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stone-stars · 18 days ago
songs in c3e72:the high queen (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
A Friend for Life - 9:52
The Hexblood Centurions - 11:35
A Friend for Life - 14:54
A Bastard No More - 16:42
Left is Left and Right is Center - 18:34
On the Prow - 20:13
A Fairy Remembers - 24:55
Bittersweet Sixteen - 29:17
A Glittering Reunion - 32:19
Mob Goblin - 35:27
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 40:45
The Writing on the Wall - 43:10
Goblin Dirigible - 46:41 (loops)
Sea Beast - 49:35
Apotheosis - 53:39
The Purge - 56:15 (loops)
Soul Coins - 1:01:25 (loops)
that one metal song - 1:17:51
Gunvar - 1:22:35
The Posse - 1:28:04
A Friend for Life - 1:31:42
Into the Planar Pool - 1:32:56
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:40:45
Demigod - 1:43:40
The Posse - 1:40:26
Bahumia Theme - 1:54:20
The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe - 2:09:38
The Bronze Bastard - 2:11:42
Into the Flame - 2:13:40
A Miracle Child - 2:28:17
Sea Beast - 2:29:44
that one metal song - 2:23:25
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:33:19
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 2:40:01
Forsaken - 2:41:41
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:46:02
Sea Beast - 2:54:34
The Sea Elves - 2:55:37
Tsunare - 3:00:54
Bahumia Theme - 3:06:01
Torn Apart - 3:12:07 (loops)
Oh, Melora! - 3:17:59
The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon - 3:22:47 (loops)
Oliana's Lullabye* - 3:29:34
The Frog - 3:32:47
Hexbuds - 3:35:09
The Frost Giant - 3:36:58
Hexbuds - 3:39:48
Fantastic & Fuddling - 3:40:34
The Fairy - 3:41:37
A Tale's End - 3:44:23
Hexbuds - 3:47:48
Hardwon the Giant Layer* - 3:49:49
context for each song + notes under the cut!
A Friend for Life - 9:52 - Talking about carrying on each other's wishes
The Hexblood Centurions - 11:35 - Robert addresses the Green Knights
A Friend for Life - 14:54 - Albin suggests founding a magic university
A Bastard No More - 16:42 - Albin + Sol reflect on launchpad / Sol + Albin pledge to be together
Left is Left and Right is Center - 18:34 - Callie pitches Kenna + her as knights w/ Calder as the squire
On the Prow - 20:13 - Sol sews his scarf into everyone else's tracksuits
A Fairy Remembers - 24:55 - Callie becomes an Oath of Devotion paladin
Bittersweet Sixteen - 29:17 - Kenna is "squighted" / Coming of Age
A Glittering Reunion - 32:19 - Sol tries (and fails) to contact Swag
Mob Goblin - 35:27 - Loading up to fly out / Ma Goblin gives them comm devices
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 40:45 - Heading out from Garrosh's castle
The Writing on the Wall - 43:10 - Gunk arrives
Goblin Dirigible - 46:41 (loops) - Akoralil brings in their allies
Sea Beast - 49:35 - The dragons of the Living Wood fly in
Apotheosis - 53:39 - Jovyre addresses the people of the Feywild
The Purge - 56:15 (loops) - Jovyre brings Cyra out and begins the execution
Soul Coins - 1:01:25 (loops) - Murph explains the battle mechanics
that one metal song - 1:17:51 - Triss 2's helmet falls off / Court with no crowns is there
Gunvar - 1:22:35 - Calder and Triss 2 share a moment
The Posse - 1:28:04 - Duck Team's allies kicking ass
A Friend for Life - 1:31:42 - Callie comforts Cyra
Into the Planar Pool - 1:32:56 - Marigold bursts out of the pit / Glen
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:40:45 - Glen gloating about killing an archfey
Demigod - 1:43:40 - Marigold breathes fire on Licorice + Sol
The Posse - 1:40:26 - Duck Team's allies (Gunk+co) take the shore to contested
Bahumia Theme - 1:54:20 - Licorice + Callie kill Glen
The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe - 2:09:38 - Callie comforts Marigold / Tries to break the charm
The Bronze Bastard - 2:11:42 - The allied ground troops compromise Jovyre's forces
Into the Flame - 2:13:40 - Jovyre succeeds at combining the crowns
A Miracle Child - 2:28:17 - Callie soothes and breaks Marigold's control
Sea Beast - 2:29:44 - Marigold joins their side / Marigold stats
that one metal song - 2:23:25 - Pincer attack from the ground troups / Breaking through
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:33:19 - Sol goes down from the blast of sun / Pops up
