#goblin dirigible
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stone-stars · 1 month ago
songs in c3e72:the high queen (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
A Friend for Life - 9:52
The Hexblood Centurions - 11:35
A Friend for Life - 14:54
A Bastard No More - 16:42
Left is Left and Right is Center - 18:34
On the Prow - 20:13
A Fairy Remembers - 24:55
Bittersweet Sixteen - 29:17
A Glittering Reunion - 32:19
Mob Goblin - 35:27
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 40:45
The Writing on the Wall - 43:10
Goblin Dirigible - 46:41 (loops)
Sea Beast - 49:35
Apotheosis - 53:39
The Purge - 56:15 (loops)
Soul Coins - 1:01:25 (loops)
that one metal song - 1:17:51
Gunvar - 1:22:35
The Posse - 1:28:04
A Friend for Life - 1:31:42
Into the Planar Pool - 1:32:56
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:40:45
Demigod - 1:43:40
The Posse - 1:40:26
Bahumia Theme - 1:54:20
The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe - 2:09:38
The Bronze Bastard - 2:11:42
Into the Flame - 2:13:40
A Miracle Child - 2:28:17
Sea Beast - 2:29:44
that one metal song - 2:23:25
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:33:19
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 2:40:01
Forsaken - 2:41:41
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:46:02
Sea Beast - 2:54:34
The Sea Elves - 2:55:37
Tsunare - 3:00:54
Bahumia Theme - 3:06:01
Torn Apart - 3:12:07 (loops)
Oh, Melora! - 3:17:59
The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon - 3:22:47 (loops)
Oliana's Lullabye* - 3:29:34
The Frog - 3:32:47
Hexbuds - 3:35:09
The Frost Giant - 3:36:58
Hexbuds - 3:39:48
Fantastic & Fuddling - 3:40:34
The Fairy - 3:41:37
A Tale's End - 3:44:23
Hexbuds - 3:47:48
Hardwon the Giant Layer* - 3:49:49
context for each song + notes under the cut!
A Friend for Life - 9:52 - Talking about carrying on each other's wishes
The Hexblood Centurions - 11:35 - Robert addresses the Green Knights
A Friend for Life - 14:54 - Albin suggests founding a magic university
A Bastard No More - 16:42 - Albin + Sol reflect on launchpad / Sol + Albin pledge to be together
Left is Left and Right is Center - 18:34 - Callie pitches Kenna + her as knights w/ Calder as the squire
On the Prow - 20:13 - Sol sews his scarf into everyone else's tracksuits
A Fairy Remembers - 24:55 - Callie becomes an Oath of Devotion paladin
Bittersweet Sixteen - 29:17 - Kenna is "squighted" / Coming of Age
A Glittering Reunion - 32:19 - Sol tries (and fails) to contact Swag
Mob Goblin - 35:27 - Loading up to fly out / Ma Goblin gives them comm devices
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 40:45 - Heading out from Garrosh's castle
The Writing on the Wall - 43:10 - Gunk arrives
Goblin Dirigible - 46:41 (loops) - Akoralil brings in their allies
Sea Beast - 49:35 - The dragons of the Living Wood fly in
Apotheosis - 53:39 - Jovyre addresses the people of the Feywild
The Purge - 56:15 (loops) - Jovyre brings Cyra out and begins the execution
Soul Coins - 1:01:25 (loops) - Murph explains the battle mechanics
that one metal song - 1:17:51 - Triss 2's helmet falls off / Court with no crowns is there
Gunvar - 1:22:35 - Calder and Triss 2 share a moment
The Posse - 1:28:04 - Duck Team's allies kicking ass
A Friend for Life - 1:31:42 - Callie comforts Cyra
Into the Planar Pool - 1:32:56 - Marigold bursts out of the pit / Glen
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 1:40:45 - Glen gloating about killing an archfey
Demigod - 1:43:40 - Marigold breathes fire on Licorice + Sol
The Posse - 1:40:26 - Duck Team's allies (Gunk+co) take the shore to contested
Bahumia Theme - 1:54:20 - Licorice + Callie kill Glen
The Blows of a Friend, And Not a Foe - 2:09:38 - Callie comforts Marigold / Tries to break the charm
The Bronze Bastard - 2:11:42 - The allied ground troops compromise Jovyre's forces
Into the Flame - 2:13:40 - Jovyre succeeds at combining the crowns
A Miracle Child - 2:28:17 - Callie soothes and breaks Marigold's control
Sea Beast - 2:29:44 - Marigold joins their side / Marigold stats
that one metal song - 2:23:25 - Pincer attack from the ground troups / Breaking through
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:33:19 - Sol goes down from the blast of sun / Pops up
All I Need is One Thread to Spin a Web - 2:40:01 - Jovyre tries to relate/appeal to Calder
Forsaken - 2:41:41 - Jovyre shows Calder Gregor wounded
The Valiant Ol' Cobb - 2:46:02 - Jovyre blasts Sol, Kenna, and Licorice with the sun again (knocking Kenna/Sol out)
Sea Beast - 2:54:34 - Ground allies succeed / Are able to save Sol
The Sea Elves - 2:55:37 - Sol falling out of the sky (unconscious)
Tsunare - 3:00:54 - Sol saves Licorice
Bahumia Theme - 3:06:01 - Honeysuckle kills Jovyre
Torn Apart - 3:12:07 (loops) - Calder takes the Feywild's power to try to cast Wish
Oh, Melora! - 3:17:59 - The serpents heal the Feywild
The Twinkling Lights of Galaderon - 3:22:47 (loops) - One last ride as the serpents join the starry sky / Saying goodbye
Oliana's Lullabye* - 3:29:34 - Oliana, Swag, and the serpent queen depart / Emily sings
The Frog - 3:32:47 - Sol 1 year later (teaching kids at Albin's school)
Hexbuds - 3:35:09 - Kenna comes to see Sol
The Frost Giant - 3:36:58 - Calder 1 year later (back in the ice knife)
Hexbuds - 3:39:48 - Kenna recruits Calder to join the team too
Fantastic & Fuddling - 3:40:34 - The Feywild now
The Fairy - 3:41:37 - Callie 1 year later (in the Feywild)
A Tale's End - 3:44:23 - Callie's play
Hexbuds - 3:47:48 - Kenna recruits Callie to join the team too
Hardwon the Giant Layer* - 3:49:49 - Emily sings us out
Notes: this ep didn't come with a song list, therefore "Oliana's Lullabye" and "Hardwon the Giant Layer", the two new songs, are placeholder titles here
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shadow-words · 2 years ago
Book Review: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison
The Goblin Emperor is a steampunk-ish fantasy novel. The book is about Maia, a young half-goblin prince who has spent his entire life “relegated” to a distant estate under the guardianship of an abusive relative. Maia’s situation changes rapidly when a messenger from the Imperial Court arrives to tell him that his father the emperor and his half-brothers have all died in a dirigible crash. (And…
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historiasdehernas · 2 months ago
Canções de Briga e Bebida: Episódio 77
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Aventura: Interlúdio
Episódio 77: Entrando na Guerra
Mialee é a primeira a acordar e parte em direção à biblioteca. Algumas horas depois Algacir também decide levantar e segue determinado a procurar por Vanvan, no caminho o goblin metálico percebe que não sabe exatamente onde está indo ou como ir até seu amigo e encontra Uchilia, pedindo para que avisasse Mialee de que iria atrás do hobgoblin. Enquanto passeia pelo castelo, Algacir se lembra de que Serêncio poderia ajudar com suas magias de transporte e parte em busca do elfo.
Ele o encontra em uma sacada, brincando com uma chinchila que estava em uma macieira, claramente fora de seu habitat natural. Ao conversar com ele, Serêncio conta que não descansou e por isso não tem como realizar a magia necessária para levar Algacir até Vanvan. Ainda durante essa conversa, o goblin sugere que os elfos troquem o termo “estado meditativo contemplativo do plano astral” para “transe” e isso faz com que a cabeça de Serêncio se ilumine de possibilidades. Ele se levanta e rapidamente se dirige até a Rainha para que as mudanças sejam feitas. Algacir agora sozinho com sua chinchila chamada Alejandro, tenta subir na tal macieira para enxergar a casa de Vanvan de um ponto mais alto, mas não obtém sucesso. Não lhe resta muita opção sem ser caminhar pelo reino até achar a casa dele no meio do Bosque.
