#badass dads
chickenkurage · 13 days
A much deeper lore of Farmer AU (Dad Lore)
Alan and DJ's backstory and how they came to be
‘After (almost) 5 decades of fighting, Alan and DJ decides to just become farmers as a way of retirement after being created to fight each other (they just got bored actually, so they started fighting as a way to entertain themselves)’
Alan: I’m kind of tired of fighting you…
DJ: Same dude, the feeling is mutual. When are we getting released out of here?
Alan: *Shrug* 
Alan: Wanna do something different?
DJ: Like what?
Alan: Get out of this PC and start a new life?
DJ: ….
DJ: Bet!
Alan and DJ were created as part of a human experiment in the 1930s, designed to test early computers, long before the invention of the internet and the outernet, predating even the existence of the stick city. By around 1983, the year marking the creation of the internet, Alan and DJ successfully broke free from the confines of the computer, and towards the internet in search of a new beginning.
Upon entering the internet, they faced rejection due to them “being weird, acting weird and looking weird”, leading them to retreat to the outernet, where they concealed themselves from the world. And, in the early 2000s, they made a decision to settle on the outskirts of an unfamiliar town, building a farm and embracing a quiet life as farmers. 
There, they resided until the present day, 2024. Where they meet they meet the fruits (giving their life a brand new meaning <33)
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And author just decides to turn them into dads for the wholesome lore :D - S
The brainrot is brainrotting part 2 TvT - JM
Yes, they are supposed to parallel Dark and Chosen. Except they didn't terrorize people considering they've been fighting for decades, they had enough fighting after that.
They went from that-to this....
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Alan getting so angry he creates a mini storm above his head and DJ straight to threatening someone when he feels annoyed.
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demaparbat-hp · 20 days
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Toph as a Goalball player 💪💚
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starfiretruther · 2 years
i know deathstroke is like, a classic titans villains but man it’s so funny his oldass is beefing with literal teenagers. one of them needs to go “oh fuck peepaw wilson broke out of the nursing home again” when they face him
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 3 months
Clone baby AU TimKonBartCassie
Part 1
"Don't be mad."
Tim is more than aware he might not be the most sane, he also is more than aware that sometimes he does things that can be considered rage inducing or morally wrong but he can't say he regrets his choices.
Especially when she's seven pounds four ounces and just holding her makes him ready to burn the whole word down.
A perfect blend of him, Kon, Bart, and Cassie which oddly enough was extremely difficult to do since as it turns out genetic sequencing which is already absurdly complicated gets even worse when you add two more people.
She's perfect.
It was a spur of the moment decision a nightmare that drove him right back into the center of his grief.
He was staring at his previous cloning calculations and for a moment he was so incrediblely selfish.
He wanted a piece of his friends proof in a way of how deeply devoted he is to them. Something that no matter what couldn't be taken from him, something he could love unconditionally.
In a darker part of his mind he admits that the baby, his child who is incredible could have been just his and Kon's a half kryptonian but in his experience that is still too mortal.
But combined with a speedster and demigod he might have just made an unbeatable weapon. Not that his little girl will ever be that, he won't allow it.
"Tim is that a baby?" Kon gasps.
He only had held her for five minutes the greatest thing in the word had only been alive for ten minutes before he raced to titans tower holding his precious cargo.
All of them, the other parents? His friends sitting peacefully watching some program completely unaware of what's he's done. Not that it stayed that way for long.
"Is that Luci?" Bart asks.
All of them turn even Tim completely shocked his entire explanation that he had been planning for the last few hours gone with one sentence.
"Bart do you know this random baby? Also Luci what kind of name is that? Tim why do you have a baby?Cassie demands trying to sound stern but everyone can tell is beyond confused.
Bart who had gotten up walks not an once of speed the calmest any of them have ever seen, over to him a soft smile directed at apperently Luci although Tim agrees wth Cassie it's a weird name and not what he was planning.
"Our son, and Luci is a nickname, and if I'm right Tim just spent the last twenty four-ish hours creating him."
Before he can comprehend half of what Bart just said. Luci?
Is being cradled head perfectly surported by the speedster along with soft cooing from said speedster looking so natural as if fatherhood was created just for him.
Finally he finds his voice.