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 2:40:01 - Jovyre tries to relate/appeal to Calder
Forsaken - 2:41:41 - Jovyre shows Calder Gregor wounded
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:46:02 - Jovyre blasts Sol, Kenna, and Licorice with the sun again (knocking Kenna/Sol out)
Sea Beast - 2:54:34 - Ground allies succeed / Are able to save Sol
The Sea Elves - 2:55:37 - Sol falling out of the sky (unconscious)
Tsunare - 3:00:54 - Sol saves Licorice
Bahumia Theme - 3:06:01 - Honeysuckle kills Jovyre
Torn Apart - 3:12:07 (loops) - Calder takes the Feywild's power to try to cast Wish
Oh, Melora! - 3:17:59 - The serpents heal the Feywild
The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon - 3:22:47 (loops) - One last ride as the serpents join the starry sky / Saying goodbye
Oliana's Lullabye* - 3:29:34 - Oliana, Swag, and the serpent queen depart / Emily sings
The Frog - 3:32:47 - Sol 1 year later (teaching kids at Albin's school)
Hexbuds - 3:35:09 - Kenna comes to see Sol
The Frost Giant - 3:36:58 - Calder 1 year later (back in the ice knife)
Hexbuds - 3:39:48 - Kenna recruits Calder to join the team too
Fantastic & Fuddling - 3:40:34 - The Feywild now
The Fairy - 3:41:37 - Callie 1 year later (in the Feywild)
A Tale's End - 3:44:23 - Callie's play
Hexbuds - 3:47:48 - Kenna recruits Callie to join the team too
Hardwon the Giant Layer* - 3:49:49 - Emily sings us out
Notes: this ep didn't come with a song list, therefore "Oliana's Lullabye" and "Hardwon the Giant Layer", the two new songs, are placeholder titles here
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operationslipperypuppet · 4 months ago
gunvar when fia first talks about irina vs gunvar at “mr henry. kill her.” is simply Too Much
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tapenside · 8 years ago
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“ Gunvar, you’re the most disgusting person I’ve ever met “
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kamillaaust-blog · 5 years ago
Bokmål og nynorsk
Fra 1450 til 1814 var Norge i union med Danmark, og det var danske embetsmenn som da styrte i Norge. Skriftspråket i Norge var derfor dansk. Men når unionen ble oppløst i 1814 fikk Norge sin egen grunnlov. Men selv med ny grunnlov stod det danske skriftspråket fortsatt sterkt i Norge. På 1830-tallet begynner diskusjonen om Norge skal få sitt eget skriftspråk for alvor å ta av. Forfatteren Johan Sebastian Welhaven var en av de som mente Norge bare burde fortsette med dansk som skriftspråk. Forfatteren Henrik Wergeland menter derimot at vi skulle sette inn norske ord og vendinger for å gjøre det danske språket om til et eget norsk språket. Knud Knudsen førte nettopp dette videre, mens Welhaven sitt syn ikke ble tatt med videre. Knudsen var tydelig på at riksmål, det vi fra 1929 kaller bokmål, var fornorsket dansk. Han bygde språket på den ”dannede dagligtalen i byene”. Bildet under viser Knud Knudsen, og er hentet fra: https://snl.no/Knud_Knudsen
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Ivar Aasen blir derimot kalt for nynorsken sin far. Han ville skape et skriftspråk som bygde på de norske dialektene, og han reiste derfor rundt i landet for å lytte til hvordan folk snakket. Han brukte få låneord ettersom han ville holde språket så reint som mulig. Ut i fra dette kom landsmålet fram, som fra 1929 blir kalt for nynorsk. Nynorsk står i dag sterkest på vestlandet. Bildet under viser Ivar Aasen, og er hentet fra: https://snl.no/Ivar_Aasen
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Norge sitter altså nå med to norske skriftspråk. I 1906 kom det en tanke om å samle disse to skriftspråkene. Tanken var at skriftspråknormeringer skulle føre bokmål og nynorsk nærmere hverandre, slik at vi til slutt satt igjen med ett felles skriftspråk, samnorsk. For å føre språkene bokmål og nynorsk nærmere skulle det bli større valgfrihet i begge skriftspråkene. Denne ideén slo aldri helt gjennom, og hele prosessen ble til slutt helt avviklet. Selv om mye av valgfriheten i bokmål og nynorsk ble avviklet i denne sammenheng, er det fortsatt en del valgfrihet igjen i begge skriftspråk.