Enquanto isso tudo acontecesse, Genevieve e Blanco se acordam e comentam sobre o dragãozinho que agora fica ao redor da draconata. Blanco prepara suas magias e segue em direção ao espaço onde o café da manhã será servido, porém ambos notam que ainda está muito cedo para o café e ficam ali apenas existindo enquanto as horas passam.  
Do lado de fora, Algacir caminha tranquilamente pelo centro e se depara com uma cena bastante triste. Os alces estão todos mortos, de forma rápida e o mais indolor possível, enquanto alguns elfos tocam melodias doces e suaves. Ao olhar ao seu redor, o goblin avista uma grande escadaria, aproximadamente 300 metros de altura apenas de escadas e como ele não tem nada a perder, segue seu rumo para subir. Ele desiste da ideia após se perder subindo e acabar entrando em casas de elfos aleatórios que moram ali por perto, o espantando com panelas e utensílios de cozinha. Derrotado e cansado, o forjado de guerra faz seu caminho de volta para o castelo.
De fato as horas passam, Uchilia arruma as coisas para o café da manhã e o Rei Irídio acorda, sentando junto com Genevieve e Blanco. Enquanto estão apenas os três ali, Irídio conta sobre a sua situação com o diabo Balgura, o grande macaco que estava incomodando o Bosque. Ele diz que prefere lidar com essas coisas sozinho, e por isso passa tanto tempo longe de casa na floresta. Pois se ele estiver sozinho, ninguém irá morrer ao seu comando, e como os elfos soldados do reino ainda são novos e pouco treinados, não gosta de pensar em acabar com uma vida tão cedo apenas por sua própria segurança. Ao falar isso, pede para que não contem para Mialee e sua mãe, pois não quer preocupar as duas. Além do pequeno desabafo, o Rei diz que a melhor forma de derrotar um demônio ou um diabo é descobrindo seu nome verdadeiro, e diz que o que ele enfrentou no dia anterior não era de fato um Balgura, o que resultou em mais dificuldade para a briga ter um fim. Durante essa conversa, Algacir passa pela cozinha do castelo, soltando Alejandro com a esperança de que os elfos da cozinha lidem com ele.     Quando o Rei termina de falar, Algacir chega aos aposentos, junto com Ivan que sai sonolento do quarto. Mialee chega pouco tempo depois, cansada e falante pois havia passado aproximadamente 8h dentro da biblioteca estudando um feitiço novo. Ela o demonstra para seus companheiros que acham bastante interessante. Com todos ali sentados, a princesa pergunta o que acham de partir para Kath já que suas questões reais já haviam se encerrado. Todos entram em acordo e Mialee pede para que os itens de viagem sejam preparados enquanto isso. Todos eles se arrumam e arrumam suas coisas e com uma passagem de tempo, o grupo está devidamente organizado. Uchilia os leva pelo castelo, passando por dentro da cozinha onde Mialee ajuda Genevieve a fazer um pequeno estoque de bolinhos de baunilha. Alejandro está flutuando pela cozinha com um chapeuzinho de chefe feito de papel na cabeça, claramente apavorado e desconfortável.
Agora, o grupo se encontra no salão principal onde a Rainha e o Rei os esperam no topo da escadaria. Lá lhes são entregues as coisas necessárias para uma viagem tranquila. Ofélia e Irídio agradecem os cuidados que os companheiros de Mialee tiveram em proteger ela enquanto esteve fora, e dizem que o castelo sempre será um lugar seguro para eles quando precisarem. Mialee se aproxima e diz que espera que sua mãe não a ignore novamente, onde a Rainha responde que espera que tenha notícias da filha a cada 7 dias. Com a despedida, Mialee ganha um fio dourado, seu primeiro item oficial. É uma tradição da realeza que quando algum de seus membros sai em missões oficiais, receba esse pequeno presente. Quando a princesa quiser ou precisar voltar para casa, basta cantar que o fio a guiará. Os Reis se despedem do grupo e Serêncio os prepara para abrir um portal para ir até a casa de Vanvan, pois é mais perto de Kath. E assim, o grupo finalmente parte de Amastacia.
Ao chegar na casa de Vanvan, Algacir vai direto conversar com ele em particular enquanto o resto do pessoal fica na sala esperando. Enquanto isso, Mialee conversa sobre a parte élfica de Jane e Fonty. Fonty diz que é realmente difícil ser meio elfo nas circunstâncias atuais, pois não são bem vistos nas comunidades élficas e nem entre os humanos, fazendo sua existência ser bastante cansativa e criada em cima de ódio. Algacir sobe junto com Vanvan e vai direto ao ponto, dizendo que eles poderiam usar madeira mágica para construir o corpo de sua filha, pois isso poderia segurar “a bomba” que é seu coração e ainda é um item de maior acesso do que outro tipo de metal mágico. Vanvan não coloca muitas esperanças na ideia mas não a descarta, dizendo que tem conhecidos no plano da água que talvez poderiam conseguir mais informações sobre. Com o fim da conversa, Algacir ganha uma pedra de comunicação para os dois manterem contato sobre os estudos que o goblin irá começar em função do projeto de Vanvan. Depois dos dois descerem, todos devolvem os itens mágicos emprestados e saem da residência, seguindo, agora, diretamente para Kath. Blanco usa seus poderes druídicos e abre uma passagem em uma das árvores, os levando direto para o Porto, na Região das Moedas.
Uma imagem nostálgica enche os olhos de Mialee, Ivan, Blanco, Algacir e Genevieve. O porto está tomado de navios e de soldados de diferentes grupos, alguns são reconhecidos pelo grupo, como por exemplo um navio com duas carpas douradas num fundo branco, o símbolo de Kath. Um outro barco com soldados em cores azuis, indicando os Nhifidalens, alguns meio elfos com suas orelhas cortadas e fortes tons de vermelho e preto, um grupo com bastante cobre em sua presença, sendo os Os Cavaleiros de Dragão de Bronze, um grupo que luta contra o Rei Sandriel.     A guerra é mais do que iminente. E assim, pisando em solo conhecido depois de anos, o grupo é introduzido a essa grande gama de soldados, entrando enfim na Guerra das Cores.
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autistic-manopunk · 2 years ago
Solar-punk versus Lunar-punk
Solar-punk: Riding on your Bike Downtown that has Arcology Skyscrapers to get to your Job smoke testing  Cannabis, while so many Dirigible Airships in Sunny Sky that “Prussian Gloria” might as well be playing.
Lunar-punk: walking through mushroom Forest in Hooded Cloak under cover of Starry Night heading to your house that covered in Norse and Celtic Protection Symbols, to your Goblin Wife and 2 Kids, and now have to explain why you have Pixie Lipstick on your Neck.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years ago
All in the Family
Chapter 105: Luna Lovegood
Last co-authored with Tiffiny Smith, thanks for all your help!
Regulus found himself tangled in something - the branches of a tree? After a moment of panic making sure it wasn't the Whomping Willow, he disentangled himself and peeked out at the ground below, where the other seven were getting their bearings.
What caught his attention, however, was the giant tower not ten yards away. Despite its forbidding appearance, it had some wide, decent-sized steps leading up to a door with an eagle-shaped knocker, the whole affair had some pretty windows, and there was a well-maintained path with a sign (or maybe three) on it leading to the road some distance away. Regulus couldn't read the sign (it was facing the road), but Potter made a beeline for it.
Then he stopped and stared.
"Well?" Sirius hollered. "What's it say? Where are we?"
"Whose place is this?" Alice asked, staring at the tower.
"The Quibbler," said Potter. "Editor, X. Lovegood. Anybody heard of him?" The pureblood name rang an old bell in his head, but he'd never met one personally.
"Lovegood?" said Frank, furrowing his brow in confusion, the same running through his own mind. Had his mum ever mentioned an oddball named Lovegood in school?
