editorsusan · 12 years
For weeks, I've been bringing an apple; two celery stalks cut into bite-size pieces; a tiny Tupperware that holds about 1 tablespoon of peanut butter; and about a cup of baby carrots to munch on at work. Today, as I was swallowing a bite of carrot, I was suddenly hit with a chemical scent that reminded me of paint thinner. It was too late for me to spit out the carrot, and the odor wasn't wafting in the air (because no one else smelled it). So it must have been coming from the carrot. Ick.
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inspiredbysage · 2 years
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Not sure what Green Giant is doing but that’s the biggest damn baby carrot I’ve ever seen! #GreenGiant #BabyCarrots #WellSortof #Veggies #Foodie #Foodporn #vegetables #vegetarian #Superbowl #Party https://www.instagram.com/p/Cok6eF3JmUO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artificialqueens · 2 years
🎁 Holiday Fever (Crygi) for BabyCarrot - Gi
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by @thecollectionsof
A/N:  Summary: There was something about Crystal being sick that made Gigi extra affectionate. Not that she wasn’t affectionate before, but when Crystal was sick it seemed that Gigi’s whole purpose in life was to help Crystal feel better. And now that she's sick before the holidays, it seems like Gigi only gets more affectionate. Crystal's not sure what will get her first: the sweet pet names Gigi keeps calling her, or the fever that's keeping her in bed.
aka a gentle little crygi holiday sickfic <3 happy holidays!!
There was something about Crystal being sick that made Gigi extra affectionate. Not that she wasn’t affectionate before, but when Crystal was sick it seemed that Gigi’s whole purpose in life was to help Crystal feel better.
Crystal always hated being sick, but being doted on by her long term crush and roommate made her almost want to cling to it. It was worth the days of stuffy noses and heaving coughs and pounding headaches to get to see Gigi nudging her way into Crystal’s bedroom with a cup of tea and a gentle smile, or to hear her on facetime with her mom in the kitchen trying to make homemade soup (before eventually giving up and buying some. The thought was always very appreciated anyway.)
This time, it starts when Crystal wakes up with a sore throat. Not that Crystal would admit it, even though she has to fight back a wince every time she swallows, each breath coming in dry and painful—she despises getting sick, and it’s almost the holidays, anyway. If she can just hold on for a few more days she can go back to her parents’ house and mope in peace. She just has to finish up her finals before letting herself take time to rest. If she can just hold on a few more days, isolate herself from Gigi a bit, she can make sure that she doesn’t pass on whatever she has to the other girl, even if it means she misses out on studying for their exams together. Even if she has to miss getting distracted by Gigi as she pulls her hair into a slicked back ponytail multiple times throughout the night, and when she chews on the end of her pen, and the little triumphant smile she gets when she gets a problem right.
Just a few more days.
The days she spends holed up in her room are long and stressful, and she hates how Gigi seems to deflate when she turns down her suggestions to study together, but she keeps telling herself it’s for the best. Her sore throat subsides a bit, becoming an annoying ache, but she starts getting headaches, and it’s a particularly stressful morning before her last final that she wakes up with a fever. The day—and final—pass in a blur, and before she knows it she’s done for winter break, finally. All she has to do is get back home.
She walks home, wanting nothing more than to bury herself under her covers and never reappear. She's cold, her head is pounding, and she’s exhausted in a way that she usually only equates with pulling all nighters, even if she only woke up six hours ago.
Everything is too much. Too bright, too loud, too… head-hurty. There’s a better word for that, she’s sure, but thinking hurts. She stumbles through the door gracelessly after her classes, kicking off her boots close enough to the shoe rack as she shrugs off her coat despite feeling cold, not knowing what else to do. She just has to get into her room and then she can bundle up under the covers, safe and warm. All she has to do is avoid Gigi, who will immediately know something’s wrong. At least she’s done with finals.
“Hey Crys! Wanna do pasta tonight? We could make some and then watch some Christmas movies, get in the Christmas spirit?” Gigi’s voice greets her through the apartment, seemingly coming from the kitchen area. She wants to agree, but her eyes are too heavy, as is her tongue. She musters up an affirmative noise as her hand shoots out, holding herself up with the wall.
She’s feeling a lot worse than she thought. Staying up late studying, taking a final, and then walking thirty minutes in the cold probably didn’t help, though.
Gigi’s voice trails off as she rounds the corner, taking a moment to look at Crystal. Crystal stands up taller and tries to smile, but even she knows that it comes off more like a grimace. Gigi’s face falls into a mask of concern, and she steps closer to Crystal, gently touching her forehead with the back of her palm. “Oh, honey,” she tuts, “you’re sick! How come you didn’t tell me, I would’ve… c’mere, sweetie.”