Felles for Aasen og Knudsen var at de begge ønsket et norsk skriftspråk, og ikke fortsette med det rent danske. Dette klarte de begge ettersom de står bak det vi i dag kaller bokmål og nynorsk. Det var også en idé om å skape ett felles norsk skriftspråk, samnorsk, men dette målet ble etterhvert avviklet.
Innholdet i teksten er hentet fra forelesningsnotater den 14. november 2019. Forelesningen ble holdt av Roy Gunvar Tveit.
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notiziariofinanziario · 2 years ago
Mindshare firma l’unione strategica tra Seafood from Norway e Giallozafferano 
Giallozafferano avvia una collaborazione per proporre il salmone norvegese come protagonista delle nostre tavole.  La partnership con Giallozafferano, il food media brand leader in Italia, si compone di un mix di formati e storytelling, strategicamente declinati in base ai diversi obiettivi di brand, e il coinvolgimento di un roaster di food blogger e top creators per creare ricette. Talent differenti per coprire diversi target: da Monica Pannacci, al volto di Giallozafferano Manuel Saraceno sino a Fernanda Nicotra, alias ilcaldosaporedelsud. I talent realizzano making of dinamici e familiari con cui favorire lo step by step delle ricette live lungo set di stories seriali, reels e post cross channel, con rilancio su un Digital Hub brandizzato, always on. La sezione diventa, inoltre, anche il punto di incontro per ospitare ricette editoriali ed approfondimenti legati al salmone norvegese. Attività di infotainment arricchiscono l’impianto narrativo: un vertical editoriale racconta la terra e le origini del marchio e del prodotto, sostenendo l’ingaggio delle audience di Instagram con quiz, pools e social cards, formati pensati per intrattenere e sensibilizzare gli utenti su temi cari al marchio: il legame con la Norvegia, l’impegno sostenibile e l’impatto ambientale. Una campagna display sul network di Giallozafferano completa, infine, il progetto amplificando l’awareness e la celebrazione invitando gli utenti ad andare sul sito per scoprire tutti gli elementi che rendono il pesce norvegese #PerfettoInOgniRicetta. “La partnership con Giallozafferano ci offre l’opportunità di esplorare nuovi modi di comunicare l’eccellente qualità, sostenibilità e gusto del salmone norvegese ai consumatori italiani. Siamo molto soddisfatti delle attività di quest’anno ed entusiasti dei contenuti realizzati dal team di Giallozafferano con i loro migliori blogger e creator" commenta Gunvar L. Wie, Director di NSC Italia.  “La ricetta dietro il successo del progetto? L’unione strategica di due mondi che si completano ed arricchiscono a vicenda: la qualità e le origini superiori del salmone norvegese, espresse dal marchio d’origine 'Seafood from Norway', sapientemente integrati nel made in Italy inclusivo, fantasioso e gourmet di Giallozafferano”, conclude Daniela Baldassarre, Head of Content di Mindshare Italia. Read the full article
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moariin · 6 years ago
24 for 5 OCs
24. Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Oh boy…five OCs, okay i’m ready
MarcelOn the scale of 10, he’s a 10, he’s pretty much open and expressive on sex and usually tries to keep to himself until someone would say hi and it would slip out from him so nonchalantly and move on with his life
SaschaListen, I love this girl but she loves to spill the deets to Gunvar and kinda rolls her eyes about it while cackling. Kai, is pretty much an afterthought. 