"Don't ask me!" Potter said back. "Listen to this: pick your own mistletoe. And Keep Off the... dir..igg...ibble plums."
Sirius darted over to a bush with radish-like fruits on them and threw one at Potter, who caught it and looked confused.
Regulus decided watching them was a waste of time and set about searching for the book, which was wedged in a windowsill just barely out of reach. He Accio'd it and started reading. Well, Luna was either the wife or kid of this X., and judging by the fact Harry was back off to school, either were likely. Either a student Harry was about to meet or the new DADA teacher.
It wasn't as if he was anxious to be away from here, at least he was finally in a respectable pureblood home again, only the second since all this madness had started counting his own. Yet, for the first time in his life, he didn't care. He had no inclination to get to know these people just because his parents would have wanted him too, not knowing who else they wanted him to befriend, Bellatrix at the top of his list he may start avoiding right along with Sirius now. Best to focus on the part of getting them out of here instead.
Right off the bat Harry was having bizarre dreams. His parents were mentioned, and Potter came back from the sign to join the others. Sirius's mouth was wagging noiselessly at the notion that Mrs. Weasley would cry over Kreacher's dead body. Out of it all, Ron and Hermione wearing crowns was about the most normal part of Harry's dreams, and the dark corridor with a door at the end stood out only because of how irrelevant it was.
Harry woke up, and everyone brightened immediately at the prospect of going to Hogwarts.
"Nothing too bad can happen there, right?" said Potter cheerily, and Regulus rolled his eyes at him. He wasn't the only one. Had he been listening to the past four books?
The hustle and bustle of getting ready to leave was a sharp contrast to the tranquility of the garden. Mother's shrieking, which nobody was bothering to silence, and which Regulus winced slightly at having to read aloud, only added to the distinction.
Then Sirius showed up in dog form, managed to insist his way into Mad-Eye Moody's guard (which was one short) and Molly worried on and on about everything (which Regulus was beginning to understand she thought of as her solemn duty, surpassed only perhaps by Mad-Eye) and causing Harry to liken her to Aunt Petunia, which raised instant protest from Lily.
"Mrs. Weasley is nothing like that vile woman!" the redhead fumed. "Their attitudes may be similar, but they spring from polar opposite motivations."
No one had the death sentence in them to argue with her even if they disagreed, which none did.
The group proceeded to the train until it was time to depart, and Padfoot said his goodbyes to Harry in far too human-like fashion, but it was absolutely ruined by Mrs. Weasley using his real name instead of Padfoot, or even Snuffles. Regulus still couldn't help pausing over the scene regardless as his mind wrapped around every oddity of it. Sirius, as a dog, which he still wasn't used to the idea of. Sirius giving a fond farewell to a godson he'd arguably spent more time worrying about than his own brother. He wanted to talk to him, the urge growing more desperate with every page, but there was a streak of pride deep in him that made the idea loathsome. Sirius would only listen to him now because he was starting to agree with him rather than just wanting to talk to his brother again, Regulus would just have to figure this out for himself.
Once on the train, at least Harry's problems took an easy center stage, Ron and Hermione mock-abandoning him for their prefect duties and leaving him in the company of Ginny, Neville, and the pre-acclaimed 'Loony' Lovegood, per Ginny's introduction.
She certainly did start off a sight, and only got more interesting the longer she talked. Loony did seem to support her, between the butterbeer cork necklace and wearing vegetation as jewelry. This odd paper, the Quibbler, was once again referenced in Luna's own hands, but rather than finally getting a peek at that article mentioning Sirius, Harry instead turned to Neville and they began chatting about some plant.
He admittedly would have grown rather bored with that very fast, if it didn't send some slime all over the whole compartment just as Cho Chang walked in.
Regulus nearly fell out of the tree laughing at the mental image, and even as he caught his breath back and glanced down he saw he wasn't the only one. Peter had been scaling the tree, to join him presumably, but was now only halfway up and clutching a branch precariously for support. Sirius had fallen into the dirigible plum bush and looked covered in them like he was trying to add to Luna's fashion statement.
Literally all of them had gotten a laugh out of it, even that Muggleborn Evans. He smiled to himself and reached down to offer Peter a hand to help him the rest of the way up, watching patiently as he got himself a more steady branch before continuing.
Regulus listened with some unfamiliar dread in his stomach as the two prefects returned to the carriage and explained their new duties, as well as explaining Malfoy was the Slytherin one, to no one's surprise. His parents were already talking about the party they'd be throwing when he got that badge come next summer, and they'd given Sirius a whole new level of shit when he hadn't gotten one. Neither boy had even thought that was possible until they'd seen it in action. Sirius had acted as if he hadn't even cared, and for the first time Regulus squirmed at his fate pressing in on him even sooner than he'd imagined. Now it was next summer that would be the real test instead of even waiting until he was of age and letting his parents down he didn't necessarily want what they did. He certainly had no desire to be a prefect, how would they take that news?
"Hey, you alright?" Peter asked quietly. He'd been picking off leaves and shredding them for his own amusement, he'd even been considering moving a branch over into a patch of sun and maybe closing his eyes and really enjoy this brief respite of anything horrifying happening to them or Harry, but he couldn't very well do that when Regulus started chewing on the inside of his cheek over something as silly as the prefect badges.
Regulus met his eyes in surprise for several moments, before smiling kindly and answering honestly, "I've been better." He glanced down at his brother though and kept reading instead of elaborating, and Peter nodded to himself, Sirius did feel like the problem and the answer on most given situations.
Sirius was too busy still laughing to even notice Peter had ditched them again, let alone Regulus was trying to catch his eye from ten feet above him. Luna Lovegood was a hoot, he wished she was alive and in school with them now! She'd be as much fun to pull pranks on as Evans, this blonde may even laugh along at them!
James was listing against him for support as they all heard the article about Sirius presumably being some singing sensation. "Well go on then Stubby!" James wheezed. "Give us a tune and I'm sure the Ministry will never look twice at you again!"
"Don't encourage him," Remus rolled his eyes, but far too late, Sirius began singing the last Sorting Hat song they'd heard verbatim.
Lily, Alice, and Frank didn't think he could make the next top charts or anything, but they were reasonably impressed he even remembered the thing from the beginning of their year.
Regulus seemed to be ignoring them above anyways and didn't let them have any more fun with it, predictably, as he kept reading the next article as well, something about Fudge murdering goblins into pies, it was just too funny! Sirius still hadn't climbed out of the bush.
"Oh stop you idiots," Lily finally had enough, her temper snapping, they literally could not take anything seriously! "In case you've forgotten, Sirius is a wanted man for multiple murders! How is laughing at this poor girl helping that?"
"Haven't forgotten," Remus scowled at her, instantly insulted she seemed to think otherwise.
"No harm in laughing off this drivel in the meantime," James finished, completely unrepentant as he grinned at her.
Lily glanced down and saw Sirius Black was still smiling, the first time she knew of he'd done so in the face of this bleak future ahead of him, and hesitated saying anything back.
Regulus hadn't really thought much of the article, no sane person would believe that long enough to hear anyone out, and yet the real story was just as convoluted. Instead he'd kept going, now killing any pretense of a good mood as Malfoy barged into the compartment. His blood chilled at the parting words he left, not in fact more arrogance, but a sly observation of apparently having noticed Sirius on the platform!
His idiot brother was already safe back at Grimmauld place though, he quickly soothed himself, whether he wanted to be or not. Malfoy, Lucius or Draco, were no match for him even if he wasn't.
His mouth was still much more dry than usual though as he forced himself to keep going, but Sirius' snort of disbelief echoing up below wasn't as comforting as he would have thought.
Things only got more grim as Harry got off the train, and Hagrid of all people was absent from his usual post. None of them could even imagine it, the giant of a man had been there every year for the lake ride, now even that was changing. Would nothing in this future remain the same?
Clearly not, as even the carriages were now being pulled by beasts! What was happening to this school?