Gigi holds out her arms and Crystal falls into them, enjoying Gigi’s warmth. Her eyes slip shut as she leans into Gigi, and her lips part only to murmur “I really… I don’t feel really good right now.”
“Oh, I can see that, hun. Here, let’s get you into bed.” Gigi helps her to her room, only leaving her side to pull back the covers that Crystal had hastily thrown over her bed in an attempt to make it that morning. “In, in, let’s get you comfy.”
Crystal practically falls into her bed and Gigi is there immediately, tucking her in and making sure she has enough blankets and pillows, even going so far as to take the small stuffed bear she’s had since she was little (that baby Crystal had creatively named Bear Bear) and tucking him in next to her. Crystal hums, her eyes half-open and mouth open, breathing through it. Her mouth was so dry and her lips were chapped, but she didn’t want to take advantage of Gigi’s kindness anymore.
“Thanks Geege,” she slurs, already falling asleep despite her attempts to fight it, to stay awake and watch Gigi flutter around the room and pet her hair and, sometimes, even drop a kiss on her forehead. She smiles a bit as she feels that familiar pressure on her temple, the gentle kiss making her forget about how much her head aches for just a moment. “…Love you.”
Maybe being sick isn’t all that bad. It can’t be, if it means Gigi’s looking at her so gently, calling her those pet names and tucking her in with a kiss to the forehead. Maybe she should get sick more often.
“Love you too, Crys.” Gigi replies, and Crystal closes her eyes and lets herself drift off with the feeling of Gigi’s hand gently carding through her hair easing some of the anxiety she has about being sick.
She wakes up a while later, thirsty and disoriented and not sure how long she’s been asleep. She thinks it’s been a few hours, but she can’t tell—it had been getting dark so early recently that this level of darkness outside could be anytime from 5pm onwards. Her headache has gone down a bit, but she still feels cold, despite being sticky with sweat and heavy under the mountain of blankets Gigi had covered her in.
She didn’t even recognize one of the blankets. Where did it come from? It was soft, and it smelled a bit like Gigi from what she could tell as she pushed all of them off in uncoordinated attempts, whining softly to herself at the cold of her room. It takes her a moment to stand, and she does with the help of her desk, her hand grazing one half of a matching set of Santa and Mrs. Claus plushies Gigi bought to split between them last year. She had Santa, of course, because Gigi pouted at the thought of not having Mrs. Claus and Crystal couldn’t deny Gigi anything when she hit her with her puppy dog eyes. She had a weakness for Gigi, sue her. 
What was she doing again?
Getting a glass of water. Right.
She pads into the kitchen, and she’s greeted by the sight of Gigi hunched over her laptop at the small table for two they have pushed against the wall. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she’s surrounded by notes and pens, and the blue light glasses she only wears at times like these are slipping down her sloped nose, making her look like one of those disapproving librarians that Crystal always saw in movies. At least, until she looks up.
“Crystal! What are you doing up, do you need anything?” Gigi rushes, hurrying to stand up. The movement jostles her laptop, turning it so Crystal can just barely read the headline of the article pulled up on it.
Fever treatment: Quick guide to treating a fever
God, this girl. She likes Gigi so much.
“Do you have some tea that I could have? Maybe?” Crystal’s voice is weak, weaker than she was expecting. Gigi’s face changes from concerned to soft, and she touches Crystal’s forehead with the back of her palm again. Crystal leans into the touch, closing her eyes. “Oh, that feels nice.”
“Of course I have tea for you, baby. Go back to bed, I’ll make it for you.” Gigi says, and she retracts her hand, making Crystal pout. Gigi huffs out a fond laugh at the sight. “I’ll be right there, and I can pet your hair as much as you want. You just gotta go back to bed, okay, hun?”
The pet names were going to drive her insane. She nods, shuffling back into her room, piling the covers back on top of her. Suddenly, it didn’t seem like enough. It feels like no time has passed at all when Gigi pushes into the room with two mugs and a gentle smile. “I have your tea, if you wanna sit up so you can drink it.”
Crystal wiggles her way up so she can sit up against the headboard, only letting go of her blankets to grab the cup of tea from Gigi’s outstretched hand. She doesn't usually care for tea, but it’s good when Gigi makes it. Maybe it’s because Gigi adds the right amount of sugar, or maybe it’s the good loose leaf tea that Crystal can only assume is expensive, or maybe it’s just because it’s made by Gigi. 
Gigi sits next to her, on top of all of the blankets, and sets down her laptop in front of both of them. It has a Christmas movie open on it and she presses play, the opening of a Hallmark movie that Crystal had drunkenly confessed to loving at Christmastime last year playing through her laptop speakers. It’s little things like this, things like Gigi remembering her comfort Hallmark Christmas movie, that make her feel confident that she’d never be able to get over this girl even if she tried.
