#bahumia theme
stone-stars · 4 months
songs in c3e60: peregrine (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Shock at the Dock - 14:05
The Purge - 17:24 (loops)
Bronzebeard Baddies - 25:34
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 33:56
A Fate Refused - 35:38
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 40:54
Mothership - 42:12
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 44:46
A Fairy Remembers - 47:07
Demigod - 49:48
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 56:45
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 57:59
Demigod - 1:00:42
royalty free metal song - 1:02:21
Bahumia Theme - 1:03:39
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 1:08:59
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 1:10:09
Bahumia Theme - 1:12:29
A Fairy Remembers - 1:15:58
The Fairy - 1:19:24
The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon - 1:22:16
The Posse - 1:23:19
A Tale's End - 1:26:16
Home is Where the Hearth Is (instrumental ver) - 1:27:39
Home is Where the Hearth Is - 1:31:28 - (clipped here!)
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Shock at the Dock - 14:05 - Callie gets hit with the anti-spell blast
The Purge - 17:24 (loops) - Alexandrite's first lair action and the submarine exploding from the ice
Bronzebeard Baddies - 25:34 - Alexandrite shifts into giant Gowan/Scorpion form
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 33:56 - Nat 1 for the village / Nat 20 for Alexandrite
A Fate Refused - 35:38 - Sol shoots a flare to let the village know they're fighting
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 40:54 - Alexandrite crits on Calder / He saves from the poison
Mothership - 42:12 - Alexandrite's lair action earthquake
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 44:46 - Callie offers to help the village, Calder says no, and Garrosh offers aid
A Fairy Remembers - 47:07 - Calder takes a leap of faith and and fuses the swords
Demigod - 49:48 - Alexandrite expands into a giant mass of people
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 56:45 - Kenna inspires Calder by calling him Giant Heart
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 57:59 - Calder crits for the Ice Knife vs the zombies
Demigod - 1:00:42 - Alexandrite's turn
royalty free metal song - 1:02:21 - Sol Silvery Barbs on Alexandrite
Bahumia Theme - 1:03:39 - Calder opens the gate
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 1:08:59 - Licorice goes down, Calder falls
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 1:10:09 - Calder falling, at peace, and Callie saving him
Bahumia Theme - 1:12:29 - Callie crits and kills Alexandrite
A Fairy Remembers - 1:15:58 - Alexandrite is defeated
The Fairy - 1:19:24 - Albin arrives
The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon - 1:22:16 - Calder + Gowan talk
The Posse - 1:23:19 - Gregor defending the town
A Tale's End - 1:26:16 - Celebration in the village
Home is Where the Hearth Is (instrumental ver) - 1:27:39 - Callie plays a fey song in front of the rift
Home is Where the Hearth Is - 1:31:28 - Emily sings us out!
Notes: The metal song at 1:02:21 is one that murph uses a lot for badass moments, so i'm calling it out even though it's royalty free New Song: Home is Where the Hearth Is (lyrical version, the instrumental was used in ep 57) Unlisted in the Credits: Mothership
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hyenabreezyboi · 10 months
Made a wrestling themed fan animation for naddpod:)
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hardwon 2, 10, 27!
i answered 2 for hardwon here :)
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
god i hope so. i think i could balance him out in a fun way and do really really stupid things with him. it would rock.
27. (naddpod bonus question) What naddpod songs do you associate with this character?
to state the obvious, a bastard no more (hardwon takes the wheel) and kingshammer. twinkling lights has to be up there for obvious reasons. i think i also tend to associate the valiant ol’ cobb with him, and maybe that’s just because he is the one doing death saves most often lol. and post his c3 appearance gunslinger’s girl. and the bahumia theme for a lot of reasons, but most present in my mind at the moment would be lord ultrus reasons.
send me a character and a number
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chemicalkind · 2 years
as my dashboard's foremost naddpod stan, do you have any episodes that stand out as your favorites/ones that affected you the most?