Peter saw Regulus's disturbed look as he read about the description of those ghastly horse-like things, and shouted loud enough that Stoatshead Hill had likely heard. "Ha! Take that you arseholes, I wasn't making them up!"
"Huh," was all James and Sirius could manage to say to that, while Remus's eyes widened with just as much excitement as if he were hearing about Blast-Ended Skrewts all over again.
"Fascinating, I'm so f'ing sorry Peter! What do you think they even are? Why can only you see them?"
"I can too," Frank frowned at the lot, but even Alice gave him a look of shock for the declaration.
He shrugged and looked just a bit shy at all attention suddenly on him. "What? Hadn't come up."
"How about all the ruddy times the 'horseless carriages' were mentioned!" Lily accused. "What on Earth are they?"
"Don't know," he frowned and tensed his shoulders as still everyone was looking at him now. "I've tried looking them up, but as Harry's said himself, it's a pretty big library when you don't know what you're looking for."
"What kind of Ravenclaw are you?" Sirius scowled.
Peter just smiled that finally his friends didn't think he was playing some weirdly elaborate prank on them any longer. It was no wonder to him his dormmates often thought he was soft in the head, seeing things they couldn't. Now the next time he swore he saw one in the forest, they'd actually believe him!
"What does it say that this Loony girl can see them too though," Sirius grinned and looked up at Peter obviously. He flipped him off, and Sirius laughed.
James and Remus released a breath both of them had been holding for a painfully long time, things really were going back to normal.
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usafphantom2 · 4 years ago
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Sperry Messenger meets TC-3 over Scott FieldOn December 15, 1924 Lt. Clyde V. Finter successfully docked a Verville-Sperry M-1 Messenger biplane with an Army Air Service TC-3 dirigible over Scott Field, Missouri. This was the first successful hook-on and release from another aircraft in flight. The idea was to see if long-range airships could carry their own defensive aircraft in flight. While increasingly long-range aircraft an the inherent limitations of lighter-than-air craft were becoming obvious, the idea of a long range aircraft carrying its own protection in the form of a smaller "parasite" fighter was revisited as late as the 1950's, with tests of giant B-36 bombers carrying small "Goblin" fighters successfully undertaken, but again, abandoned as impractical.
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coinoperatedmorals · 5 years ago
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A face among many, Illivia stood as a serene island among a sea of strangers, beckoning exploration. No longer phased by goblins that flashed shiny objects, nor their inviting offers that bred intrusive thoughts of endless wealth, she looked beyond their peddling gaggles. Long ago, while still green behind the ears, the elf would have bought up any hefty rock or golden chain that promised to turn immediate profit. It was a blessing that these days, her sights fixed upon far grander prizes. Her bright gaze rose to swivel towards the metaphorical ship that parted the churning sea of people. Something was certainly causing a ruckus, enough so for her own attention and curiosity to peak. Concentration on the unknown ordeal turned her focus to wide-eyed faces, slacking jaws and rising brows, expressions that read loud and clear to ulterior sight as those reacting grew in number.
What the fuck could possibly be causing everyone to stare?
Astonishment resonated in a breath upon finally discovering her target, and a sharp exhale emptied her lungs, only to refill them in a gulp. None paid mind to her in that moment, and she allowed the surprise to consume her. As usual, it seemed, trouble headed right for Illivia, and there was no avoiding it. Before the Sin’dorei could even brace herself, a metal-clad claw was prodding at her shoulder.
“Own...” Mirth colored her voice, the tail end trembling in a laugh. Relief blossomed into a full-toothed smile until fel-flame eyes adored the docked airship from afar. Clear skies rose above a war-scarred dirigible, painted in service of the Horde. Outfitted to please even the high standards of Silvermoon’s elite, while still boasting notable war cannons below her hull with a particular goblin flare to their design, the ship was a stark, venerable fortress.
“Yes. Though, she owns me more than the other way about.” Lithe shoulders rose in a faint shrug, nonchalant despite an admittance of respect towards her air-bound vessel. She was a master at acting natural, despite the unnerving presence of the Forsaken; though, she did not tear her attention away from the war machine until she was done admiring the recent de-sanding the airship underwent, bringing about its polished shine.
“Where is it that catches your eye? I assume given your cargo that you are off to meet a beloved. Forgive my prying eyes, I admit that I tend to cause more trouble than good with my unsedated curiosity.” Illiva questioned, barely missing a breath before she turned to observe the plate-bound fortress in proper respect, void of outward prejudice or scrutiny. If anything, she simply appeared eager to bring a new face upon her prize for a ride.
[ @slaughterjaw​ ]
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indigobluealchemy · 5 years ago
Eberron summarized in a page and a half
A really, really brief history. (This is best if you imagine it being read by Dame Judy Dench, starting slow and stately and speeding up to a rush, as you near the end.)
Demons ruled the world but Dragons discover the Prophecy and were able to oppose their demonic overlords and with help, locked them away but they are trying to get out. The dragons retired to study the Prophecy. Next, the civilization of Giants ruled but fell driving the creatures of dreams from invading the world but they have found a way to get back in. Next civilizations of goblinoids ruled but fell driving the creatures of the realm of madness from invading the world but the seals are getting old. 
It's human's turn. Humans are the dominant race of the continent of Khorvaire at the moment. Eventually the vast unified kingdom of Galifar ruled Khorvaire but 100 years ago, split into 5 nations and each nation is convinced they are the rightful rulers of the continent. Of the original five, Karrnath is the fighter nation, Thrane is the cleric nation,  Breland is the thief nation,  Aundiar is the wizard nation and Cyre was bard nation.  For 100 years, every nation battling against or siding with, every other nation again and again to attain primacy. 
Four years ago, Cyre was being invaded by the other four and was on the verge of being the first nation to be actually conquered. Instead something horrible happened, the Day of Mourning.  On that day the entire nation of Cyre was destroyed in a holocaust of grey fog and toxic magic that stopped exactly at the edge of the current Cyran border. Almost every living thing, including the massive armies from all five nations within the boundaries of the Mourning, died. The cause of the Mourning remains a mystery and it is unknown whether it could happen more if fighting continued  The remaining nations decided to call a truce until this could solved, but even still it took two more years between The Morning and the end of the Last War to sign the Treat of Thronehold. 
Everyone has been effected by the Last War.   Most every person has lost family or friends in the fighting. Tensions are still high and rule of thumb is 45%ish of every nation is willing to start fighting to finally win, to justify the sunk cost of loss of life and treasure. They all feel that their nation was on verge of being the real nation of Khorvaire and the Mourning stole their victory from them. 
Low level cantrips and magic spells have been turned into mass produced industrial items mimicking and replacing the tech levels of approximately the 1880s to 1910s.  Most every cantrip can be purchased as a magic item. There are the mage tech equivalent of steam trains and telegraphs and dirigibles. But "In My Eberron" cast magic always is more flexible and generally better than a magic device and "In My Eberron" there are still no mundane firearms and guns but there are mage parallels in the deadly Wandslingers.
 The Eberron game system threw out alignments and explicitly threw out and stomped on racial alignments. There are nicer cultures than others, but none are automatically evil.  You can have a good vampire and an evil angel or a kind beholder running a shelter for orphaned cyran children. That squad of goblins could be revolutionary freedom fighters trying to protect their new nation of Droaam. That war party of elves from Valinor could be spoiling for a fight just because they are bullies. The kobolds in the sewers are probably maintenance teams who just want to be left alone
 People worship the gods but in Eberron, the gods have never walked the earth so they may or may not actually exist. There is a good pantheon in the Sovereign Host and an evil pantheon of the Dark Six. But a cleric can be evil and still worship and gain their powers from the Sovereign Host or be good and get their powers from one of the Dark Six.
Dragons were horrified and mystified when the insignificant mammal races started manifested “dragonmarks” that granted them magical powers that have been leveraged into the dragon marked houses that dominate whole domains of commerce. The Houses often have a near-monopoly in certain kinds of businesses. For example, House Orien controls land transportation, House Cannith control magetech manufacturing, the halfling House Jorasco carries the Mark of Healing and run the hospitals of the lands.