Viktor Now this seems weird but everyone knows what’s he’s up to without him even saying it and it’s a norm for him (the consequences of having one-night stand with a bunch of ppl). At this point, he didn’t really need to speak up abt it lmaoo
KsenyiaShe’s hella reserved on sex but she feels most comfortable speaking it to Korchagina mostly because she’s in debt towards her (coughs, totally not her second mom). 
DagmaraBroadcasts it, uploads it, tweets about it how she got laid, i mean, like everything she does. She could kiss a tree and would explicitly feels urge to yell to everyone about it. Especially to Mazonn, just to nerve him.
uncommon questions for ocs
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shopbycategory · 2 years ago
Will Carbohydrate Loading Help Your Marathon?
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Most marathons and large triathlons have pre-race pasta dinners. Even athletes who don't attend the dinner make reservations weeks in advance at the closest Italian restaurant. Many athletes walking around the race expo are munching on Power Bars and carrying large bottles of Gatorade, refilling them often.
Is the pasta just a cheap race meal for the directors to put on or is there something to the practice of ingesting large amounts of carbohydrates before a big race?
Carbohydrate Loading Defined
As it turns out "carbohydrate loading" is a well known dietary practice designed to load up the muscles with glycogen prior to an athletic event. The carbohydrate loading theory was that if you deprived the body of glycogen and depleted it's stores, when you began taking in carbohydrate again, the body would store more than normal - supersaturating the muscles. As fatigue accompanies the draining of glycogen from the muscles, loading up on glycogen is thought to delay fatigue, a very welcome side effect for a marathon runner. This practice was developed in 1967 by Gunvar Ahlborg, a Swedish scientist.
The primary fuel used by your muscles during high intensity exercise and endurance events is carbohydrates. Your body gets the carbohydrates it uses for energy from the glycogen it has stored in the liver and muscles.
During lower intensity exercise fat is the major source of muscle fuel. However, carbohydrates are required to metabolize the fat so carbohydrates still play a role when you are exercising at low intensities.
What this means to you is that whether you are exercising at a low intensity or high intensity - carbohydrates are a limiting factor in your performance.
How can you keep carbohydrates from limiting your performance? This is the idea behind carbohydrate loading - to keep carbohydrates from limiting your performance.
"Traditional" carbohydrate loading involved completely depleting your body of carbohydrates, then saturating your body with carbohydrates. During the depletion stage the athlete follows a restrictive diet and intense exercise and during the loading stage, the athlete loads up on carbohydrates.
No matter how you look at it, this plan is a departure from a normal, balanced diet. Carbohydrate loading has it's critics and defenders so do your homework rather than blindly following a plan. This article gives you some simple facts to help you decide whether and to what extent to incorporate carbohydrate loading into your training plan.
Side Effects of Carbohydrate Loading
Energy Depletion
A big side effect of carbohydrate depletion is that your energy is also depleted. I once went on a three day body builders diet in which you only eat tuna for 3 days. This diet is supposed to "lean you up" for competition and is also used kick off a new training season. I can't for the life of me remember why I thought this would be a good idea but I believe I thought I would "detox" or lose a few pounds before marathon training season. By midway through the second day I was so stupid I couldn't spell my own name. This was a clear indication to me of the signs of hypoglycemia - weakness, lethargy, and irritation. (Interestingly, the amount of carbohydrate required by the brain and nervous system are enough to deplete your liver of stored glycogen in 24 hours, so you can imagine how sharp your brain function would be during carbohydrate depletion.)
As you taper for your race, your workouts are probably along the lines of short and sharp. Short enough to allow you to recover and sharp enough to keep your muscles primed for racing. A carbohydrate-depleted fog is not what I think of as sharp.
As you prepare mentally for your race, you want to be positive, not irritable.
If you exercise intensely during the depletion stage, you could experience muscle trauma which would impair your muscle's ability to store glycogen rather than enhance it. If that isn't enough, the loading stage could actually harm muscle fibers by pushing them to store excessive glycogen.
Several lab studies have reported abnormal electrocardiograph patterns in athletes who follow this strict depletion and loading phase pattern.
