat baked in the oven on a bed of spinach with cream. #bakedinoven #bakedmeat #spinach #spinachcream #lowcarbdinner #lowcarbdiet #paleodiet #жеребятина #запеченоемясо #шпинат #якутскаякухня #якутия #низкоуглеводка #палеорецепты #시금치 #菠菜
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