 There are new species and classes. Changelings are clever shapeshifters that disguise themselves as members of other species. Any medium sized humanoid could be a changeling.  Shifters are sometimes called the weretouched. They are humanoids with a bestial aspect; while they do not fully change shape like a lycanthrope, they take on cool animalistic features and powers for short periods of time.  The first warforged were dumb killing automatons sold to all nations by House Cannith during The Last War. However, repurposed schema from the continent of the Giants bestowed sentience on the Warforged. Being sentient, they were freed, no longer property of the nations that bought them, by the Treaty of Thronehold. These scary murder constructs are trying to find their place in the world.  The Kalashtar are a psionic species, human hosts of benevolent dream-spirits, who battle nightmare-monsters that creep across the shadows of society. Artificers are a new class that are masters of unlocking magic in everyday objects  They are the supreme inventor manifestation of mage tech magic users
 Eberron is a world of cold war tensions as each nation still jockeys for advantage if war resumes. The old gates keeping the bad things out, are falling into decay and could reopen. The Mournland is one nation sized dungeon to be looted.  There are Goblin ruins to searched and Giant magics to be found and Prophesy divination to be understood and manipulated. Who knows what secret research labs run by the nations or the dragon marked houses are out there, left over from the Last war. Now go be heroes. 
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weekendnd · 4 years ago
Aventura 39 - Infiltrando na guilda de Xanathar
Com a guilda de Xanathar severamente enfraquecida, os aventureiros dão início ao seu plano de infiltração. Mara e Jade, irmãs gêmeas e integrantes da guilda do beholder, são convencidas por Zook e Alysaaria a participar do plano.
As irmãs, juntamente com Zook, fingem que capturaram Alysaaria e entram no covil do beholder com ela rendida supostamente em busca da recompensa. Glor e Caolho seguem atrás deles, ambos escondidos por poções de invisibilidade.
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Entrando no covil de Xanathar os aventureiros não podem deixar de sentir que estão sendo observados à todo momento. As paredes de pedra são repletas de imagens de olhos talhadas cuidadosamente em alto relevo. Apêndices fantasmagóricos com olhos em sua extremidade brotam do teto em determinadas salas da masmorra, muito provavelmente servindo como aparatos de vigilância.  As irmãs mercenárias guiam os aventureiros através da masmorra do beholder e adentram uma larga sala circular onde uma arena foi erguida. Um combate sangrento entre uma halfling e um minotauro está em andamento. Zook se dirige à um anão chamado Amaergo que parece presidir o torneio, dizendo que trouxe Alysaaria e que está em busca da recompensa pela cabeça da elfa.
De repente Xanathar se materializa no alto de um palanque. Ele é uma criatura grotesca: uma esfera flutuante com uma grande boca com dentes afiados feito navalhas, um imenso olho central e dez apêndices, alguns vestindo anéis brilhantes, e cada deles com um com um olho em sua extremidade. Cada um dos olhos é cheio de malícia e ódio.
À princípio Xanathar suspeita dos motivos de Zook, mas o gnomo consegue dissimular seu verdadeiro plano. Pagando a recompensa para o gnomo e para as mercenárias que partem imediatamente do calabouço, o beholder convida Zook para assistir uma luta. Ele pretende brincar com sua nova prisioneira antes de transformá-la em pedra.
Alysaaria se vê obrigada a escolher seu oponente e decide lutar contra um orc orog para evitar tirar a vida dos humanos e elfos que também se encontram aprisionados na arena. Depois de algumas tentativas a elfa negra transforma o grande orc em uma ovelha e o abate com sua espada antes que ele pudesse cortá-la com seu machado. Enquanto isso Zook aproveita a distração para envenenar a comida que um goblin serve aos espectadores da arena.
Xanathar gargalha sadicamente, entretido pela violência, e antes de se retirar, manda Amaergo prender seu novo troféu nos calabouços. Caolho e Glor seguem o anão e depois que ele se retira, os dois guerreiros matam os guardas Kua-Toa que vigiam a prisão e libertam Alysaaria e Justus, um membro da guarda de Waterdeep também aprisionado nas masmorras de Xanathar. 
Enquanto isso a arena se transforma num pandemônio quando os espectadores começam a morrer espumando pela boca depois de ingerir o veneno de Zook. Ele aproveita pra escapar e junto com uma elfa drow que foge das selas da arena, e junto com ela se dirige à prisão em busca de Alysaaria e seus companheiros. 
Juntos mais uma vez, os aventureiros com ajuda da elfa drow conseguem acabar com os outros guardas Kua-Toa enquanto Zook neutraliza um olho fantasmagórico que brota do teto, mantendo o grupo escondido da vigilância da masmorra.
Entrando numa sala adjacente eles encontram um prisioneiro drow que estava sendo torturado e depois de libertá-lo logo encontram seu torturador, um perigoso devorador de mentes e seus devoradores de intelecto de estimação. Os dois elfos negros fogem dessa ameaça, enquanto Alysaaria, sem hesitar, atira uma bola de fogo contra esses monstros e logo o grupo trucida as criaturas antes que elas pudessem sequer reagir. 
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theofficialbombalyblog · 4 years ago
Adult Fear: Not exactly an "adult" fear, but anyone with younger siblings whom they have felt responsible for at any time will probably feel particularly horrified when Deidy Rose is taken by the robot goblins.
Attack! Attack... Retreat! Retreat!: During the duel between Kayron and the Baroness, the others blast open the main gate and escape the castle while the soldiers give chase on foot. We then see Bombaly and the kids have turned the tables on them, with the village’s children chasing them back into the court yard.
Bad Boss: Madame LaQuta to her "family" of orphaned children.
The Baroness: Baroness Vordia. Unlike most examples, this Baroness is in fact an actual baroness. She lives in the capital of a barony.
Big Bad Ensemble: The heroes face foe after foe on their way to the Land of Milk and Honey.
Big Eater: Bombaly loves eating metal.
Big "WHAT?!": Abigail after Bitsy confesses to losing track of Deidy Rose.
Bizarre Taste in Food: Bombaly the Whomp has an appetite for all sorts of metal. He dislikes human food, especially fruit.
But Now I Must Go: Bombaly leaves the kids at the end because another kid may need his help and they are now happy and safe.
Character Development: Most of the main characters, but Kayron in particular.
Chekhov's Skill: Bombaly's ability to bite through steel helps him and the kids escape from LaQuta’s prison by eating the bars of their cell.
Cool Airship: The dirigible that the group commandeer while escaping Milain.
Cool Car: The three wheeler that the kids use to rescue Bombaly.
Conveniently an Orphan: The main characters and the kid bandits.
Curb-Stomp Battle: The Fangorian Army and LaQuta are very easily taken down by the children.
Deadpan Snarker: Banzai. Abigail and Podge also qualify.
Dem Bones: Banzai, Kayron and Bombaly face undead skeleton pirates in a frozen shipwreck.
Deranged Animation: The art style gives the film a very unique look.
Disney Death: Bombaly, near the end of the film.
Disney Villain Death: Subverted with Vordia, who botches her escape out the window and is carried off by her vultures. Given how poorly she treated them, this is probably not going to turn out well...
Disproportionate Retribution: LaQuta seems to run on this. A kid spills ambergris over a dress? She forces her to make black clothes in the dark. A Whomp eating jewelry in her store? She locks him up in her prison.
Distracted by My Own Sexy: LaQuta breaks her routine of abusing her workforce to gaze at her reflection, calling herself "the most beautiful creature in all of Nod".
Earn Your Happy Ending: After everything they’ve been through, the orphans all reach the Land of Milk and Honey, where they’re all Happily Adopted.
Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": All of Ye Olde Bongo Inn's patrons are referred to by their occupations. They try to drag Bombaly into it as well.
Gentle Giant: Bombaly is gigantic and monstrous, but is a Nice Guy.
Happily Adopted: The orphans after reaching the Land of Milk and Honey.
Heroic Sacrifice: Banzai and Bombaly. Both turn out to be alive, though.