Weight Gain
A second side effect of carbohydrate loading is weight gain. Glycogen is hydrophilic, meaning that it attracts water. When you stuff your muscles with glycogen, the glycogen attracts water into your muscles. With each extra gram of glycogen stored, an extra 2.6 grams of water is stored. When carbohydrate loading you will gain weight. Even following a modest carbohydrate loading plan, you may arrive at the start line a few pounds heavier. Don't be alarmed by this. This is also due to the decreased exercise during your taper. On the positive side, the extra water may help regulate body temperature by being available as a source of sweat. Visit Fat Burners
For endurance athletes the trade-off to consider is whether the extra water will be a help (could be particularly true in hot weather) or a hindrance (extra energy required to carry extra weight).
Athletes whose sport requires flexibility, such as gymnastics, weight lifting, and sprinting should be aware that muscles packed with water may be stuff and limit flexibility.
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iggidee · 8 years ago
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Also some D&D doodles of Kloolblub my Kuo-toa Vengence Pali, Sneek's imaginary friend from childhood Billee, and Gunvar looking at mushrooms and attempting a smile.
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tricksy-dragonborn · 7 years ago
Gunvar: The best revenge really is being nice!
Attor: Or murder.
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stone-stars · 28 days ago
songs in c3e71: the king consort (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 18:51
Forsaken - 21:03
Into the Flame - 23:51
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 31:41
Forsaken - 34:20
Into the Flame - 38:19
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 1:00:41
Forsaken - 1:04:19
Into the Flame - 1:08:59
The Red Fen - 1:18:44 and 1:23:59
Left is Left and Right is Center - 1:25:24
Greener Shades - 1:28:02
Balnor the Brave - 1:29:06
Malscurial - 1:33:11
Gunvar - 1:35:38
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 1:37:47
Left is Left and Right is Center - 1:41:45
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 1:43:37
Soul Coins - 1:46:03
The Red Fen - 1:49:39
Sir Reynard - 1:50:33
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 18:51 - Fatebringer mage pulls Sol into the swampgrass maze
Forsaken - 21:03 - Sol recognizes Jovyre / She shows him the planar system
Into the Flame - 23:51 - Jovyre attacks Sol
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 31:41 - Fatebringer mage pulls Calder into the frozen maze
Forsaken - 34:20 - Calder sees Gregor dead, then the rest of his family
Into the Flame - 38:19 - Jovyre attacks Calder
Conspiracy in the Clouds - 1:00:41 - Fatebringer mage pulls Callie into the burning/smoke maze
Forsaken - 1:04:19 - Callie defies Jovyre / Jovyre becomes huge
Into the Flame - 1:08:59 - Jovyre tells Callie the Beastlands are burning and Oberon is dead
The Red Fen - 1:18:44 - Trying to steal Charbin's hammer
The Red Fen - 1:23:59 - Charbin drinks piss / Asks to drink piss
Left is Left and Right is Center - 1:25:24 - Making Charbin be a piss boy
Greener Shades - 1:28:02 - Charbin toasts them w/ piss
Balnor the Brave - 1:29:06 - Trying to convince Berelain to help and free Trashcan
Malscurial - 1:33:11 - Charbin offers them his help
Gunvar - 1:35:38 - Discussing Oberon's death
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 1:37:47 - Gathering the automatons + giants to head out for battle
Left is Left and Right is Center - 1:41:45 - Interrogating the blogging/journalism Green Knight
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 1:43:37 - Heading out on the serpents / to Garrosh's castle and gathering their allies
Soul Coins - 1:46:03 - Garrosh gives them a rundown of their allies
The Red Fen - 1:49:39 - Calder flips Albin off / Albin casts command
Sir Reynard - 1:50:33 - Garrosh brings them in: "tomorrow we decide the fate of the realm"
Notes: "Into the Flame" is credited as "Into the Fire" and "Sir Reynard" is credited as just "Reynard"
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operationslipperypuppet · 1 year ago
Playing Gunvar under Callie and Sol expressing the Shiverblight the manner in which Calder got stuffed with grenades “like a thanksgiving turkey” is the funniest possible choice Murph could have made.