"Daughter, but Bart is right she's ours."
A giggle interrupts the cooing before a smirk paints Bart's face.
"No it's definitely son but it will be a good few years before he's able to voice that specific issue, not that it's much of an issue with all the money your daddy has isn't that right little lightening?"
And once again Bart is back to being absurdly attractive holding their child that Tim is getting a feeling he had prior knowledge of. Who also is trans? Maybe? which is completely fine of course but back to the whole Bart clearly knows something.
"Imp, ok I get the whole Rob made a baby with our DNA thing. No offense but I'm not exactly surprised Sunshine, your crazy we love that about you, but Bart why are you talking like you already know them."
Kon asks sounding very tired which Tim is a little offended by, he's not crazy.
Also how dare he be so accepting of Tim's cloned child as if this is Tuesday and Tim does this everyday he definitely does not, he's not Batman well ok maybe a little bit like him but still.
Wow Tim is way to sleep deprived if this is his inner monologue right now.
"Because I do. Lilith right? That's the name you had in mind apperently he doesn't actually mind you going with that for now since in his own words it inspires his much scarier name. God I love that kid."
Tim blanks.
He swallows throat suddenly really dry.
"Bart did you go to the future?"
He is trying to process but is now very scared is a time line fractured? Could his child not exist, and nevermind the whole Bart apperently already has insider info on the child his child that Tim just made ten fucking minutes ago.
"Oh no nothing like that."
He laughes out as if Bart hasn't been sitting on life changing information for who knows how long. Which is also extremely hypocritical of him considering secret child and timeline shenanigans that he was just panicking over.
"Our wonderful, gremlin, of a child ran into me actually some evil rouge with Time Travel powers which was a whole thing."
He pauses clearly rejoicing in some memory of their child that again Tim you know his mother wasn't privy to. Even though Tim is a man which would make him Dad but he created the baby so he should have been the first to have fond memories.
"I went to interrupt said fight not knowing and your child, yah Robie he was hundred percent your child, threw a DNA test in my face told me to get out of his way and absolutely demolished the dude before who I believe and I am just speculating here, was your brother's kid grabbed the dude and threw him into some weird portal before vanishing."
Tim is gonna lose his fucking mind his baby who he just created.
Grows up to be a superhero which alright not surprising, but also apperently one of his siblings has a child also not surprising. But they apperently travel through time together and cause chaos how fucking lovely he is starting to feel really guilty about everything with Bruce.
Oh my god he has to tell Bruce. But first.
"Which sibling?"
He doesn't actually know what's he's hoping for maybe Dick's kid yah, a sunshine child, chaotic but nice yah that sounds like a good influence. On once again his twenty minute old son? Daughter something? Whatever baby.
"Well based on the guns, and arrows that were floating around. You also can't forget the helmet I would say that was Arsenal and Red Hood's very own precious bundle but Luci wouldn't give me a straight answer but what would you expect when we raised him."
Tim's tired very tired he doesn't even stop himself from face planting onto the floor. Everything will make more sense after a nap a very long nap.
Oh my god Jason procreated is his last thought before he falls into a nightmare filled sleep.
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theinvisiblekunst · 1 year
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rainofthetwilight · 1 year
what i love abt the ninjago fandom is that the moment we knew cole went missing in the merge we expected him to come back as a dad
and we were RIGHT
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sunscall · 11 months
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they're literally each other's home
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barnes-odinson · 2 years
I just really miss pre 2000s Batman. The one that didn’t abuse the kids he saved up from abusive homes and from the streets, the one that loved and raised them. That mourned them and grieved hard enough Alfred thought Bruce would kill himself. Yes he trained them and pushed them to the brink but he still loved them. Ferociously. Step to his family and he steps to you in his 300,000 dollar rich man loafers.
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yourhighness6 · 8 months
Every so often I am struck by how truly wonderful the zutara ship is. Unreal chemistry? Check. Mutual support? Double check. Fits so many great tropes my head is going to explode while also somehow being completely unique? Check times a million.
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yayayaya here's a wip. still far from done :') Got to figure out his outfit some more, cuase right now... its horendious. the colors are all over the place. i'll have to work at him a bit more but at least the littel plush and back ground are done.