High-Dive Escape: Parodied. After Vordia realizes that Kayron has defeated her, she says that she has a boat waiting, adds a We Will Meet Again, and jumps out the window into the lake. Unfortunately for her, her escape boat is small, wooden, and located right under the window, so she smashes through the boat and sinks it.
Informed Deformity: Bombaly, supposedly, looks really scary, as the children freak out during their first encounter. His character design is actually quite cute.
MacGuffin: The Book of Promised Lands.
Mecha-Mooks: Vordia’s mechanical goblins.
Metal Muncher: Bombaly likes to eat metal objects. The main reason he gets captured by LaQuta is because he was eating her jewelry.
Money, Dear Boy: In-universe, the Madd brothers' motivation of capturing Bombaly for their circus is purely for money.
My God, What Have I Done?: Banzai after getting the group lost and overhearing the others talk about how they're going to die. It's this that encourages him to jump off the airship in search of a compass.
A Nazi by Any Other Name: The Fangorian Army.
Nice Guy: Kayron is heroic, kind, and honest, and Bombaly is friendly, helpful, and a Gentle Giant.
Not in the Face!: LaQuta exclaims "Not my generous face!" upon receiving her generous beating.
Offscreen Moment of Awesome: When Banzai fends off hordes of pirate zombies. And wins.
Oh, Crap!: Several throughout the film.
Opera Gloves: Cherry wears them.
Plucky Girl: Most of the female characters in this movie.
Priceless Ming Vase: Prince Milain speaks movingly about his most prized possession, a statue of himself. Naturally, it's destroyed comically shortly afterward.
The Promised Land: The Land of Milk and Honey.
Punk Punk: The film, at least, seems to straddle the line between Steampunk and Diesel Punk.
Put Their Heads Together: While Kayron and Bombaly are infiltrating a castle the latter knocks out two guards by slamming their heads together.
Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Bombaly and the kids.
Reluctant Monster: Bombaly. The kids are scared of him first, but once they get to know him they learn he's a good-hearted and friendly creature.
Retraux: Much of the movie's style harkens back to western animated films from the 60s, 70s and 80s. 
Say My Name: Vordia screams Kuckoo's name whenever something goes wrong. It's pretty funny, actually.
Storming the Castle: Kayron and Bombaly storm the Baroness's castle in order to rescue the others.
Sword Fight: Vordia vs Kayron. Neither wins, surprisingly; Kayron is obviously the better swordsman, but Vordia pulls a Villain: Exit, Stage Left and jumps out the window.
Those Two Bad Guys: The Madd Brothers.
Those Wacky Nazis: Again, the Fangorian Army.
Too Dumb to Live: The Fangorian Army seems to run on this, blindly charging into battle and never once firing their rifles as they are swiftly routed by the children and villagers.
Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Baroness Vordia pulls one of these on Kayron after the boy proves to be better than her in fencing/swordfighting. She bungles the exit somewhat, leading to her vultures attacking her.
Visual Pun: Selfish, greedy LaQuta constantly talks about how generous she is. There are only two generous things about her in this movie: her obese figure, and the beating she gets when her slaves revolt.
Walk This Way: “If any of us could walk that way...”
We Will Meet Again: Vordia: "Those who fight and run away will live to fight another day" before escaping.
World of Ham: The land of Nod is populated with strange characters.
You All Meet in a Cell: Bombaly and the kids meet in LaQuta’s prison.
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stone-stars · 3 months ago
songs in c3e70: deer old dad (timestamps from the ad-free version. does not include the generic combat music. “a wizard’s tournament” is the recap song.)
Balnor the Brave - 7:29
Blackthorn Hall - 8:30
Ode to the Archipelago - 13:16
Bittersweet Sixteen - 14:51
Hospitably Hostile - 17:20
Balnor's Bad Dream - 20:44
Balnor the Brave - 23:26
Winter Sprite - 24:58
Left is Left and Right is Center - 28:22
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 30:26
Gunvar - 32:54
The Red Fen - 33:54
Greener Shades - 35:26
Slumber in the Stump - 36:14
Zelbuldar 3 - 38:46
Mothership Lobby - 39:35 and 43:29
Left is Left and Right is Center - 46:34
The Multiverse - 48:46
Goblin Dirigible - 50:56
A Friend For Life - 53:49
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 55:40
Tower in the Distance - 58:57
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:02:22
Malscurial - 1:07:02
The Mindflayer's Lair - 1:08:16
Bonkginya, Fia Bonkginya - 1:12:23
Malscurial - 1:17:15
Sir Reynard - 1:20:41
Malscurial - 1:22:26
context for each song + notes under the cut!
Balnor the Brave - 7:29 - Balnor grieves Truehare
Blackthorn Hall - 8:30 - Duck Team celebrating / Kenna's first beer
Ode to the Archipelago - 13:16 - Calder makes an ice luge / Revelry with the Green Knights
Bittersweet Sixteen - 14:51 - Entering the Summer Court Castle
Hospitably Hostile - 17:20 - Calder brings up Leonore to Robert / Robert explains their past
Balnor's Bad Dream - 20:44 - Robert explains Leonore's treachery and betrayal
Balnor the Brave - 23:26 - Robert explains his order's mission and that they have failed Queen Cirilla
Winter Sprite - 24:58 - Callie's read on Cirilla (naive)
Left is Left and Right is Center - 28:22 - Discussing Gunk's future
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 30:26 - Robert offers the Green Knight's service if DT will help bring Cirilla back
Gunvar - 32:54 - Robert reminisces about Queen Cirilla
The Red Fen - 33:54 - King Lestibourne
Greener Shades - 35:26 - Duck Team's sleeping quarters
Slumber in the Stump - 36:14 - Duck Team going to bed
Zelbuldar 3 - 38:46 - Ma Goblin hologram
Mothership Lobby - 39:35 - Ma Goblin gives them a net gun for the Fatebringers
Mothership Lobby - 43:29 - Ma says she can scan automatons
Left is Left and Right is Center - 46:34 - Sol uses Lestibourne's bath water
The Multiverse - 48:46 - Sol crits to recharge his spores
Goblin Dirigible - 50:56 - Green Knight forces gathering / Saying goodbye to Robert
A Friend For Life - 53:49 - Callie gives Robert a stag fern as a token
Escape from Smuggler's Bounty - 55:40 - Green Knights preparing to fly out
Tower in the Distance - 58:57 - Arrival in Autumn
Frankie Vantasmo - 1:02:22 - Discussing an approach to the castle
Malscurial - 1:07:02 - DT + Balnor land among the elementals + automatons
The Mindflayer's Lair - 1:08:16 - Callie scans an automaton
Bonkginya, Fia Bonkginya - 1:12:23 - Communicating with Ma Goblin / Automaton overview and discussion
Malscurial - 1:17:15 - Entering Charbin's castle
Sir Reynard - 1:20:41 - Charbin shows Bearlain in a cage / Betrays them
Malscurial - 1:22:26 - Charbin's forces start attacking
Notes: "Slumber in the Stump" is credited as "Moonshine's Stump"
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redpillcaitlinsmith · 4 years ago
Genre: Fantasy
Outlined under speculative fiction, fantasy is a genre of book, film or game media that is almost always set in a fictional world or universe, often inspired from real world myths and legends. Often lacking much sense and set in a medieval type eras, fantasy stories often feature magic, mystical creatures or elements that are not entirely possible. It is likely that the origins of fantasy lay with the old myths and legends of old deities such as the Greek Olympians, Japanese Kami and Egyptian Gods meaning it is actually one of the oldest forms of creative genres. The same could be said for local folk law and modern myths such as Yeti or the Lock Ness Monster. However, more modern fantasy is considered to be first published by George MacDonald with the novel “The Princess and the Goblin” in 1858, he was also considered to be the first writer to write adult fantasy stories. MacDonald was a major influence on both J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, some of the greatest fantasy writers of all time.
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Fantasy is by far one of the most popular media genres, some of the highest grossing films, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, are based fully or partly on fantasy themes such as dragons and wizards. Many games, television and books too are fantasy based as its popularity has risen extraordinarily in the last 200 years. I have also written several fantasy themed stories such as “North”, “Bayla”, “Dragons and Dirigibles”, “Blue and Jay”, “Shearwater” and one of my works in progress “The Difference Between Voice and Fire”. I really enjoy the fantasy genre as it is one of the more freeing genres due to its lack of rules.