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thereisnosp00n · 9 years ago
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Ahahahaha. It's done. Also I suck at this whole perspective/anatomy thing... #portraits5ever FEAR NOT THE SNOW, FRIENDS. #THESNOWFESTCOMETH #iaintafraidofnosnow #olafssnowfest #snowbusters #frolickingfjords #tubadours #harrisonfjord #henryfjord #gunvar
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mageways · 9 years ago
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a smol warrior child painty doodle she has that thedda pout spot on 
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stone-stars · 3 months ago
songs in c3e70: deer old dad (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Balnor the Brave - 7:29
Blackthorn Hall - 8:30
Ode to the Archipelago - 13:16
Bittersweet Sixteen - 14:51
Hospitably Hostile - 17:20
Balnor's Bad Dream - 20:44
Balnor the Brave - 23:26
Winter Sprite - 24:58
Left is Left and Right is Center - 28:22
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 30:26
Gunvar - 32:54
The Red Fen - 33:54
Greener Shades - 35:26
Slumber in the Stump - 36:14
Zelbuldar 3 - 38:46
Mothership Lobby - 39:35 and 43:29
Left is Left and Right is Center - 46:34
The Multiverse - 48:46
Goblin Dirigible - 50:56
A Friend For Life - 53:49
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 55:40
Tower in the Distance - 58:57
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:02:22
Malscurial - 1:07:02
The Mindflayer's Lair - 1:08:16
Bonkginya, Fia Bonkginya - 1:12:23
Malscurial - 1:17:15
Sir Reynard - 1:20:41
Malscurial - 1:22:26
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Balnor the Brave - 7:29 - Balnor grieves Truehare
Blackthorn Hall - 8:30 - Duck Team celebrating / Kenna's first beer
Ode to the Archipelago - 13:16 - Calder makes an ice luge / Revelry with the Green Knights
Bittersweet Sixteen - 14:51 - Entering the Summer Court Castle
Hospitably Hostile - 17:20 - Calder brings up Leonore to Robert / Robert explains their past
Balnor's Bad Dream - 20:44 - Robert explains Leonore's treachery and betrayal
Balnor the Brave - 23:26 - Robert explains his order's mission and that they have failed Queen Cirilla
Winter Sprite - 24:58 - Callie's read on Cirilla (naive)
Left is Left and Right is Center - 28:22 - Discussing Gunk's future
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 30:26 - Robert offers the Green Knight's service if DT will help bring Cirilla back
Gunvar - 32:54 - Robert reminisces about Queen Cirilla
The Red Fen - 33:54 - King Lestibourne
Greener Shades - 35:26 - Duck Team's sleeping quarters
Slumber in the Stump - 36:14 - Duck Team going to bed
Zelbuldar 3 - 38:46 - Ma Goblin hologram
Mothership Lobby - 39:35 - Ma Goblin gives them a net gun for the Fatebringers
Mothership Lobby - 43:29 - Ma says she can scan automatons
Left is Left and Right is Center - 46:34 - Sol uses Lestibourne's bath water
The Multiverse - 48:46 - Sol crits to recharge his spores
Goblin Dirigible - 50:56 - Green Knight forces gathering / Saying goodbye to Robert
A Friend For Life - 53:49 - Callie gives Robert a stag fern as a token
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 55:40 - Green Knights preparing to fly out
Tower in the Distance - 58:57 - Arrival in Autumn
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:02:22 - Discussing an approach to the castle
Malscurial - 1:07:02 - DT + Balnor land among the elementals + automatons
The Mindflayer's Lair - 1:08:16 - Callie scans an automaton
Bonkginya, Fia Bonkginya - 1:12:23 - Communicating with Ma Goblin / Automaton overview and discussion
Malscurial - 1:17:15 - Entering Charbin's castle
Sir Reynard - 1:20:41 - Charbin shows Bearlain in a cage / Betrays them
Malscurial - 1:22:26 - Charbin's forces start attacking
Notes: "Slumber in the Stump" is credited as "Moonshine's Stump"
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stone-stars · 4 months ago
songs in c3e66: wavemother (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Henry Hogfish - 7:34
Sea Beast - 9:41
Henry's House - 15:36 and 18:28
Ode to the Archipelago - 21:07 and 22:10
A Fairy Remembers - 26:33