“Are you feeling any better after your nap?” Gigi asks over the sound of the movie, leaning down to pick up Bear Bear, who had fallen to the floor when she got up, tucking him in between them once again.
Crystal takes a second, thinking, and takes a sip from her mug. It’s good, as predicted. 
“Um, a little bit. Like I'm not gonna fall over or anything, but… I think I have a fever?” She takes stock of how she’s feeling. She’s cold, shivering, and her head feels funny, but she’s definitely feeling better than she was before she took her nap. And she’s half convinced that Gigi’s tea had some kind of magical healing property, so she should be better in time to go down to her parents house on Monday. Hopefully.
“Oh, you think?” Gigi asks rhetorically, a hint of sarcasm breaking through her concern. She shakes her head, and a strand of hair falls out of her ponytail. She ignores it. “Crys, you scared me half to death! I wish you would’ve said something, it’s too cold for you to walk out there when you’re already sick.” Gigi looks like she’s blaming herself, and Crystal feels a pang of guilt run through her. She didn’t want to inconvenience Gigi or get her sick, but now that she made her feel bad in the process? 
Somehow, she felt even worse. 
Gigi tuts, the hand not holding her own mug coming out to gently rub Crystal’s leg through the blankets. “Oh, no, don’t feel bad. I just hate seeing you sick, honey, especially since it’s right before Christmas.” 
Crystal doesn’t know if she’s blushing or not, but if she wasn’t feeling like this she’s sure her face would be bright red. Or maybe she is blushing, she heard something a while ago about fevers making people blush. She doesn’t want to check. As long as Gigi can’t see how much she melts every time she uses a pet name for her she’s safe, she can pretend that she only feels platonic things for her roommate.
She closes her eyes and leans into Gigi’s warmth, not knowing how to reply. Gigi lifts a hand to the crown of Crystal’s head, running her hand through Crystal’s hair once again. They stay like that for a while, and suddenly Crystal is blinking awake to the sight of the end credits. 
“Hmm, when did I fall asleep?” she blinks a few more times, and she notices that her mug is sitting safely on the bedside table when she reaches up to rub her eyes. Gigi’s hand stops gently scratching her head, and she unconsciously chases the contact, leaning further into her side. 
“Not too long into the movie, but I’m glad you got the sleep, it looked like you really needed it!” Gigi stretches as well as she can with Crystal pressed into her, leaning forwards a bit as if to leave, “But I’ll leave you to rest now, you need to recover.” Crystal scrunches her nose. She doesn’t want her to leave, even though it’s selfish, and she’ll allow herself to be selfish, just this once.
“Geege... stay with me?” Crystal asks quietly, a hand coming out to rest on her wrist, “You’re warm and nice and I like when you play with my hair.” 
“Of course,” Gigi confirms, a small smile and pretty pink blush appearing on her face as she settles back in and presses another small kiss to her forehead. “I’ll stay with you anytime, Crys. All you have to do is ask.”
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verolynne · 2 years
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🧑🏻‍🌾its #PPUBingo night and i realized i havent even shown my current “ #fundip #ranchdressing #babycarrot #snack #nails” with bonus #BottleShot #ClawHand! 🤣🥕🥕🥕😋… its a #blacklightReactive #orange 🥕 @chinaglazeofficial, The #SideOfRanch polish from @polishpickup #October22lineup by @hearts_and_promises (the one i could not pass up and my first #PPUhaul!) with an #accentnail on each hand in @kellimarissa ‘s @orlycolorlabs colab @orly ‘s #WildCard #topper to keep the carrot #vibes #maximumFreshness and yeah yeah yuk it up: the other day i was eating carrots and #ranchdip and thought my funny #thumbJoke was actually #edible so i played myself. 🥸 #donchaputitinyourmouth #canadianpsa #throwbackedition #90sfashion #FanaticuresBigFan #PolishPun s ? oh and also dont put thermals on your laptop is a lesson i have learned now so dont do it kids only #snackOnAcetone 😋 i missed you at bingo 😘🧡🧡🧡 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoBeXbGu5Qy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foodinstrangeplaces · 2 years
Baby carrots found on sidewalk.
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akari-starlet · 1 year
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Let's find out together 💫🌿✨
A little illustration for my friend with our ocs as a kids! I love to think that he found a good spot to watch the sunset 🧡
And I can't think about them without my friend's art! Darcy is on the left and Dory is on the right 💫🌳🌱🌿✨
When Dory wasn't able to fly, he liked to climb trees and other things! He's a little clumsy... but he loves to tell stories of his cool "scars"!
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Artwork by: ~BabyCarrot on FA! ☘️
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tel-navidson · 8 months
Save me babycarrot babycarrot save me..