ok yes absolutely. so for bahumia the one that stands out to me the most is episode 70 i think it's like one of the best naddpod episodes. hardwon's reincarnation, bev telling erlin about terran, moonshine meeting lucanis. it's so good there's so many iconic scenes. also can't be bothered to figure out which episode this was but the fight with ezra the unkind is one of my fav bahumia moments i love when murph incorporates story stuff into battles. also i love the hell arc but specifically the personal battles in ep 81 like bev fighting bev sr and almost going with him and "a child has a duty to his father. a hero has a duty to the world" like ahhh and the flashback with bev and egwene as his dad performs that execution. bev is my favorite bahumia pc i think that impacts a lot of this lmao. ok but we all know eldermourne has my whole heart and i have a lot more favorite eldermourne episodes. episodes 4 and 8 are incredible i am always baffled by how good the beginning of eldermourne was like they went into that season straight away with so much emotion and story and good acting. all the flashbacks from the broken heart banshee episode are so good and also sadie's story makes me really sad i love her. and when they're telling each other about their backstories on the boat as they leave thornkirk <33. god i love the third mates. next i love love love the whole arc in sirenloch it is my favorite part of eldermourne hands down. i have relistened to all the zirk and stella moments from those like at least 5 times they make me go crazy, but the hank and hank jr stuff is also really good and all of that happening while the plot really starts to kick in. incredible. that's all like episodes 25-29, i really like 26 for the hank and his son scene and 29 for the scene where zirk leaves stella again. then i'm predictable and i fucking love the eldermourne finale. it's such a good finale like some people say eldermourne ended too soon or it should have been more developed but i feel like i was too invested in everything in eldermourne to be critical of it lmao. all of the fia/irina stuff is so good and painful, zirk's death and revival is such a good execution of his character arc and his themes like how he has this guilt around hurting people when he was younger and not helping them like he wanted to, and in the end he sacrifices himself to be able to help the world. and his work to find an all cure elixir and make up for his past mistakes is what lets him come back to life. god. sorry this post is really long but i have a lot to say about naddpod oops.
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Cran did propose
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mavrustheunskooled · 5 years
naddpod songs that cause a visceral reaction, even if you don’t normally listen to the soundtracks:
- the valiant ol’ Cobb
- the depths of the dungeon/forsaken
- Beverly’s house
- a haven away from home
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acepalindrome · 3 years
Friends, if you enjoy D&D/tabletop actual plays or fantasy or just great stories and great characters that are equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking, I am begging you on bended knee to give NADDPOD (Not Another D&D Podcast) a try. It is truly so good and never gets enough love. To compare to other well know actual plays, it’s closest in vibe to TAZ Balance, so I would especially recommend it if you love TAZ Balance.
The episodes are about 90 minutes long on average and are very listenable. I tend to get bored with combat in actual plays sometimes, but the fights in NADDPOD are so fun and fast paced while not cutting any of the zaniness of a bunch of goobers playing D&D.
And what do you like? World building? DM Murph’s worlds are so fun and fresh and play around with existing D&D concepts of alignments and gods in ways that are so very satisfying.
How about some fantastic characters? The PCs are so entertaining and can be extremely goofy but they will make you cry, that is a threat and a promise. And Murph’s NPCs range from being complex and fascinating and lovable to the biggest shithead losers that are so fun to hate.
Want some queer characters? We got you covered, both the main campaigns and Trinyvale have canon queer PCs who end up in canon relationships.
Okay, but where do you start? There are two main campaigns and a ton of side stuff! I would recommend starting either Campaign 1 (Bahumia) or Campaign 2 (Eldermourne.) I love Trinyvale but I don’t think it’s the best introduction to NADDPOD, and Hot Boy Summer is best saved for after finishing Campaign 1. If you listen to the Donkey Kong oneshots first you might die in real life. You gotta build up to that shit.
I think Campaign 1 is overall the stronger story, but it does take a bit to get really really good, about 12 episodes in. It’s fun enough before that, and you should listen to the first chunk to get to know the characters, but once you hit the Galaderon arc the show goes from about 7/10 to 12/10. The basic plot is that it’s the ‘campaign after the campaign.’ The world has already been saved by a team of legendary heroes, but it turns out maybe the world isn’t as saved as we thought and maybe those heroes actually fucked some things up in a pretty big way. ‘Kill your idols’ is a big theme and it’s fantastic.