Irondeep - 33:30 and 35:15
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 38:26
string chords - 41:38
Tsunare - 43:04 and 48:03
The Inkling Syndicate - 53:08, 54:23, and 55:08
The Hexblood Centurions - 56:28
Tsunare - 59:59
Henry Hogfish - 1:04:15
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:08:40
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:10:17
Dopplegangers - 1:13:39 and 1:15:53
Rousel - 1:17:52
Gunvar - 1:18:47
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:20:48
The Multiverse - 1:22:21
Tsunare - 1:25:25
Henry's House - 1:26:35
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:31:24 and 1:31:57
The Inkling Syndicate - 1:33:05
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:36:08
The Fairy - 1:36:49
Rousel - 1:41:27
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:42:56
Haunting Visages - 1:44:58
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:52:09
A Friend for Life - 1:54:50
The Prodigal Sister - 1:58:34
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:58:58
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Henry Hogfish - 7:34 - Zunark pulls out a bag of treasure
Sea Beast - 9:41 - Callie examines the treasure for things she recognizes (finds the lance with wave symbol)
Henry's House - 15:36 - Sol finds magic items for Kenna
Henry's House - 18:28 - Raiding the captain's mini bar
Ode to the Archipelago - 21:07 - Lazlow takes them towards the Archipelago
Ode to the Archipelago - 22:10 - Zunark explains how he and Lazlow met
A Fairy Remembers - 26:33 - Callie tells Zunark what her vision for the Feywild is
Irondeep - 33:30 and 35:15 - Reading the plans for the summit
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 38:26 - Discussing Jovyre's plan + Cyra's static fate
string chords - 41:38 - Seeing destroyed triton vehicles in the water
Tsunare - 43:04 - Merfolk knights on shark-back arrive (Sir Brinesplooge)
Tsunare - 48:03 - Descending into Akoralil's throne room
The Inkling Syndicate - 53:08 - Duck Team asks Akoralil for help / to make a deal with them
The Inkling Syndicate - 54:23 and 55:08 - Talking to and negotiating with Akoralil
The Hexblood Centurions - 56:28 - Akoralil shows them Bearlane leading automatons + Charbin marching w/ his army
Tsunare - 59:59 - Akoralil agrees to sleep on their suggestions
Henry Hogfish - 1:04:15 - Sir Brinesplooge takes them to their room / Trying to sus out which clam is a toilet
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:08:40 - Taking about Akoralil's plans and demands
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:10:17 - Wandering around and investigating Akoralil's past and the way her people regard her
Dopplegangers - 1:13:39 - "Worst case scenario" discussion (if they'll need to turn on Akoralil)
Dopplegangers - 1:15:53 - Talking to a random knight about if the sea can stay the same size
Rousel - 1:17:52 - Discussing Gunk becoming a knight of Akoralil
Gunvar - 1:18:47 - Triss 2 connects w/ the second Brinesplooge
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:20:48 - Discussing if they can ask Akoralil about Cyra
The Multiverse - 1:22:21 - Meditating (rolls) to recharge Galactic Swag divination
Tsunare - 1:25:25 - Akoralil heals Lazlow
Henry's House - 1:26:35 - Looking for a kitchen / discussing their demands
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:31:24 and 1:31:57 - Meeting w/ Akoralil to make their demands of each other
The Inkling Syndicate - 1:33:05 - Talking about High Ember Lord Charbin
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:36:08 - Continuing to negotiate with Akoralil
The Fairy - 1:36:49 - Callie lays out Duck Team's demands to Akoralil
Rousel - 1:41:27 - Letter to Gunk to drop out and come join them
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:42:56 - Akoralil tells them Cyra disappeared
Haunting Visages - 1:44:58 - Scrying on Cyra sitting alone in the Shadowfell
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:52:09 - Talking about leaving Zunark + Triss 2 behind
A Friend for Life - 1:54:50 - Triss 2 hugs Callie + says goodbye
The Prodigal Sister - 1:58:34 - Calder comforts Callie about facing Cyra / Callie hugs him