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luci-luck · 9 months
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Seasonal depression is kicking my butt rn so here are two of my favorite headcanons using babycarrot’s picrew! You can find her on Insta and maybe Tik Tok
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postsentiment · 2 years
Lord is there any greater pleasure than eating babycarrots out of a little wooden bowl at 2am on the kitchen floor
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dumboct0 · 4 months
Food Diary
May 26
Quest bar~180
Gatorade~10 cal
BabyCarrot fries: 30 cal
Garlic Salt and pepper: 1 cal
1 tsp Ketchup: 7 cal
Coffee w almond milk and sugar: 70 cal
Fiber brownie: 70 cal
1 Apple w cinnamon: 80 cal
Total: 448
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gemharvest · 6 months
Save me vegetables dipped in ranch.... Broccoli and baby carrots..... babycarrots save me....
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nuritsu · 7 months
hey babycarrots we're married now
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Ocs (artwork from babycarrot picrew)
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artificialqueens · 2 years
🎁 Chocolate Chip (Dakota x Starlet) for Winter - BabyCarrot
SECRET QUEEN 2022 by BabyCarrot, for @winterboxx
A/N: I love love love Dakota so I was super thrilled to write a fluffy lil domestic fluff collage au. I hope you enjoy and happy holidays!
“What on earth do you think you are doing up at this hour?”
Starlet had gotten up out of bed at 3am to investigate after noticing the absence of Dakota’s arms wrapped around her and the common area light seeping into the dorm room from under the door. 
Her inquiry led her to find her girlfriend in her fluffy mint robe stirring a mixing bowl and humming softly to herself in the communal kitchen.
Dakota yelped quietly in surprise. She turned to Starlet with the expression of a guilty child.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” She cringed.
“Darling I’m not upset, I just want to know what you’re doing is all.”
Dakota ran her fingers through her hair, “I couldn’t sleep because I kept thinking about all of the work I have to do for my classes but I just couldn’t bring myself to work on them so I wanted a distraction so I’m baking cookies…” 
She was stammering discursively with anxiety and it was both disheartening and endearing.
Starlet guided Dakota to sit down into a chair and put a hand on her shoulder. Dakota looked up and chewed her lip.
“You should have told me that you’re feeling overwhelmed, I would have helped with your work.” 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bother you..it's my work, I should be able to do it myself.” Dakota looked down at her slippers.
“Sweetheart, you don’t need to feel sorry. You are working so hard already. And besides, if it’s with you I want to help, ok?”
Dakota gave Starlet’s hand a squeeze of acknowledgement “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The loving moment was suddenly interrupted by the ding of the oven timer. Dakota had become so wrapped up in her emotions talking with Starlet that she had completely forgotten about the cookies she was baking.
“Go get your project and we can work while we eat.” Starlet patted Dakota’s thigh and turned to take the cookies out of the oven.
It was a long night of laying out designs and cutting patterns. Peacefully stitching together and fueling themselves on trayfulls of chocolate chip cookies and hot chocolate, both girls’ minds drifted in thought of how lucky they were to have each other’s support.
Sunlight was peeking through the window by the time they were finished with all of their works. 
“You’re pretty,” Dakota softly blurted, looking at her girlfriend’s face illuminated by brilliant orange rays of the sunrise.
“Mmmmphm” Starlet hummed sleepily and pressed her head onto Dakota’s shoulder. 
“Alright let’s get back to bed then.” Dakota rubbed Starlet’s arm and guided the two of them back to their room and into bed.
Starlet curled up sleepily as soon as she got into the bed, whereas Dakota stared up at the ceiling in the darkness and played with her girlfriend’s hair.
“Thank you Starlet for staying up with me. It really means a lot.”
“Of course darling I’m always here if you need anything, and besides, you make the best cookies.”
She rolled over to kiss Dakota’s head.
“I love you.” Dakota wrapped Starlet up in her arm.
“I love you too.” Starlet yawned and blinked her eyes shut, brushing Dakota’s neck with her eyelashes. “Good night.”
“Good night my love, thanks for everything.”
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Im supposed to be sleeping but i just got my first match on Bumble and now I got the zoomies and im eating a FUCKTON of babycarrots rn
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ourlittlechateau · 3 years
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There is the baby’s carrot harvest! We never thought we would be eating something a two year old grew let alone our two year old. He is so happy to have picked his carrots and is running up to everyone giving them one to try. Today is a good day. 🥕 👶 🌱 💚 #babygarden #babygardener #babygardening #babycarrots #carrots #carrotharvest #baby #cutebaby #sweetbaby #babygrows #carrotharvesting #gardening #gardenlove #gardenlife #growyourown #goodday #sunday #photography #foodphotography #gardenphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CVH3VECKzbi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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