Campaign 2 jumps right in and is good from the start, but it’s a much shorter campaign and it has some pacing issues. That said, it’s still an excellent campaign and I’ve been crying about the finale all day. This campaign takes place in a dark fairytale inspired world torn apart by a conflict between two gods, the Reaper and the Trickster. Deals a lot with religion and faith and how they can be used to manipulate (like me, Murph is an ex-Catholic and his portrayals of this stuff hit me so hard.)
One of my favorite things is how well NADDPOD balances humor and drama. It’s easily the funniest actual play I’ve ever listened to, and someday I will learn to stop listening to it on earphones when I’m out on public because I always end up laughing out loud like a weirdo. But when the drama hits? It’s so good and poignant and both campaigns have god-tier found families that constantly destroy my heart with how much they love each other and make each other better and stronger in their darkest times.
I really can’t say enough good about NADDPOD. Please give it a try if you haven’t. And then tell me all about it because I love seeing people enjoy my favorite things.
And also be warned that if you start with campaign 1, there is a long bit about dragon genitalia in the first episode. People either love it or hate it. You’ve gotta just get through it.
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gideonthefirst · 5 years
me: i really appreciate how homophobia doesn’t exist in bahumia :D but the cast still manages to tell and explore stories with LGBT+ themes and struggles without including real life bigotry in a fantasy world for no reason
every beverlin writer, apparently: :)
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Have you considered Hardwon opening up an orphanage for dwarves, humans, elves, etc in the Crick while Moonshine causes chaos in the High Elve Court and leads the Crick as Meemaw and Lucanis get back together, and Bev opens a school/library that fits into the chaos there?
well I’m considering it now!!!! and you bring up something ELSE that I never stop thinking about, which is how the underlying theme of the necessity of all the different kingdoms and people groups of Bahumia working together is brought out so perfectly in the Boobs and their relationship with each other AND especially in Moonshine being half Crick-elf and half High-elf and DOUBLE especially in Hardwon, the human raised by dwarves who ends up as a half-elf, and that’s just beautiful
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stone-stars · 2 months
songs in c3e64: fatebringers (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Gunvar - 8:50
Into the Flame - 10:48
royalty free metal song - 49:06
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:00:58
Bahumia Theme - 1:04:59
The Wild Down Under - 1:11:18
A Friend for Life - 1:14:32
Irina - 1:16:45
A Friend for Life - 1:19:02
Left is Left and Right is Center - 1:22:23
Tundra Trudge - 1:26:10
Bash at the Gash - 1:27:48
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Gunvar - 8:50 - Callie calls Triss 2 Triss and they share a moment
Into the Flame - 10:48 - Winter Court agents teleport in
royalty free metal song - 49:06 - Sol nat 20 to hit the Gloamwing
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:00:58 - Glen jumps on Licorice and reveals himself
Bahumia Theme - 1:04:59 - Sol gives a speech to the Gloamwing
The Wild Down Under - 1:11:18 - Asking Ursea for Nondetection
A Friend for Life - 1:14:32 - Entering the Tiny Duck / Callie apologizes about Glen
Irina - 1:16:45 - Talking to Kenna about her crush (Ackriana)
A Friend for Life - 1:19:02 - Talking about the kinds of relationships that are worth it / Soft moment with DT+Kenna
Left is Left and Right is Center - 1:22:23 - Discussing stealing Cirilla from Glen
Tundra Trudge - 1:26:10 - Hiking to the grotto
Bash at the Gash - 1:27:48 - Warship, Zunark+Triss 2 captured on board
Notes: “Bash at the Gash” is credited as “The Eye of Akarot” / there’s a series of string chords at 59:49 that is not credited (and i couldn’t recognize, will update if i can!)
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stone-stars · 5 months
songs in c3e59: havoc (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Ilsed's Secret - 15:40
A Fate Refused - 28:01
Mee Maw's Burden - 36:01
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 45:05
Betrayal Below - 51:57
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 55:56
Bahumia Theme - 1:04:16
Bahumia Theme - 1:06:26
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Ilsed's Secret - 15:40 - Carvings in the wall of Gowan's chamber
A Fate Refused - 28:01 - Gowan tells Sol to stay back / Sol jumps down
Mee Maw's Burden - 36:01 - Callie tells Gowan he's sacrificing the fey
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 45:05 - Lumi talks to Gowan / The true plan
Betrayal Below - 51:57 - Alexandrite appears
Spearmint & Tea Leaves - 55:56 - Callie frees Aryox
Bahumia Theme - 1:04:16 - Calder yells "Meat shed!"
