Design research
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Research Methodologies
Participatory Design/ consultative design,
Involves the stakeholders, designers, researchers, and end-users in the design process to help ensure that the end product meets the needs of its intended user base.
Users are a valuable source of information and ideas in participatory design, they are not allowed to make end decisions and are never empowered with the tools that the experts use.
Final decision is rely on the trained ux experts 
Participants create and design mockups of software or products they would love to use in the “perfect world” scenario while also asking them to explain why they built their perfect software or a product in that particular way.
Bringing in a new and a fresh perspective, and many time, original ideas. 
Learn more perspectives on the users’ side by observing their mockups and listening to their explanations 
 Gain bit more quantitative set of information when delivering web forms and surveys about a particular product and service features.
Cipan, V. (2020, September 24). Participatory design: What is and what makes it so great? Point Jupiter - Web Development & UX Design Agency.
Customer Centered Design
Customer-centric design is the process of building your product or service based on the wants, needs, and challenges of your customers
Customer: a person who buys goods or a service
Deeply understanding customer needs and fulfilling on those needs
Looking for the needs of the person who buys it (?) → the customer. Focus on the sale of the product. Trying to sell customers to buy the product for the users
Requires more active listening. Methods like usability testing, surveys, and customer conversations
E.g baby suit: baby is the user; the baby’s parent is the customer. Has to sell the baby suit to the parents in order to put the baby suit onto the baby.
5 rules 
1. Fill the customer knowledge reservoirs
Saleperson/ staffs should be accountable for the product, supporting the customers when they have questions about the service/ product 
2. Use customer knowledge to be customer-centric.
Customer needs and the customer experience should be a big factor in decisions about what new features to implement, which pages and flows to redesign, or where to expand and push your vision forward.
3. Prioritize the roadmap for the users and the business.
Value, complexity, Necessity
4. Solve problems for the user while you build.
Key phrase: user experience design
Designing and delivering a user experience that is intuitive and easy for the customer to use.
Implying design practices, empathy, iteration, and user research to create a great ux solution
5. Communicate changes to the customer after you've built.
Communication and transparency about the delivery timeline is key 
L, M. N. (2018, December 6). Customer Centered Design vs. User Centered Design - Maurizio N L. Medium.
User Centered Design
User: someone who uses a product, machine, or service
Looking for the needs of the person who uses it → the user
Designers focus on the users and their needs in each phase of the design process. 
“The User-centered design (UCD) process outlines the phases throughout a design and development life-cycle all while focusing on gaining a deep understanding of who will be using the product.” (User-Centered Design Basics | Usability.Gov, n.d.) 
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Design Thinking: A frameworkb for innovation. (n.d.). [Graph].
Users are involved in the design process from the very beginning. 
Importance of requirement clarification. 
Introducing user feedback loop in the product life cycle.
Iterative design process. 
Every design decision should be implemented based on the information you have about your users and validated during the process testing.
5 stages design process by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford
Empathize: Understand the context of its use
Define: Specify user requirements
IdeateDesign a solution
Prototype: Evaluate against requirements
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User-Centered Design Basics | (n.d.). Usability.Gov. Retrieved August 22, 2021, from
Adobe. (2019, August 18). User Centered Design Principles & Methods | Adobe XD. XD Ideas.
Inclusive design
A design process  in which a mainstream product, service or environment is designed to be usable by as many people as reasonably possible, without the need for specialised adaptions.
Help you seize important opportunities for business growth through new products and services that are accessible to all segments of the market.
6 principles 
Seek out points of exclusion. ...
Identify situational challenges. ...
Recognize personal biases. ...
Offer different ways to engage. ...
Provide equivalent experiences. ...
Extend the solution to everyone.
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Week 5
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The methodology chapter explains what you did and how you did it, allowing readers to evaluate the reliability and validity of the research.
The type of research you did
How you collected your data
How you analyzed your data
Any tools or materials you used in the research
Your rationale for choosing these methods
Include the process and methods you used in your reseach.
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Skillshare Reviews & Ratings
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on app store: 4.8 out of 5
Content quality
Nevigate by category vs by skill level.
Only found beginner classes that cover basic content.
Need a better system to sort and categorize the courses so user can keep up to date with their lessons without any hassle (can’t edit their watch lists in the app, website is the only way to manage your content)
Only have ‘save’ & ‘unsave’ options. Real pain when having a bunch of classes and need to scroll thro all in order to save it to an individual list 
Currently only has “send to the top” to prioritise the content
Navigation system for finding new classes is outdated in terms of design.
 Other problem
No class descriptions
Limited screening option 
Credibility of creators
Front-end problem
Sort by categories / date uploaded 
Include the class descriptions & details
Plan and organise courses for different skill levels
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Daisie’s Reviews & Ratings
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app store: : 4 out of 5 stars
User found confused with the app
The purpose of app and website is different. Users can do collaborations between creatives on the website but the app only let them to discover featured projects and keep up to date on their notifications.
Navigation problem
Hard to find the right projects and people. Have to manually dig through much amateur work
Mess of buttons and menus.
Takes time to get familiar with the app ( info architecture)
Other problems
Front-end develop e.g bugs, loading time
New feature turned into a clubhouse app (audio-based social media app).
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
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Analysis of competitors products
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
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I drew the setting because I don’t want my classmate feel awkward. 