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:58:58 - Planeshift to Shadowfell
Notes: string chords at 41:38 appear to be royalty free (repeatedly used in episodes without credits) / "The Widow" is listed in the credits but is not used Different credits: "In the Dark of Dusk" is credited as "In the Dark of Dawn" / "The Inkling Syndicate" is credited as "The Entertainment District" Not listed in credits: Gunvar, The Multiverse New song: Ode to the Archipelago
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stone-stars · 6 months ago
songs in c3e63: court with no crowns (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
The Fairy - 6:50
Left is Left and Right is Center - 8:34, 9:54, 10:50, and 11:23
The Red Fen - 12:57, 14:40, and 16:08
Slumber in the Stump - 19:37
The Red Fen - 22:32
Gunvar - 23:40
Tundra Trudge - 26:10
Rousel - 28:06 (loops)
Unknown Tome - 36:29
Frankie Vantasmo - 38:01
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 39:39
The Gambling District - 43:55
The Bronze Bastard - 46:46
The Inkling Syndicate - 48:08 and 51:35
The Rattlin' Snakes - 54:36, 55:44, and 58:18
Blackthorn Hall - 1:02:35
Stallios - 1:08:13
Triss 2 - 1:12:21
Bash at the Gash - 1:23:30, 1:25:26, and 1:26:26
The Inkling Syndicate - 1:29:50
Hospitable - 1:34:19
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:38:06
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:42:33
The Inkling Syndicate - 1:43:51
Bash at the Gash - 1:47:56
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:48:56
context for each song + notes under the cut!
The Fairy - 6:50 - Callie disguises Foster as a goose
Left is Left and Right is Center - 8:34, 9:54, 10:50 - Duck team disguises themselves
Left is Left and Right is Center - 11:23 - Discussing how to get to Rousel
The Red Fen - 12:57 - Remembering Gunk
The Red Fen - 14:40 - Gunk hunting
The Red Fen - 16:08 - Gunk kills the Basilisk
Slumber in the Stump - 19:37 - Little schoolhouse in the woods
The Red Fen - 22:32 - Gunk menacing the school
Gunvar - 23:40 - Saying goodbye to Gunk
Tundra Trudge - 26:10 - Hiking to Rousel
Rousel - 28:06 (loops) - Arriving in Rousel / Rousel description
Unknown Tome - 36:29 - Squirt reveals his true (old) nature
Frankie Vantasmo - 38:01 - Calder asks Squirt about the barracks / Court with no Crowns
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 39:39 - Duck Team's wanted posters
The Gambling District - 43:55 - Callie asks Squirt about the halfling knights
The Bronze Bastard - 46:46 - Cyra's wanted poster
The Inkling Syndicate - 48:08 - Asking Squirt about the tree/fountain
The Inkling Syndicate - 51:35 - Discussing going to see Zunark
The Rattlin' Snakes - 54:36 - Approaching nobody's Inn / The toughs outside
The Rattlin' Snakes - 55:44 - Callie lets the Rattlin' Snakes take hits on her
The Rattlin' Snakes - 58:18 - Entering Nobody's Inn with their new entourage
Blackthorn Hall - 1:02:35 - Callie recognizes Cyra's friend, Triss 2
Stallios - 1:08:13 - Calder goes to try to flirt with Triss 2
Triss 2 - 1:12:21 - Triss 2 calls Calder a Winter Court spy and flees
Bash at the Gash - 1:23:30 - Zunark emerges from the barracks
Bash at the Gash - 1:25:26 and 1:26:26 - Entering the Court with no Crowns barracks
The Inkling Syndicate - 1:29:50 - Triss tells them about Cyra's plan
Hospitable - 1:34:19 - Callie extends an olive branch to Triss
In the Dark of Dusk - 1:38:06 - Zunark says Jovyre is allowing the Automatons to wreak havoc in the Autumn Court
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:42:33 - Discussing the suspicious about the summit
The Inkling Syndicate - 1:43:51 - Zunark pulls out a map
Bash at the Gash - 1:47:56 - Zunark says he's aware of the serpents
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:48:56 - Pulling out the photo of Glen / Callie casts detect thoughts
Notes: “Bash at the Gash” is credited as “The Eye of Akarot” / "Slumber in the Stump" is credited as "Moonshine's Stump" New songs: Rousel, The Rattlin' Snakes, Triss 2 Unlisted in the credits: The Fairy, Unknown Tome, Blackthorn Hall, Hospitable
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