Bahumia Theme - 1:06:26 - Alexandrite, Injured
Note: "Betrayal Below" is credited as "Apotheosis"
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stone-stars · 11 months
when hardwon first grabs the kingshammer in c1e45, he is desperately thinking that he’s been a dwarf his whole life, been raised surrounded by dwarven culture. he’s begging for it to accept him as a dwarf. and when he calls on the spirits of the hammer, they do.
when hardwon catches the queenshammer in c3e45, he calls it his old friend. he asks for help avenging ol’ cobb. and when he calls on the spirits of the hammer, they are. and they do.
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stone-stars · 2 months
[Bahumia theme fades out.] Murph: WEL-come back to Bahumia everybody! Jake, Emily, and Caldwell: Ba-HU-mia! Murph: I'm your dungeon master (laughing) Brian Murphy, joined by Jake Hurwitz-- [Clip cuts forward. Emily, Jake, and Caldwell are laughing.] Murph: Uh, sweet guys, uh, why don't we go ahead and do a little recap? Caldwell and Jake: Yes please. Emily, enthusiastically: Ok Murph! [Caldwell and Jake laugh.] Murph: This was-- you're bringing off-mic bits onto mic. [Emily laughs.] When we-- Caldwell: You're bridging the bit! Murph: Yeah. The reason I was-- Jake: Sorry about that, Murph! Murph: The reason I was laughing-- Emily: (laughing harder) Sorry about that, Murph! Murph: You-- We can't all talk over each other-- Caldwell: It's okay, Murphs! Murph: We all have to calm down (laughing) and let each other speak. Caldwell: Everyone let Murph speak! Murph: That has to happen! Jake: Go ahead, Murph! [Emily is still laughing. She laughs harder.] Murph: Ok-- Thanks guys. (laughing) I-- haven't described what you're doing. [The others laughing.] Right before we started everyone just kept being really polite, but in a way that was not letting me start the recording. Any time I said "we're about to-- let's get started" they would go "ok Murph!" "let's go Murph!" "ready to go Murph!" Emily: I remember that, Murph! Murph: Yeah. Jake: Yeah. Sorry about interrupting you, Murph! Murph: Well the people at home didn't remember it, cause they didn't know. We have to tell them what's going on. (laughing) We can't just say shit. Caldwell: We should do a recap before the recap, Murphs. [Emily laughs.] Murph: Yeah, this is the pre- (laughing) the pre-show recap of the stupid fucking bits you guys do. [The others laugh.] Jake: Well put, Murph! Murph: Yeah this is why I was laughing when I said my name. Emily: (cackles) Touché, Murph! Murph: Okay guys. Uh, let's go ahead and do the real recap. Caldwell, whispering: Sounds good Murph! [Emily and Jake laugh.] Murph: So last time, you guys began-- (laughs). You have to stop. You have to stop. Emily: That was-- Caldwell's one was really good at the end. Murph, over her: So last time, last time, you guys began in Ma Goblin's moving lab [clip fades out].
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stone-stars · 2 months
[Clip 1: c1e45] Murph: Hardwon, you jump off of the dragon, you grab the hammer in the air. What do you think or say as you grab it. Jake: (laughs) Uh-- Emily: Suck Moradin's dick. Suck that dick. Caldwell: Suck that hot molten dick. Jake: Uh, I guess I'm thinking that I-- I've known nothing but dwarven culture and Moradin my entire life, and I'm just trying to-- to channel any-- any bit of dwarven heritage that I have innate in my body from growing up inside the mountain. Murph: Hardwon. [The Bahumia Theme begins.] You grab the hammer, and you are instantly surrounded with a frosty aura, but strangely it warms you. The hammer feels right in your hand. Jake: Sick. [Emily laughs.] Murph: Uh, you hear the voice-- you hear the voice that was calling out to you guys, trying to talk to you guys through the planes, that kind of sounded like radio static or something, uh, suddenly comes through clear. You hear a voice whisper-- Gemma's voice-- [Jake gasps.] Gemma (Murph), whispering: My tall dwarf. Murph: And you grab the hammer. [Clip 2, c3e45. The Bahumia Theme is already playing.] Murph: As Jaina sees an opening, and Ultrus is hit, Ultrus begins to get back up. Instead of attempting to run through and risk it, you see she holds out the Kingshammer, crackling with magical energy, and she shouts through the plane-- Jaina (Murph), shouting: Hardwon! Catch! Murph: She tosses the hammer, and it moves with otherworldly speed. Ultrus reaches for it, but Calder and Callie are holding him down, long enough for it to get past him and shatter [shattering sound] the last barrier. Jake: (exhale) whoo. Murph: In the arena outside, Hardwon you see the Kingshammer aka the Queenshammer appear out of thin air and begin spiraling towards you. Hardwon (Jake): (sighs) Hello old friend. [Emily and Caldwell laugh.] Jake: Hardwon raises his right hand, opens his fist, and catches it. Murph: [makes the whooshing sound of the hammer flying through the air and stopping in Hardwon's fist] Snaps into your hand, and you-- Hardwon you feel it feels heavy in your hand but it feels good.