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
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Online research
Definition check
Use Pinterest/ other online inspiration platform
Physical research 
Borrowed books from library 
Took photos of some pages from books. (Data Analysis)
Printed and sticked the refrences she found from the internet
Wrote down some thoughts about the material she found
Document the process
Data Analysis (pros and cons list) (like & dislike)
Use Google translate to check the meaning and understand the content better.
Discuss with her boyfriend and friend about her idea
Picture the execution of her project. 
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Year 3 Sem 2 Starts here
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Tech trends I’m interested into
1. Artifical Intelligence & Machine Learning
Transforming how business like Netflix, Amazon operate, even the spam function in email.
2. Internet of Things
How we have more interconnection and smart devices. e.g smart watch, smart TV
3. Wearable Technology
Starting with fiteness trackors e.g fitbit but soon we'll have a plethora of smart device that help human life safer, more efficent, healthier and even augment
4. Big data
Intelligent algorithms that can extract insight automatically which allows companies have unprecedented insight from their data
5. Block chain
Super secure ways of sorting our info and validating transaction. This will change how banks operate and how we keep our possessions.
6. Natual Language
The ablity of machines to understand our lanuage, allow machine to summarise our read text
7. Voice interface & chat bots
E.g Alexus, Siri, Theories can be emotional and able to communicate than we can now
8. Autonomous vehicles
E.g Self-driving cars, self-delivery robots
9. 5G
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Horizon Scan of Mega trends
Ubranazation is causing global warming and climate change.
Global warming rises the temperture of the planet. The heat is melting glaciers, warming sea water, rising sea level and shifting percipitation pattern. These impacts are affecting the entire ecosystem. Animals will lose their habitat, countries that surround by ocean will sink into the water, more frequent and intense drought, storms and heat waves. 
Agriculture and logging economic also caused global warming by cutting trees down for cattle farms, paper, tissue, furniture. Logging increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by releasing stored carbon dioxide from the trees.  The main source of agriculture emissions is methane from livestock digestive systems.
The use of fossil fuel also contribute to global warming. 
Agriculture emissions and climate change | Ministry for the Environment. (n.d.). Retrieved March 20, 2021, from, R. A. (2020, April 16).
The Amazon Rainforest. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from, J. (2020, February 14).
What you need to know about the Australia bushfires. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
Global Warming Effects. (2021, February 10). Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
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Raise of wearable technology
Although mordern lifestyle increase rate of mental health and obesity, some of us are trying to have a healthier lifysyle. 
As we are surrounding by information and technology, we have more and easier access to health and wellbeing information. Not to mention the raise of wearable technology helps us to track our sleep, steps we walk, exercise time. The society trend is shifting to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. More people encourage to choose plant-based diet, more fitness channels on educating people how to train themselves properly and deliver positive messange and mindset. Furthermore, more meditation apps appear. 
According to rnz, a study was prompted by an apparent rise in physical exercise, because that's one of the only excuses for leaving home during a lockdown. I have a regular exercise pattern, so in my observation, the amount of people exercing in the park during lockdown is more than usual and more people walk and run along the coastal line. Plus, with the help of wearable technology such as apple watch, we become more motivative and persevere in doing exercise beacuse it will accomplish user after they reach their daily & untimate goal and will also noticfy them to walk around/ workout.
Ayurveda, M. (2019, November 4). Understand the impact of Modern Lifestyle on health. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
Bailey, J. (2021, March 8). Wearable Technology In The Healthcare Industry Impacts | Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
Dispatch. (2020, January 14). Why Modern Society Has Heightened Focus on Health and Fitness. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from (2018, May 1). The new, chill vegans: why more people are choosing a relaxed plant-based diet. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
Wroble, A. (2021, January 19). Wellness trends to watch in 2021. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
RNZ News. (2020, April 18). Researchers tracking exercise changes during Covid-19 lockdown. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
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Internet isn’t an uncommon thing nowadays. We use it every minute, every day. With the technology development, we can easily reach information from other countries, play online games and talk with distant family. Especially during the lockdown, we can still communicate with our friends and family through Skype, Facetime and WhatsApp. It also created a new working style, remotely work from home and online learning to keep the work progress going.
Heaven, W. D. (2020, April 9). Why the coronavirus lockdown is making the internet stronger than ever. Retrieved March 20, 2021, from
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Awareness of human connection
Social? Entertainment? Fitness?
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Mega trend
What is mega trend?
A ‘Megatrend’ is a change in our world that is so massive that it defies human intervention.
Types of mega trends?
Shift in Global Economic Power, Demographic Change, Rapid Urbanization, Rise of Technology, and Climate Change/Resource Scarcity.
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Discussion in class:
- Streaming platform
- Digital entertainment 
- Portable device/ Portable life hecks
- Delievery
- Online learning plateform
- Online shopping
^ The above mega trends are affected by Covid-19
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Year 3 Semester 1
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Creating possibility for future scinerio base on nowaday
look for mega trend that is happeining right now
Think/ do something innovative and look forward to th future
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Prototype with scenario
All images were screenshoted from V for Vendetta in Netflix.
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hkresearch · 4 years ago
Improvement in the future
- Add names beside each character so users can know who are they interacting with, it clears the misunderstanding.
- Redesign the content of menu to manage the action easier. Expanding the panel to full screen instead of aligning in the right-hand side and adjust their position. 
- Re-locate some buttons
- Add more instruction and explaination to guide the users
- Add transition page
- Create a higher- fidelity prototype that include real avators, background and music.
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