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historiasdehernas · 9 months ago
Canções de Briga e Bebida: Episódio 62 e 63
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Aventura: Mentiras ao Mar
Episódio 62: Rochas Nham Nham
Durante a noite de descanso antes de irem ao Plano da Terra, Urdun e Leona tem uma conversa a respeito da Rainha Yussa, sobre como o tritão não faz ideia do que ela é ou de onde ela veio, ele admite ter caído nos encantos dela, mas que sabe em seu âmago que é um amor forçado, no fundo ele sente uma espécie de medo pela sereiana. Em conjunto eles ainda decidem pegar Ivan no Plano da Água antes para terem uma cabeça a mais para lidar com eventuais problemas que possam surgir.
Buscando Ivan eles se encontram em uma arena lotada onde o anão qilanês está lutando com uma espécie de homem porco, eles explicam rapidamente a situação a ele e o grupo se dirige com Urdun ao Plano Elemental da Terra. Lá eles sentem uma atmosfera completamente diferente do Plano da Água, esse é um lugar de estabilidade e firmeza, ao olhar ao redor eles se percebem no meio de Colinas de Barro que se estendem, eles enxergam Montanhas Reversas e um sol artificial que corta o horizonte.  Próximo a onde surgiram está um Genasi da Terra, um jovem de pele cinzenta rachada, vestindo um avental de couro e uma calça feita de pedra que parece ser flexível, ele se apresenta como Mica e fala que pode ajudar com a questão dos Xorns, ele tem certo receio de encostar em Algacir, pois o Genasi  possui a habilidade de moldar metal a vontade. 
Mica leva os heróis até uma caverna escondida onde podem encontrar Xorns, ele ainda se compadece do ex-goblin e o avisa que talvez os Xorns queiram consumi-lo por seu núcleo, o dizendo para esperar fora da caverna. Rapidamente os heróis negociam com os elementais da terra e Mica acaba se sentindo culpado por trocar ametistas por comida de Pequeninos assassinados pelos Xorns, Um dos elementais ainda sente o cheiro de Algacir e vai atrás dele, mas o forjado bélico rapidamente despista os monstros ao sair voando. 
Durante o retorno a cabana de Mica, Blanco constrói uma espécie de mini-horta mágica e ali o genasi vê uma oportunidade, ele conta a Blanco sobre o quão miserável e monótona é sua vida desde que seu avô morreu, ele diz que quer trazer boas memórias a Meyion quando morrer e que para isso precisa ver outros mundos, ele sabe o risco que está se pondo ao desejar ir ao Plano Material, mas acha que se ele ficar debaixo do radar e controlar o uso de sua magia talvez os servos de Kloi não o percebam, ele pede para acompanhar os heróis em troca de ajuda-los em suas tarefas, Blanco aceita a proposta e Mica vai junto do grupo para o Plano Elemental da Água, levando consigo algumas bolsas de gemas preciosas que deseja trocar pros histórias dos heróis.
Episódio 63: Os Encantos da Sereia
Os heróis se preparam para um longo dia de trabalho; Algacir da os retoques finais na cauda mágica, Blanco conta uma história a Mica para que o genasi refine um diamante em poeira, Leona e Urdun vão ao Teatro-Biblioteca assistir algumas peças e Mialee vai até o Teatro-Biblioteca para estudar novas magias.
Depois de descansarem por algumas horas o grupo decide que é hora de finalizar o item mágico, sua forja precisa ser feita a 300 metros do nível do mar isso dá ao grupo duas opções de lugares, O Pico do Sol em Qilan ou As Montanhas do Peregrino nas Terras do Rei. O grupo opta pelo Pico do Sol, mas apenas Mialee e Algacir acompanham Urdun, pois por não saber a localização exata é bem possível que os heróis parem numa queda livre, pelas descrições da montanha por Ivan ou por pura sorte o pequeno grupo tem sucesso em parar em uma parte do Pico do Sol. Algacir retorna a sua terra natal, dessa vez não como um escravo goblin, mas como um inventor livre e mecânico, Mialee utiliza sua nova magia para criar uma Torre Mágica tentando proteger ela mesma e Urdun do sol implacável que queima o deserto de Qilan. Lá Algacir termina o item mágico requisitado por Yussa, uma cauda tecnomântica chamada Rabo de Peixe 01 capaz de fazer seu usuário nadar mais rápido.
Após retornarem para o Plano Elemental da Água o grupo não perde tempo e vai apresentar o item requisitado a Rainha Yussa, lá boa parte do grupo cai em seus encantos novamente sem ser por Leona e Mica, Algacir da à cauda a Duet o pequeno sereiano que não conseguia nadar, em poucos minutos já é possível ver a conexão entre a criança e o item mágico. A Rainha Yussa parabeniza o forjado bélico por sua obra e diz que entregará mais duzentos soldados para a causa dos heróis, Leona ainda tenta descobrir oque é a sereiana, mas em um jogo mágico a sereiana a conta enquanto tenta alterar sua memória, a tritã consegue se lembrar apenas até a parte em que Yussa era uma sereiana comum e solitária que achou algo no fundo do oceano.
Contente com a felicidade de Duet pela cauda e tentada pelo pedido de ajuda de Blanco, Yussa altera a magia Banimento no grimório de Mialee, adicionando nos complicados inscritos arcanos uma palavra, Azathoth, ela diz para que a elfa não leia muito essa magia e que a utilize apenas quando o aboleth estiver enfraquecido, pois essas criaturas são inteligentes e resistentes. Dito isso o grupo se despede e volta ao Plano Material juntos de Mica, eles param de onde saíram, no Palácio de Sahumelkia, depois de um tempo Noah, o pai de Leona, os encontra e conta para o grupo que eles tem setecentos soldados para sua causa, a tritã e o rei ainda tem uma conversa a respeito de como entregaria sua coroa para revogar o exilio da tritã , mas que isso adiantaria pouco pois sua irmã faria o mesmo logo após ser coroada rainha, Leona ainda o pede que considere retirar o serviço militar obrigatório, oque confunde muito o Rei Tritão mas mesmo assim ele diz que talvez seja possível visto que Atheia fez com que o tesouro real crescesse nos últimos anos.
Se despedindo de seu pai Leona e o grupo segue para o Promessa de Luzgia onde encontram Adam e começam seus planejamentos finais para o combate contra o ser alienígena Tcha'Set.
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elconvoy · 4 years ago
Sumario de tropas, mejoras y mapas (Los Siete Pecados)
Jinetes del Infierno
Las unidades que no obtengan una victoria en su frente recibirán daños, lo que significa que en el siguiente combate no podrán acceder a ninguna mejora. Se puede asignar un máximo de UNA mejora por unidad, que podrá modificarse ANTES de los eventos de batalla. No será posible realizar cambios a las mejoras de las tropas durante el combate.
Nota: Se adjunta en este documento el mapa de la base de los Jinetes del Infierno: Atraxxas, el Bastión de Huesos.
Canes infernales (Jinete de la Guerra)
Caza de sangre (+ poder)
Persecución infernal (Ronda extra)
Mejora: Armadura ósea (+ salud)
Geists Zandalari (Jinete de la Discordia)
Garras infectas (++ poder)
Alarido de terror (Aura acción)
Mejora: Pinchos óseos (Contraataque)
Horrores defectuosos (Jinete de la Locura)
Abominación inestable (Sacrificio)
Pellejo cosido (+ salud)
Mejora: Pinchos óseos (Contraataque)
Leopardos espectrales (Jinete de la Lujuria)
Espíritu de las nieves (++ dados)
Mejora: Forjado en frío (+ poder y salud)
Vermis de escarcha (Jinete de la Ira)
Muro de hielo (Protección extra)
Titán de hueso (+ poder y salud)
Mejora: Pinchos óseos (Contraataque)
Mejoras de las unidades
Mejoras de trama
Estas mejoras se desbloquearán de forma automática conforme progresen los eventos.