Also gave him some smile lines and crow feet cuase, hehehe he's a dad i'd like to.... anyway :) hes definitly the type to proudly wear whatever jewlery his kids make for him.
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bluemantics · 1 month
lance: why do i have a crush on allura? well, let me tell you: she’s passionate and fiery, she could kick my ass in a fight, and she wants to save the universe despite losing her family after tragedy. she’s so badass.
pidge: i never realized how similar allura was to keith… i mean, they both have impressive hair too.
lance: how dare you insult the princess!! she’s nothing like hi—
allura, running in: HELLO, PALADINS! keith has just gifted me with a new knife! isn’t it glorious? *holds up knife proudly*
lance: omg.
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Swapped Daniel and Emma for Kara and Alice
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They are like… two sides of the same coin
bonus- Emma and Daniel in the gallery lighting cause it's so much better
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crossthread · 3 months
Okay I swear to God I hope the directors of avatar (the alien movie) sees this post somehow but the whole reason the way of water flopped so badly is cause it was written over 10 years ago. So I like avatar. I thought it was a cool concept and good characters and overall a solid action movie. But the characterisation is just a dacade old man. It's really outdated. It instantly turned me off when Jake was seen to be a 'hardass' to his kids, and having them call him Sir, and have Neytiri taking kind of a secondary role as the 'peacekeeper' parent who goes 'but your dad loves you, he just wants you safe' bullshit trope that's just really not what this generation is looking for rn.
Emotionally mature parents is what's on topic rn. Dad's that step up and know what they're doing and don't have the 2000s 'military hardass emotionally distant' bullcrap. Just look at all the other movies and shows with family themes that did really fucking well. The Last of Us. Ultraman: Rising. Nimona. Even Maleficent, which I think is one of the earliest movies of this trope that's well known. They did well for a reason. You can't make Jake Sully a bad father and think the current audience will dig it. All of his kids, one way or another felt the pressure of living up to their dad's expectations, and im sure, whether he really loves them. And I assure you for all intents and purposes it felt like Neteyam died thinking he wasnt enough. You can't have those 'your dad loves you but he just doesn't know how to show it' bullshit anymore and expect the audience to like or even relate to that character cause a lot of us don't take that shit anymore from our own parents. A lot of millennials are actively trying to be present and good parents to their kids. So yeah. The way Jake Sully, and to a certain extent, Neytiri were characterised is probably one of the biggest reasons this entire movie flopped. It could have been great. But it isn't. And I kind of hate it actually.
My point is: if there's gonna be a third movie, the best bet to make sure it doesn't follow the way of waters footsteps is to overhaul a lot of the characterisation and plot. See what the audience wants rn, and what they audience relates to. It was clear the writing to that movie was old as balls and gen z or gen alpha don't take that shit man. Give us good parents
Edit: okay as someone pointed it out it wasn't actually a 'flop' flop because they grossed by over a billion or smth in the box office I think but to be fair half this post has been sitting in my drafts for like 2 years and I wrote this soon after I watched it back then, and a LOT of people werent that happy with it. But yall know what I mean. I waited for this movie for 10 years and all I felt was this low simmering disappointment because it could have been so good, but it wasn't.
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fiendishfables · 7 months
So, I found a gender-bent version of Carmilla back on Pinterest and I am going absolutely berserk
The male version of Carmilla is Camillo-
I need to make fics on this guy, so I need the opinions of the people
(I’ll probably still have Carmilla as herself in the fics sometimes- those times it’s just like she has a brother, lmao)
If you have any specific requests that are not listed for the choosing below, please suggest them in the comments of this post! Whether that be to add smut, fluff, what sort of relationship him and the reader would have, etc!
I will happily look at all suggestions, as I plan to write for both Carmilla and Camillo a lot more in the near future!
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This guy honestly just LOOKS like he would be somewhere on the Asexuality Spectrum to me, so let us have this small win within the community-
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epickiya722 · 8 months
Yuji Itadori 🤝 Anya Forger
Pink haired, precious and said "waku waku" with sparkles in their eyes... and will punch you
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selemina · 4 months
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He's about to board his opponent for a heart to heart, litterally!
We love a Gildedguy that does not fuck around! :D
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