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stone-stars · 9 months
i am simply having a lot of feelings about beverly choosing to be a hero because moonshine answered when he reached out and was in need
[Unknown Tome plays in the background.] Bev Sr.: [yelling] I'll tell ya what to do, Bev. Ya turn around, and ya face Thiala. The one who took our home from us. Pick a side, Beverly. Beverly: [softly] … Yes sir. Murph: Um, he holds his hand out to you. Caldwell: I start walking. Uh, and as I'm walking I-- I try to reach out to the spores. I try to reach out to the amulet. I just try to reach out to anything that isn't this. That isn't this duty. That I've always felt deep down. Murph: Moonshine, you feel Beverly in this moment. [Moonshine gasps] Just-- it's faint, it's far away. Beverly: [voice breaking] I don't want to go. I don't wanna go, but I have to. It's my duty. I have to do this! Moonshine: Okay, youngin, I want you to know, I will love you whatever you choose to do. But, here's my two cents. [Unknown Tome fades out.] Moonshine: A child has a duty to his father. [The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe plays] Bev Sr: Thanks, Bev. I always-- I knew I could make the deal ‘cause I-- I knew you’d stop me. Moonshine: But a hero has a duty to the world. [Fabric of Fate plays] Melora: Beverly? Beverly: Yes? Melora: I wish you could grow up in a normal world, but the Gods have not blessed you with a normal life. You are afflicted with duty, things thrust upon you far beyond your years. The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor, what an injustice. Moonshine: Now, I’ve got my opinion of which you are. [The Writing on the Wall plays] Murph: And you begin to make out what they’re saying. They’re all saying different versions of the same thing. You hear old people, young people, children: Different voices, in prayer: Please, please let my family be safe. I don’t want to die. Give them strength. God bless our Titans in our hour of need. Protect us, Titans! Murph: You realize that these are prayers about you, or to you, by people around Bahumia. You see that the glowing script on the walls begins to make sense to you. The writing is constantly changing to match the words of these prayers depending on what language they’re speaking. And all signs point to this being the way to the Court of Gods. It would make sense that Gods would hear the pleas of their people as they went in to decide their fate. And here you, having a piece of this divine heart, are able to hear the people around Bahumia and their faith in you. [The Bahumia Theme replaces The Writing on the Wall] Moonshine: But it’s time for you to decide. Beverly: [tearful] Where would I be without the wisdom of the crick. [Moonshine gasps. They both laugh softly.] Moonshine: [also tearful] Where would I be without Pelor's light? Beverly: Deeper in hell than we already are, that's for sure. Moonshine: That's for sure. Caldwell: I nod to myself. I stop walking. [The Writing on the Wall returns] Caldwell: Can we write back? Murph: What do you write on the wall? Beverly: We are here. We are here for you. Murph: You feel an overwhelming sense of relief. What you have just done is essentially somebody praying to god, and god coming back and being like "I’m- I’m here." You hear the whispers come back in your head: Different voices: Oh, thank the gods. Thank you, Titans. Thank you! Protect us. We have faith in you!
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stone-stars · 2 months
naddpod episode 45! you know, the one where hardwon manages to snag the kingshammer from the possible grasp of an evil entity. with the cross-planar help of a bronzebeard sister. oh and the bahumia theme is playing. you know the one.
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