Pinchos óseos (Contraataque)
Consumir ánima (Autocura pasiva)
Alas espectrales (++ dados)
Aura invernal (+ poder)
Falla de muerte (Ronda extra)
Mejoras del tablón de misiones
Estas mejoras se desbloquearán conforme se realicen sus respectivas misiones.
Armadura ósea (+ salud)
Explosión de añublo (Sacrificio)
Se desbloquea en "Cañerías atascadas" (vid. Tablón de misiones).
Hongo parasitario (Resurrección)
Se desbloquea en "(Re)brote fúngico" (vid. Tablón de misiones).
Forjado en frío (+ poder y salud)
Red defensiva (Aura defensa)
Se desbloquea en "Reptadoras malignas" (vid. Tablón de misiones).
Fuerzas hostiles
Los enemigos pueden poseer menos de tres talentos (pero nunca más de tres) en función de su poder relativo y del nivel de amenaza que planteen.
Entre paréntesis se indica qué tropas intervienen en según qué eventos.
Proyecto Leviatán (Corporación Karma)
Nota: Se adjunta en este documento el mapa del asentamiento del Proyecto Leviatán: Nueva Mortown.
Dirigible goblin (Corporación Karma) (Evento 2)
Surcar el viento (++ dados)
El Leviatán (Proyecto Leviatán) (Evento 2)
Acorazado (++ salud)
Cañones de peste (+ poder)
Lanzañublos de los Renegados (Proyecto Leviatán) (Evento 2)
Bombas de peste (++ poder)
Ojo de halcón apestado (+ dados)
Zapadores (Corporación Karma) (Evento 2)
Kamikaze (Sacrificio)
La Plaga (Esbirros de los Jurafauces)
Nota 1: Se adjunta en este documento el mapa del Templo de Ben’gali.
Rabiosos trols (La Plaga) (Evento 4)
Rabioso (+ poder y salud)
Muro de carne (Protección extra)
Sombras (La Plaga) (Evento 4)
Asesino en la sombra (+ poder)
Reconstitución (Resurrección)
Trols exánimes (La Plaga) (Evento 4)
Espectro de Hielo (++ poder)
Espiritista (++ dados)
Trols lanzahachas (La Plaga) (Evento 4)
Frenesí (++ poder)
Ojo de águila (+ dados)
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thenovl · 7 years ago
7 Magical YA Romances You Can’t Miss
Falling in love and magic often feel like one and the same, but when both elements are present in a story, it’s impossible to resist the spell. From elaborate fantasy worlds to familiar places with secret charms, prepare to be swept away by these ten magical YA romances!
1. Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor, illustrated by Jim Di Bartolo
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In Night of Cake & Puppets, Laini Taylor takes readers back to the Daughter of Smoke & Bone universe to experience Zuzana and Mik’s magical first date. Zuzana has a handful of wishes and the perfect plan to entice Mik on a scavenger hunt through the city…if he’s willing. It turns out that Mik is more than willing—and he has a surprise for her, as well. This adorably fierce novella is whimsically illustrated by Jim Di Bartolo, and proves that life and first dates don't need magic to be magical—but it certainly makes everything sweeter!
2. Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
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In Born Wicked, Jessica Spotswood transports readers to an alternate 19th century, where three witchy sisters must hide their magic from a fanatical Brotherhood that has outlawed witchcraft. Cate is determined to protect her younger sisters and maintain their façade of normalcy, but when the kind and charming Finn Belastra comes along, he becomes a snag in her best-laid plans. Not only could Finn betray them if he knew their secret, but his life could be in danger as Cate and her sisters grapple with a magical destiny beyond their control.
3. The Finishing School Series by Gail Carriger
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In the steampunk Finishing School Series, Gail Carriger takes readers to new heights when 14-year-old Sophronia is sent to Mademoiselle Geraldine’s Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality—an espionage school masked as a finishing school for young ladies…aboard a dirigible. Sophronia acquires a delightful assortment of new skills, involves herself in all sorts of conspiracies, and is curiously never far from a certain boy who works below deck. Their romance is star-crossed and not without its trials, but Sophronia is never one to let etiquette dictate how she lives her life.
4. When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore
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In When the Moon Was Ours, Anna-Marie McLemore creates magic in the mundane—a world where pumpkin fields are menacing, water towers hold secrets, and roses bloom in the most unlikely places. The novel follows best friends Miel, who is searching for answers about her past, and Sam, who wants to leave the past behind to forge his own daring future. In each other the teens find love, but they must fight for it—and their true selves—against all odds.
5. Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
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In Strange the Dreamer, Laini Taylor spins a new fantasy world of libraries, lost cities, gods, and dreams. Lazlo has been fascinated by the lost city of Weep since childhood but he never dreams he’ll actually get to see it. Everything changes when he is given the opportunity of a lifetime—a chance to journey to Weep. As Lazlo learns of Weep's mysterious past, he also discovers that some of his wildest dreams—including a mysterious blue-skinned girl—are real.
6. Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones
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In Wintersong. S. Jae-Jones plunges readers into the underworld. When Liesl agrees to marry the Goblin King in exchange for his sparing of her sister’s life, she finds herself ensnared in a dark world ruled by ancient laws and customs. To her surprise, she's actually drawn to the mysterious Goblin King, who at times seems to be just as much a prisoner as she is. Liesl must rely on her own strength if she’s ever to escape the Goblin King’s domain, but leaving behind the husband she’s beginning to love may prove to be her most difficult challenge yet.
7. The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones 
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In The Hearts We Sold, Emily Lloyd-Jones sends readers to boarding school, where Dee will do anything to avoid her home life—including giving her heart to a demon in exchange for tuition. Her bargain aligns her with other “heartless” teens, including the charming but secretive James Lancer. In the midst of doing the demon’s dangerous bidding, Dee finds herself falling for James in this delicious slow burn romance.
Tirzah Price is a librarian, YA writer, and lover of cold weather and knitwear. She holds an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and is a contributor to Book Riot. Find her on Twitter: @tirzahprice
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bloggerdedoramas · 5 years ago
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Ai que a ansiedade tá batendo e o coração tá disparando! Mais alguém ansioso aí?! "Flower of Evil" é um thriller estrelado por Lee Joon Gi como Baek Hee Sung, um homem que esconde seu passado e finge amar sua esposa Cha Ji Won (interpretada por  Moon Chae Won ).  Como detetive, Cha Ji Won começa a suspeitar de seu marido, e o casal é finalmente forçado a enfrentar uma verdade sombria que eles nunca quiseram enfrentar. Lee Joon Gi assume o papel de Baek Hee Sung, um artesão de metal que vive uma vida comum. Ele dirige uma oficina e é um marido e pai caloroso e amoroso que vive com sua esposa Cha Ji Won e sua filha Baek Eun Ha (Jung Seo Yeon).  No entanto, ele mantém um segredo de que gastou toda a sua energia tentando esconder e manter a imagem de uma vida comum. Para parecer que nada está errado, ele escondeu sua identidade real e reconstruiu toda a sua vida. As novas fotos mostram os dois lados contrastantes de Baek Hee Sung, como o homem de família caloroso que ama sua esposa e filha, para ele parado no escuro, com o rosto parcialmente escondido, mas uma aura fria vindo dele. Um dia, ele se torna suspeito de um assassinato que ocorreu, jogando o mundo inteiro no caos. "Flower of Evil" está programado para estrear em 29 de julho às 22:50 KST e estará disponível com legendas em inglês no Viki. Fonte: Soompi. . . 💕 Gostou? SSiga-nos em @bloggerdedoramas 💕 . . . #dorama #drama #kpop #doramas #viki #vikirakuten #netflix #leejoongi #moonchaewon #dorama #drama #follow #kdrama #ost #leedongwook #kdrama #tvn #dorama #doramas #viki #moonlovers #scarletheartryeo #iu #baekhyun #superjunior #goblin #kimgoeun #parkshinhye #doramas #viki https://www.instagram.com/p/CCVmquTp0DE/?igshid=1ufgopuat4y76
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